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Total Nonstop Action: X Marks The Spot!

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TNA Victory Road 2011





The show starts up with a hype video as Taz and Mike Tenay run-down the card for tonight they talk about title feuds and personal feuds and how none is exemplifies both of these things like Sting defending TNA against Immortal's Jeff Hardy. They also hype the mystery partner of Matt Hardy.




The show kicked off with a match for the TNA X Division Championship between Robbie E and Kazarian, the match was back and forth with Cookie getting involved but that didn't stop Kazarian picking up the victory with a Fade to Black at 13:02.


After the match Kazarian is in the ring with his belt and the lights go off, when they come back on Kazarian is on the floor in pain and the X Division Title is laid at the top of the ramp alone with no evidence of anyone having been there.




By the time Kazarian made his way to the back it was time for the next match where Madison Rayne was defending against Mickie James, with a high spell of dominance from Mickie, Rayne took advantage by pulling Mickie's hair, and choking her, Madison went to the top rope but as she came down was met with a Chick Kick from James and the pin that followed made the 3!


The Pope D'Angelo Dinero is in the back with Christy Hemme, he tells her that last month on PPV, Pope swallowed his pride and tapped out and he is here to win this greater battle, he said that in tonight's last man standing match, when Joe is feeling the pain he needs to stay down, Pope says they've had there differences but if Joe stays down he won't think any less of him, if that's even possible, he tells Christy that tonight he will be the last man standing and Joe will wish he never messed with the Pope.


Now it is time for that match but as Joe is making his entrance Pope attacks him from behind they fight around the ring before Pope with a clear upper hand rolls into the ring and the match starts.



Pope and Joe's hate came right through in this match which spewed all over the arena, with both men utilising everything from steps to chairs to sound cable but it was in the ring where Pope stood most danger when Samoa Joe hit the Muscle Buster for a 6 count and Pope desperately went to the outside and it worked as he eventually bust open Joe and a steel chair shot left him down for 4. Pope then lifted Joe up for a drop into the guardrail but Joe slipped down and locked in the Coquina Clutch and The Pope passed out after a small struggle whilst he tapped out, with the Pope out Joe had the match won but decided to set up a table in the ring and hit a Muscle Buster through it to leave no doubt it was over and Joe was again victorious.


We go back to the interview area where this time we see Crimson and Scott Steiner, Steiner says it doesn't matter who the mystery opponent is and Crimson and the Genetic Freak will beat anyone Immortal throws at them. Crimson added his own bit of hype very well and seemed like a sinister bad ass throughout, Scotty ended the promo show his peck and telling Matt Hardy he can't handle The Big Bad Booty Daddy and neither can his buddy.




The next match was for the Tag Titles ad it was a fairly routine defence for the Tag Team Champions who won the match with relative ease after a Superkick from James Storm to Neal.


London Brawling come up on the big screen and say to Beer money that soon they will be back and they will be perusing the number 1 contender spot they won before Desmond went to play football in England. They said that they deserve this match and will become the next Tag Team Champions!



Scott Steiner and Crimson were in the ring and Matt Hardy took the microphone and introduced his good friend Stunning Shane Helms! The match was a good mix of all four men and was largely even with Shane being the biggest focus is there is one and Scott Steiner looked to have the upper hand over Matt Hardy when, as Scott Steiner set up for a Frankensteiner Helms kicked him into the back and Steiner dropped, leaving Shane and Matt to hit him with a Side Effect-Shining Wizard combo for the Immortal victory.


In full wrestling gear, Ric Flair is at the interview area he say that AJ calls himself Phenomenal but he's a punk and his flippy floppy style won't work against a GOD. He say that leaving Immortal was the biggest mistake and it's all down from there, he talks about being a multiple time World Champion and warns AJ that he going to whip his ass.



The match starts of with a good spell of technical wrestling and it seems lair is in his element however when he tells Styles to “bring it” and ask “is that all you got?” AJ picks up the tempo and mesmerises Flair with some fast high octane action. Flair goes through all his usual spots including massively overselling a Flying Forearm, shadow boxing after the Pele Kick and numerous other moves, the Legend does towards the end attempt to make a comeback but an attempt at a back body drop is turning into a Styles Clash from Flair for the win around the 15 minutes mark.


Mr. Anderson comes to the ring without his usual entrance and takes a microphone he complains about not being on this Pay Per View when in reality he should be getting his title shot in the main event, he claims that Bischoff is trying to faze him out because he doesn't hold the pretty boy image the network are after and he said he is being held back by the executives, he said that if the network and the office want a problem Kenny will give them a freakin' problem.



This match was as personal as they come and it radiated through as Kurt relentlessly attacked Jeff for most of the opening however a breather on the outside for Jeff turned the match into a more even contest, and they traded action for a long period of time with all the usual nearfalls and reversals, when Kurt attempted a moonsault to a standing Jarrett The King of The Mountain dragged the referee into the path and took him out, he then went to ringside and went under the ring apron and pulled out his guitar, he went back into the ring and swung it at Angle who ducked and went for the Angle Slam only for Jarrett to slip out of the back, and hit Angle with the Acoustic Equaliser knocking Angle to the ground. Jeff then went to apply a figure four leg-lock but Angle turned it into an Ankle lock, but with Jarrett taping there was no one to call the tap out until Bischoff ran down, but as he got to the ring the referee had come round and called for the bell as Eric put his hands in this head.


Although the bell had rung Kurt Angle wouldn't release the Ankle lock and Taz said “from his experience” Jarrett's Ankle could snap any minute, droves of security ran down to ringside as did TNA agents Al Snow and D'lo Brown. After a couple of minutes of struggle Angle was forced off of Jarrett who was stretchered to the back and looked in serious pain as Kurt was detained.




And then it was time for the Main Event, with Jeff Hardy taking on “The TNA Icon” Sting, the match starts and is very much in the favour of Jeff Hardy for much of the early goings and he had Sting in the corner and looked generally too quick for Sting to cope but an early attempt at a 'Twist of Hate was unsuccessful and Sting push Hardy who landed on the apron after going through the middle rope. Sting punched Hardy to the floor and as he came back into the ring laid into the two time TNA Champion. Sting then took advantage for long enough to see Jeff Hardy extremely beat, Sting whipped Hardy into the corner but he came back with a last ditch Whisper in the Wind to Sting and both men were down, the referee got to 6 but by now both men where on their feet and Hardy ran at Sting with a flying forearm, Jeff then signalled for the top he got up there and went for the Swanton Bomb but Sting had rolled out of the way and got up, and locked in The Scorpion Deathlock, and after a brief struggle Jeff rolled out of it sending Sting into the ropes as he came back and went for the Twist of Hate but Sting manoeuvred it into a Scorpion Death Drop to pick up the win as both men lay there after a gruelling 20 minute bout.


After the match both men where down and as both man came around and where getting up Mr. Anderson walked to the ring and stared at both men. Eventually he chose to go over to Jeff and hit him with a 'Mic Check,' he gave the trash talk to Jeff and then turned around to the Champion. He took a brief staredown with Sting and then gave him a 'Mic Check' as everyone in the ring check out Sting and Hardy, Mr. Anderson walked to the back to a mixed reaction but he didn't care.


Quick Results:

Kazarian beat Robbie E

Mickie James beat Madison Rayne

Samoa Joe beat D'Angelo Dinero

Beer Money beat Ink Inc.

Matt Hardy & Shane Helms beat Crimson & Scott Steiner

AJ Styles beat Ric Flair

Kurt Angle beat Jeff Jarrett

Sting beat Jeff Hardy

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World Heavyweight Champion


X Division Champion


World Tag Team Champions


Knockouts Champion


Knockouts Tag Team Champions


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This week on an all new...



Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang


Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms


The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson.


Plus Bischoff and Hogan announces plans for Lockdown!

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang


Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms


The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson.



Generation ME vs. Ink Inc.


Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson


Dean Dinsmore vs. Eric Young


Tara vs. Velvet Sky

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang


Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms


The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson.





Generation ME vs. Ink Inc.


Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson


Dean Dinsmore vs. Eric Young


Tara vs. Velvet Sky

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang

Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms


The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson.





Generation ME vs. Ink Inc.


Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson


Dean Dinsmore vs. Eric Young


Tara vs. Velvet Sky

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.

There is no world in which Robbie E should go over Christopher Daniels. Anywhere, ever.


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang

Red is a great showcase for the X Division, so should get the nod here


Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray

The whole F'n show


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms



The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson.

I'm going with Anderson to screw Sting



Generation ME vs. Ink Inc.


Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson

Much more upside


Dean Dinsmore vs. Eric Young

Young's actually really talented when he's not stuck doing his comedy schtick


Tara vs. Velvet Sky

As much as I love Velvet, Tara is much better in the ring

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.

I already bet a "Sacrifice" Match, Title vs Mask, Kaz vs Suicide, revealing Daniels


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang

Why do you give him his WCW name ? He wrestled in TNA and elsewhere as "Jimmy Yang"


Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms


The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson.



Generation ME vs. Ink Inc.


Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson


Dean Dinsmore vs. Eric Young


Tara vs. Velvet Sky

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Yun Yang

Why do you give him his WCW name ? He wrestled in TNA and elsewhere as "Jimmy Yang"


Jimmy doesn't fit it with the character I would like Mr. Yang to come across as and it brings back awful memories to people of Jimmy Wang Yang, a character which I wasn't a fan of him doing.

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Yang is awesome! Very underrated and one of the nicest people I've ever met. Seriously talked a half hour with him at an ROH years ago when he was supposed to be leaving already, but he chose to stay and talk to my brother and I about WCW and WWE and wrestling in general. He was such a good guy.
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Yang is awesome! Very underrated and one of the nicest people I've ever met. Seriously talked a half hour with him at an ROH years ago when he was supposed to be leaving already, but he chose to stay and talk to my brother and I about WCW and WWE and wrestling in general. He was such a good guy.


Totally agree that he is awesome but I really didn't like JWY gimmick.

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.

Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang

Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray

Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms

The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson



Generation ME vs. Ink Inc.

Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson

I know Crimson is going to win .. I just like O.J what can i say!?

Dean Dinsmore vs. Eric Young

See above.

Tara vs. Velvet Sky

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Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan started off the show and addressed the crowd, Hulk started and told us that at Lockdown there will be a 4 vs. 4 Lethal Lockdown Match between Immortal and Fortune, he also said that he wanted AJ Styles out here now, he told him that there is no way Kazarian is going to make it to Lockdown as champion but just in case they should get someone on standby, AJ said he will be champ so he better get looking, he told Bischoff that when Fortune beat Immortal, that will be the first step towards taking back TNA from the Immortal regime. Eric then begins to go on about Jeff Hardy narrowly losing to Sting and saying that Jeff will be in the Lethal Lockdown, so Sting will have an “easy month” not having to worry about Jeff. With talk of the title Mr. Anderson came out and told Hulk and Eric that he wants his title shot, at Lockdown and said that even if he doesn't fit in with the networks norm, he is going to make life hell for Spike TV and Immortal and will not stop until Bischoff gives him a title shot. Bischoff laughs him off and tells him that he'd like to see him try. He then announces The Hardy Boyz vs. Mr. Anderson & Sting as tonight's Main Event!



The camera then cuts to the back where Beer Money are watching the TV set when up behind then comes Matt and Jeff they attack Beer Money and leave them down and out in the backstage area.



The first of the qualifiers for the Xscape was Suicide vs. Robbie E and they had a good back and forth match with neither man wanting to back down from winning their secind and third titles respectively, and this show as the match nearly went to the 10 minute time limit, but for a DOA from Suicide for the pin fall victory.



Bischoff and Hogan are in the office when Tommy Dreamer, “You wanted to see me.” Dreamer says to his boss. “That we do” Eric responds. He then tells Dreamer that he has an idea for Lockdown, which he calls Locked Out! A match which will see the last man to escape the cage fired, he says he sees Tommy as a perfect fit for it and so he will be running immunity match on Xpolosion. Whoever loses these matches he makes will join him in the match... and one will be fired!



The camera then cuts to Bully Ray who talks about Devon and his opponent tonight, Rob Van Dam, he talks about how not only will he beat Van Dam he will send a message to the world that he can and will destroy anybody who gets in his path of destruction.



Backstage Mickie James is walking backstage when Madison Rayne screams that the title is hers, Mickie James take offence to this and the two begin to brawl until security break them up.



Now the second Xscape match takes place and it is a three way between Eric Young, Amazing Red and the man most recognise as Jimmy Yang, Yun Yang who comes out to traditional Japanese music and comes out with an essence of Tajiri as he enter the match and it was a fast action three way and a highly competitive match with every offence being followed by another from the third man, however this changed when Eric Young hit Amazing Red with a Northern Lights Suplex with bridging pin but Yun Yang was infact feigning injury and came back with a Springboard Foot Stomp and pin Red for the win and the chance at the X Division Championship.



Pope cuts a standard promo on location at a club saying that he may have been beaten on Sunday and Joe may have been the last man standing but Dinero is simply keeping him for Lockdown where he can decimate Joe beyond recognition. He says that was the plan all along, lure him into a Lockdown match and then win the war. If not he will admit defeat!



The camera then cuts to Shane Helms who say that tonight being the Bischoff chosen opponent is an honour and he is pleased to know that his challengers at Lockdown are already set out for him.



We then come to the ring where the champion is making his entrance. The match gets under way and Shane takes an early advantage over the X division champion but it seemed to be a really awkward match and both men were mistiming their attacks, it made a promising match dull and they just didn't gel. Shane eventually looked for The Nightmare (on Helms street) but Kazarian twisted out of it and hit the Fade 2 Black for the victory and to retain the title.



Much like at the pay-per-view the lights go out and a clip comes onto the screen it fills the screen with smoke and a figure coes on the screen there is a long road ahead of behind him and his head is obscured by a hooded cloak. A message shows up on screen:


Back From His Travels...


….The Warrior Returns...


Lockdown 2011


The lights then come back up and again the belt is sat at the top of the ramp and Kazarian is out cold in the ring.



Mr. Anderson is in the back and has a message for Eric Bischoff and Hogan, he says if they want an explosive main event he will give them an explosive main event, he declares to them, in case they didn't know he isn't a team player he is an asshoIe.



Then there was RVD vs. Bully Ray who took the match to each other with their entertainingly different styles and in truth Bully Ray never looked comfortable with the mesmerizing athleticism of Rob and there was never any doubt after RVD went through all his signature moves that he could finish Bully Ray off with the 5 Star Frog Splash.



Following the defeat Brother Devon added injury to injury by attacking Bully Ray and then screaming abuse at his downing former partner, notably questioning “who is the weaker brother, now!”.



Matt Morgan is in the back coming out of Fortune's dressing room. He tells the cameraman that at Lockdown, Fortune needed a forth member and since Hernandez will be in that cage, then so will Morgan, the new member of Fortune... for one night only.



The fans seemed excited to see the hated Hardy Boys back together and to an intriguing pair consisting of The World Champion Sting and Mr. Anderson. The match was a one sided match with Sting isolating Matt Hardy and beating him whilst the other competitors briefly brawled on the outside, Mr. Anderson even grabbed the ringside chair but it was kicked out of his hands by Jeff, but then Matt got Jeff into the match and they got Sting into a corner and used quick tag moves to gain control in the 2nd third of the match. But after a while Sting slipped out of the corner and drop toe holded Matt into it. Sting then went for the tag from Anderson who simply dropped to the floor and picked up the chair, Sting turned around and Matt dropkicked him into the ropes and Anderson hit him with a chair and then got into the ring, Matt went for the pin but Anderson hit him in the face with the chair as well and soon Jeff Hardy was down by the ringside as well. The referee then tried to grab the chair but it was dropped and Anderson Mic Checked him onto the chair. Anderson then grabbed a microphont as he went to the back and sarcastically asked Hogan and Eric “How was that for a Main Event” and asks “What did you expect from an AsshoIe."


Quick Results:

Suicide beat Robbie E

Yun Yang beat Amazing Red & Eric Young

Kazarian beat Shane Helms

RVD beat Bully Ray

The Hardy Boyz vs. Mr. Anderson & Sting ended in a No Contest

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Suicide vs. Robbie E.


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Amazing Red vs. Eric Young vs. Yun Yang


Rob Van Dam vs. Bully Ray


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. Shane Helms


The Hardy Boyz vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson.





Generation ME vs. Ink Inc.


Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson

I didn't mind OJ in WWE but his gimmick and his look in TNA really annoys me.


Dean Dinsmore vs. Eric Young


Tara vs. Velvet Sky

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  • Velvet Sky argued with Tara they agreed to fight in the main event tonight!

  • GenMe beat Ink Inc. using underhanded tactics

  • After the match Gunner & Murphy attacked Ink Inc.

  • Crimson beat Orlando Jordan with a Big Boot.

  • Dean Dinsmore cut a promo in the ring and said he refused to be seen as a joke any more, he blames Eric Young for keeping memories of his humiliation and that now as the Iceman, Dean intends to rid himself of the title as a joke.

  • Eric Young beat Dean Dinsmore with a flash roll up pinfall as Dean had him in an abdominal stretch.

  • After the match EY offers his hand of respect to Dean Dinsmore but Dean just gets even more angry, spits on EY's extended hand and leaves the ring.

  • Tara beat Velvet Sky with a Widow's Peak.

  • After the match Madison Rayne came out and taunted Velvet saying she is destined to remain a loser!

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This week on an all new...



Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Jeremy Buck vs. Shannon Moore


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Shane Helms vs. Chris Sabin vs. Max Buck


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. ????? ??????


Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky


Tommy Dreamer vs. Matt Hardy


Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez & Jeff Jarrett




Orlando Jordan & Eric Young vs. Amazing Red & Crimson


Robbie E vs. Brian Kendrick


Dinsmore's Comic Character Vendetta!

Shark Boy vs. Dean Dinsmore


Jay Lethal vs. Kiyoshi


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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Jeremy Buck vs. Shannon Moore


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Shane Helms vs. Chris Sabin vs. Max Buck


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. ????? ??????

Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky


Tommy Dreamer vs. Matt Hardy


Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez & Jeff Jarrett

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Jeremy Buck vs. Shannon Moore

Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Shane Helms vs. Chris Sabin vs. Max Buck


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. ????? ??????


Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky


Tommy Dreamer vs. Matt Hardy


Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez & Jeff Jarrett


Orlando Jordan & Eric Young vs. Amazing Red & Crimson


Robbie E vs. Brian Kendrick


Dinsmore's Comic Character Vendetta!

Shark Boy vs. Dean Dinsmore


Jay Lethal vs. Kiyoshi

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Jeremy Buck vs. Shannon Moore


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Shane Helms vs. Chris Sabin vs. Max Buck


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. ????? ??????


Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky


Tommy Dreamer vs. Matt Hardy


Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez & Jeff Jarrett




Orlando Jordan & Eric Young vs. Amazing Red & Crimson


Robbie E vs. Brian Kendrick


Dinsmore's Comic Character Vendetta!

Shark Boy vs. Dean Dinsmore


Jay Lethal vs. Kiyoshi

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Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Jeremy Buck vs. Shannon Moore


Lockdown X Division Xscape Match Qualifier

Shane Helms vs. Chris Sabin vs. Max Buck


Eric Bischoff's Open Invitation - TNA X Division Championship Match

Kazarian vs. ????? ??????

Another mystery Warrior showing cause Kazarian to seep into Seritonin!


Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky


Tommy Dreamer vs. Matt Hardy


Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez & Jeff Jarrett




Orlando Jordan & Eric Young vs. Amazing Red & Crimson

Everyone except OJ is a winner here!


Robbie E vs. Brian Kendrick


Dinsmore's Comic Character Vendetta!

Shark Boy vs. Dean Dinsmore

Jay Lethal vs. Kiyoshi

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