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MAW: The Struggle For Power

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I was relieved to spend the hours leading up to our final show of the year relaxing in my office with Clare. The boys seemed to be happy the year was coming to a close. For most, it was another excuse to go out and get drunk. I was no different. A few of the guys who regularly stayed with me would be there again this month and were staying to bring in the New Year as well. Clare exited my office to use the little girl’s room and I sprang into action. I opened my laptop and quickly signed on to Jared’s website. Yeah, I was going to be “that guy.” Maybe they’d even make a commercial out of us. Just then, Rip walked in and began peering over my shoulder.


Rip: Kid, are you looking at what I think you’re looking at?


I nodded.


Aaron: Engagement rings. Do you think it’s too fast?


Rip: Hell kid, I’m not the one to be asking. I chased skirts all my life. Jay was a production of a wild night in Memphis.


Clare and I had been dating for seven months now and though that wasn’t a long time to most people, Clare and I had so much in common. It just seemed right.


Rip: I’m sure you’ll make the right choice, kid.


Just then, Clare appeared in the doorway and looked at us in question. I did my best to exit out of the screen as slyly as I could.


Clare: Right choice about what?


Rip and I shared a look and then looked back to Clare. I felt like I was stuck in one of those awkward Twix commercials, except time wasn’t stopping for me to eat a candy bar. Rip and I both began to stammer a bit, but the old man bailed me out.


Rip: About a booking decision for later this year.


Clare stared at the two of us as I waited anxiously to see if she’d buy it.


Clare: Oh. I’m sure he will too. I’m going to go hang out with Lisa.


I nodded and watched as she left the office and headed for the dressing room. That was a close one.





Friday Week 4 December 2010

Live from The MAW Arena

Attendance: 438



Announce Team: Marv Earnest Duke Hazzard Rip Chord





El Heroe Mexicano vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Lisa Bowen

A nice little match to start out the night. Jefferson Stardust picks up the victory in four and a half minutes with a Stage Dive.

Winner: Jefferson Stardust

Rating: D (46)


Kashmir Singh and Riley McManus vs. Cameron Jones and Syd Collier

Singh and McManus held the clear advantage here as their low, but helpful tag experience showed. The action wasn’t that great, but it was decent. Riley McManus picks up the pinfall on Cameron Jones following a Small Package Driver in three minutes.

Winners: Kashmir Singh & Riley McManus

Rating: E+ (34)


Main Show



The show kicks off as the Mid Atlantic Champion’s music hits the system, bringing the crowd to their feet. They cheer loudly as American Patriot pushes through the curtain, thrusting his title belt high into the air. He gives high fives to all the fans along the entrance way and makes a lap around the ring before stopping at the announce table. He reaches out and shake’s Rip Chord’s hand before grabbing a microphone and entering the ring.


Patriot: Hello insert city here, Virginia! Are you guys ready to see some wrestling tonight?!




Patriot: I guess you are. Now in tonight’s main event I am going to put my Mid Atlantic Title on the line against three men. One of them is the talented young man named Aaron Fujita. At this time I’d like to ask him to come down to the ring.


The crowd cheers again as Fujita’s music reverberates off the walls of the MAW Arena. He pushes through the curtain and makes an entrance similar to that of American Patriot. Aaron greets a few of the fans at ringside before grabbing a microphone of his own and stepping onto the apron. As he enters the ring, Patriot immediately extends his hand to Aaron, who quickly accepts.


Patriot: Aaron Fujita. I just wanted to bring you out here and first off wish you luck later tonight. The wrestling business is a hard place to find honest people who can be trusted. This man, Aaron Fujita, is one of the nicest kids to ever enter a wrestling ring. Not only are you a class act outside of the ring, but your skills inside the squared circle are top notch as well. I know one of these days you’re going to beat me for this title. So Rip, can you please stop making me defend my title against him?


The crowd let out a laugh as Patriot and Rip chuckled at each other.


Aaron: Thank you Patriot, but you’re selling yourself short. You aren’t too shabby either. Just remember that tonight it’s every man for himself and there are going to be two other guys Rip felt were worthy of getting a shot at that belt.


Suddenly some heavy rock music hits the system and the crowd chatters at who it could be. Finally they get their answer and break into a chorus of boos.



Darryl Devine


Darryl saunters to the ring, avoiding as much contact with fans as possible. Devine climbs into the ring and plays to the crowd, soaking in their boos. He turns to American Patriot and asks for the microphone.


Devine: You’re damn right Rip thought I was worthy of a shot at this belt. I am the best young talent in this business and a star in USPW.


The crowd surges with boos again as Devine smiles.


Aaron: A star in the land of assisted living and dentures? That’s really something to be proud of. By the way, didn’t I pin you just a few months ago? You know the last time you were in MAW?


Devine spins around and stares Fujita down. Aaron laughs and continues to smile at Devine.


Devine: Shut your mouth. I took your ass to the limit and you know it. Now tonight I’m coming back to kick your teeth in and do something you haven’t been able to do all year long; Win the Mid Atlantic Title. And there’s not a damn thing either of you can do about it.


The crowd boos loudly again as Devine shrugs his shoulders and looks on. The crowd’s boos are drowned out as some more unfamiliar music hits the system. Another man, familiar to those in the Southwest, pushes through the curtain with a microphone already in hand.



Donnie J


Donnie J: You guys crack me up. I have no idea why any of you are arguing over who is walking out on top tonight. Not a single one of you has a snowball’s chance in hell at holding that gold in victory with Donnie J here. Fujita, you and Patriot are still stuck on the independents, not even a glimmer in the eye of the big two. And Darryl, you’re jerking the curtain for a promotion who has half a roster that should be on life support. You forget that I am the man with the experience in the big time. I spent time in TCW, learning from the best of the best.


The crowd boos as Donnie speaks from the stage.


Aaron: I’m sure you learned a lot down there tagging with James Prudence. I mean that with all sincerity too, I mean he just recently signed on with SWF did he not? And you’re stuck down in CZCW wrestling guys in animal masks. You couldn’t land a job with the big two if you went crawling to Tommy Cornell’s doorstep and offered to be his job-boy bitch.


That hits a soft spot for Donnie J as he sprinted down the aisle and slid into the ring. Before long the crowd was roaring in excitement as all four men began to trade blows between each other. It continues for a few moments before Rip Chord stands from his position at the announce table and enters the ring along with Jay Fair.

Rating: D- (39)


Citizen X vs. Jay Chord w/ Clare South

The crowd was ready for some action and they got good stuff between these two. Cheating was abundant here as both Jay and X tried every trick there was from eye pokes, to low blows to the lowly back rake. Chord was able to grab the advantage by finally pulling out some vicious forearms that rocked Citizen X. Chord was able to take full control from there, leading up to a Cradle Piledriver for the pinfall in eleven and a half minutes.

Winner: Jay Chord

Rating: D (44)



As Citizen X retreated to the back, a beaten man, Jay Chord asked for a microphone.


Jay: For my entire life, all I’ve heard is how great my dad was. How he was a big time star and had the world at his fingertips and then pissed it all away. Growing up it was an expectation that I’d follow his footsteps and go on to be just as good as him. That’s not enough for me! My father is a failure. He messed up everything that Richard Eisen and SWF had given him. I am going to go on and be better than my father ever dreamed of being. The first step in doing that is very simple. I have to beat that man; my father.


The crowd boos as Jay hops out of the ring and steps in front of the announce table.


Jay: So what do you say dearest old dad? I’ll even take it easy on you. Find yourself a tag team partner for next month and I’ll get one too. Funny thing is, I might have an easier time seeing as I haven’t burned all my bridges. Face me in a tag team match next month at the show that carries your namesake so I can take that first step in becoming a better wrestler and a better man than you ever were.


The crowd boos loudly as Jay drops the microphone and backs away from his father before returning to the back.

Rating: D- (38)


For a Shot at the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


The Ring Generals vs. Rich & Famous

The crowd cooled down a bit, but the action was still decent. Dean Waldorf took control early against Jackpot Jordan with some solid technical chain wrestling. The Ring Generals kept Jackpot Jordan isolated from his partner and began to wear him down using frequent tags to keep each man fresh. Numerous double team moves led to a lot of nearfalls, but Jordan wouldn’t go down. At the five minute mark Jordan was able to land a step-up enziguri on Marv Statler, leading to the hot tag. Jake Idol came in and cleaned house. In the end Jackpot Jordan hit Dean Waldorf with the Cash In and picked up the victory in just under eight minutes.

Winners: Rich & Famous

Rating: E+ (30)


The crowd cheers as KC Glenn’s music hits, signaling the upcoming Traditional Title match. They anticipate the youngster’s arrival, but he doesn’t push through the curtain. Finally after a few moments his music fades and a loud THWACK is heard. Glenn stumbles through the curtain with blood trickling down his forehead. He kneels a few feet from the curtain as a new face steps out onto the stage, holding a dented steel chair in his hands.



Jacob Jett


The crowd boos loudly as Jett raises the chair over his head and brings it down onto KC Glenn’s skull once more. Satisfied with his work, Jett drops the chair and saunters to the ring.

Rating: F (10)


Jett grabs a microphone and hops into the ring as the crowd continues to boo.


Jett: I’m not going to speak my mind until all of you shut the hell up.


Jett speaks in a calm voice and waits until the fans exhaust their breath.


Jett: Thank you. You may not believe your eyes, but it’s true. Jacob Jett has come to MAW. Now I was sitting in the back trying to figure out a way to make an impact in my debut. I look at the card and notice that some no-name punk has a shot at the Traditional Title. KC Glenn has paid zero dues in this business. Why does he deserve a shot? I have travelled the world plying my trade. I’ve amazed people all over the globe and now I’m here to take MAW by storm. Jared Johnson, get out here and defend your title against me. Don’t expect to be leaving with it either, because my name is Jacob Jett and I’m simply amazing.

Rating: D- (36)



Mid Atlantic Traditional Championship


Jacob Jett vs. Jared Johnson ©

The crowd had some expectations of these men and they didn’t really deliver. Johnson came out of the gate looking to prove Jett wrong, but Jacob had an answer for him at every turn. Jett took control at the four minute mark as the champion began to fight to survive. Johnson hung with Jett and even began to wear him down in preparation for the Carolina Crossface. At the seven minute mark, Johnson caught The Amazing One in the submission move and wrenched back on it, but after a tense few moments, Jett got to the ropes to break the hold. Johnson released and stepped back, measuring Jett up. As Jacob got to his feet and turned, Jared charged forward and missed a clothesline. Jett took the opening and planted the champion with the Emergency Landing to pick up the victory and become the new Traditional Champion.

Winner: Jacob Jett (New Champion)

Rating: E+ (31)



Hugh de Aske vs. Rob Reynolds

The pirate really took it to Rob Reynolds in his debut match. The crowd was actually up for this match and cheered Hugh on. He picked Reynolds apart in this squash and finally landed the Cut-Throat Driver at five and a half minutes to pick up the pinfall.

Winner: Hugh de Aske

Rating: D- (39)



Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


Rich & Famous vs. Technicality ©

The crowd cooled down a bit despite the decent action displayed in the ring. Rich and Famous picked up right where they left off in their earlier match. Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol secluded Greg Gauge from Kirk Jameson in the opening minutes, using blind tags and referee distractions to get away with some dirty tactics. Kirk Jameson watched from the apron, growing more and more annoyed by the second. Finally as Rich and Famous double teamed his partner, Jameson rushed into the ring past Jay Fair and blasted Jake Idol with a stiff forearm shot. This gave Greg the opportunity he needed to make a comeback on Jackpot Jordan, landing a series of strikes and a superkick. Greg crawled to his corner and tagged Kirk in, who came in a house of fire. Jameson battled both Idol and Jordan as Gauge recovered. The numbers game finally caught up with him though as Rich and Famous landed a sick lungblower/top rope double-stomp combination that got them a believable nearfall. As Jackpot Jordan tried to stop Kirk from tagging Greg, Kirk landed a step-up enziguri that rocked him. Kirk tagged Greg back into the match and grabbed Jordan for a little double team of their own. Jackpot moved at the last possible second, causing Gauge to take his partner down with a hard lariat. Greg went right back to work, grabbing Jackpot Jordan in the Proton Lock and securing the submission victory for another successful title defense. As Rich & Famous left the ring, Gauge and Jameson argued loudly in the ring. Jameson shook his head and exited the ring, leaving without his partner by his side.

Winners: Technicality

Rating: D (42)



Frankie Perez vs. Casey Valentine

These two men started out slow, going through a six or seven minute feeling-out process. The process escalated from each man shooting for a leg to some terrific hold for hold wrestling. Neither man could gain a solid advantage as their opponent escaped from the hold quickly and applied one of his own. The pace began to quicken as Frankie took Casey down with an arm drag and Valentine popped right back up. Frankie snapped him over with another arm drag and both men popped right back up again. Casey blocked the third attempt and took Frankie over with one of his own. Frankie got up and charged Valentine, only to get taken over with a hip toss. Frankie got right back to his feet and charged his opponent, but Casey side stepped and shoved him into the ropes. As Frankie rebounded, Casey leap frogged him. Perez hit the ropes one more time and stopped short as Casey tried to leapfrog him again. Valentine landed on Perez’s shoulders and spun around, snapping Frankie over with a hurrincanrana. Both men were right back up and it was Frankie’s turn to snap Valentine over with a hurrincanrana of his own. Each youngster got back up and went for dropkicks, getting nothing but air before kipping up. Now back on their feet they stood across the ring from each other in nothing more than a stand off. The crowd applauded the display, but Valentine turned the tables by rushing Perez and blasting him with a back elbow. Valentine controlled the majority of the match from that point forward, wearing Frankie down with numerous holds and impact moves. At the fifteen minute mark, Valentine missed a clothesline, opening the door for Frankie to hook him up and land the Perfect Parity. Perez covered but Casey got his shoulder up just before the three count was completed. Frankie looked to take control, but Casey was able wiggle free of Perez’s attempt at the P-Clutch and hit the Deep Impact to pick up the victory in seventeen and a half minutes.

Winner: Casey Valentine

Rating: C- (54)


Mid Atlantic Championship – Four Corner Survival


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Fujita vs. Donnie J vs. American Patriot ©

This match started off in amazing fashion as Donnie J and Darryl Devine allowed American Patriot and Aaron Fujita to start things off. The two fan favorites put on a technical wrestling clinic for the first five minutes as they tied each other up in painful holds. It wasn’t long before their physical styles took over and they began rocking each other with strike after strike. Fujita was in favor of the forearm tonight and Patriot turned to the headbutt as his strike of choice. The two held a long back and forth exchange of these two strikes before Fujita hit two in a row and then spun around taking the champion down with a discus lariat. Before Fujita could cover, Darryl Devine jumped in and covered the champion, only getting a two count. As Devine got back to his feet, Donnie J ran in and rolled him up looking for the surprise pinfall, but only getting two. Now all four men stood in the ring, looking at each other. Suddenly all hell broke loose as Devine went after Fujita and Donnie J went after American Patriot. The four men brawled in their pairs as the match approached the fifteen minute mark. Patriot and Donnie J eventually got into a headbutt war which was easily won by the masked champion as Devine and Fujita exchanged right hands in the center of the ring. Darryl blocked a few rights by Fujita and ducked a clothesline attempt, before planting Aaron with the Devine Dream Drop. Darryl had no time to go for the cover though as American Patriot was right there to dump him over on his head with a Backdrop Driver. As Patriot got back to his feet, Donnie J approached and lifted Patriot into the air before snapping him down with a brainbuster. Donnie J had no time to cover either as Aaron Fujita got back up and drove his head into the mat with the QG-Theory piledriver. Fujita went for the cover and got the three count. Donnie J has been eliminated. Before Aaron could get back to his feet, Darryl Devine clutched him and retraced his footsteps from a few minutes earlier, planting him with the Devine Dream Drop. Darryl covered and picked up the pinfall. Aaron Fujita has been eliminated.


It was down to just two men; Darryl Devine and American Patriot. The match entered its twentieth minute as the two men came together in the center of the ring. Patriot landed a few right hands that Devine answered with a thumb to the eye. With the champion blinded, Devine tried to hook him up for the Devine Dream Drop, but Patriot wiggled free and spun Devine around. A boot to the stomach set him up and Patriot delivered the Inverted Piledriver to his remaining opponent. Patriot covered, but Devine got the shoulder up for the believable nearfall. The champion took a deep breath as he got back up and began measuring his challenger. Devine snatched Patriot’s boot from mid-air during a kick attempt and spun him around. As Patriot completed the 360 degree turn, Devine met him with an Ace Cutter. He covered, getting a two count for a believable nearfall. Devine argues with jay Fair momentarily but turned his attention back to the champion. Devine began to lift Patriot up for the Devine Dream Drop again, but the masked man slipped down his back and waited for Darryl to turn. As soon as he did, Patriot landed a superkick that sent Devine backwards into the corner. As he stumbled back out to the center of the ring, Patriot ducked under his arm and dumped him onto his head with the Backdrop Driver. That was enough for Patriot to cover and pick up the pinfall in twenty-three and a half minutes to successfully defend his Mid Atlantic Championship.

Winner: American Patriot

Rating: C (60)

Overall Rating: D+ (52)


Prediction Standings (After 12 events)


1. emark (52)

2. bgbuff (31)

3. Timber (20)

4. ChrisKid (10)

5. DragonMack (10)

6. James Casey (9)

7. MichiganHero (7)

8. TheEffect (6)

9. Codey (4)

10. Hashasheen (3)

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">2010 Year End Awards</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/wrestler.jpg</span><p><strong>


Dan Stone Jr.</strong></p><p><strong>

29 – 1 – 16</strong></p><p><strong>

Average Match Rating: A (91)</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/young.jpg</span><p><strong>


Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p><strong>

33 – 3 – 24</strong></p><p><strong>

Average Match Rating: B+ (84)</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/veteran.jpg</span><p><strong>


Jeremy Stone</strong></p><p><strong>

30 – 4 – 15</strong></p><p><strong>

Average Match Rating: B+ (89)</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/female.jpg</span><p><strong>


DEVIL Karube</strong></p><p><strong>

23 – 2 – 15</strong></p><p><strong>

Average Match Rating: C+ (68)</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>


<span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/SWF.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/TCW.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Sean McFly and Dan Stone Jr. defeated Johnny Bloodstone and Steve DeColt at NOTBPW Championship Wrestling</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/show.jpg</span><p><strong>

NOTBPW Championship Wrestling</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/MAWend.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/MAWwrestler.jpg</span><p><strong>


American Patriot</strong></p><p><strong>

10 – 1 – 1</strong></p><p><strong>

Average Match Rating: C- (56)</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/MAWmatch.jpg</span><p><strong>

Aaron Fujita defeated Mean Jean Cattley at The Clash (70)</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/MAWshow.jpg</span><p><strong>

MAW Proving Ground (58)</strong></p></div><p></p>

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I really like the idea of promotion-based end of year awards. It's something I haven't seen before, but something that makes so much sense to do.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey" data-cite="codey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29328" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I really like the idea of promotion-based end of year awards. It's something I haven't seen before, but something that makes so much sense to do.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks Codey. I'm not sure I like the format of how I posted it, so I'll probably work on that for next year. It's something I did when I ran my first dynasty with TEW 07 and I felt like I should bring it back here.</p><p> </p><p> Also here's an update for all my readers:</p><p> </p><p> First off, congrats to emark for winning the predictions contest for 2010. His prize allows him to choose the main event of Fan Festival 2011. I'll be sending you a PM soon to discuss this with you. The next post should be up within the hour, along with the card for the 2011 RCI.</p>
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<p>I walked in the front doors of the MAW Arena for my meeting with Rip feeling pretty good. My first year as a head booker had gone well I thought and I only hoped 2011 would be better. I knocked on Rip’s office door and was invited in. As I got my notes out, Rip prodded for information.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">Rip: So did you ask her yet kid?</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

I laughed at his eagerness to find out. He asked the question like a kid asking his parents if they had bought him the newest toy to hit the shelves. I admired how far Rip had come; years ago he wouldn’t have cared about anybody else’s business. As 2011 commenced it seemed like Rip took as much joy in having a place in other people’s lives as he did making money.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Aaron: Not yet. I got the biggest thing out of the way and decided it’s what I want. I know I’m going to ask her. I’m thinking about doing it on our one year anniversary. Too cliché?</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rip shrugged his shoulders as I passed him a packet of notes.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#2E8B57;"><strong>Rip: If you do it right, any time is perfect kid.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

I nodded as Rip flipped open to the financial statement I had prepared. He sighed and looked up to me with a small smirk on his face.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">Rip: You got spendy again last month, didn’t you?</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

I smirked back at him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Aaron: Yeah. At least we still made a profit for the month.</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rip laughed aloud now.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">Rip: Four hundred and twenty-five bucks worth of profit. You amuse me, kid. You’re right though; you did good. We’ve got more money now than we did last January, so you succeeded in my book.</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

That felt good. While I still had just shy of two years before Rip’s deadline of never falling into debt came to pass, it was nice to hear Rip say I succeeded. We had found our groove with spending now. WE could splurge a few times a year and lose money on the month because I knew every other month should turn a profit. We had about $107,000 in the bank and it would be really hard to lose all of it when we used our heads.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Aaron: You got my e-mail last night?</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rip nodded.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron: I know that was a big thing when you were in your prime and remains an art form today. I’m just no good at booking it. I gave it a year and haven’t been able to find any consistency so this seems like the logical choice.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#2E8B57;"><strong>Rip: What about all the guys?</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron: Some will stick around and I’ll make some calls on the other’s behalves.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Rip nodded, pleased with how I was planning to handle the upcoming situation.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron: Now Rip, you’re sure you’re okay with getting back into the ring? You’ve been out of it for a long time.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

I had come to Rip a few months prior to pitch the idea of having him wrestle a couple of times this year. He was all grins as he began to reminisce of the days he spent main eventing shows all over the country. He was still firm on his decision.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#2E8B57;"><strong>Rip: How does that song go? I’m not better than I was then, but I’m not any worse either.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

I laughed as he butchered one of Toby Keith’s classics.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron: I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was. So you’re set?</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Rip nodded.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#2E8B57;"><strong>Rip: There’s something else, kid. Remember about a year ago when I told you I didn’t want you running wild and putting the strap on yourself?</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

I had butterflies in my stomach. It had been my dream since I broke into the business to hold the Mid Atlantic Championship. As cool as it was for Rip to hire me as his head booker a year prior, it hurt me inside to know as long as I had the job, I wouldn’t hold the belt.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#2E8B57;"><strong>Rip: Forget it. You’ve proven that you aren’t selfish and there isn’t a man on our roster that could validly argue that. Except Jay. So if you see fit, reward yourself kid.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

I reached out and shook Rip’s hand firmly as I tried to hold back my excitement. Rip had been around the block too many times; he could see it.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/MAWban.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Industry News and Notes from December 2010</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">News</span></strong></p><p>

- EXODUS 2010 announced that they would be closing their doors. Financial woes plagued the company for much of 2010 and finally struck the death blow in December.</p><p>

- ACPW in Canada expanded their product and are now classified as a Small promotion.</p><p>

- Jon Jetson hung up his wrestling boots at the age of 46. Jon was a player in CGC for a number of years, winning the Tag Team Titles there on three occasions.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Signings, Departures and Extensions</span></strong></p><p>

- Our own Kashmir Singh signed a PPA contract with RIPW.</p><p>

- Mitch Naess agreed to a PPA deal with USPW.</p><p>

- The Canadian wrestling scene was shocked as Shooter Sean Deeley signed a written deal with NOTBPW.</p><p>

- Art Reed signed a PPA deal with CZCW.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Title Changes</span></strong></p><p>

- Danny Fonzarelli defeated Chance Fortune to begin his second reign as TCW International Champion.</p><p>

- Scout began his first reign as TCW World Heavyweight Champion after defeating Rocky Golden to end his sixteen month reign as champion.</p><p>

- Freddie Datsun defeted Peter Valentine for the USPW National Title.</p><p>

- An interesting note: The RIPW Tag Team Titles remain vacant. They were vacated in September when Bret Starr was called up to the SWF main roster.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.clabobby.com/maw/MAWban.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">MAW presents The 2011 Rip Chord Invitational</span></span></strong></p><p><strong>

Friday Week 4 January 2011</strong></p><p><strong>

Live from The MAW Arena</strong></p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Main Event – Mid Atlantic Championship</span></strong></p><p>

Casey Valentine vs. American Patriot ©</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord and Aaron Fujita vs. Jay Chord and Citizen X</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

RCI First Round</span></strong></p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. Jefferson Stardust</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>RCI First Round</strong></span></p><p>

Jared Johnson vs. Donnie J</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

RCI First Round</span></strong></p><p>

Greg Gauge vs. Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">RCI First Round</span></strong></p><p>

Hugh de Aske vs. Darryl Devine</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

RCI Semi-Final</span></strong></p><p>

Frankie Perez/Jefferson Stardust vs. Jared Johnson/Donnie J</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">RCI Semi Final</span></strong></p><p>

Greg Gauge/Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske/Darryl Devine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">RCI Finals</span></strong></p><p>

Perez/Stardust/Johnson/Donnie J vs. Gauge/Jameson/Hugh de Aske/Devine</p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Mid Atlantic Traditional Championship</span></strong></p><p>

KC Glenn vs. Jacob Jett ©</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Quick Match Listing</strong></p><p>

Casey Valentine vs. American Patriot ©</p><p>

Rip Chord and Aaron Fujita vs. Jay Chord and Citizen X</p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. Jefferson Stardust</p><p>

Jared Johnson vs. Donnie J</p><p>

Greg Gauge vs. Kirk Jameson</p><p>

Hugh de Aske vs. Darryl Devine</p><p>

Frankie Perez/Jefferson Stardust vs. Jared Johnson/Donnie J</p><p>

Greg Gauge/Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske/Darryl Devine</p><p>

Perez/Stardust/Johnson/Donnie J vs. Gauge/Jameson/Hugh de Aske/Devine</p><p>

KC Glenn vs. Jacob Jett ©</p>

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<p>I have been following this diary for a while and figured I would jump in with predictions for the new year.</p><p> </p><p>

Casey Valentine vs. <strong>American Patriot ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord and Aaron Fujita vs. <strong>Jay Chord and Citizen X</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. <strong>Jefferson Stardust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jared Johnson</strong> vs. Donnie J</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs. Kirk Jameson</p><p> </p><p>

Hugh de Aske vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Perez/<strong>Jefferson Stardust</strong> vs. Jared Johnson/Donnie J</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong>/Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske/Darryl Devine</p><p> </p><p>

Perez/<strong>Stardust</strong>/Johnson/Donnie J vs. Gauge/Jameson/Hugh de Aske/Devine</p><p> </p><p>

KC Glenn vs. <strong>Jacob Jett ©</strong></p>

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<p>Casey Valentine vs. <strong>American Patriot ©</strong></p><p>

Rip Chord and Aaron Fujita vs. <strong>Jay Chord and Citizen X</strong></p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez </strong>vs. Jefferson Stardust</p><p>

Jared Johnson vs. <strong>Donnie J</strong></p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs. Kirk Jameson</p><p>

Hugh de Aske vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez</strong>/Jefferson Stardust vs. Jared Johnson/Donnie J</p><p>

Greg Gauge/Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske/<strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Perez/</strong>Stardust/Johnson/Donnie J vs. Gauge/Jameson/Hugh de Aske/Devine</p><p>

KC Glenn vs. <strong>Jacob Jett ©</strong></p>

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<p>Casey Valentine vs. <strong>American Patriot ©</strong></p><p>

Rip Chord and Aaron Fujita vs. <strong>Jay Chord and Citizen X</strong></p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez</strong> vs. Jefferson Stardust</p><p>

<strong>Jared Johnson</strong> vs. Donnie J</p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs. Kirk Jameson</p><p>

Hugh de Aske vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez</strong>/Jefferson Stardust vs. Jared Johnson/Donnie J</p><p>

Greg Gauge/Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske/<strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p>

Perez/Stardust/Johnson/Donnie J vs. Gauge/Jameson/Hugh de Aske/<strong>Devine</strong></p><p>

KC Glenn vs. <strong>Jacob Jett ©</strong></p>

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There's still some time to get predictions in for the RCI. I'm working on finishing up the write-up now and expect to have it up in the next couple of hours. We start the prediction rankings over again with this show, so don't miss your chance to take an early lead and win the right to choose the main event of Fan Festival 2012!



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I am really sorry for the delays on the RCI guys. I'm a volunteer firefighter and when I sat down last night to finish the write-up we got a call that I was on until three or so in the morning. Had a couple more today and now I've got to go to work. Hopefully things will quiet down and I'll get the chance to sit down tomorrow afternoon to finish things up.



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Well ladies and gents, here it is. Finally. I hope you all enjoy it and I would love to hear your comments by selecting your personal choice for the following categories:


Wrestler of the Night:


Match of the Night:


Moment of the Night:






I was starting to feel spoiled. It was another show with no problems as the boys filed into the arena. As was normally the case, Casey Valentine got there very early in the afternoon. However he wasn’t the first there this month. Frankie Perez came in a day early in fear of missing the show because of an impending snow storm. Frankie and I arrived at the arena at close to one in the afternoon to make sure things were in order. We even took the liberty to have a training session in the ring. Casey joined us around two o’clock and we continued for another two hours. Everyone started to arrive at that point and we all went into our personal preparations. I relaxed in my office with Clare by my side as guys came by to check in. By 5 o’clock everyone booked was there and having a blast in the locker room. Just an hour before bell time, I shut down my computer, happy with the progress I had made in booking the rest of the year. I went to give the boys a pep talk. I wanted this to be a good show.





Friday Week 4 January 2011

Live from The MAW Arena

Attendance: 453



Announce Team: Marv Earnest Duke Hazzard Rip Chord


Main Show


RCI First Round


Frankie Perez vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Lisa Bowen

The crowd was hot in anticipation as this one got underway. Jefferson Stardust looked to show them he could wrestle independently and the decent in-ring action backed it up. Stardust took control early with some speedy technical roll-ups, netting him numerous two counts. Before long though Perez’s strikes came into play. Frankie continued to rock Stardust with forearms and palm strikes that allowed him to get back on even ground. As they neared the seven minute mark Jefferson landed a tornado DDT and went up top, looking or the Stage Dive. As Jefferson came down, Frankie got his knees up and halted Stardust’s momentum. The former tag team champ rolled to his feet and stood holding his back as Perez got up and dumped him on his head with a Dragon Suplex. Jefferson rolled to his feet and Frankie caught him in the Perfect Parity to pick up the victory and advance to the semi-finals.

Winner: Frankie Perez

Rating: D+ (48)

RCI First Round


Greg Gauge vs. Kirk Jameson

The crowd was loud as we had a battle between the reigning Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions here. There was no feeling out process as the match started. Both men went at each other with different types of submission holds. Sam Keith’s training really showed as Greg Gauge took the advantage and never looked back. At six and a half minutes Greg countered an attempted Ace Crusher by Jameson and dropped him on his head with a brainbuster. Greg followed that up by getting Kirk caught up in the Proton Lock. Kirk held on for as long as he could, but he finally succumbed to the pain by tapping out at the seven minute mark.

Winner: Greg Gauge

Rating: D (44)



RCI First Round


Jared Johnson vs. Donnie J

Just a month after losing his Traditional Title Jared Johnson looks to redeem himself against one of the best of the southwest. Donnie J’s superior experience showed right away as he simple outclassed Johnson with his sucker tactics in the opening minutes. Jared got a bit of offense in, including an arm breaker from the top rope and teasing the Carolina Crossface. However it was short lived as Donnie J recovered and hit a Death on Miami Beach to secure the victory at six and a half minutes.

Winner: Donnie J

Rating: D (45)


RCI First Round


Hugh de Aske vs. Darryl Devine

The crowd was still up for this one. The action was decent enough. Hugh de Aske felt like he had something to prove, blindsiding Devine during the ring introductions. He continued this house of fire tactic for the opening two minutes, barely allowing Devine to catch his breath. He used strikes and irish whips to wear Darryl out. As they came up on the four minute mark, Devine was able to turn the tables by ducking a clothesline. Darryl slammed on the brakes and nearly took the pirate’s head off with a lariat. Darryl covered, but only got a count of two. From that point forward it was Hugh de Aske trying to come back. He made a small surge as they got closer to seven minutes. He wiggled free from Devine’s first attempt at the Devine Dream Drop and was able to land a superkick for a two count. The pirate didn’t let up, lifting Darryl up and lifting him for the Cut-Throat Driver. Devine wiggled free and was able to plant Hugh with the Devine Dream Drop to pick up the victory and advance to the semi-finals.

Winner: Darryl Devine

Rating: D+ (50)



Mid Atlantic Traditional Championship


KC Glenn vs. Jacob Jett ©

The crowd finally settled down a bit for the first non-tournament match of the evening. KC Glenn started off the match by attempting numerous roll-ups that each got him two counts. Jett was able blast Glenn with a stiff back elbow and take control. It was all Jett there as he eventually hit the Jett Take Off and picked up the pinfall to make his first successful defense of the Traditional Title.

Winner: Jacob Jett

Rating: D+ (53)



Post match, Jacob Jett asks for a microphone and addresses the crowd.


Jett: I told you people last month that I was the real deal. But none of you believed me. I beat one of your own, Jared Johnson and took his title. Now this kid becomes just another victim. You all had better get used to Jacob Jett being on top. I’m on my way to the top of MAW and everything is going to happen on my terms. There’s absolutely nothing anybody can do about it because I am simply amazing.

Rating: E+ (34)


RCI Semi-Finals


Frankie Perez vs. Donnie J

The crowd got loud again as these two guys went at it for the first spot in the finals. Frankie Perez came out of the gate strong with some stiff strikes that rocked the CZCW star. Frankie kept the pressure on with numerous impact moves that netted him multiple near falls. Donnie J made a comeback at the seven minute mark by slipping out of a brainbuster and landing a superkick right to the jaw. Donnie began to dismantle Perez, setting him up for the Death on Miami Beach. He went up top and came down, but Perez was able to get his knees up and plant them right into the back. Perez saw his opportunity and locked in the P-Clutch to get the submission victory at the ten minute mark.

Winner: Frankie Perez

Rating: D+ (50)


RCI Semi-Finals


Greg Gauge vs. Darryl Devine

The crowd was solidly behind Greg Gauge here as he tried to pull off the upset against Darryl Devine. Greg put up a good fight, wearing Devine down in the early goings. Devine fought back at the six minute mark and eventually tried to Set Gauge up for the Devine Dream Drop. Gauge wiggled free and managed to get Darryl trapped in the Proton Lock. The crowd went nuts, chanting for Devine to tap out. After nearly twenty seconds in the hold, Devine inched close enough to the ropes and latched on, forcing a break. Gauge pulled him right back to the center of the ring and attempted the submission move again, but Devine countered out of it and began to take control. A series of stiff forearms followed by a step-up enziguri allowed Devine to hook Gauge up and plant him with the Devine Dream Drop to pick up the pinfall and advance to the final round in eight minutes.

Winner: Darryl Devine

Rating: C- (55)



Rip Chord and Aaron Fujita vs. Jay Chord and Citizen X

The crowd cheered loudly as Rip Chord was announced in this match. The contest started out with Fujita and Citizen X going through some solid chain wrestling. This went on for about five minutes before Fujita one-upped X, causing him to retreat and tag out to Jay Chord. Jay came in and took a less than subtle approach by blasting Fujita with stiff strikes. Jay Fair warned Jay numerous times about his underhanded tactics as Jay raked Aaron’s eyes multiple times. Jay and Citizen X did a good job o secluding Aaron Fujita from his partner. Aaron wasn’t going down without a fight though as he’d land a few strikes here and there, but Jay and X were right there to halt his momentum. At the nine minute mark Aaron was able to duck a lariat attempt from Citizen X and hit a desperation brainbuster. With both men down, Jay Fair began his ten count. Each man got to their respective corners as the count reached eight. For the first time ever, father and son were going toe to toe. The crowd exploded as the legendary Rip Chord came into the ring and picked up right where he left off years ago. Jay and Rip traded right hands in the center of the ring. Rip sent Jay off the ropes and caught him with a sidewalk slam as he rebounded. Both men were right back up and met again at the center of the ring. Rip landed a boot to the stomach and grabbed his son in a front facelock. The crowd exploded, anticipating the Rip Chord DDT. Citizen X was back in to break up the attempt. Rip turned around and blocked an attempted forearm by X. The crowd roared to life again as Rip grabbed Citizen X’s arm and twisted, pulling him in and driving his head to the mat with the Rip Chord DDT. Rip was back to his feet and soaking in the cheers. It was short lived as Jay recovered and blindsided his father. With Rip reeling Jay took a step back and came charging forward with a leaping forearm that rocked the elder Chord. Jay came towards his father and lifted a boot to the stomach, setting him up for the Cradle Piledriver. Aaron Fujita broke it up, bringing Jay’s attention to him. As they battled it out Jay went to the eyes again and took the opportunity to set Fujita up for the Cradle Piledriver. He hit it bringing a chorus of boos from the fans. As Jay stood and turned around, he was met with a stiff right hand from his father. Rip reached out and grabbed Jay’s hand. He twisted the arm and pulled him in, driving his son’s head to the mat with a Rip Chord DDT. Rip hooked the leg and Jay Fair came in as the crowd counted along.




Winners: Rip Chord and Aaron Fujita

Rating: C- (57)


After the match, Rip and Aaron hugged in the center of the ring and celebrated the victory. Suddenly, Aaron went down with a chair shot to the back from Jay Chord. Rip turned around, only to be met with the steel being brought down on his skull. The crowd booed loudly as Jay dropped the chair and lifted his father back up. He added the final point on his statement by driving his father’s head onto the chair with the Cradle Piledriver before staring down at him mouthing the words “This isn’t over.”

Rating: D (43)



RCI 2011 Championship Match


Frankie Perez vs. Darryl Devine

The crowd was in great anticipation for the finals of the 2011 Rip Chord Invitational. Frankie and Darryl squared off, feeling each other out at first. Frankie and Darryl were very evenly matched with Darryl holding a slight advantage when the match went to the mat and Frankie getting ahead when the two came to blows. At the five minute mark the pace began to quicken. Frankie took control with a series of impact moves and strikes. Frankie controlled the majority of the next few minutes, continuously wearing Devine down in preparation for his signature moves. As the ten minute mark closed in Frankie continued his control with a series or right hands and forearms followed by a discus lariat that levels Darryl Devine. Frankie Covers and the crowd counts along with Jay Fair.




Frankie lifts Darryl back to his feet following the believable nearfall. Frankie lifts Devine up for the Perfect Parity, but Darryl slipped out and hit the ropes. Before Frankie could turn around Devine landed a vicious lariat to the back of the head. With both men down Jay Fair began his count of ten. The crowd began chanting Frankie’s name as both men remained on the mat. As Jay Fair counted six they began to stir. At eight they were using the ropes to pull themselves up. The count halted and both men met in the center of the ring. They exchanged blows until Frankie finally hit two consecutive forearms. Darryl answered back by swinging as hard as he could with a forearm of his own. Frankie shrugged the blow off and landed a headbutt that sent a sickening thunk reverberating throughout the arena. Frankie hooked Darryl’s head, looking for his Perfect Parity; the small package driver. The crowd exploded as he landed the move and Jay Fair slid in for the count.



Perez runs his hands through his hair with a look of disbelief on his face. He stands and lifts Devine back to his feet before sending him into the buckle hard. Frankie preps himself and takes off, running towards the corner. As he gets there, Darryl lifts his leg up and lands a boot right to Frankie’s face. Frankie stumbles backward out of the corner and Devine shakes the cobwebs out. Darryl approaches Frankie from behind and latches his arms before dumping him on his head with a Dragon Suplex. Frankie rolls right back up to his feet where Darryl meets him with a boot to the stomach and sets him up for the Devine Dream Drop. Perez wiggles free and spins out of the move. As Darryl turns back to face him, Frankie fires a right hand that Devine blocks. A boot to the gut leaves the men right back where they were a few moments prior. Devine wastes no time latching onto Frankie once more and driving him down with the Devine Dream Drop. Darryl rolls Frankie over and hooks his leg as Jay Fair comes in for the count.





The crowd goes nuts as Frankie lifts his shoulder off the mat. Devine is irate as he gets to his feet and reaches down to pick Frankie back up. Darryl goes on a mean streak, landing strike after strike. Devine continues the attack, sending Perez into the corner. Devine charges forward and leaps, landing a forearm in the process. Perez stumbles from the corner, right into the waiting clutches of Darryl Devine. Devine latches on a full nelson and lifts Frankie up and over, dumping him on his head. Frankie rolls right back to his feet, waving his finger in a manner that says “no.” Having got his arms up to protect his head, Frankie lifts a boot into Devine’s stomach as he turns and hooks his head. In one fluid motion Frankie lifts Darryl up and drives his head into the mat with the Perfect Parity. Again the crowd is cheering their heads off as Frankie holds on for the pin attempt and Jay Fair slides in.


ONE! TWO! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Winner: Frankie Perez

Rating: D+ (48)



Mid Atlantic Championship


Casey Valentine vs. American Patriot ©

The crowd remained loud after the previous match as these two men stared each other down at the beginning of the match. Casey used his superior technical skills to gain an early advantage by trapping Patriot in a series of holds. Patriot did his best by countering out of the holds, but even at Casey’s young age he was a solid mat technician. As they eclipsed the five minute mark Valentine lifted the challenger to his feet and took the match to a whole new level; strikes. Casey fired a knife-edge chop and backed Patriot into the corner. Valentine headed for the opposite side of the ring and came charging, landing a tumbleweed. As Patriot stumbled from the corner, Casey took him down with a clothesline and covered, getting two. Valentine controlled the next couple of minutes until he came off the top rope, looking for a dragonrana. Patriot caught him on his shoulders, turned and charged for the opposite corner. The champ slammed his challenger down with a turnbuckle powerbomb and followed it up with a superkick to get a two count from Jay Fair. Patriot lifted Casey up and went of the offensive with a series of hard right hands and impact moves that began to where his opponent down. As they closed in on the ten minute mark he was still in control of the match, slowly wearing Valentine down with a few submission holds. Valentine wiggled free of a single leg crab and came back looking for a step-up enziguri. Patriot ducked it and Valentine face-planted. As Casey stood up Patriot hit the ropes to gain some speed and landed a sickening lariat to the back of his stooped over opponents head. The champ went for the cover as Jay Fair slid in.




Valentine lifted his shoulder at two and a half. Patriot picked his challenger back up and backed him into the corner with a few open handed slaps to the bare chest. Once there he landed a quick flurry of forearms before lifting Casey to a sitting position on the top rope. Patriot climbed to the second rope and grabbed a front facelock, looking for a superplex. Casey landed a few kidney shots to stop his momentum and then stood up on the top rope. He prepared himself and leapt over Patriot, slamming him to the mat with a sunset bomb. As Patriot crashed to the mat, Valentine scrambled over and hooked the leg.



The Mid Atlantic Champion kicked out at two and a half. Valentine got right back up and hit the ropes, coming back with a back senton on his grounded opponent. He covered again and got another two count. Casey was beginning to get a bit more irate now as he stood up and began laying stomp after stomp to the back of Patriot’s head. The match was approaching the fifteen minute mark as Casey lifted his opponent up to his feet. Patriot pushed Valentine’s hands away from his head and went nuts landing right hand after right hand. Patriot yelled and hit the ropes. When he rebounded, Casey lifted his boot into the air and connected with the champ’s face. Patriot spun around, but had the fighting spirit in him as he spun back around and nearly decapitated the challenger with a lariat. Instead of going for the pin, Patriot lifted Valentine to his feet and doubled him over, looking for the Inverted Piledriver. He hit it and scrambled over for the cover as Jay Fair slid in.



Patriot couldn’t believe that Casey Valentine had just kicked out of the move. The champion stood and landed a few forearms before sending him into the corner with a whip. Patriot went to the opposite corner and came charging, lifting his boot into the air and practically erasing Valentine’s face with the Yakuza kick. The champ backed away, stalking his opponent as Casey staggered from the corner. With his back turned, Valentine fell right into the clutches of the champion, who ducked under the arm and lifted him up for the Backdrop Driver. Valentine went up and over, flipping to his feet behind Patriot. As The champion turned around, Valentine planted a foot on his leg and hit a stiff step-up enziguri that rocked Patriot. Casey got right back to his feet and lifted Patriot onto his shoulders in a torture rack position. The crowd gasped as Valentine pushed Patriot’s legs into the air and drove his head into the mat with his Burning Hammer-esque Deep Impact. Valentine crawled over and hooked both legs as Jay Fair slid in.



Winner: Casey Valentine (New Champion)

Rating: C (65)


Overall Rating: C- (55)


Prediction Standings (After 1 Event)


1. Dragonmack (8)

2. Codey (6)

3. Pyroman (3) (

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Aaaarrrgggghhhhh!!!!! I missed a great show but have to get the nursery done...


Wrestler of the Night: Even though the grades don't show it, Frankie Perez


Match of the Night: Valentine taking the strap from Patriot


Moment of the Night: Rip getting the victory over Jay


Thoughts: A well booked show that is befitting of the RCI.

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First off, I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day. I was going to get this posted last night, but the F key and the spacebar on my computer broke. I had to scrounge around the basement to find an old keyboard to attach to my laptop. Anyhoo, here's today's post.




It was kind of funny to walk into Rip’s office for our monthly meeting and see the old man limping for a change. He had done a great job in our match at the RCI, but he sure was feeling it a few days later. He sat down in front of his computer and sighed.


Aaron: You a little stiff this morning, Rip?


Rip: Kid, I’ve got pain in places I forgot could hurt. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


I smiled and turned my attention to getting my notes out.


Aaron: The RCI was hugely successful. We had our highest attendance to date, it nearly topped Proving Ground for our best show ever and we made nearly six grand in the process.


When I looked back up to hand Rip all of the documents I had prepared he was beaming from ear to ear. It was still hard for me to pin-point what pleased him more; making money or pleasing the fans. Until I’m convinced otherwise, I’ll stick with making money.


Rip: You said you were going to have some plans for Where It All Begins Again today. You got them, Kid?


I nodded.


Aaron: Page six. Three matches for sure that I’m going to build towards.


Rip looked them over and nodded.


Rip: I just want to tell you how proud I am of you, kid. You’re doing a fantastic job.


I smiled.


Aaron: Thanks, Rip. It means a lot to hear you say that.


Rip: Now, you still need to work on getting Jay over. I don’t think the fans see him as a credible threat.


Aaron: I know Rip. I thought the tag match would give him a boost, but in reality it kind of hurt him. I’ll work on it.


We continued chatting about this and that for another half hour or so. In the end we went over the industry news. Here’s what I gave him.


Industry News and Notes for January 2011



- Both FCW and EWA expanded their fanbase and are now classified as Regional sized promotions. FCW’s growth worries me. If they start running shows on the same days as us, our talent might start choosing them over us.

- Blockbuster, a musclebound brawler, graduated from the DeColt Power House. He is a throwback to the 1980s using punches, clotheslines and rest holds to define his offense. Though I’m guessing that’s about all he can do.

- Ricky Dale Johnson finally came forward and said he had been suffering from some nagging upper back pain. TCW responded by giving him the requested three months off to heal up.

- Known best for his time with DAVE, Travis Century called it quits at the age of 47. Travis was a reliable performer and was able to capture the NYCW Tri-State Regional Title once and the WEXXV Blood Brothers Championships once.

- Another man known for his time in DAVE, JD Morgan hung the boots up at the age of 42. Morgan had a decorated career for someone who never really made it big. He held titles in both Europe and the US which included the DAVE Extreme Title three times, the MOSC UK Championship 4 times and he even ended his career as the PSW National Champion.



- ACPW brought in Frankie Dee and Masked Cougar on PPA deals.

- Eddie Chandler signed on with RIPW under a PPA agreement.

- Rhino Umaga signed with FCW.

Title Changes

- White Angel defeated Mario da Silva to capture the ACPW Canadian Regional Title.

- Bradford Powell defeated Titan to capture the FCW People’s Championship for a second time.

- Darryl Devine parted ways with NYCW, leaving the Tri-State Regional Title vacant.

- Cherry Bomb made an immediate splash in NOTBPW by defeating Melody for the NOTBPW Women’s Title.

- Ash Campbell defeated Primal Rage to capture the vacant PSW National Title to start his second reign.

- Fumihiro Ota defeated Harry Allen to win his first TCW All Action Title.




Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents Wrestling Classic

Friday Week 4 February 2011

Live from the MAW Arena

Doors open: 6 P.M.

Bell Time: 7:30 P.M.


Main Event – Mid Atlantic Championship

Aaron Fujita vs. Casey Valentine ©


American Patriot vs. Citizen X


RCI Rematch

Frankie Perez vs. Darryl Devine


Mid Atlantic Traditional Championship

Kashmir Singh vs. Jacob Jett ©


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships

KC Glenn and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Technicality ©


Also appearing: Jay Chord, Hugh de Aske and more!


Quick Match Listing

Aaron Fujita vs. Casey Valentine ©

American Patriot vs. Citizen X

Frankie Perez vs. Darryl Devine

Kashmir Singh vs. Jacob Jett ©

KC Glenn & El Heroe Mexicano vs. Technicality ©

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Wrestler of the Night: Casey Valentine for ending the year long reighn of American Patriot


Match of the Night: Casey Valentine vs. American Patriot


Moment of the Night: Rip Chord pinning his son


Thoughts: Great show. For some reason I was hoping for a Jefferson Stardust push. Oh well.


Wrestling Classic Predictions:

Aaron Fujita vs. Casey Valentine © By DQ or Countout

American Patriot vs. Citizen X

Frankie Perez vs. Darryl Devine

Kashmir Singh vs. Jacob Jett ©

KC Glenn & El Heroe Mexicano vs. Technicality ©

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Aaron Fujita vs. Casey Valentine © Valentine won't lose here, not on his first defense

American Patriot vs. Citizen X Patriot is more important than X, and you'll reestablish his momentum with this win

Frankie Perez vs. Darryl Devine Darryl's mighty fine, after all

Kashmir Singh vs. Jacob Jett © You had Johnson drop the title for him, it better be a long reign!

KC Glenn & El Heroe Mexicano vs. Technicality © Glenn and Mexicano aren't an established team, I can't see you giving them the straps

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A low murmur enveloped the room. The lights were dim and the atmosphere romantic. Aaron Fujita sat across from Clare South during a candle-lit dinner. They were silent for the moment as they each enjoyed their meals. Clare feasted on a salad all the while Aaron ate a bowl of Fettuccini Alfredo with grilled shrimp mixed in. Suddenly, a low volume version of “Through The Fire and The Flames” by Dragonforce began to play and patrons began to look at Aaron. He held his hand up apologetically as he grabbed for his phone and muted the ringer. He looked at the caller ID, hoping it was nobody important. Taking the call would spoil his and Clare’s romantic night out. When his eyes met the screen his heart sank.


Rip Chord


Aaron: I’m really sorry, babe. I have to take this.


Aaron stood up and answered the phone, asking Rip to hang on a second. Aaron hurried out of the main room and into the lobby where people waited for their reservations. Finally where he wouldn’t disturb many people he pulled the phone to his ear and began to speak.


Aaron: What’s going on Rip? I was going to pop the question tonight, but I don’t think she’s in the mood for it now. She glared at me pretty good as I scurried away to answer my phone.


Aaron paused as he listened to Rip’s voice on the other end of the phone. While he listened he also pulled a small jewelry case from his pocket and opened it, admiring the engagement ring he had chosen for Clare. It was 24k gold with one large diamond in the center and six other small diamonds elsewhere. He snapped the case closed and dropped it back into his pocket.


Aaron: He did what? Damn it all. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll figure something out, but I really have to get back to dinner. I may not be able to propose tonight, but maybe I can still salvage a little romp in the sack when we get home. Later Rip.


Aaron ended the call and promptly shut the phone off before turning back toward the dining area. He weaved his way through the numerous tables filled with patrons and eventually arrived back at his own table. Clare still looked a little disappointed with him as he took his seat and retrieved his napkin from beside his plate.


Clare: Rip?


Aaron nodded before taking a bite of his food. Her gaze turned to a more understanding look now. That was one of Aaron’s favorite qualities. Clare understood the business and in turn understood how fast things can change.


Clare: What did he say?


Aaron: Jacob Jett called him. He signed a developmental deal with SWF.


Clare grimaced as the words came out of Aaron’s mouth.


Clare: He’s going to be gone before the show isn’t he?


Aaron nodded as he began to think. His mind automatically went into booker mode as he tried to figure something out for the Traditional Title.


Aaron: He does this after I rushed him in here and broke Jared Johnson’s heart by telling him he was dropping the belt to a guy making his first appearance. Now the kid can’t even be thought of as a threat for that belt.


Clare: You’ll figure something out honey. You always do. Besides you’ve got plenty of guys who can hold that belt. Remember that new guy you just signed? You had to promise him a title run. Maybe this is the opportunity.


Aaron nodded as he pushed his hand back into his pocket and felt the ring case once more. It just wasn’t right tonight. Soon though. Soon.

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Just wanted to drop in here and give you guys a quick update. Wrestling Classic is almost done, I'm just finishing it up. I'm hoping to have it done and posted either late tonight or early tomorrow. Either way expect a show no later than tomorrow night.



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I have to say thank you for the predictions and comments I have been receiving. I liked what was said after the RCI so we'll do this again:

Wrestler of the Night:


Match of the Night:


Moment of the Night:






Thank goodness there weren’t any problems backstage this month. I was frantically trying to re-write the Traditional Title scene as the show drew nearer. I even asked Clare to leave my office to allow me to concentrate better. Luckily she took no offense to it and happily went to have girl talk with Lisa Bowen. Rip dropped by and approved of my decision for the belt. I was really hoping this guy would stick around. On top of the re-write, I had been working on an apology I could give Jared Johnson. The kid had talent. Talent enough to have carried the Traditional Title for a while and I knew he wouldn’t be going anywhere. Then Jacob Jett came along. Jett was one of the hottest prospects without a major contract. I asked Jared to drop the belt to him and he did so gracefully. Now Jett took his major contract and left us hanging. Oh well. That was the past and this is the now. I had the show written up and ready to go. It was time to mingle with the guys.





Friday Week 4 February 2011

Live from The MAW Arena

Attendance: 491



Announce Team: Marv Earnest Duke Hazzard Rip Chord

Pre Show



Riley McManus vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Lisa Bowen

A short match here. Jefferson dominated the whole match and picked up the victory in four minutes with a Stage Dive.

Winner: Jefferson Stardust

Rating: E+ (32)


Main Show



American Patriot vs. Citizen X

A good crowd to open the show with some decent in-ring action. Citizen X came out of the gate with a flurry of strikes to take an early advantage. X tried to wear Patriot down with numerous holds and strikes. He got several near falls in the first seven or eight minutes of the contest. As they crossed the ten minute mark, American Patriot began to make a comeback by blocking a bit of X’s offense. At the twelve minute mark X attempted a powerbomb but was unable to control the bigger man. Patriot hit the ropes and came back with a sick lariat for a believable near fall. It was all American Patriot from there on out as he hit the Backdrop Driver and picked up the victory in sixteen minutes.

Winner: American Patriot

Rating: D+ (50)



After the match, Patriot asks for a microphone and receives it. The crowd chants his name loudly before he speaks.


Patriot: Thank you all very much. Last month I lost the Mid Atlantic Title. For the first time in nearly two years, my hand wasn’t raised at the end of a title match. I guess Casey Valentine was just the better man that night. Even though I lost that belt, it doesn’t break my spirits. No, it just makes me want to win that belt back even more. You see Casey, you may have come out on top last month, but there will come a time in the near future that I will enact my re-match clause. When that time comes you are going to have to prove to me and all the MAW fans that you are truly better than one of the greatest Mid Atlantic Champions there has ever been.


The crowd cheers loudly as Patriot hands the microphone off and prepares to exit the ring. Suddenly the crowd gets louder as some very familiar music hits the system. A few seconds later the man behind the music pushes through the curtain.




The 2011 RCI champion walks down the entrance way and gives high fives to a few fans before climbing up onto the apron and entering the ring. He receives a microphone from ringside and approaches American Patriot with his hand extended. Patriot accepts as Frankie brings the microphone up to his mouth and begins to talk.


Frankie: Congratulations on your victory over Citizen X. While I do agree that you are one of the greatest Mid Atlantic Champions ever and that you do deserve a return match, I must remind you that by winning the 2011 Rip Chord Invitational I won myself a guaranteed shot at the belt come October. Whether Casey is still the champion or you have regained the belt, I plan on being the Mid Atlantic Champion when the calendar flips to November.


The crowd cheers again as Frankie drops the microphone to the mat and stares face to face with American Patriot. The crowd’s cheers turn to boos quickly as more familiar music plays. All focus goes to the curtain where the first thing that pokes through is the Mid Atlantic Title.




Casey Valentine pushes through the curtain and thrusts the Mid Atlantic Title high into the air. He saunters to the ring with a smirk on his face as he eyeballs the two men standing in the ring. Valentine climbs into the ring and takes a microphone from ringside as he looks across the ring and begins to speak.


Valentine: Boys. Both of the stories you just told are very good, but there is one thing you forgot to mention. Neither of them can be found in the non-fiction section. They are fairytales. This is the real world and everyone knows nobody lives happily ever after. That is, except the villain. You can both dream of being the Mid Atlantic Champion all you want. The fact of the matter is I am better than you Patriot and I could prove it to you night in and night out. Then there’s Frankie Perez. You may have won the Rip Chord Invitational but that is nothing compared to winning the Mid Atlantic Title. Fantasize about it all you want fellas but this belt is on my shoulder and I plan to keep it there for a long time to come.


With that the champion drops the microphone and the three men stare each other down.

Rating: D (46)



Kashmir Singh vs. Rob Reynolds

This match was nothing special. The crowd had an average reaction. Singh held the advantage for the first two minutes, but Reynolds stole control away with an eye rake. He dominated the remainder of the match and picked up the victory in six and a half minutes after a Real Deal Rocker.

Winner: Rob Reynolds

Rating: E+ (32)



As the previous match vacates ringside, Rip Chord climbs into the ring with the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title in hand. He hands the belt over to Jay Fair and turns to address the crowd.


Rip: Just a couple weeks ago I received a call from Jacob Jett. He told me he had signed a developmental deal with that place up north and would be leaving the next day. So here we are with the Traditional Title vacant. I have determined that the belt will be up for grabs next in a one-fall-to-a-finish four corners match. I have specially chosen these four men and they include one making his debut in Mid Atlantic Wrestling tonight. Without any more of a delay, let’s get into the action!

Rating: D (44)



Mid Atlantic Traditional Championship


Barry Kingman vs. Jared Johnson vs. Ace Youngblood vs. Ricky Douglas w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

The match got an average reaction from the crowd despite below par wrestling. The match was fast paced and furious from the get go as Johnson and Kingman fought on the mat. Youngblood and Douglas fought themselves, never wandering more than a few feet from the other action. Johnson locked Kingman in a single-leg crab at the four minute mark but Douglas was right there to rip him away. Douglas quickly planted the former champ with a DDT and got a two count before Ace Youngblood broke the pin. Ace hit an Ace Crusher on Douglas that netted him a two count before MAW newcomer Barry Kingman broke the pin. As Kingman set Youngblood up for a powerbomb, Jared Johnson was back up and the two of them began trading blows in the center of the ring. Johnson attempted to lock Kingman in the Carolina Crossface but Kingman avoided it and set Johnson up. Kingman lifted Jared into a powerbomb position and ran across the ring, planting him with the sit-out powerbomb he called the Black Out. Jay Fair counted the 3 and Kingman became the new Traditional Champion.

Winner: Barry Kingman (New Champion)

Rating: D- (36)



Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships


KC Glenn and El Heroe Mexicano vs. Technicality ©

The champions held firm control in this match, which had good action and average crowd reaction. Jameson and Gauge kept each other fresh by using frequent tags. At the four minute mark the challengers made a small comeback, hitting a series of fast paced double team moves that got them a few believable near falls. The champions took control back and attempted a few double team moves, but one resulted in KC Glenn getting out of the way, causing Kirk Jameson to level Greg Gauge with a lariat. The champions argued momentarily but got their act together. As the match approached the six minute mark Jameson lined El Heroe Mexicano up and nailed him the superkick he calls the Bullseye to pick up the victory.

Winners: Technicality

Rating: D+ (51)



Jay Chord’s music hits and the crowd’s boos reverberate off the walls of the MAW Arena. He pushes through the curtain and basks in the jeers laid upon him. He slowly makes his way to the ring where he mouths off to his father on commentary. Jay grabs a microphone from ringside and climbs into the squared circle.


Jay: I’m not going to beat around the bush. My father sat back and let Aaron Fujita do all the work last month. Then dear old Dad was there to reap all the benefits by pinning me. I cannot believe that a man as gutless as that is the man who owns and operates this company. In due time though I will be in control of MAW. After all I, the only son of the “legendary” Rip Chord and therefore the heir to his throne. Rip, get into this ring and admit you are a coward.


Rip simply shakes his head no and remains at the announce table.


Jay: Fine, have it your way.

Rating: D (44)



Hugh de Aske vs. Jay Chord w/ Clare South

Jay controlled the majority of this match that had good action and a good crowd. Jay had a mean streak in him tonight and was abusing the pirate with it. Jay used strike after strike to physically wear down his opponent. Jay seemed uninterested in the victory initially, never attempting a pinfall in the first eight minutes. It was just the opening that Hugh needed to make a comeback. The crowd got behind him and cheered loudly as he began to put Chord on the ropes. Hugh gave it everything he had before setting Chord up for the Cut-Throat Driver. Jay slipped free and caught Hugh with a vicious lariat. Jay was back in control at the thirteen minute mark. Jay planted Hugh with a Cradle Piledriver and went for the cover, but lifted his opponent’s shoulders off the mat before the count of three. The crowd booed loudly as Jay picked up the pirate and pointed towards his father at ringside. Jay planted a boot into the gut of Hugh de Aske and dropped him with a Rip Chord DDT. Jay hooked the leg and got the three count from Jay Fair.

Winner: Jay Chord

Rating: D+ (49)



Jay snatches a microphone up from ringside and walks to the center of the ring where Hugh lays motionless. Jay throws random boots to Hugh’s body as he stares down at his father.


Jay: The crowd may boo me, but this is all on your hands, Rip. Hugh didn’t have to experience this, but you made it happen. Because you wouldn’t get into this ring and face me like a man, the pirate had to suffer. From this moment on I am no longer responsible for my actions. My dear father is.


Jay lifts Hugh to his feet and launches him over the top rope to the floor below.

Rating: D- (40)


RCI Rematch


Frankie Perez vs. Darryl Devine

These two picked up right where they left off last month with a very back and forth match. Neither man was able to gain a clear advantage for the opening five minutes. Every time one man would hit a move to shift momentum, the other would come right back and put the match back to even. As they crossed the seven minute mark the pace began to quicken and the strikes started to stiffen. As the match went to brawling, Frankie was able to emerge with a clear advantage, landing several forearms that rocked The Divine One. Frankie began to methodically break Darryl down using numerous impact moves to weaken his upper body. Frankie hit a brainbuster that got him a two count before Devine got the shoulder up. Darryl tried to make a comeback by ducking a clothesline and shooting one of his own, but Frankie ducked his attempt as well and nearly decapitated him with a superkick as Darryl was running towards him. Frankie covered again but Darryl was able to lift the shoulder at two and a half. Frankie went right back to work, landing numerous European uppercuts and other strikes. Frankie spun around, looking for a discus lariat, but Devine ducked the attempt and surprised Perez with an Ace Crusher. Devine scrambled to cover Frankie, but only got a two count. Devine stood up as they eclipsed the thirteen minute mark and went to work on Perez. Darryl hit numerous impact combinations including a set of three German suplexes followed by a Dragon suplex that got him a believable near fall. As they inched closer to the fifteen minute mark Devine landed a boot to the gut and set Frankie up for the Devine Dream Drop. Devine struggled to gain complete control, allowing Perez to slip out and land a step-up enziguri that left The Divine One reeling. Frankie snatches Devien up and planted him with his small package driver he called the Perfect Parity to get the three count and repeat his victory over Devine one month ago.

Winner: Frankie Perez

Rating: C (60)



Mid Atlantic Championship


Aaron Fujita vs. Casey Valentine ©

Aaron and Casey began the match by putting on an absolute clinic on the mat. The feeling out process in this match lasted nearly ten minutes as each man attempted numerous holds. The crowd was really into the exchange. As they crossed that ten minute mark, Fujita started to quicken the pace using arm drags and hip tosses to get Valentine off balance. Casey slid out of the ring after a fourth consecutive arm drag to regain his composure, but Fujita wasn’t about to allow him the time. Aaron hit the ropes and came over the top rope with a senton plancha that left both men four or five rows deep in the crowd. The fans chanted “MAW” loudly as Fujita got to his feet and led Valentine back to the ring where he got a two count. Aaron kept the heat on, lifting Valentine up and wearing him down with a series of strikes and pinfall attempts. Aaron miscalculated at the fifteen minute mark and Valentine got a boot up in the corner to halt his momentum. The newly crowned champion made his comeback and began to work over Aaron at every turn. Valentine made his opponent run constantly trying to drain the gas tank as quickly as possible. A short-arm clothesline from Casey sent Fujita crashing to the mat for a two count. Valentine lifted his challenger back to his feet and continued to dominate the match as they entered the twentieth minute. Valentine held control until they reached the twenty-five minute mark when he tried to send Aaron into the corner. Aaron reversed the whip and sent Valentine in instead. He charged forward, but Casey lifted his boot up and stunned the challenger momentarily allowing the champion to latch both arms. Casey lifted upwards and planted Fujita with a double underhook piledriver. Jay Fair slid into position and the crowd chanted along.




Casey was beside himself after Fujita got the shoulder up. The champion went right back on the attack, lifting Aaron up and backing him into the corner with a few knife-edge chops. Casey tried to send Fujita into the ropes but when he came back, Aaron leveled the champion with a back elbow. With both men down, Jay Fair started his count of ten. At six they both began to stir. By the count of eight Aaron was the first to his feet, much to the joy of the crowd. He charged Valentine and began to rock him with forearm after forearm. Finally they ceased and Fujita sent his opponent into the buckle hard before retreating to the opposite corner. Aaron came charging across the ring and nearly erased Valentine’s face with a Yakuza kick. As Valentine stumbled from the corner Fujita latched onto a full nelson and dumped the champion onto his head with the suplex. Casey rolled right to his feet and was met with a packaged piledriver from the challenger. Aaron hooked both legs in the center of the ring as Jay Fair got into position.




The fans, along with Fujita, were in awe as Valentine kicked out following the two moves. Aaron took a moment to catch his breath as the match entered it’s twenty-ninth minute. Aaron hit a few right hands followed by a headbutt before spinning around and nailing a roaring palm strike. With Valentine now spun around, back to Fujita, Aaron looked for the QG Theory. As he lifted the Mid Atlantic Champion into the air, Casey floated over and landed behind Aaron. As the challenger turned Casey lifted a boot to the stomach. He lifted Aaron onto his shoulders in a torture rack position. In one swift motion he pushed Aaron’s legs into the air and fell, driving his head into the mat with the Burning Hammer he called the Deep Impact. The champion crawled to the center of the ring and hooked both legs as Jay Fair got into position.





Winner: Casey Valentine

Rating: C+ (69)


Overall Rating: C- (59)


Prediction Standings (After 2 Events)


1. Codey (9)

2. Dragonmack (8)

3. Pyroman (6)

4. Emark (4)

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Wrestler of the Night: Frankie Perez


Match of the Night: Fujita -v- Valentine


Moment of the Night: Perez and Patriot face off


Thoughts: Another good show. Hopefully you can get Jay Chord moving in the right direction on momentum to keep your job.

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I entered Rip’s office for our meeting to the usual scene; Rip sitting at his computer playing solitaire. He quickly exited out of the game as I sat down and sifted through my bag for the note packet. I got two out, handed him one and flipped to the first page; the financial statement.


Rip: Nice, kid. You made us another four grand in February.


I nodded and smiled as he flipped to the second page; an overview of the state of the industry and economy. The economy was in the 70th percentile and still falling it seemed while the wrestling industry was only at about 23% of full strength. The economy was nice right where it was, strong enough to allow fans to continue to come to our shows, but weak enough that contracts wouldn’t be inflated anymore. The wrestling industry however was at its lowest point in a while. Interest was still dropping off too.


Aaron: I hope the industry turns around soon. We could find ourselves wrestling in front of nobody.


Rip didn’t laugh at my joke. He just glared in my direction and flipped to the third page of the packet; creative ideas. There wasn’t much to go over here except for a long term plan for one of our biggest stars. I just hoped he’d stick around long enough for it to go down.


Rip: I really like this idea, kid. It brings emotion into the equation. It’s good. Real good. Think it can be pulled off?


I nodded.


Aaron: It’ll take some time. I’m guessing having it culminate at the RCI 2013 and completely finish at the big one that year. The good thing is, it’ll allow a few shake ups elsewhere on the roster as well to get prepared for the final match.


Rip nodded his approval and flipped to the next page; business ideas. I knew he’d have something to say here so I cut him off before he could.


Aaron: Hear me out on this Rip. Our younger guys lower down the card aren’t really getting the time they need to blossom. All I’m suggesting is to give me a month or two to try this out. We’ll promote our monthly show more, leave it at two hours and put in a show two weeks into the month that features just the younger guys for say an hour. If we lose too much money, we’ll cut it.


Rip went deep into thought for a few moments. He rubbed his brow and sighed. Finally he caved.


Rip: Okay, kid. But if we lose money, it’s done. Got it?


I nodded my head and we continued the meeting. It was time to go over the news and notes from February and discuss the card for our next show. Here’s what the notes looked like.

Industry News from February 2011



- NOTBPW expanded their product and are now classified as an International promotion.

- MAW alumni Findlay O’Farraday surprised the wrestling world as he became recognized as the founder of the Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation. He promptly hired on Alysian Scottsfield as his head booker. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes.

- A young man by the name of Simon Ice debuted in the business. He is from the UK, but hopes to work in the US at some point. Simon combines good technical ability with the high-flying style that is so popular on the US independents. It’s a nice combination that makes him an exciting worker, but his consistency is something to be desired. I thought about taking a chance on him, but his inconsistency is something I can’t gamble on.


- NOTBPW was busy filling out their roster following their recent growth as they signed the following workers: Art Reed, Tamara McFly, Mainstream Hernandez, Joey Poison, Steve Flash, Ryan Holland and Art Lawson.

- Donnie J signed a PPA deal with FCW.

- Trent Shaffer signed a PPA deal with CZCW.


Title Changes

- The Sensational Singh and Lassana Makutsi finally captured the vacant RIPW Tag Team Titles.

- James Justice defeated Enygma to begin his second reign as USPW World Champion.



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The night was off to a good start. When I walked into the dressing room, Ace Youngblood had all the boys laughing with some funny road stories. It was nice, because it broke my nerves. I was a wreck about how the night would turn out. This put me at ease as I set the butterflies aside and concentrated on having a good time.


MAW presents Thursday Night Thriller

Thursday Week 2 March 2011

Live from the MAW Arena

Attendance: 477


Kirk Jameson vs. Jefferson Stardust w/ Lisa Bowen

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jefferson Stardust defeated Kirk Jameson in 8:27 by pinfall with a Stage Dive.

Winner: Jefferson Stardust

Rating: D- (40)


El Heroe Mexicano vs. Ricky Douglas w/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume

Ricky Douglas defeated El Héroe Mexicano in 4:44 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

Winner: Ricky Douglas

Rating: D+ (51)

KC Glenn vs. Syd Collier

KC Glenn defeated Syd Collier in 4:20 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band.

Winner: KC Glenn

Rating: D (45)

Kashmir Singh vs. Rob Reynolds

In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Kashmir Singh defeated Rob Reynolds in 6:49 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter.

Winner: Kashmir Singh

Rating: E+ (32)


Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Jared Johnson vs. Barry Kingman ©

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Barry Kingman defeated Jared Johnson in 8:38 by pinfall with a Black Out. Barry Kingman makes defence number 1 of his Mid Atlantic Traditional title.

Winner: Barry Kingman

Rating: D (42)


Aaron Fujita vs. Greg Gauge

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Aaron Fujita defeated Greg Gauge in 14:40 by pinfall with a Quasi-Geostrophic Theory.

Winner: Aaron Fujita

Rating: C- (57)

Overall Rating: D+ (52)

Our young guys really stepped it up a notch tonight and put on a much better show that I thought. If this continues, we should have no problem sticking with this schedule.



Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents Super Showdown

Friday Week 4 March 2011

Live from The MAW Arena

Doors Open: 6 P.M.

Bell Time: 7:30 P.M.

Main Event – Mid Atlantic Championship

Greg Gauge vs. Casey Valentine ©


Aaron Fujita vs. Jay Chord


American Patriot vs. Frankie Perez


Hugh de Aske vs. Citizen X


Mid Atlantic Traditional Championship

KC Glenn vs. Barry Kingman ©


Quick Match Listing

Greg Gauge vs. Casey Valentine ©

Aaron Fujita vs. Jay Chord

American Patriot vs. Frankie Perez

Hugh de Aske vs. Citizen X

KC Glenn vs. Barry Kingman ©

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Greg Gauge vs. Casey Valentine ©

Aaron Fujita vs. Jay Chord

American Patriot vs. Frankie Perez

Hugh de Aske vs. Citizen X

KC Glenn vs. Barry Kingman ©

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