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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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I will never win a contest.


TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


The Alliance vs The Syndicate


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

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TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law-Draw


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


The Alliance vs The Syndicate


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

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TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


The Alliance vs The Syndicate


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

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TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


The Alliance vs The Syndicate


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

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TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


I see Stone retaining his title here


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


Apart from the backstage attack, Ino's been getting the better of this feud, so I think Law pulls off the 'cheap' win here.


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


I think if one belt changes hands it'll be this one. I just see a better scenario with Taylor having to chase Bach, than Bach having to chase Taylor for the belt.


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Benson got the win in the December PPV, Tornado gets the win here...setting up a rubber match for next month.


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???


I think it'll be someone already on the TCW roster, looking to prove themselves worthy of a more prominent role by stepping up against Peak, wouldn't be surprised if it will be someone like Fonzarelli but no matter who shows up, Peak is still getting the win.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


I would have gone for the draw, but you already played that card on TV, so someone will win here...could go either way but I reckon the champs just about retain.


The Alliance vs The Syndicate


The Alliance look shakier than the Syndicate right now and another tough loss will be another test of RDJ's and Minnesota's Alliance- seriously can't they come up with a less boring name than 'The Alliance'.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith


Keith gets frustrated that he can't make Golden tap out to the Proton Lock, leaves it on for too long when Golden makes the ropes and gets DQ'd. In that scenario Keith looks 'dangerous' but Golden gets to show 'fighting spirit' and a determination to hold onto the belt.

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TCW All-Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews


Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer


Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado


Open Challenge

Eddie Peak vs ???


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Machines


The Alliance vs The Syndicate


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

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<p>TCW All-Action Championship</p><p>

<strong>Edd Stone</strong> © vs Aaron Andrews</p><p> </p><p>

Koshiro Ino vs <strong>Rick Law</strong></p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

<strong>Joshua Taylor </strong>© vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer</p><p> </p><p>

Benny Benson vs<strong> Troy Tornado</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Open Challenge</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Peak</strong> vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

TCW Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>The New Wave </strong>© vs The Machines</p><p> </p><p>

The Alliance vs <strong>The Syndicate</strong></p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Rocky Golden</strong> © vs Sam Keith</p>

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TCW Malice In Wonderland 2010

Sunday Week 4, January 2010

Nevada State Armoury

Attendance: 28,879

PPV: 1.59






Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




TCW All-Action Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg

Edd Stone © vs Aaron Andrews

A great action-packed bout to kick off the second biggest PPV in TCW. Edd Stone entered with his usual flamboyant mannerisms on display, blissfully unaware of the majority of the crowd’s distain for him whilst Aaron Andrews elicited a response that may have come as a surprise to both the TCW bookers and the man himself.


The pace started quick and didn’t relent, Stone cart wheeling and flipping his way into a variety of flashy manoeuvres that seemed more for show than actual impact. Andrews seemed to be content to weather out the storm and capitalise when Stone’s momentum dwindled. Andrews saw his opportunity and went to hit a Triple A-D but was unable to connect due to Edd Stone slipping out the back and off his shoulders. Andrews swivelled to try and halt Stone’s escape but was instead met with a swift and effective Party’s Over that put him away for the three. Stone retained the title with a great showing.

Edd Stone defeated Aaron Andrews via pinfall to retain the All-Action title

Rating: B






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Rick Law

Ino and Law, two men who are not fond of each other to say the absolute least put all they had to offer in this match. This bout was more of an out and out fight than it was a technical masterpiece and all credit to the referee Sam Sparrow who showed great discretion to let the bout continue after several instances where he could so easily have halted the action. Ino pushed the limits of the rulebook, whereas Law was content to flat out break them to gain an advantage. During an accidental collision of heads, a small trickle of blood appeared on the forehead of the Renegade Officer and this seemed to anger him more than anything else.


Ino targeted the forehead as if there were a bull’s-eye directly in the centre and by the end of the contest the Japanese Warrior’s knuckles were stained red. Ino set up his opponent for the Kobra’s Bite which is what he terms a vicious knife’s edge chop to the jugular. Law slowly made it to his feet and narrowly avoided the killer blow and on the rebound connected with the Long Arm Of The Law of his own. Both men were down and only just made it to a vertical base before the referee could reach the count of ten. They traded strikes back and forth with the crowd getting behind every blow. Ino eventually gained the better of the situation and launched himself off the ropes to get some momentum only to get caught and swung around in the air with the Squad Car Slam. Law went to make the cover but was trapped in a tight cradle and having been caught completely off guard was unable to kick out before the count of three.

Koshiro Ino defeated Rick Law via pinfall

Rating: B








Rick Law kicks out immediately after Sam Sparrow’s hand hits the canvas for the third time. The bell is rung and Ino is half-heartedly pulling himself upright via the aid of the middle rope. Law is apoplectic with rage and has Sparrow by the collar, screaming at him that he kicked out in time. After futile attempts to change Sparrow’s mind, Law flings him headfirst out of the ring. Turning his attention to the Japanese Warrior, Law makes a bee-line for Ino with nightstick in hand. Blow after blow is struck down upon the victor until blood is visible on the shoulders and left cheek of Ino. Law stares into the crowd with a look of distain and he turns this glare back onto his victim. Law for the second time in the space of a week spits on Ino before leaving him lying in the ring to a chorus of boos from those in attendance.







TCW International Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoshuaTaylorALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg

Joshua Taylor © vs Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

A hotly contested affair between two promising youngsters saw momentum swing one way then the other. Taylor looked to employ his mat based offense to ground the more versatile Bach, who in turn tried to evade Taylor at every opportunity. Killer provided her usual banshee-like screams at ringside that continually disrupted Taylor’s concentration and eventually Killer went one step too far.


Taylor caught Bach as he attempted a springboard crossbody and promptly turned him into the stifling Butterfly Lock. Killer, realising her man was in danger jumped onto the ring apron and began to jaw-jack with the referee. Bach appeared to be fading fast but refused to tap and ultimately he went limp. Taylor instinctively looked in the direction of Ray Johnson who was in a full blown argument with Killer. Bach was released from the grip and Taylor made for the gothic groupie and grabbed her by the hair after an attempted slap was blocked. The crowd cheered the TCW International champion on as he intimated that Killer had made a fatal error. A sudden glance from Killer told Taylor that Bach was preparing to strike and he quickly ducked to his right and let Killer be the recipient of a Bach flying forearm. As Bach looked down upon the pained Killer on the floor with a look of panic on his face, Taylor secured the Rock God’s arms from behind and arched backwards to connect with the Butterfly Suplex. Bach used this momentum to flip over completely and landing on his feet quickly struck with the Bach To Reality superkick. Bach scrambled into the cover on the fallen Taylor and Ray Johnson’s three count signalled a new International champion.

Sammy Bach defeated Joshua Taylor via pinfall to win the TCW International title

Rating: B







Sammy Bach clutches the TCW International championship belt to his chest like a pacifier; a look of euphoria on his face. Killer who is still the worse for wear on the outside is for all intents and purposes completely ignored by the new champion who is basking in boos from the crowd. Bach ascends the turnbuckles and secures the title around his waist before arrogantly strumming an air guitar solo and mouthing to the crowd “I’m the greatest!” After a couple of minutes celebration, Bach heads up the entrance ramp and only then remembers Killer who is slowly making her way up to her charge. He half-heartedly checks Killer’s condition but is still clearly transfixed on the gold around his waist. A quick flick of the hair later and the new International champion has left the building.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT.jpg

Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado

This contest between the two began with a prolonged feeling out process as both men clearly are familiar with their opponent’s tendencies at this point in time. They lock up and smoothly transition through various holds and counters with every separation bringing a smirk to Tornado’s face. Kyle Rhodes on commentary questions whether Troy is enjoying the match or whether this is just the calm before the storm. Throughout the match Tornado had several openings to cheap shot Benson but time after time he backed away and instead chose to show a degree of honour which he has been lacking over the past year.


Benson remained wary however and battled hard, fighting for every move, several near falls on the part of both men really got the crowd going as momentum began to build. The end was palpable it was just a case of who would emerge the victor. Benson went for The Shock Wave From Next Year but was thrown off, an attempted Star Maker was met with a similar response. Both men attempted a clothesline and wound up on the floor as a result; Tornado’s arm landing over the torso of Benson who kicked out just before the three.


Benson was the first to get to his feet and dragged Tornado up after him, but Troy had been playing possum and in one swift motion swatted the hands of Benson to the side, jumped up, grabbed Benny by the back of the head and dragged him face-first into the canvas with a Star Maker. Sam Sparrow counted the three as this match came to an end.

Troy Tornado defeated Benny Benson via pinfall

Rating: B







Tornado after catching his breath stands in the middle of the ring, the sweat pouring off his body; it is clear that he has been tested. He stands glaring at Benson who is sitting on the canvas and clutching his neck. As soon as he realises that Troy is standing over him he scoots until his back is against the turnbuckle, prepared for an assault that doesn’t come. Tornado’s expression remains firm until eventually Benson reaches a vertical basis. He cautiously approaches Tornado after being beckoned with a slight nod of the head. They exchange a few words that the camera cannot quite pick up and Benson seems to relax somewhat as a result. Tornado extends a hand and after a few moments the action is returned by Benson. Just as the handshake is broken, Tornado’s expression softens and a slight smile creeps onto his face before he leaves the ring. A brief nod of respect is shared between the two as Tornado heads back up the ramp. Benson takes a few moments to acknowledge the fans for their support and Jason Azaria on commentary is quick to point out that “it appears Mr Benson has passed his TCW initiation and has earned the respect of Troy Tornado and the fans in the process!”







“Twisted Transistor” begins to play and out comes Eddie Peak with his ever menacing demeanour. He enters the ring and is handed a microphone from an extremely intimidated ring assistant who is visibly trembling as he approaches Peak and upon handing him the microphone makes a hasty retreat. A snarl emerges on Peak’s face, his brow furrowed as he begins.


Peak: “So the moment has arrived...........It is time for my opponent to make themselves known. Whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, I don’t care. When you step into my ring I promise you I will make you suffer! I break bones and I tear tendons. I am the Hardcore Assassin and I crave destruction..............But I’m tired of waiting now. Bring me my victim!”


There is a long pause where everybody’s focus is trained on the entranceway. Nobody emerges. Peak begins to raise the microphone to his lips just as a familiar tune blares through the arena speakers as the opening strum of “I Don’t Wanna Stop” echoes around the Nevada State Armoury and Bryan Vessey stands at the top of the ramp; his ribs heavily bandaged. A physician quickly runs out behind him but Vessey swats him away and starts for the ring. The Hardcore Assassin cannot mask the look of surprise on his face, but this soon morphs into determination as Vessey approaches the ring and the match begins.









http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVesseyALT.jpg

Eddie Peak vs Bryan Vessey

Nothing pretty about this at all. Vessey shot in for a quick double leg as soon as he got into the ring and from that moment on an out and out brawl ensued. Vessey provided much of the early storm and brutally cracked his fists repeatedly into the skull of the Hardcore Assassin, busting him up from a cut above the left eye with the continued assault.


Vessey’s weakened ribs eventually became a factor after Peak cracked him directly with a sledgehammer of a right which folded him up like an accordion. Peak began the systematic dissection of Vessey with lethal precession and devastating power rights and lefts. The welts and scars from two weeks ago visible as the bandages around Vessey’s midriff became unravelled. The ending came after several minutes of punishment to the ribs that culminated with a Peak of Perfection. The blood seeping down the face of Peak the memories of a war he won’t soon forget.

Eddie Peak defeated Bryan Vessey via pinfall

Rating: B







TCW World Tag Team Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

The New Wave © vs The Machines

As is customary with these two teams they put on a fluent and engaging contest from start to finish. Having been through so many wars together over the past few years, the four men involved now each other inside and out and it should therefore come as no surprise that it took a moment of extreme cunning to gain an advantage.


Having singled out Guide, Hill and Anderson went to work following a discretely concealed low blow just out of referee Ray Johnson’s line of vision. Guide was picked apart by the technically sound Machines until an ill advised double team suplex saw Guide land on his feet and make the hot tag to Scout. The New Wave fought their way back into the match and all four men began to trade big moves in the ring; an Ammo Dump for Scout, a Guided Missile for Anderson. Hill took flight from the top rope and hit the King Of The Hill splash on the prone Scout but before a pin could be attempted, a second Guided Missile connects flush with Hill and the New Wave retain with the following pinfall.

The New Wave defeated The Machines via pinfall

Rating: B








We enter the Syndicate locker room where we see Cornell and Hawkins discussing in hushed whispers, aware of the camera’s proximity. Both men in their wrestling attire, ready to do battle with The Alliance. Cornell trains his focus right into the heart of the lens; his cold stare familiar with the TCW faithful is disconcerting and tonight it is focussed on crushing the rebellion that threatens his reign of tyranny.


Cornell: “Tonight the Syndicate show why we are the focal point of TCW. Tonight we show that the Alliance is nothing more than a futile attempt to recover the unsalvageable. Tonight the Syndicate will once again beat the two........(a momentary chuckle).......well, one and a half men who know that they are not on our level. Like the paltry revolutions of the past that have fallen by the wayside Ricky Dale Johnson and the one armed bandit will fail in their goal.”


Hawkins lowers his sunglasses before he begins.


Hawkins: “How’s your arm Joey; still a little sore? You should really be more careful in the future. Didn’t your mother ever teach you that there are nasty people in this world? Well clearly she did a bad job in raising you because only a half-witted fool would walk right into the jaws of the beast and yet this is exactly what you and sheriff over-the-hill are doing. When will you come to terms with the fact that whatever bond you two seem to have formed is held together by the notion of an unattainable target? As the old saying goes; we’re rubber and you’re glue and when the Syndicate beat you tonight, the cohesion of the Alliance will dissolve.”


Cornell smirks at his quick witted protégé as the camera slowly exits the room.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

The Alliance vs The Syndicate

A tightly contested affair between two teams who want nothing more than to end each other’s existence. Joey Minnesota’s arm was lightly bandaged and it should be expected that this was a focus from the cerebral Cornell and his young protégé. Minnesota was singled out and absorbed one hell of a beating but refused to stay down for the count and kicked out time and time again. Minnesota saw his opening after minutes of abuse and connected with a countering Minnesota Salute from a suplex attempt and tagged in the brawler known as RDJ.


RDJ came in like a house on fire and dropped Cornell and Hawkins with repeated stiff clotheslines but after a while he too was overwhelmed by the Syndicate numbers. As Cornell and Hawkins worked over RDJ they threw insults at the pacing Minnesota at every opportunity angering him to the point where when tagged in, he flipped and damn near got disqualified with the beating he put on Hawkins. Cornell went to intervene and looked to apply the Rough Ride crossface but found this reversed into an Empire Spiral. The momentum of Minnesota sent him stumbling into his own corner where RDJ managed to tag back in and quickly secured the cover on Cornell before Hawkins could make the save.

The Alliance defeated The Syndicate via pinfall

Rating: B







TCW World Heavyweight Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg

Rocky Golden © vs Sam Keith

A battle of the past and present; Rocky Golden and Sam Keith put on a fairly direct contest that wasted little time before the big moves came out but unfortunately there seemed to be a certain lack of chemistry between the two and this hampered the match somewhat. Keith found multiple attempts to apply the Proton Lock countered and he visibly grew more enraged after every one. Golden for his part showed how much he has improved over the past year as countering Sam Keith is something that the Rocky Golden of 12 months ago would not have been able to do.


After 25 minutes of action-packed grappling, Golden went to hit the Rocky Road roaring elbow but Keith managed to duck under and grab the right arm in the process, dragging the younger man to the floor and applying a vice-like grip to secure the Proton Lock. The pain shooting through Golden’s neck and arms had him scrambling for salvation and after a minute of clawing and scratching, he eventually made it to the bottom rope.


The fury in Keith’s eyes did not relent and he only began to wrench back harder than before. The referee began the count of five but Keith was either unaware or didn’t care and refused to break the hold. Golden began to fade and by the time Keith released the hold, Golden was unconscious. Just moments before Keith was heard shouting, “You want respect kid? Earn my respect!”

Rocky Golden defeated Sam Keith via DQ to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title

Rating: C+




The PPV comes to an end with the image of Rocky Golden unconscious in the ring; the championship belt draped over his chest. Keith with a look of fury is seen marching back up the entrance ramp without once looking back. Rhodes on commentary asks Azaria if he thinks Golden has earned Keith’s respect to which Azaria replies, “What do you think?” Keith stops at the top of the ramp; he seems to release some of the tension in his shoulders and slightly bows his head. He doesn’t turn around. He exhales deeply before finally disappearing backstage. Was he even remorseful for what he has done?



Show Rating: B-

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Prediction Results

20LEgend: 5/8

jhd1: 5/8

Midnightnick: 4/8

Emark: 4/8

MJStark: 5/8

smurphy1014: 4/8

Tigerkinney: 6/8

jesseewiak: 6/8

Bigpapa42: 5/8


Congratulations to jesseewiak and the debut predictor in this diary, Tigerkinney. It was scary how accurate you were with some of your predictions, especially the main event! Thank you all for making predictions and leaving comments. It really does make diary writing feel worthwhile. Hope everybody enjoyed the PPV.


Overall Standings


1st: Bigpapa42 = 3

2nd: jesseewiak = 2

3rd: smurphy1014 = 1

3rd: ChrisKid = 1

3rd: 20LEgend = 1

3rd: jgriff3029 = 1

3rd: jhd1 = 1

3rd: Tigerkinney = 1

4th: Midnightnick = 0

4th: MJStark = 0

4th: BHK1978 = 0

4th: Liamo = 0

4th: juggaloninjalee = 0

4th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

4th: QFresh = 0

4th: pauls07 = 0

4th: Emark = 0

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Good show, London. Quite enjoyed. Bit surprised (not in a bad way) to see Ino go over Law. Keep up the great work.


Thanks man. :)


With Ino and Law I think it has been made apparent that this feud is not over quite yet so there is still time for Law to get a win or two over the Japanese Warrior. Whether he does or not is a different question. ;)

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Never good when the main event clocks in as the worst match of the night. I was going to call that show 'Night of the B Rating' as every match ended up with a B rating :D


Looks like you got unlucky with bad chemistry between Golden and Keith. Keith is amongst the more logical choices to try and drag Golden to decent matches as World Champion, but looks like the chemistry has put paid to that idea. Be interesting to see if this makes you think about getting the belt off Golden a bit quicker, as you don't want a World Champion that drags down shows with mediocre main events.


As for getting the main event scarily accurate, for me it just seemed like logical booking to have Keith lose via DQ, by not releasing the Proton Lock on the rope break.

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Never good when the main event clocks in as the worst match of the night. I was going to call that show 'Night of the B Rating' as every match ended up with a B rating :D


Looks like you got unlucky with bad chemistry between Golden and Keith. Keith is amongst the more logical choices to try and drag Golden to decent matches as World Champion, but looks like the chemistry has put paid to that idea. Be interesting to see if this makes you think about getting the belt off Golden a bit quicker, as you don't want a World Champion that drags down shows with mediocre main events.


As for getting the main event scarily accurate, for me it just seemed like logical booking to have Keith lose via DQ, by not releasing the Proton Lock on the rope break.


You're telling me. I thought the show was going really well and because Keith and Golden had great momentum going into the match I thought that if I was lucky I could maybe get a B+ out of them with a B- being the worst case scenario. When I first saw the grade I automatically went to blame Golden but that doesn't mean I will take the title off him sooner than planned, it just means I will have to work around the bad chemistry and hope that it doesn't drag down the rest any future shows they happen to meet at. :p


In the game itself I have actually just held Total Mayhem XV and it is interesting to see where various workers are now compared to their positions in the diary. Fortunately I made thorough notes and remember exactly what it is that I wanted to portray with the angles and matches.


Next up will be an article from the talented "Mr. X" about the Syndicate so be on the lookout as it should be posted within the hour.

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The Syndicate: The TCW Quandary



A friend of mine, who no longer follows American professional wrestling very closely, recently asked me if TCW had managed to "close the gap" on the SWF. My response was, "The Syndicate storyline." He followed up that question by asking what had kept TCW from finally catching up to Supreme. My answer, once again, was, "The Syndicate storyline."


This understandably confused my friend. Which I felt was appropriate, since the whole situation was kinda confusing. And quite honestly, the answers were accurate.


Understanding the real impact of the Syndicate requires a broad view. It is important to realize that dominant heel stables are not very common. Stables and even heel stables are common enough, but heel stables that encompass most of the major heels in a given company are not. Back in the territorial days, the idea was typically avoided to keep from "putting too many eggs in one basket" (whatever that may mean). Although Richard Eisen has never publically discussed his take on such stables (as he rarely publically discusses anything), he has been attributed with a comment to the effect that dominant heels stables are "lazy booking". Other comments on the topic that have come from those inside the SWF include that such stables are difficult to keep interesting and even more difficult to have end in a satisfactory manner.



Eisen was never a supporter of heel stables


Despite the resistance to the idea from the booking end, it seems popular amongst fans; at least the hardcore, dedicated fans. Whether five years ago or today, one could go onto any of the many dedicated websites and see some great fantasy booking built around such stables. Moreover, the reaction of other readers to these ideas is typically positive as well. While such a sampling can hardly be taken as indicative of the tastes of all professional wrestling fans in America, it does show that at least some fans like the idea.


According to the man himself, Tommy Cornell has toyed with the idea for a long time. He has even mentioned that it was suggested back in the early days of 1997, when he was still a rookie with the SWF, there was talk of building a heel stable around Sam Keith and Denis Butler, with Cornell as the rookie upstart of the group. In part due to the brawl between Nemesis and Cornell, the group never happened. When Cornell eventually became the majority of Total Championship Wrestling in 2004 (then still called Hollyweird), he apparently already had plans for a major heel stable. But it did not come to fruition right away.



The infamous bloody battle between Nemisis and a young Cornell; a war that is still vividly remembered by most


The patience displayed in building the entire Syndicate storyline is one of its greatest strengths. Rather than moving through things quickly, Cornell and booker Joel Bryant played things out slowly. They took the time to tease each big development before it happened. Some fans have gone back and found quotes that Cornell made back in early 2006, talking about having "big plans" and such, that are viewed as hints toward the group, which wouldn't see the group start to come together for more than a year.


I won't get into the point-by-point replay of the entire Syndicate storyline. It covered several years of weekly TV and recounting it all in any detail would turn this column into a major essay. The major steps were the primary five (Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, Brent Hill, John Anderson, and finally the legend Sam Keith) came together through much of 2007. They were already dominant by the start of 2008, but the babyface resistance was only beginning to form. The heel group was never too dominant, making sure the fan favourites always kept the fan support alive. By mid-way through 2008, they were beginning to make headway. The membership of the Syndicate changed a bit through this period, as both Brent Hill and Wolf Hawkins missed time due to injuries. By mid-way through 2009, the group was coming apart, and was down to just two members by the end of the year.



The wheels began to fall off the Syndicate train after crucial injuries


The Syndicate storyline really grabbed the attention of the fans and as a result it pulled TCW forward through 2007 and 2008, allowing the promotion to make up some significant ground on the Supreme Wrestling Federation. For a time, TCW was easily the hottest promotion in the world. The combination of compelling storytelling and consistency great in-ring action could not be equalled. Had Total Championship Wrestling been able to carry through on their plans for the storyline, its not inconceivable that they could be on nearly-equal ground to the SWF at this point.


One thing prevented that from happening - injuries. Part of the appeal of the Syndicate was that all five members were elite - the best pure wrestler of the current generation (Cornell), the previous generation (Keith), the next generation (Hawkins), and one of the best tag teams going. When injuries took down both Hawkins and Hill, and slowed Keith down somewhat (though he didn't miss any notable time), it really meant that the story couldn't be quite what was intended. Though TCW creative was able to compensate with some decent replacements, it just didn't hold the degree of resonance.



Late replacements in the Syndicate were only short term fixes. The original plans for the group fell by the wayside by the time Rick Law joined


To make matters worse, while the Syndicate storyline had lost steam through into 2009, the SWF was building toward their own encompassing epic tale in the "Man Under Pressure" storyline that saw Jack Bruce pushed to the limit. It was storytelling on-par with what TCW had done with the early Syndicate and while the momentum of TCW was flagging, it gave the SWF a huge boost.


That brings us back to my original analysis, as provided to my friend. It was the Syndicate storyline that gave TCW the momentum and fire needed to close the gap on the SWF. As the story played out, injuries and subsequent replacements were why TCW was unable to maintain that momentum to actually pull even or overtake SWF, which managed to re-establish the gap between the promotions with a hot storyline of their own. While it’s a bit odd to think of it this way, the whole Syndicate storyline helped and hindered Total Championship Wrestling in almost equal measure.

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After the fallout of Malice In Wonderland, TCW have booked an action-packed card for Total Wrestling that promises to be a night to remember; well, certainly if Cornell and The Syndicate have anything to do with it.


The New Wave will kick the night off as they go in tag team action against the oddball combination of Danny Fonzarelli and Clark Alexander, collectively known as Harmonic Thunder. The tag team champions will no doubt be the favourites in this opener but you can never say never.


Benny Benson having seemingly earned the respect of Troy Tornado this past Sunday will now have to pit his skills against the Renegade Officer Rick Law who it has been said is still seething from his loss against Ino. If you’re in Benson’s shoes we would recommend handling with care.


The new TCW International champion “Rock God” Sammy Bach will be welcoming a newcomer to the TCW roster in UK Dragon when he goes in one-on-one action. Will the champion continue his roll of momentum or will the Dragon get a massive debut victory?


Following this will be a tag team encounter as TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden will team with Bryan Vessey to take on the duo of Sam Keith and Eddie Peak. With Vessey’s injured ribs and Golden having been knocked unconscious a mere two days ago, one has to wonder if the pair of them will be able to function coherently. If not, Keith and Peak will waste little time in tearing them apart.


The main event of the night will see one half of the Alliance take on the head of the Syndicate as Joey Minnesota goes one-on-one with Tommy Cornell. These two competed in a great tag team match at Malice and with the Alliance pulling off somewhat of a surprise victory, the callous Cornell will be more determined than ever to get revenge on the thorn in the Syndicate’s side.


Also scheduled to appear, Troy Tornado has asked for time to make an announcement and from what we understand, both The Alliance and The Syndicate have been given some camera time to address one another. Be sure to tune in for all this and more this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports.



Prediction Key

The New Wave vs Harmonic Thunder


Benny Benson vs Rick Law


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs UK Dragon


Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey vs Sam Keith & Eddie Peak


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell

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The New Wave vs Harmonic Thunder


Benny Benson vs Rick Law


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs UK Dragon


Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey vs Sam Keith & Eddie Peak


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell



On a side note, I'm finding it a bit disheartening having come equal second in predictions several times but I'm still on 0 points. I know it's the way you're working it out, but it kinda sucks. I'm sure I'd be in second or first if it was tallied the usual way :p

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The New Wave vs Harmonic Thunder


Benny Benson vs Rick Law


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs UK Dragon


Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey vs Sam Keith & Eddie Peak


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell



On a side note, I'm finding it a bit disheartening having come equal second in predictions several times but I'm still on 0 points. I know it's the way you're working it out, but it kinda sucks. I'm sure I'd be in second or first if it was tallied the usual way :p


This is the methodology I have always employed with regards to tallying predictions as this way it really takes more to get the lead and stay ahead of the pack. If you keep plugging away you will see the results. :)

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The New Wave vs Harmonic Thunder


Harmonic Thunder aren't built up enough to go over the champs.


Benny Benson vs Rick Law


Two guys coming off losses at the PPV, this could go either way but I see Law being the one more likely to bounce back from his loss.


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs UK Dragon


Dragon could be a good addition to the All Action Division, if you give it some focus...however for this match he's not over enough to defeat the newly crowned International champ.


Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey vs Sam Keith & Eddie Peak


The faces come out of the PPV more beaten up, so I expect the heels to take full advantage of that.


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell


Minnesota's big break through win over Cornell, will come on PPV with more build than this, not on free TV.

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This is the methodology I have always employed with regards to tallying predictions as this way it really takes more to get the lead and stay ahead of the pack. If you keep plugging away you will see the results. :)


I can see the advantages of it definitely, because it makes the competition more worthwhile for newcomers (who might be 40 points behind using the traditional method). That said, I don't think many people predict for the actual contest (I know I don't) but as a show of support and for a bit of fun. :D


The New Wave vs Harmonic Thunder

They are the champions for a reason. Harmonic Thunder are cool, but not that cool!

Benny Benson vs Rick Law

Benson lost to Tornado, so I can't see him beating Law a few days later.

Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs UK Dragon

UK Dragon is a good signing for TCW, he's certainly talented enough. That said, it'll take a while to build him up and with Bach having just won the gold he'll need a few victories to cement his title place.

Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey vs Sam Keith & Eddie Peak

Really tough one this. I've gone for the faces simply because both lost at PPV, so this gives them the opportunity to get back some momentum.

Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell

Tommy's still too strong for a 1 vs 1 victory for Minnesota methinks.

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