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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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Both really. Something the WWE has a problem with is that they don't give their wrestlers time on the show to establish and build their characters. The dissection helps me envision the general attitude and actions that character would take, and then the exclusive videos allow me to envision their speech patterns, what could tick them off, what they take pride in, etc...


Overall, the combination of both has seen you really flesh out a character to me. :)


That's great to hear, Hashasheen!


I agree with you, whole heartedly, that the WWE is missing the ball, recently, with utilizing various avenues to flesh out their characters more (ie: Internet; new media). With that, I've been trying to utilize both as a way of bringing greater depth to the USPW experience as a whole. More or less, I'm trying, as all of us writers do, to paint enough of a picture that, when you read the show, you can take away what I see/feel as well.


For me, TEW dynasty's are not just about booking; but about creating an experience (using characters, storylines, images, different backstage posts, etc., in which to better convey this experience). It may be more daunting than simply writing out who won/loss, and it may eventually turn some away who don't want to read all the way through, but I find that that's far more intriguing to me as a writer than anything else. Plus, I try to add things throughout in which to keep even the most basic skimmer interested; making it easier to pick up knowledge as you go.


All in all, good to know that I have you interested!





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"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson


Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary


Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion-Double DQ


James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Question: Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point] Raven Robinson

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Status of Episode #7

At this point, the results for Episode #7 of “American Wrestling” is about half-way from being written entirely. That said, the bigger segments are left to be written; so, there could still be a number of days before the results see ‘the light of day’; depends on the time, drive, and focus, I can muster up.


To those who have predicted, Thank you! Truthfully, it’s great to still have you on-board. For others, there are still a few days left before there’s no more time for predictions with this stage. Either way, it’s good to have people interested all together!



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Random Thoughts while writing Episode #7

Here are some thoughts I’ve compiled while writing the 7th episode of “American Wrestling”. As always, I find this post to be pretty fun to convey as a writer (giving others a look-into what they can expect for the show, my thoughts on the show’s progress, and general information from the creator’s perspective). I never really intended on this being a consistent thing; however, I’ve come to really love it. Plus, it tends to mean that I’ve hit the ‘half-way-mark’ when it comes to writing; as that’s typically when I post what I’ve been thinking.


With that said, here you go:


  • I’ve had my first match outcome changed due to a ‘creative-control’ clause. To keep it ambiguous, as it may be who you think it is, I won’t give any hints on what happened. That said, I had to scramble to ‘re-write’ the USPW script as this person decided against my original plans. I guess that’s the beauty of this game; when trying to play within a realism ideal.

  • Breaking from tradition, at least throughout the first 6 shows, Episode #7 opens with the highlight on a number of newcomers to the position (people you normally don’t see during the ‘peak moments’ of the show; that being the open, mid-show, and post-main-event). My reasoning is two fold here; A) to keep in-line with the ‘Hollywood’ narrative that the USPW has stepped into this week and B) to bring the spotlight in a new direction; hoping to create some new ‘stars’ in the process.

  • I’m really happy with how the contract signing angle came together. I wanted to go in a new direction that I haven’t booked before; while also adding a BIG question leading toward USPW “Red, White, Black, and Blue” (February PPV).

  • I was able to score a “B-“ for one of my matches; tying the highest rated match in my short USPW tenure. The crazy thing is, it may not be in the match you’re expecting…

  • The overall show grade is the best I’ve, also, ever had in my short USPW tenure! As expected, I was pretty pumped about that.

  • Truthfully, I have had some issues with trying to strip back my darker-toned self; however, booking/writing for USPW has been a great way to re-tool my love for writing a GDS dynasty; as it’s been a MUCH different process for me. I’ve been able to add some simple, less subtle, calmer, darkness with Enygma, and Baine; so, that continues to itch that scratch of mine (even if it is done in a more ‘family friendly’ method than I typically like to write for).


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You could always put Valentine "On Hiatus" for a while to give yourself a break from his lovely attitude.


It would make things easier; however, Valentine's attitude is something I freely embrace while playing USPW. It sounds funny, I'm sure, but that's something that, I believe, is needed in which to tell the REAL story of the USPW landscape. Any booker, no matter who they are, will have to deal with his attitude; also knowing that they couldn't fire, or job him out, due to his strong, no pun intended, connection to Sam Strong. Same with Bruce the Giant.


I went as far as to give Valentine 'creative control' via the editor in which to better tell this story; as I felt that it held me in check as a booker (knowing that Valentine would have sway over how he's booked). Does it suck? At times, yes. Funny enough, though, I enjoy it.


It's just like hunter's influence, or HBK's influence in the 90's, it's part of the culture of USPW; so, I enjoy having to 'deal' with the issues that arise.


Unlucky for Giant Redwood, he has a relationship with the FORMER boss... So it makes it easier to treat him a less less nicely.



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"American Wrestling": Episode #7

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Marie Starr vs. Raven Robinson

Darryl Devine vs. Brutus O'Leary

Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield © vs. The Titans


Who will be the last person eliminated in the Women's Battle Royal; in a sense, 2nd place? [+1 Point]
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Episode #7

Wednesday, 3rd Week of February 2010

Stallings Auditorium (South West)








Danny Jillefski:
Ladies and Gentlemen, February has certainly been a month filled with non-stop drama; overtaking United States Pro Wrestling like a virus latching onto it’s host. Knowing we’ve come to this place, to a moment in our company’s history where ANYTHING could happen, where better to bring our action than the city made famous by it’s never-ending love for absolute Drama!! Folks, Allow me to welcome you to the night we’ve all been waiting for…
[Pauses; grows with excitement]
“American Wrestling” has come… to… ‘Hollywood’!!!

[Camera pans out from a tight shot on Danny now; showing that tonight’s guest commentator, Blonde Bombshell, is seated next to him. Her intense beauty overtakes the screen as a number of fans seated behind her practically lose-their-mind with excitement; flailing their arms around dramatically in which to show their love for the USPW!]

Danny Jillefski:
To add to our grandstanding here tonight, I’m pleased, very, pleased, to introduce to YOU our guest commentator for tonight’s broadcast. She’s THE most downloaded female in Pro Wrestling HISTORY, and we’re excited to have her on-board,… The Beautiful… The breath-taking… Blonde Bombshell!!

[blondie displays a soft smile; nodding her head in appreciation]

Blonde Bombshell:
I’m happy to be here, Danny! I’m a HUGE USPW fan; so, getting to witness the action, in-house, is going to be a real treat! This IS, truly, the Great... American… Spectacle!

Danny Jillefski:
Couldn’t be farther from the truth, Ms. Bombshell! We’re proud of…

[Just then, Danny is interrupted by a newly created theme song; one that NO ONE really recognizes right away. With that, Danny turns from Ms. Bombshell in which to look upon the entrance ramp.]

Danny Jillefski:
What do we have here? Folks, I don’t recognize the song, but it looks like someone is kicking “American Wrestling” into high-gear; right away!



[After a lengthy explosion of awe-inspiring pyrotechnics, “American Wrestling” officially opens with a number of quick crowd pans; creating an intro environment based entirely upon absolute excitement. Wrestling fans young and old, tall and short, obese and underweight, all cram into the Stallings Auditorium from wall-to-wall; overtly enthralled by the USPW-experience straight away. While most broadcasts don’t quite open in this manner, at least based upon their past episodes, there appears to be a grandiose nature to their arrival in Los Angeles; aka ‘Hollywood’. Almost as though the USPW is treating this event much like a PPV-event; only on national television and free to those watching at home.]


[As the excitement continues to overtake the auditorium, the USPW faithful quickly change their tune following the start of a semi-recognizable theme song; place-able, yet still too fresh to be an instant thought.]



”The Alluring ELITE”

… The ‘Beautiful Ones’ overtake ‘Hollywood’ …


[Apathetically cool in their demeanor, shuffling lazily toward the ring, the controversial faction gradually overtakes the ringside area; a fact that is met, in return, with a sense of disdain from the USPW faithful. Entering the ring in small cliques, that being Joanne Rodriguez and Belle Bryden in close proximity to one another, Darryl Devine and Seduction entering as an arrogant combination, and the unknown muscle man entering on his own accord, showing to be an island of his own within a group that seems to be QUITE opposite than he, the “Alluring ELITE” open the USPW’s presence in ‘Hollywood’ with a gigantic dose of undying egocentrism.]


[With a microphone in hand, ripped from the in-ring announcer by the clubbing hands of the unknown behemoth, “Mighty Fine” looks out upon the crowd; smirking in a smug fashion while his newly obtained TV Championship flickers in the lights from above.]


Darryl Devine:
You can boo all you want but even you, with your fat-infested stomachs, your decade-old mini van’s, and your feelings of hopelessness, know that good things ALWAYS happen… to beautiful people!


[The crowd boos like crazy, especially given the fact that Devine has just personally insulted them collectively, as the members of the “Alluring ELITE” continue to smirk in a smug-like fashion; looking out upon the crowd as if they were, truly, better than them in everyway possible.]


Darryl Devine:
You hate it, we know you do, but the same thing you experienced in high school continues to rule your puny little lives today. Those who are beautiful, those who have obtained celebrity status, really, the popular ELITE, drive better cars than you, have better paying jobs than you, and simply look BETTER than you!
[Crowd boos]
Again, you can boo all you want but you can’t escape the truth… WE… Are BETTER… than… YOU!!


[The crowd boos, again, like crazy as Devine exerts a major wave of arrogance; laughing outwardly in a dismissive fashion toward the USPW faithful before him. Meanwhile, as the “Alluring ELITE” all pose, in what many would believe to be, in a cool manner, wearing the best, and most expensive, clothes that money, or in this case beauty, can buy, their gigantic henchman continues to stand closely behind; crossing his arms in a typical towering heel fashion while snarling like an enraged monster.]


Darryl Devine:
Now, last week, our latest investment made his presence known during my championship victory over Andre “Too ugly for TV” Jones. From there, many of you hopped onto your dial-up connection, because let’s face it, you don’t make enough to actually enjoy the finer things like broadband, to ultimately find out his identity.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
You see, when you’re at ELITE-status, when you’re the man everyone wants to be, and all the women want to be with, you can often afford… protection.
[smirks; looks back at the gigantic henchman]
This man, this hired gun, is exactly that; He’s here to ensure that WE remain on top. Call it what you want, we don’t really care, but, at some point, you’ll come to realize that it’s all part of the natural flow of life… The beautiful, the alluring of this world, always find their way to RISE to the top; no matter how it’s done.


[Crowd boos as Darryl backs up slightly; standing alongside the snarling, cross-armed, behemoth in the process.]


Darryl Devine:
Allow me to introduce to you… the muscle behind OUR beauty… OX… MASTADON!!


[Ox extends his arms out in a flexing fashion as the crowd, responding to the action, and his naming, begins to boo like crazy once again. Meanwhile, as all of this takes place, Devine is shown laughing to himself; even embracing Seduction in the process in a ‘we did it’ kind of fashion. However, Ox’s momentary celebratory scenario comes to a screeching halt soon there after; as the familiar tone of Alicia Strong’s theme music begins to, now, overtake the Stallings Auditorium with pride.]



Alicia Strong and Marie Starr

… Strong and Starr 2.0 …


[As a unified tandem, these life-long friends, in Alicia Strong and Marie Starr, stroll through the black entrance curtain with a sense of impenetrable mental strength; staring down their rivals, Joanne and Belle, from atop the declining steel rampway. For a matter of a few seconds, as the music slowly starts to fade underneath the overpowering response from USPW faithful, both Strong & Starr are shown fixating their focus entirely on those “Alluring ELITE” members they’ve come to tangle with quite often recently (Alicia for longer than Marie). Following their staredown, Alicia slowly raises a microphone up to hear mouth in which to address her rivals; still fixated on, mostly, “High Fashion” Ms. Rodriguez in the end.]


Alicia Strong:
You know, Devine, you are right about one thing…
[Pauses; looks down toward the ringside area]
We’ve all been FORCED to deal with your type throughout our lives. For every hard-worker out there, dedicated to busting their backs to advance, there are always those types who FEEL that they should have EVERYTHING served to them on a silver platter; and why? Because you were blessed with high cheek-bones, a straight nose, and colorful eyes?
[shakes her head; annoyed]
That may get you some attention on the runway but here, in the USPW, all of that means diddly-squat…


[The crowd pops as Alicia pauses for a second; allowing the fans to buy into her notion. Meanwhile, the “Alluring ELITE” all appear rather flustered with Alicia’s interjection; blowing her off, already, with something as simple as an irritated eye-roll. None the less, showing that she’s heard enough, Ms. Rodriguez quickly rips the microphone from her own faction-mates hands, that being Devine, in which to stare Alicia down from within the ring; displaying her signature, ‘I’m better than you’, smirk across her face in the process.]


Joanne Rodriguez:
Does ugliness cloud your memory, Alicia? Honestly, I don’t know as I’ve never been in, well, your $2 shoes before…
[smirks; Alicia laughs off her dismissive comment.]
Your own recent history shows that, what you just said, is flawed. I mean, what is it now; 1-2 is your record since I’ve come to USPW? That doesn’t seem like your ‘if you work hard; you’ll achieve anything’ speech holds any merit!
That one victory wasn’t even YOU, Alicia, it was that troll standing next to you who CHEATED her way to the win…


[Marie leans in toward Alicia; speaking over the microphone as Strong continues to hold it in her hands. More or less, it seems like Marie is interjecting out in a reactionary way instead of taking over the interview herself.]


Marie Starr:
Troll? Look whose talking you miniature little witch!


[Crowd collectively projects an ‘ooooo’ kind of response as the two stare eachother down from afar. Shortly thereafter, Alicia is heard speaking a final time before the opening bout finally comes into existence.]


Alicia Strong:
You can push me around all you want, call me names, write disgusting things on my forehead with lipstick, and threaten my very existence, all you want, Rodriguez.
[Pauses; grows with intensity]
To be honest, I don’t really care; I’m a big-girl and I know EXACTLY how to put it to little punks like you!
When it’s all said and done, though, I’ll see to it that your little ‘pretty girl’ regime falls flat on it’s face; that way every little girl out there being bullied, every little girl crying from being pushed to the floor at recess, gets the chance to celebrate in the fall of a bully!
[Looks Joanne straight in the eyes with fury]
You’re going down “High Fashion”… You’re ALL going down!


[With that, Strong drops the microphone and starts to gravitate toward the ringside area as Marie Starr stands proudly at her side. While the crowd explodes with minimal excitement, and both teams of women are shown pointing and yelling at the other rival, the overall feeling is that tonight’s women’s match is going to be a truly heated affair!]


Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
I’ve NEVER been so proud as to say that I know young Alicia Strong.
[Nods his head; happy by her response]
My girls look up to her, as I know a lot of you do as well, and there is no greater role-model than Ms. Strong!

Blonde Bombshell:
I guess we’ll find out right here, right now, whether grit or beauty will win out…

Danny Jillefski:
If that’s what we’re looking at, my money goes on grit any day of the week. These girls like Strong, Starr, and Robinson, know EXACTLY what it takes to be an agent for the good in the world! In the end, THOSE are the people who will succeed! The beautiful may get a break, may look like they’re ahead, but, in the end, they will ALWAYS get what’s coming to them!




USPW Women’s Battle-Royal

[The Winner will face Cherry Bomb, for the title, at USPW “Red, White, Black, and Blue”]


With the USPW Women’s Champion, Cherry Bomb, watching from outside of the ring, joined across from the ring by “Alluring ELITE” members, Darryl Devine and Ox Mastodon, there is a level of craziness surrounding the ringside area; knowing that, with so many people within the ringside area, ANYTHING could happen! Within the ring, the five competitors open “American Wrestling” with an explosive punch; all showing, outwardly, to WANT this win as much as the next. Back-and-forth they go; however, in the end, a number of the competitors are cast from the ring; bringing the match toward an end. In closing, there were three women left; Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson (with the “Alluring ELITE” removed earlier by, both, Starr & Strong at various points). Luckily, for Strong, Starr and Raven eventually eliminate themselves both with a hangman’s closeline over the top rope; orchestrated by Starr to start with. With that, after close to 10 minutes of action, the “Blue Collar Beauty” is left as the only woman standing; somewhat lucky of Starr & Raven’s combined exit.


Alicia Strong wins the USPW Women’s Battle Royal in 9:35 when Marie Starr and Raven Robinson were doubly eliminated via a collective, over-the-top-rope, closeline.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
Starr & Raven have hit the floor!!
[Obviously excited]
The “Blue Collar Beauty” is going to “Red, White, Black, and Blue” to challenge Cherry Bomb for the Women’s Championship!
[Nods; excited]
I can’t wait to witness that one; to think… Strong… Bomb…
[shakes his head; in excited disbelief]
It’s bound to be a GREAT battle!

Blonde Bombshell:
Sounds like a good reason to go shopping, Danny!

[Danny laughs; looks to Ms. Bombshell with somewhat shock.]

Danny Jillefski:

Blonde Bombshell:
She’s gotta look cute for her title match; it’s in a girl’s blood to impress!

[Danny nods his head; laughing at the thought especially in a brutish word like USPW]

Danny Jillefski:
I suppose so, Ms. Bombshell. I suppose!




Alicia Strong, Joanne Rodriguez, and Belle Bryden

… Possible post-match fight? …


[As the match comes to a close, the proud victor, Alicia Strong, stands within the ring; her right arm raised by Eugene Williams in the process. While it’s obvious that her body is quite depleted from the action that just took place, Strong appears to be on-edge as she stares down, both, Joanne Rodriguez and Belle Bryden outside of the ring. For a few seconds, it appears as though the “Alluring ELITE” members may be thinking of entering the ring, speaking to one another in a discrete fashion; however, the attention-pulling scenario only proves to be a physical affair for Strong and her next mountain to climb…]



Cherry Bomb ©

… Sneak Attack …


[With Strong’s attention turned, the Combustible “Queen of Combat” herself, the USPW Women’s Champion, Cherry Bomb, is shown violently attacking her from behind; utilizing a stiff closeline as her initial striker. From there, as the “Alluring ELITE” smirk, chuckling under their breath in a dismissive fashion, the Women’s Champion continues her assault; stomping in a fiery fashion upon Strong’s unprotected frame. In the end, the abrasive bomber eventually plants her newfound challenger square in the middle of the ring with an explosive “Cherry Bomb” (Sit-Down Powerbomb). The impact itself is so destructive that Alicia appears to be KO-ed the second she hits the unforgiving canvas.]



Raven Robinson and Marie Starr

… Shocking Attack …


[Just then, after what was EXPECTED To be the final image, that being Cherry Bomb’s assault on her newfound challenger, the camera man quickly transitions outside of the ring in which to see Raven Robinson wailing away on a fallen Marie Starr. Hovering above her, like a woman-possessed, Robinson throws a round of emotionally-laced punches square to Starr’s head; pinning her to the ground with her legs in the process. All in all, everyone appears to be SHOCKED over what they’re seeing; completely floored by Raven’s reaction to the loss.]


Grade: D


Danny Jillefski:
Mass chaos following our women’s battle royal!!
[shocked; watching on as he pauses]
We have Cherry Bomb sneak attacking her newfound challenger… As well as the shocking outburst of Raven Robinson wailing away on Micky’s daughter; Marie! Good god, this is just… crazy!

Blonde Bombshell:
I’ve been a fan of the USPW for quite some time now, watching every Wednesday from my home in LA, and I can’t believe what I’m seeing with Raven…
[shakes her head; shocked]
All of her ‘Dark Angels’ out there; what are they to think? She’s completely gone overboard here…

Danny Jillefski:
and then some…
[shakes his head; saddened]
wow… I guess we’re going to have to move on folks but… There is A LOT going on in the Women’s Division these days; a lot of questions that NEED to be answered!




“Hands of Stone” Brutus O’Leary vs. Darryl “Mighty Fine” Devine
w/ "The Alluring ELITE"

[Non-Title Match]


With a collection of beauties, and a beast, at ringside in his favor, “Mighty Fine” seems to strut around the ring like a man with no fears whatsoever. Instead, the newly crowned TV Champion acts much like an arrogant, center-of-attention, d*che; all the way down to his pandering to the referee after a simple snap-mare (which he claims to have had his hair pulled in the process). As time goes on, though, such arrogance starts to slip as the brutal hands of the Irish Boxer, O’Leary, begin to weaken his lean frame with heavy-handed strikes. With time, it becomes rather evident that Brutus’ unforgiving approach appears to be severely bruising the TV Champion; taking more time to pull himself up from the canvas after a swing-or-two. In the end, sensing that the tides may be drifting heavily against his favor, Devine is shown signaling to Ox as he lays semi-conscious upon the canvas; put there by a stiff closeline from the “Hands of Stone”.




Within seconds, the match comes to a screeching halt as Ox Mastadon is shown stepping over the top rope & assaulting the surging O’Leary with a bear-hug-like closeline of his own. The sheer force floors the challenger; also forcing Eugene Williams to call for the bell soon thereafter. In the end, Ox is shown landing a number of powerful stomps of his own upon Brutus’ frame; then exiting the ring after a staggering Devine calls for him in the isle-way. With that, the “Alluring ELITE” exit the squared circle as Brutus O’Leary rolls over onto his stomach; staring upon the beautifully wicked faction with a stern sense of revenge overtaking his mug.


Brutus O’Leary defeats Darryl Devine in 6:28 via DQ; due to Ox Mastadon’s interference on Devine’s behalf.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
If this is ANY example of Devine’s tenure as the USPW Television Champion then I suppose were in for a hefty dose of drama…

Blonde Bombshell:
Seems fitting; Drama… TV Championship… I mean, he certainly does look the part…

Danny Jillefski:
What’s that; for a dufus?

Blonde Bombshell:
I don’t know…
[bats her eyes a little]
He’s dreamy enough to be on TV…

Danny Jillefski:
Good god, I think I may vomit…

[Danny pretends to pat his stomach; making his face look somewhat queasy in the process.]




James Dayton

… Entering the Stallings Auditorium ….


[We transition backstage in which to see the recently depleted, psychologically defeated, James Dayton entering the Stallings Auditorium through the gaping delivery entrance; clad in basic street clothes while showing no signs of his previous ‘Force’-like image (lack of face paint and all). With every pain-staking step, the camera follows Dayton as he unexcitedly enters the arena; a basic vignette done by most, all, wrestling programs. However, this isn’t where the situation lies…]



Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer

… An attack from nowhere …]


[As Dayton turns the corner, BAM…]


[The gigantic boot from Jumbo Jackson, just like he did last week, floors the former ‘Force’ unexpectedly; forcing him to crash to the cement floor in a thunderous heap. While, this time, Dayton looks to rebound from his attack, possibly challenging his attacker, no such scenario comes to pass; as Jackson, instead, floors Dayton with a quick, and definitely painful, one-sided assault.]


[Following a heavy toss into the white-washed wall to their left, Jackson stands over his fallen victim as Sneer’s voice is heard peering from off-camera.]


Shane Sneer:
[sneer laughs in an evil manner; then pulling Jackson away slightly]
You see what you did here?
[slaps Jumbo across the face; tough love in which to push his adrenaline even higher]
THIS is what I EXPECT later tonight…


[sneer firmly pulls Jackson away from Dayton; fact that, normally would be impossible to carry out given Jumbo’s size; however, when under Sneer’s control you follow what he says. None the less, as they start to stagger away from the scene, Sneer is heard relaying one last statement; meanwhile his “Enforcer” appears to be running high on vicious energy.]


Shane Sneer:
James Justice WILL PAY for what he did last week! You, my monster, WILL be his judge, jury, and executioner… Just like you did here; I EXPECT his destruction!!!


[With that, the segment comes to a close as Sneer & Jackson are shown exiting the space in an abrasive fashion. Meanwhile, the camera re-focuses on Dayton one final time; a fact that’s quite sad in nature as the ‘Force-less’ man lays motionless on the cement floor; a victim, once again, by the vile wrath of one, Jumbo Jackson.]


Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
Come on!! What was THAT for; because he beat you, fair-and-square, last week? That’s just sad… just sad that Sneer, and his “Enforcer”, needed to act in such a petty manner!

Blonde Bombshell:
I’d hate to be the “Outlaw” right now…

Danny Jillefski:
I can promise you this, Ms. Bombshell, Justice is going to be comin’ for a fight tonight! His punch-out of Sneer last week wasn’t a one-time-thing; the “outlaw” is exactly that… a man of his own design.
[Nods his head; growing with excitement]
If Sneer wants a fight, He chose the WRONG man with Justice… T-Rex, Jumbo Jackson, Shane Sneer, it doesn’t matter who is coming for him… Justice will be ready; looking for a fight of his own!




“The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler vs. Nicky Champion


Being a well-trained, honorable, warrior, Nicky Champion stands in defiance of his newfound rival with a sense of confident calm; not overwhelmed by revenge, hatred, or selfish desires. In return, the weathered “Traditionalist” appears to be just as calm; however, not in the same manner for which Nicky stands; Tyler’s is more-so based in the confidence of knowing ‘the craft’ in-and-out. In a sense, such a confidence can be seen as underlying arrogance; a fact that seems to radiate from Tyler altogether.


The action itself, though, is pretty telling that both WANT this win; badly at that. While it may not be overt, yelling out their want for such, their mannerisms tell of two men dedicate to victory; utilizing their own, distinct, approaches in the ring in hopes of overcoming the other.


Touching upon that, it’s quite easy to see that Nicky and Eric’s in-ring focus are obviously different: Nicky as the bruising brawler and Eric Tyler as the body-stretching, bone-bending, traditionalist. With this in mind, their pace, and ring-placement, appear to tell of such a narrative: Nicky looking to stay upright; while Tyler tends to keep the bigger brawler cemented upon the canvas (locking in various, European-inspired, submission holds in which to slow down the bigger man).


In the end, It’s Tyler’s plotting, body-bending, approach that ultimately proves to be the stronger of the two approaches… At least in this initial altercation…


After an array of back-breaking maneuvers, small in physical excursion, yet crippling in their impacts, Tyler looks to have Nicky right where he wants him; worn-down slightly, sluggish, and obviously showing signs of a weakened back. With that, after a double-kneed backbreaker, the “Traditionalist” methodically administers a body-crushing Camel Clutch!!


Yelling; opening his mouth like a tortured warrior… Nicky tries to fight off the pain…


Roaring with fury, and injury, the beloved “Hawkeye” inspires his body into motion…


Like a powerful GOD-like figure, almost supernatural in a way, Nicky is shown slowly rising to his feet; Tyler still piggy-backed upon him as he holds the Camel Clutch in as well as he can.


Lifting up to his knees…


Up to his other knee…


Onto his legs now…


Nicky Champion roars out like a triumphant warrior; looking to further his powerful rise by throwing Tyler off of him.


Sadly, Champion is unable to do so; dropped back to the canvas after a well-placed, yet dubious, eye-rake. The impact of Tyler’s fingers forces Nicky to drop his focus for a second; having his body collapse under it’s own weight (further by Tyler’s incessant breaking of his body throughout the match).


As time goes on, with the Camel Clutch still locked in, Nicky begins to grow rather limp; occasionally coming back to; however, not able to really break the move whatsoever. In the end, without the ability to physically tap, and now unconscious due to the immense pain of the clutch, Nicky gives Eugene Williams no choice; calling for the bell in a ‘stoppage’-like manner. While the match may have continued in other settings, Mr. Williams knows that another second COULD be what ultimately puts Nicky in a hospital bed. With that said, the match is brought to an unsettling close with the sight of Tyler finally letting go of the Clutch; as Champion’s body collapses upon the canvas in a thunderous heap.


Eric Tyler defeats Nicky Champion in 14:17 via a stoppage from Eugene Williams (Champion is unconscious; unable to submit).

Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
Close to 15-minutes of action and THIS is how Eric Tyler ends it all; a rake-to-the-face? Once a cheater… always a cheater!
[shakes his head; saddened]
I mean, I’ll give the “Traditionalist” credit; he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing between those ropes. I mean, the man is certainly a master of his craft; that’s obvious. Sadly, his in-ring approach is just as much about back-handed cheating as a traditionalist framework!

Blonde Bombshell:
He was so close, Danny, So… Close!
[Pauses; smiles]
Just one more push of strength and Nicky could have made the difference! What a muscle-bound work-of-art that Nicky Champion is!
[smiles; playfully winking at him]

Danny Jillefski:
We’ll see, in the future, if Tyler’s cheating ways will continue to do him any good. As I said, he’s a great talent, a knowledgeable veteran, and a man whose truly dangerous within the ropes, but what he did here tonight was blatantly dubious if you ask me!

[A brief sense of silence overtakes as a number of paramedics join Champion within the ring; he’s groggy but coming too quite well.]

Danny Jillefski:
It’s good to be precautious here; don’t want to see a youngster as Nicky suffer from lingering issues after passing out like that! I mean, to pick himself, and Eric Tyler, off the matt despite having a weakened back, probably pushed the young “Hawkeye” to over-exert himself!

Blonde Bombshell:
I hope he’ll be okay!

Danny Jillefski:
I’m sure he’ll be lightheaded for a bit but he should be just fine. A kid his age should rebound from something like this in no time!




Sam Strong

… Facilitating a Contract Signing …


[A greater sense of euophoria sweeps throughout the Stallings Auditorium as the USPW’s honorable owner, and celebrated LEGEND of THIS sport, Sam Strong, shuffles through the black entrance curtains in an awe-inspiring fashion; subtle in his movements yet, when coupled with his grandiose theme music, his sheer presence sends shivers down anyone’s spine. Slowly shuffling toward the ring, this World-Wide ICON overtakes the surrounding area with his typical, overtly stern, demeanor; entering the squared circle with a, no pun intended, strong sense of authority to his every step.]


[Once in the ring, Strong looks out upon the USPW faithful with a sense of pride; holding a branded microphone firmly in his right hand. With a red-draped table, equip with a USPW banner plastered within the middle, positioned closely to his side, the company’s owner looks down, shortly, grabbing a clip-board which once laid upon said table. As the crowd showers him with a hefty wave of impenetrable love, Strong stands in silence; looking much like a weathering, marble, statue. None the less, as the response slowly starts to temper, a good 20 seconds later, the “Alpha American” finally addresses the USPW faithful; holding, what many believe to be, a contract within his open hand.]


Sam Strong:
In my hand, I hold an official USPW Contract; one that could test the very foundation of this company forever. Two weeks ago, we all witnessed the crashing descent of the USPW World Champion at the hand of THE Largest Wrestler in ALL the world! Paramedics were dispensed, fire fighters employed; however, in the end, our Darkened Hero was nowhere to be seen.
[Pauses; looks out to the crowd]
As weeks have gone on, his absence continues to add to the mystery… Where did Enygma go?
[Pauses; looks out to the crowd]
We all have our thoughts on the matter but, as the owner of USPW, I am forced to move on as if the answer, of where he’s gone, is irrelevant; needing to focus on our Main Event for “Red, White, Black, and Blue” at the end of the month.
So, with this contract in hand, I must ask Bruce the Giant to join me in the ring; officially granting him the World Championship match he’s owed after becoming the NEW #1 Contender at the open of February. Bruce…


[strong looks to the entrance ramp, asking his well-documented friend to join him in the ring, as Bruce’s theme music begins to overtake the Stallings Auditorium.]



Bruce the Giant

… #1 Contender …


[Within a matter of a few seconds, the gigantic, super-human looking, behemoth, Bruce the Giant, is shown shuffling through the very entrance curtain Strong had previously walked through; carrying a gleaming Tag Championship over his right shoulder in the process. In what feels like a lengthy staggering to the ring, as Bruce’s speed is, in no way, considered to be speedy, the towering Giant enters the squared circle; standing a few feet from Sam Strong in the end. All in all, as his music slowly fades behind the positive response from the USPW faithful, we’re treated to the iconic sight of Bruce and Strong staring one another down in the center of the ring. While friends, you wouldn’t know it; as neither are all for showing emotions whatsoever.]


Sam Strong:
You know, Bruce, we haven’t seen eye-to-eye for quite some time now; it’s impossible to look past that. You spent most of 2009 trying to crush the USPW under your gigantic weight.
[Pauses; the two stare eachother down]
But, the Bruce who stands before me today is a different man; an honorable man. You warred with Caulfield, almost breaking your body in the process, and yet had the strength to work with him; toppling the “Towers of Power” as they looked to drag the Tag Gold into the Sneer Camp.
[Pauses; looks Bruce right smack in the eyes]
For that, I thank you.


[The crowd pops as a short chant of “Thank you, Bruce” is heard orchestrated throughout the auditorium. Meanwhile, the Giant, himself, simply nods his head in acceptance; not one to really buy into the hype typically… much like his friend.]


Sam Strong:
Now, you’ve returned to the top of the mountain…
[Crowd pops]
You’re on your way to “Red, White, Black, and Blue” to challenge for Enygma’s World Championship.
We don’t know if the darkened hero will be there, no one really knows of his status, but I DO know that you’ll be challenging or the title one way or another…



and Shane Sneer

… “The Demon” and the CEO enter the scene …


[With that, shockingly, Tyson Baine’s theme music is heard overtaking the Stallings Auditorium; inspiring the USPW to react with utter distain. In turn, as Baine slowly shuffles through the black entrance curtain, the polarizing, and often snarling, Shane Sneer at his side, both Bruce and Strong turn to look in his direction; neither all that happy to see “The Demon”. None the less, the uncontrollable, vile, always destructive, Baine continues his rebellious tone; forcibly entering the squared circle in which to, obviously, bring the match signing to a chaotic halt.]


Sam Strong:
I’d get my butt out of this ring if I were you…


[strong leers in an irritable, overtly authoritative, manner. Meanwhile, Sneer is shown raising a microphone of his own; looking Strong directly as he gradually raises his signature snarl in the process.]


Shane Sneer:
I’d like to see ya try…


[bruce steps forward, before Strong, as “the Demon” and the Giant meet in the center of the ring; staring one another down in a cold, yet explosive, fashion. As this continues, Strong is heard responding once again; unable to hide his disdain for Sneer, or Baine, all together.]


Sam Strong:
This has nothin’ to do with either of ya…
[Looks directly at Sneer]
Take your boy and go home; do you understand?
[Pauses; lets the message sink in]
If you don’t… I’ll be forced to take action…


Shane Sneer:
What are you going to do, Strong; fire me? Fire Baine?
We don’t work for you…
We do what I want, when I want to do it, that’s the Sneer Corporation motto…


Sam Strong:
I’m warning you one FINAL time…


[sneer smirks in a devilish fashion as Strong appears to be fuming over the recent scenario. Typically, a rather hardened soul, Strong actually looks as though his temper is starting to get the best of him.]


Shane Sneer:
Sick em… Boy…


[With that, Baine is shown landing a thunderous right fist across the jaw of the new #1 Contender to the USPW World Championship; Bruce the Giant. The strike, while hefty in nature, only sends Bruce staggering away a matter of a few steps, coming ‘back too’ rather quickly; however, what comes next is REALLY what puts the favor highly in Baine’s corner.]


[Running, speeding like a runaway freight train from Hell, Baine slams violently into Bruce’s gigantic abdomen; spearing him to the canvas in an Auditorium-shaking impact. The sheer force of their collision can be heard throughout the space as Baine, the instigator of such a strike, is even slowed down slightly by it’s overwhelming force. With that, though, as “The Demon” does return to his feet; the USPW faithful are heard booing like crazy; showering the uncontrollable monster with a response fit for the devil himself.]


[Attempting to restore order, and obviously enraged by what’s happened, Sam Strong leaps into the action; landing a number of stiff right hands across Baine’s jaw in the process. As one can expect, the USPW faithful practically EXPLODE with absolute excitement as the “Alpha American” brings EVERYTHING he has to the fight; staggering the much larger Baine in the process. Sadly, in the end, Strong’s brute strength isn’t enough to floor “The Demon”…]


[Just like Bruce had gone through seconds before, Strong is now met with the same fate; a Demonic Spear from the hefty-framed Big Heavyweight! The Stallings Auditorium is filled with extreme hatred as Baine slowly returns to his feet; standing over his fallen victim, Sam Strong, in the process. In a matter of 15 seconds, Tyson Baine has viciously plowed over TWO of THE most Iconic figures in Pro Wrestling HISTORY; showing, absolutely, how powerful he really is. None the less, the carnage does not stop here…]


[As Sneer grabs the contract once held by Sam Strong, cast to the canvas during the act of the Demonic Spear, the lights begin to flicker in a crazed fashion as the sound of consuming winds are heard resonating in the background.]



The Spirit of Enygma ©?

… Causing the Storm? …


[From there, loud thunder cracks are heard rummaging throughout the space as an occasional flash of lightning even rears it’s shocking presence as if from nowhere. Regardless of that, Sneer is shown tossing the contract to Baine; an object that the rebellious big-man catches in stride. Seconds later, it looks as though Baine has signed his name on the contract in a brutish fashion; despite the fact that his name wasn’t originally intended for such a document.]


[Following this, Baine then walks over to the semi-motionless Giant, physically grabbing his hand and forcing his club of a hand to weakly sign his name on the dotted line!]


[All in all, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Sneer and his demonic destroyer, Tyson Baine, celebrating in a dubious fashion in the center of the ring; their arms raised high in the air as Baine holds the contract to the upcoming USPW PPV Main Event. A documented intended for Enygma and Bruce NOW has the signatures of Bruce and Baine… Two men… Set to do battle for the USPW Championship… Despite the fact that NEITHER is the standing Champion as we speak!! All the while, the supernatural-like electrical storm continues to rage in the background; winds a-blowing, lightning a-striking, and thunder a-rolling, in a mysterious show of mythological grandeur.]


Grade: B+


Danny Jillefski:
Now, Just WAIT a Minute!! Baine signed his name on the contract and then forced Bruce to do the same; as he was out cold. Does that mean… No…

Blonde Bombshell:
Is “Red, White, Black, and Blue” going to have a World Title Match without the World Champion?

Danny Jillefski:
That contract says so…
[shakes his head; in disbelief]
This CANNOT STAND! By one way, or another, Strong has to find a way to maneuver Enygma into the Main Event in 2 weeks time! As you can see by the mysterious storm, overtaking the Stallings Auditorium, there’s a good chance that the Champion isn’t happy about what’s going on…

Blonde Bombshell:
Then why didn’t he just swing in and do something about it?

Danny Jillefski:
You know, in all of my history in this industry, you’d think I’d know the answer to that question… but I don’t… I simply don’t know where Enygma is these days… If he’ll EVER return to the USPW or if these storms are all we will ever see of him again… A spirit unable to leave it’s home…




vs. “The Enforcer” Jumbo Jackson
w/ Shane Sneer


After being knocked out by a brain-rattling punch from “The Outlaw” last week, Shane Sneer looks as though he’s literally steaming with rage; peering aggressively toward Justice from afar. In reality, while outside of the ring, meaning he’s ‘out of the action’, Sneer feels like just another facet of their altercation; aggressively barking orders from his perch at ringside (directed at Jumbo; his “Enforcer”).


Back-and-forth these heavyweights rip into one another; throwing punches like Wild-men looking to physically destroy the other. With such an approach, though, Jackson appears to be slightly ahead of the dusty “Outlaw”; his sheer force, and size, acting as a tool to his rise. With that; however, one should never count a rugged, walking tall, cowboy out; a fact that’s quite true with someone like Justice. Despite his bigger challenger, Justice always finds a way to comeback full-force; meeting the “Enforcer” with just as much force at points.


In the end, as his employer feverishly barks from outside of the ring, Jumbo Jackson is shown staggering into “The Outlaw’s” signature move – “Hard Justice” (Flatliner) – shortly following a cornered back-elbow strike. The impact of Justice’s explosive finisher brings the USPW faithful to their feet as the mysterious cowboy rolls over onto the semi-conscious Sneer Corporation member. Within seconds, all is done; Eugene Williams has called the match in favor of the shadowed, rugged, western-man, “The Outlaw” James Justice!


James Justice defeats Jumbo Jackson in 8:43 via “Hard Justice” (Flatliner).

Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
Another one up; another one down!
Looks like your ‘Enforcer’ isn’t equip to get the job done right, Shane!
Looks like your trip to dream-street last week will go un avenged!

Blonde Bombshell:
I love men in cowboy hats…

Danny Jillefski:
[A single nod of his head; rolling his mouth slightly]
Great to have you here, Ms. Bombshell! Such… unique… insight you have!

[blondie smirks while nodding her head with confidence.]




Jumbo Jackson and Shane Sneer

… Tension rising; Sneer rips into his “Enforcer” …


[As the hardened, ruggedly tough, “Outlaw” celebrates his victory in a stoic fashion, raising his arms on high as he stands proudly from the second turnbuckle, facing the crowd, the real action appears to be taking place in the other corner of the ring; as Shane Sneer vigorously rips into his “Enforcer” with verbal guns-a-blazing! While it’s hard to hear what’s said, Sneer’s overtly enraged demeanor tells of a man who has had it with the failings of his dwindling faction.]


[shoving his finger firmly into, the much larger, chest of Jumbo Jackson, Sneer continues to verbally berate the gigantic, strong-armed, powerhouse with a spirit-crushing sense of authority. Shockingly, for the first time in their lengthy connection, Jumbo actually appears to be unwilling to listen to his boss; looking either way but Sneer in the eyes. In the end, that fact is brought to a screeching halt when, once again, Sneer slams his open-hand across Jacksons’ face; igniting a fire within as Jumbo feverishly stares deep into his boss’s eyes]


[Looking as if he may strike, Jackson starts to back-down Sneer as the two of them gravitate toward the direction Justice now stands; on the canvas.]



James Justice

… Furthering the ignition of the flame …


[As they gravitate closer, the “Outlaw” is shown keeping his ground; a fact that drives Sneer to back-peddle straight into him in the process. Upon impact, Sneer spins around in a momentary show of reactionary fear; this time, backing into Jackson (who originally pushed him back in that manner with his roaring stare). Caught in the middle, Sneer looks as though he may be on the verge of being sandwiched by two men, equally, happy to see him in… That is until Jackson does the unthinkable…]


[seconds before, we thought he was about to turn; however, now, as Sneer closes his eyes, ready to be struck by one of them, Jackson is shown lunging across; clubbing Justice across the face in the process.]


[The crowd boos like crazy, wanting, desperately, to celebrate a Jumbo Jackson turn, especially at the hand of Shane Sneer; however, given the absolute opposite; that being Jackson towing the Sneer-party-line by assaulting Justice.. not Sneer.]


[in the end, as Sneer slowly opens his eyes, displaying a sadistically arrogant smirk upon his face, Jackson is able to further his “Enforcer” persona; flooring the “Outlaw” with a Jumbo Spinebuster square in the center of the ring. While the crowd boos like crazy, Jackson and Sneer stand as one; holding eachother’s arms up as Sneer arrogantly laughs atop the man who punched him out last week… Gaining Revenge; even if it seemed like he was the one who was going to be assaulted at one point.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
You’ve GOT to be kidding me!! Didn’t have the intestinal fortitude, Jackson? That brain of yours doesn’t follow with your nickname, huh, Jumbo?
[shakes his head; disappointed by Jacksons’ faux-baybface-turn]
The only thing that an alliance with Sneer will get you is a ticket to nowhere! Too bad you couldn’t see that…

Blonde Bombshell:
I don’t know how anyone could work for a man willing to push you around like that! I mean, Jackson is like 50-billion times the size of Shane Sneer; he should have plowed him over!

Danny Jillefski:
Should have and doing so are two different things… Sadly, we know that well here in USPW…




Andre Jones and Sam Strong

… Andre seeks advice from the “Alpha American” …


[The scene opens within the hallowed walls of Sam Strong’s traveling office as the young Andre “Da Freak” Jones stands before the USPW’s legendary owner; slightly defeated following his championship loss last week to Darryl Devine. Standing before his imposing oak executive desk, equip with a strategically placed miniature American flag, the “Alpha American” stands proudly, his chest puffed outward as what’s become custom with his persona, looking Jones straight in the eye like any man would. Sadly, in return, Jones appears to be less willing to exchange in their glance; obviously rattled from losing, all-be-it via dubious means, last week on “American Wrestling”.]


Andre Jones:
My biggest mistake was letting him get under my skin.
[shakes his head; down on his luck]
I lost my cool, pushed myself to the brink, and slammed straight-ahead into his blob of a goon.
[Pauses; looks stuck in that moment]
10-month’s worth of training; all down the tubes in one moment…
[Pauses; sighs]
I’m not one to get wrapped up in a loss but… I just can’t shake this one, Strong.


[Despite Andre pouring his heart out, Strong doesn’t seem to match his emotional state. Instead, the “Alpha American” continues to radiate a sense of blue-collar tough; addressing Jones in a strong, hardened, tone.]


Sam Strong:
Well, Son, You’re going to HAVE to shake this if you ever want to BE something in the USPW.
[Pauses; stares at Jones in an irritable fashion]
Stand up straight, stick your chest out, prop that chin of yours up…
[Pauses; looks Jones in the eyes with a calm sense of intensity]
No one got anywhere in MY company with THAT attitude…


[Administering a sense of tough-love, Strong looks Andre straight in the eyes; practically forcing him to have no choice in the matter. With that said, Jones does exactly that; straightening his body as he attempts to stand proudly in return. For a brief second, there is silence, just staring; however, eventually Strong begins to speak once again; projecting the very same intensity heard earlier.]


Sam Strong:
It’s true, Darryl Devine screwed you out of the TV Championship but that’s Wrestling; deal with it.
Around every corner is a man looking to cheat his way to the top; that’s just a given in our sport. You want Devine? You want a re-shot for the TV title? Prove to me, and more importantly, yourself, that you’re worth it…


[Jones starts to nod his head in an approving fashion; agreeing with Strong’s ‘tough-love’-like statement. With that, the segment could have come to a close, with Strong’s impassionate speech about taking ownership of your own career in the USPW; however, things become much more convoluted as the infamous tone of the USPW National Champion is heard off camera.]


Peter Valentine:
You’re not… worth it…



Peter Valentine ©

… Interfering during Advice from Strong …


[The crowd, watching this on the video tron located above the entrance ramp, begins to boo wildly as the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All-Time”, Peter Valentine, strolls onto the scene in an arrogant manner. As the National title wearing, former pro body builder, enters onto the scene, Jones is shown spinning around in which to stand between Strong & Valentine; focusing his attention entirely on the impending villain before him. Following a short staredown between Jones & Valentine, Sam Strong is heard speaking from the background; husky in his tone.]


Sam Strong:
Don’t you have bigger problems to worry about?


Peter Valentine:
What; you mean Caulfield and Jillefski?
[scoffs under his breathe; shaking his head ‘no’ slowly]
Last week, I broke that good-for-nothing punk in a matter of seconds. As for the pansy behind the desk, he’ll get what’s comin’ to him soon enough…
[Pauses; looks at Jones in a dismissive manner]
Right now, I couldn’t help but hear this little girl whining about losing his pretty-little-strap…
[Laughs; stands just before Jones in a bully-like fashion]
What’s wrong, Andrea, depressed about losing a worthless accessory?
[Laughs again; looking down on Jones physically]
The TV Title means nothing… YOU… Mean nothing… I suppose you were a great combination for that matter…


[Jones, feeling threatened, steps closer to Valentine in a manner that screams ‘you want some; I’m right here!’. With that said; however, Valentine barely blinks an eye; standing before him in a towering fashion as he holds the USPW National Championship firmly over his right shoulder.]


Andre Jones:
You want some of this; chump?
[Looks up-and-down Valentine’s frame; sizing him up]
I’ll run circles around you before you even KNOW what hit ya…


Sam Strong:


[Jones and Valentine stare eachother down; Andre fiery as ever while Valentine stands rather statuesque as he appears unafraid. Meanwhile, Strong looks rather tired of their yappin’ already.]


Sam Strong:
You want to bash eachother’s heads in? That’s fine by me. Next week, “American Wrestling”, you can let your fists pick-up where your mouth’s left off…


Peter Valentine:
I’ll give ya a minute; I don’t see ya lasting much longer than that…


[Valentine smirks in a dismissive fashion; physically looking down upon the enraged Jones in the process. Meanwhile, Jones looks upward, straight in Valentine’s eyes, with a renewed sense of fervor to his stance.]


Andre Jones:
Keep talkin’…
[stares deep into Valentine’s eyes]
It’ll just make my victory that much sweeter…


[With that, the segment comes to a tense close as Andre Jones and Peter Valentine stare eachother down in close proximity; Valentine standing with a sense of extreme arrogance as Jones looks as though he’s about to knock Peter’s ‘block-off’. Meanwhile, in the background, we see, a slightly less focused, Sam Strong standing not too far behind; projecting a stern sense of authority as he looks rather tired of the scenario at hand.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
What a bully; that’s all Peter Valentine is!! A Bully!!

Blonde Bombshell:
Aren’t you afraid that he’ll come for you after his match next week? He seems pretty confident that he can beat Andre in under a minute. My guess is, if that’s true, he may be looking to come after you; yet again…
[Pauses; looks to Danny with fear]
I saw what he tried to do a week back; You can’t rely on Caulfield to save you again… can you?

Danny Jillefski:
I appreciate Chris doing me a favor. I mean, we have a lot of history between the two of us BUT I can fight my own battles. If Valentine wants to be a bully, if he tries to go after me for simply doing my job, then I’ll stand my ground like any good man would. If he wants to knock me out, crush my neck, for speaking the truth about his bullying ways then so be it…

Blonde Bomshell:
How brave of you, Danny…

[blonde Bombshell bats her eyes in his direction; smiling playfully. Meanwhile, Danny perks up slightly.]

Danny Jillefski:
[Clears his throat; adjusts his posture]
It’s all part of the job…




Bruce the Giant and
© vs. The Titans
w/ Shane Sneer

[uSPW World Tag Team Championship Match]



As the match opens, and the USPW faithful cheer loudly in the background, both teams meet in the center of the ring; eye-to-eye in a feverish fashion. The sheer size of three of these men, as Caulfield is much smaller than the other three, sends a shiver down our collective spine; as the towering behemoths stare upon eachother with the worst of intentions in mind. Luckily, order is restored, and neither team explodes into a full-on brawl; however, right away, the vibe appears to be rather vicious in nature.


As the match continues, the one glaring reality that continues to arise is that of Caulfield’s underwhelming size; especially when stacked up against three ‘monster’-size men. With that, the “Hardcore American” does nothing to show that he’s unable to hold his own; often coming at anyone, and everyone, with reckless abandon. What he lacks in size, he makes up in the strength of his heart; or the strength of his stupidity (depends upon who you’re talking to).


Throughout most of the match, while T-Rex and Caulfield are both figures to be focused upon, the lingering thought appears to be centered upon Bruce & Tyson. With the earlier drama, taking place during the contract signing for “Red, White, Black, and Blue”, EVERYONE and their grandmother was looking for Bruce to extract some revenge upon the snarling “Demon”. For quite some time, we wait…


We wait as Caulfield struggles to return to his feet following a ring-rattling Powerslam from T-Rex…


We wait as the “Hardcore American” lands a desperation closeline; ducking Tyson Baine’s advancing big-boot…


More or less, we wait as Chris struggles to keep his head above water; all the while Bruce stands like a grand statue on the squared circle’s apron...


With time, as Caulfield drops Baine with his signature “Danger Drop” (DDT), the “Hardcore American” is shown crawling away from his fallen victim; possibly delirious from the continual beating he’s withstood from the towering Titans! Instead of attempting a pinfall, the semi-conscious champion army-crawls slowly… slowly… each inch by inch… to his corner…


With that, the tag would be made!!


From there, Bruce the Giant would enter the ring like a Greek GOD tearing through mere mortals. While both T-Rex and Baine do their best to keep the bigman at bay, occasionally slowing his wrath down considerably, nothing seems to be powerful enough to keep him entirely at bay; only making him MORE mad in the end. That is… Until… “The Demon” cheap-shots the Giant’s knee; the one he’s been having lingering issues with for quite some time now. A simple chop-block is all it took for Bruce to slow-down; gingerly walking around the ring as if he were an injured deer suffering to stay upright.


Biting, clawing, and refusing to ‘slow down’, Bruce continues to fight; however, it looks as though his knee is becoming too much of a liability. In some cases, his partner would be there to pick up the slack BUT, in this case, Caulfield is barely conscious himself as he lays on the ringside apron; bringing his focus back-to what was at hand.


As Bruce slowly staggers to his feet, the snarling “Demon” awaits for him from across the ring; signaling, with his aggressive mannerisms, that a body-crushing SPEAR may be on the way…


Bruce returns to his feet…


Baine runs; looking for the spear…




The Stallings Auditorium buzzes with shock, inspired somewhat by fear, as, for a good 6 seconds, there is nothing but pitch-back before us. When the lights come back up, followed by the crowd’s excited response, there is no spear to be had… Not even a victorious moment for “The Demon”…


With the lights back up, We see Bruce the Giant, shockingly, holding Tyson Baine off the ground in the midst of a Giant Chokeslam! In 6 seconds of darkness, we’ve gone from one finisher to the other; seamlessly transitioned by some source of mythical magic of sorts.


Seconds later, it all comes to an end as Bruce plants his villainous challenger with a ring-rattling Giant Chokeslam. From there, T-Rex is unable to really make anything of a count-break; mysteriously laying on the ringside floor… possibly taken out by the very same mythological craziness that had spun “The Demon” to wind up in the destructive grasp of The Giant himself!


While they didn’t see his face, or his presence for that matter, everyone knows deep down who had done this… Who had ‘the power’ to create such a crazed scenario!


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield defeat the Titans in 8:44 via a Giant Chokeslam from Bruce the Giant upon Tyson Baine.

Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
I don’t believe my eyes…

Blonde Bombshell:
Wait… Wasn’t Tyson Baine about to hit his move just before the lights went out? Then, when they came back up… the Giant chokeslammed him instead? I’m confused…

Danny Jillefski:
I am as well; Ms. Bombshell… It can only be one man…
Then again, I don’t know if we can really call him a ‘man’ anymore…

Blonde Bombshell:
Wait, do you mean…

Danny Jillefski:
Yes. The USPW World Champion himself, Enygma is the only being who could have done this… The only one…

Blonde Bombshell:
This is… crazy… You’re saying one man did all of this?

Danny Jillefski:
No; one man did not. One mythological warrior did… A darkened soul with an axe to grind…




Bruce the Giant, Tyson Baine, and the spirit of Enygma ©?

… Flickering Lights; Celebration …


[As “American Wrestling” comes to a close, we witness the overwhelming sight of the towering behemoth, that is, Bruce the Giant, standing over the equally menacing, Tyson Baine, after a ring-rattling Giant Chokeslam. Semi-motionless, laying on his back, “The Demon” bats his eyes in an act of regaining consciousness; meanwhile, Bruce stands over him like a gigantic Greek GOD; extending his right arm high into the air with a hint of unstoppable pride.]


[All the while, as this continues, the lights are seen flickering in a supernatural-like manner; coming-in-and-out as the sound of dropping, and regaining, power continues to ravage the Stallings Auditorium. In the end, the final image of this very scenario, of Bruce standing over “The Demon”, is joined by the recently unsettling ‘calling card’ of, what we perceive to be as, the USPW World Champion, Enygma, overtaking the environment altogether. Possibly sending a message to one, if not, both men; they can war all they want but his ‘power’ lies outside of axe-handle strikes, and big-boots; it lies in the mythical realm.]


Grade: B+


Danny Jillefski:
To be honest, Ms. Bombshell, in all of my years in this industry, I’ve NEVER seen something like THIS before! We have a World Champion who appears to be residing in a spiritual realm, two giants warring over who can destroy the other, and a World Championship match, at our upcoming PPV, that currently only has challengers locked into the contract; no Champion to speak of.
[shakes his head in disbelief]
While I may not know what the outcome of any of these situations will be, I DO know that Sam Strong has quite the road ahead of him!

Blonde Bombshell:
How can you have a title match without the Champion? Isn’t that… well… Important to have the ACTUAL champion there?

Danny Jillefski:
I’m not even sure if Enygma is ‘available’ to wrestle? Ever since Bruce’s Chokeslam a few weeks back, putting him through the ring, we haven’t seen the darkened hero; not even for a second. Will Strong be forced to carry the match as it’s contractually designed right now; Bruce the Giant vs. Tyson Baine for the USPW Championship? Will Enygma find a way to defend his crown at “Red, White, Black, and Blue”; overstepping the contract as we see it now? Or, even more pressing, is Enygma EVEN ABLE to step into the ring after his disastrous fall through the ring? We haven’t seen the Champ for quite some time now… There’s a REAL fear that we may have ‘lost him’ forever…

Blonde Bombshell:
Man, 20 questions…

Danny Jillefski:
That’s the USPW for ya, Ms. Bombshell; constantly in question…
[Laughs; resets his focus]
Join us NEXT WEEK as we attempt to answer these questions and more!! Goodnight, Folks!!









Overall Show Grade:

Show Attendance:
2,000 people

TV Show Rating:
1.43 (+ 0.07) on Sports America!

<hr color="black">
Quick “American Wrestling” Results

Alicia Strong is the new #1 Contender to the Women’s Championship. (C-)

Brutus O’Leary defeated Darryl Devine via DQ. (C-)

Eric Tyler defeated Nicky Champion via referee stoppage (forced submission). (B-)

James Justice defeated Jumbo Jackson via pinfall. ©

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield defeat the Titans via pinfall. ©
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"American Wrestling" - Episode #7 Prediction Points
Angeldelayette - 6/5*

Zergon - 4/5*

bgbuff - 4/5*

Tigerkinney - 4/5*

sebsplex - 4/5*

Hashasheen - 3/5*

20Legend - 3/5*

mikemelling - 2/5

Midnightnick - 2/5

Emark - 2/5

Smurphy1014 - 2/5*


Congratulations to
who came away with a perfect prediction card
getting the extra point question right as well!


I was forced to re-book the women's battle royal, as Alicia Strong pulled a 'fast one', utilizing her creative control clause in which to keep Marie Starr (Sara Marie York)! Everyone else was 'ok' for her to lose to but, I guess, Marie wasn't over enough (only a D- versus the rest who were D's and D+'s) in which to warrant the loss! With that said, I gave those who gave both Marie Starr and Raven Robinson as their answer as to who would be 2nd place.



Overall Prediction Contest Rankings

ENDING: "Red, White, Black, and Blue"; USPW's February PPV!

angeldelayette – 13/15

bgbuff – 11/15

Tigerkinney – 10/15

sebsplex – 10/15

20LEgend – 9/15

Zergon – 8/15

Emark – 7.5/15

jesseewiak – 6/15

mikemelling - 6/15

Tigerkinney - 6/15

cmdrsam – 5/15

Midnightnick – 5/15

Hashasheen – 5/15

Greggyb – 4/15

MichiganHero - 3/15

Smurphy1014 - 2/15

jeseewiak - 1/15


The winner of the overall Prediction Contest (Ending with predictions for "Red, White, Black, and Blue"; USPW's February PPV) will be given the opportunity to book the USPW World Champion against ANYONE on the USPW roster on the preceding "American Wrestling" broadcast (1st week of March 2010).


With that said, there are
2 events left to book for points!
(an "American Wrestling" broadcast and February's PPV; "Red, White, Black, and Blue".
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Post-Show Footage: "American Wrestling" - 7th Episode!


[The exclusive USPW.com footage opens in an unfocused manner; orbs of light, muffled voices, quickly transforming images, all shown on the screen in a confusing convolution of shapes. With time, as the camera man masterfully returns his lens to a focused presentation, tripping the audio to, once again, restore it’s full capacity, we now witness the iconic sight of two of THE most important figures in USPW history standing across from one another; Danny Jillefski and Sam Strong. Their collective stressed demeanors tell of two men desperately looking to make sense of what had just happened during tonight’s broadcast of “American Wrestling”; their every mannerism telling of said vision. None the less, as they continue to converse within the silenced space of Strong’s traveling office, a real sense of shock appears to be overtaking their very existence presently.]


Danny Jillefski:
We can’t have a World Title match without the champion…


Sam Strong:
Don’t you think I already know that?


[sam responds in an irritable fashion; slamming a single piece of paper down on the table between them. A man most known for his iron-walled persona now looks as though he’s suffered a serious of cracks; possibly buckling under the pressure of a NEW crazed scenario circulating around the USPW World Championship, Enygma, Baine, Bruce, and “Red, White, Black, and Blue”!]


Danny Jillefski:
I just don’t see what we can do here, Sam. The contract says Tyson and Bruce; not Bruce and Enygma.
[Runs his right hand through his hair slowly; psychologically whipped]
We can’t have the title on the line if the champ, himself, isn’t part of the match-up…
[Pauses; looks away from Strong as he stares at a nearby wall]
We’ll never be taken seriously again…


[strong, overtly unhappy, continues to lean his body-weight into the very table he just slammed a single piece of paper upon; a paper that is now expected to be SAID contract signed earlier tonight. His head dangling downward; as he appears to be lost in intensive thought. Seconds later, in a dramatic rise, Strong is shown casting his head upward; looking away from Jillefski, as Danny does the same, while formulating something within his mind; a plan if you will…]


Sam Strong:
One way, or another, Enygma will defend at “Red, White, Black, and Blue”…


Danny Jillefski:
But the contract says…


Sam Strong:
I KNOW what the contract says, Danny.
Again, one way, or another, he WILL defend… I will NOT allow Baine to forcibly take the USPW hostage… Not on my watch…


[strong, dramatically, looks over at Danny at this point; ruggedly strong in his delivery. Meanwhile, Danny, finally, accepts the visual exchange; looking back at him in an uneasy manner.]


Danny Jillefski:
What if he doesn’t show?
[Pauses; runs his right hand through his hair again showing a severe level of stress]
No one has seen him in 2 weeks now. Flickering lights, thunder rolling, it’s all quite a show but…
[Looks right in Strong’s eyes]
we haven’t seen the man since he was thrown through the ring…


[strong pauses at first, then relaying one final statement as he continues to lock eyes with Jillefski; stern in his tone as it seems Strong is falling back into his authoritative sense (coming off of his initial shock)]


Sam Strong:
I don’t have time to worry about whether he’ll show up or not…
I’ve got a contract to, somehow, override…


Danny Jillefski:
… and how do you plan on doing that? Once a contract is written; it’s final… You know that…


Sam Strong:
Good Night, Danny…


Danny Jillefski:


Sam Strong:
I said… Good Night… Danny…


[After a tense staredown between the two, Jillefski, eventually, staggers out of Strong’s office; adding further stress to the situation at hand. In the end, as the former owner exits the scenario, we now turn to the company’s current owner, locked within a truly stressful situation, as he tries to override the manipulative ways of “The Demon” and his master; Shane Sneer.]



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"The REAL Strong-Arm Tactic"

Thursday, Week 3, February 2010


I was used to verbally tangling with [Peter] Valentine, side-stepping [Jethro] Jonas (aka Giant Redwood), and continually playing the consuming ‘game’ that is pitching to [sam] Strong. Even in previous years, working within the glorious façade of ‘Hollywood’, I was often found jostling one, inflating another, and, ultimately, keeping our actors happy; or in reality more so content with their apathetic views on daily read-throughs. With all of that, expecting it all along the way, I NEVER expected to run into… her… In this manner…


I guess I should have, though, given most reactions to the issue.


“That’s just Alicia…” was the most consistent response I often found; equip with an eye-roll in the process. I guess, through further conversation with Shane [sneer], the young Strong suffered from a disease undiagnosed by the medical elite; that being ‘Silver Spoon-itis’. While she wasn’t notoriously known for being a heavy-handed ruler, utilizing her name, and authoritative support, to sway outcomes, I mean, honestly, she had a division CREATED FOR HER by her Father, within the USPW-landscape it was general knowledge that Alicia would, occasionally, play the ‘I don’t wanna’ card.


In this case, I was planning on putting Marie Starr [sara Marie York] over, bringing a new ‘face’ to the title race, also, potentially, bringing forth a great one-on-one affair for “Red, White, Black, and Blue”; however, Alicia wasn’t having it. In reality, it seems as though, through, again, further conversation, that anyone other than Starr would have been sufficient for the push. Sadly, the young Strong felt she was ‘too over’ to drop the match; citing Starr’s newfound presence as not ‘matured enough’ to be placed over her.


Truthfully, It forced me to completely overhaul my booking practices leading into the PPV; as I wanted Starr vs. Cherry Bomb, and Rodriguez vs. Strong, with the looming scenario of Raven hovering in the background (jaded and annoyed). Now, with what I was dealt, I’m forced to move forward on the fly; re-crafting Raven’s descent into psychosis in a more, rushed, fashion at the close of the Women’s Battle Royal.


You see, in one simple block, I found myself completely on my heels; forced to overhaul my short-terms plans for “Red, White, Black, and Blue”… Left with a rushed symbol of a turn, a championship match that didn’t, entirely, make sense based upon recent booking practices, and a ‘lost moment’ for a potential superstar within our Women’s Division.


I guess, in the end, Strong in a Women’s Title match always seems acceptable… Just didn’t think it would be THIS soon; as it wasn’t supposed to be…



<hr color="black">
I decided to overhaul the way in which I convey 'backstage situations'; hoping to have it feel different than my previous projects (ala John Greed's Evolution). With that, I've created this journal-style review of what happens to Erik over-time; through his own words, thought process, and overall experience. I understand that it will take away from crafting the personal views of characters behind the curtain, but; in the end, I felt that this would A) still give people the background view of the 'Great American Spectacle' B) keep the focus on Erik (the headbooker) and C) to add a new creative avenue to tell the 'real-life' stories that arise.


Hope you enjoy!
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I agree with you, whole heartedly, that the WWE is missing the ball, recently, with utilizing various avenues to flesh out their characters more (ie: Internet; new media). With that, I've been trying to utilize both as a way of bringing greater depth to the USPW experience as a whole. More or less, I'm trying, as all of us writers do, to paint enough of a picture that, when you read the show, you can take away what I see/feel as well.

And you do a very good job of that, imo.


For me, TEW dynasty's are not just about booking; but about creating an experience (using characters, storylines, images, different backstage posts, etc., in which to better convey this experience). It may be more daunting than simply writing out who won/loss, and it may eventually turn some away who don't want to read all the way through, but I find that that's far more intriguing to me as a writer than anything else.


I'm in definite agreement with you. Honestly, I must have spent half an hour once just creating and adding depth to the characters for this proto-dynasty of WCW 2000 to 2002 so that it made sense by the time the storylines came together. It so much more satisfying to see a gimmick built and developed to perfection than a storyline. I might have asked you this before in a previous post here or elsewhere, but do you operate with a clean face-heel divide when building your characters or allow for more ... leeway?


Also, as for Marie Starr, put her in a segment with Strong for a pop-gain to get past creative control issues.

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And you do a very good job of that, imo.


Thank you, Hashasheen! It's much appreciated to hear; knowing that, someone, buys into what I'm doing!


I'm in definite agreement with you. Honestly, I must have spent half an hour once just creating and adding depth to the characters for this proto-dynasty of WCW 2000 to 2002 so that it made sense by the time the storylines came together. It so much more satisfying to see a gimmick built and developed to perfection than a storyline. I might have asked you this before in a previous post here or elsewhere, but do you operate with a clean face-heel divide when building your characters or allow for more ... leeway?


I agree with you 100% that, if you develop someone's character as best as you can, then storylines almost write themselves. That's why DOA was so much fun for me as, by adding as much character depth as I had, it was so easy to create campaigns from there (ie: Moral Majority vs. Sparrow, Greg Black vs. everyone, and Vicious vs. Tyler/Acid). Now, in USPW, I'm finding the same thing; however, am having to learn the characters more on-the-fly; finding avenues to take them as I go.


As for face-heel divide. In every other dynasty, other than USPW, I always utilize a 'medium' level (as I like 'grey area' booking). That said, USPW has forced me to go against my natural tendency to book in that manner; going with more of a strong distinction in which to jive with their original product detail. Will that change with time? Possibly. That said, I want to keep with the original vibe; at least in the beginning.


So yea, normally I'm a grey area guy.... Not so much in this case though (USPW).


Also, as for Marie Starr, put her in a segment with Strong for a pop-gain to get past creative control issues.


Yea, it won't take long to get her over; however, I was hoping to have her ascent happen almost right away (having her win the battle royal). So, with that thought process at first, It was sad to see Alicia say 'no' to that idea. From here on out though, I'm happy with the new avenue that I'm booking for "Red, White, Black, and Blue" for the Women's Division.

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Post-Show Footage: "American Wrestling" - 7th Episode!


[Coming into focus, turning every orb of light into distinctive figures, we witness the sight of Nicky Champion seated upon a traveling doctor’s bench. While his body appears rather sunken, weakened as he had been forced unconscious earlier in the night by the dubious means of Eric Tyler, it appears as though the beloved warrior is entirely unhappy to be reviewed by the medical staff; his brutish mannerisms, looking as though he’s uncooperative, telling the tale of such a truth.]


[After a series of archaic medical tests, checking if Champion is suffering from any sort of lingering brain-injuries, which is common with most who lose consciousness due to severe pain, the doctor ultimately nods his head in a content manner; turning to a number of unknown officials in saying…]


He looks good to me. I can’t see any lingering issues from his loss of consciousness… He should be fine for next week.


[With that, Champion quickly jumps to his feet in an annoyed fashion; obviously reeling from his loss, and the manner of his loss, earlier tonight. After a slight head nod, signifying a ‘thank you’ to the doctor, the man we’ve come to know as “Hawkeye” proudly brushes past the scenario at hand; moving his way toward the door in the process. Shockingly, though, from the corner of the room unseen by the camera lens, we hear a familiar voice peering over the low rumble from various chattering officials.]


Alicia Strong:
Nick, where are you going?


[Nicky doesn’t even look back to her; instead, grabbing the brass handle of the door before him.]


Nicky Champion:
To get even…


[With the sound of his statement, Alicia quickly leaps from another traveling doctor’s bench across from the room of Nicky; springing in an auto-pilot fashion based upon emotion. That said, the doctor quickly attempts to bring her back to her physical assessment, after being floored by Cherry Bomb in an unexpected fashion on “American Wrestling”, Strong looks to Nicky in a pleading fashion. Sadly, without looking at her, focused entirely on ‘getting even’ as he says, Champion is unable to see the fear in her eyes.]


Alicia Strong:
[The doctor attempts to tell her to sit back down; politely]
Give it a week; you NEED to rest…


[before she can even finish her statement, Champion has already stormed through the doorway; heavily forcing the door open in a fiery fashion. None the less, in doing so, Nicky shows himself to be entirely fixated on gaining revenge for Tyler’s actions tonight; forcing him unconscious due to a lingering Camel Clutch (one that was furthered by the dubious means of racking Champions’ eyes as he looked to overpower Tyler off of his back). With that, the shaky camera lens comes back to look at Alicia; standing alone in the corner of the room with a look of shock upon her face.]


[in the end, the exclusive footage, brought to you by USPW.com, comes to a dramatic end with the sight of the “Blue Collar Beauty” standing in a state of emotional confusion; reeling from her own injuries tonight; however, entirely blown-away by Nicky’s hell-bent demeanor. Or, truthfully, that her plea, alone, didn’t even bring forth a moment of understanding; instead, storming off to seek justice for his brutal night.]



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Ah Alicia. Ugly face, ugly backstage attitude. ;)


Another good show E-V. Liked the Hollywood vibe (how apt to start such a show with the Alluring ELITE) and I'm not surprised you scored a good overall grade. Obviously lots of different plotlines branching out now, Tyler/Champion, the AE, Enygma's strikes in the dark, etc. It does take some of the emphasis off of USPW being in a state of Civil War (especially in the last couple of shows), but that's not a bad thing in the long run. Sneer, is still playing up, disrespecting Strong's authority (as in the Baine/Bruce segment) and several of the same workers are still butting heads, just the conflict doesn't feel on quite such a grand scale as it did previously - of course though, the benefit to this though is that when you do pull various feuds together, the central storyline is all the more stronger for it. I posted something similar in the TNA discussion thread about how their continual group vs group storylines would benefit from more effort being made to tell the individual workers stories inside the overarching scheme of things.


Anyway, on a sidenote, I'm interested to see what's in store for James Dayton (although obviously I miss The Force) and I also like that you're adding some character to Andre Jones.

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Ah Alicia. Ugly face, ugly backstage attitude. ;)


Another good show E-V. Liked the Hollywood vibe (how apt to start such a show with the Alluring ELITE) and I'm not surprised you scored a good overall grade. Obviously lots of different plotlines branching out now, Tyler/Champion, the AE, Enygma's strikes in the dark, etc. It does take some of the emphasis off of USPW being in a state of Civil War (especially in the last couple of shows), but that's not a bad thing in the long run. Sneer, is still playing up, disrespecting Strong's authority (as in the Baine/Bruce segment) and several of the same workers are still butting heads, just the conflict doesn't feel on quite such a grand scale as it did previously - of course though, the benefit to this though is that when you do pull various feuds together, the central storyline is all the more stronger for it. I posted something similar in the TNA discussion thread about how their continual group vs group storylines would benefit from more effort being made to tell the individual workers stories inside the overarching scheme of things.


Anyway, on a sidenote, I'm interested to see what's in store for James Dayton (although obviously I miss The Force) and I also like that you're adding some character to Andre Jones.


The de-emphasis of the Civil War storyline is being done for a reason; actually. The overall idea of the split is going to be around for a bit longer; so, in which to give it more legs, I decided to scale back slightly as the storylines become more person to person (versus all overarching). As you said, with TNA, I feel that the stable wars turn into a bland back-and-forth; as you don't really care about WHY they are warring. At this point, the Sneer corporation is dwindling, somewhat lackluster, for a reason, as I really want them to seem strong (but not necessarily ,at this point, strong enough to kill the USPW; which has shown, through their loyalists, to be a strong 'bird to kill').


In the end, with the Civil War still going strong over the top of the atmosphere, biding it's time as the undercurrent storylines give it some depth, while the break-point looms in the future.


To me, sometimes, storylines can become a little too over-booked. What I mean by that is, in some cases, the overarching scenarios become a chore to book versus something fun to read (as you can only do so much before it seems a little overdone; and/or reaching for new ideas). In that case, I felt it was best to do a peak-and-valley booking style with the Sneer Corp/USPW war.


As you'll come to find though, next month, we will return to a point where Shane Sneer and Sam Strong will be center of attention as their factions continue to war. I won't give anything else away, as I'm hoping there are others out there interesting to find out in time, but, I guess, It's best to let you know that the peak will return!


Thanks for the comments though, Sebs! You continue to be a great source of feedback/conversation!





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Episode #8

Wednesday, 4th Week of February 2010

Washington State Gymnasium (North West)



“The Ancient Demon” Anger vs. “The Darkened Hero” Enygma

[Non-Title Match]

This Wednesday, it will be
three weeks since we’ve seen Enygma in person
; however, that doesn’t seem to be stopping USPW officials from calling on him to open the show; standing opposite the “Ancient Demon” in a struggle of eerie figures. In the end, will the man himself appear in-person on “American Wrestling” – OR – will his shadowed spirit, recently casting arena’s across the country into a full-on lightning storm, overtake the aging veteran via supernatural force? Either way, most are questioning whether or not Anger has the ‘juice’ to stand opposite the “Darkened Hero”; regardless of his physical state.


Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

[3 vs. 3 Match]

One week removed from her glorious Women’s Battle Royal win, Alicia Strong must rely on her previous opponents, Marie Starr and Raven Robinson, to overcome the menacing trio of Cherry Bomb, Joanne Rodriguez, and Belle Bryden in 6 women action this week! To add drama to the pot, it appears as though, through the actions of one last week, that being Raven Robinson, that Ms. Robinson and Ms. Starr may be somewhat at odds; removed from the women’s battle royal by a joint closeline over the top rope (a fact that later pushed Raven to emotionally explode with first upon the woman who eliminated her, Marie Starr). Can Strong rely on her partners to pull their weight; especially when, seemingly, warring themselves? – OR – Will the Women’s Champion, Cherry Bomb, gain another resounding victory with the help of the apathetically cool “Alluring ELITE”?


Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Two men walking down opposite roads; however, both finding considerable resistance during their journey. With our beloved “Hawkeye”, the bruising brawler has always been held within high-esteem; consistently seen to be the FUTURE of the USPW going forward. Recently, though, such a fact has been called into question by one man; Eric Tyler. After a dubious ending last week, Champion forced unconscious through the form of a Camel Clutch submission by Tyler, one has to wonder what Nicky’s state of mind will be going into his match THIS week with the former “People’s Team” member. With Davids, one has to wonder if his recently evolved viewpoint on life will bring him more singular success going forward. In reality, though, while defeating Freddie Datsun in his first solo match-up a few weeks back, it’s possible that the “Hawkeye” may be too much to chew for the fellow youngster with something to prove!


Andre “Da Freak” Jones vs. “The Greatest of All-Time” Peter Valentine

[Non-Title Match]

The young “Freak”, acquiring such a name due to his jaw-dropping athleticism, has quite the challenge before him this week as the former TV Champion is set to stand before the, self-proclaimed, “Greatest of All-Time in Peter Valentine! Seeking answers last week to his recent woes, Jones appears to be slightly on-edge; needing to, as Sam Strong claims, prove to him, and others, that he’s a force to be reckoned with. Sadly, the National Champion is not, quite, the easiest proving-board in the USPW. Can “Da Freak” overwhelm Valentine with his speedy onslaught? – OR – Will the, self-proclaimed, “Greatest of All-Time” crush the body of, yet, another victim?


Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

How does one stop a hell-bent Giant? In reality, there are A LOT of USPW wrestlers asking this VERY question right now. Since his debut, Bruce the Giant has further his, already, lofty legacy; leaving a long path of destruction in his wake. This week, the man set to take on such an intense challenge is a Sneer Corporation employee, and tag-team specialist, Mick Muscles! Can the muscle-bound-man topple the Giant; potentially, helping his faction-mate’s, Tyson Baine’s, chances going into “Red, White, Black, and Blue”? – OR – Will the Wrestling ICON, and the largest competitor in the world today, steamroll another challenger; going into next week’s PPV with a great deal of momentum?


James Dayton vs. “The Demon” Tyson Baine

How will the force-less Dayton fair when standing across from the uncontrollable “Demon” that is Tyson Baine? In years past, one could expect a 50/50 affair; however, without his adrenaline-pumping explosiveness, face-paint-and-all, it’s widely seen that Baine could, potentially, roll rather powerfully. In reality, though, before the day, we can only speculate; as James Dayton DID, shockingly, overcome Jumbo Jackson, last week, due to his own failings. Could it happen again this week, by a stroke of luck; coming away with another unthought-of upset? – OR – Will the chaotic, overtly deadly, “Demon” ‘devour’ another lost soul? Only time will tell…







USPW Owner, and Wrestling LEGEND,
Sam Strong
will attempt to override the official contract for the USPW Championship Match for this weekend's PPV; "Red, White, Black, and Blue"! With the scenario at hand brought in by controversial means, "The Demon" violently forcing himself into said match, leaving Enygma's name, the actual champion, off the contract all together due to Baine's manipulative means, there has been MUCH conversation within USPW headquarters as to HOW one, even someone at Strong's power level, could usurp a contractually binding connection! None the less, whether possible or not, it's expected that Strong will do all he can to restore order in his company...


Also, for the first time in USPW history,
Queen Emily
will make her debut; facilitating an on-air interview segment known as
"The Queen's Court"
. To add a sense of grandeur to the moment, her first guest will be none other than...
Nicky Champion
; most certainly talking about his recent issues with one, Eric Tyler!


Plus, "Alluring ELITE" member, and newly crowned TV Champion,
Darryl Devine
, will join Danny Jillefski as the special guest commentator for this week's broadcast of "American Wrestling"!





<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #8

Anger vs. Enygma

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point]

Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points]
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Anger vs. Enygma

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point] No, not the match.

Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! It will take 4:58

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Anger vs. Enygma

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? No.

Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Yes, and it'll be around 4 minutes.

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"American Wrestling": Episode #8

Anger vs. Enygma

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point] Yes

Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points] Yes, and 4:54

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Anger vs. Enygma

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

heels will battle with themselves


Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine

Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point] no, anger why anger will win


Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points] yes...3:24

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Anger vs. Enygma


Anger will beat 'Engyma' but 'Engyma' will just be some jobber dressed up as Engyma. The real Engyma will then make this prescence felt yet again in spirit form.


Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez


The communication issue will be between the faces especially between Raven and Starr. There's no reason why the faces going over here makes any sense given the current direction of the Women's Division, unless Strong decides to be an annoying little biatch again and plays the creative control card.


Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion


Champion gets his bounce back win here. David's may have gone over his former tag partner but he'll still have to work off that tag guy stench before he should be going over an established singles talent in Champion.


Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine


I can't see Valentine's over inflated ego allowing him to do the job to Andre Jones, that's not a knock on Jones, it's a knock on that oxygen invader, Valentine.


Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles


There was once a time, believe it or not when Mick Muscles was USPW World Champion, that was during the days before Sam Strong took the reigns and brought in the likes of Bruce The Giant, James Justice, Chris Caulfield and then Engyma and Tyson Baine. Truth is not even back in those days the fans could buy into Mick Muscles as World Champion.


James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


'NOT Jim Force' got lucky against Jumbo, he isn't going to get lucky against Tyson Baine.


Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now?


See my reasoning to the Anger-Engyma match.


Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points!


He will survive longer than a minute, and the time will be 3:03

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Anger vs. Enygma


Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez


Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion


Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine


Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles


James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point] Nope, which is why Anger wins


Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points] yes...3:10

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"Agent of Change"

Saturday, Week 3, February 2010


Evolution cannot exist without Agents of Change; men, women, characters, storylines, presentation values, that bring about a new avenue for thought.


While I don’t expect to overhaul USPW in anyway, knowing that, at the end of the day, the buck stops entirely with [sam] Strong, a truth that is continually hovering above my head like a buzzing bee, I HAVE found points of change growing within our midst.


When my tenure started in January, It was common knowledge to all that such a decision was made in hopes of ‘shaking things up’. Strong was unhappy with the recent plateau of interest; he wanted more. Was this naïve of him to think that ANOTHER company could compete for viewers when there were already 2 major players at the top [sWF and TCW]? Possibly. In reality, though, such a thought isn’t really needed at this point. Why? He, nor any of us, will ever know if it’s possible until it’s put into practice. Strong didn’t know if he could compete… but he wanted to.


I arrived with theories as to how we could, eventually, compete with the greater public. Some believed in my voice, others did not; however, in the end, our drastically rising ratings has shown, so far, that my vision has been a beneficial one. I quickly overlooked the roster and found my ‘agents of evolution’; the men, and women, who would later become synonymous with the ‘Golden Age’ of USPW (here and now).


'Cult' Phenomenon

The figure who would, in his recent supernatural endeavors, would garner a darkened feeling to the USPW-empire; administering a low-level understanding of all things ‘cult’. In my years at “GREED”, this was considered to be my strong point. While, in years past, this had become my staple, the USPW landscape wasn’t entirely a place of such; so, adding hefty doses would only seem too drastic too soon. With that, Enygma’s lightning creating, smoke expelling, thunder-rolling, persona came to birth; forced there by the hand of Bruce the Giant & adding a level of spiritual grandeur to the product as a whole.


Tyson Baine
'Hardcore' Monster

From day one, Tyson Baine was chosen as an ‘Agent of Evolution’; utilizing his long-standing persona of being “The Demon” to officially bring in an instigator of Chaos into the USPW realm. To reaffirm rules, to create boundaries, you need someone to break them; to defy all that is ‘good’. Baine is exactly that. He is that uncontrollable, will do anything at any time, unstoppable, “Demon” who, only, strengthens the ruling framework of virtue within USPW; as he looks to demolish it.


Cherry Bomb
La Femme Fatal

She wasn’t in control when I arrived; however, she is now. To me, Cherry Bomb IS what my vision of the Women’s Division is all about; women who can hold their own within the ropes. While other companies may utilize their females as sex-objects alone, parading them around the ringside area like show-cars on display, I, ultimately, wanted to bring a sense of legitimacy to their personas. In the end, who better to be an ‘Agent of Change’ within the Women’s Division than the combustible, hard-edged, bruising, Cherry Bomb; the true “Queen of Combat”.


You see, to bring about change you need your agents of such. From day one, these were the men and women I instantly chose to define where we were going. I’ll be the first to say that your past is extremely important; you must know where you’ve come from as, to abandon this, will only make yourselves look foolish and without respect. With that said; however, one should always have an eye pointed toward the future. Without doing so, you’re bound to fall behind in the race…


Strong may try to curb me some day, at some point, but, for now, we are gradually roaring toward, what will be known as, “The Golden Age” of the USPW; “The Great American Spectacle!”.




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #8

Anger vs. Enygma

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point]

Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points]
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Anger vs. Enygma

No way that Enygma would lose to Anger no matter what.


Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Raven and Starr cannot get along and Bryden espesially could use the win here anyway.


Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

I agree with Tigerkinney here, Davids isn´t ready yet to go over Champion.


Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

No way Valentine would agree to job here.

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

Bruce is challenger for the main belt while Muscles is just a tag guy.


James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine

I was surprised to see Dayton going over Jumbo but I don´t see any reason why he should go over Baine as well.


Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point]



Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points]


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Anger vs. Enygma

Enygma shows up just briefly enough to get the win and then disappear again.


Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Creative control steps up here.


Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

I am torn in this one but Nicky gets a roll-up win when Datsun distracts Davids.


Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Valentine dominates in under a minute.


Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

Though Mick Muscles is a former USPW World Champion, Bruce dominates him for the win here.


James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine

I see no reason for Baine to lose this one.


Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point] Yes

Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points] No and 0:54

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<p>"American Wrestling": Episode #8</p><p>

<strong>Anger</strong> vs. Enygma</p><p>

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. <strong>Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

Des Davids vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

<strong>Andre Jones</strong> vs. Peter Valentine</p><p>

<strong>Bruce the Giant</strong> vs. Mick Muscles</p><p>

James Dayton vs. <strong>Tyson Baine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Question: Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point] <strong><em>No</em></strong></p><p>

Question: Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points] <strong><em>No. 4:48</em></strong></p>

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Tyson Baine

“The Demon”

In an Empire based upon rules, displaying pride, and competing with honor, Tyson Baine stands as one unwilling to accept such framework; instead, appearing as a menacing “Agent of Chaos”. In theory, and in practice, “The Demon” is exactly that: an overtly aggressive, viciously overwhelming, cold-blooded, monster who is willing to destroy any, and all, in which to get what he wants. From a character perspective, how I perceive, and how I will continue to book his persona, Baine is exactly this kind of instigator; primal, vile, and viciously villainous.


With the fall of DaVE, crumbling beneath it’s own, niche-produced, weight, there are a number of dejected wrestling fans cast into the unknown; looking for a new product in which to follow. Now, no one would really expect these fans to instantly gravitate toward our less-than-violent product, at least when stacked up against the ‘Hardcore Haven’ that was Vilbert’s landscape, but Baine stands as a man who could bring them, slowly, here.


Adding to his “Agent of Chaos” mentality, Baine, all things counter-USPW, brings a small, if only, dose of Hardcore Wrestling to the Empire. Now, no one can expect barbed wire cages, boards, or bats, to be used anytime soon; however, “The Demon” brings a notion of extreme danger to the USPW-landscape. Brutal in his explosiveness, vile in his intent, uncontrollable in his actions; Tyson Baine is, to me, the “Anti-USPW” figure… The man, if not, the beast, who dares to push our Empire toward the brink of chaos… Viciously steamrolling all in his path.


Character Buzzwords:
Uncontrollable, Vile, Chaotic, Primal, Explosive, Extreme in nature, Cold-blooded, Unpredictable.


Fun Fact:
Tyson Baine is like a shark in route of blood; blindly speeding recklessly until it's able to devour what, it believes to be, it's prey. While this can often be a beneficial approach for any bruising behemoth, it also carries a nasty back-hand to said monster; often having them push until they, eventually, destroy themselves. Baine may be out of breath, may be physically reeling from previous impacts, and possibly even showing signs of injury, but "The Demon" will continue to viciously push forward at an incessant pace. This, often, puts him in the position of extreme danger; from all fronts (his own included).



<hr color="black">
These posts will be done as if you were listening to Erik Vincent speak exclusively about his character creations in USPW. The fun thing for me is, now, I have a better chance of getting across exactly how I would like these characters to be seen/heard/felt. In writing, I'm trying my best to convey each character but know that things can get lost in translation. With this in mind, I will occasionally post write-ups much like the one above in which to better describe the gimmick's for those characters important enough to have such a focus.


I hope you enjoyed reading it! Also, I hope this brings you, the reader, closer to the project as a whole; as you may now have a more vested interest the characters if you feel like you 'know them'.
"American Wrestling": Episode #8

Anger vs. Enygma

Alicia Strong, Marie Starr, and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb, and Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Nicky Champion

Andre Jones vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce the Giant vs. Mick Muscles

James Dayton vs. Tyson Baine


Will Enygma physically show up to challenge Anger; even though we haven't seen him for 3 weeks now? [+1 Point]

Can Andre Jones surpass Peter Valentine's dismissive claim to defeat him in under a minute? Guess the match length; the closest person will receive additional points! [+2 Points]
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