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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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<p><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/1207701/5144427" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/7/19717260144.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

Hopefully you can see the grades; I know it's small.</p><p> </p><p>

We have</p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly(NYCW) Amazing Fire Fly (2.5 years)</p><p>

Dean Waldorf(NYCW) Dean Waldorf (2.5 years)</p><p> </p><p>

The results of analysis are...interesting. I know it's only two workers; I'm going to keep doing comparisons. But assuming these two <em>are</em> representative, there's not a lot of gains going on. I see very little movement if the stat starts at about a 55, and some decent work upward if we're at the 30s or less. It's still going to take awhile to make, but maybe bumping everyone up two points wouldn't be <em>that</em> far off.</p><p> </p><p>

Oh, and I'm losing Maverick and Love to NOTBPW, since they'd probably get renegotiations in the ensuing two years and they're totally getting written contracts.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Edit: There are 1,795 wrestlers currently debuted in July 2012. I set it there because I want to make sure promotions are able to hire people (me as well) before jumping into the shows proper. Also lets me do an early-Cult save fairly easily. I guess. Whatever.</p><p> </p><p>

Edit: I'm at Albert Thorp right now. From what I've gathered from a few more comparisons, it seems like my data will be a bit underpowered; I'm going to have people with a couple points less on the top row than they should. I'll probably create too many gods, as well, but who cares. My game, my rules. Since, y'know, this thread isn't supposed to be <em>helpful or anything...</em></p><p> </p><p>

Edit: <strong>NOTE TO SELF: Filter by already debuted, max age 65. Start on Aurora. 1977 is the cutoff for 35-year-olds.</strong></p>

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Woo yeah! I got through the As! Onto the Bs with Baby Jamie!


And no, before anyone asks, I did not OP Angry Gilmore.




And no, I totally didn't make Axxis Jr. freakishly good, with improvements that would probably be shocking for a rookie, much less a now-35-year-old.



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Woo yeah! I got through the As! Onto the Bs with Baby Jamie!


And no, before anyone asks, I did not OP Angry Gilmore.




And no, I totally didn't make Axxis Jr. freakishly good, with improvements that would probably be shocking for a rookie, much less a now-35-year-old.




You sure? >_><_<


Also, could you submit the Database after you finished??????????

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Are you gonna be moving any wrestlers around to different promotions/changing starting champions? Also dont forget to put Enygmas deal down to an 8 year if your going to 2012


I'll need to do that for Kholov as well; thanks for reminding me.


I probably won't change starting champions, but I will be moving some people around. Primarily guys to/from my promotion; remember that I'm trying to make a facsimile 2012, not an actual mod. I barely remembered to take Boone and Musashibo off the starting injuries list, and that was only because I made an "Out filming movies" injuries to simulate the news story we sometimes get. Credit for making it an injury goes to...um...guy in the Small Questions thread, probably.


Oh, and I gave it to Big Smack Scott. So that's cool. Officially he's still with the SWF, but he can't appear in any segments.


While I'm on that note, with very few exceptions, I'm assuming that everyone starts their time decline at 35. This means that for those guys I start dropping their starting toughness, resilience, etc. as opposed to increasing it for the 20-somethings. Realistic? Not for everyone, but again, I'm making a facsimile.


And on the note of contracts, that's partially why I'm simming starting in July, then starting in August. Lets companies hire/fire who they want. Also, I'll be editing contracts as I go and remember about them. ex. Billy Russell to FCW, Belle Bryden owner of USPW, etc. I'll go over all rosters...when I get there.


Dammit, forgot who I had on contract. Putting their stats into a huge paint folder.

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Guess how many times I call him that?




Finished up to Captain Wrestling (do him next) as well as all of the members of the current roster. I also removed all NYCW contracts,s o I'll be cherry-picking the roster once I'm done. I've already moved the aforementioned Billy Russell, Belle Bryden (owner of USPW), Steve Flash (booker of USPW), and our 2012 owner onto their respective rosters. For those of you that have played a few times, you might be able to guess who our owner is.

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By the way, I realized that I also have to edit everyone's overness to reflect their use over the two years. I suppose I'll do this with a massive roster overhaul, but something for me to remember...


At the rate I appear to be going, I should be done in...a month, looks like. Huh. I'll have to speed up, then.


I'm on Dallas McWade. It is next. I hope I'm at 250 by now, out of 1768 done. Well crap.


Here's a fun video while we wait:


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Should have asked this earlier:


Who are guys that you would like to see on the new roster?



-Cannot be expected to be working for a National+ company (SFW, TCW, USPW, BHOTWG, PGHW, NOTBPW)

-Can be a guy in development at 2010's start; it's not at all out of the ordinary for them to get dropped once they graduate.

-Nobody has changed game areas; yes, ignore the fact that PRIDE Koiso and Ricky Dale Johnson have jumped to the USA and Japan, respectively, in...one of my saves. Might have been a non-diary game. I mentioned it somewhere.

-No crippling.



-About development: I am assuming that all workers that were in development in 2010 are still in development in 2012. Meaning that they have freaking huge stat growths. I will switch their contract over to me if necessary/I want to, but otherwise they'll still be in development.

-Adendum: Yes, I know it's not realistic at all for workers to be in AI-dev for years. SHUT UP IT'S A FACSIMILE DAMMIT.

-Lesbians With Attitude are Out of the Business due to being whiny *****es trying to play the lesbian card when, in fact, they aren't that good. More than usable, as I learned, but **** that ****.

-Seriously. Go to BSC if you really want to claim AAA is sexist. Sexualist. Sex...ist...ism.


-Remember guys: lesbians don't want your body.

-Unless you're Justin Bieber.


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Yeah, sorry about that. Surprised I went nuts at 1:38 AM; it's currently 4:05 AM as I'm typing this and Im relatively coherent. And not talking about lesbians. Anyway.


Status on the update: Still got a long way to go. I'm going to be posting the current roster and indicating who from that roster will stay; that hopefully will help with any roster suggestions.


This is where I hibernated until later today. Except for a few roster notes.




Alex Braun-retired-

Amazing Fire Fly

Amber Allen


Angel de Mexico

Canadian Executioner

Dean Waldorf

Donte Dunn

Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man

Extraordinario Jr.

Fuyuko Higa

Greg Gauge

Hell Monkey

Herb Stately

Island Boy Apollo

(Jack Avatar)

Jennifer Heat

Joanne Rodriguez

John Maverick

Kamikaze Christian Vars

King Dedede

Krissy Angelle


Mainstream Hernandez

Marv Statler

Michael Bull

Mr. Lucha III

Owen Love


Rafael Ruiz

Regular Joe

Rick Sanders

Rock Downpour

Roger Monteiro

Sammy The Shark

Steve Flash

The Masked Mauler

The New York Doll

The Stomper-owner-

UK Dragon



Now then, the inarguables:

Americana-with us-

Dean Waldorf-with us-

Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man-with us-

Extraordinario Jr.-with us-

Fuyuko Higa-with us-

Island Boy Apollo-with us-

King Dedede-with us-

Marv Statler-with us-

Mr. Lucha III-with us-

The Masked Mauler-with us-


Greg Gauge-TCW-

Hell Monkey-BHOTWG-

Joanne Rodriguez-NOTBPW-

John Maverick-NOTBPW-

Mainstream Hernandez-SWF-

Owen Love-NOTBPW-


Rafael Ruiz-not with us-

Rick Sanders-retired; not with us-

Steve Flash-USPW (head booker)-

The Stomper-out of business-


Everyone else is fair game. Things being equal, I'll keep them, but if the roster gets too crowded with new guys, I'll kick out the K-Squareds and...I can't think of any other sucky unsurprising guys. New York Doll, I guess, though I kinda like him.


Thoughts on Suggestions so Far: (written yesterday)



Higa: Duh. There is no way in hell I'm letting her go. Besides, she'd have to have signed with NOTBPW to leave me, and I don't think they expand their Women's Division that much on size increase. At National, they had four women. There are a few more popular in Canada females than Higa, and they'd be taken first.


Axxis Jr.: Can't. He doesn't work in the USA. Granted, he might be a Mexican free agent due to higher popularity than a Cult-sized company can get, but I'm not adding a region to his list. And if I did he'd probably be in TCW or SWF by now. Certainly CZCW and FCW, but point is...


Giant Brody: Interesting suggestion. Not one that I particularly like, since I don't particularly like him, but he's exactly the type of larger-company-scraps that I'd want to pick up. Assuming he has some popularity on him (i.e. assuming I remember to give him some popularity), he'll be a good upper-card jobber. And maybe I'll have him improve into someone workable. /shrug


Latest guy: Des Greeves

Also, who's that road agent that should be set to commentator only? Can't remember the name...

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I'm in the Ds, at least. Also, I blew an ant off my computer. Then used my shoe to kill it. Sadly, I now cannot lick my computer for fear of formic acid killing me.


Formic acid can kill, right?






Some experiments on bacterial species have demonstrated it to be a mutagen.




Also, I have a cut in my nose. That could explain why I smell chlorine if I sniff/snort hard, as I could be re-opening the cut.




Just wanted to throw this out there as a time-waster and as a response to a question in the small questions thread (to which I gave kinda meh advice; or, good advice, in a terrible format).


The best way to figure out something in your game(s) is to test it. Make a duplicate save (load, then hit copy at the bottom) and try out whatever it is we're talking about; change the gimmick, switch to open matches, fire a bunch of people, etc. That will give you some knowledge as to what effects a choice will have on that save-and, at times, the game itself.


I'm far from the best at this game. Far. A lot of "knowledge" I've gained is gleaned from other posters-most appropriately, I have read all of the small questions thread. Not recently, but I started at page one and went forward. I've read the help file (a few times). And I've played the game. That last part's important. I've played the game.


Getting better at this game (and any decent-or-better game/activity) requires study and experimentation. Plenty of places to pick up the studying part, but you're going to have to do the experimentation. Who can call in the ring? Best way to check that (best = fastest) is to put everyone in a battle royal and call in the ring. Anyone who the road agent pulls up can't call. There you go. Check it a month or two later if people hae improved. Figuring out how to gain popularity of your workers is a fun little dance; obviously, domination works for anyone, (see RtG where I have 1 menace and it works. Awesomely.) but maybe you don't want to hurt others. Maybe you're talking long-term. Or short-term. etc.


All these variables can be involved in any question (and, to get the most proper answer, should be a part of the question), but you're going to forget something. Or something new will pop up. Something is going to make the helper's advice incorrect; you have to learn from it.


I'm not saying don't ask-hell, if you didn't, this topic wouldn't exist. I am saying that you ought to try a few different things, try to change your playstyle a little, to see if that helps. And if it doesn't, at the very least you should have gained some more empirical knowledge. That's the best kind.


And adipose tissue is breast knowledge.

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My WLW diary is dead now, btw. Well, mostly dead; if anyone wants to know the storylines, post in that thread.


Anyway, trudging along as usual. With 2013 on the way, it's almost like this thread is entirely pointless AND I JUST REALIZED THAT OH COME ON!

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On the above note, since I "need" to get this diary done before TEW2013 comes out, and no one ever plays this game again because that's totally what happens trollface.jpg I'm compromising.


I'll continue to mod the new database, eventually finishing the updates to the workers. In the meantime, I'll switch the contracts to NYCW that I need, then I'll start the game and mess with its popularity as necessary to illustrate certain points. I might also end up heavily modifying my workers' stats so as to illustrate other points without having to make a new game with new contracts (i.e. I change Ant-Man's stats to reflect Steven Parker's to show what a developing, good youth looks like/wrestles like, as that's the type of guy I'd be using in this role).


Again, I should show the quick, terrible Cult idea, the profitable-at-home Cult idea, and...um...




By the way, I'm going to, maybe, do an LP of Deus Ex soon. And by "soon" I mean maybe. And by LP I mean drunk. And by drunk I mean faking it for the guys at the Final Fantasy boards on gamefaqs, but they don't have to know that last point.


Now you might be asking what Deus Ex has to do with TEW2010. Well, I'll tell you:

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Three things get mentioned when people ask for help jumping to Cult:


  1. It's not a race. Take it slow.
    Then people like me continue with "Cool" from Westside Story and get really pissed that it's in their head all day. Also, this is outside the scope of this diary as for me to simulate waiting would be...waiting for this real update.
  2. Have "considerable" popularity in at least one region of your home area; typically this is your home region.
    "Considerable" actually means being able to make money running a show in said region; I'm not sure whether that's 41 popularity or 50 or 200. Hint: it's less than 200 popularity.
  3. Have a couple million in the bank/warchest.
    We'll see why that's a good idea.


What I'm now going to do:

  1. Run one month at Regional without a show to give you a baseline amount of money made/loss.
  2. Surprise! We reached Cult! Same as part one; watch our money plummet.
  3. Run a show at Cult to see if we can make any money from it.


While we're waiting, some fun notes:


  • John Maverick is out with a Major Concussion. Odds are he's going to retire when the year+months are over.
  • TCW hit National when September started. Now to hit Cult...
  • I apparently can't do math right; I'm now 43 Important in New England. Close enough /shrug
  • Apparently we hadn't been seen in New England, so we dropped some 10 points of popularity. Another month! This time I end the Saturday before...December, I think. Or November. w/e
  • I'll be holding the event in 41 pop/importance Tri State. It's a Big show, as that's the maximum size for a Cult company (or my 99 popularity elsewhere is skewing the results. /shrug)



(for reference of the crowd size; should have gone to the 2k arena, possibly)




Left-to-Right: Our Cult show, a month at Cult, a month at Regional.


What does this tell us?


  • You cannot take a month off to gain money at Cult. You will die.
  • Cult sucks. HARD.
  • Without being fairly stringent (using less costly workers), you can't make a profit through shows at ~41 popularity.
  • You cannot use shows to make money if you hit Cult as fast as possible.




If you do want to run at Cult, it's <$100,000 per month loss, more or less according to product and contracts. For you to survive a year or two at this level of popularity (which I think is reasonable), that's about...$2.4 MILLION DOLLARS IN LOSS.


$2.4 million dollars expected loss.


Mind you, that's a worse-case scenario; ideally you'd have grown a bit of popularity, to around 3,000 attendance, in, say, half a year. I think once you've hit that level, it's possible to frugally break even by using your best, cheapest workers. At that point, you're...well, you're still going to take a hell of a lot of losses, of course. But maybe by a year you can shave $10k or so per month off the losses, so...


That explains the warchest suggestion, but what about building home popularity?


I had New England at 99 popularity (due to decay :rolleyes:) during that show; had I run there, I would have had something like 20k or more people. Obviously that's cheating, but there's a point to be made: the more popular you are, the more people will attend your shows. Get up to, say, 60 popularity in a region, and you should be able to just about fill up a 5,000-seater. Or since you're regional, maybe your Medium event only fills up the 2,000 one. Whatever; the point is that your shows will start to make money at Regional.


All this time we've been running one show a month to allow sponsorship to offset our losses. The moment a show breaks even (and increases your size), you're no longer tied to one show a month. Now you can run bi-monthly shows (or bi-weekly, I suppose. Both do have a bit of ambiguity) in your home region and make a bit more money than just sponsorship. Instead of that $35,000 I'm getting, maybe I can push that to a solid $38,000. And soon I'll hit $40,000. But why, again, am I just running one show? If I run two shows, with $3k profit each, we've breached the $40k barrier. Run a show a week and we'll be dancing at half a benjamin-thousand. That's some income.


If you don't want to have crazy money troubles at Cult, (you'll probably still lose some, but around say $30k/month maybe) buff up your home region as high as you can get it. Then start to expand to another area, maybe a show a month. Hopefully one of your hometown shows will cover it, then any additional home shows are profit. You're making money and getting popularity.


I've neglected to mention PPV/television deals. This was because at Regional they tend to not be profitable unless the televised show would make money anyway. If you can get a tv show to make money, then TV's your ticket to Cult. You never have to hold a show outside of home; coverage will raise your popularity elsewhere. Cult and PPV (and tv, of course) is similar; however, I would highly suggest you try to get a PPV deal asap, as that will allow you to hold PPV-sized events. Provided it's at least a 100/90 or 90/100 deal, you should be okay-again, provided the show itself makes money.


Now that I've shown you the monetary situation at soon-as-Cult, I'll redo the save and push myself to...let's say 50 popularity at home (60-rated shows get me there) and see how I progress monetarily as I push to Cult. Then I'll speed up the process again by gaining popularity/money according to a monthly formula, and we'll revisit the scenario.

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I duped the original save. NYCW now has $300,000 and 50 popularity in the Tri-State. I want to show you how much money we can make/lose running a show in our hometown. I then want to see if we can make a profit running two shows, one at home and one abroad. I then want to mess around with TV. Possibly TV first.
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