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TNA: The Journey to The Top

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I walk into the office of Dixie Carter in Nashville, Tennessee. See I heard that TNA was looking for a new Booker and that Vince Russo had just stepped down, and Eric Bischoff was going to step down to work on the production of TNA, so I thought what the hell I can do just as good as these guys.


“Dixie will see you know.”


I walk into the office.


“Hello, Mr. Smith, I understand that you want to apply for the booking position for TNA?”


“Yes, I feel that I can do better than the people who have booked TNA recently.”


“What do you think makes you a good choice on my part?”


“Well, for one I have been working backstage and learning the craft from greats such as Heyman in ECW and Bischoff in WCW. I have unique style of entertainment I bring that will set you apart from the rivals.”


“Well, I’m not sure about hiring someone with your lack of experience as head guy.”


“Come on you’ve made decisions worse than this Mrs. Carter, just give me three months and see if you TV Ratings and PPV Buyrates don’t go up. If your not pleased you can not hire me as booker.”


“I could live with that, you have three months. Good luck, you’ll need it.”


“Thank you Mrs. Carter.”


OOC: Sorry that my last diary didn’t even get a show I lost some files I had wrote up and it had me burnt out before I even wrote the he show again. Again I’m sorry I hope it doesn’t effect who reads this.

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So my first show is tonight here is the card I have came up with


Madison Rayne V.s ???

Have Madison have a open challenge.


Hernedez V.s Eric Young


Crimson V.s Abyss


AJ Styles and Beer Money V.s Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, and Gunner


RVD V.s Mr. Anderson

#1 Contender for TNA Championship


Make picks the person with the highest win percentage will get to PM me a feud they want, a signing, or a push of a worker.

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Madison Rayne V.s ???

Mystery opponents usually win...


Hernedez V.s Eric Young

Seems like a squash.


Crimson V.s Abyss

Because Abyss is worse than Khali

AJ Styles and Beer Money V.s Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, and Gunner

AJ Styles and Beer Money shouldnt lose to the J.O.B Squad


RVD V.s Mr. Anderson

#1 Contender for TNA Championship


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We open Impact with Mr. Anderson making his way to the ring.


Anderson: So, whats up *******s? Let me cut to the chase its been over a month since I lost the title and you know what? I still haven’t gotten my rematch, well you know what? I want my rematch! So Sting come out here I want my title match!


RVD’s music hits instead.


RVD: Kenny, you said it right, you LOST the title a month ago…I never lost the title! I was screwed out of my title regin when someone tried to end my career. See if anyone deserves that title shot it’s me.


Anderson spears RVD and they brawl until security breaks them up. The main event is announced as RVD V.s Anderson to be number 1 contender.



Madison Rayne comes out and extends an open challenge to all the Knockouts. After a few seconds Tara who came out with Madison said she accepts the challenge to Madisons displeasure


Madison Rayne V.s Tara

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Tara defeated Madison Rayne in 6:33 by pinfall with a Widow's Peak. The crowd was not in to it much for this match even after the hot opening segment. Tara looked pretty good and her and Madison work pretty good together, overall it was a 42/100.




Hernandez V.s Eric Young

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hernandez defeated Eric Young in 9:16 by pinfall with a Flying Splash. This match brought the crowd back into it. Eric young always finds a way to entertain the crowd, this was a pretty long one sided match with EY getting some offense in. This match was good for the purpose which was put Hernandez over which Young did, It was a solid 63/100.



The camera cuts to Taz and Mike Tenay they run down everything that has happened recently and hype up the main event and the six man tag later on in the show.


Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring


Hogan: Listen up brothers, when I won the court case against Dixie, I was told I had full power over TNA, but now I have the “network” breathing down my neck. So next week on Impact I want the lead rep for the network to come her and show his face.

Rating: 78/100




Abyss V. Crimson

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Crimson defeated Abyss in 12:01 by pinfall with a Mercy Kill. The crowd is starting to like Crimson more he is really growing on them. Abyss was booed in this match and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t heel heat but get the hell away from a wrestling ring heat. Crimson Impressed me and the crowd with this showing. I’ll give it a 61/100 someone give Crimson some quality competition.


The cameras cut backstage and we see Mr. Anderson and RVD brawling all through the backstage area. They made their way to the parking lot. Security finally breaks it up.

Rating: 68/100




AJ Styles and Beer Money w/ Kaz V.s Matt Hardy, Gunner, and Bully Ray.

In a match that had some good action and average heat, AJ Styles and Beer Money defeated Matt Hardy, Bully Ray and Gunner in 14:12 when AJ Styles defeated Bully Ray by pinfall with a Springboard 450° Splash. This was a solid match that had the crowd up on its feet with some of the action, but the work of Bully ray really dragged the match out and made it a lot less enjoyable. I’ll give the match a 73/100 with out Bully Ray and a 60/100.


Pope is backstage with Christy Hemme about to cut a promo when Samoa Joe comes up from behind and attacks Pope. This is brutal he puts Pope through the set and drags him into the locker room and puts him through the locker. Pope is then left knocked out as medics check on him.

Rating: 75/100




Mr. Anderson V.s RVD

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Mr. Anderson defeated Rob Van Dam in 11:02 by pinfall with a Reverse STO. This was a good match that had the crowd going with half of the people going for RVD the other half going for Mr. Anderson. Anderson and RVD work good together. I give the match a 73/100



After the match was over Anderson put the Sharp Shooter as he points toward the Destonation X logo as we go off air.

Final Show: 64/100

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Well my first week is done the following is my thoughts.


I like Crimson and think with time he could become big.


Immortal needs to be beefed up a bit expect some mix ups coming.


Fortune has looked strong and have a bright future.


Expect the X-Divison to beefed up in the coming months with old and new workers.


I’m holding TNA Tryouts in one week to see if we can get some hidden gems that aren’t well known.


This weeks rating on Spike was a Outstanding 1.51.

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Sensible... publish your card, ask for predictions for a competition... then post the results only two hours later when it is very early hours of the morning in Europe, late at night on East Coast USA and only West Coast USA is it of a social hour.


Was just doing in the time best for me. Sorry if it was late but that's the only time I had yesterday to do it.

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