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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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Very good show. Glad to see the ratings rising steadily under your direction. You're already doing better than TNA ;)


Thank you, Codey!


I was shocked to see the ratings jump a whole .35 points from week to the next; then continue to climb another .6 points. It's the largest jump I've ever seen while playing this game, I just hope I can continue to do so!


Maybe TNA should hire Erik Vincent; bump up their ratings? haha jk.





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Friday, 2nd Week of February 2010

... "USPW adopts a new presentation level" ...





The 'Age of the Spectacle' in USPW takes hold...



“Think of it as a new coat of paint. We’re not changing the product much, outside of what we’ve already done to capitalize on our niche, but the visuals are due for a much needed overhaul. We’re in the 21st century; it’s about time that the USPW joins the rest of the world…”


Strong’s returning stare is rather blank; dripping with the typical sternness that radiates off of him both in, and out of, the ring. For a brief second, there’s silence; just a glance that tells of a man turning the gears of thought deep inside his mind.


Truthfully, was I wrong of saying such a thing? No. For years, the continual knock on the USPW was that it typically looked, from a presentation standpoint, like a broadcast straight from the 80’s. To those looking for a nostalgic, throwback-like, depiction of Pro Wrestling, everything appeared absolutely perfect. With that said; however, in which to compete within our marketplace, there needed to be a monumental overhaul; bringing Strong’s company to the 21st century (while still maintaining our focused goal on creating kayfabe-based entertainment).


His silence finally breaks as he looks square upon me in an unreadable fashion; focusing his weathered eyes over the thick top frame of his black frame. In this moment, I was unaware of what would come back in return; however, based upon our interactions in the past, I was confident that he would trust my insight. Some label Strong as rather naïve, despite being a hardened, figure. In reality, said naïve nature appears to be more rooted in a state of being humble; open to others viewpoints than being a blinded, straight-forward, leader. Thus far, it hasn’t burned him; so, why change? I wasn’t here to screw the man out of his money, his company, or his prestige; I’m here to better help the USPW Empire grow into something unique within the wrestling realm. In the end, it’s my background that gives me such a chance in doing so; this image overhaul being part of my wide-reaching plans for the company going forward.


“You haven’t steered me wrong, yet, Erik.”


He pauses for a brief second; placing emphasis on the word ‘yet’ in the end.


“I trust that your insight is just; it’s why we went ‘outside the box’ when we hired you from ‘Hollywood’.”


It certainly was outside-the-box; as most headbookers are often rooted in the very industry they now control. With that said; however, knowing that it would take something ‘special’ to stand toe-to-toe with the Goliath’s of their marketplace, Strong, and his ‘old boy’s club’, sought out an outsiders perspective; one who had made a career out of cultivating drama on a weekly basis (myself).


“Talk to the marketing department. Tell them they are to do what you say; it’s my decree.”


Sinking deeper into his glorious executive chair, looking me straight in my eyes at this point, the fearless USPW leader relays one final message before I depart his office; one speaking of a man hell-bent on success.


“I trust you, Erik. Don’t let me down…”


With that, I was given a, theoretical, blank check to overhaul the production values of the USPW going forward. I had made previous, minor, additions since my tenure started in 2010 (adding the ‘exclusive footage’ viewpoint on USPW.com; adding further development to our characters, storylines, and greater broadcasts); however, now things were certainly in-store for a full-fledged rocketing toward a modern depiction of kayfabe.


I, now, knew what had happened... Strong was entrusting his company’s direction in my hands…





<hr color="black">
What we learned

When I originally created this project, I threw together some imaging that I felt was pretty standard for a nostalgic company. With that said, I knew, once I had made it this far, and knew that I was invested in going forward, that this imaging would eventually change. With that said, the USPW now finds itself under a new brand; equip with new presentation imaging, avenues to deliver more kayfabe entertainment, and further the narrative of the company in a modern way. Honestly, what Erik Vincent claims at the beginning of this post, I believe it to be simply a 'new coat of paint'; nothing too crazy outside of that.


With that said, I'm working on said re-imaging right now. It's not going to be a mass overhaul; but rather a way of making the company feel like it's partaking in the 21st century environment versus simply being stuck in the 80's.


With Vincent coming in from 'Hollywood', being brought as an outsider in which to create the 'Great American Spectacle' era of USPW, I feel that this transition was best suited to happen over-time; as it has (both product and presentation).


I've evolved the product very slightly by adding 'very low' levels of a couple product defining changes. Each change came with a reasoning for such a slight shift; much like SCSA brought forth the attitude era (or how major moments, or characters, give way to changes in product versus a general shift typically). With that said, here is what I've evolved thus far:


Cult to 'Very Low' from 'none':
I changed this due to Enygma's recent transformation into a more, supernatural-based, character.


Realism to 'Very Low' from 'none':
This was done to keep in-line with the brutish nature that I've come to depict the USPW as; traditional, rough-neck, hard-nosed, blue-collar, wrestling.


Hardcore to 'Very Low' from 'none':
Before anyone freaks out, this is probably the highest it will go (unless I see it needing to be so in the future). This is, only, used in which to allow very subtle uses of weapons (like which has become tradition with Pro Wrestling). As always, it won't be very prevalent at all; and will only be utilized in prudent moments.


This may not be the end of the evolution; however, again, it will all come together over a period of time; versus a glaring overhaul from a product perspective. If I'm ever able to create my 'cruiserweight' division then there will be a slight addition of either A) Modern or B) Lucha Libre into the mix as well. For the most part though, massive overhauling won't come straight away; building like most cases would over time.
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Post-Show Footage: "American Wrestling" - 6th Episode!


[The image of the newly crowned Television Champion, Darryl Devine, shuffling through a back hallway, lazily extending said championship high into the air with his right hand, is shown as the “Alluring ELITE” all enter the scene at various points. While it’s known that they’ve formed as one, a who’s-who of the beautiful and the popular, their underlying body-language seems to tell of a group filled with individual pieces; versus a highly collective unit. The reasoning for such a thought, despite Devine’s grand excitement, smirking like a 16-year-old boy on prom night, knowing he’s exiting with the ‘top girl’ on his arm, that girl being the equally smug Seduction, “High Fashion” and Bryden look as though they are stewing over their recent loss to Marie Starr & Alicia Strong. In one night, their beautifully-laced faction had found many peaks-and-valleys; made evident by their varying displays of arrogance.]


[As this exclusive footage continues to roll, seeming as though it’s being recorded without their knowledge, the self-absorbed, always self-promoting, “Alluring ELITE” are shown entering into their personal locker room area within the production center of the Huntsville Fairgrounds.]


The gold looks absolutely striking around your waist, baby… It’s like it was made for you…


Darryl Devine:
I told ya, babe; It’s about time that the USPW find a man WORTHY of the spotlight! The only thing ‘freaky’ about “Da Freak” was his ugly mug…
[Laughs dramatically]
Did you see that thing?
[Laughs some more; showing off extreme arrogance]
There are some people who JUST… aren’t… cut-out for Television…


[Following his statement, the unknown muscle-man for the “Alluring ELITE”, the man who debuted on the 6th Episode of “American Wrestling”, comes into the shot; standing off to Devine’s side as he simply crosses his arms in a typical monster-heel like fashion. Straight away, it’s rather obvious that this man has NOTHING in common with the rest of his faction-mates; while they are a group based upon beauty, and celebritism, he looked nothing of the part. That doesn’t stop Devine though from slamming his open hand across the bruiser’s chest; celebrating in this manner as he explodes with arrogant laughter.]


Darryl Devine:
Stick with me, Big-man, and I promise you’ll go far…
Hanger-on’s always make it big when orbiting the ELITE…


[With that, as Bryden and Rodriguez continue to remove themselves from the situation, texting at a frantic pace upon their next-gen cell-phones, oblivious, as those like them, always are to their surroundings as they drown their sorrows in incessant, ego-boosting, social networking, Seduction is shown leaning in toward Devine; speaking under her breathe as she positions her hand over her mouth to block the sound from traveling too far.]


Baby… Why is he here? He doesn’t look like ANY of us? He’s so… so… Ugly…


Darryl Devine:
Don’t worry, Babe; it’s all for good reason…


[With that, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Seduction leaning away from her guarded conversation in private; making it impossible to hide her disgusted tone when it comes to the unknown big-man. None the less, as this carries on, her championship-branded man, Darryl Devine, turns back around once again; slamming his hand across the big-man once again in a celebratory fashion. While such a strike may get some ‘killed’, it looks like the gigantic bruiser doesn’t seem to care much; nodding his head in approval as he continues to cross his arms in a traditional heel fashion.]


[before the scene can fade to black, a panned out view of the “Alluring ELITE” is shown; depicting the newfound faction as an inherently unhinged grouping of self-absorbed, self-promoting, self-conscious, individuals. Despite being in one room with one another, they all seem to be more focused on their OWN scenarios than anything from a collective manner.]



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Friday, 2nd Week of February 2010

... "Setting the tone; 'Hollywood'" ...





Taking over 'Hollywood'...



Creatively, there’s no better place to bring the ‘Great American Spectacle’ to than the high-glitz, façade-based glamour, of Tinsel-town; aka ‘Hollywood’. A former resident and a man once deeply embedded in the ‘entertainment machine’ out west, coming back to Los Angeles feels slightly weird. When I left, “GREED”, the action-based TV-show I solely created, was slowly fading into the background. After years of being heralded as a gritty, underground-like, developer, I had, then, found myself a singular man on an island; unaware of where to go next.


Strong’s invitation, at first, felt counter-productive; overtly awkward when paired against my previous work. That said, overtime, it became glaringly obvious that such an, outside-the-box, choice was needed. Certainly, I could have stayed in ‘Hollywood’, leaching off of those I had come to work with during my tenure at the helm of “GREED”, but, in reality, I knew that it was either a change-of-pace or nothing; nowhere in between at this point.


Returning to ‘Hollywood’ appears to be coming at the right time in the USPW’s history; as we have, officially, branded ourselves as the Spectacle we’ve been wanting to project. Now, some 3 months after “GREED” climactically dove into the depths of ‘lost TV shows’, I find myself returning as a new man; a man dedicated to furthering the USPW brand nationwide.


What were my plans for this next week? Nothing all that differently than normal; really. With that said; however, it was time to ‘turn the heat up’ as we transitioned past the desert, over the mountains, and into the modern-day bohemia…


‘Hollywood’ here we come…




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Episode #7

Wednesday, 3rd Week of February 2010

Stallings Auditorium (South West)



Women’s Battle Royal

[The Winner will face Cherry Bomb at USPW “Red, White, Black, and Blue”]

Opportunity, in the USPW, is not something that’s handed to you; you must go out and seize it by any means necessary. Bite, claw, scratch, maim, it doesn’t really matter how. In the end, all that matters is WHO stands as victorious; who has achieved the opportunity in question. Five USPW women, five fiery, focused, ruthless determined, competitors, have the chance to completely divert their career paths in one night; the winner ultimately receiving a title-shot against the ‘Queen of Combat’ herself, Cherry Bomb. They all have the ability to walk in… WHO will be able to walk out?


Darryl “Mighty Fine” Devine ©
w/ "The Alluring ELITE"
vs. “Hands of Stone” Brutus O’Leary

[Non-Title Match]

A week removed from his TV Championship victory, the man who claims he’s “Made for TV” makes his triumphant return to “American Wrestling” with the strap officially around his waist. Opposing him is an iron-jawed, haymaker throwing, tough-guy from the crippling streets of Brooklyn; Brutus O’Leary. While their styles are quite opposite on paper, one has to believe that their much anticipated altercation will bring forth an explosive struggle between speed and KO power; an age-old fight known to history. In the end, Will “Mighty Fine” have enough resilience within that pretty-boy frame of his; withstanding the brutal strikes of O’Leary? – OR – Will the ‘Golden Gloves’ newcomer, the man brought in, seemingly, by Strong himself, deliver the heavy-handed goods in his USPW debut; KO’ing the TV Champion in the process? Truthfully, the real trump card may lie in the collective hands of the overtly apathetic, celebrity-driven, “Alluring ELITE”… or, more likely, their ogre of a henchman…


“The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

Ever since “Frigid Fight Night”, last month in Brooklyn, Eric Tyler has made it quite known that he dislikes the beloved USPW “Hawkeye”, Nicky Champion. On two different occasions, the former USPW color commentator, Eric Tyler, has made this known by assaulting Champion in dubious ways; manipulating the situation in which to, systematically, hurt the surging powerhouse. Now, for the first time in a USPW ring, “The Traditionalist” will lace-up-the-boots once again; taking it to his newfound nemesis with some ‘old-school justice’ of his own. Can the young Champion find revenge for Tyler’s previous attacks; proving “The Traditionalist” wrong in showing that he’s worthy of his wide-spread praise? – OR – Will the disgruntled veteran claim another upstart’s momentum; crushing Nicky with the truth that he may not be as good as we’ve claimed him to be. Either way, It’s expected that there will be a great deal of emotion pouring through the ringside area as both men look to prove their point to be true…


“The Outlaw” James Justice vs. “The Enforcer” Jumbo Jackson
w/ Shane Sneer

It’s common knowledge that Sam Strong and Shane Sneer don’t really see eye-to-eye about the direction of the USPW. With that said; however, our secondary main event comes directly by decree of Strong’s arch-nemesis, Sneer. Last week, “The Outlaw” left Sneer laying unconscious, outside of the ring, from a heavy-handed right; a fact that many believe to be justified. To the Sneer Corp CEO, that’s just not the case. Now, after a shocking loss last week, Sneer’s “Enforcer” is back to prove his worth; righting-the-wrong of such a stained scenario. Can “The Outlaw” overcome the brutal big-man with something to prove? – OR – Will “The Enforcer” make up for his shocking loss to James Dayton last week by crushing the competition; gaining revenge for his boss in the process? All in all, it’s expected that heads will roll… one way or another…


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans
w/ Shane Sneer

[uSPW World Tag Team Championship Match]

Their pairing has been rocky at best; however, the USPW World Tag Team Champions still reside atop their division. While such a situation is true; in reality, even the BEST tag teams in the world would have their hands full when faced with the daunting, and obviously demonic, task of defending against The Titans! Four men, all intertwined in their own way, will bring the most talked-about wrestling match in ‘Hollywood’ history; all for the grandiose prize of the prestigious World Tag Team Straps! Can Bruce and Chris coincide despite their shaky past; meeting the gigantic Titans with a destructive onslaught of their own? – OR – Will the Sneer-owned tandem officially rip the Tag Team Champions apart once and for all; obtaining the top prize in world-wide Tag Team Wrestling? In the end, this one match may signify ‘what’s to come’ as the incessant grudge-match for the USPW landscape continues to take form between the Sneer Corporation and the USPW loyalists…






USPW Owner, and Wrestling LEGEND,
Sam Strong
will facilitate the official contract-signing for the Main Event of this month’s PPV; “Red, White, Black, and Blue”! In the end, when all the dust has cleared, and with ‘Tinsel Town’ watching in awe, the darkened hero himself, the USPW World Champion,
, will accept the overwhelming task of competing against THE LARGEST man in Pro Wrestling History,
Bruce the Giant
; set to take place in 2 weeks’ time! Given recent situations, though, one has to wonder whether or not Enygma will be there to sign on the dotted line; as he’s been unseen since Bruce chokeslammed him through the ring-floor 2 weeks ago!


Plus, the strikingly beautiful
Blonde Bombshell
will join the USPW , for one-night-only, as she joins Danny Jillefski as the special guest commentator for this week's broadcast of "American Wrestling"!





<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]
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Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place?


Answer: Raven Robinson

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Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

By cheating or it just makes Brutus look weak

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

Tyler doesn't need the pop

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

More over

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans

Longer crazier things to happen in this title reign

Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]: Marie Starr

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"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point] Alicia Strong

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"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion-Draw after the bout descends into utter chaos

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point] Joanne Rodriguez

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Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

I think that there is two options here, either Raven wins and challenges Bomb again or she don´t and that starts her heel turn. I go with the second scenario and with Bomb as champ either Alicia or Marie will likely win and I go with Marie as Alicia is feuding with Joanne right now.


Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

non-title so I give this one to Brutus, likely will be DQ win though.


Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

Tyler isn´t regular wrestler so I don´t see why he should go overe Nicky here.


James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Jumbo could use the win but after losing to forceless Force last time I just don´t see it happening.


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans

Even though Bruce and Chris aren´t really a team I don´t see them dropping the titles yet, maybe Enygma makes an appearance and costs Titans this one.


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]

Raven Robinson

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Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

someone is coming in to help tyler

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point] Raven Robinson

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He was to be a shining, super-babyface, character; one that would appease the long-term USPW fan-base straight away. While we had Captain USA already on the roster, a man who easily fits such a grandiose, patriotic, tone, the writing on the wall said that the Captain didn’t have much left in his boat; he was closer to capsizing then making the grand voyage once again. With that in mind, it was obvious that we needed a new, blatantly, American figure to carry the torch…


Sadly, the SWF beat us to the punch…




It’s been announced today that the SWF has called-up the Masked Patriot from RIPW. Supposedly, the administrative-brass seems very high on the youngster; thinking he could, eventually, become a mainstay on the roster.


To be honest, I was crushed. Without knowing it, as I’m sure there’s no widespread conspiracy here, ala someone working within the shadows of our company to feed information to our competitors out of spite, Eisen’s company had swept in and swiftly undercut my creative plans for the young Brandon Smith. Now, If I were to parade the man they call “Bulldozer”, on the indy circuit, I would ultimately look like a fool in doing so; mostly because that would be two separate companies running with the same persona.


While I’m a proud man, reinforced by Strong’s incessant call for strength amongst his administrative figures, I knew that we couldn’t overtake the SWF in any department really. If we both debuted the same character, at the same time realistically, the USPW would instantly be trumped as one of lesser importance. Do I like that? Good God no. Is it reality; though? Yes.


Now, after hiring the young brawler from Minnesota to the USPW roster, I am forced to re-think how I will ultimately develop his persona. Much like Des [Davids], an All-American Athlete kind of approach could be entirely possible; especially given that Davids is no longer running as a fan-favorite. In the end, the two would be an obvious pairing to feud with one another; possibly bringing on a new era for the USPW as our undercard begins to gain steam. That said, I wasn’t entirely sold on the idea. Truthfully, it was back to the drawing board for me; forced there by the undercutting ways of one, Richard Eisen.


Did he know he did so? Probably not. Either way, though, I was made to return to the ‘creative blackboard’; forced to create a new avenue for a, potential, future superstar.




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]
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Ooh, that sucks to hear. I'd say Brandon could probably go Goldberg with some ease. They're both ex-football stars, near-complete unknowns, its just that Brandon can wrestle better. :p


I thought of going the Goldberg route; however, with more of a tempered rise? I mean, GOD-pushes are certainly possibly in this game, especially when based upon popularity; however, it would have to be done in the right manner. I mean, there are some out there who instantly start jobbing out Bruce the Giant in which to overtake his popularity on other people; I wont' be doing that.


The whole "Bulldozer" gimmick conjures up a Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, kind of approach though.


Given his love for suplexes, and strong-style slams, either way, he'll have to be portrayed as a bruising type guy. I guess we'll see. With "Hands of Stone" Brutus O'Leary debuting this week, a man whose known for, pretty much, the same kind of heavy-hitting style, I may need to either A) hold off for a bit or B) find a character unique in his own.


Thanks for the insight, Hashasheen!





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Sunday, 2nd Week of February 2010

... "Ding-Dong; The ‘Witch’ is dead?" ...



I had sat down for the afternoon, taking a slight break from crafting this week’s run-down for the “American Wrestling” broadcast, when I decided to briefly skim the ‘dirt-sheets’. From a day-to-day standpoint, I often found myself moving away from it’s influence; once an avid reader when I was still an ‘outsider’ working in ‘Hollywood’. However, now within the fold, it was genuinely a way of destroying once’s confidence; as Shane [sneer] best put it recently, “Nothing good comes from that; you’ll get paranoid for no reason”.


Skimming, half-paying attention to the unfinished script overtaking my make-shift desk, ala a production box hauling a number of our stage lights, I found myself practically falling over the sight of their top article:




“Peter Valentine may be rapidly approaching, but the grappler remains upbeat. Friends indicate that he is looking forward to starting a new career behind-the-scenes, and is seeking advice from some of his colleagues who have gone the same route.”


It came as no surprise that I knew NOTHING about this, seeing how Valentine and I have been known to dislike eachother slightly, mostly due to creative decisions, or lack there of when it comes to his ‘creative clause’, but I was shocked to have found this out solely through an independent source; not within the walls of the USPW Empire.


I attempted to phone Peter [Valentine] on several occasions, not entirely excited to speak to the man but wanting to know first-hand what was to come, I mean, it’s not like I’m trying to run a creative ship here, but, to my avail, he never made the choice to answer. Instead, I was left on an island; unaware of whether or not the rumors were true.


If true, my thoughts were conflicted.


On the one hand, this would give me the opportunity to FINALLY retire the USPW National Championship; something that I was forced to keep alive due to Valentine’s inability to drop anything from his waist. When attempting to pursue the option, it was instantly knocked down by Strong. What was I to expect though? Peter and Sam were pretty much locked at the hip. With him out, possibly, though, I could finally ‘clean-up’ the company from a creative standpoint; subtracting a lifeless championship in which to further my focus toward another approach… Possibly the high-flying division I’ve been attempting to gain interest over for quite some time now.


On the other hand, I would be losing, arguably, THE most hated man in Pro Wrestling history. While that sounds funny, why I would mourn such a thing, it was common knowledge that Valentine was a d*ck; a big one at that. His “Greatest of All-Time” persona was a perfect way to further drum up hatred; inspiring the USPW fans to, eventually, pine for his loss. Sadly, if he were on his way out, we would be losing a central figure in opposition to our babyfaces; a man that EVERYONE disliked and wanted to see punted in the face.


Plus, if he were to officially ‘hang them up’, whose to say that Peter wouldn’t pine for a job within creative? My guess is he wouldn’t be happy with just a low-level writer position; much like the cast of unknown writers that I’ve obtained since coming to Strong’s company. In reality, what’s not to say that he would pull a ‘power-card’ and attempt to overtake my job?


All in all, It was best to keep my eye on this; however, it appears as though the writing may be on the wall…


Losing a headache in the ring is one thing; bringing him ‘backstage’ may be a whole other thing…




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]
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Just wanted to give everyone a heads up; as I don't believe the results will be up as soon as in the past. Normally, I tend to have the results up within the week after I've posted the card; however, this next week may be a little murky to really get things finished in time. Truthfully, also, I'm in need of a slight 're-charging'. Don't worry, to those who read this project, I'm not going anywhere long-term but I know, to keep things going, I'll need to take a second to do other things more pressing.


Not sure, I may get some time coming up here but i'd have to feel like I was inspired to do so. With all of this said, the show turned out GREAT; the BEST in my Diary thus far! So, there certainly is a great story to tell here.... Just need time to A) find time to do write it and B) feel rejuvenated enough in which to keep things interesting for me.





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Brutus O’Leary

“Hands of Stone”

Brutus O’Leary (aka Bradford Peverell to followers of the Indy Circuit) is, basically, your quintessential Bostonian, Irish-Catholic, rough-neck turned into a striving independent boxer. Much like the narrative often tells with such a character, Brutus is being projected as a youngster who had to fight his way on the mean streets of Boston in which to survive; later turning that aggression into a trained form of fighting as was recommended to him. In a sense, with this image in mind, Brutus can best be seen as a proud man, strong in his convictions, strong in his punch, and quick to throw-down if need be.


He made his debut, last week, along-side Sam Strong; a designed introduction in which to best convey his character straight away. While most may link a debuting wrestler along side someone like Strong mostly for the popularity rub, It was my focus to have Strong personally bring O’Leary in due to the similarities in their demeanors. Tough-minded, tough-bodied, bruising in a way, authoritative in their stare; O’Leary would certainly be the perfect example of one of ‘Strong’s Boys’ (as was touched upon during the segment by Jillefski). With my depiction of Sam Strong as “The Alpha American”, blue-collar, hard-nosed, Steel-working-like, man, reaching out to someone like O’Leary to work within his company seems perfectly fitting. With that in mind, it was best to join the two almost instantly; not necessarily that Brutus is now his ‘boy’ or anything but that he’s in-line with Strong’s perspective of WHAT makes a good wrestler/fighter!


In the end, as his persona was in FCW, I plan to utilize Brutus’ punch as somewhat of a legendary asset. While he may not be THE most gifted ‘rassler in the ring, anything is possible, at any time, due to his overwhelming knock-out ability!


Character Buzzwords:
Hardened, fiery, rough-neck, Prideful, unafraid, heavy-handed, head-hunter.


Fun Fact:
It’s typical to see Brutus always at a standing-base; as he’s not one to tangle-up very much. Knowing that his best asset lies in his jaw-shattering punch, O’Leary often refrains from locking-up very much; instead, keeping upright in which to land his signature haymaker!



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These posts will be done as if you were listening to Erik Vincent speak exclusively about his character creations in USPW. The fun thing for me is, now, I have a better chance of getting across exactly how I would like these characters to be seen/heard/felt. In writing, I'm trying my best to convey each character but know that things can get lost in translation. With this in mind, I will occasionally post write-ups much like the one above in which to better describe the gimmick's for those characters important enough to have such a focus.


I hope you enjoyed reading it! Also, I hope this brings you, the reader, closer to the project as a whole; as you may now have a more vested interest the characters if you feel like you 'know them'.
"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]
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Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson


Champs a heel right now, so I that rules out one of the Alluring Elite, you've been there done that with Raven and I think you'll hold off on Strong's title charge for a bit. So I'll go with the newcomer Marie Starr getting the title shot. I'll go with the general consensus too that Raven gets second place, and with it being the trigger towards a gradual heel turn.


Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary


This one isn't ending clean, either it ends in a DQ win for O'Leary due to Ox based inteference or it ends in a cheap win for Devine due to Ox based inteference, I'm going to stump for the latter.


Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion


Tyler may not be full time, but I can't see Champion winning the first match in this feud, because otherwise the plucky babyface would have got his revenge on the arrogant heel already. Tyler needs to be on top for a while yet, before getting Champion can pay him back with interest.


James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson


Zergon had this spot on, Jumbo really could use the win after use to NOT Jim Force, but I think Justice might just be too over for that to happen. Perhaps this leads to Sneer putting him in some kind of ship up or ship out challenge for next week.


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


The tag champs will come ever close to losing these belts due to not being on the same page, but will find some way of walking out with the belts still round their waists.

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Thank you for everyone who has voted thus far; it's really appreciated (more than you know). As a general update, I've booked the show, and am slowly working through the write-up; however, don't really know when I'll have it ready to go entirely. I've realized one thing, recently, is that I need to slow down a tad sometimes in which to get my creative wheels turning again. There comes a point where I just start booking with good intentions but without my full creative capacity.


At first, I was afraid to book storylines that had more depth to them, fearing it was NOT USPW's style; however, now have come to realize that traditional-depth storylines are certainly possible. The whole 'family friendly' vibe that originally comes with the product (one that I've, in my game, changed to say 'Classic Wrestling'; as I feel it suits the product better) is less about surface level booking & more about the lack of intense violence. In a sense, it's more about story and less about blatant blood, weapons, and gore. Will weapons still exist? In a small way; yes. At the end of the day, there are certain things that are blatantly 'Pro Wrestling' that you can't entirely take them out of the product (ie: simulated violence & basic weapon usage; ie. slight chair, table, etc.)


Through all of this rambling, I just wanted to give you a heads up on what I was thinking recently. Realistically, no one will probably read this but oh well; worth a shot of spelling things out. :D


Can't believe both Redwood and Valentine retired already! :p


And I'm liking the character-shots you do, it kinda reminds me of these interviews J.R used to do back in the Attitude Era with wrestlers.


Sadly, while it says they are nearing retirement, neither has officially hung up their boots just yet. When the do, I foresee one of them being easier to 'let go' than the other though. In my mind, from an in-game perspective, and a 'reality perspective', I see Valentine sticking around in some way. I mean, when you're Strong's boy, I doubt you just disappear when you retire.


With the character-shots, do you mean the 'USPW character dissection' or the USPW.com exclusive videos? Not like it really matters, Just would like to know what it is that is connecting with you as a reader. Both are a lot of fun to craft and allow me the ability to further convey my vision of USPW outside of just using shows/events in doing so.


All in all, thanks for the feedback, Hash!





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With the character-shots, do you mean the 'USPW character dissection' or the USPW.com exclusive videos? Not like it really matters, Just would like to know what it is that is connecting with you as a reader. Both are a lot of fun to craft and allow me the ability to further convey my vision of USPW outside of just using shows/events in doing so.


Both really. Something the WWE has a problem with is that they don't give their wrestlers time on the show to establish and build their characters. The dissection helps me envision the general attitude and actions that character would take, and then the exclusive videos allow me to envision their speech patterns, what could tick them off, what they take pride in, etc...


Overall, the combination of both has seen you really flesh out a character to me. :)

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Brutus O'Leary... I'm getting a vibe of a Tank Abbott/WCW push with several one punch KOs.


Actually when I first saw the render on the last show, I thought Datsun had just changed his hairstyle and found a glove. ;)


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Using the heel champ logic, that would suggest a face winner and with Strong firmly tied with Bryden & co, Robinson having only recently dropped the gold, I'm guessing Mickie Starr's storyline daughter sneaks a big win.


Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Would a closed fist KO be a DQ-able offense in USPW? Either that or Double D's new man-friend gets involved when it looks like Devine's about to receive a fist-to-face makeover.


Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

Nicky gets schooled and falls to Tyler's box-o-tricks.


James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Jackson is a reasonable challenge, but has no business going over Justice on TV.


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans

Bruce and Caulfield retain, but I guess the real call is whether they came somehow work together to find a way to win or if the match will get thrown out because the Titans go on a rampage.


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]


Raven Robinson - I have the feeling we're going to see a very bitter ex-champ appear after this week's show.

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Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

I see Marie Starr getting close to the winning circle before Jo-Ro get's the win


Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

I forsee a souble stoppage; fighting his way through everything, in the end getting knocked down by the un-named huge guy.


Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

Nicky Champion by DQ; Tyler isn't out to win, he's out to make a point.


James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Got to go with Justice her; he's the bigger name and I can't see why a win for Jumbo would make sense.


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans

I give the Champios the edge. I can't see them dropping the titles this quickly... Maybe I'm wrong but I just can't see it.


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place?

I think I have to go for Marie Starr; she's new, she's interesting, she has to make some kind of impact.

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Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

It needs to be a face, so that eliminates Bryden and Rodriguez. Marie Starr is still new and Raven comes up just short. Alicia gets a big win here to go on to face cherry Bomb, with whom she has great chemistry in my diary.


Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

He is attacked and wins by disqualification but gets the last laugh when he decks and knocks out Devine.


Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

This is only the beginning so the Traditionalist picks up the cheating win.


James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

A lot of interference causes this one to be thrown out.


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans

A little early to get the titles off these two. Though I can see the more united Titans getting the win, I just think there's more to the Bruce and Chris story.


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]

Raven Robinson

Like many others, I believe that this will be the beginning of her heel turn as she comes up just short once again.

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