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Random Indy Clips?


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Now im posting it where I meant to originally lol


How about posting some random clips for whatever youd consider your local indy?


This guy doing the suplex is Michael Nothing(AKA the best talent TWF probably ever had).


Heres one thats just a pretty sick bump taken by Michael Nothing


And a triple canadian destroyer

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I would post some stuff but I cant because Independant Wrestling in Minnesota is completely dead I used to work for a company called Northern Impact Wrestling and later one called Midwest Championship Wrestling in Minnesota but both have folded. Now I do shows for another company but that company is in North Dakota because like I said there is nothing in Minnesota anymore.
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I... I can't tell if the 1st clip is incredibly bold on the part of the guy getting suplexed, incredibly well faked, or if it's a major botch. RIGHT on his head. Although, considering the chair spot, even if it was a botch he takes as well as he gives. :o


I have no idea either. Ill ask Jake(the owner/head bokker) if it was a botch or bravery. Yeah the first time I saw that clip my initial thought was the Chris Benoit/Sabu release suplex.


I know that G-Spot is retired from the ring, so it would be quite plausible that it was a botch.

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My hometown of Perth, Western Australia has two indy groups and I had trouble finding short videos for either so please excuse the 2 minute plus ones.


EPW Perth who are easily the more professional group, they put on a pretty good show but they have two main weaknesses. They are a bit short on gimmicks and NOBODY in the company ever mat wrestles from what I have seen which I find annoying. They have a pretty good following and draw pretty well without having to bring in much in the way of outside talent.


This video is an old bio of a guy who I pretty much consider the best wrestler in Perth, Davis Storm. He's not super flashy or anything, but almost everything he does looks good and he is pretty consistent.



This one is just a highlight video of Bobby Marshall who is another of their top workers. Not sure if he still heads out there, but I know he's spent some time on the California indy scene too.



The other group here are NHPW who are about as indy as you can get with lots of dodgy gimmicks and pretty massive difference in talent between the decent workers and everyone else. They also seem to film their shows with one guy wandering around the ring with a tiny cheap handicam. I've only been to one show but they had a guy who looked like a Kane/Abyss ripoff only skinnier, A fat Aboriginal guy who wrestles without boots and spits mist ala Great Muta and Tajiri, a dude who looked like the lovechild of James Mitchell and Crowbar who people kept laughing at, a guy who was about 5 foot nothing doing a straight edge gimmick etc. They only seem to draw 150ish fans yet somehow have the money to bring in international talent. They've had Balls Mahoney, Colt Cabana, Homicide, Samu, Rikishi, Snitsky, Steve Corino all work for them apparently. I'm not sure, but I have a hunch that this company is run by Mana the Polynesian Warrior since they have so many US indy guys and Maoris on the roster.


Here's just a little highlight video from one of their recent shows.


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