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NOW (RW 0/0/0 promotion, 2002)

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This month:
Zergon 5/5
Nobby McDonald 4/5
The Final Countdown 3/5
1234 2/5
rjhabeeb 2/5

Prediction Contest (After 2 shows):
Nobby McDonald 9/11
Zergon 9/11
1234 6/11
The Final Countdown 6/11
rjhabeeb 2/5


Quite a difficult month this time around, with a number of matches that could have gone either way. So well done to Zergon for getting all 5 :)


Just a quick not about the Colon/Storm match , which in particular seemed to catch people off guard. The main reason I gave Storm the tainted win was that I was planning a small storyline between the two, but the poor match rating has put me off that particular idea.

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<p><strong>November Overview</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWE</span></strong></p><p>

CM Punk and Sara Del Rey were both called up from development this month.</p><p> </p><p>

Big Event: WWE Survivor Series (83 B) Buy Rate: 6.86</p><p>

Main Event & Best Match: Big Show, Kane, Kurt Angle & Stone Cold Steve Austin bt The Undertaker, Triple H, Scott Hall and Booker T</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TNA</span></strong></p><p>

Just one contract extension for TNA this month, as NOSAWA extended his deal with the company.</p><p> </p><p>

Big Event: TNA Trompe Le Monde (78 B) Buy Rate: 0.02</p><p>

Main Event: Ken Shamrock & Juventud Guerrera bt Rey Mysterio & Ron Killings</p><p>

Best Match: Jeff Jarrett bt AJ Styles to retain the TNA Big Gold Belt</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">ROH</span></strong></p><p>

Mike Tenay, The Amazing Red, CW Anderson, Xavier and Scoot Andrews all received extensions to their current deals.</p><p> </p><p>

Big Event: ROH All Star Extravaganza (66 C+)</p><p>

Main Event: Homicide bt Steve Corinio</p><p>

Best Match: AJ Styles bt Spanky</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Marcus’ view:</em></p><p>

WWE: More call ups for the WWE this month, however this month they have called up two good wrestlers. I tried to get CM Punk to NOW, but he rejected us to join OVW. Looks like he has impressed there, and I look forward to seeing how he gets on in ‘the big leagues’. Sara Del Rey is another good wrestler, who is something different from the usual ‘Diva’. Will be interesting to see if she can get over.</p><p> </p><p>

TNA: So... Jarrett vs Styles again? That’s the third time in four months! AJ’s a good wrestler, but TNA needs to either give him the title, or, if Jarrett won’t give it up, find a new challenger. Their shows are becoming repetitive, and they need to fix that. </p><p> </p><p>

Having said that, this was a good PPV for TNA. So maybe I’m being a little harsh?</p><p> </p><p>

ROH: An odd event from ROH. Whoever booked it didn’t do a great job, as the Main Event was only the 4th best match on card. There were two matches on the card that were substantially better than the Main Event, and both were early in the card. Odd.</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">NOW: The New Order has Arrived</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Chris Hero vs Austin Aries</strong></p><p>

Austin Aries once again finds himself in the Main Event this month, after picking up a huge victory in last month’s Main Event against Paul London. Aries has been on a huge wave of momentum recently, and will be looking to continue that here. Chris Hero has spent the last few months trying to deal with Abyss. Can Hero get back on track in this month’s Main Event?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Paul London vs James Storm</strong></p><p>

James Storm picked up a big win last week over Carlito, even if it was in dubious circumstances. London on the other hand will be looking to bounce back from his loss to Austin Aries in last month’s Main Event. Will London be able to bounce back, or will Storm’s beer bottle come into play once again?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Delirious vs Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong</strong></p><p>

This should be an action packed match between four high flying, risk taking competitors. Roderick Strong was the only man of the four to pick up a win last month, but the rest of the competitors will be looking to put that right tonight. Whoever wins, this should be a fun match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Harry Smith vs Carly Colon</strong></p><p>

This match will see both men trying to recover from a difficult show last month. Harry Smith’s debut saw him go up against Abyss, who destroyed the youngster despite Smith’s best efforts. Colon’s match on the other hand ended with Colon being struck round the head with a beer bottle. Both men will be hoping for a slightly better showing this month.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matt Sydal vs Abyss</strong></p><p>

Matt Sydal demanded a title match against Nigel McGuinness, and McGuinness agreed to give him one... IF Sydal could defeat Abyss. Abyss has been running riot through the NOW roster, first with the backstage attacks and since debuting in-ring he has dominated everyone put in front of him. Can Matt Sydal overcome ‘The Monster’ and earn a shot at the NOW Championship?</p><p> </p><p>

Quick Picks:</p><p>

Matt Sydal vs Abyss</p><p>

Harry Smith vs Carly Colon</p><p>

Delirious vs Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong</p><p>

Paul London vs James Storm</p><p>

Chris Hero vs Austin Aries</p>

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<p><strong>Matt Sydal </strong>vs Abyss</p><p>

<em>Sydal wins via DQ allowing him to get a title shot while Abyss can still look strong</em></p><p> </p><p>

Harry Smith vs <strong>Carly Colon</strong></p><p>

<em>Colon gets the win over newcomer</em></p><p> </p><p>

Delirious vs Jack Evans vs <strong>Sonjay Dutt </strong>vs Roderick Strong</p><p>

<em>Strong probably takes this one but i´m going to play favorites here</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Paul London</strong> vs James Storm</p><p>

<em>London is likely getting another title shot sooner or later while Storm isn´t going anywhere until face gets the belt.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Hero </strong>vs Austin Aries</p><p>

<em>You need another challenger after Sydal and since London had his shot already Hero looks like the best option left so he wins here possibly via DQ if Abyss comes to play with him again.</em></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Matt Sydal</span></strong> vs Abyss</p><p>

Sydal winning works more.</p><p> </p><p>

Harry Smith vs <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Carly Colon</span></strong></p><p>

Make "Legacy" out of these two soon...but Colon wins tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

Delirious vs Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt vs <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Roderick Strong</span></strong></p><p>

Delirious will probably win, but I like Strong.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Paul London</span></strong> vs James Storm</p><p>

Needs momentum.</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Hero vs <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Austin Aries</span></strong></p><p>

Aries has been winning...alot.</p>

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Note: All backstage segments would be DVD release only. I’m thinking as a small local promotion, we’re not going to have a jumbo titan-tron or whatever TNA/WWE have. So it makes more sense just to have them as ‘extras’ for the DVD release of the event (at least in my head...)

NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Week 4 December 2002

LA Fitness – Los Angeles

Attendance: 43


Carly Colon vs Harry Smith


Both men came into this match looking to improve on poor results at last month’s show. Unfortunately this was an awful match, which was completely devoid of heat. Both men showed inconsistencies in their performances, and it took away from their performances.


Carly Colon took the early initiative in this match, controlling his younger opponent for a long period. Colon was able to hit moves such as a DDT, a Hurricarana and a Running Knee Lift. Colon also almost picked up the victory with a nice Swinging Neckbreaker.


After taking a large period of offense, Smith was finally able to get into the match when he reversed an attempted Springboard Moonsault from Colon into a Running Powerslam. Smith immediately went for the cover, but was only able to get a two count. Smith kept the pressure on Colon with a delayed Vertical Suplex, which earned him another near fall. As Smith went to pick Colon up from the canvas, Colon gave Smith a thumb to the eye and hit the Cool Breaker for the win.


Carly Colon defeated Harry Smith in 6:33 by pinfall with a Cool Breaker. (33 E+)


Nigel McGuinness makes his way down to the announce table to a chorus of boos from the crowd, it appears that McGuinness will be on commentary for the upcoming match between Abyss and Matt Sydal.


JB: “Welcome to the broadcast table Nigel, may I ask why you’ve joined us tonight?”


McGuinness: “You shouldn’t worry your small mind with why I’m here JB, you should just be grateful that you have been graced with the presence of someone as great as myself.”


Val: “It’s great to have you out here champ.”


McGuinness: “Thank you Val. I’ve come out here tonight to see my plan come to fruition. I want an up close and personal view of Matt Sydal being destroyed by Abyss.”


JB: “Abyss has certainly been impressive up to this point.”


McGuinness: “Well obviously you moron. Why else would I have picked him as Matt Sydal’s opponent tonight?”


JB: “It’s been suggested that you don’t want to face Matt Sydal, and are hiding behind Abyss.... not by me! It’d just what I heard.”


McGuinness: “Look JB, Nigel McGuinness isn’t scared of anyone, but if Matt Sydal wants a shot at this prestigious NOW Championship he has to earn it. Only the best should be able to challenge for my belt, and if Matt Sydal can’t win tonight... well, he’s obviously not ready to step into the ring with myself.”


(28 E)


Abyss vs Matt Sydal


As Sydal made his way to the ring, he noticed McGuinness at the announce desk. He looked slightly put out, but slowly regained his composure. The match itself had some solid in-ring action, but lacked crowd heat. Matt Sydal started the match trying to keep distance between himself and the much larger Abyss, and trying to pick his spots. This worked briefly but Abyss was eventually able to get his hands on Sydal, and began to dominate his smaller opponent; much to the delight of Nigel McGuinness at the announce desk.


Abyss landed a number of high impact moves on Sydal, including a Big Boot, a Sidewalk Slam and a Chokeslam. However, the Monster chose not to go for covers, seemingly intent on destroying his opponent. Nigel McGuinness was gloating on commentary, claiming this match proved Sydal was unworthy of a NOW Championship shot. Abyss continued to dominate the match, whipping Sydal to the corner and delivering a number of open hand chops to Sydals chest.


Abyss then whipped Sydal to the ropes, presumably for a Black Hole Slam, but Sydal was able to use his momentum to springboard back toward Abyss. However, the big man merely swatted Sydal away, unintentionally straight into the referee. Abyss continued to beat on Sydal, seemingly unphased by the fact he had just knocked the referee out.


However the complexion of the match changed as Chris Hero came charging out of the crowd, and hit the Hero’s Welcome to an unaware Abyss. McGuinness leapt up from the announce desk to confront Hero, but was met with a Somersault Plancha over the top rope from Hero. In the ring, Sydal slowly pulled himself to his feet and climbed to the top rope. He then hit the Shooting Star Press, just as the referee began to stir. An exhausted Sydal crawled into the cover, and the referee counted the three. This meant that Matt Sydal would meet Nigel McGuinness for the NOW Championship next month.


Matt Sydal defeated Abyss in 7:42 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. (44 D)


After the match a furious Nigel McGuinness stormed back to the announce table to make an announcement.


“If Matt Sydal thinks he’s outsmarted Nigel McGuinness he’s got another thing coming! I’ve got more than one trick up my sleeve... just you wait until next week!”


An irate McGuinness then grabbed his belt and made his way to the back. Kicking the advertising boards on his way for good measure.


Delirious vs Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt vs Roderick Strong


A fun four way match here to mix things up. This was basically a spot fest, which was designed to really show off these guys high flying skills. The match had some solid in-ring action, but not much in the way of heat. A couple of guys struggled with inconsistencies and blew a spot or two, but this didn’t hurt the match too much.


The match itself was very high paced, and frequently spilled out of the ring to allow for some innovative spots. One of the major spots of the match involved Sonjay Dutt hitting a double springboard Moonsault to the outside on Roderick Strong. Another spot involved Roderick Strong having Sonjay Dutt in position for a Backbreaker Rack, and Jack Evans hitting a Double Foot Stomp on Dutt from the top rope.


The finish to the match came after Roderick Strong had thrown both Evans and Dutt to the outside, leaving just himself and a downed Delirious in the ring. Strong stalked Delirious, before going for a Big Boot. However, Delirious was able to grab hold of Strong’s boot and set him up for the Bizarro Driver. Delirious hit the move, and was able to get the pin.


Delirious defeated Jack Evans, Roderick Strong and Sonjay Dutt in 6:37 when Delirious defeated Roderick Strong by pinfall. (46 D)


Paul London vs James Storm


This match had some solid in-ring action, but not much in the way of crowd heat. James Storm looked to take control of the match early on with a big Clothesline and a series of clubbing blows to London’s back. Storm kept the pressure on London with a DDT, but got caught as London was able to duck under a Storm Clothesline attempt and use his momentum to hit a Springboard Diving Crossbody.


London then raised the pace of the match, hitting moves including a Dragon Suplex, a Frankensteiner and a Northern Lights Suplex which earned him a two count. Storm then fought back into the match with a Running Knee Strike that caught London off guard. The two then began to trade blows in the middle of the ring, with Storm eventually gaining the upper hand. Storm was then able to hit a Double Knee Backbreaker, which left London sprawling in pain on the mat.


Storm got himself into position and waited for London to get up, before attempting a Last Call Superkick. London showed good agility to dodge under the Superkick attempt, before snapping off a Superkick of his own. The Superkick connected, and London sensed his opportunity and went to the top rope. From there London was able to hit the London Calling, and seal the victory.


Paul London defeated James Storm in 7:15 by pinfall with a London Calling. (48 D+)


Chris Hero vs Austin Aries


The Main Event for the night was a match that had a good crowd and good action. Unfortunately, both men struggled with their Psychology. The match started with Austin Aries taking the early initiative. Aries hit a series of moves, including a Japanese Arm Drag/Dropkick combination and a Rolling Fireman’s Carry which earned Aries a two count.


Aries then went for a big Knee Drop, but Hero was able to roll away from the impact. Hero took this opportunity to get back into the match, and landed a wicked Spinning Forearm Smash to floor Aries. Hero continued his assault with moves including a German Suplex and a Running Bulldog. However, as he whipped Aries into the ropes, both men had the same idea and went for a Clothesline, sending both men crashing to the mat.


The Referee began his ten count, and neither men stirred until the count reached six. Hero was the first to move, and slowly began to pull himself using the ropes, it looked as if Hero would gain the advantage of being first to his feet. However, Hero then noticed Abyss standing at the top of the ramp. Abyss didn’t look like he was going to interfere, but his mere presence was enough for Hero to take his mind off of the match. He motioned for Abyss to come to the ring and fight him, but ‘The Monster’ stayed where he was.


Behind Hero, Aries slowly regained his feet. Seeing an opportunity, he struck an unaware Hero from behind. He then took the opportunity to set Hero up for the Brainbuster. Aries landed the move and got the three count to continue his run of wins.


Austin Aries defeated Chris Hero in 7:43 by pinfall with a Brainbuster. (45 D)


With the match completed, Abyss began to make his way down the ramp to the ring. Aries saw Abyss coming, and quickly bailed from the ring to keep a wide berth between himself and ‘The Monster’. However, Abyss seemed to be focused only on Chris Hero tonight, and was presumable looking for revenge for Hero costing Abyss his match earlier in the night.


Abyss grabbed a chair and slid into the ring. Hero was slowly pulling himself back to his feet using the ropes for assistance, but as he finally reached his feet he was met with a sick chair shot from Abyss which sent him crashing back to the matt. Abyss then picked up Hero’s limp body, and added the exclamation point with a Chokeslam.


Abyss then stood over Hero’s limp body and let out a long scream, arms outstretched and staring high into the air.

(43 D)


Show Rating - 43 D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. The show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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December Overview



A busy month for the WWE as Raven, CM Punk, Sara Del Ray and Justin Credible all signed contract extensions with the company. The WWE also signed Colt Cabana on development deal, and have assigned him to HWA.


Big Event: WWE Armageddon (91 A) Buy Rate: 6.90

Main Event and Best Match: The Rock be The Undertaker



TNA signed working relationship with UPW this month, as well as extending 25 deals including Rey Mysterio Jr, Ken Shamrock, Homicide, Jerry Lawler and Jay Lethal. The company also lost Colt Cabana, as he signed a development deal with the WWE.


Big Event: TNA Battle For Respect (74 B-) Buy Rate: 0.02

Main Event and Best Match: Jeff Jarrett bt Rey Mysterio Jr to retain the TNA Big Gold Belt


Title Changes:

Colt Cabana’s release means that the Tag Titles have been vacated.



ROH awarded both Michael Shane and Brian XL new deals.


Big Event: ROH Night Of The Butcher (65 C)

Main Event: American Dragon by Hydro to retain the ROH World Title

Best Match: James Mariato bt Jay Briscoe


Marcus view


WWE: After a series of very ordinary PPV’s, the WWE really outdid themselves this month by putting on a fantastic PPV at Armageddon. The Main Event match between The Rock and The Undertaker was a fantastic match. (interesting side note: none of the WWE’s 7 title belts have changed hands yet).


TNA: A good PPV for TNA. The major talking point is probably the loss of Colt Cabana, and the vacating of the tag titles. The vacation of the Tag Titles is probably not such a bad thing, as Cabana and AJ Styles haven’t defended the belts (or even teamed together) since winning them in June.


ROH: A decent PPV for ROH, and AmDrag continues his run as champ.



NOW News

NOW regrets announce that Roderick Strong has parted ways with the company. Insiders say that Strong wanted too much of a pay rise, which NOW felt they couldn’t justify. NOW wishes Roderick Strong the best in his future endeavours.


It is rumoured that NOW have already signed a new worker to take Strong’s place on the roster, although no names were mentioned at this point.

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NOW News

NOW regrets announce that Roderick Strong has parted ways with the company. Insiders say that Strong wanted too much of a pay rise, which NOW felt they couldn’t justify. NOW wishes Roderick Strong the best in his future endeavours.


It is rumoured that NOW have already signed a new worker to take Strong’s place on the roster, although no names were mentioned at this point.


I hate that in 0/0/0/0 game. Sign someone for like $200 or $300 p.p.a then in 9 months, their like "Nar, I want $1000, with a downside of $500." Or something similar. Gets annoying but hey, it happens.

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I hate that in 0/0/0/0 game. Sign someone for like $200 or $300 p.p.a then in 9 months, their like "Nar, I want $1000, with a downside of $500." Or something similar. Gets annoying but hey, it happens.


Yeah, but luckily at this point there are still some good quality guys left who will work for cheap. I was quite surprised at Strong though, as I haven't really pushed him. London, who I have pushed and is higher on the card, happily resigned for only a very small raise. Probably to do with personality, but it still caight me a little off guard. :/


2002 In Review

The yearly awards were handed out, and these were the results...

Promotion of the Year: WWE

Most Improved Promotion: n/a


Promotional Growth: UPW, JAPW, NWA:Wildside, BCW, HWA and IWA:MS to Regional; NOAH to Cult

Promotional Shrinking: CHIKARA to Local; OVW to Small CMLL, NJPW to Cult

Out of Business: n/a

New Promotions: TNA, CHIKARA


Wrestler of the Year: The Rock

Young Wrestler of the Year: Takeshi Morishima

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Hulk Hogan

Female Wrestler of the Year: Jazz


Match of the Year: The Rock bt The Undertaker (WWE Smackdown!) (99 A*)

Show of the Year: WWE Smackdown! (June 2002) (94 A)

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Power 100

1. The Rock

2. Mark Calloway

3. Chris Jericho

4. Kurt Angle

5. Hulk Hogan

6. Triple H

7. Rob Van Dam

8. Mitsuharu Misawa

9. Jun Akiyama

10. Shinya Hashimoto

11. Shawn Michaels

12. Steve Austin

13. Keiji Mutoh

14. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

15. Genichiro Tenryu

16. Glen Jacobs

17. Msahiro Chono

18. Yuji Nagata

19. Satoshi Kojima

20. Steve Williams

21. Jushin Thunder Liger

22. Akira Taue

23. Scott Hall

24. Paul Wright

25. Kevin Nash

26. Octagon

27. Masato Tanaka

28. Booker T

29. Bill Goldberg

30. Kendo Ka Shin

31. Latin Lover

32. El Hijo Del Santo

33. Hector Garza

34. Manabu Nakanishi

35. Kenta Kobashi

36. Cibernetico

37. Juventud Guerrera

38. Tomoaki Honma

39. Abismo Negro

40. Yoshinaro Ogawa

41. La Parka

42. Takeshi Morishima

43. Samoa Joe

44. Satanico

45. Dr Wagner Jr

46. El Dandy

47. Tiger Mask IV

48. Silver King

49. Heavy Metal

50. Masao Inoue

51. Jeff Jarrett

52. Aguila

53. Taka Michinoku

54. Osamu Nishimura

55. Violencia

56. Osamu Matsuda

57. Perro Aguayo Jr

58. Koji Kanemoto

59. Taiyo Kea

60. Negro Casas

61. Minoru Tanaka

62. Jun Izumida

63. Cien Caras

64. Tadao Yasuda

65. Lizmark Jr

66. Akitoshi Saito

67. Brian Adams

68. Bryan Clark

69. Daisuke Ikeda

70. Tom Howard

71. Super Dragon

72. Apolo Dantes

73. Dalip Singh

74. Minoru Fujita

75. Bryan Danielson

76. Takuma Sano

77. El Zorro

78. Adam Copeland

79. Takeshi Rikioh

80. Asian Coogar

81. Black Warrior

82. Yoshinobu Kanemaru

83. Jay Lethal

84. Kazuyuki Fujita

85. Dolgorsuren Serjudbee

86. Shinjiru Otani


88. Tarzan Boy

89. Trent Acid

90. Mike Barton

91. Low Ki

92. Mitsuya Nagai

93. Averno

94. Felino

95. Universo 2000

96. Rey Bucanero

97. Blue Panther

98. Rey Mysterio Jr

99. Psycosis II

100. Mike Rotundo

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This month didn't get off to the greatest start, as I found out that my newest signing couldn't work the day we have our shows. This was a real problem, as it wasn't just a one off, it was every month. I tentatively contacted Harry (the owner of the gym) about the possibility of changing dates, but he said that he didn't have a spare slot on any other night. This meant that I had essentially just signed, and planned out a storyline for, a guy that I couldn't use. With a sigh, I ripped up the card I had prepared for this month, and set about writing a new one...


NOW: The New Order has Arrived

Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness © (NOW Championship)

Matt Sydal came so close to becoming NOW Champion in a triple threat match in October, even managing to hit his Shooting Star Splash finishing manoeuvre on Paul London. However, Nigel McGuinness was able to steal the victory from Sydal that night, and since then Sydal has been looking to get another shot at the Brit. Last month saw Matt Sydal beat Abyss and, with a little help from Chris Hero, earn his shot. Sydal will be looking to start 2003 with a bang, by winning his very first NOW Championship.


Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt

Two exciting young high flyers square off in this match. Paul London put in an impressive performance last month as he beat James Storm, and will be looking for another impressive match here to push himself back into the title picture. Sonjay Dutt on the other hand will be looking to bounce back, after failing to win in his four way match last month. However, Dutt has the ability to cause London problems, and whoever wins this should be an entertaining match...


Delirious vs Carly Colon

Delirious comes into this match on a high, after triumphing in last month’s four way match. However, he finds himself up against Carly Colon, who also celebrated victory last month against Harry Smith. Who will come out on top this month?


Harry Smith vs Austin Aries

Harry Smith has struggled since his NOW debut two months ago, being dominated by Abyss on debut and then losing to Carly Colon last month. However, he showed signs of improvement against Colon, and will be looking to build on that. Things don’t get any easier for the young Brit this month though, as he comes up against the in-form wrestler in NOW. Austin Aries has notched up six straight wins, and will be looking to make it seven tonight.


Jack Evans vs Abyss

Chris Hero may have cost Abyss his match with Matt Sydal last month, but Abyss got the last laugh by attacking Chris Hero at the end of the show. Abyss sent a message to the entire NOW locker room, as the injuries sustained by Chris Hero last month mean that he won’t be at the show tonight. Abyss will look to send another message in his match tonight.


Quick Picks:

Jack Evans vs Abyss

Harry Smith vs Austin Aries

Delirious vs Carly Colon

Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt

Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship)

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Jack Evans vs Abyss

Abyss continues his dominating ways.


Harry Smith vs Austin Aries

Aries win streak starts to be meaningful and that means that it will be stopped by one of the bigger names and Smith isn´t big name.


Delirious vs Carly Colon

Personal preference


Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt

London is higher on ladders.


Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship)

It´s not a time for a title change yet.

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Jack Evans vs Abyss

Sorry Evans, even a Hero cant save you here.


Harry Smith vs Austin Aries

The winning streak continues.


Delirious vs Carly Colon

Slight upset, but Delirious wins, feel a face is more nessecarry here.


Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt

London is more important.


Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship)

Not time for a change yet.

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Note: All backstage segments would be DVD release only. I’m thinking as a small local promotion, we’re not going to have a jumbo titan-tron or whatever TNA/WWE have. So it makes more sense just to have them as ‘extras’ for the DVD release of the event (at least in my head...)

NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Week 4 January 2003

LA Fitness – Los Angeles

Attendance: 46

JB: “Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to yet another edition of NOW: The New Order Has Arrived! And what a show we have for you tonight.”


SoCal Val: “That’s right JB. Tonight we have the pleasure of seeing the NOW Champion, Nigel McGuinness, in action for the first time in three months.”


JB: “McGuinness will have his hands full tonight as he faces Matt Sydal, who feels he should rightfully be the NOW Champion after the events in the triple threat matcha few months ago.”


SoCal Val: “Shoulda, woulda, coulda JB. All that matters is that Nigel McGuinness is the current NOW Champion, and I would put good money on him walking out of the arena tonight with his belt in tact!”


JB: “We’ll see Val, but let’s get this show underway! First up we have the man Matt Sydal beat to earn his title shot: Abyss, and he’ll be facing off against Jack Evans.”


SoCal Val: “I don’t envy Jack Evans here JB. Not after what Abyss did to Hero at the end of last month’s show. Hero not here tonight because of that attack!”

(42 D)

Jeremy Borash performed poorly in this segment.


Abyss vs Jack Evans


Abyss seemed off his game tonight, which considering he had the bulk of the offence affected the quality of this match.


Abyss dominated Evans from the opening bell, and hit a number of impactful moves including a Big Boot, a Side Walk Slam and a Belly to Belly Suplex. Abyss could probably have finished the match with any of these moves, but he seemed to want to send a message and continued his assault. Abyss hit another Belly to Belly Suplex, before taunting to the crowd.


Abyss took too long taunting, and allowed Evans to regain his senses. Evans rolled onto the apron, and set up for a Springboard manoeuvre. When Abyss turned back to him, Evans springboarded off of the top rope, but Abyss just used Evans’ momentum to hit an impactful Black Hole Slam. Abyss covered Evans, and the three count followed.


Abyss defeated Jack Evans in 4:20 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam (29 E)


Seemingly not done, Abyss yanked Evans’ limp body from the canvas and hit a big Chokeslam. He followed this up with a big leg drop, before hitting a Sidewalk Slam to finish up.


Abyss then stood over Evans’ limp body and let out a long scream, arms outstretched and staring high into the air. This beatdown must have put the NOW locker room on notice.

(45 D)


Harry Smith vs Austin Aries


This match had some solid in-ring action, but not much in the way of heat. With his recent string of victories, Austin Aries came into this match as a heavy favourite. Aries certainly looked confident in the ring, and quickly got on top of Smith. Aries landed a series of moves, including a nice Japanes Arm Drag/Scissored Armber combination and a Sidewalk Slam. Aries continued the pressure with a series of Elbow strikes and elbow drops.


However Aries got too ****y and pandered to the crowd for a little too long, allowing Smith to get back into the match. The young Brit was able to sneak up behind Aries, who was yelling at a crowd member, and deliver a German Suplex. Smith quickly followed this up with a big Clothesline.


Smith lifted Aries from the mat, and set him up for a Suplex attempt. However, Aries was able to trap the leg and block the attempt, before shifting his weight slightly to lift Smith into position for a Brainbuster. Aries delivered the powerful move, and picked up the win to take him to seven wins in a row.


Austin Aries defeated Harry Smith in 6:56 by pinfall with a Brainbuster (46 D)


Nigel McGuinness makes his way out to the ring, with the title belt over his shoulder and a microphone in his hand. The crowd boo him on his way to the ring.


McGuinness: “At this moment in time, I should be warming up for my title defence later tonight. However, I felt the need to come out here and address something that I’ve heard people talk about for the past month. It seems some people think that Matt Sydal can beat me tonight! They think he can beat me! Don’t make me laugh. Just because Mr. Sydal was able to defeat Abyss last month, by cheating may I add!”


The crowds booing increases at this statement. McGuinness waits for them to quieten down before continuing.


McGuinness: “As I was saying, just because Mr. Sydal was able to overcome Abyss last month, doesn’t mean that he is any threat to me. There’s a reason that I’m the NOW Champion, and that reason is that I am smarter than any other wrestler in this company! I mean look at how I’ve won my matches. I’ve worked my opponents over, and picked my spots. It is my mental superiority that has put me at the top of the pyramid here in NOW, and it is that mental superiority which allows me to make the following guarantee. I promise you that one way or another, Nigel McGuinness will walk out of this smell Gymnasium tonight still the NOW Champion! I guarantee it.”


McGuinness drops the mic, and leaves the ring with a smug grin on his face.

(28 E)


Delirious vs Carly Colon


This was a match that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. Delirious struggled at points, and there were some inconsistencies in his performance. Delirious started the match with his usual over the top antics, which Colon looked at in distaste. Colon was able to use a Japanese Arm Drag to grab the momentum, and followed up with a nice Dropkick. Colon kept the pressure on with a nice Running Knee Lift/Running Clothesline combination to keep Delirious grounded.


Colon kept Delirious off balance with a Hurricarana, before Springboarding off of the top rope and backflipping over Delirious’ head. Delirious stood dead still and looked wildly around, seemingly unaware of where Colon had gone. Delirious walked to the ropes to look if Colon had gone to the outside. From behind Delirious Colon went for the Cool Breaker, but Delirious was still holding onto the top rope and managed to block the move.


Colon got up from the mat and went for a Clothesline, but Delirious was able to duck underneath. He then spun behind Colon, before putting his hand to his ear and rolling Colon up. The pin attempt caught Colon off guard, and Delirious was able to get the three.


Delirious defeated Carly Colon in 7:06 by pinfall (41 D-)


Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt


This was a match that had some solid in-ring action, but not much in the way of heat. The match suffered from a lack of psychology, it could have really used somebody with the knowledge of how to construct a proper flow. Dutt’s performance suffered from some inconsistencies. London grabbed the early initiative here with a series of quick fire strikes, including a Clothesline, an Enziguiri and a Dropkick. However London got caught as he went for a Hurricarana, with Dutt countering the move with a Tilt-A-Whirl Tornado DDT.


Dutt then went on the attack, connecting with moves including a Stunner, a Neckbreaker and finally a Brainbuster which got him a near fall. Following the near fall, Dutt went to the top rope and attempted the Hindu Press, but Dutt delayed just enough for London to roll out of the way of the move.


Both men slowly staggered back to their feet, with London beating Dutt to a vertical base. London positioned himself behind Dutt, and as Dutt turned hit a Legseep DDT to drive Dutt into the mat. Following the high impact move, London headed to the top rope and hit a 450 Splash for the three count.


Paul London defeated Sonjay Dutt in 6:46 by pinfall with a 450° splash (44 D)


NOW Championship Match

Matt Syal vs Nigel McGuinness


Our Main Event for the evening saw Matt Sydal get a shot at Nigel McGuiness’ NOW Championship. The match had a good crowd, and produced some decent in-ring action. Both men looked good out there, and put on a good show. Matt Sydal began the match like a house on fire, landing a series of kicks on McGuinness and forcing the Champion to cover up in the corner. Not giving McGuinness any time to breathe, Sydal followed up with a Shining Wizard to the cornered Brit before playing to the crowd. However, playing to the crowd would cost Sydal. As when Sydal went back to the corner, McGuinness grabbed his tights and pulled him headfirst into the bottom turnbuckle.


Having swung the momentum in his favour, McGuinness slowed the pace down and looked to ground Sydal. McGuinness began to work over Sydal’s left arm with a series of throws and holds, including a Hammerlock, an Arm Wringer and a Scissored Armbar. McGuinness then wrapped Sydal’s arm over the top rope, before dropping down to the floor and driving Sydal’s injured arm into the ropes. McGuinness then took a moment to remind the crowd how smart he was by smiling and tapping the side of his head.


McGuinness then slid back into the ring and looked to charge at Sydal, who had pulled himself up in the corner. Unfortunately for McGuinness, Sydal got his boots up and connected with the onrushing Brits head. Sydal followed that up with a Spinning Savate Kick that stunned the champion. Sydal looked to press home his advantage with a standing Moonsault, but could only get a two count.


Feeling the momentum turning in his favour, Sydal hit McGuinness with an Enziguiri before heading to the top rope. The crowd rose in anticipation, but McGuinness rolled out of the ring and collapsed on to the floor on the outside. Grabbing his belt, McGuinness staggered towards the back. As he reached the curtain, McGuinness stopped and turned to face Sydal laughing. “I’m smarter than you Matt!” he yelled, “That’s why I’m Champ and you’re not!”


With that McGuinness slipped to the back, and the Referee counted Nigel McGuinness out. McGuinness may have lost the match, but he had managed to hold on to his belt... for now.


Matt Sydal defeated Nigel McGuinness in 8:07 by count out. Nigel McGuinness retained the NOW Championship. (48 D+)


44 D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. The show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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January Overview



Nothing to report


Big Event: WWE Royal Rumble (87 B+) Buy Rate:7.17

Main Event: The Undertaker won the 30 Man Royal Rumble

Best Match: Triple H bt Shawn Michaels for the WWE Undisputed Title



A busy month for TNA with a signing, a departure, a non-aggression pact and a slew of contract renewals. The new man in was John Hennigan, an exciting young talent who could do well in TNA. Going the other way was Teddy Hart. AJ Styles, Ron Killings, Juventud Guerrera, NOSAWA and Jimmy Rave all had their contracts extended, and the company also signed a non-aggression pact with CZW.


Big Event: TNA Death March (73 B-) Buy Rate: 0.02

Main Event: John Hennigan & Evan Karagias bt Rey Mysterio & Ken Shamrock

Best Match: Jeff Jarrett bt Ron Killings to retain the TNA Big Gold Belt


Title Changes:

Frankie Kazarian & Shark Boy won the vacant NWA:TNA Tag team Titles (previous holders: n/a)



Joey Matthews, Spanky, James Maritato and Christian York extend deals


Big Event: ROH Revenge On The Prophecy (66 C+)

Main Event & Best Match: American Dragon bt Homicide to retain the ROH World Title


Marcus’ view:

WWE: Quiet month for the WWE, but a solid PPV from them to start the year.’Taker winning the rumble is interesting, will his streak at ‘Mania continue?


TNA: A lot of activity from TNA this month, including another non-aggression pact. Another solid PPV from them, but I don’t understand why the Title match wasn’t the Main Event?


ROH: Steady month for ROH, the reign of AmDrag continues!

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NOW: The New Order has Arrived

Paul London vs Austin Aries

A massive Main Event this month, as Paul London faces off against the red hot Austin Aries. Aries is on a seven match winning streak, but this month he comes up against the only man to have defeated him in NOW. London looked impressive last month defeating Sonjay Dutt, but can London be the man to end Aries streak, or will Aries extend his run to eight wins? Surely a win against London would push Aries right into the title hunt...


Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt

Both of these men had a poor show last month. Matt Sydal came so close to becoming NOW Champion, only to have McGuinness take a count out loss to hold on to the title. McGuinness claims he is too smart to be beaten by Sydal, but Sydal will be looking to send a message to the Champion tonight. Dutt on the other hand will be looking to bounce back from a loss to Paul London last month, but looks to have his hands full with a fired up Matt Sydal. Who will prevail tonight?


Delirious vs Carly Colon

A rematch from last month’s show. The match was requested by Carly Colon, who is said to be furious about how last month’s match ended. Will Colon be able to get his revenge? Or will Delirious’ bizarre antics once again prevail?


Harry Smith vs James Storm

The opening match of the night sees two wrestlers who both desperately need a win to build some momentum. James Storm was left off of last month’s card, and will be looking to prove his worth in this match. Smith has yet to pick up a victory in NOW, but has shown some promise in his matches so far. Can the young Brit finally break his duck tonight?


Quick Picks:

Paul London vs Austin Aries

Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt

Delirious vs Carly Colon

Harry Smith vs James Storm

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Paul London vs Austin Aries

I don´t see Aries getting title shot as long as McGuinness is the champ (well unless its three-way match) so I think London ends Aries winning streak here and earns another opportunity for the title.


Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt

Sydal is definitely getting re-match against McGuinness at some point so he won´t lose here


Delirious vs Carly Colon

Colon wins to make it 1-1.


Harry Smith vs James Storm

Smith is just a jobber.

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Paul London vs Austin Aries

Pretty equal, but it seems Aries streak is meant to be valuable so shouldnt be lost yet.


Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt

Sydal needs a rematch.


Delirious vs Carly Colon



Harry Smith vs James Storm

Storm is a bigger name.

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