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United States Pro Wrestling 2014

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For The Vacant Women's Championship

Alicia Strong vs. Pharaoh Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Belle Bryden


15 Woman Battle Royal - Winner will face Women's Champion Next Week

Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi vs. Geena The Warrior Princess vs. Gorgon vs. Brooke Tyler vs. Makuda vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Nadia Snow vs. Roxy Kitten vs. Pharaoh Marie York vs. Seki Kinugasa vs. Tracy Taylor vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. "The World's Best Brawler" Shirley Bristow


20 Man Battle Royal - 1st Ever USPW Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Mexican Hero vs. [AWA's] Paul Steadyfast vs. Mr Lucha III, vs. El Mitico vs. Gino Montero vs. Ash Campbell vs. Hector Galindo vs. Teddy Powell vs. Frankie Perez vs. Greg Grouch vs. Narato vs. Ota vs. C.H Threepwood vs. Jay 'The Hammer' Lane vs. Ant-Man vs. James Prudence vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Xander Clark vs. Hell Monkey vs. [NOTBPW's] Cliff Wilson.


Co Main Event

Captain USA vs. Union Jack


1st Ever USPW Six Man Tag Team Championship Match

Art Reed, Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. Dallas McWade, Danny McWade & Dean McWade (The McWade Family)

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For The Vacant Women's Championship

Alicia Strong vs. Pharaoh Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Belle Bryden


15 Woman Battle Royal - Winner will face Women's Champion Next Week

Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi vs. Geena The Warrior Princess vs. Gorgon vs. Brooke Tyler vs. Makuda vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Nadia Snow vs. Roxy Kitten vs. Pharaoh Marie York vs. Seki Kinugasa vs. Tracy Taylor vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. "The World's Best Brawler" Shirley Bristow


20 Man Battle Royal - 1st Ever USPW Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Mexican Hero vs. [AWA's] Paul Steadyfast vs. Mr Lucha III, vs. El Mitico vs. Gino Montero vs. Ash Campbell vs. Hector Galindo vs. Teddy Powell vs. Frankie Perez vs. Greg Grouch vs. Narato vs. Ota vs. C.H Threepwood vs. Jay 'The Hammer' Lane vs. Ant-Man vs. James Prudence vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Xander Clark vs. Hell Monkey vs. [NOTBPW's] Cliff Wilson.


Co Main Event

Captain USA vs. Union Jack


1st Ever USPW Six Man Tag Team Championship Match

Art Reed, Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. Dallas McWade, Danny McWade & Dean McWade (The McWade Family)

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For The Vacant Women's Championship

Alicia Strong vs. Pharaoh Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Belle Bryden


15 Woman Battle Royal - Winner will face Women's Champion Next Week

Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi vs. Geena The Warrior Princess vs. Gorgon vs. Brooke Tyler vs. Makuda vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Nadia Snow vs. Roxy Kitten vs. Pharaoh Marie York vs. Seki Kinugasa vs. Tracy Taylor vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. "The World's Best Brawler" Shirley Bristow


20 Man Battle Royal - 1st Ever USPW Soaring Eagle Championship Match

Mexican Hero vs. [AWA's] Paul Steadyfast vs. Mr Lucha III, vs. El Mitico vs. Gino Montero vs. Ash Campbell vs. Hector Galindo vs. Teddy Powell vs. Frankie Perez vs. Greg Grouch vs. Narato vs. Ota vs. C.H Threepwood vs. Jay 'The Hammer' Lane vs. Ant-Man vs. James Prudence vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Xander Clark vs. Hell Monkey vs. [NOTBPW's] Cliff Wilson.


Co Main Event

Captain USA vs. Union Jack


1st Ever USPW Six Man Tag Team Championship Match

Art Reed, Groucho Bling & Elmo Benson vs. Dallas McWade, Danny McWade & Dean McWade (The McWade Family)

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[The show is in a much smaller arena than usual and it has a feel of a TV show and has a very high quality visual and sound due to the way the building is built this gives it a true feel of a B show and the step up needed is clear. The camera comes to the ring after panning the crowd and there stands Shane Sneer, David Ditterich and Ana Garcia. The later two are making their first USPW appearances and Sneer is back live for the first time in years. The crowd is different to your normal USPW fans, these are more die-hards that know why they're here and are really pumped so much and the commentators are having to shout even with the microphones.]



Good evening, and welcome to the first EVER, Thursday Night Fury! Tonight marks a new era, a new beginning, this is the future of United States Pro Wrestling!


And with that in mind it is my privilege to hand over to the future voice of wrestling, Davis Ditterich!



Thank you Shane, it is great to be here Shane and what an episode we have ahead of us. With a 20 man battle royal, Captain USA II vs. Union Jack as well as a Six Man Tag Championship match between, Art Reed, Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling and the McWade Brothers and their cousin Danny, as well as two other matches, but I'll pass you onto the resident women's wrestling expert, no not Joe Sexy, it's Ana Garcia.



Gracias, Double D and that is why I am so excited about being on board. First we crown a new Women's Champion and then we have a 15 woman battle royal for the number 1 contendership. Not only that but we have numerous segments such as...


[As she began an unsurprisingly unfamiliar song comes over the sound system and out comes John Greed onto the top of the ramp, he stomps down to the ring, running his fingers through his hair and holding a sinister smirk.]



Get out of the ring, [the 3 don't move and John raises his tone] I said get out of MY ring! [shane ushers the other 2 out of the ring making sure they are protected from Greed, and John pushes him causing all 3 to clamber out of the ring.]


Shane, Dave, Ana you talk about the future you talk about how the next gen is now, but it's all crap. This country always has and always will oppress it's people into believing the land is full of opportunities when really it's all those at the top, and I know from the inside, who pick and chose who succeeds, so when this is described as the ultimate opportunity that is just bull, because at the end of the day the same cookie cutter elitists will rise. That is why I am here to expose the lies of a land that has covered itself up for so long, a place where only those who are part of the “club” know the truth and guess what, you're not in the “club”. So if you tune into this evil network, do it for one reason, to be enlightened by Greed about the Darkside! [He looks directly into the camera and makes 'illuminati hand sign'] It's more than a conspiracy, it's happening before your very eyes! [He leaves with that message ringing in the viewers ears and leaves in a very understated manner. We then go to the announcers,]



That man is hell bent on something.



And I'm sure he tell us what sooner or later, Ana are you okay?



I'm fine, you're the one who scream like a little girl!




Alicia Strong beat off the three other competitors in just over 10 minutes when J-Ro's crazy leap to the outside to Belle Bryden took them both out of the match as the good action came to an end with an Angel Driver to Harper for the win and for Alicia to regain the title she never lost.


Winner: And NEW Women's Champion Alicia Strong


[The camera cuts to the back where it is at a door saying General Manager, a dark haired man barges past and looks at the door before entering in. He sits in his seat which is facing away from the camera and sits down. It's Alex Braun!]



Welcome to my new home, welcome to Thursday Night Fury, this is my playground. John Greed I hear you saying you're taking over well, you'll have to get through me. And I will stand here for the honour of United States Pro Wrestling and so will a lot of guys in our locker room. Next week will be my first public address to the Fury fans, between those orange rope that we, are going to make famous.


[The camera then cuts to another part of the arena where 2 new men are stood.]



Good day everyone, and take a look at the newest stars of USPW, I'm Jay 'The Hammer' Lane and I can't wait to get into the ring later tonight, and this man stood next to me, you could call my enforcer, he's the Aussie PM's former bodygaurd, Mr. Rystraint, and we are ready to take Fury by storm and grab the bull by the horn because we are here to make an impact guys!

[Rhystraint grunts loudly and flexes his muscles, showing his ridiculously huge arms, chest and neck, he then relaxes his muscles and smiles. Before Jay finishes with...]

Have a nice day!


Battle Royal Featuring 15 Women:



The match started with all 15 women in a hugely packed ring.

<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <col width="64*"> <col width="64*"> <col width="64*"> <col width="64*"> <tbody><tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">
Order of Elimination

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Eliminated by

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Roxy Kitten

</td> <td width="25%">
Shirley Bristow

</td> <td width="25%">
Uppercut punch

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Seki Kinugasa

</td> <td width="25%">
Shirley Bristow

</td> <td width="25%">
Double Hand Chokebomb

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Tracy Brendon

</td> <td width="25%">
Shirley Bristow

</td> <td width="25%">
½ of double Clothesline

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Suzanne Brazzle

</td> <td width="25%">
Shirley Bristow

</td> <td width="25%">
½ of double Clothesline

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Stephanie Wade

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Etsuko Arihyoshi

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Brooke Tyler

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Pharaoh Marie York

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Gorilla Press

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Megumi Nakajima

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Flying dropkick

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Nadia Snow

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Fell from top rope

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Amber Allen

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Bicycle kick

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Geena TWP

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Head scissors

</td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">

</td> <td width="25%">
Gorgon/ Shirley Bristow

</td> <td width="25%">
Double Big Boot

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

It then came to the last 2, both had eliminated 4 women each and the 2 big women stood across from each other and started brawling, but Shirley soon had the better of Gorgon who pumped herself up in the corner before charging at Shirley with a shoulder tackle which launched both competitors onto the ring apron they took to the brawling again and Bristow ducked a hook from Gorgon and grabbed her by the throat slamming her down with a huge Chokeslam.


Winner: Shirley Bristow


[both Captain USAs come to the ring the original has a microphone.]



How is everybody enjoying the show tonight! [the crowd cheers] Well right now it's about to get better as I pass you over to the new top man on Fury... Captain USA!



Thanks, brother. Listen, I am the top guy around here and tonight Big Sm... [shouts and slaps himself in the face] Captain American and tonight I squash that damn Union Jack, European guy and that Scottish punk will feel the pain. I am the new face of America and you will all love me because I always pay the tab unlike some of those losers in the back the tight bastards, I can't believe they would do that, I mean you see it right... [senior interupts before he digresses too far]



What he means to say is... [he is cut off by some menacing music...]


[it's Krusher Karloff he come into the ring and destroys both of the patriots, he grabs the new Captain USA and gets him into a Torture Rack, USA cannot do anything and Karloff leaves with the patriots left in a mess.]


[The camera then cuts away to a backdrop of an Hawaiian beach and there sat is Xander Clark with a tropical drink in his hand.]



Aloha, from Hawaii! This is “Hawaiian Thunder” Xander Clark and while tonight I'm enjoying some time in my home, soon I will be live on Thursday Night Fury, and I will take the brand by Storm, the question is are you ready for the Thunder? Enjoy yourself! [he flashes a cheesy grin before the camera heads back to ringside.]



Welcome he looks like a complete as...



[interrupting] And welcome back to Thursday Night Fury and up now is the most eagerly anticipated match of the night it is the 20 man battle royal for the USPW Soaring Eagle Championship! Without further ado, lets go into the ring where the lovely Ana Garcia is stood by...



Thank you Davis, now here are the rules for the 20 man over the top rope battle royal. A man will enter every 30 seconds and we will start with 4 men in the ring. The last man remaining in the ring will be declared the inaugural Soaring Eagle Champion of USPW!




The first 4 made their ways to the ring and Gino and Mexican Hero shook hands, as did Paul Steadyfast, Hell Monkey didn't and the brawl started from their with all 4 going after each other the match quickly decended into chaos and it was soon time for the next competitor.


Ash Campbell came in and quickly made an impact as he jumped over the rope and springboard dropkicked Mexican Hero and Paul Steadyfast, Mexican Hero went through the middle rope but the taller Paul was eliminated, Hero then came straight back with a corkscrew dive onto the three others in the match which left everyone out as the next man entered the match


Ant-Man joined the party and was on the upper hand as the only man conscious in the ring at the time but he picked on the wrong competitor as the young Mexican Hero reversed his throw into an arm bar and he made Ant-Man tap, this meant nothing in this match but nevertheless Ant was hesitant to go back near Mexican Hero, whose fellow Mexican Mr. Lucha III was next in the match.


The match then turned into a big brawl again, only for another touch of excellence from Hero when he eliminated Ant-Man with an amazing frankensteiner whilst somehow keeping himself from elimination in the match. He then ducked an opportunist lunge from the newest wrestler who was on the outside...


But Hero flipped both himself and C.H back into the ring. Where both were met with but ducked a clothesline from Hell Monkey who bounced onto the ropes and eliminated Ash Campbell on the rebound. One out and two were in, after missing one go, the Latino Kings both joined the match...


They went after Gino Montero and Mr. Lucha but the quick Mexicans quickly turned them over and had both of them eliminated quickly. Just in time for the next man.


James Prudence came in and took everyone out with dropkicks and just kept dropkicking until Hell Monkey caught his leg and put him a single leg crab, only to be met by C.H Threepwood's big boot to his face. Threepwood then ran again but James P was up and he threw C.H exremely high in the air and he fell awkwardly out of the match and out of contention for the gold and EMT's came and say him off. The alliance of the Mexican's also came into play when they all got rid of Hell Mokey leaving them with James P until the next man came out.


The NOTBPW legend came down and was quickly enraptured into the match when he was then followed by Teddy Powell and Jay 'The Hammer' Lane within the next minute


And they teamed up to make it an even match up between all 7 in the ring, and during this the next elimination, that of Mr. Lucha II was made when he attempted a 450 Splash to Wilson who moved and threw him over the ropes but he was quickly chucked out by Mexican Hero. Teddy Powell tried to continue the chain but was instead the victim when he was eliminated after Hero reversed and Gino kicked him in the back of the head. And in that time 3 more contenders had joined.


The Express and Clark joined in and the match became a huge display of the Soaring Eagle mentality with men flying everywhere realising they had a big chance at Gold here tonight. And as all where into it they didn't see Frankie Perez join.


And this let him eliminate James Prudence and Narato and almost Gino Montero but for his agility on the ropes. Frankie continued his ways eliminating Jay Lane with a superkick which sent him into next week. He then fell victim to a double savate kick from Mexican Hero and Montero and they quickly dumped him out and focussed on the 2 new and final arrivals...


Groucho was quickly chucked out and he may have had his mind on his other match later on but his complacency in getting thrown out by El Mitico Jr. with a simple chuck was surprising. Then there was Xander who found Groucho's elimination so funny he forgot that he was in a match and a top rope drop kick saw him out, which left four men. Gino Montero, Mexican Hero and El Mitico Jr. of Mexico along with the Japanese man Ota, the three Mexicans shaked hands but Ota just jumped in and ran at them all knocking himself out of the match in the process as he got rid of El Mitico.


Then the two stood face to face, they nodded at each other and locked up in a series of complex and creative holds and reversal each time having an answer to their opponents hold, a situation which led to a stand off which had the fans going crazy. Mexican Hero then took Montero into a headlock but Gino took it into the corner before slipping out of it and down into a surfboard hold on Hero. He applied the hold until it was clear he had took all he could out of Mexican Hero and he lifted him up, he launched Hero over the ropes but he kept on the apron and hit back with a flying side kick which knocked Montero across the ring.


After a couple more minutes of excellent wrestling Gino ran up to the top rope but Hero followed, seeing this Gino flipped over and was out of the corner, when Hero turned around Gino ran at him on the top rope and gave him a frankensteiner to the outside showing unbelievable agility, while both men hit the floor it was clear Gino hit last sand he was the new soaring eagle!


Winner: And NEW Soaring Eagle Champion Gino Montero


[Gino is handed a microphone and he pants for a while hugging his belt to his chest before beginning]



Tonight is the start of the American-Mexican connection in USPW where we become a brand which accepts anyone to come and fight for the greatest promotion in the world. Tonight is when the Mexicans, the Americans, the British, the Russian, the French all come together and wrestle for the honour of going for USPW Gold. What you just saw was the beginning of the most exciting division in pro wrestling!




This match was UK vs. USA and the brawl was a good one if only for the chants of the crowd who seemed to know the secret identity of Captain USA. This made him angry and he took out all frustration on Jack who wasn't really able to come back from some of his power moves and he succumbed to the Patriot Press for the win.


Winner: Captain USA



[We cut backstage where Henry Lee is being beaten down by Doug Peak with a lead pipe. He continues to lay into Lee who is in severe pain from the shot, Doug is then heard shouting “You cost me the tag titles!” to Lee in reference to them being pulled from the PPV last month.]




The McWade family made an assault at the top of the ramp and the match began an impromptu brawl, before settling in the ring into an actual tag match, the experience of the teams showed through in what was a good match showcasing all the workers talents. The McWade brothers were taken out and by dives to the outside from the top ropes to leave just Danny McWade and Art Reed in the ring. He dropped him with a cutter and then jumped to the top rope and hit a Hangtime Moonsault from the top for the pin.


Winner: And NEW Six Man Tag Team Art Reed, Groucho Bling and Elmo Benson

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Many thanks again guys

:D TNF probably won't be in so much detail all the time but it was a debut show so...


BHK1978 8

Boltinho 7

Michigan Hero 7

ChrisKid 7

jhd1 6

Jingo 5

TakerNGN74 5


Really was an odd one with huge choice and some not so familiar stars

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This week on Global!



The Global Challenge

The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III


"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell


Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2


Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome


Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero


Randy Awesome's Last Match on Global! - Non-Title

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

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Loved the show sir.


The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III

you love him so...


"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell

Ive decided I like Ash due to his haircut


Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2

Retro is a tool


Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome

Beard. All about the beard


Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero

Gino is getting a great push. He cant lose this


Randy Awesome's Last Match on Global! - Non-Title

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

Randy is seen off with tail between legs

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Wow, awesome last show. Interesting roster and premise. Gonna try my best to follow this, Legend.


The Global Challenge

The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III


"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell

Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2


Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome


Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero


Randy Awesome's Last Match on Global! - Non-Title

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

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The Global Challenge

The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III


"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell


Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2


Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome

can't go against Sammy.


Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero


Randy Awesome's Last Match on Global! - Non-Title

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

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The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III


"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell


Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2


Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome


Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero


Randy Awesome's Last Match on Global! - Non-Title

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith


No need to give Randy the win here. In fact I say you put him in a squash match.

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The Global Challenge

The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III


"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell


Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2


Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome


Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero


Randy Awesome's Last Match on Global! - Non-Title

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

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The Global Challenge

The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III


"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell


Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2

Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome


Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero


Randy Awesome's Last Match on Global! - Non-Title

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

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Coming Soon...


Mothman turns on the lights... and enlightens fans everywhere.

This time the spotlights are on...


Chris "Lobster Warrior" Morrisette and AJ Jackon!


Get you question in via this thread or by PM


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I have the show ready to post now but will leave it to the morning, if anyone wants to predict I'd be delighted. Cheers, and I hope you enjoy it.


The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III

"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell

Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2

Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome

Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

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The Marksman vs. Mexico's Mr. Lucha III

"Samoan Machine" Bali Destruction vs. Ash Campbell

Chance Of A Dance (Robbie Retro & Chance Fortune) vs. C-V-2

Sammy Bach vs. Jimmy Awesome

Acid & Enygma vs. Toni "Champagne Lover" Ramoray & "Soaring Eagle" Gino Montero

Randy Awesome vs. Matty Keith

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[This episode begins with John 'Nemesis' Campbell coming down to the ring with a microphone, he looks very executive in his suit. He enters the ring in a stern manner and undoes the top button of his shirt. He skips pleasantries and gets straight to his point...]




Emma Chase, could you please come to the ring immediately.


[Emma comes down to the ring confused and is given a microphone of her own. Nemesis then continues to speak]

Thank you, I am here tonight to talk about your actions at Thanksgiving Thunder! Could we please see the footage. [the footage shows Emma kneeing both Marc DuBois and Sammy Bach in the balls and taking the contract.] As a figure of authority and a member of the USPW board of control, alongside myself, Shane Sneer, Robert Oxford, Joe Sexy and Alex Braun, it is your duty to enforce order but not to get involved with the matches and while the event was clearly very emotional for you we have no choice but to remove you from your position of commissioner.



You can't do this I have a contract...



One which you breached. Please, Emma don't make this hard. [Nemesis takes out a piece of paper.] Effective immediately the USPW Board of Control have unanimously decided that due to breach of role and a fear of a lack of focus, Emma Chase will be relieved of her executive role within USPW. This, we all believe, is best for the future of the brand, so Emma you are excused. [she leaves with no question, she is clearly upset and leaves with her head held low.]


This leaves the question of who is in charge around here and the board of control have elected me to become the current 'Authority' on Global whilst a replacement for Emma is sought. Thank you for your time. Enjoy the show. [the extremely professional Nemesis then leaves to the back and the commentators speak to us for the first time of the night.]




Wow, what a way to kick off Global, Emma Chase 'relieved of her duties' or in other words sacked! [Faith laughs heartily at himself.]



And Hardcore Legend Nemesis takes on role of commissioner or GM from right now. And I can't wait until he get his stamp on things!




The Marksman dominated large spells of the match using cheap tactics whenever Lucha built up some offence and this lack of momentum played against III as he succumbed to The Bullseye Superkick after 7:49.


Winner: The Marksman


[The camera cuts to the back where Greg Gauge and Jack Giedroyc are.]



Hey! Bitch! Come here! [to an backstage helper] Tie my boots up!



Don't speak to him like that, his job isn't to tie your boot laces, Greg, leave the kid alone do it your damn self!



His job is to do whatever the hell I tell him to and once he's tied up my boot, I'm gunna teach you a lesson in keeping your nose out of my business.



Come on the then you co(ky little bastard!


[The 2 men run at each other and start brawling, Greg Gauge gets the upper hand following a low blow and he slams Jack into a trailer, which drops Jack to the ground.]


Listen, Jack, you earn respect, you don't just get it and if I tell one of these losers to do something they do it, and the sooner you join them, the sooner I stop making your life hell, because you've just signed a death sentence.



Well done Greg, that man will go far, he is the top dog in USPW!



No your thinking of his brother Matty.



How... Dare... You!




A complete contrast of size and styles in this match and it showed as for most of the match Bali's strength contained Ash to very little offence. And it was only when Campbell slipped out from a fireman's carry that he was able to mount a serious fight in the match and a perfectly timed twisting neckbreaker left Bali in the line for a Shooting Star Press which hit for the win.


Winner: Ash Campbell


[We then go to the back where a new look Randy Awesome is.]



Tonight is my last night on Global, and I'm going to make a final impact, I'm going to pin the World Champion and then go to American Wrestling, where I'm coming for your US title Nicky!





An even match with a lot of offence for either side but it was Chance Of A Dance who took their chances when they won it with a No Lucking Back (King's Chair/ Facebuster Combo) to Casey Valentine.


Winner: Chance Of A Dance



[We are taken to the back where Marc DuBois has a very smug look on his face and is watching footage from the PPV. When he turns around he knocks on the camera an laughs to himself.]



Hey, Emma, seems like your genius idea of making yourself look like an independent woman, it backfired didn't go so well did it? You seem to have mistook genius for your clear air headedness, and yes that is a word. Emma, you only got where you are on your looks, and beautiful people like you and I, we should stick together, so swallow... your pride and admit defeat. And remember my hotel room door is ALWAYS open. [He laughs again before we cut back to ringside.]




The newly single wrestler and the newly singles wrestler went head to head in a great back and forth match between the 2 ladies favourites. The similar styles saw a good competitive match which came to an end when The Marksman interfered in the match and took out Sammy Bach causing the referee to call for the bell costing Awesome the match via DQ.


Winner: Sammy Bach



[After costing Sammy the match The Marksman took a microphone and started beating Sammy Bach over the head with the it busting open Sammy's head in the process. He picked the dazed Bach up in the corner and stared at him, while Sammy could barely stand. He wiped the blood ofs the microphone.]



Samuel, for this past month I've been watching, studying and learning as you got enraptured into your little love feud with Marc DuBois, I've been laying in wait and picking my time and preparing to pounce, and I've had my 3rd eye on you while I battled with Giedroyc, I watch you leave yourself open. In getting caught up with 'romance' you took your eye of the battle Bach and... [bach runs at The Marksman with a blind lunge but The Marksman easily moves and then hits Sammy with a Bullseye Superkick and knocks the rocker to the floor. He grabs the downed Bach by the hair and continues with his previous point whilst crouched beside his victim,] Sammy you will pay for your mistakes. You will regret becoming complacent and committing those stupid, stupid action. [He hit him once again with the microphone and left him in the ring going to the back to a chorus of boos.]




Gino kept his excellent run in recent times going tonight as he teamed with one of the most focussed men in USPW, Toni Ramoray. Without Acid II, Acid didn't seem so comfortable and he and Enygma are not quite the cohesive unit The Acid Experience were and after a Gino Montero cross chop to Acid on the outside Enygma was left to fall to the Stunner from Ramoray to pick up the victory.



Winner: Toni Ramoray & Gino Montero



[Following the match only Toni Ramoray is left standing in the ring, but he is soon joined by his long time rival Greg Gauge who comes up behind him and hits him with a baseball bat to the back of his legs, he hits the downed Ramoray again in the ribs and the back, Toni scrambles to get back up, and Greg puts the bat back to hit Toni in the skull but as he swung the bat was stopped by...


He took the bat off Greg and had an easy chance to take him out but instead threw the bat out of the ring and tells Greg to bring it. Showing great courage by not taking the easy way out Gino runs at Greg Gauge who ducks and bails from the ring shouting abuse at Gino and Toni while backing away up the ramp.]




Randy Awesome's last match on Global and a perfect chance for him to show off his abilities in a non-title match against the World Champion Matty Keith. From the start the match was excellent and undoubtedly one of the best matches in USPW history for in ring action and character display as the 2 styles gelled unbelievably. The story told in the ring was excellent and the obvious drive of Randy to leave a lasting impact on Global and that he did in fact he took the match to the champion and made it clear he wanted to make his name before moving on and although he was in control for a few of the latter minutes, he eventually succumbed to a defeat when he tried a senton to Matty who was standing and in an excellent display of strength caught Randy and on his shoulder hooked both arms and dropped him with a Tiger Bomb for the win to see Randy off with his tail between his legs.


Winner: Matty Keith



That may be the best match I've ever seen on TV



Even I'll admit that was a classic!



[After the match Matty Keith was in the ring nursing an injured neck when some new music comes on everyone turns to the top of the ramp and they see... HUMAN ARSENAL!]






He was taken out by Eisen and co. and he was forced to vacate his title



He has a USPW TV record of 140-0, including house shows he boasts a record of 199-0 he is one of only 2 undefeated men in USPW history... the other one is in that ring!


[He has a microphone in his hand and he is staring at Matty Keith, who is staring right back!]



Matt, I'm here for one reason. MY World Title, but listen, I'm not claiming you don't deserve that title, you are a great competitor, but I will say if it wasn't for me being taken out by Eisen and co. I would still be World Champion. So, Matty I'm sure you've had fun holding my title while I nursed an injured neck but The Machine is back, and I'm coming for that title, the title I never lost.


Usually I'd call it a routine victory, but Matt you are the only man in history who shares the honour of never being beaten in a USPW ring. We are very similar. We are both 1x World Champions, you took 21 singles matches to become champion after going singles, it took me 28 matches to win mine. We have both been in tag teams and moved on, I've won every USPW match I've been in, you have never been beaten. We both share the hunger and desire to be the best, but Matt at Made for Battle, someone's 0 has to go!



Huge announcement from Human Arsenal and what a return! I'll go out and say this is on paper, statistically the biggest meeting in USPW History!



Oh, please have you seen the matches I was in.



Against these guys? Yeah, Arsenal beat you 4 times with no reply and Matty ended your career! This is going to be huge! See you all next week! You don't want to miss this!

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Really quite please with that show myself, Matty Keith vs. Randy Awesome scored an A* [100!] thank you all for predicting again, he are the scores!


Boltinho 12

BHK1978 11

ChrisKid 11

jhd1 10

Jingo 8

TakerNGN74 8

Michigan Hero 7

ThriceP86 4 (and welcome)

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This week on American Wrestling!



In Ring Debut!

Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe


Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey


In Ring Return!

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson


United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome


Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash


Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean


Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe

Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson

United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome

Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash

Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean

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Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe

Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson

United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome

Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash

Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean

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Welcome to the third edition of turning on the lights with me, Moth Man and my guest this time The Underwater ReUnion So without further delay here's what went down when I met up with AJ Jackson and Chris Morrisette.


Hi guys, thanks for coming. I'll get straight into questions if that's okay, so who were your childhood favourite wrestlers.


For me it was undoubtedly Sam Strong, he just drew me in as a youngster all my friend would pretend to be Rip Chord or Sam Strong and we'd play fight with each other and the fact I had the chance to meet him and work with him was awesome.

I was a fan of wrestling after most kids my age had “grown out of it” and I was a big fan of Sam Keith whose skill had me cheering for him when he was a heel. I remember also liking Dread as well as The Blazing Flames until their run in HGC kinda killed the legacy.


Cool, so what about proudest moment?


Without doubt it's seeing my creation Lobster Man being used in a big storyline in the worlds biggest promotion of the time and seeing Lobster Warrior as it was by then on TV and PPV knowing I'd earnt it all myself without having a character made for me.

I'd say being trained by Elmer Kelly [Everest] was a massive privilege for me and teaming with him was unbelievable, also meeting my hero's, I've met Sam Strong, Sam Keith, Christian Faith and Dread. If I had to pick one it'd have to be winning my first singles title in 2008, the USPW TV title, great moment.


Right, what about characters can you talk to how you came to team again, how you evolved, what do you think should have been done?


If we're talking fantasy booking here, when I joined USPW I would have liked have been Lobster Man and tried to get AJ back to the fun side as he was portraying a heel on TV so I would have loved a feud with him and even if it ended up with me turning it would have been cool, I just don't see the point of me being a fun babyface, as I was then without the clays it just defeated the purpose. I think that dropping the claws storyline would have been okay but I just showed up as boring Chris Morrisette, half the fans didn't recognise me. And now we are just bland babyfaces drifting with no real character, I don't get it, especially when we aren't being pushed a bad asses what is the problem with the claws.

To me, I see what he means but I've always enjoyed my character. I think becoming AJ was great and the way I turned face was cool and I didn't want to see myself as a shrimp, but why could I not save Lobby and play an “odd couple” team, especially when the team name is a direct reference to the old gimmick, I have no problem but that has always confused me.


On that note, what about rumours that you guys are leaving USPW?


I have 5 months on my contract so no way am I going soon.

Hey, I suppose I've got an exclusive for you here, there was an offer from NOTBPW but I can confirm I have signed a new 3 month deal with USPW and I see no reason we won't expand that deal.

Any reason why it's 3 month?


It's just a mutual agreement it would be best so we can monitor the situation, the character and if there is any major problems we are free to part company.

And the NOTBPW offer, was that ever considered?


Well if I want a more colourful character, no disrespect to NOTBPW, but it's no there I'll be going, there would be no chance of any Lobster fun up their. But, I will say the call from Jeremy was a real honour.

You guys ready for some quick fire questions?




Okay, Joker backstage


Doug Peak

Yeah, Peak is funny, in fact he did a duet with Jack on Wednesday that one of the guys filmed, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't leak onto Youtube, they sang Back in Black like on the PPV, but it's really good honestly.

I'll have to check that out if I can. Who is the best in ring performer


[points to Chris beside him]

Cheers, but I'd have to say Matt Keith or Tom Gilmore, oh, or Greg Keith.


Best Trainer?



Montero, all day long, I'm so pleased he's being pushed, great kid.




Henry Lee! [all 3 laugh.]


I'll have to get Henry on one of these interviews. Everyone say him. Worst dress sense?


Robbie Retro

Kashmir Singh

I think those 2 shop together, because they always wear dodge clothes and I know there both surf-heads, they go to the coast all the time!

And finally, most intelligent in the locker room.


Aaron, the man next to me no doubt.

I'd have to go with C.H Threepwood or possibly Jimmy Bumfhole [Awesome]... [they both laugh hysterically] not really!

See you, and keep the light on as you leave.



He'll be like a fish out of water!

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Congrats on the match rating. The Human Arsenal promo was the best thing youe written for a while too. Im excited about that match


Jack Bruce vs. Selva Marlowe

Hunter Richards vs. Hell Monkey

Mortuus vs. NOTBPW's Cliff Wilson

Cant believe Im going against Cliff the legend


United States Championship Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Randy Awesome

You cant throw Mr USPW to the wolves like this


Tom Gilmore vs. Dark Flash

routine win over the old man


Rick Law & Sean Deeley vs. Big Cat Brandon & John McClean

Dont like Mclean...

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Congrats on the match rating. The Human Arsenal promo was the best thing youe written for a while too. Im excited about that match


Thanks, I was quietly please with the Human Arsenal promo :p, with him being my biggest star/ character throughout so I wanted it to be big.

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