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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship


I'm expecting a Tommy run-in.


Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship


Nadia Snow is hot and totally based off of TNA's Winter. Ergo really ****ing hot. So yeah. Easy pick.


Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship


Tempting to pick Fforde and Jjones, but this adds to the intrigue.


What intrigue?


Over whether Lisa Bowen is actually wearing anything under the title belts.


American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth




Ant-Man vs Ted Powell


Hi, my name is MAIN CHARACTER OF THE STORY and also worst wrestler ever >___________________________________>


El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer


Can't decide if I'm digging what appears to be a Catholic gimmick, but I like Mitico.


Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship


You're obviously building toward a Beer Money tag team. Probably should have picked a title change, but...eh.




Yeah, and I just realized that you have a working agreement with FCW, I think. Hernandez and all. If you do, then pulling PRP would be insane, and actually grade well. Or Gonzalez. Or...uh...


Shut up.

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Just dropping in with a quick update. Show's about halfway done, which is I guess on par for my usual posting. The main update is that I'll be moving later on this week, and I'll probably be without internet or anything for a few days. I'm gonna try and get the show out before that time comes. It shouldn't be an issue, but just in case it does happen, that's why the show's late!
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Oh, and I do have a deal with FCW (MAW starts with deals with just about everyone) but that's not where I got Hernandez from this time. James Hernandez is working under a written contract for USPW right now, and he's one of their three James workers (the other two being Justice and Prudence). He's a lower midcarder right now, but he's slowly but surely gaining in popularity.
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Tried something new with the angles this time around. The result? A much better show than I’ve ever booked. Will I keep it up? Probably not, it makes me feel a bit dirty.



Friday Week 4, June 2013

In front of 2,486 fans in Centerpiece Bridge






Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome, everyone, to the 2013 Mid Atlantic Wrestling Fan Festival! We’ve got a big show lined up for you tonight, and it all leads up to one of our biggest championship rematches ev-


Lord, who is that coming down to the ring right now?


Even the announcer’s confused…


Whoever he is, he’s just, I don’t know, creeping down to the ring? Hold on, hold on, I’m getting word right now…


Who is it?


It’s…Eddie Cornell?









for the Traditional Championship


Taking the face paint look a huge step further, Cornell looked positively frightening to start the match. Howard isn’t one to let any sort of mind games into his head, though, and charged forward to scrap with the disheveled looking champ. Gone was the showboating Eddie Howard we saw on Showcase; the challenger knew full well how dangerous Cornell had become, and he was immediately looking for the cover after every big move. The champ got a lot of offense in as well, a good lump of it seemingly lifted from the unorthodox book of his last opponent, Ota. Cornell had begun to use kicks where he hadn’t before, and at one point as he stood on the apron, he pulled Howard toward him from in the ring, and latched on a choke hold, wrapping his legs around his opponent through, a move quite similar to Ota’s Tarantula.


The most eerie thing about the new Cornell, though, was the smile. Throughout the match, he wore the most unsettling smile on his face, no matter if he was on offense or defense. It did seem to falter at one moment, giving way to a sneer when Cornell finally finished off Mr. Amazing with a Tombstone Piledriver.


Cornell retains, 64


Even with the win, Cornell wasn’t done with Howard. After sliding out under the ropes, he reached back in and grabbed Howard by the ankle before pulling him roughly to the outside. He then knelt down next to the battered man and seemed to whisper something, his paint smeared face inches from Howard’s. Finally, he jerked him up, hoisted him in the air, and drilled him with another Tombstone Piledriver, this time on the outside of the ring, spiking Howard’s head sickly into the unforgiving ground.







No! Someone needs to stop him!


That someone’s not you, darling. Cornell makes me just as sick as everyone, but the man’s dangerous.


I hate to say it, but I agree with Adrian, Dharma. It’s going to take someone with a lot to offer to stop this…this monster.









for the Women’s Championship


Snow made her entrance with York’s championship belt secured snuggly around her waist, an insult which was not wasted upon the SMY. The true champ bum rushed Snow immediately, controlling much of the match in the early going, foregoing the usual slow progression and instead going for broke from the beginning. The result was a quick match with some huge moments, one of which included Snow going up top, aiming to nail York with a Snow Fall (moonsault), but the champ rolled away at the last second. Snow, with just a hint of actual grace, managed to land soundly on her feet, but found herself stumbling backwards. York immediately seized the moment, rushing forward and smacking her opponent soundly with a York Shuffle (Two slaps followed by a spinning backfist), capped off with an emphatic Energy Burst (Go2Sleep). She then quickly fell upon the challenger, hooking her leg.


Unfortunately, she seemed to hook the wrong one, as Brooke Tyler casually swept the other one underneath the ropes. The ref, looking over a split second to slow, only noticed the placement of the leg, and declared the pin broken. York, a bit frustrated at this point, then began to argue her point of view with the ref. Using the precious few moments of respite granted to her to recover, Snow inched her way towards the champ, and at the last possible moment before SMY spun around, leapt up, catching her in a crucifix pinning combination. A moment later, and York’s shoulders fell to the canvas, with the ref counting 1...2.…..3! With the help of Brooke Tyler, Nadia Snow steals the Women’s Championship (again)!


Snow wins the belt, 61






Oh God, now she’s the REAL champ.


Nadia’s a fine representative of the division, honey bun.


You of all people speaking highly of her shows just how bad she really is.







The shot cuts now to Duke Hazard, standing by with Cameron Vessey, brimming with confidence despite the stitches closing the spot where Jay Chord decided it best his forehead meet a beer bottle.


Cam, let me just ask ya, --


Vessey snatched the microphone, grinning.


Duke, before you go on, let me just say that I, without a God damn DOUBT, will win tonight. It’s been six long months since I held my belt, and I’m getting just a little bit itchy without it. I let Jay have his time with the belt. He finally beat me after about a year of whipping him up and down the Mid Atlantic, I figured I’d throw ol’ boy a bone. Well guess what? He already gnawed it to pieces. Jay’s time is up, and he knows it. Did you see the tag match on Showcase? He didn’t want anything to do with me. And when he finally got a piece, he was too busy running away to get in any shots on the toughest bastard in the Mid Atlantic. See this?


Cam pointed to his stitches.


This, I enjoy. This gives me a reason to beat on Jay just that much more. And that? That, I really enjoy.







I think that’s the most confident we’ve ever heard Cam Vessey.


Hopefully, he’s a little bit OVERconfident.


You just like rooting against everyone we like, don’t you?


Hush, baby doll. Hush.







Without missing a beat, the camera now shifts to a similar looking room backstage, where Ant-Man and Ted Powell stand warming up for their match later in the night.


Hey, Ant?


Still in the middle of his Hindu squats, Ant-Man answers.




I’ve been thinking. We’ve been spinning our wheels lately. Neither of us are moving up the card. Whoever loses tonight’s just gonna get pushed down more. So if I lose tonight--


Ant-Man stopped immediately.


I know what you’re going to say, and I can’t agree to it. You love it here, man. We’re going to move up the card, we just have work harder.


Powell smiled.


Ant, I’m 34 years old. I can get work anywhere I want now. Not to sound overconfident, but I’m good. But you don’t me. I’m holding you back.


Ant sighed.


I can’t stop you, I guess. But I want you to know, if I win, I’m gonna feel like ****.


Ted laughed.


I know, kid. Promise me one thing, though.


Yeah, what’s that?


Win or lose tonight, at Showcase, I want you to FORCE your way up the card.


You got it, man.







I never thought I’d say this, but please, Ant-Man. Please win!


You’re pathetic, you know that?


I take business very personally, Roderick.


It’s Remmington.


Oh, I forgot, Roderick was fired.


…He still works here…









for the Tag Team Championship


Despite Jones and Fforde having momentum coming into this match following Fforde’s victory over Statler, this one was all Generals from the opening bell. Bowen watched on from the outside, satisfied as her boys mechanically took apart the young challengers.


This beat down led to Waldorf taking Jones outside the ring, where he proceeded to continue his beat down of his opponent. Just when things looked dire for Jones, though, the youngster suddenly fired back, throwing some heavy shots Dean’s way, culminating with a HUGE spine buster on the very unforgiving floor. As they did so, the ref continued his count, coming closer and closer to the dreaded ten. Marv Statler, still in his corner, was cheering Dean on, imploring him to get up and back in the ring. He did get up, but Jones rose with him, and the two grappled once more on the outside. This time, Waldorf gained control, and stuffed Jones to the floor, attempting to step over him and get back in the ring. Just as he did so, however, Miller Fforde came out of nowhere, hitting a beautiful corkscrew plancha that took Waldorf out! This gave Jones the opportunity to slide back in the ring just before the ref reached a ten count, giving Jones & Fforde a count out victory over the tag champs!


Jones & Fforde win via count out, 53


No, no, no!


Lisa Bowen was now in the ring, facing down Jones and Fforde, jubilant despite not winning the belts.


I don’t care if we still have the belts. I will NOT lose to you…you…jokes! At Showcase, we want you again. I want you to lose, and I want you to HURT!


Jones & Fforde just shrugged before ducking out of the ring and high fiving on their way to the back, sore and limping.







Well, they don’t have the belts, but they do have a win over the champs.


Okay, I may not like them all that much, but that was smart. Kudos.








w/ Joanna Silver vs.


This was easily the hardest hitting match of the night so far, and, unfortunately for him, Oscar Golden took the brunt of most of it. He may only be a little bit smaller than Dread, but Golden’s a primarily technical guy, and he struggled to keep up as the rest of the competitor’s threw caution to the win and FOUGHT. Where Golden’s expertise came in was in strategy. Everyone else was fighting off of instinct, but Golden’s damage all came through methodically, the example of which saw him targeting the back of de Aske extensively. This all led up to Golden finally getting a double leg takedown, twisting him over, and locking him the Golden Rule (High angle kneeling Boston crab).


De Aske was on the verge of tapping out before Patriot, fresh off of powerslamming Behemoth, hit a huge lariat to the back of Golden’s head. He then hauled him upright and nailed him with an American Suplex, allowing Dread to crawl over and cover him for the win.


Dread and Patriot win, 68.


Immediately after the match, Behemoth charged in and kept the brawl going. After a moment of recovery, a loopy Golden also joined the fray. Hell, even Joanna Silver was trying to pick a fight with Lisa Bowen on the outside. The end result saw Golden clotheslined from the ring, and Behemoth took an American Suplex followed up with a diving elbow drop from Dread, and the duo stood tall as they watched Golden limp to the back with Bowen at his side.







What a match!


I guess this Patriot cat is the real deal.


Told ya so.


I’m Canadian, cut me some slack.










vs. Ted Powell


Before locking up, the two showed respect by shaking hands. From that point on, it was on. The story of the match was the power of Ant-Man vs. the speed and experience of Powell, who used that edge to his advantage throughout. Ant-Man seemed frustrated when trying to grab a hold of him, and it was that frustration that exploded forward whenever he did get his hands on him. Tough slams countered tilt a whirl head scissors and ranas countered power bombs in this hard fought battle between friends, but the end result came surprisingly from none of those. Showing a nice amount of athleticism, Ant-Man floated over Powell’s back, and along the way secured his neck and arm, locking in the Ant Trap as he fell to the ground! Powell hung in for a surprising amount of time, but when Ant wrapped his legs around his waist and began to squeeze, ol’ Teddy had no choice but to tap out.


Ant-Man wins, 55


Ant-Man helped Powell up after the match, and the two embraced in the ring, sharing one last moment together in the MAW ring before Powell began his sad, slow march out of the arena.







I don’t think I was going to be satisfied with either result of this match.


Are you a fan of anyone in the MAW locker room?


…I have my preferences.


Oh boy…







We’re taken next to a slickly (for MAW, at least) produced video package, detailing the rivalry between Trent Schaffer and El Mitico. The package goes back to highlights of Mitico’s debut, teaming with Ant-Man, Fire Fly and Apollo to take on Trent Schaffer, Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing Eddie Howard. It then jumps to more recent outings, seeing Mitico come out on top against an increasingly frustrated Trent Schaffer and sidekick Rob Wright. The package ends with an image taken from the last edition of Showcase: and enraged Schaffer backing up the ramp, with Mitico calmly looking down at him.







A speedier match couldn’t have been asked for, though that’s exactly what you should expect every time these two get together. Each time, they seem to top what they last did. Schaffer took to the air early, hitting Mitico with a springboard cross body that saw him earn a near fall, and then he sprung to his feet immediately, hitting the luchadore with a Thunder Roll (Rolling Lyger Kick) that dropped Mitico like a sack of taters. The whole arena was on its feet as they watched Schaffer cover him, only to see Mitico kick out at the last second!


Schaffer controlled for a while longer before Mitico fought back, resulting in a few great back and forth exchanges between the two. Schaffer slipped through a La Magistral Cradle, Mitico blocked a Thunder Roll, Schaffer’s Brainbuster was countered with knees to the head, and Mitico’s power bomb attempt was countered with a face buster. Seeing Mitico down after the move, Schaffer hustled to the ropes, climbed up, and called for the end: the diving head butt.


As he flew through the air, he already knew what was happening. Mitico was rolling out of the way, and he was going to wind up head butting the absolute **** out of the canvas, which is about as uncomfortable as it gets. After his head bounced sickly off the canvas, Mitico smelled the blood (literally) in the water. Schaffer, bleeding from the nose, wobbled to his feet, where he was immediately taken down, trapped in the Cross Armbar, forcing him to tap out!


Mitico wins via submission, 73.






What a match!


Schaffer’s still out of it. Look, Wright’s trying to help him up and he’s swinging at him!


I don’t think he’s delirious, darling, just mad.









for the World Championship


Vessey was out first, waiting for Chord. Chord stepped out a moment later, a bottle of whisky and a shot glass in his hands. He was about to pour himself a shot, turned his nose up at the glass, and threw it to the ground, shattering it, deciding instead to drink straight out of the bottle. He did so, and after wiping his mouth, threw the bottle to the ground as well.


When he got to the ring the two of them went head to immediately, engaging in on the best brawls we’ve seen in MAW yet. Nothing was off limits as the two tore up the ring, the ringside area, and the commentary booth. Vessey actually tried to drive Jay through the booth with a Vessey Driver, but Chord elbowed his was off of his shoulders, dropped to the ground, spun Vessey around, and hit him with a spine buster on the table that fortunately didn’t break it. A moment of laying on it did cause it to buckle, but it was not from the direct impact of Vessey’s frame.


They barely made it back in the ring, beaten as they were, but continued to battle despite that. The height of it all came when Vessey finally hit the Vessey Driver in the center of the ring. He fell, exhausted on top of him, covering him for the 1...2...kick out! Jay Chord kicked out of the Vessey Driver, and Cam can’t believe it!


After the realization that the match is still on, Cam sets his face, knowing what he has to do to put Jay away and get his belt back. Hauling him upright, Cam pushes Jay easily into the corner and hits him with a few elbows before hefting him up onto the turnbuckle. Cam the climbs up with him, maneuvering Jay into place on his shoulders, looking for the--wait, is he going to hit the Vessey Hammer? The move his dad made famous? Alas, what he was looking for was never discovered, as once again, Jay found it within him to deliver some ear splitting elbows to the side of Vessey’s head and scoot off his shoulders. Then, in almost one fluid motion, he locked in a front facelock before falling to the mat, bringing Cam down with him and driving his head sickly into the canvas.


It was all Jay could do to flip his opponent over and lazily throw an arm over him, earning the 1.……….2.………..3!


Jay Chord has just retained the title against the man that he supposedly “fluked” into a win against! Jay Chord is still the World Champion!


Jay Chord retains, 78.







Total: 75



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It's showcase!





Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Brooke Tyler

The Awesomeness & Josh Jones vs The Machine (Cattley, Architect & Whitlock)

Ant-Man vs Roderick Remus

Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden

American Patriot vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Brooke Tyler

The Awesomeness & Josh Jones vs The Machine (Cattley, Architect & Whitlock)

Ant-Man vs Roderick Remus

Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden

American Patriot vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Brooke Tyler

The Awesomeness & Josh Jones vs The Machine (Cattley, Architect & Whitlock)

Ant-Man vs Roderick Remus

Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden

American Patriot vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Brooke Tyler

The Awesomeness & Josh Jones vs The Machine (Cattley, Architect & Whitlock)

Ant-Man vs Roderick Remus

Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden

American Patriot vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Whats up with LB?


Suzanne Brazzle vs Brooke Tyler


The Awesomeness & Josh Jones vs The Machine (Cattley, Architect & Whitlock)

Poor Awesomeness. Theyre not doing much these days


Ant-Man vs Roderick Remus

Monster push starts here!


Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden

Get his uncle in!


American Patriot vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Time for some bold predictions...


Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Bowen doesn't feel like the Generals can handle Jones & Fforde by themselves and intervenes

Suzanne Brazzle vs Brooke Tyler

Need more than one strong face in your women's division

The Awesomeness & Josh Jones vs The Machine (Cattley, Architect & Whitlock)

The Machine sounds promising

Ant-Man vs Roderick Remus

Poor Roderick

Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden

Please please PLEASE give Casey this win, he's 100x more interesting and promising than Oscar Golden ever will be in a non-Canadian group

American Patriot vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

Calling a draw here, AmPat isn't being built up to job to Chord twice, with his second shot being on a b-event

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Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Brooke Tyler

The Awesomeness & Josh Jones vs The Machine (Cattley, Architect & Whitlock)

Ant-Man vs Roderick Remus

Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden

American Patriot vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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With the move, I've been taking a lot of time getting everything squared away, so i haven't really been writing that much. I know I don't usually take more than a week to post shows, but I should have everything done tomorrow. I'll see how that actually plays out, but the show should be up tomorrow. I hope.
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Friday Week 1, July 2013

With a crowd of 2,725 in Centerpiece Bridge








Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome to Showcase everyone! We’ve got a packed night, and it’s already kicking off with the tag champs waiting in the ring!









Jones & Fforde vs. The Ring Generals © w/ Lisa Bowen for the Tag Tea Championship


Much like last week, The Generals did a fine job of going to town on the challengers. Neither man excels in any one particular area, but their workman-like approach to tag wrestling has seen them go on quite the tear.


The difference in this week’s match from last week’s, however, lay with Jones & Fforde. The two underdog challengers got expertly handled the last time these two teams met, but this week they showed some flashes of brilliant offense that seemed to send the champs for a loop at times. One particular moment saw Jones hit a nice rolling fireman’s carry, setting up for Fforde to fly in with a senton bomb, netting the pair a surprising near fall.


But alas, the flashes of great ring work weren’t enough to carry them through and win the titles. The match end saw Statler attempt to hit Fforde with a back suplex backbreaker, only to see Fforde back flip out (so many backs!). When Fforde tried to reengage, Statler spun around and got him with a school boy rollup, placing his feet on the ropes for added leverage in getting the three count!


The Ring Generals retain, 50.


While the Generals celebrated in the ring, Rip Chord stepped out onto the stage.




Come to congratulate my boys on yet another win, Rip?


That’s Mr. Chord to you, and no, I ain’t. I’m here to make one more match between these two teams.


ANOTHER match? Ri--Mr. Chord…please, reconsider. We just won in dominating fashion!


No, you just cheated to win. And last week, your boys lost by count out. That’s one wishy washy win per team, and that isn’t going to fly. So at Summer Heatwave, we settle this. Pinfalls and submissions only, and if your boys cheat again, I’ll personally take those belts you like so much right off of you.







Great, these two get yet another title match. I can’t wait.


These two have been getting better and better each time we see them, and they lost to some underhanded tactics tonight.


I’d say they deserve another match.


As would I.


You would.







Next up, Nadia Snow, wearing HER Women’s Championship snugly around her waist, sauntered down to the ring with Brooke Tyler. While Brooke marched straight ahead to the ring, Nadia stopped intermittently to pose and turn her nose up at the fans along the aisle.


People of the Mid Atlantic, allow me to introduce myself. I am Nadia Snow, and I am your Women’s Champion. But you already knew that. You already knew that even when I didn’t have this belt, I was the greatest female athlete to ever grace this ring, the classiest competitor to ever speak into the microphone, and by far the most beautiful woman you’ve ever set your eyes upon. I compete at such an advanced level that, sadly, I cannot maintain it if I get into this ring too often. That is why tonight, my protégé, Brooke Tyler, will take over my duties for me. I assure you, she is not my equal in the ring, but she is the closest that you will ever see.





Suzanne Brazzle vs. Brooke Tyler


Brazzle may have been upset that the champ had blown her off, but she knew better than to let that distract her. Brooke Tyler had been trained by a legend in this business and was much too dangerous to look past. This was about as hard hitting a match as we’ve seen in the division, with “The Franchise” and the self-described super junior taking turns seeing who could better twist off a body part. In the end, it wound up being Brazzle, who snapped off a beautiful Miracle Connection (springboard forearm) that dropped Tyler, netting her the win.


Brazzle wins, 60.


After the match was up, Brazzle didn’t seem too excited. Instead, she angrily hung over the ropes, pointing at and staring down the Women’s Champ, who was backing up the ramp, leaving her protégé to recover in the ring.







Wow! Brazzle just made a big statement.


She just came out of nowhere. I don’t think a match with the champ is actually too far off.


I think you’re right, Dharma. I just got word that at Summer Heatwave, Suzanna Brazzle’s getting a title shot!








Josh Jones & The Awesomeness vs. The Machine


The early story in this match saw the always-goofy Awesomeness trying to get the stoic Josh Jones to live a little and enjoy himself, but the focus soon shifted to The Machine, as they systematically tore apart their opponents.


Sterling Whitlock and The Architect in particular had a big night, as Jean Cattley sat back, watching his young charges. The end of the match saw Whitlock drill Cannonball with a Whitlock’s End (Exploder Suplex) and The Architect slap on a grapevined ankle lock to force Jones to tap.


The Machine win, 50






That was almost brutal to watch.


Can’t say I don’t agree. Whitlock hits like a brick house!









The camera cuts now to a backstage feed, revealing Bowen Enterprises to be lounging about in their locker room. Golden had just told a joke that resulted in him cracking up laughing and his stick-in-the-mud teammates staring blankly when American Patriot burst into the shot.


You think we’re done, don’t ya, Golden?


Behemoth stood up, towering over the already impressively large Patriot.


Down, boy. Or I might just put you down myself.


Golden stepped up, placing a hand on Behemoth’s shoulder and easing him down.


This is a private locker room. What are you doing here?


You know dam well why I’m here. We had a fight last week, and it ain’t over. Not by a long shot. Now, I don’t know about you, and I can’t speak for Dread, but when I start a fight, I finish it. I don’t shake hands and let by gones be by gones, I don’t walk away. I finish. Maybe the Patriot you used to know was a little different, a little more apple pie. But I spent a good long while in a dark place, and I ain’t sure I’m all the way back yet.


Oh, you may be a little darker, but you’re no bad boy like me. You’re still the same hokey loser in mask, kissing babies and making speeches. I don’t forget things, Patriot, and no, I don’t shake hands either. At least not with plebian knaves such as yourself. I have all intentions of finishing this little scuffle we started. And believe me, that’s all it is to me. A scuffle. It doesn’t register any higher than. But I think you need to start looking at the now instead of the later, because now, you have Jay Chord, and while he isn’t as dangerous as moi, looking past him is a mistake. So, Patriot, let me be the first to wish you good luck tonight.


Golden extended his hand to Patriot, who looked at it, turned up his nose, and spit.


The hell with shaking your hand. I’m about to show what it means to be a bad boy, and I’m gonna show you in the main event.







Patriot is still certainly as mean as ever.


And he sounds just as ignorant as ever, too. Golden just completely schooled him.


Here we go again…








Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus


Remmington Remus:
See, I told you he still works here!


Roderick showed off exactly why he only makes sporadic appearances these days, as Ant-Man easily handled the high flyer with his power game and ever-evolving technical skills. Ant controlled the majority of the match, only to see Roderick come stinging back with a couple of flying head scissors. He attempted one too many, however, and Ant caught him on the rebound, beheading him with a Raid Line (Lariat), following it up by locking in the Ant Trap to score the win.


Ant-Man wins, 57


Ant-Man grabbed a mic after the match.


Last week someone I respect a ton had to leave this company, and it was my fault. Do I feel bad about it? Yeah, I do. But before he left, Ted told me something. He said that he wanted me to make myself a force in this company again. He wanted me to make my mark. That’s exactly what I’m going to do.


When I first got here, I went straight for the Traditional Championship once I got my head on straight. A few different people have held it since then, and that’s cool and all, but the fact is that all roads lead back to me. That’s right, I’m putting myself back in the hunt. Eddie, Edward, Cornell, Nirvana, whatever, do you hear me? I want you, and I want that belt. You may scare everyone else, but to me you’re just some nut in face paint, and we all know that a nut in face paint will never be better than a nut in a mask.


A moment passed, when suddenly the lights shut off. The crowd murmur grew to a roar, and after a few seconds the lights turned back on, revealing Ant-Man in alert mode in the ring. As he looked side to side, front to back, a cackling emanated from the back, and Eddie Cornell stepped out, grinning ear to ear.




Such rage, such fervor…such weakness. Where’s the joy? Where’s the JUBILANCE? Laugh a little!


Cornell cackled once more before stopping abruptly and snarling at Ant-Man.


I’m going to show you what it’s like to have a little happiness in your life, Ant-Man. I hope you’re ready to meet your own personal Nirvana!







It's great to see Roddy on a main card again!


That’s what you want to talk about? Ant-Man just challenged Cornell!


Or is it Nirvana?


Does it matter? I’m not even sure I want to see what that guy will do to Ant-man, and I despise the little freak!







Out next was Cam Vessey, holding a microphone. There was no smirk on his face, just a neutral, humbled expression.


I ain’t too big to admit defeat. I lost last week. I got a little confident, and jay whipped me. He’s the better man. Right now.


Jay took his time with the title and got better. All I’ve done since losing it was hang around and enjoy the job. That’s done. I need to get better now. And that’s what I’m gonna do. That starts now. It’s the only way I’m getting back on the road to the title.


“Pride” erupts through the speakers next, and Mean Jean walks out to the ring, his trademark scowl heavy on his face.




The road to the title’s not one you’re getting back on anytime soon, Vessey.


Quick, to the point, Jean’s style.


What, you gonna try and knock me off the road?


I’m not trying, I’m doing.


Cam got up in Jean’s face, but Cattley wasn’t fazed.


You want to say that again? Or would you rather just fight?


Jean looked Cam up and down.


Trust me, it’s not going to be much of a fight. Why don’t you take a look around you?


Cam, a little confused, did just that, in time to spot Sterling Whitlock and The Architect hopping the barriers and sliding into the ring. He did his best to fend them off, but was soon overwhelmed when Jean himself entered the fray. Sterling hit his Exploder Suplex, Cattley planted him with a Mood Swing, and as The Architect slapped on the ankle lock, Jean got down in the tortured face of Vessey, offering a few words of wisdom for the former champion.







The Machine win big earlier tonight, and now they come out and make a big statement. This is a group to be feared!


I’ve gotta agree, Adrian. With the pedigree of Cattley and the obvious skill of Whitlock and The Architect, it’s going to take someone big to stop them.








Casey Valentine vs. Oscar Golden w/ Lisa Bowen


The story of the match was one of contrasting styles; When Valentine wanted to throw down and brawl, Golden did his best to foil him at every turn with some slick mat work. The match went back and forth until Valentine was able to hit a stun gun on Golden that, well, stunned him. Bowen jumped up on the apron immediately to contest the legality of the move (hint: it’s completely legal) and the ref found it in his best interests to argue with the manager. With the ref’s back turned, Lenny Brown saw his opportunity to slink out to the ring, slide into the ring, and nail Valentine with a Star Treatment (fireman’s carry face crusher)!


With the heavy lifting done, Brown quickly got out of the ring, Bowen dropped to the floor, and Golden slapped the Golden Rule (Kneeling Boston Crab) on Valentine to earn the submission victory.


Golden wins, 67.


Even with Valentine already down, Brown didn’t seem to think he was done. He slid once more into the ring and nailed Valentine with yet another Star Treatment, before posing over his prone enemy, to the fans disgust.







Oh, come on! Valentine just got cheated out of another win by Brown!


Cheated? What’s the biggest rule in a fight, Remus? Oh yeah, protect yourself at all times.


From your opponent, not outside interference!


Darling, if you can’t see someone take that long walk down the ramp, then you’ve got to have tunnel vision. Everyone in the arena saw Brown coming!









American Patriot vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship


While the last match featured some technical wrestling, Showcase’s first World Championship match was just a brawl, and a thrilling one at that. Both men were able to get their signature spots in, one of which saw Jay standing on the apron with Patriot in the ring. Patriot hit Jay with his machine gun chops, teetering the champ, before stepping back and rumbling forward, spearing Jay off the apron and to floor. Jay took control after bit longer, and growing desperate, pulled out a beer bottle from underneath the ring. He popped the cap, took a big swig and took aim at Patriot’s mask/skull. Luckily, he never connected, as Patriot blocked the wing and hit a nice lariat that took Jay off of his feet. The match continued a while longer, with Patriot gaining more and more momentum as it wore on.


Eventually, though, dastardly deeds took place. Much like the last match, interference led to the outcome, though this time it wasn’t physical. Oscar Golden stepped out on the stage with a microphone, calling out Patriot. Patriot swung his attention toward the Canadian Blonde, and a split second later found himself the victim of a swift and vicious DDT from Jay Chord. As Golden smiled, Jay covered him for the 1, 2, 3.


Jay retains, 77.


Jay, ecstatic, grabbed another beer after the match and began to celebrate his victory standing over Patriot, a huge grin on his face. It went on for several minutes before his own music was replaced with Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down,” and El Mitico stepped out on the stage, steel chair in hand. Oscar Golden, still standing on the stage and hurling insults at the unconscious Patriot, felt the sting of it as it crashed down on his head.




Mitico set up the chair over the prone Golden before sitting down on it, pinning him down.


That’s enough.


Jay looked at him, annoyed at the interruption of his celebration ceremony.


For over half a year, I’ve sat back and watched a man that revels being an alcoholic represent this company. A man takes any shortcut, cheats openly and shows zero respect hold our World Championship. That ends now.


Jay, having no mic, responded, but his words weren’t caught.


People think I’m a missionary. I’m not. I don’t care what you do in your personal life. But I do care what you do in your business life. How you conduct yourself in that ring. My mission is to clean this company up, and you’re the dirtiest one of all, Chord. I tried cleaning up the undercard, but all the bad, it rolls downhill. If the man at the top can’t clean up his act, then no one will. Jay Chord, you aren’t the man that’s supposed to represent this company. I am.





Total: 67

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Ant-Man vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship

??? vs Behemoth

Josh Jones vs ???

Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot & El Mitico vs Jay Chord & Oscar Golden

Cameron Vessey vs "Mean" Jean Cattley



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Ant-Man vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship

??? vs Behemoth

Josh Jones vs ???

Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot & El Mitico vs Jay Chord & Oscar Golden

Cameron Vessey vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

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Ant-Man vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

I like the pale Eddie. He likes like an albino. Or a mulatto. My libido! :p


Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship

Nadia has been my favourite womens champ


??? vs Behemoth

Mystery men at a big show like this? Ill go for Nicky Champion...


Josh Jones vs ???

...And Mainstream Hernandez


Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

The Generals are a better bet with Lisa on board


American Patriot & El Mitico vs Jay Chord & Oscar Golden

AmPat IS MAW and El Mitico is getting a big push I think


Cameron Vessey vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

Shenanigans from the Machine

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Ant-Man vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship

??? vs Behemoth

Josh Jones vs ???

Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot & El Mitico vs Jay Chord & Oscar Golden

Cameron Vessey vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

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Ant-Man vs Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Not yet

Suzanne Brazzle vs Nadia Snow © for the Women's Championship

Not yet

??? vs Behemoth

Two mystery people means not both mystery people win. Behemoth > Josh Jones

Josh Jones vs ???

One of two mystery men must win

Jones & Fforde vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship


American Patriot & El Mitico vs Jay Chord & Oscar Golden

Oscar Golden will lose

Cameron Vessey vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

Mean Jean will win, to assert his relevance back over the main event of MAW

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Show goes up tomorrow if you want to get your picks in before hand!





Don't forget to vote for diary of the month.


Not just for me (winkwink) but for everyone. We've got some stacked fields this month, and they're all deserving.

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