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What can I say...Kings Reign Supreme ;) Favourite two wrestlers of the last 5 years haha, well with Dolph Ziggler haha


While Kings do Reign Supreme they will fall to The Men of Honor :cool:


And just out of curiosity how will matches be chosen, by that I don't mean winners, more who will fight who. I'm guessing Captain vs. Captain would be logical, but what about the other 4.

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While Kings do Reign Supreme they will fall to The Men of Honor :cool:


And just out of curiosity how will matches be chosen, by that I don't mean winners, more who will fight who. I'm guessing Captain vs. Captain would be logical, but what about the other 4.


I'll either do it in order or randomly pick. So like say Team Powerhouse Vs. The JOB Squad, it would be


CM Punk Versus Hornswoggle

Kurt Angle Versus Yoshi Tatsu

AJ Styles Versus Scotty 2 Hotty

Funaki Versus John Cena

Chris Jericho Versus Shark Boy


or like I said. Randomly.

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Team Name: Men of Honor

Led By: 1234


Captain: Bryan Danielson

Wrestler 2: Nigel McGuinness

Wrestler 3: Homicide

Wrestler 4: Low-Ki

Wrestler 5: Roderick Strong

Reserves: Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards & Austin Aries


Team Name: Team DANGEROUS

Led By: SWF Fan


Captain: Prince Devitt

Wrestler 2: Claudio Castognoli

Wrestler 3: El Generico

Wrestler 4: Chris Hero

Wrestler 5: The Miz

Reserves: Kevin Steen, Jay Lethal & Kenny Omega


Team Name: Der Bruderschaft

Led By: MichiganHero


Captain: Mike Quackenbush

Wrestler 2: Gran Akuma

Wrestler 3: Heath Slater

Wrestler 4: Chuck Taylor

Wrestler 5: Ares

Reserves: Alex Riley, Eli Cottonwood & Justin Gabriel


Team Name: Go Big or Go Home!

Led By: Hyde Hill


Captain: Brock Lesnar

Wrestler 2: The Undertaker

Wrestler 3: Kane

Wrestler 4: The Big Show

Wrestler 5: Matt Morgan

Reserves: Kevin Nash, Sid Vicious & Mark Henry


Team Name: The JOB Squad

Led By: FlameSnoopy


Captain: Shark Boy

Wrestler 2: Funaki

Wrestler 3: Scotty 2 Hotty

Wrestler 4: Yoshi Tatsu

Wrestler 5: Hornswoggle

Reserves: Santino Marella, Chavo Guerrero & Dolph Ziggler




Team Name: Culture Clash

Led By: Kluge


Captain: William Regal

Wrestler 2: Joey Ryan

Wrestler 3: Mistico

Wrestler 4: Masato Yoshino

Wrestler 5: Colt Cabana

Reserves: Sonjay Dutt, Rene Dupree & The Great Khali


Team Name: Team Powerhouse

Led By: BHK1978


Captain: Chris Jericho

Wrestler 2: John Cena

Wrestler 3: AJ Styles

Wrestler 4: Kurt Angle

Wrestler 5: CM Punk

Reserves: Sting, Christian & Alberto Del Rio


Team Name: Outcast

Led By: TheEffect


Captain: Ultramantis Black

Wrestler 2: Delirious

Wrestler 3: Abyss

Wrestler 4: Eddie Kingston

Wrestler 5: Raven

Reserves: Mick Foley, Frightmare & Hallowicked


Team Name: Team Immortal

Led By: Hitman23


Captain: Hulk Hogan

Wrestler 2: Monty Brown

Wrestler 3: Jeff Hardy

Wrestler 4: Samoa Joe

Wrestler 5: Scott Hall

Reserves: Evan Bourne, Rob Terry JTG


Team Name: The Roughriders

Led By: Phreak


Captain: Lance Storm

Wrestler 2: Edge

Wrestler 3: TJ Wilson

Wrestler 4: Harry Smith

Wrestler 5: Bobby Roode

Reserves: Tyson Dux, Petey Williams & Sean Morley



A - Men of Honor


C - Der Bruderschaft

D - Go Big or Go Home!

E - The JOB Squad


A - Culture Clash

B - Team Powerhouse

C - Outcast

D - Team Immortal

E - The Roughriders


A vs. B, C vs. D, E off

A vs. C, B vs. E, D off

A vs. D, C vs. E, B off

B vs. C, D vs. E, A off

A vs. E, B vs. D, C off


If there are any questions or you spot any mistakes I made, let me know :) I'll have the first two cards up shortly.

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Feel pretty confident with my division, glad I start off against team DANGEROUS (the second most talented team in division A :cool:) and finish against the JOB squad (although I fear they will steal there only point of the season on the last day).


And please let Low-Ki kick Hornswoggle's head in, just don't have Strong vs. 'swoggle, Strong would suffer a back injury bending down to chop him :p.


Intrigued about Go big or go home, should be an interesting team to watch.


And one final note Hogan vs UltraMantis Black, make it happen.

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Saturday, Week Two, January 2011

UWL 1, Night 1: Men Of Honor vs. Team DANGEROUS


Main Event

http://i51.tinypic.com/30cx2qq.jpg VS. http://i51.tinypic.com/35crbj6.jpg

Bryan Danielson Versus Prince Devitt


Also Featuring


Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


Sunday, Week Two, January 2011

UWL 1, Night 2: Der Bruderschaft vs. Go Big or Go Home!


Main Event

http://i56.tinypic.com/2vvw6f7.jpg VS. http://i51.tinypic.com/30tkp3o.jpg

Mike Quackenbush Versus Brock Lesnar


Also Featuring


Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker


Prediction Key

Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker


Here is how the point system will work. 2 points to the winner of a match. 1 point to each wrestler if it is a draw. 0 to the loser. Credit to Dell_Diddy for the logo.

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Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker

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Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


"My teams better than anyone elses" syndrome. In honesty I see Miz stealing his tie, and Generico & Hero have a good chance.


Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker


Since this is the first set of shows I have no idea what is going to go down here, while I wouldnt mind seeing Akuma & Taylor pick up HUGE wins I cant see it happening yet. The best I can envisige for Der Bruderschaft is a Main event win after a gang-land beatdown.

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Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli




OK night for me there I reckon, Miz will sneak a win, Hero is better than Low Ki, sad to see Claudio lose, hell he may have a chance but can't see Generico beating Strong




Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker




I'm already scared :(



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Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker

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Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


Two teams that I see as being VERY evenly matched. I made most of my picks pretty much at random. I can see most of these matches going etiher way.


Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker


And the flip side to that: one team that simply outpowers the other. Im a big fan of Quack and Akuma, though I really cant see them going over Brock or Taker at this point.

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Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker

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Night 1

Bryan Danielson Vs. Prince Devitt

Low-Ki Vs. Chris Hero

Roderick Strong Vs. El Generico

Homicide Vs. The Miz

Nigel McGuinness Vs. Claudio Castognoli


Night 2

Mike Quackenbush Vs. Brock Lesnar

Heath Slater Vs. Matt Morgan

Ares Vs. The Big Show

Chuck Taylor Vs. Kane

Gran Akuma Vs. The Undertaker


From the Head Office of Der Bruderschaft


You may all doubt us but in the end unity can overcome size. These 5 men we face are all threats, but when faced with our strength and unity, even the mightiest tree can fall.


Fur Der Bruderschaft!

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UWL 1, Night 1: Men Of Honor vs. Team DANGEROUS<hr>

On Commentary...


Matthew Striker • Todd Grisham • Jim Cornette


The commentators welcome everybody to the first ever UWL event and give a rundown of the night's matches. A video package airs of wrestlers on both teams in previous matches outside of UWL. The video ends showing a picture of Bryan Danielson and Prince Devitt facing off.




http://i56.tinypic.com/jaw400.jpg VS. http://i51.tinypic.com/97mvd0.jpg

Nigel McGuinness vs. Claudio Castognoli


A superb opening match, lots of action, the crowd was into it, and it was just a great match. Both men started the match off exchanging European Uppercuts and elbows back and forth. Nigel was able to take control of the match and began to destroy the Team DANGEROUS member with a vast array of moves. Nigel stunned Claudio with an uppercut and went to the ropes looking for a Jawbreaker Lariat, but Claudio was ready as he lifted Nigel up and connected with A Very European Uppercut for the win.


Result: Claudio Castognoli via A Very European Uppercut

Time: 18:48



http://i55.tinypic.com/1zf3bs5.jpg VS. http://i52.tinypic.com/2hzjv7.jpg

Homicide vs. The Miz


Another great match and the crowd was behind it. Both men gave a fair share of offense. Homicide gave The Miz some sick neckbreakers and piledrivers. The Miz came at Homicide with many clotheslines and at one point, a springboard bulldog! These two gave it their all, but Homicide came up short, falling victim to Miz's Skull-Crushing Finale.


Result: The Miz via Skull-Crushing Finale

Time: 21:36



http://i54.tinypic.com/2dl1z7d.jpg VS. http://i54.tinypic.com/9090ya.jpg

Roderick Strong vs. El Generico


"The Generic Luchador" El Generico faced off against Roderick Strong in the third match of the night. Strong started off with, no pun intended, strong backhand chops to Generico's chest, almost instantly Generico's chest turned red. Generico was able to connect some elbow strikes to take a breather from the chops. In the last few minutes of the match, Generico went up top with Strong in hands to connect with his brutal Brainbuster. However Strong was able to fight off Generico and lifted Generico up and back down for a painful superplex. Both men were down, but Generico slowly climbed to his feet using the ropes, but Strong saw a chance, and went behind Generico to connect with a Half nelson backbreaker to win the match.


Result: Roderick Strong via Half nelson backbreaker

Time: 20:59



http://i54.tinypic.com/kdsqq8.jpg VS. http://i55.tinypic.com/2eb4o41.jpg

Low-Ki vs. Chris Hero


Talk about a great match by two great wrestlers. Both men with tons of stiff strikes. Early on Low-Ki started to take down Hero with some kicks to the midsection. Hero came back with some elbow strikes and tried for an early Roaring Elbow, but Low-Ki countered it with a sickening roundhouse kick to Hero's face. Later in the match Chris was in control and gave Low-Ki a German suplex for a two-count. Chris picked Low-Ki up and wrapped his hands around his neck looking for the Hero's Welcome, but Low-Ki pushed Hero into the ropes. Ki got a hold of the ropes and jumped off in order to connect with a springboard clothesline, but Hero was ready, spun around, and connect with the Roaring Elbow for the win.


Result: Chris Hero via Roaring Elbow

Time: 23:02



And now for the main event of the evening...


http://i51.tinypic.com/30cx2qq.jpg VS. http://i51.tinypic.com/35crbj6.jpg

Bryan Danielson vs. Prince Devitt


As soon as the matched started both men charged one another, blasting each other with a hail of fists. Seeing a stalemate, both ran off the ropes, and both men went for a crossbody and connected in mid-air. Danielson seemed to get the worse of it, landing hard on his left arm, but that didn't stop him from getting up first. With Devitt now on his feet, the two locked up, and Danielson hit the Prince with a stiff elbow. Bryan tried getting Devitt in a surfboard, but Devitt got out of it. Bryan picks Devitt up from behind and gets ready for a German suplex, but Devitt reversed with an falling overhead kick to Danielson, dropping him to the mat.


Devitt quickly moved and picked up Danielson, Devitt got him in a suplex hold, lifted him up, and dropped Bryan right on his head. He covered him for the pin, but Danielson was able to get his foot on the bottom rope. Devitt quickly got up and stomped on Danielson's left arm. Devitt picked Danielson up again, but Danielson was ready this time, and hit Devitt with a European uppercut. With Devitt dazed, Bryan ran at him, and hit a big boot. He picked Devitt up from behind and connected with a bridging German suplex, but Devitt, surprisingly, kicked out.


Bryan lifted him up and hit another German suplex. Bryan got Devitt in a grounded crucifix and rained elbows on his head. Danielson got up holding his left arm, standing over his now bloodied opponent. Bryan began to rally up the crowd as Devitt was slowly getting back to his feet. Danielson spun and tried hitting a Roaring Elbow, but Devitt dodged it, and connected with the Devitt's End, on his left arm. Danielson struggled to break free, but was stuck in the center of the ring, with no option Danielson tapped.


Result: Prince Devitt via Devitt's End

Time: 25:16



Men Of Honor: 2 Points

Team DANGEROUS: 8 points


Part Two, Der Bruderschaft vs. Go Big or Go Home!, will be coming sometime this weekend or a little earlier. Hopefully you all enjoyed the show thus far. My match writing isn't the best around. Feel free to discuss the show. See you for part two.

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Straight from the Men of Honors locker room:


"What the hell was that? The referees were counting slow all night, and even the blind could see Hero's elbow pad was loaded, I mean where did Corporate find these refs? Probably just rounded up some damn Mexicans trying to cross the border.


Credit where credit is due though, we say thanks to the one member of Team Dangerous who didn't feel the need to cheat, or rely on a fast count: El Generico. And you see when the opposition didn't cheat they were annihaletd. Strong turned Generico's chest brighter than Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeers frickin nose, and mercifully put him out of his misery by breaking the poor *******'s back.


Now I could go on and on and on about the injustice we suffered, but i don't think that will make much difference now. However we demand corporate find some decent referees for when we next compete, or there will be severe consequences"

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[From the Locker Room of Team Dangerous]


[[Prince Devitt stands with his warriors, triumphant in his victory over the former best in the indies Brian Danielson. The rest of the team, bar Generico stands with him, relishing in the fact that they have just destroyed the second most talented team in Group A]]


Devitt: Tonight...we showed why it pays to be Dangerous. How it pays to be a King rather than a Rotweiller [[both Hero and Claudio stand tall giving each other a pat on the back]] why it pays to be simply...


The Miz: [[interupting]] AWESOME!


Devitt: too true, and why it pays to be raised in wrestling in Japan, when I put the best in the world down and made him tap or snap, when he realized he had nothing left to throw at me.


[[All four men look back to Generico, sat with his head in his hands]]


Devitt: Generico, come up here....


[[Generico walks forward as Hero takes over the speaking]]


Hero: Generico, tonight you put on one hell of a match buddy, maybe you're just not good enough for this team...but that would be wrong, we WILL make you good enough for this team. See Generico, when we're all finished with you you're gonna be...


Claudio: A KING!






Hero: Any words Generico?


[[El stands for a moment before lifting one finger up to the sky]]


Generico: OLE!


[[We fade out as Team Dangerous celebrate]]





All in all:


I'm suprised but happy we picked up 8 points. Couldn't ever have seen Devitt making Danielson tap but that put a smile on my face being a huge Prince mark.


Generico was always my weakest pick on the team, probably could have got someone better but at the time I just couldn't think. Looking at it now putting someone like Kofi Kingston in would have been better. But I guess in 'storyline' terms, having Generico lose every match has its advantages, when the other 4 guys in my team could easily play ****y Heels better than faces.


Very happy with the result

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UWL 1, Night 2: Der Bruderschaft vs. Go Big or Go Home!<hr>

On Commentary...


Matthew Striker • Todd Grisham • Jim Cornette


Once again the commentators welcome everybody to the second night of UWL 1. They list each match tonight and recap the events of Night 1. Another video package plays showing the highlights of Night 1, such as Prince Devitt making Bryan Danielson tap, Chris Hero's Roaring Elbow to an air-born Low-Ki, Roderick Strong chopping Generico's chest to a bright red, and delivering the Half nelson backbreaker. A second package plays for tonight's event, ending it with Mike Quackenbush facing Brock Lesnar.




http://i52.tinypic.com/2lnddo7.jpg VS. http://i54.tinypic.com/2n8u3vk.jpg

Gran Akuma vs. The Undertaker


This wasn't the best opening match. It featured some good action, but the crowd was just not into it, and who can really blame them? Gran only got in a few attacks against Undertaker, but they did nothing. Taker went to town on Gran with Chokeslams, Powerbombs, a Tombstone Piledriver, and finished it all with a Hell's Gate.


Result: The Undertaker via Hell's Gate

Time: 16:38



http://i56.tinypic.com/6hrvvs.jpg VS. http://i54.tinypic.com/2rn7mh4.jpg

Chuck Taylor vs. Kane


This match was shockingly good. The fans went nuts over this match and the two men put on a great match. Taylor started the match with a flurry of punches to Kane, but Kane shoved him into the ropes. Chuck slid under Kane and connected with a dropkick on Kane, sending him over the ropes. Chuck got on the top rope, turned, and leaped off hitting Kane with a moonsault. The ref began a count, but Kane threw Taylor back in at the 6 count. Kane got on top of Taylor and started to punch him right in the face. Kane let up when the ref told him to and picked Taylor up. Kane wrapped his hand around Taylor's throat, lifted him high up, and brought him down with a thud. Kane went for a pin, but only got a two count. Everyone was shocked, including Kane, as he picked Taylor up, and hit a second Chokeslam, another two count. Kane began to argue with the ref, Chuck slowly got up with the help of the ropes, he then got to the top rope, and hit Kane with a missile dropkick. Both Kane and the referee went down.


Chuck went outside of the ring and grabbed a chair, then threw it inside. Chuck began to strike Kane's right leg with the chair until the referee got back up. Chuck struggled to pull Kane to the center of the ring, but he did, and he locked in the Cross Crab on Kane's right leg for the submission.


Result: Chuck Taylor via Cross Crab

Time: 20:12



http://i52.tinypic.com/2rcppu8.jpg vs. http://i52.tinypic.com/2qs18k2.jpg

Ares vs. The Big Show


The crowd loved the match even though it didn't feature all too great action. Big Show was in control for a good portion of the match. Ares took a lot of damage in the match, but was always able to give a bit back. When Big Show threw a hard punch, Ares threw a harder one. Towards the end of the match Ares dodged a Knockout Punch and hit Show with a stiff DDT. Ares looked to the top rope and jumped off hitting The One Star Frog Splash for the win.


Result: Ares

Time: 24:13



http://i54.tinypic.com/24d1wt2.jpg vs. http://i56.tinypic.com/2589pch.jpg

Heath Slater vs. Matt Morgan


Another match loved by the fans and it had great action. Despite being the smaller man in the match, Slater took the giant Morgan down with some smart strikes. At one point, Slater bounced off the ropes in hopes for a crossbody, but Morgan caught him midair, and launched him across the ring with a fallaway slam. From that point on Matt was in control, but Slater caught him off guard with a Jumping Neckbreaker, hoping to get the pin, but only a two count. Toward the end of the match Morgan nearly took Slater's head off with a Carbon Footprint for the pinfall.


Result: Matt Morgan via Carbon Footprint

Time: 23:03



And now for the main event of the evening...


http://i52.tinypic.com/abj7s.jpg vs. http://i52.tinypic.com/2quowfn.jpg

Mike Quackenbush vs. Brock Lesnar


A second great main event. Full of action and the crowd was behind it every second. This match was another match that was shockingly good. Mike was able to hit Brock with quick strikes, but he just couldn't block Brock's hard punches. Many a time Brock would rush Mike in the corner and beat him down until the referee forced him off. Within the 10 minute mark, Mike was already bleeding from Brock's strikes. Although very bloody, Mike wouldn't give up, even after a huge F-5. Mike managed to clothesline Brock out of the ring. When he got out, Mike used the objects around him, and started off by throwing Brock into the steel steps, then into the turnbuckle post. Now, certain the match was his, Mike started to greet some fans, which wasn't a great idea as Brock started to get up. Just as Mike turned to face Lesnar, he was met with a huge man, right through the barrier. Brock's spear nearly ended the match via count out, but he threw Mike back into the ring for more punishment.


Lesnar picked up Mike's limp body and placed it on the top of the turnbuckle. Just as Lesnar was about to climb up, Mike kicked him away, then leaped, and hit a strong swinging DDT. Both men were out, the half of the fans for cheering for Mike, the other for Brock, the count began. Both slowly got up, but only to throw a punch at one another to bring them back down. It wasn't until Brock threw in some stiff punches to make Mike stay down. Lesnar gave a brutal German Suplex on Mike to get a pin, but only a two count. It was easy to see Brock was frustrated that Mike wouldn't stay down. He lifted Mike up again and placed him on his shoulders. Mike was able to hit Brock with another DDT. A replay shows of the move and how Brock landed on his neck. With Lesnar down, Mike locked in an Inverted CHIKARA Special. Brock didn't tap, he didn't respond, and the referee called for the bell.


Result: Mike Quackenbush via Inverted CHIKARA Special

Time: 25:58<hr>


Team DANGEROUS: 8 Points

Der Bruderschaft: 6 Points

Go Big Or Go Home!: 4 Points

Men of Honor: 2 Points

The JOB Squad: 0 Points


Some pretty shocking results EH? Sorry for the wait. I'll let you all discuss the results before I put up the UWL 2 card...or while I put up the card. Hope everyone enjoyed this. Let me know if there are any errors.

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Some pretty shocking results EH? Sorry for the wait. I'll let you all discuss the results before I put up the UWL 2 card...or while I put up the card. Hope everyone enjoyed this. Let me know if there are any errors.


Yeah...Der Bruderschaft (Bunch of Indy Nobodies :p) managed to secure more points against Go Big Or Go Home (A team filled with F'n Giants) than Men Of Honor(The most talented group of wrestlers in this damn tournament) did against Team Dangerous(A bunch of Indy Nobodies...No I am not joking this time :cool:)!!!!!!!!!!!11!1 :mad:


I tell you if the next results dont go the way expected I will believe everyone that has been telling me that Wrestling is fixed :rolleyes:

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Yeah...Der Bruderschaft (Bunch of Indy Nobodies :p) managed to secure more points against Go Big Or Go Home (A team filled with F'n Giants) than Men Of Honor did against Team Dangerous(A bunch of Indy Nobodies...No I am not joking this time :cool:)!!!!!!!!!!!11!1 :mad:


I tell you if the next results dont go the way expected I will believe everyone that has been telling me that Wrestling is fixed :rolleyes:


Do..do you need a hug?



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