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HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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<p><strong>Liberty & Dusty Streets</strong> vs. The Tag-Team Specialists</p><p>

Baine vs. <strong>Demon Anger</strong></p><p>

Brent Hill vs. <strong>Don Juan Escalera</strong></p><p>

Tom Gilmore vs. <strong>Rip Chord</strong></p><p>

The Great Hisato vs. <strong>Fumihiro Ota</strong></p><p>

The British Knights vs. <strong>The Shooters</strong></p>

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Tuesday, Week 2, August 1997

The V. Thompson Arena (South West) – 6,890 people






The show opens with Frankie Future in the middle of the ring, Miss Farrah at his side. Future has a microphone in hand, ready to address the crowd.


"I don't plan on wasting anyone's time," he says, "but in my position as General Manager of Hollyweird, I've made a new addition to our stellar commentary team. This isn't intended as a slight against the job Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes are doing – I think we can all agree they're a phenomenal pairing – but I felt we needed a veteran presence…someone who understands wrestling in a way few other men ever will.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Hollyweird's third regular commentator...a man who knows this industry better than anyone alive... the mad professor of wrestling, Mycroft Nero."




There's a brief fan-fare as Nero limps out onto the stage, cane tapping against the steel. He accepts the response of the crowd with a quick sneer, then sits and puts on one of the announcer's head-sets.


"Nero, a pleasure to be a working with you," Jason Azaria says.

"Thank you, Jason," Nero says. "I only wish I could say the same…"


Rating: C








The camera cuts away from the commentary desk, focusing back on the stage where Coach Pangrazzio and the All-Star Team had assembled. Bryan Vessey is back with the team - the young wrestler is crouched beside his brother, surveying the arena with a lean, hungry look.


"Not to interrupt the announce team's banter," Pangrazzio says, "but the All-Star Team has some announcements of our own, and ours relate directly to some of the most important prizes in wrestling today.


"It's been a month since all four of us stood out here together. A month since Bryan got sidelined by injury, and I think you'll agree he's come back rehabbed and in better shape than he was before Jack Dundee damaged his ribs. This young man's been working night-and-day, honing his body into the perfect athletic weapon, because that's what it means to be part of the All-Star Team. Hell, that's what it means to a Vessey.


"You get knocked down, and you get up again, swinging for the fences. You get beat, you learn from your mistakes, and you come back better than ever."


A couple of fans start chanting Bryan's name, and Bryan gives a tight-lipped smile for the camera, secretly pleased he was missed.

"So Bryan's return is the good news," Pangrazzio says. "Lets talk about the bad. Lets talk about Summer Showdown. The All-Star team took some losses that night. One match we deserved to lose - Rip Chord is a hell of a competitor, for all Larry took him to the limit - and one match we didn't.


"Eddie Chandler may be strutting around backstage, confident in his win, but we all know the woman behind the man is responsible for him beating Chris Storm. You can be sure we plan on getting that win back, too. Chris, tell the people how."


Chris Storm steps forward, leaning towards the microphone. "Study the footage, learn from my mistakes, come back harder and better."


"Damn straight." Pangrazzio nods. "Which brings is to the final matter at hand.


"The Vesseys Brothers are back in action, and they've got a score to settle with Eddie Chandler's friends.


"Backbreakers, we're officially challenging you to a match at Hotter Than Hell. The Vesseys want their titles back, and they want to reclaim them on the biggest stage they can so there's no mistaking the truth - they are the best damn tag-team in the world today.


"You may have won those titles, and injury may have kept them around your waists longer than anyone suspected, but it's time to acknowledge the truth.


"You beat the Vessey's once. You had a good night.


"But they're back for you now, the finest wrestling unit in the world, and they're coming at you harder and better than they ever have before."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/UKDragon.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JohnnyStones.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JDMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JohnMaverick.jpg


The British Knights vs. The Shooters


There's a solid dose of the English technical style in this one, featuring three wrestlers who were schooled in the UK. It makes for an even match-up, with plenty of innovative counters and escapes.


Rolling Johnny Stones surprises everyone when he fights free of John Maverick's first attempt to lock in the Deadly Silence, responding with a series of rapid-fire rolling suplexes that draw a solid response from the crowd.


It goes awry when, later in the match, Stones tries the same tactic against JD Morgan. The British hard case counters the first suplex, drops Stones to the mat, and promptly locks on the Cross-Atlantic Stretch to get the submission.


The Shooters defeated The British Knights in 7:09by submission.

Rating: D+






Captain USA stands at the interview stage, flag slung over one shoulder.


"I'm new here," USA says, "and I'm not looking to make any enemies, but Fumihiro Ota, you've pressed my buttons, son. I don't remember doing anything to get on your bad side, Ota, but Captain USA doesn't back down from a fight.


"I carry this flag, I wear this colours, as a mark of respect for the men who have fought for our liberty and our freedom. If you think I'm afraid of doing any less then they did, Ota, you're sadly mistaken."


Rating: C-








The camera goes to the Kraft sergvices area, where the Black Label Fight Club have approached the trio of Dread, Dylan Sidle, and Emma Chase. Sidle puts down his cutlery and rises as the Fight Club approach, but Datsun holds up both hands in a gesture of peace.


"Relax," he says, "we ain't looking for a fight here."


Dread stands. The Human Juggernaut has a few inches on Datsun, and more than few extra pounds. "If you aren't, that's a change of pace," he says. "Black Label Fight Club. We watched hours of tapes on you two before last week's match, Datsun, tracked you through the East Coast indies to see what you got.


"I'll give it to you, kid, you boys aren't afraid of much. You're crude, you're unpolished, but you're tough as nails. I can respect that. In time, you'll be a threat worth facing."


"In time will take care of itself," Datsun says, "we want a rematch now."


A grim smile spreads across Dread's face. "You're kidding, right?"


"First rule of the Fight Club," Datsun says. "Don't talk about the Fight Club. If you've got something to say, you say it in the ring. We're the toughest damn tag-team to ever come out of Philly, and we aim to prove—"




That's as far as he gets before The Nation of Filth jump them, swinging trash-can lids attached to short lengths of chain. Datsun goes down first, Marlowe not long after…


…but the assault has seen a trash-can lid catch Dread in the stomach, and the big man isn't impressed. He stands, rips one of the Filth's weapons out of Grunt's grip, and proceeds to bend the steel trash-can lid in half.


The Nation of Filth briefly pause, as if trying to work out whether to get into it with Deadly and Dominant.


Then Dread darts forward, fist glancing off Stink's chin, and the question is rendered moot as the brawl begins...


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheGreatHisato.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg


The Great Hisato w/ Kit Hatoyama vs. Fumihiro Ota


Lightning fast action in this one. There are holds and moves that the commentary team struggles to identify, especially at the pace they flash past, and Hisato proves to be nothing short of spectacular as he busts out his top rope arsenal.


And yet it's impossible to discount Ota and his talent for hitting decisive moves out of nowhere, and once again the Shadow Clan ninja picks up the victory when the Ninja Strike hits and drops his opponent.


Fumihiro Ota defeated The Great Hisato in 6:58 by pinfall.

Rating: C+








Captain USA appears on the top of the ramp as soon as the match is over, taking a moment to wave the American Flag over his head. He starts advancing on the ring, eyes locked on Ota.




Flash-bangs go off along the ramp, disguising the appearance of Awesome Thunder and Ronin emerging from the crowd. The two members of the Shadow Clan try to run interference, holding off the masked Captain, but they're neatly bowled over when the heavyweight Captain charges forward and catches them both with a double spear.


Ota sees his allies aren't up to the task and immediately chooses discretion as the better part of valor. The masked ninja vaults the guard rail and disappears into the crowd, just as Captain USA reaches the ring and starts searching for him.


Rating: C-






The silver screen comes to life, showing a close-up of a figure in shadows.


"I was raised in New Orleans, Louisiana," the figure says, "where my daddy caught shrimp, and my momma worked in the local bar. I hated my daddy. He was a mean old man, and he didn't like me either.


"But my daddy, he taught me one thing. He taught me don't be beholden to another man. He taught me how to fight back when you're being held down. He taught me everything worth having in this world is something you have to fight for.


"He didn't mean to teach me none of that, but I learned it from him all the same.


"So I fought, and I kept fightin'.


"And eventually it earned me the one thing I wanted more than anything else."


Rating: D






Rip Chord walks out to the ring, his entourage at his side. He opens his jacket to display the World Heavyweight Championship, circles the ring so that everyone gets a chance to see it and express their displeasure at the champ.


Finally Chord takes to the centre of the ring and claims a microphone.


"Tonight," he says, "I'm going to revisit some history. Something the vast majority of you may not even remember.


"You see, five months ago I was a newly-crowned Champion. I was then, as I am now, the man everyone in this company tried to beat. At the time the man trying to beat me was Mr Lucha, a man who'd earned his shot through years of hard work and victories.


"But in a locker room full of young guys, there's always one who wants to jump the queue. Always one who wants to get into it with The Great One, to measure himself against the best in the world. In case you'd forgotten who, I had them prepare the footage."


The silver screen flares to life, showing a victorious Rip Chord retreating up the ramp, eyes fixed on the newly-crowned tag-team champions who are trying to fight their way past Chord's entourage after the champion mocked the tag-team belts as inferior.




Chord is so focused on the threats coming up the ramp that he doesn't see someone emerging from behind - Tom Gilmore. The young wrestler is in-and-out in an instant, dumping Chord into the steel stage with the Anger Management legsweep.


"Five months ago that happened," Chord says, "and at the time I let it go. I didn't blame Gilmore for wanting a piece of me - everyone does when you're the champion. What's more, he had Sam Strong in his ear, goading him into doing something stupid.


"And even more importantly than that - giving him a match back then was doing exactly what he wanted. Whether he beat me or not, he'd already won. He'd manoeuvred the Great One into doing his bidding.

"But problems left untended are problems that tend to grow, and Tom Gilmore is still with this company. He's won some matches, he's lost some matches, but anyone who follows Hollyweird is going to agree that the kid is getting better and one day he's going to be great.


"So I am going to give him what he wanted, all those months ago, only this time it'll be on my terms. Gilmore, today's your lucky day, because I'm going to give you that match. Right now.


"Get your ass out here, kid, because The Great One is accepting your challenge…and when I'm done, I guarantee you, you'll never think about attacking me from behind ever again."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Tom Gilmore vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher


Gilmore keeps his cool here, and does a solid job of going toe-to-toe with the World Champion for several minutes. There's good, crisp action and plenty of response from the crowd.


And Chord, as expected, cheats like hell. Gilmore endures thumbs to the eyes and low blows throughout the match, the Champion utilizing the techniques as a form of torture more than a means of securing an advantage, grinding Gilmore down prior to finishing things with the Rip Chord DDT.


Rip Chord defeated Tom Gilmore in 12:01 by pinfall.

Rating: B






The camera cuts to the interview stage, where Baine is staring at the camera with thinly disguised contempt.


"I've never been a man who plans things," he says. "My style's always been full speed ahead, pick a fight and win it, move on to the next target. Maybe that's not the smartest choice, especially given the ways I was manipulated, but it's always worked.


"I'm not aiming to get fancy, not by a long shot. I'm just picking a name and going after it, repeating it time and again until the Army of Darkness is done with.


"Anger, you're the first name on the list.


"Keep the others away from the ring, let them come in and interfere. I don't care, 'cause either way, big man, you're going to be eliminated from the equation."


Rating: B-






Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE make their way down to the ring. "It seems people make all sorts of assumptions based on the way things look," Ricky Dale says. "Case in point - me and EAGLE. I'm a big guy who likes to throw fists and wears blue jeans to work. He's a Japanese buzzsaw who kicks the s--t out of folks, wears himself a mask, and fights like hell every chance he gets.


"We're an odd couple, no doubt about it, but you're all getting feel for what we can do. We may not look like a team, we may not wear matching trunks or fight the same style, but we're damn-sure the kind of dangerous hombre's that no sane team looks past. We don't match, but we don't need to - we work together, partner, and that's all that matters.


"More important, we got ourselves some focus now. We spent months helping out a friend, but now it's our time - and Cowboy Ricky Dale and the Dark EAGLE are planning on getting themselves another shot at gold."




Walk This Way hammers out of the speakers, and Monty Walker follows his theme-song to the ring. Tayler Morton and Alex Braun both follow along.


"Everyone should have a dream," Walker says, "and the way I look at things, that's all your desire for a title shot is going to be. In case you haven't noticed, Cowboy, you've already had your shot at the champs. So have those guys over in the All-Star Team.


"On the other hand, Me and Tayler Morton, we went toe-to-toe with Dread's custom-built tag-team and we won. We're the winners of the tag-team Stampede. We're one of the best young tag-teams in the world today, and everyone knows there's gold in our future."


Alex Braun steps up, claiming the microphone. "What my friend Monty is trying to explain," Braun says, "is that the boys have achieved some interesting things in their time with this company, and they're tired of waiting for the shot to come to them.


"At Hotter than Hell, it will be my students, Walker and Morton, taking on the tag-tean champions.


"You can either accept that and get out of our way, or be stubborn and get your asses taken down."


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DonJuan.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Don Juan Escalera


Escalera wants to brawl, but Hill keeps shutting him down, taking Don Juan to the mat and trapping him in a series of pinning predicaments. A lucky elbow from Escalera keeps things competitive, forcing Hill to break his first attempt to lock in the Complete Package.


Escalera follows up on the elbow shot with a series of big moves, hammering Hill with everything he's got. Hill endures, fights back, and gradually reclaims the momentum, finishing the match with the King of the Hill legdrop.


Brent Hill defeated Don Juan Escalera in 7:39 by pinfall.

Rating: C






Hill rises, fist raised in the air.




And goes down, almost as quickly, when Rafael Ruiz hits him from behind. The Mexican Pitbull locks Hill down on the canvas, holding him in place while Pablo Rodriguez climbs to the top rope. The Priest of Pain poses for a moment, makes the sign of the cross…


And Ruiz hoists Hill into the air, holding him steady for the Sinner's Salvation super-rana from Rodriguez.




Hill hits the canvas hard. Don Juan Escalera rises, walks over to his opponent, and stomps on Hill.


Then, as one, the three Mexican's turn and walk backstage, leaving Hill in the centre of the ring.


Rating: E






The camera cuts to the Crippler position, just behind the ramp, where Mr Lucha is going through his warm-up. The lucha legend is a picture of calm, routinely moving from stretch to stretch, showing no sign of discomfort.


Then the Global Elite cross the backstage area, surrounding the newly crowned International Champion. Eddie Chandler steps up, looking Lucha in the eye.




"Nice belt," he says. "Real nice."


Lucha doesn't speak. He just stares, taking in the scene, waiting to see where things are going.


"They wouldn't let me compete for a spot on Sunday," Chandler continues. "Two times I've held gold, in one of the most competitive companies in Canada, and apparently that's not enough to secure me a shot.


"Well, that's old news. The belts awarded now, Lucha, and you're the guy who has to defend it.


"If you make it through Heartthrob tonight, then I'm giving you fair warning – the Global Elite is in the hunt for gold, and I'm the man who'll be stepping up to take yours."


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Baine vs. Demon Anger w/Karen Killer


Exactly what you'd expect – two big heavyweights brawling for all their worth, unleashing a brutal assault that's designed to maim as much as score the pinfall. Baine eventually picks up the victory courtesy of the Hades Bomb.


Baine defeated Demon Anger in 7:45 by pinfall.

Rating: C+






Spite and Ethan Kane are in the ring seconds after the final bell, the two hulking monsters assaulting Baine with Kane's walking stick and, of all things, a can of Pepsi that Spite uses to open up Baine's forehead.




Killer's manic laughter fills the arena as she assists Anger in getting to his feet, passing him a length of chain that he can use to join the assault.




Once again the lights go out, and when they come back the trenchcoated, face-painted figure of Dark Angle is perched on the turnbuckles with a kendo stick in hand. He cracks Anger over the heat, picking off the weakest member of the Army of Darkness, then launches off the turnbuckle to connect with a flying roundhouse kick on Spite.


Angel lands in a picture perfect three-point stance, eyeing Killer and Kane as he rises to his feet. Kane pops the spike on his cane, charges forward, and gets taken down by a low dropkick.


The Army of Darkness beat a hasty retreat after that, leaving Baine and Dark Angel in the ring. The Demon Seed rises, staring at his saviour. Angel returns the stare, impassive, waiting…


…and Baine chooses to walk away.


Rating: C+






Action Jackson is backstage, all smiles as he addresses the camera. "Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, and the man who can finally say he's number one contender to the World Heavyweight Title…Dusty Streets.


"Dusty, I don't want to say Gold in your blood, but you're a second generation star and every member of your family has held a title. You've made no secret about wanting to be World Champion – how does it feel to finally have the opportunity?"


Streets closes his eyes, calming himself. "Jackson, brother, it feels pretty good.


"I'm not going to say I don't have doubts about this match. Me and Rip Chord, we're both old soldiers. We've both done this for longer than many of the boys wrestling here tonight have been alive. And, like you say, we both know what it means to be champion, whether it's in singles or as part of a tag-team.


"I know there are people out there who say I don't deserve this. That my win-loss record here in Hollyweird doesn't merit a shot at the top spot.


"Be that as it may, there ain't a lot of men who have actually defeated me. Look at their names: Dread. Rip Chord. BLZ Bubb. Sam Strong. And damn few of them have done it clean, or done it when I'm at my best.


"There's a saying in wrestling – it only takes three seconds to become a champion. Everyone has a bad night, somewhere along the line. Sooner or later, every champion loses focus for those three seconds, no matter how good they might be.


"To those who say I don't have the momentum behind me – just watch. To those who say I don't have the experience in single's competition – just watch. To those who have supported me, the fans who wanted me to have this title shot after all the grief our former General Manager put me through…


"Well, folks, you just watch too.


"As my new friend Liberty likes to say, I plan on putting on a show at Hotter Than Hell. And win, lose, or draw, Rip Chord is going to know he's been in a fight."


Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. The Tag-Team Specialists w/Wanda Fish


Dusty Streets starts things off, hammering Joel Bryant with punches and elbows, chasing him around the ring. Bryant weathers the storm, looking for moments, and finds one – ducking under a roundhouse and shooting in for the takedown, immediately applying a hammerlock once Streets is on the mat.


Liberty moves to break the hold, but Streets shouts a warning and sends him back to the corner. The veteran is out here with something to prove, and he does so as he works for a counter, turning it into a single leg horse collar as he twists free. "People forget how accomplished a mat technician Dusty Streets truly is," Rhodes says on commentary. "Especially with his habit of throwing punches of late.


The match continues in that fashion, with Dusty taking the lions share of the offense, getting a chance to display his technical skills as well as the legendary Streets toughness. Liberty's forays into the ring are less technical – quick darting assaults that pop the crowd and give Dusty a breather, full of big moves that the veteran follows-up on when he gets back into the ring.




Then, during one of Liberty's come-backs, he gets blindsided by Sam Strong, who knocks his former protégé out with a Strong Arm Tactic. Liberty has the ring sense to start rolling as soon as he hits the canvas, disappearing under the bottom rope, but it leaves Dusty to wrestle the rest of the match himself.


With the two-on-one advantage the Specialists push the pace, looking for an opportunity for Oxford to deploy his deadly loaded knee lift. Dusty holds on, just barely, and succeeds in avoiding the first attempt to knock him out with the loaded knee brace.


The second time Oxford charges, Dusty avoids the blow and grabs his attacker from behind, suplexing him into the mat. Oxford struggles to rise, but Streets nails him with a right hand before making the cover, scoring a hard-fought three-count.


Liberty & Dusty Streets defeated The Tag Team Specialists in 18:15 by pinfall.

Rating: B




Overall: C+

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<p><strong>OOC Show Notes</strong></p><p> </p><p>

- Big thanks to Midnightnick and smwilliams for the predictions. A fairly predictable show, it seems, with the exception of the Hill/Escalera match, but I always appreciate it when folks drop by.</p><p> </p><p>

- As you've probably noticed, I'm trying a slightly more graphically interesting layout for the show. I'm in the process of going through and incorporating it into some of the older shows, but it'll take a while. I'm kinda aiming to make the shows a little easier to read, but if anyone really hates it, let me know.</p><p> </p><p>

- I'd been planning to move Nero into commentary ever since I pulled him off managerial duties for the Demons. I was aiming to hold out longer, but honestly, the main events were starting to be affected by the fact that Kyle Rhodes is...not quite ready for prime time yet. He's improving, sure, but not fast enough. As a bonus, I keep receiving these blessed match notes:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><p><em></em></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em></em><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes work extremely well together at the announcer's table. Jason Azaria and Professor Nero work extremely well together at the announcer's table. Kyle Rhodes and Professor Nero work extremely well together at the announcer's table. </em></div><em></em></div><em></em><p>

All in all, it doesn't suck. I predict that by 2000, if Rhodes keeps improving at his current rate, they'll be a truly phenomenal trio.</p><p> </p><p>

- Once again the tactic of throwing a moderately talented mid-carder against Chord results in a match that's equal to, if not better, than throwing someone in the main event against the champion.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="arwink" data-cite="arwink" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30720" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>OOC Show Notes</strong><p> </p><p> - Big thanks to Midnightnick and smwilliams for the predictions. A fairly predictable show, it seems, with the exception of the Hill/Escalera match, but I always appreciate it when folks drop by.</p><p> </p><p> - As you've probably noticed, I'm trying a slightly more graphically interesting layout for the show. I'm in the process of going through and incorporating it into some of the older shows, but it'll take a while. I'm kinda aiming to make the shows a little easier to read, but if anyone really hates it, let me know.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's nice, but don't bother incorporating it into older shows. That'll take time, and having the older shows appear less formal and more barebones adds to the theme of this being a new company getting underway and figuring out what works.</p>
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<p>I'm mostly revamping the old shows 'cause I need to revisit them anyway. I keep forgetting, for example, that I'd dubbed Monty Walker's superkick finisher The Last Waltz, or The Demons of Rage came out to A Season In Hell (which was actually wrong anyway, since I was thinking of Slayer's <em>

</em></p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eQpvqPuDJWI?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss (from Seasons In The Abyss album)"></iframe></div></div>) or I had actually used Right Said Fred's <em>I'm Too Sexy</em> as Romeo Hearthrob's theme..<p> </p><p>

Basically there's a lot of little details I'm used to keeping in my head, and I usually get away with it because my dynasties don't last that long. Since this one seems to be on track to last over a year of game time, I'm discovering the need for some kind of written reference containing theme mustic, finishing moves, nicknames, etc.</p>

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"Interesting thing about having Nero on the commentary booth," Ricky Dale says. "All of sudden that underlying theme we'd been running about Hollyweird, all these little suggestions that the talent would rewatch the shows, all of a sudden that was true. Anyone who was looking to improve would start picking up tapes, listening to the little things Nero commented on, figuring out what they needed to improve on."






"The chemistry between Kyle and Nero was phenomenal." Jason Azaria can't help but grin at the memory. "They had very different approaches to colour commentary, but it took them about half a match to figure out how to weave them together. It would have been easy for Nero to do Kyle's part of the job, talking about the how and why of a particular tactic, but instead he approached everything like a wrestling mentor offering notes.


"Kyle would note, say, the way Dread would mark time when someone tried to back away from him, advancing and throwing fists to ensure they didn't get away. Nero would throw out a line about the mistake that'd drawn the opponent into the predicament, or a manoeuvre they could have used to get out of the predicament if they hadn't been so rattled.


"It turned each match into its own little wrestling clinic, both for the wrestlers and the fans."






"I'm occasionally asked whether I had any regrets about taking over the company," Cornell says. "And sure, I got a few, but the biggest is letting Mycroft Nero walk. No offense to Kyle Rhodes, he's matured into one hell of a colour guy, but Nero was the best of the best. There's not a single match he commentated on that wasn't improved by his presence."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 35 Preview -


Coming up our latest HGC Archive instalment:


The Mexican Pitbull, Rafael Ruiz, is a lethal submission specialist from south of the border. Come Hollyweird TV he'll be challenging one of America's best when he takes on a man whose no stranger to Don Juan's group – Brent Hill.


The Ontario Kings have been quietly racking up the wins of late, and it's resulted in a title match against the World Tag-Team Champions, Backbreakers Inc. The Canadian's may be underdogs going into this match, but they've pulled off upsets over The Shooters and The Dallas Wrecking Crew of late.


The Army of Darkness aren't pleased that an outsider is interfering with their business, and they take the matter into their own hands when Demon Spite steps into the ring with the UK's Dark Angel.


There were plenty of former champions who didn't get a chance to compete in the preliminary matches to crown the first International Champion, so the next challenger will be decided by a four-way fray between those overlooked: Alex Braun, Pablo Rodriguez, Ed Monton, and Eddie Chandler.


Liberty may be targeting Sam Strong at Hotter than Hell, but before he gets there he's got a match with Rip Chord's insurance policy, Charlie Thatcher.


Finally, in our main event, it's three-way tag-team action as we determine the number-one contender for the World Tag-Team Titles. There's only going to be a single pinfall in the match between the Vessey Brothers, Dark EAGLE and Ricky DALE, and the duo of Walker and Morgon, and everything counts on being the team who gets takes the fall.

Matches featured in this streaming video:


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Walker & Morton vs. The Vessey Brothers

Liberty vs. Charlie Thatcher

Alex Braun vs. Pablo Rodriguez vs. Ed Monton vs. Eddie Chandler

Dark Angel vs. Demon Spite

The Ontario Kings vs. Backbreaker's Inc

Brent Hill vs. Rafael Ruiz

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Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Walker & Morton vs. The Vessey Brothers

Liberty vs. Charlie Thatcher

Alex Braun vs. Pablo Rodriguez vs. Ed Monton vs. Eddie Chandler

Dark Angel vs. Demon Spite

The Ontario Kings vs. Backbreaker's Inc

Brent Hill vs. Rafael Ruiz

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Tuesday, Week 3, August 1997

Evanovitch Riverside (Tri-State) – 7,805 people






The show opens with the odd-couple team of Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE in the ring. Ricky Dale is lounging against the ropes, microphone in hand, while Dark EAGLE holds himself with a kind of stiff formality, constantly on guard.


"For the last couple of weeks," Ricky Dale says, "all kinds of people have been coming out here, saying they want a shot at the tag-team champions at Hotter Than Hell. So far, no-one ain't said spit about whose request has been accepted, so me and EAGLE figured we should come out and make a little more noise. Everyone knows we got the goods to get this done against the Backbreakers – we damn sure took 'em to the limit last time we fought – and all we want is one more shot at walking out with the titles."




"HEY! PENCIL-NECK!" Coach Pangrazzio starts walking down the ramp, the All-Star Team in his wake. "I hear you talking a good game, Ricky Dale, and maybe one day you'll be able to back up the talk, but right now, if there's anyone who deserves a shot at those belts, it's the All-Star Team.


"The Vessey Brothers were the ones who made those titles mean something. They were the first champions, and they lost 'em under circumstances that were more than a little murky. What's more, they beat the new champs just forty-eight hours later when the Global Elite made the mistake of taking us on in six-man competition.


"If anyone thinks they've got a stronger claim than us, then—"




"Then perhaps it's time people stopped overlooking the underdogs." Monty Walker steps out onto the stage, Tayler Morton at his side. "In case people have forgotten, Monty Walker and Tayler Morton were the duo who won the tag-team Stampede. We're the guys who outlasted three other teams in order to walk home with the cash-prize and the bronzed Texas Wrestling League belts.


"No-one thought we would do that, least of all against the teams we were fighting, but we pulled it off.


"And in case you didn't notice, Walker and Morton were the guys who defeated Dread and Dylan Sidle at our last pay-per-view. They may be a new team, but all of you know how dangerous they are…and I don't see the Vesseys or anyone else stepping up to test themselves against the Juggernaut and his protégé.


"You want to talk about the right to challenge for the belt, Coach? Then perhaps you should just acknowledge the All-Star Team had their chance and lost it, while me and Tayler are still just looking for our shot."


The three teams stare at one-another, on a knife's edge.




Then Get On Up plays, relieving the tension as Frankie Future and Miss Farrah glide out onto the stage.


"Boys, boys, boys," Frankie says. "I appreciate the hustle, really I do, but there's no need to come out here and get all aggressive. It's true that the Backbreaker's haven't agreed to a match yet, and I'm starting to believe they're dragging their feet in the hopes we'll somehow forget about them in the mix.


"But I'm here to say there's no such luck – the World Tag-Team Championship is too sweet prize to go undefended, and I figure any one of the teams down in the ring right now are worthy challengers.


"So here's what we're going to do, boys.


"Tonight, in our main event, it's going to be a three way fray. The team that walks out with the pinfall, walks out with a title shot at Hotter Than Hell."


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RafaelRuiz.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Rafael Ruiz


This is an excellent mat-based showcase, aided by the obvious chemistry between the two as they lock up and start exchanging holds. Ruiz, in particular, comes out looking like a start, with plenty of fans given evidence of the technical skill Jason Azaria praises on commentary.


Ruiz spends the match searching for the Lockjaw, while Hill alternatives between searching for the heel hook submission and the complete package. Unfortunately, neither man can get there, so Hill has to content himself with landing the King of the Hill and picking up the victory via pinfall.


Brent Hill defeated Rafael Ruiz in 6:45 by pinfall.

Rating: B-






Hill and Ruiz stare at each other after the match, showing a wary respect for the other's abilities. Slowly, Hill grins, and holds up two fingers held an inch apart, letting his opponent know he was that close to securing the submission. Ruiz returns the smile…




…and Don Juan Escalera catches Hill from behind with a dropkick, leading a two-man assault that sees Rodriguez follow up with his lethal glittering magician's knee, the Final Judgement.




Hill doesn't stand alone this time. The assault has barely begun when Electrico and El Bandido hit the ring, and the presence of two men to even out the odds leads Escalera's crew to choose discretion. They disappear from the ring as Super Lucha take to the turnbuckles, throwing choice insults after the fleeing men.


Rating: E+







The camera cuts backstage, where Captain USA is walking to his dressing room. Even in casual street clothes, the Captain wears his mask and carries the US flag with him




He finds his way blocked by the Shadow Clan. Ronin steps forward. "This honored one is here to speak for Master Ota," he says. "He says your issues should be sorted in the ring, without the petty attacks both sides have made. And so, I issue a challenge on his behalf."


"Hotter than Hell?" The Captain asks.


Ota nods.


"Tell your friend he's on," Captain USA says.


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. Backbreaker's Inc

HGC World Tag-Team Championship


The Kings are acknowledged as one of the most rapidly-improving tag-teams in Hollyweird, and the fact that they hold their own against the Backbreaker's speaks volumes as to their future potential. The two youngsters from the House of Stone dojo go hold-for-hold with the champions, and when they find themselves out-powered they make up for it with speed.


Thomas Morgan does eventually find himself in the wrong part of town, being subjected to the staggering number of double-team backbreakers the champions have in their arsenal. He does eventually find a way free, diving for the hot tag—




-- and discovers that JD Morgan and John Maverick have jumped Bryan Holmes, pulling him off the ring apron and subjecting him to a two-on-one beat down at ringside.


Without a partner to help him, Morgan is easy prey for the Champions. They hit the Elimination Protocol and Jack Dundee makes the cover.


Backbreaker Inc defeated The Ontario Kings in 7:46 by pinfall. Backbreaker Inc make defence number 3 of their HGC World Tag Team titles.

Rating: B-







Backstage, the Untouchables are gathered, and Wanda Fish has a microphone in hand. "People seem to be forgetting about the Untouchables," Fish says, "and last week we were forced to remind the world why this is a mistake.


"And still we aren't being given the respect and opportunities we deserve.


"And for now, that's fine. For now, we're biding our time. We're taking these quiet weeks to train, to hone our techniques, to prepare for what's coming. We can afford to be patient...for a while.


"But one day, one day soon, our patience will wear thin.


"And on that day, Hollyweird, I suggest you stand ready, because the Untouchables will not be stopped, and they will not take no for an answer."


Rating: D+






The silver screen comes to life, showing a close-up of a figure in shadows.


"My daddy didn't love me," the figure says. "He didn't even like me much, not when you get right down to it. He beat me, he cussed me out, he told me I was worthless. He held me down until I learned to fight back, until I learned how to stand on my own two feet.


"My daddy made sure rebellion was in my blood. He taught me everything worth having in this world is something you have to fight for.


"If the only kindness I knew in this world was my daddy, I would have been a bad, bad man. I would have been the stuff of nightmares.


"But someone found me. Someone showed me another way.


"Someone gave me another face, and showed me a path worth walking."


Rating: D+






Cannonball begins to play, and Liberty makes his way down to the ring. He collects a microphone and plays to the crowd for a few moments.


"Okay," Liberty says, "I've got to get something off my chest. Y'see, last week I watched the show, and I caught Sam Strong's explanation for why he did what he did. And I don't know about you, but it made me sick to my stomach. Worse, it made me ashamed that I'd ever fought beside the man, that I'd ever gone so far to call him friend.


"I won't pretend I can understand him - I'm still relatively young, and maybe I'll feel what he feels in twenty years time, but I gotta tell you, I kind of doubt it.


"You see, ever since I started wrestling, I've always known that coming out here and putting on a show for the fans is a privilege, not a right. I've always known that my talent for wrestling is a gift, not something to be squandered.


"And now I've got a chance to redeem myself. At Hotter Than Hell, I get a chance to express my displeasure at the decisions that were made by my former friend and mentor."




Voodoo Child puts a halt to Liberty's promo, and the Living Legend makes his way down to the ring. Strong moves slowly, deliberately, ignoring the hiss from the crowd.


"Brother," he says, "I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you.


"The only true thing you just said, brother, is that you don't understand me. Truth is, brother, I don't expect you too. There's maybe a half-dozen people in the world who know what it means to be a legend on my level, and maybe one of those knows the weight that comes with a name like Sam Strong.


"And if you want to talk about displeasure, brother, then maybe we should take about you. Maybe we should take about an ingrate who turns against the man who helped raise him to the heady heights, a young punk who didn't have it in him to show respect to a legend and a man who would have been his friend. Maybe we should take about the way you helped cost Peter Valentine his job, brother, or how quickly you turned against me and teamed with the man I hated more than anyone else in this world, brother.


"I may not be the man I used to be, brother, and I'm sure as hell not the legend I once was.


"But when you and I step into the ring, brother, at Hotter Than Hell, I've got plenty left in the tank. More than enough to beat some respect into you."


Rating: A*




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkAngel.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Dark Angel vs. Demon Spite w/Karen Killer


Angel doesn't have the size to hang in this match, but he wrestles with an intriguing mix of finesses and raw brutality that seems to make size irrelevant. He targets Spite's right knee – dropkicks, chop blocks, collisions with the ring posts – and gradually works the Demon onto the mat where a single leg crab hold can be applied.


Killer provides the distraction here, climbing into the ring apron and getting into Sam Sparrow's face. Ethan Kane climbs into the ring from the far side, cane in hand, and the connection between cane and skull is enough to force Angel to break the hold.


Spite gets back to his feet, limping but upright, and with Angel impaired it doesn't take long before he connects with the Demon Slam.


Demon Spite defeated Dark Angel in 6:33 by pinfall.

Rating: C






The Army of Darkness swarm the ring, beating down Dark Angel. The cruiserweight fights back, but upon finding himself unarmed against three men the size of the Demons and Ethan Kane, the result is a foregone conclusion. He's pummelled, hauled upright, and Ethan Cane produces the spike.




Whereupon Baine hits the ring, length of steel chain looped around his right fist. He swings wildly, dropping Kane with the second haymaker, and the Demons quickly spirit their leader out of the ring.




Dark Angel uses the ropes to haul himself to his feet, struggling to find his balance. He stares at Baine. Baine stares back.


Then the demon seed shakes his head, dropping the bloodied chain on the canvas, and walks away.


Rating: C






The Silver Screen goes live, showing a video shot out in the Canadian wilderness. Larry Wood glares at the camera. Billy Wood snarls and barks like a mad dog.


"I've been hit with garbage cans," Larry says. "I've been put through tables. I've had pie mashed into my face.


"I'm not a patient man, eh? I'm not a man who forgives.


"Broken bones for broken bones, blood for shed blood.


"We are coming for you. Filth. Maulers. Fight Club.


"We are coming for you all, eh."


Rating: D






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlexBraun.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PabloRodriguez.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EdMonton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg



Alex Braun vs. Pablo Rodriguez vs. Ed Monton vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper


The four-way-fray format hides a variety of weakness, allowing the competitors to string together a match that's all about big spots, signature moves, and near-falls broken up by other competitors.


The commentary is dominated by Jason Azaria outlining each mans' achievements – Braun as an indie legend, holding titles in CZCW; Rodriguez as a former world champion in Mexico at the age of nineteen, the man who dethroned Mr Lucha; Ed Monton as a Canadian legend, three-time holder of the CGC World Title.


And Eddie Chandler? He's the least qualified man there, a man whose held tag belts and a mid-tier championship in Canada, but you don't discount anyone whose been training with Eric Tyler, as proved by the fact that he traps Alex Braun in the Fabulous Stretch and picks up the submission, making him the number one contender for the International Title.


Eddie Chandler defeated Alex Braun, Ed Monton and Pablo Rodriguez in 10:27 by submission.

Rating: C+






Grace Harper is quick to find a microphone and underhand it to the victorious Eddie Chandler. Chandler snatches it out of the air, grinning as he addresses the crowd.


"Alright," he says, "Hotter Than Hell. Me. Mister Lucha.


"And ordinary man would be nervous about that. An ordinary man would recognise that he's stepping into the ring with a Mexican legend, a man whose held championships – who has made championships matter – throughout his career.


"But I'm not an ordinary man.


"I'm Eddie Chandler, the fabulous one, a member of the Global Elite. I walk with legends every day, men whose understandings of what it means to be a champion is just as pronounced as Mr. Lucha.


"And at Hotter Than Hell, brother, I'm going to make the Mexican legend submit."




There's a small cheer as Lucha appears on the ramp, title around his waist.


"Esse, you talk big, but I don't think you understand…" Lucha chokes on the words a moment, takes a deep breath. "All my life, esse, I was told I didn't have what it takes to be a champion in this company. I was told that being a Mexican legend means nothing – nada! – when compared to the men who wrestled in the United States.


"I have proved them wrong, esse, and I'll keep proving them wrong. I will make this International Championship the most respected belt in Hollyweird.


"And to do that, esse, that means I have to prove you wrong at Hotter Than Hell.


"And that, esse…that will be my pleasure."


Rating: C-






Cannonball starts up, and Liberty hits the ramp, making his way down the ring for a match.




Sam Strong comes storming down the ramp to jump Liberty from behind. A punch to the kidneys sends Liberty down, allowing Strong to kick him down the rest of the ramp, planning the boot with relative impunity.


Liberty eventually reaches the ring and uses the apron to pull himself upright, trying to mount some defense against Strong's assault. The Living Legend actually backs a up a few steps, giving Liberty room breathe…


…then nails him with a big boot that drives Liberty back into the apron, bruising the back and leaving him down.


Strong grins to himself, and flashes a glance back up the ramp as the theme music starts for Liberty's opponent.


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Liberty vs. Charlie Thatcher


Liberty claws his way back to his feet in time to start the match, but he's obviously one of the walking wounded. Thatcher's offence is basic, brutal, and devastatingly effective. His unrelenting assault on the already injured Liberty is enough to fire up the crowd, especially with Liberty's talent for hitting hope spots.


Liberty fires up, getting a short come-back, but Thatcher isn't in this to win – he claims a steel chair from ringside, brings it into the ring, and neatly nails Liberty with it. The DQ is called, but Thatcher is the only man standing in the ring when the match is over.


Liberty defeated Charlie Thatcher in 5:27 by disqualification.

Rating: C+






Free Bird hits and Dusty Streets is out on the stage, microphone in hand. "Hey Charlie," he says, shaking a finger at the Insurance Policy. "I suggest you put down that chair before things get out of hand and I'm forced to take steps."




The veteran and the Insurance Policy lock eyes, Thatcher adjusting his grip on the chair. For a couple of seconds it looks like he's going to take another shot at Liberty, but eventually he relinquishes the weapon to the referee.


"Good choice," Streets says. "Now, Charlie, I've got a message for your boss, and I want you to deliver it to him.


"Tell him Dusty Streets is feeling good right now. Hell, tell him Dusty Streets feels like a man ten years younger.


"And tell him I can't wait to step into the ring with him at Hotter Than Hell, when I finally get what I've been waiting for – a shot at the World Heavyweight Title.


"And Charlie, I want you to think really carefully about what's going to happen at Hotter Than Hell. I want you to think really carefully about interfering in that match.


"'Cause, if I don't win, Charlie, and it's your fault I lose the match, then I'm going to take exception to that.


"If you cost me that match, Charlie, I'm going to be coming for you."


Rating: B






The camera cuts to the Crippler position, where Walker and Morton are busy planning their strategy with their trainer, Alex Braun.


"Every wrestler has a weakness." Dread steps into shot, Emma Chase and Dylan Sidle at his side. He looks directly at Monty Walker. "I've watched you, Monty, and I've studied you, and I can tell you exactly what your weakness is.


"You take your eye off the prize.


"You get one victory over me and Dylan, one pinfall to boast about, and you think that's the end of things. You think you can set me aside and go chasing gold without worrying.


"But it doesn't work that way, Monty. I'm unfinished business. Dylan's unfinished business. That's always going to be in the back of your head, sabotaging everything you do, until you finally come back to us and resolve what's happening.


"And that can't happen, Monty, because you're not going to beat me. Alex Braun isn't going to beat me. Tayler Morton isn't going to beat me. I'm bigger than you. I'm better than you. I spend hours every day honing my body into a weapon.


"That's what makes me Dread, Monty, and it's what makes you a lesser man.


"Good luck tonight, kid. You're going to need it."


Rating: C






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Walker & Morton vs. The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio


The pace picks up with this match. Every team in the bout has something to prove, and every team has their fare share of supporters, resulting in a crowd that's hot for pretty much every move.


The Vesseys are clearly the best team in the ring – a synchronised unite that works as one, capable of acting without thinking due to years of long practice. Ricky Dale and EAGLE are far more unorthodox, catching everyone by surprise with their ability to shift gears and styles. Walker and Morton remain the underdogs – cruiserweights who refuse to die, pulling off big moves to even the scales.


It's a hard-fought match for all three teams, but ultimately it's the superior experience that wins out. Larry Vessey fells Ricky Dale with the Sick Cycle, collecting the pinfall.


The Vessey Brothers defeated Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE and Walker & Morton in 19:38 by pinfall.

Rating: B




Overall: B-

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Hey arwink, I've been meaning to ask you something. How exactly do you plan out the writing and the storylines? Do you play ahead a few months and then write everything down, or do you just have a basic framework and play week to week before writing it out?
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It's a bit of a combination. There's a handful of storylines that exist as broad outlines - Chord's title run, for example, or the feud between Walker and Dread. I know when and how they're going to end, and have a rough plan for booking the characters.


I prefer to stay about a show or two ahead in terms of the booking, since it gives me the freedom to respond to things that come up when I sit down to flesh out the write-ups. Occasionally a line will come up that leads to a logical match down the road, or I'll set something up that becomes a storyline without meaning too.


Other times, though, I'll use a whole bunch of chained storylines and sim a long way ahead. It's what I'm doing at the moment - the shows are simmed through to the start of October - but it's definitely not my preference. I find that if I book too far ahead of the storyline I start coming up with new Dynasty ideas, just so I can actually play the game again.

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It's a bit of a combination. There's a handful of storylines that exist as broad outlines - Chord's title run, for example, or the feud between Walker and Dread. I know when and how they're going to end, and have a rough plan for booking the characters.


I prefer to stay about a show or two ahead in terms of the booking, since it gives me the freedom to respond to things that come up when I sit down to flesh out the write-ups. Occasionally a line will come up that leads to a logical match down the road, or I'll set something up that becomes a storyline without meaning too.


Other times, though, I'll use a whole bunch of chained storylines and sim a long way ahead. It's what I'm doing at the moment - the shows are simmed through to the start of October - but it's definitely not my preference. I find that if I book too far ahead of the storyline I start coming up with new Dynasty ideas, just so I can actually play the game again.


Interesting. I'm looking a trying an NYCW dynasty that'll shift from 1 show a month to three shows a month (2 being 1-hour B shows and one being the big 2-hour A show) after hitting Regional, so I figured I'd hit you up to figure out a proper schedule.

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"The tap out," Smart says. "For may young wrestling fans it's always been part of the wrestling landscape, a means of signalling submission, but after getting it's start in the East Coast Wars it was Hollywierd TV who exposed the vast majority of wrestling fans to practice.


"Strange as it may seem, the decision to incorporate it was a contentious one..."






JD Morgan leans back on the touch, feet up on a folding chair and a can of lager in hand. "Phil had that annoying f--ker, Dog Fyte, doing this submission gimmick. He'd go out, throw people around with suplexes, lock in one of the worst f--kin' chokes you've ever seen as a finisher. Theory was people couldn't actually say 'I quit' when they were being choked, so they used the tap.


"Went over huge, 'cause Phil's got an eye for building that kind of thing, and the DAVE fans lapped up anything Dog did 'cause he worked so f--kin' stiff. A few months later they had Dog and me feuding, and the whole angle revolved around me making him tap as payback for something he'd done to Phil while he was managing me.


"Did the angle, didn't think much about it. Figured the tap-out would be one of those DAVE things, you know?


"Then I hit Hollyweird, 'cause Eric sells them on a team featuring me and Maverick, and the next thing I know every f--ker's tapping out to submission holds whether they're chokes or not."






"Vengeance brought it to our attention," Bryant says. "He saw it happening in DAVE, saw the reaction, but he also recognised it from watching GAMMA in its early days. Sean's a big MMA fan, followed it from the moment GAMMA opened its doors in '94. He's also one of those guys that probably would have gone into MMA if it'd been as big back then as it is today.


"You gotta remember, back in '97 mixed martial arts was just taking off, and we'd been looking for ways to stand out right from the first show. We already knew we were going to see more submissions than American audiences were used too – that came with the territory when you brought in guys from Japan – so we started to phase it in. It looked good on TV, it caught people by surprise, and it meant we didn't need to worry about the technical aspects of catching someone saying I quit on the broadcast.


"It caught on pretty quickly, although there were all sorts of teething problems. Some of the older guys were used to slapping the canvas when they were caught in a hold, using it as a way to get the crowd onside. Kyle Rhodes caught it happening the first time, talked fast to explain it to the audience.


"Even then, there were guys who just didn't like it. Oddly, I think it's the only thing the two of them ever saw eye-to-eye on in the whole time they were with the company."






"Tapping out, it's bulls—t," Peter Valentine says. "What we do isn't judo. It's not a martial art. We're storytellers. We go out into the ring and we tell a damn story. Tell me how the hell tapping out is more dramatic than a guy saying 'I give.'


"It didn't bother me too much at Hollyweird during my first run, but when I started up in Cali Pro and started using the Heart's Torment as a finisher… well, we did it because Hollyweird did it, and I can tell first-hand that people didn't get it. I was there, I was out there in front of the crowd, and I couldn't get the damn finish over."






"I complained about it," Streets says. "I complained when it started, I complained when I first had to tap, I complained whenever I saw a match end that way. There's traditions to this sport, and you don't mess with them unless there's a damn good reason.


"Look at Supreme; they have, what, two or three guys using submission finishers? And only one who uses submissions exclusively, and it's rarely applied. Submission holds are a useful tool, 'cause they're able to be reversed, countered, broken. They build drama, constantly, the moment you lock one on.


"That went away once you took away the threat of saying I quit. Guys could tap and submissions were just another move, rather than something to be feared. Sure, wrestling adjusted. We got the I Quit match as a result, but look at what happens in those. They're all about the weapons, the blood, guys shortening their careers.


"When you change the way a tool works, it ceases to be as effective in its original role."






"But it wasn't just people inside the company who objected to Hollyweird's adoption of the tap-out," Smart says. "There was one man, in particular, who had several strong objections to the nascent company's continued 'theft' from the East Coast Wars…"

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Interesting. I'm looking a trying an NYCW dynasty that'll shift from 1 show a month to three shows a month (2 being 1-hour B shows and one being the big 2-hour A show) after hitting Regional, so I figured I'd hit you up to figure out a proper schedule.


Cool. Hit me up via PM if you want to discuss the specifics of how I do stuff. I don't know how useful it'll be, but I'm happy to talk through process and such.

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 36 Preview -


Coming up our latest HGC Archive instalment:


Two tag-teams jockey for position on the company ladder when the newly-formed duo of Hisato and Scarlet Samurai take on The Shooters. General Manager Frankie Future has delivered a clear message to the teams of HGC – only the best get minutes on Hollyweird, and too many losses will see you relegated to dark matches and house shows.


A man whose got no fear of being relegated to the pre-show is Brent Hill, whose racked up a number of impressive wins this month. It may all come to a halt, however, when he takes on "Deadly" Dylan Sidle. Good as Hill is, does he really have what it takes to take down Dread's chosen tag-partner?


Ethan Kane. Baine. Need we say more? If so, it's simply this – we hope the wrestling ring can contain the action when these two behemoths meet.


Walker & Morton have established their credentials as a duo, but Team Strength Rush are gunning for them with the knowledge that a victory here could earn them a regular spot on Hollyweird broadcasts.


Captain USA looks to pick up some momentum prior to his Hotter Than Hell clash with Ota. He takes on Rick Sanders, who's no-doubt looking for some momentum of his own.


And finally, in our main event, four of the biggest names in wrestling today come together at the command of our General Manager. It's tag-team action like you will not believe when Liberty and Dusty Streets team up to face a duo we thought we'd never see – Rip Chord and Sam Strong, on the same side.


Matches featured in this streaming video:


Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord & Sam Strong

Captain USA vs. Rick Sanders

Walker & Morton vs. Team Strength Rush

Baine vs. Ethan Kane

Brent Hill vs. Dylan Sidle

Hisato & Samurai vs. The Shooters

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  • 3 weeks later...



Tuesday, Week 3, August 1997

Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes) – 6,694 people




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheGreatHisato.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ScarletSamurai.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JDMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JohnMaverick.jpg


Hisato & Samurai w/Kit Hatoyama vs. The Shooters


Hisato and Samurai work fast, attempting to avoid any prolonged grappling exchanges with their opponents. Unfortunately the Shooters specialise in grounding and pounding, and the match quickly revolves around the masked men trying to avoid the lethal take-downs of their opponents.


Hisato gets isolated in the wrong corner, and quickly falls prey to the shooters. John Maverick takes the masked man down, shooting in when Hisato attempts a Pele kick, and JD Morgan is tagged in to finish things with the Cross Atlantic Stretch.


The Shooters defeated Hisato & Samurai in 6:36 when JD Morgan by submission.

Rating: D+






Mr Lucha walks down to the ring. He waits a moment, unhooks the International Championship from around his waist, and holds it high.


"The International Championship," he says. "A belt I won after facing some of the best the world has produced, men who have been champions in their homelands. At Hotter Than Hell, I face one more.


"Eddie Chandler is one of Canada's finest young talents. He's already been a champion in his homeland, he walks beside Champions in the Global Elite, and one day he's destined to be a champion in this company.


"But it will not be happening at Hotter Than Hell. He will not be taking this International Championship away from me.


"I won't let it happen.


"Every masked wrestler in Lucha Libre understands the importance of symbols. I wear this mask because it's part of my identity, because I've spent decades transforming it into part of who I am. It embodies words like honor, tradition, respect, and pride in my people.


"This belt, this International Champion, has no history. I'm the first champion, the only champion, and its legacy starts with me. My reign will determine what this belt will embody, and I take that duty seriously."




The Global Elite appear, walking out onto the stage with Eddie Chandler in the lead. The Fabulous One stands between the tag-team champions, looking meaningfully at the gold on display around their waists, before addressing Lucha down in the ring.


"Lucha, you can take that duty as seriously as you want," Chandler says. "You're still stepping into the ring with the Fabulous One, brother, and I have talent on loan from God. At Hotter Than Hell, I'm going lock you down and make submit.


"You see, Lucha, you don't need to lecture the Global Elite about the importance of a championship belt. You don't need to tell us what they're symbols of, because we already know. We came into this company to dominate, and title belts are the symbols we use to show people our success.


"I recommend you avoid getting in my way, Lucha. The Global Elite is looking for a spot in this company, and we're than happy to take yours."


Rating: C






The Silver Screen comes to life, showing footage from the All-Star Team's training camp. Larry and Bryan Vessey are doing endurance drills, take-down drills, weight training, striking. There's a scene featuring a wooden mannequin that showcases just how much power Larry Vessey's Sick Cycle has, shattering the wooden skull when he connects with the blow.




Coach Pangrazzio's voice serves as a counterpoint to the action: "Strength, speed, power, discipline. These are the traits that make the All-Star Team dangerous, but it's the teamwork that makes them exceptional. On Sunday, we reclaim the World Tag-Team Titles."


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DylanSidle.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Dylan Sidle w/Emma Chase


One of Hill's worst-received contests in a quite some time, and there's no real explanation as to why.


Sidle starts strong, matching Hill on the mat, and the protégé of the Juggernaut makes liberal use of his deadly knee strikes. Hill has the worst of Sidle's moves scouted though, as evidenced when he ducks the rising knee strike Sidle likes to use a finisher.


The fact that he didn't connect seems to throw Sidle off-balance, leaving him open to a belly-to-back suplex that's followed by the King of the Hill.


Brent Hill defeated Dylan Sidle in 7:41 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






Hill takes a moment to recover his breath, then sits and calls for a microphone. The ring-crew throws one his way as Hill rises and addresses the backstage area


"For three guys who claimed they weren't working together a month ago," Hill says, "DJ Esclalera and his boys have sure as hell been kicking my ass for the last month. Seems they wanted a piece of Brent Hill, even though they're zero for three in matches against me.


"Personally, after that thing with Ota, I'm trying to focus on what I do best: coming out here, winning matches, earning my way to a championship. I'm not looking for a war, but it seems I got a hand last week from two guys who are, and I promised to get them a couple of minutes so they could make the declaration official."




El Bandido and Electrico join Hill in the ring, trading fist-bumps. Bandido collects the microphone.


"Escalera, Rodriguez, Ruiz, we were asked to stay out of this, to let our friends settle their issues with you in their own time. We tried that, esse, but now you're crossing the kind of lines me and Electrico don't like to see crossed.


"Come Hotter Than Hell, Esclera, me and 'Trico want you in the ring. Pick your partner, esse, 'cause now we're officially involved."


Rating: D






The silver screen comes to life, showing a close-up of a figure in shadows.


"I grew up looking for a fight," the figure says, "and it didn't much matter who I was fighting. My daddy, my school, my boss, my wife. I didn't much like people telling me what to do, so I fought back against everything.


"Then I found wrestling. Then I found a path, a tradition, a reason to rebel. I was taught to speak truth to power, to rebel against those who abused their power, to become a symbol of the freedoms that make this country great."


A match is lit, showing a masked figure in a leather jacket and a red mask familiar to wrestling fans around the Southern border.





"In two weeks, a whole new kind of rebel arrives in Hollyweird."


Rating: C-






Romeo Heartthrob is down in the ring when the video package ends, Savage Fury at his side.


"At Summer Showdown I eliminated a thorn in my side," Heartthrob says. "I beat Tom Gilmore one last time, and I got him out of my hair. That earned me a shot at the International Title, and since then...


"Well, that's the problem, isn't it?"


"Hotter Than Hell is looming, and no-one's talking about Romeo Heartthrob. No-one is angling for a match against one of the hottest properties in this company. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let anyone in this company hold me back; I plan on going home with another pay-per-view bonus, and my share of the winner's purse.


"So I'm out here making a challenge, to anyone who'd care to answer. Come in alone, if you want me one-on-one. Bring in a couple of friends, if you want to go in a six man war with my friends the Savage Fury. We don't care who you are, we don't care why you want the match.


"The challenge is out there. All you gotta do is step up and tell Future you want in."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg


Baine vs. Ethan Kane


These two monsters are growing increasingly familiar with one another. Although they got at it hammer and tongs, there are several sequences where they evade or counter their opponents more familiar moves.




Which is why, after nearly ten minutes of back and forth, Kane signals to the back and the rest of the Army of Darkness comes charging down to the ring, armed to the teeth with steel chains that they promptly use to assault Baine in full view of the referee.


Baine defeated Ethan Kane in 10:30 when Ethan Kane via DQ.

Rating: C-






The attack doesn't relent because the match has been thrown out - The Demons continue to rain shots down on Baine, and they're quickly joined by Ethan Kane and even Karen Killer.




And then Dark Angel is there, a blur of motion in black leather jacket with a kendo stick in hand. The sharp crack of stick against skull echoes across the ring three times, followed by a big dropkick that pistons Demon Spite out of the ring.


Anger and Kane turn their attention to Angel, but the bloodied Baine is having none of that - he reaches up and loops an arm around Anger's throat, dropping the big man into a backbreaker. Kane's solo charge against Angel is met with the point of the kendo stick buried in his stomach, followed by the smaller man sweeping the legs and launching a standing shooting star press.


The Army of Darkness retreat once more, leaving Baine and Dark Angel standing back to back in the ring. The two men eventually turn to face each other, neither saying anything.


And this time, finally, Baine nods and offers a hand of friendship that Dark Angel accepts.


Rating: B-






Ed Monton and Bob Casey, the Maple Leaf Maulers, are at the interview stage.


"We've been told we're not welcome at Hotter Than Hell," Monton says. "Us, The Woods, the rest of them. We've been told we're a disruptive influence and they aren't letting loose until precautions have been taken. We've been told that the match won't be authorized until tempers have calmed down.


"I don't think the powers that be understand how this works. This fight isn't about anger, not for anyone involved. It's a fight about pride, about knowing you're the toughest sons-of-bitches going.


"The only way it's ending is if you put us all in the ring, and let us fight until there's only one team left standing. Maybe it's me and Bob, maybe it's not.


"But one way or another, that's how this is going to end."


Rating: E+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Walker & Morton vs. Team Strength Rush w/Suzue Katayama


The crowd response is surprising. Walker and Morton have slowly become favourites, with Walker in particular drawing a strong reaction from the fans, but for the first time the pair find themselves in a contest against a lesser known team and the true measure of their popularity becomes apparent.


Team Strength Rush fight with all the power and precision in their arsenal, quickly evening the match out in the eyes fo the fans, but even their hard-hitting style isn't enough to convince the bulk of the audience that they're going to win.


The thing is, hard as Strength Rush hit, Walker and Morton are trying to match them. It's obvious, as the match wears on, that they're taking out some serious agression on their opponents. Finally Tayler Morton nails Raymond Diaz with the shiranui suplex, picking up the three-count.


Walker & Morton defeated Team Strength Rush in 6:57 by pinfall.

Rating: B-




"A big win for Tayler and Morton," Azaria says, "and--"


"Wait...wait...we're getting a message from the back.


"We going now to the Silver Screen, where Alex Braun has requested we play some footage that was caught earlier today.






The camera cuts to a sight that's becoming increasingly familiar - the backstage catering area. Monty Walker and Tayler Morton are by the buffet table, their plates full of steamed chicken and salad, bottles of water in their other hand. They trade comments as they load up on food, grinning widely.




They've just finished loading up on food when the camera pulls back to reveal Emma Chase. Monty Walker's smile disappears in an instant.


"Look," Emma says, "just give me a second, okay?"


Walker hesitates, clearly torn between leaving and hearing her out. Finally he sighs. "Right. What do you want?"


Chase offers him a flicker of a smile. "I just wanted to give you...well, I guess it's a warning," she says. "They found Calvin. I swear I didn't help. I didn't even tell Dread about him, they just tracked him down at--"


Her voice trails off as she sees Walker's face harden. Even Morton's expression is sour.


"Where are they?" Walker barks.


"Listen," Chase says, "they--"


"WHERE ARE THEY?" Walker's bellow causes Chase to flinch.


"We're here, kid."




Walker turns and finds himself face-to-face with Dread, while Sidle squares off against Morton. Chase takes the opportunity to find a safer hiding place behind the Human Juggernaut. Walker goes to grab her, and Dread immediately lashes out, shoving Walker into a nearby wall and pinning him there with a forearm.


"You and I," Dread hisses, "we're a long way from done, Walker. You may not fear me anymore, but you've still got secrets. You're still capable of weakness."


Rating: C-






Cowboy Ricky Dale makes his way out to the ring, Dark EAGLE at his side. The Cowboy slouches against the turnbuckles, enjoying the cheers of the crowd, then asks for a microphone.


"So it seems me and Eagle aren't up for a shot at the belts this month," he says. "Can't complain, we put up a good fight, but it does leave us at a loose end this Sunday and it ain't something that sits right with me.


"Now Romeo's already come out here and put out a challenge, and I'll admit we were tempted to be the ones to step up, but instead we put some thought into it and came up with another alternative.


"Y'see, last month at Summer Showdown, Liberty proved that if you keep the Wrecking Crew busy, it keeps Rip Chord a little more honest up in the main event. And that appeals to me in my current state of mind, 'cause me and Rip still got a couple of issues I want to settle.


"For now, though, we're going to settle with picking off Rip's friends, and I'm out here to make a challenge on behalf my masked friend here. Rick Sanders, assuming you got some guts, Dark EAGLE here is callin' you out, partner. Here's hoping you got the stones to step up and give him a match."


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg


Captain USA vs. Rick Sanders


It was never going to live up to the match that preceded it, but Sanders and USA put together and old-school wrestling brawl that's more than enough to keep the crowd satisfied. Sanders shows some real fire in the ring, showcasing some of the tricks he's learned from Rip Chord, but USA feeds on the crowd unlike any other wrestlers alive and he keeps coming back from every setback.




Until, finally, Ota makes an appearance. The masked man floats up the side of the ring, nails USA with an enziguri, and drops down to ringside so fast that the referee doesn't have enough time to spot the interference. Sanders quickly capitalises, locking in the Figure Four Leglock to get the submission win.


Rick Sanders defeated Captain USA in 9:30 by submission.

Rating: C-






Captain USA rises to his feet, fists clenched, looking for targets. Rick Sanders has the common sense to disappear the moment the bell rings, but Ota comes up the side of the ring, looking for another shot at his adversary.




USA charges, hitting Ota with a shoulder block, knocking the ninja through the ring ropes.




Ronin and Thunder are there in a heartbeat, appearing from the crowd like some kind of magic trick. They immediately double-team the Captain, taking him down with a simultaneous sweep kick, spinning heel kick combination.


The two ninja then drop down to ringside and collect their master, dragging him up the ramp.


Rating: E-






Action Jackson grins for the camera. "This is Action Jackson backstage, picking up the scoops," he says, "and with me at this time is a man whose on his way to the ring for tonight's main event, but due to wrestle in one of his biggest matches ever this Sunday.


"Dusty, are you sure it's good idea to --"


Dusty holds up a hands, cutting Jackson off.


"Under ordinary circumstances," he says, "I'd be happy to stand out here and answer questions, but I've got business on my mind tonight, and business on my mind on Sunday, so if you don't mind, Action Jackson, I'm just going to get a few things off my chest.


"I wasn't supposed to get this title shot, and we all know that. I'm stepping into the ring tonight for two reasons; one, because Liberty needed a partner, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to step up when the man needs help.


"Two, because I wasn't supposed to get this title shot. Rip Chord's beaten me in the last couple of months. Sam Strong's beaten me back at Summer Showdown, although it took a low blow to keep me down.


"I know I'm getting my shot at the belt because the fans demanded it, because Frankie Future thinks I was disadvantaged by Sam Strong being in charge. I'm not going to say no - only an idiot walks away from a shot at the top belt out of pride - but it still don't sit right with me.


"I came to this company to prove that I had what it takes to make it on my own, to live up to the Streets legend without my father or my brother at my side. I wanted to reach the top because I worked hard and earned it, not because an asshole named Strong decided to be mean to me.


"So I'm going out there tonight, more than any other man in this match, with something to prove.


"Dusty Streets deserves his spot on the card. He deserves his shot at the title.


"And, at the end of the day, I want everyone to know that Dusty Streets deserves to be World Heavyweight Champion. Not because he was screwed and you feel sorry for him. Not because he got three lucky seconds in a match.


"I want to go out there and prove Dusty Streets has what it takes to be the best damn wrestler in the world, and I want the belt to prove it.


"Now if you'll excuse me, Action Jackson, I've got a match."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg


Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord & Sam Strong


The fans are in heaven for this one – the two top faces in the company taking on the top heels, and all four men are content to brawl back-and-forth across the ring in a furious contest.




The ring quickly proves unable to contain the action, with Dusty Streets and Rip Chord taking their fight to the ramp. Chord's entourage makes their presence felt at that point, surging down the ramp to join the fray, but Dusty does his best to hold his own against the four-on-one assault. Punisher arrives first, and finds himself spinebustered over the edge of the ramp. Sanders gets taken down by a clothesline, and Thatcher is nailed by the Dust Off.


Meanwhile, Strong and Liberty have taken their own fight out of the ring, throwing one another into the crowd railings at ringside, using the stairs as a weapon. They're so focused on inflicting damage on one another that they barely notice when the match is thrown out, Eugene Williams counting out both teams.


Liberty & Dusty Streets drew with Sam Strong and Rip Chord in 18:45 following a double count out

Rating: B





The war continues at ringside. Sam Strong grabs Liberty in a headlock, ramming him headfirst into the ring post, then fires the American Outlaw into the crowd barrier. Liberty hits hard, sagging over the steel railing, and hangs there.


He struggles to roll over, expecting a follow-up attack, and succeeds in avoiding the running big boot as Strong charges in. Strong howls in pain, crotching himself on the steel, and Liberty staggers back to his feet and starts firing fists at the Living Legend's head.


The fight spills out into the crowd, endangering the fans, and security swarms through the arena as the show goes black, attempting to contain the situation…


Rating: A*




Overall: C+

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OOC Show Notes


- Sorry for the late posting. Doing extra hours at work + a crazy amount of travelling has meant the Dynasty got short shrift for the last couple of weeks.


- Sadly, that's going to be the case for a while yet. I'm aiming to post Hotter Than Hell next week, then take a month-long hiatus as September promises to be hell on wheels at the day-job.


- The team of Morton and Walker? Coming along really nicely. Didn't figure they'd be able to carry their match, but it came out pretty well.


- For those that don't know the '77 c-verse database, Masked Rebel was Southern babyface who spent the latter parts of his career working heel in OLLIE. It's still up in the air which way his successor, Masked Rebel II, is going to go...

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  • 3 weeks later...





"Bet your ****ing ass I hated those ************s."


Phil Vibert leans towards the camera, fixing it with a steely gaze. He glares with the same anger and conviction he's always had on camera, utterly certain of what he's saying.


"I knew it wasn't Rip Chord ripping us off, 'cause that wasn't his style. Rip's a dinosaur, always has been, and he wanted to do things old school. The thing that gave them an edge was the combination of Bryant and Dundee - two young guys, eager to make their mark, who wanted to learn the business and how to book.


"I knew them both. Bryant had come through DAVE just after I took it over, before the revolution actually started, and he was one of the few wresters I've ever seen who outright asked me about booking. He worked Dog for a couple of months, put him over. One of the first guys to tap out to Dog Fyte's choke. He really got it. Smart guy.


"Dundee I didn't know quite so well, but Eric respected him. When Eric respected someone, that meant they were dangerous. When Eric respected someone and worked closely with them, that meant trouble.


"Don't get me wrong, I respected them both, but I hated them. I had to hate them. They had the money, they had TV, they had pay-per-view. They had everything I wanted for DAVE, and then they started raiding us for talent..."






"Phil's fond of calling what we did a raid. It wasn't a raid."






"It was a raid."






"It wasn't a raid," Dundee says. "Talent moves on, it's the nature of the business, and all things considered we were fairly restrained with our full-time hires. Lots of guys got exposure with us, but we left plenty of guys working both companies.


"The problem was, when we hired our first full-timer from DAVE, we hired someone Phil thought he could trust."






"There are guys who leave a company a hero," Frankie Future says, "guys who leave heel, and then there's the night Eric Tyler did his final show for DAVE prior to signing with Hollyweird full time. Eric didn't leave a heel - he left the most hated man on the East Coast with a goddamn riot in his wake.


"To this day it's the greatest departure the industry has ever seen. They just about tore Penn Park apart, and the cops showed up to try and get things under control.


"It's hard to imagine something like that happening today. Companies like PS-Dub have their hardcore fans, but no-one really believes that there's a glorious future coming. No-one except the most idiotic fan thinks you've sold out when a company like Total and Supreme offers you top dollar to sign on.


"But in ninety-seven the East Coast fans really did think they were at the beginning of something big - all four of the companies in the war were being courted for TV deals, elements of their styles were being incorporated into Hollyweird and Supreme, and there was plenty of talent out there who really connected with the fans. They were passionate, they saw a future, and they didn't respond well when you betrayed them and sold out.


"It made me a lot of money in XP-Dub, when I went back there and wrestled, but that was nothing compared to the kind of reaction Eric got. The fans really believed in him, really loved what he did, and they loved to hate him.


"When he sold out - when he made public the reason he finally signed a written deal - the Philly crowd took it personally."






"The crowd took it personally because Phil took it personally," Tyler says. "It made for a phenomenal atmosphere. I was abandoning the revolution to go to HGC full-time, mentoring this white-meat babyface named Chris Storm whose better know for working at New York City Wrestling than anything remotely hardcore.


"No-one really understood why I finally broke down and signed a written contract.


"It's easier to explain than you'd think: The School of Tradition.


"I ran it in Canada. I ran it in DAVE. I came damn close to running one in Hollyweird, and we had a cup of coffee in TCW before I called it quits. In the history of wrestling there's only a handful of stables that have travelled as far and wide as the school, or had anything like the success we'd had.


"It works because I believe in it. Because I lived it in and outside of the ring.


"They kept asking me what it'd take to get me signed on the bottom line. I told them, flat out, it'd take working a program with Chris Storm somewhere along the line. A big bluff, but it worked. They signed us both, promised me and Storm would work together once my championship run filtered out.


"It was a risk, I'll grant you that - I could have earned far more money in Canada, looking back - but it was a calculated risk. I was pretty sure they planned on using me, and the opportunity to work a program or two with guys like Chris on a nationally televised stage eventually won me over."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents



It's a night of grudges at our next pay-per-view, and if there's one thing we're sure of, it's this: put this many men with this many issues into the ring, and things are going to get Hotter Than Hell!


We kick off with an issue that's just been re-awakened - Cowboy Rick Dale is looking to cause some trouble for the man whose never beaten him clean, Rip Chord. Tonight that trouble comes in the form of distracting Chord's entourage, with Ricky Dales' partner, Dark EAGLE, taking on Rick Sanders in single's competition.


Super Lucha want answers - and since their friends and mentors aren't giving them any, they're going directly to the source of the problem. It'll be El Bandido and Electrico taking on Don Juan Escalera and Rafael Ruiz in tag-team competition, and you can bet the masked heroes will be out to deliver a warning to the men who have plagued their allies.


Romeo Heartthrob made the open challenge, but the man who stepped up to answer it isn't even part of the Hollyweird roster. Officials have cleared him to wrestle for one night only: it'll be Heartthrob versus Tommy Cornell.


Officials have already thrown out the rules in this next match, acknowledging that any attempt to contain the hate between these two teams is destined to be futile. It'll be the Demons of Rage versus Tyson Baine and Dark Angel in a hardcore war that's not to be missed.


Mr Lucha puts the International Championship on the line against Eddie Chandler of the Global Elite. Chandler is determined to round out the Global Elite's gold, making the stable three-for-three, but Lucha is just as determined to establish the belt with a long reign.


Tag-team gold is on the line next: The Vessey Brothers versus Backbreakers Inc. Two of the strongest tag-teams in Hollyweird clash with gold on the line, in a match that promises to be a hard-hitting technical war.


Liberty spent months as Sam Strong's protégé, and feels that Strong's recent actions have caused many to doubt Liberty's position in Hollyweird. He's aiming to rectify the situation the only way he knows how - by wrestling Sam Strong and beating him down.


And finally, in our main event, the match that fans have been waiting for: World Champion Rip Chord will take on challenger Dusty Streets. It's a match that was made based on fan support, but Streets has put together a string of wins since being named Number One Contender and may be on-form to beat the champ.


Matches included on this streaming video:


Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord - World Heavyweight Championship

Liberty vs. Sam Strong

The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc - Tag-Team Championship

Lucha vs. Eddie Chandler - International Championship

Angel & Baine vs. The Demons of Rage - HARDCORE

Tommy Cornell vs. Romeo Hearttrob

Super Lucha vs. Don Juan & Rafael Ruiz

Dark EAGLE vs. Rick Sanders

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Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord - World Heavyweight Championship

Liberty vs. Sam Strong

The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc - Tag-Team Championship

Lucha vs. Eddie Chandler - International Championship

Angel & Baine vs. The Demons of Rage - HARDCORE

Tommy Cornell vs. Romeo Hearttrob

Super Lucha vs. Don Juan & Rafael Ruiz

Dark EAGLE vs. Rick Sanders

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Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord - World Heavyweight Championship

Liberty vs. Sam Strong

The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc - Tag-Team Championship

Lucha vs. Eddie Chandler - International Championship

Angel & Baine vs. The Demons of Rage - HARDCORE

Tommy Cornell vs. Romeo Hearttrob

Super Lucha vs. Don Juan & Rafael Ruiz

Dark EAGLE vs. Rick Sanders

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HGC Hotter Than Hell '97

Sunday, Week 4, August 1997

Illinois State Park (Great Lakes) – 15,000 people




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg


Dark EAGLE vs. Rick Sanders


A solid, well-executed technical bout that suffers, primarily, from the fact that the participants are the lesser-known parts of their respective teams.


Sanders has the power advantage when applying holds, EAGLE the whip-fast counters that put Sanders in trouble several times through the match. After ten minutes, Sanders launches one of his few successful counters of his own, rolling through on an arm-drag to apply an arm-bar submission in the centre of the ring


Rick Sanders defeated Dark EAGLE in 10:25 by submission.

Rating: C-






Ota, Thunder, and Ronin are at the interview stage. Ronin is noticeably armed, carrying a kendo stick. He steps forward. "This honored one --"


He stops, looing down at Ota's hand on his arm. Ota shakes his head, looking directly at the camera.


"Captain USA," Ota says, his voice faintly accented. "It has been said that he who reaches the battlefield first and awaits the coming of his enemy will the man who is fresh for battle. He who arrives second will find himself weary, disadvantaged throughout the battle.


"Hollyweird is my battlefield, Captain. In this war, you are the one who is disadvantaged."


Rating: D




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ElBandido.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Elctrico.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DonJuan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RafaelRuiz.jpg


Super Lucha vs. Don Juan & Rafael Ruiz


There's plenty of people expecting a fast-paced lucha bout here, but only the masked faces deliver on that promise. Ruiz is a machine, focused on grounding, and Escalera simply powers through his opponents with lariats and big slams.


Super Lucha show plenty of fire here, coming back time and again, but eventually Escalera traps Electrico with the Tijuana Twist.


Don Juan Escalera and Rafael Ruiz defeated Super Lucha in 12:10 by pinfall.

Rating: C-






"This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops, and with me at this time is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, Dusty Streets.


"Dusty, you had plenty to say when I interviewed you on Tuesday night. How are you feeling now, just an hour or two away from the biggest match of your career?"


"Calm," Streets says.




Streets nods, offering the camera an easy smile. "There may be bigger stakes, Action Jackson, but I've realised that tonight is just another match. I go in, I wrestle as best I can, I test myself against a man with a legitimate claim to being the best wrestler in the world today.


"I've spent three weeks studying Rip Chord's tactics. I've studied the men he's beaten along the way. I've been honing my skills in the ring, I've been working at the gym, I've prepared myself physically and mentally for this match.


"I may not have earned this shot the way most challengers do, I may have come in with less momentum behind me, but that doesn't change one fact.


"I'm ready, Action Jackson. I'm going in at the top of my game, and I plan on pushing Rip Chord to his limits."


Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TommyCornell.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg


Tommy Cornell vs. Romeo Hearttrob


Cornell debuts with very little fanfare, heading down to the ring as Heartthrob's mystery opponent with a hoodie pulled over his face. It isn't until he discards the jacket that the crowd gets an inkling of who just debuted...and if anyone has any questions, Jason Azaria is quick to note that the man who was dubbed "too violent" for our competitors has just stepped into a Hollyweird ring.


The match itself doesn't quite live up to the anticipation set up by Cornell's surprise appearance. The two competitors are equally matched, both technically accomplished and capable of brawling when the match demands it, but they somehow fail to click as opponents and the results fritter away the crowd's energy rather than building upon it.


Cornell has obviously prepared for this. Heartthrob goes for the Cupid's Kiss three times, and each time Cornell has it scouted. The third time, in fact, it's transitioned into a Guilt Trip, and Romeo is forced to submit.


Tommy Cornell defeated Romeo Heartthrob in 15:02 by submission.

Rating: C-






Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE are backstage, seated beside the trainers area. EAGLE is nursing his right arm, apparently still aching after getting trapped in Sander's submission hold, and the two men are discussing strategy in hushed tones.




"Tough match tonight." Brent Hill steps into view, settling down on the bench opposite Dark EAGLE. "You going after him again? "


Ricky Dale offers Hill an easy smile. "One way or another."


"Then we should get together for a training session or two," Hill says. "Work out a couple of counters to that arm-bar." He holds out a fist to EAGLE, who promptly bumps it. "You really sure you want to go gunning for Chord's offsiders?"


"Sure enough," Ricky Dale says. "Fills in the time 'til we get another shot at the belts, and I still owe Chord a little grief after the stuff he pulled at the start of the year."


"Bound to get tricky," Hill says. "Three of them, two of you."


Ricky Dale grins and winks. "Be handy if we had a couple of friends around who owed us a favour, right?"


Hill returns the grin. "Sure enough," he says. "You know the deal, partner. If you ever need a third man, give me a call."


Rating: C-






The camera cuts backstage, where Sam Strong has just emerged from the limo delivering him to the venue. He walks about a dozen steps, them comes to a stop, glaring.




The camera pans accross to reveal Liberty waiting by the venue door, arms crossed as he leans against the wall. He give Strong a grim nod of recognition, straightening a little.


"What do you want, brother?" Strong walks closer, letting the bag drop from his shoulder. the Legend towers over the American Outlaw. "You and I don't have business until later tonight."


"I just wanted to give you a warning," Liberty says. "Way back when we first started hanging out, back when you said we were friends, I asked you what was going to happen if we both ended up in the Four-Way Dance together. Do you remember what you said?"


"There are no friends in a title match." Strong's voice is flat.


"Damn straight," Liberty says. "Tonight may not be a title match, Sam, but I plan on treating it exactly the same. If you were expecting me to hold something back because we were friends, that's not going to be happening.


"What you did..." Liberty shakes his head. "I don't understand it. Maybe I will, one day, but right now, it's just unfathomable.


"And I don't like the way it reflects on me. The way your actions have cast a shadow over everything I've done in this company, just because you claimed to be my mentor."


"If I were your mentor," Strong says, "you would have shown me more respect." He pushes his way past Liberty and enters Illinois State Park. "Instead you're just one more person who turned his back of me when I stopped meeting your over-inflated expectations."


Rating: A






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkAngel.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Angel & Baine vs. The Demons of Rage w/Karen Killer


Anger and Angel start this one off, and anyone expecting Angel to give ground because he's the smaller man is quickly disappointed. He takes the biggest shot Anger has to give, and responds in kind, utilizing the lack of rules to their fullest.


The brutality escalates fast as weapons are brought into the match, and the Demons of Rage grow increasingly frustrated as they keep beating on Dark Angel, going for pinfall after pinfall that the smaller man kicks out of.


Tyson Baine comes in off a hot tag and utterly demolishes the Demons in a matter of seconds. He hammers Anger into the mat with a power slam and makes the cover, only to have Karen Killer enter the ring and rakes Baine's eyes to break-up the pin.


Baine rises, turning on his former manager, and he casually grabs Killer by the throat and lifts her. He snarls for a moment, planting her into the canvas with a Hades Bomb.


And immediately gets jumped by both Demons in the aftermath. The tag-team has chains in hand, using them to work over Baine, and Dark Angel finds his way back into the ring to even out the odds.


Somewhere amid the chaos, Baine takes Spite out of the ring with a clotheline, tumbling over the ropes after his foe. Angel boots Anger in the stomach, butterfly's the arms, and promptly lands the Descent Into Hell to pick up the pinfall.


Angel & Baine defeated The Demons Of Rage in 12:26 by pinfall.

Rating: C+






Ethan Kane rolls into the ring, spiked cane in hand. He immediately blasts Dark Angel in the face, cutting him open. Blood spills over Angel's painted face, growing sticky on the canvas. Kane stands over him, bloodied spike held high.




And Baine grabs Kane's raised fist, pulling the spike free of the Dark Father's grip. Kane squirms, swinging with his free hand, trying to connect with Baine, but the Demon Seed's grip is secure. He lifts Kane, holds him in a military press, and dumps him over the top rope.


Baine then hauls Angel to his feet, holding him steady while the smaller man regains his senses, and hands him Kane's signature weapon. For a moment Baine looks at it, as though he can't quite comprehend what it is.


And then, with a delighted grin, he snaps the walking stick over one knee and throws the destroyed pieces into the crowd.


Rating: C+




A split-screen shot shows the two competitors in the International Championship match warming up in their respective locker rooms.




Mr Lucha is currently kneeling, head bowed in prayer, exuding an aura of calm. After a few moments he makes the sign of the cross and collects his title belt, securing it around his waist as he rises.




Eddie Chandler alternates between stretching and checking his look in a mirror, making adjustment to his hair and picking the right feather boa to wear down to the ring. Grace Harper flits around, assisting Chandler in his preparation, and it's eventually her job to inform him that it's time.


Rating: C-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Mr Lucha vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper

International Championship


Chandler goes on the offensive early, throwing fists and knees at Lucha's ribs in an early attempt to soften his opponent up for the Fabulous Stretch. When Azaria notes the unusual aggression Chandler's bringing into the match, it's immediately met with Nero explaining how a title match changes your approach.


Lucha fights back, taking his opponent down with a spinning head-scissors and following it up with a series of dropkicks while Chandler is grounded. The masked veteran meets Chandler's pace and pushes past it, flying around the ring in an attempt to keep Chandler disoriented.


It works until Harper catches Lucha on the top rope, pushing him free while the referee's attention is elsewhere. Chandler is quick to capitalise on this, spending the next minute fighting to apply the Fabulous Stretch.


Lucha fights free of the hold, rolls through when Chandler tries to turn it into a sunset flip, and promptly nails the challenger with a roundhouse kick to the skull. Lucha immediately lifts Chandler onto his shoulders, hitting the Master Drop to collect the victory.


Mr Lucha defeated Eddie Chandler in 14:42 by pinfall. Mr Lucha makes defence number 2 of his HGC International title.

Rating: C+






Captain USA hits the ring, ready to wrestle. He goes through his usual schtick, waving the American flag and playing to the crowd, before setting the flag in his corner and preparing to meet his opponent.


Who doesn't come.


The Captain frowns, waiting, but there's no sign of Ota emerging from the ramp and the referee is, if anything, even more confused.


After several long moments, Ronin steps out onto the top of the ramp, microphone in hand.




"This honored one has the privilege of delivering a message from Master Ota," he says. "The Great Ota has declined to meet you in this match tonight, Captain. He says no interloper should be permitted to meet the head of the Clan without dealing with the clan's lesser warriors."


Captain USA calls for a microphone. "If that's the case, junior, get down here and I'll tick you off my list."


Ronin shakes his head. "The Shadow Clan fights for money, or pride," he says. "I'd receive neither for meeting you here, on your terms. If you wish to fight me, masked man, you will need to arrange suitable stakes and payments. Without them, even the least of the Shadow Clan would be loathe to meet your request."


Rating: E+




"Oh hell," Jason Azaria says, "Go backstage. We've got a situation developing."



The situation, in fact, is well past "developing." Monty Walker and Tayler Morton are standing over Dylan Sidle's fallen body, steel chairs in hand, and they don't seem to be interested in stopping their assault. Sidle struggles to rise, there's a clang as both Morton and Walker rap their chairs against the concrete, then slam the chairs on either side of Sidle head.


Monty Walker drops to one knee, grabbing Sidle by the hear. "You or Dread go near Calvin," Walker says, "and I swear to god, man, we're going to stop playing nice. He may be unstoppable, Dylan, but you're not."




Alex Braun immediately comes running down the corridor, yelling "Go, go, go," and the three men bolt as Dread and Emma Chase arrive on the scene. Chase immediately kneels, checking on Sidle's condition.


Dread, for his part, just looks over his fallen partner, then towards the fleeing group. It's hard to say, but for a moment it actually looks like he's pleased by the way events have unfolded.


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Backbreaker's Inc w/Grace Harper


The previous matches in this series have been some of the best-received tag-team bouts in HGC's short history, but after the initial lock-ups are done it becomes rapidly apparent that this one isn't going to meet the heights of the initial war.


Which isn't to say that it's a bad bout - these two teams know tag-team wrestling, and they put together an engaging bout - it simply fails to build adequately on their previous clashes and no-one truly believes that it's going to end in a satisfying way.


And that, perhaps, shows some prescient thought on the part of the fans - after twenty two minutes of action the fight spills into the ringside area, both the Vesseys and the Backbreaker's brawling. Bryan Vessey notices the count when it's at eight, sees Jack Dundee feign an attempt to dart towards the ring, and actually dives through the bottom rope at the last possible monent.


It scores the Vesseys a count-out win, but not the titles.


The Vessey Brothers defeated Backbreaker Inc in 22:12 via count-out.

Rating: C






The camera cuts to the interview section, where Rip Chord and his entourage are crowded around Action Jackson.


"This is Action Jackson backstage, and I'm here with the man whose held the World Heavyweight Championship for seven straight months – Rip Chord.


"Rip, first of all, congratulations on your run so far. Seven months is quite an achievement, but—"


"Seven months? SEVEN MONTHS?" Chord's outrage is evident, and Charlie Thatcher responds by crowding against Action Jackson. "Seven months is just the beginning of this reign, Action Jackson. You should be expecting the great one to be holding this belt for seventeen months or longer, for seven years or longer. Don't let Sam Strong's whining fool you for a second, brother, because Rip Chord is better now than he's ever been, and I don't plan on letting go of what's mine.


"Just look at the names I've beaten to win and retain this belt: Mr Lucha; Liberty; Larry Vessey; Dread. These are some of the best in the world, brother, and I'm still standing at the top of the heap."


"That's true," Jackson says, "but lets talk about tonight. You petitioned our former General Manager to give Dusty Streets a shot at the belt, but now it's finally happening. Any concerns about the form Dusty's in?"


"Concerns, no. Plans…well, a smart champion always has a plan, Action Jackson. A smart champion always knows what he's up against, and he always know what needs to be done in order to pick up the win.


"And in this entire company, brother, there isn't anyone smarter than me. I am Rip Chord, The Great One, the beginning of a New Golden Age of wrestling, and I am the World Heavyweight Champion. I don't intend on letting anyone take that away from me, no matter how talented or on-form they may be."


Rating: B-






"If you want to talk about displeasure, brother, then maybe we should take about you. Maybe we should take about an ingrate who turns against the man who helped raise him to the heady heights, a young punk who didn't have it in him to show respect to a legend and a man who would have been his friend."


Strong's threat kicks off a short video package that charts the relationship between the Living Legend and the American Outlaw, Liberty. It charts the duo's beginning as mentor and student, recaps the confrontations that followed Strong's "injury" and Liberty's decision to start teaming with Dusty Streets, and ends with Liberty's reaction to Strong's lies while serving as General Manager.


The package ends with Liberty's voice over: "I never wanted to take a short-cut to the top, man, and I don't want anyone questioning whether I deserved the opportunities that got given to me. I figure I should get a shot at the legend…if only so people know that I've got what it takes to take a man like Sam Strong down."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg


Liberty vs. Sam Strong


A hell of a brawl, and one that starts with the hottest crowd in HGC history. Given the age of Strong and the limitations of both men's move-sets, it was always going to struggle to live up to the hype, but Liberty's knack for taking a beating and making it look good ensures there's plenty of big responses when his come-back flurries start.


True to his word, Sam Strong fights to win using every resource at his disposal, including ripping a turnbuckle pad free and using it as a weapon through the match. Liberty times his hope-spots carefully, always looking like he can come back from the beating, but his offensive flurry is kept short and Strong is quick to capitalise on weakness.


Finally, Strong throws Liberty into the exposed turnbuckle, charging in with a Strong Arm Tactic to finish things and make the cover.


Sam Strong defeated Liberty in 24:28 by pinfall.

Rating: B-






Free Bird starts up, beginning the video package that serves as a precursor to Dusty Streets entrance. It begins with Streets stepping up and making a challenge for the title, the manipulations of Sam Strong that kept him from getting the shot, and the various times Rip Chord stood up the General Manager. This is spliced with footage from the matches between Dusty and Rip prior to this, non-title shots and contender bouts, times when Streets looks like he might sneak through, and finally ends with Frankie Future's announcement that Dusty is challenging for the title because that's what the people demand, and the footage of Dusty and Rip brawling into the back during their tag-team clash just a few days ago.


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher


It doesn't quite have the crowd support of the last match, but then the fans reactions to both Dusty and Rip are more mixed than the simple face/heel dynamic at work between Liberty and Strong.


It's surprisingly competitive, an old-school Southern bout that's more akin to what you'd see in the TWL of the seventies than the main event of a national promotion. Dusty is more than content to get for the quick pinfall, using roll-ups and surprise pinning combinations rather than outwrestling Chord, but the Champion always kicks free.


And as the match goes on, certain flaws in Streets game become apparent. His chest is working like a bellows, for example, betraying the relative lack of conditioning compared to his older opponent. He slows, allows himself to get distracted by the presence of Charlie Thatcher at ringside, and generally drifts off his game-plan.


That's not a good idea with Chord in the ring. The Champion catches Dusty with the Rip Chord DDT, following it up with a cover, securing the pinfall and the 8th defence of his title.


Rip Chord defeated Dusty Streets in 19:23 by pinfall.

Rating: B-




Overall: B-

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