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United States Pro Wrestling 2014

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USPW.com has today announced that USPW will be rejuvenating its womens division, the division dormant since the womans title was retired officially 2 years ago but had been in dire straight for months before the decision, and the final remaining women wrestler on the roster, former boss' daughter Alicia Strong, became manager of her real life boyfriend Ash Campbell. The new division has been posted on the site and includes to particular unknowns, Seki Kinugasa and hotly tipped brawler Shirley Bristow. The other women all have lots of experience and an inside source at USPW told us: "Come December they could have there own show, or be a focus point of it, USPW are in deep talks with CBA over a new show for the youngster, its being called a B show by some, but who knows? They might just chop it again in a few months!" The above montage is taken from the USPW website but it is though some of the women may get makeovers and gimmick changes before the show debuts.


The render for the Asian woman is from Self and djthefunkchris made the black women with the blonde hair, I have seen them both say there renders can be used but if either has an objection, let me know and I'll take it down :) Any Q's on the division fire away. The two women after Sara Marie York are regens hence the new renders.


AWA's Matty Faith vs. Hell Monkey

Johnny Martin vs. Tom Gilmore

John Greed vs. Koshiro Ino

Dark Flash vs. Greg Grouch

Big Cat Brandon & Chris Caulfield vs. AWA's Hunter Richards & Brent Hill

Rich Hayward vs. Guide

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As follow up to last nights interview with Alex Braun here is a profile of the big guy!


<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="30" height="25" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rog8ou-ZepE" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

Music: Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice

Name: Alex Freeze

Nicknames: The New Jersey Devil, That 80's Guy, Ace

From: Trenton ,New Jersey

Height: 6'51'

Weight: 233lbs

USPW Debut: August 2013

USPW Record (W-L-D): 7-27-0

USPW Honour's: None

Finisher: Braun Damage (Reverse Enzuigiri) Braun Damage II (Running Death Valley Driver)

Brand: American Wrestling

Disposition: Face


AWA's Matty Faith vs. Hell Monkey

Johnny Martin vs. Tom Gilmore

John Greed vs. Koshiro Ino

Dark Flash vs. Greg Grouch

Big Cat Brandon & Chris Caulfield vs. AWA's Hunter Richards & Brent Hill

Rich Hayward vs. Guide



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First off I am glad to see my Ace Freeze alt request being put to good use (from my failed attempt to make a 1991 C-Verse mod). jhd1 did a great job on that render.


AWA's Matty Faith vs. Hell Monkey


Johnny Martin vs. Tom Gilmore


John Greed vs. Koshiro Ino


Dark Flash vs. Greg Grouch


Big Cat Brandon & Chris Caulfield vs. AWA's Hunter Richards & Brent Hill


Rich Hayward vs. Guide

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Obviously given where you are in your game, this is a very different USPW to what I'm used to reading up on, but I'm enjoying what I've read so far. That's one hell of a womens division you've got there, it'll certainly be a challenge to manage it. BTW, the 'Mothman turns on the lights' column. That's genius. :p
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First off I am glad to see my Ace Freeze alt request being put to good use (from my failed attempt to make a 1991 C-Verse mod). jhd1 did a great job on that render.


Well it is great and I'm in 2014 and that was for use when he was 30 and I am using him when he's 53 but I still love it! :D


Obviously given where you are in your game, this is a very different USPW to what I'm used to reading up on, but I'm enjoying what I've read so far. That's one hell of a womens division you've got there, it'll certainly be a challenge to manage it. BTW, the 'Mothman turns on the lights' column. That's genius. :p


Thanks, and that column would have to put up with the dreadful picture I made if I wasn't for your great render of Moth-Man, and since it didn't end up getting used in Eisen-Verses DOA: So You Want To Be Pro Wrestler, so thanks! :)




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Show is being formatted, after I post this, if anyone would like to predicted, please do, who knows you could win an amazing (an as yet unthought of prize)



AWA's Matty Faith vs. Hell Monkey

Johnny Martin vs. Tom Gilmore

John Greed vs. Koshiro Ino

Dark Flash vs. Greg Grouch

Big Cat Brandon & Chris Caulfield vs. AWA's Hunter Richards & Brent Hill

Rich Hayward vs. Guide

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[We cut away to see a limo roll into the parking lot, the door opens and out pops, Eric Eisen, as he does another Limo pulls up and someone steps out, they pass a bag to Eric take a huge tip and the limo leaves, Eric then goes to the original limo driver and hands him a large tip and send him away, as Eisen arrives in the arena he turns the first corner.


And he knocks Phil Vibert over who is coming to speak to him over, Eric glances back, chuckles and carries on walking, Phil is clearly very angry.]



Live From Illinois State Park 15,000, Week 1 November 2014



[The commentator welcome us to the show as the competitors make there way to the ring, Swoop in particular is talking fast as if to highlight the jam-pack nature of tonights show!]


Not many harder debuts in world wrestling for Johnny Martin as he took on the best wrestler on the brand and it was always going to be tough for Johnny who never really stood a chance in the match, with Tom coming off a big loss he was determined to prove why he is so revered in world wrestling and that was bad news for Johnny who put up a good fight but was never let out of first gear by Tom who kept him at bay whilst wearing his opponent down until he was an easy target for the Anger Management, and Gilmore had it in, but before hitting it Tom released the move and instead German Suplexed Johnny and went to the top rope, Tom dropped down with a huge Elbow Drop and pinned Martin for the win.


Winner: Tom Gilmore



[After the commentator discuss tonights show the ring is set up with a podium in the middle which is covered up by a sheet of material, then Eric Eisen’s music plays and he comes to the ring and security line any entrances so Eric can be alone, Eric enters the ring soaking up the moment before revealing his new Military Champion and a microphone he picks the later up]

“Saturday night at the Born Enemies Pay-Per-View, millions saw me win the World Military Championship a title to many encompasses bravery, honour, it encompasses the United States of America. To me it represents overwhelming power, power in numbers and the knowledge that at any time we can take what we want, to take anything we want, and to most that dishonours the title to me it finally makes a piece of gold means something. So tonight we celebrate, Eric Eisen and we celebrate the power of Predomination the generation supreme is over and this is a new day, because with Rich Hayward we have the power and he proved that at Born Enemies, did I need Rich’s help, clearly not, but the point was that not even USPW’s tighter refereeing regulations can stop us, for we are the Dominant Species and the 5 of us, individually or together are unstoppable!”

[Eric takes in the fans reaction as if its fuel for his arrogance to continue.]

“So be upstanding, for The Father of Wrestling, From Hartford, Connecticut: ‘The Supreme Dream’ Eric Eisen!”

[Eric picks up his belt and walks to the back with his belt over his shoulder.]


Matty Faith made his debut for USPW here tonight against the often overlooked Hell Monkey and it was a tough time for the rookie whose inexperience really showed in this match, along with his obvious exhaustion during the match, Matty often wasn’t quick enough or clever enough for the seasoned Hell Monkey who has such experience that he easily had Matty where he wanted him and had no problem in finishing him with a Tumbling Monkey.


Winner: Hell Monkey



[We cut to the back and we see Rick Law, he has a microphone]

“This past month or so Rick Law has been pushed to the back of the mind, with the shenanigans going over the Gold guys like me have been pushed into the backs of your mind, and I blame one man, well one team should I say and that is the Predomination or whatever Eric just called them, that diabolical team who have no regard for the rules and think they reign supreme it seems ever they’ve forgot about me, because Nobody Is Above The Law! So team I’m going to peal you off one by one by one, and I’m starting with the oldest, so John McClean I challenge you whenever and wherever to a match, and nobody will ever forget Rick Law!”


A third debut of tonight showing a new era after Saturday’s loss is upon us and the night went similarly for Greed as an opponent of Koshiro Ino you must always be on guard and as well as Greed did there is always the slightest error for the Viper to capitalise on and he did when catching a narrowly misplaced kick from Greed and then following up with a Kobra’s Bite for the win.


Winner: Koshiro Ino



[The match is over and as GM Joe comes down with a contract in his hand, medics look at ‘First Judgement’ John Greed’s head injuries, and meanwhile, Joe begins]

“Last Saturday we saw a greatly sad moment in USPW where both The Shooter and Alex Freeze were both eliminated first in the match and I think it is fair to say it will be so difficult in determining which of the guys will leave because simply both of them are awesome… but alas a decision must be made because the contract did say whoever was pinned first must be go, therefore…"

[The relatively unknown John Greed now chirps up out of nowhere after receiving treatment]


“Wait right there Mr. Joe, could I just take a look at that contract”

[Joe gives him a look and Greed scans the document]

“Yes! Just as I thought, this contract clearly states ‘whoever’ is eliminated first will be fired, and if we take the dictionary definition of ‘whoever’ you will clearly see it defined as ‘Whatever person, or - most importantly - persons’ there for as the first ‘persons’ to be eliminated as verified by our ring announcer live, and I have the tape, The Shooter and Alex Freeze were said ‘persons’ and therefore by not releasing both men on the spot you will be in breach of said contract, sir and will be liable to appear in court, and you will hear from us”


“Sorry did I not introduce myself, how unprofessional, I’m John Greed, Ms. Chase’s attorney
[John smirks]
you really thought you would be able to practice revocation of the full terms of the agreement after the event, Mr. Joe, it’s not going to happen, you have no defence sir and no evidence of implication of a single firing and so call it Greed if you will but we want both guys out of here!”

[John leaves Joe gobsmacked at the revelation and walks to the back to a chorus of boos]


In this match 2 veteran Canadians faced ofd in what promised to be and was a very good match with Flash’s record of no wins in USPW, Greg could have expected an easy win but this was far from the case and for much of the match it appeared The Dark One may pick up a win and he even got some close falls, but the excellence of Grouch showed as he masterfully reversed a slam into a roll up pin and got the victory from under Flash’s nose.


Winner: Greg Grouch



[Chris Caulfield and Phil Vibert are backstage drinking beers]

“Listen, Phil another week goes by and Eric proves you even more wrong he even calling us a stable now”

“Chris, you just don’t see it, the man is an ass, he knocked me right over today didn’t even give me a hand.”

“He’s busy he can’t pick you up he a wrestler not just some guy like you he on a higher level we all are.”

“So you wouldn’t have helped me either, this bull is going too far he got you on his strings you becoming a puppet.”

“You know Phil I’ve had enough of this you’re either with us or not, you get it!”

“Chris I made you, how dare you speak to me like that, for so long we’ve been tight but these last few years. I’m losing you Chris, and I f[bleep]ing hate it!”

“Phil what’s your decision there’s more crappy managers out there, you with us?”

[Phil takes a sip from his beer bottle, ponders for a minute and then out of nowhere smashes it over Chris’ head, Caulfield rolls around on the floor screaming in pain and holding his eyes he wails help!]

“Different for wrestlers, hey?”

[Cue trademark Vibert smirk as we cut away]


This match was essentially a two on one as a blinded Chris Caulfield spent the match at ringside with a doctor when he did eventually come down, but unsurprisingly Big Cat dealt with the threat of both man very well and after he took out Hunter he turned to Brent and hit him with a Brandon Bomb Drop and simply you just don’t get up from that.


Winner: Big Cat Brandon & Chris Caulfield



[After the match, Chris Caulfield and Big Cat Brandon are about to go over and continue the beating on their opponents when...


both Guide and Nicky Champion run to the ring. Big Cat and Chris turn their attention to them and a full on brawl ensues, with blows being landed to all the men and total carnage in the ring, the group are so wrapped up in the battle that they don’t see behind them and so they don’t see Eric Eisen who has his trademark briefcase with him.


He clobbers Champion over the head and comes face to face with Guide he launches at him but Guide ducks only to be hit in the stomach as he got up, Eric dropped the case and DDT’d Guide onto the case and the three gloat as we get ready for the main event]


Rich ‘Money’ Hayward was a key part of Guide losing his belt at Born Enemies and tonight he got his hands on him and he started extremely viciously pinning Rich into a corner whilst punching him in his smug face and Hayward was clearly taken a back and took a break on the outside, but when he got back in the barrage continued with no sign of stopping it seemed that guide got a bit overzealous in his attack and the intelligent Rich Hayward saw this as an opportunity to work against his and he played a bit of possum and Guide went for a big splash in the corner but ‘Money’ dropped out of the way and tried to take control and that he did with back and forth action mainly dictated by Rich, the match always seemed to be heading his was and eventually he used the Money in The Bank to finish up the match with the 3 count and a handful of tights! Guide protest to the referee as we are welcomed back next week.


Winner: Rich Money




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This Week on USPW Global!

Gino Montero vs. Greg Gauge

The Money Makers (Spencer Spade and Ernest Youngman) vs. SharkCage

The International Challenge Continues: The Marksman vs. Ota [JAP]

Chance Fortune & Chris Morrisette vs. The Awesomes

Matty Keith vs. Bali Destruction

Toni Ramoray vs. Acid

NEW World Champion addresses his public and Captain USA returns as you've never seen him before?!?

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Just an update to say this is in the process of being written but, college, C-Verse 2007 Mod making and general stuff means that November will be a lot slower than October was but still at a decent rate I hope as this is the build to our biggest PPV


Gino Montero vs. Greg Gauge

The Money Makers (Spencer Spade and Ernest Youngman) vs. SharkCage

The International Challenge Continues: The Marksman vs. Ota [JAP]

Chance Fortune & Chris Morrisette vs. The Awesomes

Matty Keith vs. Bali Destruction

Toni Ramoray vs. Acid


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How did this Month Read, Reed?

This month we lost over $750,000 but we got cash to spare and will remake it in a good month 3 fold. 20 signings this month, all will be reveal soon, most are women other are in AWA. Matty Keith became World Champion and Eisen took the Military gold. There were a fair few roster changes and the most impressive this month was Sammy Bach getting over with the crowd and we are in negotiations for a B show showcasing Womens division and something else in the works, but not stone wall yet we'll have to sum up our options. Also Matty Keith seems to be at early Human Arsenal levels but we don't want him to get stale like Anderson did so I think I'll handle this better as we've got LOADS of championship contenders. Now to get people to believe Phil Vibert as a face..


Gino Montero vs. Greg Gauge

The Money Makers (Spencer Spade and Ernest Youngman) vs. SharkCage

The International Challenge Continues: The Marksman vs. Ota [JAP]

Chance Fortune & Chris Morrisette vs. The Awesomes

Matty Keith vs. Bali Destruction

Toni Ramoray vs. Acid

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Gino Montero vs. Greg Gauge


The Money Makers (Spencer Spade and Ernest Youngman) vs. SharkCage


The International Challenge Continues: The Marksman vs. Ota [JAP]


I say this in every diary that I pick in, I refuse to pick Ota to win.:D


Chance Fortune & Chris Morrisette vs. The Awesomes


Matty Keith vs. Bali Destruction


Toni Ramoray vs. Acid

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Gino Montero vs. Greg Gauge

The Money Makers (Spencer Spade and Ernest Youngman) vs. SharkCage

The International Challenge Continues: The Marksman vs. Ota [JAP]

Chance Fortune & Chris Morrisette vs. The Awesomes

Matty Keith vs. Bali Destruction

Toni Ramoray vs. Acid

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Gino Montero vs. Greg Gauge

The Money Makers (Spencer Spade and Ernest Youngman) vs. SharkCage

The International Challenge Continues: The Marksman vs. Ota [JAP]

Chance Fortune & Chris Morrisette vs. The Awesomes

Matty Keith vs. Bali Destruction

Toni Ramoray vs. Acid


I'm straight-up thieving Jingo's picks here.

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Gino Montero vs. Greg Gauge

The Money Makers (Spencer Spade and Ernest Youngman) vs. SharkCage

The International Challenge Continues: The Marksman vs. Ota [JAP]

Chance Fortune & Chris Morrisette vs. The Awesomes

Matty Keith vs. Bali Destruction

Toni Ramoray vs. Acid

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Show being formatted right now, if anyone fancies a prediction I would be grateful :)


EDIT: No its not because this site is being a wanker I was putting the last picture before posting and I preview thread and it tells me GDS can't do blah, blah blah pretty pissed off right now so we/ll see when this gets put up.

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The international challenge came back into full swing tonight and The Marksman got back into full swing with a dominant performance against the smaller Ota who has little chance of winning after a huge Bullseye Super Kick to the challenger and pinned him in a solid bout.


Winner: The Marksman


[After the match the music hits and we get ready to spend some time with Matty Keith and Sam Keith who are making their way to the ring, the new champion gets a massive reception from the crowd and he clearly loves every second of being champion, he takes a microphone and gets into the ring. He is trying to speak but the fans are chanting, “Future Legend!”]

“Thank you, Thank you all! Without all you fans Matty Keith, in fact the entire Keith dynasty wouldn’t be here, you made this possible and I would like to thank you all, this belt means everything to me. This symbolises that once again The Keith’s are on top of the world and it feels great, I have done my father proud I have become a man last night and Dad I want to thank you.”

[The two hug and then Sam begins to speak]

“You know what son, as great as these fans have been and as much as I’ve strived to help you kid, the one man responsible for you being World Champion is yourself, every day you strive to be better, you strive for perfection and son last night you achieve perfection by winning that title, so can we hear it for…”

[before he can finish Greg Gauge’s theme hits and he and Giant Khoklov comes out and walks towards the ring.]

“Sam, Matty this is all so touching but guys get real, he is only champion because I was unfairly disqualified from the tournament and quite simply that belt deserves to be around my waist, and Matt you know it”

“Shut the…”

“Sam what does this have to do with you anyway? I don’t know if you remember but the last time you tasted World Title gold was 11 years ago.”

[Matt is now fuming and his celebration has turned sour]

“And Greg you’ve never won anything without me, so if its championship we are talking about, you got nothing to talk about but if you want a shot I’m here and I’m ready and these fans want to see a fight!”

[All microphones are dropped and Sam lunges at Khoklov and they both go over the top rope and begin brawling with each other leaving Greg and Matt in the ring together and the crowd erupts, only for security to swarm the ring before anything can happen Matty tries to get at Greg who has a ****y smirk on his face.]


2 often overlooked teams squared off in this one and it seemed as though both teams felt like they had a lot to prove and truly give it all in this tag match. With strong back and forth action between all 4, it was a fun match from the forgotten teams of the tag division and it was Shark Cage who made the biggest step to getting noticed when Sammy The Shark pinned Spade after an Ace in the Hole.


Winner: Shark Cage


[After the match a man who is clearly not but is dressed as Captain USA comes out as advertised, he throws Shark Cage out of the ring and pulls out a microphone from under his hat!]


“Listen, this promotion needs help and so Big Sm… Captain USA is back in this house! I look around this promotion supposing to represent USA and I see Matty Keith, a damn Canadian holding the belt and a damned Samoan in the main event. USPW needs change and… Captain American is here to change is USPW from its fu… foundations and as I begin my accent to the top I shall leave those non-Americans behind USA! USA! USA!”

[No-one really wants to join in and only a few do, this enrages the man in the ring.]

“I said USA! ARRRRRRRGGGHHHHHH! Screw this!”

[Captain USA or America or Big Sm or whatever he wants to call himself flexes his muscles and then leaves the ring pissed off]


Greg Gauge made his way to the ring to a huge heel reception from the crowd who really despise his actions in recent months and he knows how to rile them up and this certainly helped the fans reaction to Gino who play off him being angry at him pissing off the nation of Mexico really well, the match got under way and after a fast determined start Gino was stopped in his tracks by Gauge who then took 5 more minutes to dominate Montero before pinning him following a Fisherman Buster.


Winner: Greg Gauge


[We cut to the back where Sammy Bach is stood]

“Tonight Sammy isn’t on the card but I’ve got a little message for Marc DuBois, I’ve seen the tweets, the texts, DuBois and take this as a warning if you go near Emma again I’ll tear you limb from limb and break every one of your tweeting fingers and that’ll be the start, Emma isn’t interested in you so back off! So Marc I challenge you to see me in the ring next week and talk this through man to man and if you got something to say to Emma, you say it to me! But you’ve been warned DuBois, so take your French swagger out of our lives and stay the hell out!”


This match saw to rivals put together to face their common enemy and we cut to the back before the match to see Robbie Retro and AJ Jackson watching from the screen, the two in the ring seemed scepitical of each other at first but soon teamed up to try and get a victory over The Awesomes and when they were into it worked well as a solidly cohesive unit and it was when all 4 competitors were in the ring at once that the uneasy alliance came together with Chance taking Jimmy outside, and Morisette hit a step up Enzuigiri that took Randy out but Chance was the legal man and it was him in the end who took the plaudits.


Winner: Chris Morrisette & Chance Fortune


[After the match the camera cuts to Robbie Retro celebrating, he is stood next to AJ Jackson.]

“What are you cheering for? Chris did all the work,”

“But we got the pin fall”

“Are you serious? I’m sick of you guys!”

[The two then begin a brawl before a host of staff split them up and force them away from each other, as both try to get at the other.]


Toni’s first single match since his name change and his more determined and ruthless attitude shone through here again, with a technical clinic from both men a back and forth match brought the best out of both athletes and it was a high intensity battle and both men were straining their energy reserves at the 15 minute mark and it was a flash Stunner follow by a Frog Splash to Acid that won the match for Toni


Winner: Toni Ramoray


[Toni gets up from his gruelling test from Acid when the lights go out, they come back on to reveal… Enygma who sprays green mist into the face of Toni who tries swinging at Enygma but is blinded. Toni then turns straight into a Leg Lariat that drops him before the lights go back out and Toni is nowhere to be seen as Acid and Enygma stand in the ring.]


The first match as champion for Matty Keith was a tough one and although it was non-title it was a great chance for Bali Destruction to get more exposure that his usual tag team appearance and he put on a truly stunning performance worthy of Main Eventing a PPV with his hard hitting, almost skull crushing offense clashing with Matty’s excellent all round skills, the new champion was really tested throughout by Samoan Machine, and he almost scored the upset when a belly to belly suplex caused a near fall, but in the end an awesome power slam reversal from Matty saw him in perfect position to hit a Double Underhook Powerbomb and missed a close shave against The Samoan.


Winner: Matty Keith



[After the excellent battle Matty is showing off his belt to his fans, he is having a great time and loving being champion when down to the ring comes Giant Khoklov he swiftly but strongly takes out the champion and drags him to the announcers desk. He lifts up the champ and drops him through it with a Choke Bomb. He goes to leave and then turns around and picks up Matty Keith’s title belt and walks away with it. As the show goes off air…]

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This Week on USPW American Wrestling


Nicky Champion vs. Union Jack

Caulfield & Big Cat vs. Johnny Martin/Koshiro Ino

[DEBUT] Xander Clark vs. Doug Peak

Hunter Richards vs. Dark Flash

Tom Gilmore vs. Brent Hill

McClean chooses the stipulation: John McClean vs. Rick Law


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USPW.com today released the following statement:

We are delighted to announce that the CBA network have decided to take on USPW Thursday Night Fury a show we will use to showcase the new women's division and the Soaring Eagle division, the two belts will be on the line in the debut episode of USPW: TNF which begin on the first Thursday of December, the following has been booked on the show already:


The new women's division showcase their abilities with a HUGE 15 woman battle royal, I woman will be given a number contenders match at Thanksgiving Thunder! In the Over the Top Rope Battle Royal are:

Amber Allen, Stephanie Wade, Etsuko Arihyoshi, Geena The Warrior Princess, The Gorgon, Brooke Tyler, Makuda, Megumi Nakajima, Nadia Snow, Roxy Kitten, Pharaoh Marie York, Seki Kinugasa, Tracy Taylor, Suzanne Brazzle, Shirley Bristow


As well as for the Women's Championship, Former Holder: Alicia Strong vs. Pharaoh Harperatra vs. Joanne Rodriquez vs. Belle Bryden.


The third match already promoted for the first card is a 20 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal for the Soaring Eagle Title, it was open invitation to the first 20 applicants they are:

[AWA's] Mexican Hero, [AWA's Tea Reckz] Paul Steadyfast, [AWA's] Mr Lucha III, El Mitico, Gino Montero, Ash Campbell, Hector Galindo, Teddy Powell, Frankie Perez, Greg Grouch, Narato, Ota, C.H Threepwood, [Non-USPW Worker] Jay 'The Hammer' Lane, Ant-Man, James Prudence, Rudy Velasquez, Xander Clark, Hell Monkey and [NOTBPW's] Cliff Wilson.


It sure to be a great start to an awesome new series don't miss Thursday Night Fury, debuts 1st Thursday of December!



Nicky Champion vs. Union Jack

Caulfield & Big Cat vs. Johnny Martin/Koshiro Ino

[DEBUT] Xander Clark vs. Doug Peak

Hunter Richards vs. Dark Flash

Tom Gilmore vs. Brent Hill

McClean chooses the stipulation: John McClean vs. Rick Law

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