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CZCW: The Little Promotion That Could

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From an article by Dan Rydel in Wrestling Review Magazine


CZCW: The Little Promotion That Could


When Cliff Anderson opened the doors to CZCW in 1990 fans and wrestling insiders alike said that the company would never survive. It was a widely thought that they’d barely make it through their first year. For years used to heavyweight brawlers many pundits thought the lightweight fast paced workers that CZCW employed couldn’t keep the fans attention like their larger counterparts could. But what none of these people counted on was a shift in what the fans wanted and the heart of a core group of workers who would go out night after night to entertain those fans.


CZCW is the only known promotion to promote the integration of women into their product. Although only two ever made it more than a few months, one of those two has gone on to being a well respected worker both in the US and Japan, Joanne Rodriguez. Although after J-Ro and Miss Mexico’s departure the women’s aspect of the product was removed, 2014 saw a change in direction and the return of Joanne Rodriguez who came out triumphant after a series of matches with CZCW original Fox Mask, now using his heel alter ego Snow Fox.


CZCW has seen many changes in booking style over their years in business, Cliff doing most of the booking himself in the 90s, Fox Mask taking over that position from 2004 to 2009 and then The Guru taking over in 2009. But the final leg of the CZCW for the last five years and the biggest build in popularity and financial stability from 2010 till now has been a relatively unknown worker calling himself Lobo Solitario. Solitario has never removed his mask but there are a few things we do know about him. Born and raised in The Bronx, New York he started training in his early 30s somewhere in Japan as evidenced by his Japanese Junior style. Lobo Solitario’s very Mexican Luchador look and name give him a unique style. Unlike some other bookers Lobo has managed to keep himself out of the spotlight sticking to a midcard tag team with Jonnie Perez.


Its 2025 now and CZCW has reached a quarter of a century old, or will a few months into the year. The Zone has seen a lot of young talent come and go with workers like Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye and Mikey James all now making a name for themselves in the midcard of TCW. What do the next 25 years have to bring this little company that was “destined for failure?” With a diverse roster of workers driven by determination and heart, under the leadership of Cliff Anderson and the direction of Lobo Solitario, only time will tell but we hope it’s more good things.


For those of you who don’t know much about CZCW, and I hope that’s very few of you because this is a product well worth watching, I’m going to give you some very basic information. First I’ll show you the major players, the main event if you will. Next I’ll introduce you to the titles of the coastal zone with their champions. Finally I’ll give you all the teams you need to know. Lobo Solitario has from day one decreed that all workers must be in a tag team so unlike some of the bigger promotion tag teams and tag team matches are a cornerstone of the Coastal Zone.


Bali So’oialo


The wrestler known mainly by the name of Samoan Machine joined his younger brother in CZCW in late 2012. Having taken to freelancing for PGHW and BOHTWG he was more than willing to make the trip to the west coast once a month. Although technically now in his second reign as Coastal Zone Champion Bali’s first run was only one month beating Marc Speed for the title, losing it back to him and then picking it up again a month later finally completely ousting speed as champion. Although Bali has put on memorable match with just about everyone on CZCW’s roster his chemistry with Speed saw them put on the best matches in the company’s recent history.


Clark Alexander


Just recently signed with CZCW after leaving TCW in august and working a few indie dates, Clark has yet to make his mark on CZCW. His promised debut at CZCW January event Revolution is expected to be one of the highlights of the year for the company.


Joanne Rodriguez


J-Ro made her start in CZCW and used a series of impressive matches against Miss Mexico to get noticed by both AAA and 5SSW. In 2009 she left 5SSW to concentrate on the US, in 2011 she expanded to the newly opened CWWF and in 2012 she joined the refocused BSC. In 2014 she left her BSC commitment to rejoin her roots at CZCW, who have reopened their doors to female competitors. Rodriguez made an impressive start with five consecutive victories including her fifth one over Snow Fox which would embroil her in a rivalry with him that would last the rest of the year until she won their final match up at Christmas Cage Chaos 2014.


Snow Fox


Fox Mask has been the babyface, face of CZCW for many, many years and although he’s still in the main event and his skills have done nothing but grow he’s still fallen behind guys like Bali So’oialo and Ota. Fox had somewhat of a revitalization after turning heel in mid 2012 after losing a series of matches to Darryl Devine and then joining him in a tag team. Now the heel Snow Fox is still at the top of the card even in losing a series of matches to returning Joanne Rodriguez.


Tama So’oialo


Once a Tag Team division star in SWF, Tama So’oialo also know as Kid Toma was one of the first people cut during the once world dominating company’s first fall from grace in 2011. Tama was picked up under his real name by CZCW in October of 2011 and has been a main event presence ever since. His solo work when starting mostly saw him on the losing end to the other stars of CZCW his recent win in a series of The American Flash and a number of successful tag matches with his Brother Bali as The Island Warriors have seen a turn of fortunes.


Coastal Zone Championship title

Bali So’oialo Won December 2013 from Marc Speed

2 Time Champion


Coastal Zone Xtreme title

Marc Speed won June 2014 from Snap Dragon

3 Time Champion


Coastal Zone Tag Team titles

Rich and Famous won from The Top Rope All-Stars (Ash Campbell and The American Flash) August 2013

2 Time Champions




Border Patrol (Ángel De México and Cal Sanders)


This midcard team has an average win loss record but has put on some of the most memorable tag team matches in CZCW, performances rivaling even the main event. It also does hurt that Sanders and Ángel have great chemistry as a team.


Heroes De La Mexicanos (Amazing Fire Fly and La Sombra Jr.)


This patriotic team of Mexican Luchadors has put on some death defying matches in CZCW with an almost perfect synchronicity between them. It came a total shock to the CZCW crowd when the two walked out on fellow Mexican and Ángel De México during a six-man lucha libre match, the two have yet to show themselves in the CZCW since November, but something has obviously changed.


Rich and Famous (Idol and Jordan)


The longest standing tag team in CZCW Rich and Famous has seen their share ups and downs. They’ve held the tag team titles three times since their debut in 2007. A long standing heel team holding the titles in Donnie J’s boy band heel stable 4Real until Donnie and Matty left the company. In 2012 the duo went straight or at least less egotistical with antiestablishment vibe revitalizing them and they made a push toward the titles regaining them in mid 2013.


Sweet & Sour (Kirk Jameson and The Weasel)


Another of the tag teams in CZCW that show great cohesion, the always eclectic The Weasel (Formerly Air Attack Weasel) and the stoic Kirk Jameson are former CoastalTag Team title holders. They won the titles, vacated in September 2011 with the departure of Insane Machine, at the culmination of an 8 team tournament in December of the same year at Christmas Cage Chaos beating out The Wanderers. Originally a heel team Sweet & Sour has become a bit more fun loving and I believe we even once saw Kirk cracks a smile, although The Weasel still has yet to get him to dance to their entrance music.


The Combatants (Marc Speed and Snow Fox)


Marc Speed has been though five tag teams in his tenure with CZCW. He was Coastal Zone Tag Team champions with Al Coleman, with Al Coleman’s Departure, a change to a more technical ring style and a face turn he joined with California Love Machine as Thrill a Minute, when Love Machine’s contract was renewed he had a short lived run as The Unrelenting with Ash Campbell, with Campbell’s release and a move up the card to main eventer he teamed with new comer Champagne Lover as The Coastal Warriors, and finally he start teaming in an odd couple pairing with a heel Snow Fox. Snow Fox’s evil ways must have rubbed off on him because Speed returned to his heel roots at the end of 2014.


The Broken (Josh and Rem)


Josh (Jones) and Rem(my Honeyman) have been on the losing end of every match they’ve been in since they’re debut in 2012. There isn’t much more to be said about these who are the most determined losers on the roster.


The Evolution of Evil (El Diablo and Jared Johnson)


Johnson and Diablo both started their CZCW tenure with other partners, Frankie-Boy Fernandez and Stretch the Chicken Boy respectively. Neither team went very far, racking up a number of losses and putting less than stellar matches, but when both partners left in the same month The Evolution of Evil was born. They may still be losing but Double J and El Diablo are putting on far better losing effots.


The Island Warriors (Bali and Tama So’oialo)


Much like The Combatants, the So’oialo brothers team The Island Warriors is an occasional pairing of main event workers. With the edict as of 2010 by head booker Lobo Solitario that every worker must be in a team, there was no better choice for Tama than his own brother Bali. Tama was originally paired with Donnie when he first joined on as Best Of The Best, but The Island Warriors have seen a much better record and have put on much better matches.


The Pack (Jonnie Perez and Lobo Solitario)


The man behind the current success of CZCW has seen some success of his own with the team he formed with Jonnie Perez. The Pack’s win loss records weighs a little more toward the losses but the team has seen a few title shots. The two best things about the team are that like many of the other duos in CZCW they have great ring chemistry with each other and also both men have grown better in the ring Jonnie being the probably the biggest success story in terms of skill growth in CZCW and Lobo being not far behind, which is amazing seeing as CZCW was his first name promotion and he was 31 when he started.


The Thrill Seekers (Jeremiah Moose and Roderick Remus)


After a round robin of who can team over the course of a year with each worker trying once to team with every other worker Moose found himself not only a talented partner but a partner he had great cohesion with, KC Glenn. Turning on California Love Machine and dropping his Going Coastal partner for Glenn as the ****y Next Big Thing, Moose saw a lot of success and came just shy of the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles many times. Glenn left for WLW full time in May of 2012 and in June Jeremiah took on Roderick Remus as his new tag partner in The Thrill Seekers. The team has had two feuds with Rich and Famous over the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles over the past two years and their last losing effort saw them turn from the intense do what it takes to win heels to the rarest breed, the violent stoner


The Wanderers (Drifter and Nomad)


Before the great tag partner search of from late 2010 till mid 2011 Drifter worked under the name Nelson Callum. During the great tag partner search Callum found that he worked very well with the mysterious Canadian known as Nomad. Callum switched his name to Drifter and the two men went out on a quest to become one of the best teams in CZCW. Of the long standing CZCW with good in ring cohesion The Wanderers have not lived quite up the standards of the others. This however hasn’t slowed them down and they’ve even seen a few title shots at the two and half years they’ve been together.


Hopefully you’ve enjoyed reading about Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling, the little promotion that could. In the next quarter of a decade they very well could break out on to the national or even international market. When they do I know I can say I was there from the beginning, and now maybe you can too.

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CZCW the #14 Promotion in the World and the #4 Promotion in the United States.



South West US C+

Mid South, North West and Hawaii E

Northern and West Central Mexico E


Money: 3.394 Million Dollars


Working Agreements with MPWF and MAW


Current Owner Goals


Improve Balance to 5 Million in 16 months

Cannot fall below regional size

Cannot hire anyone with less that D- Toughness

Cannot hire anyone with less that D- Reputation

Cannot hire anyone with less that D- Basics


Show Schedule

All shows are now Above Average Importance


CZCW Revolution

CZCW Vendetta

CZCW Uprising

CZCW Spring Break Bash

CZCW Welcome To The Coastal Zone

CZCW Surf Slam

CZCW Battle On The Beach

CZCW Wave Of Fury

CZCW Reach For The Sky

CZCW Hardcore Halloween

CZCW Showdown At Sundown

CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos

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From CZCW.com


CZCW Revolution

Monday January Week 1

The Gorski Ballroom


Ota versus The American Flash


Ota is coming off a losing battle with Bali So'oialo and The American Flash aslo off a losing effort against Bali's brother Tama So'oialo. Both men are looking to build a little bit of momentum here before taking on any new challengers.


The Broken versus ???


A new team will be entering the tag ranks and looks to take on The Broken as their first test. Will 2015 be the turn around year for Josh and Rem or will the continue being the resident jobbers for CZCW.


Rich and Famous versus The Wanderers

For the Coastal Zone Championship titles


With The Thrill Seekers getting their last shot at the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles a new team must step up to the plate. The Wanderers have always been so close but yet so far but they look to move those extra inches over the finish line and take out Rich and Famous.


Insane Machine versus Marc Speed

For the Coastal Zone Xtreme title


After building up to a title shot the draw between Machine and Speed at Christmas Cage Chaos left many things unanswered, including which man is better. Machine gets a rematch for the title to start off the new year.,


Kirk Jameson versus Tama So'oialo


Tama So'oialo is coming off a large wave of momentum after finally putting a final nail in The American Flash's coffin for their series of matches. Jameson who's been living most of his life in tag team competition looks to move forward as a singles competitor and doesn't want to start out lightly.


Clark Alexander versus Snow Fox


Clark Alexander will have his debut match against the man who IS the coastal zone, Snow Fox.


Bali So'oialo versus Joanne Rodriguez

For the Coastal Zone Championship title


Joanne Rodriguez's win in her series with Snow Fox and has caught the attention of everyone at the coastal zone. For her efforts J-Ro gets to go against the toughest competitor in CZCW, Bali So'oialo with the big gold belt on the line.

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Yeah nice to see you writing about this Apu


CZCW have always been my favourite US company. I modelled a chunk of HIW on them (face/heel ratio, focus on smaller guys, regional feel, etc(.


Like what youve done so far. Insane machine is a great gimmick and Im hoping your new mystery tag team will be a Euro invasion. Double Dutch would be great in the zone!

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CZCW Revolution

Monday Week 1 January

Gorski Ballroom


Ota over The American Flash

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Ota defeated The American Flash in 19:42 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.


The match opens with Ota bowing to his opponent and the masked American Flash returning the favor. Flash had proven he had what it takes to stand toe to toe with CZCWs top stars when facing off against Tama, even if he did come out on the losing end of that series, and he continues that tradition against Ota. Ota would eventually pick up the win in this decent match with a Ninja Strike and then the pin.


Rating: C+


The Riot Grrrls over The Broken


In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Riot Grrls defeated The Broken in 7:57 when Brooke Tyler defeated Rem by submission with a Brooke Breaker.


Steve Smith and Sara Silver announce Thea Davis and Brooke Tyler as The Riot Grrrls. It seems with the success of Joanne Rodriguez more women have come to CZCW. Whereas Joanne came with a fighting spirit but an overall good nature these two women seem to want nothing more than to beat the holy hell out of their opponents. Davis and Tyler totally dominate Josh and Rem and pick up the win and some momentum at their debut in the coastal zone.


Rating: C-


Clark Alexander and Insane Machine attacks Rich and Famous


Rich and Famous come out for their match with some new music and new ring attire. They make it to the ring and start to talk to the crowd before their opponents come out. Idol gets off a little something about realizing that how they weren’t truly rebels before that they were just rebelling but now the understood what going against an injustice is. His speech didn’t last more than a minute before Clark Alexander and Insane Machine hit the ring and proceed to lay in a severe beating on the duo.


Cliff Anderson: “This is not what I expected from Alexander when I hired him on”


Sara Silver: “Its no less than those two deserve anyway.”


Steve Smith: “Look at that mindless aggression. Alexander and Machine just won’t stop and I’m not even sure why they’re attacking Idol and Jordan.”


Sara Silver: “Does it really matter?”


As quickly as they came Insane Machine and Clark Alexander leave. Jordan and Idol are left in the ring trying to get to their feet.


Note: Idol and Jordan switch for the Degenerate Gimmick to the Rebel Gimmick both getting B ratings in their new personas.


Rating: C-


The Wanderers over Rich and Famous

For the Coastal Zone tag Team titles


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Wanderers defeated Rich And Famous in 13:48 when Nomad defeated Idol by pinfall with a Drift Shift. The Wanderers win the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.


The Wanderers music comes on and Drifter and Nomad rush the ring. The two travelling men of mystery give Rich and Famous no rest as the assault begins straight away. No strangers to pain Idol and Jordan fight back and then the match is underway. Rich and Famous give The Wanderers more than a run for their money and on more than one occasion the Coastal Zone Tag Team champions seem to have the battle won, only to have a lingering memory of their recent attack deny them. In the final moments of the bout Idol attempts to hit the Reality Check only to have his leg go out from under him at which point Nomad sees his opportunity and hits the Drift Shift and gets the pinfall.


Rating: C+


Marc Speed over Insane Machine

For the Coastal Zone Xtreme title


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Marc Speed defeated Insane Machine in 15:02 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. Marc Speed makes defense number 2 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title.


Marc Speed and Insane Machine waste little time in ramping this match up going at a breakneck pace as each man tries to outdo the other. The battle is pitch back and forth with Speed trying to take out Machine’s legs so he can’t fly and Machine attempting to keep out of reach of the deadly locks and holds of Speed. A little over fifteen minutes of intense action but in the end Insane Machine makes one misstep and gets caught up in the dread Cross Armbreaker and is forced to tap out to Marc Speed.


Rating: B


Tama So'oialo over Kirk Jameson

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Tama So'oialo defeated Kirk Jameson in 19:13 by pinfall with a Long Range Headbutt.


In comparison to some of the other matches out of CZCWs main eventers this match with Tama So’oialo didn’t hold a candle. There was still a lot of good in ring action and Tama has long since left his Entertainer style behind for a more intense CZCW style, but still. Kirk Jameson makes the Tama work hard for his win but the energy of the maniac Samoan over comes the quick, but precise technical style of “The Shooter.” Tama hits a Samoan Drop from out of nowhere and scrambles up to the top rope for the deadly Long Range Headbutt and a pin.


Rating: C


Clark Alexander draws Snow Fox


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Clark Alexander drew Snow Fox in 25:24 when both men counted make a ten count.


Clark Alexander made his CZCW debut earlier in the night but his in ring debut was the semi-main event against Snow Fox. Alexander towered over Snow Fox but anyone who’s seen the young Hawaiian’s work in TCW knows that Alexander is not a straight ahead brawler. Clark did his best to tie up Fox in one of the main holds he knows but the wily CZCW veteran used his smaller size and speed to keep himself from being tied down. Oddly enough for two non-brawlers the match degenerated into a straight ahead fist fight as both men beat each other with in an inch of their lives out of frustration. It finally seemed that Snwo Fox would get the win after hitting the Fox Flip Off DDT but the move took just as much out of him as it did Alexander and he couldn’t make the pin. As both men lie there ref Andy Gordy made the count and on reaching ten called the match a draw.


Rating: C+


Bali So'oialo over Joanne Rodriguez

For the Coastal Zone Championship title


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Bali So'oialo defeated Joanne Rodriguez in 26:35 by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper. Bali So'oialo makes defense number 5 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.


This match is what CZCW is all about, two top competitors doing what they do best. The two competitors star off gauging each other before moving in to test the other. Even though Bali is a larger competitor J-Ro shows no fear, in either in her eyes or body movement. With no hesitation Rodriguez locks up with Bali who tries to show his strength by pushing the smaller woman off but Rodriguez is lock in tight and uses the Samaon’s body weight and momentum against him to throw him across the ring. So’oialo is undeterred he’s seen his opponents movements and show her that he has speed as well as strength ducking under the lock up and wrapping his arms around her waist holding her from behind. The two build up some momentum for the match through fast paced chain and mat wrestling.


The bout moves on with the aggressor changing a few times. Bali never seems frustrated always cold as ice, when one plan of attack fails he moves smoothly into the next without pause. J-Ro continues on unintimidated by size an oblivious to the fact that the world says women shouldn’t wrestle men. The match builds to a hectic pace with both competitors pulling out the big moves to try and wear down their opponent long enough to hit their finisher. J-Ro ends up on the receiving end of Bali’s attack but manages to just barely kick out again and again. A missed top rope Flying headbutt puts both competitors down to a count of eight. Rodriguez rises first and makes her comeback with the crowd thoroughly behind her, it looks good until she goes for the J Rocker and takes a misstep. Bali capitalizes and locks his arms around Joanne’s head, dropping quickly to the floor and using his body weight to take J-Ro down and locking in the unbreakable sleeper. The blood stops flowing to Rodriguez’s brain and the ref lifts her arm three times, but J-Ro is out cold.


Rating: B


The Island Warriors attacks J-Ro save by Ota


Tama So’oialo comes out to raise his brothers hand in victory but the out of control, maniac Samoan can’t help but add insult to injury, actually just more injury to injury. Tama lays into the prone Joanne with swift kicks to her mid section. Not to be left out Bali gets down and starts punching J-Ro in the head. The ref is unable to pull either of the brothers off of the fallen woman. From the back a black clad figure comes streaking out and into the ring. A Ninja Strike to Tama brings the smaller Samoan down and he rolls out of the ring. Bali pops up and stares into the eyes of Ota, the man he has recently beaten in a series of matches for the title. Bali makes his way from the ring, helping Tama up and to the back while Ota assists J-Ro to her feet to the cheers of the crowd as he lets her use him as a crush for her walk back through the curtain.


Rating: C+


There are no specific comments to be made about this show.


Overall Rating: B-

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From CZCW.com


CZCW Vendetta

Monday February Week 1

The Gorski Ballroom


Mindless Aggression versus The Pack


Clark Alexander and Insane Machine have taken a comment by Steve Smith as the name for their tag team, Mindless Aggression. Alexander and Machine look to take on one of CZCW's more established teams of Jonnie Perez and Lobo Solitario, The Pack.


Heroes De La Mexicanos versus The Broken


Heroes De La Mexicanos haven't been seen since they walked out on fellow Mexican Angel De Mexico in November. Have La Sombra and Amazing Fire Fly truly turned their backs on all that is good and will this new outlook bring them a win over The Broken.


Sweet & Sour versus The Thrill Seekers

#1 Contender Match for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


Former Coastal Zone Tag Team Champions Sweet & Sour look to challenge for the title again. Jeremiah Moose and Roderick Remus are still sore after their loss to Rich and Famous for the titles in 2014. Which one of these teams will be next up for a title shot and will they face The Wanderers or Rich and Famous.


Rich and Famous versus The Wanderers

For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


Rich and Famous went into their match with The Wanderers injured from an attack by Clark Alexander and Insane Machine and lost the titles. Now Idol and Jordan get their rematch but The mysterious Wanderers have momentum on thier side and only one team can be the champions.


Border Patrol versus The Evolution of Evil


In seclusion after having been left by two of his country men Angel De Mexico makes his return with tag partner Cal Sanders to take on The Evolution of Evil. Sanders has helped Angel drown his sorrows by returning to futbol in their time off but The Evolution took a win over The Broken in December and look to make the returning Angel and Cal their next victims.


The American Flash and ??? versus The Island Warriors


The American Flash lost a series of matches to Tama So'oialo in 2014 0-3. Now Flash returns to challenge not just Tama but his brother Bali So'oialo with an as yet unnamed tag team partner.


Joanne Rodriguez and Ota versus The Combatants


After the rescue of J-Ro by Ota at CZCW Revolution the two competitors will team up against The Combatants. Marc Speed and Snow Fox are veterans of CZCW and both former Coastal Zone Championship title holders, Speed and Fox have also worked as a team before. Will Rodriguez and Ota be able to defeat the long standing veterans or will Speed and Fox's experience give them the victory.

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Mindless Aggression versus The Pack


Heroes De La Mexicanos versus The Broken


Sweet & Sour versus The Thrill Seekers

#1 Contender Match for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


Rich and Famous versus The Wanderers


Border Patrol versus The Evolution of Evil


The American Flash and ??? versus The Island Warriors


Joanne Rodriguez and Ota versus The Combatants

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Mindless Aggression versus The Pack



Heroes De La Mexicanos versus The Broken



Sweet & Sour versus The Thrill Seekers#1 Contender Match for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles



Rich and Famous versus The Wanderers

For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles



Border Patrol versus The Evolution of Evil




The American Flash and ??? versus The Island Warriors



Joanne Rodriguez and Ota versus The Combatants

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CZCW Vendetta

Monday Week 1 February

Gorski Ballroom


Heroes De La Mexicanos over The Broken


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Heroes De La Mexicanos defeated The Broken in 8:27 when La Sombra Jr defeated Rem by pinfall with a La Sombra Cradle.


Heroes De La Mexicanos make their return, no longer entering to the Mexican National Anthem. A hard driving techno beat heralds their arrival. La Sombra Jr and Amazing Fire Fly look to take their first match very seriously but can’t quiet put The Broken away so easily. Heroes seem to be doing more and more high risk moves doing whatever risky thing it takes to win until they finally put The Broken away.


Note: Although their turn in November went over big the change to the Thrill Seeker for both Fire Fly (E-) and Lasombra (D) bombed.


Rating: B-


Ota and J-Ro join forces against The Island Warriors


Ota and J-Ro are in the ring to talk about Bali and Tama So’oialo. Ota and Rodriguez agree that teaming up against the Island warriors is the way to go. At one point Ota says that the team must have “a will of iron” and thus the team of Iron Will is born.


Rating: C


Mindless Aggression over The Pack


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mindless Aggression defeated The Pack in 17:53 when Clark Alexander defeated Lobo Solitario by pinfall with a Hawaiian Breaker.


The newly formed mindless aggression went out and put on a great performance against one of the top up and coming teams in CZCW, even though they showed absolutely zero chemistry in the ring. Maybe it was their lack of cohesion in the ring, or the fast this was their first time teaming but they had a hard time putting away a team that was much lower on the card. After a hot tag Lobo Solitario came out strong even managing to get the much bigger Clark Alexander off his feet. However Alexander wasn’t as stunned as Lobo sould have liked and he moved out of the way of the Full Moonsault and got the dazed Solitario right into the Hawaiian Breaker for the pin.


Rating: C+


Border Patrol over The Evolution of Evil


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Border Patrol defeated The Evolution of Evil in 8:05 when Cal Sanders defeated Jared Johnson by pinfall with a Goal Line Kick.


El Diablo came out with new ring attire which included a hooded robe for his entrance. Diablo sets himself in the corner to pray as the music for Border Patrol hit. As has been since they’ve joined the local futbol (soccer) league some time ago Ángel De México and Cal Sanders come to the ring with shin guards on and pass a soccer ball back and forth, even doing some fancy knee passing with it. The match itself is short, at least by CZCW standards but one team certainly does not dominate the other. There was a little lack of flow to the match but all in all it was a solid, athletic and exciting match up. Sanders hit Johnson with the Goal Line (Bicycle) Kick to put hm away for the pin.


Note: El Diablo made a successful if not spectacular change from the Evil Doer gimmick to the Acolyte gimmick (C+)


Rating: B-


The Wanderers over Rich and Famous

For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Wanderers defeated Rich And Famous in 15:09 when Drifter defeated Idol by submission with a Honey Trap. During the match we also saw Clark Alexander distract Idol, and Insane Machine also distract Jordan. The Wanderers make defence number 1 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.


An incredible match from both teams with The Wanderers showing that Rich and Famous’ injuries weren’t the only reason they were became tag team champions. Things got ramped up right from the beginning and stayed at an almost breakneck pace for the whole match. At the end Nomad and Idol both went down to an amazing double drop kick. After the ref got to the six count both men struggled up heading toward their corners. At the count of seven Insane Machine and Clark Alexander came out at through the curtain. Although they did nothing, the presence of Mindless Aggression cause Jordan to turn toward them making Idol miss the hot tag. Idol was dragged back into the center of the ring and forced to tap out to the Honey Tap from Drifter.


Rating: B-


Mindless Aggression attack Rich and Famous


Satisfied that Rich and Famous lost Insane Machine and Clark Alexander hit the ring and the ring and beat the holy hell out of Idol and Jordan. The beating is swift but thorough and once again without a word as too why Mindless Aggression leaves the ring. Rich and Famous are helped from the ring soon after by the backstage staff.


Rating: E+


Sweet & Sour over The Thrill Seekers

#1 Contenders match for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Sweet & Sour defeated The Thrill Seekers in 13:47 when The Weasel defeated Jeremiah Moose by pinfall with an Air Attack Ace.


The Thrill Seekers make their way out to the ring first. This team that tried and failed to gain the titles through most of 2014 gets heavily booed by the crowd. Sweet & Sour comes out to the ring second and Moose and Remus remove themselves to have a confab with their manager Roderick’s brother Remmington. The Weasel gets his usual pop as he does his weird little dance and then tries to get Kirk Jameson to dance as well, to no avail. The match starts when The Thrill Seekers attack Sweet & Sour before they’re ready.


This was another balls to the wall match up with all players showing their moves off to the delight of the crowd. Toward the end of match Moose and Remus’ stoner lifestyle seems to catch up to them as the begin to miss a step here and there. Jeremiah makes one final mistake and gets laid out with a nice DDT from The Weasel, who goes up for his patented Air Attack Ace to get the pin.


Rating: C+


Iron Will over The Combatants


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Iron Will defeated The Combatants in 32:26 when Ota defeated Marc Speed by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.


Iron Will has their first ever tag team match against The Combatants, who have both worked the CZCW style for years and have worked together as a team on previous occasions. Ota bows to J-Ro who returns the favor upon their entrance while no nonsense Marc Speed and super villain Snow Fox exchange no such pleasantries with the audience or each other.


The match itself starts slowly with both teams gauging each other and Ota and J-Ro trying to learn their pacing as a team. Al lot of the early work falls to some fancy mat work as all four competitors seem to have a smooth fluid technical bent to their style. Toward the middle of the match they build do adding a number of top rope moves to the arsenal, although Speed still stays mostly grounded pulling out an impressive array of different suplexes all chained together. At one point Snow Fox goes for a Tornado DDT on Joanne Rodriguez but J-Ro manages to out power him to the amazement of the crowd using his momentum and her flexibility to push him over into a bizarre but effective Suplex. Both competitors down and then crawling to their corners tags made to both partners and then a brawl in the center of the ring. Ota and Speed are going at it and then Snow Fox comes around and jumps in on the action, J-Ro sees her partner facing a two on one assault and rushes in. Snow Fox eats a J-Rocker and Rodriguez and Ota whip Speed into the ropes. Speed ducks the double clothesline but gets ****y and as he comes off the ropes on the other side he gets hit with not one but two Ninja Strikes. J-Ro dazed leans in the corner while Ota gets the pin on Marc Speed.


Notes: This match lifted the crowd


Rating: B-


The Island Warriors and Iron Will Brawl


Spent from their battle with The Combatants, Ota help J-Ro up from the corner so the ref can raise their hands. With their back to the curtain they don’t see Bali and Tama So’oialo run out from backstage until they get attacked from behind. Much like their name Rodriguez and Ota show why they have Iron Will as even after the sneak attack the manage to battle back. The brawl only manages to last a few minutes before a number of workers from the backstage and the refs step in to break it up. The Island Warriors give Iron Will an icy stare as they are taken backstage but all the fight doesn’t seem to be out of J-Ro and Ota.


Rating: C


The Island Warriors over The Patriot Missiles


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Island Warriors defeated The Patriot Missiles in 29:20 when Bali So'oialo defeated The American Flash by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper.


The Island Warriors are in the ring already when The American Flash’s music hits. The announcers announce him but seem to be stuck on who is partner is. Flash walks over to the announce table and hands Steve Smith a piece of paper. Smith apologizes over the PA and announces The Patriot Missiles, the team of The American Flash and…. American Elemental. The crowd goes wild at the entrance of Am El who walks up and shakes hands with The American Flash and then the two slide into the ring giving no quarter to The Island Warriors staring Bali and Tama in the eye despite the size differences.


The match was a pleasure to behold with even Flash’s growing skill evident. American Elemental was still in most of the match but it was long enough to give the younger worker his due. Used to working against smaller workers Bali was confident in his abilities from the start but the speed and agility of Elemental was like nothing he’d ever seen. The icy demeanor of Bali almost broke once or twice out of frustration. The buildup was paced to near perfection and when the big moves broke out even Bali got up on the top rope for a flying headbutt which almost put American Elemental away. Tama and The American Flash revisited their 2014 rivalry for a few minutes as well and even though he couldn’t put him away it appeared that Flash was the victor of this round before he tagged out to Elemental.


The end started with an all out brawl on the outside, both teams were almost counted out. Bali and Tama laid out Elemental with a suplex through the announce table and then threw Flash into the ring over the top rope. Bali the legal man slid in and locked in the Unbreakable Sleeper putting Flash out while Tama stayed on the outside to make sure Elemental wouldn’t rise to defend his partner.


Rating: B


There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.


Overall Rating: B-

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I'd like to thank Stark and Mack of playing our game.


MJStark 6/7

Dragonmack 5/7


Stark wins an official Unbreakable Sleeper backpack with a special design (A strap the goes around your neck and full of bricks) to make it feel like you're being choked out by Bali So'oialo.

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From CZCW.com


CZCW Uprising

Tuesday March Week 1

The Gorski Ballroom


Border Patrol versus Heroes De La Mexicanos


Angel De Mexico finally gets a shot at the two who left him out to try in a tag team grudge match.


??? versus The Riot Grrrls


After their big debut win The Riot Grrrls have said they'll take on any team in or out of CZCW from anywhere in the world.


The Evolution of Evil versus The Patriot Missiles


American Elemental made his big debut with The American Flash against the Coastal Zone Champion and his brother, The Island Warriors. Although the Missiles took a loss they did so with style and grace and now look to take on some of the other teams in CZCW. The Evolution of Evil has no love for any of the teams in CZCW and will look to beat or even worse injure Elemental and Flash.


The Broken versus The Combatants


The Combatants took a loss at Vendetta to the fledgling team of J-Ro and Ota. The Broken have challenge the duo hoping that with failing momentum The Combatants can be their first big win.


Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers


The Wanderers have successfully defended the titles against the former champs rematch and with Rich and Famous' focus elsewhere they face the new #1 contenders, former Coastal Zone Tag Team champions Sweet & Sour. Can The Wanderers continue to hold their titles against a team with out injury or distraction.


Idol versus Insane Machine


Mindless Aggression have been a thorn in the side of Rich and Famous and they haven't even faced off in the ring. Idol takes on Insane Machine to show the duo that he and Jordan won't take these offenses lying down.


The Pack versus The Thrill Seekers


The Pack has been facing very stiff competition and although lacking a recent win they've been holding their own even against CZCW's top stars. The Thrill Seekers have seen a change in fortunes since losing out at their chance at the title, and adopting a not so laid back stoner lifestyle. Can The Thrill Seekers turn it around or will The Pack show that they can beat some one at their own level.


Clark Alexander versus Jordan


With Insane Machine facing Idol it falls to Clark Alexander to take on Jordan. Both members of Rich and Famous have improved leaps and bounds since their debut in 2007 but Jordan has been considered the better of the two in recent years. But can Jordan's improvements help him beat the former TCW star Clark Alexander.


Iron Will versus The Island Warriors


As if beating The Island Warriors wasn't enough if Iron Will should win this match up, Joanne Rodriguez will get another shot at Bali So'oialo's Coastal Zone Championship title. The Island Warriors are dangerous at the best of times but with the chance his title may be on the line Bali will make sure he and his brother are downright deadly.

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??? versus The Riot Grrrls


The Evolution of Evil versus The Patriot Missiles


The Broken versus The Combatants


Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers


Idol versus Insane Machine


The Pack versus The Thrill Seekers


Clark Alexander versus Jordan


Iron Will versus The Island Warriors (draw)

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??? versus The Riot Grrrls


The Evolution of Evil versus The Patriot Missiles


The Broken versus The Combatants


Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers


Idol versus Insane Machine


The Pack versus The Thrill Seekers


Clark Alexander versus Jordan

Iron Will versus The Island Warriors

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CZCW Uprising

Tuesday Week 1 March

Gorski Ballroom


Border Patrol draws Heroes De La Mexicanos


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Border Patrol drew with Heroes De La Mexicanos in 8:08 following a double count out.


The opening match got the crowd hot right from the get go as the three Mexican workers and Cal Sanders gave everything they had to destroy each other. Fire Fly and La Sombra went out of their way to focus their attack on Ángel De México. Without reason given for their originally walking out on him its still unknown what Heroes De La Mexicanos have against Ángel. The match wasn’t that long which was all well and good because the flow of the match was a bit off. After a suicide dive by Fire Fly on to both members of Border Patrol outside the ring, the match deteriorated to a brawl and the ref had no choice but to count out both teams.


Rating: C+


The Riot Grrrls over Los Hermanos De Cano

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Riot Grrls defeated Los Hermanos De Cano in 7:44 when Thea Davis defeated Javier Cano by pinfall with a Flying Elbow Drop.


The team that answered The Riot Grrrls open challenge were the former MPWF tag team Los Hermanos De Cano. The black and silver outfits streaked into the ring as the announcers told Thea and Brooke who their opponents were going to be. Daniel and Javier Cano may have been former champions in Mexico but apparently they didn’t stand a chance against The Riot Grrrls who once again showed us that they mean business with a dominating performance over the brothers. Davis went up to the top rope for a Flying Elbow Drop too put away Javier Cano and get the ladies second win in CZCW making them 0-2.


Rating: C-


Iron Will hypes vs The Island Warriors


Joanne Rodriguez and Ota come out to the ring to talk about their match up with The Island Warriors. J-Ro talks about the attack by Bali and Tama and the fact that Ota and herself were able to fend off the assault. She says that she’s more than proven she’s capable of facing off against the men and then now she seeks to prove she can be champion. Ota bows to her and tells her that he will do his best to make sure they win tonight’s matchup. That he’s already received his chance at the title and he is honored to help the next contender gain a much deserved title shot.


Rating: C


The Thrill Seekers over The Pack


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Thrill Seekers defeated The Pack in 12:26 when Roderick Remus defeated Jonnie Perez by submission with a Remus Clutch.


The Thrill Seekers had a hard fight trying to take on The Pack, Lobo Solitario and Jonnie Perez continue to gel further as a team every time they work a match. Even with a hard fight The Thrill Seekers still managed to pull out a win proving they have not gotten too far from another title shot. Jonnie Perez seemed a step behind through the match not living up to his usual potential but still impressing. Perez was forced to submit to the Remus Clutch reaching until the very last to get a tag to his partner but to no avail.


Rating: C+


The Wanderers over Sweet & Sour

For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Wanderers defeated Sweet & Sour in 13:46 when Nomad defeated The Weasel by pinfall with a Drift Shift. The Wanderers make defense number 2 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.


The Wanderers come out first showing off their hard won Coastal Zone Tag Team titles to the loud booing of the crowd. The funky dance beat of Sweet & Sour comes over the PA and the even bizarre The Weasel makes his way to the ring, followed slowly by the man with ice water in his veins, Kirk Jameson. In the ring The Weasel first tries to get Kirk to dance with him, as usual to no avail, and then attempts to get Drifter and Nomad in on the action. The Wanderers wanted no part of The Weasel’s antics and attacked him straight away. Jameson rushed to The Weasel’s aide and the match started as a two on two brawl.


The match jumped pretty straight into hot and heavy with both teams pulling out their big moves straight away. Hurracarans, Suplexes and some pretty smooth looking Dropkicks had the fans standing and cheering from the start. Kirk Jameson started things off right for his team and then got The Weasel in on the action, after a missed Dropkick Nomad turned it around for his team isolating The Weasel in their corner. A desperation Crossbody got a one count for the Weasel and enough time for him to tag in Kirk. Momentum went back and forth like that again for a few minutes until Jameson found himself on the wrong side of the ring and took a serve beating from The Wanderers. Laid out flat Jameson was perfect prey for a Frog Splash from Drifter but something in Kirk allowed him to get his legs up knocking the wind out of Drifter. The two men were down for about seven before they got unsteadily to their feet. Drifter tagged in Nomad while Jameson was still dazed, Nomad came charging in but Kirk managed to duck the Clothesline and made a desperate jump for The Weasel. The fresh man came in and cleared house laying out Nomad and Drifter who returned to the ring an attempted two on one situation. Two Clotheslines to each man and then a DDT each and The Weasel motions for the top rope. He goes up for the Air Attack Ace on Nomad but misses as his target rolls out of the way. Nomad locks in the Drift Shift and Drifter hits a Dropkick on Kirk to knock him off the ring apron. In the center of the ring with no one to tag out to The Weasel is forced to tap out to Nomad, The Wanderers retaining their titles.


Rating: B-


The Patriot Missiles over The Evolution of Evil


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Patriot Missiles defeated The Evolution of Evil in 11:53 when The American Flash defeated El Diablo by pinfall with a High Velocity Senton.


American Elemental and The American Flash pair up for a second time looking to build some momentum after their loss to The Island Warriors. The mysterious Am El and the increasingly intense American Flash wait in the ring for the arrival of the darkened duo, The Evolution of Evil. The ominous music, smoke and hooded cloaks herald the arrival of El Diablo and Jared Johnson. The two enter the ring and Johnson keeps Elemental and Flash at bat as El Diablo performs his unholy blessing in their corner.


The match gets underway with American Elemental taking control of the beginning of the match. The pace of the bout is measure and both teams see an even amount of offense. Often The American Flash seems to look to his partner for some kind of approval obviously doing his best to learn from the veteran. Elemental is the one who catches himself on the wrong side of the ring toward the end of the match, being isolated in The Evolution of Evil’s corner. A desperation Suplex reverse sees Elemental and Johnson down, but not out. Both men crawl to their corners get the hot tag and in comes Diablo and Flash. The smaller Flash easily ducks a clothes line and comes off the ropes with a high Crossbody. Diablo down Johnson rushes flash who hits a drop kick and then another when Johnson rises again. Jared rolls out of the ring hurt and The American Flash sees the prone El Diablo and goes for the High Velocity Senton, getting the pin for The Patriot Missiles.


Rating: B-


Idol over Insane Machine


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Idol defeated Insane Machine in 15:02 by pinfall with a Reality Check.


A surprisingly flat match from these two competitors, possibly as the crowd was coming off of an two incredible tag team bouts just before. Insane Machine did his best to systematically dismantle his opponent by focusing on taking out his legs, but Idol’s never say die spirit and probably a little extra oomph from a cheering crowd brought the win solidly into hits camp. Insane Machine was brought low with the Reality Check and Idol hobbled out of the ring victorious.


Rating: C-


The Combatants over The Broken


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Combatants defeated The Broken in 10:28 when Marc Speed defeated Rem by submission with a Cross Armbreaker.


The Broken did little more than make The Combatants look good after their loss to Iron Will last month. Snow Fox and Marc Speed solidly dominated Josh and Rem leaving the duos losing streak quite intact. Rem was forced to tap out to Marc Speed’s Cross Armbreaker.


Rating: C


Clark Alexander over Jordan


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Clark Alexander defeated Jordan in 20:22 by pinfall with a Hawaiian Breaker.


Whereas the first match it this rivalry got a woefully underrated crowd reaction Clark Alexander versus Jordan made the fans once again take notice of this feud. It helped that Jordan and Alexander had great ring chemistry which showed in their fluid style together. Jordan took the early lead trying to hobble the much larger man as Alexander’s partner did in the earlier match. The momentum switched back and forth a few times, although Alexander never resorted to cheating, his patients and determination allowed him to capitalize on openings produced by the younger competitor. Jordan found himself on the receiving end of a long beatdown but squirming out of a Bodyslam into a Reverse DDT gave him a moment of respite. Both men rose slowly and Jordan was quickly on the attack using his speed to stun Alexander. A quick build and Jordan went for the Cash In but missed and found himself on falling to the mat in the Hawaiian Breaker. Knocked for a loop the pin was just academic and the series between Rich and Famous and Mindless Aggression is evened out.


Rating: B-


Iron Will over The Island Warriors

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Iron Will defeated The Island Warriors in 23:08 when Joanne Rodriguez defeated Tama So'oialo by pinfall with a J-Rocker.


Two teams four of the top competitors in CZCW and a title shot on the line. The Island Warriors come to the ring first to their tribal drum music. Tama paces frantically back and forth across the ring while Bali stand and stares his icy stare at the entrance curtain. Iron Will comes second, the unlikely duo of Joanne Rodriquez and “Super Ninja” Ota. The four fighters meet in the center of the ring and size each other up before beginning the battle.


J-Ro starts off with Tama circling with purpose before locking up. A quick exchange Armlocks, Headlocks and Wristholds happens as the duo moves around each other in fluid grace. Circling again and the quickly they move through another series of chained moves which ends up with Tama on the mat after a Headlock Takeover. After rising still in a Headlock Tama uses his strength to push J-Ro back toward his own corner and gets the tag from Bali. The ref forces Joanne to break the hold and the larger Samoan enters the ring. J-Ro and Bali stare at each other and circle, Bali goes in for the lock up and Joanne ducks under, maneuvering to tag in Ota. Ota bows to Joanne and looks at Bali, the Islander points at J-Ro obviously upset about her leaving the ring.


The match pace stays slow for the first few minutes with frequent tags from both teams. Chain wrestling leads to mat work and mat work leads to hitting the ropes for some shoulder tackles and clotheslines. It isn’t till almost a third of the match before someone gets higher than the first rope as Ota pulls off a spectacular Tornado DDT on Tama. The tag frequency slows down and eventually Ota finds himself in no man’s (or no woman’s) land as he continues to be unable to get a tag out to J-Ro, getting close but never quite reaching her fingers. Ota takes a severe beating although he manages to kick out of the many attempts to pin. Bali finally has Ota in The island Warriors corner and gets the Unbreakable Sleeper mostly locked in, but Ota just won’t go down on the floor to let it get cinched. Still losing air Ota leaps up on the second rope and propels his body over Bali’s, causing the Samoan to break the hold but putting both men out on the mat from the impact. The count gets to five when Ota and Bali stir, seven before they start moving toward their corners. Bali rises on eight and tags in Tama who rushes toward Ota and grabs his feet only to be kicked halfway across the ring as Ota pushes off of him to move to his corner and tag in J-Ro. Bali enters the ring illegally but J-Ro Drop Kicks him back into his corner, Tama rises and rushes J-Ro and gets a Clothesline, rises again into a Shoulder Tackle and then finally a Drop Kick as well. J-Ro has Tama set up for the J-Rocker but Ota comes rushing toward her. Joanne is surprised as Ota rolls over her back and plats a Ninja Strike on Bali whom she never saw coming. With no more distraction J-Ro hits the J Rocker and pins Tama for the win.


Rating: B


The Island Warriors and Iron Will brawl


Ota raises J-Ro’s hand and the announcers proclaim the winners, but The Island Warriors have other ideas and strike Iron Will from behind. Joanne and Ota are only surprised for a moment and then begin to fight back, turning the attack into a brawl. The blows are exchanged for few minutes before staff and some wrestlers come out to break it up. Bali and Tama scream at Ota and J-Ro and J-Ro looks like she’s ready to kill the two but ota comes her down taunting Bali with the universal symbol for the title belt around Joanne’s wasit.


Rating: C


There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.


Overall Rating: B-

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It appears MJStark is our winner again this week.



MJStark 7/8

mistaken 3/8



MJStark 13/15

Dragonmack 5/7

mistaken 3/8


This weeks prize is the official Marc Speed "Should Have Tapped" broken bone collections. The bones snap with a realistic sound just as if you were Marc Speed doing the Cross Armbreaker. Congratulations again MJStark

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From CZCW.com


CZCW Spring Break Bash

Saturday April Week 1

The Gorski Ballroom


??? vs The Riot Grrrls


The Riot Grrrls have dominated The Broken and Los Hermanos De Cano from MPWF. The two ladies of destruction are once again putting out the challenge to any team from CZCW or not.


Sweet & Sour vs The Wanderers

For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


Number one contendership means more than just one shot at the title as Sweet & Sour take on The Wanderers in round two for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.


Cal Sanders vs La Sombra Jr.


The first of two grudge matches with Heroes De La Mexicanos and Border Patrol. After a draw at uprising Sanders and Ángel will both be looking to but away one of the members of Heroes. Cal gets his shot at La Sombra Jr.


Ángel De México vs Amazing Fire Fly


The second of the two singles grudge matches sees the original hurt party, Ángel De México, face one of the men who left him hung out to dry back in November at Showdown At Sundown, Amazing Fire Fly.


The Pack vs The Patriot Missiles


The Pack have been putting on good shows but never quite pulling out the win. The Patriot Missiles taken back a win after their initial loss to The Island Warriors. Will The Pack come out of their slump or with The Patriot Missiles take another win and start a streak.


The Evolution of Evil vs The Thrill Seekers


El Diablo and Jared Johnson say they are the heralds of some evil force but this unknown power has yet to get them any victories. The Thrill Seekers saw a turn in their fortunes with a win over The Pack. Will true evil prevail or will the stoners take the victory.


Rich and Famous vs The Combatants


Rich and Famous went one and one against Mindless Aggression and look forward to beating them in tag activity but Alexander and Machine are said to be out this month so the duo face off against The Combatants. Marc Speed and Snow Fox have had some ups and downs so far this year and look to put another notch in their belt with a win over Rich and Famous.


Ota vs Tama So'oialo


Joanne Rodriguez won her title shot at Uprising so Ota gets to face off against Tama So'oialo. The wild Samoan maniac versus the calculating "Super Ninja."


Bali So'oialo vs Joanne Rodriguez

For the Coastal Zone Championship title


Joanne Rodriguez gets ready for round two with Bali So'oialo for the Coastal Zone Championship title. J-Ro couldn't quite put away Bali in their last encounter but she proved she can stand toe to toe with any man and has a pin over the other Samoan on the roster. Will this be the end of Bali So'oialo's 14 month reign.

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CZCW Spring Break Bash

Saturday Week 1 April

Gorski Ballroom


Ota over Tama So'oialo


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Ota defeated Tama So'oialo in 19:19 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.


The opening bout starts and Ota is announced the lights flicker and smoke fills the ring with Ota appearing dead center. The super ninja bows to the crowd and prepares himself for combat. The wild tribal drums play as Tama So’oialo is announced and the Samoan comes bursting through the curtain and rushes the ring. The ref has to hold Tama back who seems to want to attack Ota straight away but the match hasn’t started yet. After Tama calms the ref calls for the bell and the match up begins.


The attack starts with Ota using his superior skill works the wild Samoan through a number of locks and holds. Every time Tama powers out of something Ota twists his body putting him in perfect position to restrain the maniac. They circle and Ota provokes an attack, Tama rushes and Ota moves. The super ninja uses his martial arts quickness and sweeps the Samoan on to the floor only to get him cinched into a nice tight hold once again. The beginning of the match continues like this for awhile Tama getting more and more frustrated.


Tam resorts to a biting Ota’s nose at one point and the ref admonishes him but the opening is all Tama needs to begin his assault. Clubbing blow loosen Ota’s resolve and then the super ninja is launched into the ropes returning to the center of the ring to meet a shoulder tackle. Ota rises once and gets Clotheslined, again he’s hit with a Back Elbow, a final time and he’s scooped right up into a Samoan Drop and a pin attempt. Tama now has control of the match a little bit before the halfway mark.


Tama keeps control for awhile, Ota manages to make a few comebacks but they are cut off in short order usually by a rake to the eyes or an unseen low blow. Ota is downed after another Samoan Drop and Tama goes up to the top rope. The wild Samoan comes flying off the ropes for a Long Range Headbutt but Ota just barely manages to roll out of the way. Both men are down and the ref begins the count. At six they start to rise, holding on to each other for support. As the make their way up they exchange blows first Tama then Ota, then Tama again and Ota a second time. Standing Ota finally manages to block a blow from Tama and instead of firing back he kicks the Samoan in the side. Tama strikes again only to be blocked then Ota kicks him in the other side. Tama goes for one last punch with a closed fist Ota leans back out of the way and grabs Tama by the head. From this position Tama unleashes a flurry of kicks to the Samoans legs and mid section letting loose with a fury that seemed reserved only for the maniac Tama. Ota lets go of Tama who stumbles back into the ropes and comes bouncing off right into the Ninja Strike. Ota still tired barely makes the pin but the Samoan cannot kick out and Ota is announced the winner after a count of three.


Note: This match lifted the crowd.


Rating: B


The Riot Grrrls over Deuce Deadline and Nate DeMarcus


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Riot Grrrls defeated Mid Atlantic Monsters in 7:43 when Brooke Tyler defeated Deuce Deadline by submission with a Brooke Breaker.


Deuce Deadline and Nate DeMarcus are introduced the Mid Atlantic Monsters both hailing from CZCW sister promotion MAW. The two men outsize The Riot Grrrls by quite a bit but Thea and Brooke are undaunted. Used to slow paced brawlers and technicians Deadline and DeMarcus were totally unprepared for the quick aerial assault of The Riot Grrrls and get totally dominated by the offense of the two smaller women. To add insult to injury 6”4’ Deuce Deadline is forced to tap out to 5’8” Brooke Tyler’s Brooke Breaker finish.


Rating: D+


The Thrill Seekers over The Evolution of Evil


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Thrill Seekers defeated The Evolution of Evil in 11:45 when Roderick Remus defeated Jared Johnson by submission with a Remus Clutch.


The Thrill Seekers continue their battle back up to the top with a win over The Evolution of Evil. By far not Moose and Remus' best match up but still a decent midcard showing for SWF let alone CZCW. El Diablo and Jared Johnson hold their own but eventually Johnson finds himself in no man's land and locked in the Remus Clutch. El Diablo makes an attempt to run in and break it up but Remmington Remus trips him so his brother can get the submission.


Rating: C


Sweet & Sour attacked by The Combatants


Sweet & Sour come out for their match in usual fashion, The Weasel shaking his groove thing and a cold stare from Kirk Jameson. Before they even make it to the ring The Combatants run out from the back and attack the Duo. Speed and Fox beat the hell out of Sweet & Sour in a totally unprovoked attack. The Combatants leave The Weasel and Jameson lying on the floor at retreat backstage before even the staff can come out and break it up.


Rating: E+


The Wanderers over Sweet & Sour

For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Wanderers defeated Sweet & Sour in 12:01 when Nomad defeated Kirk Jameson by pinfall with a Drift Shift. The Wanderers make defense number 3 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.


When The Wanderers come out Sweet & Sour are still down at the outside of the ring. Drifter and Nomad who have taken advantage of a few injured workers as of late stand look down at the fallen duo for a good minute. The crowd expecting them to attack Sweet & Sour cheers as the Wanderers help up the pair and lift them into the ring. In more unusual fashion Nomad takes a mic and walks over to The Weasel and asks him if he can continue, to which The Weasel answers yes. Nomad tells them to take a minute and then its on.


After their minute Sweet & Sour are ready and Kirk Jameson starts off a quick handshake and it’s on versus Drifter. This match is a balls to the wall bout between two of the most physical teams in CZCW. All four workers have an all around game in bouts of brawling, fast paced mat work and flying around the wing are all interspersed in the bout. Drifter seemed a little out there and botched a spot or two but all in all a good match was still put on. Nomad picked p the win retaining the title with a Drift Shift on Kirk Jameson. After the match Jameson and The Weasel lifted the hands of Drifter and Nomad taking the titles from the ref to hand them to the champions themselves.


Note: The Wanderers Turn a complete success


Rating: C+


The Patriot Missiles over The Pack


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Patriot Missiles defeated The Pack in 9:32 when The American Flash defeated Jonnie Perez by pinfall with a High Velocity Senton.


The Patriot Missiles take their second win as a team in CZCW putting on a near main event level performance with up and coming team of The Pack. Jonnie Perez, Lobo Solitario and The American Flash all seem to obviously take something away from teaming with or against American Elemental. This short match gives the fans a lot of high energy wrestling from start to finish with a fair amount of offense from all four competitors. The younger Patriot, Flash takes the pin of Jonnie Perez after hitting him with the High Velocity Headbutt.


Rating: B-


Ángel De México over Amazing Fire Fly


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Ángel De México defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 12:22 by pinfall with a Mexican Death.


There was a lot of tension in this match up with Ángel De México getting to meet one of the two men who turned their back on him a few months ago. Both men showed off a wide array of fancy and exciting moves but there was a tendency for things to seem off course during the bout. Unlike their tag team match Ángel De México took a decisive win here with Mexican Death pinning his opponent.


Rating: C+


Cal Sanders over La Sombra Jr.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Cal Sanders defeated La Sombra Jr in 7:51 by pinfall with a Goal Line Kick.


The second of two singles matches between the rival teams had a bit more cohesion but not as much exciting action. The two styles cancel each other out with the fans being about as into this one as they were the other. La Sombra seemed to have the upper hand but a missed Springboard Frog Splash stunned him long enough to take a Goal Line Kick to the face and a pin from Cal Sanders.


Rating: C+


The Combatants draw Rich and Famous


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Combatants drew with Rich And Famous in 18:21 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.


Rich and Famous come out together with their manager Jakki the valley girl. The former tag team champions get a big cheer from the crowd as they make their way to the ring. The combatants come out individually first the Snow Fox with his villainous music and long cape which he removes before getting intot he ring. Then comes marc speed with a dark intense industrial beat and a no nonsense walk to the ring. In true rebel style Idol and Jordan flip the two off before heading to their corner to prepare for the match up.


The match starts off with Jordan and Marc Speed in the ring and moves through a number of fast chain moves before Jordan tags out. Idol and Speed gp through the same kinds of things until Marc tags out to Snow Fox. Then its Fox and Idols turn giving everyone a chance to show off some moves. The beginning of the match continues this way with frequent tags moving up through chain mat and then guys coming of the ropes into shoulder tackles with a few fun leapfrogs thrown in to wow the crowd with the athletic nature of the workers involved.


Finally Jordan and Marc Speed are in the ring pounding the living tar out of each other in a desperate attempt for one man to stay down long enough for a pin. Speed whips Jordan into the ropes but Jordan catches hold of them instead of bouncing back. Marc sees an opportunity with a dazed Jordan against the ropes and charges. Jordan who looks more like he falls down then actually means to, pulls the ropes and Marc Speed goes tumbling out on to the floor. Snow Fox comes down to check on his partner and Idol comes into the ring to help Jordan up. The ref starts the count and Jordan and Idol have a confab while Fox helps Speed up off the floor. The ref is up to three when Rich and Famous come hurtling from behind him and both Suicide Dive through the second rope taking out The Combatants who have just barely gotten to their feet. Both teams take till seven to rise and start beating on each other outside the ring. At nine Jordan seems to realize he’s got to get back into the ring but before he can get under the bottom rope he’s pulled back by Marc Speed at the ref gets to ten, calling for a double count out draw.


Notes: Jordan and Jakki have excellent chemistry together. This match lifted the crowd.


Rating: B


Mindless Aggression attacks Rich and Famous


The Combatants and Rich and Famous continue their brawling outside the ring, but Idol and Jordan have other enemies at the moment and Insane Machine and Clark Alexander hit the ring ready to go. Once the brawl starts between Mindless Aggression and Rich and Famous, Marc Speed and Snow Fox retreat seeing that this is not their fight. The brawl continues for a few minutes before the backstage staff of refs and security manage to break the four men up and drag them back through the curtain kicking and screaming.


Rating: E+


Bali So'oialo over Joanne Rodriguez

For the Coastal Zone Championship title


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Bali So'oialo defeated Joanne Rodriguez in 21:23 by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper. Bali So'oialo makes defense number 6 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.


Both competitors make their entrances, J-Ro gets a massive cheer from the crowd which she plays up while Bali’s ominous music and intense stare stun the fans into silence. The ref checks both fighters for boots and then the match begins. This may only be the second one on one meeting between the two but the bad blood can be felt in the eye contact the two give each other as they circle. Like wild animals they wait for the other to attack, not wanting to be the first to show their hand.


The first lock up seems to take forever even though it is mere moments. The timing makes it impossible to see which worker blinked first, but the fact that J-Ro ends up in a tight Headlock signals that it might have been her. From the Headlock J-Ro powers into a Hammerlock only to have Bali reverse it into a Hammerlock of his own. Joanne moves quickly into a Top Wristlock which Bali rolls out of getting her in a Top Wristlock and then J-Ro swings around into a Headlock of her own and Bali goes over with a Headlock Takedown. Bali works up and then powers Joanne off of him. The first series of moves takes less than a minute but both workers are no prepared for the next series of attacks.


The first few minutes of the match are move and counter move, moving from chain locks and holds up to Snapmares, Armdrags and Hip Tosses. As the match progress so to do the intensity of the moves, stiff Clotheslines and Shoulder Tackles coming off the ropes, Leapfrogs, Sunset Flips and the more than occasional Dropkick grace the move sets of both workers. The build is slow and deliberate but the pacing works itself up with a number of near falls before slowing down just a bit again.


A second build up comes and by the end Joanne seems to have lost the momentum of the match. Bali has been throwing her around quite a bit. The few comebacks the smaller competitor has managed to make are cut off by the Samoan each time. The last in the bunch was a missed Dropkick as Bali got himself caught up in the ropes to stall his inertia giving Joanne nothing but air to kick at. But Bali can’t capitalize as at the moment it is nothing but the ropes keeping it him off the floor. J-Ro gets to a seven count before she’s up and by then Bali is ready for action. The two circle wearily and in a move unlike his usual calculating attacks Bali charges J-Ro only she is ready for him and ducks causing Bali to hurtle past her and come back off the ropes into a J-Rocker. This time it is J-Ro who cannot capitalize and the ref counts for both competitors, with six being the count before they start to rise. Still weary both combatants begin to exchange blows, even with Bali being the strong of the two his inability to block the hits leaves him vulnerable. Expecting another hit Bali braces himself but a quick third wind by Joanne sees her hit the ropes to propel herself at the Samoan. Bali maybe caught unawares but it only lasts a second, not long enough for J-Ro to take advantage. Bali sidesteps and Joanne goes hurtling past him only to be caught in the Samoan’s arms. The Coastal Zone Champion wraps his forearms around Rodriguez’s neck and falls backwards, he wraps his legs around hers and has the Unbreakable Sleeper locked in. The ref goes for the arm, lifts it up and down in goes; once, twice and a third time. The ref signals the matches is over the announcers proclaim Bali So’oialo the winner, but all the larger Samoan can manage is to roll off his unconscious opponent and rest on the ropes. Both warriors are spent but the crowd goes wild.


Note: This match lifted the crowd.


Rating: B


The Island Warriors attack J-Ro, save by Ota


Joanne Rodriguez is defeated, down and just beginning to rise. Tama So’oialo comes flying out of the back and adds insult to injury by beginning to beat on the fallen woman. Bali So’oialo joins in on the action still cold faced and clutching his Coastal Zone Championship title. The two Samoans beat the tar out of J-Ro with the refs unable to stop them.


The lights flicker a puff of smoke and Ota is in the ring. A Ninja Strike to Tama lays out the smaller of the two Island Warriors leaving the ninja and the ice man staring each other in the eye. There is a tense moment and then Bali charges only to run through another puff of smoke. Ota is on the other side of him and a second Ninja Strike sends Bali reeling. It takes a third Ninja Strike to put the larger Samoan down on the mat.


With both of Joanne’s attackers down Ota leans over to check on his tag partner. The refs come in to check on Bali and Tama, who seem to be groggy but not dead. Ota helps J-Ro to her feet and practically carrying her manages to get her out of the ring and walking toward the curtain. The battle is over but the war rages on.


Rating: C+


There are no specific comments to be made about this show.


Overall Rating: B-

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From CZCW.com


CZCW Welcome To The Coastal Zone

Thursday May Week 1

The Gorski Ballroom


Welcome To The Coastal Zone is the official anniversary show for CZCW, celebrating 25 years in the business. As such Welcome To The Coastal Zone will feature the first ever Coastal Zone Anniversary Tournament. Sixteen contenders and one trophy. The winner gets a shot at the Coastal Zone Championship title. If the current champion wins he does not have to defend his title the rest of the year unless he chooses too.


Round 1


Insane Machine versus Jordan


Machine and Jordan have a lot of unfinished business and they not only get to take it out on each other but one may get a shot at the Coastal Zone Championship title.


Marc Speed versus The Weasel


The Weasel came out on the losing end of a series of matches against Marc Speed in 2014 and looks to finally take one win against the current Coastal Zone Xtreme champion.


Clark Alexander versus Idol


Clark Alexander has a win over Jordan and Idol has a win over Insane Machine. The two workers with singles wins now face off for the first time in a battle that's more than just about a trophy.


Nomad versus Ota


Nomad is one of the current Coastal Zone Tag Team champions and looks to add the new trophy to his list of achievements in CZCW. Ota has been a contender for the Coastal Zone Championship title before and winning the trophy will give him another go at current champion Bali So'oialo.


Joanne Rodriguez versus The American Flash


J-Ro already has two losses against Bali So'oialo so this may be her last chance to get a shot at the Coastal Zone Championship title. The American Patriot has always been at the periphery of the main event scene is CZCW. In 2014 he got his chance to move up with a battle against Tama So'oialo that ended in failure. This tournament could be Flash's first shot at the true big time.


Kirk Jameson versus Tama So'oialo


"The Shooter" Kirk Jameson looking to make his big move on the upper reaches of the CZCW card by taking out Tama So'oialo in round one of the tournament. Tama has seen a lot of young talent looking to move up and has held his position time and again, will that continue or will there be new blood in the main event scene of CZCW.


Drifter versus Johnny Martin


A surprise entrant into the CZCW tournament is east coast wars veteran former multi-time, multi-title DaVE worker, three time PSW champion and current MAW Main Eventer Johnny Martin. Johnny's opponent in round one is one of the current Coastal Zone Tag Team champions and a man to be reckoned with Drifter.


Bali So'oialo versus Snow Fox


The current face of CZCW, Bali So'oialo faces off against the man synonymous with the promotion, Snow Fox. Present collides with past to determine the future.


Round 2


Match 1: (Insane Machine or Jordan) versus (Marc Speed or The Weasel)

Match 2: (Clark Alexander or Idol) versus (Nomad or Ota)

Match 3: (Joanne Rodriguez or The American Flash) versus (Kirk Jameson or Tama So'oialo)

Match 4: (Drifter or Johnny Martin) versus (Bali So'oialo or Snow Fox)


Round 2


Match A: Winner of Match 1 versus Winner of Match 2

Match B: Winner of Match 3 versus Winner of Match 4


Final Round


Winner of Match A versus Winner of Match B

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Match 1: (Insane Machine or Jordan) versus (Marc Speed or The Weasel)

Winner Insane Machine

Match 2: (Clark Alexander or Idol) versus (Nomad or Ota)

Winner Ota

Match 3: (Joanne Rodriguez or The American Flash) versus (Kirk Jameson or Tama So'oialo)

Winner: J Ro

Match 4: (Drifter or Johnny Martin) versus (Bali So'oialo or Snow Fox)

Winner Bali


Machine over Ota

Bali over J Ro


Machine to win over Bali

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CZCW Welcome To The Coastal Zone

Thursday Week 1 May

Gorski Ballroom


Coastal Zone Anniversary Tournament Round 1


Jordan over Insane Machine


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Jordan defeated Insane Machine in 10:19 by pinfall with a Cash In.


Jordan may have taken his loss to Clark Alexander but in singles competition earlier in the year but he was not to be held back by Alexander’s partner Insane Machine when a possible title shot is on the line. A nice evenly paced match to open the tournament saw Jordan pick up the win after a missed Termination Kick which allowed Jordan to hit the Cash In for the pin.


Notes: Jordan and Jakki have excellent chemistry together. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: C+


Marc Speed over The Weasel


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Marc Speed defeated The Weasel in 11:49 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker.


Round one revved up when Marc Speed and The Weasel put on a show stealing bout for the fans. The Weasel still upset over the attacks by The Combatants on Kirk Jameson and himself went after Speed with a vigor we hadn’t seen out of CZCW’s resident weirdo in awhile. Even with all his anger The Weasel wasn’t able to scrape out a win and tapped out to the Cross Armbreaker, which Marc Speed held in a little longer than usual to show what happens to those who cross him.


Rating: B-


Clark Alexander Idol


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Clark Alexander defeated Idol in 12:30 by pinfall with a Hawaiian Breaker.


Clark Alexander and Idol put on a depressingly subpar match out of one of CZCW’s main eventers and fastest growing young talents. Both men were on their game, they didn’t lack any chemistry in the ring and the crowd has been behind the Rich and Famous taking on Mindless Aggression since day one, but still the match flopped. Clark Alexander hit the Hawaiian Breaker giving him 2-0 over Rich and Famous in singles combat.


Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: C-


Ota Over Nomad


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Ota defeated Nomad in 12:24 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.


The tournament started to build back up with Ota versus Nomad. The travelling man of mystery fresh off a very positive face turn took the time to return the bow to Ota before starting the match up. Nomad may be a tag team champion but Ota has been in the business twice as long as the young man of mystery and the super ninja showed the experience is the key to winning. Ota laid out Nomad with a Ninja Strike for the win but honored the youngster by helping him up off the floor and raising his hand for the crowd after the match was over.


Rating: C+


Joanne Rodriguez over The American Flash


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Joanne Rodriguez defeated The American Flash in 13:09 by pinfall with a J-Rocker.


Things continued to move along at a steady pace with a nice showing from J-Ro and AmFlash. The American Flash showed that his recent work with American Elemental has been rubbing off on him as he surprised J-Ro with an early attack that was both speedy and precise. But Joanne hasn’t been a challenger for the Coastal Zone Championship title for no reason and sooner than later turned the bout her way. Flash battled back a few times but in the end, like many others, fell to the J-Rocker for a Joanne Rodriguez victory in round one.


Notes: Steve Smith and Sara Silver have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Cliff Anderson and Sara Silver work extremely well together at the announcer's table. This match lifted the crowd.


Rating: C+


Tama So'oialo over Kirk Jameson


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Tama So'oialo defeated Kirk Jameson in 9:39 by pinfall with a Long Range Headbutt.


The maniac Samoan took on “The Shooter” Kirk Jameson in a bout that continued the excellence that was round one of the tournament. Tama seemed to understand the exacting nature of Kirk Jameson’s attack strategy, probably from training with his brother who uses much the same cold and calculating approach to attacks in the squared circle. Jameson was no slouch and got in a few good rounds of attack against So’oialo but Tama’s ability to read the youngster meant Kirk fell prey to a DDT and then a Long Range Headbutt.


Rating: C+


Johnny Martin over Drifter


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Johnny Martin defeated Drifter in 11:49 by pinfall with a Twist On The Rocks.


This is not the first time the young man known as drifter has met up with veteran Johnny Martin the two have crossed paths during Martin’s tenure in both PSW and MAW. This is however the best received match the two have put on to date. As one half of the Coastal Zone Tag Team champions Drifter is no stranger to fierce combat and Johnny Martin neither took nor gave an quarter. The two fought the good fight but in the end, as we’ve seen in other matches this tournament, experience can trump youth and exuberance. Johnny gave Drifter the Twist On The Rocks for the pinfall victory.


Rating: C+


Bali So'oialo over Snow Fox


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Bali So'oialo defeated Snow Fox in 13:29 by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper.


The last round one match and the best although not by far. CZCW Veteran Snow Fox fought hard and fast against Bali So’oialo. The resident super villain showed no fear of the size difference and pressed they attack over and over again. The former seven time Coastal Zone Champion seemed to be in the driver’s seat with a dazed Bali So’oialo wobbling in the ring. Snow Fox went up to the top rope for the Fox Hunter and was midair when Bali found his sense. The current Coastal Zone Champion side stepped and snatched Snow Fox out of the air locking him up in the Unbreakable Sleeper and dropping to the floor to cinch it in. Bali moved on to round two and Snow Fox was left half conscious in the ring.


Notes: This match lifted the crowd.


Rating: B-


Coastal Zone Anniversary Tournament Round 2


Marc Speed over Jordan


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Marc Speed defeated Jordan in 14:38 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker.


Jordan started off round one with a bang and the fans gave him some good vibes as he came out for round two. The notorious submission artist Marc Speed did not get as warm a reception but the fans were certainly knew they were going to get a good performance in this match up. Jordan put up the good fight much to Marc’s consternation. Jordan wiggled his way out of almost every lock and hold that Speed could put him in and even had a few nice submissions moves of his own to show CZCW’s submission king. The former Coastal Zone Tag Team champion looked good but he wasn’t good enough to beat Speed who in one of his signature lightning fast turn rounds caught the arm of the youngster and locked in the Cross Armbreak.


Rating: C+


Ota over Clark Alexander


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Ota defeated Clark Alexander in 15:28 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike.


Two main eventers who couldn’t even put on an upper midcard rated matchup is a sad sight in CZCW. Still a bad performance in CZCW is a midcard performance in SWF and Ota and Clark Alexander really brought out some nice smooth technical moves. Clark was nearly picture perfect but Ota’s fluid and changeable move set was something Alexander wasn’t ready for and showed why Ota was a former Coastal Zone Championship contender. The Ninja Strike laid Clark out for the three count, Ota moved on to the semi-finals.


Notes: Steve Smith and Sara Silver have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Cliff Anderson and Sara Silver work extremely well together at the announcer's table. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: C


Joanne Rodriguez over Tama So'oialo


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Joanne Rodriguez defeated Tama So'oialo in 14:33 by pinfall with a J-Rocker.


Joanne Rodriguez has met Tama So’oialo in trios competition and Tag Team competition but even with the feud between The Island Warriors and Iron Will heating up all year this is the first time these two competitors have met in singles competition. Unlike Bali the size difference between J-Ro and Tama is not quite as pronounced and the similar styles meshed well for a good match up. Both workers showed some good offense but J-Ro would eventually pull out a win over Tama hitting him with a J-Rocker for the pin.


Rating: C+


Bali So'oialo over Johnny Martin


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Bali So'oialo defeated Johnny Martin in 15:05 by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper.


Martin may have made it through round one but the East Coast superstar just didn’t have enough West Coast pop to beat out the Coastal Zone Champion. Martin brought in some heavy offense at the beginning, but Bali So’oiao’s slow and steady offense style began to pick away at the veterans high impact offense. Bali turned it around giving Johnny a major beating for most of the end of the match. Martin seemed to have found the answer to his dilemma but a missed Super Kick was Bali’s opportunity to lock in the Unbreakable Sleeper and once again show his dominance as the big dog in the CZCW yard.


Rating: C+


Coastal Zone Anniversary Tournament Semi Finals


Marc Speed over Ota


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Marc Speed defeated Ota in 17:52 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker.


This is not the best match up that Speed and Ota have put on in their storied history in CZCW, but it wasn’t their worst either. Speed was quickly on the offensive trying to put Ota away early. Both when were slightly but visibly fatigued from their two previous battles. Ota’s defense was enough to keep Marc for a submission hold but not enough to turn the tide of battle for a bit. Ota finally made a turnaround halfway through the match leaving Speed to defend himself while calculating another way to win. Ota went for a high risk top rope Moonsault but Speed managed to move out of the way. As the two battled back up after a five count Ota over extended on a blow and Speed capitalized, swinging around into a Cross Armbreaker. Ota reached and reached his finger tips so close to the bottom rope, but in the end he was forced to tap out.


Rating: C+


Joanne Rodriguez over Bali So'oialo


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Joanne Rodriguez defeated Bali So'oialo in 17:49 by pinfall with a J-Rocker.


Joanne Rodriguez and Bali So’oailo have battled over the Coastal Zone Championship title since the beginning of 2015. For the first time the two meet without that title on the line, and this was the time that J-Ro beat the icy Samoan. Even tiring the battle was a pitch as has ever been between these two competitors. Bali surprised Joanne by making his first attacks quick and savage, unlike his usual slow calculated attack style. Joanne battled back to take control of the match for a bit using her smaller size and speed to her advantage. The bout went back and forth with a few near falls here and there. After a dominant end quarter Bali So’oialo saw his opportunity to lock in the Unbreakable Sleeper. The Samoan got his arms around J-Ro’s neck and began to drop to lock the legs but Joanne managed to do something no one in CZCW has ever done and that is slip out of the sleeper. A confused Bali didn’t see the J-Rocker coming and Joanne could barely drape herself over the fallen Samoan but she still got the three count and the win.


Notes: Steve Smith and Sara Silver have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Cliff Anderson and Sara Silver work extremely well together at the announcer's table.


Rating: B-


Coastal Zone Anniversary Tournament Finals


Marc Speed over Joanne Rodriguez

For the Coastal Zone Anniversary Trophy


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Marc Speed defeated Joanne Rodriguez in 19:34 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. Marc Speed wins the Coastal Zone Anniversary Trophy title.


A harsh, harsh lesson was learned at Welcome To The Coastal Zone. A four round tournament was just too much for one night. What should have been the match of the night between two top competitors with popularity and momentum to spare was a letdown. Speed and J-Ro did the best they could but they were just too tired from the previous three rounds to produce a match that lived up to CZCW main event standards. Still it was a decent match up and hard fought. A lot of the speedy flying was left out but some good mat work and chain wrestling saved the day. J-Ro’s battle with her nemesis Bali So’oialo took more out of her than Speed’s fight against her tag partner Ota which gave Marc the edge and the eventual win. Joanne tapped out to eh Cross Armbreaker to end the night making Marc Speed the first ever Coastal Zone Anniversary Trophy champion.


Notes: Steve Smith and Sara Silver have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. Cliff Anderson and Sara Silver work extremely well together at the announcer's table. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: C


I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


Overall Rating: C

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From CZCW.com


CZCW Surf Slam

Monday June Week 1

The Gorski Ballroom


Border Patrol versus Heroes De La Mexicanos


Border Patrol has beaten Heroes De La Mexicanos in singles competition but has yet to beat them as a team. Last time their battle ended in a draw, now the two meet again to determine which is the better team


Jared Johnson versus Tama So'oialo


The Evolution of Evil has been on a losing streak rivaled only by the broken. Working solo this time Double J takes on one half of the Island Warriors Tama So'oialo.


The Thrill Seekers versus The Patriot Missiles

Number One Contender Match


With Sweet & Sour getting their third and last chance at the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles The Thrill Seekers and The Patriot Missiles vie for the right to be the next number one contender.


Iron Will versus The Pack


Knocked out of the challenger spot for the Coastal Zone Championship title by Marc Speed who won the first ever Coastal Zone Anniversary Trophy tournament, Iron will take on young bucks The Pack in tag team competition.


Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers

For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles


Sweet & Sour have their third and final try at The Wanderers for their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles. One of these teams will be going pack to the bottom of the pack and one will be the champions.


El Diablo versus Snow Fox


Like his partner El Diablo looks to break the curse of The Evolution of Evil's losing stream. Also like his partner he's drawn one of CZCW's top stars as his opponent in this singles match, Snow Fox.


Rich and Famous versus Mindless Aggression


Rich and Famous have been battling against Mindless Aggression since the start of the year. Now for he first time the two teams meet in Tag Team competition. Who will come out with the first win?


Bali So'oialo versus Marc Speed

For the Coastal Zone Championship title


Marc Speed took the first ever Coastal Zone Anniversary Trophy and gets a shot at the man who tool the Coastal Zone Championship title from him, Bali So'oialo. These two men had an epic battle before and they look to continue that in what should be a match of the year candidate.


Prediction Chart

Border Patrol versus Heroes De La Mexicanos

Jared Johnson versus Tama So'oialo

The Thrill Seekers versus The Patriot Missiles

Iron Will versus The Pack

Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers

El Diablo versus Snow Fox

Rich and Famous versus Mindless Aggression

Bali So'oialo versus Marc Speed

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Border Patrol versus Heroes De La Mexicanos

Jared Johnson versus Tama So'oialo

The Thrill Seekers versus The Patriot Missiles

Iron Will versus The Pack

Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers

El Diablo versus Snow Fox

Rich and Famous versus Mindless Aggression

Bali So'oialo versus Marc Speed

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Border Patrol versus Heroes De La Mexicanos


Jared Johnson versus Tama So'oialo


The Thrill Seekers versus The Patriot Missiles


Iron Will versus The Pack


Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers


El Diablo versus Snow Fox


Rich and Famous versus Mindless Aggression


Bali So'oialo versus Marc Speed

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Border Patrol versus Heroes De La Mexicanos


Jared Johnson versus Tama So'oialo


The Thrill Seekers versus The Patriot Missiles


Iron Will versus The Pack


Sweet & Sour versus The Wanderers


El Diablo versus Snow Fox


Rich and Famous versus Mindless Aggression


Bali So'oialo versus Marc Speed

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