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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

Devine gets lined up for another Mighty Fine title shot. :D


Anger vs. The Force

Both have tag team experience. Anger has the backing of Sneer Corps.


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Building her up to face Cherry Bomb.


Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

This should be a very entertaining matchup. I ran it as a dark match and got, like, a 'B-.' Caulfield for the win against the tag team specialist.


Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

The Demon dominates


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Enygma by DQ when the Sneer Corps runs in and jumps him.

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Looking forward to the next show E-V.


Hopefully Jumbo Jackson makes full use of his M-Bison alt that's floating around, may give him some personality instead of being bland muscle for the Sneer Corp.


I can't say that I've seen this alt render; sounds interesting though. I do have some ideas in mind for Jumbo that will, eventually, give him more of a personality type; however, thus far, there's been more focus on TV to heighten some of the other 'big guns' circulating around the 'civil war'. With this new render of sorts, Jackson may find his evolution much quicker though; if it's as cool as it sounds.


Shane Sneer always reminds me of the Brain from Pinky and the Brain.






There are certainly character traits that will be different, and a number of things he does I try to pull from other areas, but when I think of Shane Sneer this is exactly what comes to mind as well.


With this dynasty, I really want to live by the tag-line that I've created for this all... "The Great American Spectacle!". With this in mind, characters are to be grand, stages even more so, and the actions appear as though they hang everything in the balance at times. Much like Vince McMahon, I'm a big fan of the spectacle; wanting to consistently out-due the last show, the last PPV, the last storyline, with something even bigger! Is it possible? Maybe? That said, Shane Sneer's persona (much in-line with the Brain), world-domination is entirely his focus (as I've said before... USPW as the world.)





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Monday, 4th Week of January 2010

... "Re-branding the USPW TV Championship" ...




Prime Goal: Championship Consolidation.

Realistic Goal: Appeasing Valentine; for now. Re-develop the USPW TV Championship!



“Is there any-way we could consolidate?”


I mutter outwardly while leaning back further in an arena-owned steel chair; resting tentatively up against a nearby white, cinderblock, wall. While I knew the notion may garner me a sense of flack, the truth had become somewhat obvious as of late: The USPW has one championship too much for only housing one show. That said, I knew it’d be an uphill battle to sell anyone on this notion; especially Peter Valentine.


“Absolutely not. [Peter] Valentine would never go for it; that is, unless you put the consolidated gold around his waist.”


Sneer slightly chuckles under his breathe; knowing that THAT was the only way we could get through this idea ‘alive’.


“He’s really THAT egotistical?”


“Sam revived a dead championship just to appease his ego… What do you think?”


We exchange in a bewilder stare; somewhat saddened over the truth behind such a statement. In reality, I knew the idea of consolidating gold was somewhat controversial given WHO actually holds the gold that I’d like to remove for usage. I mean, if we had another show it’d be one thing; however, at this point, I feel that the tag of being a ‘champion’ has become somewhat convoluted in a company that houses 4 singles championships; especially when we only have 90 minutes of air-time each week.


“I guess I’m locked then ‘cause I’m not putting anything more on Valentine right now. I mean, the TV Championship is the real undercard gold I want to keep within the fold. It’s fresh, new to USPW, and gives us the opportunity to create a title centered solely around our televised broadcasts. I’ve got high hopes for the TV title; not so much the National Championship…”


Shane looks over in an inquisitive manner; actually removing himself from his daily crossword in which to speak on the matter.


“Wait, what?”


“I’m changing things up with the TV Championship, Shane; it’s going to resemble it’s name much better. The only time we’ll see it defended is on national television; never on PPV. Even if it’s bound to be an undercard stepping stone, I want it to have it’s own vibe. That’s why I’ve started to put a plan in motion. Soon, it’ll all make sense…”


Shane continues to look at me; confused.

“There’s a plan? And I don’t know about it?”


I smirk in return; looking upward at the dead bug-infested fluorescent lights above. In reality, I totally understand why he would be as shocked as he seems; seeing how Shane has been my ‘go to guy’ since coming on board. That said, some things were left unsaid; better to seem spontaneous. Especially given the fact that the modern wrestling media tends to infiltrate any, and all, companies with hopes of gaining ground-breaking news.


“You don’t need to know, Shane. Remember? You were the one who wanted to step away from creative…”


Shane laughs in disbelief under his breath; shaking his head in the process.

“Yea, so a snot-nosed punk like you could come in and act like you own the place…”


He responds with a hefty dose of sarcasm.

“Stong’s already signed onto the idea. We’re shaking things up a bit…”


“Strong? Shake things up? Good luck with that…”


Shane responds while deterring his focus back toward his daily crossword; no longer partaking in our song-and-dance. None the less, there’s a plan set in motion; one that looks to re-brand the USPW TV Championship for the foreseeable future. While I’d love to eliminate the National Championship, putting a more hefty focus on the TV gold, I understand the gigantic impossibility that stands before such a notion. Right now, it’s best to keep things as is; knowing that even the slightest conversation of opening up singles room would only result in Valentine pulling a ‘power-play’.





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What we learned

I feel there are too many singles titles in USPW right now. I know that, at least with the Women's Championship, not everyone is able to via for the gold but it just seems a little much given the 90 minutes of air-time each week.


In a perfect world, I'd love to consolidate the TV & National gold in which to turn it into the "National TV" Championship; however, don't really want to put such a title on Valentine (as, from a reality perspective, I'd have to). I already have a better champion in mind; one that will go onto define the TV gold-mantra straight away.


As for the TV gold, we've learned that Erik Vincent (E-V) wants to re-vamp the championship slightly. While it's been implied before, it's now concrete that the TV Championship will ONLY be defended on USPW TV broadcasts. This leaves the champion without the ability to defend his crown on PPV; a small price to pay when trying to brand a specific championship to that of a TV-rooted mentality. In the end, the gold will stay as an undercard championship; however, now, will become more of a TV-event versus a simple championship.


Side note: I'm playing around with the idea of a 'time limit' for TV Championship matches; ala WCW in the early days. That said, I'm not entirely sure if I want to go this route. We'll see I guess.
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We now stand at the infamous friendly 24-Hour Warning for "American Wrestling" [Episode #4].



I thought this would be farther along in the week; however, things came together rather quickly in the past day or so. After this, as always, there will be some background information, but the main thing will be the upcoming PPV Card for "USPW: Frigid Fight Night". As expected, given the size of the event, their may be a longer waiting period to get those results.


All in all, this show, and the PPV, are the last two shows before the monthly prediction contest comes into effect. I wanted to, at least at first, focus more on the shows than anything so that people would have a better idea what to expect from a USPW diary of my own.








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"American Wrestling": Episode #4

Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

Anger vs. The Force

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

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Guest codey

Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

Anger vs. The Force

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


I honestly never realized how many championships USPW has for a cult company, what with never playing them before. To be honest, I forget they have a tag team championship as well most of the time.

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I honestly never realized how many championships USPW has for a cult company, what with never playing them before. To be honest, I forget they have a tag team championship as well most of the time.


Yea, it's a bit much; right? In a perfect world, or I guess a perfect Cornellverse, to me, it would be modified slightly; only removing the revived National Championship in which to give a greater emphasis on the TV title for those dwindling in the mid-card.


That said, on the other hand, I quite like the story for WHY the National Championship was brought back to life. It feels much more reality-based than, basically, player-friendly changes. This is why I decided to give Valentine a 'creative clause' as I would like to better simulate how such a situation would continue forth. I mean, how realistic would it be of me to strip him of the National Championship right away; making the title go away once again? It'd be great from what I want, yes, but wouldn't really be in-line with how the USPW has been set-up naturally.


If there was a second show then I don't know if it would feel as convoluted; but oh well. It's all part of the USPW experience. :D


Thanks for the prediction/feedback, codey!





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Guest codey
I do like how you're keeping Valentine in a high profile roll (Much like NoNeck, but I'm admittedly quite a bit behind in that diary, so maybe not so much). It really does add an air of realism to the diary. Sam Strong's best friend wouldn't just suddenly be forgotten about once a change of bookers happened. That's simply not how things really work. It's one of the reasons I do everything I can to make Jay Chord look good and stay happy in my diary. He may be a locker room cancer, but he's the son of the owner, and there's absolutely no reason he wouldn't be at the forefront of the promotion.
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I do like how you're keeping Valentine in a high profile roll (Much like NoNeck, but I'm admittedly quite a bit behind in that diary, so maybe not so much). It really does add an air of realism to the diary. Sam Strong's best friend wouldn't just suddenly be forgotten about once a change of bookers happened. That's simply not how things really work. It's one of the reasons I do everything I can to make Jay Chord look good and stay happy in my diary. He may be a locker room cancer, but he's the son of the owner, and there's absolutely no reason he wouldn't be at the forefront of the promotion.




I totally understand the notion that some want to put specific people over; however, a dose of reality is always welcomed for me when reading another dynasty. In a sense, within this project, and my others before, I want to pain the best picture possible of the company I'm booking; instead of just adding a bunch of pet-projects and putting them over the existing 'rasslers (even if they aren't all that great in the ring; ie: Valentine, Redwood, etc.). I feel, in turn, you're staying true to the culture of the company versus overhauling things all together.


As for Jay, yea he certainly is a 'locker room cancer'. ha. That said, he's really talented; and someone, from an in-ring perspective, that you can center a growing company around. Plus, not to mention, as Chord's son, there's a good chance he'd be pushed to the moon regardless of his personality.





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Episode #4

Wednesday, 4th week of January 2010

Perry Hall (Great Lakes)








Danny Jillefski:
Since coming into 2010, the USPW has seen a new Women’s Champion, a strong winning streak from the National Champion, and the addition of our first PPV in company history, “Frigid Fight Night”; however, all of that pales in comparison to the carnage levied by the resurgent Sneer Corporation!

Eric Tyler:
That’s right, Danny. Ever since he was removed as the headbooker of USPW, Shane Sneer has unleashed an uncontrollable sense of chaos upon this great company. Week in, and week out, the Sneer Corporation has physically dismantled our best & brightest all in the hopes of gaining redemption for their fear-driving leader. Now, after the last two weeks, we stand at a crossroads as USPW’s proud owner, and wrestling LEGEND, Sam Strong still remains at home in Florida; also Bruce the Giant appears as though he may need career-ending surgery in the next coming days. I don’t know about you, Danny, but this just seems out of hand.

Danny Jillefski:
I agree. All for what? A job? Be happy you still HAVE one Shane; after the bull-hawkee you’ve pulled! One man can’t get his doctor’s clearance to return to work & another may find that his career has been cut short by your vicious ways. To be honest, you should be happy that you’re little faction isn’t waiting in the unemployment line right now…

Eric Tyler:
If this continues, that may just be what happens next…




Shane Sneer

… In control; from the Production Trailer …


[in what seems like a forced transition, brought on in an unexpected manner, our vision of the USPW commentary team is replaced by that of the villainous, Shane Sneer. At first, the camera angle appears to be extremely tight; focused closely upon Sneer’s snarling face. Upon the sight of this, projected on the gigantic video tron located above the constructed ramp way, the crowd instantly showers Mr. Sneer with a response fit for the devil himself. Regardless of this, Sneer doesn’t seem to bat an eye what so ever; continuing to snarl in his trademark, irritable, kind of fashion.]


Shane Sneer:
January 1st 2010…
The infamous day where I was grossly removed from my post; and for what? For some scrawny, sissy-boy, from ‘Hollywood’ to take credit for all the work I had put in while he was hob-nobbing with the losers out West? You see, it was that day, that stupid decision by Strong, that started this all; bringing a war to the USPW shore. Sam Strong started this so, before you boo me, take a long, good, look at the facts; you have Strong to blame for this… not me.


[The crowd boos loudly once again; Sneer pauses for a brief second before moving on]


Shane Sneer:
January 27th 2010…
This will forever be the day that I, Shane Sneer, regained control of “American Wrestling”.


[Even louder chorus of boos are heard; directly influenced by the fact that everyone hates Sneer greatly. None the less, following a short pause in which to let his message sink in, Mr. Sneer continues forth with an overtly irritable look plastered upon his face.]


Shane Sneer:
No longer will I allow myself to be the victim.
[sneer pauses; smirks as such a thought, him as a victim, seems laughable]
Tonight, we step into “Phase 2” of my plan. So, allow me to welcome you to a truly historic night…
[Pauses; smirks in an arrogant fashion]
This is “American Wrestling”… Brought to you by… The Sneer Corporation!


[The camera man zooms out quickly in which to show the fact that Shane Sneer currently stands within the production trailer positioned outside of Perry Hall. Behind him, there are countless monitors, switchboards, and a slew of USPW technical employees working diligently in which to bring “American Wrestling” to your home each week.]


[With a loud chorus of boos practically shaking Perry Hall buzzing in the background, Sneer projects forth a belly-laugh which can only be described as purely menacing; much like a comic book villain would utilize given a “I’m going to take over the world” moment. With that said, “American Wrestling” now opens with the knowledge that, tonight, without Sam Strong here to challenge this fact, and a whole ‘army’ of giants at his disposal, Mr. Sneer has regained control of the broadcast; in this case by brute force.]


Grade: B


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
With Sam Strong still ‘out’, recouping from his injuries, I don’t think anyone can really stop him from doing so. I mean, I’m sure the production crew has no choice in the matter; would you tell him no if someone like T-Rex was standing closely behind? Shane’s simply taken over the show through force... not merit.

Danny Jillefski:
So, this was his plan all along? To remove Strong, put his health in jeopardy, all with the thought of regaining control of “American Wrestling”? That’s… That’s…

Eric Tyler:
Kind of ingenious…

Danny Jillefski:
This is down-right wrong, Eric. I don’t care if it’s ‘ingenious’ or not. Shane Sneer is a vile, vile, man… He can’t be trusted with our show tonight!

Eric Tyler:
Just like those in the production trailer, I don’t think we really have much choice in the matter… I guess… Tonight’s broadcast is brought to you by…
[shakes his head; shocked]
The Sneer Corporation.




Andre “Da Freak” Jones vs. Darryl “Mighty Fine” Devine
w/ Seduction

[Non-Title Match]


Even before the bell can be rung, far before we would find a victorious party, the overriding narrative between these two warring competitors becomes blatantly obvious. It’s in the way they stand, the way they talk, the way they move around the ring, and in the way they project themselves to the masses; one being reserved, focused more in proof than talk, while the other is an extroverted, self-promoting, attention-glutton with an knack for ALWAYS pointing out how he believes himself to be a celebrity above all. With this in mind, it comes as no shock that the action carries the same tone. In the end, as Andre Jones looks as though he’s on the verge of a, potentially, match-ending Suplex, Seduction is shown interjecting into the scenario; practically pleading with Jones to not go through with his maneuver. In reality, all it takes is one split second, one moment for “Da Freak” to halt his motion, for “Mighty Fine” to overtake the situation at hand; turning said Suplex into a small-package-roll-up! Seconds later, as the shock of the situation rages within Perry Hall, Darryl Devine quickly exits the squared circle; raising his own hand in victory as his mysterious love interest, Seduction, celebrates with him in a sly fashion.


Darryl Devine defeats Andre Jones in 7:45 via a School-Boy-Roll-up; following Seduction’s distractive pleas.

Grade: D-


Danny Jillefski:
What a cheater!!! If it wasn’t for Seduction, there’s a good chance that Jones would have come away with this one!

Eric Tyler:
I hate to say this, but, a lot of blame has to go on “Da Freak” for his own failing here. I mean, how do you let something like that slow you down; even for a split second? He did and now he’s paying for it!

Danny Jillefski:
It still doesn’t take away from the fact that Devine needed a dubious plan in which to actually BEAT the TV Champion!

Eric Tyler:
True; I’m just saying… If you’re the champ, and you want to keep hold of that title, you need to find a way to push aside all the distractions that are out there. If you don’t, then you’re bound to have some missteps like tonight…

Danny Jillefski:
You know, now after what we saw tonight, Devine is going to push hard for a re-shot at the TV Championship…

Eric Tyler:
Again, I know you may not like it but, as he should… He got the win tonight; it’s black-and-white, really, Danny. Whether you like the man or not, he put in the effort tonight to win; dubious or not.

Danny Jillefski:
I still can’t stand him…




Enygma ©, Nicky Champion, James Justice, and Chris Caulfield

… Meeting of the USPW Loyalists …


[shortly after Devine’s victory, we transition backstage in which to see “Hawkeye” Nicky Champion standing in the middle of an undisclosed waiting room. His stature looks rather heroic, almost as if he were inadvertently posing for an ancient Grecian photo shoot, as there appears to be a determined look plastered across his face. As the seconds pass, Champion begins to speak; calm, yet firm, in his tone.]


Nicky Champion:
We’ve been pushed around, broken-down, and left for dry, too many times. They say that THIS is THEIR Company?
[Pauses; looks around the room in a fiery manner]
That we ALL should be United in Sneer?
[shakes his head; pauses for dramatic effect]
I say no way; no how! This ends tonight; WE end this… Tonight!


[With that the camera lens slowly pans out in which to show that Nicky Champion isn’t crazy; rather he’s speaking to the likes of James Justice, Chris Caulfield, and the USPW World Champion, Enygma. This ‘super-power’, all known to be strong allies of Sam Strong, seemingly stand in one as opposition to the impeding Sneer Corporation. While their togetherness feels rather tentative, only given to the short time-frame we’ve seen them working as one, there is this overwhelming sense of pride resonating from the scene itself; one that’s rooted in an unwavering show of support for the very company they call ‘home’.]


James Justice:
I reckon you’re right, Nicky…


[James leans up against a nearby wall, arms crossed, as the only thing visible about his face is a hefty toothpick rolling between his lips. Meanwhile, his large cowboy hat adds a sense of mystery to his hardened stance; shadowing his face from being seen.]


James Justice:
Sneer, and his boys, are in for one hell of a fight…


As one, there’s no way they can overcome our resistance… USPW is safe in the hands of the Darkness…


[Exactly that, we see Enygma standing within a darkened corner of the room; visible yet not entirely. In reality, the only intensely noticeable feature appears to be the USPW World Championship gleaming from within the blanketing black.]


Chris Caulfield:
To beat them, we need to resort to their level… Get down & dirty a little…


[Caulfield smirks in a devilish manner as he raises the steel chair in his hand upward slightly; glaring upon it as if it were the ‘holy grail’ itself. In reality, while their input is rather short in nature, the small blurps coming from each ally really tells of the difference between these men; that they aren’t natural allies but rather brought together by one common bond: seeing the USPW survive the Sneer Corporation’s push for dominance.]


Nicky Champion:
There will be moments where…


James Justice:
I reckon I see a lady…


[James Justice interjects; still rolling his toothpick around in his mouth.]


Nicky Champion:



Alicia Strong

… She wants in …


[With that, Alicia Strong is shown walking into the room; dressed in street clothes as she has the ‘night off’ from in-ring action. While strolling in, there appears to be something ‘off’. The often bubbly Strong looks to be somewhat agitated; even riled up in a sense.]


Alicia Strong:
I know what you’re here to talk about… I want in…


[Each of the men blow back slightly; meanwhile, Alicia stands her ground firmly.]


Nicky Champion:
Absolutely not…


Chris Caulfield:
She could be a strong ally, Nicky; anyone looking for revenge is always going to give you 110%...


The rage radiates off of her; She’s good for it, Nicky…


[Nicky hasn’t taken his eyes off of Alicia the entire time; vice versa. There appears to be something underlying between the two of them; however, at this moment, the only thing hinting towards that is what’s left unsaid. None the less, after a brief second of thought, Nicky slowly starts to drop his ‘tough man’ persona slightly.]


Nicky Champion:
I can’t risk you getting hurt, Alicia… I just… can’t… Your Father…


[Alicia interjects quickly; cutting Nicky off]


Alicia Strong:
My Father laid in a hospital bed for a week… A week, Nicky! You saw him; he was a broken man. I’ve never seen him like that before.
[Grows with intensity]
I don’t care what risk there is; you’re not holding me out of this Nicky… There ‘aint no way!


[A momentary state of silence follows as the two stare eachother down again; their glance overtly passionate.]


James Justice:
Let the gal in on it. She’s got the blood to do it…


[slightly longer stare; then broken by a hefty sigh from Nicky]


Nicky Champion:
You’re in.
[Pauses; glances at Alicia and then turns to the rest of the group as well]
We start tonight… I’ve got a plan…


[With that, the segment comes to a screeching halt as we slowly transition toward a commercial break; keeping Nicky’s plan of action in the dark. None the less, as we finally leave this segment, that overwhelming sense of pride earlier has already quadrupled. At this point, this budding, pro-USPW, alliance looks as though they are focused & ready to topple the villainous regime threatening the Company’s impenetrable banner.]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
I’ve always thought of Nicky Champion as a born-leader but, tonight, I now see 100% why Sam Strong singled him out from an early age. With doom looming on the horizon, Champion sunk his boots even deeper into the mud; making it obvious that he’ll fall before he allows the Sneer Corporation to take over his ‘homeland’.

Eric Tyler:
I’ve never seen an alliance that awe-inspiring before; they really are a ‘super-power’ if there ever was one. Now, Alicia Strong?
[shakes his head; sighs positively]
I don’t know how well she’ll stack up against the monsters of the Sneer Corporation but her sheer determination will guide her a mighty long way!

Danny Jillefski:
The resistance starts tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen! Overtaking the production trailer or not, the Sneer Corporation is bound to meet it’s match within the next hour or so!
[Laughs; excited]
I know you’re watching at home, Strong. THIS is what pure loyalty looks like; to work as one to keep your banner safe! Ah! I’m overwhelmed with emotion…




“The Ancient Demon” Anger vs.


With his fear-driving leader watching on, a fact made known by a quick view of Sneer watching from the production truck, Anger quickly makes his presence known; laying into everyone’s favorite energetic warrior in the process. From the very start, it appears as though Anger is theoretically out ‘for blood’; however, sadly, for his sake, and the sake of the Sneer Corporation, his molasses-like speed eventually stands no contest to Force’s incessant onslaught. With time, The Force gains control of the match; speeding around the ring like a hyper 10 year old spaz slamming his 5th redbull of the day. From there, it doesn’t take much longer for THE most decorated man in USPW history to take ultimate control; bringing the match to a celebrated end with his signature “Full Force” (Running headlocking closeline) maneuver.




Angered, while watching backstage, we are shown a quick image of Shane Sneer slamming his fist upon a nearby switchboard; a movement inspired directly by the “Ancient Demon’s” inability to pull together a win for the sake of the ruling Sneer Corporation. Meanwhile, in the ring, Anger appears to be just as feverishly annoyed by such an ending; leering at The Force from afar as he barks aggressively at head referee, Eugene Williams.


The Force defeats Anger in 5:42 via a “Full Force” (Running headlocking closeline).

Grade: E+


Danny Jillefski:
The Force is STRONG in Perry Hall here tonight!!

Eric Tyler:
A lot of people have been counting him out as of late, especially with his recent loss to Peter Valentine being the only time we’ve seen him since the turn of 2010, but, tonight, he showed us all that he isn’t slowing down in the slightest!

Danny Jillefski:
This man is, without a doubt, THE most decorated man in USPW history! In some cases, he personifies exactly what USPW is all about! It’s great to see him back on the winning path; the USPW is better off with that!

Eric Tyler:
Each week can change but, tonight, The Force is victorious! Let’s hope he can carry that into next week; and on…




Joanne Rodriguez

… The debut of “High Fashion” …


[A short video montage is aired depicting the glamorous world of high fashion. Amongst the unique camera angles, and the steamy music that exists in the background, we come to see a beautiful bombshell continuously appear as the center of attention; making it rather obvious that this montage is being created just for her. After an array of sensual poses, wearing various expensive designer dresses throughout, this lovely, high fashion, model turns her attention toward the camera lens; playfully speaking through her made-up, ruby-red, lips.]


Joanne Rodriguez:
Some say that beauty is only skin deep…
[sly smirk]
In reality, that’s just what frumpy mothers say to their ugly daughters; hoping to cloud them longer from the truth.
[Pauses; strikes another pose]
Is that what your father told you, growing up, Alicia? Wait, of course he did…
Look at that crooked nose of yours, your sunken cheeks, and that abomination you call a wardrobe.
[Pauses; strikes another pose]
Whether you like it or not, Alicia, I’m coming for you at “Frigid Fight Night”!
[Pauses; strikes another pose while smirking]
I’m coming to teach you the lesson your daddy should have done long ago… The ugly duckling NEVER succeeds… Beauty always wins out…


[With that, Joanne blows a kiss toward the camera lens; striking another pose while projecting a sly smirk upon her face. Seconds later, the video montage comes to a close with the sound of the USPW faithful booing religiously in the background; obviously favoring Ms. Strong entirely.]


Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
What was THAT all about? As a proud father of two young girls, let me be the first to say that, what she just said, is nothing but garbage! Girls, you can be anything you want; beauty, or at least what she decides to ‘beauty’ to be, is not important. No woman ever made a proper difference in this world by simply being cute! It takes brains, determination, and a strong work ethic, to succeed!

Eric Tyler:
All things that Alicia Strong has showed to have…

Danny Jillefski:
Exactly. She can come for Ms. Strong at “Frigid Fight Night” but, truth be told, she won’t like what she finds! The USPW ring isn’t a ‘fashion show’; it’s a hard-nosed business made up of those who are willing to put in the time and effort! Beauty doesn’t win out here…

Eric Tyler:
It may in other companies but you’re certainly right there. USPW is about grit, determination, and how you put your skills into motion. There ‘aint much for a ‘beauty contest’ amongst the dirt, and rust, of the squared circle!

Danny Jillefski:
Amen, Brother. Amen.




“The Vile Vixxen” Belle Bryden vs. “The Dark Angel” Raven Robinson

[Guest Commentator: Cherry Bomb ©]


With Cherry Bomb looming from the ringside commentary table, utilizing this moment to verbally attack her challenger for “Frigid Fight Night” in Raven Robinson, the two women, Robinson and Bryden, wage in a heated battle between the unforgiving, steel-reinforced, ring ropes. Despite being unsuccessful as of late, losing a handful of times since the turn of 2010, Bryden really steps out of the gate with an inspired assault; doing her best to beatdown Raven in the quickest way possible. At certain moments early on, it almost looked like the match would never really ‘get off the ground’ much as Bryden often followed up every maneuver with an, almost, desperate pinfall attempt. With time, though, these attempts became few-and-far-between as the former Women’s Champion begins to overtake the match. In the end, when it looked like “The Dark Angel” was on the verge of picking up another, momentum-building, victory, Cherry Bomb is shown forcibly removing herself from the commentary table; entering the ring and hitting Raven from behind with the Women’s Championship belt. The strike, landing firmly on Raven’s upper shoulder-blade, sends the challenger crashing to the canvas; only seconds away from hitting her signature “Nightfaller” (RKO). Witnessing the strike, and also viewing Cherry Bomb still standing over her victim, Eugene Williams quickly calls for the bell; making a sound judgment call to rule in Raven’s favor given such a terrible outcome.


Raven Robinson defeats Belle Bryden in 10:19 via DQ as Cherry Bomb interfered; hitting Raven from behind with the Women’s Championship.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
Hey! That’s not part of our job!! You can’t just sit here with us, throw around some insults, and then use your proximity to hit your rival from behind! That’s just… just…

Eric Tyler:
It’s pretty cowardly. I’ll be the first to say that I actually find Cherry Bomb to be one great competitor in the ring. She knows exactly how to get the job done. That said, this attack wasn’t needed. If she really thinks she can beat Raven at “Frigid Fight Night” then why would you need to lay an attack on anyone before hand?

Danny Jillefski:
It’s because she’s a loose-cannon; a reckless punk of a Champion!

Eric Tyler:
I can’t argue with you there…




Shane Sneer and Chris Caulfield

... Shane interjects from the production trailer …


[As “The Hardcore American” stands proudly in the ring, his posture rather broken after years of putting his body through hell, the match he thought was about to take place goes through a manipulative change. With Shane Sneer’s image now being projected on the video tron, a fact that’s met with a loud wave of resistance from the USPW faithful, there’s an air that something bad is about to take place.]


[Displaying his trademark snarl, Sneer pauses for a brief second; adding fire to the negative flame being cast by the USPW fans. Seconds later, as Caulfield appears to be growing with disdain, his body language telling the story of a combustible man looking for violence, Sneer is heard sending a message straight from the production trailer he infiltrated earlier in the night; seemingly giving him control of the show all together.]


Shane Sneer:
As the production manager of tonight’s broadcast, I felt that your match was lacking a little… drama.
[Crowd boos; Sneer snarls]
These people love you because you never back down, right? You always seem to find a way to overcome the mountainous challenges before you.
[Devilish smirk]
So, as any great producer knows, it’s best to give the fans exactly what they want…
[Pauses; crowd boos]
Here’s some drama for you, Chris… Your match tonight isn’t against Danny Rushmore… It’s against… Danny Rushmore AND Mick Muscles – “The Towers of Power” – in a 2-on-1 handicap match!!



Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore

… The start of a 2-on-1 match …


[The crowd erupts in a booing fashion as “The Towers of Power” slowly shuffle out of the back; confident in their swagger as they play the ancient heel card by pointing down upon Caulfield in a “we’re coming for you” kind of fashion. All in all, as the former 4-time USPW tag champions stomp their way toward the ring, we hear Sneer relay one last statement on the matter.]


Shane Sneer:
Let’s see if you ‘get back up’ after this one…


[With that, Sneer returns to his trademark snarl just as the camera feed comes to a close upon the video tron. Meanwhile, Caulfield is now seen fortifying himself within the squared circle; awaiting his opponents for tonight as he appears to be growing with intensity! Truthfully, it’s all he can do at this point as facing these two, Rushmore and Muscles, is typically tough enough for a full tag team; let alone one, potentially injured, singles wrestler.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
This doesn’t look good for Caulfield…

Danny Jillefski:
“The Towers of Power” almost broke Chris in half last week with their dreaded “Long way down” (double face-busting Suplex); how can ANYONE expect to rebound this week when faced with such a crazy challenge as this? Shane Sneer is a madman; a crazed, vile, madman with no redeeming qualities whatsoever!

Eric Tyler:
There’s a chance that we may see the moment where “The Hardcore American” is finally unable to get-up…

Danny Jillefski:
This is just wrong… wrong I tell you!




vs. “The Towers of Power”

[2-on-1 Handicap Match]


While this isn’t a Texas Tornado set-up, the sheer numbers game appears to be a daunting task for the “Hardcore American”; especially given his opponents combined size. Tagging back-and-forth, the former 4-time USPW Tag Team Champions overwhelm the ringside area with the masterful tandem approach that’s made them highly successful in recent years. With every tag, a new, more fresh, opponent steps in; marking an obvious difference between he and the depleted physicality of Caulfield. Regardless of his deteriorating health, coming together at the hands of the deck stacked before him, the ‘never-say-die’ mentality that’s made him famous in USPW continues to rage forth. While he may not seems coherent at points, the “Hardcore American” is often seen throwing wayward haymakers; much like a drunken sailor looking to win the affection of an equally drunk bar-wench. Sadly, not very many of said haymakers actually connect.




As the match comes to a close, shockingly, we see a Calvary of Nicky Champion and Alicia Strong storming toward the ring. The vision of this ‘power team’ sends shivers throughout Perry Hall; while also inspiring Danny Rushmore to leave his post atop the apron. With both of their attention more so on the impending babyface trio, there’s just enough room for Chris Caulfield to make a difference.


Mick, trying to gloat to Caulfield’s supposed allies, lifts the veteran high off the canvas; setting him up for his signature running Powerslam. However, as Mick begins to run, looking to plant Caulfield down, the “Hardcore American” is shown slipping out of his grasp. Fearing what may come next, Muscles spins around only to be struck with Chris’s signature move, “Danger Drop” (Double-Arm DDT) , as if from nowhere!! The crowd erupts with excitement as not only A) Caulfield has dropped Muscles but B) Danny Rushmore appears to be, still, more focused on the impending babyfaces than the action at hand. With this in mind, seconds later, coming as a shock to Danny, the match has come to a screeching halt; Chris Caulfield, despite looking like he was forced through a car-wreck, has won!


Chris Caulfield defeats “The Towers of Power” in 8:26 via a “Danger Drop” from Caulfield upon Muscles. It should be noted, Nicky Champion and Alicia Strong were a distraction on Caulfield’s part during the match.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
Wham…Bam… Thank you… Mam!!! Did you see that?
[Laughs with excitement]
Chris Caulfield just beat “The Towers of Power”!!

Eric Tyler:
Anything’s possible with a little help from your friends… That said, great victory for the ‘never-say-die’ superstar! He came in, took a beating, and kept on pushing for the end result. He’s been like this since day one & I don’t ever expect that to change.

Danny Jillefski:
Take that, Sneer!! That puts your little faction at 0-2 tonight; how does that make you feel? You’re a Lahoo-za-hurrrrr!

Eric Tyler:
I guess the whole ‘we’re taking over this show’ thing didn’t really pan out as he first would have liked. Maybe, this is a sign that ‘being on top’ isn’t always that great?

Danny Jillefski:
I think it’s a sign that they stand as no test to the brethren of USPW!!




Shane Sneer, Anger, and Tyson Baine

… One ‘goes home’; the other heads to the ring …


[shortly following Danny Jillefski’s verbal attack at Shane Sneer’s dwindling faction, we transition backstage in which to see Sneer himself standing with two of his employees; Anger & Tyson Baine. Still in the production trailer, made evident by the backdrop of this scenario, Sneer looks as though he’s become quite worked up over tonight’s issues. His rag-tag bunch is currently 0-2 on “American Wrestling”, a broadcast he arrogantly claimed as his own tonight, and the ‘black eye’ from this has seemingly gotten to him.]


[Mumbling like a rigid madman under his breath, Sneer is shown pacing around the production trailer; snarling on autopilot as he internally wages a war of his own. None the less, following a climactic pose, Sneer stops straight in front of his employees; practically exploding with a raw sense of rage.]


Shane Sneer:
Get out… Go home… I don’t even want to see your face right now…


[Anger slowly starts to back away; showing signs that he may be in shock over what’s happening. In turn, Sneer explodes even more so when he feels his order is not being followed promptly.]


Shane Sneer:


[With that, Anger slowly shuffles his way off the scene; exiting through a nearby door in which to ‘head home’. Meanwhile, Sneer turns his attention primarily on the bruising “Demon” before him. Both share, pretty much, the same vicious snarl as it’s rather obvious WHY Baine has become Sneer’s ‘poster-child’ for the Sneer Corporation. The only real difference is in their sheer size; Baine standing a good 4-times the size of his scrappy leader.]


Shane Sneer:
I will NOT accept failure; I will NOT accept another loss. Do you hear me?
[Looks deep into Baine’s eyes]
Go out there and get me a win… If you don’t…
[shakes his head; pauses]
You won’t like what happens next. Trust me.
No excuses, no reasons, I want a win… No… I want more than that. I want YOU to deliver Davids HEAD… ON… A… PLATTER!


[With that, Tyson Baine extends his arms outward in a flexing fashion while yelling like a blood-thirsty gladiator; a fact that inspires his boss, Shane Sneer, to nod in approval while cracking a minor smirk. All in all, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Baine slamming through a nearby door; aggressively stomping toward the ringside area while roaring outwardly like a growling Lion.]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
This doesn’t look good, Eric… Not at all…

Eric Tyler:
Tyson Baine has been sent out to the ring with a battleplan made for destruction. I’d hate to be Des Davids right now…

Danny Jillefski:
Also, it looks like Shane Sneer just sent Anger home, as we can expect, for his loss earlier? That’s huge!

Eric Tyler:
We may be seeing the first signs of a regime change, Danny. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw some heads-roll within the Sneer Corporation.




Des Davids vs.
w/ Sheik Mustafa


There is no mistake made here as the USPW faithful dramatically shower Tyson Baine with a response fit for, well, what he his; a “Demon”. Despite this, despite the fact that it’s rather obvious that everyone in attendance wants to see Des Davids come away with the win, the decorated tag team wrestler stands as no chance when stacked up against someone like Baine. Sure, he puts together a decent onslaught, occasionally inspiring loud vocal explosions from the crowd; however, in time, his rise is often squashed by the overwhelming power that is “The Demon”. All it takes is one heavy-handed strike, a back-breaking maneuver, or a simple running bear-hug crash, to eventually uproot Davids’ hope for a comeback. Over time, continually beaten down with an array of power moves known only as ‘ring-shaking’, Des comes to a point where he can barely stand anymore. Seconds later, knowing this to be true, Tyson Baine viciously ends their altercation with a gut-busting kick to the stomach; followed by his signature “Hades Bomb” (Powerbomb). The ring, and to some the ringside area, shakes with force as Davids’ frame slams violently onto the canvas; knocking him out in the process. The move, the impact, the aftermath, all pave the way for a standard three count from Eugene Williams; granting Tyson the victory in our secondary main event.


Tyson Baine defeats Des Davids in 8:02 via a “Hades Bomb” (Powerbomb).

Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
A valiant effort from Des Davids but, in the end, Tyson Baine was too much to take on. While it pains me to say this, I guess Shane has finally found his ‘diamond amongst the rough’. While others in his corporation have fallen tonight, “The Demon” came, saw, and conquered; at the expense of Des Davids.

Eric Tyler:
Truthfully, it’s hard for tag wrestlers to really step into the singles fold, Danny. While Des has done some great things with “The Peoples Team”, standing toe-to-toe with someone like Baine is going to put even the best of the best down. I mean, just a few weeks ago, Enygma was knocked out cold by this man… this monster!

Danny Jillefski:
Sad but true. Can anyone stop Baine? Anyone at all?

Eric Tyler:
Someone’s out there… They just need to get to the point where they’re crazy enough to find out…




Jumbo Jackson, Tyson Baine, Mick Muscles, and Danny Rushmore

… The Sneer Corporation backs their man …


[As the main event finally comes to pass, we witness the Sneer Corporation, minus Shane Sneer who currently still resides in the production trailer with T-Rex at his side, storming the ringside area as a unified bunch. The menacing sight of these 4 gigantic warriors sends an uncomfortable chill down the spines of many; as it’s expected that tonight’s main event, given the fact that Jumbo Jackson is followed by his allies, will end in a convoluted manner.]



Enygma ©, James Justice, Nicky Champion, and Chris Caulfield

… Unified as one …


[in a counter-balance, a number of pro-USPW allies formulate as one while closely shuffling behind Enygma; proving to be a supportive force when stacked up against the menacing Sneer Corporation. While their alliance seems slightly less cohesive, only due to the limited time they’ve been seen with one another, there is an underlining sense of pride resonating from their very presence; that of their undying love for this company and it’s leader in connection.]


[in the end, as tonight’s competitors stand on either side of the squared circle, fixated on one another within a ‘prize fight’ environment, there stands two warring factions at their backs; adding an extra level of crazed grandeur to the broadcast as a whole. Simply put, this struggle has officially, yet organically, come to a place where it’s no longer individuals warring but rather entities fighting for the sake, and the love, of their given banner.]


Grade: C+


Danny Jillefski:
This just got a whole lot more interesting, Eric…

Eric Tyler:
It looks like tonight’s main event is less about Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson and more to do with pro-USPW loyalists vs. the Sneer Corporation. I guess, even without Strong present, the USPW has finally rose to the challenge; defending their turf if you will.

Danny Jillefski:
With so many bodies at ringside, especially so many people who are deeply at war with one another, this match is bound to be a crazy affair… I feel bad for Eugene Williams. There’s no way he can keep this one in order!

Eric Tyler:
We can only hope that he can; at least somewhat. I guess we’ll see…

Danny Jillefski:
The time has come ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your hats, it’s Enygma… Jumbo Jackson in a non-title affair!! The Main Event is due up… Right now!!




w/ USPW Loyalists
vs. Jumbo Jackson
w/ the Sneer Corporation

[Non-Title Match]


The chaotic nature surrounding the ringside area creates a lofty atmosphere for tonight’s Main Eventers. The incessant noise roaring from the lively crowd, matched with the menacing sight of 2 warring factions staring down one another from afar, leaves the scenario at hand with an “Anything can happen” kind of feeling; the consistent tone often brought in by “Big Fight” moments. None the less, the action itself follows, roughly, the same vibe; dead-locked from start to finish. While one would expect Jumbo Jackson, the bigger of the two, to consistently dominate; such a practice doesn’t really come together due to Enygma’s profound ability to match-up against any, and all, foes regardless of their size. Back-and-forth they go, allies, rivals, and crowd members, all reacting to each and every spot it seems. Whenever Jackson drops Enygma with a ring-rattling power-move, the Sneer Corporation is seen rejoicing. Meanwhile, in contrast, whenever Enygma comes forth with an impactful shot, the unnamed pro-USPW loyalists return in their excitement. All in all, there’s a definite feeling that this match means more than just two standouts going toe-to-toe. Really, it feels like the entire USPW promotion relies heftily on Enygma’s back. Meanwhile, again in contrast, the Sneer Corporation’s banner theoretically stands on Jumbo Jackson’s back as well.


In the end, as the match begins to unravel, creating an ‘overbooked’ kind of feeling, Jumbo Jackson looks to finish the deal; awaiting Enygma’s ascent in which to floor him again. Seconds pass as the crowd boos like crazy; mad over such a fact possibly coming to pass. Sadly, for the Sneer Corporation, the night continues to spiral out of control; much like the action around the ring (as the USPW loyalists are now brawling with the Sneer Corporation). Before anyone can leave their altercation outside of the ring, looking to impact the action within the ring, Jumbo Jackson is shown speeding toward Enygma; hoping to connect with a big-time closeline. Instead, regaining his composure, Enygma springs into action; connecting with a gut-busting side-kick followed by his signature “From the Darkness…” (Leaping DDT). Within seconds, as both factions continue to brawl wildly outside of the ring, Enygma is granted a standard 3-count from Eugene Williams after such a thunderous impact.


Luckily, for Enygma, but not necessarily for Mr. Williams, Tyson Baine is a little slow as it pertains to his brash interference; pulling the USPW referee out of the ring; however, not before he can land his final count which gives the USPW World Champion the victory! A second later and things may have gone differently. That said, it didn’t work out that way, and with that, the USPW loyalist himself, Enygma, pulls in a major moment for his beloved company.


Enygma defeats Jumbo Jackson in 13:59 via “From the Darkness…” (Leaping DDT).

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
Not a second too soon either, Danny. Baine had his hands on Eugene Williams, pulling him out of the ring; however, “The Demon” wasn’t able to do so fast enough! Wow, what an ending…

Danny Jillefski:
This has GOT to STING for Shane Sneer!!
You can talk a big game, you can even assault our owner, but you cannot break the back of United States Pro Wrestling!

Eric Tyler:
It’s true. If Shane Sneer really wants to overtake USPW, he needs something to put him over the top. Tonight, we saw where the Sneer Corporation’s weaknesses lie. Now, will Mr. Sneer learn from these mistakes or run the risk of becoming obsolete so soon after declaring a war of sorts? I guess we’ll see…

Danny Jillefski:
That’s the thing ,Eric. It doesn’t matter if he retools the Sneer Corporation. The USPW will never falter. Villains come, and Villains will go, but in the end, this great company will never see it’s ‘End Day’ come. Never!




Enygma © and Tyson Baine

… Amidst the brawl; they war viciously …


[As their allies war around the ringside area, throwing punches like hell-bent madmen, the camera lens focuses exclusively upon one heated exchange; that being USPW World Champion, Enygma, and “The Demon”, Tyson Baine. Standing in the middle of the ring, shortly after Baine had pulled Eugene Williams out of the ring, clocking him with a stiff closeline of sorts, these two hated rivals are now staring one another down in the center of the ring. In a way, it almost looks as though, as utter chaos circulates around the ring, arms, legs, and bodies flying everywhere, their vicious nose-to-nose stare feels more deadly than any other action that could unfold. In the end, their feverish staring would erupt into a hellacious brawl between the two Icons; utilizing the entire squared circle to inflict damage on one another in the process.]


[Meanwhile, in a split screen presentation, we now see Shane Sneer watching intently from the production trailer. His body language tells of a man growing with anxiety, impossible to hold back, and sparking into action. Seconds later, still in a split screen presentation, Sneer’s camera view opens up slightly in which to see T-Rex standing at his side. The gigantic, overly hairy, ‘Jurassic Power’, staying behind originally in which to stand guard, appears to be salivating at the mouth; aggressively roaring while hoping to join his Corporation brethren at ringside.]



Shane Sneer and T-Rex

… Send in the Calvary …


[slamming his hand on the shoulder of his gigantic guardian, Sneer abruptly pulls T-Rex’s focus in his direction. With a snarl running upon his face, Mr. Sneer matches T-Rex’s unsettling tone; growing almost primal in his response.]


Shane Sneer:


[“The Jurassic Power” needs nothing more to be said; aggressively storming out of the production trailer as a number of broadcast associates scurry out of his way. In the end, as T-Rex exits the trailer, Sneer relays one last statement directed toward him; never keeping his eyes off of the prompter in the process.]


Shane Sneer:


[in a continual split screen presentation, we’re given two different images: 1) The Sneer Corporation and the USPW Loyalists (headlined by Baine & Enygma) warring at the ringside area in a chaotic fashion and 2) Shane Sneer watching on from the production trailer he overtook earlier; obviously enraged by the outcome of tonight’s event. Funny enough, while such an earlier outcome could piss anyone off, it’s what comes next that would eventually unravel the snarling madman!]


[As Sneer continues to watch the prompter feverishly, mumbling under his breath, surveying the damage done, we all of a sudden hear a familiar voice shockingly appear as if from nowhere.]


Alicia Strong:
This is for DADDY!!!



Alicia Strong

… Revenge for her Father …


[Thrown off by such a statement, Sneer spins around only to have the front of Alicia Strong’s boot slam into his forehead. The strike, a standing side kick, lands rather stiffly across the fear-driving leader’s head; forcing him to collapse to the floor in a slouching kind of fashion. Out cold, which should come as no shock when standing across from the inspired Strong, Sneer is unable to stop Alicia from reaching down onto the main production board; pushing a red button off to the corner.]


Alicia Strong:
You’re live…


[With that, we now transition away from the dual-screen presentation in which to look squarely upon the ringside area. With the two factions still warring, the overall chaos of this event becomes even stronger as we all of a sudden see the USPW’s owner, and all-time WRESETLNIG LEGEND, Sam Strong, projected upon the video tron located above the ringside ramp.]



Sam Strong

… Via Satellite from Florida …


[The crowd cheers like crazy as Strong looks to be overtly unhappy about tonight’s event. Meanwhile, it’s obvious to see that this ‘live-feed’ is coming from Sam Strong’s home in Florida; not in Perry Hall.]


Sam Strong:
You can silence me no longer, Shane.
[Crowd pops loudly]
You say that you’re not going to stand for this? That you’ll no longer stand aside and be the victim?
[shakes his head; growing with intensity]
Well too bad. As long as you threaten my company, as long as you threaten these great men-and-women of USPW, you will FOREVER be the victim!


[The crowd roars with excitement. Meanwhile, the two factions continue to war around the ringside area.]


Sam Strong:
I fired my doctors today because it was brought to my attention that you had paid them off; telling me I wasn’t ‘medically cleared’ so I’d have to stay away.
[Pauses; stern look]
Well, I’m 100%; if not better, Shane, and I’m coming for YOU this Sunday at “Frigid Fight Night”!!


[The crowd roars again rather loudly. For the first time, in quite some time, the “Alpha American” appears to be seething with rage. Since his retirement, he had become somewhat of a docile figure, hardly ever becoming outwardly mad, yet always in control; however, tonight, all of that has seemingly changed. The Wrestling LEGEND before us has now become an enraged mother…. Protecting it’s young from the dubious hand of it’s rivals.]


Sam Strong:
I’ve given it some thought… Enygma… You want Baine at “Frigid Fight Night”? You’ve got it!!


[The crowd erupts again; meanwhile, the action continues to unfold crazily]


Sam Strong:
Before you get your pants in a bunch, Sneer, to show that I’m still in control of this ship, I’m making this a non-title affair. Hell, I’m not even sanctioning this match under the USPW Banner.
[snarls himself]
It’ll be Enygma and Tyson Baine… This Sunday… In an unsanctioned… non-title… New York Back-Alley Brawl!!!


[Crowd pops loudly; Strong places his finger up in which to signify he isn’t done yet.]


Sam Strong:
And just to make sure you don’t wrongfully injure another USPW official, Baine,… I… Sam Strong… Will be the SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE!!!!


[Again, the crowd erupts like mad; as Sam Strong continues to project a stern demeanor via satellite. The announcement not only moves the crowd to react though as Tyson Baine turns toward the video tron with a look that could certainly kill upon his face. That said, pulling his attention away for a second allows Enygma to slide in from nowhere, no longer playing possum, and executing his signature “From the Darkness…” (Leaping DDT) upon the unsuspecting Baine!! The impact, thunderous in nature, sends the crowd into an even louder tizzy, as Sam Strong closes the show with one final statement amongst all the craziness.]


Sam Strong:
In 3 days, the USPW will triumphant over Evil…
Mark my words… We WILL prevail!!


[With that, the broadcast comes to a close with the awe-inspiring image of Sam Strong sternly focused on the camera lens before him; projected via the video tron from his Florida Home where he’s been recouping as of late. Meanwhile, with the crowd matching the craziness at ringside with a vocal response fit for a grand spectacle, the two factions continue to war around the ringside area; all the while Enygma stands over Tyson Baine, recently dropped with an unsuspecting “From the Darkness…” (Leaping DDT), while holding the USPW World Championship on high…. ]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
What a HUGE surprise! It sounds like he’s going to officiate the unsanctioned, non-title, match between Baine & Enygma as well! A New York Back-Alley Brawl? Well, I’ll be damned, we’re in for something great this Sunday!

Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
Okay, Danny, Breathe…

Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
Make sure to order the USPW’s first PPV in history; this Sunday!! That’s a wrap for us tonight, folks. We hope to see you in just a few short days!










Overall Show Grade:

Show Attendance:
[sell Out!]

TV Show Rating:
0.95 (- 0.07) on the Sports America Network

<hr color="black">
Quick “American Wrestling” Results

Darryl Devine defeated Andre Jones via pinfall. (D-)

The Force defeated Anger via pinfall. (E+)

Raven Robinson defeated Belle Bryden via DQ. (C-)

Chris Caulfield defeated “The Towers of Power” via pinfall. (C-)

Tyson Baine defeated Des Davids via pinfall. ©

Enygma defeated Jumbo Jackson via pinfall. (C-)
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Excellent; I mean that, truly excellent. The flow is tremendous, the drama is brilliant, the content is superb.


I love every word; I don't care if I'm gushing. It's fantastic.




wow. Thank you for such a response, mikemelling!


The show, and this project as a whole, is certainly a labor of love; so, I really enjoyed crafting the 'takeover' show from start-to-finish. In reality, from a booking perspective, I think it set up "Frigid Fight Night" pretty well! :D


All in all, your kind words really do mean a lot to me. With the amount of time, focus, and dedication, that goes into each show, it's great to know that there are others out there who really invest the time to read through your shows!


With endless thanks,





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Guest Seth Iser

Dude. Long time lurker...so I guess this makes me a first time caller, no?


Anyway, holy crap, that's a hell'va show right there. As a reader, you can definately feel the emotion with Ms. Strong going a little bit into her father's playbook out of her growing hatred toward Sneer. Compelling stuff.

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Guest codey
Quality, quality show. Everything flowed excellently, right up to the big payoff at the end with Sam Strong. Again, quality show.
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Quality, quality show. Everything flowed excellently, right up to the big payoff at the end with Sam Strong. Again, quality show.


Thank you, codey!


The whole show was pretty much built around Sam Strong's eventual satellite response; ultimately booking Enygma/Baine for "Frigid Fight Night". After getting floored, held aside for medical reasons for two shows now, I wanted to add an extra level of resistance from the Sneer Corporation. In this case, they overtook the production trailer in which to keep 'Strong off the air'; making it impossible for him to address them & the USPW.


In the end, the real 'hero' of the show, at least I believe, is Alicia Strong. Nicky Champion had his moment in the sun, looking like a leader of sorts, but it was Alicia who pushed her way into the alliance, landed the 'big-shot' on Shane Sneer (first time he's been attacked in this diary), and ultimately pushed the button to open up her Father's 'live-feed'. While it wasn't originally booked that way, at least not in a focused way, looking back now, I've come to realize that she really stole the show in this one.


Also, if you read in closely during the 'loyalist' (an actual name coming in the near future) segment, you'll see an underlying foreshadowing situation between Alicia and another...







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Great show EV. Your civil war storyline is really making USPW feel alive and is probably a good way to move forward with the company.


Thank you, MrOnu!


The 'Civil War' storyline has been a lot of fun to craft thus far. While I originally had plans to make it a strong nWo comparison, I've found some new avenues to take the story in which to keep it more fresh for all involved. I mean, when you're having two entities warring for complete control of a company, either through force or legal action, you're bound to have an nWo vs. WCW feel. Either way, I think, especially given this last show, that there is a totally different vibe forming for the scenario as a whole! Should be a lot of fun to move on from here.


All in all, thanks for the kind words, MrOnu! You've been around for many of my projects; so, it's great to hear from you again.





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Friday, 4th week of January 2010

... The 'Old Boys Club' schemes ...




We met in a small conference room within the theoretical heart of our Brooklyn Hotel. The hellish travel had left me quite depleted but, at this point, such deteriation wasn’t my main focus. We were only 3 days away from, quite possibly, the biggest moment in USPW history: our inaugural PPV event.


I had been told ever since I joined, early in January, that this day would be coming; however, I had no idea the amount of grandeur that came with PPV development. As a childhood wrestling fan, PPV’s weren’t always what they are today. Now, they stand as an opportunity for creative grandstanding; not to mention the main stimulator of each promotion’s bottom-line.


With so much pressure at our backs, the ‘final hour’ had finally come. While we had spent the last few weeks formulating our initial plans for the event, this three day window is being utilized as a no-nonsense retreat of sorts; putting all of our cards on the table in which to really send a bang the first time out.


As my recently appointed assistant rushes into the room with my morning coffee, most certainly from a nearby Circlebucks, I find myself sitting at a glorified ‘war table’; formulating “Frigid Fight Night” with the often documented
USPW Old-Boys Club



... A meeting of the minds; joining with "The Old Boys Club" ...


“I want all the bells-and-whistles out this Sunday; no half-a$$in. We’ve worked long, and hard, for this, and I’ll be damned to see us let this great opportunity slip…”


Sam projects rather loudly; looking around the table as he administers his hopes for the event right away. While we all knew that this was important, only an idiot wouldn’t understand the magnitude of a night like this, his statement still burned much like a raging fire lit from underneath us all.


“I want dissonance but we also must put some resolve in there… These fans don’t want to see an entire PPV dedicated to the destruction of the USPW. The Sneer Corp, the whole ‘Civil War’ thing, is an interesting development of late but let us not lose our sight.”


Then he looked deep into our eyes; slowly panning across the table while still withholding a stern, yet inspiring, look upon his face.

“Let’s give them the good ole fashion whoopin’ they’re paying for…”


With that, we would go onto talk details about the event; creating the in’s-and-out’s of everything throughout. At this point, only a few days out, we had differing ideas of where to go; however, ultimately came to a unified sense of focus. Our winners, our losers, our reasons, and our storylines, were all set and ready to go. Now, it was time to bring the boys up to speed; scheduling a creative meeting for all to ‘come on board’.


“Frigid Fight Night” may be a simple PPV to others; our competitors included.


“Frigid Fight Night” means the world to us; the moment where we finally throw our ‘hat into the ring’…




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What we learned

I know 'stop the presses'; Sam Strong wants a great PPV event to unfold! While it may seem like this is not necessarily needed, I wanted to portray that this event is actually very important to the USPW as a whole. This marks their first PPV event in the company's history! That's pretty huge!


That said, I also wanted to officially introduce the 'backstage structure' that is the USPW 'Old Boys Club'. While they may not run with that name, much like the Rat Pack actually embraced their name, this grouping has been widely documented on the internet wrestling sites as a 'boys club' of sorts; making decisions about the company behind closed doors. So, this post is to officially make aware that such a combination actually exists behind the scenes (and to give you the background knowledge that, in the Cornellverse universe, this grouping is widely known to exist).
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I know I haven't commented on anything you've done here yet, but I've read every post and show and I just wanted to say that I'm excited to see how your first big PPV goes for USPW.


I especially enjoyed Rodriguez's debut promo. It gives Strong a feud outside the title, giving you the option of letting Bomb fight the rest of division before that big title match can happen.

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I know I haven't commented on anything you've done here yet, but I've read every post and show and I just wanted to say that I'm excited to see how your first big PPV goes for USPW.


I appreciate hearing from you, Shutout28!


Honestly, I've always said that, constant commenting isn't always necessary. While it's awesome, and I truly love to hear from others, a simple 'I'm reading; I like what you're doing' is certainly great to read from time-to-time.


It's great to know, though, that there are others out there looking forward to the PPV! I feel like it's been a long time coming now, setting up all the angles to point toward "Frigid Fight Night", so it's great to finally be 'there'. Granted, it'll take a bit to write the show out; however, I'm taking my time with this one! :D


I especially enjoyed Rodriguez's debut promo. It gives Strong a feud outside the title, giving you the option of letting Bomb fight the rest of division before that big title match can happen.


Thank you!


Outside of being a great character, in-ring talent, and possessing a strong sense of 'star quality', I originally looked to Joanne as a strong rival to Alicia. With Cherry Bomb as the champ, and wanting to keep her on top of the division for a bit, I knew that I needed to give Alicia a side-project; one that would seem interesting enough to keep her important while not the Women's Champion.


As you said, now Cherry Bomb can continue to war through the division while Alicia and Joanne engage in a heated war; 'high fashion' vs. 'the blue collar beauty'!


All in all, great to hear that her debut promo hit the mark! I worked, re-worked, and again, re-worked, that segment in which to get the tone I was looking for her character. In the end, I feel really happy with how it came out (and am looking forward to her storyline with Strong).





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Thank you, MrOnu!


The 'Civil War' storyline has been a lot of fun to craft thus far. While I originally had plans to make it a strong nWo comparison, I've found some new avenues to take the story in which to keep it more fresh for all involved. I mean, when you're having two entities warring for complete control of a company, either through force or legal action, you're bound to have an nWo vs. WCW feel. Either way, I think, especially given this last show, that there is a totally different vibe forming for the scenario as a whole! Should be a lot of fun to move on from here.


All in all, thanks for the kind words, MrOnu! You've been around for many of my projects; so, it's great to hear from you again.






I have to admit I was lurking in the back for some time as I was afraid you'd burn out quickly from another diary. Seems like you're enjoying this game now, so I'd have to chime in.

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Always wanted to post and somehow never did. Fine read sir. Fine read indeed.


Thank you, cmdrsam!


I've seen you around for quite some time now; however, have had very little chance to interact all that much. That said, I really appreciate the nod following your read. I go into every show thinking of the reader 1st; trying to convey a show that A) works from a storyline perspective and B) is entertaining to take in. Luckily, with USPW, characters are rather simple; straight forward. So, it makes it a lot easier to just slap a persona on them & run with it (deriving storylines, altercations, alliances, interactions, etc.) based upon the character than anything else!


All in all, great to know that you enjoyed the show!


I have to admit I was lurking in the back for some time as I was afraid you'd burn out quickly from another diary. Seems like you're enjoying this game now, so I'd have to chime in.


Totally understandable. When I started this project, I originally made it quite known that such a blowback was to be expected. 2010 was an up-and-down year for me and sadly my presence on the boards here reflected that. I mean, I'm proud of how the first DOA project came out (at this time last year) but other than that things kinda went awry.


I'm enjoying this go-around and really feel inspired to push this for some time. Why? Unlike other projects in the past, everything is new to me with USPW; the tone, the characters, the feel of the show, etc. So, for the first time in a long while, I'm actually interested in the work I'm doing.


Hope to see you around more often as time goes on!


I like the grouping of the Old Boys Club. But mostly just the Micky Starr render perfectly placed in the center :p


Thanks, Codey!


That Micky Starr render is pretty B-A; thanks to jhd1 for allowing me to steal that from his previous USPW diary. With such a re-render, how could I not find something for him to do? It may seem somewhat odd having him in as the 'Women's Wrestling Czar', given that he's never really had a connection with Women's wrestling, but given the emphasis I'm placing on the division, this gives him a front-center state of influence.


As for the 'Old Boys Club', I just see how something like this would be 100% possible. When Sam Strong overtook USPW, a lot of his 'friends' followed. I mean, if you look down the roster, and then re-read Strong's biography, there are A LOT of crossover from his past in the USPW today. That said, I totally would expect that Strong would confide in people like Jillefski, Starr, and Sneer. Going forward, I plan on highlighting this 'backroom alliance' quite often.





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