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XDW: Out of the Yard...

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This is my first attempt at writing one of these so please forgive my newbieness...Also please forgive my attempt to try to make it realistic wioth my product settings and 0/0/0/0 game mentality, and not pre signing anyone good.


To start off I am using the default 2010 database with the addition of XDW of whom I will be Head Booker of but not Owner.


XDW has a product definition of...

Key: Cult, Hardcore, Daredevil, and Traditional

Medium: Risque, Modern, Realism, Lucha Libre

These are locked in and won't be changed by the AI of the Owner


Mat Intesity: 70%

Danger: 80%

Women's Division

T & A levels High

Medium Heel/Face divide

Match Ratio is 80% for TV and Events

5,8,10 being the match time lengths


This means we will attract an Extremly Vocal Crowd,

Wrestlers are rated more on performance than popularity

Fans want proper gimmicks, arn't keen on immicks, no high risk gimmicks, do not respond well to 1 dimensiomnal gimmicks, and want high risk matches

We wont be getting afternoon,early evening, primetime, late evening, evening, or any MNainstream or Sports specific time slots for TV.

Sponsership will be extremly tough

No young lions system


Not having a known location for XDW I will set it in the Southwest as a yard fed needs a place with a warm winter...


I have also created a arena for XDW...Xavier's Backyard which holds 100 fans who are huge into Hardcore and Traditional, and Medium Modern and none Entertainment and Pure. Also there is lots of English speaking fans and some spanish speaking ones.


XDW has Xavier Reckless, Super Sonic, Extreme Deluxe, Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero, and Lee Bambino under 10yr written deals at $50 a month...all 6 are loyal to XDW.


XDW has 0 money, prestise, momentum, and popularity

No tweaks to any workers stats have been made, no tweaks to any narratives nor any area changes

my user stats are all 5/10

my user charecter is a road agent/personality with Charisma,mic, star quality, pyschology, basics, safety, sex appeal, menace, acting, at 75% rep and resilence at 100%


Preferences are all checked except perferct show, stale gimmicks, and hide the dirt sheet, and we will use numbers not letters


Xavier Reckless is the XDW owner...


Whew...with that out of the way I will put the backstory up tommorow and post the first card. In the future Story will be moved along on saturdays and sunday will be cards and shows. Hope you all enjoy this...

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Does anyone in the game ever come in for 50 bucks? Anyway I like XDW's concept so good luck.


Actually yeah. Granted, it's most common with the low level valets. So 50 bucks is going kind of cheap. But I've dealt with jobbers whose asking price started at 50. $100 is far more common though.

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So you gave them written deals for TEN years at 50 bucks a month? That seems a bit on the unfair side. Such an insanely long contract with such a low amount of money. Does anyone in the game ever come in for 50 bucks? Anyway I like XDW's concept so good luck.

At first, I thought the same way you did, Stennick. But, these guys created XDW, so I would think they should never leave. It's like all six of the XDW originals are owners when it comes to pay, but without the huge cuts you'd get from like Sam Strong in USPW or the WEXXV guy. It makes sense when you think about it this way.


Hope that's what you mean by that, LordJaguar.

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At first, I thought the same way you did, Stennick. But, these guys created XDW, so I would think they should never leave. It's like all six of the XDW originals are owners when it comes to pay, but without the huge cuts you'd get from like Sam Strong in USPW or the WEXXV guy. It makes sense when you think about it this way.


Hope that's what you mean by that, LordJaguar.


Yeah, hit the nail on the head there...


The $50 thing is meant to be their local level deal...whenever XDW goes up a level so would their pay...

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I have an 0/0/0 game that i started where i only took the lowest of the low level jobbers in the game. I hired most of the guys that you have and the Paratroopers.


It's rather fun to go with full jobber crew, hard to pick someone to push but every time you get a new fan, it's a celebration.


Good luck with it.

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X.D.W.: Out of the Yard…

Prologue 1:


Who would have thought I would be writing a book? Sure, the Idaho Punisher wrote one but people actually cared about him. ME? Up until a few years ago there wasn’t even much of a story… in a weird way, X.D.W.’s story is my story. Let’s face facts here…you didn’t pick this book up to hear bout my childhood or what my parents were like. You bought this bad boy to learn about the events that brought about a brand new landscape in professional wrestling. Like most good stories this one took place on just a plain old average day…



December 20th 2009


Some people will tell you things all changed the day X.D.W. landed its first P.P.V. deal. Others will say it began when X.D.W. held its 3rd annual King of the Yard Tournament, where a shocking arrival to the Yard thrust X.D.W. into the minds of the public. Truth is…December Twentieth Two Thousand Nine, that was when it all changed…for all of us.


I still remember the events of that day as if it happened just yesterday. After getting off of my flight from Australia I headed straight to the taxi cabs and quickly hopped in one. I told the driver to take me to my home and I leaned back to try to shake off some of the jet lag I was feeling. This might be a good time to go into a small tangent…For those who are not aware I was flying to the headquarters of everyone major wrestling organization trying desperately to get myself a job as a booker. I love wrestling, but one look at me will tell you I’m not cut out to be a wrestler, so I always figured being a booker was the next best thing. So, after being laughed out of every promotion in the U.S., I decided to try my hand at getting a job in another country. Mexico, Canada, Japan, Europe, The United Kingdom and even lowly Australia all had promotions that I knew I could help to build up…too bad none of the owners knew that. I wasn’t even allowed in for an interview in the bigger promotions and The Comedian himself chased me out of his office building.


To get us back on track, I had just flown from Mexico to Canada to Britain to locals all over Europe to Japan then down to Australia and I was back in the United States. I was crushed, defeated, and tired as all hell. I just wanted to close my eyes and get a few moments of peace when fate intervened. The cab I was in blew a tire and as the cabbie tried to explain to me in his best broken English how long it would take to fix I heard a strange cheering sound. Looking around I noticed we were in a residential area so the noise seemed exceedingly odd. I gave the cabbie some money and headed toward the sound not sure exactly why only knowing it was somehow very familiar to me. I ran down the street until I came upon a large bluish grey house. The noise seemed to be coming from behind the house so I started to walk back there when I heard a man’s voice yell out to me.


“Where you think your going for free?”


I turned around to see a large man holding a roll of tickets in one hand and a cigar in the other. I spoke rather hesitantly.


“I…was just wondering about the noise coming from back there.”


“You and a bunch of other people. Like I told them, you want to find out what’s going on, pay the cover price. Five bucks.”


I handed the man a ten and didn’t even bother to wait for my change. When I got to the backyard area I was shocked to see a wrestling ring had been set up. People were seated around it, behind a crude wooden fence. There was almost twenty seven people sitting there watching two kids smash each other with light tubes. All the while the fans were chanting “X.D.W.!” over and over. I stood there transfixed for a moment before sitting next to a pair of teens. I asked what was going on but instead of an answer I got flipped off and told to shut my yuppie mouth. To this day that was the first and only X.D.W. show I was at wearing a suit. I turned away from the kids to look at the action in the ring when a guy got up and sat next to me. He explained to me that X.D.W. or, Xtreme Danger Wrestling, was thee premiere backyard federation in operation. It folded in 2007 and today they were holding a free reunion show. It was going to be made into a resume tape for the big “5” of the fed. Before we go on, yes I paid ten dollars to some punk for a ticket to a free show. The guy told me that after this the big “5” were all going to try to get jobs with a real wrestling organization. They called it “The Quest” and whoever got a job first would become the sole owner of X.D.W.


For the about twenty minutes I sat in near silence as I saw a group of young kids do things that would make the most hardened Warrior Engine vet blush. I remember thinking if only X.D.W. wasn’t out of business then a booker position with them would be a dream, come true. I talked to the guy who informed me about the company for a little while. I told him what I could do with a group of guys like this. How I would lead these guys to take back wrestling from the suits like Cornell and Eisen. The guy just kept nodding and smiling until finally he excused himself as he said he had important business to attend to. I asked his name as he got up and he told me…


“The name is Xavier Reckless, but my friends just call me X.”

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I think that first part was looking back in a retrospective. Like, the 'book' is being written in the future, when XDW has risen to become a major player. Well, that's what I assume anyway.


BINGO! The idea is your reading the book XDW: Out of the Yard...

The book, written in some distant future time chronicles the rise and...rise of XDW.

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I like the idea. Question is...who are YOU?


Me...I'm just some kid named Tony. No former wrestler, ex manager, nor am I playing a lotto winner. Just a kid who dreamed of being a wrestling booker and through some twist of fate, was hired by XDW and took them to the top.


Using the Grand Avatar picbase btw.

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X.D.W.: Out of the Yard…

Prologue 1 continued:


After the show Xavier invited me inside for some drinks. As it turned out, the backyard X.D.W. wrestled in was in fact his very own backyard. We were joined by Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero, Extreme Deluxe, Super Sonic, and Lee Bambino. As we drank the boys began to discuss the remorse they felt for the death of X.D.W. That is when Xavier told them who I was…


“Boys, this here is…****, I didn’t get your name?”


“Tony…Tony Villarreal.”


“Boys, this is Tony…the new booker for X.D.W.!”


Everyone, including myself was taken aback by this introduction. For a second no one spoke, as if we said something it might ruin the moment. Finally, Fearless Blue spoke up.


“How can he be the booker of a federation that is dead?”


“Simple Blue…because I’m bringing it back! Did you hear the crowd out there? Do you think anyone of us will feel the same thing we felt out there tonight if we did get a job with TCW or USPW or even SWF?”


All the guys hung there heads down because they knew Xavier was right even if they didn’t want to admit it.


“If I can say something…X.D.W. from what I saw is what people need. You guys have more heart than any SWF or TCW superstar wrestling today. You guys are doing this because you love it not because you think your going to get mega rich. This isn’t a fad for you…it’s your life! That is how we are going to advertise X.D.W. We are going to be the rebel company that promotes wrestlers who actually wrestle. People are tired of the crap being forced on them by Cornell and Eisen and we can tap that market and grow bigger than any of you ever thought possible.”


Everyone looked at me like I was half crazy and half drunk but damn it if they didn’t think I might be all right.


“I’m in…I might just be the announcer for X.D.W. but I bleed X.D.W. as much as these guys do. What do you need from me?”


“Thanks Lee. What I need from you is the same thing I need from the rest of you guys…a commitment. I need to know that if we do this, then we do this full throttle, balls to the wall. I need you all to sign written contracts for ten years.”


The room got silent again and the guys looked at me as if I had two heads.


“Look, I’m not going to promote you all as the anti-SWF/TCW boys just for Cornell or Eisen to offer you big money contracts to ruin us. I need to know that when X.D.W. has a show, you six will be there come hell or high water. At present time we have no money but I can guarantee you all $50 a month whether or not we have a show. I know it’s not a lot but it is about the same amount you would get if I only paid you per show. After X.D.W. grows I can give you all a bump in pay but for right now we all have to sacrifice if we are going to make this work. So…who is with me?”


As you know…not a single guy left that room without signing a contract…

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XDW: Out of the Yard

Ch:1 Small Steps


With the core group in place, Xavier and I sat down to discuss what was needed to make XDW a success. First and foremost we needed an actual referee instead of the rotating ref duty among the lower card wrestlers. It may not seem like a big deal but I thought little things like that would help us to look like an actual wrestling promotion and not a bunch of idiots smacking each other with light tubes…even if we did do that on occasion. Another thing we decided was to not hire anyone without at least a minimal (35) knowledge of selling or the stamina and safety to give a decent match. This cut down the list of potential candidates for the roster but we agreed we needed more than just crap wrestlers to actually have a shot of getting big time. Xavier also stressed the importance of not falling out of favor with the fans (falling bellow #37 ranked promotion and needing to gain popularity in America).


Although Xavier was very resistant to my next suggestion, I ultimately got him to agree to give tickets to our shows away for free! Really getting an extra twenty bucks wouldn’t help us gain fans but getting a few people to attend who wouldn’t have paid to would. Besides, I already lined up a small sponsorship deal with Al’s Liquor Barn and Ray’s Boom Boom Room to get us around $2100 dollars a month. All we had to do was put their names on our fliers and ring apron.


Last but most importantly, we decided that we would hold just six shows that first year. We would kick off the year in February on the second Saturday of the month with Xtreme Innovation and end the year on the second Saturday of December with The King of the Yard Tournament. At that point we didn’t have a plan for the other four shows but things would fall into place rather naturally as it turned out.


Speaking of the way things turned out, we were able to hire seven more wrestlers and a ref, mere days before Xtreme Innovation. We finally had a respectable roster size and non wrestling personnel to look semi professional. Below is the breakdown of that initial roster…



Xavier Reckless : Heel/Main Eventer/$50 written/Arrogant Heel

Xavier is the backbone of XDW. Bigger than most of the XDW roster, Xavier likes to pound his opposition from the opening bell to the three count. He is without a doubt the star of XDW.



Fearless Blue : Heel/Main Eventer/$50 written/Thrill Seeker

Willing to do any move just for the thrill of it, Fearless Blue is a crowd pleaser. More often than not, he crashes and burns, but in the most spectacular ways. Not shy about his ambition to be XDW King of the Yard, fans love to hate him.



Mark Smart : Face/Main Eventer/$150 PPA/Clubber

Mark Smart is able to fly and work the mat, making him a dual threat. Mostly oblivious to his surroundings, he often dances to music only he can hear.



Extreme Deluxe : Heel/Main Eventer/$50 written/Bum

Although once the number one man in XDW, times have been rough for Ex-D. Most people don’t realize he actually sleeps in the alley behind Xavier’s Yard…Xavier won’t let him in because he smells like piss.



Running Wolf : Face/Upper Midcarder/$150 PPA/Native American

Proud Slap-A-Hoe warrior Running Wolf is known to deliver one mean Tomahawk Chop. Crowds love his wild style and old school style showmanship. Celebrates each win with a ceremonial Rain Dance.



Super Sonic : Heel/Upper Midcarder/$50 written/Turncoat

Having turned his back on the XDW style, Super Sonic has alienated himself from the entire roster. Fans despise him and on more than one occasion he was forced to fend off a drunken fan.



Jebediah: Heel/Upper Midcarder/$150 PPA/Comrade

The only Amish of Russian decent, Jebediah not only hates technology but all of America too…without a TV he still hasn’t found out the cold war is over.



Ant Man : Heel/Upper Midcarder/$150 PPA/****y Youth

If you looked up ****y on Wikipedia you would get a link to his biography. He loves to pull off powerful moves that men his size normally find impossible.



Daredevil Aero : Face/Upper Midcarder/$50 written/Trash

If this guy didn’t wrestle you might find him on an episode of Gerald Springer. Even white trash looks down on him.



Cal Sanders : Heel/Midcarder/$100 PPA/Gambler

This guy was booted out of Canada for gambling on his own matches. Unfortunately he bet on himself every time, losing thousands before he was caught.



Bright Falcon (Roger Monteiro) : Face/Midcarder/$100 PPA/Native American

Another member of the Slap-A-Hoe tribe, Bright Falcon is a high flyer who needs to get over his fear of heights before he can become a real threat.



Nigel Svensson : Face/ Lower Midcarder/$100 PPA/MMA Badass

A former MMA star in the U.K. Nigel made the jump to wrestling when he heard XDW was back. He wants to see who is tougher a MMA fighter or a crazy Yard Tard.



Lee Bambino : Face/ announcer/ $50 written contract

The high pitched voice of XDW, Lee is a staple at the announcer booth. As soon as Lee hits puberty, the XDW announcing might actually sound as manly as the in ring action looks.



Dale Kenney: Heel/Ref/$150 PPA

A former wrestler turned ref, Dale just wants to be a part of the biz. His look was the real reason he was hired as the other refs willing to work for XDW looked to fragile for the XDW environment.



Tony(me) : Heel/ Road Agent & Authority Figure/ $0 contract/Authority Figure gimmick

The Boss of XDW, I am looking to turn XDW into a true contender in the wrestling world. Nothing, not even the XDW fans will stand in my way of achieving that goal.


The card for the first Xtreme Innovation was…


Nigel Svensson vs. Cal Sanders

Bright Falcon vs. Super Sonic

Running Wolf vs. Jebediah

Daredevil Aero vs. Ant Man

Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe

Xavier Reckless vs. Mark Smart

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After a months worth of planning and preparation, the first show of the new XDW Era was upon us. The second Saturday of February 2010 still holds a special place in my heart, because it was the day I introduced the world, or at least the 11 fans in addence, to MY XDW…


XDW presents Xtreme Innovation!

Live from Xavier’s Backyard.

Attendance for tonight is 11.




After some cheap arena rock blares over the speakers from Xavier’s boombox, a man in a suit and tie comes out to the ring.

“All eleven of you are probably wondering just who the hell I am? My name isn’t as important as my title…I am the Commissioner of XDW. What that means is that XDW is under my guidance and direction from now on. Starting tonight, you people will never have to suffer another Eisen cluster **** or a Cornell snooze fest! This is XDW, and we are getting ready to leave the yard and put a boot up the asses of TCW and SWF!” (26)




XDW Submission Match (submission match with the addition of weapons)

Match Summary: Nigel and Cal started things off with a collar and elbow tie up. After a brief exchange of arm locks and leg holds, Cal grabbed a nearby kendo stick and used it as part of a camel clutch type move that saw Nigel tap out.


Winner via Submission: Cal Sanders (36)




XDW Lucha Libre Match (Lucha Libre 2 out of 3 falls match with addition of ladders and weapons)

Match Summary: Super Sonic wasted no time and went after Bright Falcon with a series of head scissor take downs and floating DDTs. Bright Falcon mounted a brief comeback but Super Sonic nailed Bright with a chair and scored a quick pinfall for the first fall.


Super Sonic setup a ladder as Bright Falcon tried to recover. As Bright got to his feet Super Sonic landed a shooting star press on Bright Falcon and scored another pinfall.


Winner via pinfall: Super Sonic (19)




Coal Miner’s Glove on a pole match

Match Summary: Jebediah and Running Wolf traded blows as the crowd let out a round of boos. After a few minutes Running Wolf was able to secure the glove and use it on Jebediah before finishing him off with a Wolf Tamer.


Winner via pinfall: Running Wolf (12)


After the match Jebediah picked up the discarded coal miner glove and used it repeatedly on Running Wolf before flipping off the fallen wrestler and heading to the back. (28)




XDW Rules Match (no dqs, no countouts, weapons and tables allowed)

Match Summary: Ant Man used his power to ground Daredevil Aero for most of the match. After Daredevil used a chair on Ant Man the crowd showed its disdain for Daredevil. Distracted by the unexpected boos, Daredevil was powerbombed onto a steel chair before Ant Man pinned him.


Winner via pinfall: Ant Man (20)




XDW Tables Match (must put opponent through a table from off a ladder of by leaping off a ladder)

Match Summary: As the crowd showed a complete lack of respect for both men Fearless Blue and Extreme Deluxe traded ladder shots. Both men then set up a table and began to climb the same ladder only for Extreme to suplex Fearless Blue off the ladder and through a table.


Winner via table break: Extreme Deluxe (8)




XDW Lumberjack Match (the ring is surrounded by the XDW locker room who all have weapons in their hands)

Match Summary: Xavier and Mark traded blows for a moment until Xavier got the upper hand and sent both Mark and himself over the top rope with a hard right lariat. The XDW roster then began to attack both Mark and Xavier until they were both busted wide open. Both men made it back into the ring and Mark landed a Smart Attack followed by a pin.


Winner via pinfall: Mark Smart (28)


After the match was over Xavier grabbed a nearby mic and declared that despite his loss to Mark, that he would be King of the Yard in December. (33)


Overall show 24!

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That first show really opened my eyes. I believe I learned more on that one show than on any other event XDW has put on since. First and foremost the fans know what they love…and they know what they hate. Now, I still might not know why they hate and love what they do but that show taught me to recognize the difference between booing a heel and booing the guy playing the heel. I might be the head booker, Xavier may be the Owner but truth be told the fans are the “true” bosses.


After Xtreme Innovation I ordered a mandatory meeting between all the staff and wrestlers. I wasn’t going to waste any time putting to work what I had learned. First off the fans seemed to really hate the gimmick we gave Mark Smart. It was too soon to effect a decent change so we would have to ride it out but as soon as we got the chance Mark was going to get a new direction for his character.


There was talk at the meeting that Nigel and Jeb could turn out to be pretty good talents if we developed them right. The crowd loved the match Nigel had with Cal so right there we all agreed those two needed to get back in the ring together. Jeb for his part was one of our biggest guys and we needed a way to capitalize on that. The fans didn’t like his bout with Running Wolf so it was agreed that maybe Jeb should face some smaller competitors.


Another issue was the lack of direction during the show. We needed to figure out how to get people to really care about what was going on. That’s when we decided that Xavier, Sonic, and Ex-D would form a stable called the Triad. The name wasn’t great, but we were learning still. Anyway, we knocked out a concept for the next show…Out for Blood. The main event was going to be two First Blood matches with the winners going on to face each other the following show for a spot in the King of the Yard Tournament Finals.


Before we wrapped things up we slapped together the card for the next show…


XDW Presents: Out for Blood!

Nigel Svensson vs. Jebediah

Cal Sander vs. Daredevil Aero

Bright Falcon & Running Wolf vs Ant Man & Super Sonic

Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart 1st Blood Match

Xavier Reckless vs. Fearless Blue 1st Blood Match

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Nice start I always love to find new 0/0/0/0 diaries.


Nigel Svensson vs. Jebediah

Svensson have been really solid for my own 0/0/0/0 companies though those have been from Europe/UK. Still I just have to pick him here.


Cal Sander vs. Daredevil Aero

With Aero being one of the founding guys I assume that he gets the nob here


Bright Falcon & Running Wolf vs Ant Man & Super Sonic

Falcon seems like the weakest link here


Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart 1st Blood Match

I´m not a huge fan of Deluxe and that rating from his last match was just brutal.


Xavier Reckless vs. Fearless Blue 1st Blood Match

I like Fearless Blue and dislike Xavier so I´d like to go other way around but Xavier is owner and Blue had horrible match last month so I can´t see him going over here.

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Sorry I am reading this,


**Mental note to keep commenting**


I may start predicting when I get the feel of the workers


Great to have you looking this over. I'm still getting over a fan fic I wrote with over 2700+ views but only about 10 comments...so forgive my comment whoreness.

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Nigel Svensson vs. Jebediah

Both solid workers on the last show but from the backstage notes I reckon Jeb will be pushed to be dominant, so Nigel will help him look good while doing the job


Cal Sander vs. Daredevil Aero

A good showing last month will probably be capitalised on with Aero putting the newcomer over


Bright Falcon & Running Wolf vs Ant Man & Super Sonic

A solid win would be good for these two


Extreme Deluxe vs. Mark Smart 1st Blood Match

Although Smart seems the obvious choise, I could see Xavier costing him the match somehow.


Xavier Reckless vs. Fearless Blue 1st Blood Match

Same as above, Smart probably costing him it


EDIT: I have the exact opposite of Zergon! Crazyness

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