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SWF: The Supremacist Era

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OK a bit lazy this time round, but I'll go with SWF fans picks as I don't just agree with them as picks, I also like his reason behind them.


Its nice when someone as legendary on this board as TK thinks that you're talking sense, makes me feel I actually know what I'm talking about for a change :)

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Little late with my feedback, but late is better than never, right?


I thought you'd struggle to outdo your first episode of Supreme TV from "The Incessant Need for Supremacy", but you still put out a strong show, although if I'm brutally honest, I think I hold the latter in slightly higher regard in terms of my own personal enjoyment. That show held one of my favourite gimmicky main event finishes with Eric Eisen forcing the techs to sabotage the match with pyro and lights, just to prevent himself from having a challenger at WHFO and had some awesome characterisation for Faith and Khoklov, plus strong encounters with Gilmore/Roberts and Black/Remo. For instance, seeing Khoklov standing so passively with Chase and James seemed 'off' to me given that the last time your version of him appeared, he was brutalising security personnel is near-homicidal fashion. Your focus this time, seemed on a couple of characters you neglected rather more that time around, with Vengeance and Frehley being the most obvious examples. I do like that you put more of an emphasis on the Bruce/Eisen dynamic this time around, given how monumental their storyline was for the SWF, especially given how Eisen especially is already coming more to the fore. Pitting Bruce against Vengeance was a great douche-heel move. Also it's nice to see that Faith is still riding his steel hog straight into Supreme TV.


That probably seems rather critical, but don't get the impression that I didn't enjoy the show, because I did and I suspect given this is likely your final project here, the pacing in this SWF outing is going to be somewhat different. Either way, I'll go with the flow.


Now to get to Uprising and catch up some more. It's nice to see Everest-meets-Queer Eye sctick is alive and well your new version of the SWF. That's an awesome alt and gimmick. :p


Fair enough, Sebs.


Honestly, while I know there were some better representations during my 2nd SWF project (ie: Khoklov), I actually feel more comfortable with this rendition. Khoklov was a major central focus of my last project, and he still will within this one; however, I'm spending more time, as you pointed out, on a few other characters at the time being. The fact that Khoklov was standing along side Chase, and James, was less, in my mind, about him being subdued and was more present in which to sell them as a formidable tag-team for one night; so, in a way, it was more there to sell one event's (that show) Main Event. I really wanted to point out, in that segment, that Khoklov was less there because he was a 'friend' and more so there because he simply just didn't understand what Chase was saying. While she wasn't saying anything against him, the opposite really, it was used to show that Khoklov is more of a primal monster; quick to explode while also unaware of what's really happening around him due to the obvious language barrier.


Vengeance, this time around, has received more focus, as will Steve Frehley, were as the last project they were seen more like a B-story. Now, as you'll see with the next show, they're almost front-center.


As for Eric Eisen's depiction, I really see him in the same light as the previous project. While he hasn't utilized the pyro to his advantage, well yet, he's shown himself to be a snarky heel; playing off his relationship with the 'Board' much more heavily than in my previous project. I dropped the ball last time with this, as the "Jack Bruce; man under pressure" storyline touches upon the fact that he pretty much manipulated his way into the SWF Championship; using the board as a tool of his ascent. In this case, with this project, I'm doing more to sell Eric as a weak heel (in the sense of creating deterrents to keep him on top) wrapped within a man who perceives himself as a strong heel (able to destroy others on his own). That way, he's touching upon an age-old-addage as a heel; however, creating a new vision for him outright.


I hope, with this next show about due up, and the PPV coming up, that things may end up a little more entertaining for those who this project hasn't really resonated with though.


Believe me, for the amount of work that goes into these show (I mean, writing an SWF show takes me a good week, or more, to craft, book, and write), I hope that there is a level of entertainment jumping off the screen. That's why SWF projects can be so hard to take on sometimes as the sheer size of the shows, roster, etc., can cause for some REALLY time consuming work; something that I don't want to take away from my real-world-life (ie: my wife, etc.).





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Oh, how a day can change your life…


After over a year of job-searching, working dead-end’s in which to make things ‘work’, I finally have found a position that’s within my major. Awesome, right? I got the call tonight; after an interview I gave recently.


Awesome for real-life…


Relatively bad as it pertains to TEW Dynasty’s…


The thing is, for at least the next few weeks, to a month, I’m going to have to commute too-and-from on a daily basis. Normally, that wouldn’t be all that bad. Right? That said, it’s an hour there and an hour back; making it almost impossible to do anything productive (TEW wise) during the week.


Given the weekend, I do have time; however, at first, I’m afraid of such a project like this (The SWF) being almost impossible to pick up only on the weekends.


That said, real life beckons.


Honestly, I don’t feel like the itch is gone, from a TEW-perspective; however, I’m not really sure what’s humanly possible over the next few weeks. With a 2 hour commute, roundtrip, 5 days a week, I just don’t see where the time would come up during the week.


I don’t think you’ve heard the last of me, as I will still be reading others projects, but a diary may either be A) not possible anymore; given the lack of time or B) I’ll have to change how I write them; or only work with companies that work with events vs. TV shows (as it’s easier to have a few weeks in between shows going up).


Funny enough, I have off tomorrow; however, after that, may be less seen on the boards here.


I want to thank everyone & promise that you’ll still see/hear from me from time to time. If for some reason I find time to write from a dynasty perspective, maybe once we’ve moved to the new town closer to my new job, then I hope you’re all still around to give it a read. That said, I’m not entirely sure if that’s possible at this point; I guess I’d have to see A) how dedicated I could be B) what kind of time I would have and C) how consuming my new job may be (making it hard to really focus in on shows, etc.)


I’m a proud member of this forum & hope to stay relevant with time.


Best of luck to everyone; I wish you all a fruitful TEW experience.


If you would like to message me for conversation, TEW insight, or guidance, then you know how to get ahold of me. It may take me a bit to respond but I’ll do my best.





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Oh, how a day can change your life…


After over a year of job-searching, working dead-end’s in which to make things ‘work’, I finally have found a position that’s within my major. Awesome, right? I got the call tonight; after an interview I gave recently.


Awesome for real-life…


Relatively bad as it pertains to TEW Dynasty’s…


The thing is, for at least the next few weeks, to a month, I’m going to have to commute too-and-from on a daily basis. Normally, that wouldn’t be all that bad. Right? That said, it’s an hour there and an hour back; making it almost impossible to do anything productive (TEW wise) during the week.


Given the weekend, I do have time; however, at first, I’m afraid of such a project like this (The SWF) being almost impossible to pick up only on the weekends.


That said, real life beckons.


Honestly, I don’t feel like the itch is gone, from a TEW-perspective; however, I’m not really sure what’s humanly possible over the next few weeks. With a 2 hour commute, roundtrip, 5 days a week, I just don’t see where the time would come up during the week.


I don’t think you’ve heard the last of me, as I will still be reading others projects, but a diary may either be A) not possible anymore; given the lack of time or B) I’ll have to change how I write them; or only work with companies that work with events vs. TV shows (as it’s easier to have a few weeks in between shows going up).


Funny enough, I have off tomorrow; however, after that, may be less seen on the boards here.


I want to thank everyone & promise that you’ll still see/hear from me from time to time. If for some reason I find time to write from a dynasty perspective, maybe once we’ve moved to the new town closer to my new job, then I hope you’re all still around to give it a read. That said, I’m not entirely sure if that’s possible at this point; I guess I’d have to see A) how dedicated I could be B) what kind of time I would have and C) how consuming my new job may be (making it hard to really focus in on shows, etc.)


I’m a proud member of this forum & hope to stay relevant with time.


Best of luck to everyone; I wish you all a fruitful TEW experience.


If you would like to message me for conversation, TEW insight, or guidance, then you know how to get ahold of me. It may take me a bit to respond but I’ll do my best.






First of all, congratulations on finding a job within your major. I know how difficult the job market is right now so being able to find a good job is a wonderful thing. Real life always comes first.


That being said, know you will be missed here, my friend. If time opens up, you'll definitely be welcomed back. You know I'll be messaging you as I do sometimes to get feedback and insight. Maybe you can pop around for the occassional prediction or something. ;)

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Serves you right for not giving Big Smack Scott a title.

















Just kidding.


No, it's awesome to hear about your job...but the only thing is that there will be no more E-V dynasties. BUT if you say that you'll still be on the boards (hopefully you'll be around to comment and criticize on a certain member's projects, AHEM), then I'll still happy.


Just to hear what you think about the stuff other writers do on here is pure gold, and I'm always happy to hear what you have to say about my work.


Thanks again for all of your inspiration and giving me models to work off of in my almost-year of TEW-dom. Good luck with your post-dynasty life. (Wow, that sounded like you're dead or something. Sorry.)



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Thank you everyone for such nice words. As I write this, happy for the future, there is an ounce of sadness that comes with not running with a diary right now. That said, I've given myself the room to look into future projects if, and really only if, I can find a way to both give 110% to my job & then still put together a strong dynasty project. Is that possible? I have no idea; however, won't really find out unless I feel the itch later down the road.


Knowing me, as I'm always a writer at heart, if there's room then there will be enough room to continue forth. That said, I need to see how this is all going to pan out from a personal, and professional, perspective before I would ever make such claims. I mean, a 2 HOUR commute everyday is going to take a lot out of me. ha. That said, when we move to the other city, maybe I'll find some time that is available after the drive is done?


Regardless, I'll def. be around the boards in which to read others projects. Again, I'm sure it will only push me to want to do my own work later on; however, I guess that's an issue i'll have to tackle with time.


Until that time comes, or doesn't, I'll continue to be here for anyone who wants to talk about their current, future, or additional projects. Like I've said before, as AMP knows by this point, if you have really fleshed out questions then it may take me awhile to respond. Why? Limited time really.


All in all, I'm not 'dead'. ;) ha. I'll be here; you'll see, hear, from me every once in awhile. On top of that, given time and experience, I may be able to find some time to put together a slow moving diary or something later on; once everything settles down.








EDIT: Given the star-rating, as it just seemingly changed, it appears that some have some sour thoughts about me ending this diary. As I've said before, that's your call; i'm not going to beg and plead for your acceptance (I don't want that to sound bad just speaking frankly). If you don't like things unfolded over 2010, as it pertains to my diary choices, then that's cool. Either way, I was able to accomplish much I was happy to do (2 long running diaries in PSW and DOA; and some short projects that itched a small itch I had). Meh. It's been fun.

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Thank you everyone for such nice words. As I write this, happy for the future, there is an ounce of sadness that comes with not running with a diary right now. That said, I've given myself the room to look into future projects if, and really only if, I can find a way to both give 110% to my job & then still put together a strong dynasty project. Is that possible? I have no idea; however, won't really find out unless I feel the itch later down the road.


Knowing me, as I'm always a writer at heart, if there's room then there will be enough room to continue forth. That said, I need to see how this is all going to pan out from a personal, and professional, perspective before I would ever make such claims. I mean, a 2 HOUR commute everyday is going to take a lot out of me. ha. That said, when we move to the other city, maybe I'll find some time that is available after the drive is done?


Regardless, I'll def. be around the boards in which to read others projects. Again, I'm sure it will only push me to want to do my own work later on; however, I guess that's an issue i'll have to tackle with time.


Until that time comes, or doesn't, I'll continue to be here for anyone who wants to talk about their current, future, or additional projects. Like I've said before, as AMP knows by this point, if you have really fleshed out questions then it may take me awhile to respond. Why? Limited time really.


All in all, I'm not 'dead'. ;) ha. I'll be here; you'll see, hear, from me every once in awhile. On top of that, given time and experience, I may be able to find some time to put together a slow moving diary or something later on; once everything settles down.








EDIT: Given the star-rating, as it just seemingly changed, it appears that some have some sour thoughts about me ending this diary. As I've said before, that's your call; i'm not going to beg and plead for your acceptance (I don't want that to sound bad just speaking frankly). If you don't like things unfolded over 2010, as it pertains to my diary choices, then that's cool. Either way, I was able to accomplish much I was happy to do (2 long running diaries in PSW and DOA; and some short projects that itched a small itch I had). Meh. It's been fun.

Just voted to give your diary a better rating, so don't worry about it. ;) In any case, good luck.

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Don't worry about the star ratings, everyone knows that it does not matter.


Anyway, congratulations on the new job I know this was something you really wanted so I am happy for you. I hope you pop in on the site every once and awhile and good luck in the future!

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Again, thank you all for being really supportive. To be honest, My wife and I have been looking for this kind of job for quite some time; as it will help our financial situation a lot!


That said, I'm def. going to have my head poking in every once in awhile; probably at least every couple of days. I guess I just can't see myself without a little GDS-time. ha. As I've said, I'm not really ruling out a return at some point but such a thing will only happen if I find a way to be productive on all fronts; especially without missing out on my personal life.


For as long as I've been creating these projects, I've put my entire heart, and mind, into my work. Honestly, this has been part of my life for the last 3 years or so; so, the thought of not doing one right now is really weird (yet freeing at the same time). I know there will be an itch from time to time, and that i'll have to decide what that means, and what is possible, but, more or less, I really hope that I was able to leave my stamp; just in case I can't find the time, the focus, the attention, in which to comeback at a certain point.

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Real life... it's always a kicker. On a personal note though, congrats on the job and it's great that it's in the area you want to work. Commuting is a pain, although that said, I now have a similar commute to work and back, but that being said, that spurred me to start my dynasty as I lifted the mind-numbing tedium by planning stuff, and jotting it down on a notepad (the old fashioned paper type!). Currently, I'm actually talking to myself in the car, trying to get down get promos mapped out and get some half-decent dialogue going... er, but enough about me and my issues. :p


Like the others who have commented, hopefully you'll still be sticking around here and like most of the long-standing writers, I'm sure you'll see little bits of your writing and booking influencing others around here for a while yet.


Good luck with it all.

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Real life... it's always a kicker. On a personal note though, congrats on the job and it's great that it's in the area you want to work. Commuting is a pain, although that said, I now have a similar commute to work and back, but that being said, that spurred me to start my dynasty as I lifted the mind-numbing tedium by planning stuff, and jotting it down on a notepad (the old fashioned paper type!). Currently, I'm actually talking to myself in the car, trying to get down get promos mapped out and get some half-decent dialogue going... er, but enough about me and my issues. :p


Like the others who have commented, hopefully you'll still be sticking around here and like most of the long-standing writers, I'm sure you'll see little bits of your writing and booking influencing others around here for a while yet.


Good luck with it all.



Thanks sebs, Today was the first commute and I can def. see how it would pass the 2 HOUR commute to think about things you want to do in a diary. Really, there's a lot of boring silence; so, maybe something like that could be a good way to keep my mind fresh. That said, I guess, maybe there's the possibility of something coming around on the other end.


With that in mind, I don't think I could realistically come back to an SWF type thing; as that would be FAR too much work that I wouldn't have time for. However, a indy company could suffice; if I start to feel the itch that is (then again, when don't I have that itch? haha).


Seeing how this commute thing works, and now hearing that others have done so (like you sebs), I guess, don't be too shocked if you see me back sooner than later. The next project, if there is one, may move more at a snails pace, given the time constraints, but could be a great way to keep me 'in-check' once I've left from work; treading through the frigid hell that is Minnesota winter (-37 with windchill over the next few days; awesome. ha).





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