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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Benny Benson vs Hell Monkey


Chance Fortune vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak


The New Wave vs Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


I'm taking the lazy road today and seconding PS' picks.

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Benny Benson vs Hell Monkey


Chance Fortune vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak


The New Wave vs Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Benny Benson vs Hell Monkey


Chance Fortune vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak


The New Wave vs Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Benny Benson vs Hell Monkey


Chance Fortune vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak


The New Wave vs Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry about the delay in the show, I have had a lot of things going on in the real world recently that have meant I couldn't dedicate any time to this diary. Hopefully all will be forgiven when the show is posted at some stage tomorrow. I understand if those who followed this diary have since lost interest but hopefully most will still check in to see how things are going.


All the best.



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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 1, May 2010

Connecticut Symphony Hall

Attendance: 9,758





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes





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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch

A standard opening tag team bout that sees both young duos go back to basics, well, apart from Edd Stone, who when turned down is still pretty darn high on the outlandish scale. Greg and Matthew channel their childhood teachings of their father and use joint and tendon locks to try and ground their high-flying opposition. Stone refuses to be contained and soon goes aerial with a multitude of flips and kicks that have both Greg and Matthew reeling.


Freddy Huggins seems to be slipping however and it is his mistake that ultimately proves fatal. Stone has Matthew on the floor outside and in one swift pounce lands on the top rope and connects with a majestic phoenix splash. Huggins appears mesmerised and is caught staring at the carnage as Greg connects with a Neutron Plex that drops him on the back of his head. Keith floats over and secures the winning pinfall as Carl Batch berates Laura at ringside for her brother’s mistake.

The Keith Brothers defeated The Canadian Animals via pinfall

Rating: C-





‘Welcome To The Jungle’ begins to air through the arena speakers as Hell Monkey initiates his march down to the ring shortly followed by Sammy Bach who is clearly trying to upstage the masked man. Monkey pays little attention and slides into the ring before performing his customary tumbling monkey pose. Meanwhile the TCW International champion is strutting around the ringside area before showboating his way up the ring steps and demanding a spotlight to be trained on him.




“Hold up just a second Sammy!”


Eric Tyler emerges at the top of the ramp in his sports coat that symbolises his authoritative rule in as relaxed a way as possible.


Tyler: “Seeing as this upcoming match between Hell Monkey and Benny Benson has implications for that title you are holding Bach, I am here to inform you that you are officially banned from ringside, you know, just in case you began to feel a little antsy and decided to get yourself involved.”


The International champion grabs a microphone from a ringside assistant but before he can object is swiftly cut off by Tyler.


Tyler: “The issue is non-negotiable Sammy, so before you say something you might regret, I suggest you take a walk to the back.”


Sammy slams the microphone into the canvas and storms up the entrance aisle to where Eric Tyler is standing. Bach holds the title down beside his left leg before raising it onto his shoulder as he squares up to Tyler. The veteran grappler refuses to budge and slowly moves the microphone to his lips.


Tyler: “Think about it Sammy; is this a game you really want to be playing?”


Bach is breathing heavily but backs away from Tyler before slinking backstage moments before Benny Benson appears for the match to begin.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/HellMonkeyALT.jpg

Benny Benson vs Hell Monkey

A fast paced match between two men who like to go to the air for a large portion of their offensive repertoire sees Monkey take the early exchanges with a more rugged approach, cutting Benson down on more than one occasion. Late on Monkey looks for his patented Tumbling Monkey but Benson leapfrogs the impact and turns into a Shockwave From Next Year followed by the hook of the leg to secure the win which earns him a rematch for the International championship at Total Mayhem XV.

Benny Benson defeated Hell Monkey via pinfall

Rating: B





‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap’ plays and Eric Tyler reappears at the entrance ramp with a sly smile.


Tyler: “Congratulations Benny, you will get a shot at the International title at Total Mayhem XV and that isn’t all. You see, when I went backstage I remained somewhat irked by Bach’s actions of going nose to nose with me and it took every ounce of self control I possessed to not knock his teeth down his throat. The more I thought about it the angrier I got, so Benny, I am going to let you choose the match stipulation for your Total Mayhem title shot. Whatever you end up choosing, do me a favour; make sure Sammy doesn’t have an enjoyable experience.”


A broad smile spreads across Benson’s face as he begins to celebrate with the fans in attendance.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChanceFortuneALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RemoRichardsonALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CarlBatchALT.jpg

Chance Fortune vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

Not a pretty match for certain; Fortune for the first few exchanges hits low kicks before scuttling out of harm’s way, not wanting to remain in the Physical Phenom’s striking range for any longer than absolutely necessary. Unfortunately from his perspective, this tactic did not prove successful for long. Remo caught one kick that Fortune aimed for his head before lifting him clean into the air and throwing him damn near the entire diameter across the ring. The match remained in the control of Remo from that moment on with any potential instances of recovery from Fortune being extinguished before ever getting fully lit. The end comes abruptly after Remo hits two straight Destroyers on his helpless opponent.

Remo Richardson defeated Chance Fortune via pinfall

Rating: B





We head to the backstage area where we see Jasmine Saunders standing alongside TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden. The title gold draped over his muscular frame as he wearily smiles.


Saunders: “Tonight I am joined by TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Golden. Rocky, after a hard fought victory at Where Angels Fear To Tread against Remo Richardson, you can now start to focus on defending your championship at Total Mayhem XV against the man who won the King Of Mayhem tournament, Joey Minnesota. How do you feel about the prospect of going up against a man who.........”


“Don’t you think it would be more appropriate for me to ask that question?”



Joey Minnesota enters the shot flanked by Dunton Hall.


Minnesota: “How does it feel Rocky, to know that in one month’s time you will be losing the world heavyweight championship to me on the biggest stage of them all? Over the past four weeks I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am the best this business has to offer when I beat fifteen other men to be crowned the very first King Of Mayhem.”


Golden: “Those are some bold claims you are making there Joey, are you sure you can back your big mouth up? Last time I checked you had your hands full with a certain Outlaw who is looking to knock both you and your manager’s heads off.”


Joey’s expression turns sour and he begins to clench his fists. Hall places a calming hand on his shoulder as he begins to speak.


Hall: “A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That's why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.”


Golden: “And that means...............”


Hall: “It means, ignoramus, that your intellect is not worthy of my effort nor my time to engage in a battle of linguistic wit.”


Golden: “Fine by me, because unless your pasty ass is planning on stepping in the ring anytime soon, you are not on my radar.”


Minnesota steps forward and the action is returned by Golden until the two are mere inches away. Jasmine Saunders makes a hasty retreat out of shot as things look as though they may boil over.


Hall: “Remember Joey, there will be a time and a place, don’t let him rattle you, don’t let him get in your head.”


Golden: “There wouldn’t be any room in there anyway what with you setting up camp, hey Dunton?”


Minnesota: “You better watch your mouth Rocky, because if you don’t, I’ll break your jaw!”


Minnesota is being ushered away by Dunton who is leading them back from whence they came. Joey suddenly spins on his heels and makes to punch Golden in the face but stops just short. Rocky doesn’t even flinch but Minnesota simply smiles in response.


Minnesota: “Next time, I won’t hold back!”


A host of officials descend on the scene to step between the two men as TCW goes to a commercial break.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak

Eddie Peak is still evidently banged up from Sunday night and originally finds Danny Fonzarelli more of a challenge than many expected. The Fonz is no small man and is able to take the heavy offence of The Great White early on and it could be argued bettered him on occasion. Fonzarelli worked hard and even attempted to hit a spinebuster on Peak but this proved to be ill advised as The Hardcore Assassin plants his weight and delivers a crushing elbow to the back of the neck. The match continues for a few minutes longer but Fonzarelli is unable to fight his way back into contention and a Peak of Perfection ends proceedings.

Eddie Peak defeated Danny Fonzarelli via pinfall

Rating: C








The unmistakable tones of Carl Batch ring around the arena as the man himself swaggers into view on the entrance ramp; his arrogant smile permanently etched onto his expression. Peak stands resolute in the middle of the ring staring back at the man he knows all too well.


Batch: “Ever since I signed a TCW contract, I made it my aim to search out the top talents in the world of professional wrestling and establish them on the battlefield of Total, ya feel me? I have been pimping my way through this managing game for many years now and my greatest success story is standing in that ring right now.”




Peak’s expression remains steely as he trains his focus on the hustler parading before him.


Batch: “That’s right; Eddie Peak, The Great White, The Hardcore Assassin, and the man I took to championship gold in a land of Danger and Violence. Yes sir, I know Eddie better than most and it was with my expertise that he became the monster he is today. Well..................the monster he used to be.”


Peak is now snarling at Batch.


Batch: “You see playa, whilst most saw your match with Bryan Vessey for its brutality, I saw through the veneer for what it truly was. The look of determination, the look that struck fear in the heart of any man who dared cross your path; you showed something I have never seen in you before; respect, human compassion. I gotta tell you Eddie; you lost what set you apart from the pack. Eddie; you gone soft playa.”


Peak is now pacing back and forth in the ring like a caged animal.


Batch: “One of the deciding factors that made me come to TCW was the fact that you were here. I planned on taking you back to the top but apparently you have already thrown in the towel dawg. Which brings me to why I came out here in the first place; I needed to find a man who was similar to Eddie Peak circa 2005 and playa, I didn’t just find a man, I found a Phenom. Remo Richardson is what you could have been Eddie and it almost pains me to see what you have become. I have spoken to Eric Tyler and the board of directors about getting Remo a rematch for the World Heavyweight championship but as hard as I tried playa, they wouldn’t budge, apparently Joey Minnesota has a guaranteed shot this month and because of that, we gonna have to wait our turn, ya feel me? Remo didn’t take the news too well and you saw what he did to Chance Fortune tonight as a result. Eddie, we gonna put you out of your misery.”



Remo is standing behind Peak now and The Great White turns right into the path of the Physical Phenom who damn near takes his head clean off with a lariat.


Batch: “Hahahaaaaaa! Eddie..........baby.........you just got GOT!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

The New Wave vs Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois

It’s clear from the get go that Hawkins and DuBois are having chemistry issues and they simply struggle to flow in this tag team outing. Little errors in timing and judgement allow Guide and Scout to take advantage and dictate the pace of the contest for its duration. However, Hawkins picks his spot and looks to end the contest with a ‘W’ against the tag team champions with a Full Moon Rising on Scout but DuBois, whether deliberately or otherwise, misses a Marc Of Excellence on Guide and instead skims the temple of his own tag team partner causing him to miss his signature manoeuvre. DuBois pauses for a moment and Azaria notes on commentary that The Model appears to be smiling but his expression soon turns to one of agony as Guide delivers a Guided Missile on the French-Canadian. Scout meanwhile locks onto Hawkins and drags him to the canvas in the Special Forces leaving Wolf no option but to tap out.

The New Wave defeated Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois via submission

Rating: B





Marc DuBois slides back into the ring whilst berating Hawkins who is cradling his arm, clearly still in some discomfort. DuBois is slipping between French and English as his frustration is causing him to slip back to his national roots. DuBois shoves Hawkins in the back of the head as he rests on his knees causing Wolf to quickly rise to his feet as he gives a one armed shove in return.




As the two men square off, ‘Come With Me’ begins to play signalling the arrival of The Syndicate leader, Tommy Cornell who storms to the ring to step in between the two youngsters from his stable. Heated words are exchanged between the three with both Wolf and Marc arguing their cases of why the other is at fault. After about a minute, The Model storms out of the ring with a dismissive wave of the hands; Cornell and Hawkins look on in frustration.




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Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell

With Hawkins and DuBois now backstage, a determined Ricky Dale Johnson makes his way out for his match with Cornell. The Outlaw wastes little time in a feeling out process and goes at Cornell as hard and fast as possible. The wily Englishman is as cunning as ever and has a counter for the vast majority of RDJ’s offence who is turning ferociously wild in his attacks. Cornell must have grown restless as he tries to digest the events that transpired moments ago as he becomes complacent, more so than The Outlaw who is still going balls to the wall. RDJ takes a stiff boot to the face that drops him and uncharacteristically for Cornell; he begins to ascend the turnbuckle. The Syndicate leader takes flight but is caught by a Leaping Lariat as RDJ charges to meet him on the way down. Cornell spins in the air and lands right on his face. The Outlaw follows with the cover and Cornell simply does not have enough to kick out before the three. RDJ one ups his long standing adversary.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tommy Cornell via pinfall

Rating: B+




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DuntonHallALT.jpg

Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

A solid main event between an aging veteran and a potential star of the future sees Keith play a matador style of tactic where he attempts to enrage Minnesota and ducks out of his way as he tries to get in close. Joey for the most part keeps his cool but is unable to get the better of his opponent as often as he would like and it appears as though Sam Keith is nearing in on a victory.




What happens next is something that nobody would have predicted at the start of the year. Tommy Cornell bursts into the ring as Dunton Hall garners the referee’s attention and drops Sam Keith with a running ace cutter that guillotines his target on the middle rope as Cornell lands on his feet outside. Minnesota capitalises on the opportunity afforded to him and hits the wounded Keith with a Minnesota Salute that finishes the contest.

Joey Minnesota defeated Sam Keith via pinfall

Rating: B





Joey Minnesota raises his arms high into the air when declared the victor as Dunton Hall joins him inside the ring heartily clapping in approval.



The cameraman standing on the entrance ramp is suddenly bowled over as Ricky Dale Johnson thunders into the ring causing Dunton Hall to flee for his life. Minnesota on the other hand is no coward and meets the challenge head on as the two collide like charging bulls. Heavy rights and lefts are exchanged as the two swing for the fences, each blow an attempt to debilitate the other. It isn’t long before referees and agents crowd the ring, struggling to keep the two apart. RDJ and Minnesota manage to break free on two occasions and continue their slugfest until eventually a sense of order is established. The screen fades to black as the show goes off the air just as it looks as though the two competitors may break free for a third time.



Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


Phantom Stranger: 4/7

Bigpapa42: 4/7

Emark: 6/7

CamillePunk: 6/7

pauls07: 5/7



Congratulations Emark and CamillePunk, you have won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 10

2nd: Emark = 8

3rd: jesseewiak = 7

4th: jgriff3029 = 6

5th: Tigerkinney = 5

6th: 20LEgend = 4

6th: jhd1 = 4

6th: Phantom Stranger = 4

7th: angeldelayette = 3

8th: MJStark = 2

8th: Midnightnick = 2

9th: smurphy1014 = 1

9th: ChrisKid = 1

9th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: CamillePunk = 1

10th: BHK1978 = 0

10th: Liamo = 0

10th: juggaloninjalee = 0

10th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

10th: QFresh = 0

10th: pauls07 = 0

10th: Boltinho = 0

10th: MorenoKing24 = 0



Understandably the number of predictions fell and all I can really do is apologise for the stop-start nature of this diary over the past month or two. I will post the card for the next show either tomorrow or Monday at the latest.

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Great to see this still going. Understandable that life gets busy. Good to see the quality hasn't dropped. Good show. Strong main event and semi main event for a TV show - would love to see a promotion give that kind of quality matches...


Thanks BP.


I don't intend on giving many PPV matches away on tv unless it serves a storyline purpose but that doesn't mean the tv shows have to be filled with contests that few would care about. Glad you enjoyed the show my friend.

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Tuesday of Week 2, May 2010

With Total Mayhem XV a mere three weeks away there are big things in store for the upcoming edition of Total Wrestling. Rumour has it that Eric Tyler will be kicking off the show to reveal a special match for TM15 that will involve many members of the TCW roster. We have also heard through the grapevine that the opening match of the night, Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado will have implications with regards to the announcement made by Tyler.


Also on the card we will see the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino take on the Canadian technician, Owen Love in a singles match that is a clash of two very distinctive styles. Both men are more than capable of beating the other but who will emerge victorious on this given night?


Tag team action will follow when the number one contender for the TCW International title, Benny Benson partners the Mexican luchador, Axxis Jr. to take on the duo of Hell Monkey and TCW International champion Sammy Bach.


The Keith family will be making a trio appearance as they will be taking on the team of Tommy Cornell and The Machines in what is sure to be a heated affair. After Cornell’s actions last week will the figurehead of the Keith clan have something to say in response?


The TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden will be in singles action as he takes on The Model, Marc DuBois. There is no arguing that the two men possess vastly different skill sets and it will be interesting to see if Rocky can cope with the versatile approach of the young French-Canadian.


The main event of the evening will pit The Outlaw, Ricky Dale Johnson against Wolf Hawkins. Questions have been posted all over the TCW forums with regards to the unsteady relationship between Wolf and DuBois, a situation which The Syndicate leader, Tommy Cornell plans on addressing tonight.


Here at TCW.com, we have been bombarded with mysterious videos that have been labelled, “For he who has wronged, retribution will be swift!” What this is about, we have no idea, hopefully more will be revealed within the next seven days. Tune in this Tuesday night on GNN Total Sports; you won’t want to miss out!




Prediction Key

Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado


Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love


Benny Benson & Axxis Jr. vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Sam Keith & The Keith Brothers vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado


Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love


Benny Benson & Axxis Jr. vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Sam Keith & The Keith Brothers vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado


Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love


Benny Benson & Axxis Jr. vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Sam Keith & The Keith Brothers vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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TCW Presesnts Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 2, May 2010

Evanovich Riverside

Attendance: 9,127






Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes





The commentary team kick off the show with speculation as to what match Eric Tyler has been brewing for Total Mayhem XV but it isn’t long before “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”, cuts them short. Eric Tyler coolly walks to the ring with an air of authority; he seems pleased with his upcoming announcement. Eric is handed a microphone upon entering the ring and takes a brief moment before addressing those in attendance.


Tyler: “Now since being installed as the acting general manager for TCW, I have tried to spice up a few things and so far I think I have done a fairly good job. Now I’m not here to blow smoke up my ass, God knows I have done enough of that in the past.”


Azaria explains from commentary about Tyler’s history as an active competitor and his time spent in the School Of Tradition as the man himself clears his throat.


Tyler: “Now, Total Mayhem XV will be the biggest event TCW and professional wrestling has ever seen and we already have a couple of matches made official for the PPV. Tonight I am here to announce one more and it will include multiple competitors from the TCW roster. The match will be titled the Golden Shot Gauntlet and it will see twenty of TCW’s finest in an over the top battle royal. Two men will start the match and after every two minutes another competitor will enter the match according to the number they drew until all twenty have entered. Eliminations occur when a wrestler is thrown over the top rope with both feet hitting the floor. The last man left standing will be awarded with his Golden Shot briefcase which he can use to cash in for a TCW World Heavyweight championship match whenever he sees fit within the following year.”




The crowd excitedly chat away as Tyler gives them a moment to digest the news.


Tyler: “Now the wrestlers who will be involved in the Golden Shot Gauntlet will be informed over the next few weeks but tonight, here on Total Wrestling, we will see one match that will have ramifications for the gauntlet. I suggested to the board that I book a match for this week that would determine who comes out first and twentieth in the gauntlet and they agreed. The board decided on two members of the TCW roster who had impressed them over the past few months to pit against each other with the winner earning the number twenty spot and the loser coming out number one. The two men they decided on were Aaron Andrews and Troy Tornado and both have agreed to the stipulation. I won’t waste any more of the tv time so that match begins right now. Enjoy the show!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado

Both men are popular with the crowd; Tornado more so than Andrews but given time it wouldn’t be surprising to see Andrews on Troy’s level. The two start with a brief handshake as a sign of respect before locking up in what proves to be a fairly even contest. Andrews’ youthful exuberance provides moments of surprise when he reverses his way out of Tornado’s signature Star Maker and into a small package that very nearly earns him a victory. Tornado enjoys a good challenge however, and keeps piling on the pressure until on the second time of asking, the Star Maker puts Double A away.


After the bell sounds, Tornado helps Aaron back to his feet and joins the crowd in applauding the young man for his valiant effort. Lord knows, he is going to need it now that he is the number one entrant for the Golden Shot Gauntlet. Tornado bows to the crowd before heading out with his opponent, offering words of encouragement along the way.

Troy Tornado defeated Aaron Andrews via pinfall

Rating: B-





Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes begin discussing the prospects of Troy Tornado and Aaron Andrews at Total Mayhem when the camera suddenly cut backstage to see the chaos that is ensuing.


The New Wave are brawling with The Machines who have crashed into their locker room and started to get in the tag team champions’ faces. The four men are smashing their way through tables, chairs and steel lockers as it appears as though The New Wave are getting the better of the exchange and finally have Hill and Anderson down when they are jumped for a second time.




Champagne Caviar deliver stereo superkicks to the back of Guide and Scout, sending them tumbling into the cold, hard wall. Lover and Lopez pick up the tag team titles and look at them lovingly before smiling at each other. The Mexican duo make to leave the room with the titles in hand but The Machines step in the way and drop both men with big right hands. The three teams continue their battle as the zebra herd descend to break up the scene.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love

The early exchanges indicate two things; one, both men are very talented and two, both are extremely competitive. Ino gets the better early on with a combination of stiff chops and kicks that limit the mobility of the Canadian technician. Love being the smaller man, is rarely tempted to go aerial in his offensive tactics unless absolutely necessary and this is no exception. Love rolls underneath a high front kick and swiftly sweeps the standing leg of Ino into an ankle lock that has the Japanese Warrior in trouble. Ino reaches the ropes and the hold is eventually broken but the damage has already been done. Love keeps up the pressure and is finally able to put the valiant Ino away with a Love Gun for the pinfall victory.

Owen Love defeated Koshiro Ino via pinfall

Rating: B





Backstage we see Carl Batch strutting like a pea**** down a long corridor up to the locker room area. Batch tilts his hat slightly as he taps a rhythmic beat onto the TCW All-Action champion’s door. After a few moments have passed, Gino Montero opens with a warmth that is considered infectious by most. His expression soon turns sour when he sees who is standing on the other side awaiting him.


Batch: “Hey playa! What’s crackin’?”


Montero: “I’m not in the mood to talk with you homes.”


Batch shrugs his shoulders in dismissal as he perseveres regardless.


Batch: “Hey now, don’t be hatin’. Wait until you hear what a brother’s gotta say!”


Montero raises one eye in suspicion as he allows Batch to continue. The self proclaimed managerial pimp clears his throat before readjusting the shirt hanging loosely over his right shoulder.


Batch: “I wanna get this just right dawg, Edd wanted me to get it just right........”


Batch lowers his head slightly before letting rip with a slap that violently snaps Montero’s head to the right.


Batch: “Hahahaaaaaaaaaa!”


Batch spins on his heels and tears away from Montero who follows in hot pursuit. Batch slips around a corner but finds himself at a dead end. Montero closes in and is just about to grab Carl via the collar when a pair of boots connect to the side of his head knocking him out when he collides with a row of stacked chairs as he falls.




Edd gracefully does a back flip in mid air and lands on his feet as the camera pans to see where exactly the young Stone took flight from. Batch and Stone pound it out before leaving Montero motionless on the floor but not before kicking him in the ribs along their way.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AxxisJrALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/HellMonkeyALT.jpg

Benny Benson & Axxis Jr. vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey

All four men give a good showing in this encounter with perhaps only Axxis Jr. performing slightly under par. Having said that, the Mexican is the focal point of multiple double team attacks from Monkey and Bach using the fact that Axxis Jr. sells like a champion to give every move that extra added impact.


Benson is not willing to sit idly by and let his partner get a pasting and soon finds himself fighting off both opponents. The fan favourite slips a Tumbling Monkey attempt and connects with a flying knee in return. Bach looks to capitalise with a Bach To Reality superkick but misjudges the distance as Benson is able to lean out of range to avoid the connection. A Shockwave From Next Year almost lands but Monkey is alert and grabs a hold of Benny’s leg to stop him from completing the manoeuvre. Bach strikes instantly with a Bach To Reality before clamping down with a Bach On Your Back. With Axxis Jr. intercepted en route to making the save courtesy of a decapitating leg lariat from Hell Monkey, Benson chooses to succumb to unconsciousness rather than signalling defeat.

Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey defeated Benny Benson & Axxis Jr. via technical submission

Rating: B-





The elaborate celebration begins as Bach struts his way around the ring with his arms waving in circular motions. The International champion clutches to the gold as it is presented to him by the ringside attendant. Hell Monkey ignores his tag team partner and just leaves the egotistical one to his antics.


The lights in the arena go out as the video screen slowly flickers into life. A single spotlight illuminates Bach in the middle of the ring as he stares at the monitor blankly. The sound of high heel shoes are heard echoing down a long stone clad corridor; each step getting ever closer to the lens. The feet of the unknown woman seem sodden in mud and grime as she approaches. The room lit only by a few aged candles that are on their last legs heighten the sense of misery. The footsteps stop. A blinding white light emanates behind the camera as the woman’s legs are transformed into gleaming cleanliness and purity with white lace adorning her once black footwear.


A woman’s voice is heard as it overpowers the backdrop; the words solemn yet forceful.


“For those who have done wrong, repentance is all that can salvage the soul............. For he who cast the first stone shall suffer when the day of reckoning arrives............Downtrodden in the mires of one man’s false ideal, only darkness prevailed.................To see the light that was once sheltered in full is to realise the pain and suffering that had been so mercilessly inflicted.............Payback will be swift..........Vengeance will be mine!”







Sam Keith & The Keith Brothers vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

A really sound contest between six technicians that sees Cornell test both Greg and Matthew seeing exactly how well their father has taught them. Cornell digs down into his bag of tricks to gain leverage whenever possible but it is clear that the youngsters are absorbing the information of the dirty moves and psychologically constructing a counter, not too dissimilar to how their father formulates solutions to problems.


Sam eventually gets the hot tag and clears house on all three opponents but is being overworked and Hill eventually counters with a spinning spinebuster that nearly leads to a winning pinfall. Greg makes the save by lifting Hill clean out of the cover and delivering a German suplex. Anderson intercepts and hits a clothesline that sends Greg crashing over the top rope and to the floor. Matthew charges in an attempt to deliver a float over DDT on the remaining Machine but is thwarted by Tommy Cornell who secures the Rough Ride as he drags the young Keith to the mat. Matthew is furiously scrambling to reach a rope as he is unable to establish a usable reversal just as his father locks onto Anderson and applies a Proton Lock. Duelling submissions are locked in and it is now a battle of wills. Sam is screaming at his boy to hold on as he wrenches back on Anderson; Cornell is doing the same to John but the pain of the Proton Lock coupled with the damage sustained earlier in the night, is too much to bear and Anderson signals his submission.

Sam Keith & The Keith Brothers defeated Tommy Cornell & The Machines via submission

Rating: B





The cameras take us backstage where we see devastation strewn across the designated interview area; tables of food and beverages are splattered across the cold floor. Glass is shattered in one corner of the room and it is visible that the former bottle had been used as a weapon in its dying moments as there is a pool of freshly spilled blood intermingling with the shards. The camera pans sharply to the left as an animalistic roar is heard in the distance and we see the source of all the destruction.


Eddie Peak is bleeding from the forehead as he and Remo throw crushing haymakers at each other; the force of the blows echoing around the room. The Great White delivers a thudding rising knee to the jaw of Remo who stumbles a step or two back from the collision. Peak motors forward to follow up with a right hand but is stopped short by a lunging Physical Phenom who scoops Peak off the ground and thunders ten foot until they both go crashing through a closed door sending splinters of wood in every direction.


A few members of the TCW roster have congregated in this particular area and are shocked to see two powerhouses come abruptly through a supposed soundproof door. Peak and Remo are both struggling to move but when they do, the TCW locker room descends on them to separate the brawl; officials and road agents alone would be no match for these dominating behemoths. TCW goes to a commercial break.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Marc DuBois

The match starts quick, too quick for Golden to keep up with and so it is the young French-Canadian who dictates the early pace. DuBois floats with smooth transitions from move to move and it is all the TCW World Heavyweight champion can do to stay with The Model.




As DuBois grows in confidence he starts to lack precision in his offence, the agile spins and deft grappling combinations seem laboured and it is obvious why. Wolf Hawkins is sitting at ringside watching his fellow Syndicate member do battle with a smile on his face, clapping furiously, with a touch of sarcasm no doubt, at every successful attack of DuBois. Golden grows in strength as the match wears on and proves too much for the young prodigy who is being overawed with the power of Rocky and ultimately succumbs to a Rocky Road and the pinfall that follows.

Rocky Golden defeated Marc DuBois via pinfall

Rating: B





Wolf Hawkins is visibly smiling as DuBois storms out of the ring and heads backstage. The two Syndicate members are bickering all the while sending backstage workers scuttling out of their path in an attempt to avoid a collision with the unaware duo.




The Syndicate’s dressing room door swings violently open as an irate Tommy Cornell who is red faced with untamed anger awaits them.


Cornell: “You two! Get in here right now!”




Hawkins and DuBois fall silent as they follow orders; the former reclining on a plush black leather couch, the latter pacing back and forth, muttering in an incomprehensible dialect. Hill and Anderson are standing in the corner of the room in heated discussion. Both halt abruptly as they train their focus on the two youngsters entering the room.


Cornell: “I’m getting sick and tired of this bull s***. You two need to pull yourselves together and start acting like members of The Syndicate. If you hadn’t noticed, we aren’t exactly having the best of nights!”


Hawkins readjusts his shades before retorting.


Hawkins: “I hadn’t noticed, boss.”


The all too familiar sneer emerges on the Englishman’s face.


Cornell: “Don’t get smart with me Wolf, I brought you into the business, I can take you right back out!”


DuBois stops pacing briefly to add his two cents into the proceedings.


DuBois: “I would have beaten Rocky if this jackass would have kept his nose out of my business!”


Hawkins lazily cups his hands on the back of his head as he lifts his feet to rest on an adjacent coffee table.


Hawkins: “I don’t recall getting involved in the match. You must have gone delusional with the beating you received, at least that is the match everybody else saw take place.”


Cornell screams to silence the room.


Cornell: “SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTHS!........................First of all Marc, your business is Syndicate business, got that? And Wolf, you knew full damn well what you were doing when you went out there for Marc’s match; I gave you no such order to be at ringside!”


DuBois and Wolf shoot each other dirty looks.


Cornell: “You want to get his petty crap out of your system? Fine, next week I have scheduled a match that has been OK’d by the board. Wolf you will go one on one with Marc. Now get out there for the damned main event!”


Hawkins slowly rises to his feet before heading to the door. He takes one last look around the room before shrugging his shoulders.


Hawkins: “Whatever you say Tommy........”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

The disparity between the two approaches is significant; Hawkins relaxed, perhaps too much so; RDJ focused to the point of malice intent. The match is hard and heavy with Hawkins getting the worse of proceedings early on. Johnson looks to deliver a running powerslam but Hawkins grabs onto the ropes and hauls himself onto the apron. Wolf swiftly leaps to the top rope and sets flight with a pinpoint missile dropkick that catches a turning RDJ flush in the jaw.


The action is a bit more give and take from this moment on with both competitors coming close to a win following signature manoeuvres. Hawkins spins free of an attempted sleeperhold and jumps up to hit a Full Moon Rising but The Outlaw puts up his hands and blocks the kick with his forearms. RDJ lifts Hawkins in the air for a Southern Justice but Wolf twists free and lands behind RDJ although not as smoothly as he would have liked as he stumbles a couple of paces whilst trying to gain a sense of balance. Hawkins turns quickly but is met with a Leaping Lariat that levels him. The Outlaw pick up a momentous victory.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Wolf Hawkins via pinfall

Rating: B





As soon as the bell sounds, Minnesota hits the ring and drops RDJ with a Minnesota Salute. He takes a moment to look around the crowd as he picks him up for a second Minnesota Salute when familiar music cuts him short.




“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”, signals the arrival of Eric Tyler who does not look best pleased.


Tyler: “Stop this right NOW! Joey, Rick, I can’t have you two brawling at every TCW event from now until the end of time. The board and I have decided on giving you two a platform to sort this mess out.”


Minnesota starts towards Tyler as The Outlaw starts to stir in the ring.


Tyler: “Now Joey, you have earned yourself a TCW World Heavyweight championship match at Total Mayhem XV, I can’t.....I mean I won’t, take that away from you. However, I can add to the title match.”


Minnesota and those in attendance start to realise what is coming and the anticipation builds.


Tyler: “So, at Total Mayhem XV, the main event will be a triple threat for the TCW World Heavyweight championship when defending champion, Rocky Golden will take on the King Of Mayhem, Joey Minnesota and The Outlaw, Ricky Dale Johnson.”


The crowd cheer in approval.


Tyler: “Oh and to ensure that you two don’t kick off over the next two weeks, I have come up with a solution. If Joey Minnesota lays a finger on Ricky Dale Johnson before Total Mayhem, or by the same token, if Ricky Dale Johnson lays a finger on Joey Minnesota unless given written consent from myself, the perpetrator will be removed from the championship match and suspended without pay for three months.”


Minnesota is yelling his disproval at the ruling and looks close to pulling his hair out as he rips the skirting clear off the apron.


Tyler: “Don’t believe me? I dare you to test me!”


The screen fades to black as the show goes off the air.




Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


Phantom Stranger: 4/6

Bigpapa42: 4/6

Midnightnick: 5/6

Emark: 5/6

pauls07: 3/6



Congratulations to Midnightnick and Emark, you have both won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 10

2nd: Emark = 9

3rd: jesseewiak = 7

4th: jgriff3029 = 6

5th: Tigerkinney = 5

6th: 20LEgend = 4

6th: jhd1 = 4

6th: Phantom Stranger = 4

7th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: Midnightnick = 3

8th: MJStark = 2

9th: smurphy1014 = 1

9th: ChrisKid = 1

9th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: CamillePunk = 1

10th: BHK1978 = 0

10th: Liamo = 0

10th: juggaloninjalee = 0

10th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

10th: QFresh = 0

10th: pauls07 = 0

10th: Boltinho = 0

10th: MorenoKing24 = 0


I would also like to give a big thank you to MJStark for providing the Golden Shot Briefcase design. Your work is greatly appreciated. :)


Hope everybody enjoyed the show.

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Triple Thread to headline Total Mayhem. Nice. Good show, dude.


I figured that whilst Rocky Golden is improving, the main event for the biggest show in the year needs a little something in addition. With RDJ/Minnesota being arguably the biggest feud currently going in TCW, it made perfect sense to add RDJ to the equation. Also, RDJ has picked up back to back victories over Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins and if that doesn't scream "world title shot" I'm not sure what does.


Glad you enjoyed it buddy.


Another great show. I'm looking forward to see what direction the relationship between Bach and Hell Monkey eventually takes.


The relationship between Hell Monkey and Sammy Bach whilst not a big storyline, is one of those slow burn affairs that develops over time. Pleased to see the diary is still invoking enjoyment in the readers.

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Tuesday of Week 3, May 2010

With less than two weeks to go before Total Mayhem XV, TCW have a lot in the works. Big championship matches, a golden shot gauntlet and much more in the pipeline. This edition of Total Wrestling promises to be an action packed card as always with a great selection of matches to boot.


The opener is a potential show-stealer as one of the TCW World Heavyweight challengers, Ricky Dale Johnson will square off against the Canadian technician, Owen Love. With the ruling last week of Eric Tyler, ensuring that Minnesota and RDJ cannot interfere in each others’ outings, can The Outlaw focus on the man before him, or will Owen Love be able to upset the Total Mayhem main eventer?


Tag team action will follow shortly thereafter as The Keith Brothers go against the duo of Sammy Bach and his, erm, assistant, Hell Monkey. After having been confronted with a bizarre video message last week, is the International champion’s mind in the right place and furthermore, who was behind the mysterious video?


A great singles encounter will see the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden go against the former front man of Painful Procedure, and the number twenty in the Golden Shot Gauntlet, Troy Tornado. Will this be a precursor for a future PPV headlining championship match?


As promised by Tommy Cornell last week, two Syndicate members will go one-on-one as Marc DuBois faces off against Wolf Hawkins. Both men are young and hungry to prove their worth but who will emerge the victor on the night and will this settle score between the two?


After three weeks on the shelf following a hellacious match against Eddie Peak back at Where Angels Fear To Tread, Bryan Vessey will have his hands full with the short tempered Joey Minnesota. Has Vessey had enough time to heal his wounds or will Minnesota be able to keep momentum rolling on his side as he heads to the main event of Total Mayhem?


The main event of the night will be a PPV worthy headliner as Sam Keith teams up with The Great White, Eddie Peak to take on the duo of Tommy Cornell and the Physical Phenom, Remo Richardson. If rumour has it right Sam Keith and Tommy Cornell will be competing in a rubber match at Total Mayhem whilst Eddie Peak has willingly accepted the challenge put before him by Remo and Carl Batch although neither has been confirmed. Assuming the two matches do get the green light the tag team encounter between the two teams may go a long way in deciding who has the upper hand rolling into the biggest showcase of the year.


Be sure to tune in this Tuesday night on GNN Total Sports, you won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Owen Love


The Keith Brothers vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


Marc DuBois vs Wolf Hawkins


Bryan Vessey vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Eddie Peak vs Tommy Cornell & Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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Ricky Dale Johnson vs Owen Love


The Keith Brothers vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


Marc DuBois vs Wolf Hawkins


Bryan Vessey vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Eddie Peak vs Tommy Cornell & Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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