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HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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OOC Show Notes


- Thanks, as ever, for the predictions (and bravo Midnightnik, who saw the Backbreaker Inc win coming).


- Is anyone else having trouble with the editor mode in IE? I keep explorer on my computer for the sole reason that editor mode makes doing layout for the dynasty way easier, but it seems to have gone wonky in the last week.


- I've got a bunch of work travel and busy weekends coming up, so posts are likely to slow down again. I'm hoping to keep to at least one show a week, depending on available time.

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OOC Show Notes


- Thanks, as ever, for the predictions (and bravo Midnightnik, who saw the Backbreaker Inc win coming).


- Is anyone else having trouble with the editor mode in IE? I keep explorer on my computer for the sole reason that editor mode makes doing layout for the dynasty way easier, but it seems to have gone wonky in the last week.


- I've got a bunch of work travel and busy weekends coming up, so posts are likely to slow down again. I'm hoping to keep to at least one show a week, depending on available time.


I just cant stand the Vesseys. I'll always bet against them. But, I'd choose Backbreaker Inc regardless

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"Originally we were slated for another time-limit draw, and man, I wish they'd given us that, eh?." Bob Casey's grin seems to be a perpetual expression, even when the disappointment is obvious as he talks. "With Ed out there, in the ring, and Romeo? Give those boys fifteen, twenty minutes to put together their third draw in a row and they would-a come up with something great.


"But that's how wrestling works, eh? There's only so many minutes you have for TV and things go by the wayside, especially when an angle's not going over so well. So we got together, the six of us, and for the most part me and the Fury kept our mouths shut while the others figured out how we were going to pull off the third draw and get ourselves to the pay-per-view.


"Don't really know why things got changed. We didn't get any warning of it, not really, not 'til Sam came out the week prior. Didn't really matter. Most of us were company men - we just did what they asked us to do, collected our paycheck and went home."





"The draws were our attempt to borrow from an angle that Jean-Pierre Baptist and Frenchie Marcel perfected back when CWF first got TV." Chord pauses, spits his chewing tobacco into the bottle he's nursed all interview. "They'd go out there, wrestle the Wolverines to a standstill. Do it again the next week, and the week after, just gradually build it up to the point where you had no choice but to take the shackles off and let them go at it. No-one needs to cut a promo. No-one needs to do any recaps. It's an angle you build with a few spare minutes of TV time in a market where TV time is precious.


"Ultimately, though, you need the crowd to buy in. And you need the wrestlers to work like hell to make it work.


"We had one of those things, but not the other."





"If there's one thing a booker loves, it's a guy who knows how to get it done in the ring. Give them twenty minutes and they'll have a great match. Give them seven minutes, five minutes, hell, give them sixty seconds, and they'll just nod and figure out a way to get what needs to happen to happen.


"The Team Gilmore/Heartthrob angle was like a study in what it takes to be a professional. Ed Monton and Romeo Heartthrob were veterans of the game, they got it done like no-one else I've ever seen. Heartthrob spent the vast majority of his career without winning a title, but he got heat like no-one I've ever seen. He could get a babyface over in record time, just by making his ring entrance.


"Ed Monton? Ed was the consummate professional, and his team with Casey showcased that and taught Bob Casey how a professional behaved. The two of them were workhorses, underappreciated ones at that. They went out, they had good matches, they delivered.


"Tom Gilmore was a superstar in the making, but he had his head on straight. He was a guy...well, he could do Angry in the ring, but he didn't bring it backstage with him. He could talk, he could go, he learned fast. The biggest shame in the world is that we couldn't keep him, long term, and he ended up with Eisen. Richard's always been a fan of bigger guys and Tom's...not.


"Then there's the Savage Fury.


"You can make the argument that it wasn't their fault - Strong blew so much smoke up their asses about being the next big thing in tag-team wrestling that I guess some of it stuck - but they were never my favorite guys to work with. Big, impressive, scary as hell. Pain in the arse to book. Warrior never met an ending he didn't want to bitch about, even when he was the guy who was going over, and you can count the number of teams who benefited from being in the ring with them on one hand."





Java sits on the big red couch and glares at the camera.


"No," he says. "It wasn't a fun time."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Excessive Force '97

Hollyweird returns to its home ground – Stallings Arena, Los Angeles – for a big night of action. Sam Strong has characterised Excessive Force as a night of grudges, forcing team after team to meet in six-man tags, and when that many men who hate each other's guts meet in the ring, you can bet things are going to get wild.


Don Juan Escalera is a newcomer to Hollyweird, but the handsome stranger has attracted a lot of attention due to his assaults on the HGC Luchadors. Spanish Superfly has bowed out of the Untouchables/Luchadors match tonight specifically to handle Escalera, and these two have shown no affection for one-another since Don Juan's arrival.


Team Gilmore and Team Heartthrob have fought a draw three times now, but this match will be the decider: either one team wins and the other disbands, or all six men will lose their HGC contracts by order of Frankie Future.


The biggest shows of excessive force on the night will undoubtedly come during the clash between Vengeance and Ethan Kane. The two monsters have shown little regard for the rules and their match will be contested under Hardcore rules. Weapons will be allowed, even encouraged, and someone's going to bleed before all is said and done.


It's been three months since Ota blinded Brent Hill with the purples mist and in that time Hill's been chasing one final match with the ninja. At Excessive Force the blind man will get a chance to earn what he wants when he leads the duo of Cowboy Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE into combat against the three members of the Shadow Clan. If Hill's team wins, Ota gives him one final match; if the Clan wins, then Hill's friends will be beaten and bloodied as an example of what happens when you meddle in Shadow Clan business.

Three Luchadors. Three Untouchables. The leaders of these teams have been at odds since our first pay-per-view, but the conclusive victory that will allow them to the other behind them has eluded both Lucha and Steadyfast since their first clash.


It's a fight that needs no introduction: Monty Walker. Dread. One will not break, one will not be stopped. Can Walker finally succeed in taking down the Human Juggernaut, or will Dread finally shatter the young cruiserweight he's stalked for months.


Just five nights ago they walked away with the tag-team belts, now they're looking to take away their opponents spots on the card. We see six-man action once again as the All-Star Team of Chris Storm and the Vessey Brothers meet the Global Elite in what's sure to be a grudge match for the ages.


Lastly, in our main event, it's the rematch every wrestling fan wants to see. Liberty took the champion to the limit on our last pay-per-view, and Rip Chord only escaped with the best due to the interference of his entourage. At Excessive Force they'll meet again, and this time Dusty Streets will be sitting at ringside as the special enforcer.


Matches appearing on this Streaming Video include:


Liberty vs. Rip Chord – HGC World Heavyweight Championship

The All-Star Team vs. Global Elite

Monty Walker vs. Dread

Mr Lucha & Super Lucha vs. The Untouchables

Cowboy Rick Dale, Brent Hill & Dark EAGLE vs. The Shadow Clan

Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane – Hardcore Rules

Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob

Spanish Superfly vs. Don Juan Escalera

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord – HGC World Heavyweight Championship

The All-Star Team vs. Global Elite

Monty Walker vs. Dread

Mr Lucha & Super Lucha vs. The Untouchables

Cowboy Rick Dale, Brent Hill & Dark EAGLE vs. The Shadow Clan

Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane – Hardcore Rules

Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob

Spanish Superfly vs. Don Juan Escalera

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord – HGC World Heavyweight Championship

The All-Star Team vs. Global Elite

Monty Walker vs. Dread

Mr Lucha & Super Lucha vs. The Untouchables

Cowboy Rick Dale, Brent Hill & Dark EAGLE vs. The Shadow Clan

Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane – Hardcore Rules

Team Gilmore vs. Team Heartthrob

Spanish Superfly vs. Don Juan Escalera

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HGC Excessive Force

Sunday, Week 4, June 1997

Stallings Arena, LA (South-West) – 15,000 people



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MissMexico.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DonJuan.jpg


Spanish Superfly w/Miss Mexico vs. Don Juan Escalera


Superfly comes in looking intense, an athlete primed and ready to compete; Don Juan, on the other hand, simply smirks.


The bell rings and Superfly is a blur of motion, refusing to slow down or give ground as he barrages Escalera with offense. Azaria notes that 'Fly is perhaps the best natural athlete in Hollyweird today, and he couples that with top-notch stamina, and the results are impressive.


While Escalera doesn't move as fast or hit as often, when he does the results are often devastating. Superfly tries to outwrestle and out-manoeuvre opponents, while Escalera simply hammers them with power moves. What's worse, he understands the Mexican style – at one point Superfly darts in, looking for an arm-drag, and Escalera reverses it into a big backdrop.


Fly shakes it off, mounting a come-back, and finally succeeds in throwing Escalera into the corner. Superfly backs up, getting the run-up he needs for the Superfly Splash to the corner…




…and earns himself a round-house kick to the back of the skull from Wanda Fish. The refer doesn't see it, but Miss Mexico does – she climbs onto the ring apron and gets into it with Fish…


…while in the centre of the ring Escalera has capitalised and nailed Superfly with the Tijuana Twist.


Don Juan Escalera defeated Spanish Superfly in 8:32 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





Fish and Mexico are still going at it, but Escalera doesn't miss a beat - he grabs Superfly's girlfriend from behind, hauls her onto his shoulders, and hits a second Tijuana Twist in the centre of the ring.


Superfly tries to rise, but Fish kicks his feet out from under him. She walks over to Mexico, grabs a hank of hair and lifts Mexico onto her feet. Don Juan stands by, smirking at the scene.


"You were told not to touch me." Fish says it calmly, all matter of fact. "You should have listened."


She nods to Don Juan, who grabs the back of Mexico's top and rips it free. Miss Mexico screams, trying to cover herself, but the assault continues and she's soon left in her underwear. Mexico is mortified, doing her best to cover herself as she flees the ring.


Fish exchanges a long glance with Escalera, who nods once and leaves the ring. Fish smiles to herself, kicks Superfly one more time for luck, and heads backstage herself.


Rating: D+







Tom Gilmore & The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. Romeo Heartthrob & The Savage Fury


It's a good back-and-forth brawl, with the occasional moments where either Heartthrob or Gilmore take someone to the mat.


At one point, there's another double pinfall as Java nails Bob Casey at the same time Gilmore catches Tribal Warrior with a DDT, buy both men kick out at the two-count.


Teamwork breaks down after that; both sides realise how close they came to losing their jobs with another draw, and they start approaching the match in a more technical manner. Tags happen more often, someone is always watching to ensure they can make a save, and there's a slick exchange of holds that sees the momentum pass from Gilmore to Heartthrob to Bob Casey.


And then it happens. Casey rolls up Heartthrob, putting together the fast pinfall combination he's known for, and both members of the Savage Fury charge in to break things up. They both land headbuts on Casey, breaking the hold, but Gilmore and Monton leap over the top rope to intercept and the brawl spills into the ring.


Amid the chaos, Heartthrob traps Casey in the Cupid's Clutch and pulls the hold tight. With his allies brawling with Savage Fury on the outside, Casey has no choice but to submit.


Romeo Heartthrob and Savage Fury defeated Tom Gilmore and The Maple Leaf Maulers in 12:05 by submission.

Rating: C-





Heartthrob releases his hold and Savage Fury is immediately there, hauling Casey to the ropes and throwing him into the ringside area. Monton quickly follows him, leaving Tom Gilmore in the centre of the ring with Heartthrob while the savages patrol the ropes. Heartthrob calls for a microphone, snatches it out of the air when one of the ring-crew throws it in.


"Sit your ass down, Gilmore," he snarls. "I want to make a few things clear before you step out of thsi ring.


"The good news, kid, is that you're going to keep your job. Three draws you and your friends fought us to, and I'll be damned if a part of me wondered if you had it in you to do it again. But there's no Sam Strong coming out here tonight, no Frankie Future sticking his nose in. You and the Maulers, you're done as a team. No more Casey. No more Monton. You want to keep coming after me, Gilmore, you coming after me solo.


"And all it's going to going to get you is a lot of heartache and ruin.


Gilmore stands in the centre of the ring, glaring at Heartthrob with impotent rage. His fists are clenched, his face set, and he shakes off any attempt by Morton and Walker to move him. Heartthrob actually climbs up onto the rope in order to look his adversary in the eyes.


"We're done, kid. I've beaten you every way you can be beaten. It's time for the Heatthrob to move on to bigger and better things, and for you to go do whatever it is rookie's do when they can't make it in the big leagues. Do the smart thing. Go the hell away. Bother someone else for a while"


Heartthrob clicks his fingers and Savage Fury are at his side, escorting him up the ramp. Gilmore lets them get halfway to the curtain before he claims a microphone of his own.






Heartthrob stops, turns. Savage Fury look ready to tear someone apart.


"I know what you're doing, Romeo. I recognise the mindgames. You want to get inside my head. You want to make me mad. You want to make it easier for yourself to beat me in the ring. You think the Savage Fury are going to intimidate me, the weight of numbers are going to make me second-guess myself now.


"I told you before, Heartthrob, the only thing inside my head is anger, and now all that anger is focused right...on...you."


Rating: C



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EthanKane.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane w/Karen Killer



The bell rings and Kane pops the spike in his walking stick and charges in. Vengeance dodges, throws an elbow as Kane comes off the ropes, then follows up with a lariat clothesline. Kane bounces against the ropes again, and this time he's caught in a chokehold by Vengeance.


The masked avenger forces Kane onto the hold, enduring a series of punches to the face as Kane tries to break the vice-like grip. Karen Killer slides a chair into her client's grasp, and it takes a sustained assault with the steel weapon before Kane is free.


The exchange sets the tone for the match: Vengeance has the power and a seeming immunity to pain, but weapons and outside interference even things considerably.




At one point Vengeance traps Kane in the corner, and that's when the Demon's make their appearance: the two monsters both hit the ring with chairs and assault the Avenging Angel, hammering him with chair shots.


Vengeance goes down on one knee, but he doesn't fall. A punch to the stomach cuts off Spite's assault, allowing Vengeance to pull him into the path of Anger's next chair-shot. Vengeance crawls to the corner, collecting his length of chain. The steel is wrapped around his arm as he rises, looking for targets. Chain-enhanced forearm shivs are thrown, bloodying both Demons, with Vengeance finally hammering Spike into the mat with a powerbomb. Anger is bombed on top of his partner not long after.


And a recovered Ethan Kane takes advantage of the distraction, charging across the ring with spike in hand, driving it directly into Vengeance's skull. The strike opens a gash in the steel mask, blood seeping free of its confines, but Kane isn't done. He wields his walking stick like a baseball bat, using two quick strikes to double Vengeance over and a third to put him on the mat for the three-count.


Ethan Kane defeated Vengeance in 8:39 by pinfall.

Rating: C






Kane gets the Demons back on their feet, and together the three men use Vengeance's own length of chain to tie him to the top ropes. Karen Killer collects a microphone and brings it to her client.


"VENGEANCE!" Kane bellows. "I promised you pain, boy. It's time for your flesh to know what's coming when you're damned soul finds its way to hell."


The Demons both produce flasks of lighter fluid and start spraying it over Vengeance. Kane watches, Karen Killer coiled around him, a grim smile on his face. Vengeance sees what's coming, struggles against the lengths of chain but can't break free.


And Kane produces a cigarette lighter, flicking the flame to life.


Security swarms the ring, nearly two dozen guys with black shirts filling the shot as they fight to keep Kane and the Demons away from their prey. Kane struggles, the lighter falling from his grip as the security squad hustles him out of the ring.


"You can't stop this Vengeance," he yells. "You can't escape. One way or another, boy, I'm going to make you burn."


Rating: B-



There's a bright flash of light, and the ring fills with smoke in the aftermath. When it clears the assembled members of the Shadow Clan are waiting.




"Brent Hill," Ronin calls. "This honored one has been tasked with call you and your friends out here. It's time we settled things, and your allies learned the cost of becoming involved in the Shadow Clan's affairs.


"You are a blind man, Hill. A shadow of the warrior you used to be. We stand here at full-strength. Master Ota has tasked this honored one with asking you to stay out of this ring. Your blinding was an accident, Hill, and out of respect for the warrior you used to be—"




"Partner, you can talk about honor all you want." Cowboy Ricky Dale steps out onto the ramp. "We're still going to whip your asses and get Brent his one-on-one match with Ota."


Dark EAGLE appears at Ricky Dale's side, leading the blind Brent Hill by one arm. The three men make their way down to the ring.


Rating: D







Cowboy Ricky Dale, Dark EAGLE, & Brent Hill vs. The Shadow Clan


The match revolves around the Hill, and the various ways the Shadow Clan take advantage of what's effectively a handicap match given Hill's blind state.


The result is fifteen gruelling minutes for the faces, constantly trying to hold their own against the barrage of rapid-fire Shadow Clan offense, with Ricky Dale and EAGLE barely able to hold an advantage for longer than a few moments.


But they do weather the storm, and during the break-down they even succeed in feeding Awesome Thunder into the corner where a frustrated Hill finally gets a chance to hit someone. He keeps hold of Thunder's mask, allowing him to maintain the assault, and its during this that Hill's allies finally succeed in clearing house and taking control of the match.


Dark EAGLE throws Ota out of the ring, while Ricky Dale catches Ronin with the Southern Justice to make the pinfall.


Cowboy Ricky Dale, Dark EAGLE and Brent Hill defeated Fumihiro Ota and Kamikaze in 15:06 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





The camera cuts backstage, to the locker room where Monty Walker is warming up by ducking punches and kicks being delivered by Alex Braun. Jason Azaria quickly rattles off Braun's pedigree: Los Angeles native, innovator of the American cruiserweight style, three-tie champion, the trainer of both Walker and Morton. Walker ducks and weaves, pivots on one foot and delivers a snap Superkick that stops just short of Braun's face






Everyone turns to see Dread at the doorway, Sidle and Emma Chase by his side. The Juggernaut has his arms folded across his chest and a slight grin on his face.


"Course, when you deliver that in the ring, you want it to connect," Dread says. "Rule one of being the best, kid, you don't mess around. Train you like mean to deliver it in the ring."


Walker doesn't let that phase him, but Braun isn't about to let it go. He gives up a foot of height and over a hundred pounds to the Juggernaut, but there's no sign of hesitation as he steps up and meets Dread's gaze.


"So you’re the juggernaut, live and in colour." Braun nods once. "Alright, I'll give it to you, you're as impressive in real life as you are on video. You've got skills, you've got experience, you've got the size.


"But I've made my career taking down men your size, Dread, and these boys—" Braun jerks a thumb towards Braun and Walker "—well, they're two of the best I've ever trained. Walker's gunning for you, and he's going to get you, man, no two ways about it.


Dread raises an eyebrow. Braun's gaze doesn't waver.


"As for bringing in that piece-of-s—t," he pauses and nods at Sidle. "Well, me and Dylan, we've got some history and we've had some wars, and I know exactly what *Deadly* Dylan Sidle is all about."


Sidle takes a step forward, but Dread throws out a hand to restrain him.


"You sound like you've got a problem with my protégé," the Juggernaut says. "And I think you've offended him."


"That," Braun says, "was kinda the point, yeah?"


Braun's smile is confident, knowing, and faintly evil. The smile Dread offer's in return is simply amused.


"Alright," Dread says. "I think we understand each other. I plan on dismantling your protégé later tonight, I figure it's only fair you get a chance to take down mine. Deadly, you up for it?"


Sidle nods.


"Then there's no time like the present," Dread says. "Get out into the ring, and Braun'll come find you."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlexBraun.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DylanSidle.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Alex Braun w/Tayler Morton vs. Dylan Sidle w/Emma Chase


It's an impromptu match, and one that's primarily engaging because the fans recognise the two men's seconds rather than the wrestlers themselves.


These two have a lot in common: speed, experience, and a surprisingly physical style for a pair of cruiserweights. Braun's lost nothing since his last trip to the big-leagues - in fact, Azaria notes the veteran has been honed by years working in the high-flying West coast scene - while Sidle lives up to his deadly moniker as he dismantles his older opponent, his offense a mixture of Japanese Junior and Dread's skilled strikes.


The younger wrestler is always thinking, always looking for an opening. When Bruan doesn't give him, Sidle creates one - he launches a double palm strike into Braun's chest, then connects with a flying knee as his opponent steps backwards. "Dollars to donuts," Jason Rhodes says on commentary, "he learned that one from the Human Juggernaut."


Dylan Sidle defeated Alex Braun in 7:41 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





Voodoo Child hits the speakers and Sam Strong comes through the curtain, heading down to the ring with Frankie Future and Miss Farrah at his side. The camera spends a few moments focusing on Miss Farrah as the trio walks, working hard to shift the viewers attention from her curves to the briefcase she carries and back again.


The make it to the ring and it's strong who collects the microphone.


"Okay," Strong says, "we're going to keep this short, 'cause I know you all want to get back to the sweet Hollyweird action, brother."


The crowd respond with a roar, and Strong grins. It's been a hard couple of months for the general manager, one that's tested his connection with the fans, but he can still connect with the live crowd in a matter of moments.


"So here's the deal," Strong says. "When Hollyweird formed, they went out and grabbed the best and the brightest, brother, from all around the world. You look at men who come here to wrestle, brother, and they've got a pedigree, brother. Some of them are rising stars who have been trained by the best, some are veterans who have proved themselves around the world, and a lot of them were champions, brother. They held belts in Japan, in Mexico, in Canada, in the UK. A lot of them held belts right here in the USA, brother, and they held them with pride.


"But here in Hollyweird, brother, you're among the best of the best. More importantly, brother, you're facing wrestlers who have been trained in a completely different style. For months we saw how impressive that clash of styles can be when Rip Chord and Mr Lucha tore things up in this ring, brother, and that's the kind of match-up we want to encourage.


"This is the place the world comes to wrestle, brother, and a man who rises to the top has to be among the very best."


Strong lets that sit for a moment, then hands the microphone over to Future.


"Several weeks ago I went to Sam Strong with an idea," Future says. "He wasn't obliged to listen to me, and it took us a couple of weeks to hash out the merits of what I was suggesting..."


Future pauses just long enough for the fans to try and read between then lines.


"...it took a while," Future repeats, "but finally he took my advice and we commissioned this..."




Future gestures towards Miss Farrah, who opens her case and pulls free a pristine golden belt.


"This is the Hollyweird Grappling Company International Title," Future says. "And at Summer Showdown in four weeks time, we'll be crowning our first International champion from among the ranks of those men who were already singles gold by the time they arrived in Hollyweird. Men who have already been acknowledged as some of the best wrestlers in their home country. Men who want to test themselves against the best the world has to offer, regardless of what style they wrestle.


"If you've been a champion in your home country - hell, if you're still a champion - then you can register your interest with General Manager Strong and he'll consider your application. When we start making matches, we can promise you three things.


"One: your opponent will know what it means to be a champion. Two: we'll be pitting the world against each other, which means you're sure as hell going to wrestle someone who fights a different style to you.


"And three: you're in for a hell of a fight, and these fans are in for a hell of a show."


Rating: B+





http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


Mr Lucha & Super Lucha vs. The Untouchables w/Wanda Fish


The luchadors have the pace, the flash, and the experience in the six-man environment, but the Untouchables have Fish in their corner and the tandem of Bryant and Oxford are one of the best teams in Hollyweird.


Steadyfast is the hunter in this match, a man desperately searching for the pinfall on Mr Lucha; he succeeds in getting the veteran in position for the slingshot suplex, but Lucha grabs the ropes and a dropkick from Electrico sends Steadyfast out of the ring.


It's Bandido, surprisingly, whose the stand-out for the Mexican team. He's bigger and more physical than his compatriots, and capable of surprising bursts of speed. He spears Robert Oxford at the ten minute mark, the makes the cover.




Fish pulls referee Sam Sparrow out of the ring, breaking up the count, and keeps him distracted. Don Juan Escalera slides beneath the bottom rope, and this time he's followed by two other men. The three men jump Bandido, fighting off both Lucha and Electrico when they try to make the save.


A Tijuana Twist puts Bandido down before the trio beat a hasty retreat, leaving Steadyfast to make the pinfall while Fish directs Sparrow's attention towards the match once more.


Paul Steadyfast and The Tag Team Specialists defeated Mr Lucha and Super Lucha in 12:03 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





The Silver Screen comes to life, showcasing Coach Dick Pangrazzio and the All-Star Team in their training camp.


"Listen up," Pangrazzio says. "For the past five days my boys have been here, refining the moves that have made them what they are – the best tag-team in the world, and the hottest rookie prospect on the scene.


"The Backbreaker's think they've proved something to us. They think they've taken the World Tag-Team Titles and this means they can claim the title of best in the world. Eddie Chandler is thinking he's done what he set out to do – beat the All-Star Team and take their spots in the company.


"And maybe they've started that process. They've done what the Demons of Rage couldn't do. What the Blazing Flames couldn't do. What the Tag-Team Specialists and the Wrecking Crew and Super Lucha tried to do and failed. They beat us for the titles. They became the champions. It took four of them to do it – three men and one very competent woman – in a match that's supposed to be two-on-two, but they still walked away with their hands in the air and the most important tag-team titles in the world around their waist.


"Tonight isn't for the titles, and we don't want it to be. Tonight the All-Star Team go into the ring as a unit, in six-man tag, and the only thing we're fighting for is pride and the knowledge that we truly are the best in the world. Tonight these three men – these three ATHLETES – go out and start taking back what we lost on Tuesday.


"Tonight we reclaim the thing that makes us the best. We tell the Global Elite that they can't have our spots.


"And then, once we've proved that, we take back the belts."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TaylerMorton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg


Monty Walker w/Tayler Morton vs. Dread w/Emma Chase


The bell rings and, for a moment, neither man moves. They just glare at one another, locked in a battle of wills, both intimately familiar with one-another's opening moves after months fighting and scouting their opponent. They circle slowly, eyes locked on another, edging closer and closer, heading towards the first lock-up.


And then, when they're toe-to-toe, Walker paintbrushes Dread with a big slap.


Dread winds back, preparing to vent his rage with a haymaker, but he still has the presence of mind to see Walker's sweep-kick coming and avoids it at the last minute. The Juggernaut shakes his head and backs off, aware that he was almost lured into making a mistake. Walker smirks at him, knowing that for an instant he got into the big man's head. "I'm still not broken," Walker says, and the ringside mics just pick him up. "I'm still not afraid of you."


Dread comes in, firing off jabs, and Walker dodges them all. He retaliates with three kicks - two to the right knee, one to the right bicep - before backing off and letting Dread come to him again. It becomes the cycle they settle into for the opening minutes; Dread tries to find his mark, and Walker evades and retaliates, at one point even going to the basic level of stomping hard on Dread's foot.


The result is a limping Juggernaut and a sizzling crowd, especially when it takes Emma Chase tripping Walker in order for Dread's offense to start connecting on a regular basis. Once Dread has the advantage he seizes it for all its worth - he hammers Walker, boxes him in corners until the younger man succeeds in making a break for it, then chases him into another corner after every escape.


Walker lands occasional punch or kick, but he doesn't succeed in breaking Dread's momentum until he uses the big man's own momentum by dropping low and pulling the Juggernaut face-first into the turnbuckles. Dread reels backwards, one hand pressed to his face, and Walker chases the advantage, going to the ropes twice to build up the momentum he needs for a low dropkick, the hitting the top rope for a missile dropkick that puts Dread on the mat.


Walker makes the cover, and Dread kicks free. Walker kicks him three times, makes another cover. Once again, Dread gets out. More kicks, but this time Dread sees them coming, blocks the worst of them. He gets to one knee before he catches a kick, holds it while he stands, then twist's Walker's ankle with a dragon screw.


There's a loud cry from Walker as he hits the canvas, but he rolls out of the ring and clutches at his knee. Dread follows, and the two spend the next minute of the match throwing one-another into the guard-rails, rolling into the ring just long enough to break the count.


Walker makes good use of the ring apron, going high-risk when he throws himself at Dread with a running lariat, but eventually the pair end up back in the ring brawling with everything they've got. Dread puts Walker down on three separate occasions, but Walker doesn't stay there - he fights back every time, getting to his feet, looking for an opportunity to hit the superkick or go to the top rope for the picture perfect elbow.


Dread doesn't give it to him, but he also doesn't find the combination that will put Walker away for good. After twenty-one minutes of action the end of the match comes down to Dread connecting with a rolling elbow and making a cover, using the ropes for leverage while the final three-count is made.


Dread defeated Monty Walker in 21:31 by pinfall.

Rating: B





Dread gets his hand raised, but Walker is irate. The Grunge Warrior stands and shoves Sam Sparrow out of the way, getting in Dread's face about using the ropes. Dread takes it for about thirty seconds, then fires an elbow into Walker's face.


Walker doesn't have enough left in the tank to block the strike. Dread seizes the fallen cruiserweight and starts smashing elbows into the side of his head, demolishing Walker with strikes despite Walker's attempts to get free…




…and Tayler Morton charges the ring to make the save. The rookie cruiserweight doesn't hesitate – he flies across the canvas and connects with a shining wizard, his momentum knocking Dread off Walker. The Juggernaut rolls for the ropes, backing away, and retreats up the ramp when Morton sets up for a dive.


Morton climbs to the top rope and stares down the Juggernaut, then drops back to the canvas to help his friend and tag-team partner get back to his feet. The crowd applauds the guts of both young men, and Morton makes a point of holding his friend's hand high.


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ChrisStorm.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg


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The All-Star Team w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Global Elite w/Grace Harper


Chris Storm and Eddie Chandler start things off, exchanging holds and take-downs that eventually sees Chandler dumped on the mat and caught in arm-bar. Tyler makes the save, kicking Storm free and dragging Chandler to the corner so he can make a tag.


The exchange between Storm and the Traditionalist is, if anything, even more furious than the one that opens the match, only this time it's Larry Vessey who has to come in and make the save.


From here the match is on more familiar territory. Larry starts throwing fists and Tyler returns the favour, and gradually their tag-team partners find their way into the ring to do the same.


Things break down around sixteen minutes in and all six men find their way into the ring. Grace Harper throws one of the tag-team straps to Jack Dundee, who charges Chris Storm. The rookie ducks and backdrops Dundee over the ropes, rolling out of the ring to contain the Australian brawler.


Larry Vessey goes for the sick cycle on Eddie Chandler, who ducks the backfist and tackles his opponent, working to apply a submission on the mat.


That leaves Eric Tyler and Bryan Vessey as the legal men, exchanging holds and elbows, until Vessey succeeds in catching Tyler with a Vessey Driver to get the final pinfall.


Chris Storm and The Vessey Brothers defeated Eddie Chandler and Backbreaker Inc in 18:54 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





The camera cuts to the interview stage, where Action Jackson is standing by with the Special Enforcer for tonight's main event.


"Dusty, we're just minutes away from our main event, and I'm here to ask the question on everyone lips," Jackson says. "Are you going to favour Liberty tonight, after all that Rip Chord and his protégés have put you through?"


Streets rocks back on his heels a moment, his expression pensive as he considers the question.


"Well, Action Jackson, I can understand why people are asking that," he says. "Rip Chord sure as hell put me through the wringer since Sam Strong announced that I was special enforcer in this match, and anyone who has watched his title reign can understand why he's worried about having an enforcer at ringside. Rip Chord alone is a dangerous man, but his entourage makes him nearly unstoppable.


"It's be easy to hold a grudge against him. To feel the bruises Charlie Thatcher's given me and think they were all Chord's fault. To feel the aching muscles that come from going one-on-one with a man like the Punisher and think Rip Chord is one mean son-of-a-bitch for putting me through that.


"And it'd be easy to be jealous, to look at this match and see a veteran like Chord holding the belt I've been wanting ever since I joined this company.


"But I ain't going to do that, Action Jackson, 'cause that's not my job.


"My job tonight is to ensure the fight is fair and called straight down the middle. That anyone who interferes – whether it's Chord's posse or a friend of Liberty's – gets ejected from ringside before they can tip the scales. I talked to both Rip and the American Outlaw earlier this evening, and I told them the same thing: may the best man win tonight, 'cause that's the way it should be when there's a title on the line.


"And I'm doing that because it's the right thing to do, and because Rip Chord was the only man in this company who demanded I get a fair chance. When our general manager was abusing his position and trying to beat me down, it was Rip Chord who stood up and said what all of us were thinking: what you're doing is wrong, brother, and Dusty Streets deserves a title shot.


"It's easy to remember that Rip Chord is a mean, ornery, low-down son-of-a-gun. It's harder to remember that he's not entirely evil.


"But I remember, and I owe the man. I ain't leanin' towards him or favourin' him in the match, but I ain't planning on working against him either."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Liberty vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher

HGC World Heavyweight Championship




Special Enforcer Dusty Streets


There's a big crowd response as these two men lock up for the first time. There's nothing particularly complex about what either man does in the ring, but they both excel at milking every bit of empathy out of a simple collar-and-elbow tie-up. They exchange holds, Chord trying to keep Liberty close, but the American Outlaw finally breaks free, hits the ropes, and takes the champ down with a running shoulder block.


Charlie Thatcher climbs onto the ring-apron early in the match, and Dusty Streets is immediately there to haul the big man back into ringside. Thatcher objects, but Dusty ducks beneath his swing and catches the Enforcer with a punch of his own.


Incredibly, Thatcher is rocked by the punch - and Dusty lets everyone in on his tactic when he flashes the brass-knuckle's he's using at the camera.


It takes another two brass-knuckle shots before Thatcher goes down, and in that time the in-ring action has picked up. Liberty has Chord up on his shoulders, busting out an aeroplane spin that ends with Chord flying off his shoulders. Liberty circles twice more with the momentum, steadies himself, then hits a senton before making a cover.


Chord frees himself by raking the eyes, and the champions offense takes on a more desperate edge as he fights back. It's an uphill battle avoiding the eyes of both the referee and Dusty Streets, but there's no-one in the industry who fights dirty better than Rip Chord, and he's on top of his game as he gradually wears Liberty down with his unrelenting heelish offense.


Despite this, Liberty shows no sign of staying down. The younger wrestler has the crowd behind him and he can taste victory, so every trick Chord tries is met with a kick-out and comeback.


Chord catches Liberty with a low-blow, but Streets catches the move and hauls the champion out of the ring when Rip attempts the cover. The two go toe-to-toe, drawing Sam Sparrow's attention as they mouth off...




...and The Dallas Wrecking Crew come charging down the ramp. The slide into the ring, making a beeline for Liberty, but the American Outlaw is back on his feet and ready for the assault. There's a punch for Sanders, a punch for Punisher, a clothesline to take Sanders down. The American Outlaw lifts Punisher into position, setting up for the Liberation Slam...


...and gets cut off when Chord slides back into the ring, clipping Liberty from behind with a chop block.


Dusty drags Sanders and Punisher out of the ring, telling the referee to let things slide. The remainder of the match revolves around the injury Chord's inflicted on Liberty's leg, with the Outlaw staggering and the champion assaulting it again and again. Liberty seems determined not to go down, but a shin-breaker leaves him unable to stand and Chord finally rolls him up, using the ropes for leverage as he gets the final three-count to retain his title.


Rip Chord defeated Liberty in 22:05 by pinfall. Rip Chord makes defence number 6 of his HGC World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B



Overall: B

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OOC Show Notes


- It looks like Excessive Force triple-posted, so I'm just going to sneak some show notes in here and post the shoot interviews a little early (Just when I thought it was safe to use Explorer again...)


- So apparently I really, really don't like blowing off story lines. The next Hollyweird TV will actually end the Shadow Clan/Posse angle with one last match, and I'm fairly sure that's the first that's actually reached a conclusion in six months of shows. Everythign else gets evolved or strung along or forgotten about...


- I really love writing Dusty Streets promos, but I hate that he's my number two babyface at the moment. As you may have gathered from some of the interviews this month, he just doesn't have the skills to perform at the level we need him to.

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"You have never seen so much chaos backstage as the night Randal pulled out the lighter fluid." Grace Harper grins at the camera. "The s—t hit the fan big time, even if they didn't go through with actually lighting him on fire. I think every phone in the place started ringing all at once…"





"USA Free Choice threatened to throw us off the air." Joel Bryant scrubs his face with both hands, as if trying to get rid of the memory. "Half the television stations that were carrying Hollyweird TV registered their objections fast. We were all playing it fast and loose, trying to assure people nothing was going to happen, that it was all a mistake and the two men involved would be disciplined, but it created a furore.


"For fifteen minutes it felt like the whole damn company was about to go down. Rip was on the phone with people. Stallings was on the phone with people. Jack and I were running around, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and Sam Strong was backstage somewhere looking pretty f—kin' smug.


"At the time I assumed it was just a case of Randal and Sean going rogue. They were both working XFW back then, and I figured they were just bringing one of Duncan's tricks to Pay-Per-View in order to get over.


"It was years before I found out the truth."





"There were exactly four people in it." Randal Hopkick's grin is all teeth, and he salutes the camera with a beer. "Me, Sean, Aussie Jack, and JK Stallings. And Stalling's involvement is the only reason we went through with it. Well, the only reason I went through with it. Sean, he's a crazy ****er. I think he actually liked the idea of getting set on fire to get an angle over.


"Near as I can figure it, Stallings and Jack hatched the entire thing over email. An attempt to one-up Supreme after the publicity they got out of the thing with Nemesis and Tommy. A little something to say 'our wrestlers are just as crazy, but we're not going to fire them afterwards.'


"They talked to me about it, and Sean, and that's as far as the circle went. Lots of plausible deniability so the guys in charge could talk down the suits at PPV in case it went over wrong.


"And man, did it ever go over wrong. Right on the back of that, all these generous TV deals Stalling's company had negotiated got swallowed up by fines and nervous suits who leveraged the incident to screw HGC on advertising rates for a couple of seasons. Apparently sponsors weren't so keen on advertising with us."





"Okay," Dundee says, "two reasons we went through with it.


"One, we had plenty of trained FX crew on staff, given our location, and I figured there was a fifty-fifty chance we'd actually be allowed to go through with it. We were trying to sell Ethan and Vengeance as monsters from beyond – characters who weren't really human – and that meant they needed to do inhuman things. Or threaten to do inhuman things, at the very least.


"Two, JK spent a lot of time on the internet, and he heard the talk. Nemesis was the most hardcore man in the world at the time, on account of his match with Tommy. People talked about it constantly, even months afterwards, and there were portions of the fan base who craved that kind of action. DAVE wasn't on TV yet, but the signs were there.


"We figured it'd be best to claim that portion of the market early, to get them talking about us instead of having them wish DAVE could score a syndicated deal. Stalling knew the risks, knew the costs, and figured we could survive them, so he told me to do it.


"It was the first time we went behind Rip's back as booker, and he was pissed about it. I spent a couple of months in the dog house because of it, and I would have lost a hell of a lot more if Stalling's hadn't insisted it was because he asked me to do it."





"I had problems with it because it was stupid and irresponsible," Chord says. "It worked. I'll admit that. People talked. It sold the Kane/Vengeance angle, and did it without Tyson Baine in the mix. It got a lot of attention, and not all of it was negative.


"But once you elevate things to that level, how do you scale things back? This was always my problem with the hardcore style of things. There has always been a wild side to wrestling, a tradition of pier-six brawls and foreign objects. Nero goddamn excelled at them, as did his successors; bookers who learnt at Mike Nero's knee like Dangerous and Ricky Dale.


"But these were men who built to a big moment and ran off it for a year. One chair shot could fuel a feud forever in the right hands, especially when they're unique. Once DAVE introduced them, a chair-shot was just one of those things, a way of filling time.


"So that was a problem, but it wasn't the big one. The thing that really stuck in my craw was knowing we had to blow the damn thing off now. Randal threatened to set Vengeance on fire and failed, but there was no way in hell we could pay off on that properly without inciting the wrath of the censorship board and our sponsors.


"I mean, name a match that would work there: no DQ? First Blood? Dog Collar? Would any of those satisfy the fans who were expecting to see a man go up in flames?"


Chord pauses and spits tobacco into his bottle.


"Idiots, all four of them," he says. "And I spent plenty of time telling them so before locking Dundee in a room with Nero and telling him to figure out a way out of the whole damn mess."

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">TCW Legacy Archive Presents</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;">HGC Hollyweird TV</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">- Episode 29 Preview -</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It's just four weeks until the biggest show of the season, and the path to Summer Showdown begins tonight</p><p> </p><p>

We kick proceedings off with an exciting debut. <strong>The Great Hisato</strong> has been called one of the best high-flyers to emerge from the Japanese scene in decades, and he makes his debut at Hollyweird TV against the legend,<strong> Romeo Heartthrob</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

There's been bad blood building between these three teams for weeks now, and after sneak attacks and backstage assaults they've been brought together for a three-way fray to settle things. It's the <strong>Black Rebel Fight Club</strong>, <strong>The Wood Brothers</strong>, and the <strong>Nation of Filth</strong> in action and only one team is walking out with the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha</strong> will be looking to avenge his loss at Extreme Force, and his victim is the man who debuted some new allies on Sunday night - the mysterious <strong>Don Juan Escalera</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

More tag-team action follows as the rising duo from the House of Stone dojo, <strong>The Ontario Kings</strong>, lock up with the veteran <strong>Tag-Team Specialists.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

And then the first of two big matches of the show. <strong>Brent Hill</strong> won the ring to challenge<strong> Fumihiro Ota </strong>to a singles match and name the stipulation. He's made no secret of his desire for a dog collar match, ensuring there's no chance Ota can get away from the blinded Hilll.</p><p> </p><p>

And finally, in our main event, Hill's friends <strong>Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE</strong> will be challenging <strong>Backbreaker's Inc</strong> for the World Tag-Team Titles. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Matches included on this streaming video:</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Backbreaker's Inc</p><p>

Brent Hill vs. Fumihiro Ota</p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. The Tag-Team Specialists </p><p>

Mr Lucha vs. Don Juan Escalera</p><p>

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers vs. The Nation of Filth</p><p>

The Great Hisato vs. Romeo Heartthrob</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. <strong>Backbreaker's Inc</strong></p><p>

<strong>Brent Hill</strong> vs. Fumihiro Ota</p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. <strong>The Tag-Team Specialists</strong></p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha </strong>vs. Don Juan Escalera</p><p>

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. <strong>The Wood Brothers</strong> vs. The Nation of Filth</p><p>

The Great Hisato vs. <strong>Romeo Heartthrob</strong></p>

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<p>Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. <strong>Backbreaker's Inc</strong></p><p>

Brent Hill vs.<strong> Fumihiro Ota</strong></p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. <strong>The Tag-Team Specialists </strong></p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha</strong> vs. Don Juan Escalera</p><p>

Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers vs. <strong>The Nation of Filth</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Great Hisato</strong> vs. Romeo Heartthrob</p>

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<p>Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. <strong>Backbreaker's Inc</strong></p><p>

Backbreaker Inc win against a decent team to look strong</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brent Hill </strong> vs.Fumihiro Ota</p><p>

Hill regains his sight and gets the win</p><p> </p><p>

The Ontario Kings vs. <strong>The Tag-Team Specialists </strong></p><p>

Guess - this would make it 1-1?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha</strong> vs. Don Juan Escalera</p><p>

By DQ</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Rebel Fight Club </strong> vs. The Wood Brothers vs. The Nation of Filth</p><p>

Big Datsun fan</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Great Hisato</strong> vs. Romeo Heartthrob</p><p>

Angry distracts Heartthrob</p>

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 1, July 1997

Evanovich Riverside (Tri-State) – 7,782 people





The show opens with the All-Star Team standing in the ring, although there's obviously one man missing. Coach Dick Pangrazzio claims a microphone. "Sunday night," he says. "Sunday night, the All-Star Team did what it does best. It went out there and won."


He gives that a moment, letting the crowd build to a steady chant that repeats the Vesseys name over and over.


"HEY!" Pangrazzio bellows. "Enough of that."


The crowd disagrees, and the Coach grins, letting them get it out of their system.


"Alright," Pangrazzio says, finally, "we still got business to take care of. You may have noticed that we're one man down tonight. Last Sunday's victory, well, it cost us. Bryan may have picked up a victory, but he picked it up with some damaged ribs courtesy of one of Jack Dundee's knees. He's taking some time off to recover and get back into fighting shape, which left the All-Star Team in a quandary.


"We could still go reclaim our tag-team titles, but it'd mean teaming Larry Vessey and Chris Storm for a stretch. No doubt they could do it, but a good coach doesn't play a man out of position on short notice, not unless it's absolutely necessary. The Vesseys are the best tag-team in the world today and they had nine straight title defences to prove it. Once Bryan's healthy, you can be damn sure they're coming back and laying claim to the belts that were taken from them.


"But for right now, well, it looks like Backbreaker's Inc are going to enjoy their reign a little longer. Just the Backbreaker's mind – we won the six-man tag on Sunday, and it appears that earned us some leeway with the boss. Eddie Chandler may be feeling good now that he's allied with the champs, but Sam Strong's already promised that Chris Storm will go one-on-one with Chandler at a time of our choosing.


"As for Larry Vessey…" Pangrazzio pauses and glances at his client. "Larry has a short message he'd like to get off his chest."


The coach hands over the microphone, and Larry Vessey stares directly at the camera.


"I've proved I'm one-half of the best team in the world," he says. "Now I'm going to prove that I'm one of the best wrestlers, period. Rip Chord, you're the World Heavyweight Champion, the best in the world. Well, brother, I have a proposal.


"At Summer Showdown, what do you say to Vessey versus Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship?"




It doesn't take the champion long to make his appearance. Chord walks out onto the stage, dressed to the nines in a dark grey suit, his entourage bringing up the rear. He parts his jacket to show off the World Championship, beaming for the cameras.


"Larry Vessey. Sooner or later, brother, sooner or later, I knew it'd be you and me stepping into this ring to figure out whose the best. You were proud of those tag-team belts you wore with your brother, but we both know that tag-team gold is only half as sweet as what I'm wearing around my waist.


"Because I am Rip Chord, your World Heavyweight Champion, the beginning of the New Golden Age for professional wrestling.


"So I'm going to do you a favour, Larry. I'm going to accept your challenge. I'm going to face you at Summer Showdown and I'm going to beat you, brother. I'm going to beat you so bad you'll slink back to the tag-team division with your tail between your legs.


"Because that's what it means to be champion, Larry. You go out there, night after night, and you win your matches without back-up, without help."


Rating: B-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheGreatHisato.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Java.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TribalWarrior.jpg


The Great Hisato w/Kit Hatoyama vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/Savage Fury


A tough debut for the masked man – Heartthrob's visibly irritated by facing yet another rookie prospect after defeating Gilmore at Excessive Force, and Savage Fury are a constant distraction at ringside.


Fortunately for Hisato, he lives up to the hype – he's fast, fluid, and innovative, and the white-clad Kit Hatoyama shows no fear as she runs interference on Java and Warrior. The masked man earns a big pop when he hits a standing corkscrew shooting star press that Azaria dubs the Hisato Special No. 5, but it only earns him a two-count.


Heartthrob isn't as flashy, but he doesn't need to be with Savage Fury at ringside. Histato gets tripped by Tribal Warrior about six minutes in, and stumbles right into a Cupid's Clutch. Heartthrob works the hold and his masked opponent is forced to tap.


Romeo Heartthrob defeated The Great Hisato in 6:03 by submission.

Rating: C





Heartthrob throws Hisato to the mat, dusting his hands of the matter. He rolls out of the ring and joins Savage Fury, turning his attention to the white-clad Kit Hatoyama. The veteran calls for a microphone. "Well," he says, "you know the old saying – to the victor go the spoils."




Hatoyama doesn't understand that, but the steady approach of Heartthrob and his allies, coupled with the lecherous look on Heartthrob's place, transcend language barriers. She backs off, leading the trio around the ringside area.




And The Great Hisato registers his own objection when he springboards off the top rope and eliminates Heartthrob and Savage Fury with corkscrew crossbody. All four men go down, but it's Histao that's back to his feet first. The masked man grabs Hatoyama's hand and they retreat up the ramp, playing to the cheering crowd as they go.


Rating: D+





"--the hell is this guy, esse?" Bandido is standing in the middle of the Luchador's locker room, throwing a question that's almost an accusation at the seated Spanish Superfly. Electrico and Miss Mexico are standing on the sidelines, but their interest is obviously piqued by El Bandido's question.


Bandido stops pacing and stares at his friend. "It's bad enough that Escalera is here, that no-one but you and Lucha seem to know where in hell he came from, but I recognise one of those men, esse. Rafael Ruiz. The Mexican Crippler. He's dangerous, 'Fly."


"Rodriguez is too." Electrico pipes up, his voice soft and heavily accented. "I've fought him in Mexico City. He's fast, esse. Fast and loco."


"You wanted time to sort this out," Bandido says, "to solve things, just you and Lucha, but you didn't solve it, esse. He's brought back-up, he's cost me a match I didn't want to lose, and he's giving me plenty of reasons to go after him, esse. You either give me a reason to back off, or me and Electrico are calling him out alongside his new friends."


"No." Superfly stands, looking at his friends for the first time. "This isn't your problem, 'Dido. Not yours, and not 'Trico's. Hell, esse, even Lucha shouldn't be dealin' with this.


"This thing with Don Juan, Don Juan and this mamacita, Fish, I'll take care of it. Me and Miss Mexico, si?"


The camera pans across the sceptical faces of Super Lucha. "You got one chance, esse," Bandido says, "then we gettin' involved whether you like it or not."


Rating: D





Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE hit the ring, guiding a blinded Brent Hill down the ramp. Hill is carrying a dog collar, nursing it like a precious thing, and he stumbles a little as he climbs into the ring, as if his footing is uncertain.


"So Sunday night," Ricky Dale says. "Seems Ota and his fancy-pants ninja boys didn't have what it takes to beat us. That means my man Brent here gets the thing he's wanted for months - one last match against Ota.


"And this time around he gets to pick the stipulation."


The Cowboy passes the microphone to the blind technician. Hill holds up the chains. "Ota!" he shouts. "I've made no secret what I wanted. I've been telling you for months."


He drops the chains to the floor, kicking them to ringside with a sense of utter certainty. Hill grins, and both Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE join with smiles of their own as Hill removes his glasses and does a confident lap of the ring to play to the crowd.


"The effects of your mist wore off a few weeks ago, Ota," Hill says, "which means I don't need any fancy dog-collars to get my hands on you. Tonight you and I are wrestling in a SUBMISSION MATCH, buddy.


"And this time, no matter what, the only way it's ending is if one of us taps out."


Rating: C



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Grunt.jpg


Black Rebel Fight Club vs. The Wood Brothers vs. The Nation of Filth


Three teams, six brawlers, but they use the match to showcase the slight contrasts in their styles.


The Fight Club are all about impact, their offense built around strikes and big moves that spike people into the mat. They take punishment and revel it in, refusing to go down.


The Wood boys are all about the power – throwing their opponents around, knocking them to the mat and keeping them there. If they're hurting, they don't show it. They just keep going all-out.


And the Filth…the Filth fight dirty, and they excel at distracting the referee so trash-can lids and other weapons can get involved in the melee.


The result is an open match filled with big spots and weapons, and in the end it's a match that's won by the Wood Brothers when Billy slingshots Jack Marlowe into Larry's grasp, and Larry hammers him into the mat with a decisive power bomb.


The Wood Brothers defeated Black Rebel Fight Club and The Nation Of Filth in 8:25 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





No-one is convinced that this match is the end of things, least of all the wrestlers. The victorious Wood Brothers head up the ramp, eyes locked on the competitors still down in the ring.




Which means they're an easy target when Ed Monton bursts through the curtain, dropping Billy Wood with an elbow shot to the back. Larry spins, ready to defend his brother, but Bob Casey is there with a microphone in hand. The grinning ex-Ice hockey goon spikes Wood in the head with the mic, dropping the big man to the mat.


He then underhand's it to Monton, who addresses the cheering crowd. "Seems someone started an unofficial contest about whose the toughest tag-team in Hollyweird. Me and Bob, we got no problem with that, but consider this—" He pauses, seeing Billy Wood try to rise, and smashes another forearm into the man "—me and Robbie asking to be dealt into the game, eh."


Rating: D-





We come back from a commercial break to a scene in the Untouchable's locker room. Fish is going over tactics with the Specialists. Steadyfast is leaning against the wall, his arms cross, his expression unimpressed. "I know it goes without saying," Fish says, "but don't underestimate them - that's what got the Wrecking Crew in trouble. Homes is—"


Paul Steadyfast snorts, obviously exasperated, and Fish breaks off her lecture to stare at him. "Have we got a problem, Paul?"


"Yeah," he says, "we've got one. Don Juan Escalera."


"He's not your concern," Fish says. "Now—"


"Not my concern?" Steadyfast pushes himself off the wall, standing over fish. "You're out there helping him win matches on pay-per-view. He's out there in our matches, interfering time and again. We're getting asked if he's the forth Untouchable."


"And you tell people he isn't," Fish says calmly. "Don Juan and I are friends, Paul. Old friends. And I interfered in his match because Miss Mexico crossed a line that I, as a professional, cannot allow people to cross.


"As for interfering in your match, he did it because Don Juna Escalera understands something you didn't until I came along – he understands how to make a statement. If you have a problem with that, let me know and I'll take my services elsewhere, otherwise I suggest you shut up and let me do my job."


Fish and Steadyfast lock eyes. Finally, it's Paul Steadyfast who backs down.


"Now," Fish says, "as I was saying…"


Rating: D





The camera cuts to the interview stage, where Coach Pangrazzio is standing by with his clients. "HEY!" Coach shouts, "Eddie Chandler. After all the fanfare that started this show, you may be thinking that we've forgotten you. You may be thinking that maybe we're so focused on Chord versus Vessey that we're going to let you slide.


"That isn't the way the All-Star Team operates, son. We're all about the big matches, the big stage, picking up victory when it matters most.


"Start training, Chandler, 'cause we're naming the time and the place. Storm versus Chandler. Summer Showdown.


"I recommend you get ready, 'cause Chris Storm is the most dangerous athlete you're ever going to meet."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DonJuan.jpg


Mr Lucha vs. Don Juan Escalera


Escalera looks at his opponent with outright contempt, and the emotion seems to permeate the match.


The result isn't really a competitive match so much as a frustrating series of set-pieces where Escalera shows no real interest in winning. Every chance the unmasked wrestler has has to disrespect his opponent, he takes – from the slap that starts the match to the blatant low-blow that ends it.


Lucha folds over and the referee calls for the DQ, leaving Escalera standing over his downed opponent with an evil grin on his face.


Mr Lucha defeated Don Juan Escalera in 7:04 by disqualification.

Rating: D+





Don Juan Escalera isn't done. He lays Lucha out with a Tijuana Twist, then calls for a microphone. "Lucha, I know you're not in any condition to listen right now, esse, but you're going to watch this tape. I want you to know a few things. You claim you brought lucha libre's best and brightest into this company, but it seems you left out a few names."


He gestures to the backstage curtain, and two figures emerge and start walking down the ramp.




"Pablo Rodriguez," Escalera says. "The rookie sensation. Fast, innovation, violent, and vicious. On his eighteenth birthday he stepped into the ring and beat you, Lucha, for his very first title."




"Rafael Ruiz, the Mexican Crippler," Escalera says. "A man whose held gold almost as often as you have back home, although he's never held it solo. A tag-team specialist, a master of submission, the rabid pit bull of lucha libre. A good man to have you back.


"They don't fit your idea of a good lucha libre warrior, do they Lucha? They don't represent the ideal you want to present to the world. You came here hoping to make your mark, to show the world what Mexican wrestlers can do, but all you did was select men who followed in your foot-steps rather than bringing the very best.


"But I found them, Mr. Lucha. I found them and I brought them together, brought them here to Hollyweird. They aren't my partners. They aren't even my friends. I'm not asking them to watch my back.


"But we all want you, Lucha. We want to take you down because you're a legend, esse, and because you were the one who said we weren't good enough to make it here.


"You were the one who said I wasn't good enough, esse. Not good enough for Hollyweird. Not good enough for Mexico. Not good enough for the mask I trained for all my life.


"You're going to regret those words, cabrone. All three of us agree on that."


Rating: D-





Backstage, and Frankie Future is seated behind Sam Strong's desk, feet propped on top of the monitor. Miss Farrah is slouched against the back of the chair. There's a knock at the door, and Future bellows for them to come in.




Tom Gilmore steps through the door. "You wanted to see me?"


"Tom Gilmore, my man." Frankie straightens, climbing out of his chair. "I heard a rumour about you kid. Seems you've been…what's the word, Farrah?"


"Moonlighting," Farrah says.


"That's the word," Frankie says. "That is, indeed, the word. I hear you've been moonlighting, Tom. I heard you've been wrestling for a little company out on the west coast."


Gilmore's expression is stern. "That a problem?"


"Nah." Frankie is all smiles. "A man's gotta earn a living, Tom, and you're not full-time here…can't think why not, buddy, but that's how it goes. I just wanted to say hello 'cause I heard about your match last night. Seems this company in California had themselves a tournament, and you've been named…what was it, Farrah?


"King of the Indys."


"King of the Indys." Future nods a few times, then reaches across the desk and collects a sheet of paper. "New competition, but an important one. Seems you beat some names our fans would recognise to earn the title too. That's impressive work, Tommy boy. Real impressive work. Kind of makes me wonder why your name isn't on this." Future holds up the sheet of paper. "Nineteen former champions have their names put down. The twentieth name is a current champion – seems Spanish Superfly is the big man down Mexico way.


"And here you are, Tom, first title of your career, and you didn't even ask if it meant you could put your name down. Care to tell me why?"


"Why?" Gilmore looks vaguely surprised by the question. "Romeo Heartthrob goes rooting around in my past, beats my ass down in the ring, forces me to stop backing up my friends, and you're asking why I don't give a goddamn about some new title? I got business, Future. Business with Heartthrob that ain't going to wait. I'll come searching for that title soon enough, but first that aging son-of-a-bitch and his savage hit-squad are going to learn some respect for Tom-goddamn-Gilmore, you hear me?"


"Yeah," Future says. "I hear you." He looks at his list for a moment, then back at Gilmore. "Can't say I blame you, kid, but it's still a pity."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. The Tag-Team Specialists w/Wanda Fish


The Kings get a far warmer welcome here than they do anywhere else in the country, largely thanks to the years Bryan Holmes has put in as one of the unsung heroes of Philly Pro.


The result is a hot crowd that really gets behind the Canadian underdogs, especially when Holmes and Morgan show they've got what it takes to hang with their more established opponents. Holmes trades holds with both Bryant and Oxford, confident of his ability to outwrestle them, and while Morgan doesn't have the same crisp technique he's more than willing to supplement it with some high-flying offense.


It's not quite enough, though, especially with Fish at ringside. The referee catches her slipping Oxford the loaded knee-pad, but it proves to be a distraction – Joel Bryant produces a pair of brass knuckles from his tights and ends thing with shot to Thomas Morgan's skull, hiding the weapon and making the scores the final three-count.


The Tag Team Specialists defeated The Ontario Kings in 7:13 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





March of the Pigs marks the arrival of Vengeance, who glides towards the ring with deadly calm. He produces a lighter and flicks it, letting the flame burn. "You want to burn me, Ethan? I'm right here."




Ethan Kane comes charging down the ramp, sliding into the ring to brawl with the masked man. The two men trade punches, but Vengeance succeeds in forcing Kane into the corner, pummelling him there.




The Demons come out of the crowd, chairs in hand, and jump Vengeance from behind. They take turns hammering him with chair shots to the back, fire him into the opposing corner, then start hammering him with chair shots to the skull. Vengeance staggers, then falls, easy prey for the Demons and their recovering master.




And there's a flare of pyro as Baine makes his first appearance in weeks, eyes focused on the ring, walking down the ramp with purpose. He rolls beneath the bottom rope, firing an uppercut into Demon Spite as he rises. Anger tries for the chair-shot, but Baine kicks it out of the Demon's hand.


Baine is an engine of destruction, and his distraction gives Vengeance the time to recover and rise to his feet. The two big monsters proceed to fend of the Demons and Ethan Kane alike, forcing all three to retreat up the ramp.


Rating: C+





Sam Strong is walking backstage, muttering to himself. He stops before a locker room door, looks to the ceiling, then pushes his way in to confront the trio of Walker, Morton, and Alex Braun. Walker's in obvious bad shape - the right side of the Grunge Warrior's face is a livid bruise, courtesy of the elbow shots he took at the hands of Dread on Sunday.


Walker glares at Strong through the mass of bruises. "What?" he says. "You're here to tell me I shouldn't go after Dread again?"


"You've got a suspicious mind, brother." Strong shakes his head, but he's smiling. "I take one look at you, brother, at the mess you call a face, and I want to tell you back off, but that ain't my job, brother. As I've been told, time and again, my job is to make matches that will earn this company money, brother, and you and Dread...well, brother, there are plenty of people saying you two stole the show last Sunday.


"But there are rules, brother, and you ain't cleared to wrestle, brother. You want a rematch, you gotta wait 'til you heal up. I know it, you know it, all these people know it, and I ain't here for you."


Strong looks past Walker, towards Alex Braun.


"I'm here for him.


"Alex Braun. Veteran of the business. Three time CZCW Champion, One time RPW World Champion, the first ever King of the Indys. Did I miss anything in there, brother?"


Braun shrugs. "Nah, I think you got 'em all."


"We got your application, brother," Strong says. "You want a shot at the International Belt, going against the best in the world, but I'm not sure you've got it, brother. You're good, I'll grant you that, but your heart ain't here, dude. You're still training kids down in California. Doing--" Strong holds up a hand to stop Tayler Morton's objection "-- a hell of a job at it. Monty Walker, he's a hell of a talent. Tayler Morton, he's a guy we've all got our eye on.


"But you, Alex Braun? Brother, I want to hear it from your own mouth that you've still got the passion to come in here and be a champion. That you want to come in, night after night, and prove to the world that you're one of the best. One of the elite? I ain't doubting your skills, brother, and I ain't doubting your pedigree, but you've only had two matches in this company, and neither of them were wins. Show me why I should give you a shot."


Braun's lip curls as he studies Sam Strong. Then he slaps the General Manager.


"If you weren't injured," Braun says, "I'd drag your ass out into the ring and kick the hell out of you for saying that. I might win, I might not, but you'd sure as hell know you'd been in a fight. All my life the man in charge has been saying, show me your passion. Show me why I should give you as shot. And you know why that is, Sam? It's 'cause I'm smaller than you. Smaller than you, smaller than Dread, smaller than Rip Chord. People look at me and see a damn good wrestler, but they think my lack of size means the only way I can compete is if I have passion and heart.'


"I call bullshit on that, man. I've been a little man in a big man's world for a long time, and I've found plenty of ways to thrive. I've walked into some of the hardest, most dangerous promotions in the world and I've made them my own. I do things in that ring that a man like you can only dream of.


"Give me a shot at the International Title or don't, I don't care. Just don't you come in here, into my locker room, and say that a little man needs heart to survive in this sport. Don't you say it just two nights after Monty goddamn Walker took the Human Juggernaut to the limit, in a match that Walker could have won if your goddamn referees hadn't missed Dread using the ropes.


"I have heart, Sam Strong. Every man I train has heart. But that's not why they're dangerous. It's not why they're worthy of respect.


"They've got heart, but they've also got skills. Skills enough to take down any big man. Skills enough to survive that little pocket of tag-team hell you put together in the Stampede and come out richer for the experience."


Strong blinks, taken aback by the calm ferocity Braun uses when cutting a promo. Braun just shakes his head.


"I think it's time you left, man," Braun says. "My boys and I are busy."


Rating: C



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg


Brent Hill vs. Fumihiro Ota

Submission Match


The two familiar opponents set out to steal the show, and there's no doubt that they've succeeded by the time this is done. Months of promos and sneak-attacks, matches between allies and tag-teams, and now it finally comes down to twelve minutes of intense, balls-to-the-wall action.


Hill works the knee, preparing for the heel hook. Ota works the shoulder, softening it up for the Ninja Lock. Both men know each other, know their moves, and know how to predict and protect themselves from the worst of each other's arsenal.


But it's Hill who holds the upper hand here. Hill who prepared for a submission match, rather than a dog-collar bout, and in the hands of a competitor as good as Brent, that's all that's necessary. He sweeps Ota's leg and pounces as soon as the ninja hits the ground, cinching in the heel hook and cranking it for all its worth.


Ota starts tapping immediately, desperate to get out of the hold, and Hill rises with a triumphant grin. Six months after joining the company, he's finally made his long-time rival tap out on national television.


Brent Hill defeated Fumihiro Ota in 11:37 by submission.

Rating: B-





Dread's seated in a dark room, brooding as he waches tapes of old matches, scouting potential opponents. "Monty Walker," he says. "Little guy, lot of skill. I see it now, that thing Emma Chase was tyring to bring out of you when she double-crossed you and signed up with me. I wanted you at your best - physically and mentally - and that's what you brought last Sunday. The man without fear.


"And ordinary man would back off now. An ordinary man would look at what he's unleashed in a man like Monty Walker and think twice about stepping into the ring with him.


"I'm not an ordinary man. I train to become a living a weapon. I make myself an unstoppable juggernaut. I took the name Dread because that's what I inspire, and when a man without fear comes across my path, I have two choices. Give up and walk away, leaving Dread behind.


"Or break that man, physically and mentally, so he serves as a warning for any who follow him.


"This started as an irritation, Monty Walker. It became a game.


"And now? Now kid, it's become a war.


"You ain't going to stop until you beat me. I'm not going to stop until I break you.


"Lets see which happens first."


Rating: B+





Liberty is on the interview stage with Action Jackson. Jackson grins at the camera. "This is AJ backstage, getting the scoops," he says, "and with is the American Outlaw, Liberty, a man who came up just short in his World Title Match on Sunday night.


"Liberty, I gotta ask, how are you feeling after coming so close?"


Liberty chews on the question for a moment, removing his sunglasses to stare at the camera. "It'd be nice to say I was cool with losing," he says. "But the truth is, I'm not. My leg still hurts from the punishment it took, my pride still hurts 'cause I let the Wrecking Crew distract me, and there's not a man out there - not even an easy-going guy like me - that doesn't want to be world heavyweight champion one day."


"That's true enough." Jackson nods. "So you're planning on asking for another shot?"


"Naw, not right now." Liberty's familiar grin reappears, and he puts his sunglasses back on. "Larry Vessey's stepped up and said he wants a shot, and I don't think there's a man alive who believes he doesn't deserve it. Dusty Streets wants a shot, and you can't deny he's got a case for getting one. I've had two shots, I'll earn myself a third, but right now I'm setting my sights on a different target.


Jackson's eyebrows shoot up. "Care to share?"


"All in good time, AJ," Liberty says. "All in good time. I just got a few details to line up, man, but I promise I won't keep you hanging for long." He grins and flashes a peace sign to the camera before stepping out of shot.


"It seems the American Outlaw has something up his sleeve," Jackson says, turning towards the camera. "And now we cross back to Azaria and Rhodes as we go into our main event..."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Backbreaker's Inc w/Grace Harper

HGC Tag-Team Championship


Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE start strong, the alternating one-two punch of hard-hitting Southern Brawler and lightening fast Japanese Junior throwing off the Backbreaker's. Their natural chemistry allows the Cowboy and the Eagle to maintain a fast pace, and their initial offense revolves around explosive power from Ricky Dale and high-flying moves by EAGLE.


It takes the Backbreakers a few minutes to adjust, but once they do the tone of the match changes sharply. They shut down EAGLE's offense and proceed to pound the smaller man with double-teams, hitting a series of tandem backbreakers that soften EAGLE up for Tyler's submission moves.


Ricky Dale finds himself coming in time and again to save the match, and soon finds himself being lured into the ring but Dundee's taunts. Despite the Backbreaker's best efforts, EAGLE finally gets the hot tag and Ricky Dale is a house on fire, running roughshod over the champions.




Then the Backbreaker's wildcard comes into play. Grace Harper provides the distraction, Eddie Chandler provides the chair shot.


And with Ricky Dale out of the picture, Dark EAGLE is left to fight alone, and soon falls prey to Eric Tyler's Tradition Lift.


Backbreaker Inc defeated Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE in 18:11 by submission. Backbreaker Inc make defence number 1 of their HGC World Tag Team titles.

Rating: C+



Overall: C+

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"The Ota-Hill submission match was sold out at the curtain," Dundee says. He pauses a moment, head tipped to one side, as if trying to recapture the memory. "The two of them had a reputation for putting on a show, for being great wrestlers, and there were plenty of guys who wanted to see what the best of the indy scene could do.


"I remember standing there with Ricky Dale and Nero and a couple of other guys, watching the match, and about halfway through the Cowboy turned to me and said, mate, it should have been me.


"Now I don't want this to be the beginning of a thing - he wasn't saying it like he was jealous or he thought we'd given away his spot - he just meant that Brent and Ota tore the house down when they wrestled. They performed above and beyond. That's their strength, it's always been their strength, and Ricky Dale was the kind of guy who talked people into the arena. He thought - quite rightly - that he would have done a much better job in Brent's place. As it was, he was helping Brent do all the promos about the blinding incident. They'd been rehearsing them in the car when they travelled between shows, Ricky Dale coaching Brent on what to say and how to say it.


"And there's no doubt that it would have gone better if we'd done that. If we'd blinded Ricky Dale and let Brent Hill chase the ninjas, putting on quality matches week after week, that angle would have gone over as one of the best we did in the first year of Hollyweird. It would have seen Ricky Dale hit the top of the card much earlier than he did, and it would have gotten people raving about Brent Hill.


"And over the years I've heard that a lot - what the **** were we thinking? What kind of idiot booker made that decision? Lots of people like to throw that Phil Vibert quote in my face: wrestling's all about accentuating the positive, and hiding a worker's negatives.


"And the thing I always tell them is this: what if that angle wasn't meant to make Ricky Dale? What if it wasn't meant to turn Brent Hill and Ota into the hottest angle going. We didn't need that angle to be hot. We already had plenty of hot angles, up and down the card, and even without having everyone playing to their strengths in the blinding angle. People were willing to pay to see Rip Chord lose to Lucha or Liberty. They were desperate to see Vengeance and Ethan Kane go at it, even though the matches weren't quite the same quality. The tag-team angles were hot.


"What if we already knew guys like Hill and Ricky Dale and Ota were going to be the future, and we wanted to round them out. Brent Hill was a hell of a wrestler, but he wasn't half the worker that Cowboy Ricky Dale was. Without learning to speak, learning to emote, he'd never reach the top of the card.


"Wrestling isn't about who has the best match. It's about who draws the fans in, who keeps them coming back, who makes a connection. Hill may not have played the angle as well as Ricky Dale did, but he did it well enough. The fans invested. They loved the final match. They wanted to see him win.


"And Brent Hill walked away a little more polished than he was, and Ricky Dale walked away a little better in the ring, both solo and in tag matches when EAGLE was in his corner.


"And considering the run those two had, back before they split, I ****ing dare anyone to tell me we made the wrong call, mate, 'cause they turned into something phenomenal.


"I'm not saying Phil's wrong - more often than not, you're better off trying to keep a square peg from fitting into a round hole. Just accept it's a square peg and find a square hole for it to fit into.


"But sometimes you look ahead. It's not about what you can do now, it's about what you can do in three years. In Five.


"And the truth is, two weeks into the angle, I made exactly the same argument to Rip and Nero as the people who criticize the angle did. It should have been Ricky walking around with the gauze on his face. It should have been Brent tearing down the house night after night as he chased the ninjas. And they both told me the same thing I'm telling you here - think ahead, flesh guys out, get them used to working just outside their comfort zone."


I'm going to be on the road for the next week or so, which means there's unlikely to be any updates 'til I get back. On the other hand, there will probably be some fairly long stretches where I'm stuck in an airport, and I've simmed through to Summer Showdown, so all things going well there should be a regular run of shows when I come back
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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Hollyweird TV

- Episode 30 Preview -


The pride of The Shadow Clan may have been dented by the way they were tricked by Brent Hill, but they're eager to prove that they're one of the most dangerous trios in the world today. They've put out an open challenge to any three wrestlers on the roster, and it's no surprise that the perpetual underdog Ramon Paez is first in line to answer with the help of the British Knights.


For the Shadow Clan it's all about pride, but Thomas Morgan is going into tonight's match looking for respect. The Ontario Kings offered the Shooters a show of respect after the two teams met, and it was used as an excuse to assault the Canadian duo. Now Thomas Morgan will be stepping into the ring with the British shooter, JD Morgan.


Another grudge match follows. Monty Walker may be too injured to wrestle, but his mentor Alex Braun is teaming with Tayler Morton to take on Dread and his protege Dylan Sidle in tag-team action.


The Great Hisato made his debut last week in an impressive, if unsuccessful, match against Romeo Heartthrob. This week he'll be in tag-team competition against the Savage Fury, assuming he can find a partner for the bout.


The first HGC International Champion will be crowned in a three-way dance at Summer Showdown. The first spot will go the victor of the bout between Brent Hill and Mr Lucha.


Finally, in our main event, Liberty & Dusty Streets team up in order to take on the Untouchable's Tag-Team Specialists.


Matches featured in this streaming video:


Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Mr Lucha vs. Brent Hill – International Championship Qualifier

The Great Hisato & ????? vs. Savage Fury

Alex Braun & Tayler Morton vs. Deadly & Dominant

Thomas Morgan vs. JD Morgan

Ramon Paez & The British Knights vs. The Shadow Clan

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Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Mr Lucha vs. Brent Hill – International Championship Qualifier

The Great Hisato & ????? vs. Savage Fury

Alex Braun & Tayler Morton vs. Deadly & Dominant

Thomas Morgan vs. JD Morgan

Ramon Paez & The British Knights vs. The Shadow Clan

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Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Mr Lucha vs. Brent Hill – International Championship Qualifier

The Great Hisato & ????? vs. Savage Fury

Alex Braun & Tayler Morton vs. Deadly & Dominant

Thomas Morgan vs. JD Morgan

Ramon Paez & The British Knights vs. The Shadow Clan

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 2, July 1997

Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes) – 7,476 people





A three-man unit heads down to the ring, but to everyone's surprise its Larry Vessey who claims the microphone.


"I've been wrestling over twenty years," Vessey says, "and Rip Chord's got a decade on me. He was already a veteran when I started my career, already a veteran when he first beat me for a World Championship.


"But that was twenty years ago, and in all the years that followed, we've never ended up in the same ring.


"Now Rip Chord is a veteran, and so am I…but that's where the comparisons end. They say it's not about the years, it's the milage – and there's no doubt Rip Chord has lived harder than I have. He's the champion, I'll give him that, but he's hardly an honourable man. He's hardly an athlete.


"And me, I'm part of the All Star Team. I train as hard as my younger brother, I train as hard as Chris Storm. When it comes to strength, stamina, speed – well, I know I can go harder than Chord. When it comes to technical skill – well, I know I know more than Chord. When it comes to all the dirty tricks—"




Rip Chord makes his appearance, cutting Vessey off. The champion strolls down to the ring, World Title around his waist, his entourage following behind. Chord lazily claims a microphone.


"Brother," Chord says, "every word you just said is one hundred percent true. You are faster, you are stronger, you train harder than anyone else I know. You've lived a life that allows you to stand here at age thirty-eight as one of the premier wrestlers of our age, a man who has terrorized tag-teams in America, Australia, Japan, and Canada. You go out there every night and you keep pace with your little brother, and Larry, I'm game to say it, brother, Bryan is every bit as good as you were and he looks like he's going to get better.


"And you're a wrestler, Larry, I'm not taking that away from you. You started as one of the great amateur wrestlers of your era, and you've been getting better.


"But this—" Chord pauses, patting the belt "—this isn't about being the better wrestler, Larry. This is about being the champion. When we step into that ring together, yeah, we're going to lock up and I'm going to see just how strong you are.


"But if you take me down, Larry, I'm going to put a thumb into your eye.


"You try to make me submit, hell, brother, I'm okay with biting a hunk out of your arm if it'll get me free.


"You put me on the mat, brother, I'm okay with fish-hooking your lip to break the hold.


"I'm the goddamn Great One, Larry. I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, the beginning of a new Golden Age, and I won't think twice about hurting you in that ring in order to walk way with what's mine.


"I am Rip Chord. I am the champion. And I know you know what that means, Larry, 'cause you've held gold almost as often as I am.


"The only difference, brother, is that I know what it means to hold it alone. I know how much deeper you dig when the only one you can rely on is yourself."


Rating: B







Ramon Paez & The British Knights vs. The Shadow Clan


It's a muted start to the show. The Knights are primarily known for their dark-match work, although they're a team that's starting to show real promise. Ramon Paez is the man who takes every opportunity to get on the main show, but its resulted in loss after loss despite some gutsy performances.


And the Shadow Clan - the Shadow Clan have just been on the losing end of a feud and they're hunting for momentum as a unit. Considering the relatively lack of exposure their opponents have had, there's no real surprises in store here.


Good action, some nice high spots and double-teams, and Rolling Johnny Stones impresses everyone when he hits a series of three crisp, rolling German Suplexes on Ronin about halfway through. But this is the Shadow Clan's match, and they take it courtesy of Ota's Ninja Strike which puts UK Dragon down for the three count.


The Shadow Clan defeated Ramon Paez and The British Knights in 6:45 by pinfall.

Rating: D







The Silver Screen fires up, showing a scene from the parking lot of Wisconsin Gardens, where The Great Hisato and Kit Hatoyama are emerging from a cab. They walk towards the building, Hisato looping one arm over Hatoyama's shoulder, chatting amiably in Japanese.




They reach the door and pull up short. Tom Gilmore is waiting there.


"Konnichiwa," he says. "Either of you understand English?"


Hisato looks baffled, but Hatoyama nods faintly.


"Right," Gilmore says, "then pass this on. He's got a match against Savage Fury tonight. I hear he's still looking for a partner."


Gilmore pauses, looking Hisato in the eye. "I want in."


Hatomaya translates that, rattling off a series of Japanese phrases at a fast clip. Hisato's gaze never leaves Gilmores. Finally, the masked man nods.


"Alright," Gilmore says. He pushes open the door. "Lets go talk details."


Rating: D-





Johnny Cash's cover of Rusty Cage plays, and Cowboy Ricky Dale makes his way down to the ring, microphone in hand and Dark Eagle in tow.


"For a coupl'a months now, me and Eagle have been helping out a friend," Ricky Dale says. "Ain't got no regrets about that, but it's been a mite distracting. I let a coupl'a things slide as a result.


"For starters, I still got an issue with Rip Chord that needs sorting. The man seems to think he's got my number, all 'cause he's cheated his way to victory every time fought. That don't sit right with me, it don't sit right at all.


"Then there's another matter. Y'see, it seems I found myself a regular partner, for all I wasn't looking for one." Ricky Dale pauses and bumps fists with Dark EAGLE. "We seem to have a knack for this tag-team thing, and other business kept out of the mix 'til last week.


"And shoot, I'll be damned if there's a champion in this company that doesn't win watches by fightin' dirty.


"Me and Eagle, we figure it's time we rectified this, so we're out here to call those Backbreaker sons-a-bitches out."




Voodoo Child plays, and it's Sam Strong who walks out onto the stage rather than the Global Elite.


"Well, Brother, ain't you got a pair," Strong says. "You got an issue with Rip Chord, brother? You got an issue with the Backbreakers? They're the champions, brother. It ain't like you're unique. Everyone wants those belts, brother, and while I'm not denying--"




Strong's cut off by James Brown - and by now the fans erupt because they know exactly what this means. Frankie Future emerges, Miss Farrah at his side, microphone in hand.


"Sam, Sam, Sam," he says. "You and I were getting along so well, man. You were making decisions, you were making good matches, you were listening to good advice. And now you're out here, looking at one of the hottest tag-teams in the world today, and you're telling them that they can't have a rematch against the champions who couldn't beat them clean?"


Frankie makes a show of looking disappointed. Then he grins.


"Actually, I think I agree with you a little, Sam. Just a little, mind. So how 'bout you nut up and try something like this--" Future pauses, coughs, preparing to launch into his imitation of Sam Strong. "Well, you make a damn good case, brother. You're a hell of a team, brother, but you're also right about being distracted. So here's the deal, brother. We will give you your title shot, brother, and we'll give it to you at Summer Showdown, brother.


"But you're going to earn it, brother. There's two weeks til the pay-per-view, brother, and we're going to put you in matches both nights, brother. You win both matches, you'll get your title shot. You lose, and we'll find a team that deserves the spot more. You cool with that, brother?"


Ricky Dale grins. "Partner, you got yourself a deal."


Rating: B



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Thomas Morgan w/Bryan Holmes vs. JD Morgan w/John Maverick


JD starts the match by offering a handshake - something Thomas Morgan treats with appropriate suspicion. He grasps JD's hand and uses the hold to pull JD in for an elbow to the nose, transitioning it into an arm bar that starts a sequence of hold and counter down on the mat.


Eventually the two wrestlers get back to a standing base, circling one another. Some wag in the audience starts a "Lets go Morgan" chant halfway through the match, and it takes off with seven-thousand fans in the arena. Both JD and Thomas Morgan acknowledge the chant, then lock up again.


JD proves to be the stronger technician; Kyle Rhodes notes that Thomas Morgan is actually making a mistake by going to the mat instead of relying on his superior aerial offense, but Azaria it's possible the Canadian is trying to make a point. The Ontario Kings offered the Shooters respect, and they were shunned as a result.


They don't, however, get it tonight. JD Morgan locks in the Cross Atlantic Stretch to force the submission victory.


JD Morgan defeated Thomas Morgan in 7:27 by submission.

Rating: C-





The camera cuts to a locker room where Alex Braun is standing alongside Tayler Morton and the injured Monty Walker.


"They say wrestling is a big man's sport," Braun says. "Dread's a big man, but Monty Walker took him to a limit. Dread's a big man, but when he went looking for back-up, he found a smaller man to stand by his side. Now it's Dread and Dylan Sidle. I hear they're calling themselves Deadly and Dominant.


"That doesn't scare me. It doesn't scare anyone standing here."


Monty Walker steps up, showing off the bruises that have gone from purple to an ugly brown. "Dread, you say we're in a war now. So what. This has been a war for months now. It's sure as hell been a war ever since you brought in that piece-of-shit Dylan Sidle to watch your back.


"I don't know where you found him, and I don't know who told you our history, but it's not going to slow me down. Nothing is going to slow me down. I'm going to keep coming until I beat you, and bringing in guys like Sidle is just means I fight that little bit harder."


"Wrestling isn't about size," Braun says, picking up the thread. "It's not about passion, or heart. Those things are tools, just like everything else. A sloppy big man can still be brought down by a smaller man with skill. A man can win a fight simply by refusing to lose.


"Tonight me and Tayler take on the Deadly and the Dominant. We aren't coming up with some fancy nickname. We aren't looking to make a statement.


"We're going to do what I teach my students to do, regardless of their size - go out there, fight with honor, and win."


Rating: D+





We come back from the commercial break, and the Silver Screen showcases the interview area. Liberty is there, all grins and frenetic energy, standing alongside the stoic Dusty Streets. They're both standing next to Action Jackson, who grins for the camera.


"I'm here with a duo that's appeared in the ring together several times," Jackson says, "and every time they've teamed together, they've got people talking. Liberty, Dusty, care to tell us why you're here tonight?"


"I'm here, it seems, because Dusty Streets can't catch a break," Dusty says. "Summer Showdown is coming, and once again the powers that be have named someone else the number one contender. Apparently my failure to hold off Rip Chord's goons counted against me.


"I ain't here to complain about that, but I am going to earn my shot. Sam Strong can't stop it. Frankie Future can't stop it. Liberty doesn't want to stop it - he came to see me last week, suggested we implement a plan, and I've agreed to help him out."


"The mysterious plan," Jackson says. "Liberty, does the fact that you've got Dusty onboard mean you're ready to reveal what's going on?"


"AJ, you bet your ass," Liberty says. "After Excessive Force, I got to thinking about Rip Chord's reign, and when a guy like Dusty can't keep things under control, you can bet there's no real chance of someone getting a fair shot at the belt.


"So this month, we're going to do something about that. If we can't take the belt off the champion, we're going to take out his support.


"You see, I went and saw Sam Strong and Frankie Future, and I made a match for Summer Showdown. We may win, we may loose, but either way we're going to beat ten kinds of hell out of Sanders and the Punisher, and we're going to make sure they're in no shape to back up their boss in the main event that night."


"A big call," Jackson says. "You really think that'll help your title chances?"


"All that depends on how Larry Vessey does in his match," Liberty says. "If he wins, I'm guessing he'll defend the belt a lot more honorably than Chord does. If he loses...well, if he loses, at least he'll go down in a fair fight."


"True enough," Jackson says, "and I wish you both luck."


Rating: B-



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Braun & Morton vs. Deadly & Dominant w/Emma Chase


Alex Bruan and Dylan Sidle begin the match - the two men with the least exposure to the HGC crowd - but it doesn't take long for them to earn the fans respect. They're both fast, both physical, and there's plenty of emotion in the way they come together.


It's nothing compared to what happens when Bruan finds himself in the ring with Dread. The Juggernaut is tagged in, and Braun goes to town. He isn't just standing toe-to-toe with the Dread, he's actually bringing the big man down. All the tactics that Walker's used in singles competition get brought out, but Braun is crisper and faster and has the option of tapping Morton in to disrupt the rhythm of Dread's counters.


Unfortunately the pairing of Morton and Dread isn't quite so spectacular. The Juggernaut has spent more time studying the younger man, and knows what's coming. A low drop-kick is avoided, countered with an elbow drop that brings all Dread's considerable weight to bear. Where Braun succeeded in going on the offense, Morton is forced to settle for ducking and weaving in order to hold his own.


Dread fires Morton into the ropes - a move that allows Braun to get the blind tag - and Morton actually ducks the discus clothesline the Juggernaut's intending. He doesn't, however, avoid the flying knee of Dylan Sidle when the Deadly One comes over the top rope, and the impact seems to knock Tayler Morton out.


Braun and Dread are brawling, but with Sidle active and Morton unconscious, there's really not a great deal of doubt about what's coming. Braun gets double-teamed by Deadly and Dominant, and Dread finishes the match with a Dreadsault.


Deadly & Dominant defeated Braun & Morton in 9:27 by pinfall.

Rating: B





The HGC luchadors are gathered around Mr Lucha backstage, all of them wearing blazers over t-shirts and jeans except Spanish Superfly who favours a well-cut suit. The collection of bags slung over shoulders make it clear that many of the group are prepared to leave, although there seems to be some reservations.


"Are you sure you don't want us to stick around, esse?" El Bandido asks. "Don Juan has friends now, si? He may try something."


Lucha shakes his head. "Don Juan Escalera has no respect for me, but somewhere within him is an honorable man."


Superfly snorts. "Once, maybe, esse, but that man is gone."


"I choose to believe otherwise," Lucha says, "and I'll trust my instincts. Go home, see your families. I'll be fine."


"If you're sure, esse," Electrico says. "We can change our flights."


"Go," Lucha says. "I insist."


The masked nod their assent, gathering up their gear.


Superfly frowns a moment. "Hang on," he says, "I'm going to go see if Senorita Mexico

is ready."


Rating: D





The camera-angle changes, showing grainy black-and-white footage of Superfly as he moves through the hallways. Jason Azaria is right in the middle of asking "Why is the backstage crew showing us this" when he's given an answer.




Ruiz starts the assault, charging Superfly and laying him low with a double-handed sledgehammer blow to the back. Pablo Rodriguez follows, launching a dropkick that connect's with the down Superfly's skull.




Don Juan Escalera takes his time strolling into shot. He kneels down.


"The good news, esse" he says, "is that Lucha was right about him making a move against him during his match tonight..."


He doesn't need to tell Superfly what the bad news is.


Rating: E-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheGreatHisato.jpg w/ http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KitHatoyama.jpg


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Gilmore & Hisato w/Kit Hatoyama vs. Savage Fury w/Romeo Heartthrob


Speed versus power, and for the most part speed wins. Heartthrob is near apoplectic at ringside, especially when Gilmore starts mocking him, goading him into the ring.


Heartthrob doesn't break, but he does try to interfere - and even that doesn't work out for the heels. Hatoyama calls a warning in Japanese and Hisato ducks Heartthrob's chairshot, which catches Java in the head instead.


Java doesn't take to that. He shoves Heartthrob. Heartthrob shoves his client back. It isn't long before they've both thrown punches and Sam Sparrow is forced to call for the disqualification.


Savage Fury defeated Gilmore & Hisato in 5:25 by DQ.

Rating: D+





The DQ decision doesn't please anyone, least of all Tom Gilmore. He gets between the brawling Java and Heartthrob, pushing them apart, yelling accusations.




Hisato shows no sign of understanding what's happening, but then, neither does Tribal Warrior. The big Samoan watches the three-way shouting match for a few moments, gets bored, and resolves matters by grabbing Gilmore and hammering him with a giant head-butt.




Physical violence Hisato does get - he responds with an enziguri, catching Tribal Warrior just below the right ear. It rattles the big man, but catches Java's attention...and Java turns Hisato inside out with a running clothesline as a result.


The big indonesian monster grabs his partner and leaves, letting Romeo Heartthrob trail along behind them, uncertain of what just happened


Rating: D+



"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to determine who will be taking the first spot in our three-day dance to crown the first International Championship at Summer Showdown," Jason Azaria says, "and we go now to our ringside correspondent, Action Jackson, for the tale of the tape."




The graphic goes up, showing off the two competitors while Action Jackson runs down their accomplishments.




Mr Lucha

37 years old

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 220 lbs

Mexican Lucha Libre Wrestler

5 x MPWF Champeon de Hernica de Mundo

3 x MPWF Champeons de Parajes

3 x MPWF Compeons de Trios

3 x Mexican Trios Invitational Winner




Brent Hill

27 years old

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 235 lbs

American Submission Specialist

2 x PPPW Tri-State Champion

1 x RPW World Champion

1 x CZCW So-Cal Champion


Rating: C-





http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg


Mr Lucha vs. Brent Hill


It's a show-stealing match. Fast, technical, high-flying. Hill spends the entire match looking for the heel-hook, perhaps even to his own detriment - he seems to expect Lucha to wrestle like Ota, and while Lucha is as fast as the masked ninja, he's also older and more experienced and trained in a different style.


Where Ota would apply a wrist-lock and use it to set up the Ninja Lock, Lucha will grab a wrist and head to the ropes for a springboard arm-drag that launches his opponent across the ring.


This seems to take Hill out of his game a little, and Lucha is good enough to exploit it. After twelve minutes of intense action, the Master Drop finally ends it and Lucha secures a spot in the Three Way Dance at Summer Showdown.


Mr Lucha defeated Brent Hill in 12:02 by pinfall.

Rating: B





We come back from a commercial break to the Wood Brothers standing on the interview stage. "Monton, Casey," Larry Wood snarls. "You want to be dealt into the game, boys? You're in the damn game. Next week, Maulers versus the Wood Brothers.


"I want to find out just how tough Ed Monton really is, eh?"


Rating: D-





March of the Pigs plays, and Vengeance glides down to the centre of the ring, microphone in hand.


"I'm not here to talk about Ethan Kane," Vengeance says. "I'm not even here to talk about Vengeance, or Baine. I wanted to talk about two men who don't exist anymore. Friends...brothers...named Tyson and Sean.


"These two men started wrestling together, years ago. They fought. They learned. They advanced in the business. Then one of those men fell under the influence of a woman. He allowed himself to be seduced into betraying the other, much as he'd been seduced into betraying everything he knew was right.


"He allowed himself to become a living demon, warped and twisted and existing only to cause pain. He forgot himself and lived for the moments he spent in the ring, doing everything he can to hurt those who were trapped in there with him.


"Until one day, in his darkest hour, he saw what he'd become and chose...another path.


"He spurned the woman. He retreated from the darkness within him. He left behind the monster and tried to become a man once more. A wrestler.


"They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. They pictured this woman when they coined the phrase. Since she couldn't have her first target, she went looking for the one thing that still mattered to him.


"His friend. His brother.


"And she transformed him into everything she'd dreamed her first victim could be. She gave him the name of the devil and she unleashed him on this company, revelling in the path of destruction he wrought.


"And so a man chose to become a monster once more...chose to sacrifice himself to atone for the mistakes that others now paid for. Chose to help his brother step back from the same abyss he'd retreated from.


"Tyson still spurns his name, but he's no longer the demon. After last week...after last week, I choose to believe he may yet remember how to be a man.


"Baine, I'll acknowledge that we're no longer friends. I'll admit to the world we're no longer brothers.


"But you recognise now what you could have become. You know exactly what a plague Killer and Kane could be in this company.


"I came here promising vengeance, but hoping for redemption. Your redemption, not my own. I'll sacrifice my own soul in the hopes of saving yours.


"Baine, l want you to step away. I want you to leave Killer and Kane and the Demons to me. I want you to wrestle, to win, to become a champion.


"I want you to forget the demon, and remember the man I once knew."




The music is unfamiliar - Pantera's Walk - but Baine emerges from the backstage curtain and locks eyes with Vegenace. The Demon Seed takes his time getting down to the ring, and he rips the microphone from Vengeance's hands.


"For over a year, Karen Killer made me unleash a brand of pain unlike anything I'd ever known. I spread misery. Fear. Suffering. Men who knew no fear trembled at the sound of my name, and I haunted the nightmares of everyone on this roster.


"Then you came. You gave me another name. You reminded me of who I used to be. And you were right, Sean, I did remember. I did step back from the Abyss.


"But I stepped back too late.


"BLZ Bubb is gone, and he's not coming back, but Baine hasn't earned the right to be a man yet. Tyson...Tyson is gone. He can't be saved. He can't face the pain I've caused.


"If you want me to walk away, that's not going to happen. If you want to block my path, then I'll fight my way through you.


"And we aren't friends anymore. We aren't brothers.


"But the enemy of my enemy is an ally, and the Army of Darkness has the advantage of numbers.


"You may be their vengeance, but I am their bane."


Rating: B





The Silver Screen comes to life, showcasing the Army of Darkness. Ethan Kane stands front-and-centre, looking down at the two monsters in the ring.


"Vengeance and Bane," he sneers. "Two men who could have been monsters, but turned away from their true purpose. And now you're down there, trying to reconcile, trying to deny the darkness that lies within you both.


"No matter. My beloved--" he pauses a moment, planting a prolonged kiss on Karen Killer "-- and I have reached a decision.


"We will purge this company of you both with extreme prejudice.


"You are but two men, and the Army of Darkness is three.


"But our three are glorious monsters, far worse than any petty evils the two of you could have been."


Rating: B-



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Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. The Tag-Team Specialists


On a good night, Dusty Streets can be counted among the best wrestlers in the world. Tonight is a good night, and the results are very good indeed.


No-one wants to lost this one. The Specialists because they're an established team, and a loss against two singles wrestlers is step back regardless of the chemistry Liberty and Dusty possess. The faces...well, the faces are two of the most popular talents in the company, and a win here would significantly boost the Specialist's stock.


The result is a furious contest that's equal parts brawling and technical exchange, lots of quick tags and taunts, and the presence of Wanda Fish at ringside only adds to the chaos. The two teams prove to be evenly matched, trading the advantage back and forth, and finally Fish hands Robert Oxford the loaded knee-pad...


...which is spotted by Eugene Williams, who immediately goes to confiscate the weapon.




Paul Steadfast climbs into the ring, double-teaming Dusty Streets with Joel Bryant, but it seems referee Williams is on fire tonight - he breaks off his argument with Fish and Oxford soon enough to see what's happening, and he calls for the DQ.


Liberty & Dusty Streets defeated The Tag Team Specialists in 19:20 when Joel Bryant was disqualified.

Rating: B



Overall: B-

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The Ice Man sits on the big red couch, elbows against his knees, tape covering his fists. He looks every inch the weary warrior, despite being dressed down in a Dead Kennedy's t-shirt and ragged jeans. He eyes the camera with caution.


"I never expected to go to Hollyweird," he says. "It seems strange to say it now, but I was already thinking of winding down back in '97. Not retiring, exactly, but the Resort was making good money, I was comfortable working for Rapid Pro and the Zone, I figured I'd get to slow down some. It's a mistake I've made a couple of times now – Hollyweird, DAVE, hell, I even told Mitch Naess I'd only be around for the first year of P-S-Dub."


Braun pauses, shakes his head. "Which is kinda why they wanted me aboard, I think. I'd trained a lot of guys in their locker room, sure, and between us me, Ota, and Hill had worked everywhere there was to work in the States. We had a different kind of respect that the guys like Chord and Strong did – we came from a different ethic, an era the younger guys could understand.


"And they knew, sooner or later, the raids were going to start, and they wanted people backstage who could keep the boys calm when big names started going to the Eisens. They wanted people who understood what a changing locker room felt like, what it meant to be one of the biggest of the little promotions, the place that everyone raids…"





"People sometimes wonder why we didn't have more people on written deals." Bryant takes a slug of bear, shrugs off the question. "Some didn't want them, some didn't deserve them. It's easy to think of Hollyweird as a big deal through the benefits of hindsight, but we were still a distant second to Supreme TV. There were plenty of guys who took the TV exposure we gave them and used it to make far more money on the independents.


"There were plenty of guys – guys getting a push – who were something of a gamble, 'cause the moment the Eisen's went looking for talent, our roster was going to be an easy target. We couldn't compete with Supreme in terms of exposure, we couldn't compete in terms of money, and we couldn't compete in terms of prestige.


"Then July rolled around and Supreme got themselves a global reach. They were playing more TV, doing more house shows, and they needed warm bodies to fill the minutes.


"Some of our guys went. Some still thought they'd make more money working for us and doing the independents, using their spot in our midcard to main event somewhere else.


"There were enough guys signed to written deals that we could survive it, but there were some pretty tense booking meetings around that time, especially during those weeks between someone telling us they had an offer and them letting us know what they'd finally decided."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Hollyweird TV

- Episode 31 Preview -


The Strong-Style Redneck, Stuart Ferdinand, has made a name for himself as one of the top gaijin performers in Japan's Burning Hammer. He makes his Hollyweird debut against one of HGC's rising stars – Brent Hill.


Tag-team action is scheduled next – The Maple Leaf Maulers are stepping up to answer the The Wood Brother's challenge and stake their claim on being the toughest tag-team in Hollyweird.


Our next match also sees a competitor with something to prove – Chris Storm of the All-Star Team wants to pit his skills against the nigh-unstoppable Dread.


Cowboy Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE have been informed that they need to win both their scheduled matches between now and Summer Showdown in order to receive a tag-team title shot. It seems management isn't planning on making it easy for the duo, pitting them against the ten-time champions The Blazing Flames.


The second spot in the International Championship match will be determined when current MPWF Champion, Spanish Superfly, faces off against a man whose held gold on two different continents, Awesome Thunder.


Finally, in our main event, a grudge will be settled: Vengeance and Ethan Kane will fight in a no-holds-barred battle that only ends when man finds himself nailed into a coffin. These two men have proven they can't co-exist, so the coffin will represent the death one man's career here in Hollyweird.


Matches featured in this streaming video:

Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane – Casket Match

Spanish Superfly vs. Awesome Thunder – International Championship Qualifier

Cowboy Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Blazing Flames

Chris Storm vs. Dread

The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. The Wood Brothers

Brent Hill vs. Stuart Ferdinand

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Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane – Casket Match

Spanish Superfly vs. Awesome Thunder – International Championship Qualifier

Cowboy Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Blazing Flames

Chris Storm vs. Dread

The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. The Wood Brothers

Brent Hill vs. Stuart Ferdinand

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Been following this since it started (and loving every second), too lazy to get on and post - better late than never I suppose! Just glad it's still going!


Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane – Casket Match

Spanish Superfly vs. Awesome Thunder – International Championship Qualifier

Cowboy Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Blazing Flames

Chris Storm vs. Dread

The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. The Wood Brothers

Brent Hill vs. Stuart Ferdinand

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Vengeance vs. Ethan Kane – Casket Match

Leading to Tyson vs Kane. I'm guessing Vengeance is one of those hired by SWF.


Spanish Superfly vs. Awesome Thunder – International Championship Qualifier


Cowboy Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Blazing Flames


Chris Storm vs. Dread


The Maple Leaf Maulers vs. The Wood Brothers


Brent Hillvs. Stuart Ferdinand

I'm assuming Ferdinand is a new hire not a talent trade?

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Alas, not a show, but consider this a twenty-four hour warning :)


Been following this since it started (and loving every second), too lazy to get on and post - better late than never I suppose! Just glad it's still going!


Glad you're enjoying it.


I'm glad (and kinda surprised) it's still going too. I realised the other day that this is now twice as long as my longest dynasty prior to this and, barring acts of data corruption, I'll actually make my unofficial goal of booking and writing up a full year of HGC (aka the reason for the Timeline 1997 banner way back at the start of the diary).


I fully expected to run out of steam well before I hit December, but I've got plans that run up to Welcome to Hollyweird 1998 at this point and the dynasty's got enough momentum that I think I'll get there.


I'm assuming Ferdinand is a new hire not a talent trade?


I can't remember if a did a shoot segment about this earlier in the diary, but everyone who appears on HGC is on the roster or up from development.


JK Stallings doesn't believe in promotional pacts. If he did, I'd probably be able to halve my roster in one fell swoop.

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