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KOMBAT X - Rebirth? Reboot? [Hype Thread]

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I was glad to see the Visionaries, but Scarlet Witch without Quicksilver? for shame

what about adding Cole MacGrath from inFamous and how about adding the Centurions?

and if you do GI Joe at least you won't be lacking workers :) I see the promotion as a mix of pure and traditional with a little hardcore

and when it comes to comic book character pics, you know me, I got tons

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Ok. All things mentioned here have been updated/added/fixed. I am moving house at the end of the week so after Wednesday I might not be back online again until around the week of 14th March. It will be during that week that a final release will come out. For those who can't wait for the changes so far (there'll be more for March release), I have updated the file on page 1 and here are additional pics for people added.





Anything else you find, keep posting here as I will have an hour or so each evening until Wednesday to check here and update accordingly (and of course when I get Internet at my new flat).

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I was glad to see the Visionaries, but Scarlet Witch without Quicksilver? for shame

what about adding Cole MacGrath from inFamous and how about adding the Centurions?

and if you do GI Joe at least you won't be lacking workers :) I see the promotion as a mix of pure and traditional with a little hardcore

and when it comes to comic book character pics, you know me, I got tons


Centurions and Cole MacGrath pencilled in for final release. I didn't get around to adding them to tonights update.

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Two requests and a critique.


First the critique. I think you should pump up James Gordon's reffing if he's going to be the only ref in GPW. He makes the matches bomb big time.


Now the requests. I'd really, really prefer comic images of these two over the movie ones.


Professor X- Could be a manager or announcer. I'm thinking manager with high charisma since you can't simulate his mutant ability. I'm thinking he should have a stable built around him.

Pic- http://www.toplessrobot.com/professor-x.jpg

Info- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor_X


Magneto- Could be the heel version of Professor X and the person who forced Professor X to retire. He's towards the end of his career, but still one of the best. Also leads a stable.

Pic- http://prebleactivities.com/webdesign/villians/assets/magneto.jpg

Info- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magneto_%28comics%29

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Two requests and a critique.


First the critique. I think you should pump up James Gordon's reffing if he's going to be the only ref in GPW. He makes the matches bomb big time.


Now the requests. I'd really, really prefer comic images of these two over the movie ones.


Professor X- Could be a manager or announcer. I'm thinking manager with high charisma since you can't simulate his mutant ability. I'm thinking he should have a stable built around him.

Pic- http://www.toplessrobot.com/professor-x.jpg

Info- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor_X


Magneto- Could be the heel version of Professor X and the person who forced Professor X to retire. He's towards the end of his career, but still one of the best. Also leads a stable.

Pic- http://prebleactivities.com/webdesign/villians/assets/magneto.jpg

Info- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magneto_%28comics%29


All taken into account. James Gordon now has his ref stat upped to where he doesn't mess the matches up.


Now... because I like your idea for Prof X and Magneto but don't want AEG to have a bloated roster (as that is the main comic promotion) I have decided to make an X-Men promotion with Prof X owner and Magneto Booker. XFW? X-Force Wrestling? Maybe? Anyway, taht'll be the name for now, I can always change it later.


Once I've finished adding the other people in, I will start work on the promotion.

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Oh sweet! I'm contributing! I'm actually really pumped right now. :D


Some roster suggestions for XWF:



Deadpool(he can be on PPA since I know he's somewhere else too)



Jean Grey- alter ego Phoenix and Dark Phoenix





Nate Grey/X-Man

Can have Stryfe in as the anti Cable/Nate Grey

Angel- alter egos The Fallen and Archangel

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All taken into account. James Gordon now has his ref stat upped to where he doesn't mess the matches up.


Now... because I like your idea for Prof X and Magneto but don't want AEG to have a bloated roster (as that is the main comic promotion) I have decided to make an X-Men promotion with Prof X owner and Magneto Booker. XFW? X-Force Wrestling? Maybe? Anyway, taht'll be the name for now, I can always change it later.


Once I've finished adding the other people in, I will start work on the promotion.


X-Gene Wrestling? Mutant Wrestling Front/Federation? Xavier Wrestling Alliance? Mutant Wrestling Alliance? There's no lack of mutants to use (negating the Decimation of course, even counting it there should be enough) Here's a couple Magneto pics I had already cut if you're interested:


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X-Gene Wrestling? Mutant Wrestling Front/Federation? Xavier Wrestling Alliance? Mutant Wrestling Alliance? There's no lack of mutants to use (negating the Decimation of course, even counting it there should be enough) Here's a couple Magneto pics I had already cut if you're interested:



Cheers! You've saved me a job cutting for him and I'll maybe make some alias' in case he leaves and goes else where during the game.


So far there are


Owner: Prof X (manager)

Booker: Magneto (semi-active)




Deadpool (with his X-Men alt pic)

Jean Grey







Scarlett Witch




Don't worry that won't be all. I decided to make The "X-Men" stable around Prof X (Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm & Wolverine) and the "Brotherhood of Evil Mutants" around Magneto (Quicksilver, Scarlett Witch, Mystique & Juggernaut). With Magneto as a semi active worker, it makes both stables 5 in ring members strong. We all have our favourite's so obviously in game you can chop and change who you want in the factions, these were just my choices for the start. I chose for Jean Grey to be "face" as she is already portraying the "heel" Pheonix character in M-WOW and I wanted it to be different.


I've got Bishop and Sabretooth waiting in the wings to be added to the game. I will add Jubilee and Gambit for sure too at some point.



Forgot to say... I'll not be able to update with the progress after today so if there's a lack of response, its not cos the mods dead, just I'm not gonna be hooked up in my new place straight away.

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They'll be in the final release. I managed to find a better pic for Black Panther and Carnage.


I'm toying with this:


But at the same time, part of me doesn't see it being a worthwhile endeavor just yet though. (GI Joe based promotion for those who hadn't guessed).



If this is still something you'd be interested in I'd like to help on GIW


As a kid I ran a promotion with my GI Joe and I have some ideas of how I could structure it (Snake Eyes as a Sting-like singles wrestler, Road Pig and the Dreanoks as a Freebirds/Raven's Flock type group etc)

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The lack of Gambit is disappointing.


Just got back online today and gotta shoot off to work in a minute but thought I'd give a small update.


Gambit is in it (hence me saying those weren't all). XFW has gotta have a minimum of 26 workers and I think I've now managed 20.


PeterHilton, if you want to create your vision of the GIW I'll happily include it (giving you the credit of course) just like I did with I believe Ghouls Bloodlines of Wrestling promotion. Alternatively if you don't have the time to create it, you could PM me your ideas and I will see if I can implement your ideas into the mod myself.


I will hopefully have something new for you all uploaded by next week and I will keep checking here for ideas and constructive criticism.

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Changes So Far...



added XFW



added XFW World Mutant Heavyweight

added XFW World Mutant Tag Team



added Angel (Archangel in XFW)

added Beast (XFW)

added Bishop (XFW)

added Brutus (Brute Force Free agent)

added Cannonball (XFW)

added Cyclops (XFW)

added Flint (Brute Force Free Agent)

added Forge (XFW)

added Gambit (XFW)

added Hawk (Brute Force Free Agent)

added Heather Hudson (XFW)

added Husk (XFW)

added Iceman (XFW)

added Juggernaut (XFW)

added Jubilee (XFW)

added Lady Deathstrike (XFW & M-WOW)

added Magneto (XFW)

added Martinique Jason (XFW)

added Miguel Caballero Rojo (T3W)

added Professor X (XFW)

added Sabretooth (XFW)

added Stryfe (XFW)

added Tex (Brute Force Free Agent)

added Toxin (AEG)

added Darkstorm (Visionaries Free Agent)

added Cravex (Visionaries Free Agent)

added Lexor (Visionaries Free Agent)

added Sindar (Visionaries Free agent)

added Reekon (Visionaries Free Agent)

added Mortdred (Visionaries Free Agent)

added Virulina (Visionaries Free Agent)

added Streex (Street Sharks Free Agent)

added Ripster (Street Sharks Free Agent)

added Jab (Street Sharks Free Agent)

added Slammu (Street Sharks Free Agent)

added Shadow (NWF)

added Slash (NWF)

added Toad Air Marshall (Bucky O'Hare Free Agent)

added Al Negator (Bucky O'Hare Free Agent)

added Agent Operative #1 (Crackdown 2 Free Agent)

added Agent Operative #2 (Crackdown 2 Free Agent)

Contract Wolverine (XFW)

Contract Deadpool (XFW)

Contract Emma Frost (XFW)

Contract Jean Grey (XFW)

Contract Kitty Pryde (XFW)

Contract Mystique (XFW)

Contract Nightcrawler (XFW)

Contract Quicksilver (XFW)

Contract Psylocke (XFW)

Contract Rogue (XFW)

Contract Scarlet Witch (XFW)

Contract Storm (XFW)

Renamed Julia Chang to Jaycee (T3W contract)


Currently at 1036 workers! More to come...

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THIS IS AWESOME *claps 5x* THIS IS AWESOME *claps 5x*


Also any hints on any other possible future promotions?


I'm not 100% myself at the moment. Ideally I'd like 30 starting promotions and then 5 generic "entertainment" promotions to open each year for 5 years but as it stands, at the moment, I have 26 (possibly 27 if I add GIW).


I ahave now decided to change NWF (I just hate the name if I'm honest). I have merged TMNT, Street Sharks, Battle Toads & Bucky O'Hare together as a big "Mutant/Alien-esque" promotion. Their first show below (watcher test game):




If you have any ideas for promotions you'd like to see though, let me know and if I can find enough people to fill it I'll add them.

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I love the idea of merging the mutant animal shows into one league. Could you also include the Extreme Dinosaurs? They were a spin off of Street Sharks and they were wayyy cooler :p


As far as other promotions go I'll try and think of some more when I wake up. I'm nearing being awake for 24 hours and I'm ready to pass out.:p

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I love the idea of merging the mutant animal shows into one league. Could you also include the Extreme Dinosaurs? They were a spin off of Street Sharks and they were wayyy cooler :p


As far as other promotions go I'll try and think of some more when I wake up. I'm nearing being awake for 24 hours and I'm ready to pass out.:p


Extreme Dinosaurs added to the promotion.

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I'm not 100% myself at the moment. Ideally I'd like 30 starting promotions and then 5 generic "entertainment" promotions to open each year for 5 years but as it stands, at the moment, I have 26 (possibly 27 if I add GIW).


I ahave now decided to change NWF (I just hate the name if I'm honest). I have merged TMNT, Street Sharks, Battle Toads & Bucky O'Hare together as a big "Mutant/Alien-esque" promotion. Their first show below (watcher test game):




If you have any ideas for promotions you'd like to see though, let me know and if I can find enough people to fill it I'll add them.


There are plenty of offshoot tmnt friends/allies you could put in as future workers or free agents, I actually have sourcebooks of the old archie comics with a bunch of characters in them, and you always have plenty of source material for a power rangers-esque/super sentai promotion, and you could also add more characters from M.A.S.K., in the more recent GI Joe toys they had a Matt Trakker figure as part of the line, so you could put them in the GI Joe Promotion. Maybe you could do an Avengers or Justice League promotion, they've had tons of different members and enemies over the years. Or maybe a Star Trek promotion, considering you have a Star Wars one. Or how about a Mario-based/Nintendo-based promotion.


*takes breath*


I think my exhausted, extensive expose/rant is done. I need sleep now.


*falls asleep*


*snores* mallow versus kirby *snores*

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