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HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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Man those Liberty segments were freaking awesome. Love the way you write him and Strong as well for that matter. Neither is so over the top that you beat it over our heads but yet subtle enough to get the characters. I like that.
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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 1, June 1997

Minnesota Coliseum (Mid-West) – 7,200 people





The show opens with the American Outlaw in the ring, microphone in hand. Judging from the roar, the crowd is pretty pleased to see him.


"So," he says, "Sunday night..."


That's as far as he gets before the crowd starts up, launching into a chant of you got screwed. Liberty listens for a few moment, all smiles, before flashing a peace sign to the crowd. "You folks said it, not me," he says. "I mean, man, I don't want to come out here and complain, but it seems to me I had that match won last night, right up until Charlie Thatcher and the Wrecking Crew got involved.


"Now, I'm not going to sweat that, not right now, 'cause whether I won or not, I think we can all agree that Me and Rip Chord had one hell of a match last night.


"I think we can also agree that me and Rip, we're going to meet in this ring again. One way or another, I think I'm going to get myself a rematch. And, one way or another, The American Outlaw--"




Liberty's promo is interrupted by the opening riff of Voodoo Child, and the General Manager comes down to the ring.


"The American Outlaw put on one hell of a match, brother," Strong says, "and I'd be out here right now, announcing your rematch, if it weren't for one little thing.


"I told you to stay away from Streets, brother."


Liberty shakes his head. "Actually, Sam, you told me not to associate with the wrong kind of people. And you know what, I ain't, man? Dusty, me and him, we ain't got no beef. Your problems with him are your own thing--"


"He cost Valentine a job," Strong says. "Pete was your friend--"


"No, he wasn't."


Strong actually looks astonished by that.


"Peter Valentine was an ass and a bully," Liberty says, "and me and him weren't friends, man."


"He helped you out."


"Whether I wanted him to or not," Liberty says. "Usually I didn't. I worked with you, Sam, 'cause you were a man I respected, and Valentine was part of that package. And ever since he was taken out of this company, man, I gotta admit, you aren't the man I respected any longer.


"In fact, you're more like Peter Valentine than I ever expected."


Strong's expression turns dangerous. "Yeah, brother?"


"Yeah," Liberty says.


"In that case, Brother, you probably shouldn't count on getting that rematch," Strong says. "I think--"




It's unfamiliar theme music that interrupts the General Manager - James Brown's Get On Up - and the suited man who glides onto the stage with a beautiful woman in his wake is unfamiliar to the bulk of the crowd. He showboats for the crowd a little, dancing and jiving, before collecting a microphone.


"Actually, Mister Strong, that decision is no longer yours to make," the newcomer says. He holds up a hand, forestalling any interruptions. "I know, I know, let me save you some time." He mimics strong for a moment: "Who the hell are you, brother, and what the hell are you talking about?


"Well my name is Frankie Future, and this is my lovely associate Miss Farah, and the short version is that we've been sent to investigate some...accusations...that have been floating around these parts. Mister Stallings and his board of directors have been approached several times to overrule you of late. That sort of thing doesn't happen to good management, Sam, so they've asked me to look into the way things are run. Nothing serious, just a look around, see what's going on. Most of these guys are businessmen, see, they don't really 'get' how wrestling works.


"Me, I know a little better, so they're trusting me as an...outside consultant."


"It's nothing you need to worry about, Sam, since I'm sure you've been doing an exemplary and unimpeachable job, but just in case I've been asked to take control of any title matches away from you until my investigation is done.


"You see, Sam, we don't like hearing words like 'conspiracy' being thrown around. The board doesn't like being told there's favouritism in play. What they want to hear are words like 'profit.' They want to see the hottest matches possible being put on pay per view. You're still in charge around here, don't get me wrong. In fact, you're free to run things however you want while I'm putting together my report over the coming months, but for the time being any World Title matches and Tag-Team Title matches require my input and my approval.


"And right now, well, in my opinion, that man right there--" Future points at Liberty "--deserves another shot at the World Title. In fact, I think Liberty challenging for the title at Extreme Force is about as hot as it's going to get, and it's going to bring in the kind of buy-rates that the investors were hoping for when they put in their hard-earned cash.


"So you know what, Sam...Brother...it's going to happen. Whether its Rip Chord who wins our main event tonight, or Monty Walker, the man who walks out of tonight's show as the Champ is going to face the American Outlaw in the ring.


"You good with that, kid?"


Liberty grins, flashing Future a peace sign, while Sam Strong is left to fume.


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Grunt.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpg


Black Rebel Fight Club vs. Nation of Filth


Both members of the Fight Club are coming into this match injured, selling the results of the beat-down on Sunday night. Marlowe, in particular, is sporting a bandage around his forehead that's covering stitches, and that quickly becomes a target for the Filth.


In the end those same injuries spell defeat for the BRFC – the Filth expose Marlowe's stitches midway through the match, and double-team him with the Dust Buster to pick up the victory.


The Nation Of Filth defeated Black Rebel Fight Club in 7:33 by pinfall.

Rating: D





The Silver Screen comes to life, showcasing the Global Elite seated in the back of a limousine.


"Weight of numbers," Chandler says, pouring champagne into a glass. Grace Harper drapes herself across his lap, claiming the glass. Chandler shrugs and starts pouring another. "That's what Coach Dick Pangrazzio thinks we bring to the table, and it's what he thinks saved his boys title last Sunday night. For weeks he's been looking my friends and I, assuming we were dangerous because we outnumbered his All-Star Team? I've got some bad news for you, Dickie - you should have been looking at what we can do."


"Chris Storm has talent." Eric Tyler has none of Chandler's jubilance, just a harsh growl and a sneer. "I know, 'cause the kid damn near tore my ankle apart on Sunday night after ambushing me outside the ring. Pangrazzio recognises talent, nurtures it, but he wears blinkers. He looks for men who look like athletes, I ally myself with fighters regardless of what they're like outside the ring. Storm had me down, but he didn't have me out."


"The Vesseys have talent too, mate," Dundee says, "but they haven't realised that it doesn't damn-well matter. The four us, we're Elite. We've travelled the world and we've dominated, we've become the very best there is.


"We're here for what's ours: recognition, money, a place at the top of the card. If it isn't given to us, we'll take it...and the Vessey's have already proven they don't have what it takes to stop us."


Rating: D+





Backstage, Dread is in his locker room, Emma Chase at his side.


"Tonight is a big night for Monty Walker," he says. "Just two days ago, he won the first ever Tag-Team Stampede. He walked away with the prize money and the bronzed belts, spent two whole days celebrating with his little friend Tayler Morton. And now he has a title shot against Rip Chord, the biggest match of his career.


"Unfortunately, win or lose, his big night ends once that match is over.


"You see, Monty Walker, you made the mistake of getting in my face. You made the mistake of losing your fear of the human juggernaut, and for that you're going to pay.


"I could have cost you your big moment on Sunday night - hell, I was tempted - but there are two sides to every wrestler: the physical, and the mental.


"I've seen what you can do physically, Walker. I've seen it...Emma's seen it...


"But mentally...well, lets just say I wanted to see your limit, kid. I wanted to build you up, let you walk out there with some confidence, learn how to play the mental side of the game.


"Once you're done with this match, Walker, you and I are going to meet again, and this time I want you to be at the top of your game. Physically strong, mentally strong, full of confidence.


"That way, when I break you, it'll mean something. When I break you, when you shatter, there won't be a damn thing left."


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RamonPaez.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Ramon Paez vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer


Paez is easily the gamest rookie on the roster – he starts the match trying to take the fight to Kane, peppering him with offense. A big boot puts and end to that, and the match is all Kane after that. He ends the match with a piledriver.


Ethan Kane defeated Ramon Paez in 4:22 by pinfall.

Rating: E+





Kane demands a microphone, and there's no-one at ringside brave enough to refuse him.


"If you're wondering what happened to Baine," he snarls, "well, the demon seed has learned just how much humanity he still has within him. He may be big and savage and dangerous, but when you open a cut in his skull that requires sixty stitches, even he needs to take time off in order to heal.


"In time we could eliminate that part of him. In time we could have transformed him from a man into a monster. In time--"




Lights out. Strobes. March of the Pigs. These days the crowd knows exactly what this means and they respond in kind as Vengeance comes out onto the stage. The big man is dressed in a loop of chain in one fist.


"You're out of time," the skull-faced warrior says. "You eliminated Baine, Ethan, and that means I have but one thing to achieve until he returns - the elimination of your dark taint from this company."


Kane merely smiles. "Darkness is eternal, Vengeance. Evil, perpetual. You can no more eliminate me than prevent night from following day.


"But you are welcome to try, my wayward son. I look forward to teaching you the error of your path."


Rating: B





Action Jackson stands by on the interview stage, Monty Walker at his side.


"I have to admit, those two men terrify me," Jackson says. "Fortunately my guest is the man without fear, Monty Walker, whose fresh of a victory in the Tag-Team Stampede. Monty, you're scheduled to face Rip Chord for the title later tonight, but you're only two days removed from what you've called the most brutal match of your career. Are you sure this is the best time to go for the gold?"


"Nah," Walker says, "no-where near."


Jackson actually looks surprised. "Um, what?"


"I said it's nothing like a good time," Walker repeats. "In case you haven't noticed, AJ, I'm one of the walking wounded tonight. I went through hell on Sunday. I got hit with chairs, knee braces, loaded gloves, and chains. I got beat up, bruised, battered, and beat-down.


"And I kept on coming.


"I'm in pain right now, I'll admit that. I'm nowhere near a hundred percent.


"But you know what, AJ? I haven't been at a hundred percent for months now. I've been betrayed and had my heart broken. I've been tangling with Dread, the human juggernaut. I formed a team with my best friend and signed up for a spot in a match that promised glory if I could endure the pain that came with it.


"I can deal with pain, AJ. I've learned to live with the knowledge that there is no perfect moment to go after the things you want.


"So yeah, I'm going out there injured tonight, and I'm going to leave everything I've got out there on the mat. Better yet, I'm going to make sure Rip Chord leaves everything out there with me. Maybe that'll be enough to get things done, maybe it won't...but either way, I'm going to fight.


"Title shots don't happen every day, and tonight I'm going to make the most of mine."


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JohnMaverick.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JDMorgan.jpg


The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. The Shooters

HGC World Tag-Team Championship


The Shooters debut strong: they take the Vessey's to the mat, forcing them to wrestle, and the result is a side of the Champions we haven't seen much of given the parade of brawlers they've faced of late.


The real magic happens once the submission holds start – up until now Bryan Vessey has been hailed on commentary as the best submission wrestler on the roster, but both Maverick and Morgan prove to be a shade better when it comes to counters and finding a match-ending hold. "If you have any question why these two debuted on our main show with a title shot," Azaria says, "you just have to look at the submission victories they've racked up on our tour shows."


Good as the Shooters are, the Vessey Brothers are the Vessey Brothers – and they remain the best damn tag-team in the world today and they're backed by one of the best managers in the business. They rally, fight back, and eventually Larry nails JD Morgan with the Sick Cycle to end the match and retain the belts.


The Vessey Brothers defeated The Shooters in 9:10 by pinfall. The Vessey Brothers make defence number 9 of their HGC World Tag Team titles.

Rating: C-





Pangrazzio and Chris Storm climb into the ring with the Vesseys, handing them the tag-team belts. Pangrazzio claims a microphone and looks for the camera.


"Hey, Chandler," he bellows. "Backbreakers! Hell, even Harper should listen to this. What you see standing out here is the best damn tag-team in the world, the best young talent I've ever seen, and the man whose coached more champions than anyone else alive. We call ourselves the All-Star Team because that's what we are.


"You call yourself, what, the Global Elite? 'Cause that's what you're hoping to be.


"Draws happen in this game, boys and girls. They're nothing to be ashamed of. It's now how you play the match, it's how you end the season.


"And in case you haven't noticed, we've still got our spots. We've still got the World Tag-Team Titles. I know you think you've proved something with your performance on Sunday night...


"...but the way I see it, my boys are here, doing what they do best in the wrestling ring. And you four? Hell, you pencil-necks didn't make it to the arena."


Rating: B





Romeo Heartthrob walks backstage, the Savage Fury lugging his gear through the corridors. Neither Warrior or Java look particularly impressed with being treated as menial labour, but Heartthrob seems completely unconcerned by the dissent in the ranks. "So it looks like there's new management on board," Heartthrob says. "About damn time, if you ask me. Stick with me, boys, I know a few things about Frankie Future, and I figure it's only a matter of time before I get you..."




Heartthrob skids to a halt, his voice trailing off. The camera pulls back, revealing Tom Gilmore and the Maple Leaf Maulers blocking the path.


"Hey," Gilmore says, "what's up?"


Java's lip curls, but Heartthrob merely shrugs. "In case you haven't noticed, kid, I've beaten you in our rubber match. I've beaten both members of that little entourage you picked up. Hell, my boys have beaten down your entourage. Don't you think we're done?"


"We're done when I say we're done, you sons-a-bitches," Gilmore says, "and--"




The young wrestler is interrupted by a door opening. Sam Strong steps through, and the General Manager looks pissed. "Actually, brother, you're done when I say you're done. In case you've forgotten, I'm still in charge around here. The board may be watching my every move, but I doubt they're going to object to me resolving this little matter.


"Next week, you six are going to get this over with, and you're going to do it in the ring. Six man tag, one side wins, the other side disbands. Now all of you get the hell out of my sight - it's been a troubling day."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg


Tayler Morton vs. Fumihiro Ota


The match is largely an excuse for Jason Azaria to keep talking about both men's background on the indie scene: Ota is the gun wrestler of CZCW, current champion and the current King of the indies after defeating Brent Hill in the 1996 finals. Tayler Morton is the first man to graduate from the CZCW wrestle school, where he was trained by men such as Alex Braun and visiting CZCW stars such as Monty Walker, Fumihiro Ota…and Brent Hill.


It means nothing to the bulk of the fans, not initially, but it's still some of the best in-ring action of the evening. There are points where you can literally see the veteran, Ota, lifting his game to try and keep pace with the younger wrestler – and the future potential of Tayler Morton is obvious as he goes high-risk.


And despite the talent on display, there's just not enough heat to keep the crowd interested. The strongest crowd esponse, by far, is when Ricky Dale's music begins to play, distracting Ota just long enough for Morton to pick up the victory with a superkick.


Tayler Morton defeated Fumihiro Ota in 7:03 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





It takes Ota a few moments to get off the mat. He's only barely staggered to his feet when:


"Partner, you're having a rough run of luck."




Cowboy Ricky Dale walks out onto the stage, Dark EAGLE and Brent Hill at his side. Ota's eyes narrow and he immediately drops into a defensive stance.


"Relax, partner," Ricky Dale says. "We're not...well, you and your fancy-pants pyjama boys. If we wanted to hurt you, we'd damn well make a match and beat you into putty the same way we did your boys Ronin and Thunder.


"But I'm gonna tell you here and now, Ota, we ain't going away. This posse is on your ass until you accept Brent's challenge and give him that final match. I don't understand why he wants it, and I sure as hell ain't sure he can beat it, but you don't stand in the way of a man doing what he's gotta do, especially when he's a friend.


"Think about that, Ota. Think long and hard. 'Cause til that match happens, you should get used to standing alone."


Rating: D+





The Ontario Kings are backstage, walking together, when they see someone in the corridor ahead of them . They immediately break into a jog, chasing down something just out of shot, and the camera follows them...




...right up until they come face-to-chest with Charlie Thatcher. The insurance police snarls, and the camera draws back until Rip Chord and the Dallas Wrecking Crew are visible. Thomas Morgan, on the other hand, focuses his attention on the security guard blocking his path.


"You're what, three hundred, three hundred and fifty pounds?" he says. "I suggest you back off, eh. We've been taught to tack down bigger men than you, and we're not really here for--"


Thatcher lurches forward, and immediately goes down as Bryan Holmes drops low and takes out a knee.


"Mister Chord," Morgan says. "Can we have a word?"


Rip Chord frowns, looking at his bodyguard on the floor. "Alright, brother, a word."


"I'm Thomas Morgan. He's Bryan Holmes. We're--"


"The Ontario Kings," Chord says. "I've heard the spiel. I believe I asked what you wanted, son. I suggest you make it fast, 'cause I'm losing patience."


"We want a match," Morgan says.


"You and everyone else on this company," Chord says. "I'm the Great One, the World Heavyweight Champion, and that means--"


"Not against you," Morgan says. He points at Punisher and Sanders. "We want them."


"The Wrecking Crew?"


"They're a good team," Morgan says. "They've got your back. If we beat them, it gets us noticed."


Chord actually looks amused by that.


"I knew your mentor," he says. "Learned a few things from him, once upon a time. Owe him a few favours. I guess it'd count as payback if I helped you out. Rick, Punisher, you up for it?"


The Wrecking Crew nods.


"Okay, then," Chord says. "I'll see what I can do."


Rating: C+



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Los Santos del Lucha Libre w/Miss Mexico vs. The Tag-Team Specialists w/Wanda Fish


It's a weary, bruised duo of Tag-Team Specialists who take to the ring in this match. They, more than anyone else, sell the effects of their participation in the Stampede match on Sunday. It's made worse by their opponents – Lucha and Superfly pick up the pace early, taking advantage of the fact that they're coming in fresh.


Fish comes into play early, interfering on behalf of her clients, turning the tide at crucial points. She's an expert at playing innocent for the referee, but Miss Mexico is another matter – Superfly's valet is far from impressed and lets the world know it.


The result becomes a shoving match between the two women, one that quickly devolves into a fight when Mexico grabs Fish and uses an arm-drag to send her tumbling into the guard rails. Kyle Rhodes screams "Cat-Fight!" but the results are far from that – there is hair-pulling, yes, but both Fish and Mexico hit hard and know what they're doing in the ring.


The spectacle draws eyes, including those of referee Eugene Williams.




And that's when Don Juan Escalera strikes. He ambushes Mr Lucha from behind, and for the second time in the space of a week the lucha legend is laid low by the Death Valley Cutter. Escalera bounces back to his feet, grins at Spanish Superfly, and disappears. The entire thing is made even more noteworthy by the fact that Jason Azaria knows nothing of the intruder beyond a name - his usual spiel about training and achievements is noticeably lacking.


Superfly goes to give chase, but he's cut off. Joel Bryant lays him low with a drop toe hold, setting him for the running knee lift by Oxford. A cover is made, and Joel Bryant grabs the referee's attention, securing victory for the Specialists.


The Tag Team Specialists defeated Los Santos de Lucha Libre in 11:49 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





Paul Steadyfast hits the ring, joining the Specialists. He immediately grabs a microphone.


"Last Sunday night was supposed to be my night," Steadyfast says. "Me versus Mr Lucha, a chance to put the past behind me. I came into that match ready, prepared to pick up a win, and someone..."




Wanda Fish climbs into the ring, trying to stop Steadyfast from going any further. He ignores her. "Hell, lets not mess around. Escalera, get your ass out here!"




Control Machete's Comprendes Mendes precedes Escalera slouching his way back onto the stage, a smirk on his lips. "Hola, Paul. You seem...pissed?"


"Damn right I'm pissed," Steadyfast says. "Two times you got yourself involved in Untouchable business, and the first time...the first time you cost me a match."


"And that's unfortunate," Escalera says, "but me and Lucha, esse, me and all Lucha's boys, we got grudge far beyond anything you and he have had brewing. That's why your mamacita contacted me, brought me in to Hollyweird, esse. If you want answers, try talking to her.


"Me, I got my own grudges to settle... I don't need partners to help me out, and I don't need anyone getting in my way.


"You want to make an issue of that, esse, you let Wanda know, eh? She knows where to find me if she needs to."


Rating: C-





More video footage courtesy of the Silver Screen, although this time it's Dusty Streets seated on a bench out the front of the Minnesota Coliseum. The signs advertising tonight's Hollyweird TV taping are visible, and he's got a portable TV propped on one knee with Hollyweird TV playing live. "Seems I've got myself a little enforced downtime," Streets says. "One match with Dread, just another beating in a month of beatings, and the company's doctors have told me I can't compete this week.


"Go home, they said. Rest up. Come back when you're feeling better.


Street's seriousness breaks down as he grins for the camera. "Shoot, brother, I don't think I know what home looks like anymore. I been doing this so long that sitting 'round the house leaves me twitchy.


"Still, they're not letting me in tonight. It's their own little way of making sure I don't do anything stupid.


"So I'm sitting out here, just waiting for the show to end. Waiting to hear what's happened while I was away.


"You see, I had a phone call from a friend on the HGC board today. They gave me some interesting news, passed on a couple of rumours that have made their way up to management.


"And Sam...Sam Strong...I swear to God, brother...if even one of these rumours are true, then you and I are going to have words like we've never had words before.


"I hear there's some interesting times coming here in Hollyweird. It makes me kind-a sad that I'm not there to see it happening.


"But next week, when I'm cleared to wrestle...shoot, brother, you better believe I'm going to get in there and start asking the difficult questions."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Monty Walker vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher

HGC World Heavyweight Championship


Walker hits the ring in all his grungy, dishevelled gory and with a glance Rip Chord conveys everything he needs to: he doesn't get where the kid is coming from, and he's not sure he wants too. It sets the dynamic for the rest of the match – a young, hungry rookie who wrestles his own fast-paced style against a slower, measured veteran.


Thatcher starts the interference about halfway through, but after Sunday night's main event Sam Sparrow is having none of it – he catches Thatcher in the act and orders him backstage, leaving Chord out there alone.


There's no doubt that something's happened to Walker in this match. The kid's gone toe-to-toe with Dread, picked up a victory in one of the toughest matches HGC has ever done, but there's something about being in the main event with the champion that brings out the best in him. Any sign of lingering pain from the Stampede are washed away as the adrenaline hits; Walker leaves everything on the mat and the fans wake up, roaring their approval as the youngster takes control of the match and starts hunting Chord. He spends much of the match looking for the superkick, hoping to put the champion away, and after two failed attempts a kick finally connects and puts the champion down.




And The Human Juggernaut appears on the ramp, lumbering towards the ring dragging the limp form. He's gone all of half a dozen steps before Tayler Morton streaks out after him, barely losing a step as he connects with a low drop kick from behind. Dread goes down hard on the ramp, but he's quickly on his feet again, chasing after Tayler Morton.


It's a few seconds of action, but it's enough – both Monty Walker and Eugene Williams are distracted by it, and that's enough for Chord to kick free of the cover.


Chord rallies after that, coming back with a series of chops, and the match picks up its pace. Walker gets the advantage, loses it, regains it once more, but the consistent dominance he showed early in the match is gone – this is a much more even fight. There's another failed superkick attempt, and another successful one.




And this time no-one recognises the man who interferes, coming over the guard rail and climbing onto the ring apron. No-one, that is, except the constantly prepared Jason Azaria, who identifies him as "Deadly" Dylan Sidle.


No except Azaria and, apparently, Monty Walker. The young wrestler glares at newcomer, who seems content to stand at the ropes with a broad, eager grin on his face. Walker takes a step forward, looking to get into it with Sidle, and that lapse in focus costs him the match. Chord grabs him from behind and quickly rolls him up, getting one hand to the ropes for leverage, and ekes out a win on the back of the interference to retain the belt.


Rip Chord defeated Monty Walker in 20:04 by pinfall.

Rating: B



Overall: B-

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OOC Show Notes

- Thanks, as always, to Midnightnick and smwilliams for the predictions. I kinda wish I'd thought of the draw smwilliams predicted when I was booking the show, tbh...

- For some reason, Rip Chord always delivers above and beyond against people he shouldn't. A match with Liberty, the most well-known goddamn babyface in the world right now, rated just a shade below the match with Walker (who is less over, has lower momentum, and has far worse performance stats).

- I am, however, starting to develop a new theory about combining ring generals with guys who are...showy.

- Man, I've been waiting *months* to bring Future in. I'm really looking forward to writing up the next couple of shows.


Man those Liberty segments were freaking awesome. Love the way you write him and Strong as well for that matter. Neither is so over the top that you beat it over our heads but yet subtle enough to get the characters. I like that.


Thanks, although I have to concede that they're probably the two easiest characters in the dynasty to wrap my head around. Strong is a fairly clear riff on Hogan, and Liberty is a classic crowd-pleasing babyface.

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OOC Show Notes

- I am, however, starting to develop a new theory about combining ring generals with guys who are...showy.

It's something that's been long known. Have one guy to hold the match together (Consistency, Basics, Psychology) with the guy that makes the match exciting (Psychology, Selling, Flashiness, Charisma), and you get a good match. However, depending on how your product is done, there needs to be some good "top row" stats as well.

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It's something that's been long known. Have one guy to hold the match together (Consistency, Basics, Psychology) with the guy that makes the match exciting (Psychology, Selling, Flashiness, Charisma), and you get a good match. However, depending on how your product is done, there needs to be some good "top row" stats as well.


My theory's largely about which combination of those elements are working best. Liberty's currently third on my list of show-stealers, and I figure he's there due to his combination of Psychology, Charisma, Selling, and Star Power. His Flashiness is more-or-less non-existent though.


I can get roughly equivalent results from guys with much lower overnness, Charisma, Star Quality and Psychology, but a decent combination of Flashiness and Selling (Walker, El Bandido, Brent Hill) going up against Chord. And his most consistently solid ratings come from his series against Lucha (which isn't really surprising, given that Lucha is kinda awesome).


'Course, my best match is still Chord versus Ricky Dale, who isn't really all that ring-general-like or show-stealer-like in his current iteration, so it's possible I'm over-thinking this.


But I'm still considering hiring Tempest Appleby and giving him a run against Chord in dark matches, just to see what happens.

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"Monty Walker?" Chord leans back against the MAW ring apron, glancing over his shoulder where two young wrestlers - Keith Vegas and Findlay O'Farraday- are running through their paces under the watchful eye of Jean Cattley. "The kid was one of my favourite people to work with in HGC, right up there with guys like Sam or Ricky Dale. He was a good kid, lots of talent, but he knew...hell, he knew where he fit in.


"The night we had our first match, I remember him coming to me and asking what I wanted him to do. I gave him the usual spiel - keep your lip buttoned and your ears opened. He just nodded and went back to warming up, didn't give me any grief about what he could do or the ideas he had. He just trusted me to deliver a good match, and it turns out he listened far better than anyone else in the locker room.


"That got rarer as my career went on. My skin still crawls every time I hear a couple of wrestlers talking about 'spots.' It's one of the reasons I figured places like MAW are necessary, and one of the reasons I wish Walker had been in the business longer than he was."





"Chemistry's important in wrestling. Doesn't matter if you're talking tags or singles work, chemistry means a hell of a lot. It'll take a good match and make it great.


"There's a hell of a lot of theories about what good chemistry is, and I don't think anyone really knows. If they did, they'd figure out how to predict it and they'd make a fortune consulting for TCW or Supreme. Occasionally people try to pitch that sort of thing, and we ignore it for the crap it is. Chemistry's one of those things, you know? You know it when you see it.


"Chord was pushing fifty when HGC started. He was a legend, and he was in better shape than guys like the Demons...or Dusty...or even Sam. It seems stupid, really, given how much harder Chord lived than those guys, all the demons he's conquered getting away from his past, but that's the reality of it. At fifty Chord still moved like a guy in his forties, maybe even in his mid-thirties. That Golden Age stuff he talked about, it wasn't all bulls--t he spun for the promos.


"Still, if you want to know how he stayed at the top so long, it largely comes down to chemistry. Chord had it with a whole bunch of people, mostly younger guys we were trying to get over, so it made sense to keep him at the top of the card and let him do what he did best despite his age.


"And it worked, I think, 'cause chemistry's about fifty percent trust and fifty percent compatibility in the way you're comfortable working. There are guys like Chord who learned to wrestle one way, back in the early days of the territory, and it's different to the way guys like Braun trained kids in the Coastal Zone. Braun's history, his high-point, it all came outta the days when Wrestling was on TV. He got comfortable plotting spots 'cause that played to his strengths, and 'cause when you've gotta fill six minutes of TV its easier to pre-plan things than it is when you've gotta out and wrestle for a damn hour.


"Chord hated pre-planning. All he really wanted was someone who'd go out there, trust him, and do whatever the hell he said. Lots of guys resisted that, 'cause it meant trusting Chord to make you look good, and there's always a part of you that wonders if maybe you should be protecting yourself. Not a big part, not even enough that you'd notice, but a little voice that asks, you know, maybe this time?


"Guys like Walker or Johnson, they didn't have that. I think they sincerely loved and idolized rip, and I think they got on some internal level what lots of people never quite did: there isn't a goddamn man alive who stepped into the ring with Rip Chord and came out it looking worse than he did beforehand."

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">TCW Legacy Archive Presents</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;">HGC Hollyweird TV</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">- Episode 26 Preview -</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

There's a lot of new faces showing up in Hollyweird in recent weeks, and many will be making their in-ring debut tonight. We kick things off with a pair of familiar faces - just - in the form of Stone-trained <strong>Ontario Kings</strong> taking on Rip Chord's protégés, <strong>The Dallas Wrecking Crew</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ramon Paez</strong> has once again stepped up to answer an open challenge, hoping to end his losing streak. This time he'll be taking on new-comer<strong> Don Juan Escalera</strong>, a man whose past appears to have links to Lucha and Spanish Superfly.</p><p> </p><p>

That's followed by another debutant in the ring -<strong> "Deadly" Dylan Sidle</strong> will be in action against the man without fear, <strong>Monty Walker</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

Tom Gilmore and Romeo Heartthrob have both formed alliances of late, but after tonight one man's alliance will be fractured as Sam Strong has ordered the loser of this six-man tag to disband. It'll be <strong>Tom Gilmore and The Maple Leaf Mauler</strong>s against <strong>Romeo Heartthrob and the Savage Fury</strong> as the two teams meet for the first and last time.</p><p> </p><p>

In the semi-main event the feud between the Luchadors and Untouchables continues as <strong>Spanish Superfly</strong> faces off against <strong>Paul Steadyfast</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

And finally, in our main event, the duo of <strong>Liberty and Dusty Street</strong>s square off against <strong>Backbreaker's Inc</strong>. Four big names in one big match...and you can bet the tag-team champions will be watching this one with interest.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Matches included on this streaming video:</em></p><p> </p><p>

Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Backbreakers Inc</p><p>

Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast</p><p>

Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob</p><p>

Monty Walker vs. Dylan Sidle</p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. Don Juan Escalera</p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Liberty & Dusty Streets vs.<strong> Backbreakers Inc</strong></p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha</strong> vs. Paul Steadyfast</p><p>

<strong>Team Gilmore</strong> vs. Team Heartthrob</p><p>

<strong>Monty Walker</strong> vs. Dylan Sidle</p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. <strong>Don Juan Escalera</strong></p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. <strong>The Dallas Wrecking Crew</strong></p>

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<p>Starting reading this from the start on Wednesday, really enjoyed it. I feel you've got the characters down perfectly, both on the shows and the shoot interview segments. </p><p> </p><p>

Some predictions</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Liberty & Dusty Streets</strong> vs. Backbreakers Inc</p><p>

Backbreaker Inc are good, but Liberty and Streets are your top faces</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha</strong> vs. Paul Steadyfast</p><p>

Lucha deserves the win more, Steadyfast feels like an afterthought since Wanda Fish came along</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Team Gilmore</strong> vs. Team Heartthrob</p><p>

Gilmore is on the up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Monty Walker</strong> vs. Dylan Sidle</p><p>

Only know Sidle as a road agent in 2010 so picking Walker</p><p> </p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. <strong>Don Juan Escalera</strong></p><p>

Debut win</p><p> </p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. <strong>The Dallas Wrecking Crew</strong></p><p>

Chord's allies should come through here.</p>

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Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Backbreakers Inc


Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast


Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob


Monty Walker vs. Dylan Sidle


Ramon Paez vs. Don Juan Escalera


The Ontario Kings vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 2, June 1997

Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England) – 6,548 people





The show opens with Dusty Streets in the ring, and the crowd responds with the kind of response the second-generation star has never generated in his old stomping grounds. Streets gives a few moments, soaking it up, before raising the microphone. "I'd like to have a few words with the American Outlaw," he says. "If you're back there, Liberty, come on out."




The crowd roars, then roar's harder as Cannonball heralds the number one contender's arrival. Liberty gladhands the crowd as he heads for the ring, then settles in to hear what Streets has to say.


"First up," Streets says, "I've got myself a match tonight. Tag-team bout against some old friends of yours - Eric Tyler and Jack Dundee. I'm looking for a partner, and I know your free, so if you're interested..."


Liberty grabs a microphone of his own. "Interested? Am I interested, man? In case you don't remember, the two us rocked the house the last time we teamed up. There's no love lost between me and the Backbreakers, man, so if you want a partner..." Liberty offers his hand..."I say we give these people a show, yeah?"


"Yeah," Streets says, "that's what I was hoping to hear, but that wasn't everything." He pauses, takes a deep breath, and throws a nervous glance towards the backstage curtain. "I wasn't here last week, but I know what's going down. Sam Strong's being investigated, a representative from the board poking his nose into everything. I know I'm the start of that, maybe, and I know you didn't want to take sides..."


"Woah, dude, hold on," Liberty says. "I'm not a stooge, man, if that's what you're looking for."


"It's not," Streets says. "You and Sam, that's your business, I'm going to respect that. If you're asked you tell the investigator whatever you want - the truth, lies, nothing at all - I respect you, Liberty, and I'm going to trust you do what's right.


"What I want isn't anything to do with the investigation, not directly. We both know I'm not getting a fair shot at the World Championship while Sam Strong's in charge, so I figure the investigation is my chance to make something happen.


"Last month you almost beat Chord, took him right up to the limit. I figure you'll do that again...if you've got someone watching your back, making sure Chord's cronies don't get in the way. I'm willing to be that guy, if you want me, and in exchange...if you win..."


Liberty arches an eyebrow. "You want a shot at the belt?"


"Damn straight," Streets says.


"Man, that sounds--"




"That sounds like a sentence you shouldn't finish, brother."


Voodoo Child plays, and the response to the emerging Sam Strong is mixed. There are still plenty of people willing to cheer the long-time babyface, but there are also a chorus of boos among the crowd.


"Brother, I'm disappointed in you. I took you under my wing, brother. I taught you everything I know, brother. I helped you be the best you could be, brother, and I called you friend, brother," he says. "And now you're out here, brother, stabbing me in the back. I warned you against allying yourself with this guy, brother, and I promise you no good will come of it. You've got your title shot to think of, brother--"


"No thanks to you," Liberty says, cutting in. "In case you haven't noticed, man, I'm a grown man. I can make my own choices."


"And I'm the General Manager of Hollyweird, brother. I make the matches, even if I need to get approval for the title bouts. I can't stop you from saying yes to Streets proposals, but there's still two weeks 'til your title shot, brother. A lot can--"




This time it's the GM's turn to be interrupted. The opening chords of Get On Up gets a much stronger response this time around, if only because Future gave the crowd what they wanted last week and Miss Farrah is smoking hot.


"Wait, wait, let me guess," he says, and once again he mimics Strong's distinctive voice. "A lot can happen between now and Extreme Force, brother. That's two weeks of matches you have to compete in, brother, and you want to be going into Extreme Force fresh, brother. I want you to be Champion, brother, almost as much as you do. Don't make a mistake you might regret.


"I mean, damn, Sam, you weren't about to say something like that were you? That'd be pretty stupid, given that I'm here investigating your work, making sure your bias isn't getting in the way of making this company money.


"And, you know, Dusty's pitch sounds okay to me. These fans want to see Chord and Liberty go toe-to-toe, but I don't think anyone wants a repeat of the shenanigans we had at Total Mayhem.


"So, Sam, while you're here, let me tell you what you should be about to say."


Future clears his throat a couple of times, adopting his Strong impression once more. "Brother, having someone at ringside sounds like a great idea, brother. In fact, I'm willing to acknowledge you're the perfect guy, brother. So I'm going to make it official, brother. At Excessive Force, it's going to be Chord versus Liberty, brother, with Dusty Streets as the special enforcer, brother, responsible for keeping order when the match is on.


"As for making a deal about a title shot, brother, that isn't the way this company is going to work, brother. We'll consider all contenders equally, brother, and choose the best challenger available, brother.


"But doing a good job as enforcer, brother, that'd certainly be a mark in your favour, brother, so I recommend you do a good job, brother."


The fans pop for the impression, and Future grins. "See, Sam, it's not that hard. Something like that does the job fine.


"Now all of you get outta the ring - these people paid to see wrestling, and there's a barnstormer of a match just about to start."


The Special Investigator turns and leaves behind a fuming Strong, and a grinning duo of Liberty and Streets.


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew w/Charlie Thatcher


For much of the match the Kings seem to be holding their own. They go hold-for-hold with Rick Sanders, and use speed to elude the hard-hitting Punisher whenever he climbs into the ring. Even the presence of Charlie Thatcher isn't the equalizer it should be - his one attempt to interfere is cut off by Holmes, who neatly takes the big man off his feet with the same ease he showed last week.


The turn in fortunes comes when Morgan goes to the top rope, and Punisher dives to the ropes in order to knock him down. There's not much elegance in what follows - the Wrecking Crew primarily seem interested in stomping the hell out of their opponent - and eventually Morgan gets the hot tag.


Things break down, as tag-matches always do, and amid the chaos Morgan picks up the victory with the Ontario Trademark (Reverse STO).


The Ontario Kings defeated The Dallas Wrecking Crew in 7:40 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





The camera cuts to the luchador locker room, where Mr Lucha is kneeling with his head bowed in quiet prayer.


"Lucha? We disturbing you?"




The legend's eyes open, and he rises to greet the duo of El Bandido and Electrico. "My friends, I'm always pleased to see you. What's on your mind?"


Electrico glances at his partner, then asks the question: "You're not competing tonight?"


"Superfly wanted the match, esse. We all know who is here, and what's likely to happen."


"And you let him take your place?" El Bandido's tone is neutral.


Lucha hesitates, then nods. "He was...insistent."


Bandido and Elecitrico exchange a long glance.


"We just wanted you know, esse," Bandido says, then hesitates, searching for the words. "Me and 'Trico, we've had our own thing lately, haven't been watching your back, an--"


Lucha holds up his hand, cutting them off. "I didn't want you in this company to watch my back, esse," he says. "You are luchadors, warriors, two of the finest I've ever known. And this is a company that welcomes warriors, that offers them a chance for greatness."


"Si," Bandido says, "but they also welcome the Untouchable's, esse."


"And 'Fly talked to us," Electrico says. "He told us...well, he told us about Escalera."


"We just wanted to say..." Bandido hesitates, and his respect for the masked legend is obvious as he searches for a way to phrase things without offering offense. "Well, esse, we are here if you want us. If you want to end it, we are with you."


The gratitude is written accross Lucha's face, but after a moment he shakes his head. "No," he says, "this shouldn't be your fight. I appreciate the offer, but...this is my fight. Mine and 'Fly's. The two of you shouldn't--"


"It's not suffering," Electrico says. "It's loyalty, and we're happy to help. But--" Another glance at his partner, who nods "--but we understand, esse. Just know, if you need us..."


Rating: D+





We cut to the interview stage and Action Jackson, whose standing by with Don Juan Escalera. Escalera is in his ring gear.


"We've just witnessed a renewal of an established alliance," the interviewer says, "but the real question everyone's asking is exactly what the relationship is between this man, Don Juan Escalera, and Wanda Fish's Untouchables. Indeed, what the relationship between this man and the duo of Los Santos del Lucha Libre?"


"Screw that," Azaria mutters on commentary, "find out where the hell he came from. I've got nothing on this kid."


If Action Jackson here's the interjection, he doesn't show it. "DJ, would you care to shed any light on the situation?"


Escalera casually reaches out and grabs the front of Action Jackson's shirt, dragging him close. "I will give you one warning, esse, because you and I are not familiar with one another. Do not call me DJ again, or bad things will happen. Comprende?"


"Comprende," Jackson says. "But about the question?"


Don Juan releases the interviewer. "There is no relationship between the Untouchables and I," he says, "beyond the fact that we are all men walking along a similar path. We have different reasons, different goals, and I have been walking this particular path for longer...but for the moment, we have a common direction, and it's suited my purposes to aid them along their way."


"That," Jackson says, "is clear as mud. Would you care to elaborate?"


"No," Escalera says. "Suffice to say, for the moment, that any alliance between Miss Fish and myself is both temporary and...well, mutually beneficial. I have no interest in a long-term alliance."


"And this issue you have with Lucha and Superfly? Can you tell us why you have this grudge?"


"I would dearly love to expound on this matter," Don Juna says, "but I'm afraid I'll have a match, and my actions will say far more than any words could do. Now if you'll excuse me, Action Jackson..."


Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RamonPaez.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DonJuan.jpg


Ramon Paez vs. Don Juan Escalera


The commentary team seems to be expecting a high-flying luchador clash, but Escalera's style leans far further towards throwing fists and old-school Southern chain wrestling. It seems to take Paez out of his game, and the Mexican hear-throb Escalara runs roughshod over the young rookie, eventually taking him down with the Tijuana Twist. "Okay," Azaria says, "I give. Who is this guy and where'd he learn to wrestle like that?"


Don Juan Escalera defeated Ramon Paez in 4:10 by pinfall.

Rating: E+





We go backstage to the catering area, where Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE are seated at a table with Brent Hill. Hill is trying to feed himself, noticeably clumsy as he reaches for salt, but he looks irritated. "For the last time, Ricky, I'm sure about this," he says, answering a question asked prior to the camera going live. "You don't know what it's like to lose everything like this. To know that you're not going to see--"




He's cut off by the sharp crack of a flash-bang, and the catering area fills with smoke. It takes a few moments to clear, but when it does the three members of the Shadow Clan are present.


Ricky Dale raises an eyebrow. "Really, boys? That was necessary?"


Dark EAGLE stands, ready to fight, but the Cowboy reaches out an arm to restrain him. "Hold on, partner. I'm thinking that if these three intended to hurt us, they'd have started swinging already. What d'ya say we hear 'em out, just this once, in case they've finally heard sense."


Dark EAGLE nods once, eyes narrowed, and Ricky Dale turns his attention to Ronin. "Shoot."


Ronin visibly winces when the Cowboy addresses him, perhaps remembering what happened last time they met in the ring. "This honoured one is here to speak on behalf of Master Ota," he says, "who wishes an end to the hostilities between your posse and the warriors of the Clan. He sees no profit in fighting the one called Hill, but is willing to compromise in the name of peace."


Brent Hill's voice is eager: "He'll agree to a match?"


"A match," Ronin says, "but not the one you are hoping for. This honoured one is to challenge you to a match at Excessive Force, our Shadow Clan against your posse. If you win, he will give Hill-san his match, under any stipulation Hill-san chooses."


"And if you win?" Ricky Dale asks.


"If the Clan wins," Ronin says, "we will disgrace you and EAGLE-san, as an example of those who would meddle in the Clan's business. We will cane you in the middle of the ring, bloody you and hurt you, cripple you if we can. And you will accept this punishment willingly, for daring to meddle in our affairs."


"Awful big talk for men who haven't exactly held their own," Ricky Dale says.


"This honoured one admits your skills as a warrior," Ronin says. "But if you are foolish enough to agree to a match where our three faces your two--"


"Three," Hill says.


"Apologies," Ronin says, "but this honoured one has been instructed to inform you that you do not count. You are blinded, Hill-san, and your rage cannot overcome that. We agree to wrestle you in this match in order to give you peace, but there is no intent to treat you like a dangerous opponent."


"Your mistake," Hill says. "But I've got no problem with you making it. Ricky? EAGLE?"


"Partner, you and yours are on," Ricky Dale says.


Rating: D





Backstage, the Crippler position, and the keen-eyed audience member can even spot the man the position is named for among the knot of backstage workers visible in the background. The foreground, however, is dominated by an agitated Monty Walker who paces back and forth, muttering to himself. Tayler Morton is trying to calm his friend down, although he isn't doing a great job.


"Come on, man," he says, "you gotta calm down. Head in the game, Walker. Just cause he's out there--"


Walker lashes out with a fist, thumping it into the wall. "He's out there," Walker says. "How in hell did Dread find him?"


"Emma?" Tayler offers.


"Didn't know," Walker says. "I'd swear she didn't know. There's no way she could."


"Then put it down to the fact he's Dread," Tayler says. "This is what he does, man, and you're the one whose gotta go out there and win. So stop freaking out and pretend he's just another opponent. Pretend he's someone you don't want to rip limb from limb..."


That's all there's time, as Walk This Way starts up and its time for Walker to hit the ring.


Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DylanSidle.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Monty Walker w/Tayler Morton vs. Dylan Sidle w/Emma Chase


Walker and Sidle go toe-to-toe as only cruiserweights can - fast, high-risk, and with little regard for their own bodies. It leads Jason Azaria to speculate on what truly exists between the two men, as it's obvious there's far more on the line than a simple victory.


Sidle quickly shows where his nickname comes from. His style revolves around flying knee strikes, snap takedowns, and the ability to generate real momentum when he throws himself into a move. It's not flashy, but it is effective, and at one point he has Walker on his shoulders, ready to go for fireman's carry knee lift Azaria identifies as the D.K.O.


Only a desperate grab for the ropes saves Walker from the move and allows him to start rallying. He starts playing to his own strengths a little, slowing the pace. A bulldog catches Sidle by surprise and puts him on the mat, and Walker immediately goes to the top rope for his Elbow Drop. He steadies himself, lines up the move, then hesitates...




...because Dread is at ringside, forcing his way past Tayler Morton and into the ring. There's no subtlety in the big man's approach here. He grabs Walker, forcing the DQ, and promptly plants him into the mat with the Dread Bomb.


Monty Walker defeated Dylan Sidle in 8:54 when Sidle was Disqualified.

Rating: B-





Sidle and Emma Chase join Dread in the ring. The Human Juggernaut offers Tayler Morton a toothy smile, as if daring the young cruiserweight to try and rescue his friend. Morton elects to glare, and Dread's smile grows even wider.


"There are two ways to win a match," Dread says. "The first is physical, the second is mental.


"There are two ways to break a man. Oddly enough, they're the same things you use to win.


"Monty Walker says he's the man without fear. His friend still has it-" Dread pauses to acknowledge Morton "-and it's a good thing, too, because otherwise he'd be a mess right now. But Morton's lost his fear, and it's not just words. I've hurt him, and he's come back. I've hurt him bad, and he's still come back for more. One day, given time, he may even achieve what he set out to do. He may even succeed in defeating Dread.


"But there is more to fear in the mental side of a match. Fear is easiest to manipulate, especially when you're my side, but it's not the only emotion available.


"Monty Walker doesn't fear, but he still hates.


"And right now, more than anything, he hates this man, Dylan Sidle. The deadliest cruiserweight to ever emerge from the United States, a man as devoted to the art of wrestling as I.


"And from this point on, my partner. The only man worthy to stand by Dread's side.


"We've fired the first shot tonight. The first shot in a war that will be fought here." Dread knees, tapping a finger against Walker's forehead. "Next week we'll return to find out if that shot has hit.


"If it hasn't...well, we'll try again. I'm a patient man, and I know my target. Eventually I'll break him."


Rating: C+





A video sent from the Pangrazzio training camp, where the Vesseys and Chris Storm are being put through their paces. "Hey, PENCIL NECKS," Pangrazzio bellows. "We can't be there tonight, but we're training hard, and we took notes on what happened in last weeks show.


"It seems the Global Elite think they've got what it takes to stand against my team. I'm officially offering the challenge that'll allow us to prove that, once and for all.


"My three boys against Dundee, Chandler, and Tyler. Hell, lets add in Harper if you want me call up one of the women we've got training here. If you boys really want our spot, then you can take all three at once.


"Except I don't think you've got what it takes. Not with my boys in peak form, not with me there at ringside."


Rating: B-







Tom Gilmore & The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Romeo Heartthrob & The Savage Fury


There aren't high expectations for this match, which means the result is surprising. Brawling dominates, as is to be expected with the Maulers and Fury in the ring, but there are still some solid technical exchanges whenever Heartthrob finds himself in the ring with Gilmore or Casey.


Ultimately its a match where everyone looks good - even the green-as-hell Tribal Warrior - so when the time limit expires there's at least enough interest from the fans that a few of them are asking for five more minutes.


Tom Gilmore and The Maple Leaf Maulers drew with Romeo Heartthrob and Savage Fury in 10:00 when the time limit expired.

Rating: C-





The six competitors stay in the ring, eyeing each carefully as they try to figure out what the draw means in terms of the stipulation.




Fortunately they don't have wonder for long. Sam Strong hits the stage, microphone in hand. "This wasn't how this was supposed to go," he says. "I sent you out here to resolve this, and it's going to be resolved. Part of me is tempted to tell all six of you to spit up, but after that performance, brother, I'm inclined to be a little generous.


"All six of you, you're coming back next week. I'll give you more time, brother, and one way or another we're getting this done."




Strong turns and heads backstage, and the camera follows him into the Crippler position where he comes face-to-face with Miss Farrah.


"What," Strong says, "your boss got you checking up on me?'


"Sure," Miss Farrah says. "It's what he pays me for."




Miss Farrah offers him a winsome smile. "This time around, you did okay," she says.


Rating: C+





The Silver Screen goes live, showing a video shot out in the Canadian wilderness. Larry Wood glares at the camera. Billy Wood twitches and snarls at squirrels. He's got a lump of two-by-four in his hand.


"We're making a list, eh," Larry Wood says. "Black Label Fight Club, you boys are on it. Nation of Filth, you're on it too, eh."


Billy Wood darts forward, swinging his two-by-four at a squirrel in a tree. The rodent darts away, but Wood hits the tree-trunk with enough force to shatter to two-by-four in his hands.


Larry Wood just grins. "It's not a good list to be on. Not considering what they're calling the next pay-per-view, eh?"


Rating: E+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Spanish Superfly w/Miss Mexico vs. Paul Steadyfast w/Wanda Fish


It's a familiar dynamic for Steadyfast, possibly even his favourite type of foe: an opponent who relies on building momentum, feeding on the roar of the crowd. Steadyfast deploys his sleeper holds and headlocks, taking Superfly out of his game, and generates heat with the crowd as he goes.


The fans seem to be waiting for a brawl to break out between Mexico and Fish at ringside, and the two ladies don't disappoint. Fish interfers and Miss Mexico objects, running along the ring apron to launch a somersault topé. Fish has the move scouted, and she uses them momentum to throw Mexico into the guard rails. Miss Mexico lands hard, and Fish is there to start burying kicks into the red-head's ribs, screaming "You...Don't...Touch...Me...Ever" as she strikes.


Superfly notices what's going on and moves to help - and that's when he's caught by Steadyfast. One slingshot suplex later and the Untouchables leader has picked up the victory, rolling out of the ring to haul his manager off her victim and retreat up the ramp.


Paul Steadyfast defeated Spanish Superfly in 11:39 by pinfall.

Rating: C





Vengeance is walking backstage. Well, less walking than gliding along like a spooky, trench-coat wearing creature of the night with a chain wrapped around his fist. He comes to a halt, and the camera pans to reveal The Demons of Rage waiting at the end of the corridor.




Vengeance turns, and discovers the way back has been cut off by Karen Killer and Ethan Kane. Kane raises his walking stick and thumbs a hidden catch, causing the steel spike to rise out of the ornate head.


"We're going to teach you about pain," Killer says, and her voice is faintly rapturous as she says it.


Vengeance, for his part, snorts. "I've learned all I intend to from you and yours, witch," he says. "You attempted to transform me, and I turned my back on you. What can you do to my physical form that will match the agony that wracks my soul? The guilt I live with for everything I did while in your thrall?"


"If you're not careful," Kane says, waving the spike in Vengeance's face, "I might take that kind of talk as a challenge."


Vengeance shakes his head. "Children," he says. "Dangerous, deadly children. I do not fear you, Ethan Kane. You can take that as a challenge, if you wish, but your need for glory means we will not fight here.


"If you want me, Ethan, I will face you on the stage you truly crave.


"Excessive Force. You and I. We can dispense with the rules, if you like.


"Baine I came to save, and dispense Vengeance if I could not.


"For you there is no such question, and I look forward to wrecking my vengeance upon you."


Rating: C+





The camera cuts to the interview stage, where Chord is already in conversation with his entourage. "That's twice the Canadian kid has taken you down," he says, scowling in Charlie Thatcher's direction. "That's not something we can tolerate, not if you're going to stay effective as an enforcer. Do something about--"


Chord pauses, looks towards the camera. "Ah, son of a bitch." He takes a moment to compose himself, the entourage closing ranks to support him. "I've been telling people about Sam Strong for months," he says, "and no-one seemed to listen. The fans didn't, but that's not a surprise. Wrestling fans have always been idiots, and they choose to believe that their shining heroes will never, ever tarnish.


"Many of my fellow wrestlers didn't, or so they professed. In truth they were weaklings who covered their asses, trying not to piss off the man who chooses who gets to wrestle and who does not. The man who decides whether you earn a paycheck on any given night.


"But it seems the board of directors listened. Our owner, JK Stallings listened.


"And so we have the investigator, Frankie Future, and the lovely Farrah. We have someone watching over Strong, curbing the worst of his excesses.


"And somehow, despite this, I still have a match with Liberty in two weeks time, with my World Heavyweight Championship on the line.


"I'm here to tell you that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whose in charge, r what matches they put in front of me. I'm Rip Goddamn Chord, the new Golden Age of Wrestling, and I am the World Heavyweight Champion.


"The only World Heavyweight Champion this company will ever need, because I have no intention of losing my belt.


"So Liberty, brother, I'll grant that you wrestled a good match. You took me to the limit, and you pushed me further than anyone ever has.


"And I'll grant that Dusty Streets at ringside is smart choice on the part of the company man." Chord grins and looks to his entourage. "I'm surprised it took people this long to learn the value of competent friends in your corner.


"But when Excessive Force is over, when it's all said and done, I'm still going to be the World Heavyweight Champion. I'm still going to walk out The Great One."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Backbreaker's Inc w/Grace Harper


There's no doubt Liberty and Streets have something special as a team, a kind of chemistry that Streets hasn't known in tag-team competition since he left his brother behind in the SFW. Unfortunately it's coupled with Streets' haphazard approach to being in the ring - as Kyle Rhodes notes, when Dusty's on, there's few people that are better. When he's not, he relies heavily on his partner to do the work.


It's readily apparent that this is what's happening in tonight's match, and even though Liberty is able to step up to the challenge, there are a number of new Dusty Streets fans who are introduced to the performance of a lacklustre Dusty Streets instead of the passionate man they've come to know in recent weeks. It doesn't kill the match dead, but it does mean it never reaches the heights it could have with the fans firmly behind Streets.




The Elite try to remedy this as best they can, but even when Harper and Chandler interfere, eliminating Liberty with a tag-team suplex so Streets is the heroic babyface fighting against the odds, the fans aren't quite willing to accept it.


Which is shame, since Streets picks up the victory for his team, pinning Eric Tyler after hitting the Dust-Off.


Liberty & Dusty Streets defeated Backbreaker Inc in 17:48 by pinfall.

Rating: B-



Overall: C+


OOC Show Notes


- It seems I slipped up when I was writing the preview for this show. Didn't actually realise it until I posted the write-up and had a moment of wait, Superfly, wtf?


- Thanks for the predictions, all (thanks, also, for some of the nice things that have been said about this dynasty over in the DotM discussion thread).


- For what it's worth, I never really had any ambition to win a DotM (as my haphazard posting schedule should make pretty obvious), but I'm always grateful that people continue to read this dynasty and comment occasionally despite it's erratic schedule. And the fact that MidnightNick has predicted on pretty much every show since I started blows my mind, and means a hell of a lot.


- I am *so freakin' happy* Future is finally on the shows. Now if I could only hire Steve Flash my set of "2010 veterans I really want to get over in spite of C-Verse cannon" will be complete.

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Frankie Future makes his first appearance on the Big Red Couch, but he's brought along the PSW Title to keep him company. Impeccably dressed, as ever, he offers the camera a lopsided grin that's at odds with his irate heel persona.


"I ran into Rip Chord in a bar, and he overheard me doing the impression," he says. "Most guys in this industry do a pretty good Strong, I think. All you really gotta do is let your voice go gravelly and throw out a lot of brothers, brother, but for some reason mine 'caught Chord's attention and he figured I'd be a good fit for the role."


He pauses as someone asks a question off-screen, and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Oh, hell," he says, "nothing like that. It was someone's birthday, I think. Marlowe's maybe? Or Stinks? Someone I knew from their time in X-P-Dub who also had a contract with Hollyweird. Occasionally there'd be some weird cross-over between the locker rooms in those days; Hollyweird was smaller and the indies were bigger.


"But yeah, I didn't see Rip drink anything but ginger ale. He was just there, making an appearance, maybe having a quiet chat with a few guys he was interested in signing up. I don't think I was the on the list - they made it really clear when they signed me that there wasn't much scope for wrestling in the role - but they were happy for me to keep working for Big Dunc so long as I didn't do anything too crazy.


"And honestly, working for Stallings, coming out there as the corporate guy with a pretty woman on my arm, that was the best damn thing I could have done for my character on the Coast. Ask anyone who worked X-P-Dub and they'll tell you how hard it was to the fans to buy into heels and faces; it's like they just didn't f--king care and cheered anyone who swung a chair or allowed themselves to get dumped into thumb tacks.


"But the moment I became Frankie Future, HGC corporate stooge, the fans who attended X-P-Dub shows hated me on site. The moment I stepped out into the ring they'd start the chants - you sold out and all that kind of stuff - and they *lived* to see me get beat down.


"I made almost as much money headlining for Duncan as I did going out and doing bad Sam Strong impressions.


"I just wish more people remembered my work in the ring, you know? I dug working for Stallings, but when all you do on TV is talk, it gets hard to shake that label."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Hollyweird TV

- Episode 27 Preview -


The Dallas Wrecking Crew are back in action, taking on the hard-hitting team of the Black Label Fight Club in our opening bout of the night. The Wrecking Crew will be looking to pick up a win after their defeat at the hands of the Ontario Kings, but the Fight Club have proven to be tough opponents.


Dylan Sidle has been brought into HGC by Dread - a weapon in the Juggernaut's ongoing war with Monty Walker. This week Sidle will take on Walker's best friend, Tayler Morton, in what's destined to be a hard-hitting cruiserweight bout.


Eric Tyler has called out Dusty Streets this week, seeking to get a win over the veteran and claim his spot on the card. Backbreaker's Inc had no luck against Streets in tag-team competition last week - can they do better now Streets is on his own?


The first bout between the two teams went to a ten minute draw, but Team Gilmore and Team Heartthrob are going to meet again and this time Sam Strong wants a resolution. With additional time on the clock and one team destined to seperate after loosing the match, all six men will be looking for a definitive result.


Karen Killer and Ethan Kane have promised to teach Vengeance a lesson in pain - and they're starting with tonight's match between Vengeance and Demon Anger. There's no chance of technical excellence in this one, but it promises to be one hell of a fight.


Finally, in our main event, Liberty will take on Awesome Thunder of the Shadow Clan. There's no confirmation as to whether Thunder has been hired by Chord or not, but it's possible Thunder's role isn't to beat the number one contender so much as soften him up prior to Excessive Force.


Matches included on this streaming video:

Liberty vs. Awesome Thunder

Vengeance vs. Demon Anger

Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob

Dusty Streets vs. Eric Tyler

Tayler Morton vs. Dylan Sidle

Black Label Fight Club vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

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Liberty vs. Awesome Thunder

Probably via DQ


Vengeance vs. Demon Anger

Demons are Kane's helpers which means Anger loses to Vengeance.


Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob



Dusty Streets vs. Eric Tyler

Can't see Tyler, as great as he is, beating Streets.


Tayler Morton vs. Dylan Sidle

I see Sidle cheating here with help from Dread.

Black Label Fight Club vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Problems between Chord and his crew continue

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Liberty vs. Awesome Thunder

Liberty will win, despite loads of interferrence


Vengeance vs. Demon Anger

Anger is a tag guy. A DQ seems likely


Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob

Gilmore is the future


Dusty Streets vs. Eric Tyler

Keep the faces strong


Tayler Morton vs. Dylan Sidle

To anger Walker


Black Label Fight Club vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew

Datsun and Marlowe are pretty good

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 3, June 1997

Louisiana Auditorium (South East) – 7,670 people



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew w/Charlie Thatcher


Rick Sanders proves to be the centre of the match – the sole technician amidst three brawlers who rely on power moves, his ability to ground the Fight Club and keep them down proves decisive. The Black Rebel Fight Club have made their name by being tough, and even in defeat they showcase what they can do – Sanders traps Jack Marlowe in a figure four about five minutes in, and it takes a full minute and a half before the big man taps.


The Dallas Wrecking Crew defeated Black Rebel Fight Club in 6:36 by submission.

Rating: D+





Rip Chord strolls down the ramp, collecting a microphone before joining his entourage in the ring.


"Last week, The Dallas Wrecking Crew lost," he says. "Charlie Thatcher, the toughest damn man in the world, was taken down by Bryan Holmes and kept from doing his job. I've heard all the talk that generated among the wrestles backstage. I hear exactly what gets said: there are four men in Rip Chord's army, and three of them got punked by two kids from Canada.


"People are wondering what that means for me and my friends. They're wondering what that means for my title, especially now Dusty Streets is riding shot-gun on my next title defense.


"I'm here to clear all those questions up.


"It. Means. Nothing.


"Those men who beat the Wrecking Crew? They were House of Stone graduates. For those who don't know Canadian wrestling, let me spell out what that means: they were trained by some of the best in the world, in one of the toughest training schools going. They start their careers with the instincts of veterans and they only get better as time goes on. There's no shame in losing to two men with that pedigree..." Chord pauses and looks meaningfully at his entourage "...only in failing to learn from the loss.


"As for Dusty Streets playing good cop at Extreme Force, well, that's what I like to call wishful thinking.


"Dusty, you and I have been wrestling for over twenty years, but it's not everyone who gets to be Rip Chord. It's not everyone who gets better with age, who keeps pace with the kids coming in year after year. Some of us enter the new Gold Age...


"...and some of us get broken down.


"There's three men here who have my back, and despite what the boys are saying, they're still the most dangerous trio I've ever found. I'm reaching the peak of my abilities, a new era of greatness for one of the greatest wrestlers who ever lived. I am the World Heavyweight Champion, and I plan on staying the World Heavyweight Champion.


"If you were smart, Dusty, when it comes to Extreme Force, you'd walk out to ringside and sit on your hands and let me do what I'm going to do to the poor, poor American Outlaw."


Rating: B+





Backstage, and the Fight Club are heading for their locker room after teh match, towels draped over their shoulders. They're passing through catering when someone shouts a warning…




…but it's already too late. Grunt and Stink charge into shot, trash cans at the ready, and proceed to start assaulting Marlowe and Datsun. Trash spreads across the catering area as steel cans are applied to skulls…




…but then the Woods make an appearance, joining the fray. Larry and Billy take the fight to Grunt first, nailing him with a kick the stomach before launching him into a table full of sandwiches with a tag-team powerslam. Stink tries to make the save, but Marlowe traps his ankle with a towel, tripping him. Freddie Datsun grabs a nearby chair and wraps it around the prone Stink's skull.


For a brief second the Fight Club and The Wood Brothers glare at each other, breathing heavily. Then Larry Wood grins and charges forward, nailing Datsun with a big boot to the skull. Billy follows, hitting Marlowe with a battering-ram headbutt, and then the Wood boys stand triumphant amid the carnage.


Rating: D



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DylanSidle.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Tayler Morton w/Monty Walker vs. Dylan Sidle w/Emma Chase


It's short, but solid; the two cruiserweights are on familiar ground, with Azaria noting that they've met several times on the indies prior to signing for HGC.




Dread makes an appearance early on. Emma provides the distraction and the Juggernaut hits the ring, charging at Morton with everything he's got.


Fortunately Monty Walker knows what's coming – he flies across the ring and knocks Morton out of the Juggernaut's path, and Dread's momentum sends him careering into Sidle instead.


It's the only chance to interfere Dread gets. Morton takes one look at the dazed sidle, grabs him in a headlock, and hits a standing shiranui to put him down for the three-count.


Tayler Morton defeated Dylan Sidle in 4:42 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





Walker claims a microphone. "Hey Dread," he calls, "I'm not broken yet, dude."




Dread's response is to charge forward with a lightning fast clothesline that turns Walker inside out. He then kneels and claims the microphone himself. "If you're not broken," he snarls, "I just have to keep trying."


The Juggernaut then scoops Walker up and slams him back into the concrete. Walker connects hard, and doesn't move afterwards. Dread just stands over him, smiling, while paramedics come down to ringside.


Rating: B





"This is Action Jackson backstage, getting you the scoops, and I'm here with my guest at this, The American Outlaw, Liberty.


"Liberty, it seems you've got your rematch with Rip Chord at Extreme Force, but it may have cost you a friendship to get it. Care to comment on what's going on between you and Sam Strong?"


Force once, Liberty doesn't launch into an enthusiastic response. Instead he takes his ever-present sunglasses off and stares straight at the camera. "What's going on," Liberty says, "is a man stepping out of the shadow of his mentor after his mentor takes the wrong path.


"I came into this company a fan of Sam Strong. I met the man and we had...well, we had a bond, man. He saw something in me that he thought should be encouraged, and he helped me rise up the ranks.


"Sometimes I was grateful for that, sometimes I wasn't. I've never been a man who turns away help, but I always want to stand on my own two feet. I always wanted to go out there and do things my way, give the people what they really want - a man who believes in putting on a show just as much as he believes in winning.


"Then Sam Strong got injured, man, and something changed. Peter Valentine left, and Sam Strong changed. He got put in charge, and Sam Strong changed.


"And through it all I kept kidding myself, saying it wasn't a big deal, that the man I believed in way back when I started wrestling was still the same man who gave me advice.


"But the truth is, Sam Strong isn't the man he used to be. He's not my friend and he's not my mentor, he's just another Man who wants to control me and hold me down.


"I don't hold with that, man, no matter whose giving the orders, and I can make up my own mind about who gets my respect and who doesn't.


"So me and Sam have parted ways, and I don't let that bother me. Y'see, I got myself a rematch to think about. A World Title Match with someone on the sidelines to even the odds.


"And Rip Chord, man, I took him to the limit. I gave him a damn fight and he had to run to save his title.


"At Extreme Force, I plan on doing that again.


"And this time there's no chance Rip's going to be able to run."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg


Dusty Streets vs. Eric Tyler


The match alternates between strikes and mat-work, the two veterans showing off their extensive repertoires of tricks and counters. Azaria and Rhodes spend the commentary slicing the requisite performances apart, looking for ways each wrestler can gain the advantage: Dusty has size and power, but Tyler has condition; Dusty's the better striker, but Tyler is one of the best mat-workers on the planet.


The real advantage, as always, lies in the fact that Tyler is an expert at manipulating the referee and, for all the changes made recently, Streets has been through a series of tough matches over the last few months courtesy of Sam Strong's vendetta.


Tyler manages to tear off one of the turnbuckle pads and pounds Streets' shoulder against the exposed steel without the referee noticing. Streets favours the injured joint a little, which makes him easy prey for the Tradition Lift when it follows a minute or so later.


Eric Tyler defeated Dusty Streets in 8:51 by submission.

Rating: C+







Coach Dick Pangrazzio walks out onto the stage with all three members of the All-Star Team beside him.


"Nice win," Pangrazzio says. "Dusty's no slouch in the ring, even if he has been through the ringer of late. 'Course, we all now singles victory isn't what you're after, right? You have your eyes on the real prize - the two belts that mean more than anything else in this company."


Larry and Bryan step forward, holding the World Tag-Team Title straps high.


"You and yours, you've been a thorn in our side," Coach says. "The All-Star team doesn't like leaving uncertainty in the ledger, so here's what's going to happen: Sam Strong's signed off on a match for Extreme Force, the--"




"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Eddie Chandler comes onto the stage with the rest of the Gobal Elite, and the square off against the All-Star Team. "I don't know if you noticed, old man, but Sam Strong doesn't get to sign off on title matches anymore. That means anything you're about to say isn't worth a damn thing, least of all to me and my friends."


Pangrazzio meets Eddie's gaze, smirking a little. "You're right, kid," he says, "he can't sign off on title matches without the okay of Stalling's representative. But he's still free to book any other match he wants, and that's exactly what he's done.


"At Extreme Force, you're not wrestling for the titles. At Extreme Force, it's the Backbreaker's and Eddie Chandler against all three members of the All Star Team.


"The match is made, pencilneck, and my boys are already in training.


"If you don't want to loose teeth, I suggest you and yours start doing the same."


Rating: C+





The Silver Screen fires up, showing a pre-taped video of a bare-bones backyard wrestling ring set up somewhere in Mexico city. Mr Lucha and Electrico are sparring in the ring, Miss Mexico observing on the sidelines. Lucha keeps going for the sleeper hold, and Electrico is looking for ways to counter it. In the background Spanish Superfly is spotting El Bandido as the larger of the HGC luchadors lifts weights on a weight bench.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're seeing exclusive footage from the home of Mr Lucha in Mexico city, where Lucha and his friends have taken a short sabbatical in order to train. Three of these men have been scheduled to fight at Extreme Force, taking on the three members of the Untouchables, by order of General Manager Sam Strong."


"It seems Strong is planning for a big night of six-man action," Rhodes says, "what with similar matches being booked for The All-Star Team and the Global Elite, and another for the Shadow Clan and Ricky Dale's posse."


"Kyle, I'm willing to bet this is Frankie Future's influence," Azaria says. "These are issues that plenty of fans have wanted to see resolved for some time."


"Agreed," Rhodes says, "and speaking of which, we've got another grudge match about to take place in the ring right now..."


Rating: D







Tom Gilmore & The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Romeo Heartthrob & Savage Fury


Both sides are cautious to begin with, unwilling to make mistakes wit their ability to continue working as a team on the line. They're far more willing to the approaching time-limit this time around, however, and the action escalates fast once they pass the ten minute mark.


Finishers are hit, submissions are applied, and somehow there's always someone there to break up a cover or make a save. False-falls come fast and furious, but ultimately the match reaches the time limit for the second week in a row.


Tom Gilmore and The Maple Leaf Maulers drew with Romeo Heartthrob and Savage Fury in 15:00 when the time limit expired.

Rating: C-





The two teams don't even get the chance to look uncertain this week – Sam Strong is on the stage seconds after the time-limit is called, microphone in hand. "Heartthrob, Gilmore, listen up," he says. "I was hoping to avoid this, brother, but I gotta admit you six have stepped up your game. If I'd known the thread of disbanding would have motivated you all, I would have threatened you with it months ago and saved all of us the sniping that follows.


"And we are going to resolve this, brother, one way or another. Next week you six are in the ring again, and I'm taking the time-limit off your match. One side wins, the other disbands. And you keep going until it kills you, brother, or someone picks up the pinfall."


Rating: C





The Army of Darkness is gathered in the Crippler position. Ethan Kane stands forward, arms spread, his smile messianic.


"Vengeance, I promised you a lesson in pain," Kane says. "I am going to carve the transgressions of your soul into your mortal flesh, and I'm going to laugh as your cries echo across the arena at Extreme Force.


"But first...first, Vengeance, you will be reminded of what pain can do to the body. First you will be reminded of just how mortal your flesh can be.


"Tonight you face Anger, and he's been give but one instruction.


"Bring. Vengeance. Pain.


"Bring. Vengeance. Pain."


Anger steps forward, joining in the chant.


"Bring. Vengeance. PAIN.






There is a final wail from Anger, part frustration and part primal scream, and both Kane and Killer smirk as the Demon charges towards the ring.


Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Vengeance vs. Demon Anger w/Karen Killer



It's not sanctioned as a hardcore match, but Anger's first action when things start up is smashing a fist into the referee's face, effectively knocking Sam Sparrow out for the duration of the match, so the resulting action is heavy on weapons and illegal moves.


Anger is no slouch when it comes to hardcore action and he's been whipped into a frenzy by Ethan Kane, but Vengeance is in his element – the bulk of the match is spent throwing punches with a chain wrapped his first, and it doesn't take long to bust Anger open.


Killer tries to run interference, unhindered by the referee, but Vengeance takes it all in stride. He ends up throwing her over the top rope, letting her crash into the commentary table, and chokes Anger with the length of chain to weaken him. It’s only when the Demon has gone limp that Vengeance finally wakes up the referee, making the cover and collecting the win.


Vengeance defeated Demon Anger in 8:29 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





The feed cuts backstage to Sam Strong's office, where the General Manager is filling in paperwork at his desk. He pauses a moment, stretching out a kink in his injured neck, and there's a knock on the door before he can resume writing.




"Sam, you in, brother?" Frankie Future eases his way through the door, Miss Farrah in his wake, without waiting for an answer. "What am I saying, of course you're in here. Hardworking guy like you, doing everything he can to make this show run, where else would you be?"


Strong doesn't look pleased. "What do you want, Future?"


Frankie's all smiles. He perches himself on the edge of Strong's desk and clicks his fingers. Miss Farrah places a file into his outstretched hand and Frankie gives it a quick read. "Well, Sam," he says, "I figured I'd drop past and let you know how the evaluation's going. You're doing a fine job here, a fine job. Everyone thinks it, even Mr Stallings and the Board, you know? I'm just here as…"


He clicks his fingers a few times, and Miss Farrah says, "insurance."


"Right," Frankie says, "insurance. Nothing for you to worry about, the company's just making sure all the boxes are ticked and the I's are dotted.


"There is two things I wanted to talk to you about, though, Sam, if you've got a moment."


Strong looks as though he wants to do nothing more than rip Future apart, but instead he snarls, "sure, a moment."


"Great," Future says, "just great. First up, I think the title scene we've got developing, that's really top notch. Great competitors, great up-and-comers, lots of people who deserve a name. But Farrah and I, we've had this thought…well, mostly I had this thought, but Farrah, she's got an eye for design, you know? Anyway, I thought you might want to take a look at this…" Future offers Sam the folder "…and see if it's something you'd like to institute here at Hollyweird.


"No pressure, of course, you're still in charge. It's just one of those ideas, a…a…a…"


Future looks to Farrah. "Brainwave," she says.


"A brainwave," Future says, nodding. "Something to consider."


He slides of the desk and starts making his way towards the door.


"The second thing," Strong barks.


Future pauses, one hand on the door. "What?"


"You said there were two things you wanted to talk about," Strong says.


"Oh, right." Future's grin turns nasty. "Just thought I should let you know that I had a chat to Rip Chord this morning. Nothing major, just an informal how-do-you-do sort of thing. He mentioned I might want to talk to someone about you. A fella named…Bellia? Boria? Moria?"


"Bollea," Farrah says. "Doctor Bollea."


"That's the one," Future says. "I'm sure it's nothing major, nothing at all, but it's my job to go have a chat." If Future notices Sam Strong's face going pale, he doesn't show it. "Anyway, look of my proposal, yeah? We'll talk again soon."


Rating: B+






"You mess with me, you mess with the best. Ota, I'm going to make you tap."


Brent Hill's boast starts off the black-and-white video montage - and its immediately followed with footage from the first match between him and Ota.


"These two men know each other so well," Jason Azaria says. "They've fought all across America on the independent scene, and now their feud gets given a national stage."


It's all quick cuts, quick impressions, until it ends with Ota blowing a cloud of mist into Hill's face.


"I can't see!" Hill screams. "I CAN'T SEE."


The next shot is Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE heading for the ring.


"I'm going to make this easy," Ricky Dale says. "There's a whole bunch of ways you can piss a fella off, but Ota sure as hell found himself one of the ways that lead to a whole mess of trouble. Brent Hill's my friend, and thanks to whatever voodoo Ota did last week, he's lying in a hospital bed right now, unable to see. And that's the kinda thing you don't let a fella get away with in my book, especially when it's one of your friends. That's the kinda thing that causes a man to gather up a posse and go on the offense."


There's multiple quick shots of Ricky Dale and EAGLE decimating the ranks of the Shadow Clan, hitting finishers on Ronin and Awesome Thunder, getting attacked and sneak-attacked in return.


Brent Hill: "The doctors say I can't wrestle, and eventually I accept that. But before that happens I want one thing. Ota, I want you one-on-one. And I want you in a strap match so it don't matter who can see who. So long as I know you're on the end of the tether, I know I'll be able to get my hands on you."


More footage from the Posse/Shadow Clan war, focusing on the hard-hitting action and the occasional interference of the blinded Brent hill.


Ronin: "This honoured one is to challenge you to a match at Excessive Force, our Shadow Clan against your posse. If you win, he will give Hill-san his match, under any stipulation Hill-san chooses. If the Clan wins, We will cane you in the middle of the ring, bloody you and hurt you, cripple you if we can. And you will accept this punishment willingly, for daring to meddle in our affairs"


Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg


Liberty vs. Awesome Thunder


There are plenty of fans who know what it means when Thunder makes it into the main event – furious action, stiff kicks, and a lot of focus placed on a particular limb. This time around the focus of Thunder's offense is Liberty's neck, which doesn't leave much doubt – Chord has hired the Shadow Clan to wear down the number one contender, and victory here is less important than injury.


The difference, this time around, is that Thunder stands alone. Several times he looks to the ramp, or the crowd, expecting his compatriots to run in, and every time Liberty uses that moment to start a comeback.


There's little doubt how this is going to end, but the journey there is engaging enough that the fans are roaring by the time Liberty puts Thunder down with the Liberation Slam.


Liberty defeated Awesome Thunder in 17:35 by pinfall.

Rating: B





Liberty plays to the crowd after the match, flashing peace-signs as he celebrates the win. The Punisher comes tearing down the ramp, diving through the bottom rope at speed. For a moment he pauses, dancing back and forth while the crowd's roar warns Liberty what's coming, and as soon as the American Outlaw turns Punisher darts forward and nails him with a big spinebuster.




Charlie Thatcher and Rick Sanders follow the Punisher into the ring, sprinting down the ramp. Thatcher has a pair of brass knuckles looped over his fists and wears an evil grin as he thinks using them. Rip Chord brings up the rear, strutting down the ramp, title belt round his waist. As his compatriots begin the beat-down, the champion claims a microphone. "Liberty, brother, how much help do you think one enforcer is going to be?"




Dusty Streets comes tearing down the ramp with a steel chair in his hand, prepared to answer Rip's question. He barges past the champion and hits the ring. One chair shot lays out Punisher. A second lays out Rick Sanders.


The third chair-shot catches Charlie Thatcher right on the top of the skull, only it doesn't put the big man down. Instead, the stainless steel seat of the chair pops loose, and the frame is left dangling around Thatcher's neck like a bizarre pendant.


Streets stumbles back, amazed that the Enforcer is still standing.


Charlie Thatcher, for his part, calmly removes the chair frame, then his sunglasses.


And then he swings once, a big haymaker with the brass knuckles, and Streets goes down.


The Enforcer looks towards his boss, and Chord just nods.


And with that, Charlie Thatcher calmly picks up Punisher and Sanders, carrying them over one shoulder as he follows his boss out of the ring.


Rating: B-



Overall: B-

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Rick Sanders lounges in the Big Red Couch wearing shades and a black wife-beater. "Most people tend to think Java was the toughest SOB in the HGC locker room," he says. "They hear it in the shoots, I'm pretty sure Idaho wrote it in his book, and somewhere along the line it entered public knowledge. Java was the toughest SOB going and you didn't want to mess with him.


"I'm not saying they're wrong - Java scares the bejesus out of me and there's no way in hell I'd want to fight that guy when he's in a bad mood - but I think he gets that rep because Java has a bad attitude. He's tough, he stiffs guys in the ring, and he doesn't like being called on it. Guys are afraid to fight Java because fighting Java is always a possibility. You go out of your way to avoid pissing him off.


"Thing is, there were plenty of tough bastards in that locker room, and a lot of them don't get the credit for it 'cause they were also pretty nice guys. I mean, Ed Monton? Guy was a former soldier in Canada, tough as f--kin' nails. He's got a metal plate in his right forearm because some bastard broke in three places during a bar fight, and that's a fight Monton still won.


"Larry Wood...well, 'nough said, right? I don't need to pitch his credentials to anyone.


"And then there's Charlie, who never gets the credit he deserves, 'cause the guys a damn teddy bear ninety-nine percent of the time.


"Lot of guys on the internet like to make fun of Charlie, saying he's got no respect for the business, and mostly they're full of s--t. I once saw him slam his goddamn fingers in a door when getting out of a cab and he didn't sell a damn thing until we were safely inside the arena and away from fans.


"I've seen him stare down a group of three or four guys in a bar when they were trying to pick a fight. Not make threats or anything, just give them the look.


"And then there was that night. I thought the chair was gimmicked. Punisher thought the chair was gimmick. Hell, even Rip thought that chair was gimmicked. Turns out Dusty just hit him really, really hard and Charlie didn't even blink.


"Dusty caught hell about it afterwards, though. Rip, man, we didn't have that mentorship relationship like lots of guys did in the locker room, but we were his boys. One of the reason's Rip's so good at what he does is because the line between gimmick and real life is thin for him. We watched his back, he watched ours, and you didn't mess with anyone who was part of the Entourage without Rip giving you hell."






"Dusty Streets is fond of bitching about his time in HGC," Dundee says, "but Dusty Streets is his own worst enemy, mate, and there's no two ways about it. I'll grant he got screwed when he first signed up - six months of having a guy who hates your guts on the book isn't a nice time by anyone's estimation, but Sam's a pro and he kept Dusty on-stage, kept him working even if it wasn't at the level Dusty expected to be at.


"But after that? Once Rip was in charge? Man, Dusty sabotaged every good thing that came his way and it was always Dusty's fault.


"He'd have this great couple of weeks of connecting with the crowd, then he'd bet put in a main event and phone it in. He'd get positioned as the number two face in the company, and he'd bitch about not being in Liberty's spot. He'd get put in a program with one of Chord's friends, something that would inevitably lead to a title match and a run against Chord himself, and Dusty would start complaining about the fact that he was expected to train a green rookie who shouldn't have been in the ring.


"There were a handful of people in that company who didn't get it, who really didn't understand how Rip Chord and Stallings wanted the company to run. A lot of the old guard got it - I mean, hell, when Dread is taking a guy like Nathan Coleman under his wing, teaching him to be the next generation of monster heel, you know people were getting the message. Work together, help each other out, be a bloody team player for once.


"Dusty never got it. Never.


"Lots of people wonder why he never got a singles run in Supreme, why he got let go while his brother rode a fast train to the top.


"Mate, I'll bet you anything, the reason can be put down to Dusty f--kin' Streets is a goddamn pain in the arse."


OOC Notes


I started this Dynasty 'cause I was watching a lot of early Nitro episodes, and it's resulted in a couple of pretty obvious analogues showing up throughout. Some of the characters have surprised me by drifting away from the initial analogue once I started writing - Rip Chord really didn't end up being as close to Ric Flair as I expected him too - and some of them are so well-trod that they're familiar and some of them...


Well, lets just say that I mark out for some odd choices. I was a huge Meng fan in 95-97 and still am rewatching those old episodes. It's probably why I keep Savage Fury employed despite the fact that they're not that good as a team or as singles wrestlers.


And then there's Charlie Thatcher, whose almost always going to be modelled on one my favourite wrestling enforcers. The first half of this entry is really just a shout-out to two of my favourite wrestling stories about Ray Traylor/Big Boss Man/Big Bubba Rodgers back when he was starting his career with the Midnight Express. They'll probably sound really familiar to anyone whose invested in Jim Cornette's Midnight Express 25th Anniversary Scrapbook (and really, why wouldn't you?).

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Hollyweird TV

- Episode 28 Preview -


There's plenty of heat going into our opening match - the blue-collar striker Jack Marlowe will take on the Canadian Wild Man Larry Wood in singles competition. These two tag-team specialists have had their issues in the past, but this will be the first meeting one-on-one.


Fans of tag-team competition won't be disappointed though - we've got The Ontario Kings taking on The Shooters in what should be great technical tag-team bout.


Dusty Streets is scheduled to be the special enforcer in Sunday night's main event, but on Hollyweird TV he'll be facing off against The Punisher of the Entourage.


Two prior matches have gone to a time-limit draw, but this week there will be a winner - Sam Strong has taken off the shackles and the team of Romeo Heartthrob and the Savage Fury will square off against Tom Gilmore and The Maple Leaf Maulers in six-man action. The winners stay together, the losers disband.


There will be pain and there will be blood - Demon Spite faces Vengeance, and for the sake of our referees HGC officials have made this a no DQ bout. These two will be free to brutalise one another in any way they wish, and you can bet they'll both take advantage of the stipulation.


The Global Elite lodged a complaint with Frankie Future after their six-man tag was announced for Excessive Force, and the board's Special Investigator has announced that the tag-team titles should be defended at Hollyweird TV if they aren't going to be defended at the pay-per-view. It'll be Backbreaker's Inc versus the Vessey Brothers for the World Tag-Team Championship.


Matches included on this streaming video:


The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc

Vengeance vs. Demon Spite

Tom Gilmore & The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Romeo Heartthrob & Savage Fury

Dusty Streets vs. The Punisher

The Ontario Kings vs. The Shooters

Jack Marlowe vs. Larry Wood

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The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc

No title change before a show.


Vengeance vs. Demon Spite

Vengeance continues destroying people until Kane.


Tom Gilmore & The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Romeo Heartthrob & Savage Fury

Savage Fury need Heartthrob. Heartthrob needs Fury. Gilmore is a star waiting to break out.


Dusty Streets vs. The Punisher

Dusty is just better.


The Ontario Kings vs. The Shooters

No idea. So draw it is.


Jack Marlowe vs. Larry Wood

Wood's the more known commodity at this point.

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The Vessey Brothers vs. Backbreaker's Inc

DQ win


Vengeance vs. Demon Spite

Keep building Vengeance up


Tom Gilmore & The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Romeo Heartthrob & Savage Fury

Better faction - Heartthrob and Savage Fury are an odd fit anyway.


Dusty Streets vs. The Punisher

Streets will win here, maybe another DQ


The Ontario Kings vs. The Shooters

I'll guess at the Kings


Jack Marlowe vs. Larry Wood

Wood's just too big for Marlowe here

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 4, June 1997

The V. Thompson Arena (South West) – 7,356 people



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg

Jack Marlowe w/Freddie Datsun vs. Larry Wood w/Billy Wood

It's a great brawl. Marlowe and Wood really synch in the ring, and that trust allows them to push their own limits. Both men hit and get hit, but ultimately it's Marlowe who comes up with the win after catching Wood with a spear.


Jack Marlowe defeated Larry Wood in 7:31 by pinfall.

Rating: C-





The Nation of Filth are already charging the ring when the three-count is made, but this time their victims are ready for them.




Billy Wood hauls a lump of two-by-four from under the ring and meets Stink's charge, wood meeting steel garbage bin with a thunderous clang.




Freddie Datsun isn't armed, but he doesn't really need to be - he kicks Grunt in the stomach, elbows him twice in the head, then collects a chair to use for the rest of the brawl. A lucky shot from Grunt wraps a garbage bin around Datsun's head, but by then Marlowe is in position - the big man dives through the ropes and wipes out the man from Trashville, USA.




Marlowe helps his partner get back to his feet...and immediately gets wiped out when Larry Wood does a dive of his own.


The security team swarms the ringside area, breaking apart the six men, but it takes several minutes before order is restored.


Rating: D+





Don Juan leans against a wall deep in the backstage area of the V. Thompson arena. He looks up at the camera, raises an eyebrow, and smirks. "About time," he says. "You're going to want to see this."




He pushes free of the wall and barges through a nearby door, surprising Spanish Superfly and Miss Mexico as they're making out in the Luchador's locker room.


"Shocking," Don Juan says, "such a complete lack of morality here in the house of the holy Los Santos."


Superfly stands. He's taller than Don Juan, heavier, and he glares down at the smaller man. "You want something, esse?"


"Many things." Don Juan's smile is easy and unintimidated. "But for the moment, lets settle on those things which are attainable. Your friend Lucha, he's got plans this Sunday. Plans that require two partners, which means one of you is spare.


"If you're smart, you'll be the one who begs off and takes another match. You're the one who'll face me."


"Or what," Superfly says. "You'll interfere in our matches again?"


"No," Don Juan says, "I'll challenge one of your little friends. Electico. Bandido. They're good, 'Fly, I'll grant you that...but we both know I'm better.


"I don't need to make them part of this, but if I find myself bored...well, bad things happen. You and Lucha I owe - there's no stopping the pain I plan on bringing your way - but those two? They're collateral damage, 'fly. They don't need to be part of this.


"Think about it, 'fly. Think about the alternatives. Think about the things you know I can do."


Don Juan delivers one final smirk and turns, leaving Superfly to fume.


Rating: D-





"This is bull-s--t." Eddie Chandler is in Sam Strong's office, along with the rest of the Global Elite. "You're going to throw away a championship match on pay-per-view in order to have us in a three-way with Pangrazzio's boys?"


"Damn straight, brother." Strong stands, glaring at the assembled wrestlers. "And if you think I'm going to stand here, brother, and--"




"I dunno Sam, they seem like they have a point." The camera pans and settles on Frankie Future and Miss Farrah listening at the door. "Not that it should be the Backbreaker's, necessarily, but the thought of only having one title match at Extreme Force...well, that's one of those things that makes the bored nervous, brother.


"Now I'm not going to overrule you on Sunday - the advertising's out and people seem to be excited by the match - but I do think the tag-team titles need to be defended and you have to admit we have some worthy challengers nearby.


"So let me put some words in your mouth, Sam. They go something like this: You make a good there, brother, so here's what I'm going to do - tonight's main event, brother, we're going to have a little preview of Extreme Force. It'll be the Backbreaker's, brother, versus the Tag-Team Champions, and it's going to be for all the marbles, brother, so bring your A-game."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JDMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JohnMaverick.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. The Shooters


The Shooters are two of the best submission wrestlers on the planet, but the House of Stone-trained Kings are no slouch when it comes to applying locks and holds. The result is a chess-like match where both sides are looking for leverage, with slight shifts in weight proving crucial.


The ropes increasingly come into play as the match goes on as men on both sides find themselves unable to counter a hold, but victory is largely a result of the Kings versatility – after focusing on technical wrestling for the bulk of the match, Bryan Holmes sees and opening and nails John Maverick with the Cyclone Shock Kick.


The Ontario Kings defeated The Shooters in 8:12 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





John Maverick tries to rise after the match, but the Cyclone Shock Kick has rattled him badly and he drops back to the canvas. Bryan Holmes responds by offering his downed opponent a hand...


...and finds himself being hauled down to the canvas and trapped in a crossbar. Holmes immediately starts tapping, but Maverick is in no hurry to break the hold.




Thomas Morgan leaps over the top rope, coming to his partner's aid, but finds himself cut off by JD Morgan who nails him with a lariat.


"These guys," Rhodes says, "are really poor losers."


Rating: D-




We come back from a commercial and Rip Chord is in the ring, his entourage arrayed around him. "Dusty," he says, "I'd like you to come out here, brother. I think you and I need to talk."




Dusty takes his team coming out. He's dressed to compete and armed with a steel chair, eyeing the assembled ranks of the Chord entourage.


Chord makes a tsk sound. "You're not going to need the chair, Dusty," he says. "We aren't here to hurt you, I just wanted to demonstrate something.


"You see, you may be the special enforcer at my title match, but that only means something if you can handle the kind of trouble that's coming at you. Last week we proved you can't handle Charlie. this week, well, Punisher was kinda hoping to show you what's what.


"So what do you say, Dusty? You got the stomach to take my man one-on-one? It'll be clean, it'll be neat, and I give you my word as the World Champion, the New Golden Age, and the best damn wrestler who ever lived that neither me or Charlie or Rick will touch you while you're wrestling.


"You impress us, and maybe there won't be any need to have an enforcer on Sunday. You lose, and maybe you should bring a second bat so you can try and fight back against the hell we plan on unleashing."


Dusty looks from face to face, searching for the truth, and slowly he nods.


"Alright," he says, "me and Punisher. But I want your word you'll leave me be."


"Dusty," Rip says, "would I lie to you?"



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg


Dusty Streets vs. The Punisher


Punisher is in this match to intimidate, but Dusty isn't interest in backing down. The result is two big, old-school brawlers going at it hammer and tongs.


The Punisher gets the first two-count of the match off the back of his spinning spinebuster, but Dusty fights back and finally picks up the victory with the Dust-Off.


Dusty Streets defeated The Punisher in 7:39 by pinfall.

Rating: C-





Dusty dives for the corner and grabs his steel chair, arming himself just in time to see Rick Sanders slide into the ring. The veteran swings and Sanders falls on his butt trying to dodge it. Charlie Thatcher advances and Dusty swings again...




...and this time Thatcher catches it, rips the weapon from Dusty's grip, and snaps it in half. He holds both up to Dusty Streets and smiles.




Then Rip Chord is in the ring, and the four-on-one beatdown begins.




The crowd erupts big-time as Liberty comes tearing down the aisle, steel chair in hand. He lays into the heels with everything he has, forcing them off Dusty, and Chord's boys scatter, rolling out of the ring to regroup on the ramp.


"Alright," Chord says, "nothing ore to see here. We've proved what we needed to prove, Dusty, and you're going to have your work cut out for you on Sunday.


"And Liberty, kid, I'll see you in the main event. I look forward to teaching you why you should have just backed off after your first loss to the Great One."


Rating: B





"Sam, dude, you got a minute?"


Frankie Future is leaning against the door frame of Sam Strong's office, but the audiance is primarily distracted by the fact that Miss Farrah is doing the same while wearing a mini-skirt and crop top. Sam Strong regards the pair with wary irritation, prepared for what's about to come.


He takes a deep breath, perhaps preparing to order Frankie away, then seems to think better of it. "Alright, brother, what do you want?"


"I just wanted to let you know how my report was coming," Future says. "Nothing big, you understand, perhaps just some jitters since you're new to management, but I've noticed..."


"You noticed, brother?"


"I noticed you're occasionally...hesitant," Future says. "You're in charge here, man, and you seem to forget it. I take away your power to make title matches, and instead you're being...pissy. You're assuming things are going to have to change."


Strong doesn't look impressed. "Seems to me, brother, you're the one whose throwing his weight around."


"I'm doing my job, Sam." Future offers the General Manager a broad grin. "And you just need to keep doing yours. Ever since you were injured--"


Strong's hand rises to neck out of reflex, and Future pauses just long enough to nod.


"Ever since you were injured," he says, "well, people have been noticing the change. I know it's hard, brother. I know you want to be out there competing, proving to everyone you've still got what it takes. You want to be showing the fans that Rip Chord isn't the only guy who gets a new golden age, but you can't."


Strong's frown doesn't budge. "What's your point, brother?"


"No point." Future straightens his cuffs and collar, flicks some imaginary dust off his sleeve. "We're just spit-balling here. The things I bring to you, brother? The little suggestions I make? Those are just suggestions, man. Little tweaks that could help you get in good with the boss. You're under no obligations to follow them, man, not unless they're a title match.


"The rest, brother, they're all up to you. You just gotta impress, man. Impress me. Impress the fans. Assert your authority. Do that right, and you've got nothing to worry about."


Strong meets Future's eyes for a long while, the two of them engaged in a battle of wills. Finally Sam Strong nods. "Alright, brother. I appreciate that."


Future nods in agreement and turns to leave. He gets all the way to the door before he pauses.


"By the way Sam," he says, looking over his shoulder. "Me and Farrah? We talked to the doctor, brother. He didn't say much, not much at all, but he seemed to take a real liking to my associate here. Miss Farrah, she's a charmer, man.


"Just thought I'd mention that."


Rating: B







Tom Gilmore & The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Romeo Heartthrob & Savage Fury




It's as if the draws have brought out the worst in both teams, and they throw everything they've got into the ring. "It doesn't look like time-limits are going to be a factor in this one," Rhodes says, and it proves to be prophetic. Sam Sparrow gets hit with a body thrown across the ring and goes down, but Eugene Williams is on stand-by and quickly rushes the ring.


They start hitting big moves early, tag out constantly, and things have broken down before the first five minutes of the match are done. Then Java nails Bob Casey with a flying headbutt at the same time that Ed Monton blasts Tribal Warrior with a flying elbow.


Eugene Williams starts the count on Monton's cover…and on the far side of the ring, Sam Sparrow has come too just in time to count Java's cover on Casey. Both referee's hit three at the same time, ordering the bell to ring, and both Java and Monto spring to their feet with arms raised in victory.


Tom Gilmore and The Maple Leaf Maulers drew with Romeo Heartthrob and Savage Fury in 7:33 when there's a double pinfall.

Rating: D+





Gilmore and Heartthrob are in the ring immediately, both sides believing they've won, then shouting at the referees when it becomes clear there's confusion. The Savage Fury and the Maulers square off, and it's readily apparent things are about to get out of control when Sam Strong makes his appearance on stage.




"If I didn't know any better, brother, I'd expect you six were trying to piss me off," Strong says. "Since we can clear it up here, we're doing it at Extreme Force, and this time--"




"Sam, Sam, Sam." Frankie Future steps out onto the stage, shaking his head in mock regret. "This is what I'm talking about. I mean, honestly, Sam, you've tried this three times now, and you're trying for a fourth? That's not effective management, buddy, that's just punking out on the hard stuff.


"You want this resolved, try this. Brother, you're pissing me off, brother, and you're not going to like that, brother. 'Cause I'm feeling generous, brother, I'm giving you six one last shot - six-man tag at Extreme Force, and if we get another draw you aren't going to be forced to separate - because all six of you will be fired and you'll be looking for other work, brother. I want a winner, brother, and you're all going to get the job done, brother.


"You're free to overrule me, Sam; after all, this isn't a title match.


"But it's your choice, Sam, and the management team are waiting for my report about how this is going. That's all I'm saying, brother. Think on it."


Future leads Miss Farrah off the stage, leaving Strong to stare down at the six men in the ring.


"Alright, brother," he says, "what he said sounds good. Six man tag, one winner, or all of you are losing your damn job, brother."


Rating: C+





We come back from a commercial and Ricky Dale is standing on the interview stage with Hill and EAGLE.


"Turns out there's a lot of six-man tags happening at Extreme Force," Ricky Dale says. "Lots of grudges getting settled, lots of groups bringing out the big guns for one night. Me and EAGLE, we'll either do what we set out to do when we said we'd help Hill, or we're going to get whipped and bloodied in the middle of the ring.


"Either way, we're okay with that. It's the risks you take in a wrestling match. It's the sort of thing you do for a man you respect.


"For months now we've been beating the Shadow Clan any time where climbed in the ring, and in return we've been ambushed and beaten down and sneak attacked. I don't want to disrespect their abilities in the ring, but they're a plum sneaky group of S.O.Bs and you don't want to face them with an exposed weakness.


"This Sunday, we've got a hell of a weakness."


Ricky Dale passes the microphone to Hill, who stares blankly into the distance while he speaks.


"Ota," Hill says, "I don't know what happened between us. We've fought all across this country, we've shown each other nothing but respect. And then we came here and you took all that away. You became a man I didn't know, a man I couldn't respect, and you used your mist to blind me and take away my career.


"This Sunday is either my last match, or my second last. If we win, Ota, you and I are going to be tied to a strap and I'm going to whip the hell out of you for what you've cost me.


"If we lose, hell, I don't want to think about it. I'll have hurt my friends needlessly, and that'll gnaw at me for the rest of my life. About the only saving grace is that I won't see what you do to Ricky Dale and EAGLE.


"But one way or another, Ota, we're going to fix this. One way or another, we've going to leave each other behind."


Rating: C-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg

Vengeance vs. Demon Spite w/Karen Killer


Another hardcore brawl, only this time the referee is conscious for the bloodshed. Vengeance dominates, as everyone expects him too, although Spite comes prepared and opens the skull-faced warrior up with a steel spike to the skull.


The sight of his own blood only seems to drive Vengeance harder. He traps spite in the corner, bludgeons him with chain-wrapped fists, and finishes things with the Vengeance Drop.


Vengeance defeated Demon Spite in 7:19 by pinfall.

Rating: C




Ethan Kane lopes down to the ring, steel spike protruding from the head of his cane. Vengeance meets him with a fist full of steel and Kane is rocked. A second punch sends him out of the ring, bloodied.




And Vengeance is crash-tackled by Demon Anger, who immediately starts flailing at his victim. Spite manages to peel himself off the mat to assist his partner, and together they hit Vengeance with the Double Demon Down.




Kane climbs back into the ring, cane in hand, and he lines up the steel spike with Vengeance's face, smashes down once...twice...three times.


With a manic grin the dark father lifts Vengeance's head and shows it to the camera, which can pick up dents in the steel mask. Blood flows down Vengeance's neck - obviously he's been cut open beneath the damaged steel.


"Five days," Kane shouts at the camera. "Two days, and then there's nothing but pain."


Rating: B-



"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're airing this video at the request of Monty Walker."




The video starts with footage from the V. Thompson Arena parking lot, where a sedan pulls into an open spot. Emma Chase steps out from behind the wheel, Dylan Sidle from the passenger side, sports bag slung over one shoulder. One of the rear doors opens...




...and just as soon gets slammed shut as Monty Walker charges in and kicks it full-force.




Sidle drops his bag, attention focused on Walker, and he's caught off-guard when Tyler Morton launches himself off the hood of a nearby station wagon and takes Sidle out with a diving cross body.




The rear door tries to open again, and this time Walker lets Dread get halfway out of the vehicle before kicking the door a second time, crushing it against the human juggernaut. Dread winces as he's crushed between the door and the car body, does more than wince when Walker superkicks him in the face instead of targeting the door a third time.


"Physical and mental." Walker fairly spits the words at Dread. "Take your pick, Dread, I don't care. Either way you come at me, I'm coming straight back at you.


"You want to do this right, we do it at Extreme Force. I can't be broken, big man. I will not go away.


"One way or another, I'm going to be the guy who puts you down."


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Backbreaker's Inc w/Grace Harper

HGC World Tag-Team Championship


The bell rings and Bryan Vessey charges, throwing punches that force Tyler back into the corner. The Traditionalist covers up, weathering the storm, and Dundee makes a blind tag. The Australian Brawler leaps over the rope, grabs Vessey around the neck, and immediately dumps him across the knee with a backbreaker. Dundee mounts and starts firing punches of his own, but Bryan locks him with a small package, forcing Tyler to break the count.


For a moment it seems like we'll get a repeat of their previous brawl, but the match slows; both sides start testing their opponents teamwork, searching for openings. There are fast tags, short offensive flurries, and occasional advantages, and Azaria notes that the two teams are essentially mirror images of one another.




Everyone knows there will be outside interference in this match, but it's nearly fifteen minutes before Chris Storm and Eddie Chandler come into play, and this time the two engage in a prolonged scuffle at ringside rather than getting into the ring and interfering.


Both Dundee and Bryan Vessey join the fight on the fight, leaving Larry Vessey and Eric Tyler to wrestle the final minutes of the match. Tyler nails Larry Vessey with a series of backbreakers, transitioning into the set-up for the Tradition Lift.


Vessey blocks the move twice, looking for a way to fight free, but Grace Harper rolls into the ring and nails Larry with a low blow. Eric transitions the double underhook into suplex and bridges, holding Larry's shoulders on the mat for the three-count, and the Backbreaker's are the new HGC World Tag-Team Champions.


Backbreaker Inc defeated The Vessey Brothers in 20: by pinfall.

Rating: B-






Helmet's Milquetoast starts playing and the promo video for Excessive Force begins. Amid the flurry of action shots several key scenes play out: Liberty landing the Liberation Slam on Chord; Chord holding the championship high; The Vessey's and the Backbreaker's staring one another down; Mr Lucha, head bowed in prayer; Paul Steadyfast, headlock applied, launching Spanish Superfly off the ropes to put him away with the Slingshot Suplex.


The clip fades out with a final shot of Liberty and Rip Chord standing nose-to-nose, a graphic for the World Heavyweight Championship between them.

Rating: B+



Overall: C+

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