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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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The Traditionalist: Not Done Yet


Nagging; all wives do it. Mrs Tyler is no exception. Nagging about anything and everything is part and parcel of being married. Truth be told, I’m surprised a warning isn’t issued about the pitfalls of continued nagging by the vicar at a wedding ceremony before the vows are shared. Anyway, on this occasion Viv may have a point.


I’ve been in the wrestling business for longer than I care to remember; travelled the world, seen countless historic moments and competed with the best this industry has to offer. Now in May of 2011, I sit here as an investor in Total Championship Wrestling, the company synonymous with arguably the greatest professional wrestler of his time, Tommy Cornell. Why did I invest in TCW? Good question. As has been said by many a man before me, I know how the system works; it’s a machine. The machine is made up of these cogs that when turned, keep the system in motion. Us wrestlers; we’re the cogs and after a while, every cog gets rusty; every wrestler passes their sell by date.


I realised my time was coming around the demise of DaVE. It wasn’t a gradual dawning over a couple of months; it struck me like a bolt of lightning out of the blue. I was having a match with a kid by the name of Sammy Bach in November of ’06 at a DaVE television taping. We sat backstage a couple of hours before the show went on the air to discuss the bout in great detail and after forty five minutes, we knew exactly what we were going to do. Sammy being the respectful youngster that he was at the time, (not to say that he isn’t respectful now) was willing to let me call all the spots but whilst it was second nature for me at that point, I felt it would be of greater benefit for me to allow Sam to add his say into proceedings. After all, Sammy Bach and his peers were the wrestlers that were going to one day be atop the sport and what use is it to anybody if they don’t know how to properly structure a match?



A younger Sammy Bach, a far stretch from his on screen persona


Anyway, we went out there for our fifteen minute contest and about thirty seconds after the bell rang, I knew that I was not long for the squared circle. Sammy was innovative and quick; my god was he quick; the moves he was pulling out of the bag were so crisp and precise that I was left in the dust. That’s when it hit me; I was the one holding the contest back from being all it could be and never before had I felt that way. The old cog was finally grinding to a halt.


I still joke around with Sammy, telling him that he was the man to force me into retirement, but that wasn’t entirely true, nor is it fair to blame another man for my own shortcomings. No, I hung around until DaVE closed its doors the next year and made the odd appearance for various other promotions such as USPW and NYCW before heading to CGC for my swan song run. When I finally decided to hang up the boots it was relatively easy for me which may come as a shock to most. Would I miss competing in the ring in the sport I love more than any other? Sure. Would I miss travelling around and seeing the world? I guess. But would I want to keep doing that at the expense of stinking up a show? Absolutely not. I had given my all to wrestling and my time as an in-ring fixture was over. That’s how it goes.


After a few months away from the business I started to get restless; I missed being backstage at a wrestling event, talking to the boys and being in the familiar environment. It was clear that I was beginning to wear Vivian’s patience thin as well; continually talking about ideas and storylines for professional wrestling scenarios has never really been her thing, and that’s partly why I love her, but that’s a story for another time. Viv, bless her, half way through one of my countless diatribes cut me off, “Well if you want to do something about it, get off your butt and make it happen!” So I did.



Whilst many fans may not like him, Tommy is a true professional


This all happened round about the time when Tommy was looking for an authoritative figure as a counter balance to that of his own. Something to give the audience a sense that just because he owns the company, he can’t have things go his way all the time. Tommy and I, alongside a few other notables, arranged a meeting to discuss the position that I currently hold now, that of representative of the board or acting general manager depending on which you prefer. Now it is no secret that when the previous backers of TCW pulled out, Tommy was financially crippled and had to rely solely on the money out of his own pocket to fund the company for a while.


However, Tommy is no slouch at the business table and was wise enough to see that without financial weight behind his ideas, TCW would never reach the lofty heights of challenging for the number one spot with Eisen’s Empire. I trust Tommy, I have faith in Tommy and more importantly, I believe TCW can be all it sets out to be and more.


I invested; not an earth shattering number, but I invested for a small share of the company and promised to add to the product wherever I could; help backstage, on screen, creatively, whatever, if I am capable of aiding the cause I will do just that. I joined TCW in January of 2010 and have been here for just shy of five months. That’s when Viv hit me with a good idea; ya see, I do keep her around for something! About a week into my tenure, my wife suggested that I start writing my thoughts down instead of blathering away to her. Now whilst I don’t doubt for a second that her motives behind the notion were entirely selfish, she made a good point. Who knows, somebody one day, maybe long after I’m gone will find wisdom in my musings; maybe my words will help aid those coming up in the business. Either way it is something that I fully intend on maintaining during my tenure here at TCW. Hopefully these pages don’t fall on deaf ears and readers do find them of some use even if for just a chuckle every now and then.


Anyway, It is now roughly 11:20 pm as I sit here in my office at my home of residence and with a relatively early plane to catch tomorrow to run through plans for Total Wrestling and well, let’s just say there are big plans for the future; looks like this cog has a few more turns in him yet.



- Eric Tyler

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Havent read this for a while. TCW and SWF make my head hurt a bit...


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Owen Love


The Keith Brothers vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


Marc DuBois vs Wolf Hawkins


Bryan Vessey vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Eddie Peak vs Tommy Cornell & Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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Ricky Dale Johnson vs Owen Love-Even with the recent push, Owen succumbs to RDJ


The Keith Brothers vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


Marc DuBois vs Wolf Hawkins-I'm a big DuBois fan but him being the newest Syndicate member will be his undoing


Bryan Vessey vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Eddie Peak vs Tommy Cornell & Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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An excellent article was recently sent my way by the talented Mr. X and I am debating whether or not to post it before the upcoming show.


If I were to go with the article first it would mean having to create renders for Sam Strong, Rip Chord and Dread in order to do the piece justice and keep with the theme of the diary. It would also put a slight delay on the posting of the next show as rendering can take some time. Hmmmmmmm, decisions decisions.


Having debated it for the past 20 minutes or so, I think I will post the article next with the accompanying renders before the show. Keep an eye out for the C-Verse re-render thread as that will give an indication of when they next show will make an appearance. :)

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Total Mayhem: Back To The Beginning


Its hard to believe that its been fifteen years since a scrawny kid with a big dream and a bigger bankroll decided to take on the biggest dog in the world of professional wrestling. Fifteeen years since JK Stalling radically changed the landscape in a business that had not been changed significanty for the fifteen years before that. The direct successor to Stalling's Hollyweird company, Total Championship Wrestling, is still going strong and still challenging the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


There is a tendency with history for commonly accepted interpretations to gradually override actual fact. That seems to be the case with the debut of Hollyweird Grappling Company. Given that HGC had a great deal of "name" talent on its roster and was on TV from the start of 1997, the conclusion that commonly seems drawn is that HGC was immediately legitimate competition for the well-established Supreme Wrestling Federation. This is not truly the case. The roster had a great deal of name value, with superstars Dread, Rip Chord, and Sam Strong at the very top. But they were all considered past their best and the rest of the roster was mostly unknowns to the average fan. And while Hollyweird was on TV, it was syndicated on minor local networks rather than on any major national network. To most fans at the time, Hollyweird was regarded with a combination of bemused interest and wary cynicism.



Three legendary figures that defined the early days of HGC


If this was a Hollywood story rather than a Hollyweird one, the promotion would have come roaring out of the gates to instant success, and ended up taking down the Eisen empire. It didn't and it hasn't. One can argue the merits and liabilities of those early Hollyweird TV shows and pay per views. But in looking at things from a purely business standpoint, in terms of TV ratings, attendance, and buy rates, they were only moderately successful. Given the largess that Stallings had bestowed upon his promotion, making money immediately was not really a concern. Attracting fans, however, certainly was.


The first few months were up and down, with the veteran legend Sam Strong as champion and obvious figurehead. Those early shows were inconsistent in overall quality. Things began to come together as HGC began to build toward its first big pay per view event, which was originally dubbed "Hollyweird Mayhem" but changed to "Total Mayhem" several months out. The main event being built was another clash between the two legends, Sam Strong and Rip Chord. Strong booked the feud well, letting the two men build the tension through words and staying apart in the ring.



Arguably the best feud in 1997, Strong and Chord reminded jaded fans what wrestling could be at TM1


Critics of HGC proclaimed that Strong keeping himself and his old buddies at the top would be the doom of Hollyweird. Instead, the rehashing of a feud that went back some sixteen years set the stage for HGC's future success. It caught the imagination of old school fans, who were still willing to pay money to see Strong and his eternal nemesis Chord have their first match in more than five years.


The very first Total Mayhem was a success. With an undercard ripe with some exciting young talent and other recognizable veterans, the pay per view was more than just the major main event that its best remembered for. The whole card delivered, but so much hinged on that main event. It delivered. Chord and Strong were not young and they didn't exactly put on a five star classic in the North of the Border mould, but they knew how to create drama and they did it very well. The event popped HGC's first big buy rate, but more important, it brought them a lot of positive accolades from fans and insiders alike.


Total Mayhem I back in 1997 was when the Hollyweird Grappling Company well and truly arrived as a power in the American wrestling scene. It was the moment where it was clear that fans would accept the promotion as legitimate competition to the dominance of the SWF.


It is perhaps impossible to overstate the importance of that single pay per view event and its legacy on the company. Had the name remained "Hollyweird Mayhem", would the promotion still bear the "Total Championship Wrestling" name that it does today?



The main event of TM15 shows how far TCW has come in recent years


As TCW closes in on the 15th edition of its major pay per view event, it’s interesting to see how far things have come. A year after headlining the event with the pinnacle of the long-running Syndicate storyline, the main event looks to be Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota vs Ricky Dale Johnson; two young workers who are viewed as the future of TCW and one legend. The man who has carried TCW for much of the past decade, Tommy Cornell, is absent. And that absence says a lot.



Not participating in the main event, how will Cornell feature into this edition of TCW's biggest show of the year?

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Missed a couple here, some reason, really loving Cornell in this some great comments, anyway... :)


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Owen Love


The Keith Brothers vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


Marc DuBois vs Wolf Hawkins


Bryan Vessey vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


Sam Keith & Eddie Peak vs Tommy Cornell & Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 3, May 2010

The V. Thompson Arena

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT)





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Owen Love

Considering Love is by far the smaller of the two, it may come as some surprise that the Canadian is able to hang with The Outlaw for the vast majority of proceedings. RDJ battles hard with a newfound fire since his war with Joey Minnesota began and as the bout wears on; Love struggles to contain the bulldozing Texan.


The House of Stone product drops Johnson with a swift double leg sweep before floating over and applying a front chin lock. However, RDJ is not worn down to the stage where the technical proficiency of Love can keep him rooted and powers to his feet before launching the Canadian six feet across the ring. As Love lands, he is instantly met with a charging RDJ who delivers a big boot before lifting Love high into the air for a stiff dose of Southern Justice which ends the contest.


The Outlaw quickly turns to face the entrance aisle in anticipation of a Minnesota run-in, but the short tempered Joey doesn’t come. A brief look around the crowd reminds Johnson of the ruling made my Tyler last week. At this stage at least, Minnesota is abiding by the rules.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Owen Love via pinfall

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GregKeithALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MatthewKeithALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/HellMonkeyALT.jpg

The Keith Brothers vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey

Greg and Matthew are slowly growing in popularity with the TCW audience and having completed a few of their signature double team manoeuvres such as a double wheelbarrow suplex and a savate kick into a german suplex, the audience show their appreciation. Given a couple more months exposure it should see Sam’s boys reach a level of popularity that matches their in-ring quality.


For his part, the self-proclaimed Rock God allows Hell Monkey to carry the workload for his team, occasionally intervening for a brief flurry before sliding back out. It is this no doubt that angers the masked man as he appears to be off his game, growing in frustration with every underhanded move Bach completes. Hell Monkey runs under a clothesline from Matthew and jumps to the second rope to deliver a kick to the jaw of Greg on the apron, dropping him with a thud. Monkey spins to meet Matthew with a Tumbling Monkey before fixing his position like a silent ninja ready to strike for a second time. Bach leans over the top rope and tags himself into the contest much to the dismay of Monkey. The International champion makes his way across the ring to the prone Matthew when the arena speakers suddenly kick into life with gospel music that halts Bach in his tracks.


The music lasts for roughly twenty seconds before without warning, cutting out. Bach looks confused but just shrugs his shoulders dismissively before continuing his route to Matthew Keith who is stirring. Bach reaches to pick Matthew off the floor but is trapped in a small package that is locked in tight and is frantically struggling to kick out to no avail. Monkey could not make the save before the three count is made and The Keiths pull off what some may have considered an upset.

The Keith Brothers defeated Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey

Rating: C





The lights in the arena dim as the video screen flickers into life. We are shown a familiar looking woman who is standing in the foreground of the shot. The lighting of the scene illuminates her face to the point where she appears to almost be glowing. She is staring right at the lens, smiling ever so slightly but it doesn’t last long. Her expression soon hardens and the light fades as her appearance morphs before our eyes. Her clean glowing demeanour turns dark as her features become sharper, less attractive somehow, aging her somewhat whilst her makeup transforms from a soft pale touch to a harsh, deep black.


Sammy Bach stares at the women on the screen, evidently aware of her identity. He seems rattled by her appearance and the eerie transformation displayed before him.


The lights have dimmed to the point of leaving the women as a darkened silhouette whilst a few dwindling candles flicker in the background occasionally illuminating her red tinted hair. Her voice echoes as though sounded in a grand hall; her words forceful and direct; bordering on poetic.


“For you, my blood once ran warm with lust....................An unrequited love that I was too blind to see...............The blow that rattled me to my very core, so swift............They say revenge is a dish best served cold..............But he will make your blood flow warm...............The essence of a just attack is placing and the time....................Soon enough Sammy, Vengeance will be mine!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

The world heavyweight champion looks like he has something to prove going into this match, taking somewhat of a backseat in the upcoming title match at Total Mayhem with the tensions between Minnesota and RDJ taking precedence. Tornado meanwhile has a sizeable amount of momentum behind him and tackles Golden head on, meeting him in the middle of the ring and offering as good as he gets.


Golden has never been the most graceful inside the ring as far as technical acumen goes and often resorts to a brutish brawling strategy that his opponents struggle to keep pace with. Tornado however, is more than capable of keeping up with the rugged approach of the champion and matches him in almost every facet bar sheer strength alone. The match goes for about fifteen minutes before Golden catches Tornado as he looks to hit a Star Maker and lifts him into a Torture Rack. The champion carries Troy to the centre of the ring before wrenching down to apply optimum pressure causing the former front man of Painful Procedure to tap out.


Following the bout, Golden offers his hand to Tornado who returns the gesture as the two shake on a fine face/face contest.

Rocky Golden defeated Troy Tornado via submission

Rating: C+





The cameras take us to The Syndicate locker room where we see Marc DuBois preparing for his upcoming match. He pulls his elbow pads on slowly before vainly repositioning his hair in the mirror. The sound of a throat clearing makes the French-Canadian jump slightly as Tommy Cornell strolls into shot. The wily Englishman looks like he means business as the social formalities are non-existent.


Cornell: “Listen Marc. Tonight when you go against Wolf, try to take it easy on him OK?”


The Model looks surprised at the unexpected request.


DuBois: “Why should I do that exactly?”


Cornell furrows his brow as he rubs his hand against his forehead briefly.


Cornell: “Because Wolf feels threatened by you; he has since the day you walked into TCW.”


DuBois’ expression one of satisfaction as he checks his reflection one more time in the mirror.


Cornell: “Wolf feels as though I am replacing him with you in The Syndicate and he is digging in his heels. So just do me a favour and don’t beat on him too badly tonight OK?”


DuBois chuckles slightly whilst lifting his kneepads into place.


DuBois: “Sorry boss; I can’t make any promises”.


Marc grabs his ring jacket and sunglasses before leaving the room. The look on Tommy’s face says it all; nobody questions the word of The Syndicate leader. Nobody.


Tommy turns to follow The Model out of the room but as he opens the door, he is confronted by another of his stablemates.




Wolf Hawkins eyes him up and down. He lowers his glasses as he addresses his mentor.


Hawkins: “You think he’s better than me don’t you?”


Cornell: “Now where in the hell did you get that from Wolf?”


Hawkins: “Don’t treat me like a fool Tommy, I heard what you were saying.”


Cornell: “You know how it is Wolf; I can’t afford to have in-fighting in my faction. I want to ensure that both of you leave the match with as few injuries as possible.”


Hawkins slowly shakes his head in response.


Hawkins: “Then why didn’t you have the conversation with me Tommy?”


The Syndicate leader is at a loss for words.


Hawkins: “I thought as much.”


Wolf raises his glasses as he makes his way from The Syndicate locker room. The youngster momentarily stops as he looks over his right shoulder back towards his mentor.


Hawkins: “Make sure you watch the match tonight Tommy. This one is for you after all.”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Marc DuBois vs Wolf Hawkins

DuBois is already awaiting Wolf in the ring as the protégé makes his way out for the match. The two Syndicate members clearly are not friends, perhaps they do consider one another as a threat for future success, who knows; either way, they fight each other and boy do they fight hard.


Cornell indicated last week that this is their opportunity to get whatever problems they may have out of their system but Azaria notes on commentary that Tommy may have regretted organising the match based upon his conversation moments ago. The match for the most part sees Hawkins absolutely tear into DuBois with little in the way of remorse; deconstructing his opponent limb by limb in a manner not too dissimilar to Tommy Cornell himself. DuBois has his moments of inspiration where he catches Hawkins early but has to weather an unrelenting storm when all else fails.




That’s when Cornell marches his way down to ringside; a look of desperation etched upon his face. From what the camera’s microphone can pick up, Tommy is pleading with Wolf to ease up on the assault. Heated words are exchanged by the two and Tommy is on the verge of scaling the apron as Wolf is angrily barking from above the prone form of DuBois.




Eric Tyler hastily strides down to ringside and yanks Cornell back from the ring, demanding that he returns to the locker room area. The cameras close in on the interaction between the two; “This is what you wanted Tommy, now deal with the consequences!”


Hawkins is still staring at his mentor being forced backstage by the representative of the board when it happens; Dubois has somehow managed to withstand the beating inflicted upon him and is now set behind Wolf who unsuspectingly turns around into a Marc Of Excellence. DuBois makes the cover and referee Sam Sparrow counts the three. The Model celebrated his come from behind win just as Kyle Rhodes points out that Hawkins’ foot was firmly placed on the bottom rope the entire time.

Marc DuBois defeated Wolf Hawkins via pinfall

Rating: C+





Backstage we see The Machines standing outside The Syndicate locker room; Brent standing stoic with his back to the wall; Anderson rapping his knuckles against the oak.


Anderson: “Boss.................*knock, knock, knock* Boss.......................”


Hill wearily shakes his head.


Hill: “Don’t bother John; he ain’t gonna come out anytime soon.”


Anderson looks frustrated as he grabs the lapels of his jacket to violently jerk them back into place.


Anderson: “I still don’t know why he booked a match for Wolf and Marc; seems pretty counter-productive to me.”


Hill: “He has a lot going on with Keith though and besides.....”


Hill lowers his voice.


Hill: “This is the first time in the past five years that he won’t be main eventing Total Mayhem.”


Anderson nods in recognition of this monumental fact.


Hill: “Just leave him for now; he’s got to get ready for his match later. Let him get his thoughts together.”


Anderson: “I guess; I just want to know what we will be doing at Total Mayhem. We got the jump on The New Wave last week but I don’t know if that will be enough to get us a title shot.”


Hill rests his hands on his hips as he lowers his head.


Anderson: “On top of that, those greasy Mex-“




A Champagne Sunrise connects with Anderson, cutting him short mid-sentence. Hill spins to face Lover just as Lopez delivers a right hand to his jaw. Champagne Caviar begin to pound away on The Machines when things fall into further chaos due to the arrival of the tag team champions.




Guide and Scout rock their four adversaries with heavy duty offence but with six men furiously throwing punches and kicks, the three teams ultimately take it in turns to dish out punishment. The zebra herd descend on the scene to establish a sense of order as TCW go to a commercial break.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVessey.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DuntonHallALT.jpg

Bryan Vessey vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

Minnesota seems distant; agitated by a ruling he cannot change. Vessey for his part still appears less than 100% having been put through an absolute war at Just Another Day. The match however, remains good throughout. The two exchange solid counter wrestling to try and gain an advantage over their opponent which Vessey just slightly edges.


The veteran hoists Minnesota into the air for a Vessey Driver but Joey is able to slip over the shoulder and land behind. Vessey swivels to catch him but is met with a swift boot to the midsection. Minnesota connects with a Minnesota Salute to follow and ends the match with the following pin.

Joey Minnesota defeated Bryan Vessey via pinfall

Rating: B





The cameras take us backstage where we see a focused Remo bouncing from foot to foot; his muscular physique intimidating to say the absolute least. Carl Batch is eagerly bopping along beside him, smiling from ear to ear.


Batch: “You a beast baby! You a monster! You the Physical Phenom!”


Remo doesn’t break stride and continues to bounce. He suddenly halts; there is the faint sound of music playing in the distance. Batch turns to face the noise and Remo begins to march towards the source. As the camera gets nearer and nearer, the music grows in familiarity. The infamous Jaws signature that opens Eddie Peak’s entrance theme.


“Dun dun............”


Remo begins kicking doors open looking for The Great White.


“Dun dun........”


Batch is furiously chatting away about “bustin’ his ass!”


“Dun dun..........”


The music picks up volume and pace as Remo kicks a door clean off the hinges.


“Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun, dun dun!”


Remo snorts in anger when he discovers the source of the music to be a CD player nestled in the middle of a grey couch that also props the action figure of Eddie Peak close by. Remo swats the action figure into the wall and it damn near explodes on impact due to the sheer force. A big punch follows to the CD player causing the music to come to an abrupt end.




An on rushing Peak charges into the room and sends Remo crashing into the steel lockers, knocking two rows to the floor. The two behemoths continue their brawl all around the backstage area and through the crowd, finally ending up in the middle of the ring. With half the main event already trading in the ring, the other two competitors that comprise the main even hurriedly make their way to the fray.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RemoRichardsonALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CarlBatchALT.jpg

Sam Keith & Eddie Peak vs Tommy Cornell & Remo Richardson w/ Carl Batch

The two big men dictate most of the early action as it is they who kick off the official proceedings although if truth be told, they never really paused in the first place. Peak is the bigger man, strength arguably on a par, but Remo by far has the more explosive speed and uses this to out strike The Great White.


Neither Cornell nor Keith seem to be in any great hurry to get involved in the match as the war waged between the two behemoths is brutal in every imaginable way. The brawl tumbles out of the ring one more time and the action still does not relent. Referee Ray Johnson frantically tries to encourage the two legal men back into the ring but to no avail. Remo drops to a three point stance before unleashing into a blindingly fast charge that sends both he and Peak thundering into the ringside barrier which warps under the mass of humanity leaving both men motionless on the floor.


Officials and security dive into the chaos at ringside as they try to keep the crowd at bay whilst simultaneously checking on both of the downed men. Ray Johnson seems at a loss of what to do and calls an end to the match as Cornell and Keith look on at the prone forms of The Great White and The Physical Phenom unbelieving of what they have just witnessed.

Sam Keith & Eddie Peak drew with Tommy Cornell & Remo Richardson after the match was thrown out

Rating: B





As officials aid the two behemoths backstage, Sam Keith grabs a microphone from ringside before returning to the ring to face Cornell who stands resolute, transfixed on his former Syndicate ally.


Keith: “I told you this would happen, Tommy. I warned you that your actions would have consequences and now you are starting to see The Syndicate fall; your own empire crumble at your very feet. Wolf and Marc are not pawns to be set against each other for your own amusement Tommy; they are talented wrestlers that are too good to be held back by the likes of you and unfortunately old friend, now they know this to be true. I may not like their way of going about business but I can see that they have potential and I know that you can see this too. You fear being left behind by the younger generation Tommy and it eats at you.”


The infamous sneer on Cornell’s face threatens to turn into a full blown snarl.


Keith: “You’re not in the main event of Total Mayhem; the place where every professional wrestler wants to be and now you realise that you’re not the almighty figure you once were. You’re slipping Tommy.......”


Cornell snatches a microphone from a ringside assistant.


Cornell: “Be careful who you talk to like that old man; you’re right, I’m not one of the young fools in the back, I’m Tommy f****** Cornell and I’m not gonna bite at your mind games mate!”


Keith smiles at the response.


Keith: “I know. I was just wondering where your balls had gone. I see you reached down and found them again.”


Cornell goes nose to nose with Keith as he rests the microphone on his bottom lip.


Cornell: “I may not be in the main event of Total Mayhem this year but I am damn sure gonna be on the card. As far as I can see Sam, you ain’t on the bill either. How about you and me finish this thing, last time I checked it was 1-1 between me and you at pay-per-view. I know I am better than you and at Total Mayhem, you will realise that your time in this business is well and truly over old man!”


Keith begins to chuckle as he wearily rubs his right shoulder. He mock winces as he continues.


Keith: “I was hoping you would say that because I took the liberty of going to Eric Tyler and requesting a special stipulation for our match if we were to have one at Total Mayhem.”


Cornell looks on sceptical.


Keith: “I may not be in the finest physical shape of my career; as you well know, I have been doing this for a hell of a long time. Sure, my bones are stiffer than they used to be; my muscles ache a bit more, but if you think for one moment that I am not capable of breaking you down into little pieces, you have another thought coming.”


Cornell: “Spit it out!”


Keith: “At Total Mayhem XV, Tommy, you and I are going to compete in a thirty minute iron man match!”


Cornell doesn’t show a flicker of emotion, he just glares into the eyes of the living legend.


The crowd come unglued at hearing the news and it appears as though the hard camera is shaking due to some fans stamping on the floor in delight. Keith and Cornell mutter to each other under their breaths, trying to bate the other into taking a swing.


The screen fades to black as the show goes off the air.




Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


Phantom Stranger: 2/6

Midnightnick: 3/6

pauls07: 1/6

Bigpapa42: 3/6

Boltinho: 2/6

Emark: 3/6

20LEgend: 4/6



Congratulations 20LEgend, you have won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 10

2nd: Emark = 9

3rd: jesseewiak = 7

4th: jgriff3029 = 6

5th: Tigerkinney = 5

5th: 20LEgend = 5

6th: jhd1 = 4

6th: Phantom Stranger = 4

7th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: Midnightnick = 3

8th: MJStark = 2

9th: smurphy1014 = 1

9th: ChrisKid = 1

9th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: CamillePunk = 1

10th: BHK1978 = 0

10th: Liamo = 0

10th: juggaloninjalee = 0

10th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

10th: QFresh = 0

10th: pauls07 = 0

10th: Boltinho = 0

10th: MorenoKing24 = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show.

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Cornell and Keith - Total Mayhem Bound



And there it was; Tommy and Sam have the match that they have both wanted for so long; a thirty minute iron man match at the biggest show of the year. Now normally when one hears “iron man match”, they associate it with a sixty minute time limit, however, there were several factors that we had to consider before making our final decision. Firstly we have scheduled a twenty man over the top gauntlet that will in itself take up a good portion of the event (which I will speak further on in the following edition) and secondly, Sam wasn’t too sure he could provide the consistency throughout the full hour to do Tommy and the match the justice that it deserves.


I understand where Sam is coming from on this one and if truth be told, I’m glad he said something before we officially announced an incorrect timeframe. I’d much rather have thirty minutes of absolute quality than sixty minutes that falls short due to running on fumes and fumes alone. This match will be important for the PPV and it is vital that we give Tommy and Sam everything they possibly need to go out there and deliver as we all know they can.



The promo to end the show delivered as expected


The promo that ended the last edition of Total Wrestling between the two was exactly what I was hoping for. We wanted Tommy to seem unsteady and unsure of his current standing (something we have hinted over the past few weeks) and it was necessary to see Sam get Tommy riled up and put a bit of that fire back in his belly. One line he said in particular really resonated with those in attendance, “I’m Tommy f****** Cornell......” it says it all. Everybody knows exactly who Tommy Cornell is and what he is capable of. This simple statement emphasises his importance and his self confidence which is what we were trying to strike with this particular confrontation. We have an unwritten agreement with GNN Total Sports that we will keep cursing to a minimum but on this occasion it felt just right to go for the jugular.


What was noted by Jason on commentary following the dialogue was the fact that they appeared to be goading each other; that wasn’t actually true, although the way they performed it was done to make it appear as though this was indeed the case; credit to both men for that. I asked Tommy when they came backstage about what it was they were saying to one another and he responded thus, “Sam said we have them in the palm of our hands, I agreed.” It’s good to see that even in the heat of the moment they can detect the crowd reaction and read it so very well. I am really looking forward to seeing what these two can do come Total Mayhem XV.



Unquestionable potential, but how far can it take them?


Speaking of the PPV, we have recently announced via tcw.com that there will be a triple threat tag team championship match between The New Wave, The Machines and Champagne Caviar. Now here we have two of the best known teams in professional wrestling in the former and one of the quickest rising duos in the latter. The Machines and The New Wave have had many a battle over the years and whilst each match has been great fun to watch, it isn’t a feud that can go on indefinitely; we need to bulk up the tag team division and legitimise it as a thriving pool of talent. In Champagne Caviar, we may have found one such team. With their arrogant demeanour and high rolling lifestyles, it is easy for the audience to despise them, which in turn goes a long way in establishing them in the American market; both are already extremely popular in their native Mexico. How far the two of them will go remains to be seen but suffice it to say they will be given their chance to succeed.


Anyway, I guess I’ll have to leave this one there as Viv is starting to complain that my dinner is going cold. Ah well; the drama never ends it seems.




- Eric

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Tuesday of Week 4, May 2010


With the go home show for Total Mayhem XV on the horizon, TCW have a lot of top quality matches to whet the appetite for the PPV extravaganza. Will any further matches be added to the card between now and Sunday?


The opener of the night sees The Syndicate’s Marc DuBois take on All-Action champion, Gino Montero in what is sure to be a high paced affair. It has recently been confirmed by Eric Tyler that Edd Stone will not be the man to challenge Gino at Total Mayhem, instead the young luchador is set to be a part of an All-Action open invitational with five other competitors that will be named within the upcoming week.


Following that we will see tag team competition as The Keith Brothers take on the veteran duo of Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford. Can Sam’s boys keep this recent run of form going or will the wily statesmen of the tag team division prove why they are still on top of their game?


The Japanese Warrior will feature in singles competition next as he squares off with the House Of Stone product, Owen Love for the second time this month; Ino is said to want to "right a wrong". Both men seem to be in a state of limbo currently in TCW, an impressive performance here coupled with a win could go a long way in raising their respective profiles.


Two weeks ago Chance Fortune was unlucky enough to have to compete in singles action against the Physical Phenom, Remo Richardson; this week the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Double A, Aaron Andrews. Will this member of the L.A Connection fare any better than his tag team partner?


In a warm up for Total Mayhem, Eric Tyler has given permission to The New Wave in allowing them to take out some of their frustrations on Champagne Caviar. Can the challengers earn a massive victory and roll into Sunday will momentum firmly on their side, or can the hardy New Wave prove once again to the world why they hold that ten pounds of gold?


Former stable mates collide when Sam Keith takes on Wolf Hawkins. There is no question that Wolf has to be stinging from last week; have we heard the last of The Syndicate’s issues?


The main event of the evening will see six man tag team action as the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden teams with one of the men that will challenge him Sunday night, Ricky Dale Johnson and Benny Benson against the TCW International champion Sammy Bach, Joey Minnesota and Hell Monkey. Eric Tyler has allowed Minnesota and RDJ to go at it only within the confines of the match, with the threat of suspension still a very real consequence for breaching the rules.


All this and much more, Tuesday night on GNN Total Sports. Be sure to tune in; you won’t want to miss out!




Prediction Key


Gino Montero vs Marc DuBois


The Keith Brothers vs The Tag Team Specialists


Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love


Aaron Andrews vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The New Wave vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Sam Keith vs Wolf Hawkins


Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Hell Monkey & Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Gino Montero vs Marc DuBois


The Keith Brothers vs The Tag Team Specialists


Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love


Aaron Andrews vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The New Wave vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Sam Keith vs Wolf Hawkins


Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Hell Monkey & Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Gino Montero vs Marc DuBois

I would LOVE to see this match. Gino has been great in this so far, unless Edd has a trick up his sleeve I think a momentum match for the PPV

The Keith Brothers vs The Tag Team Specialists

TTTS do what they're here to do!

Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love

These two could have a good feud

Aaron Andrews vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

I believe Remo will win, but I want AA to

The New Wave vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

I reckon we'll see a change at the PPV

Sam Keith vs Wolf Hawkins

I just prefer Hawkins

Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Hell Monkey & Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

Something tells me this side is stronger, though I would expect heels to win

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Gino Montero vs Marc DuBois


The Keith Brothers vs The Tag Team Specialists


Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love


Aaron Andrews vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The New Wave vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Sam Keith vs Wolf Hawkins draw


Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Hell Monkey & Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Hey everybody,


I have been writing this diary for near on seven months now and I just had a question for you the readers. How do you feel about the layout of the shows etc.? Good, bad, indifferent? Is there anything that people would like to see implemented or is it a case of just keeping things as they are?


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



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I'm a fan of indentations, and I've just quoted your show and done it and I think it looks neater but, it's not a noticeable difference to me, in the sense that it would affect my reading. Also you could bold grades, and final results (in addition to underlining them) but after reading the matches those bits aren't important to me. You could bold names in the promos, but again it's not affecting me reading it, but for skimmers it might be helpful, but then it may not. :)


You could just have a play around, bolding, italics, fonts spaces between thing (from match results at the bottom of the block of texts) or centralizing and see if you think anything looks better.


Those suggestions wouldn't affect how I read it as it is perfectly readable and is easy enough to get through and it isn't difficult to trawl through a show it's nice on the eyes, and I personally see no reason to change.

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I'm a fan of indentations, and I've just quoted your show and done it and I think it looks neater but, it's not a noticeable difference to me, in the sense that it would affect my reading. Also you could bold grades, and final results (in addition to underlining them) but after reading the matches those bits aren't important to me. You could bold names in the promos, but again it's not affecting me reading it, but for skimmers it might be helpful, but then it may not. :)


You could just have a play around, bolding, italics, fonts spaces between thing (from match results at the bottom of the block of texts) or centralizing and see if you think anything looks better.


Those suggestions wouldn't affect how I read it as it is perfectly readable and is easy enough to get through and it isn't difficult to trawl through a show it's nice on the eyes, and I personally see no reason to change.


Thanks for the thorough feedback. I have tweeked a few things over the past few months as I have gone along. I personally quite like the setup I have at the moment so the feedback was just to see what the readers would like to see added if anything at all.


I appreciate reading your thoughts though and your suggestions have been taken into account. :)

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Under these kinds of circumstances, my general recommendation is - has to be - that you don't change the format you've found comfortable to work in for months without overwhelming reason.


It seems to make sense to indeed employ this theory. Why fix what isn't broken after all. Thanks for the advice PS. To be honest, I think it is quite clear that the format I use is liberally copied from that of yours.


I found the layout you employed to be the most aesthetically pleasing, hence why I use it myself. Another format which I quite like is that of TheLeveticalLawKid, but I'm not sure how well I'd be able to transition to something similar.


Looks like the format will stay as it is unless an overwhelming volume of readers protest.



EDIT: The latest prediction key is on the previous page for those interested in participating.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 4, May 2010

The Friedman Building

Attendance: 7,993





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Gino Montero vs Marc DuBois

A really slick opening contest sees both men deliver their signature sequences in quick order in an attempt to put this contest to bed as early as possible. Montero falls back on his Mexican background by utilising the ropes to catapult himself around the ring into a variety of lucha style armdrags and hurricanranas. Montero looks to hook the leg following a snap rana but DuBois shifts his weight backwards and lifts the All-Action champion above his head to deliver a sit down powerbomb. The Prodigy slips through and locks on The Model Solution in the middle of the ring to follow and with no chance of salvation, Montero is forced to submit.

Marc DuBois defeated Gino Montero via submission

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GregKeithALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MatthewKeithALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoelBryantALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RobertOxfordALT.jpg

The Keith Brothers vs The Tag Team Specialists

A slow starter for sure and perhaps this match goes to show that the best days are well and truly behind Bryant and Oxford. Yes, Sam’s boys may not be as popular as some of the other more established tag teams in TCW, but they are improving in that regard and their in-ring quality is on a par with any other duo, perhaps even a notch above most.


The early stages of this match are dominated by the veteran duo who use their ring savvy to keep the Keith’s at a loss of how to counter effectively. Bryant ascends the turnbuckle to deliver his partner’s patented knee drop but falters as Greg cuts him off. Greg delivers a big time superplex on Bryant just as Matthew locks in the Proton Lock on Oxford. The Tag Team Specialist is stranded but instead of submitting, succumbs to unconsciousness causing referee Sam Sparrow to ring the bell.

The Keith Brothers defeated the Tag Team Specialists via submission

Rating: D





“Holy Diver” blasts through the arena speakers as a determined looking Sammy Bach marches his way to ringside; the usual swagger that we have become accustomed to is nowhere to be seen. The self-proclaimed Rock God snatches a microphone as he glides into the ring, his face a mask of pure thunder.


Bach: “For the past three weeks I have been a victim in TCW, being held down by the man because I don’t conform to what you people want to see. Because of this, old man Tyler doesn’t like me, he gives Benson the option to pick any stipulation he wants for my International title! On top of that I have been plagued by these videos that don’t make any damn sense, talking in codes and superfluous BS!”


Bach looks down nervously at the gold secured around his waist. He strokes his name plate that adorns the lower section of the title.


Bach: “For weeks I have waited to be informed of what match I will be participating in at Total Mayhem and I have run out of patience. As TCW International champion I am demanding to know the stipulation and I am not going to leave this ring until my demands are met. I’m the Prince of Percussion, the Beast of the Base, the Sultan of Strat; I run this house baby!”




Bach doesn’t have to wait long at all as the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, “Can’t Stop” begins to air. Benny Benson walks onto the top of the entrance ramp with a smile from ear to ear. He looks right at Sammy Bach as he raises his forefinger to signal that he will be back in one second. Benson heads backstage for a brief moment before returning with a microphone in hand and a tall metal frame secured over his right shoulder. The crowd pop slightly as they see the instrument Benny has in his possession. The number one contender for the International title sets the ladder up at the top of the ramp and begins the ascent. Benson sits astride the structure as he scans the crowd beaming with joy. Bach is glowering at his opponent and throws the microphone off the canvas before jumping over the top rope and charging up the aisle. Benson remains calm as Bach approaches as he waits for his moment. As Bach gets into range, Benson hurls the microphone into his chest causing the champion to take a step back – and then it happens.


Benson in one swift leap takes flight with a graceful, picturesque cross body, landing directly across the chest of Sammy Bach. The crowd erupt as TCW goes to a commercial break.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Owen Love

The Japanese Warrior has always been about respect and offers his hand to the man who beat him two weeks ago as the opening bell sounds. Love does not deliver a cheap shot but neither does he accept the sign of respect. Love begins with a mat based strategy that has served him so well over the years. Ino holds his own but is ultimately unable to keep up with the proficiency of the Canadian.


Love clasps his hands around Ino, ready to deliver a belly to belly suplex but Ino elbows his way clear and strikes with a Yakuza kick sending Love throat first over the middle rope leaving him stranded. Ino charges for a curb stomp but Love rolls clear just in time and prepares himself for the Japanese Warrior as he turns straight into a Love Gun and for the second time in a month, Love gets the better of The Kobra.

Owen Love defeated Koshiro Ino via pinfall

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RemoRichardsonALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CarlBatchALT.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

Aaron puts up a hell of a fight; more so than Remo and Batch were expecting. The first graduate of the TCW training school had the big man rocking with a quick succession of dropkicks; hitting and moving continuously. Things seemed to be going well for Andrews until Remo nearly decapitated him with a clothesline following a missed top rope crossbody. The writing was written on the wall from this moment on and the Physical Phenom took over with heavy duty offence. Remo finally put this one to bed following a Lung Blower that drove all of the air out of the man from L.A.

Remo Richardson defeated Aaron Andrews via pinfall

Rating: B





The cameras take us backstage where we see Jasmine Saunders in hot pursuit in the arena car park. The microphone in her hand signals that the announcer-in-training is hurriedly trying to secure a last minute interview.


Saunders: “Gino!.....................Gino!............Gino, can we have a quick word?”


The weary looking All-Action champion is hunched over, about to enter the driver’s side of his car as Saunders approaches. The young Mexican places his championship belt on the top of his rented car as he turns to face the interviewer.


Saunders: “You seen to be on somewhat of a bad run of form over the past month, has Edd Stone got into your head?”


Montero slowly shakes his head, his focus seems elsewhere.


Montero: “Edd wants to play his games like a child. He talks about how great he is but fights like a coward by jumping from behind. That’s not how a champion should wrestle. When I came to TCW I wanted to display my proud Latin heritage, I wanted to show to the whole world that a champion can fight with honour. Have I lost a few times recently; yes. These things happen but I still fight on. At Total Mayhem this Sunday I will show that when the title is on the line I shift into a new gear and when all is said and done and the match is over; I will be the one to walk out with the All-Action championship.”


Gino ducks to enter the car before hesitating. He looks back at Jasmine to add:


Montero: “After this Sunday Edd, if you want another title match with me, I will personally go to Eric Tyler to get that match signed!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/NicolasLopezALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

The New Wave vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

A really good tag team contest between four men who want to stake their claim as the best in the world. Guide and Scout have greater affinity having teamed for a significantly longer period of time than their adversaries and it shows early on with sweetly timed double team manoeuvres and quick tags in and out.


Cuervo at ringside, saunters her way to The New Wave corner and starts to sway her hips in a seductive fashion and it is all Scout can do to not stare. Guide is in the ring meanwhile being double teamed by Champagne and Lopez who have Guide set up for stereo kicks to the side of the head. Just as the move is completed, Scout snaps his focus back on the action and slides back into the ring to send Lopez over the top rope with a clothesline. Scout shifts his focus to Lover and the two trade strikes. Lover shoots for the Lover Stunner but Scout pushes Lover into the ropes to get clear. Champagne rebounds looking for a spinning heel kick but Scout drags him to the ground from mid-air and applies the Special Forces. Lover is frantically clawing to reach for the ropes as Cuervo attempts to thrust the bottom rope into his grasp to no avail.


The impact of metal colliding with the back of Scout’s head forces him to break the hold as Lopez delivers the chair shot in plain view of Ray Johnson leaving him with no option but to call for the disqualification.


As Guide regains his footing, Champagne Caviar make a hasty retreat not wanting to meet the repercussions on this night. Scout is slumped face first on the canvas with a thin trickle of blood seeping from the back of his head to the canvas as his New Wave brethren checks on his condition.

The New Wave defeated Champagne Caviar via DQ

Rating: B





Eddie Peak is backstage in his locker room, staring at his possessions before him; his trusty chain that he has used to bludgeon his opponents with lethal ferocity hanging from a hook on the wall. What is particularly disturbing about this weaponry is that it is still stained red with the blood of foes long since beaten. The sneer on Peak’s face intimates a sinister thought from his history has flickered through his mind. The Great White begins to put his equipment in a travelling bag when something catches his attention. He stops what he is doing instantly and remains perfectly still as he tries to establish what his best route of evasion will be.




Peak just manages to duck his head in time as Remo’s fist goes crashing through the wooden locker in front of him, almost splitting the entire furnishing in two. Peak spins and delivers a right of his own to the temple of Remo, staggering him back to the door. Remo furiously shakes his head in an attempt to clear the cobwebs as Peak secures the chain around his fist and heads for the Physical Phenom. Remo is ready however and grabs Peak around the midsection having evaded a steel-clad clubbing right before popping his hips to release him overhead in a belly-to-belly suplex which sends Peak back first into the locker room door, knocking it completely free from its hinges. The Great White is hurt, make no mistake about it and it is only through the intervention of officials and road agents that Remo is stopped from inflicting further damage.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Sam Keith vs Wolf Hawkins

A cagey opening between two great technicians; Sam Keith shows his years of experience by taking it to Wolf Hawkins, setting his own rhythm for the match. Hawkins holds his own and his meticulous training shines through when it comes to escaping the Proton Lock and flipping free from the Neutron Plex. As he lands, Wolf quickly bounds up to connect with a Full Moon Rising which drops Keith with a thud. Unfortunately Sam Sparrow catches a glancing blow as Hawkins follows through and falls to his knees accordingly.




Tommy Cornell sprints down to the ring and slides in behind Sam Keith, poised to strike. Wolf sees what The Syndicate leader has in mind and steps in the way. Cornell angrily instructs Wolf to step aside but his protégé defiantly refuses. Heated words are exchanged as the two stand inches apart. Cornell seems to be relenting and raises his hands in submission causing Hawkins to relax. It is in this moment that Cornell thrusts Wolf out of the way and drops Keith with A Guilt Trip before Hawkins can intercept. Unfortunately for Wolf, Sam Sparrow has recovered and has seen the Englishmen interject. For the second time on the show, a match ends in a disqualification.

Sam Keith defeated Wolf Hawkins via DQ

Rating: B





Tommy Cornell turns his back on the ring and coolly strolls backstage as the match is thrown out. Hawkins is fuming as he explains to Sam Sparrow that he tried to stop the attack before eventually switching his focus and tearing after Cornell, finally catching up to him backstage as the cameras make chase.


Hawkins grabs Cornell by the shoulder and spins him around.


Hawkins: “What the hell do you think you are doing? You saw that I had Sam beat and yet you still got involved and cost me the match. What the hell is making you screw me over Tommy!?”


Cornell appears almost emotionless in response to the tirade but Hawkins refuses to stop.


Hawkins: “Last week I had Marc beat and you cost me that match as well. Once is an accident, twice is deliberate!”


The Syndicate leader shakes his head.


Cornell: “Last week was an accident. I told you that I didn’t want either you or Marc injured and when I saw what you were doing to him, I had to try to stop you from seriously hurting him. I would have done the same thing had the roles been reversed. You heard my conversation with Marc; you heard me tell him to not injure you.”


Wolf doesn’t relent.


Hawkins: “I also heard you tell him that I was concerned for my spot in The Syndicate and that I was threatened by him which you know is complete bull ****!”


Cornell: “Listen, that was the only way to try and make him understand the situation I was in; the situation that The Syndicate was in.”


Hawkins: “Then why did you book the match in the first place!?”


Cornell: “It was a knee jerk reaction to the two of you squabbling. I thought it would allow you two to leave any issues you have in the past and focus on Syndicate success. Marc even said that he is willing to forget the whole thing ever happened so perhaps it all worked out for the better anyway.”


Hawkins is pacing back and forth as he breathes heavily. His voice softens however as he continues.


Hawkins: “Let me ask you something Tommy; did you think I couldn’t beat Sam Keith, or were you more concerned that by beating him I would be taking the focus away from you?”


The trademark Cornell sneer makes its appearance; his voice although not raised is now threatening in tone.


Cornell: “Careful Wolfie. You don’t want to be picking a fight with me; I’m not like Marc, I won’t lie down.”


The two stare at each other long and hard before speaking another word.


Cornell: “Last week Sam insulted me. This week I got even!”


Hawkins: “That doesn’t answer my question Tommy.........”


Cornell seems to be restraining himself from screaming at his protégé and has to take a moment to compose himself.


Cornell: “Go home Wolf. You’re done for the night.”


Hawkins slyly smirks at the command but does as instructed, leaving a visibly irate Cornell to stew in his own anger.






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Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Hell Monkey & Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

A solid showing from all six men in the run-in to the biggest show of the year, both teams showing exactly why they will be featured on the Total Mayhem card and doing their damndest to capture a momentous victory along the way.


Minnesota is encouraged by Dunton at ringside to pick his spots and not to let his anger control him and the challenger for the world title complies wholeheartedly. His attacks are well thought out and precise and the brunt of his offence is dealt out on the smallest man of the opposition team, Benny Benson. Benson is wary of Bach and Monkey whenever they are not legally involved in the match, expecting an assault to come and this mental lapse allowed Minnesota to retain control.


Golden and RDJ get the crowd involved as they clap and stomp on the ring apron, encouraging Benny to reach over and make the tag. After narrowly avoiding a Bach To Reality superkick, Benson lunges into his own corner but appears to slap both Golden and RDJ’s hand in doing so. The big men enter and begin to clear house on Bach and Monkey whilst Minnesota slyly slips off the apron to avoid a beating that his partners are now on the receiving end of.


RDJ and Golden show good teamwork and make relatively light work of Monkey as The Outlaw lifts him into a military press and launches him over the top rope, almost hurling him directly on top of Dunton Hall who narrowly scrambles out of the way as the masked man plummets to the floor. The International champion returns to his feet and delivers a Bach To Reality on Rocky Golden, knocking him clear out of the ring via the middle rope before RDJ runs to meet him with a leaping lariat. Minnesota slides into the ring to interrupt the following pinfall but is soon dropped by a Shockwave From Next Year courtesy of Benson. RDJ ensures the victory for his team by lifting Bach off the canvas and dishing out a case of Southern Justice.

Rocky Golden, Ricky Dale Johnson & Benny Benson defeated Sammy Bach, Hell Monkey & Joey Minnesota by pinfall

Rating: B





With the victory in the bag, The Outlaw salutes the fans with his famous Texas Longhorn celebration and ascends the turnbuckles one after the other to show the fans his appreciation. Having dismounted from the fourth, he turns to face the centre of the ring where he is met by Rocky Golden who is clutching the World Heavyweight championship gold over his shoulder. The two stare down as they exchange friendly words, although the desire to hold the title currently in the possession of Golden is clear to see in both men’s eyes. The Outlaw gestures a championship belt around his waist whilst Golden hoists the actual gold into the air. The two are now talking louder and the interaction becomes more heated but they are forgetting one thing; one man.



Minnesota delivers a charging forearm to the back of The Outlaw, causing him to crack skulls with the champion who is sent tumbling to the floor. Minnesota sees the world heavyweight title lying in the ring and uses it as a crash mat on which to drop RDJ face first with a Minnesota Salute. Both champion and rival lay motionless as the crowd scream abuse at the first King Of Mayhem. Minnesota has a sinister scowl as he slowly bends down to pick up the TCW world heavyweight title and lift it high above his own head. A smile creeps across Joey Minnesota’s face as the screen fades to black and the show goes off the air.




Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results



Midnightnick: 3/7

20LEgend: 4/7

pauls07: 5/7



Congratulations pauls07, you have won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 10

2nd: Emark = 9

3rd: jesseewiak = 7

4th: jgriff3029 = 6

5th: Tigerkinney = 5

5th: 20LEgend = 5

6th: jhd1 = 4

6th: Phantom Stranger = 4

7th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: Midnightnick = 3

8th: MJStark = 2

9th: smurphy1014 = 1

9th: ChrisKid = 1

9th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: CamillePunk = 1

9th: pauls07 = 1

10th: BHK1978 = 0

10th: Liamo = 0

10th: juggaloninjalee = 0

10th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

10th: QFresh = 0

10th: Boltinho = 0

10th: MorenoKing24 = 0



Shame to see the number of predictions go down again but I suppose they will come and go in turn. Hope everybody enjoyed the show.

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Good show. Apologies for missing predictions. Not sure how I managed that one.


As for the question asked on the previous page, I'm with PS - stick with what has worked so far, unless you have signfiicant reason to change. If you found this format too time-consuming and wanted something faster, then I would say explore options. But if its works for you, that's pretty near as important as working for the readers. If you don't have people saying its difficult to read and/or they avoid reading because of that difficulty, then you risk "messing with a good thing".

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