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NOW (RW 0/0/0 promotion, 2002)

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Note: All backstage segments would be DVD release only. I’m thinking as a small local promotion, we’re not going to have a jumbo titan-tron or whatever TNA/WWE have. So it makes more sense just to have them as ‘extras’ for the DVD release of the event (at least in my head...)

NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Week 4 February 2003

LA Fitness – Los Angeles

Attendance: 76

Harry Smith vs James Storm


Our opening match had some solid in-ring action, but non-existent crowd heat. James Storm’s performance seemed to suffer some inconsistencies, and it took away from the match slightly. David Hart Smith started this match strongly, landing a couple of strong clotheslines on Storm, before flooring him with a nice Arm Drag. Smith continued the pressure by pounding on a grounded Storm. Storm eventually forced the young Brit off of him, with a gouge to the eyes.


Seeing his opportunity, Storm quickly went on the offensive and landed a series of moves as he got on top of the youngster. Among others, Storm landed a DDT, a Backbreaker and a Neckbreaker which got him a two counter. However, when he whipped Smith into a corner, Storm was met with an Elbow as he rushed Smith. The youngster then burst from the corner and floored Storm with a big Clothesline.


Smith played to the crowd a little before lifting Storm onto his shoulder, in position for a Running Powerslam. However as Smith went for the manoeuvre, Storm was able to slide out the back. Smith quickly turned to face Storm, but was met with a Last Call Superkick which got Storm the three.


James Storm defeated Harry Smith in 5:59 by pinfall with a Last Call Superkick (38 D-)


After the match, the massive form of Abyss emerged from the back and made a beeline for the ring. Sliding into the ring, he picked Harry Smith off of the mat and looked to hit a Chokeslam. However, he was cut off by a returning Chris Hero! Hero emerged from the crowd and caught Abyss off guard, forcing the monster to leave the ring and begin heading towards the back. Before Abyss could leave, Hero grabbed a mic and addressed the monster.


“Abyss! Your streak of coming out and beating on defenceless victims ends tonight! It seems to me that NOW needs a Hero to stand up against the monster. Well, Chris Hero at your service.”


The crowd cheers at Hero’s comments.


“So Abyss here’s the deal. Next month will see the Hero get in the ring to try and stop the monster’s reign of terror! Next month sees Chris Hero vs Abyss!”


Abyss just laughs and nods his head before heading to the back, seemingly accepting Hero’s challenge.

(37 D-)


As Hero left the ring to head to the back, he was passed by Matt Sydal. Sydal took the mic off of Hero, and slid into the ring.


Sydal: “Last month, I once again came *this* close to becoming NOW Champion... but for the second match in a row, Nigel McGuinness screwed me out of the title.”


The crowd boos at the mention of the NOW Champion’s name.


Sydal: “McGuinness thinks he’s smarter than me, that he’s got it all figured out... but I’m here tonight to ask for, no demand, another title shot.”


Nigel McGuinness appears from the back with a mic in hand.


McGuinness: “You want another title shot Sydal, you’ve got it... you look surprised? Did you think I would be scared of giving you another match Matt? Well I’m not. You see I am the best wrestler in NOW as well as the smartest wrestler, so putting my title on the line against the likes of you isn’t a risk for me. I can face you over and over and over again, and every time I will walk out of the match NOW Champion.”


Sydal: “You see that’s the thing Nigel, I don’t think you’re smarter than me... and next month I will prove it. Next month’s title matches will be no disqualifications, no count outs, no cheap finishes. It will just be me and you one on one, first pinfall or submission wins. No running away this time Nigel, if you want to keep that title you’ll have to actually beat me face to face!”


Sydal looks confident, but McGuinness just laughs to himself smugly.


McGuinness: “Look at you thinking you have me cornered, that you’ve outsmarted me... but Matt let me make one thing clear, nobody outsmarts Nigel McGuinness. I’ll prove that next month, don’t you worry. So yes you can have your title match, and you can have your no DQ’s and no count out stipulations... it doesn’t matter. Whatever the situation, Nigel McGuinness will always walk away with this belt... see you next show Matt.”


With that McGuinness makes his way to the back with a smug look on his face.

(20 E-)


Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt


This match had some solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. Nigel McGuinness joined the commentary team for this match, providing a second colour commentator and hyping up his title match with Matt Sydal next month.


Sydal started the match strongly, hitting a series fo moves including a Enziguiri, a Bulldog and a Shining Wizard. However, Sydal got caught as he went for a Hurricarana, with Dutt countering the move with a Tilt-A-Whirl Tornado DDT.


Dutt then took control of the match with a Pendulum Kick, before hitting a Standing Moonsault on Sydal for a two count. He then locked in a Camel Clutch as he looked for a Submission. Sydal slowly fought out of the hold, and got back into the match with a Spinning Savate Kick.


Sydal continued his momentum with a Cradle Suplex and a Roundhouse Kick. Sydal then headed to the top rope, which prompted McGuinness to jump from his seat on commentary, presumably to get involved in the match. However before McGuinness could hit the ring, Matt Sydal’s occasional tag partner Jack Evans appeared from nowhere and cut the NOW Champion off. This bought Sydal enough time to hit the Shooting Star Press and pick up the victory.


Matt Sydal defeated Sonjay Dutt in 6:38 by pinfall with a Shooting Sydal Press (45 D)


As McGuinness recovered from Evans’ attack, he slid into the ring. Sydal saw him coming and quickly left the ring. He joined Evans with a big smile on his face. McGuinness grabbed a mic and addressed Evans.


McGuinness: “Who in the hell do you think you are attacking the NOW Champion? How dare you! I’m going to teach you that there are consequences for interfering in my business! So as punishment you are going to have to face me right now in this ring!”


Matt Sydal whispered something to Jack Evans, but McGuinness seemed to notice this.


McGuinness: “Sydal don’t you even think of getting involved. If you interfere in this match, you will lose your title match next month! It’s just going to be me and this bastard. You, Referee. Ring the bell...”


Jack Evans vs Nigel McGuinness


This impromptu match had some solid in-ring action, but not much in the way of heat. Unfortunately Nigel McGuinness and Jack Evans don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. As usual, Jack Evans had his usual problems with psychology and inconsistency.


As soon as Evans slid into the ring, McGuinness was on top of him. Pounding away with rights and left, before Evans could even get to his feet. McGuinness continued his assault, until Evans was finally able to reach the ropes to force the break. Even then, McGuinness made full use of his five seconds before releasing Evans. Evans slowly pulled himself to his feet, using the ropes. McGuinness charged at Evans, but Evans used the ropes to Springboard over McGuinness before hitting a Superkick on McGuinness as he turned to face Evans. Evans went for the cover, but McGuinness managed to kick out at two and a half.


Evans stayed on top of McGuinness with a series of High Flying moves, including a Springboard Crossbody and a Corkscrew Dropkick. However, when Evans went to the top rope to go for a 630 Senton he took too long playing to the crowd, and was crotched by McGuinness. McGuinness was quick to take advantage, and positioned Evans for the Tower Of London


Nigel McGuinness defeated Jack Evans in 6:47 by pinfall with a Tower Of London (37 D-)


Carly Colon makes his way to the ring with a sour look on his face. As he reaches the ring, he grabs a mic.


Colon: “Last month I was embarrassed by that buffoon Delirious, that’s not cool. He made a mockery of Carly Colon, a mockery of the Colon name. I am a second generation wrestler! My father Carlos Colon is a former World Champion, and my lineage demands respect. I’m better than wrestling in dirty Gym’s like this, I should be headlining TV shows. I’ll prove that last week’s result was nothing more than a fluke! Delirious get out here, I’m challenging you to a match right now!”

(26 E)


Delirious vs Carly Colon

This match had some solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. Carly Colon seemed off his game tonight and showed some inconsistencies in his performance, which took away from the match.


Delirious begun the match with his usual craziness upon the opening bell. However, Colon slid out of the opposite side of the ring, and hit a huge Clothesline on an onrushing Delirious before rolling him back into the ring. Colon stayed on top of Delirious with a series of moves, including a Dropkick, a Running Knee Lift and a Swinging Neckbreaker which resulted in a near fall. Colon looked to stay on top of Delirious, but Delirious managed to roll Colon up in the same pinning manoeuvre he used to beat Colon last month.


Colon was able to get his shoulder up at two, before getting up and yelling at Delirious. An irate Colon charged at Delirious, who ducked underneath Colon’s attempted Clothesline before flooring Colon with a Running Knee Strike. Colon was quickly back to his feet, but Delirious floored him again with a Leaping Lariat.


Colon rolled to the outside to regroup, hitting the apron in frustration. The crowd got on Colon’s back, and he turned to shout something back at them. However, Delirious grabbed Colon’s hair, and pulled him up on to the apron. Colon managed to shift his weight and get control of Delirious’ head, before dropping back down to the floor and dropping Delirious neck first into the top rope. Delirious stumbled backwards, stunned by the impact, and Colon rolled back into the ring and hit the Cool Breaker to get the three count.


Carly Colon defeated Delirious in 7:03 by pinfall with a Cool Breaker (42 D)


Paul London vs Austin Aries

Our Main Event for the evening was a match that had a good crowd and good action. The match suffered from a lack of psychology, and could have really used somebody with the knowledge of how to construct a proper flow. Both men showed inconsistencies in their performances out there.


Austin Aries has been on a big winning streak recently, and this match began with Austin Aries taking the early initiative. Aries hit a series of moves, including a Japanese Arm Drag/Dropkick combination as well as a Russian Leg Sweep and a Sidewalk Slam which earned Aries a two count.


Aries then made his first mistake of the match as went for a big Knee Drop, but London was able to roll away from the impact. This allowed London back into the match, and the pace immediately quickened. London hit a quick series of moves, which included a couple of Clotheslines, an Heel Kick Enziguiri and a Dropkick. He followed this up with a Standing Shooting Star Press, but could only get a two count.


London then went to the top rope, and waited for Aries to stand. London then went for a Diving Cross Body, but Aries was able to roll through the move and roll London up into a pinning predicament. Using the second rope for extra leverage, Aries was able to keep London’s shoulders down for three and extend his streak.


Austin Aries defeated Paul London in 6:31 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage (43 D)


39 D-

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. The show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Febuary Overview



A number of people called up from development this month, with Cheerleader Melissa, Johnny Stamboli, Nick Dinsmore and Jackie Gayda all being added to the main roster. The WWE also signed Teddy Hart to a development contract, and have assigned him to OVW.


Big Event: WWE No Way Out (90 A) Buy Rate: 7.06

Main Event& Best Match: The Rock bt The Undertaker



A few changes for TNA this month, with the company letting a few people go and bringing in a couple of people to replace them. TNA parted company with Frankie Kazarian and Brian Lawler this month, but added Low Ki and Lash LeRoux to their roster. They also extended the deal of The Amazing Red.


Big Event: TNA Counterpunch (69 C+) Buy Rate: 0.02

Main Event: Jeff Jarrett bt Ron Killing to retain the TNA Big Gold Belt

Best Match: Rey Mysterio Jr bt Homicide


Title Changes:

NWA:TNA Tag Team Titles vacated after Frankie Kazarian’s release from the company.



ROH lost the services of Low Ki this month, but have added Kid Kash to their roster as a replacement. They also extended the deal of Elix Skipper.


Big Event: ROH Anniversary Show (68 C+)

Main Event & Best Match: American Dragon bt Brian XL to retain the ROH World Title


Marcus’ View

WWE: Got to hand it to the WWE, that was a great PPV. Will be interesting to see how Teddy Hart does in development, as he has a reputation of being difficult to handle.


TNA: Not a great month for TNA, with a mediocre PPV and the inexplicable release of Frankie Kazarian who had been doing a good job for them. However, it wil be interesting to see how the use Low Ki.


ROH: Losing Low Ki will be a blow to them, as he was one of their top stars. AmDrag’s reign continues.

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NOW: The New Order has Arrived

Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness © for the NOW Championship

Nigel McGuinness claims he is too smart for Sydal, and has twice taken shortcuts to stop the young man taking the title. However, Sydal has made this match a no DQ, no count outs, Falls Count Anywhere match. If McGuinness wants to keep his title tonight, he is going to have to beat Matt Sydal fair and square by pinfall or submission. Will the Champion be able to retain his belt, or has Sydal finally got the Brits number?


Chris Hero vs Abyss

Abyss started his NOW career with a number of backstage assaults. One of his victims was Chris Hero, and that attack has come back to haunt Abyss in recent months. Chris Hero cost Abyss his match against Matt Sydal a couple of months ago, and then last match prevented a sneak attack from Abyss before challenging him to a match. Abyss immediately accepted, and set up this match. Will the Hero prevail, or will the Monster prove too strong?


Paul London vs Carly Colon

Carly Colon got a measure of revenge last month by beating Delirious, a man Colon believed to make a joke of his heritage the month before. Paul London on the other hand came up short against the in form Austin Aries last month. Who will come out on top here?


Delirious vs Austin Aries

Austin Aries has been on a real roll recently, notching up eight successive victories. This month he faces the unpredictable Delirious. Can Delirious be the one to end Aries streak, or will he become victim number nine?


Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

Jack Evans got himself involved in Sonjay Dutt’s match with Matt Sydal last month and payed the price, having to face NOW Champion Nigel McGuinness in an impromptu match. This month he finds himself facing the man he helped Matt Sydal beat. Will Jack Evans be able to beat Sonjay Dutt, or will Dutt be able to get some measure of revenge for Evans’ actions last month?


Quick Picks:

Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

Delirious vs Austin Aries

Paul London vs Carly Colon

Chris Hero vs Abyss

Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship)

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Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

Personal preference


Delirious vs Austin Aries

Win streak continues


Paul London vs Carly Colon

London is bigger name right now


Chris Hero vs Abyss

Abyss gets his overness via menace angles so he can affort the loss here.


Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship)

I think Nigel might have someone to help him here.

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Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

coin flip really, but someone needs to get some momentum rolling


Delirious vs Austin Aries

victim #9, come on down


Paul London vs Carly Colon

don't like either one, but I dislike London less


Chris Hero vs Abyss

Hero will get the duke, but Abyss will get the last laugh


Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship)

Nigel's smug look at Sydal's match selection tells me he's got something up his sleeve



Just got caught up with this and think you're doing a great job. On a side note, what's Chris Benoit been up to?

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Just got caught up with this and think you're doing a great job. On a side note, what's Chris Benoit been up to?


Thanks for the kind words :)


As for Chris Benoit... well he had a quiet 2002 with only 6 matches, although he did win 5 of them. His only notable match was the one he lost, against Jericho on a Smackdown in August. His victories came in random tag matches, and a couple of wins against Test.


2003 looks a better year for him though, its only April and he's been involved in 5 matches already. While his win-loss ratio is worse (2 wins and 3 losses), his matches are now more important. He was involved in the Royal Rumble, and seems to be feuding with Kurt Angle at the moment. Him and Angle have one win each, and it's Wrestlemania month...

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Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt

Just to set myself apart from Zergon.


Delirious vs Austin Aries

The streak continues.


Paul London vs Carly Colon

Bigger name.


Chris Hero vs Abyss



Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness (NOW Championship)

Not time for a change.

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Note: All backstage segments would be DVD release only. I’m thinking as a small local promotion, we’re not going to have a jumbo titan-tron or whatever TNA/WWE have. So it makes more sense just to have them as ‘extras’ for the DVD release of the event (at least in my head...)

NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Week 4 March 2003

LA Fitness – Los Angeles

Attendance: 66


Delirious vs Austin Aries

The opening match of the night had some solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. Unfortunately, Austin Aries and Delirious just don't click at all and it showed in their performances. Delirious seemed off his game tonight, and as such showed some inconsistencies in his performance.


The match began with Delirious’ usual antics from the opening bell. Aries however, seemed to have scouted Delirious, and cut him off with a Discus Elbow Smash. Aries continued his assault with a range of high impact moves including n Inverted Suplex, a Sidewalk Slam and a Death Valley Driver. However, Aries couldn’t put Delirious away.


While Aries dominated large portions of the match, Delirious did offer some offense in this match. Delirious managed to connect with a couple of nice Lariats, as well as a Headbutt before Aries regained control of the match with a Japanese Arm Drag. From here, Aries pressed home his advantage with a nice Running Dropkick, before planting Delirious with a Brainbuster. This led to a three count, and victory number 9 for Aries.


Austin Aries defeated Delirious in 6:59 by pinfall with a Brainbuster (41 D-)


McGuinness makes his way to the ring, with a smug look on his face and the title draped over his shoulder. He grabs a mic, and enters the ring.


McGuinness: “For the past month, I’ve heard people saying that Matt Sydal is going to take my belt tonight. They seem to think this Falls Count Anywhere stipulation suits Sydal... but I want to make one thing clear, if anything this stipulation suits me. I am the smartest wrestler in this company, and can manipulate any situation I am put in to my advantage. I can promise you that by the end of tonight Matt Sydal, and all of you people, will be all too aware of that fact.”

(25 E)


Jack Evans vs Sonjay Dutt


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. More bad chemistry here, as Jack Evans and Sonjay Dutt just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances... but I can’t help but feel that I already knew this. As usual, Evans struggled with his Psychology.


This was a very open match up, with the two wrestlers trading a number of high flying manoeuvres. Sonjay Dutt managed to hit moves such as a Frankensteiner, an Inverted Suplex Stunner and a nice Springboard Moonsault to the outside. Some of the highlights of Jack Evans offense included a Corkscrew Dropkick, a Moonsault Side Slam and a Springboard 450 Splash, which earned him a near fall.


The end of this match came when Sonjay Dutt was able to plant Jack Evans with a Calcutta Cutta. From there, Dutt went to the top rope and hit the Hindu Press. From there the three count was inevitable.


Sonjay Dutt defeated Jack Evans in 6:13 by pinfall with a Hindu Press. (38 D-)


Chris Hero makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand.


Hero: “For the past few months, Abyss has run rampant through the NOW roster. Nobody was safe from his wrath, everybody lived in fear of this monster. What NOW needed was a hero, a hero to stand up and slay this monster. Well NOW has found its hero, Chris Hero. Tonight marks the end of Abyss’ reign of terror. Tonight will see god triumph over evil, and will see the beginning of a new age in NOW!”


(38 D-)


Chris Hero vs Abyss


This was a match that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action. Chris Hero showed some inconsistencies in his performance. The match started with Abyss taking the attack to his much smaller opponent. Abyss landed a series of moves, including a Back Body Drop and a Big Boot. Chris Hero as then whipped into the corner, which Abyss followed with a big Body Splash to his cornered opponent. Hero was then struck with a series of Open-hand Chops, which eventually sent him to the floor. Abyss then looked at the tunbuckle for a moment, before ripping the cover off. Abyss then returned his attention to Chris Hero, and went for a big Leg Drop, but Hero was able to roll out of the way.


Sensing an opportunity, Hero immediately went on the attack. Hero landed a series of Lariats, before catching Abyss with a Rolling Elbow. This only got Hero a two count, and when he looked to bounce off of the ropes for momentum, Hero was only met with a Big Boot from the Monster.


Abyss then lifted Hero to his feet, and whipped him towards the corner with an exposed turnbuckle. Hero managed to use the ropes to lift himself over the onrushing Abyss, causing the Monster to feel the full force of the steel turnbuckle he had exposed. Abyss staggered back from the turnbuckle, stunned, straight into a Hero’s Welcome from Chris Hero. This was enough to keep the Monster down, and earn Chris Hero the victory.


Chris Hero defeated Abyss in 7:06 by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome(45 D)


Carly Colon makes his way to the ring, to the boos of the crowd. This visibly annoys Colon, who requests a microphone before entering the ring.


Colon: “Last month I successfully defeated that waste of space Delirious, but still you people won’t give me the respect I deserve. The Colon name demands respect in this business, and I am going to make you people give me the respect my heritage deserves. Tonight I face one of your darlings, Paul London. Maybe after I beat him, you idiots will give Carly Colon the respect that is my birthright!”

(31 E+)


Paul London vs Carly Colon


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. Unfortunately, Carly Colon was really off his game tonight, and showed a number of inconsistencies in his performance. The match started with Carly Colon taking the early initiative, stringing together a series of moves. The highlights included a Running Knee Lift, a Dropkick and a Swinging Neckbreaker.


However, London was able to battle back, and began to lift the pace of the match. London managed to hit a quick series of moves, including a Dropkick, Jumping Heel Kick Enziguiri and Standing Moonsault combination. He followed that up with a nice Dragon Suplex, before landing a Diving Crossbody for a near fall.


London then whipped Colon into the ropes, but Colon was able to springboard over the top of London with a backflip. London charged at Colon, but was met with a Japanese Arm Drag. London was quickly back to his feet, but Colon met him with a nice Dropkick. London stumbled back to his feet and went for a Superkick, but Colon was easily able to duck underneath. Finding himself behind London, Colon hit the Cool Breaker to pick up what many would consider a surprise win.


Carly Colon defeated Paul London in 5:55 by pinfall with a Cool Breaker (48 D+)


NOW Championship – Falls Count Anywhere

Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness ©


The Main Event for the evening had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action. Unfortunately, Matt Sydal was really off his game tonight and showed a number of inconsistencies in his performance. Matt Sydal looked really determined heading into this match and started like a house on fire, taking out his frustrations from their previous matches on McGuinness with a series of punches and kicks. The Champion was forced to cover up in the corner and force the break, however Sydal was right back on top of the Champion with a Dropkick to his cornered opponent. McGuinness struggled back to his feet, but was immediately hit by a Hurricarana from Sydal that sent the Champion crashing to the outside.


Not letting the champion breathe Sydal went high risk, and connected with a Corkscrew Plancha to the outside. With the champion in trouble, Sydal rolled McGuinness back into the ring before hitting a Springboard Corkscrew Senton which earned him a two count. Sydal continued his attack, mounting McGuinness and letting off a flurry of punches. Eventually he was pulled off by the referee, when he reached his five count. Sydal went to lift McGuinness off the mat, but a blatant low blow from the Champion put a stop to the offense of Sydal.


For the first time in the match, McGuinness began to build some offense. He managed to string a few moves together, including a Snap DDT, a Diving Lariat and an Arm Drag. However, when McGuinness went for a Pendulum Lariat, Sydal was able to duck under the move and snap off a Spinning Savate Kick sending the Champion to the mat.


Sensing an opportunity, Sydal headed to the top rope and signalled for a Shooting Star Press. However, at that moment a hooded figure ran out from the back and clipped one of Sydal’s legs, crotching him on the top rope. McGuinness slowly got back to his feet, and saw Sydal in a precarious position on the top rope. Taking advantage, McGuinness set Sydal up for the Tower Of London and got the three count for the win.


Nigel McGuinness defeated Matt Sydal in 7:55 by pinfall with a Tower Of London. Nigel McGuinness makes defence number 2 of his NOW Title title. (46 D)


43 D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. The show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Prediction Contest:

This month:
Zergon 4/5
Rob5KC 4/5
1234 3/5
The Final Countdown 3/5
Nobby McDonald 2/5

Prediction Contest (After 6 shows):
Zergon 22/30
1234 21/30
Nobby McDonald 19/30
The Final Countdown 12/21
Rob5KC 4/5
rjhabeeb 2/5


A close contest in the end, with Zergon edging it by one point. The same prize as usual, either choose a match between two of the current roster or add a new wrestler of your choice to the database. Let me know what you do. :) Oh, and you can hold the prize as long as you want, you don't need to use it straight away.


The next show represents the start of a brand new prediction contest, so feel free to make predictions then :)

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March Overview



A hectic month for the WWE. The biggest news being that the company has signed Bill Goldberg to their books. On top of that there were a slew of contract renewals, including Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy, D’Lo Brown and Crash Holly.


The company also signed Alexis Laree into development, and assigned her to OVW.


March also saw the end of the WWE Heat and Velocity television shows, as the company couldn’t find any networks to show the programmes.


Big Event: WWE Wrestlemania XIX (84 B+) Buy Rate: 7.42

Main Event & Best Match: Triple H bt Kurt Angle to retain the WWE Undisputed Title



TNA bulked their roster a little this month, with the addition of Devon Storm to their roster.


Big Event: TNA Raw Power (75 B-) Buy Rate: 0.03

Main Event: Jeff Jarrett bt the Amazing Red to retain the TNA Big Gold Belt

Best Match: Rey Mysterio Jr bt John Hennigan



A total of 10 contract renewals this month, with Steve Corino, Deranged, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, Allison Danger, Dan Maff, Prince Nana, Monsta Mack, Xavier and CW Anderson all getting their deals extended.


Big Event: ROH Round Robin Challenge 2 (67 C+)

Main Event & Best Match: American Dragon bt Kid Kash to retain the ROH World Title


Marcus’ view

WWE: A mixed month for the WWE. They lost their two lower television shows, which will be a blow, with many of their superstars already struggling for any sort of TV time. However, they did manage to bring in Bill Goldberg to add even more star power to their roster.


TNA: A decent month for TNA, as Jarrett continues to hold on to his belt.


ROH: AmDrag retains... that is all.


NOW News

NOW regrets announce that Paul London has parted ways with the company. It has been speculated that London asked for a steep pay rise, presumably due to his recent success with ROH, that the company couldn’t afford to pay. It has also been speculated that this was the reason behind his recent loss to Carly Colon. NOW wishes Paul London the best in his future endeavours.


The company has also announced the release of Bobby Roode. Roode has been unable to work for the company since signing due to other commitments. NOW wishes Bobby Roode all the best in his future endeavours.


NOW has since announced the signing of two new wresters, who are both rumoured to be making their debuts at the companies next show.

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NOW: The New Order has Arrived

Chris Hero vs James Storm

After what many consider a surprise victory over Abyss last month, Chris Hero will be looking to continue his momentum here against James Storm. Storm missed last months show, so will be looking to make an impact here.


Jack Evans vs Austin Aries

Austin Aries has been on fire lately, notching up nine victories on the bounce. This month he faces Jack Evans, who has been struggling to establish himself in NOW. This match represents a huge opportunity for Evans. Will Evans be able to stop Aries’ streak, or will Aries prove too much?


Harry Smith vs Carly Colon

Carly Colon seems to be on a mission to force the crowd to respect his heritage, but has struggled to make them see his way so far. However, this month he comes up against a competitor with as fine a lineage as himself. Harry Smith, son of the British Bulldog, should prove a tough test for Colon.


??? vs Sonjay Dutt

This match will see the debut of one of NOW’s newest signings. The man charged with facing the new signing is Sonjay Dutt, who will be looking to build on the momentum he built beating Jack Evans last month.


Delirious vs Abyss

Abyss came up short against Chris Hero last month, and the Monster will be looking to re-establish himself as the most dominant man in NOW in this match. His opponent this month is Delirious, who came up short against Austin Aries last month. Can Abyss bounce back here from last months loss?


Quick Picks:

Delirious vs Abyss

??? vs Sonjay Dutt

Harry Smith vs Carly Colon

Jack Evans vs Austin Aries

Chris Hero vs James Storm

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I´m going to give my prize to 1234 who was so close, as I really don´t have either a dream match or wrestler that I would want to make and it would be waisted if I just sit on it:).


Delirious vs Abyss

Abyss smash.


??? vs Sonjay Dutt

Mystery mens usually win


Harry Smith vs Carly Colon

Colon got a big win and Smith is a jobber so Colon takes this one.


Jack Evans vs Austin Aries

Evans isn´t the guy who would cut the win streak.


Chris Hero vs James Storm

Hero got a win over Abyss while Storm has been off the card few times.

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I´m going to give my prize to 1234 who was so close, as I really don´t have either a dream match or wrestler that I would want to make and it would be waisted if I just sit on it:).


Very nice of you, but there is no-one in particular I would want in or a dream match. You might as well hold onto the pick for a while.


Delirious vs Abyss

??? vs Sonjay Dutt

Harry Smith vs Carly Colon

Jack Evans vs Austin Aries

Chris Hero vs James Storm


Seems a pretty simple card, Abyss could lose after Hero gets involved or new guy could lose, but overall I feel pretty confident.

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I´m going to give my prize to 1234 who was so close, as I really don´t have either a dream match or wrestler that I would want to make and it would be waisted if I just sit on it:).



You may as well sit on it, I should be getting to Small soon (hopefully), so that should see some new guys coming in. Maybe one of them will pique your interest?

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<p>Delirious vs <strong>Abyss</strong></p><p>

Abyss won't be in a good mood after last month. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>???</strong> vs Sonjay Dutt</p><p>

Unless the mystery wrestler is Randy Mulkey, it should be a win</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Harry Smith</strong> vs Carly Colon</p><p>

Again, the lesser of two evils in my mind</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Evans vs <strong>Austin Aries</strong></p><p>

Double A all the way</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Hero</strong> vs James Storm</p><p>

The hero is on a roll...but beware the revenge of Abyss</p>

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Note: All backstage segments would be DVD release only. I’m thinking as a small local promotion, we’re not going to have a jumbo titan-tron or whatever TNA/WWE have. So it makes more sense just to have them as ‘extras’ for the DVD release of the event (at least in my head...)

NOW: The New Order Has Arrived

Week 4 March 2003

LA Fitness – Los Angeles

Attendance: 67


We open the show with Matt Sydal heading to the ring with a microphone in hand.


Sydal: “Last month I once again fought my hardest and came within touching distance of becoming NOW Champion. By all rights that belt should be mine, but once again I was foiled by factors outside of my control. Now I want Nigel McGuinness to come out here, because he’s not fooling anyone. We all know that the masked figure who stopped me from hitting the Shooting Star Press is one of McGuinness’ goons, and I think that...”


Before Sydal could finish, the masked figure from last month burst through the crowd. Sliding into the ring, the figure struck Sydal hard from behind, dropping him to the mat. The masked figure then proceeded to put the boots to Sydal, until Nigel McGuinness appeared from the back with a microphone in hand.


McGuinness: “Well, well, well... aren’t we clever. Yes you’re right Sydal, the ‘masked figure’ from last month was indeed associated with me... so well done for working that one out, as much good as it’s done you. What you may be interested to know is that ‘masked figure’ is also the latest addition to the NOW roster. So ladies and gentleman I take great pride in introducing you to my new ‘business partner’: Claudio Castagnoli!”


In the ring the masked figure reveals himself to indeed be Claudio Castagnoli, before lifting Sydal off the mat and planting him with a Piledriver.


McGuinness: “Claudio like myself is a European, making him better than each and every one of you American’s in this crowd and out the back. With him by my side, the European Invasion will dominate this company for years to come. You can count on it.”

(28 E)


Abyss vs Delirious


Abyss came down to the ring looking even scarier than usual. He looked in a foul mood after his loss to Chris Hero last month. Abyss dominated this match from start to finish. Unfortunately Delirious was really off his game tonight, and showed a number of inconsistencies in his performance.


Upon the sounding of the opening bell, Delirious began running wildly around the ring as usual. Abyss didn’t look impressed, and cut Delirious off with a Big Boot. Abyss then landed a series of high impact moves on Delirious, including a Back Body Drop, a Sidewalk Slam and a Flapjack. Abyss then whipped Delirious into the corner, and charged in with a Running Body Splash followed by a series of open hand chops.


Delirious crumpled to the floor, and Abyss let out a long primal scream before hitting a Running Hip Attack to his opponents head. Abyss then lifted Delirious from the mat and hit the Black Hole Slam for the win.


Abyss defeated Delirious in 5:02 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam (37 D-)


Hernandez vs Sonjay Dutt


JB and SoCal Val were discussing if anyone in pro wrestling was as intimidating and dominating as Abyss, when NOW’s newest signing Hernandez entered the ring. At over 6 feet tall, and close to 300 pounds Hernandez is a dominating presence. His opponent Sonjay Dutt then entered the ring for the match.


Unfortunately Hernandez was rusty, and showed a number of inconsistencies in his performance. This match was similar to the opener in that it was very one sided. Hernandez started the match with a series of Heavy Shoulder Blocks on his smaller opponent, before hitting a Samoan Drop on Dutt for an early two count. Hernandez continued his dominance, with a Spinning Powerbomb for another two count.


Dutt then raked Hernandez’s eyes, and tried to mount some offense. Dutt managed to land a Dropkick, but couldn’t knock Hernandez off of his feet. Dutt then tried a Hurricarana, but Hernandez used his strength to counter with a Sitout Powerbomb for another two.


Hernandez then made his way to the ring apron and landed a Springboard Shoulder Block, showing impressive athleticism for a big man. He then lifted Sonjay off the mat, and hit the Megabomb for the win.


Hernandez defeated Sonjay Dutt in 4:54 by pinfall with a Megabomb. (30 E+)


Harry Smith is already in the ring, as Carly Colon makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand.


Colon: “For these past few months, I have been showing you people why my heritage makes me better than anyone else in NOW. Two months ago I beat that joke Delirious, and then last month I beat Paul London so bad that he decided to leave the company rather than face me again. Yet still you people don’t give me the respect that someone of my descent and talent deserves. So this month, I’m going to face my biggest challenge yet to prove to you people once and for all that I am the real deal.”


The crowd boos this statement, and Colon waits for them to settle down before continuing.


Colon: “My opponent tonight is a third-generation wrestler! He is the only man in NOW who’s lineage can match my own. This man is a thoroughbred... yet just like me, he is being held down by the losers who run this company. We should be the two biggest stars in this company, not floating around the midcard.”


Colon then addresses Harry Smith directly.


Colon: “Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to just stand around twiddling my thumbs. I’m going to make something happen, and I’m going to become the biggest star in this company. Now that’s cool.”


Smith’s expression doesn’t change as he just stares down Colon. Colon drops his mic, and the referee rings the bell for the match to begin.

(40 D-)


Harry Smith vs Carly Colon


This match had some solid in-ring action, but not much in the way of heat. Both competitors performances showed inconsistencies, and it took away from the match slightly. A low Dropkick early on from Colon took his bigger opponent off of his feet. Colon then began to work on his opponents legs. Stomping on them, before locking in a Figure Four Leglock. Smith managed to get to the ropes to break the hold, but Colon went straight back to the legs with a series of Stomps.


Colon then lifted Smith back to his feet, before going for an Arm Drag. However, his larger opponent was able to block the Arm Drag attempt, before flattening Colon with a Clothesline. Colon was quickly back to his feet, but walked straight into a Belly to Belly Suplex. Smith then hit an Arm Drag of his own, before locking in a Sharpshooter. This time it was Colon scrambling to the ropes to break the hold.


Having broken the hold, Smith positioned himself and waited for Colon to get back to his feet. As soon as Colon got up, Smith lifted him into position for his Running Powerslam. However, as Smith ran forward to start the move, Colon was able to slip out of the back and drop down into a Cool Breaker. Colon then covered Smith, and got the three count.


Carly Colon defeated Harry Smith in 7:14 by pinfall with a Cool Breaker (39 D-)


Jack Evans vs Austin Aries


This was a match that had some solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat. The match had very little drama of flow to it, as nobody in the ring had the psychology to take control properly, with Evans being particularly poor on Psychology.


The match started with Evans using his speed to try and keep distance between himself and Aries. Evans managed to land a few blows before Aries managed to get hold of him. Aries began to work on the arm of Evans, with moves such as a Scissored Arm Bar, a Japanese Arm Drag and a Knee Drop to the arm of Evans. Aries then went for a Death Valley Driver, but Evans managed to grab onto the top rope to stop the move. Using the rope for leverage, Evans managed to get out of the move before hitting a Springboard Corkscrew Dropkick.


From here, Evans landed a series of quick moves including a Back Elbow Smash, a Fisherman Buster and finally a Moonsault Side Slam which got Evans a near fall. Evans then looked to hit a standing Corkscrew Shooting Star Press, but Aries was able to roll out of the way. Evans staggered back to his feet, but was met with a Discus Elbow Smash. Aries then pulled Evans up from the mat and hit the Brainbuster for victory number 10.


Austin Aries defeated Jack Evans in 6:54 by pinfall with a Brainbuster (42 D)


Chris Hero makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand, seemingly he has something he wants to say before tonight’s Main Event.


Hero: “Last month, I was able to overcome the odds and defeat that Monster Abyss, putting an end to his reign of terror here in NOW. However, a hero’s work is never done. There are still many problems that plague this company. I already have the next villain I must defeat in mind, and over the coming months I will bring him to justice. Until NOW is free of all evil, this company needs a hero... Chris Hero.”

(24 E)


Chris Hero vs James Storm


Our Main Event for the evening was a match that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action. Following on from his win last month, Chris Hero took the early initiative here. Hero looked to wear down Storm with a series of submission holds, including a Cravate Facelock and a Stretch Plum Alpha. However, Storm was able to break the holds and then raise some offense of his own.


Storm focused less on Submission holds, and more on strikes to wear down his opponent. Storm landed a series of hard strikes on Hero, including a Running Knee Strike, a Lariat and a Standing Enziguiri. Storm then hit a DDT, which earned him a two count. Storm then whipped Hero into the corner and looked to charge at Hero with a big Clothesline, but Hero was able to move out of the way and Storm smashed into the turnbuckle.


Storm staggered backwards from the impact, and turned straight into a Discus Elbow Smash from Hero. Storm slowly struggled back to his feet, but was immediately met by a Hero’s Welcome which earned Hero the three count.


Chris Hero defeated James Storm in 6:59 by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome (46 D)


42 D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. The show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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April Overview



The highlight of this month was the debut of Bill Goldberg. After successfully adding him to their roster last month, this month saw him make his debut match in a successful effort against Rob Van Dam.


Big Event: WWE Backlash (84 B+) Buy Rate: 6.33

Main Event & Best Match: Triple H bt Kane to retain the WWE Undisputed Title


Title Changes:

Molly Holly won the WWE Womens Title (previous holder: Jazz, W1 Feb 2002-W4 Apr 2003, 10 defences)



April saw TNA and Juventud Guerrera part company, and the company bought in Slyk Wagner Brown as a replacement.


Big Event: TNA Red Alert (69 C+) Buy Rate: 0.03

Main Event: Jeff Jarrett bt Evan Karagias to retain the TNA Big Gold Belt

Best Match: AJ Styles bt NOSAWA to retain the TNA X Division Title


Title Changes:

The Amazing Red and Kid Kash won the NWA:TNA Tag Team Titles (previous holders: n/a)



Another slew of contract extensions for ROH this month, as Joel Maximo, Jose Maximo, Paul London, Chris Devine and Quiet Storm all extended their deals.


Big Event: ROH Night Of Appreciation (74 B-)

Main Event: AJ Stles, Hydro and Joel Maximo bt Brian XL, Jose Maximo and Homicide

Best Match: The Amazing Red bt American Dragon for the ROH World Title


Title Changes:

The Amazing Red won the ROH World Title (previous holder: American Dragon, W4 Apr 2002-W4 Apr 2003, 10 defences)


Marcus’ View

WWE: WWE finally make their first title change in over a year. Although it was only the Womens’ Title, at least it’s a start.


TNA: Quite a poor showing from TNA this month. They also have new Tag Champs, hopefully these two will be able to defend them before it’s vacated...


ROH: A good showing from ROH, and what a month for The Amazing Red as he picked up his first World Championship. Will be interesting to see how his reign goes.


NOW News

After our last show, I read online that we were now considered a ‘small’ promotion! I started to plan out a few new signings, but before I had even heard back from my offers I received news that we had dropped back down to Local size.


I was initially confused by this, but apparently we had come last in a ‘Regional Battle’. We had lost out to UPW, OVW and XPW. The problem was this would probably happen every month from now on. I needed to come up with a plan...

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NOW: The New Order has Arrived

Matt Sydal & Jack Evans vs The European Alliance

After Claudio Castagnoli cost Matt Sydal his title match a couple of months ago, Sydal has been looking to get his hands on Nigel McGuinness’ new business partner. For his part McGuinness has had issues with Jack Evans in recent months, after Evans put his hand on the NOW Champion while he was on commentary. With all of these factors in play, this should be a feisty match.


Chris Hero vs Sonjay Dutt

Chris Hero has been on a bit of a roll recently, picking up a big victory over Abyss a couple of months ago and then James Storm last month. Sonjay Dutt had a rough show last month, after coming up against NOW’s newest signing the impressive Hernandez. He will be looking to bounce back here against Chris Hero.


Delirious vs Austin Aries

Austin Aries has been on a real roll in recent months, picking up ten victories on the spin. Delirious will be looking to bounce back after a tough loss to Abyss last month, but looks to have a tough task on his hands this month.


Harry Smith vs Abyss

Harry Smith continues his search for his first win in NOW, but this month he comes up against the ‘Monster’ Abyss.


Hernandez vs James Storm

After an impressive debut last month, Hernandez will look to continue here. Storm lost in last month’s Main Event, so will be looking to pick up a win against the newcomer.


Quick Picks:

Hernandez vs James Storm

Harry Smith vs Abyss

Delirious vs Austin Aries

Chris Hero vs Sonjay Dutt

Matt Sydal & Jack Evans vs Nigel McGuinness & Claudio Castagnoli

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Very nice of you, but there is no-one in particular I would want in or a dream match. You might as well hold onto the pick for a while.

You may as well sit on it, I should be getting to Small soon (hopefully), so that should see some new guys coming in. Maybe one of them will pique your interest?


Ok, guess I hold it then, at least I can make some multi-man elimination match (I just love those for some reason:D) at some point if nothing else come up:).


Hernandez vs James Storm

Storm haven´t really done much so far so I give this one to Hernandez


Harry Smith vs Abyss



Delirious vs Austin Aries

Delirious isn´t the guy who will eventually beat Aries


Chris Hero vs Sonjay Dutt

Hero is doing more right now


Matt Sydal & Jack Evans vs Nigel McGuinness & Claudio Castagnoli

Sydal needs to get the win over Nigel here in order to get another shot.

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