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TCW: Day of The Wolf

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Prediction Key:


Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant


The Canadian Animals vs. The L.A Connection


Benny Benson vs. Brent Hill


Wolf Hawkins vs. Harry Allen


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal:

Bryan Vessey, Rick Law, Koshiro Ino, Joey Minnesota, Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Eddie Peak, Danny Fonzarelli, Troy Tornado, John Anderson

I doubt Tommy has EVER lost two in a row

Bonus Point: Who scores the most eliminations? Eddie Peak

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Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant


The Canadian Animals vs. The L.A Connection


Benny Benson vs. Brent Hill


Wolf Hawkins vs. Harry Allen


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal:

Bryan Vessey, Rick Law, Koshiro Ino, Joey Minnesota, Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Eddie Peak, Danny Fonzarelli, Troy Tornado, John Anderson


Bonus Point: Who scores the most eliminations? Bryan Vessey

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The first show was very solid, so I'm going to get on board with this one. Unless I'm blown away by the backstory, I usually like to see how the first show goes first. The Backstory had me hooked enough to check out the first show and I like what I read...so here's my predicitons....


Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant


Tana's never appeared to be a good fit for TCW in my eyes, given their product, then again Rocky Golden is champion. I may be wrong but I'm backing Bryant here.

The Canadian Animals vs. The L.A Connection


I think the New Wave get some new challengers and I can see The Canadian Animals imploding somewhere down the line and feuding with each other.

Benny Benson vs. Brent Hill


Brent's that little more established at this point.

Wolf Hawkins vs. Harry Allen


Hawkins begins his post Syndicate career with a win.


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


Even though I take it this is non title and I much prefer Bach to Golden, I think you'll want to keep the champion looking strong.


10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal:

Bryan Vessey, Rick Law, Koshiro Ino, Joey Minnesota, Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Eddie Peak, Danny Fonzarelli, Troy Tornado, John Anderson


Despite all the talent here Cornell is still being the namest in this match and I expect he'll be earning himself another title shot here.


Bonus Point: Who scores the most eliminations? Eddie Peak

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Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant

Bryant for two reasons. He's better, and he's technically the booker.


The Canadian Animals vs. The L.A Connection

Build the Animals for a shot at the New Wave


Benny Benson vs. Brent Hill

Purely personal preference. I prefer Hill.


Wolf Hawkins vs. Harry Allen

Sqashville. Population: Harry Allen.


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach

Sammy can build some credibility looking good loosing to the World champ while Rocky builds more momentum.


10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal:

Bryan Vessey, Rick Law, Koshiro Ino, Joey Minnesota, Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Eddie Peak, Danny Fonzarelli, Troy Tornado, John Anderson

Two words: Creative Control.


Bonus Point: Who scores the most eliminations?

Eddie Peak.

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Prediction Key:


Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant


The Canadian Animals vs. The L.A Connection


Benny Benson vs. Brent Hill


Wolf Hawkins vs. Harry Allen


Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach


10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal:

Bryan Vessey, Rick Law, Koshiro Ino, Joey Minnesota, Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Eddie Peak, Danny Fonzarelli, Troy Tornado, John Anderson


Bonus Point: Who scores the most eliminations? Koshiro Ino

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Tuesday, Week 1, February 2010

From the Minnesota Coliseum (Midwest) with a sell-out crowd of 10,000 in attendance…

Live on GNN Total Sports (5.86)








Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Jasmine Saunders







The Original Syndicate



But for the lack of suits, the clocks could have just been turned back two years. The Syndicate, or rather, what used to be the Syndicate, is in the ring. Before the substitutions, before the injuries… this was the line-up. For those longer term TCW fans watching, there is an unnerving sense of déjà vu.


Cornell is implacable. Both Machines are shifty, a little anxious, it seems. Sam Keith merely looks suspicious, and Wolf Hawkins… well, Wolf Hawkins is staring at the floor, shoulders slumped.


Tommy Cornell: I know what has to be going through your heads right now. You’re thinking to yourselves ‘Is Tommy going to defy the Board not once, but twice over?’ You’re wondering if I’ve got the brass and the clout to actually go against the men in charge. …Here’s a better question, mates. Why in the blue blazes would I even WANT to do that?


The Machines exchange glances. Hawkins jerks, as if he’d been struck. Sam Keith simply folds his arms.


Tommy Cornell: Three years. Three years the Syndicate lived and reigned. And throughout that time, how much did we accomplish?


Cornell starts to reel off, counting on his fingers, pointing to each Syndicate member in turn to indicate whose achievement it was.


Tommy Cornell: The TCW Tag Team titles… in John’s case, twice. The International title, one apiece between Sam and Wolf. And me? Just a little matter of two World Heavyweight Title reigns. By anyone’s standards… we were successful.


Sam Keith, without a microphone of his own, says something. It’s only faintly picked up, but it seems to be on the lines of ‘What’s this about?’ Cornell smirks.


Tommy Cornell: The Syndicate years… those were good years. But more than anything else, they were good for each and every one of YOU. Tommy Cornell was not made by the Syndicate. The Syndicate… was made by Tommy Cornell. You two. The Machines. You barely had identities before I came along. You just wrestled… and wrestled… and wrestled. I took you from robots and made you into stars. And what’d you do in return? You just weighed me down. We’re finished, have been for a long time. Scarper.


Hill and Anderson look at each other again, share a shrug, then depart the ring in short order. Cornell turns to Keith.


Tommy Cornell: And then we have the ‘Living Legend’. Sam Keith himself. Won titles wherever he cares to go. Here in America, Japan, Canada – even Mexico. Two time wrestler of the year. Your accomplishments speak for themselves. But you know what, Sam? I won my first of five world titles when I was 22, younger than you ever won anything. And because I have never been anything less than world championship standard, I have never won anything but world titles. My achievements might come from only one company, Sam, but that’s because I don’t see ANYTHING I’ve got left to prove. You’re clinging to past success, and it’s not enough anymore. I don’t need you.


Keith smiles and shakes his head. He continues looking at Cornell as he walks to the ropes and exits the ring, and doesn’t turn around until he’s most of the way up the ramp. Even so, the legend turns at the very top to give Cornell one last lingering stare before heading to the back. In the ring, Cornell now turns to Wolf. Hawkins won’t meet his mentor’s eyes.


Tommy Cornell: And finally, we have you. The man I moulded in my own image. The man that I crafted from a raw rookie into a truly talented wrestler…


Wolf now looks up, apparently confused.


Tommy Cornell: …So I suppose your failings are a reflection on me, more than anything else. … No, that’s not true. A craftsman is only as good as his materials. Even a master like me can only do so much. Wolf… you’d be nothing without me, less than nothing, and the one time I rely on you, what do you do? You bloody well let me down, that’s what! Well I’m through with this and through with each and every one of YOU! Get the hell out of my sight!


Hawkins, who had been shrinking back from Cornell in any case, leaves the ring double time. Head down, defeated. Devastated. Alone now, Cornell sweeps the crowd with his gaze.


Tommy Cornell: The only man that Tommy Cornell needs is Tommy Cornell. When I win the battle royal tonight, then go on to become a six time world champion at The War To Settle The Score… I’ll prove it.


Rating: 90/A







http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/GiantTana_alt.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/JoelBryant.jpg

Giant Tana vs. Joel Bryant



In spite of the size difference, Bryant looks entirely unphased at the prospect of facing Tana. This stoicism is characteristic of Bryant, but it is also perhaps, indicative of how far Tana’s stock has fallen over the past couple of years. He does, after all, hold a pinfall victory over Rocky Golden, and an International title reign to punctuate that particular win. And tonight… we see some of that old Tana. Bryant is tossed from pillar to post, staying in the contest, just about, by using his full array of dirty tricks. A rake of the eyes here, a sly stomp on the hand, chokes. But for all that, Bryant just can’t keep Tana down for any significant length of time, and when he falls victim to a hefty bodyslam… the subsequent Big Fat Samoan Squash (Running Butt Drop) … is not pretty.


Giant Tana def. Joel Bryant in 12:29 by pinfall

Rating: 68/C+









Victory in hand, Tana breaks it down in the ring with an impromptu dance routine. Tana’s no break dancer, but he’s clearly having fun, and the crowd are into it in their own way. However, just as he’s wrapping up and heading to the ropes… some unfamiliar music hits. Savage. Tribal.






Jason Azaria helpfully supplies the call of “That’s Bali So’oialo and Rhino Umaga – Samoan Destruction Inc.! They must have signed a deal with TCW!”


So’oialo (perhaps better known as Samoan Machine) is expressionless, Umaga is snarling, looking as if he’s ready to snap at any second. The former, however, has a microphone, and the pair comes to a halt at the top of the ramp.


Bali So’oialo: Tana Muliaina! You disgrace our family with your antics! You will desist from this behaviour immediately.


Tana, who had been watching with confusion, laughs. He gestures to ringside and is handed a mic of his own.


Giant Tana: Boy, you two really know how to inject that ‘feel good’ factor into a family reunion, don’t you? Look guys, it’s good to see you here and everything, but how about you practice a little bit of live and let live? You do things your way – which is great, no doubt, and I’ll keep doing things mine. How does that sound?


Umaga, having apparently heard enough, starts towards the ring. Bali’s hand snaps out, his arm slamming into his much larger partner’s chest with an audible thump. Umaga immediately stops. So’oialo stares Tana down, slowly shaking his head.


Bali So’oialo: This shall be the only time we make this request politely, Tana Muliaina. Consider it carefully.


So’oialo jerks his head at Umaga, and the bigger Samoan turns and heads backstage. Bali stands there looking at Tana for another few moments, then shakes his head again and himself starts walking to the back. There is definite concern on the face of the big man in the ring as his relatives disappear backstage.


Rating: 58/C-







http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/FreddyHuggins.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/EddStone_alt1.jpg w/http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/AaronAndrews-1.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/ChanceFortune-1.jpg



This contest is fairly even for the most part. The Animals are coming off of a defeat and want to earn it back, the Connection are eager to prove themselves in the tag team division, overall, it makes for a back and forth match. The end, when it comes, is very sudden. Andrews makes a pinfall attempt on Huggins, who, playing possum, reverses it into an inside cradle. ‘Ace’ kicks out, but as the pair rise – Huggins Kiss! The superkick drops Andrews, and a missile dropkick prevents Chance from breaking up the ensuing pin.


The Canadian Animals def. The L.A Connection in 10:41 by pinfall

Rating: 70/C+







http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/BennyBenson.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/BrentHill.jpg

Benny Benson vs. Brent Hill



Unusually, Brent Hill has a size advantage here, and the Machine does everything he can to bring it to bear. His strategy from the start is to attempt to neutralise Benson’s higher-flying skills base, wearing him down with holds that are all the more difficult to escape when Hill can put his weight into them. What ultimately shifts the tide is Brent going for The King Of The Hill rather than the Complete Package, the time taken for him to ascend the top rope being just that little bit too much, wiping out as Benson rolls aside. Off of that, Benson hits the ropes and nails a flying knee to the Machine’s face, something which Azaria dubs the ‘New Year’s Revolution’. The pin that follows is academic.


Benny Benson def. Brent Hill in 14:50 by pinfall

Rating: 75/B-








’Operation: Hollywood’



Troy Tornado is backstage in his locker room. The man himself, in spite of the fact he has a match later this evening, is relaxing in a plush armchair, staring up at the ceiling. In spite of the heavy rock music blasting through a wall-mounted stereo system, Tornado appears completely chilled out. Nearby sits Parker, almost completely expressionless, just watching the man who has taken him under his wing. For a few moments, neither man speaks. Then…


Troy Tornado: You ready for your first big gig, Parker?


Parker’s reply has no hesitation.


Steven Parker: Born it.


Troy Tornado: Good… but just so you know, stars aren’t born, Parker… they’re made. Somebody has to reach out, shape that potential. Craft it. Not everyone can do that for themselves… but with me, you won’t need to.


‘The Future’ shrugs.


Steven Parker: Don’t need to sell it. I know the score… champ-in-waiting.


Tornado smiles.


Troy Tornado: If more kids in this business were like you, we wouldn’t just light up the stage… we’d own it.


Rating: 82/B







http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/WolfHawkins.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/HarryAllen.jpg

Wolf Hawkins vs. Harry Allen



For the mismatch everyone knows that this encounter should be, Allen actually gives a pretty good account of himself. Hawkins seems a little dazed, unfocused, almost. Kyle Rhodes is quick to point out that true competitors can’t let any outside factors affect their performances, yet it seems that’s exactly what is happening. In fact, it takes an attempt at a Gunslinger’s Revenge (cutter) and an almost instinctive grab of the top rope to save himself for Wolf to snap back into regular form. From there, Hawkins manages to wrest control of the match, and in short order, hits the Full Moon Rising for the three count.


Wolf Hawkins def. Harry Allen in 12:48 by pinfall

Rating: 81/B







http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/RockyGolden.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/SammyBach_alt4.jpg

Rocky Golden vs. Sammy Bach



Recently, Sammy Bach has been somewhat under the radar in TCW. He hasn’t been, for lack of a better word, ‘relevant’. With that in mind, it comes as no surprise to see Bach come blazing out of the gate as the bell rings for the start of the match. Defeating the world champion is something liable to make the entire company to sit up and take notice, and that’s exactly what Bach is intending to do here. For a while, Bach’s agility has him ahead of the game, as Golden simply can’t keep up with him, and indeed there’s a very genuine sense that Rocky is getting worn down, is on the back foot. A springboard sunset flip gets two, as does a roll up as a counter to an attempted avalanche, an upset seems imminent… and then an attempted hurricanrana is caught and reversed into a horrific powerbomb. Bach kicks out, somehow, but quickly succumbs to The Rack which follows.


Rocky Golden def. Sammy Bach in 18:04 by submission

Rating: 82/B










Sam Keith, wearing a suit, is backstage in his locker room. He’s holding a notepad and muttering to himself, occasionally taking down a scribbled note. Behind him, a freeze frame of his match at Malice in Wonderland can be seen on a small TV. The Living Legend has been studying. Putting the notebook away in his pocket, Keith opens the door and steps out into the corridor. As he shuts the door behind him, Wolf Hawkins comes past, barely makes an effort to move around, and bumps into Keith.


Wolf Hawkins: Careful there grandpa. Wouldn’t want you to bust a hip.


Keith looks at Hawkins and rolls his eyes.


Sam Keith: I’d have liked to have seen some of that swagger last Sunday. Maybe then you wouldn’t have cost Cornell the match.


Hawkins clenches his fists, and when he speaks again, it’s through gritted teeth.


Wolf Hawkins: If it’s a beating you’re aiming for, old man, then you’re getting pretty close to the mark.


Sam Keith: I had enough of embarrassing you when we trained together in the Syndicate, boy. I would have thought that your memory was long enough not to risk the Proton Lock again.


Hawkins scowls.


Wolf Hawkins: You and your goddamn Proton Lock. You can’t live off your rep forever.


Sam Keith: And you have none to live off of. What a pair we make.


If looks could kill… Hawkins and Keith lock eyes for a long couple of seconds, then slowly… Hawkins turns and walks away.



Rating: 88/B+











This starts off as the lion’s share of any battle royals do; chaotically. Brawling this way and that, little traction made early on. However, what quickly becomes obvious is that a couple of competitors in particular are really setting out to make a point, the main two being Tommy Cornell and Joey Minnesota. Cornell is simply taking down opponents at will, laying in with a couple of blows before moving on to his next victim. Minnesota isn’t quite as clinical, but is most certainly fired up enough to be doing the damage. Indeed, it’s Minnesota that John Anderson runs afoul of, the Machine falling victim to a massive clothesline as he squares off with Danny Fonzarelli by the ropes.


Elimination #1: John Anderson


Fonzarelli himself is next to find himself in trouble, as he turns around into a huge right hand from Eddie Peak. The two biggest men in the ring exchange punches for a short while, but it quickly becomes clear that Peak is the more powerful, more vicious of the pair. Fonzarelli, on the back foot and nearing the ropes manages to duck underneath a blow from Peak, and all of a sudden the tables seem turned. Trying to make good on his momentary advantage, Fonzarelli rushes in… and is hurled clean over Peak’s head in a gigantic back body drop! ‘Dr. Love’ slams hard onto the ground outside the ring and does not move for some time.


Elimination #2: Danny Fonzarelli


Moments later, however, Bryan Vessey comes flying in out of nowhere to absolutely NAIL Peak with a jumping ‘Vessey Line’ (modified forearm smash), the force behind the signature move coupling with Peak already being off balance to send the monster over the top rope and down to the floor! Peak is livid on the outside, and Vessey merely looks at him for a few seconds before turning back to the action.


Elimination #3: Eddie Peak


In the midst of the melee, we see a curious sight. Koshiro Ino is ascending the top rope, seemingly for no rhyme or reason. Nobody appears particularly near him, and nobody is on the ground. Indeed for a short while, perhaps thirty seconds, The Kobra goes entirely unnoticed. Then… there is activity. Dropped by a right hand from Joey Minnesota, Rick Law stumbles out of the throng… and is heading towards the ropes. Yet again, Law is attempting to run from a fight. This appears to be Ino’s cue. He shifts his balance, actually manages to stand atop the turnbuckle… then launches himself towards Law to hit a Venom Strike off the top rope! The move sends both men spilling to the outside of the ring, but there’s no question who felt the impact worse.


Eliminations #4 & #5: Rick Law & Koshiro Ino


In the meantime, Troy Tornado has found himself under pressure, a victim of the loving attention of Bryan Vessey. The self-proclaimed ‘Superstar’ has been tossed over the top rope, his agility allowing him to cling on, but he is now in the dangerous position of standing on the apron outside of the ropes, Vessey attempting to force him out all the way. Just as it seems that Tornado can’t hold on any longer, though, Tommy Cornell appears and opportunistically, grabs Vessey’s legs and flips HIM over the top rope and down to the floor.


Elimination #6: Bryan Vessey


Tornado proceeds to re-enter the ring, and as Tommy Cornell throws down with RDJ, renewing their rivalry, he targets Joey Minnesota, whose blood is still very much pumping. This, however, seems to work against him as Troy plays ‘keep away’, evading the majority of Minnesota’s attacks. Goading him, frustrating him. Eventually, Minnesota does what Troy was after, and lunges at him. At that moment, Tornado strikes himself, dodging the clumsy attack and using Minnesota’s own momentum to sling him over the top rope… but no! Joey skins the cat and saves himself!




Until, at least, Steven Parker comes into frame, leaps up onto the apron, and kicks Minnesota through the ropes, right in the small of the back. Unable to hold on any longer, Minnesota drops to the floor.


Elimination #7: Joey Minnesota


Parker smirks and drops back down to the ground, turning to head backstage again and- almost getting his head taken off by a flying knee to the face.




New Year’s Revolution! Benny Benson has arrived! In the ring, Troy Tornado is equal parts furious and astonished, his attention locked on the interloper at ringside. Benson gives his rival and big, heartfelt grin… and then breaks into laughter as Tommy Cornell comes up behind him and throws Tornado over the top rope too!


Elimination #8: Troy Tornado


And finally… we are left with Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson. There is a big time pop for this one, the feud that spanned over two years of TCW. For a few minutes, the contest almost turns into an outright match, with the pair going back over their ‘greatest hits’ over the years. After RDJ counters an attempted judo throw with a knee to the guts, then hoists Cornell for the Southern Justice, the anticipation is through the roof…


Then Tommy Cornell reminds us all that this is NOT a regular match by kicking RDJ square in the nuts, once more again for good measure as Johnson lets go of him, then seizes hold of him and runs him straight over the top rope, the bigger man hitting the ground with a resounding thud. To add insult to injury, Cornell mock yawns then mouths ‘Walk in the park’.


Elimination #9: RDJ


The crowd, needless to say, are not pleased.


Tommy Cornell wins the battle royal in 20:57

Rating: 82/B



Final Rating: 78/B

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Prediction Standings:


Midnightnick: 11 (+4)

20ELegend: 10 (+4)

PhantomStranger: 9 (+4)

Truth: 8 (+4)

Tigerkinney: 3 (+3 and welcome!)



The first match was probably the least obvious result, but hopefully the reasons behind it should be evident. Tana isn't the greatest of talents and it was quite rightly pointed out that he isn't the best fit for TCW. Samoan Destruction Inc. don't think so either.


A couple of the matches were coinflips and came down to 'who has more going on?', but the battle royal bonus was pretty sneaky, I must admit. Wasn't too surprised that nobody picked that one up.



Booking Notes:

- Samoan Machine/Rhino Umaga are... less over than I thought. I somehow convinced myself they were higher in pop than that, otherwise I would've handled the debut differently.

- That said, I was surprised to see where Machine's entertainment average is at. He's not great, but he's better than I thought he'd be (only a little behind Tana)

- I forgot how hard it can be to book feuds with only one show a week before the PPV.

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On Enzuigiris





Benny Crane debuted his new finish tonight. It looks impressive, damn impressive. For a guy his size to get that much height is no easy thing to do, and the visual is pretty spectacular. I’m glad of that, really. Tommy always told me that you get only one chance to make a first impression, especially in wrestling. If you go out there and your debut match is a disaster, or you screw up on your first promo, step out with a gimmick that just doesn’t connect properly, or start out with a finish that isn’t credible… it’s a damn long way back to repair the damage. It’s impossible to erase the memory of a terrible first match or promo, you can’t change your gimmick on the flip of a dime, and you can only start out with a new move every so often. Ideally, you get moves like the Proton Lock and the Rough Ride, which never lose their potency.


Coming into TCW, Benny was in an awkward place. Not only had he arrived from SWF, he’d been in one of the most goofball, ‘sports entertainment’ teams on their entire roster. Not to knock on High Concept at all, since both Benny and Gregory Black are talented guys, but their gimmicks meant that in this case, Benny had an immediate struggle to be taken seriously. I think that’s part of the reason he was put in a feud with Troy. No better way to make a new guy look legit than to show he can go toe to toe with one of our best, right?


From a personal standpoint, I slightly resent that we brought in this guy from SWF and immediately had him go over Troy, of all people. The one guy that really deserves a push, after the Syndicate storyline more or less left him out in the cold. What kind of message does that send? Midcard SWF tag team guy equals TCW fringe main eventer? …I don’t know, but I don’t like how Joel’s booked it.


For all that though, I’ve got nothing against Benny as a person. Fact is, the guy’s put his head down and is working hard, even amongst the ribs that he’s getting for jumping ship (oddly enough, Sam Keith didn’t get the same treatment, whyever could that be?). And, well, he gave up The Shockwave From Next Year without a murmur of complaint. Much as he used to be a tag team guy, Benny’s been using that move for his entire career. Thing is... but for a slight variance in execution, it’s the Full Moon Rising. My version… well I feel it’s a little crisper and looks more dangerous, but maybe that’s just SWF style…


Point is, a finisher can mean a lot. Some guys stick to the same move for their entire career. So, the fact that Benny didn’t say a word? That gives me a little more respect for the guy… although I wonder, if I weren’t the boss’s protégé… But that’s another matter. Benny has a pass from me, for now. Maybe I have a bone to pick with Joel, but I’m not taking that out on the guy who’s getting the rub from it. That’s hardly his fault, right?


Besides, Full Moon Rising blows Shockwave From Next Year out of the water. Believe it.

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It’s set in stone: Tommy Cornell is the number one contender to the world heavyweight championship of Rocky Golden. Although he isn’t set to wrestle this coming Tuesday, it is almost a certainty that an appearance of some sort will be made by the challenger, and knowing Tommy Cornell… it’s unlikely to by modest.


The man with the belt around his waist is in action, conversely. Rocky Golden will team up with the Kobra to take on the mysterious masked duo known only as Oblivion. Brand new to the company, it remains to be seen what abilities the enigmatic pairing hold. Could Warp and Void pull off an upset debut for the books and unseat not only the world champion, but a fired up and motivated Koshiro Ino?


More tag team action is to follow, with the TCW Team Champions the New Wave facing off against the veteran Tag Team Specialists in a non-title bout. The Wave have looked extremely impressive in recent weeks, but the Specialists are never to be discounted, especially with the motivation of a potential victory over the champions. Can Bryant and Oxford shotgun themselves into tag team title contention with a win here?


Our third match of the evening sees Joey Minnesota go up against relative newcomer Steven Parker. Our sources suggest that this was a match up specifically requested by Minnesota, and a challenge quite pointedly accepted by ‘The Future’. Is Troy Tornado’s protégé leaving himself open to a beating at the hands of a vengeful Minnesota, or can Parker stamp his mark on the face of TCW with a victory?


An intriguing match-up is to follow. The Machines are set to take on the ragtag team of Giant Tana and the International champion Joshua Taylor. Whilst The Machines are well versed in acting as a unit, both Tana and Taylor are good competitors in their own right. Can the makeshift duo overcome the experience of The Machines, and will the fun-loving Tana address the sinister warning he received last week?


Our penultimate contest sees All Action champion Edd Stone take to the ring against Bryan Vessey, who impressed last week by knocking the monster Eddie Peak clean over the top rope in the battle royal. Though erratic, Stone is certainly not to be underestimated, and with Vessey still somewhat suffering from injuries sustained from his very own rival, an upset could be on the cards here.


The main event of the evening will pit our very own ‘Doctor Love’ against a Troy Tornado who made it almost to the end of last week’s battle royal. Undoubtedly the self-proclaimed ‘superstar’ will be in no mood to bandy words with Danny Fonzarelli, whilst Fonzie will be well aware of the implications of a victory over Tornado. Can Tornado keep his mind on the task and shut out his rivalry with Benny Benson for the evening, or will Fonzarelli be able to take advantage and score a massive victory?


Prediction Key:


Oblivion (Warp & Void) vs. Koshiro Ino & Rocky Golden



The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Joey Minnesota vs. Steven Parker


The Machines vs. Giant Tana & Joshua Taylor



Edd Stone vs. Bryan Vessey


Troy Tornado vs. Danny Fonzarelli

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Prediction Key:


Oblivion (Warp & Void) vs. Koshiro Ino & Rocky Golden


Like the name.



The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


A great matchup, the New Wave will benefit from the performance of the vets.


Joey Minnesota vs. Steven Parker


But I suspect Tornado interference...


The Machines vs. Giant Tana & Joshua Taylor





Edd Stone vs. Bryan Vessey


Vessey is amazing. Just amazing. Period.


Troy Tornado vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Only, only because in my TCW he has become integral to the promotion. I hate his character.

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Oblivion (Warp & Void) vs. Koshiro Ino & Rocky Golden


Have no clue who Warp & Void are, but the fact this is not the main event tells me they won't be debuting with a shock win over a team containing the World Champion and an uppercarder.



The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Tag Team Specialist are at the stage in their career, where it is there job to well job and put others over.


Joey Minnesota vs. Steven Parker


Minnesota's higher up the ladder at this stage than Tornado's stooge.


The Machines vs. Giant Tana & Joshua Taylor


Established team over random pairing.



Edd Stone vs. Bryan Vessey


Vessey's higher on the card than the belt Edd has round his waist.


Troy Tornado vs. Danny Fonzarelli


A pretty low key main event, especially as TCW is more of a performance fed than SWF, so it's more important to rely on great matches to carry the show, especially at the top of the card.


As for the match itself, I can see Parker making up for his earlier loss, by helping Tornado to pull out the win over Fonzarelli.

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Just caught up, good stuff so far. I've never played has TCW so may be way off with picks for a show or two.


Oblivion (Warp & Void) vs. Koshiro Ino & Rocky Golden

Be interesting to see who is under the masks, but dont think they'll be winning here.


The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

It's New Wave i'm a big New Wave fan.

Joey Minnesota vs. Steven Parker

Can smell shenanigans ...

The Machines vs. Giant Tana & Joshua Taylor


Edd Stone vs. Bryan Vessey

Troy Tornado vs. Danny Fonzarelli

Tornado too good for Fonz.

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Oblivion (Warp & Void) vs. Koshiro Ino & Rocky Golden

Ino's involved in a big feud and Rocky's the World champ. No way they loose.



The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Some momentum for the New Wave leading into their big match with the Machines.


Joey Minnesota vs. Steven Parker

Parker's got a big upside, and Joey's annoying, but he's still getting the 3.


The Machines vs. Giant Tana & Joshua Taylor

See New Wave match



Edd Stone vs. Bryan Vessey

I love Eddrick, but Vessey's too high up the ladder. Edd needs to be pushed, so I expect him to look strong despite a loss.


Troy Tornado vs. Danny Fonzarelli

No way Troy looses to a guy who in no way fits TCW.

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All apologies to everyone reading this. Schoolwork hit me with a rough ride, and procrasination didn't really help. Hopefully that'll be the last unscheduled slip...




Tuesday, Week 2, February 2010

From the V. Thompson Arena (South West) with a sell-out crowd of 10,000 in attendance…

Live on GNN Total Sports (6.02)








Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Jasmine Saunders






Number One Contender


Breakin’ The Law is fading out as Tommy Cornell stands in the centre of the ring, that trademark smirk of his firmly in place as he looks out at the fans, a microphone loose in one hand.


Tommy Cornell: Funny. I’m getting a bit of a sense of déjà vu here. Seems to me that we’ve been here before many times. Tommy Cornell, the number one contender? Well, hold the surprise ladies and gentlemen, because you shouldn’t be finding this too much of a shock. Nobody in this miserable company is fit to tie my shoelaces, let alone step into the same ring as me. From the days of Hollyweird, the reason any of you even bothered to turn up was Tommy Cornell. He brought the crowds then, he brings the crowds now. It might be a tough pill to swallow, but you know what they say… the truth hurts.


At the War To Settle The Score… I set the record straight. I make it clear to each and every one of you that this… nonsense title reign that Rocky Golden is enjoying is nothing more than the fluke of a lifetime. Only a hack would deny what’s down in the history books, and I’ll say sure… sure Rocky Golden, that one night, managed to beat Tommy Cornell. The greatest night of his life. The performance of his life.


Lightning will NOT strike twi-




There’s no fanfare and no theme. Simply Rocky Golden with his TCW World Heavyweight title around his waist. As the crowd goes crazy, the look on Tommy Cornell’s face is nothing less than fury. Well, followed by confusion as…





Warp and Void, the newcomers, jump Golden from behind, and a two on one assault commences. Back in the ring, Cornell laughs and shrugs, as if to suggest that this has nothing to do with him. On the back foot, Golden is clearly taking a beaten until…




The Kobra comes flying in! Both members of Oblivion are dropped in turn as Koshiro Ino evens the score. Warp and Void, after getting back up, immediately flee down to the ring, which is vacated in short order by Cornell, who still has a look of calculated innocence on his face. After checking that Rocky is okay, Ino lifts his tag team partner onto his feet, and the pair head down to the ring.


Rating: 90/A (O_o)





http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/Warp.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/Void.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/RockyGolden.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/KoshiroIno.jpg

Oblivion vs. Golden/Ino


Not too bad a match, in spite of its dubious beginning. The Oblivion pair mix it up a lot in the early going, ensuring that it doesn’t look like a foregone conclusion. The plan, which, at least for a couple of minutes is successful, is to isolate Ino, but even to the smaller of the opposing team, Oblivion give away a lot of size. And, Jason Azaria is quick to point out; Golden and Ino were once a championship winning tag team. Eventually, the inevitable happens, Rocky is tagged in, and the momentum of the match shifts in the favour of his team. Before long, Void falls victim to The Rack, and in his attempt to save his partner, Warp takes a Venom Strike. It doesn’t take long for Void to tap.


Golden/Ino def. Oblivion by submission in 7:31 by submission

Rating: 72/B-





http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/Guide.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/Scout.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/RobertOxford.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/JoelBryant.jpg

The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists



A tale of wily veteran instincts (and veteran cheating) versus passion and reckless courage. From the beginning, The Specialists look up against it, unable to outbrawl Guide’s hammer and tongs fist-fighting, or outwrestle the technical excellence of Scout. Indeed, when Guide ascends the turnbuckle only five minutes in to stalk Joel Bryant for a Guided Missile, it looks like the match might already be over… until Bryant, stumbling to his feet, ‘accidentally’ walks into Ray Johnson, holding onto his shirt. As Johnson attempts to extricate himself from the ‘groggy’ Specialist, Robert Oxford creeps along the apron… and smashes Guide from behind with a low blow. A suddenly aware Bryant makes the cover, and though it garners only two, the tide has well and truly shifted. The Specialists, by hook or by crook, clamp down on Guide, keeping him far, far away from his partner. When Oxford goes for the top rope knee drop, it seems academic… and Guide rolls out of the way. Scout gets tagged in moments later, flies across the ring to nail Bryant in the head before he can even finish sneaking into the ring, and turning to Oxford, cinches in the Special Force. Knowing this one’s over, Oxford taps.


The New Wave def. The Tag Team Specialists in 13:56 by submission

Rating: 81/B






Only one Law matters here


Backstage, and Rick Law stands in front of a camera in full cop attire, a little sneer on his face. As we start to roll, Law lets out a derisive little snort.


Rick Law: I don’t know whether to be frustrated or just… sympathetic. Somehow, some way, Koshiro Ino still thinks that he has what it takes to go against the Law. Every time we cross paths, I come out victorious. It takes… quite honestly petty acts like last week for Ino to even dream that he’s on my level, and well… we all know that this belief is just… not the case. The Law is iron. The Law is unshakeable and the Law is inexorable, three things that the Kobra can’t claim now, couldn’t claim five years ago, and won’t be able to claim ten years from now. And Ino… if I have to visit you with a little rough justice to prove that to you, well… just remember that the Law’s arm is long.


Law tugs his peaked cap down a little bit.


Rick Law: Very. Very long.


Rating: 80/B





http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/JoeyMinnesota.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/StevenParker.jpg

Joey Minnesota vs. Steven Parker


To his credit, Parker does not seem intimidated by the idea of facing the man who took down the Syndicate, though how much of that is down to sheer arrogance is up for debate. For his part, Minnesota is in no mood to do anything but it take it to his opponent with everything he’s got. Parker finds himself overwhelmed by Minnesota’s assault, unable to keep back with the rampant force of his opponent. At length, Parker slips out of the ring, trying to catch a breather, and Minnesota hits the ropes, angling for a baseball slide… misses, and is thrown straight into the barricade by Parker. The Future scrambles back into the ring, hoping for the count out, but Minnesota makes it back in for 7. Parker proceeds to go looking for the Future Shock, but Minnesota elbows his way out of it, hoists a groggy Parker, and nails the Empire Spiral.


Joey Minnesota defeated Steven Parker in 10:45 by pinfall

Rating: 81/B







Backstage again, and we have Wolf Hawkins, expression nearly unreadable. He’s quick to start talking.


Wolf Hawkins: Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot. Thinking about the Syndicate, thinking about what it really did for me. An International title, being able to work with my mentor, and… well, what else? The chance to ‘train’ with a decrepit old man? The once in a lifetime opportunity to be a suited lackey? Yeah, after that loss, I got to thinking… why did I do it? Why did I decide to become just another body in between that muscle head Ricky Dale Johnson and Tommy Cornell’s world title?


Hawkins shrugs.


Wolf Hawkins: And in the end, I couldn’t really come up with an answer… Which means that those days are officially over. No looking back, no regrets, and from here on, no mercy. For too long, I’ve been looking out for somebody else, for too long, I’ve been putting myself second, and another man first. I watched Tommy Cornell’s back for years, and what did it get me? A rep for being a yes-man, something which apparently meant that last week, I wasn’t included in the number one contender match. Well screw that, and screw Cornell! From here on out, the only person Wolf Hawkins gives a single damn about is Wolf Hawkins, and the only glory that matters is mine. TCW? You’re on notice, and this will be your only warning; Get out of my way, or be removed from it.


Rating A/92





http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/JohnAnderson_alt3.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/GiantTana_alt.jpghttp://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/JoshuaTaylor-1.jpg

The Machines vs. Giant Tana & Joshua Taylor


As always, Anderson and Hill combine with practiced ease, synching together with confidence. Though Taylor and Tana don’t have anything close to this synergy, they don’t have any issues getting on the same page, either. For much of the match, this is a very, very close contest. The Machines have the experience, have the all round game, Tana has size and sheer power, Taylor has tenacity and fighting spirit. Indeed, when the tide finally starts to shift, it is in the favour of the makeshift duo. An attempt at an assisted top rope crossbody leads to Hill being snatched out of the air and PLANTED on the mat by Tana, most of the front row wincing in sympathy. That gets two before Tana grins at the audience, hits the ropes, strikes a pose and leaps backwards over Hill for a Big Fat Samoan Squash…


No! Anderson slithers into the ring and pulls his dazed partner out of the way! Tana hits the mat HARD, and most definitely needs to make a tag. However, as referee Wilson Carlisle remonstrates with Anderson for his interference, somebody appears at ringside.




Sammy Bach wastes no time in grabbing the foot of Josh Taylor, pulling him from the apron, and HURLING him into the ringsteps with a horrible clatter. Carlisle whirls around, but Bach has ducked under the ring and out of sight, and the ref can make no call without a clear perpetrator in sight. Back in the ring, Hill manages to reach Anderson, tagging in his fresh partner. Wasting no time, Anderson marches over to Tana, underhooks the big man’s arms, and – just about – hits the Ammo Dump.


The Machines defeated Tana & Taylor in 16:54 by pinfall

Rating: 75/B-






http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/EddStone_alt1.jpgw/http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/BryanVessey.jpg

Edd Stone w/Laura Huggins vs. Bryan Vessey


As the announcers speculate on whether the youngest Stone will get another chance at that rarest of TCW achievements – a second title belt, Edd and Vessey lock up. Or rather, Vessey tries to lock up with Edd, and the slippery youngster slides through Vessey’s grasp and deals a resounding kick to the back of his head. The veteran stumbles, dazed, but then spins and lashes out, giving Edd a huge chop across the chest, driving him back. The two of them circle each other warily, each message sent. Stone stays mobile, spurred on by Laura Huggins at ringside, and gives Vessey trouble – for all his experience, he simply isn’t as fast as Edd. Even so, when the veteran can get hold of his opponent, he absolutely PUNISHES him, showing off his fluent chain grappling with a series of nasty holds and rough-necked slams. On at least one occasion, it takes an opportune distraction from Laura to keep Sam Sparrow’s attention off a sure three count. This, in fact, is where Vessey nearly gets caught, with Edd playing possum, catching him in a small package. Vessey kicks out at two, then Edd springs to his feet, hits the ropes…


And is side-stepped, caught, and dropped straight on his head with a Vessey Driver.


Bryan Vessey defeated Edd Stone in 15:01 by pinfall

Rating: 80/B







Vessey gets all of five seconds to relish the moment before some unwanted guests appear at ringside.




The Hellfire Club are heading for the ring at speed. Vessey’s eyes narrow and he turns to Edd, lifting his groggy opponent to his feet. As the Club reach ringside, Vessey grabs hold of Stone and runs him at the ropes, sending him FLYING over them! Edd, for some reason known only to Edd Stone, flips in mid-air, causing him to absolutely wipe out American Buffalo. Texas Pete enters the ring and gets clotheslined straight back over the ropes by a charging Vessey, Genghis Rahn slides under the ropes in the meantime, but eats a Vesseyplex. Vessey turns around, takes a boot to the gut… and a Peak of Perfection follows.


Eddie Peak stands over Vessey, staring down at him with a broad, sadistic smile on his face…





http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/TroyTornado.jpg vs. http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h478/DayofTheWolf/Wrasslers/DannyFonzarelli.jpg

Troy Tornado vs. Danny Fonzarelli


As ‘Dr. Love’ makes his way to the ring, Tornado has a confident smile on his face. Fonzarelli slides in, and the self-proclaimed ‘Superstar’ spreads his arms wide, beckoning for him to take a shot. Calmly, Danny removes his glasses, folds them up, and puts them away… then knocks Tornado down with one punch! Troy scrambles to his feet, eyes wide, and immediately backs away. That’s the tale for much of the match, Tornado picking away at his much bigger opponent with strikes, Fonzie mauling Troy whenever he manages to corner him. Eventually, however, an attempted avalanche is one move too many, and Tornado evades it, causing Fonzarelli’s sternum to smash into the turnbuckle. A Star Maker to the reeling ‘Dr. Love’ later, and this one’s over.


Troy Tornado defeated Danny Fonzarelli in 17:57 by pinfall

Rating: 83/B



Overall Show Rating: 84/B+

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Prediction Standings


Midnightnick: 16 (+5)

20ELegend: 16 (+6)

PhantomStranger: 14 (+5)

Truth: 14 (+6)

Tigerkinney: 9 (+6)

Jingo (+6 and welcome!)

Eidenhoek (+4 and welcome!)



Some great scores this time around, probably because of a fairly by-the-numbers card. Not a night for upsets.



Booking Notes:

- I'm still not quite sure how that opening segment rated out so high, given Oblivion were both rated, and they are not very over.

- On that note, neither of those guys are Acid, though those are excellent renders by Kamchatka.

- I use tag matches a lot.

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Glad to see you back!


Thanks. Just a matter of figuring out how to intergrate things with my school schedule. I think I've got it planned now. Unfortunately hyped cards are out of the window so I can concentrate on story/shows.


That's a weird nickname for Cornell...


Also, you made Laura mildly attractive. Good job.


Well, it was a deliberate reference. :p.


Thank London, not me - I love that render.


Card up momentarily.

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