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Thanks to all who replied to my topic on whether or not to buy TEW 2010. To those who suggested that I try out TEW 2007 first; I think you misunderstood. I got TEW '07 when it first came out and played it a lot. After recent boredom of my other video games, I recently started playing '07 again and was debating buying '10 after I played the demo.


I got a lot of useful info from the link that was provided and there were a ton of differences between the two. I did buy '10 and I enjoy it. Thanks Adam for closing the topic, as it went way beyond what it originally was for.


I'm now playing the real life 1997 mod using WCW. I haven't even gotten to Starrcade yet and I've already dropped to #2 to the WWF......The Sting/Hogan angle has also dropped from A* to B+. Argh!!


I also tried signing Scott Hudson to a written contract, but he wanted me to pay his travel costs...What the hell?!? Needless to say, I canceled negotiations after that.


I love to drug testing feature. A few names off the top of my head; Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Chris Adams, Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, and Sting all tested positive for steroids. Everyone but Steiner were accepting of their fines I gave them. Steiner just stormed out of my office. Hogan, funnily enough, was clean. I also punished Guerrero by making him drop the Cruiserweight title.

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TI also tried signing Scott Hudson to a written contract, but he wanted me to pay his travel costs...What the hell?!? Needless to say, I canceled negotiations after that.


Check his personality. Some modmakers don't go through and give each worker a unique/realistic personality. The default personality makes workers sometimes ask for things they've got no business asking for (like travel expenses for a midrange announcer).


What's awesome is, the more you play, the more you'll see how the game reacts to your playstyle and changes what you might think would happen. Wanna see for yourself? Jesus push one of your nobodies. Take note of his personality before the push and then after. When his contract comes due, see what he asks for. :)

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It's pretty cool. One thing I wondered when looking over things;


Guys who have negative/positive influences backstage, do those change? Such as; Hulk Hogan is a negative influence....Could he technically ever change to a positive influence during the course of the game, or will they always stay where they are?

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Good to hear you made the jump to '10, and to hear your first game is with one of my mods.


Scott Hudson really shouldn't hold out for travel expenses, I did do an overhaul of worker personalities for that mod I'm sure but a bunch of people prob didn't get edited due to time restraints on my behalf. If you spot anything else abnormal like that please do report it in the thread of the mod and a fix will be made for next update.


Hope you enjoy :)

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