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Stranded in London: The Dog Pound

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Next time from The Dog Pound:




This is England



El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship



Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr



Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect



Lobo Solitario vs Famine



The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore



Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

Lobo Solitario vs Famine

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

Lobo Solitario vs Famine

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Christian Star vs Jupiter Go! - No vote (but I'm hopin I go over again :D)

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Fine show. The promo work by Sebastian Moore was amazing, I must admit that it was sheer brilliancy. Until it came to the point when he said "Stretching Machine". Go Moore! http://www.weightlossforall.com/images/hip%20flex%20stretching.JPG


Scotty Gamble's promo was a good one as well. I disliked the winner of the championship match - even though I voted for him -, since a face happy go lucky Hispanic flier isn't a good champion for the start. a) he isn't believable, b) he shouldn't have the crowds support yet, and c).. he sounds and looks like a jobber! :p



And people, stop ripping my antics! Even though Ossium Compages is not in this card now.. Mark my words, he'll be back.. And it's going to be real - DAMN real!




This is England


El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

- Might as well retain the title.


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

- I'm not impressed with either of them yet, but Kashe should pick the win.


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

- Phenix didn't look too impressive losing to another masked jobber ( :cool: ), but I like him the most of these three.


Lobo Solitario vs Famine

- Losers got their own match I see. Well, since Famine is a ripoff of Compages, Solitario shall reign strong.


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

- The best characters of this diary.. Seriously, if they lose now, I'll riot.


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

- I liked Star's manager a lot, and he wouldn't look too strong losing to a masked jobber ( :cool: ). So he shall pick the win.



Oh, and Boltinho. I would not recommend setting a limit for the promo's. Instead, just cut down the amount of promo's / per show. And people, don't take offence of these comments, just having some fun :)

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship



Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect



Lobo Solitario vs Famine


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect Not voting as I'm in it

Lobo Solitario vs Famine

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber[ vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

Lobo Solitario vs Famine

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Christian Star vs Jupiter


Only one worth mentioning. :p




@Boltinho: Is Chicky my client or not? I noticed you didnt' use the other promo I sent you on him.

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Ah yes. Chikbot declined to be involved in this stable so there is one spot free at least for a worker needing a bit of extra help...


Good to know. Attention anyone in this e-fed: Need a helping hand? A rich arab backing you up? Feel that working as a solitary wrestler isn't getting you anywhere? Then join up with Sheik Awad Inc., a nascent organisation aimed at bettering the lives of wrestling's next big things! :D

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

Great character, and first title defence.


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect


Lobo Solitario vs Famine

Great promo on first show.


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

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Good to know. Attention anyone in this e-fed: Need a helping hand? A rich arab backing you up? Feel that working as a solitary wrestler isn't getting you anywhere? Then join up with Sheik Awad Inc., a nascent organisation aimed at bettering the lives of wrestling's next big things! :D


You wanna try Symon Fennix, he's a big guy who might want a manager to talk for him

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I'll take a win any way I can get it!


El Nieto del Taco Bomber[ vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

Lobo Solitario vs Famine

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Christian Star vs Jupiter

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From the Desk of El Nieto del Taco Bomber

Mexican Grill and Cantina Owner By Day, Britain's Most-Beloved Luchador By Night


First off, I am as happy as a starving perro back behind our kitchen, scrambling through our garbage cans. To be named the first-ever Top Perro in The Dog Pound is the greatest moment of my career, topping the time I won that salsa-making contest back home in Tijuana. I will be most excellent champion for the Kingdom of the United, defending your title with grace, honor, dignity, and a side of queso dip.


But I must say, I am distraught at hearing the negative comments I've been getting backstage about my campeon-ness. One Ossium Compages has been running his boca since my title win last month, saying a luchador like me doesn't deserve the belt! Oh, it is on, hombre. How can one justify their throat-cutting remarks when they are not even on the card? And, if they were, they wouldn't be anywhere close to the title of Top Dog?!?!? Ossium, the wrath of ENdTB is coming...and it is hotter than my world-famous El Diablo Correr Un Maratón XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXtra Hot Sauce*.


But, for now, I shall bravely defend my cinturón de lucha libre against CJ "I Don't Have A Real Last Name" Alex. Mr. Alex, get ready for one legendary bout against El Nietooooooooooooooooooooooooooo del Tacoooooooooooooooo Bomber!


And, now time for las predicciones:


El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship


Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

Mr. Kashe is big tipper in mi cantina...but Chicky Starr is more suited for the ring.


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

Symen Phenix is, and I quote, "Built like a monster, son!"


Lobo Solitario vs Famine

Us Mexican-named wrestlers have to stick together like cheese in a quesadilla.


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

This tag team visited the La Cucaracha a while back...TBN mangled a few enchiladas while Senor Android kept checking for security cameras in the place. Like we have security! Anyway, these hombres will take a win here.


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

As long as Mr. Awad can keep his anti-Mexican paws out of the match (he spit on my burritos last week), Jupiter Go! should Go! and win this match, making the crowd yell Go!


*Available online at lacucaracha.com/London or thebritishluchador.com

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Love the in-character predictions. They really add to the flavour of The Dog Pound.


Just a note to say that dont worry about not predicting your own matches. I'll very rarely tell people if theyre winning or not and false modesty is a waste of time. Put money on yourself!


I've PMed everyone for next month but if you havent got one feel free to submit a promo anyway. The more colour the better! Noone will miss two shows in a row unless theres a storyline reason or they dont submit content/feedback/etc so dont feel bad about not being in the ring.


Ive already got 2 promos that we'll run between matches to keep characters going.


Thanks for the help and patience everyone



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Originally Posted by Hashasheen

Good to know. Attention anyone in this e-fed: Need a helping hand? A rich arab backing you up? Feel that working as a solitary wrestler isn't getting you anywhere? Then join up with Sheik Awad Inc., a nascent organisation aimed at bettering the lives of wrestling's next big things!


You wanna try Symon Fennix, he's a big guy who might want a manager to talk for him



Dont worry. Fennix can cut a pretty mean promo. and if he does join, it will be for 'HIS" purposes only.


(BTW. its me speaking "in character". Dont mean to disrespect anyone)

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El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship-

Dont care, because that title will be MINE anyway, eventually.


B]Jon E Kashe[/b] vs Chicky Starr-Kashe will be bankrupt and the "Starr" will Fall. When they face me....


Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect:

Do you really have to ask? Jupiter got lucky, these two...will not. Aint no way in HELL I am losing two weeks in a row.....


Lobo Solitario vs Famine


The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore


Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!- Me and "GO" have some "unfinished business."




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Some Moore Ramblings


So I've decided to put some predictions in my name and enlighten you to how to become a proper snark. By god some of you need the help - that's clear from some of the pathetic scores last month.


El Nieto del Taco Bomber vs CJ Alex for the Top Dog championship

They're both pretty rubbish - one's a perpetually drunk midget and the other's a burrito stroking part timer - but I guess this guy must have something to own a belt. Not that it'll be his for long, si, amigo?

Jon E Kashe vs Chicky Starr

I can't remember who Starr is for the life of me but I'll never vote for someone who makes a rip on a dull country singer for his in ring name. Seriously, WTF? This is the standard I expect from one of you internet fans, not a proper professional...

Psychoholic vs Symen Phenix vs The Effect

The other two will be too busy cutting their wrists to actually wrestle/

Lobo Solitario vs Famine draw

Mr. Lobo will start licking his arse cos he thinks he's some kind of wolf and Famine will start drinking the blood from the last match because he's a bit of an oddball. And he's got a ****ty name so there's no way I'm picking him...

The Big Nasty & Paranoid Android vs Scotty Gamble & Sebastian Moore

Not that I need his help to kick someone arse... but One Moore Gamble will be one too many for these losers. I'm sure I've seen these gimmicks before, too...

Christian Star vs Jupiter Go!

Cos the other guy looks like a queer out of some trashy Japanese anime. Acts like one, too.


*All predictions are totally in character and any offense taken by internet nerds like yourself means they are having the desired effect.*

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