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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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Great start! I sadly haven´t read your previous diaries but I just love factions so this looks like a perfect spot to jump in.


Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

There already was one title change so I will go with champ retaining this time


Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

This one is hard. If Jumbo would be here instead of Anger I would back-up the heels as Sneer Corporation probably should win this one but Anger looks like the weak link here.


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

With Cherry Bomb as the champion Strong winning just makes more sense here.


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

This one will continue for some time so I assume that the mystery guy is another jobber.


Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex

I expect Enygma and Justice to win when it really counts and thus I believe that the monster heels will get the win this time.

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine


I know I said in Angeldelayette's latest go round with USPW, that I was getting sick of seeing Devine make it all the way to the main event, now it wouldn't bother me too much if Devine became a midcard fixture and a perennial National title challenger, I just feel it's old hat now with people giving him the god push. Anyway after that rant, I think Jones retains here.

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles


DQ win for the Faces, the faces overall have more star power in my opinion, but Sneer's boys need to look a threat.


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


A dominant heel has the belt round her waist, you need the fans to buy into a heroic babyface who can take Cherry Bomb down.


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????


Another jobber to feed to Valentine's ego. It's a good way of making Valentine believe he's relevant, without him actually being relevant at all.


Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex


Coin toss main event, I tend to side more with making the heels look a threat in these sort of situations.

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Devine does get overpushed, but then, Andre Jones is a volleyball player.


Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Tough as Davids and Anger both sit as weak links for their respective teams. Sneer Corp need to look a force to be reckoned with, but let's be honest, their current line-up looks a bit weak for a promotion-wide takeover so I think this will serve as a wake-up call, although a post match pounding isn't out of the question.


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Only because you've got a heel champion really.


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

To give this challenge series some credibility, PV needs to be fed some lesser talent. Although given his creative control, good luck putting anyone over him without letting the road agent 'wing it'.


Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex

RAWR! I guess there's room for a stoppage win for the faces, but you kinda had that last week so I'm thinking the monster heels need to bag this one.

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex

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Disciplinary Action coming for Tyson Baine?


Breaking News out of USPW Headquarters today as our fearless leader, and all-around Wrestling LEGEND,
Sam Strong
, has announced that he will personally speak to the fans at the open of “American Wrestling”. While the details on this matter are still somewhat sketchy, rumors within the Strong-camp is that his message may be directed at
Tyson Baine
; potentially administering some sense of discipline upon the bruising ‘Demon’ for his deplorable actions last week.


For those who missed last week’s broadcast, Tyson Baine, during a main-event altercation with the USPW Champion himself, Enygma, psychologically unraveled in a thunderous fashion; knocking the Champion out-cold while also viciously throwing USPW referee, Baby Jamie, to the canvas as he sought to gage Enygma’s consciousness. For his brutish ways, completely ignoring the hard-law as it pertains to becoming physical with USPW officials, Baine was served with a resounding DQ loss; a fact that drove the monstrous ‘Demon’ to aggressively maim the Champion soon thereafter.


In the end, after witnessing Sam Strong ferociously stare-down his insubordinate employee at the close of “American Wrestling”, obviously enraged by such callous decision making, it should come as no surprise that the
“Alpha American”
may have a hefty consequence awaiting the uncontrollable behemoth.


Tune into “American Wrestling”, this Wednesday, to find out what will be said… or done for that matter…





<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #2

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex
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The NEW USPW Women's Wrestling Czar!


In ground-breaking news, USPW Owner,
Sam Strong
, has officially designated his trusted friend,
Micky Starr
, as the NEW Women’s Wrestling Czar in United States Pro Wrestling!


The recent promotion of Starr furthers Sam Strong’s impenetrable call to ‘arms’ for the USPW Women’s Division; continuing his ‘shot in the arm’ mentality as of late.


In the end, with so much change seemingly on the horizon, Micky Starr is certainly a strong, stabilizing, force for the women of USPW; bringing a gruff, no-nonsense, tone to the overall division as a whole. In reality, who best to strengthen the Women's Brand than someone who closely resembles Sam Strong's demeanor; hard, tough, and demanding.


It should be noted that the “Mighty One” will officially take his post, for the first time, this week on “American Wrestling”; airing Wednesday Evening! What will be in-store for the hardened LEGEND? Only time will tell but it’s bound to be a fruitful combination for the USPW’s Women’s Division going forward…





<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #2

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex
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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex

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Really enjoyed the first show, my friend. Just as an aside - you keep writing Episode #1 in the quick picks. I had to go back and check I hadn't imagined the last show :p


Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex

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Being new and also writing a USPW show, thought I'd jump on reading this as soon as possible!


Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Andre Jones has the volleyball skills to pay the bills.

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Nicky Champion ftw!

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Alicia Strong the house always wins.

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Peter Valentine to beat Jobby McJobberson to keep him from going native backstage.

Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex

T-Rex and Baine sounds like a great premise for a 3rd Batman film. It beats a coin toss.

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Really enjoyed the first show, my friend. Just as an aside - you keep writing Episode #1 in the quick picks. I had to go back and check I hadn't imagined the last show :p


haha. Wow. I totally missed that one.


Thank you for the heads up, my friend. This kind of thing happens to me often. ;)


Being new and also writing a USPW show, thought I'd jump on reading this as soon as possible!


Welcome to the USPW-brethren. :D It's certainly a proud fraternity. I'm sure you'll do great; looking forward to what you bring to your own project. In the end, thanks for the predictions!





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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Don't. Push. Devine. Please.


Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

I'm gonna go against the grain. Win for The Corporation thanks to some Shane-anigans.


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

This will be the final match before the grumpy old man himself, Mr. Micky Starr, comes in and flips the division upside down. The end of an era, folks.


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Even if Superman himself challenged Valentine to this match, he'd tap out. Because we all know Peter is kryptonite to life itself.


Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex

Eh...toss up.

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Tuesday, 2nd Week of January 2010

... "Solidifying a 'Civil War' in USPW" ...





The meeting that changed it all!



“You want to simulate a war?”


He stares back in my direction; projecting this very phrase from within the grizzled forest he calls his mustache. While, on paper, such a question may come across in a challenging tone; in reality, his tone appears much more inquisitive than dismissive.


“Well, I think…”


I catch myself; thinking back upon a previous conversation with Shane [sneer]. When working with someone like Sam, weakness, or the perception of such, is not a proper sales approach. Much like his name professes, Strength is your most trusted asset. Without a strong will, and a confident tone, you’re bound to fall victim to the dreaded reality of ‘no man’s land’; this being the fictional purgatory created by those close to Sam [strong] signifying a state where he, Sam, has lost confidence in you.


To succeed at my job, to live my dream as a creative facilitator in USPW, I must find a way to never enter such purgatory.


“I’m not going to beat around the bush, Sam. We’re in 3rd place right now; a distant third at that. If we EVER want to compete with the likes of Eisen and Cornell then we’ll have to do something drastic. A war can do exactly that; shake things up a bit. I’ve laid out the benefits on that sheet before you; it’s a win-win scenario. Simply put, it’s not about whether or not you like the idea…
[i look into Sam’s eyes with a stern sense of confidence]
You brought me here to make you into a contender. Right? If that’s what I am to do then you’re going to have to trust me on this one…”


The room feels rather tense as Strong’s aides look in with an underlying sense of horror. Many of men have fallen at the feet of the Wrestling LEGEND before; unable to really match his alpha-male mentality. In reality, their response is rather just; seeing how such a statement would often mean ‘death’ for anyone not strong enough to back up their word.


Was I placing a bulls-eye on my back? Most certainly.


Did I care? Not really.


I meant what I said; if we hope to EVER challenge the ‘Big Two’ then we’ll have to create SOMETHING worth watching. In the end, this War was our potential meal ticket.


Seconds pass as the silence grows even more awkward; his aides are already planning out the press release of my dismissal. With all of that said; however, what came next shocked most in the room.


Looking down upon the paper before him, he appears to read what I have laid out…


A war gives us…

  • the ability to create instant intrigue; while also helping to create a long-term story that can potentially spike our ratings over time.

  • the chance to create characters that will come to define USPW as a whole; becoming synonymous with our company as they will forever be known as those who ‘stood up’ for USPW. In some cases, these men, and women, may be ‘home-grown’; giving us an even greater chance to create our own brand in the end.

  • the great opportunity of creating long-standing heels with severe heat; once you’ve ‘turned your back on USPW’, or stand with Shane Sneer in defiance of USPW, then you’re bound to forever carry a great deal of heat with you.

  • the chance to cultivate a heel faction unlike any seen before; one that functions more like a company-within-a-company as they look to overtake USPW for themselves.

  • the ability to, once and for all, prove to the masses that YOU, Sam Strong, are the pumping heart of USPW; looking to squash all challengers who dare unseat your power atop the USPW Kingdom.


After reading such, He looks up at me while nodding his head in approval. For the first time since joining USPW, I actually see a slight smirk form upon his hardened face.


“Run with it, Erik. Give ‘em hell, Boy…”


With that, the air, again, comes back into the room as many of his aides stand in shock. In a short conversation, the whole dichotomy of our relationship has shifted. By standing up to the Wrestling LEGEND, playing hardball in the process, I had shown him the glimmer of strength he had always searched for in a confidant; the slight smirk speaks to that fact.


With his approval the war has begun…


The storyline many have come to dub as “The Civil War” has already begun to take shape; however, is now on the front-burner; ready to define USPW in 2010 (if not forever).





<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #2

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and James Justice vs. Tyson Baine and T-Rex
Episode #2 Progress

I was able to get some great work in today; so, I'm about halfway through writing the show right now. I'm not sure what this means as it pertains to when it'll be out, given my busy schedule, but I thought it best to give a little progress report within the fray of this backstage post. All in all, it's shaping up to be a great little diddy if I say so myself! ha. Love USPW thus far; so much fun.
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I have sat down to read this 3 times and I kept getting side tracked (a growing fascination in the latter stages of WCW since I watch Rise & Fall, it truel is fascinating thanks to wiki and youtube.) But something sticking out to me is, and I know it will be said and has been the parallels between NWO vs. WCW, and the idea is awesome especially considering you don't have a clusterfunk of workers and it should come out much better than that did, and even if this is far away from your vision I think what will stick in my mind is Bischoff talking about really spliting the audience "Are you an NWO fan or a WCW fan?", I see this as a bit more Sneer = Heel, USPW = Face, but I hope to some extent it comes of with a couple of people thinking that Sneer team is actually pretty cool. I am so excited to see where this goes and I am really looking forward to the feud in full swing, and I can see it coming across as ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN HERE IN USPW!
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just chiming in to say that uspw generally doesnt interest me much at all, but this one definately has. good ideas so far and you've got another reader here.


Great to hear from you NWO4until01. Side note, Love your username; as I wrote it out I had to laugh. :D


To be honest, I haven't always been a USPW fan myself; often writing them off as I didn't really understand their product. That said, I have deeply fallen in love with the company & am somewhat giddy about getting my ideas out there. It takes me some time to put shows up, given the depth, but, to those who like my projects and/or USPW in general, I hope I can keep you with me over time.


Either way, again, great to hear from a 'new face'.


I have sat down to read this 3 times and I kept getting side tracked (a growing fascination in the latter stages of WCW since I watch Rise & Fall, it truel is fascinating thanks to wiki and youtube.) But something sticking out to me is, and I know it will be said and has been the parallels between NWO vs. WCW, and the idea is awesome especially considering you don't have a clusterfunk of workers and it should come out much better than that did, and even if this is far away from your vision I think what will stick in my mind is Bischoff talking about really spliting the audience "Are you an NWO fan or a WCW fan?", I see this as a bit more Sneer = Heel, USPW = Face, but I hope to some extent it comes of with a couple of people thinking that Sneer team is actually pretty cool. I am so excited to see where this goes and I am really looking forward to the feud in full swing, and I can see it coming across as ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN HERE IN USPW!


I cannot lie....


The nWo vs. WCW storyline is a direct influencer of the 'Civil War' scenario. I was watching old footage, and even diving into my 'Monday Night Wars' dvd, and found my mind wandering; creating the same situation in my head with the WCW faces traded out with USPW faces. Now, this won't be a complete rip-off by any means. In reality, I'm just taking the WCW/nWo framework and putting my own spin on it. Will it have some comparisons? Sure; it's bound to happen (given what I have in mind). That said, I'm going to do my best to create my own vision of how things could have gone; tailoring the scenario to better fit the unique characters in the USPW.


As it pertains to their 'coolness', I do plan on having the Sneer Corporation appear more like bad-ass heels; the type that you can't help but like despite beating up 'the good guys'. Will they get some tweener cheering? No; as USPW is a strict babyface/heel divide. There may just be some underlining 'cool badness' to some of the characters within Sneer's regime.


In the end, it's more along the lines of the Sneer Corporation looking to completely overtake USPW for their own advantage (as you'll come to find; there may even be a spin on their name for Sneer's focus if he were to 'take over'). The bad are bad; and feel like their looking for 'world domination'. The good are super-good; looking to save USPW from the evil grips of The Sneer Corporation.

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Episode #2

Wednesday, 2nd week of January 2010

Irvine Hall (Mid South)








Danny Jillefski:
It was just one week ago that Tyson Baine committed a heinous crime; placing his hands on a USPW referee and throwing him viciously across the ring. We’re happy to say that, tonight, Baby Jamie is doing well as he rests at his home in Florida. In his place is none other than another trusted figure, and a man who is making his USPW debut tonight, in Eugene Williams!
Speaking of debuts though, alongside me tonight is none other than my new commentary partner! After Shane Sneer arrogantly stormed off the job last week, we were force to look for a new voice to fill the air-waves and boy did we find one…

[Eric Tyler smirks confidently; slightly nodding his head once in approval]

Danny Jillefski:
Allow me to introduce the newest addition to the USPW commentary team, a 2-time CGC World Champion, and a 5-time DaVE Unified Champion, not to mention a true ‘Traditionalist’ of this great sport, Mr. Eric Tyler!

[Eric, again, nods in approval; seeming rather appreciative of such a response]

Eric Tyler:
I’m happy to be here in the USPW. Honestly, there’s no greater spectacle in the industry today than this great company. While I may not agree with everything I’ve seen, or all the wrestlers who grace it’s stage, I am the first to say that I value what you’ve all brought to the table thus far.

Danny Jillefski:
That’s all we can ask for, Eric.
Either way, it’s great to have you here; most certainly adding an element to our broadcast that Shane Sneer was never capable of!

Eric Tyler:
Thank you, Danny.
[Touches the side of his head as if he’s being fed information from the back]
We’re going to have to cut this introduction short though, Danny, as it appears that Sam Strong is only seconds away from his highly publicized address about Baine’s eruption last week… Let’s take you there now…




Sam Strong

… Disciplining Tyson Baine …


[We transition backstage in which to see the immense stature of Sam Strong resonating from behind of his massive, glossy-stained, oak executive desk; equip with a well-positioned small American Flag standing proudly to his left. With a stern sense of executive confidence radiating from his grounded stare, the ‘tough-as-nails’ Wrestling LEGEND administers the kind of verbal beatdown only possibly through his weathered lips.]


Sam Strong:
United States Pro Wrestling is a company built upon the broken back’s of those with pride, respect, and honor for this great sport we call Professional Wrestling. Regardless of their heated rivalries, their bitter hatred of one another, and the continuous rigor that comes with the USPW-way, they all found a way to ‘stay within the lines’; agreeing to the rules of their warfare as a thoughtful respect for the undying ‘Wrestlers Code’.
[Pauses; stares into the camera sternly]
While this code is rarely addressed verbally, it’s an unwritten rule that we all agree to once we accept the great honor of competing within the unforgiving squared circle that we call ‘home’.


[sam pauses once again; seemingly rather rigid in his speech… at least more than normal. A man who often seems rather brutish, both in the physical and emotional sense, appears to be tempered slightly; obviously reading from a scrip that was, most certainly, written earlier in the day; much like any ‘presidential address’ would be.]


Sam Strong:
This is why the deplorable actions taken by Tyson Baine last week is something I simply cannot sweep under the rug.
[Pauses; crowd pops as they watch this on the large video display hovering over the entrance ramp]
In response to Mr. Baine’s decision to viciously assault our head-referee, Baby Jamie, I have decided to officially suspend Tyson from the broadcast tonight.


[The crowd pops at such an idea. Meanwhile, Sam continues forward as if no break was really needed.]


Sam Strong:
By doing so, our Main Event tonight will no longer be a tag-team affair… but rather… A 2-on-1 handicap match pitting “The Outlaw” James Justice and the USPW World Champion, Enygma, against Baine’s partner, and vile confidant, T-Rex.
I hope that, in the end, this will send a message to Tyson Baine, as well as the rest of the USPW roster, that such actions will not be accepted; and will always be met with swift discipline.
We are a company of laws; an organization that still respects the sanctity of our sport.
Last week, Baine showed that he does not share the same viewpoint, and for that, he will not be allowed to enter Irvine Hall here tonight.
The show will go on without him… Thank you.


[With that, the shortened segment comes to a close with the resounding fact that Tyson Baine has been suspended for tonight’s broadcast; stemming from his deplorable actions last week on “American Wrestling”. With that said, the final image is shown of Sam Strong stiffly seated behind his executive desk; firmly authoritative in nature.]


Grade: B


Danny Jillefski:
Serves him right. What Tyson Baine did last week was completely disgusting! Jamie was barely able to move his neck; he was in so much pain. To be honest, I think he got off pretty easily…

Eric Tyler:
I wasn’t here; so, I can’t say for sure but I can relate with Strong’s address to the “Wrestlers Code”. We all take an oath early on; to treat this sport with dignity, honor, and respect. Again, while I haven’t seen the full video at this point, from what I’ve heard, this is a just decision by the “Alpha American” himself.

Danny Jillefski:
That’s what all the extra security was about tonight as I was pulling into Irvine Hall. I mean, there are a whole sea of yellow shirts backstage; probably adding some strength just in case Baine decides to challenge his consequence tonight…

Eric Tyler:
He’s a tough man, Baine; but I don’t see him breaking through the wall of security backstage.
[slight chuckle]
That would take an entire army…




Andre “Da Freak” Jones © vs. Darryl “Mighty Fine” Devine
w/ Seduction

[uSPW Television Championship Match]



From the onset, Darryl Devine looks to be more interested in his own shadow than anything else. While he’s obviously talented, executing jaw-dropping moves in between a hair flick or two, there seems to be this hefty sense of arrogance that keeps him detached just enough to give his opponent enough room to capitalize. In this case, as in most in the past, Darryl, again, opens the door to his own demise as he begins to believe in his own hype a little too much; at one point, taking close to 5 seconds before attempting a pinfall following a stiff elbow drop from the top. In the end, living up to his give name “Da Freak”, the TV Champion continues to impress with his awe-inspiring array of athletic offense; overtaking the squared circle like the proven athlete that he is. With his signature “Blast from the Past” (Shining Enziguri Kick) maneuver, Andre is able to forcibly knock-out his opponent at the close of the match; a fact that forces Seduction to hang her head in sadness for her fallen ‘boy-toy’.


Andre Jones retains the USPW Television Championship in 8:39 via a “Blast from the Past” (Shining Enziguri Kick).

Grade: D-


Danny Jillefski:
Those who only care about what we see on the outside are often empty on the inside…

Eric Tyler:
Often true, Danny. While our sport is typically about showmanship, and the ability to create moments, the truth of the matter is: If you can’t separate the work from the play then you’re doomed to fall victim to yourself more often than not.

Danny Jillefski:
I guess, another one has come along only to fall… Andre Jones is STILL our USPW Television Champion!

Eric Tyler:
I guess we’ll have to see if there is a better suitor out there…




Sam Strong

… Closing a phone conversation …


[We transition backstage in which to see the UPSW’s triumphant owner, Sam Strong, seated behind his gigantic executive desk; stern in his demeanor as he casts quite the lofty shadow to his side. All in all, as he remains in a darkened room, the only light coming from a nearby stained-glass lamp positioned on the opposite end of his desk, there appears to be a sense of irritation exuding from his hardened state.]


Sam Strong:
I don’t care what you have to do; Tyson Baine is not welcome in Irvine Hall tonight.


[With that, the celebrated “Alpha American” slams his phone down upon it’s base; positioned behind the miniature American Flag on his desk. Despite the craziness though, he still appears to be entirely in control of the situation at hand; even if he looks to ‘explode’ at any moment now.]


[As the camera man pans outward, positioned at Sam Strong’s side, we now witness the frame of an unknown man standing within the darkness; in the corner of the blanketed room. His stance is rather confident, projecting someone of a great sense of grandeur, as a flicker of light shoots from his shoulder area; giving the knowledge that a Championship belt occupies that very space.]



Enygma ©

… Seeking revenge …


I want Baine…


[Despite not expecting Enygma’s interjection from within the darkened space of his office, Strong doesn’t really flinch all that much. In reality, nothing really seems to ‘scare’ the “Alpha American” all that much. You could probably pull a gun on the Wrestling LEGEND and he’d calmly disarm you with a harsh arm-bar or something.]


Sam Strong:
You know I can’t allow that, Enygma.
[raises his eyebrows as if to say; reason with me]
What Tyson did last week was sickening; he doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near the USPW World Championship at this point. Honestly…
[Pauses; ponders a thought inward]
I can’t run the risk of him walking away with the gold…


[still within the darkness, Enygma continues to relay his want for revenge.]


He’d have to tear it from my cold, dead, hands, Strong.
The World Championship isn’t going anywhere; Baine, or anyone else, they don’t have what it takes to retrieve it from the darkness…
[Pauses; grows more firm in his tone]
Give me Baine… I want Revenge!


[strong sighs, feeling as a parent would as a child cries for something that’s already been deemed as ‘off the table’.]


Sam Strong:
I said what I said, Enygma; I never go back on my word.
I’ve arranged to find a new #1 contender to the USPW World Championship. Next week, it’ll be Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant; finally bringing their rivalry to an end and declaring a viable suitor once and for all…


I… want… Baine…


[Engyma responds again; more forceful in his tone than ever. Meanwhile, Strong has now stiffly stood up from his desk; showing signs of obvious arthritis within his weathered frame. With a ‘tough-man’ snarl running upon his face, much like what you would see out of a 50-something Coal Miner, the Wrestling LEGEND responds one final time; showing no favoritism to his current Champion in the process. In the end, it appears that he may be growing weary of such a call for revenge; given the circumstances around Baine recently.]


Sam Strong:
I’ll say this one last time, Enygma… It’s not the time for Revenge.
you’ve got a Main Event to prepare for…
You best be gettin’ your mindset right; T-Rex is not a walk in the park…


I will have my revenge… With, or without, your approval…


[With that, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Sam Strong administering his trademark fiery stare in the direction of our shadowed champion; furthering the alpha male mentality that comes with his hardened LEGEND persona. Meanwhile, still residing within the darkness he often calls home, Enygma continues to stand his ground; obviously determined to inflict his own sense of justice upon the man who practically knocked him unconscious last week in Tyson Baine.]


Grade: C+


Eric Tyler:
I know I’m new here, Danny, but… I thought Enygma and Strong were on the same page…

Danny Jillefski:
That’s what I thought too, Eric. I guess, with recent craziness surrounding the USPW, everyone is a little on edge…

Eric Tyler:
Revenge can be a nasty grave-digger…

Danny Jillefski:
It’s true. Then again, can you blame the man? He was viciously laid out last week by Baine…

Eric Tyler:
I don’t think you can really blame Enygma but he may not want to go down this road… Honestly… Baine looks to be one rabid animal...






Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion vs. Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles
w/ Shane Sneer


With a snarling Shane Sneer barking orders at ringside, the despised Sneer Corporation projects a sense of dastardly unity; working as one aggressive ‘war machine’ of sorts. In return, the paired USPW-loyalist, appear slightly less unified; however, just as strong in their offensive styling. All in all, everything feels rather ‘equal’ from start-to-finish; the only difference being the Sneer Corp’s inherent love for cheating shining through. In the end, the winds of victory swing violently in the direction of the Sneer-led faction; Jumbo Jackson as the creator of such a shift.


Joining his brethren at ringside, Jackson quickly ignites his menacing flame into action; singling his focus entirely upon the young Nicky Champion in the process. With Eugene Williams surveying the in-ring action, Jackson is able to pull Nicky away from the apron; brawling heavily with the widely known Strong protégé. All in all, with their team now down one man, pulled away by an interfering Giant bearded man, The Towers of Power are able to overwhelm their long-time rivals in The People’s team.


Following a running Powerslam from Mick Muscles, with help from Danny Rushmore landing a stiff elbow to the back of their opponents head, Freddie Datsun is shown laying motionless underneath the dense muscled frame of the man they call “The Mick”. With his full weight down upon Datsun, also using a nearby ring rope as a crutch, a fact that Mr. Williams does not notice, Muscles comes away with a victory for his controversial team.


The Sneer Corporation defeats Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, and Nicky Champion in 7:43 via a running Powerslam from Mick Muscles onto Freddie Datsun.

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
I hope you’re proud of yourself, Shane. “Congrats”… You were able to cheat your way to a win tonight. I hope it’s all you hoped it to be…

Eric Tyler:
That’s the trouble with these larger matches; with so many men around the ringside area, it’s easy for the referee to get overwhelmed with the action.

Danny Jillefski:
I promise you, give them an even playing field, and the Champion-led trio will win 9/10 times… Flat-out…

Eric Tyler:
Sadly, Danny, we don’t wrestle in a vacuum… Outside interference has been a staple of this sport since the day it was born.




Jumbo Jackson, Shane Sneer, Eugene Williams, and Nicky Champion

… Post-Match Attack/Start of a new, forced, match …


[As the final bell signifies the end of our last match-up, there appears to be a fire still burning rather bright between two budding rivals. Brawling wildly up until the closing moments, Jumbo Jackson and Nicky Champion now overtake the squared circle with their fury; going tooth-and-nail at one another in hopes of administering a sense of self-justice altogether.]


[back-and-forth, neither man seems to be in control; that is until Shane Sneer is shown sneaking into the ring. With a simple chop-block of Champion’s knee, rather awkward in it’s usage seeing how he’s never been an in-ring competitor, Sneer forces the momentum of their altercation firmly in his man’s favor. Seconds later, as Jumbo Jackson continues to slam his oversized club of a foot into Champion’s chiseled physique, Sneer is seen landing his own assault; this one being of the verbal kind as it’s directed at the new USPW referee, Eugene Williams.]


[Knowing that he has no choice in the matter, sensing the beating that may await him if he tries to walk away, Mr. Williams reluctantly calls for an impromptu opening bell; signifying that Shane Sneer had received what he wanted… A singles match between Nicky Champion and Jumbo Jackson; cleverly constructed by Sneer in which to put further strain on Sam Strong’s protégé in the process.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
Wait… What?...
[Dead-air; confused]
Did Eugene Williams just call for the bell?

Eric Tyler:
It looks like we have an impromptu singles match between Nicky Champion and Jumbo Jackson…

Danny Jillefski:
But… Nicky just wrestled seconds ago… This isn’t fair… He had no time to re-coop!
[Annoyed; as he now ‘gets it’]
This was their plan all-along; to have Jackson aggressively jump Champion from behind. Now, they can try to lay a whoopin’ on Strong’s protégé in the process…

Eric Tyler:
Well, by the looks of it… That’s exactly what they were granted…
Sheer force, or in this case Sneer-Force, often stands as the best inspiration to the fearful…




Jumbo Jackson
w/ The Sneer Corporation
vs. Nicky Champion

[impromptu Match]


Fighting an uphill battle of sorts, Nicky looks to be completely overwhelmed from the very start. Even in moments of rising momentum, Champion often finds his burning flame extinguished by his own physical limitations; the fact that his knee appears to be in pain following a recent chop-block from Shane Sneer himself. With time, the well-known Strong protégé appears to rely more heavily upon his roaring adrenaline; actually formulating a physical response to Jacksons’ one-sided beatdown. In the end, as Champion reaches the top of a hill once thought impossible to climb, actually overcoming the jumping start to their altercation, the whole momentous rise comes to a dramatic halt. As Nicky positions his brutish opponent in-line for a “Hawkeye Hammer” (Piledriver), the match comes to a climactic close with the likes of Anger, Mick Muscles, and Danny Rushmore storming the ring; attacking Champion in the process. Without the People’s Team to back him up, still attempting to regain their composure upon the cement floor outside of the ring, Champion is left to fend for himself; a fact that proves to be somewhat deadly for the rising superstar. As expected, Eugene calls for the bell; however, quickly exits the ring following such a call knowing that such a decision would be a hated-one for the Sneer Corp.


Nicky Champion defeats Jumbo Jackson in 5:37 via DQ when Anger, Danny Rushmore, and Mick Muscles ran-in and assaulted Champion.

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
Is THIS how you’re going to function these days, Sneer; attacking men from behind, forcing referees to do your dirty work, and then interfering, again, when the outcome isn’t what you want it to be?
[Laughs in disbelief]
This is pure insanity!

Eric Tyler:
I can’t believe Champion actually came close to winning after all of that…

Danny Jillefski:
This goes beyond wins and losses though, Eric. These guys, this collection of punks, think they can just do whatever they want here in USPW!

Eric Tyler:
From what I know, they’ve been around here for some 6 years now… What’s any different now then before?

Danny Jillefski:
Everything is different, Eric… There’s a level of intensity I’ve never seen from these guys… Starting at the top…

Eric Tyler:
I guess, losing his job, Shane Sneer really snapped… Gone cookoo… Lost a few fries in his happy meal…

Danny Jillefski:
Possibly? All I know is…
[stares; in shock somewhat]
something feels different these days with the Sneer Corporation…




Raven Robinson and Micky Starr

… Backstage match-makin’ …


[With the chaotic tone circulating the ringside area, we now transition backstage to find a more calming scenario; that being Raven Robinson standing with a true LEGEND of the sport, and the newly designated ‘Women’s Wrestling Czar of USPW’, Micky Starr. Clothed in her typical off-beat, borderline alternative, street threads, “The Dark Angel” continues to look counter to the vanilla tone often associated with Women’s Wrestling; seeming much like a smokey diamond within the rough. In contrast, she stands out even more next to the signature simplicity that comes with Micky’s attire; that being a tight black beater, his trademark black sunglasses, & a pair of faded jeans.]


[All in all, it appears that we have come in the middle of an existing conversation…]


Raven Robinson:
I hate this feeling, Micky…
[Wrenches on her neck in a show of anxiety]
I mean, even in that short while, I grew attached to that belt. Ya know?
[Pauses; stares off for a second]
Now, I have to deal with the fact that I’m the shortest reigning Women’s Champion in USPW history…
[shakes her head in disbelief; obviously heart-broken]
You have no idea how much that stings..
[Pauses; then looks at Micky with determination growing]
You have to grant me a re-shot, Micky… You know I’m good for it… My “lil’ Angels” look up to me…
[Grows even more determined; stripping away the sadness more]
You HAVE to give me another shot at the belt!


[in what has become traditional, ever since the dawn of his career, Micky often makes others look like they talk way too much. It’s his silent stare, his unwillingness to speak at times, and the hardened wall that comes with his existence, that makes many feel uncomfortable; talking at speeds unknown as they attempt to fill the awkward silence as best possible.]


Raven Robinson:
I’m not asking for much… Just me… Cherry Bomb… One more time. If I can’t win then so be it; I’ll walk away and work my way back to the top.
[Pauses; almost pleading]
Just… you gotta give me this chance, Micky…
[Pauses for a brief second]
I won’t let you, this company, or that belt, down… I promise…


[Micky continues to stare; much like a brick-wall of sorts. That said, following such silence, Starr finally interjects in his low, raspy, overtly gruff, verbal minimalist, kind of manner.]


Micky Starr:
You’re a fighter; I like that about you, Raven. Always have.
[Nods his head slowly]
Word is, out of headquarters, that we’re running our first Pay-Per-View event at the end of this month; “Frigid Fright Night” is the name.
[Pauses; looks deep into Raven’s eyes with his brick-wall stare continuing]
You’ve got Cherry Bomb…
[Pauses; Raven perks up slightly]
It’ll be you, and Bomb, for the Women’s Championship at “Frigid Fight Night”…


[Raven practically explodes out of her combat boots, jumping upward and latching onto Micky with a passionate hug; obviously excited about the news. That said, Micky doesn’t seem to buy into the hug all that much; standing with his arms crossed much like a statue. In the end, as Raven slowly slides down his frame like a 4-year-old sliding down a playground pole, the somewhat ‘warming moment’ comes toa close with the fiery sound of the Women’s Champ off-camera.]


Cherry Bomb:
You’ve got to be kiddin’ me…



Cherry Bomb ©

… ‘Exploding’ onto the scene …


[With that, Cherry Bomb stomps her way onto the scene; holding the USPW Women’s Championship firmly over her right shoulder like a warrior on the verge of battle.]


Cherry Bomb:
[Looks over to Raven]
I already beat this twit…


[Raven grows angry; becomes more aggressive in her stance.]


Raven Robinson:
Who you callin’ a twit…


[Cherry Bomb chuckles to herself in a choppy fashion; always aggressive in nature.]


Micky Starr:
Alright, That’s enough…
[Comes out of his shell slightly; points his finger out in his signature, authoritative, fashion.]
You gals have something to prove to one another; I get that, but tonight… I’m fresh out of carin’.
Scatter; before I lose my cool…


Cherry Bomb:
Alright… Gramps…
[she says sarcastically; then looking over to Raven]
Be careful what you wish for, Raven…
You want the Women’s Championship back?
You’ll have to go through hell to get it…


Raven Robinson:


[Raven quickly interjects following Cherry Bomb’s ‘go through hell’ statement; leveling her own aggressiveness to the conversation. In the end, the segment comes to a close with the sight of these three standing in a triangle from one another; setting up an altercation that is bound to happen at the end of this month at the USPW’s first PPV event in company history – “Frigid Fight Night”; a fact that makes this moment historic as Micky has just booked the first match in PPV history as well.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
Did you hear that, Eric? It appears that we have our FIRST PPV in Company HISTORY coming at the end of this month… “Frigid Fight Night”! I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this before now…

Eric Tyler:
Well, I would guess that Micky Starr would be on the inside circle when it comes to news like this; being Strong’s right-hand-man for years now.

Danny Jillefski:
That’s true… I’m just… wow… floored! Not to mention, the first match has been signed, sealed, and will be delivered to you at the end of January! Raven Robinson… Cherry Bomb… the Women’s Championship at “Frigid Fight Night”! I can’t wait!!

Eric Tyler:
It’s bound to be a combustible affair, Danny... one filled with enough anger to light a city block!




Alicia Strong vs. “The Vile Vixen” Belle Bryden


Whenever these two square off with one another, which is something we’ve grown accustomed to seeing in USPW given the small Women’s Division, there continues to be this defining struggle of ‘Squeeky Clean Goodness vs. Dastardly Slyness”. Often billed as snarky, and truly dubious at every corner, the manipulative Bryden does everything in her power to pick up a victory over the beloved Alicia Strong; utilizing a cheating mentality at every possible turn. In the end, while such an approach is often beneficial for the arrogant vixen, tonight, good prevails over bad; using sheer ability as the inspirational agent for victory.


After a failed elbow drop from Belle, forcing her to stagger away while holding her elbow in pain, Alicia is shown spring-boarding herself upright; connecting with her newfound signature move, “The Strong Kick” (Superkick), square across Bryden’s jaw in the process. In the end, everything becomes rather formulaic, and predictable, as no one expects “The Vile Vixen” to kick-out; a fact that gives Alicia the win in a matter of 3 seconds.


Alicia Strong defeats Belle Bryden in 10:25 via a “Strong Kick” (Superkick).

Grade: C


Danny Jillfeski:
Well… I guess Belle is getting her beauty-rest following a kick like that…

Eric Tyler:
Great superkick from Alicia; an age-old maneuver but effective none the less..

Danny Jillefski:
Regardless of the bells and whistles that come along in the Women’s Division, Alicia Strong will forever stand as the true cornerstone of it all. Just like her Father, she will ALWAYS find a way to step above the pack.

Eric Tyler:
It’s true; it’s in her blood I suppose.




Peter Valentine ©

… “Challenge the GREAT” …


[We return from a short, inter-promotional, break hyping the USPW’s upcoming PPV event – “Frigid Fight Night”, in which to see the USPW National Champion standing much like a proud Grecian Adonis in the center of the ring; glistening in the light as any world-class bodybuilder would. With his championship gold laying over the top of his bulging trap muscle, Valentine slowly raises a microphone up to his mouth; arrogantly rejecting the crowd’s feverish boos like an unbreakable wall.]


Peter Valentine:
Last week, Captain USA discovered the immense pain that comes to those who dare accept my challenge.
[He arrogantly pauses; crowd boos heavily]
I’d say ‘I told ya so…’ but, really, that would be a great understatement. You see, to step into the ring with me is to stand before a towering tidal wave; you can attempt to brave the power before you but, truthfully, it’ll be too much in the end. It always is… too much… in the end.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
So, who will be the idiot… I mean… Challenger this week who dare stand before “The Greatest of All-Time”? Which one of you has a death-wish ready to cash in…


[Valentine drops the microphone to his side, awaiting his challenger in a dismissive fashion, as the entire audience in attendance turns to gaze upon the entrance ramp; wondering who could be seconds from walking through. With the suspense building, it all comes to a climactic head as HIS theme music begins to blare…]



… Taking the Challenge …


[Like a coked out rock-star, The Force physically explodes through the black curtain in dramatic fashion; aggressively storming toward the ringside area with reckless abandon. With his every step, this unsung ‘Triple Crown’ winner (USPW World, National, TV, and Tag Team Champion) inspires a sense of absolute, excitable, fury; almost seeming like a physical representation of pure adrenaline.]


[in the end, as Peter Valentine watches on with a smug sense of arrogance to his stare, wrenching his wrist-tape like a boxer looking to throw a knock-out punch, his opponent, The Force, stands in complete contrast; practically spazzing like a 10 year old ADHD-afflicted child hopped up on loads of caffeine.]


Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
In reality, I think his contrasting style may match-up pretty well with Valentine’s slower, more prodding, approach. In the end, the winner will be the one who can dictate the pace…

Danny Jillefski:
Put all my money on The Force in that case then!
[Laughs with excitement]
You’re going down, Valentine!! I can’t wait to see this one unfold!




"The Greatest of All-Time" Peter Valentine © vs.

[uSPW National Championship Match]



Just as we witnessed last week, even despite The Force’s explosive mantra, this wasn’t much of a contest for the challenger. While he fairs better than his former tag partner, Captain USA, actually landing some exciting strikes of his own, the truth of Valentine’s overwhelming power, again, takes another victim pretty early on.


Shortly following a corner-splash gone wrong, missing the National Champion as he moves out of the way, a fact that has The Force’s forehead colliding with the top of the turnbuckle gage, Valentine is shown leveling the former ‘Triple Crown Winner’ with a gigantic axe-handle strike. Seconds later, staggering away in pain, the National Champion is shown, much like last week, synching in his signature submission hold “The Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission) upon a semi-coherent challenger. While he puts up a valiant fight, attempting to break free; in the end, the brute strength of Peter Valentine breaks the crazed will of The Force.


As the bell is rung in his favor, the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All-Time” continues to withhold his challenger within the throws of the “Legendary Lock”. In time, it’s finally broken; however, not before Eugene Williams attempts to threaten the National Champion with a victory-reversal; fearing long-term injuries for the physically ‘broken’ challenger.


Peter Valentine retains the USPW National Championship in 4:32 via a “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission).

Grade: D


Eric Tyler:
I suppose your happy you didn’t really put ‘all of your money on The Force’…

Danny Jillefski:
I was sure that The Force would be the man to break Valentine’s streak… Honestly… There was no doubt in my mind…

Eric Tyler:
As much as you hate the man, I guess Peter Valentine is truly a force to be reckoned with… Challenge series or not; he’s, seemingly, a worthy National Champion!

Danny Jillefski:
I want a re-match! Force… Valentine… Part II… Make it happen, Strong!

Eric Tyler:
I guess you never really know. I mean, this IS an open-challenge series… In reality, The Force could take him up again next week… and the week after…

Danny Jillefski:
Let’s hope; Sweet Jesus let’s hope!




… Calling out a Giant …


begins to blare as the “Hardcore American” confidently shuffles through the black entrance curtain; located atop the ramp-way. Lifting his signature steel chair above his head with one hand, a weapon that he has yet to even use in USPW since his debut with the company, Caulfield seems to project this sense of calmness; a fact that’s quite shocking given his chaotic run-ins as of late. In reality, as he walks toward the ringside area, showing signs of potentially being injured; however, doing his best to hide such a fact, the ultimate theme appears to continue to resonate with this hard-headed man; throughout it all… He’s simply unbreakable.]


[Following another ceremonious chair lifting pose, using one arm to do so in a warrior-like manner, the man who best embodies the word ‘Extreme’ is shown propping his signature weapon up against a nearby turnbuckle within the ring; as he always does during entertainment segments (as a match would call for the removal of such a weapon). Moments later, the physically defiant Caulfield, still holding the extreme banner he had come to define in DaVE; however, now more about ‘survival’ versus blatant violent action, slowly raises a USPW microphone up to his mouth as his music dies off in the background. Now, replaced by the overwhelming wave of support given by the excitable fans of Irvine Hall.]


Chris Caulfield:
Bruce… I know you’re back there; I know you’ve been lookin’ for me all day long.
[Pauses; looks to the entrance way]
I have no reason to hide… If you want me… You know where I…



Bruce the Giant

… A return after injury …


[before he can even finish his sentence, Chris Caulfield is interrupted by the overpowering sound of Bruce the Giant’s theme music. Within seconds, as the crowd showers him with a heavy chorus of boos, the mammoth Giant is shown staggering through the black entrance curtain; appearing much like a ‘freak of nature’ given his immense, almost fable-like, size. With every step, gingerly showing signs of a lasting knee injury suffered at the hands of Caulfield in December, Bruce storms the ringside area; stepping over the top rope as if it were a mere knee-high fence.]


[Now, within the ring, these two heated rivals slowly step to one another as close as possible; literally within inches as they look like a brutal brawl may ignite at any moment. In this moment, Bruce’s sheer size, again, fable-like, shows to an even greater level as Caulfield looks to be much like a midget in comparison; looking upward in a severe angle just to lock within an energized stare.]


[Just when it looks like Bruce may throw a punch, obviously still jaded over his most recent injury, such a scenario re-directs away from what we expect; as Bruce aggressively grabs the mic from Caulfield’s right hand. As his music dies off in the background, and the overwhelming chant of “Hardcore” resonates within Irvine Hall, Bruce is shown raising the black USPW microphone up to his gigantic mouth; a fact that furthers the notion of his immense size as the microphone appears to be engulfed by his enormous hand.]


Bruce the Giant:
I spent the last month sitting at home; watching… plotting… planning my revenge.
[Crowd boo’s]
The thought of crushing your skull with my own bare hands came into mind countless of times; imagining the relief that would come with your destruction.


[The crowd boos again loudly as these two bitter rivals continue to stare upon one another. Their collective tone is rather intense; a fact that makes many of us believe that Bruce may strike at any moment… and that Caufield may wish that he still had that steel chair in his hands.]


Bruce the Giant:
But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into a month, I found myself… changing.
[Confusion hits with the crowd]
Nothing can take away the month you stole from me… Honestly, I have to fight every urge in my body to wrap my hands around your scrawny little neck…
[Crowd boos]
But, you see, as I sat at home in Georgia, rehabbing my knee, creating my battle plan upon my return, I came to realize something…
[slight pause; stares at Caulfield]
No matter what I did, no matter how hard I stomped, kicked, and threw you around this ring… You kept on getting back up.
[Crowd pops]
It may have been stupidity, or it may have been sheer fight, but you never… gave… up…


[The crowd pops loudly as these two continue to stare eachother down in the center of the ring; not losing an ounce of intensity in the process.]


Bruce the Giant:
I never thought I would say this, after all we’ve been through, and after I practically ended your career in my mind for the last month, but… I respect you.


[The crowd pops loudly; however, there doesn’t appear to be a ‘feel good moment’ coming from either of these two despite the ‘nice words’]


Bruce the Giant:
Respect doesn’t mean I like you; not one bit really. I still want my revenge and will have it next week on “American Wrestling”. However, now, I know what I’m dealing with… A man who simply won’t allow himself to give up.
[Turns to a snarl]
Knowing this, I’ll take even more pride in your destruction…


[The crowd turns manically toward another chorus of heated boos; unhappy as they THOUGHT Bruce was turning; however, are now left with conflicting emotions on the matter. Meanwhile, both men continue to feverishly stare one another down; inches in their stance.]


Bruce the Giant:
Next week… I will finally become the new #1 contender to the USPW World Championship; redirecting my path of carnage toward Enygma. I know it won’t be easy, I know you’ll do what you always do, which is ‘never die’, but I’ll see to it that the trend finally comes to a close… Next week… I will do the ONE THING no one has been able to do since you came to USPW… That is… Put you down… for good!


[With that, Bruce drops the microphone at his side as his theme music, again, begins to blare within Irvine Hall. While many may have thought that their first altercation since ‘the injury’ would be a violent one, it seems as though Bruce is waiting to inflict his pain in one weeks’ time; focusing all of his attention on the #1 contendership match named by Sam Strong earlier in the night for next week.]


[in the end, we go to a commercial break as we see the two men staring eachother down as Bruce slowly back peddles toward the ring ropes; keeping his eyes on Caulfield’s the entire time. All in all, as he steps over the top rope, exiting the squared circle, and the ringside area for that matter, there is an EPIC NATURE circulating around their altercation; one that will, finally, come to a head next week on “American Wrestling”]


Grade: C


[Danny appears to be comically in shock]

Danny Jillefski:
Did I just hear Bruce the Giant say that he respects Chris Caulfield?

Eric Tyler:
I think we just did…

Danny Jillefski:
After all they’ve been through, close to 6 months of warring, Bruce the Giant has made it known that he respects his most bitter rival, Chris Caulfield. I mean, I understand the reason for saying so but… this is NOT what I was expecting to see tonight from these two.

Eric Tyler:
Sometimes, when you’ve gone to war with another, you come to find a level of respect for them; especially if they stand their ground. Chris Caulfield, as it sounds, has done everything to show that he won’t simply ‘roll over’; even when faced with a mammoth foe like Bruce the Giant.
If you can stare down this monster of a man and still be ready for a fight then you’ve got my respect; hands down.

Danny Jillefski:
I can’t wait for next week!! This is bound to be an instant classic!




vs. T-Rex
w/ Sheik Mustafa

[2-on-1 Handicap Match]


Following a round of epic entrances, filled with awe-inspiring combinations of music, lights, and pyrotechnics, we finally come to our main event; a match pre-designed that has now evolved due to Tyson Baine’s recent suspension from participation tonight. In reality, the original framework stood as quite menacing; as the “Titans” are certainly one of THE most feared tandems in USPW history. That said, without Baine at his side, T-Rex appears to be slightly less menacing; still crazy scary in his own right; however, lacking the additional sense of muscle-power none the less.


The action itself actually favors T-Rex though; funny enough despite his lop-sided match-up. In typical big-man versus heroic challenger fashion, the bruising behemoth spends most of the match proving his overwhelming dominance at the expense of Enygma and James Justice; viciously maiming them with a barrage of heavy-handed strikes. This notion seems so prevalent, so unbreakable, that, at one moment during the middle of the match, it seemed as though T-Rex was on the verge of walking away with the victory; a fact that most would believe unthinkable given the numbers game.


Sadly, for Mustafa’s client, this match-up really consists of two separate halves…


As we round past the mid-way, a new tone begins to take form; one predicated by Enygma’s unwillingness to succumb to ‘the monster’. In a super-human kind of response, the USPW Champion begins to shift the match’s experience; rebounding faster, blocking at a higher rate, and coming out in a positive manner much more often. It almost seems as though a supernatural essence has overtaken the masked mystery man as even the most brutal strikes from T-Rex become seemingly less destructive.


In the end, after James Justice begins to follow in his partner’s footsteps, stepping his game up to match Enygma’s super-human display of resiliency, the match ultimately comes to a close with the sight of the USPW Champion himself, Enygma, overcoming the Jurassic beast before him. With T-Rex staggering from a round of running shoulder blocks, 4 to be exact, Enygma finally swoops in and executes his latest signature move: “From the Shadows” (Leaping DDT).


With Irvine Hall practically shaking with excitement, the roaring crowd assists Eugene Williams in his job; eagerly counting to three in which to celebrate Enygma’s moment of triumph. In the end, despite being physically ‘owned’ at the beginning of the match, the team of Enygma and James Justice prove themselves to be resilient when faced with immense odds. While T-Rex may only be one man, he certainly is no ‘normal man’ what so ever. In reality, tonight, these two beloved USPW favorites have found a way to overcome a towering tsunami of brutality; silencing the ‘Jurassic Beast’ in the process.


Enygma and James Justice defeat T-Rex in 11:48 after Enygma executed “From the Shadows” (Leaping DDT) upon T-Rex.

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
Well I’ll be…

Danny Jillefski:
You may not have gotten the retribution you were looking for but, to defeat your most hated rivals ally, that’s about as close as you can get to revenge!

Eric Tyler:
I, honestly, thought that T-Rex was going to walk away with this one. I mean, he was practically throwing these two around the ring like ragdolls earlier. Now, I see what all the fuss is about Enygma. This man… this crazy man… Is something of a supernatural figure…

Danny Jillefski:
He certainly is, Eric.

[Confusion is heard; rustling in the background]

Danny Jillefski:
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to keep you here at ringside, to celebrate with Enygma, but it sounds like we have something taking place backstage right now.
It appears that… oh no…

Eric Tyler:
It sounds like Tyson Baine is attempting to enter Irvine Hall…

Danny Jillefski:
Let’s go backstage…




Tyson Baine and Sam Strong

… Stand-off outside of Irvine Hall …


[We transition backstage now as we see Tyson Baine standing in the darkness; his body heightened with aggression while his eyes fixate like a predator seeking his prey. Meanwhile, with his fists clenched, ready for a fight, we now also see that Sam Strong stands across from him; maintaining his hardened, emotionless stare, with standing a good 10 feet from the loading dock door of Irvine Hall. The stage appears extremely tense, dripping with the thought of a potential drag-out war between these two gigantic figures, as it seems like the USPW Owner, and all-around LEGEND, is simply standing his ground in which to personally block Tyson Baine from entering the arena.]


[As we pan out even more, we now see a sea of motionless security men laying in staggered fashion behind the menacing ‘Demon’. While they had tried their best to succumb the beast; in the end, they all stood as no match to his monstrous reign of terror. With this image in mind, giving even more depth to Baine’s persona of unabashed destruction, it comes as no surprise that Sam Strong would take it upon himself to physically stop the impeding monster from entering into a space HE declared as off-limits; that being the fact that Strong personally suspended Baine for his actions last week.]


[Just when it seems like we are on the verge of seeing a brutal one-on-one brawl, pitting a hellacious villain versus the hardened hero, the plot creepily thickens…]



“The Sneer Corporation”

… Coming to his aide …


[With the camera angle panning out slightly more, we now see the “Sneer Corporation” slowly shuffle onto the scene; stepping within a couple feet of Sam Strong’s back in the process. Knowing that they aren’t there to help him, Strong now opens his stance; slightly turning in which to look at both vicious suitors altogether.]


[While not a word is spoken, it becomes rather obvious of what were about to witness… That being a gang-like beating upon the USPW Owner, Sam Strong. In turn, such a predicament only adds more questions as we all begin to wonder WHY the Sneer Corporation would be present in a time like this? Were they now working with Tyson Baine? Was this all a set-up in which to get Strong alone?]


[None the less, as the USPW logo shows up in the bottom corner of the screen, “American Wrestling” comes to a close with the sight of the legendary Strong standing between two vile entities; a scenario that many believe, despite the show going off the air, that Sam Strong may be on the verge of a terrible assault at the hands of his two most hated rivals at the moment.]


Grade: C+


Danny Jillefski:
I don’t like the look of this…

[They watch on in silence; shocked]

Eric Tyler:
This may have been a trap…

[silence; again]

Danny Jillefski:
This is…
Someone needs to get out there NOW! Sam Strong could be seriously injured if this is what I think this may be…











Overall Show Grade:

Show Attendance:

TV Show Rating:
0.94 (-0.08) on the Sports America Network

<hr color="black">
Quick “American Wrestling” Results

Andre Jones defeated Darryl Devine via pinfall. (D)

The Sneer Corporation defeated The People’s Team & Nicky Champion via pinfall. (D+)

Nicky Champion defeated Jumbo Jackson via DQ. (D+)

Alicia Strong defeated Belle Bryden via pinfall. ©

Peter Valentine defeated The Force via Submission. (D)

Enygma & James Justice defeated T-Rex via pinfall. (D+)
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Sam Strong rushed to a Kansas Hospital; following "American Wrestling".


USPW owner,
Sam Strong
, has been admitted to a nearby hospital in
following last night’s episode of “American Wrestling”. At the close of the show, we witness the sight of Strong standing in the path of suspended USPW wrestler,
Tyson Baine
, as he looked to break the restrictions placed upon him earlier in the night (that being not being able to enter
Irvine Hall
due to said suspension levied by Strong himself). Shortly after the show went off the air, it was said that the legendary Strong was severely injured following a heinous assault at the hands of Tyson Baine &
the Sneer Corporation
(which also made their presence known as they sandwiched the Legend between Baine and themselves at the close of the show).


It should be noted that, despite his injuries, Sam Strong, at first, denied any sort of medical transportation; however, after a lengthy plea from his daughter,
Alicia Strong
, he reluctantly agreed.


At this point, no discipline has been levied upon Tyson Baine, or the Sneer Corporation for that matter, as Strong withholds sole rights of such decisions. With that said, many company officials expect to see some sort of ruling by the end of this week; leading into the next episode of “American Wrestling”.


At this point, we are unaware if Sam Strong will be joining us next week on “American Wrestling” as he was left behind in Texas for further evaluations. With the next broadcast coming in the Midwest region, many wonder if the “Alpha American” will be physically able to travel in the next week or so.


Stay tuned for more information as it comes…

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: USPW announces January PPV; "Frigid Fight Night"!

Thursday, 2nd Week of January 2010




USPW/U-Demand cement a contractual agreement; USPW to utilize PPV's in 2010.


United States Pro Wrestling
made a ground-breaking announcement this week on “American Wrestling”; signifying that they’ve stepped into the ‘PPV battlefield’ with a newfound relationship with
. With this in mind, at the end of the month, USPW will broadcast their first-ever PPV excursion; entitled
“Frigid Fight Night”


The details of the agreement appear to be somewhat in the dark; however, it’s been rumored that the Strong-led organization will benefit financially from the agreement. How much? We don’t entirely know.


At this point,
Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson, for the Women’s Championship, is the only match that’s been officially announced thus far
. While more is bound to come, the event already has a gripping sense of struggle from the onset; as Robinson looks to reclaim the title she sadly lost just a few weeks ago.

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I'm a little surprised that Alicia/Belle was Match of the Night over the ME, but I guess T-Rex can really drag down a match with his lackluster skillset. Enjoying this so far.


It's shocking and then not so much really. The women's roster, while not that over, is really talented; probably the best talent on the roster thus far. In reality, going forward, this may be a common occurrence; especially if T-Rex continues to huff through the main event. ha.


As for Rexy, I'm a HUGE fan but I must try to limit the way he works in the ring. Did the main event go a little longer than it should have (some 12-14 minutes)? Yea, probably. That said, it felt weird having it any shorter. Meh. I guess we'll see where he goes from here and how he does at "Frigid Fight Night"; dictating what route he may take next..

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Another strong show in the bank E-V. Again, nicely booked and thought-out.


I must say, that I liked the fact you kept Sam Strong's beating an off-screen affair because it adds a sense of intrigue. Presumably, either Sneer Corp or Baine or both were responsible, but the absense of the TV cameras poses the possibility that something additional could have transpired or someone previously unseen was involved. I may be just reading more into it and it was just a way to enact a brutal beating on a family friendly format, but it gave the show a classic, pending mystery feel to it... Find out what happens next week! Same Bat time! Same Bat channel! (well not quite, since we found out at least that Strong wound up in hospital, but whatever :p)


Other highlights for me were the Bruce/Caulfield promo and of course, Jim Force making his belated bow. For some reason your writing of Enygma is making me read him as a Mysterion double (South Park), even down to the voice... maybe it's the appearing in the shadows and the new finisher name... the old mysterious hero vibe... or maybe I've just had too much caffine today.


As for T-Rex, yeah, you kinda learnt the hard way that if you're looking to use him in main events early doors, he really needs protecting and either a superior opponent or a superior partner to carry him through.


Oh and Eric Tyler... bleh, hire new people E-V. ;)

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Another strong show in the bank E-V. Again, nicely booked and thought-out.


Thank you, Sebs; I appreciate the kind words. The though-out process is actually much more strong than I've had it before. The reasoning is because I've found a rejuvenated sense of excitement under a new product style. It's pushed me to think differently, push storylines differently, and ultimately re-think everything. In the end, re-thinking, and stepping out of my typical approach (that being gritty violence), has helped me to find joy in the writing/planning process again.


I must say, that I liked the fact you kept Sam Strong's beating an off-screen affair because it adds a sense of intrigue. Presumably, either Sneer Corp or Baine or both were responsible, but the absense of the TV cameras poses the possibility that something additional could have transpired or someone previously unseen was involved. I may be just reading more into it and it was just a way to enact a brutal beating on a family friendly format, but it gave the show a classic, pending mystery feel to it... Find out what happens next week! Same Bat time! Same Bat channel! (well not quite, since we found out at least that Strong wound up in hospital, but whatever :p)


That's exactly what It was intended to be. In previous projects, you would have 'seen' the attack on Strong, as they were products that called for intense violence; however, with USPW, this was the best way to symbolize a beating worthy enough for a trip to a hospital.


Also, there is some sense of mystery from the attack; however, it won't stretch out that long. Really... It's what people might expect; however, will come together at the next episode of "American Wrestling"!


Other highlights for me were the Bruce/Caulfield promo and of course, Jim Force making his belated bow. For some reason your writing of Enygma is making me read him as a Mysterion double (South Park), even down to the voice... maybe it's the appearing in the shadows and the new finisher name... the old mysterious hero vibe... or maybe I've just had too much caffine today.


The mysterious hero vibe is entirely what I'm going for. In my mind, right down to the theme music used, I envision Enygma as a cross between Batman & Sting; at least that's how I'm booking him in USPW. To be honest, I'm really excited about writing for him going forward.


With such a long contract, and already 'on top', I plan on giving him a healthy stay atop the USPW. Also, the way that I'm looking to book him, also gives me the ability to have him work with any and all heels. Either way, I never had thought of myself as an Enygma fan but I've become one full-force with this new project. I mean, he went on a 2 year winning streak in the SWF, jumped ship to USPW, and now can become one of the everlasting faces this company has EVER seen!


As for T-Rex, yeah, you kinda learnt the hard way that if you're looking to use him in main events early doors, he really needs protecting and either a superior opponent or a superior partner to carry him through.


Yea.... I learned a lot with that one. ha. We'll see how it goes from here for T-Rex. I love the character, and how menacing he can be, but I may need to re-think about where he lies on the card; at least while his overness is relatively low.


Oh and Eric Tyler... bleh, hire new people E-V. ;)


I knew it was coming.... ;)


That said, he was brought in for a reason. While he may seem a certain way now... Things are certainly set to change REALLY soon. ;)

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Episode #3

Wednesday, 3rd week of January 2010

War Memorial Auditorium (Mid West)



Freddie Datsun
w/ Des Davids
vs. Mick Muscles
w/ Danny Rushmore

After proving they can defeat the USPW World Tag Team Champions last week on “American Wrestling”, the former champs, The Towers of Power, look to further their cause for another ‘golden opportunity’ at the hands of the muscle-bound, Mick Muscles. It was only a week ago that Mick Muscles pinned Freddie Datsun, giving the Sneer Corporation a major, tide-turning, victory; so, most would expect the “American Everyman” may have revenge on the brain. Can Datsun overcome his overpowering foe? – OR – will the Sneer Corp’s victorious muscle-man crush another in his wake? Either way, there’s bound to be some drama between these two as they look to carry their warring tandems on their back!


Java vs. T-Rex
w/ Sheik Mustafa

Reeling from a 2-on-1 loss last week, a scenario that was brought upon him by Sam Strong as his partner, Tyson Baine, was suspended earlier in the broadcast, one can expect that T-Rex is coming into this week with revenge on his mind. While Java may not be James Justice, Sam Strong, or even Enygma for that matter, it’s expected that the ‘Jurassic Power’ will be in full-force come Wednesday evening!


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

In his first act of governance as the ‘Women’s Wrestling Czar’, Micky Starr made history when booking the first-ever match in USPW pay-per-view history; designating Cherry Bomb to defend her Women’s Championship against the former champ, Raven Robinson, at “Frigid Fight Night” (January 2010). In addition to this, it’s become rather obvious that Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden don’t necessarily like one another all that much; battling for the last 2 weeks in hopes of stepping closer toward an inevitable championship opportunity. With all of this in mind, it should come as no surprise that the “Mighty One” would develop such an altercation; looking to garner up some added aggression between his bruising beauties!


OPEN CHALLENGE: Peter Valentine vs. ?????

After defeating Captain USA, and The Force, in previous weeks, who will step up to the plate this week on “American Wrestling”? While Peter Valentine may deem any challenger as stupid for fighting such an ‘uphill battle’, isn’t it only a matter of time before SOMEONE puts the USPW National Champion in his place? We can only hope…


Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

The secondary main event for this week’s broadcast of “American Wrestling” pits two heated rivalries against one another in a convoluted sense of warfare. Coming off of being suspended last week, “The Demon”, Tyson Baine, returns to USPW TV with a bright bulls-eye smack upon his back; placed there by the man amongst the shadows, the USPW World Champion, Enygma. Meanwhile, after being obviously singled out as ‘Target #1’ on last week’s episode, Nicky Champion looks to regain a sense of pride by standing to his monstrous foe; that being Jumbo Jackson. Victims in week prior, can Enygma and Nicky Champion work as one in which to overcome their bitter rivals? – Or – Will the vicious behemoths before them further their paths of destruction; overwhelming their adversaries with brute, unadulterated, strength? Regardless of what the outcome may be, the real question may be whether or not the Sneer Corporation has something in store for two of the USPW’s most beloved figures?


Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

[Winner is the new #1 contender to the USPW World Championship]

Since September 2009, Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield have been the thorn in each other’s side; pushing, breaking, and destroying, one another in hopes of being declared the new #1 contender to the USPW World Championship. In reality, their altercation was only set to be a one-time affair; however, as time went on, and their bitter hatred became even more palpable, no one expected any less than this. Now, coming off of a recent injury at the hands of Caulfield in December, Bruce the Giant returns to “American Wrestling” for the first time in 2010. Will the returning LEGEND finally keep the ‘Hardcore American’ down; ending his unbreakable streak? – OR – Will Chris continue to defy all logic; overcoming his much larger, much more destructive, foe for the final time? Respect may be prevalent this far into their rivalry, a fact made known last week’s broadcast, but no one expects to see a ‘happy affair’ between these two hated challengers. One man, if not both men, may not leave “American Wrestling” on their own accord…




Will USPW Owner, and Wrestling LEGEND,
Sam Strong
, be present this week on “American Wrestling” after such a heinous attack last week at the hands of
Tyson Baine
and the
Sneer Corporation
? With initial reports coming back saying that he will be held off TV for medical reasons, what will become of the USPW landscape? Also, will Strong abide by such a ruling if levied by his doctors or rejoin his company in hopes of gaining revenge for last week’s assault?




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #3

Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles

Java vs. T-Rex

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield
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Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles

best reason to get a title shot is to beat the champ

Java vs. T-Rex

One Monster has a better push than the other Monster

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

I'm just enjoying Cherry's push

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

PV challenge will go on for a bit until a big name topples him

Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

Jumbo strikes me as a weak link

Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Can't decide

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Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles

The American Everyman gets a little momentum back.


Java vs. T-Rex



Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

A little bit of cheating.


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Another big win for Peter The Great!


Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

Enygma and Nicky win when Tyson Baine goes insane.


Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

A draw setting up a pay-per-view rematch.

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