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Stranded in London: The Dog Pound

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

Kevin Morris vs The Effect

Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

Jon E Kashe vs Famine Kashe

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The Betting Line...


El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

Personally I think it is a damn shame that the the Top Dog is a guy (and I use that term loosly) who is quite frankly horse sh*te - and if you have ever eaten at his outlet then you know he actually uses the stuff in his cooking as well.



Kevin Morris vs The Effect

Another freak show. One of the self proclaimed "individuals" who ironically is closer to the norm than his generic opponent. Morris to keep the Effect in check.



Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

Psychoholic; the man so ugly that he feels the need to conceal his face almost all of the time. Having said that I think he will pip Ace.



Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

I can only pray that the mystery man shows some semblance of normality in this carnival of a match. The winner? The phsychiatrists who have to listen to their psychobabble.



One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

One Moore Gamble have it all. We are wrestling and we will win. Doesn't matter what Sheik A-Hole and his little starlet have to say.



Jon E Kashe vs Famine

All the money in the world can't buy you class. However it can buy you a decent character and that is why Famine will stay hungry.



Scotty Gamble

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One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

One Moore Gamble have it all. We are wrestling and we will win. Doesn't matter what Sheik A-Hole and his little starlet have to say.


Just you know.. Spamming the topic. I almost laughed out loud for this, but I managed not to. Awesome stuff LoNdOn, though from Ossium's view of point, you should pull for Kerghan!

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One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

One Moore Gamble have it all. We are wrestling and we will win. Doesn't matter what Sheik A-Hole and his little starlet have to say.



Thats Straight Edge Saviour To You! (i'm trying to be in charecter :p)

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

I'll call a draw.


Kevin Morris vs The Effect


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

Jon E Kashe vs Famine

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Some Moore Ramblings


Hello again you insignificant swine. I didn't do too badly last month did I? Joint winner - that ain't bad. In fact, I did so well that my tag team partner has decided to create a similarly entertaining column to compete with me. It's not quite on the same level as mine, but it's pretty good - I suggest you check it out. Also, I see that Professor Pinhead has declared that myself and Scotty are not together. Not together?! You lie! Scotty is like a brother. I beat my real life brother into the inch of his life, actually, so Scotty's probably closer to me than a brother. So zip it, you Academic Arsehole, and talk about something you know about. Like science. For example: M00R3+G@MBL3=@W3S0M3. Yeah. Check out the chemistry on us.


Moore do good science speak?


Now, onto this month's predictions.



El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

Oooh, look, team Emo are in the main event. What exactly did this punk do to get here? He got lucky and beat me at the Call Up and then dissapeared for a month to attend every show on the 30 Seconds To Mars tour. And he STILL gets a title shot? Still, he beat me, so he'll beat El Donkey Licker here. Probably not fairly, but he'll get the marker.


Kevin Morris vs The Effect

Everyone's favourite hamburger munching Yankee will get the victory here -The Effect will get scared because he's facing someone with actual muscles.


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic - draw

Since neither of them could beat El Donkey Licker, they will lie down and die because they are so shocked at their incompetence.


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

El Retardo Roboto (hey, everyone else is using Spanish names) and some wannabe Spiderman? Anyone on the Dog Pound roster could beat these punks.


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

You see, Scotty and I are so certain that we are going to win that we are not actually placing bets on whether we win, but on which of us gets the fall. Oh, and internet nerds rejoice! We've got a new tag finisher to debut. So you can jizz in your pants about that as well as how damn awesome we are.


Oh, and Star - you look underage - is that why you're Straight Edge? Jealous you aren't old enough to get drunk with the big boys? Cos you ain't lived till you've gone home with some averagely attractive chick and vomited in her toilet. At least, that's the best you'll be hoping for, even with the great leveller that is alcohol.


Jon E Kashe vs Famine - Draw

In the battle of shocking ring names, there can be no winners. No, seriously. There can't.


*All observations are the opinion of Sebastian Moore esq. If you show you care in anyway, you will be heckled.*

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship



Kevin Morris vs The Effect


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???


Jon E Kashe vs Famine

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Och, ne match fer me thi week! Ah weel, on wi tha predictin


El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

A reckon it'll be another win fer ma main man Taco


Kevin Morris vs The Effect

I canna see tha paint goon gettin tha win, so Morris it is


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

I wouldne fancy facin eitha fella, I can see a double elimination somehow, so a draw


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

Ne opinion really, so I'll go wit wha we know


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

I inne a fan o any o these guys, but I would like t see Star take a tumble after last show


Jon E Kashe vs Famine

Can see tha powerhouse winnin here

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From the Desk of El Nieto del Taco Bomber

Owner/Operator, La Cucaracha Grill and Cantina of London "Voted London's Top Spot for Enchiladas"

Honorable Luchador, The Dog Pound "First Ever Top Dog Champion"


Mis amigos, I am back for las predicciones. Last month, your friend the Taco Bomber dropped a goose egg for predicting the size of a chupacabra.


Why, you may ask? Well, you see...I was more worried about defending MY cinturon de lucha libre, MY right as the first ever (and currently, the ONLY) Top Dog Champion. So, my focus was more on the things of defending the glory and honor of British lucha libre and my family name.


As for this month, my rage is bubbling more than zesty queso on my famous shrimp fajitas...and this time it's personal. So, Scotty Gamble, once I take care of Ossium Compages, you will be the next man to get defeated...because no one blackens the name of La Cucaracha (AND WE DO NOT PUT excrementos de caballo IN ANY OF OUR DISHES!!!!!!) or...










El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages for the Top Dog championship

Forget the honor and humble glory of not picking myself. With the rage built up inside of me from Senor Gamble, I will want to do nothing more that wipe the ring with Ossium's cabeza like I do with the mops on our greasy floors. Yeah, that's right, gringo, we passed this last health inspection. Respect!


Kevin Morris vs The Effect

Now that I've let off some steam, I'm back to the fun-loving ENdTB that I am: Si, The Effect is gonna get killed.


Ace Kerghan vs Psychoholic

The two men I snatched the belt from in our first match will draw. Somehow.


Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs ???

Our amigos, las question marks.


One Moore Gamble (Sebastian Moore & Scotty Gamble) vs Christian Star & ???

Quite simply, One More Gamble sucks. And they have the acronym of something an airheaded eleven year old girl would say. Respect!


Jon E Kashe vs Famine

Sorry, Mr. Kashe. You no good in the ring.

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I've been following along, and I was just wondering when the next show will be up. So, what's the schedule with this dynasty? Just wondering, as this dynasty is awesome! :)


Glad you like it sir


The schedule is supposed to be shows going up Saturday morning (London time) but I'll be honest. It's my football club's xmas party tonight and it might get pretty messy.


Ill have this up ASAP


thanks everyone for the predictions



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Guns of Brixton




Friday, week 3 2010


Attendance: 300 - Sold out!






The Fearsome Bunsen opens the show from his office. Well - it's an office but Bunsen clearly uses it for other things as there are several bubbling flasks, a giant Venus Flytrap and a handful of monkeys in a cage.


"Loyal followers of The Dog Pound, ladies and gentlemen, enlightened people of the world it is with a heavy heart that I welcome you to Guns of Brixton.


"I'm sure you were all with me in maybe expecting a little bit of good news in connection with me this week but alas - it wasn't to be.


"I am still without my life's goal and greatest ambition - a single Nobel Prize. Marie Curie won two... Even Churchill won but I have as yet been deemed unworthy by my peers. Which is why I'm different. I have a wrestling promo and the don't. I hang around with rockstars, cagefighters and... fast food restaurant proprieters. The sort of people those bemedalled losers can only dream of associating with as they stare out into the dark Scandinavian night.


"With these thoughts on my mind I bid you welcome to the show. I apologise for the lax organisation of this show. You all undersdtand that I am a man of split desires and althouth wrestling is dear to me I do have a full and bisy career.










Jon E Kashe comes down to the ring, with the same briefcase he had last time, he does his usual antics and take a microphone.


"In my hand I hold a briefcase, and as one of very few undefeated Dog Pounders, The Self Made Man is issuing an open challenge. In this case there is £50,000 which I'm going up high on a pole and anybody in that back whose a bit short of cash, and let's face you ALL are, can come and face me. Why would I do this, what's in it for me? This isn't about me showing off my wealth for once, this is about me showing all the Dog Pounders, and especially you The Fearsome Bunsen that I am championship material and that sooner of later after I've beat 10, 20 or however many it takes I will be the Top Dog because I have the money, so I have the power, the question is are any of you gunna step up and take your chance to prove yourself?"






After a few moments, Famine slinks out from backstage. He has a microphone hanging out of his mouth. Rather than confronting Kashe in the ring, he stops at the top of the ramp and just... sits there. Watching.


Then he smiles and drops the mic into his palm.


“Money... I'm not interested in your money. You can't buy glory, you can't buy victory. Winning... winning rewards itself. But I'm not here to preach, Famine believes in Famine... the hunger needn't be shared. I'm here to accept your challenge Kashe, and for a simple reason. Not your briefcase, I want for nothing material... for your streak. Small as it is in proportion to that ego of yours. I want it finished Kashe... I want to consume it, feed off of it. ...And it wouldn't hurt putting a dent in your arrogance, either. Set up your wager, Kashe... even though I don't want the money... taking it from you will make the meal all the sweeter.”


Famine begins crawling – yes crawling – down the ramp to approach the ring.




Jon E Kashe vs Famine



(Briefcase on a pole match)


Jon E Kashe

Kashe again showed Jekyll and Hyde. He has a great look and attitude that just makes you want to scream at him but his skill is sorely lacking and he's very raw indeed.



Famine showed some great moves and movement here as he literally ran around Kashe. He needs work obviously but this ws encouraging


The Finish

Kashe was very cagy here as he seemed very protective of the briefcase to the point of launching foolhardy moves designed to keep Famine away from the pole and case. For his part Famine seemed perfectly happy to go toe-to-toe as well and this was a good scrap. The case itself was knocked from the pole after a shuddering tackle from Kashe slammed Famine into the pole.


Kashe was the quickest man to react and he seized the case without scaling the pole before beating poor Famine down with the very heavy-looking item. it could have been money in there but the crowd never got to see as Kashe beat a speedy retreat from the ring afterwards.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Jon E Kashe defeated Famine in a Ladder match in 10:16 when Jon E Kashe retrieved the item.








The Fearsome Bunsen comes back to the ring


"There has been some controversy in the Dog Pound recently. In particular Ace Kerghan and The Psychoholic both claim to have been shortchanges with El Nieto del Taco Bomber taking the Top Dog championship in their 3-way match with neither man being pinned. As you know I'm a fair man so I'm giving each man another shot to prove theor worth. Whoever wins this match will claim a title match next month."




Ace Kerghan vs The Psychoholic




Ace Kerghan

Struggled again with consistency but made his big moments really pop and certainly came across well as a brawler.


The Psychoholic

Showed great charisma and good selling ability as he mixed it up with two other big men.


The Finish

This match was a real knockdown battle with both big men handing out awesome blows and taking them just as well. The turning point came from an unexpected angle as Ossium Compages ran down into the ring before attacking... the Psychoholic. It seems Kerghan was expecting this as he distracted the ref at just the right moment before sezing a groggy Psychoholic for the pin.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Ace Kerghan defeated Psychoholic Slag in 11:10 by pinfall. During the match we also had Ossium Compages run in and attack The Psychoholic.







The Effect is backstage going insane. Tables are flying everywhere and one hits a security guard in the face, who goes down like a sack of potatoes.


“2 Losses, 2 ****ing Losses!”


He picks up a chair and hits another security guard over the head with it.


“I don’t even get pinned!” He finally sits down on the floor cross-legged.


Strangely, he begins rocking backwards and forwards, slowly laughing like a mental patient.


“My time will come, Oh yes it will”


The Effect nods his head.


“It will be soon, soon!”


He reaches into his pocket.


“Psychoholic, well done on your victory but soon your time will end as mine begins.”


The Effect pulls out a knife and makes a small incision on his right cheek. The blood runs down his face, he then catches it on his hand as it drips.


“I was born on the streets. Alone, Lost and without purpose, violence brought me to where I am. The knife I hold was the start of many things: My soon-to-come prophecy but also the end of many things”


The blood continues to drip out of his cheek, he then wipes the blood onto his other cheek.


“Blood is the one thing that bonds all life forms. It is precious, it is necessary, but do we all deserve it. Be it far from me to decide peoples fates as in the words of a famous lyricist: You cannot kill what you did not create. Though I do not wish to kill, I wish to inflict pain. Make people forget why they were born, and wish it had never happened”


He then continues to rock backwards and forwards as Nymphetimine by Cradle Of Filth begins to play.


“Lead to the river

Midsummer, I waved

A "V" of black swans

On with hope to the grave”




Kevin Morris vs The Effect




Kevin Morris

A solid showing here as Morris proved himself a good competitor. Tried a variety of submission moves but didnt quite manage enough to win.


The Effect

Poor selling and psychology but the Emo Phenom still got people involved. Moved fast and showed good commitment to big moves (and little concern for safety).


The Finish


Far more athletic than most of the matches in The Dog Pound this match ended very suddenly with The Effect reversing a nice attempt at a chokehold into a pin for a clean victory.


In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, The Effect defeated Kevin Morris in 11:45 by pinfall.








A mysterious masked man appears out of thin air backstage. All of the cameras focus in on him.


Super Century: Hello, my name is Super Century. I fight for good and justice everywhere! Kids, remember that you can fight crime just like me if you buy my Super Century licensed Super Brand Milkshakes!


Super Century: Before I go, I must say that I see that I'm scheduled to face the evil Paranoid Android and.......some nobody pretending to be a super hero like me! Don't worry everybody! I will defeat these evil trash heaps very easily! Oh, it seems that my match is up next! And away I fly!


He hops up in the air and "flies" out towards to doorway leading to the entrance ramp while making whooshing noises. A bunch of ropes and wires are very obviously holding him up to fly away.






Backstage, Paranoid Android is taking a bit of time to refuel, with a delicious Coca-Cola (Mmm, that’s good!). After pounding the drink, he slams down the can, crushing it. “Tank now full,” he proclaims.


Android turns to the camera to address the fans. “Now that I’ve refueled, I can get down to business. These fans here have done as I’ve asked, and they’ve kept my presence here in the Dog Pound a well-kept secret. I know they don’t talk about me, because sneak attacks on me have been at an all-time low. Super Century, I could care less if you insult me, because, honestly, my genetic engineering makes me better than you, and that’s the truth. I didn’t choose to be made this perfect, but it’s a curse I now have to live with. But you insult these wonderful people, and that’s when my emotion sensors really switch on. Tonight, I’m gonna flip my safety off, and I’m coming for you, Super Century!”




Black Spider vs Paranoid Android vs Super Century




Black Spider

Rock-solid stuff with no mistakes. It was a pity Spider didnt get more out of this and he can be very happy with how he came across as a fast, modern fighter.


Paranoid Android

The crowd are unsure about Android but thats more about his character than work. Showed great speed, action and invention here.


Super Century

A nice debut for Century as he took every opportunity to show some gravity-defying moves. Very exciting.


The Finish

As you would expect this was pretty frantic with three smaller men making sure noone got a chance to seal a 3-count. The match was surprisingly full of action and movment and this is what provided the opening. Paranoid Androind found a burst of life from somewhere and managed to hoist Black Spider for a superplex. It was a great move but unfortunately too great and as he lay winded Super Century stole in to pin Spider.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Super Century defeated Black Spider and Paranoid Android in 12:16 when Super Century defeated Black Spider by pinfall.








Some generic rock hits and One Moore Gamble make their way to the ring to a mixed reaction. Moore enters the ring, his T-shirt sporting an advert for the upcoming Grey Dog Software game World of Mixed Martial Arts 3, with the slogan 'It's the jits!!!' He gestures to it a couple of times, and holds the ropes for Gamble, who enters just after him. It seems that Scotty has a more positive reaction from the audience.


Moore: Good evening.


Fan: P1ss off!


Moore: Yes, why don't you. It's wonderful to see you've all dragged your sorry hides down to this pathetic arena to witness, amongst an average show from a rubbish promotion, a small speck of awesomeness. WE are that speck - the single best thing happening in tag wrestling across the WORLD today. The Fighting Irish? Too drunk. The DeColt boys? Too prone to breaking into awkward choruses about mounties. The Pain Alliance? Well, they're almost as great as us. That Big Smack Scott's quite the competitor...


Moore smiles waspishly.


Moore: And don't get me started on our opponents for tonight. First off, we have 'Christian Starr'. First off, learn to spell your second name son. Star with one r. I know the internet has killed the English language, but people being unable to spell their own names? Now, I may have already pointed out Mr Starr's naive claim that alcohol is bad on my blog, and if you haven't read it already, I'm not going to tell you where it is because it's obviously too cool for you...


Gamble points to the back of Moore's shirt, where http://www.somemooreramblings.com is scrawled.


Moore: ... but to recap - Starr's only straight edge cos he's too young to realize how dull a night on the town is without a bit of alcohol fuelled funsies. And as for his manager... don't get me started on stereotypes. This character was old when Sheik Mustafa invented it - a rich Arab, hmm? Mayhap does he own an oil rig? What a startling coincidence, every 12 year old boy's Arabian efed manager does too! Amazing. And the tag team partner. Some geez called 'questionmarkquestionmarkquestionmark'. At least, that's what I got told. My motto is if your first name doesn't begin with S, you suck, and if there are more than 4 sylaballes, you doubly suck. So basically, Mr 'questionmarkquestionmarkquestionmark', you suck. Now I believe my man Scotty has something a little less interesting to tell you about.


Gamble: Thank you, my highly opinionated, professional rambler of a partner; I do in fact have something to say.


Scotty waits for the minor applause to die down as a sly smile creeps across his face.


Gamble: As you all know, I’m not one to beat around the bush. I say it as I see it and what I see doesn’t impress me. Christian Starr! Oh Christian, Christian, Christian. You call yourself “straight edge” when in actuality there is nothing straight about you son. We’ve all seen you in the back with your speakers on, listening to Frankie Goes To Hollywood and that’s OK, you are what you are and for that you need no excuses.......Can you hear that? If you all listen carefully you can hear the faint muffle of Christian bursting into a power ballad based on my last comment.


Scotty smiles as the crowd begin to laugh.


Gamble: But back to the matter at hand; Christian, you could be straight edged, straight laced, straight forward, straight in line for high school musical concert tickets and it still doesn’t change the fact that you are a child in a man’s world. So watch me and Moore as we go 1930’s dad on you and slap you so hard that your grandchildren will be born retarded."






Earlier tonight I was assigned the task of finding a partner worthy to be on the same team as Me when I was challenged to a NoDQ match against One Moore Gamble, myself and Sheik Awad have thrown names about such as Ripper LeStat and the UK Dragon but in the end Your Saviour decided on Symen Phenix, Symen may have lost to Jupiter Go! who I have defeated with ease and Psychoholic but due to my kind nature I signed him up, but Phenix if you lose me the match there will be hell to pay as Your Saviour doesn’t need a partner to defeat One Moore Gamble it just so happens he was told to get one.




One Moore Gamble vs Team Awad


No-disqualification match




Sebastian Moore

Not great selling or psychology but the big fella showed off a fine variety of moves and skill. Really good showing.


Scotty Gamble

Star quality continues to get Gamble a great crowd response but he does need to work on his cardio.


Christian Star

Another man who shows brilliant charisma in the ring but needs to work on his storytelling. A good showing here as he went face-on against a strong team.


Symen Phenix

Best showing so far and he looked physically strong. Must sell better for his co-workers.


The Finish


Another nice match here as all four (or five!) men involved took the opportunity to showcase their skills. The elephant in the room was Sheik Awad as he took every opportunity to interfere before running away. The Sheik knew that with a no-DQ stipulation he was target fodder if he got sloppy.


Moore and Gamble obviously knew this too but they were pretty occupied with trying to outdo each other with a range of painful-looking and cruel holds and moves. Phenix was pretty close to being their equal physically but Star relies on skill and athleticism rather than power and experience and was caught a few times.


The turning point came when Gamble managed to hit Symen Phenix with a low blow. The crowd visibly winced but fully expected Sheik Awad to interfere to keep the match alive. He didnt and Gamble took advantage to take the victory whilst Awad and Star looked on unpeturbed...


In an extremely poor match, One Moore Gamble defeated Christian Star and Symen Phenix in 15:19 when Scotty Gamble defeated Symen Phenix by pinfall.







The lights are completely out in The Dog Pound. For a few moments, nothing is seen or heard.


Then, a single solid spotlight shines on the middle of the ring. A fluorescent green mask is seen on a lightweight man kneeling in the ring. On both knees, the figure has something draped in his hands. The Top Dog Championship glitters in the single solitary light, and our visitor admires it for a few moments.


Then, dramatically, he raises it up with one hand and reaches back to pull out...


A crunchy shell taco.


A loud CRUNCH! rings out throughout The Pound, and the figure wipes beef and hot sauce residue from his legendary mask. He reaches back again and pulls out...


Another taco.


He CRUNCH!es, wipes, admires. The fans start to murmur in amazement, confusion, and slight hunger.


Reaching back one more time, the figure pulls out...


A microphone.


Not wanting to eat electronics that are property of The Fearsome Bunsen, the figure raises it to his lips to speak, not to munch.

El Nieto del Taco Bomber: Amigos and amigas...attention! Tonight, I hail from the streets of Tijuana and my new home in London, England.




I AM...





In a thunderous huff, ENdTB raises up his Top Dog Championship belt and "Ole!" starts to play...




At this moment his opponent Ossium Compages appears with the man who he aided earlier tonight - Ace Kerghan. The two men stand together staring at the Top Dog champion.


They cut an imposing sight and the seconds drag out as the big guys just stare.


El Nieto del Taco Bomber: Oh yeah? Is that how you want it? Like with that fool last week, I will not stand for disrespect to my name...my legacy...my cinturon de lucha libre! Bring it on!


Ossium and Ace contine to star silently but now start to walk down towards the ring.


El Nieto del Taco Bomber: I will NEVER EVER back down. You disrespect me...I give you the right to challenge me on your terms...I will not back down. It is on, gringo feo. And, don't worry, I've saved my spiciest moves for this bout tonight! Viva la revolucion! Viva el Taco Bomber!!! Aye aye aye!!!!!




At that moment and before the men can come to physical blows The Fearsome Bunsen reappears.


"Gentlemen I know you're eager to get this match on and it certainly seems both of you have good reason to fight but I've just heard about a little hurdle. The board have spoken and we have a detail you haven't heard about yet...


Asd he speaks a couple of workmen come out with shovels, pull back the (scrappy, dirty and manky) arena carpet and start digging.


"On of the board trustees has very forcfully put forward a suggestion that tonight's match will be The Dog Pound's first ever Ultimus Theatrum match. He certainly seemed shaken up but it's a legitimate request so the match will proceed. The first man to bury his opponent in this pit will be the winner and Top Dog champion.


"Good luck to both men. You'll need it.




El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs Ossium Compages

For the Top Dog Championship in an Ultimus Theatrum match.




El Nieto del Taco Bomber

The smaller man showed exemplary speed, athleticism and sheer bravery in this match but was clearly behind physically.


Ossium Compages

Ossium however came across as a skilled bigger man with some ability at basic wrestling. Amazing stuff eh!


The Finish


As could be expected Ossium dominates this match early on as the far bigger man tries to corner the champion using Ace Kerghan as an additional threat. El Nieto uses his awesome speed to launch hit and run attacks staying out of the demonic pair's clutches but it's touch and go stuff.


This continues for the majority of the match and with his agility El Nieto steadily wears down Ossium before launching in for a big diving attack. It's at this moment that Ace Kerghan gets actively involved and really starts the assault on the restaurant owner. Against both Kerghan and Compages El Nieto del Taco Bomber has no real chance and the crowd stand as one as they drag the champion into the newly-dug pit and cover him with gravel. The show ends with the two men standing over the grave and shaking hands.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Ossium Compages defeated El Nieto del Taco Bomber in 14:55 by burial. During the match we also had Ace Kerghan attack Taco. Ossium Compages wins the Top Dog championship.







Overall show rating: E

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Really sorry it's taken so long to get this up chaps.


Just that time of year with parties, family, crazy workloads and irate in-laws...


Write 50 times "I must pull my stupid finger out"


I appreciate all the comments, contributions, help and goodwill so I'll be better...




Hashasheen 0 (from 1)

Bigguy9854 1

TheLeviticalLawKid 1

clp605 2

MJStark 2

TheKenwyne 3

Chriskid 3

codey 4

Flamesnoopy 4

LoNdOn 4

20legend 4

Michiganhero 4


As normal the winner/s get to pick a match stipulation for the next show so please PM me if you'd like to take this up.


Also - I'm going to add some more opportunities for workers to improve:


All top-scorers in predictions can add 2 points to any skill for any worker on the Dog Pound roster or if they prefer to the UK overness figure for any worker.


In addition all people who contribute promos, speeches, attacks or any other sections to shows (including pictures, graphics, etc) will also get a 2 point bonus in any skill of their choosing for any worker.


Sound fair? Everyone get it?




The card for our next show "Hate and War" will be in the next day or two.


Anyone who missed this show will as usual be guaranteed a spot.


Thanks everyone for your attention and goodwill.


The Fearsome Bunsen.

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"New Approach"


Symon Fennix is standing over the graves of his former commerades... looking down he wonder why he has been victory-less in wrestling...


Fennix: "Wrestling.....I now realize what I am doing wrong. You see, this has all been a joke. But I realize now what I have been doing wrong."


Fennix begins to walk along the graveyard, past the various headstones of Fallen Soldiers of the past.


Fennix: "You see, people are in this line of work, they wrestle, they joke, they clown around. And for once, I was stooping to thier level, but now its simple. Crystal Clear. I cant "wrestle" like these people. I cant "play around" like these people. You see, I am a FIGHTER. I am in the ring to FIGHT YOU! This isnt a wrestling match! This is a WAR! So I will tell all of you this, all of the people who got victories over me...ENJOY THEM. Because that is LAST TIME you will get victories over me so easily! My head is in the right place now! Bottom line...I dont care whose in the ring with me, because when you step in the ring, you better be prepared and willing to DIE!!!


Fennix turns around and walks away from the camera, kneeling in front of a headstone that reads....






"Sergeant First Class Symon Arick Fennix









(I know its been a while, since I wrote a promo for this, so I hope its good to your guy's standards)

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