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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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Awesome PPV, London. Love the fact that Gino took the All-Action title...something that I don't think has been done in a TCW dynasty before. I like the variety you bring to the table, sir.


By the way, did you get my reply to your PM?


I believe so. I thought I responded, sorry. I'll respond in a second.


With Gino, I felt as though winning the All-Action title would be a great way to get him established and Edd Stone doesn't really need it at present. Plus it sets up a slow burning story for Edd that will play out through the year.

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Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota


Gino just won the All-Action belt , and whilst re-hiring Ota is a good move to add some depth to the All Action Division, I don't see him getting that strong of a push out of the gate.


The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Could go either way as Champagne Caviar are getting a pretty strong push already, but I having a feeling the Canadian Animals will win this one to re-establish themselves as a tag title threat.


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith


Rebound win for Keith over a midcarder.


Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach & Rick Law


At this moment in time Double A is the lowest in pecking order, and with Law needing to rebound from his loss to Ino, I think the heels take this.


Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota


Minnesota seems much more important right now, especially following his shock heel turn.


Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino


Golden should remain strong until someone beats him for the World Title.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 1, March 2010

The Theatre Of Dreams

Attendance: 9,976





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




The show opens with The Syndicate standing in the middle of the ring; suited in their usual tailored attire. The Machines stand stoic with Hawkins leisurely talking smack to individuals in the crowd. Tommy Cornell is handed a microphone and strolls in front of the three that accompany him; the winners of Sunday’s PPV standing tall – united in victory.


Cornell pauses a while to allow the boos to sweep over him and his allies before addressing those in attendance.


Cornell: “Allow me to give myself a huge pat on the back. I said it once, I said it a thousand times; The Syndicate will not die!”


Another chorus of boos echoes around the arena. The sly smirk on Cornell’s face tells the story. He waits a moment longer before continuing.


Cornell: “If any of you needed proof that The Syndicate’s word is gospel then you need look no further than this past Sunday. You see, at The War To Settle The Score, The Syndicate did exactly what we said we were going to do; we went out there and crushed the resistance!”


A chant of RDJ begins to spread.


Cornell: “Chant all you want. He won’t be coming out to stop us now; he isn’t allowed to interfere in Syndicate business. Besides, I think he may have other things on his mind; which brings me to my next point.”


Cornell hands the microphone over to Wolf who lifts his shades to rest on the top of his head before starting.


Hawkins: “Think back to the beginning of the year, the first Total Wrestling of January in fact; remember the symbolic apple.”


Hawkins holds out his hand as if clutching the fruit itself.


Hawkins: “Remember what we said?”


Hawkins signals to the big screen and it flickers into life.


Hawkins: “Take this apple. Let this be a representation of The Syndicate; a polished, smooth machine that is known universally.”


Hawkins smashes the apple against the wall and from the pulp that remains in his hand we can see a dozen or so seeds.


Hawkins: “People like Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota want to destroy this machine because they know it is stronger than they could ever hope to be, but here’s the kicker..........you are chasing a poisoned chalice. From the remains of the apple are these seeds that signify the continuation of the apple’s existence. If you strike us down our numbers will grow stronger. The Syndicate cannot be defeated. The Syndicate is for life!”


The screen goes dark and the camera once again focuses on Wolf Hawkins.


Hawkins: “We didn’t lose but that doesn’t make the statement any less true.”


Wolf hands the microphone back to The Syndicate leader.


Cornell: “Next week The Syndicate grows by one!”


The four men exchange handshakes before heading out of the ring and backstage.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FumihiroOtaALT.jpg

Gino Montero vs Fumihiro Ota

The returning man from the Orient received a reaction that may have been a little less than what he was used to during his first stay in TCW, but then again, very few recognise him without the ninja get-up he used to be adorned in.


Montero has stirred up a bit of a following and the crowd greet the new All Action champion warmly. The action starts fast which is customary for most Montero matches and Ota keeps pace nicely; countering where available and taking control when possible. The two trade nice combinations and had the crowd been more behind Ota, this match could have been much more and perhaps should have been. A Montero Press was what eventually sealed the win for the Mexican.

Gino Montero defeated Fumihiro Ota via pinfall

Rating: D





Montero has little time to celebrate though, and as he turns to face the entrance ramp he is struck by the soaring Edd Stone who hits what looks like a flying enzugiri. It connects hard and Gino is dropped face first on the title belt that he was holding. Stone goes into an over the top flipping combination that ends with a moonsault accompanied by a pair of knees driven into the chest, driving the wind out of Montero in the process.


Stone goads the crowd with a celebratory flip before stopping in his tracks; his eyes have drifted to the All Action title. He slowly approaches it before clasping the gold, raising it to eye level. He looks at Gino once again and throws the title on top of him; the message having been sent.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FreddyHugginsALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/LauraHugginsALT.jpg


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/NicolasLopezALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

Neither of these teams are particularly popular with the TCW crowd, especially with Stone still picking up heat from his attack on Montero. What should be noted, however, is that they still managed to get the crowd invested to a certain degree, which is impressive considering the circumstances.


Huggins tries to make his mark in this match by outworking the other participants and tries to put Lopez away several times with no success. He is eventually singled out himself by Caviar and with Edd Stone distracted at ringside; his thoughts firmly fixed on Montero, Champagne Lover hits the Champagne Sunrise on Huggins for the uninterrupted pinfall win. When Edd realises his side has come up short, he still seems disinterested and walks back to the locker room without waiting for the Huggins siblings.

Champagne Caviar defeated The Canadian Animals via pinfall

Rating: C




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoshuaTaylorALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg

Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith

Two ring technicians collide and produce what is a sound mat-based exchange but unfortunately, as a result, some of the crowd are unimpressed with the lack of flashy offence. Taylor also adds fuel to the fire by disengaging repeatedly and not allowing the match to flow at a continual pace.


Keith remains focused and looks to dissect Taylor limb by limb and wear him down with an array of holds that he has learned throughout his storied career. It works, although Taylor does fight through and hits Keith with more than one type of suplex in the process. The fight is close and hard fought but in the end Keith’s greater experience shone through and a German suplex which is followed up with an instantaneous Proton Plex puts Taylor down for the three.

Sam Keith defeated Joshua Taylor via pinfall

Rating: D+





Sam Keith approaches Joshua Taylor who looks less than happy. Keith says a few words to Taylor that the camera cannot pick up. Taylor trains his focus on Keith and nods his head in agreement.


Taylor puts his hand out as a sign of respect to the elder statesman. Keith takes a long moment without responding and just when it looks like a decision has been made Taylor flips his gesture and flips the bird; first to Keith and then to the fans.


Clearly the edginess that has been becoming more and more prominent in Taylor is more than just a superficial change. Taylor has transformed completely. Taylor storms out of the ring and out of sight, leaving a dumfounded Keith and crowd in his wake.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg

Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law & Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer

Sammy Bach tried to avoid Troy Tornado like the black plague in this tag outing, ducking out of harm’s way at every opportunity. Law used his rugged brawling to try and overwhelm Andrews and dropped him with a beautifully timed Squad Car Slam. The cover was made but Tornado broke up the pinfall before the three count. This saw Bach run in and set up for the Bach To Reality superkick but Tornado ducked under and swivelled before hitting a Star Maker in retribution.


Law jumps back to his feet and charges up behind Tornado before flipping him completely over with a Long Arm Of The Law. Aaron Andrews is now standing and spins the Renegade Officer around and lifts him upon his shoulders before dropping him with the Triple A-D. Aaron crawls into the cover and with Bach unable to intercept, the pinfall followed.

Troy Tornado & Aaron Andrews defeated Rick Law & Sammy Bach via pinfall

Rating: C+





Minnesota makes his way to ringside, somewhat reserved, almost unemotional. He slowly enters the ring with a microphone in hand. He studies the crowd and a sinister smile spreads across his face.


Minnesota: “Ever since Sunday night my phone has been ringing off the hook. People I barely know questioning my actions. Why did you do that to Ricky? How could you turn your back on a man that did so much for you? Well to all the people who are still wondering why I did what I did to Ricky I’d like to take you back to something I said in January: I’m sick and tired of being held back by the selfish and egotistical!”


The venom in Minnesota’s voice encourages a loud reaction from the crowd.


Minnesota: “For two months I was standing in the shadow of RDJ, playing second fiddle to a man who I was carrying through matches. Ricky chose me to help him bring The Syndicate down because he knew I was good, no; he knew that I was great, but more importantly.................he knew that I was better than him!”


Minnesota’s temper threatens to get the better for him, but after a couple of deep breaths, he regains his composure.


Minnesota: “You see, Ricky knew that to beat the Syndicate he would need someone like me and along the way I proved my worth to each and every one of you!.....................People say that they didn’t see this coming, that my actions were like a bolt out of the blue, but I assure you that the seeds had been sown long before.......................At Malice In Wonderland The Alliance picked up the win over The Syndicate when Ricky got the pin, but remember how that came about.”


Minnesota turns his attention towards the big screen as the ending of The Syndicate/Alliance match is being played:


RDJ came in like a house on fire and dropped Cornell and Hawkins with repeated stiff clotheslines but after a while he too was overwhelmed by the Syndicate numbers. As Cornell and Hawkins worked over RDJ they threw insults at the pacing Minnesota at every opportunity angering him to the point where when tagged in, he flipped and damn near got disqualified with the beating he put on Hawkins. Cornell went to intervene and looked to apply the Rough Ride crossface but found this reversed into an Empire Spiral. The momentum of Minnesota sent him stumbling into his own corner where RDJ managed to tag back in and quickly secured the cover on Cornell before Hawkins could make the save.

Minnesota: “It was me who put Cornell down and it was your ego Ricky that tagged in to get one over on your long time rival! .....................Where was my moment!? ..........................You stole my opportunity to cement my name in this business!”


Minnesota’s anger rises again and he has to take another moment to calm down.


Minnesota: “But I could forgive that as long as we got the job done; as long as The Syndicate died, which brings me to Sunday night....................It all came down to you and Tommy, Rick; and I laid him out on a plate for you and you still couldn’t get the job done! Pathetic! Do you know what that makes you Ricky; do you know what you are? An egotistical ****-up!”


A chant of RDJ spreads around the arena for the second time of the evening but Minnesota is so enraged that he ploughs on despite this.


Minnesota: “So you see, it wasn’t me that made the decision, it was made for me by the man I attacked, the man whom time after time after ****ing time, screwed up. You’re no good Ricky; you’ve passed your sell by date! That’s the reason I dropped you on Sunday; that’s the reason why you’re sitting home at your ranch instead of fighting here! And you know something else? You brought it all on yourself with your actions, your ego and you selfishness..........Well now it is my time to be the selfish one! No more looking out for others; I’m in it for myself!


Minnesota goes quiet; his face starting to return to its normal colouring. He slowly opens his eyes as he stares at the hard camera; his voice so calm that it is unsettling.


Minnesota: “I was approached a couple of weeks ago and made an offer; an offer which I accepted, but that’s neither here nor there................It’s about time someone ended your career RDJ; and I’ve decided that the man to do it will be me.........”




Minnesota drops the microphone, just as “Eye Of The Tiger” plays through the arena speakers and Benny Benson appears, ready for the upcoming match. Minnesota looks pleased that he has an outlet for his frustrations and as Benson gets in the ring, the match gets underway.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg

Benny Benson vs Joey Minnesota

Brutal; Benson fought his hardest but he was swimming against the tide. Minnesota is destructive in his attacks. He picked his spots and was relentless in his pursuit although he was at times struggling to maintain his composure. Benson looked to try and stay out of range and strike when possible which included a very impressive swinging neckbreaker. Minnesota shuts down any further heavy duty offence from Benson and puts him away with a Minnesota Salute not long thereafter to a hostile reception.

Joey Minnesota defeated Benny Benson via pinfall

Rating: B-




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Koshiro Ino

Golden and Ino start the match with a handshake, clearly still on friendly terms from when they were tag team champions last summer. The match began with hold, exchange, break and repeat; both men trying to prove they are superior. Ino focuses more on striking to keep out of range of his stronger opponent and drops Golden with a terrific spinning wheel kick. Ino capitalised and began to take control and as a result, the match turned into almost a Japanese puroresu contest.


Heavy forearms from both men in turn wore down the other and by the end of the exchange Golden and Ino were almost leaning on one another for support. Golden set up for the Rocky Road but Ino ducked and hit a point perfect Yakuza kick to the side of Rocky’s jaw which sent him reeling into the ropes. As he rebounded, Ino went for the Kobra’s bite but misjudged the proximity of his opponent and was instead struck by the Rocky Road on the second attempt. Golden secured the pinfall that ended the contest.

Rocky Golden defeated Koshiro Ino via pinfall

Rating: C+





Golden helps Ino to his feet following the bell. The two shake hands and embrace; Ino raises Rocky’s hand and claps for a moment before leaving the ring for the champion to enjoy his moment. Golden raises the title in the air and stands resolute in the centre of the ring, smiling from ear to ear. The lights go out........




Peak is standing behind Golden, teeth clenched and on display. Like a shark striking its pray, Peak launches himself at the champion and lays him out with a devastating Peak Of Perfection. A microphone is tossed into the ring by an assistant who is wise enough to not get in the Hardcore Assassin’s path. Peak reaches for the mike with his scarred right hand and clasps it to his chin. He almost appears to be frothing at the mouth. He drops to all fours until he is inches away from Rocky Golden’s face.


Peak: “Consider this a warning................I’m coming for that title!”


The screen fades to black as the show comes to an end; Peak still looming over the fallen champion.




Show Rating: C+

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Post Show Thoughts

- Yeah, the match grades were pretty woeful on this show and I can honestly say that this is the lowest rated TCW show I have ever booked. Not naming names on who I blame but Joshua Taylor can enjoy his trip in development down in MAW. (Not sending him down there because of this. I need to keep him off screen before I can utilise his new gimmick.)


- Fortunately, I think the story of this show was more important than the actual in-ring action so hopefully you readers will forgive the low match grades this one time. :)


- How did people feel about The Syndicate promo and likewise the Minnesota promo? Good, bad, indifferent?

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Prediction Results


20LEgend: 5/6

Bigpapa42: 4/6

Boltinho: 4/6

jgriff3029: 5/6

legendkiller13: 4/6

Midnightnick: 4/6

MJStark: 4/6

Emark: 5/6

Tigerkinney: 4/6

jesseewiak: 5/6



Congratulations to 20LEgend, jgriff3029, Emark and jesseewiak. You have all won this round.



Overall Standings

1st: jesseewiak = 6

2nd: Bigpapa42 = 5

2nd: jgriff3029 = 5

3rd: Tigerkinney = 4

3rd: 20LEgend = 4

4th: angeldelayette = 3

5th: jhd1 = 2

5th: Emark = 2

6th: Midnightnick = 1

6th: smurphy1014 = 1

6th: ChrisKid = 1

6th: MJStark = 1

6th: Phantom Stranger = 1

7th: BHK1978 = 0

7th: Liamo = 0

7th: juggaloninjalee = 0

7th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

7th: QFresh = 0

7th: pauls07 = 0

7th: Boltinho = 0

7th: legendkiller13 = 0

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I enjoyed the promos, they helped keep the story lines moving.


I also like the fact that your pushing Eddie Peak to challenge Rocky. I can't remember anyone else pushing Peak so strongly early on and I think its great.


While your match ratings weren't the greatest, i felt like it shouldn't have to much effect on you. I always find the first show after the ppv to be the hardest to book, but they set you up to tear the house down with the following weeks leading up to the next ppv.

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I enjoyed the promos, they helped keep the story lines moving.


I also like the fact that your pushing Eddie Peak to challenge Rocky. I can't remember anyone else pushing Peak so strongly early on and I think its great.


While your match ratings weren't the greatest, i felt like it shouldn't have to much effect on you. I always find the first show after the ppv to be the hardest to book, but they set you up to tear the house down with the following weeks leading up to the next ppv.


Nice to read your thoughts; always fun to see what people think.


I realised that some of the matches wouldn't pull out tremendous ratings but I was still somewhat underwhelmed. Like I said though, this is the lowest grade you will see from this diary, I promise you that.


Eddie Peak is a talent, no doubt about it. When I was thinking of fueds for Golden I went through the top heel names; Cornell - has other things going for him and was the man who Rocky took the title from; Hawkins - too early for a world title shot and like Tommy, has other things going on; Rick Law - just coming off a losing feud to Koshiro Ino, needs more momentum to be at title level.....which leaves me with Peak; a monster that can match Rocky physically and has the added benefit of being a terrifying. It just seemed to fit.


The next post will be the following preview for Total Wrestling for people to predict on etc.

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Rumours have been running rampant about who will be joining The Syndicate this week after what Tommy Cornell said this past Tuesday. Could the unthinkable happen; could the new member be the man who fought so hard to bring them down? After all, Minnesota did say he was made an offer which he accepted.....


To kick off the show will be an All-Action title defence as Gino Montero takes on the man he won it from, Edd Stone. With Stone seemingly determined to get the title back like a man possessed, will he be able to better the man who seems to have his number?


One half of the tag team champions, Guide will be in singles action against Champagne Lover next. Would a win over Guide translate to a future world tag team title shot for Champagne Caviar?


A four way dance will feature next as International champion and self-proclaimed Rock God, Sammy Bach will be in action against the always entertaining Benny Benson, The intimidating American Buffalo and the former front man of Painful Procedure, Troy Tornado. The champ will have to keep his wits about him with so many opponents to contend with.


A series of difficult matches for Aaron Andrews continues as he goes in one-on-one action against The Syndicate’s Wolf Hawkins. Two of TCW’s brightest stars will do battle and who knows, maybe this will be a picture of things to come a few years down the road in the world title picture for the promotion.


Ricky Dale Johnson will make his first appearance since the events of The War To Settle The Score when he takes on the Hardcore Assassin, Eddie Peak. Will RDJ have anything to say to Minnesota? Will Rocky Golden have a message of his own for the man who jumped him last Tuesday?


The main event of the evening will see tag team action take centre stage as Rocky Golden will team up with former foe Sam Keith as they take on The Syndicate’s representatives, The Machines. Can the former foes coexist or will the tag team stalwarts show that tag experience is invaluable?


Be sure to tune in this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports. You won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key


TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone

But by DQ or similar. Champ retains.


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tonado

So many possibles here... but Tornado has the largest immediate upside.


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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Prediction Key


TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machine

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Guide vs Champagne Lover


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone


Reading into what happened in the Canadian Animals match last week, I don't think that team is long for this world. So I think Montero retains after 'botched' inteference from Stone's tag partner Freddy Huggins, which will plant the seeds to transition this into a three way feud.

Guide vs Champagne Lover


Both are more tag guys at this moment in time, but Guide is more established on the TCW roster....then again you've shown that you aren't exactly holding back when it comes to pushing new talent.

Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado


This could go anyway but my feeling is that Tornado picks up the win here possibly with a pin over Bach to further his International title claims.

Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


Hawkins is much higher on the TCW ladder right now.

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak


Peak's the next challenger for the world title and RDJ has problems with Minnesota, wouldn't be surprised if Minnesota inteferes or at the very least proves to be a major distraction for his former tag partner.


Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines


There'll be 'can I trust him' issues between Golden and Keith, and the Machines will look the better team throughout the match, but at the end of the day Golden is your world champ and should come on top.

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone

Too soon for another change, especially one back to the man who just lost the belt.

Guide vs Champagne Lover

CL isn't quite established enough to beat Guide.

Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy vs Troy Tornado

Shenanigans keep Bach winning.

Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins

Easy win for the next top star.

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak

RDJ is at the very top, while Eddie isn't quite there yet.

Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machine

Cements Sam Keith's turn with a hard fought victory alongside his previous rival. Could see a DQ...

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Just a couple of quick notes; thanks to everybody who has voted for me in the C-Verse diary of the month thus far, it really means a lot to me. For everybody who hasn't yet voted, head on over and vote for whomever you see fit, whether that be myself or any of the number of talented writers up for the award. The diary writers love the support of you the readers and getting nominations and forum GDS community awards makes the writing process that much more enjoyable. :)


I aim to have the next show posted at some stage tomorrow, so for those who are still wanting to predict, this is your friendly 24(ish) hour warning.


All the best.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 2, March 2010

Virginia Park Fields

Attendance: 9,192





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




TCW All-Action Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpg

Gino Montero © vs Edd Stone

Another example of Montero getting over with the TCW fan base; for his part, Stone did well also. They engaged in an entertaining, fast paced contest that showcased both men’s repertoires although perhaps not all that either had to offer. Heaven knows, with Edd Stone, he seems to invent moves on a weekly basis including on this occasion, a running front flip into a seated hurricanrana position which he transitioned into a DDT almost effortlessly.


Montero kicked out and continued to fight hard; countering on the rare occasions when Stone became sloppy. He continued to anger Edd, almost taunting him into mistakes and after a Party’s Over was countered with a heavy dropkick to the midsection, Montero floated to the top of the turnbuckle and soared high for his patented Montero Press. The pinfall soon followed.

Gino Montero defeated Edd Stone to retain the All-Action title

Rating: C




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo

Two varying styles; the rugged technical ability of the former DaVE employee, Guide and the more aerial hybrid that is Champagne Lover’s bread and butter. Considering Lover has been on TCW tv for less than a month, he seems to have picked up quite a following and as such, the crowd really get into this match.


Cuervo proved useful at ringside as she seductively distracted Guide on two separate occasions, almost causing the man in paint to lose both times. Lover fought hard and used slick technical counters to try and pull a quick one over Guide. The man from the New Wave rolled through an attempted sunset flip; Champagne rolls backwards to avoid a kick to the head but he cannot avoid the Guided Missile. Unfortunately neither does Sam Sparrow who is knocked over by the tumbling duo.



Nicolas Lopez makes an appearance and drops Guide with a Lopez Buster before silkily slipping back out of the ring. Sam Sparrow eventually makes it back to his feet as Guide has reached his knees. A Champagne Sunrise to the kneeling Guide is enough to end this contest.

Champagne Lover defeated Guide via pinfall

Rating: B





The bell signals Lopez to re-enter the ring and he and Lover proceed to pound away on Guide without mercy; stomping away at every appendage and this continues for 15 seconds before Scout appears. Lopez is dropped with Scout’s version of a Guided Missile; Lover looks to strike with a second Champagne Sunrise only to find it countered into a Danger Ahead (spinning neckbreaker over the knee). As Guide lies on the canvas, Scout stands over him, ensuring nobody can get near his motionless comrade.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg

vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AmericanBuffaloALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FloydGoldworthyALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg

Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs Benny Benson vs Troy Tornado vs American Buffalo w/Floyd Goldworthy

Sammy Bach goads Tornado continuously and runs out of harms’ way as he gets a reaction; oftentimes American Buffalo making the interception. What is particularly interesting about this contest is that although it is theoretically every man for himself, the four involved seem to be competing in a tornado tag outing; Tornado and Benson pairing up in an attempt to fell the monster known as Buffalo who is on a rampage, dominating more often than not. Bach using the big man as a human shield whenever Tornado threatens to get close.


With Benson down after a thudding big boot from Buffalo, Bach instructs the big man to hold Tornado still so he can hit the Bach To Reality superkick. Buffalo obliges after the decision is approved by Floyd Goldworthy at ringside who has sidled up to the Gothic Groupie. Bach strikes but Tornado ducks in time and the kick strikes Buffalo who appears to be angered more than anything. Bach quickly ducks out of the ring as the two managers began to argue over the incident. Buffalo drops into the three point stance as Tornado once again goes to follow Bach and charges with The Stampede, knocking Tornado halfway across the ring. Bach slides back in and grabs a handful of Buffalo’s shorts and somehow manages to roll him up in a schoolboy and hangs on just long enough to pick up the win.

Sammy Bach defeated American Buffalo via pinfall

Rating: C+





We go back to the interview area backstage where the lonesome figure of Ricky Dale Johnson standing solemn against a wall; his old familiar Stetson tilted to mask his facial expression. He speaks quietly, methodically, as if he were reminiscing.


RDJ: “Mistakes, hell, we all make ‘em; some more than others. Last year I made a big mistake, maybe one of the biggest in my career.”


RDJ pushes himself off the wall and turns to face the camera.


RDJ: “When I put my trust in Joey Minnesota, I gave him my word that I would help him along the way, offer any advice that I could to help him better his career and himself as a person...........................I knew about his anger, I knew that he needed to control it and God only knows it was a struggle at times. We fought together to bring an end to The Syndicate.........I failed, no.........we failed – and now, there is nothing I can do to stop them.”


RDJ slowly tilts his hat until it is horizontal and his face can now be seen. His eyes belie a mixture of anger and sorrow.


RDJ: “But what stung me the most at The War was the fact that the kid, who I had poured all my effort into helping, stabbed me in the back! Joey, you say that you want to end my career because I was holding you back..........Son, you have no idea what you have let yourself in for!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins

Hawkins and Andrews both have their supporters inside the sport and with the performance they put on this evening, there is little wonder why. Hawkins started the quicker of the two and dominated the early exchanges with his crafty repertoire that he has learned from Tommy Cornell; instinctively knowing when to do cheap shots to capitalise when Andrews looks to get an advantage.


Double A is tough though and weathers the storm of Wolf, even countering a Full Moon Rising with a discus clothesline. The match becomes more even from this moment onwards and the two exchange some fairly slick technical sequences, perhaps surprisingly, it is Andrews that appears to be getting the better. Hawkins is hoisted onto Andrews’ shoulders but flips out to avoid the Triple A-D and instead connecting with a well placed Full Moon Rising on the second time of asking.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews via pinfall

Rating: B





Hawkins emerges victorious and he waits in the middle of the ring as The Syndicate’s music hits and The Machines fronted by Tommy Cornell march their way down the aisle. Hawkins hands a microphone to the faction’s leader before standing in line with Hill and Anderson.


Cornell paces up and down the ring as he addresses the crowd.


Cornell: “Last week I made a statement that The Syndicate’s number would grow by one! Tonight, I make that statement a reality!”


Cornell pauses to examine the crowd before continuing.


Cornell: “Over the past seven days I have seen the TCW internet forums explode with discussion; people predicting on the identity of the Syndicate’s newest recruit. Certain names kept appearing, names such as Joey Minnesota........................... To those people who think I would allow the sociopath that is Minnesota, join the well oiled machine of The Syndicate, you can put those rumours to bed; it ain’t happening! But Joey wasn’t the only name mentioned, no. There were names such as Edd Stone, Sammy Bach and even Eddie Peak being thrown around...................none of those are correct either.....................Anyway, we’re not here to placate the fan’s rumours and speculation so Sam Keith, get out here, I’d like to have a word with you......”




It is clear by the crowd’s reaction that Sam Keith was not the name they expected to hear and a mumble of confusion spreads around the arena as Sam Keith’s music begins to play.


Keith slowly makes his way to ringside, already dressed for main event competition. Without fear he enters the ring and walks up to Cornell as requested. The two lock eyes and stare at one another until Cornell breaks the silence.


Cornell: “Remember when I brought you into this company, into The Syndicate back in 2007? I brought you in because I knew you had what it takes to succeed. You’re a multi time world champion, you’ve won titles all across the world and you are one of the biggest names to ever compete in this sport.......................Sam, The Syndicate wasn’t at the height of its power back then, it is now. If you re-join The Syndicate, we can help you get the one thing you have never won; we can get you the TCW World Heavyweight championship!”


Sam Keith holds the gaze of Cornell; his poker face masking his emotions.


Cornell: “What do you say Sam?”


Cornell stretches out his hand. Keith momentarily looks down before retuning his gaze to the eyes of Cornell...........................................Keith slowly shakes his head and turns to leave. Hill and Anderson surge forward but are halted by Hawkins who signals that Tommy has not yet finished.


Cornell: “If you walk out of this ring Sam, I promise you, you will regret the decision for the rest of your life!”


Keith pauses astride the middle rope. He looks back at the four men standing in the ring, registering each one of their reactions before finally jumping off the apron to the floor and heading backstage without once glancing back.


Cornell has gone red-faced, the anger clearly building inside of him.


Cornell: “So be it!”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Eddie Peak

A rugged brawl pure and simple, with neither man willing to back an inch. Peak and RDJ throw heavy right hands throughout the contest which remains even. Peak being the younger of the two has the better gas tank and this starts to show late on as RDJ begins to reel. Peak follows up with a stiff boot to the gut, driving the air from The Outlaw’s lungs and grabs him by the throat, ready to set up for the Peak Of Perfection. RDJ smashes two forearms into the Hardcore Assassin’s face and forces him to break his grip. RDJ turns and runs against the ropes and on the rebound jumps up high to hit the Leaping Lariat which rocks Peak but does not drop hims. RDJ returns to the ropes and this time drops his opponent with a second Leaping Lariat.




Then the match breaks down. From out of the crowd Joey Minnesota appears and drops Ricky Dale Johnson with a thunderous forearm to the back of the head in plain view of referee Ray Johnson who is left with no option but to call for the disqualification.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Eddie Peak via DQ

Rating: B





Minnesota poises himself as RDJ regains his footing. He grabs the bigger man by the shoulder and spins him around looking to connect with a Minnesota Salute, no. Its countered; RDJ pushes Minnesota off him and against the ropes, RDJ kicks Joey in the midsection, setting up for Southern Justice but Minnesota realises and breaks the grip. Joey scrambles out of the ring as the Outlaw looks to chase and the two sprint up the aisle and out of sight backstage.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

Rocky Golden & Sam Keith vs The Machines

With the earlier confrontation between Keith and The Syndicate still fresh in the memory, the crowd were into this match from the get go. Keith and Golden showed surprising chemistry teaming with one another seeing as their singles outings were somewhat underwhelming, but the Machines are more in-sync having teamed together for years.


The match is competitive from start to end; The Machines focusing most of their attention on punishing Sam Keith, trying to isolate him from Golden and grind him down. Keith being the wily veteran is able to capitalise on openings and one mistake from Hill sees him reverse a suplex into one of his own. Golden gets the tag and cleans house on both Machines, dropping them with clotheslines and slams. The four men all stay in the ring and trade moves and the referee uses his discretion to let it go.


The tag battle continues for a few minutes further, ending with Sam Keith clasping onto Anderson’s arm and dragging him down to the canvas to apply the Proton Lock. Golden hits the Rocky Road on the charging Brent Hill, preventing the interception. With no other option, Anderson is forced to submit.

Rocky Golden & Sam Keith defeated The Machines via submission

Rating: B





Cornell and Hawkins hit the ring immediately following and began the assault on Sam Keith who has little to offer in the way of defence. Golden looks to assist the veteran and begins to lay right hands into Hawkins when he himself is blindsided by the Hardcore Assassin.




Peak throws Golden up into the air via the throat and hits the Peak Of Perfection. Cornell and Hawkins continue the beat down of Keith as the zebra herd hit the scene to try and separate the competitors and get some control over the chaos. The screen fades to black as the show comes to an end; the scene is still chaotic as Azaria and Rhodes sign off.




Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


20LEgend: 3/6

Midnightnick: 3/6

Phantom Stranger: 2/6

Bigpapa42: 4/6

Emark: 2/6

jesseewiak: 4/6

MJStark: 5/6

legendkiller: 4/6

Tigerkinney: 3/6

jhd1: 5/6



Congratulations MJStark and jhd1, you have won this round. A big well done is in order considering the difficulty in accurately picking this particular card.



Overall Standings

1st: jesseewiak = 6

2nd: Bigpapa42 = 5

2nd: jgriff3029 = 5

3rd: Tigerkinney = 4

3rd: 20LEgend = 4

4th: angeldelayette = 3

4th: jhd1 = 3

5th: Emark = 2

5th: MJStark = 2

6th: Midnightnick = 1

6th: smurphy1014 = 1

6th: ChrisKid = 1

6th: Phantom Stranger = 1

7th: BHK1978 = 0

7th: Liamo = 0

7th: juggaloninjalee = 0

7th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

7th: QFresh = 0

7th: pauls07 = 0

7th: Boltinho = 0

7th: legendkiller13 = 0

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Post-Show Thoughts

-So Golden and Keith have good tag team chemistry yet they suck as opponents............fantastic.


-Not sure if anybody thought that Sam Keith was the man Cornell was talking about, (not sure if anybody cared to be honest :p) I thought that the way I had presented it made Minnesota look as though he was most likely to be the man in question.


-Champagne Caviar and Gino are getting over at quite a nice rate which is pleasing. This doesn't mean they are getting Jesus pushes, their success has been done purely for storyline purposes.

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Tuesday of Week 3, March 2010

Last week Sam Keith refused Cornell’s offer to rejoin The Syndicate and if we know Cornell, and if history has shown us anything, we do; The Syndicate leader will not take this insolence lying down. TCW Presents Total Wrestling will be action packed this week that is for certain...


The opening contest of the evening will see the All-Action champion, Gino Montero team with Benny Benson to take on the duo known as the Canadian Animals. Stone has been engulfed with thoughts about losing the All-Action title and more specifically, the man who holds the gold. With his tag team partner in his corner, can the 24 hour Party Animal finally notch a win against the rapidly rising Mexican?


Troy Tornado will be in singles action following when he tests the Japanese high flyer known as Fumihiro Ota. Whilst size would dictate that Tornado should breeze past his opponent, he would be foolish to overlook Ota who has shown in the past that he is no laughing matter.


The TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden will welcome a newcomer to TCW; a man whom has had his fair share of success north of the border. Rocky Golden will be going one-on-one with Owen Love. Can the Canadian debutant get the best possible start in TCW, or will the champion show his mettle.


Aaron Andrews will go up against the Renegade Officer following and with a recent tag team victory over Law; Andrews will be going into this confrontation with a wave of confidence. Law on the other hand, is not so concerned with recent history, he is more focused on the present and Aaron Andrews is the man that will be standing in front of him.


Old school meets new school as Sam Keith will go against the man who has caused more commotion than anybody else outside of The Syndicate, Joey Minnesota. Both men have to be careful though as neither has been making too many friends around TCW as of late and we wouldn’t be surprised to see The Syndicate or RDJ for that matter get involved.


And speaking of The Syndicate, Tommy Cornell has been granted main event privileges as he is scheduled to go against the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino. Can the warrior’s code provide The Kobra with the key to beating the former multi time TCW World Heavyweight champion, or will Cornell be able to work his way to another all too frequent victory?


Eric Tyler has also granted Sam Keith some camera time to explain his decision for not joining The Syndicate and Sammy Bach has demanded some time to play, as he put it, “A Bitchin’ tune!” Be sure to tune in this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports. You won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key

Gino Montero & Benny Benson vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins


Troy Tornado vs Fumihiro Ota


Rocky Golden vs Owen Love


Aaron Andrews vs Rick Law


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota


Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell

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