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Supreme Wrestling Federation: Under Pressure

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Another great show, really liked Brandon James and Chase's segment and Greed is just great!


The Chase/James segment was a fun one to right - I just wanted to do something a little different which hopefully this was.


Agree with legend. Still diggin it, jhd. Especially loving the tournament.


Thanks BP, that's great to hear. Of course, you'll recognise the former winners of the King of the Squared Circle :p:D


<hr>Hope everyone enjoyed the show, I'll get the prediction scores, a couple of notes and an absolutely fantastic AFTERMATH from TLLK3 up early tomorrow - you DEFINITELY don't want to miss this one. :D


Thanks for reading! :)

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Aw, crap... I only got two predictions right. :p


Awesome show, though... I second (or third?) the opinion that Greed and Chase/Brandon segments were great. But the surprise for me is that you signed the Good Ol' Boys, and by winning over Valiant, Double E is slowly gaining his legitimacy as champion. Nice ones, there! :D

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'One Hot Lobster' Written by TheLeviticalLawKid3


...One Hot Lobster...

Aftermath this week begins in a parking lot, as our trusty cameraman pans it while the words "LAST TUESDAY NIGHT" pop up on the bottom of the screen. During the panning, we see that we are not in the parking lot of the venue in Des Moines, but, in the lot of a fancy restaurant.


While we wonder just what the heck we're doing here, a red blur flies into the parking lot, zooming at a breakneck speed. When the blur drifts into a dangerous turn and a crashing attempt at parallel parking, a valet rushes over to it.


Valet: You've gotta be kidding me...and it's already been a long night...

The cameraman focuses in on the vehicle while the valet goes over to the driver's side. Think a mix of a Ferrari and the Batmobile. Yeah, pretty amazing.


The valet, visibly upset, knocks on the window and you hear a button click inside the vehicle. Suddenly, the pop-up doors of the red beast fly open and blindside the valet, knocking him out cold.


The driver climbs out of the car first, puzzled. He looks around for the valet, not noticing the unconscious one laying on the ground. He shrugs and calls out to his entourage, still in the vehicle.


Lobster Warrior: I told you I could get you here in time, friends! The restaurant is still open...but I don't see the parking attendant. Oh well!

Lobby, dressed in a tuxedo, red tie matching his famous mask and foam claws, smooths out his coat as the rest file out of the vehicle. They are not as cool, calm, and collected as The Warrior, as Lobby's best friend Joe Sexy and the lovely Neptune twins emerge out of breath and wide-eyed.


Joe Sexy: That...was...crazy. (to the Neptunes) Remind me to drive next time, ladies.


Lobster Warrior: What was that, friend?


Joe Sexy: Just talking about your driving and this...red death trap.


Lobster Warrior: (beams) It works much, much better underwater...but when I came to the land to become a wrestling avenger of justice, we had to make some modifications. Did you see those people as we rode by?...absolutely stunned!


Joe Sexy: (to the Neptunes again, trying to be a funny man, flirting as always) Probably because they saw his passengers...am I right? (winks)


Jen Neptune: (rolls her eyes) Sure...whatever you say, Joe.


Lobster Warrior: (searching the parking lot) No trouble here. Where is this armed robbery you spoke of?


Joe Sexy: Buddy...this isn't some crime-fighting adventure you're having right now. (puts his arm around Lobby) I told you that so you could get away from work...you know, have some fun with me and the girls!


Kathy Neptune: (high-pitched) We're here to celebrate your entry into the King of the Squared Circle Tournament, silly!


Lobster Warrior: (strokes...chin?...as he ponders the situation)Well, I don't normally support lying, citizens...but...I must say, it's great to have friends like you.

Joe Sexy: That's the Lobby I know. Come on, let's go inside and have some fun...this place is amazing. (back to the Neptunes) Just like our guests. (yet another wink)


A collective, agitated sigh from both of the Neptunes fades us from the parking lot into the restaurant.


We're talking 5-star atmosphere here. The maître d’ of this establishment, though, is currently in a heated argument with our SWF stars as the sound starts coming in.


Maître D’: Sir, you must understand...we have a strict dress code here. And your friend is violating it with those...claws.


Joe Sexy: (pulls him close) Listen, buddy. Do you know who this is? He's one of the most famous figures on television. He's taught himself to tie his shoes with those things. He NEVER takes them off. Sleeps with them, bathes with them, talks to fish with them...


Maître D’: This is a high-class place. We have a waiting list that stretches for months.


Joe Sexy: And we got reservations WAAAAAAAAAY in advance. You're going to turn down probably your most famous customer because of his trademark look? What a fool!


Maître D’: We've hosted presidents, ambassadors, kings, queens, even Eisens...


Joe Sexy: (snorts) Oh, so it's one of those kind of places, eh? Favoritism for those with money, eh? I bet Rich gets to eat in the kitchen...right?


Maître D’: I'm sorry, sir, but this just won't do.


Joe Sexy: He's waiting outside, waiting to grace the fans in that dining room with his presence...is it because you don't have a personality or something?


Maître D’: I haven't smiled in years.


Joe Sexy: Uh...well, let's try this again.


Suddenly, Lobster Warrior bursts right up to the maître d's station, Neptunes in tow. He's had enough of waiting, apparently.


Lobster Warrior: (to the not-so-friendly host) Fiend! Any place that does not let The Avenger of the Oceans in is purely criminal! (to the Neptunes) Ladies, this place is SWIMMING with EVIL!


Joe Sexy: (jerks his thumb at Lobby) See? How are you going to bar a proud entertainer like him out of this establishment? I mean, the entire restaurant's focused on him now!


Maître D’: (sharply) And that is EXACTLY what we do not want in here. Now you take your female guests and whatever that red, no-class, piece of--


Lobster Warrior: (immediately snaps) BROTHERS! I SHALL RESCUE YOU!


Maître D’: What the...


Lobby rushes by the Neptunes and the cameraman follows him...right up to a lobster tank.


Lobster Warrior: Bound and powerless...what kind of monsters would treat my brothers like this? Justice will be served here tonight!

Lobby immediately dives into the over-sized tank, grabbing up the future entrees, splashing water over everyone and everything.


Maître D’: Security! Security!


Kathy Neptune: Uh...aren't you going to go help him?


Joe Sexy: (raises an eyebrow) I'm not sure how to handle this situation...don't want to rush up on him in his natural habitat.


As security rushes to apprehend our red hero, he flips over and begins chunking the lobsters at the guards, screaming for revenge.


Lobster Warrior: Now, be free! Exact your revenge on those who have tried to destroy our race for centuries! Attack, my brothers!!!

Joe Sexy: (to the Neptunes, not worried about Lobby) This reminds me of the time when we had a little predicament with the Coast Guard down in Florida at Spring Break...(lowers his eyebrows in a half-flirty, all-creepy way) Too bad you lovely ladies weren't down there with me, I mean, us.


Before Jen or Kathy can offer a reply or a solid open-palm strike, a rogue lobster that Lobby chunked comes across the screen and crushes Joe right in the groin.


Jen Neptune: Hmm...you know what they say about karma, Joe...

Kathy Neptune: It's a PINCH!

As soon as she says that, Joe screams out in agony, lobster clawing everything Joe holds dear. Lobby then rushes back on screen, petting one of his brothers.


Lobster Warrior: Come ladies, we must retreat! This sick workshop of murder is no place for fine upstanding citizens like yourselves and...wait, where is Joe?

Kathy Neptune: (before Lobby can find him) He had to take a call.


Jen Neptune: And a taxi.


Kathy Neptune: Back to the hotel. (They both nod, smiling.)


Lobster Warrior: Very well. Come, we shall return to the Lobbymobile!


As our hero walks off, the Neptunes look at the camera, shocked. Scared of riding back with Lobby, they fearfully follow him. Jen, ever the thinker, does offer this glimmer of hope, though:


Jen Neptune: Beats getting hit on by Joe...

As they exit, the camera focuses in on Joe, still lying on the ground, bruised and battered by the newly freed lobster attackers. A pitiful groan fades us out of this week's episode of SWF Aftermath!

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I thought you'd all like that AFTERMATH :D I think TLLK3 really outdid himself this week (which given the quality of previous shows is no mean feat), so I'm glad you all enjoyed it too.


Aw, crap... I only got two predictions right. :p


Awesome show, though... I second (or third?) the opinion that Greed and Chase/Brandon segments were great. But the surprise for me is that you signed the Good Ol' Boys, and by winning over Valiant, Double E is slowly gaining his legitimacy as champion. Nice ones, there! :D


Good Ol' Boys vs sXe match graded a B- :eek: They are using a hillbilly gimmick, rated B- and B+. I think they'll add something a little different to the tag division - they're unlikely to be split (because basically they're not good enough), and so they can become a solid midcard team. I hope.


Eric Eisen vs Valiant was rated...B+. I'm not joking, midcard Valiant pulled out a six minute long, B+ match with Eric Eisen. I think splitting G&V was a good idea after all...


Good show and a hilarious edition of AFTERMATH!.


One day, Lobsters will rise up against mankind and reclaim the earth!


That and Jungle Jack still likes nanas. I loved the Train/Jack food fight.


I will happily admit that Lobby and Sexy are my favourite two superstars in this diary. People like Greed and Faith are always easy to write for, but Lobby and Sexy are at home in the ring and in ridiculous segments outside it too. Of course, at the time I didn't think of it, but The Neptunes turned out to be a perfect choice for Joe and Lobby if only because they share a name with the Roman God of the Sea.


And you got it - Jungle Lord's banana fight was a nod to whoever wrote the nanas thing (which I can never remember) and to Roddy Piper's (in)famous coconut smash!

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I now love Lobster Warrior. I got a very very good image of what happened. And I say this. MORE LOBSTER FREEINGS!

Lobby and Sexy are awesome, that segment was awesome, this whole thing is awesome!

ROFLMAO...!!! That was hillarious! I am speechless... :D


*clap clap clap* This-is-AWE-SOME...! *clap clap clap* This-is-AWE-SOME...!


*clap clap clap* Free-the-LOB-STERS...! *clap clap clap* Free-the-LOB-STERS...!

Good show and a hilarious edition of AFTERMATH!.


One day, Lobsters will rise up against mankind and reclaim the earth!

Thank you, thank you, one and all.


To be honest, I was nervous about how you all would react to this edition of AFTERMATH. When jhd asked me for a comedy segment, I got a little uneasy. I mean, what comedy is to you might not be funny at all to the readers.


But, judging by the comments above, I think I managed to do fine. Thanks for the support, fellows.


Lobster Warrior, Big Smack Scott, and others that I've written AFTERMATH segments for make this one of the most enjoyable writing experiences I've ever had. Maybe one day I'll pull the trigger and do a SWF dynasty myself...who knows?


But, jhd...if I don't see a gimmick PPV bout between Lobby and any criminal enemy of his, a scaffold match over a giant tank of lobsters...your days of booking Supreme are OVER!

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Sorry for the delay in getting these scores up it's been another busy week! Big thanks to everyone who predicted in the last show, and a warm welcome to Trell and Woodsmeister who made their first picks this week. Congratulations to Zergon and Tigerkinney who managed to get 5/5! :)


1. Tigerkinney...34

2. 20LEgend, Liamo...32

3. Bigpapa42...30

4. Sebsplex...29

5. Jingo...28

6. Midnightnick...24

7. angeldelayette, Anghrist, LoNdOn...23

8. Purple Cowboy...19

9. Anggur Merah...18

10. smurphy1014, Zergon...17

11. jesseewiak, rdarnz...16

12. ChrisKid, Prophet...15

13. joehelmer...13

14. James Casey...10

15. blewrider1980...8

16. legendkiller13...6

17. cmdrsam, Trell, Woodsmeister, Yuu Onuki...4

18. Eisen-verse, PeterHilton...3

19. DiablomanConQueso...2


<hr>I have just (in the last few days) booked The Supreme Challenge 30 in this save and I'm glad to be able to say it was a success! So to anyone who wondered where I had gone - fear not, the diary will last at least that long :D


However, with my schedule as it is at the moment I am going to change the way I write the next few shows. Much like several episodes of Bigpapa42's epic, Generation Supreme, I will not be writing out full promos, but rather a description of what took place alongside any stand-out comments. I'm hoping that this will allow me to continue at the speed I've been going (because if I take too long I'll forget!), and that's something I really want to do. Anyway, we'll see how it goes over the next few weeks and if necessary change things up again. I have another Legend from the Vault to put up later today and then I'll post our next prediction card.


Thanks for reading!

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Article Written By 20LEgend




DATE: January 16th 1976



The King Of The Squared Circle title is one of the biggest prizes in SWF. Its proud tradition dates back to 1976, and its winners have gone on to become world famous, many World Champion. As previously mentioned, the first tournament was in 1976, held at the King Of The Squared Circle event in January of that year.


The weaker workers were soon weaned out of the tournament as Mayhem Midden, Black Jack, Edmond Jackson, RJ Danzig, Corporal Doom, Powerhouse Patterson, Rick Rumble and Walleye Conklin all advanced to the next round of the tournament. The first match to be drawn was Mayhem Midden against Powerhouse Patterson and the contest showed just how determined Mayhem was to win this as he quickly put away Patterson. The next match saw Doom advance after beating RJ Danzig, followed by Rick Rumble's surprising defeat at the hands of veteran Walleye Conklin. The final match of the quarter-finals ended with Edmond Jackson defeating Black Jack, leaving a very exciting last 4.


The semi-finals were drawn as Mayhem Midden vs. Edmond Jackson, and Corporal Doom vs. Walleye Conklin. Mayhem Midden against Edmond Jackson was a brutal affair, which both men carried much battle fatigue into. After a long match where neither man saw a near fall, Midden managed to pull out an extra bit of energy to finish of Jackson and advance to the final.


The man to join him would be either Corporal Doom or Walleye Conklin, and an excellent showing which had the fans right behind the veteran. They were not left disappointed as Walleye, much like Midden before him, pulled out an exceptional display of determination when he pinned Doom - much to the shock of the Corporal.


The main event was set - Wallete Conklin pitted against the hated heel Mayhem Midden. The momentum swung back and forth, and as the match went on it began to appear as though there would be no winner, each man pulling out more whenever the other asked a question of their resolve. With the crowd firmly behind Walleye, it seemed as though that might just tip the weight in this match, but instead Midden took his game to a never-before-seen level. He took his A-game to Walleye and finished him with a vicious Mayhem Piledriver which would have stopped any man. Walleye Conklin never wrestled again, and Midden went on to become one of the true legends of the sport.



The final four - Mayhem Midden, Walleye Conklin, Edmond Jackson and Corporal Doom.

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Last week, in their home state of Florida, The Amazing Bumfholes answered World Tag Team Champions sXe's open challenge. That match was due to take place tonight, but Henry Lee has stepped in, moving the title match to our next PPV, The World Is Watching. On this week's show the two teams have been pitted against each other in two separate one-on-one singles matches. First up is Zimmy Bumfhole against Squeeky McClean, an opening match that is sure to kick the show off with a bang. With momentum and a big confidence boost on the line, this match has the potential to make or break the Bumfhole's challenge before it has begun.



Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois will take on former tag champ Valiant tonight in what is sure to be an excellent technical match. Valiant's performance against Eric Eisen on last week's show won him many accolades, but Marc DuBois has both the momentum and the focus behind him to push Valiant to the limit. DuBois will put his title on the line at The World Is Watching in a rematch with Gregory Black - with that title defence just two days away, DuBois will be hoping that this match is over as quickly as possible.



As we have already heard, Randy Bumfhole will join his brother Zimmy in tackling sXe, the World Tag Team Champions, in just two days time. But before that, Randy will want to prove to the Galaxy that the brothers really can win the titles, and beating 'Straight Edge' Angry Gilmore on this episode of Supreme TV would make that message loud and clear.




When Sam Keith and Rich Money were both counted out on last week's show, they gave one of the 2010 KotSC competitors an distinct advantage over his two remaining rivals. That individual turned out to be Remo, who will surely be the favourite to win the title for a record third time having been lucky enough to get a bye through the semi-finals. Steve Frehley and Vengeance, however, have no such luck and with almost five months of rivalry between them this is sure to be a brutal match. But with only two days to recover, will this prove to be one encounter too many on the road to tournament gold?



Christian Faith and Sam Keith have a rivalry spanning 15 years, and Keith's shock return to the SWF last month has seen a resurgence in the unusually timid Christian Faith. Faith will get a shot at revenge tonight as he takes on the 'Living Legend' one-on-one just two days away from PPV and with a title match with Eric Eisen in his sights the 'Iron Man' will be looking to finish this show with a victory. Keith, meanwhile, will want to do his best to see that Faith reaches the PPV in bad shape, while at the same time looking forward to another intense encounter against Rich Money on Thursday night.


Plus, we'll see Joe Sexy take on Atlas, the Samoan Wildboyz will be in tag team action and with just two days to go until The World Is Watching Henry Lee addresses the Supreme Galaxy.



Zimmy Bumfhole vs Squeeky McClean

Marc DuBois vs Valiant

Randy Bumfhole vs Angry Gilmore

Vengeance vs Steve Frehley (King of the Squared Circle Semi-Final)

Christian Faith vs Sam Keith

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Zimmy Bumfhole vs Squeeky McClean

In the better team

Marc DuBois vs Valiant

He's still a tag wrestler to me

Randy Bumfhole vs Angry Gilmore

See Zim vs. Squeek

Vengeance vs Steve Frehley (King of the Squared Circle Semi-Final)


Christian Faith vs Sam Keith

Gotta have Faith going into the PPV

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This is really fantastic, enjoyed all of it so far. I'll be different and say my favorite character so far is F.A.G. He's been comedy gold, great job man!


Zimmy Bumfhole vs Squeeky McClean

Marc DuBois vs Valiant

Randy Bumfhole vs Angry Gilmore

Vengeance vs Steve Frehley - No Contest shenanigans

Christian Faith vs Sam Keith - No Contest shenanigans

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Zimmy Bumfhole vs Squeeky McClean

As usual I expect tag team single matches to go 1-1 and since I value Gilmore higher than Squeeky, Zimmy gets the win here.

Marc DuBois vs Valiant

Valiant impresses again but still loses to another champion.


Randy Bumfhole vs Angry Gilmore

Gilmore gets the win to make it 1-1


Vengeance vs Steve Frehley (King of the Squared Circle Semi-Final)

Since Remo is in finals Frehley just makes more sense.

Christian Faith vs Sam Keith

Could be draw, but I go with Faith getting the win since he is challenging the champion in PPV and I like to keep challengers strong.

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