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HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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<p><strong>Liberty & Dusty Streets </strong>vs. Rip Chord & Rick Sanders</p><p>

This can be used to set up a title match down the line.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Vessey w/Coach Pangrazzio</strong> vs. Eric Tyler w/Grace Harper</p><p>

Sorry but the nameless stable losses again</p><p> </p><p>

Walker & Morton vs. <strong>The Nation of Filth</strong></p><p>

The Nation is a named team who made it in historic HGC</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cowboy Ricky Dale</strong> w/Brent Hill vs. Awesome Thunder</p><p>

Brent is the deciding factor here</p><p> </p><p>

Bob Casey vs. <strong>Romeo Heartthrob</strong></p><p>

So much suck</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Ontario Kings</strong> vs. Black Rebel Fight Club</p><p>

Just a guess</p>

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<p><strong>Liberty & Dusty Streets</strong> vs. Rip Chord & Rick Sanders</p><p>

Bryan Vessey w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. <strong>Eric Tyler</strong> w/Grace Harper</p><p>

Walker & Morton vs. <strong>The Nation of Filth</strong></p><p>

Cowboy Ricky Dale w/Brent Hill vs. <strong>Awesome Thunder</strong></p><p>

Bob Casey vs. <strong>Romeo Heartthrob</strong></p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. <strong>Black Rebel Fight Club</strong></p>

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<p>Thanks for the predictions, all. </p><p> </p><p>

There's going to be a slight delay getting the show up due to work travel, delayed flights, and me forgetting to pack the files with my dynasty on it. </p><p> </p><p>

It shouldn't be a long delay, given the standards of my dairy. Probably just week, but I figure if I post here and say "show up next Wednesday" there's pretty good odds my flatemate will remind me to write and post it.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="arwink" data-cite="arwink" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30720" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks for the predictions, all. <p> </p><p> There's going to be a slight delay getting the show up due to work travel, delayed flights, and me forgetting to pack the files with my dynasty on it. </p><p> </p><p> It shouldn't be a long delay, given the standards of my dairy. Probably just week, but I figure if I post here and say "show up next Wednesday" there's pretty good odds my flatemate will remind me to write and post it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's cool. You're the sole 97 Diary, and I'll wait through long hiatuses even for you.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;">HGC Hollyweird TV</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;">

</span></span></strong><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Tuesday, Week 3, May1997</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Virginia Park Fields (Mid-Atlantic) – 7,231 people</strong></span></p><p>

___________________________</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The show opens with Chord and his followers in the middle of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

"Liberty," he says. "The number one contender. Imagine my shock.</p><p> </p><p>

"I know Sam Strong's come out here and given his reasons, and I know some of you choose to believe them. There are plenty of you who want to see me and Liberty go head to head for my World Heavyweight Title; plenty of you who think he'll be the one to put an end to wrestling's new golden age. And maybe you're right. I think me and the kid will put on a great show at Total Mayhem, a title defense worthy of the Great One.</p><p> </p><p>

"But Dusty Streets--"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Chord is drowned out by the opening riff of <em>Voodoo Child</em>, and the general manager of Hollyweird comes out onto the stage.</p><p> </p><p>

"Dusty Streets, brother," Strong says, "had his short to impress. I put him in the ring with a competitor last week, brother, a challenge that'd prove anyone worthy of stepping into the main event, and he came up short. He lost, Chord, and if you want to come out here talking about conspiracies--"</p><p> </p><p>

"You said it, brother," Chord says. "I didn't.</p><p> </p><p>

"You like to play the white knight, Strong, but everyone in this industry knows you're a snake waiting to strike."</p><p> </p><p>

"Your reputation isn't so clean, brother."</p><p> </p><p>

"No," Chord says, "but I'm honest, Sam. I make no bones about who I am and what I want. I wanted to be world chapion, and I am. If I have a grudge against someone, I tell them up front. And when I see a man whose supposed to be a legend trying to snatch what little remains of his glory, when I see him screwing men out of title shots simply because they can still go and he can't, I step up and tell the world what's happening."</p><p> </p><p>

"Chord, brother, if I wasn't injured..."</p><p> </p><p>

"Yeah," Chord says, smirking. "If you weren't injured."</p><p> </p><p>

"No," Strong says, "I'm not letting you draw me into this. I'm out, Chord. I'm not here to pick fights, but since you seem to feel so strongly about Dusty getting his spot in the main event, I'm going to give it to you. Tonight our main event will be a tag-team contest - you and one of your cronies versus Dusty and a partner of his choosing."</p><p> </p><p>

"That isn't going to happen," Chord says. "The Great One has places to be, brother, and women to see. If you want a match, you can have the Wrecking Crew."</p><p> </p><p>

"Well, Rip, that's too bad," Strong says. "I don't want the Wrecking Crew...these people don't want the Wrecking Crew. We want to see Rip Chord, The Great One, in action and that means you have to stand up whatever girl you've got waiting for you and earn the money that comes with wearing that belt. Get backstage and pick a partner, brother, 'cause you ain't leaving this building without a fight."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Ontario Kings vs. Black Rebel Fight Club</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The commentary focuses on these two teams as up-and-comers in the tag ranks and, for once, the action lives up to the hype. There's plenty of talent in the ring, with the Kings in particular showing signs of future greatness as a tandem, but the Mid-Atlantic is Rebel turf and they feed on the enthusiasm of the crowd. Freddie Datsun catches Holmes with the Patriot Press.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Black Rebel Fight Club defeated The Ontario Kings in 7:19 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Silver Screen fires up, showing the final moments of last week's main event in a black and white.</p><p> </p><p>

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Azaria says, "the following footage was taken after we went off the air last week, and I warn you now that it may be considered too graphic for sensitive viewers."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The assault on the Vesseys begins, but the worst if doesn't come until the final moments of the video: Eddie Chandler catching Coach Pangrazzio in the face with a chair, busting him open. Eric Tyler producing a baseball bat covered in barbed wire from beneath the ring, using it to bludgeon Larry Vessey across the face. </em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Many of the strikes are freeze-framed before they connect, leaving the audience with nothing but the sound of impact. There are close-ups of blood on the canvas. Of members of the All-Star Team lying on the mat. Of the Global Elite walking away in triumph, unconcerned by the hiss of the angry fans. </em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The camera cuts to Strong's office from the montage, interrupting an argument already in process. "No," Strong says, "no way in hell, brother. The trainers say Larry's got a concussion, to say nothing of the stitches over his right eye. I know you boys are tough, but there's no way I'm authorizing a rematch until the doctors clear him to compete."</p><p> </p><p>

Larry and Pangrazzio both respond in a babble of voices, shouting that things will be fine. Strong shakes his head. "No. No. NO! Wait a week, brother, two weeks at most. I get that you're angry, but heal up. Don't be stupid."</p><p> </p><p>

And then, from the back of the room, comes the unfamiliar voice of Bryan Vessey. "What about me?"</p><p> </p><p>

Strong's eyebrows shoot up. "You, brother?"</p><p> </p><p>

"I'm bruised," Bryan says. "I'm battered, but I'm cleared to wrestle. Give me a match against one of those bastards."</p><p> </p><p>

Strong glances at Pangrazzio. "I thought the Vessey's only fought as a team, brother."</p><p> </p><p>

Pangrazzio's scowl speaks volumes. "For once," he says, "we'll make an exception."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BobCasey.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bob Casey vs. Romeo Heartthrob</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Casey starts the match strong, hitting Heartthrob with a shoulder block that knocks the veteran the canvas. Heartthrob gets to his feet and Casey knocks him prone again, then follows it up with a camel clutch. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TribalWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Java.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Savage Fury make their appearance, circling the ring like a pair of tattooed sharks, and the distraction provides Heartthrob with the opportunity to break free. He responds with a series of slaps, insulting Casey as much as injuring him, but with his attention split between his opponent and the potential interference, Casey finds himself on the back foot again and again. </p><p> </p><p>

It isn't long before Heartthrob catches his foe with the Cupid Clutch, cinching it in the centre of the ring. Casey fights for a few seconds, face turning an ugly shade of red, before he finally taps. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Romeo Heartthrob defeated Bob Casey in 5:38 by submission.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TribalWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Java.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Heartthrob releases the hold and calls for a microphone. </p><p> </p><p>

"So," he says, "that's Gilmore's back-up – another unpolished diamond in the rough. It's a shame, really. Given the right mentor, the kid could have been somebody."</p><p> </p><p>

He kicks Casey in the ribs and rolls free of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EdMonton.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Then comes to a halt on the ramp when Tom Gilmore and Ed Monton emerge from the backstage area. "Unpolished?" Gilmore says. "I was polished enough to kick your ass, you son-of-a-bitch, and Bob Casey would do the same damn thing in a fair fight.</p><p> </p><p>

"Only that ain't your thing, is it Romeo? That's not the way you work. You gotta get yourself a couple of monsters and cheat your way to the win."</p><p> </p><p>

Java steps forward, but Heartthrob restrains them with a hand to the shoulder. "In case you haven't noticed, kid, winning is the only thing that matters around this place. Now I suggest you step aside before my colleagues get nasty."</p><p> </p><p>

This time it's Gilmore who gets ready to start something, but Monton shakes his head. "Not now," he says softly. "Not while Bobby's injured."</p><p> </p><p>

Gilmore nods, accepting the advice, and stands aside, allowing Heartthrob and co to leave. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ActionJackson.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"This is Action Jackson backstage, bringing you the scoops, and tonight I'm joined by…"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Jackson's patter falters as a large, angry Vengeance walks into shot. The Avenging Angel looks down at the interviewer. "Ask."</p><p> </p><p>

"Vengenance," Jackson says, and his voice actually squeaks. He coughs and repeats himself, putting on a brave face. "Vengeance, last weeks we saw warn BLZ—"</p><p> </p><p>

Vengeance snarls.</p><p> </p><p>

"Bayne!" Jackson says, moving to correct his mistake. "We saw you warn Bayne about the upcoming attack, despite his assault on you earlier in the evening. Would you care to comment on why you offered to help him despite your feud?"</p><p> </p><p>

"I helped?" Vengeance shook his head. ""Every path has moments of choice. Every choice has consequences. Years ago I chose the wrong path, time and again, led astray by the woman known as Killer. I became a monster, just as Bayne did, and I fought under a new name, just as Bayne did. </p><p> </p><p>

"And at the end of that path, I saw the consequences of my actions and I wept.</p><p> </p><p>

"I cannot turn Bayne from the path of darkness, I can only show him a new path. He has made one choice, stepping back from the brink of ultimate destruction, but he still carries the taint. He will not be led, but he may choose to follow the path of his own accord.</p><p> </p><p>

"I do not help Bayne, I simply observe him and ready myself to do what is necessary. Bayne will choose to save himself, or his soul will be redeemed in blood before the darkness claims him."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating; B</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Cowboy Ricky Dale w/Brent Hill vs. Awesome Thunder</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ricky Dale and Thunder have clashed several times, but Thunder is yet to figure out how to score the upset. As a result he switches up his usual tactics, actually brawling with the big Texan for several straight minutes. </p><p> </p><p>

The telling moment comes several minutes in. Thunder seems to be taking an enormous amount of abuse, but Kyle Rhodes notes that the ninja has blocked the worst of the offense and seem to be feigning injury – a feint that eventually leads to him luring Ricky Dale in and taking him to the ground with a judo throw. </p><p> </p><p>

Thunder follows up with a series of stiff kicks while Ricky Dale is down, rattling Ricky Dale, and a for a few moments the roundhouse kick to the jaw seems to have ended things. Brent Hill goes to make the save, fumbling his way up the apron, and Thunder makes the mistake of breaking his own cover. The masked ninja nails Hill with a dropkick, knocking the blind man back to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

And a desperate Ricky Dale jumps Thunder from behind, catching him with a leaping lariat before making a cover of his own. The referee counts off the three, giving Ricky Dale the victory. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Awesome Thunder in 10:06 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The camera cuts to interview stage where the Untouchables are assembled. Wanda Fish addresses the camera. "When the Untouchables signed on the bottom line, my contract came with certain assurances," she says. "These men want money, and I assured them I'd earn them money. They wanted fame, and I assured them I'd make them famous. They wanted titles, and I will bring them titles</p><p> </p><p>

"And they wanted to eliminate a certain problem: four men from south of the Border that had proved to a thorn in the Untouchable's side.</p><p> </p><p>

"In two weeks, the Specialists step into the Tag-Team Stampede. Four teams, two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars…and a chance to eliminate a pair of masked men who don't show the Untouchable's the proper respect.</p><p> </p><p>

"And now there's a challenge – Mister Lucha himself has called Paul Steadyfast out. He thinks he's standing by his friends, but really he's simply done what we always intended to do."</p><p> </p><p>

She hands Steadyfast the microphone. " Lucha," he says, "the first time we met, you couldn't beat me – we wrestled to a time-limit draw and damn-near stole the show at Malice. </p><p> </p><p>

"The second time we met it took everything you had to pick up a one-two-three, and yeah, you got the win, but I seem to remember that when everything was done, I was the one standing tall after choking you out with the Steadyfast sleeper. I was the one who walked out of the ring, while you lay there with my spit on your face.</p><p> </p><p>

"You want me at Total Mayhem, hombre? You've damn-well got me.</p><p> </p><p>

"And when we're done, I plan on leaving you behind as I ascend to heights I know I'm capable of."</p><p> </p><p>

Steadyfast nods to the Specialist, and the three men leave. Only Fish remains.</p><p> </p><p>

"One last thing before I leave," she says. "A personal message from me to that red-haired hellion that's hanging out with the Luchas. Miss Mexico, you put your hands one me last week. I'm letting it go for now, 'cause there's no percentage in beating you down here in Hollyweird.</p><p> </p><p>

"But if you make that mistake again, her or anywhere else, I will make you regret the day you thought you could stand toe-to-toe with Wanda Fish."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Big words from Wanda Fish," Azaria says, "but…wait, I'm getting something from backstage. We're cutting too—"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The camera immediately cuts to Sam Strong's office, where the General Manager is face-to-face with an angry pair of Canadian backwoodsmen. Billy Wood is armed with a lump of two-by-four with a nail in it, and he's using it to smash pretty much everything in Strong's office.</p><p> </p><p>

Larry Wood has the General Manager pressed up against the wall, pinned there courtesy of an elbow pressed hard against Strong's throat.</p><p> </p><p>

"I know you're a big deal, eh," Larry snarls. "Word backstage is that you'll make things happen for your friends…or for anyone who asks nice."</p><p> </p><p>

Strong makes a strangled noise and Larry presses even harder against his throat. The camera zooms in as the big wild-man leans forward.</p><p> </p><p>

"This is me and Billy asking nice, eh," he says. "You wanted the best and the bloodies for your tag-team Stampede, then you went and let the fight club screw us out of our spots. We're seven-hundred pounds of angry Canadian savagery, eh? You wanted a Stampede….WE ARE A STAMPEDE.</p><p> </p><p>

"If we can't make people bleed there, you're going to give us the Fight Club, eh."</p><p> </p><p>

There's a crash as Billy smashes his club through Strong's view-screen.</p><p> </p><p>

"Otherwise," Larry says, "we're going to come back and get nasty, eh?"</p><p> </p><p>

He lets Strong go, and the General Manager drops to the floor. Larry gives him a friendly pat on the head. "Think about it, eh," he says, "and have a good day."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: A</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Grunt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Walker & Morton vs. The Nation of Filth</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Two thugs. Two high-flyers. Both sides come into the match with an obvious game-plan and they both stick to it the entire way through, trading the advantage back and forth. </p><p> </p><p>

Tayler Morton is possibly the least well-known man in the ring, but he earns some respect from the crowd as he takes a pounding at the hands of the Filth and comes back for more. The Filth are happy to oblige him every time, and there's a short sequence at ringside where they rattle the rookie prospect with stereo trash-can shots. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The match is only just building its momentum when Dread makes his appearance. He walks calmly into the centre of the ring, looks Monty Walker in the eye, and blitzes the red-headed cruiserweight.</p><p> </p><p>

It doesn't end the match, a fact that Dread seems to find disturbing. He turns and glares at Sam Sparrow, he yells something about the Stampede Rules. Dread's eyes narrow and he proceeds to blitz Tayler Morton as well, laying the younger man out.</p><p> </p><p>

Again Sparrow refuses to call for the DQ. Dread snarls in frustration, then turns and flashes a thumbs up to the Filth before slapping Sam Sparrow across the face. </p><p> </p><p>

That does it. Sparrow calls for the bell, awarding the match to Walker and Morton via DQ. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Walker & Morton defeated The Nation Of Filth in 6:38 when The Nation of Filth was disqualified.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: D</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Grunt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

No two ways about it: the Nation of Filth are pissed. The two men hit ringside, making a beeline for the pursuing Dread, collecting their preferred weapons – trash cans – along the way. Grunt calls out, "Hey, ASSHOLE!" and Dread turns, taking the first trash-can shot face first.</p><p> </p><p>

The Juggernaut simply smiles, and Stink actually falters mid-swing.</p><p> </p><p>

Dread's first few punches are lightning fast, quick jabs that rattle both members of the Filth, softening them up for the series of knees and elbow strikes that follow. Dread grabs Grunt and almost breaks him in two, slamming him down across the guard rail. </p><p> </p><p>

Stink finally swings his garbage can and Dread blocks it with one arm, firing off an uppercut with the other. Stink's head snaps backwards and Dread immediately follows his strike with a discus clotheline, dropping Stink off the ramp.</p><p> </p><p>

With a nod the Juggernaut surveys the carnage, then turns and walks backstage. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ActionJackson.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"I'm here with Dusty Streets," Jackson says, "the man who'll be facing Rip Chord and Rick Sanders in tonight's main event…providing he's convinced someone to join him as a tag-team partner. Dusty, how goes the search?"</p><p> </p><p>

"How goes the search?" Streets actually smirks a little. "I'm stepping into the ring with a world champion, Action Jackson. There's no search necessary – folks have been coming to me. No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, any man who ain't eager to get in the ring with a champion doesn't really know how this business works. It only takes three seconds to pin a man, and even Rip Chord can have a bad night. A victory in tag-team competition means you get a shot at the title, and a victory in a title match means you're the man. </p><p> </p><p>

"Still, I feel like I owed the man, brother. He's a snake and a half, no doubt about it, and he's sure as s—t got his own reasons for standing up to Strong, but tonight, at least, I'm not making his life any more complicated than it needs to be.</p><p> </p><p>

"So I found me a partner whose got nothing to gain if he wins it, since he's already number one contender…"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

There's a burst of applause as Liberty steps into shot, grinning for the camera.</p><p> </p><p>

"Chord," he says, "tonight we warm up for Total Mayhem main event. Bring your A-game, man, 'cause these people want a show."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Bryan Vessey w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Eric Tyler w/Grace Harper</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It's an extremely good match, as you'd expect, and the crowd is utterly behind Vessey in his first solo wrestling outing. </p><p> </p><p>

Eric Tyler works his opponent shoulder throughout the match, hammering it with strikes, submission moves, and trips into the ring post. Vessey fights back, proving that he's a dangerous competitor even if he's one arm down, possessing the kind of arsenal of wrestling moves that adapts to every situation.</p><p> </p><p>

Vessey goes for the Vessey Driver twice, but with his shoulder injured he can't quite hit it cleanly. It leads, eventually, to Bryan going to the top rope. He perches there for a moment, nursing his shoulder as he lines up his attack, then clears half the ring with a flying dropkick that catches Tyler in the face. </p><p> </p><p>

Both men hit the canvas, but Vessey is the first to struggle back to his feet, and so he's in position to finish things with a Sick Cycle when Eric Tyler tries to stand. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Bryan Vessey defeated Eric Tyler in 10:08 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Coach Pangrazzio is speared by a fan wearing a hoodie, a fan who turns out to be Jack Dundee when he throws back the hood and plays to the crowd. Eddie Chandler appears on the ramp not long after, slowly advancing on the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Vessey crouches, lowering his centre of gravity and preparing to move, his eyes shifting as he looks for a way out.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

And that's when Eric Tyler catches him with a kick to groin, providing the distraction that allows the rest of Tyler's allies to hit the ring. All four proceed to stomp on Vessey, finally leaving him bloodied on the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

Chandler calls for a microphone. "What I have assembled," he says, "is a union of the Global Elite. We are the best the world has to offer, Bryan, and we will dominate this company. Those titles you and you brother wear--" Chandler pauses to kick Vessey in the ribs one last time "--they're yours, for the moment, but they're going to be ours."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: D-</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The lights go out across the arena, replaced by a single bloody-red spotlight that tracks Karen Killer and the Demons of Rage making their way down to the ring. The two monsters choke-slam the ring-announcer and claim the microphone, delivering it to their mistress.</p><p> </p><p>

"Vengeance," Killer purrs. "Bayne. Two names adopted by my former children, and neither as beautiful as the titles they carried when they walked in my shadow. </p><p> </p><p>

"Vengeance was lost to me long ago, a wayward child who fought against the guiding hand. Bayne…BLZ Bubb…was dearer to my heart, but he too has forsaken me even after I returned and offered to bring him to a place of glory.</p><p> </p><p>

"It brings me pain to hurt him, but a wayward child is punished. Last week, my beautiful Demons punished my beloved Bayne. They found him alone and they broke him, hurt him beyond even his considerable ability to endure pain.</p><p> </p><p>

"It was the first step, a necessary step, but it will not be the last.</p><p> </p><p>

"Vengeance, Bayne, my poor and lost children…" Killer hesitates, giving a whistfull sigh. </p><p> </p><p>

"Father is coming," she says. "Next week he will be here.</p><p> </p><p>

"And you, my wayward children, will learn the error of your ways."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg</span><strong> vs. </strong><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord & Rick Sanders </strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Liberty and Dusty make for a surprisingly effective team, finding a rhythm despite their obvious wariness and the fact that they're both hunting Rip Chord throughout the match. Chord responds by spending as much time as possible in his corner, sending Rick Sanders in to do the bulk of the wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

The rest of the match becomes about the friction between the faces, and the unity possessed by the heel team. Streets and Liberty work together when necessary, but any cooperating immediately goes out the window when it's time to make a cover. By contrast, Sanders does a remarkable job of wrestling Chord's style of match, obviously showcasing what he's learned from the World Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

Eventually the match breaks down and Chord has no choice but to spend time in the ring. He catches Streets, preparing for the Rip Chord DDT, but the move is when Liberty kicks Chord out of the way. Rick Sanders comes in looking for an opening, but Liberty grabs him and hits the Liberation Slam on instinct, making the cover.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Liberty and Dusty Streets defeated Rick Sanders and Rip Chord in 19:52 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: B</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall: B</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>OOC Show Notes</strong></p><p> </p><p>

- Turns out that if I say "show up Wednesday" I really will stick to it. Thanks for your patience. </p><p> </p><p>

- For all that Dusty Streets is an uncertain guy to put in the main event with his C- consistency, he's a chemistry machine. Turns out he's got Great tag-team chemistry with Liberty, and that's the third or fourth chemistry note he's gotten.</p><p> </p><p>

- I finally succumb to temptation and put a Vessey in singles action, only to remember that Bryan really is better with his brother in the ring as well in the 1997 database. </p><p> </p><p>

- Also, can someone remind me why I'm not <em>pushing the damn hell out of Larry Wood</em>?</p>

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"Ask people what they remember about the first couple of years in Hollyweird, and odds are the stables will come up." Joel Bryant grins a little, counting them off on his fingers. "The Untouchables; The Global Elite; The Dark Path; Camp Chord. People remember all these groups floating around, working like little gangs, and they remember the names that came out of them.


"The trick with stables is thinking ahead - you get the whole group over in those early days, let things run their course, but sooner or later you'll be spinning off one member as a singles star and the stables is going to get them over. A good stable gets people attention, a great one creates a star; if you've got any doubts, just follow the trajectory Hawkins has been on since he joined the Syndicate and ask yourself exactly how much more money his match with Cornell is going to draw after their association.


"Lots of people assume the Untouchables were a failure 'cause we never had that kind of spin-off, but that's just 'cause they assumed Steady P would be the guy getting the inevitable rub."





"I think that's enormously understating things." Dundee frowns as he ponders his answer. "Call it a side effect of working alongside Eric for so long, but it changes the way you think about grouping wrestlers together. He's been running some iteration of the School of Tradition for, what, eight years? Nine? It's a group that crossed promotions, crossed national borders, and reinvented itself time and again.


"Sometimes the School is a stable, sometimes...well, sometimes it's closer to what we were doing with Chord, where there was never any plans to spin someone off, just a long-term alliance built around giving three guys a chance to improve their game while wrestling with one of the best in the business.


"And sometimes it's just about realism. People thought of the Luchadors as a faction, but they weren't - they were a natural alliance and they benefited from playing up their friendship onscreen, but they were never intended to be a stable. They were never named, never merchandised. It's just one of those things, you know? A nod to realism - if I'm going out to pick a fight, at least one outside of a wrestling ring, then I'm going to make sure there's someone watching my back if I can."





"The thing with Angry came about 'cause Dundee liked asking questions." Bob Casey perches on the edge of the couch, an infectious grin plastered across his face. "The two he asked everyone, time and again, is why are you fighting and who would you call for back-up in a real fight.


"Me and Ed spent a lot of time travelling over the border with Tom, and there wasn't any doubt Ed was was a tough son-of-a-gun, so naturally one day Tom just says his name.


"Next thing we know we've been folded into Tom's storyline, and Heartthrob's picked up some tag-team flunkies for us to wrestle from time-to-time."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Hollyweird TV

- Episode 24 Preview -


Coming up our latest HGC Archive instalment, taped live at the Ranch of San Antonio:


Sam Strong has confirmed that a rematch between the Vessey Brothers and Backbreaker's Inc will take place at Total Mayhem, but before the PPV Larry Vessey will be in singles action against the Fabulous One, Eddie Chandler, while the Backbreaker's are at ringside.


The Maple Leaf Maulers have called out the Savage Fury, and Romeo Heartthrob was more than pleased to answer in the affirmative for Warrior and Java. It promises to be a hard-hitting match on both sides.


Black Rebel Fight Club have fought their way through three other teams to land a spot in the final Stampede Qualifier, but they'll face their toughest test in the form of the Demons of Rage. One of these teams will be going into Total Mayhem with a chance to win $250,000.


Cowboy Ricky Dale is on the warpath, and this week it's Ronin whose in the Cowboy's sights. After the Shadow Clan's assault on Dark EAGLE and Ota's attempts to duck Brent Hill's challenge, you can bet Ricky Dale will be looking for an opportunity to offload some aggression.


The Wood Brothers may want payback on the Fight Club, but after threatening Commissioner Strong last week they've found themselves with a very different match - taking on Mister Lucha and Spanish Superfly, Los Santos Del Lucha Libre. Is this a punishment for the Canadian wild-men, or a chance to move to up the tag-team ranks?


And finally, in our main even, Commissioner Strong has elected to resolve two grievances with one match. It'll be Dusty Streets versus Rip Chord in a non-title bout - but a victory for Streets will see him added to the main event of Total Mayhem, transforming the World Heavyweight Title Match into a Three Way Fray.


Matches included on this streaming video:


Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord - Non-Title

Los Santos del Lucha Libre vs. The Wood Brothers

Cowboy Ricky Dale vs. Ronin

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Demons of Rage

Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Savage Fury

Larry Vessey vs. Eddie Chandler

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There's two promo's left to write on the next show, and I've been steadily not-writing them for the last day or so, so I'm going to engage in a bit of deadline setting/shameless bumping.


In short, the next show's going up in twenty-four hours.

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 4, May1997

The Ranch of San Antonio (Mid-South) – 8,474 people





The show opens with Rip Chord coming down the ramp, entourage following behind him. He collects a microphone and pulls back his jacket, showing off the gold belt around his waist.


"I don't hide who I am," Chord says. "I don't hide my past, the man I used to be. I don't hide my intentions for what I mean to do going forward. You people may hate me—"


The crowd responds, and as usual Chord's boos are mixed with a healthy dose of cheers from the hardcore wrestling fans.


"—but that doesn't matter to me," Chord says. "It NEVER mattered to me, brother. I am Rip Chord, the Great One, the new Golden Age, and I'm your World Heavyweight Champion until such time as I decide I'm done with this belt or they find someone good enough to beat me.


"Sam Strong--"


Another response from the crowd, similarly mixed, and this time Chord does actually grin in recognition.


"Sam Strong," he repeats, "he never understood that. He spent his entire career coming out here and pandering to you idiots, playing the shining hero for all of you to worship. He spent years hiding who he really is, but now…now you're seeing it come out.


"I've been telling you for weeks there's a conspiracy at work here, that Strong's been abusing his position, and yet all of you cheered him until he started targeting poor Dusty Street. This belt—" Chord thumps the gold plate of the championship "—this belt only means I'm the best if I beat the best. I did that with Mr Lucha. I'll do that against Liberty on Sunday night. But until I get Streets—"




Voodoo Child plays, and Strong walks out onto the stage.


"Until you get Streets, brother? You want him to have a shot? Well, I'll tell you what brother, let's see just how honest you really are. I'll give you a match against Dusty tonight – non-title, in our main event. If he beats you, he's in the title match at Total Mayhem and we'll have ourselves a three way fray for that belt.


"If you beat him, I'll go ahead and book the match I had planned for Streets.


"You want a fair world, Chord? You want to be the bigger man? All you gotta do is lie down for the man, brother, and you can give him the shot you're so eager to give him. All it costs you is a mark in the loss column, and Dusty gets the shot you seem to think he deserves."


Rating: A



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Larry Vessey w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper


Eddie Chandler talks a big game, but HGC fans have noticed that for all the big-name targets the Global Elite have targeted, it's usually the Backbreaker's who do the hard work.


This is probably why this match comes as a slight surprise.


Vessey is a well-known quantity in wrestling, and its obvious Chandler has prepared for this match by scouting years worth of matches. Larry starts the match relying on his power-game, using the big moves and strikes that have become his trademark in recent years, and Chandler avoids the worst of the punishment being dished out.


Worse, Chandler seems to have spotted some tell in Vessey's approach, a signal that the Sick Cycle is coming. The first time Vessey tries it, Chandler ducks. The second, Chandler cuts him off with a thumb for the eye before he can spin. The third time, Chandler tackles Vessey and takes him to the mat.


But despite his careful scouting, Chandler finds the process of getting the one-up on Vessey just as difficult. The veteran counters many of Chandler's signature moves, has enough experience to break free of the rest, and generally refuses to wrestle the kind of match Chandler's looking for.


It results in a prolonged and frustrating stalemate for both men, but it's one that finally breaks Vessey's way. He catches Chandler with an elbow – a move that looks almost accidental, but one that splits Chandler's eyebrow open – and in that opening Vessey finally lands the spinning backfist that ends the match.


Larry Vessey defeated Eddie Chandler in 8:52 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





Jack Dundee and Eric Tyler charge the ring, launching themselves at the victorious Larry Vessey. They quickly restrain the veteran, holding him in place, and Eddie Chandler proceeds to start laying into his opponent with a series of knife-edge chops. It takes nearly a dozen before he's done, and when he's done Grace Harper throws her boss the microphone.




"Hey Eric," Chandler says, "Why don't you collect Betsy from under the ring?"


Eric Tyler's face is the very picture of evil as he rolls out and collects a barbed-wire covered baseball bat from its hiding place beneath the ring. Chandler joins Dundee, holding Vessey in place, while Tyler lines up his shot...


and then there's a new body in the ring, a man wearing sweats and an All-Star Team hoodie who suplexes Eddie Chandler and Jack Dundee in quick succession. Tyler moves forward, bat at the ready, and eats a dropkick for his troubles. Grace Harper turns, looking for a way out...




...and comes face-to-face with Bryan Vessey, who quickly restrains her. The hooded man surveys the ring and helps Larry back to his feet.


"Hey! Chandler! Backbreakers!"




Coach Dick Pangrazzio has collected a mic from the ringside crew, a huge grin on his face. "I know you boys have been strutting around, feeling good about having the weight of numbers, but the All-Star Team wasn't ever meant to be a two-man thing. We've been training the best young athletes in the country at the All-Star camp, getting them ready for prime time, and you've just met our latest recruit."


The third man throws back his hoodie, trading high-fives with Bryan.




"Global Elite, meat one of the best American athletes in the world today. His name is Chris Storm, he's just signed up to Hollyweird, and he's going to be watching our back this Sunday."


Rating: D+





"A bit debut from the All-Star Team," Action Jackson says, "and I'm sure Jason is dying to start giving us his pedigree, but right now I've got some time with a man whose got a bit opportunity this Sunday - the American Outlaw, Liberty.


"Liberty, last week you teamed Dusty Streets to get your hands on Rip Chord, and I can't imagine this decision was popular with your mentor, Sam Strong. Would you care to comment on why you did it?"




Liberty is all smiles, utterly relaxed as he considers the question. "Dude, you said a mouthful," the outlaw says. "Last week was a thrill and a half, you know? I got into the ring with a legend, I teamed up with a legend, and I think we had one hell of a match, all things considered.


"But afterwards, dude." Liberty shakes his head. "The meetings, the phone-calls, the drama. Dude."


Liberty trails off, unwilling to elaborate, and Action Jackson leaps in with another question. "And what about the possibility that Dusty Streets will be added to your match, if he picks up the win tonight?"


"Yeah," Liberty says, "That could happen, and it ain't no big thing.


"I'm an easy-going guy, and I don't really know what went down between Sam and Dusty, and right now I don't much care. Sam's a good guy, he's helped me out a lot, but on Sunday there's only one guy I can rely on...and that's the American Outlaw himself, going one-on-one or one-on-one-on-one for the World Heavyweight Championship.


"I helped Dusty last week 'cause it got me in the ring with Chord, let me see exactly what he was made of. I helped 'cause Dusty asked me to help, and it seemed like there weren't any reasons to say no. If he's in the match, that's cool. If he's not, that's cool too.


"But right now, I'm gonna focus. I'm going to prepare for the match I got coming.


"Everything else is secondary, man, and I'll deal with it Monday morning."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BobCasey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EdMonton.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Java.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TribalWarrior.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg


The Maple-Leaf Maulers w/Tom Gilmore vs. Savage Fury w/Romeo Heartthrob


It's a chance, mostly, for the fans to go freshen up their beers and use the facilities. A short, by-the-numbers brawl that ends when Romeo Heartthrob interferes, tripping Monton and setting him up for the Greetings from the Islands.


Savage Fury defeated Maple Leaf Maulers in 5:04 by pinfall.

Rating: E+





Ed Monton is on his feet in flash, going nose-to-nose with Java, objecting to the decision. Java tries to walk away, but Monton isn't letting him - he catches the big Indonesian by the shoulder, turns him, and levels him with a right hand blow.




For a moment the scene teeters on the brink of violence, but Tom Gilmore has claimed a microphone and shouts, "Hold it" a split second before further punches are thrown. "Romeo," he says, "call off your dogs before they get hurt."


Heartthrob coaxes the Savage Fury into backing off.


"Not that I'm against beating the hell out of you and your friends, you son-of-a-bitch," Gilmore says. "Under ordinary circumstances, I'd be all for it, and you can bet me and those savages you call back-up are going to talk in the near future.


"But before that happens, we prepared a little surprise for you Romeo - a surprise in the form of a match on Sunday night. Sam Strong's approved a one-on-one match between you and my man Monton here, and as you've probably guessed, your antics in that hatch have pissed him off.


"You don't want to piss off Ed Monton, Romeo, trust me when I say that.


"And 'cause Sam's a reasonable guy, he made one little stipulation for the match: Savage Fury is banned from ringside."


Rating: C-





Sam Strong is walking backstage. He stops outside one locker room, pushing it open. The camera peers over his shoulder; Dread is there, Emma Chase at his side, trading cold glares with the Nation of Filth.


Strong knocks on the open door. "Am I interrupting something, brother?"




"Nah," Dread says. "Grunt and Stink were just leaving."


Strong nods. "That so?"


"That's so." Dread's eyes don't leave the faces of the Filth, and eventually the two bunks slink out of the room. "You wanted something, Strong?"


"I want to know what that was about, brother."


"The Filth just wanted to know why I interfered in their match last week."




"And I told them it was none of their business," Dread says. "What goes on between me and the Walker kid is just between us. He's a...project."


"So I hear," Strong says. "I want you keep your nose out of the Stampede, brother. That match is going to be chaotic enough without you getting involved."


Dread smirks. "Yeah? And how exactly are you going to stop me?"


"I'm going to keep you busy, brother," Strong says, reaching to close the door. "And I'm going to make you a deal."


Rating: B+



Stampede Qualifier


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Demons of Rage w/Karen Killer


There's no real science here, just four brawlers with a talent for working hardcore going at it for all they're worth. The Fight Club rise to the challenge – they've proved their toughness while running the gauntlet to get here, but there's no doubt hat the Demons are a very different kind of test and the Fight Club impress by holding their own.




Unfortunately the Gauntlet also left the Fight Club with enemies, and one of them proves to be the deciding factor in this qualifier. Billy Wood hits the ring and spears Jack Marlowe through the ring-ropes, leaving Freddie Datsun to fight alone, and from there it isn't long before the Double Demon Down does its job.


The Demons Of Rage defeated Black Rebel Fight Club in 10:04 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






The Demons of Rage throw their hands in the air, posing in the centre of the ring with Karen Killer between them. They're caught from behind by El Bandido and Eléctrico, the two luchadors sliding into the ring with a pair of cowbells they wield with deadly precision as they jump the bigger men from behind.


The Demons are staggered by the fury of the assault, but they rally and start laying into their attackers, both of them working together to power El Bandido into a turnbuckle. Karen Killer is kicking Eléctrico, trying to rip the weapon out of his hands...




And she's caught by a loaded knee from Robert Oxford as the Tag-Team Specialists hit the ring. Bryant and Oxford aren't there to make the save - it simply looks like they're trying to take advantage of the opportunity afforded by Super Lucha's assault and take down the Demons before Sunday's Stampede.




They're not alone in that either. Walker and Morton hit the ring, both men wielding chairs, and they start laying out everyone. Things break down into an out-of-control brawl as official hit the ring and we go to a commercial break.


Rating: C-





Mr Lucha arrives at the building, walking through the backstage corridors wearing street clothes, a bag slung over one shoulder. He turns a corner and comes to a halt. When the camera catches up, they find him standing toe-to-toe with Wanda Fish.




"Relax," she says, "I'm here alone. I want to talk about Sunday night"


Lucha's expression doesn't change.


"I know about you," Fish says. "I've studied you in a way that Paul and the others haven't. It's what they hire me for - to look at the big picture, to guide them and make them money.


"I know you're an honourable man, Lucha, so I've come to make an agreement.


"There are three members of the Untouchables, four of you Luchadors. One of you doesn't have a match.


"And I want your word Superfly and his girlfriend don't get involved in your match.


"He can get involved in the Stampede - it's a high-risk, high reward kind of match and the Specialists are taking their changes - but you and Steadyfast need to resolve this in the ring like men...like wrestlers.


"So you talk your boy into keeping his nose out of it, and I'll give you my word that neither myself nor the Specialists will get involved on Paul's behalf.


"Do we have an agreement?"


Lucha's eyes narrow as he studies Fish, trying to work out how far she can be trusted, but eventually he nods and continues walking.


Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg


Cowboy Ricky Dale w/Brent Hill vs. Ronin


There's no subtlety's to this match - Ricky Dale is all fury as he pounds on the rookie, and Ronin impresses simply by enduring the beating as long as he does while occasionally fighting back. After eight minutes the rookie is folded in half by a big shoulder block from Ricky Dale, which is followed by the Southern Justice to put him down.


Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Ronin in 8:03 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





Ricky Dale hauls Brent Hill into the ring, then calls for a microphone. "Hey Ota," he bellows. " I know you've said no to my friend Brent here, I know you said no to that last match, but partner, I gotta tell ya, it doesn't much look like you're going to hide behind your boys any longer.


"I took out Thunder last week, I just took out Ronin, and come Sunday I'll have EAGLE in my corner again, brother, and we plan on doing something permanent to the little Kamikaze duo. You could have stepped up and resolved things, Ota, but instead you went got the Cowboy good and mad at ya, and that ain't no way to keep yourself healthy, ya hear?"


Ricky Dale hands the microphone to Hill, then points his friend towards the camera.




"Ota," Hill says, "I'm not going away. My wife asks me not to wrestle, my doctors tell me it's a bad idea, even Ricky Dale isn't sure I've got what it takes to hang in a final match.


"They don't understand, Ota. They don't get what you've taken from me, you and your mist, and they don't know what it's like to have that feeling eating at you. Blind or not, I have to walk into this ring like the man I used to be one last time before I can leave this business behind.


"One last time, Ota, you and me. Ricky Dale's going to hunt you down, but it'll be me who finishes you off."


Rating: D+





The camera's go to the backstage interview section, where Team Strength Rush are assembled and facing the camera.


"We don't talk pretty," Lee Wright says. "It's not our thing. What we do best, we do in the ring. Whether it's here or in Japan, Team Strength Rush takes on all comers.


"Ontario Kings, two weeks ago you showed us something. You took our best and you hit back just as hard. We respect that. We respect where you come from - there's lots of guys over in Japan who talk about their time fighting for the House of Stone and how it changed their careers.


"And its got us thinking, me and Ray, about how we'd like another shot at the team the Stones built, just to see what you've really got. Only this time it won't be in a three-way-fray. It won't be with the run-ins and the distractions.


"The offers out there, boys. All you gotta do is see Strong and sign on the line."


Rating: D-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg




Los Santos del Lucha Libre w/Miss Mexico vs. The Wood Brothers


It's a fast match. Los Santos set the pace early and force the Wood Brothers to match it, then accelerate as the luchador's tactics grow increasingly high-risk.


If there's one thing the hardcore Wood boys aren't, it's adverse to risk – there's an audible gasp in the Ranch of San Antonio as Larry Wood flies through the ropes to hit a diving forearm on Superfly on the floor. The move wipes out his opponent, the guard rail, and several members of the audience and serves as the pivot that the rest of the match turns on.


The last few minutes of the match are all about the Woods. They spend much of it beating on Mr Lucha and quickly have the legend in trouble, but Lucha is a master of hope spots and whenever he's in trouble Superfly or Miss Mexico are quick to bail him out. Despite an impressive showing by the Woods, the hot tag is made and things break down, eventually resulting in a Los Santos victory when they double-team Larry Wood with the Latino Heat (Doomsday Rana)


Los Santos de Lucha Libre defeated The Wood Brothers in 11:46 by pinfall.

Rating: B-





Bayne stomps down to the ring, making his first appearance in two weeks. The Demon Seed is still wearing bandages around his ribs and shoulder, the legacy of his beat down at the hands of the Demons of Rage, but he moves with a surety and purpose that gives little hint of his injuries.


"Vengeance," he growls. "Total Mayhem."




March of the Pigs plays, the lights going crazy, and Vengeance glides out to the ring. He climbs in and stares Bayne in the eyes.


"Your quarrel," he says, "is not with me."


"My quarrel," Bayne snarls, "is with whoever I choose."




"Actually, my poor deluded child, those days are over."


Karen Killer walks out onto the stage, the Demons of Rage in her wake. She surveys the two monsters in the ring with a faint smile on her lips. "When I brought you in here, Bayne, you were a force of destruction.


"You were a living weapon I could use to bring down this company, to eliminate the scourge of the false idol Strong. I thought you were my greatest creation, the Demon Seed from which the end of the world would come.


"Then Vengeance came, a spirit from my past, and in my short absence you allowed yourself to stray. You abandoned your name and became less than you were, another fallen creature to pitiful to face the darkness.


"But the dark mother has returned, Bayne, and I know all your secrets. All yours and all those held close to the heart of Vengeance, and I know more secrets besides.


"I know the two of you will meet at Total Mayhem, for Sam Strong has decreed it.


"And I know my one true beloved will join you in that match, and he will teach you what happens to naught monsters who stray from the light. You will know pain, my fallen angels. You will know fear.


There's a burst of pyro in the centre of the stage, one that ends with a flickering circle of red flames burning close to Killer. A dark silhouette rises out of the floor, big and menacing.


"And then," Killer shrieks, "at the end, you will know death


"The dark father comes, children, and he is not happy."




A tall, bearded man steps through the flames with a manic gleam in his eye. He affects a dapper, gothic look complete with a gnarled wooden cane. He holds up one hand and it immediately bursts into blood-red flames.


"Mark this day, children, for Ethan Kane has arrived."


Rating: B-





Dusty Streets walks the corridors backstage, heading towards the ring for his match. He gets to the Interview stage set-up just beside the entry ramp, and finds Liberty waiting for him.




"Hey," Liberty says, lifting his sunglasses. "Thought I'd catch on the way through."


Streets comes to a halt, studying the younger man. "We got a problem, kid?"


"Nah, man, nothing like that." Liberty holds out a fist. "I just wanted to wish you luck tonight, yeah?"


Dusty considers the gesture. "I get lucky, kid, and your title match gets a little tougher."


"Thought of that," Liberty says. "Can't say I really care, yeah? Me and Chord, that's a challenge for sure, but you, me, and Chord...dude, that's a f--kin' show, you know?" He grins. "I try to live in the moment, dude, and I'll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. You take Chord tonight, and I'll be damned honoured to step into the ring with both of you on Sunday."


Streets studies Liberty's face, trying to judge the younger man's sincerity, then finally reaches out and bumps fists.


"You're alright, kid," he says. "Better than I thought you'd be, given who you run with."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Dusty Streets vs. Rip Chord



Not the best match of either man, but it's solid and it does the job. The old-school, Southern style that made the Streets family famous is on full display here and the Texas fans respond with enthusiasm after every slap, punch, hold, and submissions attempt. Chord may be the champion, but Streets comes off as an equal, another veteran on the verge of a career renaissance now he's been given an opportunity.


And then, inevitably, Chord cheats. Streets sends his opponent into the ropes, Chord collides with Eugene Williams along the way, and Charlie Thatcher climbs into the ring with bad intentions on his mind. Thatcher produces a pair of brass knuckles and pounds Streets in the face, knocking him out cold. Chord immediately makes the cover, and Thatcher is in charge of waking the referee and securing the three-count.


Rip Chord defeated Dusty Streets in 18:27 by pinfall.

Rating: B-





Streets is still shaking off the effects of the brass-knuckles punch when Sam Strong makes his way down to the ring.


"Well, brother," he says, "looks like you didn't quite have what it takes to main event on pay-per-view, brother. But I want you to know, brother, I'm feeling mighty generous, so I'm still going to give you a chance to earn that healthy pay-per-view win bonus."


Streets is only just starting to figure out what's happening. He drags himself to the edge of the ring, using the ropes to get back on his feet, and Strong just continues with his promo as if nothing's happened.


"It may be Liberty versus Chord for the title brother, but you're still going to have a big match on the night, 'cause it's going to be Dusty Streets versus…"






The Human Juggernaut charges down the ramp, grabs Streets by the ankles, and hauls him into the ringside area. Streets is propped against the ring apron while Dread fires off a handful of punches, just enough to bludgeon Streets back into a semi-unconscious state, before backing off.


The juggernaut retreats a ways, glaring at Strong the entire way. "You owe me," he yells, unmicced but audible. "You owe me, and I'm going to collect."


It's the last thing we see before Hollyweird goes off the air.


Rating: B+



Overall: B-

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"They really went out of their way to make the debut special, and I think it kinda worked." Randall Hopkirk sprawls across the big red couch, taking up almost all the available room. "They brought all these tech guys out from LA, had them start rigging stuff up like they were on a film set.


"I was pretty nervous about it, especially when they said they were going to make my f—kin' hand go up in flames, but I was game, you know? They were giving a me chance, and even if the whole thing went to hell after the first PPV, it wasn't like being the guy who lit my own f—kin' hand on fire was going to hurt my push back in XFW, right?"


Hopkirk looks to someone outside the camera shot and grins, holds his hands up as they lob in a can of Budweiser. He grins as he pops it open, and for a moment a fragment of the old Ethan Kane smile is there – mean, evil, and vaguely amused.


It disappears quickly as soon as he starts chugging the beer. Hopkirk's contemporary look owes more to his time in Painful Procedure – wifebeaters, band-tattoos, beat-up jeans.


"Lookin' back, I was amazed it worked so well." Hopkirk wipes the back of his mouth with one arm. "I've always been a big guy, but I just don't have the…well, I guess the intensity of guys like Sean and Tyson. They pitched Kane as this Alistair Crowley kind of thing, a dark magician who wrestled and manipulated people, and I think someone suggested me 'cause I got those—" he holds up an arm and taps a row of tattoos running down his forearm, all symbols taken from the cover of Led Zepplin albums.


"Couldn't f—kin' do something like it today," Hopkirk says. "I managed back then 'cause I was carrying around a lot of anger about the industry, especially the way I'd been treated. I was a f—kin' solid hand, I'd paid my dues, but no-one wanted to keep me long, even X-P-Dub was only bringing me on as a short-term thing. I was real pissed it'd taken Hollyweird this long to bring me in, 'specially since Jamie was their golden boy and we'd tagged together way back in Texas.


"The rest of the time I was just, I dunno, channelling a bit of Al Jorgenson and Marilyn Manson, those industrial-type singers who just seemed a little off when you saw them interviewed, and mostly that seemed to work.


"But it wasn't me, ya know? I was really f—kin' happy when the pulled the plug on the gimmick and started prepping us for Painful Procedure. Getting to play, getting to wrestle with Ronnie regularly, that was more my speed than this goth s--t."





"We had this theory around the booking meetings," Bryant says. "I can't remember who came up with it, possibly Nero, but it was all about a triplicate as your foundation. We were used to seeing wrestling being based on oppositions - two guys who hated one another getting to fight, or two teams, faces and heels - but they become more interesting when you added a third party in and gave it a shade of grey.


"The push into Total Mayhem was the first time we really played with that. Three big names in the top of the card story - Dusty, Liberty, Rip. You can make the argument that Sam was there too, but Sam wasn't wrestling, it was those three we were pushing around the title.


"Same thing with the issues between Tyson and Vengeance. Originally it was going to be the two of those, plus the Demons as a unit, and they'd be the foundation for this bizarre little angle that didn't really fit with the rest of the company.


"'Cept the Demons were still embroiled in other stuff, so we looked for a third name, and we came up with Randall doing the Ethan Kane thing. And, long term, that was probably the right call, 'cause it meant Bayne didn't have to be a face so much as be less of a heel than Randall and Killer and the Demons.


"So, yeah, rule of three. It was a thing. Whenever you saw that kind of combination come up in the booking, especially when there were three-way frays on pay-per-views, it usually meant something like the booking committee were paying real attention to that particular angle and those particular workers. "

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Total Mayhem '97


We hit Clover Fields this Sunday with a show that promises to live up to its name – there's going to be mayhem up and down the card.


The show begins with Black Rebel Fight Club and the Wood Brothers meeting in tag-team action. The two teams have developed quite a rivalry during the chase for a spot in the Tag-Team Stampede, and both blame the other for costing them that shot. It's going to be a hard-hitting bout no matter how you slice it.


Romeo Heartthrob has already come up with a win against one half of the Maple Leaf Maulers, but he's yet to go one-on-one with the three-time CGC Champion Ed Monton. Heartthrob is a master of mind-games, but it may take everything he has to rattle the implacable Canadian brawler.


Cowboy Ricky Dale has beaten down both of Ota's Shadow Clan flunkies in singles competition this month. On Sunday he'll be teaming with his returning partner, Dark EAGLE, to eliminate Kamikaze as a unit. Brent Hill will be at ringside to support his friends, but no-one has seen Ota since the Shadow Clan took out Dark EAGLE and rejected Hill's challenge.


Paul Steadyfast and Mr Lucha stole the show with their time-limit draw in our first pay-per-view, but the inability to beat the masked veteran has gnawed at Paul Steadyfast ever since. Lucha is wrestling for payback after the Untouchable's cost him a title, but Steadyfast is wrestling for piece of mind and the knowledge that he can truly beat the masked man in a fair fight.


There's two hundred and fifty-thousand dollars on the line in the Tag-Team Stampede and eight of Hollyweird's best will be competing in the match. It's a come-as-you-are, weapons-are-legal elimination match that awards the prize money and the bronzed Texas Wrestling League Tag-Team trophy to the team with the last man standing. It's going to be crazy, chaotic, and deadly when the Demons of Rage, Super Lucha, Walker & Morton, and The Tag-Team Specialists go at it.


Dusty Streets has been fighting for survival this month, facing off against an array of hard-hitting opponents put in his path by Commissioner Strong. On Sunday night he'll face the very definition of a tough match when he takes on the unstoppable human juggernaut, Dread.


Vengeance. Bayne. Ethan Kane. These three monsters have been thrown together by the machinations of Karen Killer and violence seems inevitable. We still don't know what connects these three men in their past, but the anger towards each other is palpable and there's no doubt this one will be difficult to control.


The Tag-Team Championships are on the line next, as the best tag-team in the world today, The Vessey Brothers, meet Backbreaker's Inc of the Global Elite. Their first match ended indecisively and the Global Elite followed it with a series of violent attacks; you can bet the champions will be looking for the clean victory that will allow them to put the Backbreaker's behind them.


And in the main event two men will fight over the most important title in pro-wrestling today: the HGC World Heavyweight Championship. Rip Chord's held the title for five months now, racking up victories over challengers from around the globe, but the one man in HGC who holds a clean pinfall victory over the champion is Liberty. Will this be the end of Chord's New Gold Age, or will Liberty be unable to repeat his early success against the veteran?


Matches included on this streaming video:


Liberty vs. Rip Chord – HGC World Heavyweight Title

The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc – HGC Tag-Team Championship

Vengeance vs. Bayne vs. Ethan Kane

Dusty Streets vs. Dread

Tag-Team Stampede: Super Lucha vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Walker & Morton vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Kamikaze

Ed Monton vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord – HGC World Heavyweight Title

The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc – HGC Tag-Team Championship

Vengeance vs. Bayne vs. Ethan Kane

Dusty Streets vs. Dread

Tag-Team Stampede: Super Lucha vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Walker & Morton vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Kamikaze

Ed Monton vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers

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  • 4 weeks later...

HGC Total Mayhem

Sunday, Week 4, May 1997

Clover Fields (Mid-South) – 15,000 people



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg


Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers


The match starts with a stare-down by both teams, with no-one particularly willing to back-off and wait in a corner. Eugene Williams tries to talk both teams down, but all he does is trigger the four-man brawl; both sides crash into each other and start throwing punches.


It isn't long before order emerges from the chaos. Williams herds both Larry Wood and Datsun to their respective corners, allowing Marlowe and Billy to carry the opening minutes. Marlowe's a solid brawler, but he spends the match playing babyface in peril when the slick teamwork of the Wood's cuts the ring in half.


Datsun eventually comes in off the hot tag, and this proves the vital difference maker. He catches Billy Wood with the Patriot Press to pick up the pinfall.


Black Rebel Fight Club defeated The Wood Brothers in 9:19 by pinfall.

Rating: D+









The Nation of Filth come tearing down the ramp, garbage bins in hand and bad intentions on their mind. Marlowe and Datsun meet the assault head-on, but the Filth are fresh, well-armed, and two of the most dangerous sons-of-bitches you'll ever meet in a hardcore environment.




It isn't long before the members of the Black Rebel Fight Club are taking a beating, and once the Filth have dominated the winners of the last match they start including the Wood Brothers in the mix. Garbage bins connect with the skulls of Datsun, Larry, Billy, and Marlow in rapid succession, leaving the Nation of Filth the only two men standing in the ring.


"Seems some mother-f—ker's had a fight and forgot to invite the good ol' boys from Trashheap, USA," Grunt says. "It's not a f—kin' mistake they'll be makin' again."


"You boys want to get nasty," Stink says, firing a kick into Larry Wood's ribs, "I suggest you remember who the nastiest of the nasty is 'round here."


Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EdMonton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg


Ed Monton vs. Romeo Heartthrob


It's safe to say none of the fans expected much from this match. Heartthrob is one of the lesser-lights among the legends in HGC, and his feud with Gilmore's posse has done little to change that. Monton has been a tag guy since his arrival, competent but unspectacular, a veteran presence content to let Bob Casey be the guy on the team who shows the real in-ring personality. Only Jason Azaria seems to have an inkling of what's coming. His opening comment, "finally, HGC fans will get to see what Monton can really do," seems strangely prophetic in hindsight.


The results are…strong. Not the best match on the card, not by a long shot, but certainly the match that over-delivers on every level. Monton wrestles like the tough SOB he is – cold, implacable, with a heavy reliance on elbow shivs and big slams. Heartthrob plays head-games - stalling and rattling off trash talk - and for the second time in his HGC tenure finds himself struggling against an opponent who doesn't rise to the bait.


With mind-games out and the Savage Fury banned from ringside, Heartthrob is forced to actually *wrestle*. He works Monton's neck throughout the match, softening it up for the Cupid's Clutch, but even that doesn't work until Hearrthrob cheats - it finally takes ramming Monton neck-first into an exposed turnbuckle before his neck is weak enough for the Clutch pick up the submission.


Romeo Heartthrob defeated Ed Monton in 10:04 by submission.

Rating: C



"Brother, we've got to talk."




We see Liberty backstage, freshly arrived at the arena, and he turns to face the man who addressed him – Sam Strong, his mentor and General Manager.


Liberty adopts an easy grin, holding out a hand for the GM to shake. "Good to see you, man. Thought you'd be busy as hell tonight, way to busy to make time for the Outlaw."


"I made time, brother." Strong grips Liberty's hand, holding the handshake slightly longer than is necessary. "It's a big match tonight. You and Rip Chord, World Heavyweight Title. A real big match."


"The biggest." Liberty frees his hand from Strong's grip. "You want to walk and talk, dude? I still gotta warm up."


Strong nods, falling in beside his protégé. "I wanted to wish you luck," he says. "Ever since I got injured, since Pete lost his spot in the company, I know I haven't had much time to…you know…help out."


Liberty shrugs. "No problemo, compadre. Things change, man, you got new responsibilities. And the American Outlaw can still hold his own, yeah? It may take me a little longer, taking the scenic route, but I'll still get where I'm going."


"Yeah," Strong says, "I guess you will, brother. It's just…"




"Look, brother," Strong says, "I ain't going to lecture you. You're doing your thing, standing on your own two feet, making your own choices. I respect that, I have to – I'm not your mentor anymore, no matter how much I wish I were—"


"But if you were my mentor," Liberty says, "you'd be giving me some advice right about now?"


"Yeah, brother, something like that."


"So dish, man," Liberty says, "for old time's sake, just this once."


The duo come to a halt outside Liberty's locker room. Strong hesitates, then ploughs ahead. "Okay, brother, for old times sake. My advice."


Strong takes a deep breath.


"Make sure you know whose side you're on. You're on a roll here, brother. Big wins, title shots, top of the card. The people love you, brother, and you know that I'm a fan of your work.


"Just don't mess it up by associating with the wrong people, brother. It's be a shame if you got caught up in some problem that doesn't concern you."


Strong turns and walks away, leaving a baffled Liberty to go get ready for his match.


Rating: B+



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Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE w/Brent Hill vs. Kamikaze


There's no part of this match that isn't a feel-good moment for the Southern crowd. They're chanting Ricky Dale's name from the outset and the response grows louder as he runs roughshod over the ninjas, double-teaming them with Dark EAGLE as the masked wrestler gets some of his own payback for their assault a few weeks back.




The crowd response is louder still when Ota makes his appearance about three minutes in. The leader of the Shadow Clan charges the ring, goes for the ninja strike on Ricky Dale, and misses when the Cowboy ducks it and immediately responds with a short-arm clothesline.


Ota eats canvas, but the distraction allows his compatriots to get some offense. Kamikaze are fast and hit hard, and they choose to focus their effort on Dark EAGLE rather than the home-town hero.


EAGLE spends two minutes trying for the hot tag, and when it comes the crowd erupts and things get crazy. Ota is still around, Ricky Dale feeds Awesome Thunder to the corner where a blind Brent Hill is ready to apply a sleeper hold, and Dark EAGLE finally picks up the victory with an Eagle Shock on Ronin from the top rope.


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE defeated Kamikaze in 7:54 by pinfall.

Rating: B-





"This is Action Jackson backstage, getting the scoops, and I'm here with…" Jackson hesitates as the camera pans out. "Here with, I guess, Karen Killer's Army of Darkness, including two men who are the hot favourites to win tonight's Tag-Team Stampede. Karen, you're thoughts?"


"Thoughts?" Killer smirks. "I don't have thoughts, Action Jackson, and neither do these men. They have…impulses. Dark impulses.


"And in that ring tonight, they will be given free reign to vent those impulses on all who stand before them."


"And I have to ask about your newest member," Jackson says. "Just a few days ago this man, Ethan Kane, arrived in HGC and already you're sending him—"


Kane's hand snaps forward, grabbing Jackson around the throat. The big monster pulls the interviewer close and relieves him from the microphone.


"Dante reserved the ninth circle of hell for those who betrayed their comrades in arms," Kane says. "It's the place for the treacherous, the untrustworthy, the lowest of the low. My beloved…" Kane pauses, delivering a passionate kiss to Killer so there's no mistaking who he's talking about "…has been twice betrayed by men who claimed to follow her teachings.


"The first…Vengeance.


"The second…Bayne.


"For many of the treacherous, there is solace in knowing they will not be judged until their deaths. In knowing that their punishment will be inflicted on their souls.


"This is not true for Bayne and Vengeance.


"Tonight I bring the ninth circle of hell to earth, and their flesh shall know the tortures that await them in the afterlife."


Kane drops the microphone and stalks off, his walking stick tapping against the floor. Killer grabs the mic. "So sayeth the dark father," she says, "and so it shall be."


She too walks away, cackling wildly, with the Demons of Rage in her wake.


Rating: C



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast w/Wanda Fish


It’s the third time these two have met on PPV, but this time Lucha is coming in with a grudge and there's little of the feeling-out process that's dominated their earlier works. The two men throw themselves into the match, leaving everything on the mat in the opening ten minutes.


Kyle Rhodes points out the difference between this and Steadyfast's usual slow-paced approach, built on stopping the momentum of a match rather than submitting to it. It's a difference that seems to work for the young wrestler in this instance – at several times he seems to have Lucha in trouble, although the masked legend always finds a way to escape.




And then a young, well-built man in designer jeans and sunglasses is in the ring. The newcomer jumps Mr Lucha, lifts him onto his shoulders, then powers him into the mat with a Death Valley Cutter. The attacker then poses, lifting his sunglasses just long enough to wink at Fish, before rolling out of the ring and retreating up the ramp.


Sam Sparrow calls for the DQ despite Steadyfast's protests.


Mr Lucha defeated Paul Steadyfast in 7:37 when Paul Steadyfast was disqualified.

Rating: C+



The silver screen comes to life and Pantera's Cowboys from Hell plays over footage from the Stampede Qualifiers. Shots of the Demons, Super Lucha, The Specialists, and Walker & Morton are intercut with brief screen shots outlining the rules.


Four Teams.

Eight Men.

Total Elimination.




The short promo ends with a shot of the plaque featuring the bronzed TWL Tag-Team Championships and a briefcase containing $250,000 in cash.


When the promo ends, Jason Azaria makes one of his rare appearances on-stage.




"Ladies and Gentlemen," he says, "our very special guest referee for this match – one of the first holders of the TWL Tag-Team Titles and a Texas Legend…


"Please give it up for 'The Executioner' Archie Judge."




Rating: C



Tag-Team Stampede


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ElBandido.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Elctrico.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg

vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Super Lucha vs. The Demons of Rage vs. Walker & Morton vs. The Tag-Team Specialists


The entrances are punctuated by the commentary team discussing the merits of the various weapons being brought into the ring. Rhodes believes the advantage easily goes to the Demons – they've brought out lengths of chain and they've already proven they're adept at using them.


The weakest choice probably belongs to the Specialists, who emerge with Robert Oxford sporting a particularly heavy knee-brace and Joel Bryant wears a pair bright red sparring gloves, although Azaria does ask exactly what the Luchadors in the match are going to do with a pair of cow bells.


Walker and Morton, at least, have gone for the familiar – both come in bearing steel chairs and they put them to good use the moment the bell rings. A series of chair shots quickly clear the ring, earning a small pop from the crowd.


It's a strong opening for the two West Coast kids, but it doesn't last for long. The other teams find their way back into the ring, the match alternating between hard-hitting strikes and flying bodies. Morton finds himself at the mercy of the Demons, who wrap their chain around his throat and lift, using it as an assist on the Double Demon Down.


ELIMINATION 1: Tayler Morton


The Demons capitalise on the momentum, stretching the chain between them and charging across the ring, taking out several opponents at once. Oxford and Bryant are the first time caught, forcing them out of the ring, and Walker gets knocked prone seconds after. The only person who seems adept at avoid the sweeps is Electico – the masked man is small enough to duck under the Demons reach, and he responds with a lightning fast leap to the top rope, after which he flies at Anger and connects with the cow bell.


Anger is bloodied and downed, putting an end to the Demon's tactic, and Electico goes to the top rope a second time hoping to repeat the tactic. Unfortunately he's caught by Wanda Fish, who throws him off, and seconds later Robert Oxford's loaded knee eliminates the luchador.


EIMINATION 2: Electrico


Finding themselves partnerless, Monty Walker and El Bandido join together in a temporary alliance as they hold off both the Specialists and the Demons. The camera cuts between the various scuffles going on around the ring, paying particular attention to Anger's bloodied forehead, and amid the chaos there's a roar from the crowd when El Bandido catches Oxford with a Hijack Suplex. A cover is made and Bryant is too slow to make the save.


Archie Judge makes the three-count.


ELIMINATION 3: Robert Oxford


Oxford and Bryant corner Archie Judge, threatening the guest referee as they back him into the corner. Judge refuses to be intimidated – he throws a couple of fists of his own, chasing Oxford out of the ring and forcing Bryant to think better of challenging the official.


Instead Bryant goes on a rampage, doing his best to win the match the single-handedly. His own fists fly, and the damage they inflict leads Azaria to speculate as to whether the padded gloves his wearing are, perhaps, loaded.


The speculation ends pretty quickly. Bryant connects a glancing blow on Bandido that's still, somehow, powerful enough to knock the big luchador out.




With the Demons the only complete team left in the competition, as well as the duo most experienced at the hardcore milieu, they quickly become the favourites. They quickly double-team both Bryant, then Walker, searching for a pinfall, but neither of their victims seems willing to slow down. Bryant takes the worse punishment, but eventually rallies, firing back with a flurry of punches on both Demons, forcing them back. There's a right for Anger. A right for Spite. A right for Anger.




Bryant goes down and Walker is smart enough to roll under the bottom rope, leaving the Demons to make the cover.


ELIMINATION 5: Joel Bryant


Walker collects his steel chair and climbs back into the ring, squaring off against both Demons at once. It's an unenviable position, but the young wrestler shows little fear, immediately using his speed and the judicious application of head-shots to try and even the odds. The Demons bring the chains into play once more, but Walker proves wise to the tactic. He ducks and weaves, avoiding the worst of the offense, and sees his moment – the chair is thrown at Anger, who instinctively catches it, then eats a dropkick through the metal.


Walker covers but Spite makes the save for his partner, dragging Walker across the canvas by one leg. Walker squirms, frees himself, gets a hand to a cowbell left behind by the luchadors. He swings it like a flail, forcing Spite to let go, then dropkicks the big man through the ropes.


Anger is only just starting to rise, and Walker immediately blasts him with a second superkick before making the cover.


ELIMINATION 6: Demon Anger


A weary Walker squares off against Spite, both men breathing heavily. Walker is obviously the more exhausted of the two, his breathing laboured after fighting alone. Spite simply grins and slices a thumb across his throat before charging.


The Demon blasts through Gilmore's defences, raining punches and knees on the smaller man. Walker's lip is busted open as he's forced back against the ropes, caught there as Spite rains down punches. In desperation the smaller man thumbs Spite in the eye, follows it up with a low blow, earning himself enough time to catch a breather.


Walker rallies and targets Spite's knee with a series of dropkicks, following it up with a kick to the chest that knocks the Demon prone. Walker makes a sloppy cover and Spite kicks free.


There's another sickening exchange where Spite hammers his opponent, looking for a way to keep Walker down. This time he's cut off when Walker gets a hand to Anger's discarded length of chain, wrapping it around Spite's wrist when the Demon makes a wild punch. Walker uses the leverage granted by the chain to bring Spite to his feet, kneeing him several times in the chest and face.


Spite's face contorts in pain as he fights to free his wrist, especially after Walker rolls over the top rope with one end of the chain, jerking Spite towards the rope.


Karen Killer rushes to help, forcing Walker to discard the chain as a weapon. He scrambles back into the ring, claiming one of the steel chairs, while Killer frees her client.


Spite rises, raising his bloodied and injured wrist to show the crowd, searching for his opponent. He sees Walker on the far side of the ring, balanced on the second rope, a steel chair in hand.


Spite roars and charges, and immediately eats a chair shot to the face. The Demon staggers, steadies himself, and takes another shot. He still doesn't go down, so Walker climbs to the top rope and hammers the chair down with all the force he can muster. Spite staggers backwards, then falls, and the crowd applauds as Monty Walker launches an elbow drop from the top rope to finish the match. Archie Judge makes the three-count, then raises the triumphant Walker's arm high.


Walker & Morton defeated Super Lucha, The Demons Of Rage and The Tag Team Specialists in 29:52. Walker & Morton win the HGC Tag-Team Stampede titles.

Rating: B-





The camera cuts backstage, tracking a well-dressed Mexican man as he struts his way towards the catering spread. The response is respectable, but mild – the youth isn't recognised by anyone other than Jason Azaria, but he cost Lucha a match but an hour earlier and that's enough to cement the crowd's dislike.


"I guess you're feeling pretty pleased with yourself, esse."




The youth – Azaria identifies him as Don Juan Escalera – turns and finds himself face-to-face with Spanish Superfly and Miss Mexico.


"You." Escalera smirks. "I should have known."


"Yeah, you should." Superfly steps forward, getting in the younger man's face. "And you should have thought better about coming here, cabron. Especially if you're hooked up with Steadyfast and his crew."


"Brother, I don't hook up with men. I prefer to save my efforts for the mamacitas." He leers at Miss Mexico as he says it. "And my business here is the same as yours, Superfly. And unless you want the same as just happened to your friend, I recommend you stay out of my way."


Rating: D-





Elsewhere backstage, in the warm-up position by the entry ramp, Dusty Streets is shadow boxing and testing his shoulder, trying to work out where his limits lie given the month of punishment that's led up to this match.




Liberty walks over. "Dude, you got a moment?"


Streets hesitates, then: "Sure."


"Just wanted to wish you luck tonight," Liberty says. "I mean…Dread…that's a tough one. He's a big guy, well-prepared, and—"


"I'm not looking for sympathy, junior," Streets says. "Or your advice. We worked together a few weeks back, you got what you wanted, but given who you--"


"Me and Sam, that it's own thing," Liberty says. "Can't say I've ever cared for anyone telling me who I can and can't hang with, man, and I've always made up my own mind about who gets my respect and who doesn't.


"You and Strong have issues, I dig that, but you and me are cool. Maybe once this is done, if I ain't champion, we can talk about teaming up for a stretch, maybe see if we can take that gold off the Vessey boys."


Liberty grins and holds out a hand. "Either way, I just wanted to say it sucks you're not in the main event with me and Rip – that would have been wild - and that I'm sure you'll tear things up out there regardless of who your fighting. Give the big man hell, yeah? Give everyone the show they're looking for."


It takes Streets a moment, but he eventually smiles and accepts the handshake. "Thanks, kid," he says. "I'll do my best."


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Dusty Streets vs. Dread w/Emma Chase


There's no real doubt about how this one will go: Streets has been harried by Strong for over a month now, and the injuries are mounting up. Dread is…well, Dread. A human juggernaut who knows every weak point on Streets' battered body and targets them.


Thus the match is all about hart, with Streets fighting back again and again until Dread finally puts him down with a Dreadsault.


Dread defeated Dusty Streets in 9:19 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





Action Jackson smiles for the cameras. "With me at this time is your World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord.


"Rip, you're just a short time away from defending your title against one of the few men in HGC whose beaten you clean – Liberty. Are you worried about walking out with the belt?"


"Worried? WORRIED?" Chord practically beams, exchanging amused chortles with Rick Sanders. The Punisher actually quirks a lip in a vaguely amused grin. Charlie Thatcher, as ever, remains stoic.


"Sure, I'm sweating Liberty," Chord says. "He's good enough to make it to the top of the mountain, to make it into the ring with the Champ, and that makes him a man worth sweating. And unlike most of the men who step into the ring with me, he has that one psychological edge they don't – a victory over the champ. Non-title, sure, but there were no titles to lose back then.


"It was a big day for the kid, I'm sure, and it should be. He didn't beat a legend, he beat a star at the beginning of his ascent to true greatness, building upon an already impressive career in order to start a new Golden Age of Wrestling, brother.


"That's big. That's something to keep you warm at night when you're young and hungry.


"But brother, that was just another day at the office for The Great One.


"I've been around, Action Jackson. I know this game inside and out, and I know that everyone has a bad day. Everyone has that one night where they lose focus and get their shoulders pinned to the mat. It happened to me and Liberty reaped the rewards.


"But that was one night, one night in a career full of nights, and I have plenty of victories to bolster my confidence.


"So yeah, Action Jackson, I'm sweating Liberty…but no more than I sweat any other challenger.


"And at the end of the day, I'm still the Great One. I'm still the Champ. And I still have three of the most dangerous men in the world watching my back.


"If Liberty really thinks he's got what it takes to beat me, he can bring it.


"But I don't think I can beat him – I know it.


"And that's what makes me the Champ, brother. It's what makes me the Greatest Wrestler who ever lived."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Vengeance vs. Baine vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer


It's a big, brutal slugfest that's full of shifting alliances – what starts as a temporary truce between Bayne and Vengeance to take care of Killer's new monster quickly becomes a renewal of the war that already exists between the two.


Ethan Kane proves adept at exploiting the friction between his opponents, wrestling a far smarter match than either of his rage-filled opponents, and it's this that eventually decides the result. Vengeance and Bayne whip themselves in a rage, looking to hurt one another, and Kane simply stands aside long enough for Bayne to annihilate Vengeance with a Hades Bomb.


Baine defeated Vengeance and Ethan Kane in 11:42 by pinfall .

Rating: C





Baine stands triumphant in the middle of the ring, caught up in the moment. He unleashes a primal howl, thumping his chest, basking in the spotlight.




And completely misses Killer handing Ethan Kane his walking stick.


Kane presses a button on the haft of the walking stick, causing a steel spike to spring forth from the carved wood. A few seconds later he crashes into Baine from behind, knocking the demon seed to the ground before bloodying him with the spike.


Within seconds, Baine's blood is staining the canvas. Kane doesn't have the bigger man's size, but his brutality and gleeful expression sells the attack and his vicious intent.


Rating: B-



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The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio & Chris Storm vs. Backbreaker's Inc w/Grace Harper & Eddie Chandler

HGC World Tag-Team Championship


Two words: intense and chaotic.


It starts with a lock-up between Tyler and Bryan Vessey, two minutes of hold and counter hold that ends with Tyler paintbrushing his opponent with a disrespectful slap. Bryan responds with the Vessey brother specialty – stiff, straight right hands – that sees Tyler give ground and tag in the Aussie scrapper, Dundee, to trade fists.


Not to be out-done, Dundee shows a lack of respect all of his own – a sneaky knee to the crotch while the referee's back is turned, taking Bryan down. When Larry Vessey makes the save he is none to gentle, coming within a whisker of connecting with a soccer-style punt that Dundee rolls sideways to avoid.


Sam Sparrow starts dishing out warnings, hoping to reign in the aggression being shown, but it does nothing. The Backbreakers and the Vessey's brawl, hitting hard, and it isn't long before the ringside observers are getting a piece of the action as the ring fails to contain the brewing fight.


Things deteriorate and Sam Sparrow ends up giving the match plenty of leeway, hoping for a firm resolution rather than the DQ, and the result is almost twenty minutes of action before things break down for good. Both teams end up outside the ring and chaos really takes hold: Larry Vessey gets blindsided by Grace Harper, who superkicks the veteran Vessey before setting up for her trademark Fisherman's Buster.


Chris Storm does exactly what Coach Pangrazzio hired him for – he dives in and saves Larry, although he hesitates for a fraction of a moment when it comes to striking a woman and that costs him; Eric Tyler dives off the ring apron, wiping Rockwell out, leaving Grace Harper free to assist Eddie Chandler and Jack Dundee as they triple-team Bryan Vessey up against the guard rail.


The camera isn't really sure where to focus after that: Bryan Vessey is mounted a spirited defense against the three-on-one assault, one that consists primarily of chops and desperate knees. Coach Pangrazzio is trying to get Larry back on his feet, half-dragging the big man's dead weight towards the ring as the ten count reaches its midpoint.


And on the other side of the ring, down on the floor, Chris Storm is struggling with Eric Tyler and seems to have locked the veteran into an MMA-style arm crank, slowly demolishing the offending limb as it bends in a direction it really shouldn't.


In the end, no-one gets it together fast enough to make it back to the ring, and Sam Sparrow has no choice but to call for the double count-out.


The Vessey Brothers drew with Backbreaker Inc in 20:22 following a double count out.

Rating: B



The silver screen comes to life, showing a split scene close-up of what's going on two locker rooms.




On the left is the challenger, Liberty, whose bouncing on the balls of his feet while his friend Ultimate Phoenix psychs him up. Rhodes comments on the change in Liberty's support – just a few short months ago he'd be accompanied by Sam Strong and Peter Valentine, two veterans who helped the young man rise to the top.




On the right is Chord, calm and collected, running through some last minute details with his entourage. Again, Rhodes is there to make comment: the Chord who lost to Liberty six months ago was a man alone, still building his confidence on the world stage, not the champion who stood at the top of the company with three men watching his back.


"Big changes for both these men since their last fight," Rhodes says, "and I doubt I could pick a winner."


"And now it comes down to this. Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the most anticipated title match in HGC's short history," Jason Azaria says.


Cannonball begins to play, and Phoenix pats Liberty on the shoulder as the challenger makes his way down to the ring.


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg


Liberty vs. Rip Chord

HGC World Championship


So much is made of Ricky Dale's Texas roots that it's easy to forget that Liberty is just as loved in the South – he's embraced as another a TWL stalwart made good on the national stage, and the thundering roar of the audience as he emerges for his title match is just a touch more passionate than we hear elsewhere in the country.


Everyone in the audience knows that Liberty can win this; they've known since the American Outlaw made his mark in HGC with a victory over Chord, way back in the early days of the first championship tourney, and the few doubters are won over early as Liberty goes on the offensive. The challenger is all energy – constantly moving, always repositioning, hitting Chord from all directions – and while Rhodes notes that this will cost him as the match wears on and conditioning comes into play, it doesn't look like Liberty is going to slow down.


Chord responds, as ever, with a careful game-plan built around cheating and interrupting momentum, but there's no doubting that he's on the back foot. There's a big moment about twelve minutes in where Liberty catches the champion with a low dropkick, taking Chord's feet out from under him and leaving him with a limp. Chord spends the rest of the match protecting the injured leg, stopping Liberty from capitalising, but it's an uphill battle for the champion and Azaria starts wondering if Liberty is actually going to do it and take the World Heavyweight Championship from around the veteran's waist. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he shouts, "Rip Chord's new Golden Age may be about to end."


Chord goes on the offensive, snapping off a series of chops, building towards the DDT, but it isn't long before Liberty rallies. He unleashes a flurry at the knee – low dropkick, shinbreaker, Texas Cloverleaf submission – but Chord survives all of it. Finally Liberty fakes another shot at the knee, Chord goes to block it, and finds himself caught in the Liberation Slam instead.


"He's done it!" Rhodes screams. "Liberty outsmarted the Champion."




And then Chord's entourage gets involved. Charlie Thatcher hits ringside, dragging Chord under the bottom rope, snatching the title from the corner, and carrying both up the ramp as fast as he can lumber. Eugene Williams goes to call for the DQ, but Liberty tells him not to, charging after Thatcher with the intention of stopping Chord's escape.




It doesn't work. The Dallas Wrecking Crew run interference, blocking any attempt to follow, and as the ten-count mounts Liberty is forced back into ring by the duo. Eugene William's looks for options, feeling the same frustration and Liberty and the Southern crowd, but there are none. He calls for the count-out, awarding the match to Liberty without the title changing hands.


Liberty defeated Rip Chord in 22:08 by count out.

Rating: B



Overall: B-

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OOC Show Notes

- Sorry for the long gap between posts. Business travel, an unexpected move to a new house, and a short period without internet access all conspired against me. Such are the curses of being caught up on the game these days - if I don't have time to write or play, I don't have anything to post.

- I'm starting to make a concerted effort to finish up some of the angles that have dragged on and get some new faces onto the PPV scene.

- For the first time, Ed Monton is actually worth the $1,500 we pay him per appearance in terms of the match rating instead of writing it off as a training expense.

- For the...damn, who keeps track anymore...time, I'm trying to figure out why I'm not setting aside history and pushing Ricky Dale into the main event early.

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I'm gonna be perfectly honest; I'm sure the wrestling stuff is great, but the only reason I read is the shoot interviews. They are so masterfully written, and as far as my viewpoint is concerned, that part of the diary is now the standard against which all other diaries are measured.
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"Man, Jack went into that title match pissed." Eric Tyler grins at the memory, looking immensely pleased with himself. "Me too, for that matter, although looking back he was probably the one who had the right to be, and I was being…well, me.


"In case you hadn't heart, I'm something of an asshole."





"Locker rooms have…egos," Dundee says. "Lots of them, really, and Hollyweird had some of the biggest. Put that many people together four, five days a week and things start to get combustible. Most of the time you try to contain it, keep people on track, but sometimes it spills over.


"Mayhem was one of those nights it spilled over."





"Streets was being an ass," Tyler says. "No surprise there, Streets is always being an ass, it's one of his defining traits. I can't remember what he was being an ass about, but—"





"Dusty wasn't a fan of the two biggest matches of the show being cluster-f—k endings." Dundee exhales sharply. "Dusty's an old-school kind of guy, grew up learning to book at his dad's knee, and in Streets Senior's world you didn't screw the fans on the finish in a big arena show.


"You sure as hell didn't screw them twice in a row, in both title matches, even if your entire pay-per-view was built around being as chaotic as possible..."





"—odds are it was something about things not being done the way he thought it would done," Tyler says. "Dusty spent his entire f—kin' career in one place prior to HGC, and that was the company where his dad was the f—kin' booker, or his brother was.


"Me, I did my time. I travelled the world, learned how things worked, but apparently I wasn't qualified to venture an opinion 'cause I'd never worked a big company before. Apparently I didn't draw money, so what the hell did I know."





"Really," Dundee says, "what kind of idiot disrespects Eric Tyler?"





"I slugged the asshole," Tyler says. "Hit him three or four times, then we really went to town on each other."





"Rip was pissed," Dundee says.





"Nothing unusual about that," Tyler says. "It's not the most professional thing you can do, I'll admit, but it happens. This industry is all about respect, and I wasn't going to let Dusty ****in' Streets disrespect me."





"Things got broken up fast, but Eric threw the first punch and everyone knew it. Rip was going to have a talk with Dusty, so I got lumped with having a few words with Eric, on account of the fact we were tagging together."





"Aussie Jack took me aside after the fight and ripped me a new one," Tyler says. "Thirteen years my junior and he's screaming his goddamn head off about me being unprofessionally, about the various ways I was threatening to screw up our damn push.


"And that's what got to me, really. I'll give Jack his due – he'd done his time, worked Japan and the UK prior to hitting Australia – but he wasn't really big on chasing a push. And we were friendly, sure, but we weren't really friends, not the way full-time teams like the Filth were. If anyone was holding us back as a team, I figured it was him – stupid bastard fought against any push he could while he worked the booking committee, even as a junior member of staff."


Tyler pauses, then shrugs. "Turns out there was serious talk about us winning the straps that night. Turns out I'd seriously blown it by picking the fight."





"So match time comes, Backbreaker's against the Vesseys, and Eric and I can barely talk to one another. I'm pissed 'cause I've spent six bloody months talking him up, trying to get him booked regular, trying to get him on a written contract. He's pissed 'cause some snot-nosed kid has just dressed him down for starting a fight…a fight that'd already started due to a lack of respect on someone's behalf.


"So the two of us were pissed at each other, really ready to just go at it.


"And instead we just went out there and threw it all at Larry and Bryan instead."





"Brother, I feel sorry for Larry and B," Tyler says. "Neither of us meant to do it, I swear, but the Vessey's did start it. Larry, I guess, knew what was up and he gave his brother orders to stiff Jack in the opening exchange. Jack gave him a receipt, things got a little wilder than than they were intended too, I stepped up 'cause, pissed or not, you don't let a guy disrespect your partner for no reason..."





"Turned out to be the best damn thing we could have done," Dundee says. "By the time we were done, we'd burned through all the adrenaline and aggression. We finished up by heading for a bar, having a few beers. I apologised for losing my temper, explained to Eric why it happened. He apologies for starting the fight, promised it'd never happen again."





"Total bullshit, that promise, but I meant it at the time," Tyler says. "We may have hated each other for the twenty minutes we worked together in the ring, but we put on one hell of a match, and it's hard to be pissed off when you've gone out there and held the crowd right there—" Tyler stabs one finger into the middle of his open palm.


"All in all, it turned out to be a pretty damn good night."

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I'm still reading bro, don't worry about losing readers


Thanks, man.


I'm usually less worried about losing readers than I am getting distracted by the possibility of something shiny and new whenever I have a month-long break. Acknowledging the time off is kind of a mental reset to keep me from going and starting another dynasty :)


I'm gonna be perfectly honest; I'm sure the wrestling stuff is great, but the only reason I read is the shoot interviews. They are so masterfully written, and as far as my viewpoint is concerned, that part of the diary is now the standard against which all other diaries are measured.


Cheers, man, glad you're enjoying them (although I should take another opportunity to give a shout-out to Phantom Stranger's Philly Power Pro diary, from whom I've shamelessly ripped off the approach).


Just read the whole diary these past two diaries. Damn, this diary is awesome.


Thanks, ampulator. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Honestly speaking, anyone can make matches and post results. Heck, they don't even need the actual game to do it.


But the actualy backstory? That takes dedication and time. The only thing I wish is that you would update at least two shows a month, if only if to nominate you for DOTM's more often. ;)

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Hollyweird TV

- Episode 25 Preview -


The show kicks off with some fall-out from Total Mayhem as the Black Rebel Fight Club, take on the team who attacked them, The Nation of Filth. The Fight Club are looking for some payback after being beaten down by the boys from Trashheap, USA.


The gothic monster, Ethan Kane, made an impact of his own on Sunday night – bloodying Tyson Baine with a steel spike. Now he's made an open challenge for an opponent (or, as Kane prefers to call them, "victims") and Ramon Paez has stepped up.


Another open challenge is answered in our first title match of the evening – The Vessey Brothers have put out an open contract for any new team looking to take a shot at the Tag-Team Championship, and it's been answered by an international duo calling themselves The Shooters. We don't yet know who will be part of this new team, but you can bet Jason Azaria will have the details by showtime.


Fumihiro Ota has petitioned for a match against Tyler Morton, one-half of the tag-team duo that won Sunday night's Stampede. We're unsure whether this match is the Shadow Clan leader taking the contract, or simply a means of avoiding any entanglement with Ricky Dale and his posse.


A feud is renewed in the wake of the Stampede, with Los Santos del Lucha Libre throwing out a challenge against The Tag-Team Specialists. The Specialist's ally, Paul Steadyfast, may not have been the victor in his match against Los Santos' Mr Lucha on Sunday, but he was the last man standing courtesy of interference from the handsome stranger, Don Juan Escalera.


And finally, in our main event, Rip Chord gives a World Heavyweight Title shot to the man who outlasted everyone else in the brutal Tag-Team Stampede at Total Mayhem, Monty Walker.


Matches included on this streaming video:


Monty Walker vs. Rip Chord

Los Santos del Lucha Libre vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Tayler Morton vs. Fumihiro Ota

The Vessey Brothers vs. The Shooters

Ramon Paez vs. Ethan Kane

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. Nation of Filth

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