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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 3, January 2010

Virginia Park Fields

Attendance: 8,973





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/HarryAllenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChanceFortuneALT2.jpg

Edd Stone vs Harry Allen vs Aaron Andrews vs Chance Fortune

A solid if unspectacular opener to Total Wrestling saw four of the All-Action’s finest do battle. With Stone and Andrews’ upcoming title match at Mallice In Wonderland just around the corner, both had something to prove in this bout.


Stone displayed his usual flamboyant style to keep his opponents guessing. Allen, the smallest of the four, looked to use speed to outmanoeuvre the competition. Andrews and Fortune looked content to employ a more ground based attack and the match as a whole proved to be fairly even.


Stone had the advantage late on and capitalised with his patented back flip kick to the head that he has named, The Party’s Over to both Andrews and Fortune simultaneously. Allen took this moment to try and connect with a Melbourne Massacre (extravagant diamond cutter) on Stone but was reversed into an impressive hurricanrana pin attempt. Stone managed to hold onto the legs of Allen after completing the move until the referee’s three count was complete. Stone with an extremely impressive performance picks up a valuable win.

Edd Stone defeats Harry Allen via pinfall

Rating: C






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVesseyALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AmericanBuffaloALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FloydGoldworthyALT.jpg

Bryan Vessey vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy

Considering that one of the two men involved in this bout was American Buffalo, this match was simply fantastic. The matador and the bull engaging in a deadly dance where one wrong move could signal the end was not too dissimilar to Vessey’s approach when handling the Buffalo; hitting quickly whilst dodging the telegraphed swings from the behemoth.


Vessey looked to work over Buffalo’s back to try and immobilise the big man and subsequently, most of his offence was targeted to this location. Buffalo, not easily stopped, proved difficult to contain and Vessey was rag-dolled around the ring with vicious throws. The Stampede on the cornered Vessey proved a little premature however and for the second time and for almost the second time in two weeks, Buffalo was almost caught in a schoolboy rollup. Unfortunately this is where the match fell apart.


Eddie Peak emerged from ringside and dragged Vessey out underneath the bottom rope. The referee had no choice but to call for the disqualification.

Bryan Vessey defeated American Buffalo via DQ

Rating: B







Eddie Peak isn’t finished with Vessey just yet. Peak drags Vessey by the scruff of the neck and rams him head first into the steel steps with all his might which sends the steel framework barrelling over. Bryan Vessey has a glazed look in his eyes, clearly the damage has been done and yet still, Peak is not finished. With a wild look in his eyes, The Hardcore Assassin clears the commentary table of all microphones but leaves the monitors in place. Peak grabs the dazed Vessey and raises him high above his head before hitting the Peak of Perfection through the table, sending shards of wood in every direction.


Peak has that crazed look in his eyes that sends shivers down most peoples’ spines. Vessey lays motionless on the floor. The EMTs run to aid Bryan whilst Peak stands over his fallen adversary.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg

Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

A very enjoyable match between two great in-ring competitors. Benson and Bach put on a hotly contested affair that swung one way then the other. It was difficult for either man to get an advantage as they appeared very evenly matched.


Ultimately it was Karen Killer who proved to be the difference maker as she jumped onto the apron to draw the referee’s attention as Benny Benson connected with the Shockwave From Next Year. Benson, realised that the referee was elsewhere and started towards Killer. The referee turned his attention back to Killer for a brief moment and this gave a wounded Sammy Bach the opportunity to kick Benny Benson in the testicular region. With the referee’s focus back on the action, the Bach To Reality connected with Benson’s chin and the following pinfall ended the contest.

Sammy Bach defeated Benny Benson via pinfall

Rating: B







Sammy Bach begins his post-match celebration as a song that has not been played before in TCW hits over the arena speakers. The insane guitar intro of “Through The Fire and Flames”, leaves both the crowd and Bach confused. When a man dressed in similar attire to Sammy Bach appears on the top of the ramp.


Joshua Taylor begins strumming his air guitar and appears to be getting really into it before he stops suddenly. He lowers his bedazzled sunglasses and raises a microphone to his lips before he begins.


Taylor: “Is this what you wanted Sammy; me to dress up like a dancing fool? Acting like a delusional asswipe who is so far up his own ass he is in danger of turning completely inside out!”


The crowd begin to laugh at the sudden charisma Joshua Taylor has displayed. Taylor has a wry smile on his face as he continues.


Taylor: “But wait a minute, that’s your shtick isn’t it? You’re the one with the spray on jeans and the delicate hair band, acting like the sun shines out your ass. You think that your insults can get into my head. You think you can throw me off my game by saying I’m boring. Well sorry to disappoint you, princess, but it ain’t gonna happen. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you call me because I get the job done! Having said that, I will give you what you asked for. You want a title shot? You got it!”


Taylor throws the sunglasses into the ring and they hit Sammy Bach square in the chest. The self proclaimed Rock God is clearly taken aback. The look on his face is one of shock at hearing Joshua Taylor speak in such a manner.


Taylor: “Keep the shades; it’s not my style. Besides, nobody wants to see your skunk’s ass of a face anyway. See you around pretty boy.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Rick Law

The reigning TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Golden showed in this outing that he is more than capable of pulling out an entertaining match. For his part, Rick Law was on point as well and the two of them delivered a match that exceeded many onlookers’ expectations. Law began the quicker and had the champion on the back foot early on. With his newfound darker personality, Law is not afraid to skirt the rules and on occasion flat out break them and this was the case in this bout also.


Golden fought back resolutely and refused to be beaten as he kicked out of several near fall pin attempts. Golden set up Law for the Rocky Road and only just missed his roaring elbow. Law was quick to counter with The Long Arm Of The Law and both men were on the canvas sucking wind. Law was the first to recover and headed out of the ring to retrieve his trusty nightstick from one of the TCW ring assistants. He lay poised to land a strike on Golden who was slowly regaining his vertical base. Referee Sam Sparrow was frantically warning Law about the illegal use of a weapon, but the Renegade Officer had made up his mind. He drew back his arm ready to strike when suddenly the nightstick was torn away from his grip.



Koshiro Ino stood shaking his head and wagging his forefinger at Law with the nightstick now in his possession. Law incensed, began to shout derogatory insults at the Japanese Warrior, completely unaware that Golden was now standing directly behind him. The cheers of the crowd alerted the lawman and he spun around only to be met with a perfectly timed Rocky Road. The pinfall was academic.

Rocky Golden defeated Rick Law via pinfall

Rating: B







“Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast” begins to play and Golden celebrates with his fans and his beloved World Heavyweight title. He signals up the ramp to his on and off again tag team partner, Koshiro Ino as a sign of gratitude. Just as Ino disappears backstage, he is replaced by another figure.




Sam Keith is staring down into the ring at Rocky Golden who engages the stare. Keith has a sly smile on his face and he begins to clap in a slow, patronising manner. Golden readjusts the title over his shoulder and he pats it heartily, signalling to Keith who exactly the champion is.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ClarkAlexanderALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpg

The Syndicate vs Harmonic Thunder

Cornell and Hawkins will know full well that they took their opponents too lightly on this night as Alexander and Fonzarelli put on a hell of a performance in the face of the most dominant group in professional wrestling today.


Hawkins was the first to be caught sleeping as when he was toying with Fonzarelli he was almost caught in a small package. Cornell himself even slipped up as he was hit with a Hawaiin Breaker courtesy of Clark Alexander. Fortunately Cornell landed in his own corner and was able to tag out. However much the crowd believed that the impossible upset may in fact become a reality, they were soon proven foolish when Cornell trapped Alexander and hit the Guilt Trip before securing the winning pinfall. Close but no cigar for Harmonic Thunder who displayed that they were no pushovers.

The Syndicate defeated Harmonic Thunder via pinfall

Rating: B






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoelBryantALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RobertOxfordALT.jpg

The Alliance vs The Tag Team Specialists

A very enjoyable tag team encounter between these four men. Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant showed their experience as they kept Minnesota away from his corner and worked him down as only two savvy veterans like the Tag Team Specialists can. Oxford slowly climbed the turnbuckle, with the keyword being slowly. Oxford isn’t as young as he once was, but can still go with the best around in ground based grappling. Going to the top rope, however may no longer be a viable option for him and Minnesota manage to run up on him and hit a dropkick that sent Oxford crashing onto Bryant and the two fell to the outside.


RDJ managed to get the tag and this is where things went bad for the TTS. One Southern Justice later on Joel Bryant and the match was over.

The Alliance vs The Tag Team Specialists via pinfall

Rating: B-







No sooner had the bell rung; The Syndicate entered the ring and began to lay waste to The Alliance. Cornell, Hawkins, Hill and Anderson lay the boots into the prone forms of RDJ and Joey Minnesota. Four-on-two odds are hard to overcome, regardless of the two men on the receiving end. Cornell began directing orders and Minnesota was set up, and hit by a Full Moon Rising; RDJ dropped with an Ammo Dump. The four members of The Syndicate stand tall in the middle of the ring; enraging the crowd with their antagonistic behaviour. All was going well until “Ready For War” began to play and Guide and Scout came flying down the entranceway.




The New Wave, with fire in their eyes, begin to clear house of Syndicate members. A Guided Missile for Hill, A Danger Ahead for Hawkins. Cornell and Anderson duck out of the ring before they can feel the wrath of The New Wave. Guide and Scout help RDJ and Minnesota back to their feet and the four men all turn their attention to the Syndicate who are recuperating on the entrance ramp. An intense stare down between the eight men is the final image we see as the screen fades to black. The camera microphone just manages to pick up the voice of RDJ who gruffly spits out: “This has to end!”




Show Rating: B-

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Post Show Thoughts


- Credit to Rocky Golden, for the amount of criticism he receives, if used right, he can put on some good matches. Rick Law deserves just as much credit though as it took two to make this match a success.


- As expected, Benson and Bach had a good showing.


- For the love of all that is holy, never give Taylor a microphone! I won't even say what rating that segment got. :eek:


- Peak continues to impress. I see big things in his future.

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Prediction Results

pauls07: 5/6

Midnightnick: 4/6

Bigpapa42: 6/6

smurphy1014: 5/6

MJStark: 3/6

jhd1: 5/6



Bigpapa42 with another perfect score! Great going sir. You have won this round!



Overall Standings


1st: Bigpapa42 = 2

2nd: smurphy1014 = 1

3rd: Midnightnick = 0

3rd: jhd1 = 0

3rd: 20LEgend = 0

3rd: jgriff3029 = 0

3rd: MJStark = 0

3rd: BHK1978 = 0

3rd: Liamo = 0

3rd: juggaloninjalee = 0

3rd: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

3rd: QFresh = 0

3rd: pauls07 = 0

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Writer Announcement


I am pleased to announce that I have recruited a fine writer who will be contributing articles for this diary every once in a while. At present, said individual will remain anonymous. The first article will be posted within the next 15 minutes so be sure to check it out as it is a very enjoyable read.


All the best.



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They Don't Make 'em Like That Anymore: The Journey of Sam Keith




"They don't make them like that anymore."


Its an old euphemism that is probably overused. But rarely is it more fitting than when one looks at the career of Sam Keith.


It can be a bit difficult to communicate to modern, younger fans just how unique the career path of Keith has been. Even to someone who has been watching for the past decade, he's still that old blond guy with the killer submission hold who went from the SWF to TCW. In truth, he is so very much more than that.


The California-born American was a star around the globe before he became a star in America. He started out in Preston Holt's California Pro Wrestling. He then went south, helping MPWF finally take down OLLIE as Mexico's top promotion and twice becoming the MPWF Campeon de Mundo. By the latter part of the 1980s, such was his reputation that he had gone to Japan to work for Burning Hammer of the Wrestling God. There, Keith broke down a cultural barrier as he became the first "gaijin" (foreign) wrestler to hold the Burning World Championship, having classic matches with Haruki Kudo. He then went to Canada, joining Canadian Golden Combat, forming a great tag team with Robert Oxford and then winning the CGC World title. By the early 1990s, he finally landed with the Supreme Wrestling Federation. For more than fifteen years, he would remain one of the top dogs in the "land of Supreme". He won the SWF World Heavyweight championship four times and end up as the head booker of the promotion. When he was fired from that position in 2007, he joined Tommy Cornell's Total Championship Wrestling and helped push the epic "Syndicate" storyline to another level. His career biography is an eye-opening journey that becomes more impressive as you dig deeper.


Critics will point out that Sam Keith is not the first great wrestler to trot the globe. Indeed, back in the 1970s, it was much more common for wrestlers to go abroad for a spell before returning home. Not only could such trips be lucrative but they helped the wrestler grow more skilled. That approach helped Dan Stone become one of the finest wrestlers ever seen, and many old time fans insist to this day he was the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots. However, what makes the globe-trotting of Keith so unique is that he was so successful everywhere he went. He won the world title everywhere. That is utterly unique.



The original globe-trotter. Perhaps the best of all time?


Part of that is down to his pure in-ring ability. The athletic 235-pounder has long proven capable of putting on a really good match with absolutely anyone. He can work any style. Even to this day, he is lightning quick and able to string together some really innovative attacks. His Proton Lock finisher was way ahead of its time and remains a fearsome-looking hold, even in the modern era where MMA influence has taken root. Even today, in a TCW that has some of the premier wrestling talent in the world; the 49 year old Keith does not look out of place.


An often-underrated aspect to the career of Keith is how much change he wrought in the world of Richard Eisen. When he joined the SWF in 1993, he came in with an obvious champion’s pedigree. But Keith wasn't a pure "SWF style worker". He was not, and still is not, a great talker. After a slow start, he still became a star in the SWF, because he was able to combine his all-American good looks with an arrogant attitude and clear in-ring genius to make the fans detest him. Keith became more than a star in Supreme - he started a revolution. He was the man who brought the idea of "work rate" to the mainstream American fan. His in-ring skills, alongside those of Christian Faith, saw Eisen loosen up his notoriously strict controls on in-ring action, allowing the top workers more freedom to develop longer matches. The success of Keith is cited by many insiders as the primary reason that phenomenally skilled youngster Sean McFly was pushed hard out of the gates. Some of the matches betweeen Keith and McFly remain amongst the greatest in the long history of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. That freedom also led to disaster, as a man who called himself Nemesis used that freedom to put on a bloody war against a kid named Tommy Cornell. The fallout to that bloodbath is well known. The in-ring freedom that defined the 1994-1997 period for the SWF has not been seen since and may never be seen again, but it is regarded by many fans as a golden period for the world's top promotion. Many wrestling historians believe that period would not have come to fruition if not for the work of Sam Keith.



The falling out in 2007 led to Sam Keith's departure from the SWF


When Keith was shockingly fired from the SWF in 2007, many speculated that the veteran would retire. Or perhaps have a "last run" with a small promotion. Yet since joining Total Championship Wrestling in the most shocking moment of 2007 in American wrestling, Keith has remained near the top. He spent some eighteen months wrestling alongside Tommy Cornell in the dominant Syndicate stable. He won the TCW International championship. Being forcibly ousted from The Syndciate has not seen Keith slide any, as he enters 2010 feuding with TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden. Despite a 23 year age difference between them, Keith has been presented as a formidable challenge for the youngster. Many fans are hopeful that the legendary heel will capture one more world championship to join his unmatched collection. If Keith's career is indeed "winding down" in TCW, he is definitely going out in style.



Keith joining The Syndicate sent shockwaves around the wrestling world


Always a notoriously private man, Sam Keith has always been loathe to speak much about his private life. That is no longer the case, at least when it comes to his off-spring. The wrestling industry has its share of second and third generation talent, as many wrestlers have begotten and raised wrestlers. Leave it to Sam Keith to do things just a bit bitter. He wasn't content just to have a son who became a wrestler; or a son who became a talented wrestler. Nor even two sons who became talented wrestlers. Sam Keith had twins who have both already become very talented wrestlers. Greg Keith (working under his real last name of Gauge) is working for GCG in Japan, while Matthew currently steps into the ring for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Despite their youth, both boys are earning rave reviews already and look like virtual clones of their father.



Like father like sons. Big things ahead for the Keith twins


When it comes to Sam Keith's career, you can pick whatever cliché you want…. You won't see another one like him; one of a kind. Often imitated, never duplicated. They all fit and they are all essentially true. While it’s possible that some wrestlers - whether that is his kids or others - may manage to duplicate his long, globe-trotting career path, it is simply inconceivable that anyone will duplicate the sustained level of success and excellence.


So the next time you are watching TCW and someone says something about the "old blond guy with the killer submission hold who went from the SWF to TCW", you can stop them and tell them there is a little more to Sam Keith than that...



Now feuding with Golden over the TCW World title. Can Keith reach the pinnacle one more time?

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Awwww, I thought I'd predicted :( but I missed it, sorry I will be back :)


Haha. I noticed you were floating around so I actually waited a while to see if you wanted to get your predictions in. :p


Don't worry. There will be ample opportunity to predict in the future.


I also just want to add that the Sam Keith article by the gracious contributor was outstanding. I've read it myself multiple times. Next up will be the Total Wrestling card before Mallice In Wonderland.

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TCW finishes the run-in to Malice In Wonderland with another fine edition of Total Wrestling. Tuesday promises to be an exciting card so let’s not waste anymore time and give an overview of the show.


To open up the show we see the no1 contender for the All-Action title, Aaron Andrews go in singles action against the always entertaining Harry Allen. Andrews will need to show that he can beat Allen on the night if he is to stand any realistic chance of beating Edd Stone at Malice and speaking of the All- Action champion, it will be interesting to see if he makes an appearance in this outing.


The New Wave will be looking to settle the score as they take on The Machines in tag team action. Not going to try and sugar coat it. We fully expect this to be a brawl from start to finish. With the hatred between these two teams, don’t be surprised if we see someone get seriously hurt.


Six man tag team action will feature next as the team of Benny Benson, Koshiro Ino and the TCW international champion, Joshua Taylor take on Eddie Peak, Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach. Six big names in one match is sure to be intriguing and it may come down to one simple mistake that could signal the end of the contest. Either that or “The Hardcore Assassin” Eddie Peak will kill somebody...........only joking.........but seriously, the guy is scary!


TCW’s resident Love Doctor, Danny Fonzarelli will be met with the stiffest test of his career thus far as he goes one-on-one with the legendary Sam Keith. Keith will no doubt be the favourite going into the bout, but don’t count out the underdog; lest ye forget the performance he and Alexander put on against The Syndicate last week.


Joey Minnesota will be in singles action next as he goes up against the Renegade Officer, Rick Law. Law will still be seething from the events that transpired last week with Ino. Will the lawman be able to retain his focus or will Minnesota be able to pick up a crucial win.


Speaking of Alliance members, Ricky Dale Johnson has been put up against it this week as Tommy Cornell has flexed his muscles to stack the deck against his long time rival. Ricky Dale Johnson will have to take on both members of The Syndicate in a handicap match. TCW fans will not be pleased with Cornell abusing his authority like this, but rumour has it that the TCW board of directors are displeased with his actions. More news on this matter as and when we receive it. Be sure to tune in this Tuesday. You won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key

Aaron Andrews vs Harry Allen


The New Wave vs The Machines


Joshua Taylor, Koshiro Ino & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Troy Tornado & Eddie Peak w/Karen Killer


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sam Keith


Joey Minnesota vs Rick Law


Ricky Dale Johnson vs The Syndicate

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Aaron Andrews vs Harry Allen


The New Wave vs The Machines


Joshua Taylor, Koshiro Ino & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Troy Tornado & Eddie Peak w/Karen Killer


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sam Keith


Joey Minnesota vs Rick Law


Ricky Dale Johnson vs The Syndicate


Phew, I'm in now I can sleep easy :)

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Aaron Andrews vs Harry Allen


The New Wave vs The Machines


Joshua Taylor, Koshiro Ino & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Troy Tornado & Eddie Peak w/Karen Killer


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sam Keith


Joey Minnesota vs Rick Law


Ricky Dale Johnson vs The Syndicate

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Aaron Andrews vs Harry Allen

We're headed for PPV and Andrews is the number one contender. Allen will put up a decent fight, but in the end he'll lose.

The New Wave vs The Machines

Draw and mayhem.

Joshua Taylor, Koshiro Ino & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Troy Tornado & Eddie Peak w/Karen Killer

Eddie Peak tips the balance in this one methinks.

Danny Fonzarelli vs Sam Keith

Keith's simply a much bigger (and more TCW) name than the Fonz.

Joey Minnesota vs Rick Law

I like Law and that is the only reason I need.

Ricky Dale Johnson vs The Syndicate

Ah, to be the boss.

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Prediction Key


Aaron Andrews vs Harry Allen


The New Wave vs The Machines - DQ


Joshua Taylor, Koshiro Ino & Benny Benson vs Sammy Bach, Troy Tornado & Eddie Peak w/Karen Killer


Danny Fonzarelli vs Sam Keith


Joey Minnesota vs Rick Law


Ricky Dale Johnson vs The Syndicate

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 4, January 2010

Minnesota Coliseum

Attendance: 9,791





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/HarryAllenALT.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs Harry Allen

This was a fairly straightforward match for Aaron Andrews who used his superior size to dictate the pace of the action. Harry Allen for his part put up a fairly good fight, providing a few moments of inspiration but never holding any lasting success. The end came when Aaron Andrews caught a slingshot crossbody attempt and converted it into a spinebuster. Andrews believing Allen to not have had enough to put him away, picked the Aussie up and raised him onto his shoulders before connecting with the Triple A-D. The pinfall followed shortly thereafter.

Aaron Andrews defeated Harry Allen via pinfall

Rating: D+







We enter a quiet locker room; the pale white walls intimating a cold presence within. The camera microphone picks up the sound of heavy breathing and as the camera turns, we see the hunched figure of Eddie Peak sitting on a wooden bench with his elbows resting on his knees; the condensation of his breath piercing the cold air around him.


Peak: “For the past few weeks people have been asking me why I have been making Bryan Vessey’s life a living hell since he returned to TCW. Why have I been beating up on a returning hero?”


Peak’s expression turns to one of anger as he contemplates his next words.


Peak: “What makes Bryan Vessey a returning hero? A man who takes his ball and runs away the moment things don’t go according to plan before returning like a wounded animal with his tail tucked between his legs. That doesn’t say hero to me. That sounds like somebody who doesn’t belong. Bryan Vessey does not belong in TCW and I have made it my goal to make his life unbearable to the point where he breaks and then...............and then I will have proven my point. Vessey is seen as a tough guy; a man who can brawl with the best. Well Bryan, I would like, no, I would LOVE to see you put yourself in that situation with me. Last week I showed you what I can do. When I put you through that table and saw your mangled corpse splayed on the remnants of the shards and splinters I felt vindicated. I broke you Bryan. Next time, I will end you!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

The New Wave vs The Machines

Two of the top tag teams in all of professional wrestling have been having some serious problems with each other in the past month. Since Hill and Anderson rejoined The Syndicate they have beaten Guide and Scout down and tried to take the tag team champions out of TCW altogether.


The match started with a feeling out process but this didn’t last long as Anderson was quick to poke Guide directly in the eye before beginning a tag team clinic on the part of The Machines. Quick tags kept Guide isolated from his partner and the anger within Scout continued to grow as cheap shot after cheap shot went undetected by the referee. Hill made his way across the ring before sending a huge gob of spit Scout’s way. This was more than the military minded man could take and he crashed into the ring throwing lefts and rights at both members of The Machines. Chaos erupted as all four men began a dogged brawl that took them all around ringside and even briefly into the first few rows of the crowd. Despite referee Ray Johnsons pleas, nobody was paying any attention and the match was declared a draw.


Eventually members of security had to run down and separate the four participants as they were not willing to relent. After a big struggle, the security finally won out and all four men were taken away.

The New Wave drew with The Machines

Rating: B-






The cameras enter The Alliance locker room. We see RDJ and Minnesota in discussion and the cameras are able to pick up exactly what is being said.


RDJ: “Where were you a couple of weeks ago Joey? I got my ass handed to me by Cornell and his boy.”


Minnesota has a look of determination on his face as he explains.


Minnesota: “As you know Ricky, after what happened with Hill and Anderson I was p***** off. I wanted to do something about it and you said no. Well after you went out for your match I took it upon myself to find The Machines and make them pay. I wanted to make sure they would play no part in your match against Cornell.”


RDJ: “The thing is Joey, I could have used your help to stop Wolf hitting me behind my back, Hill and Anderson weren’t the ones that blindsided me.”


Minnesota: “I forgot about Wolf, besides I was so angry with The Machines I was determined to take them out no matter what. I thought I was doing the right thing.”


RDJ shakes his head.


RDJ: “No. The problem was you weren’t thinking at all.”


Minnesota is clearly angered by this response but is soon talked down by the elder statesman.


RDJ: “I know what it’s like, but trust me; I have seen it all before, I know what I’m doing. You made a mistake, no........... we both made a mistake but don’t worry, we won’t make anymore.”


Minnesota nods in agreement as RDJ turns his attention to the camera.


RDJ: “Tommy, listen to me very carefully. You won’t........no......you can’t quell this Alliance. Joey and I will keep our promise. We will take you down! You can try all the cheap shots you want because at the end of the day we will rid TCW of The Syndicate’s poison. You think you are invincible Tommy, but you’re not. Even the great Roman Empire had to fall. So remember that when you next look out of the Syndicate headquarters. You’ll see me and Joey at your door, ready to release the wrecking ball!”








http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg

Benny Benson, Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor vs Eddie Peak, Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

A battle between a myriad of different styles. Benson the high-flier teaming with the precise Koshiro Ino and the methodical International champion, Joshua Taylor. The charismatic self-proclaimed Rock God, Sammy Bach teaming with the always entertaining Troy Tornado and the dominating Eddie Peak. What transpired was a fairly decent outing.


All six men had a good showing and for the most part Eddie Peak seemed to be the difference maker; throwing bodies left right and centre, he proved difficult to slow down. Taylor did what he could but barely staggered the big man. Ino joined in and eventually Peak went down after a double team clothesline. Karen Killer on the outside was helping Sammy Bach regain his feet as Troy Tornado hit the Star Maker on Ino, leading to a near pinfall. The Butterfly Suplex sent Tornado folding up like an accordion as he landed in a sickening fashion on the canvas. Benson swiftly connects with The Shockwave From Next Year as Eddie Peak is standing on one knee and it is only Taylor and Benson who are now standing in the ring.


Killer jumps up on the apron and draws the attention of Benny Benson who swiftly walks toward her to let her know exactly what he thinks and the two start arguing. Bach slides under the bottom rope and sets up. Taylor turns around to face Bach but is greeted with a Bach To Reality, knocking him down. The referee is in position to count the three and this one is over. Benson is too late to break up the pinfall and a hysterical laughter erupts from Killer as she looks on at Benson.

Eddie Peak, Troy Tornado & Sammy Bach defeated Benny Benson, Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor via pinfall

Rating: B-







Ino is walking back to his locker room as the camera catches up to him. He is holding his neck after having only recently just suffered a Star Maker in his match. The sound of heavy footsteps is heard echoing across the floor in the distance. Ino stops to turn and look in the direction of the footsteps when a massive clothesline knocks him tumbling back first into a closed door.




Rick Law crouches down beside him, smiling in a derisive manner. He lowers his sunglasses before spitting on the Japanese Warrior. Jason Azaria on commentary having just seen what transpired quips, “You don’t take an Officer’s nightstick without suffering some form of retribution!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg

Danny Fonzarelli vs Sam Keith

Sam Keith and Danny Fonzarelli; two very different competitors. One, a methodical technician, the other, a rugged brawler with a unique personality. On this night however, the two combined to produce a match that both men can be proud of.


Fonzarelli once again showed that he is too good to be taken lightly, went hold for hold with Keith for a large majority of the match, occasionally even taking an advantage. Fonzarelli set up Keith for a Retro Rocket, but the crafty veteran slipped out the back door and hit a chopblock to the left knee of The Fonz. Keith without hesitating seamlessly slipped into the Proton Lock, wrenching back on the arm and neck of his opponent. With nowhere to go, Fonzarelli eventually had to submit after putting up a valiant effort.

Sam Keith defeated Danny Fonzarelli via submission

Rating: B







The TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Golden emerges at the top of the entrance ramp, microphone at hand, staring down at Sam Keith who is now standing alone in the ring.


Golden: “I knew you still had it in you Keith. Like you said, you certainly aren’t washed up. And honestly I’m happy about this because when I retain my title against you this Sunday, I will be able to honestly say that I beat the legendary Sam Keith at the top of his game.”


The crowd greet this proclamation with loud cheers; Golden smiles in appreciation at the response. He returns the microphone back to his lips as he continues.


Golden: “And then Sam..........you will respect me!”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Joey Minnesota vs Rick Law

This match was fast and furious as both men took out the frustrations that lay elsewhere out on their opponents. Minnesota using the more technically sound approach whilst the Renegade Officer took to more rudimentary brawling technique.


As the match wore on, Law held the advantage and set Minnesota up for the Squad Car Slam. Law used the momentum of Minnesota to lift him up and began to rotate, but before he could drop Minnesota down to the canvas, Minnesota slipped out under the right arm and quickly connected with The Minnesota Salute. The pinfall that followed ended the contest.

Joey Minnesota defeated Rick Law via pinfall

Rating: B







As Joey raises his arms in celebration, he is struck in the arm with a nightstick courtesy of Rick Law. The Renegade officer clearly displeased with the loss, pulls his arm back again to strike the writhing Minnesota again but before he can do so; Ino quickly spins him around and hits the Kobra’s Bite. Law rolls out of the ring and groggily looks to make a hasty retreat, all the while Ino chasing in hot pursuit.




The damage has been done and from out of the crowd Cornell appears and slides into the ring with a steel chair. One swift swing of the cold, hard metal to the already wounded arm of Minnesota is enough to have him screaming in agony. Before any further damage can be inflicted, Ricky Dale Johnson makes a bee-line for the ring.




RDJ chases Cornell from out of the ring and goes to aid his injured comrade. TCW physicians make their way to the ring and eventually manage to help Minnesota backstage; Cornell all the while smirking near the top of the ramp, just out of harm’s way. RDJ remains in the ring, staring daggers at The Syndicate leader. Cornell signals backstage and Wolf Hawkins appears beside him. The main event is about to get underway.








http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs The Syndicate

To say that RDJ put up a good fight would be an understatement. Hawkins slid into the ring first only to be met by a hellacious clothesline that sent Hawkins over the top rope and to the floor. Cornell took this opportunity to slip in the backdoor and grab RDJ by the neck. This was soon countered into an Irish whip, Cornell on the return just ducking under a leaping lariat and dropping out of the ring. Hawkins was not as fortunate as he was struck with the same move when he went to blindside RDJ shortly thereafter.


Cornell re-emerged and finally managed to halt the momentum of the big Texan via a stiff forearm to the back of the head. From there on out, RDJ was on the wrong side of a beat down from both Cornell and his protégé. Eventually Cornell became complacent however, and began to slap his opponent disrespectfully. This seemed to awaken something inside of RDJ and he battled back by hitting Southern Justice on his long-time adversary. However, before he could make the pin, Hawkins connected with a Full Moon Rising and secured the pinfall with a handful of tights.

The Syndicate defeated Ricky Dale Johnson via pinfall

Rating: B+







Knowing that they were lucky to escape with a win, Cornell and Hawkins were wise enough to exit the ring before RDJ could regain his wherewithal. The familiar smirk appeared on Cornell’s face as he and his fellow Syndicate member made their way back up the ramp.




Just before they disappeared from sight, Joey Minnesota, bandaged arm and all, came running out with a steel chair in hand, swinging with his one good arm in every direction, hoping to connect with Syndicate flesh. Scrambling furiously, Hawkins slipped and caught a grazing blow to the back. Cornell quickly grabbed his protégé by the arm and pulled him to his feet, dragging him backstage and away from the psychotic Minnesota. Joey composes himself somewhat and heads into the ring to check on RDJ. The screen fades to black as the two Alliance members stand tall and work the crowd into a frenzy.









Just before the show goes off the air TCW air the hype video for Malice In Wonderland. Short video clips over the past month interlink smoothly, displaying the feuds and matches that will feature at the PPV. Edd Stone in All-Action combat, pulling out an array of dazzling moves – Aaron Andrews winning the No1 contender’s match – Ino and Law continuing to attack one another at every given opportunity – Joshua Taylor and Sammy Bach’s confrontations and verbal bouts – Tornado upset at the hands of Benson, winning a match earlier in the month but Benson fighting all the way - The Machines jumping The New Wave and rejoining the Syndicate. The two teams brawling after this week’s match – The Alliance and The Syndicate having their verbal jousts, cheap shots, making the saves – Keith insulting Golden, the champ returning fire, the title on the line- Malice In Wonderland this Sunday. Don’t miss out!



Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results

20LEgend: 5/6

ChrisKid: 5/6

smurphy1014: 4/6

Midnightnick: 4/6

jgriff3029: 5/6

MJStark: 4/6

Bigpapa42: 5/6

jhd1: 5/6

jesseewiak: 5/6


A lot of 5/6's this round. Nice to see that you guys can see the logic in my booking, but it's still not a forgone conclusion. Congratulations 20LEgend, ChrisKid, jgriff3029, Bigpapa42, jhd1 and jesseewiak. :)



Overall Standings


1st: Bigpapa42 = 3

2nd: smurphy1014 = 1

2nd: jesseewiak = 1

2nd: ChrisKid = 1

2nd: 20LEgend = 1

2nd: jgriff3029 = 1

2nd: jhd1 = 1

3rd: Midnightnick = 0

3rd: MJStark = 0

3rd: BHK1978 = 0

3rd: Liamo = 0

3rd: juggaloninjalee = 0

3rd: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

3rd: QFresh = 0

3rd: pauls07 = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show!

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Well here we are ladies and gentlemen, Malice In Wonderland 2010! TCW has a stacked PPV for fans of top professional wrestling and with the matches that have been scheduled, we are sure to see an unforgettable night of action.


The opening contest of the night will see the TCW All-Action champion Edd Stone look defend his title against Aaron Andrews. With the meshing of styles of the two participants involved we could be in for a real treat and potentially the sleeper of show.


The following match of the card will see the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino go one-on-one with the Renegade Officer, Rick Law. After the months of altercations these two have had, anything could happen in this one ..............and we do mean anything.


Joshua Taylor with his newfound charisma will be looking to defend his TCW International title when he squares off with Sammy Bach. The self-proclaimed Rock God has antagonised Taylor and provoked him into this match but whether or not he will have bitten off more than he can chew remains to be seen.


Benny Benson will be looking to prove once and for all to Troy Tornado that he deserves his place in TCW and will be looking to pull out the win just like he did in December of last year. Tornado already knows full well what Benson is capable of so maybe this time Benson will have to pull new tricks out of the hat to better the TCW veteran.


Eddie Peak who was originally scheduled to go up against Bryan Vessey has been left without an opponent after damn near breaking Vessey in two when he powered him through a table a couple of weeks back. Now Peak has issued an open challenge for Malice In Wonderland. Who will accept and face-off with the intimidating Hardcore Assassin and do they have a cat’s chance in hell?


We will see tag team action next as The New Wave will put their tag team titles on the line against the Syndicate’s representatives The Machines. After all the hatred and bloodshed between these two teams over the past few weeks we can almost guarantee a bumpy ride. Will Cornell and Hawkins make an appearance in this one, or for that matter, will Minnesota or RDJ? Or maybe, just maybe, we will get to see a fair tag team contest.


Speaking of The Alliance and Syndicate, these two teams will follow the tag team title bout. With the war of words, continual cheap shots and run-ins, now is the chance for RDJ and Minnesota to get a measure of revenge. With the injury suffered on the last episode of Total Wrestling to Joey Minnesota’s arm, the jury is still out on whether he will be of much use in this match. One thing’s for sure though, he will do whatever is within his power to help aid his team.


The main event of the PPV will see Rocky Golden and Sam Keith compete for the TCW World Heavyweight championship. Sam Keith has made it abundantly clear what he feels about the champ and Golden in return has declared that by the end of the night Sam Keith will respect him one way or the other. Can Sam Keith win another World title in a career littered with gold, or will the determined Rocky Golden prove that he is no fluke? Tune in this Sunday to find out when Malice In Wonderland 2010 gets underway.



Prediction Key


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


The Alliance vs The Syndicate


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

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Prediction Key


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???

Could be anyone


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


The Alliance vs The Syndicate

Cheater I reckon!


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

Not quite yet

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TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews

Edd Stone is ace. Nuff said.

Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

The Big Bossm....Rick Law will be victorious!

TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

I just wonder if the title is too far above Taylor for him to hold it.

Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado

Tough one this, but I'm going for the TCW boy.

Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???

Debut on a PPV? If it is it will probably be a big name so to keep Peak strong and give the debutant a good start I'm expecting a DQ finish to this one. Probably miles wide of the mark, mind.

TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines

Basically, I prefer The New Wave and I can't see too many changes this early.

The Alliance vs The Syndicate

If The Wave win then I expect The Syndicate to level the score. Minnesota is going to play a big part in this match, whether that is accidentally hitting RDJ, turning on him, or simply taking the fall - JM will be the one to watch.

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

I'm with 20LEgend - it seems a little too soon for Rocky to lose the title.

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