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Hall of Fame 2010

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Welcome one and all to the 2010 Hall of Fame Awards.


This is our chance to let those special few among us stand up and take the recognition that so many hours of work produce so little of. Diary writing can often be a thankless task, who’s soul pay off is a flamer reminding us no matter how hard we work none of us are perfect. Tonight how ever we gather to recognize those who’s work approaches perfection, certainly far surpasses the current main stream product.


We will also take some time tonight to honor some that help us achieve our dreams. Often we have a vision that despite how wonderfully written needs just that certain spark to take it up a notch. An though there are several people who help the community achieve this extra level of polish, there is one man who’s work speak for itself, and who’s talented contributions should never be overlooked.


So Ladies and Gentlemen I give you tonight's first inductee, taking his honorary position in the Hall of Fame.


<img src="" border="1" align = "center" width="160" hieght="160">



[thread=73705]Title Belt Request Thread[/thread]




This year as seems to so often to be the case, not three but four new members will join the hall of fame based on merit. This is an elite group they join, just ten other members have gone before them. So many deserve a place, but so few can stay as true and consistent long enough to claim their place in this Hallowed Hall.


Tonight’s first Inductee is one of the Grand Fathers of this board, a man who’s contributions span half a decade. He is the God Father of NYCW and has a list of accomplishments that were almost all top diaries, but that until recently, were never quite the top diary.


<img src="" border="1" align = "center" width="160" hieght="160">



[thread=43681]The David Mack Chronicles: MHW, 3 Parts Pain & One Part Tequila[/thread]


[thread=107939]The Rise and Fall of DUSTY BIN[/thread]


[thread=74150]2010 Watcher's Chronicle[/thread]


[thread=75205]The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW- The Homecoming[/thread]


[thread=32911]The David Mack Chronicles: The CGC Era![/thread]


[thread=24086]NYCW: Old School Revisited[/thread]


[thread=20264]NYCW: Bringing back Old School![/thread]


Acceptance Speech:

Color me surprised! I thought at best I might get in third or so, especially with Phantom Stranger, Eisen Verse, Angeldayette and Self in the field. This should do for an acceptance speech, and let me give a personal thanks for all the effort you put in running these things. The value you add to the board is just as great as any of the diary writers.


"WOW! While I admit I hoped to squeak in this year, I never really thought I'd take first place, especially not with such a strong field of candidates! I am truly honored by everyone who voted for me and who has ever taken the time to view my works on these forums. This is truly one of the greatest communities out there, and the amount of talent is overwhelming.

Thank you all for supporting me and allowing me to take a place in the Hall of Fame alongside those who have influenced and entertained me and helped my evolution as a dynasty writer on these boards."




Our Second inductee is a rock of consistency. With in two years this diary rock star has taken 3 Rookie DOTM’s and 4 Cornellverse DOTM’s. He is a writer who can be depended on to produce top quality each and every time. He took both the most 2nd & 3rd place voting spots. I give you:-


<img src="" border="1" align = "center" width="160" hieght="160">



[thread=172623]ELITE: The Bad Boys of Pro Wrestling[/thread]


[thread=153476][- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"[/thread]


[thread=131262]The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED[/thread]


[thread=45563]DOA: The Evolution of GREED[/thread]


[thread=45563]PSW: The Evolution of Greed[/thread]


[thread=39232]The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"[/thread]


[thread=36503]Chaotic Championship Wrestling[/thread]


[thread=37292]Supreme Wrestling Federation || The Eisen Approach to Wrestling[/thread]


Acceptance Speech:

For a man who often feels as if he can communicate well (in all mediums; realistically), I find myself at an extreme loss for words. Truthfully, I am floored by this scenario: The fact that I am now a member of the GDS Hall of Fame.




I still can't wrap it around my head quite yet.


There are many 'Thank you's' that I would like to express, so, bare with me:


BigPapa42: Thank you for your continued support, guidance, and feedback. You were the driving force in my early days here on the GDS boards and I still look to you for insight due to your masterful abilities to make sense of my jibberish. ha. I truly am thankful for your help through out the years & am deeply in debt to you creatively.


Jhd1: Without you, my friend, none of these projects would have EVER meant much more than surface level stuff. Your ability to manipulate cornellverse pictures, creating awe-inspiring alts in the process, is something that has really given me the ability to dive deep into each and every project. Truthfully, without you, I don't think I would have EVER found the same kind of success.


ReaPeR: Your amazing title renders are something that (much like jhd1 and KAM) allowed me the ability to really dive into each and every project. Without you, and your talent, I would not have been anywhere near as 'tuned in'. I know, it probably got old of seeing me messaging you with a 'new idea'; however, It is much appreciated that you would pour your hobby into my projects.


KAM: Again, much like those above, your logos are something that helped me a great deal as I used 4C, DOA, and PSW. You helped to 'set the tone' with each project as you knew exactly what I was looking for (edgy, gritty, etc.). Without you, and your work, I would have much less inspiration! So, thank you!


In the end, I know there are many many more people I could thank; however, I don't want to take up the entire page. All in all, I just want to thank everyone who voted for me, who read my projects, and who interact with me on a daily basis here. I, honestly, love these boards and can't foresee NOT benig part of them at any given point. As new projects open, old ones come to a close, and new inspiration takes hold, It's great to know that many of you are 'along for the ride'.


In closing, I must say one final time... 'Thank you'.


Thank you to all of those here who make the GDS what it is!








We had a tie for third, so the following two inductees are in no particular order.


Some have called this man the new Monkey Pox. Other have called him a sic genius. His induction comes on the back of a single ground breaking diary. A diary so dirty, I had to PDF it and remove the photo’s to keep my wife from thinking I was looking at internet porn. I give you:-


<img src="" border="1" align = "center" width="160" hieght="160">



[thread=38742]verse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom[/thread]


Acceptance Speech:

Thanks to everyone who voted for me.


I love wrestling. I love writing. I guess doing a diary was something of an inevitability, but I fought it for a long time. I don't do things half-heartedly. I put in my all, I shoot for the top, first time, and I try to create something that matters. For a year of my life, the Frontier Combat Kingdom consumed my thoughts. Knowing so many people enjoyed it and appreciated it, knowing that I've touched people's live in even the tiniest of ways... It warms my heart.


I'm not sure if being inducted into the Hall of Fame is going to be the last straw of temptation that pulls me back into the diary game, or the full-stop on a one-hit-wonder career. Either way, thank you.




The final writer here tonight is a man who has given back to this community in so many ways. He is one of the friendliest writers, a peace maker and a man willing to give his time to community. All while taking said community and pitting them against each other is some heinous battles :). I give you our final inductee:-


<img src="" border="1" align = "center" width="160" hieght="160">

Phantom Stranger


[thread=47928]TCW: A Quiet Retirement[/thread]


[thread=34887]Destined to Fail 2008[/thread]


[thread=35817]Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams [C-Verse '97][/thread]


[thread=31954]Ring of Fire: The Wheel Turns[/thread]


[thread=34779]It's Time To Find Out If You're... Destined to Fail 2008[/thread]


[thread=26471]Ring of Fire: Fighting Every Step of the Way[/thread]


[thread=29493]MAW: And You Thought Cuban Was Bad[/thread]


Acceptance Speech:

The Hall of Fame, huh?


I haven't spoken about this, but I almost gave TEW up before I'd really tried it in 2007.


Someone on another forum mentioned Wrestling Spirit 2. I downloaded the trial, played it a bit, decided it was fun and bought it. A month or two later, I picked up TEW2007, spent an evening playing it, and then neglected it. Not long after that I toasted my hard drive by accident and didn't really bother to get either back...


And then a while later, looking to kill time at work, I idly flipped over to this site, and I found -




Shut up, Jim. I found -




I found Jim Force and his buddies. It killed some time, and I enjoyed that diary, so I read another.


I clicked on MWA: This Means War! That turned out to be a sequel, and the link to the original was early on. So I read that first.


By the time I was caught up with MWA, I was hooked on the Cornellverse, and to get more of it I took the time to get my licence sorted and TEW2007 reinstalled. That happened on the 6th November 2007.


How do I know that? I know because that was the day I started my first diary.


I haven't really had a point where I haven't had a diary running since, but honestly, it's since Horatio came along that they've really clicked. Philly Pro made it all come together, and for that, I thank derek_b and everyone else who's worked on the 1997 mod.


For Horatio's continuing career, I have many more people to thank. Bigpapa42, for his willingness to talk TCW with me. FINisher, FlameSnoopy, Marcel Fromage, jhd1, ReapeR, jtlant, Kamchatka, J Silver, Trell, hakk99, Self, Bull... and I'm surely missing others... have all come through on more than one occasion with graphical help, whether on request or otherwise. Particular salutes here are to FINisher for the older Horatio, to ReapeR for continual excellence with titles, for jtlant for Kate Dangerous, and to jhd and the renderers for reinventing so many Cornellverse characters and energising my creativity.


Way back when, it was Scapino who hooked me on diaries, and I found and devoured the first of David Mack's tales not long after. I jumped on Monkeypox's spin on DaVE, and one of my failed efforts involved an attempt to one-up him by doing something dumber than Cuban. It didn't work. Of course it didn't, I wasn't 'pox. I hadn't figured out who I was yet, what I brought to it.


Dragonmack and Monkeypox spun notions off other writers, and I liked that. I've borrowed from so many other writers, and I've seen a few references come out of my own work into others. I like that. I love that.


And now... the Hall of Fame. It's an honour. Everyone says that, and I realise, writing this... everyone means it. Because it is. If you voted for me, thank you. If you voted for someone else, thank you - the community here is fantastic. And if you're in the Hall of Fame, or deserve to be there, thank you for entertaining me.



Thank you all for taking the time this year to Nominate, Vote and Congratulate the Hall of Fame class of 2010!


Until next year, I’m Mistaken!

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I want to be the first to congratulate all 5 of our new hall of fame members. This is an elite group you have joined, but I know each and every one of you deserves it, and will strive to live up to the billing.


Special note: Eisenverse, sorry buddy no more Rookie nods for you :p

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Umm, well this is totally unexpected. I have to admit that I haven't even looked in the HoF thread while the nominations were going on. Been slightly busy.


However, I'm extremely honored and humbled by this. Especially for something that started out with me just typing my created promotion's initials on pics of real belts.


Overall, I'm just glad that everyone still enjoys the belt renders and I look forward to continuing these.


Once again, thank you all, very much.



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Congratulations to all of the new Hall of Fame members. Definitely all worthy members.


I just want to congratulate all those inducted, this was definitely a strong field, and angeldelayette, I feel you will join us soon. This was just a very strong list of candidates this year and no one should feel bad if they didn't get in this year, because I am certain you will join us soon. :D

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wow! :eek:


I will relay my actual 'acceptance speech' to Mistaken in the next few minutes; however, I just want to say an initial 'Thank you'! This truly, truly, means a lot to me.




Special note: Eisenverse, sorry buddy no more Rookie nods for you :p


ha! That's a situation I gladly accept if it means I can stand with the rest of the great writers in the HoF! I'm not going to lie, though, they were always fun to win. :D

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[thread=36503]Chaotic Championship Wrestling[/thread]


What's funny is...


I don't even remember doing this diary. ha. Isn't that sad? I looked over the listing and that was the only one I couldn't really account for. That said, it looks and sounds like me (and is me seeing how it's my user-name). Just funny because I honestly don't remember it.


Great find.


Thank you for that, Mistaken.



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Although I've just jumped into the TEW family very recently (just check my Join Date), I have felt like I've read these guys for a long time.


For keeping me from utter boredom time and time again to inspiring me to become a fellow dynasty writer, here's to you, D-Mack, E-V, and Phantom Stranger...congratulations on the well-deserved HOF status.


P.S. And how can I forget ReapeR? A guy who has made my TEW games look a whole lot better thanks to his wondrous title belt-making skills...you and Kam have made this game a whole lot more enjoyable for me. And Self, I've made a commitment to read that Frontier Combat Kingdom dynasty. Your input on these boards is something I always look forward to, and it helps that your also a fellow Dog Pound member. (Can't wait for this next run at it to start up.)


All five of you, keep up the AWESOME work. Maybe one day I can get halfway near the status you gentlemen are at today.



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