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On this topic, how is belt prestige determined and what kind of things impact it positively or negatively?


And also, what impact does having a higher prestige belt have?


I'm still trying to get an answer to your first question myself...


A belt with higher prestige boosts the fans' opinion on the fight, making it more marketable.

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If it helps my WEC belt in its last 6 times it was defended has only been successfully defended once. Jeremy Stephens had a succesful defense then in his next fight lost the belt to Ben Henderson and then the belt gained prestige after that fight.


My Bantamweight Title just went from Great to Excellent during a reign by Miguel Torres after his 4th defense.


I guess what I'm saying is it doesn't look like frequent title changes or long term champions really have an affect on the belt's prestige

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On this topic, how is belt prestige determined and what kind of things impact it positively or negatively?


And also, what impact does having a higher prestige belt have?


This seemed to be a closely guarded secret, but I did get an answer from Adam that the belt prestige is based on the reputation of the holders, so if a belt has prestige 50 and is won by a fighter with reputation 20, the belt will prestige will drop, and if a fighter 80 rep wins it, the belt prestige will rise.


One major problem with the previous games was new belts were created with a highly inflated prestige for small companies, so almost any early title fight was highly anticipated by the fans before the fighter reps evened out the belt prestige. Hopefully this is fixed in WMMA3 (although to be fair it's only a minor irritant and the other improvements look cool!)

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