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The Minor Questions Thread

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Yes but their stats can rise quicker, or to a higher level.


A small question for mod-makers:


When you set the 'potential' stat of all fighters to 50, can they still reach heights of 90+ in skill level? It seems to me that some fighters with potential -50 can still get 85% on stats, coming all the way from -70. So is it possible? It would make a much more consistent game, given some fighters excel one game and suck the other.


Potential is basically a soft cap on growth. If a fighter has a potential of 50 that's the roughly the highest he'll get in any stat, regardless of his training, etc. It's not a hard cap, so some stats will venture above that, and stats that start higher than potential won't drop. But for the most part that's as good as a fighter will get. If potential is set at 0 then their maximum skills are determined by their starting stats and their destiny.

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Potential is basically a soft cap on growth. If a fighter has a potential of 50 that's the roughly the highest he'll get in any stat, regardless of his training, etc. It's not a hard cap, so some stats will venture above that, and stats that start higher than potential won't drop. But for the most part that's as good as a fighter will get. If potential is set at 0 then their maximum skills are determined by their starting stats and their destiny.


So, if you have a really crappy fighter debut at 19 years of age, but with 99 in potential, does that mean that he WILL eventually get his skills to the 90-range? What influences the rate of stat growth besides potential and camp strength?

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I had just held a show in my BCF game so I was very excited to advance to the next week to check on my fighters' rankings. In the same week, Josh Aldarisio had beaten #1 P4P Julio Reguiero and so I expected the #2 P4P, my fighter Braulio Moura, to take the #1 spot. And then came Li-Kong Ho.


In a week where he had no fights, had not announced any fights and had not signed with a new camp or organization, he managed to go from unranked on both the Featherweight and P4P scales to #1. Now, he does have the highest reputation in the game and is undefeated, but I don't understand how he fell off and then climbed back up the rankings.


I'm assuming that Ho deserves to be at the top of the P4P rankings because of his reputation, but why did he fall off in the first place? Is this a glitch or not? Any help would be appreciated.

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So, if you have a really crappy fighter debut at 19 years of age, but with 99 in potential, does that mean that he WILL eventually get his skills to the 90-range? What influences the rate of stat growth besides potential and camp strength?


Fantastic questions I would also love to have answers to these.

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So, if you have a really crappy fighter debut at 19 years of age, but with 99 in potential, does that mean that he WILL eventually get his skills to the 90-range? What influences the rate of stat growth besides potential and camp strength?


No, it only means that he COULD get that high. Potential only has to do with the maximum level of a fighter's skills, not how high the skills get or how fast they improve. You could set a fighter's potential to 99 and be a can for life.


The reason for that is other stats control a fighter's actual improvements, namely the "hidden" destiny stat that decides how good of a fighter he'll be. If you have high destiny and high potential, you could have a superstar in the making. Even if the potential stat is high, if destiny is low he'll never reach that potential. And if his destiny is high and his potential is low he might improve quickly but a hit a wall at whatever his potential is set at.


Even though the hidden destiny stat has a lot to do with how good a fighter can be, a good camp is what will really guide improvement. Fighters in a good camp will improve faster than in a bad camp, and MUCH faster than not being in a camp at all.


At the end of the day you can't guarantee a prospect will turn out well, but having him in the best camp and maxing out potential will improve your odds.

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have just created a bantamweight divison in my GAMMA saved game in both GAMMA and KDM which i bought out, just a minor question though with these division being created will there be world rankings or will it just be in company rankings??


I could be wrong about this because I mod so much I don't play a lot, but I'm pretty sure the world rankings put fighters into whatever weight class their "best weight" is. So if you've got a bunch of featherweights cutting down to 135 they're not ever going to show up on the rankings. If you go into the editor and change their best weight to 135 I think they'll show up. I had a problem with that in Modern Warriors because I wanted Demetrious Johnson's best weight to be 125, but if I left it at that he never showed up on bantamweight rankings.

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I could be wrong about this because I mod so much I don't play a lot, but I'm pretty sure the world rankings put fighters into whatever weight class their "best weight" is. So if you've got a bunch of featherweights cutting down to 135 they're not ever going to show up on the rankings. If you go into the editor and change their best weight to 135 I think they'll show up. I had a problem with that in Modern Warriors because I wanted Demetrious Johnson's best weight to be 125, but if I left it at that he never showed up on bantamweight rankings.


That's not correct. If a fighter has two fights in a division, he'll show up in that ranking. So if, say, John Rivero is the #5 Light Heavyweight and then fights two times in Heavyweight, he'll appear in the Heavyweight rankings.


I think you need at least 10-15 people in the division before the rankings will appear, so it'll probably be 1-2 years before you get enough Light and Featherweights converted.

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That's not correct. If a fighter has two fights in a division, he'll show up in that ranking. So if, say, John Rivero is the #5 Light Heavyweight and then fights two times in Heavyweight, he'll appear in the Heavyweight rankings.


I can confirm this. Fighters will show up on a different weight classes rankings after two fights in that division, regardless of what their best weight is.

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Has anyone ever managed to book fighters from two different divisions in an openweight fight on purpose? They can never agree on a weight when I try.


Also, I know this is entirely unrealistic in the real world (but those of you who know me know how much of a fanatic I am about this), but is there a way to actually get a man and a woman to fight each other, in an unregulated region perhaps?


I think I have heard of it happening in real life once or twice, with a bigger woman taking on a Lightweight or lighter male, can't remember where I read that, though.


After all, women can carry a Global promotion in TEW2010 even though that's entirely unrealistic (sadly, which is something I don't like about people in the real world), so perhaps that "option" could be available? Perhaps as a player option to turn on or off?


I mean, I know critics would argue with me, but I don't think a featherweight woman would have a disadvantage against a featherweight man just because of gender.


Sorry about dragging that on so long. Like I said, people who know me know I'm nuts for utilizing women. What can I say? We rule. :)

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Has anyone ever managed to book fighters from two different divisions in an openweight fight on purpose? They can never agree on a weight when I try.


Also, I know this is entirely unrealistic in the real world (but those of you who know me know how much of a fanatic I am about this), but is there a way to actually get a man and a woman to fight each other, in an unregulated region perhaps?


I think I have heard of it happening in real life once or twice, with a bigger woman taking on a Lightweight or lighter male, can't remember where I read that, though.


After all, women can carry a Global promotion in TEW2010 even though that's entirely unrealistic (sadly, which is something I don't like about people in the real world), so perhaps that "option" could be available? Perhaps as a player option to turn on or off?


I mean, I know critics would argue with me, but I don't think a featherweight woman would have a disadvantage against a featherweight man just because of gender.


Sorry about dragging that on so long. Like I said, people who know me know I'm nuts for utilizing women. What can I say? We rule. :)


I've never heard of it happening in an MMA bout, pro or am. it happens in grappling all the time though.

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Potential is basically a soft cap on growth. If a fighter has a potential of 50 that's the roughly the highest he'll get in any stat, regardless of his training, etc. It's not a hard cap, so some stats will venture above that, and stats that start higher than potential won't drop. But for the most part that's as good as a fighter will get. If potential is set at 0 then their maximum skills are determined by their starting stats and their destiny.


EDIT/ I tested somewhat and I think I figured it out.


Your line of thought is exactly what I thought, but I checked a fighter who had 50 potential and he actually want all the way to 85.1%, where it was capped, starting at 60 for them. The manual does state this is possible (destiny like you said), but is kinda confusing because it states that 'most stats will be around 70 when potential is 70'. It might be true, but it's better to see 'potential' as a set amount of "ability points" that the fighter can gain during his career. Potential of 1 means that he will NOT improve at all, regardless of destiny. Potential of 100 is that he can become an MMA god if he chooses to be one or is allowed to be one (good camps & destiny). Potential is indeed some sort of 'wall', but very flexible depending on the destiny.


If you put it on 0 however, it gets randomized anyway, which is kind of odd since the manual indeed states that it's "according to skills & destiny".


I tested a game with potential all on 50, and it's turning out to be quite nice. Only quicksimmed 1.5 y though. Don't get me wrong: I like the destiny stat a lot, but sometimes the best fighters get 10-20 on the skill, regardless of how good they are, and as a result get royally screwed in a game, getting quickly outclassed by other workers. I would like 'some' consistency in my games anyway. So perhaps setting it all on 50 (which you can do in the editor all at once so it's no chore) might be a nice hint. Don't be afraid of them not being able to reach 85+ stats with a 'bad' potential: it is possible. :)

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I am working on a mod and right now all my fighters are below 70% in charisma, interview, looks and menace. Do these stats change over time or are they permanent?


I know charisma, interview and looks all play a role in popularity, but what does menace do? Like a bad guy rating and higher is better for a heel and attracting fans?

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I am working on a mod and right now all my fighters are below 70% in charisma, interview, looks and menace. Do these stats change over time or are they permanent?


I know charisma, interview and looks all play a role in popularity, but what does menace do? Like a bad guy rating and higher is better for a heel and attracting fans?


Yep. I guess it all has to do with popularity. Performing better in charisma or menace, looks or interviews gives them an edge in becoming more popular I think.


They don't change over time though.

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Creative strikes, Heart, strategy used by fighters, randomness during the fight, etc. It's a combination of factors.


And yes, fan favorite is the equivalent of a 'face', the other being 'heel'. It's used for someone like Sonnen who just runs their mouth often in promos, being ****y, improving the PPV sales as they go. A fan favorite portraits the clean, blue collar sportsmanship approach, just like in wrestling. It doesn't apply during matches though. Only for interviews and surrounding hype of the fight.

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I have a question, didn't want to open a new topic for it, so...


Are there any real world mods which have some non-MMA guys in it? I'm talking pro wrestlers, celebrities, etc...


Guys like Batista, Angle, Undertaker, Mayweather would be cool.

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Probably not. There once was a SciFi mod I think (panix?). Would be cool to see this happen once again. Perhaps check the WMMA 1 threads?


Making money is just purely micromanaging the contracts. I don't like to spend much time doing that so when I'm almost bankrupt, I just add money. Doesn't feel like cheating since it's fairly easy to stay afloat (except with KDM-FC), only you need to spend time on the contracts, which is just not fun. Basically, you should first reduce the signing costs to 100$ or something, since they generally don't mind that. Furthermore, try and maximise your main events in order to gain popularity superfast, not using your lesser talent and only hosting shows when there are main eventers who are willing to fight. You should do fine with these pointers.


A question from me :


Do the features interviews actually have a point. If they don't it would be nice to have a feature to turn them off, since I don't like having to look through all the newsposts in order to find something relevant. But maybe they increase match interest?

Same for the match request feature: does it matter that you accept their wishes at the cost of productivity? There's no worker-booker relationship in the game, so yeah. :)

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I have a question, didn't want to open a new topic for it, so...


Are there any real world mods which have some non-MMA guys in it? I'm talking pro wrestlers, celebrities, etc...


Guys like Batista, Angle, Undertaker, Mayweather would be cool.


As Real As It Gets mod would have a huge amount of non-MMA guys if you convert it to WMMA 3.

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Hey there!


I'm playing FLB but I always lose money whenever I run a show, no matter what I book.


Any tips on making money on general on this game?


I'm working as FLB. I lost money for my first year or so, $50000 a month or so. All I can suggest is lower ticket prices. You'll earn slightly less, but more people will show, and your popularity will rise faster, making you money soon enough. I turn over about 5mil a month now, and that's going up still.

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Hey there!


I'm playing FLB but I always lose money whenever I run a show, no matter what I book.


Any tips on making money on general on this game?


Yea in general you won't make much if any money with any company until you have a PPV deal.

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<p>Do the stats for creative submissions, punches and kicks increase or are those stats permanent?</p><p> </p><p>

I ask because when I create a Level 3 to 6 template fighter, creative punches and kicks can randomly fluctuate between 0 and 100, but creative submissions never go over 70%. Obviously I would like the most skilled submission guys to eventually learn more creative submissions, but if this stat is permanent then I will need to manually increase the stat so at least some fighters reach the 70-100% range.</p><p> </p><p>

The same for Flexibility stat too.</p>

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