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Friday Week 3(Not 4!), July 2013

In front of 2,531 wild fans in Centerpiece Bridge







Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Good evening, everyone. I’m Remmington Remus, bringing you tonight’s action alongside the always lovely Dharma Gregg--




--and the knowledgeable but…opinionated Adrian Garcia.


Hey, I call it like I see it. Don’t like it? Tough.









© for the Traditional Championship


If Eddie Cornell was considered a lively brawler, then this Nirvana character should be called one sadistic bastard of a fighter. He seemed to revel in every shot to be seen in the match, whether it was handed out or received. Still, Ant-Man, who’s always shown a lot of fire in the ring, looked pretty great as he did all he could to negate the reckless nature of Nirvana’s offense with his ever-evolving technical game. His immense strength only added to the danger there, as he was able to hold Nirvana down and squeeze him mercilessly with apparent ease once he got him to the mat.


Those chances were rare, though. At one point, Nirvana slyly undid the turnbuckle cover, and this played into the end of the match. Nirvana had made his way back into the corner, playing possum and resting. When Ant-Man came charging in to hit a lariat, Nirvana dropped down out of the way, and Ant crashed into the exposed buckle, staggering him. Nirvana moved into action swiftly, drilling him with that brutal Tombstone Piledriver of his to score the win.


Nirvana retains, 70.


With Ant-Man lying motionless on the mat, Nirvana stared down at him, grinning. Suddenly, he reached down and hoisted him up once more, putting him in position for another Tombstone. After standing there for a moment, however, he gingerly placed him back on the ground, cackling as he left the ring.







Ant-Man loses, and narrowly avoids the same fate that put both The Great Ota and Eddie Howard on the shelf.


Yeah, what the hell was that about?


Something tells me Nirvana’s just being unpredictable for the sake of being unpredictable.


If we know he’s unpredictable, doesn’t that mean he’s being predictable?







We cut now to the interview area backstage, where Duke Hazard is standing by with Lenny Brown. Nirvana walks through the frame, still cackling to himself before Duke begins the interview.


This here’s Duke Hazard, and I’m standin’ by with --


Let me cut you off there, Duke. Your sorry ass may need an introduction, but I’m Lenny Brown, baby. The most explosive SUPERSTAR to ever grace the MAW ring, and I got some stuff to say. Casey Valentine, you got a big ego in that oversized, over tanned head of yours, and I don’t know why. You ain’t accomplished a thing in my eyes, and you sure as hell ain’t Hollywood like yours truly, so I don’t know where it’s coming from. But you think can stand with me, and I got one thing to say about that: Ha! You’re a joke, Valentine, and them’s the break’s, kid--




Just then, Casey Valentine burst into frame, blindsiding Brown. Valentine got the better of the brawl early on, but Brown soon found his footing and turned it into a true fight in the backstage area. By the time security got a hold of them and pulled the two apart, both men had already done some heavy damage to one another, and were still looking for some more.







Brown’s got some balls on him!


Could we use another saying here?


Sorry, darling, but ovaries just doesn’t fit the situation.









© w/ Brooke Tyler


The Japanese wrestling-influenced Brazzle performed extremely admirably here. Before her Showcase victory over Brooke Tyler really, well, showcased her abilities, she was a relative unknown to the Mid Altantic crowd. But after that match and this one, she’s known for what she really is: a threat.


The match itself was a speedy little back and forth affair that showed off what both women were capable of. Oddly enough, though, it didn’t seem to match the quality that Brazzle and Tyler put out on Showcase. Not matter, though, because the match was still entertaining, all the way up to the finish.


Brazzle set up for her Miracle Connection (Springboard Forearm), but as she leapt up on the ropes, Brooke Tyler shook them, throwing her off balance and sending her crashing to the mat. Snow took advantage and quickly trapped her in a pin, getting the 1, 2, 3 and keeping her title.


Snow retains, 56.


Immediately after the bell, Tyler entered the ring and, along with Snow, put the boots to Brazzle. The beat down was short, but effective as it was cut off by none other than former champ Sara Marie York and Tracy Brendon, who sprinted down to the ring, sending the champion and her flunky scattering up the ramp.







Check out the ovaries on Brazzle!


That’s not appropriate, Adrian…


And what would be? Cajones? Get it together, darling.







The video feed cuts now to Rip Chord’s office, where the grizzled owner is swamped in paper work. Currently, he’s on the phone with someone, arguing loudly.


What do you mean you can’t make it? That match has already been signed, Jones has already been paid, it’s all set!



Yeah? That’s how ya feel?



Well here’s how I feel, kid. You just lost your one chance to get work in the Mid Atlantic. Congratulations.


With that, Rip slammed the phone down in it’s base, looked at it a moment, and mulled a thought over in his head.


**** it.


He threw the phone across the room, shattering it.


A knock comes at the door.


Not now, I have work to do.


The door creaked open and someone stepped in.


I’m here to solve all your problems, daddy-o.




Who the hell are you?


Robbie Retro, baby! #1 wrestler in the world at your service. I’m here to add a little bit of spice, a little bit of funk, and a whole lot of awesome to this little stink hole in the south.


This is North Carolina, son, we ain’t in the south. But you’re a wrestler?


Damn right, baby!


I ain’t your baby. You ready to go tonight?


You don’t get to the top taking days off, Papa Chord. Course I’m ready. There ain’t a dude in this locker room that can beat me anyway.


I’m glad you feel that way. I hope you brought your gear, because I have a match for you tonight. You might want to practice your submission game a little, too, because you’ve got Josh Jones tonight.







Does Rip know who this doofus is?


That doofus is a star, Remmy. What a signing!


He’s a good looking star, at that.


Whoah, whoah, whoah! I thought we had something, honey bear!







Behemoth was out next with Lisa Bowen to await his opponent. When the lights went out and the music began to play, it was clear just who that man was, but there was something decidedly different about him. Walking calmly to the ring was The Great Ota sans face paint, and the man seemed…humble. Stepping into the ring, he regarded Behemoth with a measure of respect before the match began.





w/ Lisa Bowen


Speed vs. Strength is the name of the game, and these two played it well. The match was relatively even throughout, and that could be attributed directly Ota, who chose to avoid resorting to some of the dirtier techniques in his arsenal. Behemoth? Not so much. So while Ota refused to utilize his mist, the blood thirsty Behemoth had no problem taking advantage of managerial interference.


Managerial interference was what actually led to the finish, though it wasn’t to Behemoth’s benefit. Lisa Bowen was on the apron yelling at Ota, who was honoring the young lady with a bit of attention. Behemoth then came charging in, but Ota heard him lumbering forward and dodged any sort of attack coming his way. Behemoth stopped himself before crashing into Bowen, but this only led to the much quicker Ota rolling him up and pinning him for the win!


Ota wins, 56.






Well, it looks like Ota’s back after all, and in a big way.


Coming back from injury and beating Behemoth is no small feat.








Josh Jones vs.


Retro spent the early moments of this match flirting with the women at ringside and doing all he could to degrade his (admittedly poor-looking) opponent’s looks. But when the actual action kicked off, Retro found that his opponent was a little more dangerous than his appearance would tell. But Retro had earned a reputation these past few years as, how do you say, a DIRTY fighter in the land of supreme, and there didn’t seem to be a predicament that he couldn’t cheat his way out of.


Still, Jones is incredibly skilled and dangerous, and had some nice moments of control against the big man. After downing Retro with a flying forearm, Jones decided to take to the air, going up top for a cross body block. Unfortunately for him, Retro was ready, and as he descended, he found himself Murdered on the Dance Floor, as Retro pulled his signature lariat out of no where, teaching Jones what many SWF stars have learned over the years, that being that Retro can pull off Murder on the Dance Floor from any position in or out of the ring. The pin after was perfunctory, and the self proclaimed #1 wrestler in the world earned his first victory in MAW.


Retro murders Jones, 60.






What a finish!


Retro can pull that move out of nowhere, as he just showed against Josh Jones!


Certainly an impressive showing to debut by.







After the last match, the camera cuts to a somewhat more somber shot, showing El Mitico lacing up his boots in his locker room. Looking up, he speaks.


Everything I said about Jay Chord, I meant. Our world champion is a vile man, a violent drunkard with no regard for anyone else. I’m ashamed to call him my champion.


Jay Chord needs to be stopped. Now. I’m going to be the one to do it.


Jay, no one else has been able to do it. Tonight, we take the first step down the road that leads straight to me knocking you on your ass. I will end you, Jay Chord. Te lo juro.






Do you guys think he can do it?


Well, mayb--


Hell no! If Cameron Vessey of all people couldn’t, what hope does this loser have?









w/ Lisa Bowen for the Tag Team Championship


When Rip Chord made this rubber match, he made one stipulation: the match would only end via pinfall or submission. If you lost by DQ, you lost, or became the new tag team champions.


Knowing that, The Ring Generals threw everything they had at the youngsters standing across from them. Jones & Fforde, who have been on an incredible rise up the ranks after about a year and a half of obscurity, threw everything back in return. The duo have been showing more and more over the course of the past few shows, and that all exploded tonight in one single match ending moment. Cam Jones and Dean Waldorf both tagged their partners in at once, but it was Fforde, not Statler, that came in on fire. After a fairly one-sided exchange, Statler rebounded against the ropes and Fforde absolutely blasted him with the Fforde Flip Face crusher (tossup face crusher), and practically leapt on him for the pin. Waldorf tried to interrupt the pin, but Cam Jones came out of nowhere, clothes lining him right out of the ring, ensuring the Fforde could snatch the win.


The Graduates win the belts, 53.


Much to Lisa Bowen’s dismay, the belts she loves so much were taken from her and awarded to the new champs after the match. She gave them up, but did so kicking and screaming, much to the amusement of the new champs.







They did it!


They did it!?


Yup, they did it.








The screen cuts now to a grainy feed of an old gym with a ring placed in the center. The ring apron identifies it as the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp. Mean Jean Cattley watches on, barking training techniques, as Sterling Whitlock and The Architect tear into one another in the ring. Finally, turning away from his pupils, Jean addresses the camera.


I’ve got no problem with Cam Vessey. I actually kind of like the kid. But he’s in my way. In The Machine’s way. We aim for the top because that’s where we belong. Cam Vessey’s in our spot, and we’re going to take it back.


Simple and direct. Cattley then turns back to the conflict in the ring, barking a tip to The Architect as he cranks down on Whitlock’s arm, and the picture fades out.






Jean seems more focused than he’s been in a long time. This is actually one I can’t wait to see.


You and me both, Adrian.


You’re both going to get your wish later tonight in the main event, but right now we have tag team action with the World Champion!










Upset over the loss of “her” tag team belts earlier in the night, Lisa Bowen didn’t accompany Golden to the ring. That turned out to be okay for the Canadian Blonde, as his team did excellent against the opposition. That was the good news.


The bad news was that the opposition performed just as excellently. Mitico looked especially good, using his unique mix of lucha and technique to tear through both Golden and the champion Jay Chord, who looked perhaps even more confident than ever tonight.


The resulting battle was a compelling back and forth tag team match that saw everyone hit their signature spots, and ended when Jay attempted to go for one of his more nefarious ones. Taking a swig from the beer he brought to the ring, Jay took aim at Mitico, his most recent challenger. Luckily, the shot never connected. Mitico caught Jay’s wrist, ripped the bottle out of his hand, and hurled it out of the ring. He then advanced on Jay, sending the champion retreating from the ring and to the back. Mitico gave chase, leaving Patriot and Golden alone in the ring.


Patriot and Golden had a good bit of back and forth once left alone, but it all came to an end once Golden was able to trip his rival and lock on The Golden Rule (Kneeling Boston crab). Patriot held on for an admirable amount of time, but eventually succumbed to the submission hold.


Chord & Golden win, 72.







Chord and Golden get the win, but Mitico made a big statement here in scaring off the champ.


Still, that win by Golden was legit.


Golden may just have Patriot's number.









Sometimes guys just don’t click in the ring. But other times, two guys that work fine with one another just can’t seem to pull anything good together.


Well, that’s a little unfair. This match was good. It just wasn’t the up to the standard expected of two of MAW’s better and longest tenured stars.


Regardless, it was a fun to watch, though you wouldn’t be able to tell that from looking at The Architect and Whitlock, who watched on from the stage. The duo kept their eyes glued on the ring, watching on as Mean Jean did his best to pick apart Vessey with holds, and Vessey did his best to brawl his way out of every situation.


Despite their presence, they never got involved directly. They just watched the match, soaking in an apparent lesson that culminated dramatically as Jean Cattley hit Vessey with a surprise Mood Swing (Swinging reverse STO) to counter a lariat, transitioning directly into a Fujiwara Armbar, ripping at Cam’s shoulder and forcing him to tap out.

Mean Jean wins, 64.




Total: 62

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Showcase. It's more than just a show title. It truly is a showcase of our talent. There may not be the huge match moments that our bigger shows have, but it's a good showing of what we have to offer nonetheless. The boys in the back are always excited to show up for Showcase and perform, and we believe you should always be excited to watch it. I think that's why it works. Predict!


Oh, and apparently there's this poll that's trying to figure out what the best promotion in the world in. It goes by the name C-verse Diary of the Month Poll or something like that. I'm not too sure what that means. Oh, and someone apparently nominated MAW twice, so if you belong to some sort of parallel universe, you should vote for the applicable promotion. And if that sounds silly to you, you should know that the science does check out. Watch Fringe or something.







Eddie Howard vs Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

El Mitico vs TCW School of Wrestling graduate Blackfire

The Graduates vs The Heartbreakers for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & Ant-Man vs The Architect & Sterling Whitlock

AmPat & Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden & Lenny Brown

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Eddie Howard vs Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

El Mitico vs TCW School of Wrestling graduate Blackfire

The Graduates vs The Heartbreakers for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & Ant-Man vs The Architect & Sterling Whitlock

AmPat & Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden & Lenny Brown

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Eddie Howard vs Robbie Retro

Nice debut and now the (surprisingly) big fella needs to keep it going


Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Just think the faces need the win more here


El Mitico vs TCW School of Wrestling graduate Blackfire



The Graduates vs The Heartbreakers for the Tag Team Championship

Heartbreakers are a jobber team. Whats their record recently?


Cameron Vessey & Ant-Man vs The Architect & Sterling Whitlock

Unless Mean Jean gets involved


AmPat & Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden & Lenny Brown

I dont like Oscar. And Im not ashamed to say it

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Eddie Howard vs Robbie Retro

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

El Mitico vs TCW School of Wrestling graduate Blackfire

The Graduates vs The Heartbreakers for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & Ant-Man vs The Architect & Sterling Whitlock

AmPat & Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden & Lenny Brown

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The Graduates vs The Heartbreakers for the Tag Team Championship

Heartbreakers are a jobber team. Whats their record recently?



I just checked, and wow, I didn't realize I had them lose this much. Even being in a program with then-champs Death Row they're only 4-26 together in MAW. They only had 3 matches together in RIPW. Then again, The Graduates themselves are perfect examples of coming back from nonstop jobbing.


At the same time, though, I think they're gimmick of the Kings of Sleaze just lends itself to jobbing. People don't want to see them win in a more traditional promotion like MAW. I think they'll always have a job though, because out of my 12 male teams (both occasional and regular) they're the third most experienced by about 10 points. It shows how far MAW's come from the beginning when all the most experienced teams* I brought in at the beginning just can't hang with the less experienced, less talented teams*.



*Except for Culture Shock. Expect them to be make it back to the top eventually.


**The Graduates aren't the most talented guys, and will never be upper carders, but I can certainly build off of their 39 experience combined with their good chemistry.

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Eddie Howard vs Robbie Retro

No chance for Eddie to win here

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Barring a DQ/funky mess of an ending, the faces win here to prove they belong in title contention

El Mitico vs TCW School of Wrestling graduate Blackfire


The Graduates vs The Heartbreakers for the Tag Team Championship

Heartbreakers are awesome

Cameron Vessey & Ant-Man vs The Architect & Sterling Whitlock

Cameron Vessey > Jean's underlings

AmPat & Casey Valentine vs Oscar Golden & Lenny Brown

X-Pac hate @ Oscar Golden

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Friday Week 1, August 2013

In front of 2,876 fans in Centerpiece Bridge






Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome to MAW everyone! Our newest signing is already in the ring, so let’s get right to the action!








Eddie Howard vs. Robbie Retro


Eddie Howard may be Mr. Amazing, but coming off an injury is certainly no time for anyone to be taking on the self proclaimed #1 wrestler in the world, Robbie Retro. Howard’s known as a big, heavy handed bruiser, but Retro’s one of the few men in MAW to match size with him, and was able to take it straight to the former tag champ.


Howard kept himself in the match as much as he could, but Retro was just proving himself to be too much. But when Retro missed a huge corner splash, Howard saw his chance. Stomping toward his stunned opponent, he reached out and -- MURDER ON THE DANCEFLOOR! Retro just turned the lights out on Howard with that lariat, and placed one hand on his chest to pin him for the win.


Retro wins, 62






I know Howard still might be ailing, but that was still a great showing from Retro.


I know I usually agree with you, Rem, but we wrestler’s ALWAYS have an injury going in to a match. It’s a part of the lifestyle.


…How do you get hurt mud wrestling?


…I didn’t want to say anything.


Oh, come on guys!







Warming up before their tag match, Suzanne Brazzle and Tracy Brendon are approached by the former champ, Sara Marie York.


Hey, Sara.


Hey, guys, I’m glad I caught. I wanted to wish you luck before your match.


Tracy stood up from stretching.


Thanks. I know you probably wanted to be in the match, too, but Suz asked me, so…


SMY laughed.


Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ve been hogging the spotlight for a while now, it’s time for someone else to step into it. Oh, and Suz?




Kick Snow on her right side. She overcompensates a lot and it throws her off balance. If you’re quick, you can nail her on the right side. Hard.


Brazzle smirked.


I’ll be sure to give it a shot.





Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler


This one was a great showcase for Brazzle, Brendon, and Tyler, who aren’t seen as much in the ring. Brazzle and Brendon made the most of their opportunity, and had the champion and her protégé on the ropes a few times throughout, but Tyler and Snow kept cheating their way back into the match. A hair pull here, an eye poke their, there were no limits as to how far they would go.


Unfortunately, no limits didn’t lead to a win, as Brazzle was able a drill Tyler with a Miracle Connection (Springboard forearm) for the pin, with Brendon sprinting across the ring to cut off Snow before she could make the save, shocking the champion!


Brazzle & Brendon win, 56.






HUGE win for both Brazzle and Brendon!


Made even bigger by the fact that it wasn’t in a pudding match!







The scene cuts from that of the lady’s excitement now to a darker, more depressing one. In a locker room backstage, Nirvana is sitting in a dim light, smiling wildly.


Ant, Man, Ant, Man…


He paused to listen to the crowd, still echoing loudly deep in the arena.


It doesn’t sound like they’re chanting your name anymore. They’ve seen you down, they’ve seen you hurt…you’ve lost their support. That’s step one. Step one of…well, I don’t really know.


He cackled now, then stopped, straight faced.


I’m breaking you down, Ant. I’m breaking you down to build you back up. I’m going to take you to your own personal Nirvana. You once said that a nut in face paint could never beat a nut in a mask. I liked that. But then, it’s not really true anymore, is it? Let’s make it true. I want to take your mask and I want to make you smile. That’s step two.







Maybe Ant-Man should have never challenged Nirvana in the first place.


Maybe he should have challenged him to a…a…*giggles*…a wet t-shirt match?


Oh, not you, too.








El Mitico vs. Blackfire


Blackfire had some flashes of talent in this one, showing that he was a pretty good all-round talent…if you put him against anyone other than El Mitico. Mitico’s red hot right now, and he systematically took apart Blackfire, targeting his right arm the entire time, leading right up to the dreaded Cross Armbreaker, that saw Blackfire tapping out frantically.


Welcome to MAW, buddy.


El Mitico wins, 68






How did this kid get hired again? He sucks!


Whoa, what happened to objective journalism?


I’m a color commentator, bub. I don’t know what those words mean.







As Mitico walked through the curtain, Duke Hazard damn near bowled over him looking for an interview.


Mi-tee-co! Mi-tee-co!


Mitico turned toward him and grabbed the microphone.


I’ve got one thing to say. Jay Chord, I’m coming for you. You won at Heatwave, but I don’t care about that. I cut you off at Summer Heatwave and I chased you down. That was in a tag match. At Battle of the Mid Atlantic, I do it in honorable singles competition, for the World Championship!







Now we know what Mitico’s planning on doing this month.


And hey, it’s not a Santa‘s little helper match!








The next scene takes us to the locker room of Bowen Enterprises, where tensions are high.


How could you lose!?


Her voice was shrill, even more so than usual. The Ring Generals looked at her annoyed, Behemoth snarled. Oscar Golden was indifferent.


You went in against a bunch of losers, and you lost! Ota? The GRADUATES? They’re all losers! And do you know what that makes you?




She was pointing at them now, poking each of their chests.


Do you think I hired to lose? Do you think I want to associate with losers? No! If you can’t win, you can’t be with me.


You’ve made this decision easy. I’m letting you all go. Good luck in your future endeavors.


She began to turn away, but Statler stopped her.


I think you’re mistaken. We aren’t here to be fired. We came in here to quit!


With that, The Ring Generals stormed past her, leaving the manager shocked. Behemoth followed suit, nearly walking right through the diminutive woman. Seeing his friends leave, Golden looked around worried, and hurried after them.


…Hey, you’re not fired! You can stay!


Umm…no thanks.


With that, Golden hurried out of the room, leaving Bowen alone.







She has no idea how to keep a stable together.


Sound familiar, Adrian?


Shut up.









The Graduates vs. The Heartbreakers for the Tag Team Championship


The Graduates just won the belts, and they certainly aren’t looking to lose them anytime soon. They’ve only recently emerged as powers, so a lot of their offense hasn’t been well documented. That changed tonight. This was the real showcase of The Grads, as Miller flew to his heart’s content and Cam showed off some great grappling en route to a decisive victory. The finish came when Miller and Cam debuted a nice new finisher, when Jones lifted Sensitive in an electric chair and Miller came flying in with a springboard leg lariat to end it.


The Graduates retain, 56.






Did you see that move!?


I sure did! You won’t see that in any Santa’s Little Helper match!


Come on guys…








The video feed cuts once again to show The Machines training in the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp. This time, Cattley’s in the ring, teaching the intricacies of a leg lock to his students. After ordering them to practice on one another, he steps away to address the camera.


I beat Cameron Vessey, just like I knew I would. I took him down, and I made him tap. He wants another shot. I respect that, and I know he’ll be watching for the armbar this time around. But Cam, keep this in mind: there’s not a submission I don’t know. I will make you tap.







Cam’s great and all, but I’m afraid I have to lean toward Jean in their rematch.


I agree, I don’t think Cam can match the technique of Cattley.








Cameron Vessey & Ant-Man vs. The Architect & Sterling Whitlock


At the beginning, it looked like Vessey would try and outwrestle his opponents, but that quickly went out the middle as soon The Architect began to target his ankle, searching for the Ankle Lock. Vessey answered with a right hand, and it turned into a fight whenever he was in the ring. When Ant-Man was in, however, he did his best to show off his ever-evolving technique, proving to be more than just a power wrestler. Throughout the match, though, he was favoring his neck, damaged badly by that deadly Tombstone Piledriver of Nirvana’s at Summer Heatwave. In the end, though, it proved to not matter too much, as he and Vessey proved to be too much of a potent combination for the young members of The Machine to handle, and Vessey finished Whitlock with a 360 degree spinning Vessey Driver.


Vessey and Ant-Man win, 61






I just can’t stand to watch him win.


You can at least take solace that it was in a real match.


Yeah, I guess it’s good that I didn’t have to watch a bikini brawl or anything.


Could you guys just drop it?







Duke hazard caught up with World Champion Jay Chord next.


Jay, earlier tonight El Mi-tee-co promised a win against you at Batlle of the Mid Atlantic. Do you think it’s a good estimate of how that night’s gonna end?


Jay took a swig of his ever-present beer then shook his head.


Duke, El Mitico is an up-jumped illegal that’s gotten a little too big for his britches. He didn’t chase me off at Heatwave. I strategized and eliminated him from the match, knowing that Golden would finish off the walking recruiting ad.


At Battle of the Mid Atlantic, you’re going to see more of the same. I’m going to out think that moron, and I’m going to keep this belt. He thinks he can make me tap out to that weak arm bar? Good luck, kid, but you’re going to have to get me down first.


Jay finished his beer off then, and walked off.


Well, there you have it folks. Back to ringside.







Something tells me Mitico won’t have too much trouble getting Jay down.


I sincerely doubt that. Jay’s World Champ for a reason. He really is the best.


Well, I guess we’ll find out at Battle.






American Patriot & Casey Valentine vs. Oscar Golden & Lenny Brown


There was a little bit of everything in this one. Flash, technique, power. The real surprise here was Brown, who performed great against two guys that have each held championship gold here in MAW on more than one occasion. The match went back and forth throughout, and remained relatively clean.


Until the end, that is.


Golden may be without Lisa Bowen now, but he still found himself cheating to win. Positioning himself out of the referee’s line of sight, Golden hit an ugly spinning elbow that hit Valentine low. So low, in fact, that it appeared to catch him right in the crotch. Golden followed up by locking on the Golden Rule (kneeling crab), forcing Valentine to tap as Brown flew across the ring to intercept Patriot. Patriot shrugged him off, but the damage was already done, and Valentine had tapped.


Brown & Golden win, 68.






Total: 68

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We were on first again tonight. I was fine with that. I loved opening the show, setting the mood for the rest of the night. The fans expectations of the show rested heavily on mine and Eddie’s shoulders.


But tonight was different. Tonight meant something, and I was nervous about that. Tonight was one of those career defining moments you always hear about, or it could be. Tonight could make or break me, and I was scared about that. I may still be young, but if tonight doesn’t work out right, then my career could be derailed. I could get it back on track, but it might still take years.


Mean Jean was in charge of the backstage going ons, and he called to me. “Five minutes,” he said, and I tore my wrist tape and secured it tight. Taking a breath, I crossed my fingers. Here goes nothing.


Ant-Man vs. Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Casey Valentine vs. Robbie Wright

Ota vs. Blackheart

The Graduates © vs. The Bully Street Brawlers (Deuce Deadline & Copperhead) for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & American Patriot vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley & Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Ant-Man vs. Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Casey Valentine vs. Robbie Wright

Ota vs. Blackheart

The Graduates © vs. The Bully Street Brawlers (Deuce Deadline & Copperhead) for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & American Patriot vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley & Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Ant-Man vs. Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Casey Valentine vs. Robbie Retro

Ota vs. Blackheart

The Graduates © vs. The Bully Street Brawlers (Deuce Deadline & Copperhead) for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & American Patriot vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley & Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Ant-Man vs. Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Casey Valentine vs. Robbie Retro

Ota vs. Blackheart

The Graduates © vs. The Bully Street Brawlers (Deuce Deadline & Copperhead) for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & American Patriot vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley & Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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After looking at the predictions, I realized I made a mistake. It's not Rob Wright taking on Casey Valentine, it's Robbie RETRO. That should make the prediction key a little tougher, and it should also make me start thinking of a nickname to call Wright by so I don't confuse him with his much more talented counterpart.
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After looking at the predictions, I realized I made a mistake. It's not Rob Wright taking on Casey Valentine, it's Robbie RETRO. That should make the prediction key a little tougher, and it should also make me start thinking of a nickname to call Wright by so I don't confuse him with his much more talented counterpart.


Thanks for the heads-up codey. I've edited my picks to reflect the change.

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Ant-Man vs. Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Casey Valentine vs. Robbie Wright

Ota vs. Blackheart

The Graduates © vs. The Bully Street Brawlers (Deuce Deadline & Copperhead) for the Tag Team Championship

Cameron Vessey & American Patriot vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley & Oscar Golden

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Ant-Man vs. Nirvana © for the Traditional Championship

The Ant-Man becomes a two time champion with a big win here

Suzanne Brazzle & Tracy Brendon vs. Nadia Snow & Brooke Tyler

Since the exact same match already happened, I don't see the same result happening again as well barring some SMY shenanigans

Casey Valentine vs. Robbie Retro

:( push Casey Valentine

Ota vs. Blackheart

Ota returns in a decent way and may be looking at a future storyline hopefully

The Graduates © vs. The Bully Street Brawlers (Deuce Deadline & Copperhead) for the Tag Team Championship

Hope this match turns out good for you with 4 graduates from the Boot Camp

Cameron Vessey & American Patriot vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley & Oscar Golden

American Patriot will job again, this time taking Vessey down with him

El Mitico vs. Jay Chord © for the World Championship

Draw, to build up to Mitico's eventual title win

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The show only took about 3 days to write at a pace of around an hour and a half a day this time around, so I wish I had an excuse as to why it took so long to get up. Unfortunately, spending most of my free time playing Forza 4 is hardly a good excuse...



Friday Week 3, August 2013

In front of 2,248 fans in Centerpiece Bridge





Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome to The Battle of the Mid Atlantic 2013! I’m Dharma Gregg alongside the knowledgeable Remmington Remus and the incomprehensible Adrian Garcia.


That’s right, and we’ve got a stacked show tonight, kicking off now as Ant-Man challenges Nirvana for the Traditional title!








for the Traditional Title


While their last match was certainly better, this one still remained exciting throughout, if not a little more of the same. From the beginning, Nirvana was swinging for the fences, looking to inflict as much pain as possible on Ant. Man, for his part, utilized his immense strength to put Nirvana on the mat whenever he could, showing off a decent mat game in the process.


The difference this time around lay in Nirvana. All through the match, the sadistic smiler was persistent in his attempts to rip the mask from Ant-Man’s face. By the time it was all through, the cloth had been shredded and stained with blood produced from Nirvana’s wild attack.


The finish came shockingly sudden. Ant-Man had just rallied back, firing off a series of punches at Nirvana before whipping him into the ropes. When Nirvana rebounded, Ant threw him in the air, looking for the Ant Slam, but Nirvana slipped out over his back, spun him around, and spiked him to the mat with a Tombstone so quickly you could almost call it a tilt-a-whirl! After seeing Ant’s head spike into the mat, the crowd, and Nirvana, knew the match was over, so when the ref counted to three no one was surprised.


Nirvana retains, 63.


The truly notable moment actually happened after the match.


Nirvana, with an evil look in his eyes, suddenly grasped at Ant-Man’s face before wrenching his head around sickly. Ant, as incapacitated as he was, struggled weakly against the large man on top of him, but a fight was futile; Nirvana had already won.


With Ant-Man attempting to push him away, Nirvana finally released his grasp on the diminutive powerhouse, but as he did so, the crowd let out a collective gasp.


Nirvana had ripped the mask off of Ant-Man’s face, cackling as he did so. Ant-Man covered up immediately, rolling over as soon as Nirvana stood up over him. Nirvana looked weirdly at the tattered, bloodstained mask he held in front of him, and then laughed once more before letting it drop on top of Ant-Man and leaving the ring, his work done.







Nirvana just removed Ant-Man’s mask!


Oh my God… I managed him for over a year and not even I ever saw his face…


Quick! Someone get a picture before it’s too late!









This one went much the same as their match on Showcase. Except this time, Snow limited her ring time severely, choosing instead to bark orders at her protégé. And to her credit, the tactic seemed to work.


The spawn of Eric Tyler carried out orders without hesitation, and her rich technical game had Brazzle and Brendon in trouble a few times. Despite that, Brooke was unable to put them away. It took Snow actually stepping in the ring to truly put them in danger, and when that backfired, she quickly tagged out and hightailed it up the ramp, leaving Tyler to fend for herself.


Brazzle and Brendon quickly took advantage, and Brendon hit her Tyler with the Idaho Crunch (Fisherman suplex) to snag the W for her team.


Brazzle and Brendon win again, 59.




Another big win Brazzle and Brendon.


And the champ shows her true color: yellow. She ran like a scared puppy at the end!


Please, darling. She’s just playing the game smart, saving herself for a championship match, where it really matters.


It’s a good thing, then, because I just got word that she’ll be defending her belt against Tracy Brendon on Showcase!







The video feed cuts once again to a black and white shot of The Mid Atlantic Boot Camp. Jean Cattley steps into view and begins to speak.


The Machine are the best wrestlers in this business. We don’t talk trash. We don’t taunt anyone. We wrestle. We prove that we’re the best in that ring by our actions, not our words. Sterling Whitlock did that, and he got noticed for it. Japan came calling, and I told him he should go. They respect men like us there. Here, we have to resort to less than honorable tactics to get noticed. I’m fine with that.


But with Sterling gone, there’s a cog missing in The Machine. A cog that had to be replaced. A cog that HAS been replaced. I looked around at the locker room and I knew there was only man that could do that.


Jean turned to the ring behind and the camera zoomed out, revealing The Architect training with an obscured individual. After a moment, the curly brown hair came into view, then the thick goatee, and finally it was revealed who the man was.



Jared Johnson.




Wait, Cattley actually got Johnson to work civilly with The Architect?


He’s a leader, babe. It’s a natural talent of his.


I wouldn’t say they’re working civilly, either. They were going especially hard on one another there.


It’s called training, Remus. Maybe if you did it every now and then you wouldn’t like you do.


You know I’ve got a bum knee, Adr--


Yeah, yeah. All I hear is an excuse.









This was a brawl if we’ve ever seen one in MAW.


Both of these guys know how to throw a punch, and that’s what they did. There was little in the way of actual wrestling moves pulled off save for the odd suplex or slam. But the psychology of it all was impressive, and carried the match to be more than what it should. And if that’s not what you’re in to, then the entertainment of the two trying to outdo one another in several pose and taunt offs should have had you laughing as it did the fans at ringside.


After several minutes of fighting, Valentine’s nemesis Lenny Brown made his presence felt when he slid in the ring and delivered a spear to Valentine while the ref checked on Retro. Retro, who was playing possum, immediately recovered, took a running start, and beheaded Valentine with a Murder on the Dance Floor (lariat) when he stood up to secure the win.


Retro wins, 68.




Oh come on, how often are the refs going to let Brown get away with screwing Valentine over!?


Smart, strategy, etc… Really, how often do I have to say these things? I’m tired of sounding like a broken record.







Backstage, Duke Hazard was standing by with Ota.


Ota, you can shake your head yes or no to answer. Was your loss to Nirvana what triggered this change yer goin through?


Ota surprised everyone when he spoke.


Yes, Mr. Hazard. Nirvana…humbled me.


I’m sorry, it’s jest a little bit surprisin to hear ya talk. Whaddya mean he humbled ya?


I felt I was invincible. My anger blinded me. In my absence I realized this. From now on, I will do my best to live differently. I will be a calm man, Duke Hazard.





Well, there ya have it.


It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, but whatever floats his boat, I guess.







vs. Blackfire


Blackfire debuted in a losing effort to El Mitico on Showcase, and he didn’t fair any better tonight. Ota picked him apart quickly, showing restraint and precision in place of his old habit of attacking wild and viscously. A Ninja Strike (shining wizard) ended it early on.


Before leaving the ring, Ota bowed to Blackfire, showing a bit of respect to the rookie.


Ota dominates, 43




I understand it now. Wow!


If that’s how he competes now, then continue on, ninja-man!







What’d I tell ya, baby?


Rip Chord looked up, annoyed at the sudden interruption of Robbie Retro.


What are you going on about, boy?


What am I talking about? #1 wrestler in the world! That’s me!


Rip rubbed at his temples.


#1, huh? I can’t say I agree.


Retro was taken aback a little.


Wha…Whaddya mean?


I mean you ain’t a champion, boy. We’ve got a few belts laying aroud here, and you ain’t got a one of them. You get yourself a belt, and I’ll maybe start to agree with you a bit. But as far as I can see, you don’t wanna mess with Nirvana, you flat out aren’t good enough for the World Championship, you don’t have yourself a tag partner, and you don’t look much like a woman to me.


Retro scowled a little for the first time.


Look here, old man. I know everything there is to know about this game. I got all the tapes, all the books, all the practice I need.


Retro smiled again.


I got everything it takes, daddy-o! I’ll be champion before long, and then it’ll be time to cut loose like Kevin Bacon. Foot loose!





This guy’s got some serious delusions of grandeur.


Tell me about it. #1 wrestler in the world?







Backstage, Lenny Brown was celebrating as if HE had just won a match, not Robbie Retro. The champagne was flowing, the cigars smoking, and the laughter rolling.


Until Casey Valentine stormed in, breaking the party up.


I’ve had it up to HERE with you, Brown!


Brown smirked.


Oh yeah? And just what are you gonna do about it?


I’m gonna settle it. You, me, Showcase, in a Mid Atlantic Death Match!


Brown stood up now, the smirk wiped from his face.


Pin then 10 count?


You’re damn right.


And you’re on. See you there.





Looks like these two are finally going to settle this rivalry.


And I can’t wait! We haven’t seen a Mid Atlantic Death Match in over 6 years.


Sounds like it could get a little violent.


It can. Believe me, it can.








vs. The Bully Street Brawlers for the Tag Team Championship


If The Graduates looked good against The Heartbreakers, then they looked fantastic here. The Brawlers are a bit fresher out of Boot Camp and less experienced, and The Graduates used that advantage to completely dominate them from bell to bell. Unfortunately, the match suffered for it, being completely one sided, but the fans were still able to get even more acquainted with The Grads offense. The Grads win following a double underhook power bomb from Jones.


The Grads retain, 43.




Ugh. As sad as it is to say it, these guys are the champions. Give them a real match.


I’ve gotta say I agree. I’d love to see them against a team like Culture Shock.


That’s definitely one for the future.









Golden and Cattley -well, Cattley, at least- were clinical in their approach, utilizing a nice mat game. Vessey and Patriot aren’t exactly known for that sort of wrestling, and were content to punch their way through the whole thing.


Each had a different approach; Patriot used his brute strength and some tough slams, while Vessey dipped and dodged, picking his spots efficiently.


The real star was Cattley, though. With a renewed focus, he attacked ruthlessly the entire time, even managing to deal damage while on defense. With Golden in the ring taking a beating, Cattley tagged himself immediately going right at Vessey. A short fight later, and Cattley attempted to hit the Mood Swing, which Vessey blocked. Cattley, thinking on his toes, dropped down quickly, hitting a drop toe hold and transitioned straight into an STF. Vessey fought, hoping for Patriot to interfere, but he never did.


He would have, too, but Oscar Golden took a chance to hit him with a low blow as he was being bowled over. As a result, Patriot never got to Cattley, and Vessey was forced to tap out.


After the match, Cattley looked coldly down at Vessey, shaking his head.


Cattley and Golden win, 64.




Cattley’s looking nearly unbeatable out there.


At least for Vessey he is.







The shot goes now to the Crippler position, where Jay Chord and El Mitico are waiting to make their entrances, a retinue of security guards between them. Jay turned to Mitico and smirked.


Hey. Mitico.


Mitico didn’t reply, or even look at him.


Hey. Good luck out there. You’re gonna need it. I’m gonna make you my *****.


Mitico still didn’t reply.


Scared, huh? That’s alright, you’re not the fir--


I do not fear you, and I do not need luck. I have God on my side, and He will guide me to where I need to be.


God’s Gonna Cut You Down
began to play, and Mitico stepped through the curtain, leaving Jay steaming backstage.




for the World Championship


What a match.


These two men wasted no time in tearing right into one another. For upwards of thirty minutes, fans in Centerpiece Bridge were treated to an exciting back and forth. The two brawled, they exchanged holds, and the match even took to the air at times.


Mitico fought like a man possessed. There didn’t seem to be any situation, no matter how dire, that the luchadore couldn’t battle back from. His strategy was to attack the arm, setting up for an obvious cross arm breaker attempt later in the match.


Chord’s the World Champ for a reason though, and he was able to avoid any attempt in the early going that Mitico made to snap his arm. Mitico, showing his first signs of frustration, made a desperation attempt to fly high, but Chord had him scouted, and leapt to his feet, bounced into the ropes and crotched Mitico. He dragged Mitico out and nailed him with a Super DDT, sending them both to the mat, exhausted. After a moment, Jay finally draped his arm over Mitico, and the ref counted 1...2...Mitico kicked out!


Jay was stunned, and the worn out champion got to his feet and hoisted Mitico up, placing his head between his legs, setting up the cradle piledriver. Mitico countered out of it, though, pushing Jay back into the turnbuckles. With Jay temporarily stunned, Mitico saw his chance, and leapt up, wrapping his legs around Jay’s arm and brining him down, hard.


But Jay wouldn’t let himself be trapped. Try as Mitico might, he couldn’t lock in the hold. Jay first got to one knee, the two, and finally stood up, stooped over as he stacked Mitico on his shoulders. Simultaneously, Mitico snapped back and got Jay’s arm fully extended. The ref quickly dropped down and began counting out the pin.


One…Mitico pulled back mightily…two…Jay raised his free hand up…three/Jay taps!


The ref called for the bell immediately, and the pin/submission was released as the two competitor’s dropped to the mat exhausted, waiting for the announcement of the winner.


The ring announcer himself, seeing Jay tap at the instant of the three count, was unsure of who to announce, but the referee had his own idea, as he raised both men’s hand in victory, declaring the match a draw!


The match is a draw, 73!

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Pre-dict! Hopefully this time I can get the show out quicker than a week...




Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals vs The Callum Brothers

Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

Dread de Aske vs Robbie Retro

Eddie Howard vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

El Mitico vs Oscar Golden

Casey Valentine vs Lenny Brown in a Mid Atlantic Death Match

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Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals vs The Callum Brothers

Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

Dread de Aske vs Robbie Retro

Eddie Howard vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

El Mitico vs Oscar Golden

Casey Valentine vs Lenny Brown in a Mid Atlantic Death Match

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Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals vs The Callum Brothers

Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

Dread de Aske vs Robbie Retro

Eddie Howard vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

El Mitico vs Oscar Golden

Casey Valentine vs Lenny Brown in a Mid Atlantic Death Match

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Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals vs The Callum Brothers

They need to look good


Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

Nadia looks a bit weak at the mo. She needs a good win to get back


Dread de Aske vs Robbie Retro

Clearly Robbie is getting a good push


Eddie Howard vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

Nice to see Mr MAW getting involved again


El Mitico vs Oscar Golden

Yay! I like to see Oscar lose


Casey Valentine vs Lenny Brown in a Mid Atlantic Death Match

Its Lenny's turn to shine with his great render

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Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals vs The Callum Brothers

Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

Dread de Aske vs Robbie Retro

Eddie Howard vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

El Mitico vs Oscar Golden

Casey Valentine vs Lenny Brown in a Mid Atlantic Death Match

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Culture Shock vs The Ring Generals vs The Callum Brothers

Tracy Brendon vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

Dread de Aske vs Robbie Retro

Eddie Howard vs "Mean" Jean Cattley

El Mitico vs Oscar Golden

Casey Valentine vs Lenny Brown in a Mid Atlantic Death Match

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