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HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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"Wasn't the best debut." Tommy Cornell regards the camera with a confident smirk. "Nothing wrong with it, I guess, but some nights things just don't come together, eh? Me and Romeo didn't click, we both knew it, and the one thing the bookers were sure they wanted to do got scuppered good and proper-like.


"Thing is, it's one o' the worst matches o' my career, but it's also one we've put on tapes and DVDs time and again over the last few years. Tommy Cornell's first match in Hollyweird, it's history, innit? Folks want to see it, even if it's a bit shite, so the archive department slips it onto a disk or two."






"It seems ludicrous, in hindsight," Bryant says. "We signed Tommy Cornell, fresh from Supreme, and we give him this surprise debut, and 'cause it didn't live up to expectation we just kinda...disregarded him for a bit.


"The original plan probably would have worked - Cornell was supposed to come in on a one-night only contract, a guy we wouldn't sign permanently 'cause he seemed too unstable - and after his victory Heartthrob would have no choice but to petition for a rematch until Future finally gave hi a contract. Lots of promos, lots of putting Tommy over, making a big deal of their rematch.


"When we realised that rematch wouldn't live up to the hype, Tommy just got treated like an outsider for a stretch. We kept telling him we'd bring him in on another angle, after the fans had forgotten his original debut."






"It was a frustrating couple of months," Cornell says. "I wanted to wrestle, really wrestle, and I wanted to put the match with Nemesis behind me. I'd done a couple of spot shows after Eisen kicked me out, just one-off indie shows to keep some money coming in, and I already knew what the fans really wanted to see me doing: chair shots, crimson mask, a repeat of the brawl that'd gotten me fired.


"For the most part, I obliged them, largely 'cause I needed the money. Then Hollyweird came calling, like I kinda figured they would, and they threw a whole bunch of money my way. I walked into the meeting and talked with Rip and Joel and Dundee, made it clear that I was a wrestler and I had no interest in doing another repeat of the match that'd already cost me one job. They listened and agreed and gave me Romeo Heartthrob 'cause, when you get right down to it, Heartthrob was one of the unacknowledged greats of this sport - the odds of having a bad match with him were slim.


"Cept I went and managed it. Not that our match was the shits - it holds up okay - but it wasn't brilliant-like.


"I remember Nero coming to me, asking me if I'd be willing to go a little bloody, suggesting maybe I'd be up for partnering with Dark Angel against the Demons. It wasn't what I was hoping for, and it showed.


"And Nero just kidna nodded, and said they'd go with plan B. If I'd known how slow plan B bloody was, maybe I'd have agreed to bleed for Anger and Spite."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 37 Preview -


Coming up our latest HGC Archive instalment:


Once again, a pair of tag-teams jockey for a regular spot on the television roster after some quality matches on the house-show circuit. The Ontario Kings have had a number of impressive outings of late, but the debuting duo of Nate Coleman and Stuart Ferdinand have both size and hard-hitting power on their side.


The Great Hisato has shown that he's not afraid of anything since joining HGC, and he lives up to this reputation when he steps into the ring with the Gothic monster, Ethan Kane.


There's a history between Alex Braun and Dylan Sidle that has yet to come to light, but it's sure to add some extra fire to their in-ring clash on Tuesday night. Braun is a veteran with years of experience under his belt, but Sidle has been training with Dread and his rising knee has proven to be one of the most lethal finishers in Hollyweird today.


The Blazing Flames may have been out of Hollywierd competition for a while, but they're back with a vengeance and looking to put together the wins they'll need in order to challenge for the tag-team titles. Standing in their way is a team that's had a run of good form of late - The Tag-Team Specialists.


It's six-man action in our semi-main event as Spanish Superfly teams with Super Lucha to take on The Global Elite. There's no doubt that the luchadors have the experience edge when it comes to six-man matches, but the Global Elite are determined to prove that they excel in every type of grappling the globe offers.


And finally, in our main event, Rip Chord has issued an open challenge. There's a single World Title contract waiting backstage, and any wrestler on the HGC roster is invited to put their name on it. Which Hollyweird talent will get the shot?


Matches featured in this streaming video:


????? vs. Rip Chord

Spanish Superfly & Super Lucha vs. Global Elite

Alex Braun vs. Dylan Sidle

The Blazing Flames vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

The Great Hisato vs. Ethan Kane

The Ontario Kings vs. Coleman & Ferdinand

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Tuesday, Week 1, September 1997

Virginia Park Fields (Mid-Atlantic) – 7,541 people






Rip Chord leads the Entourage down the aisle, Charlie Thatcher just a half-step behind him, The Dallas Wrecking Crew coming behind. The whole crew pauses halfway down the aisle, giving Chord the space to push back his jacket and display the World Heavyweight Title belt to the crowd, then continues their march to the ring.


Thatcher claims a microphone from the ring crew. The Wrecking Crew hold the ropes open for the champion. Rip Chord rolls into the ring, taking his time. Thatcher hands him the microphone, and Chord unhooks the title belt and holds it high.


"I came out here tonight to talk about this," he says. "The World Heavyweight Championship, the symbol of excellence, the physical embodiment of what I've been saying since I came to this company - that Rip Chord is the Great One, the beginning of wrestling's new golden age, and the best wrestler in the world.


"For nine months I've been defending this belt against some of the best in the business. Dusty Streets? Beaten. Liberty? Beaten. Larry Vessey? Beaten. Monty Walker? Beaten. Mr Lucha? Beaten at his own damn game.


"After every pay-per-view the management of this company is faced with an important question - who will become the number one contender for my belt? They look over our roster and try to identify a man whose got the skills, the momentum, and the hunger to get into the ring and wrestle for this championship.


"Well, tonight, I made it a little easier on them. Before walking out here, I delivered an open contract to the Commissioner's assistant, Miss Farrah. The first man who gets his name on it, the first man with the hunger to succeed and face me for this title, they get a shot right here, tonight, in the main event.


"If you think you've got what it takes, track the lady down. I'll be waiting right here in the main event to see whose got the balls."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NathanColeman.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/StuartFerdinand.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. Coleman & Ferdinand


There's no real losers in this one - both sides fight with guts, heart, and the kind of skill that the Hollyweird crowd is starting to appreciate. The result is a match that elevates the stock of all four men, with appreciative applause from the crowd punctuating the action. The Kings have the experience and chemistry edge, picking up the victory when they hit the King Breaker combination on Nathan Coleman.


The Ontario Kings defeated Coleman & Ferdinand in 8:06 by pinfall.

Rating: C-






The camera finds its way backstage, focusing on the unusual sight of Fumihiro Ota slithering free of an air vent, lowering himself from the ductwork until he drops to the concrete floor next to a door labelled "CAPTAIN USA."


Slowly, cautiously, stealthily, the ninja reaches for the door handle...




...and immediately gets caught from behind by a clubbing blow by the Captain, whose been waiting for the ambush.


"You want to fight, Son, you don't need to mess around with an ambush" the Captain bellows. "Don't send your lackies to duck me. Just walk out into the ring and make a damn challenge. I'm Captain USA, Ota, and I've been doing this since before you were born. If you think you're the weirdest fella to try and take this veteran down, you're going to learn just what my years in this business have taught me."


Rating: D-






Touch Me, I'm Sick belts out across the arena as Grunt walks down the ramp, dressed for a match and heading for the ring.




He doesn't get there. Jack Marlowe and Freddie Datsun vault over the crowd barrier, targeting Grunt with a two-on-one assault.




It doesn't take long for Stink to come charging down the ramp to rescue his partner, garbage bin in hand, and the brawl between the two teams continues until a swarm of referees and security guards come down to break things up.


"The war between these tag-teams is getting out of hand," Jason Azaria says. "It's time Commissioner Future did something to put a stop to this."


"If you ask me," Nero sneers, "this is exactly the kind of behaviour the Commissioner is encouraging..."


Rating: D-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheGreatHisato.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


The Great Hisato w/Kit Hayotama vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer


Hisato does his best, laying into Kane with a series of hard chops and kicks. Kane absorbs it all, embracing the pain, and responds with a one-handed shove that sends Hisato sailing into the turnbuckles.


A charge from Kane is avoided when Hisato ducks through the ropes, angling to land a kick to the skull as Kane arrives in the corner, but it's the last big moment of offense the masked man gets. Kane regroups, grins, and proceeds to demolish the smaller man, eventually finishing him off a chokeslam.


Ethan Kane defeated The Great Hisato in 5:02 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






The match is over, but Kane isn't done. He plants one boot on the downed Hisato, pinning him to the match, and turns towards the ramp, waiting.




The Demons of Rage appear, length of chain in their hands. It's the same weapon that's been traded back and forth several times at this point, used by Vengeance and the Demons and now Kane. The Demons walk down, deliver it to their master, who immediately kneels and loops it around Hisato's throat, pulling it tight.


"Hold him," Kane orders, and the Demons each grab an end of the chain. Hisato is left there, caught between the two big man, the chain pulled taught.


And Kane reaches out one hand, waiting for Killer to pass him a weapon.


"What's he waiting for?" Kyle Rhodes asks. "Didn't Baine take his walking stick after their match at Hotter than Hell?"


"That walking stick isn't the only weapon," Nero sneers.




And indeed it isn't. Karen Killer produces a short spike – an ugly weapon, easily as dangerous as Kane's lethal walking stick, but far less intimidating.




Kit Hatoyama tries to get involved, stopping what's coming, but she's quickly swatted aside by Kane. Karen Killer immediately drags the Japanese woman from the ring.


Kane roars, eagerly charging forward, gashing open Hisato's mask and bloodying the young cruiserweight with the steel spike. With an eager smile, Kane kneels and daubs his fingers in the blood, holding it up for the crowd.


"You think me disarmed?" he yells. "You think the loss of one weapon would stop me?"


And the lights go out. There is a sharp, familiar crack in the darkness.




When the lights are restored Dark Angel is in the ring with a kendo stick and Kane is lying on the ground, his walking stick just out of reach. Angel is crouched low, like a warrior from a samurai film.


The Demons hesitate a moment, unsure of what just happened, but Killer's screamed command to "get him" spurs them to movement. Angel is already moving, rolling free of the ring and scrambling up the ramp, and he escapes with the Demons hot on his heel.


Rating: C-






Commissioner Future is kicked back in his office, feet on the desk, eyes glued to the footage playing on the small TV. He's fishes a beer out of a desk draw, and he's just about to open it when the office door opens and Paul Steadyfast steps in.


"Future, I want a match."


Future pauses, smiling to himself, and pops open the can of Budwieser. "Alright," he says, "I guess I've got a few minutes spare. Exactly what match are you after, Paul?"


"Three words: World. Heavyweight. Title."


Future nods once, sips his beer. "Three words: No. Goddamn. Way."


Steadyfast leans forward, planting both sets of knuckles against the commissioner's desk. "Care to tell me why not?"


"'Cause there's only one open contract around tonight," Future says, "and, to be honest, it was filled in approximately sixty seconds after Rip Chord announced it's existence. There's plenty of people in this company who are hungry for gold, Steadyfast, and they take care of business for themselves.


"Now, maybe if you're manager had come in here asking, I'd give the matter a few minutes consideration. You're a good wrestler, she's got a nice pair of legs on her, and maybe that combination buys you a few minutes 'fore I start laughing at your request.


"But when it comes to the world title, kid, you ain't ready to hold it. You ain't got the record, you ain't got the skills, and you sure as hell ain't going to make it worthy my while when it comes to earning money."


Steadyfast scowls, attempting to look mean. "Take care what you say, Future. You may be the boss around here, but I'm Untouchable."


"Kid, these days, you're just the guy who backs up the Specialists," Future says. "Maybe if you upped your game, I'd let you have a shot at Lucha and the International belt. The two of you have raised the roof a few times before, and when you're in-form, Steadyfast, you're a hell of a wrestler.


"But that's when you're in-form, and right now, I don't see the point in bringing you onto the main show. You want to be Untouchable, kid, you go out there and show me something.


"'Til then, stay the hell out of my office, and send Fish in to make your demands for ya. Her, at least, I don't mind seeing for no good reason."


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


The Blazing Flames vs. The Tag-Team Specialists w/Wanda Fish


There's plenty of evidence that the Flames have scouted their opponents - they target Oxford for much of the match, and they're alert for any sign of Fish and the veteran getting together to load up the knee brace.


The result is a match that sees Joel Bryant playing spoiler, taking advantage of the Flames distraction to tip the balance in the Specialist's favour. He eventually catches Teddy Flame with the One Shot Drop, picking up a rare clean victory for the Specialist.


The Tag Team Specialists defeated The Blazing Flames in 8:10 by pinfall.

Rating: C+






The All-Star Team make an entrance, Coach Dick Pangrazzio leading his boys down to the ring. Both the Vesseys and Chris Storm are dressed down tonight, wearing the matching black-and-red sweatsuits that have long been associated with Pangrazzio's stable.


Pangrazzio claims a microphone and the centre of the ring, his wrestlers arrayed around him. "Three words," he says. "Count-out victory."


The crowd immediately roars their approval, starting up a "best in the world" chant for the Vesseys.


"I don't know about you, but that isn't the kind of victory a champion walks away with," Pangrazzio says. "It all goes down as wins and losses at the end of the day, but champions don't let their opponents rack up the wins. Champions don't play the system, the play the damn game.


"And they're champions because they play that game better than any other team out there.


"Now I--"




The Coach's promo is interrupted when the Global Elite swarm down the ramp, and the All-Star Team moves to cut them off. Both sides end up brawling on the ramp, and its not long before bodies are being slammed into the steel.


Amid the chaos, the Coach finds himself face-to-face with Grace Harper, whose used the distraction to climb into the ring. Pangrazzio goes to leave, but Harper cuts him off, boots him in the stomach, and promptly plants him in the middle of the ring with the Fisherman's Suplex.


With their Coach down, the All-Star team seem to lose momentum in the brawl, and it isn't long before all four have been laid out.


Rating: C






The camera crosses backstage, but for once Action Jackson isn't grinning for the cameras. "This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops," he says, "and with me at this time is a man I used to be able to respect, Sam Strong."




Strong stands a good foot taller than Jackson, his arms crossed and his expression stern. "Do you think I give a damn about your respect, Action Jackson?"


Jackson, to his credit, meets the big man's stare without backing down. "It seems to me, Strong, that you don't give a damn about anything anymore."


"Well, that's where you're wrong, brother," Strong says. "Sam Strong isn't a bad guy, brother, he just sees the world a little clearer than he used to. Ya see, Action Jackson, I know exactly what you want from me, brother. I know exactly what it'll take for me to earn back your respect.


"You want me to come out here and apologise, brother. You want me to tell the fans that it was all a mistake, that Sam Strong didn't make a decisions that's better for Sam Strong than it was for the wrestling industry, brother. You're like every other member of the Million Strong Army that wanted to see Sam Strong burn out instead of living 'til an old age, brother.


"I'm fifty-one years old, brother, and I can't be that man anymore. I won't be that man anymore.


"But that doesn't mean I'm going to fade away, brother.


"Sam Strong, the Legend, he isn't coming back, brother, but that doesn't mean I'm done with this business. From here on you see a different Sam Strong, a man who learnt what it meant to fight taking on the best the Burning Championship had to offer. I've been hit, brother, and I've learned to hit back.


"Maybe I can't wrestle anymore, but I can sure as hell fight. You want to know how well? Just ask the American Outlaw, brother. Just ask Liberty what it means to step into the ring with the man whose embraced the fight rather than the fans.


"I go out, I fight, and I win money, brother.


"I don't give a damn about your respect, the fans respect, or the respect of anyone in this company. For three decades I've done nothing but make stars in this business.


"Now, the business starts giving back."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlexBraun.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DylanSidle.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Alex Braun vs. Dylan Sidle w/Emma Chase


These two may be cruiserweights, but neither is afraid of brawling and as the match grows increasingly heated the physicality escalates with it. Both the Braun Damage enziguri and Sidle's rising knee have been scouted, forcing both men to look for alterative means of putting their opponent away, and eventually it's Braun who finds it – he drops Sidle with one of the ugliest, most vicious running bulldogs you've ever seen (Jason Azaria, as always, identifies it as Braun's finisher from his earliest days on the indie scene, dubbing the move "the Death Knell").


Alex Braun defeated Dylan Sidle in 8:55 by pinfall.

Rating: C-






Alex Braun sits in the middle the ring, catching his breath after the match. He calls for a microphone.


"Dread," he says, "get your ass out here."




There's a moment of silence, one that's broken by the opening chords of Iron Man as Dread makes his way down to the ring. The Human Juggernaut looms over Braun and smirks, supremely confident.


Braun, for his part, smirks back. "Yeah," he says, "you just stand there and smile, big man, 'cause I've got a few things that need saying, and I figure the fact that I just took care of you boy Sidle earns me a few minutes of respect.


"You and me, Dread, we've both been around a while. We've both had careers, we've both taken on students. And I've gotta admit, I respect you. You're a big man, and wrestling's a big man's game, but you've never been one to let size decide an issue. You train, you hone, you put together a plan. If there's one man whose never let himself get distracted, who never baught into this bullshit about small men with heart, it's you.


"You're a man who likes to win, Dread, and I respect that.


"But there are lines, lines you don't cross, and last week…last week you crossed one of them.


"I don't know where you learned about Walker's history with that dumb bastard—" Braun waves a hand towards Sidle, still gathering his wits with Emma Chase at ringside "—and I sure as hell don't know where you learnt about Calvin, but if you're planning on bringing him here, Dread, if you're planning on using him as a weapon…"


Dread waits patiently for the rest of the threat. When it doesn't come, the Juggernaut walks to the ropes and collects a microphone of his own.


"Braun," he says, "you're right about one thing – I do like to win. I like to win the battles that are fought in the ring. I like to win the battles that are fought up here—" he taps the side of his head "—and I sure as hell plan on winning any battle that's fought here—" this time, Dread thumps his chest.


"Walker's one of yours. I get that. I do. You brought him into this business, you trained him, you got him a job here in Hollyweird and watched him do things you could never do yourself. You see a kid who fights like you, who worships you as a mentor, going out and being the man you could never be.


"You see the kid fighting a guy like me, pushing me time and again, and you feel a sense of pride.


"But pride, pride messes with you, Braun. It leads you to make bad decisions.


"That threat you made? That was a bad decision. Your boy, Walker, started something. I'm going to finish it the way I'm going to finish it – dominating him on ever battlefield, no matter what it takes.


"You can accept that, Alex, or you can stand in my way.


"And I suggest you think real hard about that, 'cause Walker's good – real good – but he doesn't have what it takes to beat me.


"And you, you're not him, Braun. You're just the guy who gave him a start in this business, the guy whose living vicariously through his achievements. If you and I meet in this ring, Braun, you're going to learn exactly what makes Dread….Dread."


Rating: C






The familiar opening bass riff of Comprendes Mendes kicks off a short, black-and-white promo video of Don Juan Escalera and his cronies. Escalera's voice-over accompanies footage of the group's backstage assaults and in-ring triumphs.


"In Mexico, tradition matters," Escalera says. "Pride matters. Skill matters. It's a land where wrestlers are hailed as heroes, where a young man dreams of following in the footsteps of his forebears. It's a country where a wrestler can do big things…


"unless he's too dangerous..."


The footage abruptly cuts to a shot of Rafael Ruiz cranking Electrico's head at an unnatural angle as he applies a submission.


"…too crazy…"


Another shot, this time of Pablo Rodriguez leaping off the top rope to hit a twisting moonsault with a chair to the wrestler's gathered on the floor.


"…to determined to succeed."


The last few seconds of the clip shows Escalera hitting the Tijuana Twist again and again, his opponents staying down as the confident young Mexican rises with a triumphant grin.


Rating: E+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Elctrico.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ElBandido.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg




Spanish Superfly & Super Lucha w/Miss Mexico vs. Global Elite w/Grace Harper


Some very clear lines between these two teams: the Elite are all about hitting hard and applying submissions; the Luchadors about speed and athletic high-spots, building on the familiarity that comes with a career spent wrestling in trios competition. And, as Jason Azaria is quick to point out, two thirds of the luchador team have held trios gold in their homeland.


Which is perhaps why it isn't surprising that it's the final third of the team, Electrico, that proves to be the weak link that the Global Elite work over the entire match. There's no denying the masked man's speed and long-term potential, nor the leaps and bounds by which he's developed since joining Hollyweird, but he's still very much the rookie member of the Luchadors and prone to making mistakes.


One of those sees him get caught in an Eric Tyler Half-Nelson Backbreaker, allowing the Elite to secure the win.


Global Elite defeated Spanish Superfly and Super Lucha in 8:37 by pinfall.

Rating: C+






The camera goes to the locker rooms, where Tom Gilmore packing his bags and preparing to head out. Tommy Cornell waits by the door, dressed down in ragged jeans and a black t-shirt.


"We got an hour to make it to the club," Tommy says. "Tickets are on the door."


"The fact that you got tickets at all blows my mind," Gilmore says, throwing shirts into a bag.


"Guitarist in the support is an old mate of mine." Cornell shrugs. "Owed me a couple of favours."




A ripple of anger runs through the crowd as Romeo Heartthrob appears at the doorway.


"How nice," he says. "Unfortunately, Cornell, you owe me a match. If you think I'm going to take what happened at Hotter than Hell—"


"When I beat you," Tommy says, grinning.


"You didn't beat me," Heartthrob says.


"Seems to me, I remember a bloke tapping," Tommy says. "Don't think it was me. Was it me, Tom?"


"Leave me out of this," Gilmore says. "I just wanna get to the show."


"Too right," Tommy says. He stands and looks Hearrthrob in the eye. "Listen, mate, sod off, eh?"


Heartthrob's eyes bulge.


"It's not that I don't want to accommodate ya," Cornell says, "but a) I've got plans, and b) I don't work here. Hotter Than Hell was a one night only thing, right? A little test-drive for me and the management 'round these parts. Seems some of my exploits have made 'em…nervous 'bout hiring me.


"Right now, it seems they ain't sold on the idea of Tommy Cornell, which means I ain't wrestling here. You wanna come catch me some place I am employed, mate, you're more than welcome. I hear Philly's nice this time of year, eh?


"But for now, me and Tom have plans, eh? Better luck next time."


Cornell gives Heartthrob a cheerful pat on the shoulder, then helps Gilmore with his bags. "


Rating: C






Liberty strides down to the ring, all smiles as he plays to the crowd. Despite the Outlaw's easy demeanour, he shows signs of wear from Hotter than Hell: red welts on his chest where he came in contact with exposed turnbuckles and a bruise on the side of his face where he caught the Strong Arm Tactic.


"Sunday night, I took a beating, no doubt about it," Liberty says. "When Sam Strong says he's still dangerous, I can tell you for a fact, he's right. His a big guy, he's strong, and he knows what he's doing in this ring. It seems he knows every dirty trick there is in this business, he just never saw a point in using 'em until now.


"Ordinarily, I don't mind getting beat. You walk into a ring, you take what's coming to you without complaining, yeah? But this thing with Strong, I can't let that go, man. We got a history here, and until I beat him, that history's going to weigh me down like a monkey on my back. I'm always going to wonder if I made it this far 'cause he had my back, instead of earning my spot on the Hollyweird roster.


"And the way I figure it, I made two mistakes on Sunday night, and those two mistakes cost me bad.


"One, I forgot that Sam Strong isn't the man I knew. And two, I tried to wrestle him when it's obvious he just wanted a fight.


"Now me, I got no problem with fighting, I just like to know we're throwing out the rules before we get started, yeah? So I'm out here tonight to use one of Sam's favourite words:




"And in case you're hard of hearing, Sam, I'll spell this out for you, nice and clear. You and I are going to wrestle again, and this time I know what's coming my way.


"Now you can make it easy on yourself and get Future to make the match, or you can try and duck me and I'll make you regret it. But one way or another, brother, we're going to meet in the squared circle again."


Rating: A




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher


Miss Farrah joins the announce team, and the talk immediately turns to who signed Chord's open contract. Farrah proves to be close-lipped, but the appearance of Brent Hill soon ends that line of questioning. The King of the Hill makes his way down to the ring, settling in to wait for the Champion.


To say that the fans expect big things from this is an understatement – Hill may not be the most well-known wrestler, but he's the home-town boy and he's proven he's got what it takes to stand toe-to-toe with Chord before. As the match kicks off it quickly becomes apparent that he plans on doing it again – Hill outwrestles the veteran in several of their opening exchanges, and neatly avoids the eye gouge that proved to be the momentum turner in his first clash with Chord.


This only forces Chord to dig deeper into his bag of tricks, and this time it's the careful use of Charlie Thatcher as a distraction that proves to be the champions advantage. Thatcher fakes interference several times, distracting Hill time and again, and Chord works each of those distractions into a burst of offense.


With Thatcher's feigned interference growing even more blatant the referee's attention drifts too far from Chord, and Rip is one of the worlds greatest cheats. A low blow proves the decider, allowing him to nail Hill with a DDT to retain the title belts.


Rip Chord defeated Brent Hill in 19:57 by pinfall.

Rating: B+






The camera picks up a flicker of movement – Baine clambering over the guard-rail, hitting the ringside area in jeans and a dark hoodie. The big man immediately collides with Charlie Thatcher, crushing Chord's enforcer against the ring apron, and follows it up with a clubbing blow that drops Thatcher to the concrete.


Chord sees what's happening and immediately scarpers, collecting the belt and darting up the ramp, eyes wild as he sees Baine climbing into the ring. The Demon Seed demands a microphone, and no-one's stupid enough to deny him.




Baine points, and the crowd immediately roars their approval.


"I'm done with Kane, Chord," Baine yells. "And that means one thing: you're next."


Rating: A




Overall: B-

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OoC Show Notes


- I've been going back-and-forth on the idea of continuing this once 2013 was released, but given that there's a handful of long-term angles underway and Derek B's announced there's a new C-Verse '97 coming, I'm leaning towards playing through to the end of the year and adapting the new '97 database to pick up the game in the new version of TEW. It may, however, be in a new thread with a different approach to the between show/backstage pieces.


- You know how, in C-Verse cannon, Brent Hill spent years in relative indie obscurity before getting picked up by TCW and transformed into one-half of the best tag-teams in the world? I totally don't get why it took the respective C-Verse bookers so long to come to their senses :)


- Apologies for the wonky formatting on the last show. It seems IE is having one of its semi-regular periods where the advanced editor mode isn't cooperating, and eyeballing the formatting isn't my strong suit.

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"One of the things that separated the Chord-era from the Strong-era," Joel Bryant says, "- and really, one of the things that still separates them, now that they're running their own companies - is the way they book challenges.


"Sam largely learned his approach to booking at the feet of Richard Eisen, and in the Sam Strong era Eisen had a really strong tendency to book repeat challenges back-to-back. It's one of those things he could do in the old days 'cause he was the guy who worked New York and Boston. You could run Strong versus Doom or Strong versus Keith for months at a time, confident that you could bring in someone who was just as big a draw once the angle ran out of steam.


"Chord got his start in the South, and 'cause the population wasn't there, he picked up a bunch of habits. For starters, he booked for realism - you couldn't get away with the kind of gimmicks Supreme did down south. Texas was the first place I ever heard the phrase Funny Don't Draw Money, and while I don't know that I agree with it completely, it's true enough. Treating your business like it's legit tends to be better for business than treating it like a joke.


"The other thing he picked up was making folks wait for the rematch. If a guy gets beat for a title, you build him up again before you give him a rematch.


"Down south, they couldn't just bring in a new name at the drop of a hat. If you had a real money match, you made damn sure every time the folks involved got together that it was going to draw as much as humanly possible."






"The first rule of wrestling is denial," Dundee says. "The fans want to see something, and you deny them and deny them and deny them. And then, finally, when they absolutely need to see it otherwise they're going to burst, you give it to them and you make them pay through the nose.


"I don't really care which way you go with, Chord's or Strong's, so long as it works."






"I campaigned for the shot, and I ain't afraid to admit it."


Baine grins at the camera, and the expression is strangely affable despite the red contact lenses.


"I'd debuted strong in Hollyweird and they'd kept me strong for a long time, but I could feel myself getting mired in the angle they'd set up for me. The whole thing with Karen and the Army of Darkness was going to keep me high-profile and all, and I couldn't complain about the crowd response, but I knew...


"Look, it's kinda like comic-books. If you read comic books there's kinda like X-Men and then there's the rest of the universe, you know? Spiderman and the Avengers and all that, they exist in the same world and their cross-overs feel natural and all that, but the X-Men are so tightly bound to their core plot about finding a place in humanity that they become insular as a series. When they cross-over with, I dunno, Iron Fist or something, it just feels like you've crossed a boundary.


"I didn't mind being Baine." He pauses, grins. "Hell, the big bastards been good to me over the years, but I knew the longer I spent fighting the Army of Darkness, the more I'd be stuck with an X-Men style storyline. So I kept pitching to Chord, time and again, and finally he told me to sit down with Dundee and Bryan to figure out how we'd justify it.


"Looking back, I think the justification was pretty flimsy, but at the time the fans ate it up, you know? They hated Chord as the champion so bad that they really just wanted to see me go out there and murder him."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 38 review -


Coming up our latest HGC Archive instalment:


The show begins with the Black Rebel Fight Club taking on the wild and bloody Wood Brothers, the latest instalment in the tag-team war to determine who truly is the toughest team in Hollyweird.


The masked patriot, Captain USA, has started hunting ninja and at Hollyweird TV he starts with Ronin. No doubt the Shadow Clan will attempt to tip the odds against the veteran, but USA claims to have seen all the tricks in his distinguished career and says he can turn the tables on any hijinx.


The Scarlet Samurai has a big task ahead of him - he's challenged the man whose assault forced Samurai's partner out of the HGC last week. Ethan Kane is a challenge at the best of times, but since the destruction of his walking stick he appears to be out for blood.


The Shooters and The Ontario Kings have both been searching for opportunities to shine of late, and after impressing with their teamwork they're showing their skills in singles competition. It'll be Thomas Morgan taking on JD Morgan, but you can bet that Bryan Holmes and John Maverick will both be at ringside in case things get out of hand.


Cowboy Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE are an unorthodox team, but they've been working together for months and seem to be moving with a unity of purpose. On Tuesday Night they'll be turning their attention to Rip Chord's flunkies, The Dallas Wrecking Crew.


And in our main event, things get heated when Bryan Vessey takes on one-half of the tag-team championship - Eric Tyler. With the Vesseys holding a count-out victory over the champions, you can be sure Bryan is looking to increase the All-Star Team's claim to being the number one contenders to the tag-team titles.


Matches featured in this streaming video:


Bryan Vessey vs. Eric Tyler

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Thomas Morgan vs. JD Morgan

Scarlet Samurai vs. Ethan Kane

Captain USA vs. Ronin

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers

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Tuesday, Week 2, September 1997

The Ranch of San Antonio (Mid-South) – 7,654 people




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Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers


Two teams. Four brawlers. One back-and-forth war. The size of the Wood Brothers forces the Fight Club to rely heavily on teamwork, making saves and spelling one another as the man ion the ring takes a beating.


The fans take time to warm to the match, but the impressive sight of Jack Marlowe getting Larry Wood up for a stall suplex goes a long way towards getting them onside, even if it's not enough to pick up the victory. Instead, it's a running big boot of Larry Wood that puts Marlowe away for the three-count


The Wood Brothers defeated Black Rebel Fight Club in 8:16 by pinfall.

Rating: D




"It takes a lot to put the Fight Club down and make them stay down," Kyle Rhodes notes on commentary, "but the Wood Brothers hit harder than anyone else on the roster."


"And here come some people who'd object to that statement," Nero responds. "The Nation of Filth are in the ring!"




And indeed they are, both Grunt and Stink armed with trash cans, using them liberally as they start beating down both the Wood Brothers and the Fight Club. Neither team goes down easy, sparking a brawl, and it isn't long before Freddie Datsun has brought a table in the ring. He catches Marlowe's attention, and the powerhouse of the Fight Club immediately puts on a burst of speed and catches Grunt by surprise, spearing him through the wood.


"Dear God," Azaria says, "this is getting out of hand."

"Not quite yet," Nero says, "but give it a moment.




The Professors words prove prophetic, as Casey and Monton hit the ring after that, hockey sticks in hand. They immediately go to work, cracking skulls and taking names, until security swarms the ring and separates all eight men.


Rating: E+






Action Jackson stands by at the interview stage, looking decidedly nervous. "Ladies and Gentelmen," he says, "my guest tonight isn't a man whose known for his loquaciousness, but he's asked for this time to get a few things off his chest. If this goes badly, I only ask that you tell my kids I loved them.


"Baine, what's on your mind?"




Baine doesn't respond immediately, he just stares at the camera and gives a smile that's the stuff of nightmare. "Ever since I got here," Baine says, "I've been…distracted.


"First by Karen Killer. Then by Vengeance. Then…well, you all watched my war with Kane.


"But as the weeks go by, as I beat down Kane month after month, I started remembering things. I remember the man I used to be before I was the Demon-Seed. I remember a kid named Tyson – young, violent, willing to take on the world.


"And last week, well, last week I had a visit from Frankie Future, and the man made me an offer. I didn't want it – my interest lay in vengeance, not victory – but Future talked. And talked. And talked.


"And he made me a promise.


"If I become Champion at Destructive Energy, I get to name the match of my choice. A match that can be bloody. A match that can be violent. A match that will allow me to feel Ethan Kane's blood running over my fingers.


"And after that match, if I win, if I walk out champion, then Ethan Kane is done in this business. He disappears forever, and I can get on with rebuilding my life.


"So, Rip Chord, I've got nothing against you, but you're holding the thing I need in order to free myself from the nightmare that is Ethan Kane and Karen Killer. As of right now, I am your number one contender.


"And god help you at Destructive Energy, when you find out exactly what the Demon Seed will do to get what he wants."


Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg


Captain USA vs. Ronin


In truth, there isn't much to Captain USA's offense: big haymakers; clotheslines; scoop slam; three-point stance; Hail to the Chief. The rest of the match is playing to the crowd and, as promised, countering Ronin's attempts to cheat through the sheer advantage of being a long-time veteran of the game.


Ronin shows some fire, but for reasons the commentary team can only speculate on, he's left to face Captain USA alone and eventually falls prey to the Hail to the Chief.


Captain USA defeated Ronin in 7:58 by pinfall.

Rating: D






Captain USA calls for a microphone. "Ota," he says, "that's one down, son. If I gotta beat my way through all-a your boys, don't think I'm afraid to do so."


Rating: C-






Rage Against the Machine's Killing in the Name fills the arena and a solitary wrestler makes his way down to the rings, head covered by a crimson boxer's robe. He climbs in, throws his arms wide, pulling back the hood as he does so. He's a well-built guy in jeans and a tight red wifebeater, powerful muscles visible as he shucks off the robe.


"In case you're wondering," Rebel says, "I'm not meant to be out here. They wanted to contain me down in the dark, wrestling kids still trying to prove they've got what it takes to earn a spot on this show. If they thought that'd satisfy me, they don't know what they've got on their hands. I'm the new Masked Rebel, I live to come out here and wrestling, and I've got just one message for everyone in the locker room.


"F—k you, I won't do what you tell me.


"F—k you, I won't do what you tell me."


By now the crowd has figured out what's coming, and join in the chant.


"F—k you, I won't do what you tell me.








Rebel holds his position, letting the fan continue the chant, then raises one fist in victory and leaves the ring.


Rating: C-






Backstage, out the front of the Army of Darkness locker room, where the duo of Kit Hatoyama and Scarlet Samurai are conducting an agitated conversation in Japanese. Jason Azaria takes the opportunity to point out that injuries The Great Hisato sustained last week were enough to put him out of competition, and force him to return to Japan.


Finally, a decision is reached. Scarlet Samurai departs, nodding, Hatoyama knocks on the door. It's opened by Demon Anger, who sneers at her.


"With respect," Hatoyama says, her voice gentle, "I wish to speak to your master."




Anger snorts, and closes the door again. It stays closed for a few seconds before Ethan Kane opens it.




"You have injured Hisato-San," Hayotama says. "The Scarlet Samurai cannot abide this, so he bids me challenge you to a match, as a matter of honor."


"Honor?" Kane snorts, shaking his head. "Honor is a figment, little girl. Something the weak cling to because they fear the darkness."


"None-the-less," Hatayoama says. "He awaits you in the ring."


"And if I break him, as I broke his friend?"


Hatoyama shrugs. "Then he is broken."


Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ScarletSamurai.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Scarlet Samurai w/ Kit Hatoyama vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer


The match starts with a furious assault by Samurai, all kicks and stiff chops, forcing the bigger man to give ground. Kane makes several attempts to mount offense of his own, but it's routinely blocked or ducked, with Samurai making use of the opening to inflict more damage.


The momentum turns when Kane finally connects with a clothesline, turning the cruiserweight Sumarai inside-out. It's followed by several big power moves that rattle Samurai, and the masked man never quite recovers from that. He has a couple of short come-backs, but Kane finally nails him with a piledriver to end the match.


Ethan Kane defeated Scarlet Samurai in 7:17 by pinfall.

Rating: C-






Spite and Anger hit ringside, collecting a microphone that they deliver to Kane. "So much for honor," he says. "Gentlemen, please dispose of this."




The Demons seize Scarlet Samurai and dump him over the top rope. Kit Hayotama dives forward, desperate to break the fall, but largely succeeds in getting knocked out when the limp Samurai collides with her.




The camera cuts back to Kane and his Army of Darkness.


"In case you've forgotten," Kane says, "we are the stuff of nightmares, an army of misfits and demons whose singular purpose, whose only purpose, is to bring pain to those who deserve it. We've been ordered to set aside our issue with Bayne, told he's off-limits until after Destructive Energy, and because it will amuse me --" Kane pauses, smirking as the crowd express their displeasure "-- I have chosen to acquiesce to Frankie Future's request.


"And diverting though it may be, I do not intend to spend this time destroying masked men from the orient. If we cannot target Baine, our attention will turn to one who has made himself our enemy."


The microphone is taken up by Karen Killer, whose giggle is not entirely sane. "Oh Angel," she says, "sweet, dark, Angel, why do you target us? I see you, Angel, and I see a man who understands the darkness of the soul, a man who should stand alongside the Army of Darkness.


"We are the children of darkness, Angel. We are the outcasts, the misfits, the forgotten ones. We are the children of a world who has given us nothing but pain, Angel, and in this, you are our brother.


"Yet you stand against us. You hunt us. You join with our enemies. You make yourself our enemy, Angel, and that hurts me...it hurts us.


"I don't know what drives you, Angel, and I no longer care.


"If you choose to stay an enemy, Angel, then we have no choice. If you stay an enemy, we treat you like an enemy.


"And our enemies learn one thing, Angel. They learn what it's like to live a real-life nightmare."


Rating: C+







Mr Lucha is seated backstage, polishing the HGC International Championship. He's so focused on the task that he doesn't notice the arrival of the Untouchables until they've got him surrounded, their shadows falling over him. Lucha rose, belt in hand, and looked each man in the face.


"Problem, esse?"


Paul Steadyfast stepped forward, going nose-to-nose with the masked man. "Problem," he says. "I want a shot at your title, I've been told I can't have it."


"You were also told why, esse," Lucha says. "Seems to me your issue is with Senorita Fish, eh?"


"Wanda and I have talked over," Steadyfast says. "I think my problem is you. Ever since you and I first clashed, Lucha, it's always been about you. We've got an issue that needs to be put behind us, and I can't do that until I've put you down."


"Big words, esse," Lucha says, "but I've heard them before."


"I will face you for that belt, Lucha."




"You want a title shot, Steadyfast, I suggest you get in line. " The camera pans around, revealing Brent Hill at the doorway. "Better yet, get out into the ring and earn yourself a shot. In case you haven't noticed, Commisioner Future's impressed by two things: getting wins, and showing guts. On a good day, you can manage one of those."


Hill makes a show of looking around the room.


"Say," he says, "where is Fish? You boys haven't had a falling out with your manager, have you? She was doing a good job..." he pauses a moment, grinning. "Well, for some of you, at least."


Steadyfast glares at Hill. "This isn't any of your business."


"And yet, here I am," Hill says. "And if Lucha doesn't mind, I'll hang around until you're done with your conversation. Just in case you boys have ideas about doing things three-on-one."


Steadyfast looks towards his friends. Joel Bryant just shrugs. Robert Oxford, as ever, shows no emotion.


"Alright," Steadyfast says. "I guess we're done here. But you'll get yours, Hill, and I will be taking that championship off Lucha, one way or another."


Rating: D+






Voodoo Child starts up and Sam Strong appears at the top of the ramp, dressed to the nines in his suit and tie. The Living Legend walks down to the ring, ignoring the hostile crowd, and climbs a microphone before climbing in.


"No holds barred," he says. "That's the challenge laid out before me. Destructive Energy, Strong versus Liberty, No Holds Barred.


"Brother, I came down here to spell out my answer, clean and simple: No Goddamn Way.


"This isn't about fear - I'm not afraid of Liberty. If he wants another go-around, I'm happy to oblige him, brother. The kids a name - a name I helped make - and I'm not going to say no to a winner's purse like that one, brother. Anytime Liberty wants a rematch, he can say the word and I'll meet him in the ring.


"But I'll meet him with rules, brother, 'cause I'm not playing the game anymore. I'm not risking my health...my career...on a reckless match just because someone asked it of me....just because there's a Million Strong Army of fans...who seem to think I owe them that kind of action.


"Liberty, brother, it's time to get this through you thick skull - Sam Strong doesn't step up just 'cause you or some fans think he should.


"This is a new era, brother, and I'm a new man...and I don't step up unless there's something in it for me."


Rating: B+




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Thomas Morgan w/Bryan Holmes vs. JD Morgan w/John Maverick


It's something of a mat clinic - JD Morgan wrestles a classic English style, full of innovative counters and painful holds; Thomas Morgan is trained by some of the best technicians Canada's ever produced, and he's rapidly raising his game in other areas to meet the standard of the competition in HGC.


The two go back and forth, trading holds, for nearly eight minutes before John Maverick climbs into the ring and grabs Thomas Morgan from behind. The Deadly Silence is applied, and Bryan Holmes' attempt to break the hold is met with a brutal knee from Morgan as Holmes is coming through the ropes. The DQ is the inevitable response.


Thomas Morgan defeated JD Morgan in 7:58 when JD Morgan was disqualified.

Rating: D+






The All-Star Team walk down the ramp, Coach Pangrazzio in the lead. They climb into the ring and the active wrestlers climb the turn-buckles, playing to the crowd, while Coach claims a microphone.


"HEY!" he bellows. "Enough of that. There's a time to celebrate and a time to train, and right now we're in the middle of training. For months - MONTHS - the Global Elite have been a thorn in the side of the All-Star Team.


"Thing is, last time they met, it seems The Backbreakers didn't get the job done. They walked away with the titles, but they walked away losers - they walked away knowing that the Vessey Brothers are what we've always said they are - the Best Damn Tag-Team In the World Today.


"Now maybe the Elite can live with that, and maybe they can't, but either way I want to put this issue with the titles behind us. That's why I propose we skip the rest of the season and go straight to the finals.


"Backbreakers, if you're back there, I'm laying out a challenge. You and the Vesseys, one more time, and if you pick up the victory at Destructive Energy we'll forfeit the right to challenge you until you lose those belts.


"That's the offer on the line, boys. It's up to you if you're up to it."




The Global Elite walk out onto the stage, microphones in hand.


"You're a brave man, Pangrazzio, to come out and make an offer like that," Eric Tyler says. "Until we lose these belts is going to be a long, long time, and I don't think your boys are good enough to make it in singles competition."


Jack Dundee nods, taking over the promo. "The thing is, mate, me and Eric don't really believe you're to be trusted on this one. A bloke like you, you're pretty damn smart...and even if the Vessey's aren't chasing us, I'm pretty sure you've got some new teams working at your training camp that you're just dying to make a name. Some kid with a history working with Storm, maybe, or a whole new team just waiting for an opportunity to debut."


"If you want the match, old man," Eddie Chandler says, "then there's only one way we'll sign for it - we don't want the Vesseys challenging us, and we don't want any team you manage. You forfeit the right to challenge us with any team."


"Agree to that, Pangrazzio," Eric Tyler says, "and you've got yourself a title match. Refuse us, and we'll spend Destructive Energy facing someone else. Now--"


"HEY!" Pagrazzio's bellow shuts Tyler down. "Not that we don't enjoy listening to your rants, Eric, but we've heard all we need to hear. Sign whatever stipulations you want into the match, kid, 'cause the Vesseys aren't going to be losing it. Come Destructive--"


"Shut the hell up, old man." Eric Tyler delivers the threat with casual indifference, but there's a cold anger in his voice. "I am one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, Pangrazzio, and I will not be interrupted by a senior citizen with delusions of relevance."


The two veterans glare at one another.


"If you've got a problem, Eric, we don't have to wait until Destructive Energy," Pangrazzio says. "Pick one of my boys, any one, and they're more than happy to oblige you, son."


Tyler's eyes narrow as he surveys the ring. Larry Vessey is glaring back, impassive and cold. Chris Storm bounces on the balls of his feet, eager for a fight. Bryan Vessey just grins.


"You know what, Pagrazzio? I'm in," Tyler says. "Give me the younger Vessey and I'll make an example of him. He'll learn what it really means to be one of the Elite."


Rating: C+








The video feed cuts to the increasingly familiar sight of the HGC catering area, its tables filled with wrestlers. Dusty Streets and Liberty sit in one corner, trading jokes with the Blazing Flames. Romeo Heartthrob is in another, glaring at the duo of Tom Gilmore and his fellow straight-edge punk, Tommy Cornell, as they drink coffee and discuss bands.




And in the foreground, the Human Juggernaut, carefully loading up on steamed chicken breasts and salad at the counter.






Monty Walker shouts the name, and the dining room immediately goes silent, watching as the read-headed wrestler crosses the room. Dread turn, a pleasant smile on his face, food tray balanced on one hand. If the Juggernaut is bothered by being confronted here, it doesn't show.


"You threatened Alex Braun," Walker says. "I recommend you don't do that."


Dread chuckles. "I was under the impression Mister Braun could handle a few barbed words."


"Alex Bruan can handle all that and more," Walker says. "He simply shouldn't have too. Your issue is with me, big man. Lets keep it that way."


Dread's eyes narrow. "This isn't about Braun, is it?"


"Shut up."


"Predicable." Dread shakes his head. "Did you wonder where Dylan and Emma are tonight, Walker? Do you know who they're going to collect? I know you tried to move Calvin, Walker, but it is, perhaps, too little, too late."


"You're going to leave Calvin alone, Dread."


"No," the juggernaut says, "I'm not." He puts his tray down and squares off against Walker. "Does this mean we're going to fight now, Walker?"


Walker responds with a round-house kick that catches Dread in the side, following it up with a series of punchs. The entire room immediately responds, wrestling surging forward to break up the fight, but it's near impossible to keep Walker and the heavyweight Dread apart.


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew


Three men in this match are content putting together and old-school, southern tag-team brawl. The forth man, Dark EAGLE, puts the sizzle on the steak, soaring through the air for some high-risk offense when he's not dishing out hard-hitting kicks.


The Wrecking Crew actually target Ricky Dale for the bulk of their offense, working his knee intently, forcing the Cowboy to limp through much of the match. A hot tag allows Dark EAGLE to return the favour - the Japanese cruiserweight dives Rick Sanders leg, knocking him prone and locking in a knee-bar that takes a full thirty seconds for Sanders to escape.


As the match breaks down it's the two men with impaired mobility who find themselves in the ring, and when it's gut-check time it's near impossible to back anyone other than Ricky Dale. The Cowboy digs deep and nails Sanders with a Southern Justice, picking up the pinfall.


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE defeated The Dallas Wrecking Crew in 10:24 by pinfall.

Rating: C






The bell is rung, but the Wrecking Crew aren't done. The camera cuts to ringside, where The Punisher has just dropped Dark EAGLE over a guard rail. The masked man finds himself caught there, leg against the steel, while Punisher starts firing off a series of kicks.




Ricky Dale comes out, limping in to help his partner, but he's caught by a lariat from the Punisher. The bigger man of the Wrecking Crew then turns his attention to the Cowboy, powerbombing him into the concrete.




With both faces down, Punisher helps Rick Sanders from the ring and the two of them limp up the ramp.


Rating: C-






The Wrecking Crew are met by Rip Chord and Charlie Thatcher at the top of the ramp, and Thatcher is quick to hold the tag-team's arms aloft.


"A great man is beset by challenges on all sides," Chord says. "And, as The Great One, I've come to expect this, to adapt to it. This belt I wear means I'm the envy of every wrestlers on this roster, and many who are yet to find their way to Hollyweird.


"Ricky Dale thinks he's got an issue with me, simply because he's never picked up the win when the two of us were in the ring." Chord shakes his head, full of mock sincerity. "If you think about it, it's a fools errand. I'm Rip Chord, your World Heavyweight Champion, the new Golden Age of Wrestling, and keeping this belt means no-one beats me when we're in the ring together.


"Fortunately, I have colleagues, and Ricky Dale seems content to dash himself against the treacherous rocks that are the Dallas Wrecking Crew. This is not a war he'll win, and therefore, he's not a threat I concern myself with.


"The same cannot be said for Baine.


"In some ways, I can only commend Commissioner Future for his choice, for the sheer bald-faced manipulation of the monster. Baine is big. He's talented. He's driven by a desire for more than gold. He presents the kind of challenge that gives even me pause...


"But he isn't unstoppable. He isn't unbeatable.


"And motivated as he is, he isn't Rip Chord. He doesn't have my intelligence, he doesn't have my experience, and he doesn't have my back-up.


"I commend you, Future, on finding me a challenge. I commend you on motivating a monster like Baine and giving him a reason to fight for a championship he doesn't really care about.


+"I commend you, because when we're done, when the monster is slain and I am triumphant, there will be no more doubt.


"I am Rip Chord, the Great One, your World Heavyweight Championship.


"And I am the beginning of a new Golden Age of Wrestling, whether you like it or not."


Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Bryan Vessey w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Eric Tyler w/Grace Harper


These two are nearly mirror images of one another, as comfortable throwing fists as they are on the mat, willing to put their bodies on the line in order to get an advantage. It transforms a simple wrestling match into one hell of a fight, with Bryan Vessey's willingness to go to the top rope proving to be the big deciding factor - an flying lariat takes Tyler off his feet and leaves the veteran groggy, allowing Vessey to apply his own variation of the Tradition Lift while the crowd roars their approval.




Then Jack Dundee and Eddie Chandler hit the ring, Harper running interference on the Coach. One brass knuckle shot from Dundee is enough to break Vessey's hold and draw the DQ, giving Bryan victory even as the beat-down begins...


Bryan Vessey defeated Eric Tyler in 19:25 when Eric Tyler was disqualified.

Rating: B



Overall: C+

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"The best part about the tag-team scene in Hollyweird at the time," Larry says, "was the enormous sense of potential. They'd hired a bunch of established teams at the beginning, the guys they planned on building the division around, but that didn't work out so well. The Flames went off the rails, the Filth took time to find their feet outside the hardcore style, the Demons were phenomenal at what they did...but what they did was limited. Their real successes where the Specialists and the Vesseys - two teams who came in with a name and a rep and worked.


"But underneath all that, working their way up the card, wow. Me and Billy. Team Strength Rush. Ricky Dale and EAGLE had phenomenal chemistry. Homes and Morgan were the same, plus they had the Stone pedigree behind them. The British Knights were insanely good as well, and it took them too long to realise it.


"If you were a fan of tag-team wrestling, a real fan of it, you looked at that scene and salivated over what was going to happen when all those teams started to establish themselves and build a fan base."






"Me and Bryan were always destined for greatness," Thomas Morgan says, displaying the utter lack of humility that's became a hallmark of his "Trademark" heel run. "Trained by the best in the world, possessing a natural chemistry, capable of covering for one-another's weaknesses - it's no surprise we were starting to get over with the crowd as well as the backstage management.


"They'd left our feud with the Shooters on a slow burn, letting both teams get themselves over between our clashes, but by September they were really looking to throw as at one-another, see if we could elevate our way up the card without necessarily sacrificing one of the established teams to make us.


"Under ordinary circumstances it probably could have been considered a gamble. At the time, though, all four of us looked forward to the challenge."






"Tag-team wrestling isn't like singles wrestling." Ricky Dale grins at that, takes a slug from his beer. "I mean, stupid when you say it out loud and all, but it's true. When you throw two guys out there who think like singles wrestlers, focusing on getting themselves over rather than the unit, it tends to fall apart.


"It's not just double-teams, either. Any two guys worth a damn in the ring can put together a couple of signature moves - hell, me and EAGLE had it worked out within three matches, and it would have been faster if we could-a talked without calling in a translator.


"More than the moves, what makes a good tag-team is the focus on working together to enhance each-other's strengths. It's something that takes time, even if you've got the kind of chemistry me and EAGLE had. You learn to bounce off each other in matches, in promos, in your overall approach to your career. It's why the very best tag-teams are so often known only as tag-teams - and why so few of the teams our Supreme competition front these days are comparable to lifers like the Machines or the New Wave.


"One of the strengths of Hollyweird - one of the things that's still a strength today in Total - is the dedication to treating tag-teams as important in their own right. Over the years we've worked hard to make the tag straps as important, if not more-so, than any other belt on the roster."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 39 review -

Coming up our latest HGC Archive instalment:


A big show coming up as we return to the V. Thompson Arena, with some bright new talent making their debut and some experienced Hollyweird regulars at their best.


The show kicks off with a tag-team match between a team whose got plenty to prove - Black Rebel Fight Club - and a duo whose been desperately trying to gain traction in HGC since their debut - Team Strength Rush. How will the hard-working men from Philly do against two of the most technically-minded brawlers on the scene today?


Pablo Rodriguez is in singles action for the first time on Tuesday, stepping into the ring without his usual partners in crime. He'll be wrestling HGC's newest debut,Eclipse, a masked man whose something of a legend among the West Coast independents and eager to earn a regular spot on the HGC roster.


Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE have been chasing Rip Chord's entourage of late, but they find themselves in a very different kind of fight when they're in the ring with The Nation of Filth.


The masked cruiserweight Canadian Dragon has established a reputation in both RPW on the East Coast of America and CZCW on the West. He debuts in Hollyweird against a man whose more than familiar with both companies - The King of the Hill, Brent Hill.


Tag-team action follows, with a very special debut: Phoenix II is the inheritor of one of Mexico's greatest legacies, and he'll be debuting as the partner of the lucha-libre legend, Mr Lucha. They'll be taking on Fumihiro Ota and Awesome Thunder of the Shadow Clan, and the ninja's will no-doubt be eager to hand Phoenix his first defeat.


The Global Elite continue their quest to dominate HGC in our main event, with Eddie Chandler stepping up to try and take the spot of the American Outlaw. Liberty has long been a challenge the Elite have been unable to overcome, but with their recent run of form they grow increasingly confident.


Matches featured in this streaming video:


Liberty vs. Eddie Chandler

Mr Lucha & Phoenix II vs. Ota & Awesome Thunder

Brent Hill vs. Canadian Dragon

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Nation of Filth

Eclipse vs. Pablo Rodriguez

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. Team Strength Rush

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Tuesday, Week 3, September 1997

The V. Thompson Arena (South West) – 6,827 people







The show begins with a rare sight - Rip Chord, in the ring, without the Entourage present. He soaks up the hiss of the crowd, microphone at the ready, and smiles for the cameras.


"I hear rumors that people are waiting for me to cut a deal with Ethan Kane," he says. "As if The Great One is somehow incapable of facing a man like Baine on his own. I hear rumors that people are expecting me to get disqualified, or take the count-out victory. I even hear rumors that I'm petitioning Frankie Future to get the matched changed - to allow my friends and allies to interfere on my behalf.


"Rumors. Rumors. This industry loves its rumors. I can guarantee you, none of them are true. I don't fear Baine. I don't believe he is unbeatable. He may be a demon, but I am a wrestling god, and--"




Chord's promo is interrupted by Pantera's Walk and an amused Baine steps out onto the stage. The big man dresses a little differently since his debut - he's often seen in ragged jeans and a denim vest with the sleeves torn free - but the eerie red eyes and the blood-red hair remain.


"A god, Chord?" Baine's lip curls as he considers that. "Karen Killer brought me into this company to wreck havoc against a man who believed himself a deity, instilled a kind of hatred in me for those who sought to become false idols. I left most of that behind when I parted ways with her, but out there, in the ring...it's hard to shake off old habits.


"You may be a god, Chord, but I am the demon who tore gods apart. I'm the man who made Sam Strong consider his own mortality and shake off his delusions of being a legend. And even before that, Chord, before Killer and the Demon Seed and the mess that made of my head, before I all that I was Tyson Baine, and Tyson Baine knew two things: fighting and pain.


"You're the man between me and the thing I want most, Chord, and that's not a safe place to be."


"And you're the man who comes out here and threatens my title," Chord says. "If you'd paid attention to the world, Baine, instead of just your vengeance, you'd know that was just as dangerous as my position."


Charlie Thatcher charges onto the stages, brass knuckles gleaming on each fist. He fires off a pair of wild haymakers, rocking Baine with both punches, and connects with a blow that's flush to the jaw right after. Baine goes down, conscious but dazed and spitting blood, while Thatcher stands over him.


"Two weeks Baine," Chord says. "In two weeks you'll find yourself in the ring with the best in the world.


"You're going to discover that I'm nothing like Ethan Kane."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Black Rebel Fight Club vs. Team Strength Rush w/Suzue Katayama


The Fight Club take a pounding here - Team Strength Rush have the power advantage, the size advantage, the experience edge. The only real trait the Fight Club have going for them is the ability to take a pounding and come back for more, plus Jack Marlowe's explosive bursts of raw power that takes opponents by surprise.


Ray Diaz, in particular, has a hell of a match - his height and powerful kicks nearly score a knock-out victory early on, with Jack Marlowe forced to break up a pinfall on Freddie Datsun. It isn't until Diaz is taken out of the match - speared through the ring ropes by Marlowe during the break-down - that things start going the Fight Club's ways. Freddie Datsun catches Lee Wright with the Patriot Press and makes the final cover.


Black Rebel Fight Club defeated Team Strength Rush in 9:18 by pinfall.

Rating: D+







Dread walked down the ramp, Emma Chase and Dylan Sidle walking shoulder-by-shoulder behind him. The Juggernaut steps over the top rope and waits in the centre of the ring, Chase by his side, while Sidle is left to collect and deliver the microphone.


"A war is fought on many battlefields," Dread says. "Mental, physical, emotional. I was blessed with an obvious advantage on one of these fields of battle, I've learned to dominate the others because it was necessary. To be Dread requires nothing less than domination, and anything less is unworthy of me.


"Which brings us to Monty Walker, the man without fear. A man who cannot beat me in the ring, yet returns to fight me time and again. A man who will not cringe in my presence, although I am the very source of fear. A man who wages war in the heart and the mind, not just in the ring.


"I have taken from Monty Walker. I took his pride. I took his woman. I took his health. That he comes back from each of these makes him worth of respect. He is that rarest of things in the world of Dread - he is a challenge.


"But even a man without fear has weaknesses. Even a man such as Walker has a past.


"I took Dylan Sidle as my protégé because of his history with Walker, because he is the man Walker loathes more than any other. It took time and patience to learn this, to find the man who would join me, and it has stirred anger within my prey.


"Tonight I début a second protégé, and this one shall the knife I thrust into Walker's heart. It is a man from Walker's past, just as Sidle is, and a man whose presence will bring him pain unlike any other.


"I give you the latest member of the Dread Dojo...Calvin Walker."




Coal Chamber's Loco plays, and the figure that appears is almost comical. Short and wiry, lean limbed, with a manic expression that's enhanced by layers of facepaint and make-up. Calvin Walker makes his way to the ring, twitching and snarling, clutching at large teddy-bear so tight that Nero compares it to a security blanket.


The fans, quite naturally, assume that Dread has gone loco.


"Walker," Dread shouts, "I know the pain this brings you, even if these simpletons do not. I have done the one thing you had hoped would never happen - brought your little brother back into the world of professional wrestling. His contract here is guaranteed, signed through Emma's manager's license, and one day...one day, Walker, the two of you will meet in the ring."


Rating: D+







Backstage, Dark Angel's locker room, although it's only really identifiable as such because Angel himself is present, kneeling in front of a small alter that's covered in Japanese characters. Dark Angel wears his trademark long-coat and holds his kendo stick before him, point dug into the ground and both hands resting against the pommel. The British cruiserweight's eyes are closed and he appears to be meditating.



There is a tentative knock on his door and Kit Hayotama lets herself in. She takes in the scene, blinks once, and rattles off a swift question in Japanese.


Angel rises, bowing slightly.


"Apologies, Angel-san," Hayotama says. "I was...surprised."


Silence settles over the room. Dark Angel stands, adjusting his grip on the kendo stick. He waits quietly, expectantly.


"I have come to ask..." Hatoyama blushes softly. "That is, the one known as Kane..."


Dark Angel's expression changes, openly hostile.


""He injured Hisato-san, who once named you as a friend. Honor demands a response. The Scarlet Samurai fell, but you have faced him and won. Will you...may I ask a favour of you?"


Dark Angel closes his eyes and nods.


Rating: D-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Eclipse.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PabloRodriguez.jpg


Eclipse vs. Pablo Rodriguez


This is Eclipse's first match in over six months, a lay-off caused by a serious knee injury inflicted by none other that Fumihiro Ota. This information is given early, and the match quickly revolves around whether Eclipse's injured limb will be a liability given Rodrigeuz continued assault on it.


Fast as Rodriguez is, however, Eclipse proves to be faster - he's a small wrestler, and surprisingly slight, but his speed and propensity for high-risk offense pays dividends throughout the match. It's only when he goes for a corkscrew moonsault and misses Rodriguez that the match is truly lost - Rodriguez measures his opponent and collects the pinfall after the Sinner's Salvation.


Pablo Rodriguez defeated Eclipse in 6:13 by pinfall.

Rating: C






"Ladies and gentlemen, this footage was caught on security cameras earlier today," Jason Azaria says, "and it explains why the scheduled match between John Maverick and Bryan Holmes isn't taking place tonight."




And, as you'd expect from that introduction, the footage shows a rental car pulling up in the V. Thompson Arena car-park. Thomas Morgan and Bryan Holmes get out, bags slung over their shoulder, making their way towards the backstage entrance.




And they're jumped by the Shooters before they get more than a dozen steps away from the vehicle. JD Morgan hits first, darting out from behind a van to nail Holmes with a European Uppercut. Thomas Morgan dives forward, trying to help his partner, and finds himself dropped to the ground by Maverick who promptly applies the Deadly Silence. Morgan taps...and taps...and taps...but Maverick doesn't release the hold until JD shouts "enough," and the pair walk off laughing.


Rating: E+






Killing in the Name hits the loudspeakers and the Masked Rebel II makes his way down to the ring.


"Another week," Rebel says, "another dark match for the Rebel, another warning not to come out here and perform for you people. They fined me for coming out last week, they'll do the same tonight, and the sooner they realise I don't give a damn the happier we're all going to be.


"I became the Masked Rebel because I believe in freedom, because I wanted to fight for that freedom that makes our country great. My pappy beat me down 'cause he didn't know no better, 'cause he didn't have way to control me as a kid. The man here in Hollyweird can try and do the same, but it ain't going to go no better than it did for my old man.


"How can you punish someone who doesn't obey your rules? How can you ask for obedience from someone who rejects your authority?


"I came here to wrestle, to be a symbol to these people, and that ain't going to happen 'til you let me in the ring. So, Hollyweird, we got an option. You can give in to my request and ensure I have a match, or you can keep on fining me while I come out here and run my mouth.


"'Cause, either way, son, I guarantee you one thing.


"**** you, I won't do what you tell me.


"**** you, I won't do what you tell me.


"**** you, I won't do what you tell me.


The crowd join in for the last chant.




Rating: C-


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Grunt.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpg


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Nation of Filth


Possibly the best match the Filth have managed in their HGC tenure, although much of that can be credited to the unorthodox duo serving at their opponents. Ricky Dale takes the Filth's best shots, selling them like a pro, while EAGLE flies across the ring like an angle of vengeance.




The Dallas Wrecking Crew make their way down to ringside about seven minutes in, their bad intentions plainly seen by nearly everyone. They don't get a chance to begin their assault, however, as Ricky Dale shows off what he's learned partnering with EAGLE, hitting the ropes and firing himself over the top rope in a flying splash that takes out both members of the Crew.




This leaves EAGLE to fight the Filth alone - a situation which is less than ideal - but the appearance of Billy Wood on the ring apron distracts the referee and Larry Wood hits the ring from the opposite direction.


Larry is armed with a chunk of two-by-four that he liberally applies to the skulls of Grunt and Stink, and Dark EAGLE isn't proud. He immediately covers the downed Grunt and calls for referee's attention, securing a three-count to win the match.


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE defeated The Nation Of Filth in 10:11 by pinfall.

Rating: C


The Silver Screen flares to life as Coach Dick Pangrazzio barks "Listen Up!", setting off a video package that replays the highlights from the feud between the All-Star Team and the Global Elite. Sound-bytes from each of the participants accompany the footage.


Coach Pangrazzio: We all the All-Star Team

Eddie Chandler: We came to this company to dominate.

Chris Storm: I want to be the best in the world.

Larry Vessey: Experience. Power. Skill.

Jack Dundee: Mate, we're just taking the spots our talent deserves.

Coach Pangrazzio: Best tag-team in the world.

Eric Tyler: The best tag-team in the world.

Bryan Vessey: Combining the strength of two generations.

Grace Harper: America's best. Canada's best. Australia's best.

Larry Vessey: Taking back what's ours.

Eddie Chandler: We are the global elite.


Rating: C






Action Jackson is in the interview area. "Evening folks," he says, "this is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops, and I'm here with a man whose got a lot on his mind at the moment - the American Outlaw, Liberty."




Liberty steps into the shot. "AJ, man, it's good to be here," the American Outlaw says, deftly relieving the backstage interviewer of the microphone. "Now I've gotta ask you to forgive me, brother, 'cause I'm not really in a question answering mood today. Instead I've got a few things that need saying to man named Strong, and I'm hoping you'll indulge me as I get 'em off my chest."


Action Jackson nods, urging the younger man on, and Liberty takes a step closer to the camera. "A week ago Sam Strong came out and said he didn't want to fight me," he says. "I wanted him No Holds Barred, and he said no way, brother, he's not willing to go no-holds barred with me. If I want him in the ring again, there's going to be a referee enforcing rules.


"The same rules Sam Strong isn't shy about exploiting whenever he's feeling like it's all too much in the ring.


"Well, Sam, I'm not afraid of you, and I'm sure as hell not backing down. You want there to be rules? Lets do this with rules again - and if those rules just happen to be broken, man, then they just happen to be broken.


"Get yourself ready, man, 'cause we're doing Liberty-Strong II at Destructive Energy and, brother, I swear to you, rules or no rules you're going to get the whipping you deserve."


Rating: B+


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CanadianDragon.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Canadian Dragon


It's a rough debut for Dragon - the masked man's nerves are obvious to everyone, and it's only the fact that Hill is having a similarly off night that really keep Dragon from being openly mocked from the live crowd. A blown spot early in the match sees Dragon crash to the canvas shoulder-first, which sees him spend the rest of the match grounded rather than flying. Hill picks up the submission victory courtesy of the Heel Hook.


Brent Hill defeated Canadian Dragon in 5:49 by submission.

Rating: D+






Hill rises, signalling for the microphone. "Nine months ago," Hill says, "I debuted for this company and wrestled a guy named Rip Chord. I didn't win, but I put on a showing; for ten minutes I held my own against one of the best in the world, and I showed you all I could beat him.


"A lot of things have happened since then. I've made some friends. I've made some enemies. I've taken care of some grudges that followed me into this company. And every week, every match, I've improved. The Brent Hill who debuted a few months ago is nothing compared to the Brent Hill standing before you right now...and to prove it, all you've got to do is look at last week's main event.


"Another loss, sure, but a great match, and this time I lasted twice as long against one of the world's best, and there's no shame in losing to the world heavyweight champion, especially if it's one of the few losses on your scorecard.


"Which brings me to my point - I want to face the best. It's the only way I know to get better.


"And since Chord's got plans for Destructive Energy, I'm turning my attention to another legend...another champion.


"Lucha, I don't want to come out here and posture. I don't want to call you a coward or say you don't deserve that belt you wear to try and lure you into a match. I think you're a hell of a wrestler, man, but I believe...I know...that I have the potential to be that little bit better. And win, lose, or draw, I think I'll be a better wrestler for facing you in the ring.


"So I'm asking you, Lucha, man to man, for a shot at International Title at Destructive Energy. I'm asking 'cause I think I can beat you, and 'cause you make a point of taking on the best to make that title mean something. I know there's no issue between us, man, but I promise you this - win, lose, or draw, that title will mean more after you wrestle me than it did before hand."


Rating: D+




The camera cuts to the catering area, catching Paul Steadyfast throwing a plate full of food at the wall after watching Hill's challenge on the backstage monitor. The Specialists sit at a nearby table, calmly eating, although Joel Bryant does raise an eyebrow at the outburst. Instead, it's Wanda Fish who rises from the table, giving Steadyfast an even stare.


"Paul," she says, "that wasn't really necessary, was it?"


"Necessary?" Steadyfist turns, fists clenched. "I wanted that title shot, Fish. I wanted that title shot, and I wanted to beat Lucha in the centre of the ring. Do you really think that masked loser is going to step away from a challenge like that? Hill's going to climb to the top of the queue--"


"Which you weren't a the top of anyway," Fish says. "Strong told you as much when you confronted him." She pauses, fighting off a smirk. "Against my advice, I might add."


"Your advice has turned me into a laughing stock," Steadyfast says.


"My advice was built around earning this group money," Fish says. "You didn't have a problem with that when we started, Paul, but it seems your ego--"


"My ego has nothing to do with this."




"Listen to the man." The camera pans, revealing Spanish Superfly and the Luchadore posse standing nearby. Superfly has his arms folded, glaring daggers at Fish, and his girlfriend Miss Mexico hovers by his shoulder.


There's the scrape of chairs against concrete as the Specialists stand, moving to back-up their manager and partner. Super Lucha step forward as a result, and both sides end up glaring daggers at one another.


"If there's an ego on your team, senorita," Superfly says, "I'm willing to bet it looks better in a skirt than he does."


Fish's expression is flat. "Do we have a problem, Mr Fly?"


"Si," he says. "A big one. We call it the problem of the crazy chiquita who allies herself with bad men and tries to beat up my mamacita. Not that she can't take care of herself--"


Miss Mexico grins at Fish.


"--but the Hollyweird Grappling by-laws prohibit women getting in the ring. Way I figure it, esse, if the mamacita's can't get it on..."


Superfly takes a step forward, getting in Steadyfast's face.


"...then you and I will have to settle it, man to man."


"No. Your issue's with Escalera," Steadyfast says. "Escalera and Fish."


"Escalera will get his, esse," Superfly says. "But the crazy chiquita's in your corner, and that makes you fair game, comprende? "


Steadyfast looks like he's going to respond, but Fish cuts in. "Yeah," she says, "We 'comprende' just fine. We'll see you in the ring, Superfly. Count on it."


"Good." Superfly grins at her, edging off along with his friends. Fish and the Specialists watch them leave. Steadyfast just glares at Fish.


"What?" Fish says.


"This isn't my fight."


"A fight's a fight," Fish says. "You signed me to take care of business, Paul, and that's what I do. You may not like my personal associations, but you've just got something you hadn't had in a few weeks - a main-show match and a chance at the winner's purse. If you've changed your mind about earning money, say so now and I'll take my business elsewhere."


Steadyfast glares. "I'm not happy, Wanda. I'm not happy at all. And that should be something that concerns you...comprende?"


He turns and leaves, departing in the opposite direction to the Lucha posse.


Rating: D-


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Phoenix2.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg


Mr Lucha & Phoenix II vs. Ota & Awesome Thunder


The match kicks off at a furious pace, borrowing heavily from the CZCW playbook that all the wrestlers - and the SoCal crowd - are intimately familiar with. The story of the match revolves around Phoenix II and whether he can hold his own among the more experienced wrestlers in the ring, but it's told with a series of crazy dives, high-spots, and high-impact moves.


Phoenix tries for the pinfall several times, but despite a strong showing it's when the younger overextends himself that the heels pick up the bulk of their offense. Fortunately Lucha is there to play the patient mentor, making the save and guiding traffic, and eventually it's the veteran who picks up the victory courtesy of the Master Drop.


Mr Lucha & Phoenix II defeated Ota & Thunder in 9:51 by pinfall.

Rating: B-





For three guys who claim they aren't an affiliated stable, Escalera and his flunkies have a remarkably coordinated assault. Rafael Ruiz hits the ring from one side, drawing attention, while Don Juan Escalera cuts Mr Lucha down to size with a low dropkick. Pablo Rodriguez immediately flies past, delivering the Final Judgement.




Phoenix scrambles into the ring, looking to aid his mentor, but he finds his path blocked by Rafael Ruiz who neatly takes the panicked rookie to the mat. Escalera calls for the microphone.


"Word the wise, Phoenix," he says. "Don't place too much faith in legends, vato. I call tell you from experience..." Escalera plants a brutal kick in Mr Lucha's ribs "...they're only going to disappoint you."


He dumps the microphone and gestures. Immediately Rodriguez and Ruiz break off the assault and follow Escalera up the ramp, while Phoenix scrambles to the side of the injured of the Lucha.


Rating: D-




Backstage, and Rip Chord stares intently at a camera, Charlie Thatcher at his shoulder. "A champion gets used to living under siege," Chord says. "Even a man such as I feels the pressure of it, being the focus of so much hunger. Every wrestlers wants to be a champion, if they don't they're in the wrong business, and the championship they're coming for is in my possession.


"Future's made Baine the number one contender to this title. It's a smart move on Future's part, one I anticipated...even if I thought it unlikely; unleashing a man like Baine is dangerous under the best of circumstances. I respect Baine. Maybe I'm even a little afraid of him.


"But we both know, in a wrestling match, The Great One is more than a match for that kind of strength and power. I'm Rip Chord, the new Gold Age of wrestling, and what I do, I do better than any man alive.


"Baine, at Destructive Energy, we are going to have a wrestling match, and I'm going to have Charlie Thatcher in my corner to ensure you don't get out of hand. You may be big, Baine, but you're not invulnerable, and if you cross a line..."


Charlie Thatcher grins and lifts a fist, showing off the gleaming brass knuckles.


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg

Liberty vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper


It's a solid match, rather than a spectacular one. Liberty darts around the ring, Chandler struts, but the match is more about the pair out-performing one another than out-wrestling their opponent.


Harper remains a dangerous presence at ringside, but ultimately she proves to be a hindrance for her client. Chris Storm makes an appearance when she's distracting Sam Sparrow, the junior member off the All-Star Team sliding into the ring to nail Eddie Chandler with a Belly-to-Back suplex.


Chandler kicks out of Liberty's hurried cover following the incident, but the hard impact with the canvas takes its toll. Liberty soon catches him with a Liberation Slam to secure victory.


Liberty defeated Eddie Chandler in 18:45 by pinfall.

Rating: C+




A slow, mocking clap comes over the speakers and Sam Strong walks out onto the stage.




For a moment nothing is said, the two men simply glare at one another, unwilling to be the first to blink. They advance, Strong walking down the ramp, Liberty walking up it, until they're standing nose-to-nose.


It's Strong who starts talking trash, Liberty responds, and it isn't long before they start throwing fists.


Their battle rolls along the ramp and up onto the stage, where Strong gets the upper hand courtesy of a low blow. A big boot follows, knocking Liberty to the floor.




A roar passes through the crowd as Dusty Streets makes his appearance, hitting the stage with a chair in hand. Strong immediately decides that discretion is the better part of valour, and Dusty chases the Living Legend backstage as the cameras go dark.


Rating: A



Overall: C+

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"It took Dusty longer than pretty everyone to get with the program," Rip says, "but even he got with the program eventually. He's a kid with plenty of ego, I'll give him that, but he knew tag-team wrestling better than pretty much anyone but the Flames, and he started working with some of the undercard guys like the Nation of Filth."






"The Filth had a really uneven presence on the roster." Ricky Dale eases back in his seat, scratching his cheek as he considers the question. "They came into the company with a lot hype, but they didn't...well, they didn't really know how to work outside of a hardcore brawl.


"Everyone expected the Filth to be a big deal - their feud with the Flames was supposed to position them as the third team on the totem pole - but the fans just never got behind them. They spent half of ninety-seven working for CPW, just rounding out their skills, and even that wasn't enough.


"In a lot of ways, you can credit the success of the Filth to the work they were doing with Dusty. He spent a lot of ninety-seven and ninety-eight knocking the rough edges off them, making sure they could get over with the fans and the boys."






"People like to give Dusty credit," Larry Wood says, "but the truth is, what you were seeing in the Filth were two guys who were adapting, 'cause that's what wrestlers do. The Filth had passion. They wanted to make it, no matter what, and it pissed them off that the thing that had brought them to the dance wasn't the thing that would get them over.


"So they adapted. Learned to brawl a little better, learned how to get each other, paid attention to the way guys were putting together shows. They fleshed out their game, and Dusty Streets just happened to be there about the time it all happened.


"I'm not going to say Dusty did nothing - he helped a lot in the short-time he worked with them - but lets not short-change the Filth. They were ambitious guys who were always going to make it."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 40 Preview -


Coming up on our latest HGC Download:


Wanda Fish and Miss Mexico have been at each other's throats for months now, but HGC bylaws don't permit the presence of women in the ring. There's no such prohibition keeping their clients from battling, however, and so Spanish Superfly will take on the reluctant Paul Steadyfast in our opening match.


Tag-team action follows when Scarlet Samurai and Tom Gilmore band together as the Straight-Edge Samurai. Commissioner Future has made a tough match for the fledgling team, pitting them against the wild Canadian Wood Brothers.


Captain USA never backs down from a fight, but even he has to hesitate when it comes to his Tuesday night opponent - the unstoppable human juggernaut, Dread.


Six-man action follows that, with the trio of Don Juan Escalera, Rafael Ruiz, and Pablo Rodriguez continuing their attempts to establish dominance in the company. They'll be facing the returning Ultimate Phoenix, fresh off a run with CPW, whose bringing in a pair of masked friends - Silver Shark and Panda Mask.


The Blazing Flames have been on a tear since declaring themselves the standard-bearers of the tag-team division, but they'll be facing the Team Strength Rush of the newly-formed Strong Style Army and the Rush will be looking to claim scalps.


Finally, in the main event,the number one contender, Baine, will be squaring off against the Enforcer of the Entourage, Charlie Thatcher. One things for certain with this one - it's going to be a war.


Matches features in streaming video include:


Baine vs. Charlie Thatcher

The Blazing Flames vs. Team Strength Rush

Ultimate Phoenix, Silver Shark, & Panda Mask vs. Don Juan Escalera, Rafael Ruiz, & Pablo Rodriguez

Captain USA vs. Dread

Straight Edge Samurai vs. The Wood Brothers

Spanish Superfly vs. Paul Steadyfast

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HTV_Logo.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tuesday, Week 4, September 1997</strong></p><p>

<strong> Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England) – 7,991 people</strong></p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


The show opens with Brent Hill in the ring, microphone at the ready.</p><p> </p><p>

"It's been a week since I laid out my challenge," Hill says, "and I'm yet to get a response from either Lucha or the commissioner. That's fine. I get it. Lucha's got a lot on his mind right now - Don Juan Escalera is leading this crusade against him, Paul Steadyfast is ranting about getting himself a rematch, and I can tell you from experience that have a protégé - even one as talented as the next Phoenix - takes up time you'd otherwise spend working on your game.</p><p> </p><p>

"With all that on your plate, it's easy for things like a challenge for your title to slip your mind, especially when you're getting jumped and having your ribs caved in by guys like Escalera.</p><p> </p><p>

"Lucha, I still want to face you, but I want you at your best, man. If you're not up a match on Sunday, there's no shame in saying so. Just come out here and tell me to my face, brother, and I'll find myself another match when the pay-per-view comes around."</p><p> </p><p>

Lucha walks out onto the stage, Phoenix II at his side. The Lucha Legend wears the International belt around his waist, and he grins as he taps a microphone to make sure it's live.</p><p> </p><p>

"Hill, I'm not going to waste your time," Lucha says. "I may be hurting, but this title only means something if I defend it against the best, and I'll give it to you, esse, you're almost as good as you think you are. You want a match at Destructive Energy, you got one. Lets you and I give these people a match worth writing home about."</p><p> </p><p>

Hill grins at the news, nodding once.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>



<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg</span><strong> w/</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Spanish Superfly w/Miss Mexico vs. Paul Steadyfast w/Wanda Fish</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It's not hard-hitting - brawling isn't the forte of either of these two men - but there's an unmistakable undercurrent of aggression here. Holds are cinched a little harder, bursts of movement have a little more velocity than usual, and Superfly takes more risks than usual in his efforts to put Steadyfast down. </p><p> </p><p>

No-one truly expects the women to stay out of this one, and true enough both Mexico and Fish start trading barbs early, engaging in a war of wards that escalates to a physical confrontation. Miss Mexico nails Fish with a tope off the ring apron, an action that distracts Paul Steadyfast just long enough for Superfly to roll his opponent up and pick up the three-count.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Spanish Superfly defeated Paul Steadyfast in 12:29 by pinfall</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


The Tag-Team Specialists hit the ring a few seconds after the pinfall, taking Superfly down with a double-clothesline. They proceed to kick him while he's down, before feeding him to Paul Steadyfast for a Slingshot Suplex.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


Miss Mexico climbs into the ring, shoving Steadyfast and his cronies away from Superfly. All three men look slightly bewildered by this, unsure about attacking a woman, but the decision is taken out of their hand - Wanda Fish rises, dishevelled but not beaten, and takes out Miss Mexico with a Dish of the Day roundhouse kick from behind.</p><p> </p><p>

Fish isn't content. She produces the loaded knee pad and throws it at Oxford. "Put it on," shouts, then lifts the limp Miss Mexico. Oxford hesitates. Joel Bryant actually frowns. Only Paul Steadyfast actually turns away, disgusted by what they're being asked to do. </p><p> </p><p>

"Do it," Fish shouts. "DO IT!"</p><p> </p><p>

Reluctantly, Oxford backs up.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ElBandido.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Elctrico.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


Super Lucha hit the ring with dropkicks for everyone. Oxford goes down. Steadyfast goes down. Joel Bryant is fired out of the ring. Fish chooses to let Mexico go and surrender the ring before the masked men get to her, gathering up her clients and retreating up the ramp.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: D</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


The silver screen fires up, showing Cowboy Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE standing beside a locker room door. Ricky Dale looks at the camera. "You ready, partner?"</p><p> </p><p>

He turns to Dark EAGLE. "How 'bout you?"</p><p> </p><p>

Dark EAGLE nods once, punching a fist into the palm of his left hand.</p><p> </p><p>

"Well then," Ricky Dale says, "lets get this done."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


He opens the locker room door and bursts in, surprising Rip Chord and his Entourage. Charlie Thatcher half-rises, ready to kick ass, but Chord actually lay restraining hand on his bodyguard. The Wrecking Crew get to their feet, just in case, but the camera focuses on the World Champion as he rises and straightens his suit. "Can we help you, brother?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Help?" Ricky Dale's lip curls. "I'm not here for help, Chord. My father always taught me that you gotta demand respect in this world, and if a man doesn't show you the respect you've earned, you gotta keep coming after him day after day after day until he breaks. You've disrespected me, Chord. Every time we've wrestled, you've disrespected me, and one day I'm going to break you of that habit.</p><p> </p><p>

"That belt keeps you safe, Chord, but it won't keep you safe forever, and we're here to tell you and yours about a match Commissioner Future's made for Destructive Energy, partner."</p><p> </p><p>

"Your tag-team bout with the Wrecking Crew?" Chord's grin is utterly smug. "Do you really think we needed to be told about this? Do you think Future makes any matches for the Great One's coterie without picking up the phone and consulting with me? I'm Rip Chord, your World Heavyweight Championship, and it's my name...my belt...that brings the fans into this company. </p><p> </p><p>

"We know about the match, brother. Hell, I endorsed it. You and Dark EAGLE are good, brother, but you're not the Dallas Wrecking Crew. When they beat you, brother, and they're going to beat you, it'll put them one step closer to earning a shot at the World Tag-Team Championship."</p><p> </p><p>

Chord nods to his compatriots, who rise in unison.</p><p> </p><p>

"Now if you'll excuse us," Chord says, "we were preparing Charlie for his bout tonight. Unlike the two of you, Baine is an opponent to be handled with care..."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: C</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ScarletSamurai.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg</span></p><p><strong>


<strong> Straight Edge Samurai vs. The Wood Brothers</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The match starts with a star-down between Samurai and Billy Wood, the two men circling slowly and giving the crowd plenty of time to realised the size-difference between the Japanese junior and the Canadian wild-man. Jason Azaria uses the minutes to talk about the formation of the new tag-team, crediting Tommy Cornell with suggesting his friend Gilmore team with Scarlet Samurai.</p><p> </p><p>

The circling ends with a furious assault by Samurai, the masked man lunching forward and plastering Wood with a serious of stiff chops and slaps. Billy gives ground, which merely serves to open him up for a step-up enziguri, which quickly leads to Samurai locking in an arm-bar while Billy's on the ground.</p><p> </p><p>

Several quick tags keep the faces in control of the match, at least until Tom Gilmore goes to the ropes and Larry Wood runs along the apron and catches him with a clothesline. The Wood Brothers immediately cut the ring in half and work over the Straight Edge star, and even the chaos that follows the inevitable hot tag isn't quite enough for the Straight Edge Samurai to regain their early advantage. Billy Wood elevates Gilmore into Larry's power-bomb, giving the Wood's a victory courtesy of the Wood Chipper.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> The Wood Brothers defeated Straight Edge Samurai in 8:59 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong> Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


The Black Rebel Fight club slide into the ring and immediately start brawling with the Wood brothers. There's nothing subtle about it - just four hard-hitting brawlers going at it.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FrankieFuture.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


They're still at it when <em>Get On Up</em> starts playing and Frankie Future hits the stage, Miss Farrah hot on his heels. Farrah is holding an air-horn.</p><p> </p><p>

"Alright you four," Future says, "knock it the hell off."</p><p> </p><p>

No-one listens. At all. Future shakes his head and hands the microphone to his secretary, giving her the order to "do it." He then fingers against both ears and the entire audience does the same as Farrah holds the air-horn to the microphone and lets loose. </p><p> </p><p>

It was always going to be an ugly sound, but amplified by the speakers and the Connecticut Symphony Hall's acoustics, it's enough to disrupt even the fevered brawl in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Future reclaims the microphone, shaking his head. "I'm sorry that was necessary," he says, "but when I tell you four to knock it the hell off, I mean KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF. You four, the Filth, and the Maulers have been jumping one another for months and it's starting to get old, boys. It's starting to get real old.</p><p> </p><p>

"Now I was going to book a match for Destructive Energy to let you all get it out of your system, but instead I'm going to reward the wrestlers who resolve these things the way they they're meant to be resolved. The Shooters and the Ontario Kings have both been angling for a regular shot on the Hollyweird roster, and they've all been eager to resolve things in the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

"Well guess what, fellas - on Sunday they've got your spot. Hell, I'll throw the cash I'm about to fine you four into the winner's purse so they walk off with a little extra.</p><p> </p><p>

"As for you four, you're being fined and stood down for Destructive Energy. If you four, or any of your friends, get involved with one another between now and the pay-per-view, I'll have no problem suspending all eight of you.</p><p> </p><p>

"Now we'll revisit this issue in a weeks time, when you've all had a chance to calm down, but mark my words gentlemen - I am in charge of this company and I'm not going to accept this kind of unofficial war taking place. You're wrestlers. You fight to make this company money and walk home with a share of the winner's purse. If you have no interest in either of these things, you can go brawl in the parking lot for free, understood?"</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Silver Screen fires up, showing footage of Tommy Cornell seated in the HGC catering area, drinking a can of Pepsi. "What the hell is that guy still doing here?" Rhodes asks on commentary. "We brought him in for one night, and he just keeps hanging around."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkAngel.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


Cornell sits alone, although the "Angry" Tom Gilmore t-shirt he wears goes a little way towards answering Kyle Rhodes' question. He's soon joined by Dark Angel, who sits quietly.</p><p> </p><p>

"Gov'" Cornell says, nodding a greeting. Dark Angel stares, showing no emotion. Cornell shrugs and sips his drink. "Thanks for suggesting Samurai," he says. "They may not have picked up the win, but Gilmore feels good about the team, eh? He always wanted to do a tour of the orient an all."</p><p> </p><p>

Dark Angel nods slightly, acknowledging the gesture.</p><p> </p><p>

"Hear you got a taste of the orient as well," Cornell says. "Taking on Baine for Hatoyma. Gusty call."</p><p> </p><p>

Angel shrugs.</p><p> </p><p>

"'Spose you've had some practice," Cornell says. "Better you than me, eh? We all know what happened last time I got in the ring with a bloke like that." He bunches a fist and mimes several shots to the skull, targeting the spot where Nemesis busted him open in their infamous 'bout. "Stupid buggers in charge seem to think it's the only way I know how to wrestle."</p><p> </p><p>

Another shrug from Dark Angel.</p><p> </p><p>

"True enough," Cornell says. "No point complaining. Good luck on Sunday, eh? If you need a hand." He offers his. Dark Angel looks at it for a moment, then reaches out and shakes. </p><p> </p><p>

"Just let me know how I can help," Cornell says. </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg</span><strong> w/</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CalvinWalker.jpg</span></p><p><strong>


<strong> Captain USA vs. Dread w/Emma Chase & Calvin Walker</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

USA! USA! USA! There may not be much to Captain USA's offense, but there's no-one who provokes a reaction from the crowd like the masked patriot and when faced with a monster like Dread he feeds on the crowd's enthusiasm and fights back. He even succeeds in doing something that's rarely seen in HGC - taking Dread off his feet with a three-point stance into a shoulder block. </p><p> </p><p>

Emma Chase and Calvin Walker both try to interfere at that, but the Captain has the situation well in hand. He drops Calvin Walker with a punch as the rookie tries to climb through the ropes, then calls Sam Sparrow's attention to Chase while she's on the apron.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

And this proves to be the Captain's major mistake. The ring is suddenly filled with ninja, all three of whom hit and run. Awesome Thunder spins USA around with a Palm Strike, Ota lands the Ninja Strike, and Ronin comes off the top rope with the Kamikaze Forearm.</p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA is down, and he's still down a few seconds later when Dread recovers. The Human Juggernaut adds his own punctuation point in the form of a Dread-sault and claims victory.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Dread defeated Captain USA in 8:28 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong> Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Global Elite are on the interview stage, Destructive Energy banner visible behind them. Eddie Chandler is pacing back and forth, visibly agitated.</p><p> </p><p>

"Three seconds," Chandler says. "That's how long it takes to lose a wrestling match. It's how long I spent on the canvas after Liberty hit the Liberation Slam. Except those three seconds shouldn't have happened. Those three seconds were the result of Chris Storm interfering and surprising me with a suplex. Three seconds. Chris, we were done with you. You should have stayed done with. </p><p> </p><p>

"Now, you're back on my radar, and that's a dangerous place to be. The last time we met in the ring the Fabulous Stretch made you submit. Next time, I plan on locking it in and holding it 'til you pass out."</p><p> </p><p>

He hands the microphone to Eric Chandler, who gives the camera a grim smile. "Ever since we won these titles," Tyler says, "we've been hearing the same thing - best tag-team in the world. Best tag-team in the world. Best tag-team in the world.</p><p> </p><p>

"You know how you recognise the best tag-team in the world? They're wearing gold around their waist and beat down their opponents."</p><p> </p><p>

The microphone is passed on to Dundee, whose manic smile shows off missing teeth. "The last time I checked, Backbreakers Inc had the gold," he says, "and mate, I feel sorry for any dumb bastards who try to take these belts off us. I don't care if its the Vesseys, the Flames, or the Tag-Team Specialists, they're all going to learn what it means to be Elite.</p><p> </p><p>

"Tonight we're going to beat down the Vessey Brothers. We're going to retain these titles and take the one thing Larry and Bryan still have of value - the reputation for being the best in the world will finally go to the team who truly deserves it."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: C</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

'White Angel' Kit Hatoyama heads down to the ring. When she reaches the crew at ringside, she bows deeply and requests a microphone before climbing into the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

"I came to this company to manage The Great Hisato," Hatoyama says, her fluent English tinged with a British accent. "That ended when Hisato was brutalised by the one known as Ethan Kane and his Army of Darkness. When Hisato's friend, the Scarlet Samurai, challenged the man who injured him, honor demanded I be in his corner.</p><p> </p><p>

"The Scarlet Samurai failed, and so honor demanded I find a new champion - the Dark Angel. He has consented to let me speak for him, and it is my great honor to do so. In America, you do not know the Dark Angel, but in my homeland he is respected as a man of great skill and grace. He has fought in Nippon for many years and defeated some of our best.</p><p> </p><p>

"But for all his grace, he is also a man of great violence. A man capable of bloodshed unimagined by ordinary men.</p><p> </p><p>

"I am Kit Hatoyama. I am the White Angel that will speak in the Dark Angel's ear. Together we shall rise through this company and achieve things of much greatness.</p><p> </p><p>

"But when Sunday comes and the Dark Angel steps into the ring with Kane, even the voice of the White Angel in his ear will calling for blood."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Brave words, child." Ethan Kane walks out onto the stage, the Army of Darkness emerging with him. "Brave words, but ultimately futile. You stand there and claim your Dark Angel has a soul that understand carnage? My own understands it just as well, and I have two men in my corner whose existence revolves around anger and spite. </p><p> </p><p>

"I have already eliminated one of your clients, Hatoyama. On Sunday, I shall take the opportunity to eliminate a second."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>





<strong> Ultimate Phoenix, Silver Shark, & Panda Mask vs. Don Juan Escalera, Rafael Ruiz, and Pablo Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Plenty of quick tags and exchanges in this one, but the moment that really catches the crowd is Silver Shark tagging in Panda Mask for the first time. Mask kinda...gambols his way into the ring, ambling towards the centre of the mat before crouching and blinking at Rafael Ruiz like an actual panda that's stoned on bamboo.</p><p> </p><p>

Ruiz isn't sure what to do with that. He tries for a lock-up, but Panda Mask doesn't cooperate. He shoves the masked man, and again there's no reaction. Finally, in frustration, Ruiz slaps his opponent.</p><p> </p><p>

And that's when Panda Mask looses his shit. Something snaps inside the young wrestler, leading to a ferocious assault that includes punches, elbows, and a snap rana takedown. The entire thing is coupled with Kyle Rhodes gleeful call of "Panda Attack Mode!"</p><p> </p><p>

The animalistic assault gets a great reaction from the crowd, but after the initial shock wears off Ruiz is more than capable of dealing with it. He slows Panda Mask down with a kick to the knee, tags in Pablo Rodriguez for the Final Judgement, and only a desperate tag from Panda Mask keeps the match alive.</p><p> </p><p>

From there the superior team-work and experience of Esalera's team proves to be the deciding factor, with Don Juan picking up the victory when he catches Ultimate Phoenix with the Tijuana Twist.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Don Juan Escalera, Rafael Ruiz and Pablo Rodriguez defeated Ultimate Phoenix, Silver Shark and Panda Mask in 8:23 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong> Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Escalera calls for a microphone. "Masked mem," he says. "It seems the officials here in Hollyweird are fascinated by them, whether they're Mexican, Japanese, or American. Perhaps if we three had worn them, we would have found jobs here much faster.</p><p> </p><p>

"But then, Rafael Ruiz never needed a mask. He chose to rely on his own skill, his ability toinflict pain, and for that he was overlooked when Hollyweird came looking for Mexico's best. Too dangerous, they said. Too good at inflicting pain.</p><p> </p><p>

"Pablo Rodriguez wasn't offered a mask. The most talented young wrestler in lucha-libre, and no-one wanted their legacy associated with him. Too crazy, they said. Too reckless. Too willing to take chances.</p><p> </p><p>

"And me? I was offered a legacy. I had the chance to follow in the footsteps of one of the greatest wrestlers Mexico has ever produced. Then, when the time came to take the mask that was rightfully mine, I was told I wasn't suitable. Too my pride, they said. Too much arrogance.</p><p> </p><p>

"It isn't arrogance if you've earned the right. It isn't pride when you're as good as I am. We found our way here without masks and we've walked away with the winner's purse more often than not. We are the best wrestlers Mexico has ever produced - masked or unmasked - and we will not be denied.</p><p> </p><p>

"This is something you should think on, whether you're a fan, a wrestler who has to face us in the ring...or the protégé of a legend."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: D-</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>




We return from a commercial break and Masked Rebel II is on the interview stage, dressed down in a tight black t-shirt that shows off his impressive physique. "Another week," he says, "another pre-show match, another fine for refusing to be held down. The Men in Charge here are starting to learn what the rest of us already know - you cannot hold down a rebel.</p><p> </p><p>

"You cannot make a man bow if he will not bend his knee.</p><p> </p><p>

"Good things come to those who believe...and you people have believed in me. </p><p> </p><p>

"Next week there will be no need for fines. Next week the revolution begins."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpg</span><strong> w/</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg</span></p><p><strong>


<strong> The Blazing Flames vs. Team Strength Rush w/Suzue Katayama</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Neither team has been a regular feature on Hollyweird TV, but with two teams this good that doesn't really matter. It's a good, speed-versus-power match that showcases the abilities of both teams, punctuated by the commentary team discussing The Blazing Flames championship aspirations. Joey Flame catches Lee Wright with the Blaze of Glory for the win. </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> The Blazing Flames defeated Team Strength Rush in 11:57 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong> Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Alex Braun and Tayler Morton are heading for the exits, sports bags over their shoulders. There's a greeting off-camera and Monty Walker comes jogging in, his face dour. Morton raises an eyebrow, curious, but Braun actually drops his bag and waits, obviously expecting what follows.</p><p> </p><p>

"You made a match with Dread." Walker makes the simple statement sound like an accusation. "Destructive Energy. One on one."</p><p> </p><p>

Morton's other eyebrow raises and he turns to his mentor. Braun just shrugs. "Had to be done."</p><p> </p><p>

"Had to be?" Walker's voice rises. "The man's walking around with my brother, 'Lex. He's beat the hell out of me god knows how many times. He's--"</p><p> </p><p>

"Playing games," Braun says. "Which you'd know if you had your head on straight, kid. This game is mental as much as physical."</p><p> </p><p>

"There's nothing wrong with my mental state."</p><p> </p><p>

"Bull." Braun folds his arms. "Don't try that shit with me, kid, 'cause I know exactly what you're thinking. Did you forget that Calvin was one of my students? You think it doesn't gut me knowing he's walking around with Dread and Sidle? What happened to your brother was as much my fault as yours, kid, and it makes me just as mad to see him dragged back into wrestling. </p><p> </p><p>

"So yeah, I asked Future to give me a match with Dread, 'cause I knew if I didn't then you probably would. And you can't beat Dread if you're angry, kid. All you're going to get is beat up and injured, possibly bad enough to throw away your career."</p><p> </p><p>

"And your anger is mysteriously better?"</p><p> </p><p>

"I've had twenty years of learning how to control myself," Braun says. "You may be the man without fear, but they've been calling me the Ice Man since I was twenty-two years old. Maybe I can beat Dread, maybe I can't, but at least if I'm wrestling him you've got a chance to get your head on straight.</p><p> </p><p>

"If I'm fighting Dread, you can be at ringside, making sure nothing happens to your brother. Maybe convince him to walk away from bad company, get him away from those bastards before he becomes a distraction."</p><p> </p><p>

Mentor and student lock gazes for a few moments. </p><p> </p><p>

Finally, Walker nods. "Okay," he says. "Maybe you're right, but we both know there's no chance of getting Calvin away. He's been wanting this since he was six years old, and with Dread filling his head with stories..."</p><p> </p><p>

"I know," Braun says, "but it's worth a try."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


The Silver Screen comes to life as a black-and-white video package plays, showcasing Liberty and Sam Strong talking about their upcoming match against the backdrop of the Destructive Energy banner.</p><p> </p><p>

"The man Sam Strong used to be wouldn't have hesitated when it came to my challenge," Liberty says. "One on one, no holds barred, settling a score the way it should be settled, that was always his way. I guess that's just one more nail in the coffin of Sam Strong the Legend."</p><p> </p><p>

"Right now the American Outlaw's wondering exactly how good he is," Strong says. "He came to this company and he rose to the top, but he doesn't know if it's his own talent or my guidance that got him there. That's either wishful thinking or stupidity on his part, brother, and I'm not sure which its going to be."</p><p> </p><p>

"I accepted this match..." Liberty hesitates, searching for the words. "Look, it's like Mick Jagger says - you can't always get what you want. I know he's going to hide behind the rules. I know he's only doing it for the money. But I still need to know, man. I still gotta beat him to prove I deserve to be where I am."</p><p> </p><p>

"The fans turned against me before I turned against them, brother," Strong says. "Where were the fans when I lost my last job? Where were the fans when I was getting my ass kicked in Japan, wrestling some of the toughest fighters in the world? For five years I was away and no-one cared about Sam Strong. The moment I came back they demanded I be the legend again. Well, that legend died in Japan, brother. That legend learned who he really was."</p><p> </p><p>

"Ever since I started in this company, people have been calling me the next Sam Strong," Liberty says. "I never asked for it, I never wanted it, but I'll admit that it was an honor. When I was a kid, Sam Strong was the man, you know? He was the guy you wanted to be. Now it seems even Sam Strong can't be Sam Strong, and the only way I can move forward is by putting the Legend and the Man behind me."</p><p> </p><p>

"Here's what I know: my name is Sam Strong. I beat people for money," Strong says. "It's the same thing every wrestler does, it's why we're in this industry. I lost sight of that for a long time, brother, let myself get caught in the adulation of the fans. Now I've got my head on straight, dude. I'm going to pick up wins and earn my money, and that's what Liberty represents. I made him a big deal in this company, it's only fair I pick up the paycheck for taking him down."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: A</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg</span></p><p><strong>


<strong> Baine vs. Charlie Thatcher</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The match plays to the strengths of the two competitors - a short, brutal fist-fight that's punctuated with the occasional power move - but even that isn't enough to hide the limitations of Thatcher. Baine is a one-man wrecking ball, seemingly impervious to pain, while Thatcher is a big man who fights very, very dirty. Eye-gouges and fish-hook see liberal use, but Baine finally lands the Hades Bomb for the win. </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Baine defeated Charlie Thatcher in 9:59 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong> Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Punisher hits the ring, cutting Baine's legs out from under him with a chop block. Rick Sanders is hot on his partner's heels, dropping a leg on the monster while he's down. The two men start laying a beating on Baine while Rip Chord struts down to the ring, World Heavyweight Championship around his waist and a chair in hand. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


"You want my belt!" he yells "You want to be the champion?"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


The Champ helps Charlie Thatcher to his feet and hands the Enforcer the chair. Thatcher seems dazed, but eventually he grasps what he's being asked to do and hits the chair-assisted Crusher Legdrop on Baine. Chord grins, directing traffic as he sets up the Entourage for another big move.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


Cowboy Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE hit the ring at a run. Leaping Lariat on Rick Sanders! Big dropkick on the Punisher! </p><p> </p><p>

Charlie Thatcher charges, hitting a double-clothesline on HGC's most unconventional tag-team. He uses the momentum to hit the ropes, bouncing back...</p><p> </p><p>

...and finds himself caught in a double-handed choke by Baine. The Demon Seed isn't content with hitting the Hades Bomb - he powers Thatcher over the top rope and into the announce table at ringside. </p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord abandons the ring, choosing not to tangle with his opponents, and Baine smirks as he watches the champion retreat.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Rating: B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HGCB.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Overall: C</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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"I think it was 'round Destructive Energy when guys started to really think hard about contracts." Bob Casey grins for the camera, equal parts pleased to be there and nervous about speaking on the record. "It was mostly the accumulation of little things - I'd picked up a case of swivel hips doing a match up in Canada and it'd put me out for two weeks.


"That cost me a couple of paydays - no big deal since I was young and single at the time - but I know it hurt the others more. Ed was a great guy, but he tended to live payday to payday, so he got stung twice over. No tag-team bouts. No pay-per-view bonus. He got by thanks to his work with the DeColts, but he wasn't particularly happy about it.


"I think the only guy who didn't feel the pinch was Larry, and that's just 'cause he's smart with money, you know? He saved. He invested. He worked to a budget."






"I loved working DAVE." Freddie Datsun is backstage at USPW, some of the company's younger talent warming up behind him. "HGC was a great payday and partnering with Jack was brilliant, but it was the kind of place you went because it was a smart business decision.


"Phil made working for DAVE feel like you were doing more, you know? You earned your money, worked with your friends and family, and revolutionised wrestling while you were at it.


"So I loved working at DAVE and I liked working for Hollyweird, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope to be at Hollyweird long-term. They paid better, they catered, they had physio and doctors backstage for when things went wrong. Working for both company was like the best of both worlds, but there was always that threat, you know? Someone gets injured, you or someone else, and suddenly your payday's disappear.


"I was thinking about that real hard when Bob picked up his injury. These days I go out of my way to thank him, 'cause I doubt things would have worked out so well if he'd been able to work that weekend."







"Alysian - that's Billy to anyone who never saw him during a singles run - he'd never really been big on travelling. Even getting him to commit to Hollyweird was an effort, and I doubt he'd have done it if they hadn't offered to organise and pay our flights.


"I always figured it was a pity, 'cause we could have made a lot of cash if he'd been willing to work Japan, but in the end I guess that worked out okay 'cause Japan gave me the chance to work singles for a while. On the other hand, he bitched about travel like you wouldn't believe. Hated the planes. Hated the hotel rooms. Hated driving from venue to venue.


"So it's about this time we get our pay-per-view match cancelled. I figure it's not so bad - it gives me the opportunity to head to Japan and work for Burning War - but Alysian goes home and fumes about it 'cause the only thing he hates worse than traveling is changing his plans last-minute.


"Then while I'm in Japan I get this phone-call, and it's Al. 'Larry,' he says, 'I want to give you a heads up. There may be some problem with the Hollywood gig.'


"And I'm thinking, you know, shit, what in hell's gone wrong. Then Al says, 'I took a job down in Mexico. I start in two weeks. I figured I'd warn you in case management takes it bad.'


"That was pretty much the message, 'cause Al's never been big on details, but it turns out he'd signed on with OLLIE to work as their new booker, and he figured someone in the Hollyweird office would object to that."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents



HGC is going to tear down the house this Sunday when Destructive Energy is broadcast from the Mayor Street Arena in Boston.


The show opens with a match that promises to be a wrestling classic - Brent Hill versus the reigning International Champion, Mr Lucha. There's no issue or grudge between these two men, just the desire to perform at the top of their game and prove they're among the best of the world.


The same cannot be said of The Ontario Kings and The Shooters. The grudge between these two teams goes back to their very first match, when the Shooters chose to transform a gesture of respect by the Kings into the opportunity for a sucker punch. If the Shooters won't show them respect, the Kings plan on taking it.


Alex Braun has never been a man to back down from a fight, but on Sunday the Ice Man will step into the ring with Dread. Braun admits he's the underdog in this 'bout, searching for the elusive win over the Juggernaut that's eluded his student, Monty Walker.


Tag-team action follows. The Dallas Wrecking Crew will be stepping into the ring against Cowboy Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE. The Wrecking Crew are team who have improved by leaps and bounds under the tutelage of Rip Chord, but their association with the World Heavyweight Champion has also seen them targeted by men like Ricky Dale who sport a grudge against their mentor.


It's a match that's all about the honor - Dark Angel has been targeting the Army of Darkness since he first arrived in Hollyweird, but on Sunday he'll be fighting for the honor of his new manager, Kit Hayotama, after Ethan Kane brutalised her original client.


Backbreakers Inc will defend their tag-team titles against a team that many regard as the best in the world - Larry and Bryan Vessey. These two teams have fought several times without a conclusive victor and, for the Vesseys, the stakes are higher than ever. A victory here will regain them the titles, a loss means they can no longer challenge for the belts for the remainder of the Backbreakers reign.


Another rematch follows when Liberty and Sam Strong meet in the ring a second time. Liberty needs a victory over Strong in order to prove to the fans - and himself - that his position at the top of the card is earned by talent rather than Strong's nepotism. Strong's aims for the match are less personal - he plans on going home with the winner's portion of the purse, by any means necessary.


The Demon Seed, Baine, will be going into his World Heavyweight Title match with more motivation than most - a victory doesn't just net him the belt, but an opportunity to force Ethan Kane and Karen Killer out of Hollyweird forever. The unstoppable brawler has been more dangerous than ever since he rejected Killer's control, but Rip Chord has met every challenge to his title and walked away the victor. Can he stand up to Baine's unrelenting assault? Find out in our main event.


Matches included on this streaming video:


Baine vs. Rip Chord

Liberty vs. Sam Strong

The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc

Dark Angel vs. Ethan Kane

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Alex Braun vs. Dread

The Ontario Kings vs. The Shooters

Mr Lucha vs. Brent Hill

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HGC Destructive Energy 1997

Sunday, Week 4, September 1997

Mayor Street Arena (New England) – 15,000 people





http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg


Mr Lucha vs. Brent Hill


Brent Hill is an all-rounder, schooled in every aspect of wrestling. Lucha's approach to a match is more one-dimensional, but when playing to his strengths as a high-flyer there's no doubt that he ranks among the very best in the world. The results, from an in-ring perspective, are spectacular.


Hill spends the match looking for the heel hook, targeting Lucha's left leg to soften it up for the submission. Lucha escapes and evades, noticeably slowing as the match progresses and Hill's assault takes its toll. Twice during the match Hill succeeds in locking in his submission hold, but the first time Lucha is able to counter, twisting and kicking free with both legs, while the second time is broken when he reaches the ropes.


Lucha's response is to pick up the pace. He peppers Hill with a series of jabs, hits a low dropkick off the ropes, and immediately follows up with a standing moonsault. The cover earns a two-count and Lucha heads to the ropes, making the sign of the cross before launching his twisting senton.


Hill rolls free, letting Lucha hit the canvas, and immediately dives in for the third heel hook attempt. Lucha avoids it, pulling himself out of the ring using the bottom rope, smoothly transitioning into a slingshot cross-body. Hill kicks free, just, and gets nailed with a dropkick to the face as he rises. Lucha immediately grabs his opponent and gets Hill onto his shoulders.


A Master Drop and a pinfall follows, and the three-count is made.


Mr Lucha defeated Brent Hill in 19:08 by pinfall. Mr Lucha makes defence number 3 of his HGC International title.

Rating: C+




Captain USA walks out onto the stage. "I'm a plain-spoken man," he says. "American born and made. I don't pretend to understand Ota and his ninja. I'm not sure I want too.


"What I know is this: one month ago I was supposed to face Fumihiro Ota and he walked out on the match. Said I couldn't face him until I beat all his flunkies, only they weren't so keen on fighting me either.


"My mother always said that patience is a virtue, but there's a limit to how long I'll sit patiently by. I've filed my grievance with Frankie Future. He's told me he'll make the matches so long as the fans want to see him, so I'm out here to ask for your help.


"If you want to see me kick Ota's ass at Hardcore Halloween, let me hear you say 'U-S-A. U-S-A'."


It starts slowly, but there's no mistaking the build. One by one, the crowd in Mayor Street arena take up the chant, and the Captain smiles in response.


"Yeah," he said, "that's what I was hoping for."

Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JDMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JohnMaverick.jpg

The Ontario Kings vs. The Shooters


A question of respect flows through the match, from John Maverick's mocking offer of a handshake at the start of the match through to JD Morgan's cheap-shots every time he's forced to break a hold by the referee. This time around the Kings aren't rising to the bait - they settle in and showcase the kind of chain-wrestling and in-ring nous that made the Stone family famous.


They also add their own slant - the fast-paced double-teams that are fast becoming their trademark, including the leg sweep/spinning heel kick combo that's been dubbed the King Breaker Combo. They catch JD Morgan with the move, with Holmes picking up the pinfall that follows.


The Ontario Kings defeated The Shooters in 11:33 by pinfall.

Rating: C




John Maverick doesn't miss a beat - a double-handed sledge to the back of Thomas Morgan's neck takes the junior member of the Kings out of commission. Then, before Bryan Holmes even knows it's happening, Maverick has him down on the mat with a cravat applied.




Maverick cranks the hold, face impassive as he twists Holmes' head to an unnatural angle. He holds it for nearly a minute, at which time a very groggy JD Morgan recovers from the King Breaker Combo and signals that they're done.

Rating: D-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlexBraun.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CalvinWalker.jpg

Alex Braun w/Monty Walker vs. Dread w/Emma Chase & Calvin Walker


Braun may not believe that heart matters in wrestling, but anyone watching the Ice Man's gutsy performance in this match would easily argue otherwise. Braun's offense is largely borrowed from Monty Walker's playbook, repeating the tactics that have allowed his student to stand ground with the Human Juggernaut, but while Braun hits harder he's also slower, and that means he's caught with far more of the offense Dread dishes out in return.




There's interference. Dylan Sidle charges the ring and attempts a rising knee, but Braun has the move well-scouted, ducking free of the blow. Tayler Morton is hot on Sidle's heels, ensuring that the one attempt is all Dread's protégé gets.


And then there's the confrontation between the Walker brothers. It starts with a war of words, although the camera never focuses on them long enough to pick up anything other than Monty yelling "go home." It escalates when Calvin picks up a steel chair, mutely threatening his brother. Monty hesitates, unwilling to fight, but a distraction from Emma Chase means steel meets skull and Calvin stands triumphant despite giving up size and weight to his brother.


With Walker and Morton out of commission there's no-one to run interference on Chase, which quickly spells trouble for Braun. He's distracted by Emma at ringside and quickly caught with a Dread Bomb.

Dread defeated Alex Braun in 14:26 by pinfall.

Rating: B





Rip Chord's dressed in his customary suit, World Title around his waist, and he's followed by the rest of his entourage. Charlie Thatcher is dressed in his plain suit and glasses, although there's still some lingering bruises from his match with Baine, but the Dallas Wrecking Crew are both ready to compete.


Chord struts in the centre of the ring until Thatcher collects and delivers a microphone. "It's not easy being me," Chord says. "You've got to understand that being the World Heavyweight Champion, defending the honor of wrestling's greatest prize, is something of a full-time job. On top of this, I run a financial empire built on the proceeds of my greatness, and I take on the role of training a new generation of greatness to follow in my wake.


"Tonight I'm facing a monster named Baine, possibly one of the toughest men I've faced since winning my World Heavyweight Championship. He's big. He's fast. He's powerful. And Frankie Future has made sure he's especially motivated when it comes to winning the World Heavyweight Championship.


"And that's why I have men like Rick Sanders and the Punisher in my corner. Men of talent and potential who can take care of minor annoyances like Ricky Dale and his masked friend, Dark Eagle. I surround myself with the best so they can protect me from the rest, brother, and that's exactly what's going to happen tonight.


"Ricky Dale, I know you think you've got an issue with the Great One, but the truth is, brother, you aren't worth the time it'd take me to beat you in the ring. You want to get involved in my business, you get to pay the consequences, and tonight those consequences include The Dallas Wrecking Crew teaching you a lesson, brother."

Rating: C



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew w/Charlie Thatcher


Chord doesn't stick around for the match, but he leaves Charlie Thatcher in the Wrecking Crew's corner and that gives their opponents plenty to worry about. Ricky Dale eyes the big man as he walks down the ramp, and Jason Azaria reminds the audience that the two men are familiar with one-another after their time in the TWL.


Sanders and EAGLE open the match with a swift technical exchange, quickly gaining the interest of a HGC crown that's increasingly responding to displays of in-ring prowess. Tags quickly bring the two brawlers into the ring however, and the cheer that erupts when Ricky Dale connects with a leaping lariat on Punisher leaves little doubt as to who the fans are truly interested in seeing.


Solid work from both teams mean the fans are into this, but it reaches its high-point when the heels distract Sam Sparrow and he misses Ricky Dale tagging in his partner. Sparrow immediately forces Eagle back to his corner, getting into an argument with the masked man who keeps insisting he's legal in broken English.


The Wrecking Crew immediately capitalise - Punisher hits the ropes and takes out Ricky Dale's knee with a sliding lariat, softening the cowboy up for the Figure Four Leglock form Sanders that eventually earns the submission win.

The Dallas Wrecking Crew defeated Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE in 11:32 by submission.

Rating: C+






Killing in the Name starts to play, and at this point the fans know what to expect. Masked Rebel II hits the stage, dressed in his customary jeans and t-shirt, microphone in hand.


"So," he says, "how the f--k are ya?"


There's a respectable roar in response, although there are plenty of audience members who have taken this moment as a chance to visit the bathroom.


"In case you haven't been watching," Rebel says, "or you ain't never been to a house show, I'm the new Masked Rebel, and I live by a simple code."


He holds the microphone out to the audience, who promptly fill in the chant: F--k you, I won't do what you tell me.


"It ain't easy to be a rebel. I've been racking up the fines since I came to this company, lost more than I earned all things considered, but if there's one thing this company does, it's listen to the fans, and the fans said they wanted a little Rebel in their Hollyweird.


"That means, come Tuesday night, someone's getting in the ring with me, and I figured it was worth me giving them a warning.


"I am the Masked Rebel. I don't care what no-one thinks of me. I have known adversity. I have been held down. What I've learned is the value of fighting back, of making your own way in this world.


"On Tuesday night, when I climb into this ring to make my Hollyweird TV debut, someone's going to learn what rebellion's all about."

Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkAngel.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg

Dark Angel w/Kit Hatoyama vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer


The commentary team has a ball with the intro, citing this as the first real chance to see what Dark Angel can do. "There's been a lot said about this young man," Nero says, "but he's had Baine in his corner every time he's clashed with Kane. This will give us the first real chance to get the young man's measure."


As measure's go, it's impressive. Dark Angel gives up plenty of size and weight to his opponent, but nonetheless he holds his own once the bell rings. Partially this is because Angel possesses the kind of in-ring poise that's immediately evident, an all-round talent who excels in the air, on the mat, and in the midst of a fist-fight.


It's also because Dark Angel proves to be exactly what Kit Hatoyama claimed he would be - a man well-versed in hardcore violence whose more than willing to mix it up with Ethan Kane when the action goes to the ringside area. He applies kendo stick to skull with the same ease that he locks in an armbar or a head-scissor, and earns big points with the crowd after taking a chair-shot to the skull by Ethan Kane and coming back for more.




For all his advantages, Dark Angel is only one man, and the Army of Darkness has three monsters on its side. The Demons of Rage make their inevitable appearance at ringside, serving as a distraction more than active interference, and it leads to Kane picking up the victory after he catches Angel with a crucifix bomb.

Ethan Kane defeated Dark Angel in 13:42 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





Backstage, and Liberty is seated in his locker room, staring intently into the distance as he tests the fit of his wrist-tape. He's so lost in his thoughts that he misses the knock at the door. Dusty Streets is forced to let himself in, and even then Liberty takes a few moments to blink and realise he's not alone.


"Kid?" Dusty says. "Kid, you okay?"


"Sure, man," Liberty says. "Just, you know, thinking."


"About Strong?"


"Among other things."


"Yeah," Dusty says, "I guess I know how that goes." He settles down on the bench next to the American Outlaw. "Listen, Kid, I know you've been focused on this match, telling yourself you need to win in order to prove your spot in this company.


"I just wanted to make sure you weren't getting lost in it. Strong may be a son-of-a-bitch, but he's still tough and he's damn good in the ring, no matter what he tells himself to live with the things he's done lately. You gotta go in there focused, otherwise he'll eat you alive."


"It's cool," Liberty says. "Win, lose, or draw, it's going to be a show, right?"


"Yeah." Dusty gives a rueful shake of the head. "Just so you know, kid, you've earned my respect, inside the ring and out of it. That had nothing to do with Strong, not the way you're thinking, and I'm not the only one who thinks that way.


"Give him hell tonight, and put him behind you. Go do what you should be doing and chase down Chord, claim yourself a title belt so there's no doubt you belong here."


"And more importantly," Liberty says, smiling a little, "leave Strong to you?"


"Well." Dusty grins. "I ain't going to complain if I get another piece of him, but I can't say I'm not looking forward to seeing you beat the hell out of him."

Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg


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The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Backbreakers Inc w/Grace Harper


It's the last chance the Vessey Brothers are getting for the titles, and they take the fight to the champions with hard-hitting vigour. The Backbreakers make the mistake of letting their opponents set the pace and spend much of the match on the back foot, relying on Grace Harper's interference and frequent tags to escape the beating they take. By the time the match is fifteen minutes old the near-falls have started - between the managers and the skill of the two teams there's always someone there to break up the cover.




Eddie Chandler makes his appearance around the twenty minute mark, slinking down to the ring and making his presence known with a trip to Bryan Vessey, sending the younger Vessey stumbling into a Jack Dundee DDT.




Chris Storm quickly appears to even the odds - he jumps Eric Tyler from behind and dumps him on his head with a suplex, although Eddie Chandler quickly grabs Storms legs and pulls him out of the ring before he can do anything more.


Chandler and Storm brawl, involving both Harper and Coach Dundee, and the final ten minutes of the match are largely focused on an extended exchange between Larry Vessey and Dundee. They trade big punches and by the time the clock hits twenty-eight minutes both men are on jelly legs. Larry connects with a Sick Cycle as the clock runs down, but after the beating he's taken the quick movement leaves him off-balance and it topples to the mat rather than making an immediate cover.


He crawls accross the mat to make the cover. One...two...


The bell rings a half-second before the three, drawing the match to a close at the thirty-minute time limit. For a moment Vessey rises, cracking a rare smile, but as Eugene Williams explains why the bell ran a look of horror passes over the veteran's usually-expressionless face.

The Vessey Brothers drew with Backbreaker Inc in 30:00 when the time limit expired.

Rating: C





Backstage, the Luchador locker room, and the HGC luchadors have assembled before Spanish Superfly and Mr Lucha. The International Championship still wears the belt, but his expression isn't one of a man whose just defeated an opponent like Brent Hill. Rather, it's the look of a man whose slightly nervous about what's coming.


"Listen," Superfly says, "I'm against getting into this, but Lucha's convinced me it's time we brought you into the fold. Escelara is here and he's brought along friends, and it seems some of you aren't listening when we ask you not to get involved."


Bandido and Electrico grin at that. "Not going to apologize, esse," Bandido says. "You and Lucha brought us in to Hollyweird, showed us the ropes. We're brothers, esse, and your enemy is our enemy, si?"


"Si, we understand." Lucha's voice is soft, easy-going. "But I didn't bring you here to help me fight my battles, Bandido. That's not why I got you contracts, or why I agreed to help train Phoenix when his XXXX asked for my help. You and Electrico should be chasing the belts, or picking up wins to earn money for your family."


Miss Mexico interjects, rattling off a question in rapid Spanish. Superfly winces, but Lucha just nods.


"He was going to be my protege," he says. "The second man to wear the Lucha mask. I trained him as I trained 'Fly, offered him the mask once he'd proved himself worthy. He had skill. He had potential. He could have been great.


"Then he wrestled his first matches and performing in the ring showed his true character. There was no humility in him, no honor...just pride and vicious instincts. A true rudo spirit. He thought I would award him the mask quicker if he injured his opponents and proved his greatness.


"I could not entrust him with my legacy, and when he found out..." The Lucha legend doesn't finish that statement, but everyone seems to understand.


"He left, and went to America," Superfly says. "I thought we'd never see him again until he showed up here, Ruiz and Rodriguez with him. He may claim they're not a team, but trust me, they'll work for him. Escalera was always good at convincing people to do things."


Rating: D






Still backstage, although this time it's the hallway out the front of Rip Chord's locker room, where Charlie Thatcher is standing guard like the world's most immovable bouncer. He scans the hallway, keeping watch.


There's a noise off-camera, an audible, regular sound. Ka-tunk-tunk. Ka-tunk-tunk.


Thatcher frowns and heads down the hall, looking for the source of the sound. He finds it at the intersection of another hallway, where Baine is quietly running a lead pipe along the security grill covering a nearby doorway.




"Hi," Baine says. "Fancy meeting you here."


The pipe is swung into Thatcher's stomach, doubling him over. A second shot catches Thatcher behind the ear, knocking him out.


"Nothing personal," the Demon-seed says, throwing the bar to the side. "I just want Chord in a fair fight."

Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg

Liberty vs. Sam Strong


Strong and Liberty go at it a second time, only this time there's a little more aggression in the mix. Both men pick up warning for using a closed fist, with the crowd's fickle response to the warnings shifting depending on whose on the receiving end.


Strong takes refuge in the rules several times, complaining of everything from Liberty pulling his hair through to suggesting that Liberty is slow to release the five-count. Liberty doesn't raise to the bait this time - in fact, he seems to be expecting every cheap trick and works hard to counter them.



Despite this, the match actually ends in one of the most blatant acts of interference possible. Team Strength Rush hit the ring, Diaz grabbing Liberty from behind and holding him while Lee delivers a series of chops to the chest in full view of the referee. Sam Sparrow calls for the disqualification...

Rating: B





Wright finishes delivering a final two chops, then signals to his tag-team partner. Diaz grins and lifts Liberty into position, following it up with Ray Gun. Once Liberty is on the canvas, both Wright and Diaz start laying in the boot.




Sam Strong responds immediately, wading in to haul Team Strength Rush off their victim. He pushes both Wright and Diaz away, locking gazes with the big man when Diaz seems to object to being man-handled.


The two men stare...and then Strong smiles openly, stepping in to embrace Diaz, Wright, and Katayama in turn. The fan response is particularly vocal, especially once Strong calls for a microphone.


"It's just like I told you, brother," Strong says. "I spent five years in Japan and none of my so-called fans really cared what I did over there. They didn't care who I fought, who I beat...and who I defended. It never occured to anyone to wonder why Team Strength Rush got a job here...who recommended them, who brought them in, who got their contract signed. None of my fans even know that these three are some of my closest friends.


"For years I came out here relying on the Million Strong Army to carry me in the ring. Since those fans have abandoned me, I went and recruited a new one. The Strong-Style Army is here, and fro now on, they're watching my back."

Rating: A*





http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg

Baine vs. Rip Chord


Chord feigns confidence, it's obvious he's less than pleased to find himself wrestling without Thatcher in his corner. The nerves grow even worse when the crowd starts its first chant, suggesting that perhaps Baine will murder Chord at some point during the match.


The opening minutes seem to live up to the crowd's chant. Baine overpowers Chord during the initial lock-up, firing him into the ropes and nearly taking the champions head off with the big boot that follows. Baine follows it up with an elbow drop, leading into a cover before the match is two minutes old.


Chord kicks out, but it's a desperate thing. "Chord's usually a defensive wrestler," Kyle Rhodes notes, "content to let the opponent come to him, waiting for them to make a mistake. He can't do that with Baine. By the time Baine makes a mistake, Chord will be beaten black and blue.


The champ realises the same thing and proceeds to wrestle one of the most aggressive title defences of his reign. He starts working on Baine's skull, busting him open with a series of knuckle punches to the brow. Nero, on commentary, hails it as a smart move - even a monster like Baine will feel the effects of blood loss, and an opponent with blood in his eyes is very different to one who can see clearly.


Blood or no blood, Baine keeps fighting. A knee to the stomach cuts off Chord's offense around twelve minutes in, while a gutwrench powerbomb puts the Demon Seed back in control of the match, even if the cover only earns him a two-count. Baine snarls, his self-control slipping, and he locks Chord in a two-handed choke and hauls him up for the Hades Bomb.


Chord frees himself with a thumb to the eye, exploiting Baine's hampered vision. Chord throws punches, big haymakers designed to keep Baine off-balance, then goes for his patented DDT.


Baine counters the move through the simple expedient of pulling Chord in and locking him in a bear hug. For a few seconds Chord struggles, clearly losing oxygen, but a desperate knee to the groin allows him wriggle out of the hold.


It's clearly taken its toll, however, as Chord drops to the mat and lies there, lungs heaving like a bellows. Baine takes a few seconds to recover from the low blow, but when he does he drops down to cover the exhausted Chord...


...and finds himself wrapped up in an inside cradle, allowing Chord to pin him. Sam Sparrow makes the three-count and Chord lets go the instant it's done, grabbing his title belt and abandoning the ring before Baine's really processed that he's lost the match...and a chance to force Ethan Kane into a loser leaves town match as well.


The PPV feed ends with a close-up of Baine's face as realisation dawns and a howl of pure frustration fills the Mayor Street Arena.


Rip Chord defeated Baine in 15:08 by pinfall. Rip Chord makes defence number 9 of his HGC World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B+


Overall: B-

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Sam Keith reclines on the Big Red Couch, a glass of red wine in hand. In the eyes of fans used to seeing him in the Syndicate's suit-and-tie motif, he actually looks dressed down - jeans, leather jacket, a t-shirt promoting 2011's Hotter Than Hell underneath. "Tyson's match with Chord really opened some eyes over at Supreme," he says. "If Hollyweird didn't have him under written contract, it's highly probable we would have debuted him alongside Skull De Bones, let them have a run as a tag-team against the Lords of War. There's been plenty of talented big men in this industry, but Tyson Baine proved he had the potential to be one of the best.


"It didn't hurt that Destructive Energy was the first pay-per-view where people seriously started talking about HGC as a viable alternative. Richard Eiesen may not spend his life listening to the internet and industry mags, but he pays enough attention to know what's going on, and when that isn't true he's got people on stuff that do it for him and let him know what he needs to know.


"He doesn't really put much stock in what journalists say, by and large, but Destructive Energy was their first PPV that was really seen as "on par" with Supreme's offering. When a whole bunch of journalists start suggesting ordering their show over ours on the basis of quality, even Eisen is inclined to start asking questions about exactly what they were doing right."






"The Strong-Style Army." Lee Wright grins and shakes his head, obviously amused by the name. "It came about 'cause me and Ray were re-negotiating our agreements, and neither of us was particularly happy about the way were being used. We were one of the best tag-teams on the roster, Ray was...well, shoot, look at him. Six-five. Three hundred pounds of muscle. Still just a young guy back in ninety seven. How you looked at him and decided against pushing him never quite made sense to me, especially since he'd work his ass off to deliver on what you needed from him.


"So we go to the contract negotiations and point out we aren't being used me, except in the dark matches when they need someone to teach the rookies about working a tag. Nothing wrong with that if you're a trainer by nature, but that wasn't me. I pointed out that we were a better team than the Fight Club and the Fight Club was getting minutes. We were a better team than the Blazing Flames and the Flames were getting minutes.


"Chord offered us more money, but that wasn't exactly the big deal. We earned plenty of cash over in Japan, which meant Hollyweird money was just a bonus. What we wanted was the minutes, exposure to a home audience.


"So they went away and thought about it and pitched us the idea of working with Strong. No guarantee of main-show wrestling, but you couldn't really complain about the opportunity it came with."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 41 Preview -


Coming up on our latest HGC Download:


Frankie Future has announced that he'll be dealing with the issues between four of Hollyweird's toughest tag-teams by directing their aggression towards more productive pursuits than brawling in the ring. Now, it seems, they'll be brawling in the ring when Jack Marlow and Larry Wood face off in the first round of a tournament leading into Hardcore Halloween in four weeks time.


The Straight Edge Samurai go head-to-head with Don Juan Escalera & Pablo Rodriguez. Neither team has been together for very long, but Escalera and his allies have made an impact since the arrival - the same impact the Samurai are keen to make as a tag-team.


The second Masked Rebel makes his TV debut after weeks of railing against the HGC management. The opponent whose chosen to meet the masked man in front of the cameras: Paul Steadyfast. Rebel may have the support of the crowd, but Steadyfast has the support of the Untouchables and manager Wanda Fish in addition to being a fine wrestler in his own right.


That's followed by another bout in Future's Hardcore Halloween tournament. This time, it'll be Ed Monton and Grunt pitted against one another in singles competition. Future has promised there will be a prize on offer that will keep each man's partner from interfering in tournament matches, but he's remained cagey about what that prize will be.


Liberty may have picked up a victory over Sam Strong at Destructive Energy, but it wasn't the victory the American Outlaw was hoping for. Now he joins forces with Dusty Streets to take on the tag-team who joined forces with Strong and assaulted Liberty at the end of the match - Ray Diaz and Lee Wright, better known as Team Strength Rush.


Brent Hill and Rick Sanders are two of Hollyweirds brightest young stars. One is a legend of the American independent scene, showcasing his skill on the national stage for the first time. The other is the protege of a world champion, rapidly coming into his own as a singles competitor. One man suffered defeat at Destructive Energy and comes into this match searching for momentum; the other picked up a big victory and will be searching for a win that can catapult him further up the ranks.


Matches features in streaming video include:


Brent Hill vs. Rick Sanders

Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Team Strength Rush

Ed Monton vs. Grunt

Masked Rebel II vs. Paul Steadyfast

Straight Edge Samurai vs. Don Juan Escalera & Pablo Rodriguez

Jack Marlowe vs. Larry Wood

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