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Big Time Wrestling (Golden Age Mod)

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Have to say, as someone who has watched a bit of Portland Wrestling, I'm really digging this (and have to give a shout out to BHK for drawing my attention to it). The Grappler turn was unexpected, I'm so used to him as a heel, but he's a good hand and a real ring general who's sure to help make any match he's in just a little better so I can see why you would want to turn him with the heel heavy environment of the PNW.





Main Event: Billy Jack & The Grappler vs Rip Oliver & John Nord

Nord seems the odd man out here and most likely to take one for the team in this match.


Match #1: Colonel DeBeers vs Ricky Vaughn (Pacific Heavyweight Title)

DeBeers has more going for him at the moment.


Match #2: Bam Bam Bigelow vs Cocoa Somoa (Television Title)

Love Cocoa, but I just don't see him taking this match.


Match #3: The Fantastics vs Latin Connection

I have to lean toward anything Madril's involved in. ;)


Dark Match #1: Thunder & Lightning vs The Southern Rockers

The fan in me wants to see this classic PNW team move up the ranks even if it seems unlikely.


Dark Match #2: Archangel vs Scott Peterson

Has this guy lost a match yet, lol? Anyway, I don't see someone so obviously poised to become the next big thing losing to Peterson.


Dark Match #3: Bobby Jaggers vs Ron Harris

Ron and Don are tag specialists, so I don't see Ron getting the win in a non-tag feud related singles match.

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Pacific Northwest Wrestling presents Big Time Wrestling at the Portland Sports Arena (Sell Out) (2000 Fans)

August 1987 Week 2



Dark Match #1

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BobbyJaggers2.jpg Bobby Jaggers v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_CarlStyles.jpg Carl Styles

Match Notes: A quick squash match for Bobby Jaggers.

Winner by Pinfall……. Bobby Jaggers at the 2:34 mark.



Dark Match #2

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/th_no_picture.jpg Archangel v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_NickKiniski.jpg Nick Kiniski

Match Notes: A quick squash match for Archangel.

Winner by Pinfall……. Archangel at the 2:51 mark.



Dark Match #3

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/BrianAdams2-1.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/MaskedWrestler1.jpg Thunder & Lightning v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_SteveDoll.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_scottpeterson.jpg The Southern Rockers

Match Notes: A match had an average crowd and decent in-ring action. The match went back and force but Thunder and Lightning was just too much for the Southern Rockers. Lightning pinned Scott Peterson for the victory.

Winner by Pinfall……. Thunder & Lightning at the 7:46 mark.



Big Time Wrestling Welcomes

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_DonCoss.jpg Don Coss and http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_StanStasiak.jpg Stan “The Man” Stasiak

Welcomes everyone to the Portland Sports Arena for tonight’s event.


The Army


Buddy Rose: I do not care what it takes tonight guys, we need to take out Billy Jack. So Nord and Oliver you know the job that you need to do tonight.



Match #1

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_RickySantana2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_AlMadril.jpg Latin Connection v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BobbyFulton.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_TommyRogers2.jpg The Fantastics

Match Notes The match had an average crowd and decent in-ring action. The match was very open until Butch Miller and Luke Williams came in attacked Tommy Rogers behind the referees back. Al Madril quickly covers Roger’s before the referee figured out what happened.

Winner by Pinfall.....Latin Connection at the 5:42 mark.



The Sheepherders Attack


After the match Luke Williams and Butch Miller continued there attack, leaving both Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton in the middle in of the ring hurt.



The Juggernauts Interview


Percy Pringle: At Civil War Archangel, Thunder & Lightning we will return you to whatever hell you came from. At Civil War it will be you three and 2 partners of you choice versus us and The Sheepherders. Be prepared. Be very prepared.



Latin Connection Interview


Cocoa Somoa: You are a coward for not showing up tonight Bam Bam Bigelow. You know you can not defeat me, so you go run and hide like a little baby. I will take you title away Bam Bam, just like I take candy from babies.



Match #2

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_ColonelDeBeers.jpg Colonel DeBeers v. Ricky Vaughn

Match Notes The match had a good crowd and decent in-ring action. The match went back and forth for a little bit until Ricky Vaughn got the upper hand. Vaughn hit a suplex off the second rope when DeBeers went for something off the ropes. Buddy Rose came running down to the ring and distracted Vaughn long enough to allow DeBeers to recover and hit the Pancake Piledriver for the victory.

Winner by Pinfall….. Colonel DeBeers at the 10:26 mark.



Billy Jack & The Grappler Interview


Billy Jack: You can try and take me out tonight Buddy Rose but you will not succeed. I'm the new power in the PNW and you will feel the power of the Full Nelson soon enough.


The Grappler: Rip Oliver your time is coming to an end here in the PNW. A former champion like you has no business in the PNW anymore and I will prove just how former you really are.



Main Event

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BillyJackHaynes2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_TheGrappler.jpg Billy Jack & The Grappler v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_RipOliver.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_JohnNord2.jpg Rip Oliver & John Nord

Match Notes The bout had a good heat and decent in-ring action. A little bit of stalling from the team of John Nord and Rip Oliver. The match finally began after a few minutes and Billy Jack just destroyed Nord and Oliver. The Grappler got caught in the wrong corner and took a good amount of punishment. The Grappler made the hot tag and Jack just went crazy, as did the crowd. Colonel DeBeers came to ringside to turn the tide but tripped up Oliver instead, allowing Jack to lock in the Full Nelson. The Grappler took care of Nord, as Oliver finally submitted to the pain.

Winner by Submission..... Billy Jack & The Grappler at the 18:32 mark.



Overall (54)


Show Notes:

A decent show but nothing like it has been. Things are moving to the Civil War and the match ups will be out soon.


Kayfabe Information:

Chris Colt has been fired. He pulled a prank backstage injuring Bam Bam Bigelow, Don Harris and Ron Harris. So that is why they where pulled from the card. The Harris brothers will be out for a month while Bam Bam should be back in a couple weeks.

Rip Oliver is really a mystery to me. He can have one great match and then come back with a good match, not great but good, then a decent match. I never really know what I’m going to get from him. Buddy Rose is carrying the stable right now and the promotion in my opinion.

I was going to have The Southern Rockers defeat Thunder & Lightning from interference from Crusher and Avalanche but daddy did not like that. Art Barr is good; he is just not ready for the big time yet.


Please let me know what you think about the shows.


Thank you for reading.




Main Event: Jimmy Snuka, The Grappler & Billy Jack vs Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver and Colonel DeBeers


Match #1: Bobby Jaggers vs Earthquake Ferris


Match #2: The Sheepherders vs Burning Fury (Pacific Tag Team Titles)


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Juggernauts


Dark Match #1: Southern Rockers vs Indian War Party


Dark Match #2: Al Madril vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Matt Borne vs Carl Styles

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Have to say, as someone who has watched a bit of Portland Wrestling, I'm really digging this (and have to give a shout out to BHK for drawing my attention to it). The Grappler turn was unexpected, I'm so used to him as a heel, but he's a good hand and a real ring general who's sure to help make any match he's in just a little better so I can see why you would want to turn him with the heel heavy environment of the PNW.


Thank you for joining this little party. I grew up in Portland during the 80's so I saw a good amount of PNW wrestling. I do not remember everything but I believe enough to keep the traditions alive.

The Grappler was turned because he was the best opinion in what I had. No one else could even come close to playing the face, so that is why I did it. He was really struggling earlier, as it was hard for me to find a spot for him, but now that he is wrestling more, his matches seem to get better.

Once again thank you for reading and the twist and turns in the future are going to be fun to watch.

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Main Event: Jimmy Snuka, The Grappler & Billy Jack vs Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver and Colonel DeBeers

It´s simply their turn to win


Match #1: Bobby Jaggers vs Earthquake Ferris

No idea what to expect here.


Match #2: The Sheepherders vs Burning Fury (Pacific Tag Team Titles)

Sheepherders are feuding with Fantastics so no reason for them to lose titles here.


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Juggernauts

Fantastics are challenging the Sheepherders and since they lost last time I don´t see them dropping another one.


Dark Match #1: Southern Rockers vs Indian War Party

No question on this one


Dark Match #2: Al Madril vs Rex King



Dark Match #3: Matt Borne vs Carl Styles

Squash number 2

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The Prediction Race.

The Predictions numbers so far. (First place after 200 matches gets a big prize. Best percentage (100 Predictions) will also recieve a prize.) (Number of Predicted matches is 197)


BHK1978 - 186 Predictions (137-49) (74% Right)


Zergon - 180 Predictions (137-43) (76% Right)


olympia - 121 Predictions (97-24) (80% Right)


Harmor - 88 Predictions (63-25) (72% Right)


Oldschool - 27 Predictions (17-10) (63% Right)


Destiny - 24 Predictions (14-10) (58% Right)


jsnypade33 - 18 Predictions (10-8) (56% Right)


Theheel83 - 6 Predictions (4-2) (67% Right)


TakerNGN74 - 6 Predictions (5-1) (83% Right)


Vladamire Dracos - 6 Predictions (5-1) (83% Right)
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Match 2 looks strange - wrong participants for the results given

Rip Oliver - he has a good match, then gets stoned and can't stand up. Gets sober, has another good match and then messed up again. If you drug test him, maybe he can be salvaged


Southern Rockers - daddy's protests. I found sometimes in those cases, if I leave the victor open and push the team I really wanted to win (keep strong, protect, dominate, anything you can use), sometimes the road agent will decide the way I wanted (about 50/50)



Main Event: Jimmy Snuka, The Grappler & Billy Jack vs Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver and Colonel DeBeers

Army needs a win here to get some of their heat back. Sure one of them will be going against Snuka soon and needs to look strong.


Match #1: Bobby Jaggers vs Earthquake Ferris

jaggers is the bigger deal and should help to elevate Ferris


Match #2: The Sheepherders vs Burning Fury (Pacific Tag Team Titles)

not time yet


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Juggernauts

Fantastics have been a little dissapointing since their arrival and may be used as fodder for your regular stars and guys you're pushing. Since Juggernauts are feuding with the team that needs the big push, they need a win to stay strong


Dark Match #1: Southern Rockers vs Indian War Party

Go Rockers Go!


Dark Match #2: Al Madril vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Matt Borne vs Carl Styles

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Match 2 looks strange - wrong participants for the results given


Sorry about the second match it was DeBeers vs Vaughn and I just messed that part up.


Rip Oliver - he has a good match, then gets stoned and can't stand up. Gets sober, has another good match and then messed up again. If you drug test him, maybe he can be salvaged


I'm scared to give him a drug test. He probably is a hard core user. I'm more worried about his bottle use then his drug use.


Southern Rockers - daddy's protests. I found sometimes in those cases, if I leave the victor open and push the team I really wanted to win (keep strong, protect, dominate, anything you can use), sometimes the road agent will decide the way I wanted (about 50/50)

I did not know that, so that could be a good way to get around the owner, as I really wanted The Southern Rockers to win.

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I never saw someone get hurt in a prank gone awry before. I wish that would come up in one of my games.



Main Event: Jimmy Snuka, The Grappler & Billy Jack vs Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver and Colonel DeBeers


Snuka and Billy Jack in the same match? You better call an exorcist because there will be some demons in that ring.


Match #1: Bobby Jaggers vs Earthquake Ferris


Match #2: The Sheepherders vs Burning Fury (Pacific Tag Team Titles)


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Juggernauts


Dark Match #1: Southern Rockers vs Indian War Party


Dark Match #2: Al Madril vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Matt Borne vs Carl Styles

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Main Event: Jimmy Snuka, The Grappler & Billy Jack vs Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver and Colonel DeBeers


Match #1: Bobby Jaggers vs Earthquake Ferris


Match #2: The Sheepherders vs Burning Fury (Pacific Tag Team Titles)


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Juggernauts


Dark Match #1: Southern Rockers vs Indian War Party


Dark Match #2: Al Madril vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Matt Borne vs Carl Styles

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Main Event: Jimmy Snuka, The Grappler & Billy Jack vs Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver and Colonel DeBeers

Going with the good guys, send the fans home happy


Match #1: Bobby Jaggers vs Earthquake Ferris


Match #2: The Sheepherders vs Burning Fury (Pacific Tag Team Titles)

Love the Sheepherders...cant stand The Buschwackers


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Juggernauts

Fantastics and Sheepherders had some great matches in MidSouth/UWF... Could wins here by both teams set up for that in PNW


Dark Match #1: Southern Rockers vs Indian War Party

Southern Rockers add another team into the mix, if they can get a win


Dark Match #2: Al Madril vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Matt Borne vs Carl Styles

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Pacific Northwest Wrestling presents Big Time Wrestling at the Portland Sports Arena (Sell Out) (2000 Fans)

August 1987 Week 3



Dark Match #1

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_MattBorne2.jpg Matt Borne v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_CarlStyles.jpg Carl Styles

Match Notes: A quick squash match for Matt Borne.

Winner by Pinfall……. Matt Borne at the 2:09 mark.



Dark Match #2

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_AlMadril.jpg Al Madril v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_RexKing.jpg Rex King

Match Notes: A quick squash match for Al Madril.

Winner by Pinfall……. Al Madril at the 1:33 mark.



Dark Match #3

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BillyTwoEagles2-1.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_DonRunningBear.jpg Indian War Party v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_SteveDoll.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_scottpeterson.jpg The Southern Rockers

Match Notes: A quick squash match for The Southern Rockers

Winner by Pinfall……. Thunder & Lightning at the 4:48 mark.



Big Time Wrestling Welcomes

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_DonCoss.jpg Don Coss and http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_StanStasiak.jpg Stan “The Man” Stasiak

Welcomes everyone to the Portland Sports Arena for tonight’s event.


Match #1

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/JerryBlackwell.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/JohnTenta3.jpg The Juggernauts v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BobbyFulton.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_TommyRogers2.jpg The Fantastics

Match Notes The match had an average crowd and decent in-ring action. The match had a good flow until Butch Miller and Luke Williams came down and attacked Bobby Fulton, while Woman and Percy Pringle distracted the referee. Avalanche went for the cover but Thunder and Lightning came down and attacked him. All four teams started brawling with each other, as the referee called for the ring.

Match ended in a Double DQ at the 6:01 mark.



Big Brawl


Archangel and Matt Borne came down to ringside to join in the brawl. Referees, officials and wrestlers come running from the back to pull apart the four groups. Curtis Thompson gets thrown into the fans and Nick Kiniski gets hit with a Thunder Slam from Thunder as he tried to hold back Thunder and Crusher. After several minutes the groups go to the back, as the Sheepherders stay at ringside ready for the next match.



Match #2 NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title Bout

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BradyBoone.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_SuperNinja.jpg Burning Fury v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_ButchMiller4.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_LukeWilliams.jpg The Sheepherders

Match Notes The match had an average crowd crowd and decent in-ring action. The Sheepherders just ran over Burning Fury, as Brady Boone and SuperNinja came to the ring at the wrong time. A Double Gutbuster ends the misery for Burning Fury.

Winner by Pinfall….. The Sheepherders at the 6:24 mark.



SuperNinja Turn


After the match has Brady Boone was holding his stomach, SuperNinja help him to his feet. Then SuperNinja hits a dropkick, sending Boone back to the ground. SuperNinja then gets on top of Boone and just hits him over and over again. Satisfied with the destruction of Boone, SuperNinja heads to back as referees come out to check on Boone.



Match #3

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BobbyJaggers2.jpg Bobby Jaggers v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_EarthquakeFerris.jpg Earthquake Ferris

Match Notes The match had an average crowd and decent in-ring action. Once again the match had nice flow, with some hard hitting action, until Cocoa Somoa came down the ring side. Somoa knocked down Savage and then hit Earthquake Ferris behind the referees back. Jaggers hit the Reverse Neckbreaker to pick up the surprise victory.

Winner by Pinfall….. Bobby Jaggers at the 7:33 mark.



Savage gets his revenge


Al Madril and Ricky Santana come running to the ring joining Cocoa Somoa, as they are about the attack Earthquake Ferris. Savage gets back up from the floor and grabs a chair. He enters the ring, chasing away the Latin Connection.

Dutch Savage: At Civil War you three punks will be facing Ferris, Bigelow and Me. That's right, I will show just how dangerous I can be. You hear me punks.



Buddy Rose Pumping up the Stable


Buddy Rose: This is are chance boys. Tonight is the night where we take control of the PNW. We have this match tonight, then at Civil War, you DeBeers, you Oliver and you Nord will be facing Ricky Vaughn, The Grappler and Billy Jack. I will be facing Snuka and I will be bringing the NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title back where it belongs. This is the night where The Army takes back the PNW.



Main Event

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BillyJackHaynes2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_TheGrappler.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_JimmySnuka2-1.jpg Billy Jack, Jimmy Snuka & The Grappler v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BuddyRose2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_RipOliver.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_ColonelDeBeers.jpg Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver & Colonel DeBeers

Match Notes The bout had a good heat and good action. The Army stalled a little at the beginning but tricked The Grappler in chasing after them and they punished him for that. The Grappler was caught in the wrong corner and looked to have got the hot tag to Billy Jack but Buddy Rose hit a low blow to end the rally by Jack. The match broke down has Colonel DeBeers was brawling with The Grappler outside the ring and Rip Oliver and Jack was wrestling on the other side leaving Jimmy Snuka and Buddy Rose alone in the ring. Snuka threw Rose outside the ring as DeBeers worked his way back into the ring. Rose grabbed the Championship Belt Snuka brought with him and hit Snuka in the back of the head, as Snuka was busy with DeBeers. Rose got the pin over Snuka to end the match.

Winner by Pinfall..... Buddy Rose, Rip Oliver and Colonel DeBeers at the 17:26 mark.



Overall (57)


Show Notes:

Nice show leading up the Civil War. A ton of big brawls and good ratings make me happy.


Kayfabe Information:

SuperNinja turning heel had to be a surprise. I had such high hopes for Burning Fury but they just never found the magic in the ring. The style of Brady Boone and SuperNinja are so different then anything else in the PNW. Hopefully they can find some to do apart from each other or I might just have to let them both go.


Please let me know what you think about the shows.


Thank you for reading.




Main Event: Jimmy Snuka vs Buddy Rose (NWA Pacific Northwest Championship Match)


Co-Main Event: The Grappler, Ricky Vaughn & Billy Jack vs The Army (John Nord, Rip Oliver & Colonel DeBeers)


Match #1: Latin Connection (Al Madril, Cocoa Somoa & Ricky Santana) vs Natural Disasters & Dutch Savage


Match #2: The Fantastics & The Acts of God (Archangel, Thunder & Lightning vs The Sheepherders & The Juggernauts (Matt Borne, Crusher & Avalanche)


Match #3: The Southern Rockers, Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller vs S & S Express, Curtis Thompson & Carl Styles


Dark Match #1: SuperNinja & Bobby Jaggers vs Indian War Party


Dark Match #2: Brady Boone vs Nick Kiniski

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Main Event: Jimmy Snuka vs Buddy Rose (NWA Pacific Northwest Championship Match)

Not yet time for a title change.


Co-Main Event: The Grappler, Ricky Vaughn & Billy Jack vs The Army (John Nord, Rip Oliver & Colonel DeBeers)

I had predicted pretty much all heel wins on the undercard so better give this one to faces.


Match #1: Latin Connection (Al Madril, Cocoa Somoa & Ricky Santana) vs Natural Disasters & Dutch Savage

I think that Savage is the weak link here.


Match #2: The Fantastics & The Acts of God (Archangel, Thunder & Lightning vs The Sheepherders & The Juggernauts (Matt Borne, Crusher & Avalanche)

Could go either way but I go with heels mainly because Juggernauts could use the win over Acts of God.


Match #3: The Southern Rockers, Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller vs S & S Express, Curtis Thompson & Carl Styles

Heels are simply bigger names here


Dark Match #1: SuperNinja & Bobby Jaggers vs Indian War Party

Eay win


Dark Match #2: Brady Boone vs Nick Kiniski

Kiniski is jobber so I give this one to Boone

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Main Event: Jimmy Snuka vs Buddy Rose (NWA Pacific Northwest Championship Match)

Could be a nice time for a change...


Co-Main Event: The Grappler, Ricky Vaughn & Billy Jack vs The Army (John Nord, Rip Oliver & Colonel DeBeers)

Fans need to be happy... Since I picked Rose, we'll go with faces here


Match #1: Latin Connection (Al Madril, Cocoa Somoa & Ricky Santana) vs Natural Disasters & Dutch Savage


Match #2: The Fantastics & The Acts of God (Archangel, Thunder & Lightning vs The Sheepherders & The Juggernauts (Matt Borne, Crusher & Avalanche)


Match #3:

The Southern Rockers, Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller vs S & S Express, Curtis Thompson & Carl Styles


Dark Match #1: SuperNinja & Bobby Jaggers vs Indian War Party


Dark Match #2: Brady Boone vs Nick Kiniski

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Main Event: Jimmy Snuka vs Buddy Rose (NWA Pacific Northwest Championship Match)


Co-Main Event: The Grappler, Ricky Vaughn & Billy Jack vs The Army (John Nord, Rip Oliver & Colonel DeBeers)


Match #1: Latin Connection (Al Madril, Cocoa Somoa & Ricky Santana) vs Natural Disasters & Dutch Savage


Match #2: The Fantastics & The Acts of God (Archangel, Thunder & Lightning vs The Sheepherders & The Juggernauts (Matt Borne, Crusher & Avalanche)


Match #3: The Southern Rockers, Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller vs S & S Express, Curtis Thompson & Carl Styles


Dark Match #1: SuperNinja & Bobby Jaggers vs Indian War Party


Dark Match #2: Brady Boone vs Nick Kiniski

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Main Event: Jimmy Snuka vs Buddy Rose (NWA Pacific Northwest Championship Match)

unless Snuka is leaving, it would be too early to have his lose - should be a killer main event, maybe a shmooz ending to keep both hot and set up a rematch


Co-Main Event: The Grappler, Ricky Vaughn & Billy Jack vs The Army (John Nord, Rip Oliver & Colonel DeBeers)

Have picked Nord to lose every time, he needs at least one win to keep his ranking. Army doesn't go home empty handed


Match #1: Latin Connection (Al Madril, Cocoa Somoa & Ricky Santana) vs Natural Disasters & Dutch Savage

sure the game plays differently, but in real life the old veteran returning to the ring here would play a role in helping his team win. His skills and mere presence will help elevate the heels. Could see heels be DQ'ed or counted out to save a little face


Match #2: The Fantastics & The Acts of God (Archangel, Thunder & Lightning vs The Sheepherders & The Juggernauts (Matt Borne, Crusher & Avalanche)

wouldnt think Arch angel would be on losing side - his streak cannot end in a tag match like this


Match #3: The Southern Rockers, Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller vs S & S Express, Curtis Thompson & Carl Styles

Rockers continue to rise


Dark Match #1: SuperNinja & Bobby Jaggers vs Indian War Party


Dark Match #2: Brady Boone vs Nick Kiniski

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Pacific Northwest Wrestling presents Civil War at the Portland Sports Arena (Sell Out) (2000 Fans)

August 1987 Week 3



Dark Match #1

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BradyBoone.jpg Brady Boone v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_NickKiniski.jpg Nick Kiniski

Match Notes: Brady Boone used his cat like quickness to over power Nick Kiniski. Boone won his first match since splitting from Super Ninja with the Moonsault.

Winner by Pinfall……. Brady Boone at the 4:45 mark.



Dark Match #2

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BobbyJaggers2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_SuperNinja.jpg Bobby Jaggers & Super Ninja v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BillyTwoEagles2-1.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_DonRunningBear.jpg Indian War Party

Match Notes: Bobby Jaggers & Super Ninja did not work well together but they still destroyed the Indian War Party. Jagger picks up the pinfall for the team.

Winner by Pinfall……. Bobby Jaggers & Super Ninja at the 3:52 mark.



Big Time Wrestling Welcomes

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_DonCoss.jpg Don Coss and http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_StanStasiak.jpg Stan “The Man” Stasiak

Welcomes everyone to the Portland Sports Arena for tonight’s event.


The Juggernaut Interview


Percy Pringle: Your time has come Acts of God. Are you prepared? I know the fear you’re fighting with. I know the terror in your eyes. I know you want to flee and hide. I know you darkest secrets. Are you prepared to return the hell-hole you came from? Are you prepared to be crushed and destroyed by my monsters here? Are you prepared to die?



The Sheepherders Interview


Woman: Fantastics, you have bitten off more then you can chew. You think you can just come here to the PNW and think you just get a shot at the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship belt. You’re going to have to earn, Fantastics. So you will not get a title shot until we believe you have earned the shot.



Match #1

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_SteveDoll.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_scottpeterson.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_MikeMiller.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_RockyIaukea.jpg The Southern Rockers, Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_ShaunSimpson.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_SteveSimpson2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_CarlStyles.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_CurtisThompson.jpg The S & S Express, Curtis Thompson & Carl Styles

Match Notes The match had an average crowd and decent in-ring action. The team of Steve Doll, Scott Peterson, Abbuda Dein and Mike Miller just slaughtered Steve Simpson, Shaun Simpson, Carl Styles and Curtis Thompson. Miller hit the Louisiana Leg Drop Hit to eliminate Shaun Simpson. Doll got the pin on Steve Simpson after hitting a Double DDT with his partner Peterson. Styles was next to be eliminated by Peterson after he got hit with the Double DDT. Thompson tried to come back but the odds where against him. Dein finishes him off, ending the match.

Winner by Pinfall.....The Southern Rockers, Abbuba Dein & Mike Miller at the 9:46 mark.



The Southern Rockers Turn


Mike Miller and Abbuda Dein start attacking Curtis Thompson for no reason. Steve Doll and Scott Peterson see this as they are walking to the back. They talk with each other for a second, then they run back to the ring. They chase Dein and Miller out of the ring to a big cheer from the crowd.



The Acts of God Interview


Dark Journey: Do not make the gods angry Pringle. For we did not start the war but we will finish it. Archangel, Thunder & Lightning are not afraid of you or your goons. The light shall come upon you and destroy you Pringle. You must be prepared.



Match #2

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/th_no_picture.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/MaskedWrestler1.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/BrianAdams2-1.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BobbyFulton.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_TommyRogers2.jpg The Acts of God & The Fantastics


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_ButchMiller4.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_LukeWilliams.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_MattBorne2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/JerryBlackwell.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/JohnTenta3.jpg The Juggernauts & The Sheepherders

Match Notes The match had an average crowd and decent in-ring action. There was very little wrestling at the beginning, as these two groups just went at each other. Tommy Rogers got hit with the Gutbuster out of no where, allowing Luke Williams to get the pin. The advantage was short lived as Williams got hit with the Thunder Slam (Chokeslam) and got pinned by Thunder. Bobby Fulton was next after getting hit with the Crush and Bury (Powerslam from Crusher to a Standing Senton Splash from Avalanche). Butch Miller got caught in the wrong corner and got it with The Act of God (Missile Dropkick from Lightning into a Choke Slam from Thunder), allowing Lightning to get the pin. Lightning got up and quickly got hit with a Powerbomb from Matt Borne to give the advantage back to the heels. Avalanche got caught with a Double DDT from Thunder and Archangel, with Thunder getting the pin to even the odds. Thunder got crushed with the Crush Splash (Big Splash) from Crusher, leaving the match 2 on 1. Crusher got hit with a clothesline from Borne by mistake, allowing Archangel to get the pin. Borne just starting hitting every big move on Archangel but Archangel would not give up. Borne getting ****y got caught with a dropkick and then the Hellbreaker, giving the match to Archangel and his team.

Winner by Pinfall….. The Acts of God & The Fantastics at the 19:33 mark.



Latin Connection Interview


Cocoa Samoa: Ohh Noooo. The big, bad Dutch Savage is coming back to the ring.


Al Madril: You should have stayed retired Savage. We are going to hurt you old man.


Cocoa Samoa: Get the ambulance ready in the back. Savage will be coming your way real soon.



Buddy Rose Interview


Buddy Rose: Tonight is my night Jimmy Snuka. I will take the Championship Belt from and bring honor back to the belt. If I happen to lose in the title match, I will leave the PNW forever, as I can not stay here with Snuka holding the belt. But after I win the belt, all you ladies in the crowd will know why they call me the “Playboy”.



Match #3

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_CocoaSamoa.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_RickySantana2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_AlMadril.jpg Latin Connection


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_EarthquakeFerris.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BamBamBigelow.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/DutchSavage.jpg Natural Disasters & Dutch Savage

Match Notes The match had an average crowd and decent in-ring action. The match started with Earthquake Ferris and Cocoa Samoa. The crowd kept calling for Dutch Savage. After hitting Samoa, Ferris tagged in Savage to the delight of the crowd. After a couple minutes, Savage hit the Running Piledriver to a big roar of the crowd, pinning Samoa. Al Madril quickly attacked Savage back, locking in the Indian Deathlock on Savage’s old knees. Savage had no choice for the give up. This seemed to rally Ferris and Bam Bam Bigelow as they just went crazy on Madril and Ricky Santana. Ricky Santana got hit with the Ferris Wheel at the same time Madril got hit with the Slingshot splash. The referee did the three count on both Santana and Madril, giving the victory to the Natural Disasters and Dutch Savage.

Winner by Pinfall….. Natural Disasters & Dutch Savage at the 19:58 mark.



Billy Jack talking with The Grappler & Ricky Vaughn


Billy Jack: We have a tough test tonight but I know we can defeat these bums. They are nothing, we are the future of the PNW. We are the blood that flows in the veins of these fans. We are the heart and soul of the PNW. Likes go out there a show them what we can do.



Co-Main Event

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BillyJackHaynes2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_TheGrappler.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_LanceVonErich.jpg Billy Jack, Ricky Vaughn & The Grappler


http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_JohnNord2.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_ColonelDeBeers.jpghttp://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_RipOliver.jpg The Army

Match Notes The bout had a good heat and good action. The face team got a huge advantage early with them eliminating John Nord after Nord got hit with a DDT, Piledriver and then a powerslam giving the pin to Billy Jack. The advantage was over quickly as Colonel DeBeers hit a low blow on Ricky Vaughn and got a quick roll-up, with Rip Oliver pushing down on DeBeers to prevent Vaughn from kicking out. The Grappler got the same fate as Vaughn as DeBeers got another roll-up but this time DeBeers held on to the tights preventing The Gappler to escape. Billy Jack having enough of this cheating locked in the Full Nelson on DeBeers, in which DeBeers quickly tapped out. Oliver and Jack went right at each other in a test of strength of which Jack easily won. Oliver tried a different route and got the same fate as he was thrown into the turnbuckle. Jack came running into the corner but Oliver moved out of the way at the last second. Jack went crashing into the turnbuckle and Oliver quickly rolled him up into a pin. Oliver gets the victory for his team.

Winner by Pinfall..... The Army at the 24:45 mark.



Jimmy Snuka Interview


Jimmy Snuka: Rose I take your challenge. I have been talking to the great gods and they have told me that if I lose, I must leave and return home. For the gods are right, for this will be horrible premonition in my life to lose the precise belt.




Main Event NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Bout

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_JimmySnuka2-1.jpg Jimmy Snuka v. http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i387/thunderwill/TEW/th_BuddyRose2.jpg Buddy Rose

Match Notes The bout had great heat and good action. Buddy Rose and Jimmy Snuka had bad chemistry in the ring, which hurt the match a little. Rose and Snuka wasted no time going after each other. Snuka go the early advantage, even getting several two counts. Rose turned the tide during the middle section, as he prevented Snuka from getting any momentum during this time. The crowd was getting hot, as Rose locked in the sleeper hold. Every fan was on there feet, as Snuka was able to break the hold. Snuka hit the flying chop and looked like the match was his to win, as he climb the turnbuckle to the top. Snuka went flying across the ring but only the mat, as Rose moved out of the way. Rose followed with the Las Vegas Jackpot but Snuka was able to get a leg on the ropes but the referee did not see it and gave the match to Rose. The new NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Champion Buddy Rose.

Winner by Pinfall..... Buddy Rose at the 44:45 mark.



Overall (62)


Show Notes:

A great show I would say. Rose is gold like always but the rest of the matches where great. Some big feuds had been simmering for the last month of the game and now there going to be on fire leading up the next big event three months (game months) from now.


Kayfabe Information:

Jimmy Snuka has not left the promotion. I have other plans for him and it was hard not to give the title to Rose.

I always remember The Southern Rockers as faces and now I have got them there. They should have a nice feud with Dein and Miller and who knows after that.

I will be signing a good amount of wrestlers, as my popularity in other areas is really getting low as I have never left the Northwest area. With a local TV show it is hard to branch out a little. So I will be running separate shows, just like PNW use to do, in the BC area, Southwest area and the Mid-West area. Each weekend will be three shows, with mostly the lower card guys wrestling. It serves to purposes, as to give to some matches, as one show a week hurts getting them in every week and gains the PNW in other areas. If you have suggestion on a wrestler that is very little known that you would like me to sign, just let me know.


Please let me know what you think about the shows.


Thank you for reading.




Main Event: Buddy Rose vs The Grappler (NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title Bout)


Match #1: Bam Bam Bigelow vs Cocoa Samoa (NWA Pacific Heavyweight Title Bout)


Match #2: The Southern Rockers vs Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Bruise Brothers


Dark Match #1: Brady Boone vs Super Ninja


Dark Match #2: Crusher vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Curtis Thompson vs Avalanche

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Main Event: Buddy Rose vs The Grappler (NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title Bout)

Rose isn´t losing the title on his first defense


Match #1: Bam Bam Bigelow vs Cocoa Samoa (NWA Pacific Heavyweight Title Bout)

Nope Samoa isn´t getting his title back.


Match #2: The Southern Rockers vs Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller

heels take the first win via cheating.


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Bruise Brothers

Bruise Brothers contineu to collect experience by jobbing


Dark Match #1: Brady Boone vs Super Ninja

Little bit of a coin flip but I assume that Ninja takes this one since he likely has higher momentum after that turn.


Dark Match #2: Crusher vs Rex King



Dark Match #3: Curtis Thompson vs Avalanche

Another squash

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Main Event: Buddy Rose vs The Grappler (NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title Bout)

Rose isn´t losing the title on his first defense


Match #1: Bam Bam Bigelow vs Cocoa Samoa (NWA Pacific Heavyweight Title Bout)

Nope Samoa isn´t getting his title back.


Match #2: The Southern Rockers vs Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller

heels take the first win via cheating.


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Bruise Brothers

Bruise Brothers contineu to collect experience by jobbing


Dark Match #1: Brady Boone vs Super Ninja

Little bit of a coin flip but I assume that Ninja takes this one since he likely has higher momentum after that turn.


Dark Match #2: Crusher vs Rex King



Dark Match #3: Curtis Thompson vs Avalanche

Another squash



Any thoughts on the show? Any wrestlers you would like to see?

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Main Event: Buddy Rose vs The Grappler (NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title Bout)

Rose will be champ for a long time


Match #1: Bam Bam Bigelow vs Cocoa Samoa (NWA Pacific Heavyweight Title Bout)

Bigelow on the other hand will not - and neither will Cocoa. Samoa could be on his to becoming a cult legend as he pops up in different diaries...but I think Art Barr or ArchAngel will be looking for a title soon to boost their standings. Who better than the urban legend Cocoa Samoa to be the bridge.


Match #2: The Southern Rockers vs Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller

possible DQ with post match beatdown to maintain heat. Southern Rockers are going places while Dien and Miller are stagnant and falling


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Bruise Brothers


Dark Match #1: Brady Boone vs Super Ninja


Dark Match #2: Crusher vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Curtis Thompson vs Avalanche


good show - nice way to turn the Rockers and give them a nice team to feud with right off the bat. Good use of Savage as his team wins and yet he gives some edge to the other team.

I'll think on some wrestlers to look at bringing in. If you're gonna tour in British Columbia, might be a good time to look at some Canadians especially they don't often get a push or mention in the legacy diaries.

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Any thoughts on the show? Any wrestlers you would like to see?


I liked the show espesially since I had always liked there elimination type matches. As for wrestlers I like to see, I don´t really have any as my knowledge on this particular era is pretty limited.

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Main Event: Buddy Rose vs The Grappler (NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title Bout)


Match #1: Bam Bam Bigelow vs Cocoa Samoa (NWA Pacific Heavyweight Title Bout)


Match #2: The Southern Rockers vs Abbuda Dein & Mike Miller


Match #3: The Fantastics vs The Bruise Brothers


Dark Match #1: Brady Boone vs Super Ninja


Dark Match #2: Crusher vs Rex King


Dark Match #3: Curtis Thompson vs Avalanche



I wish I knew who were free agents so I could give you feed back as to whom I would like to see in this diary. I would not mind seeing Eddie Gilbert if you could sign him.

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Wrestlers that are available that I think would work best for the PNW:

2 Cold Scorpio: Everyone should know who Scopio is.


Angelo Mosca Jr.: A horrible wrestler that only really got push during the 80's by his father Angelo Mosca.


Bob Holly: Sparkplug Holly has been around a long while. Hardcore Holly during the 2000's for those who remeber him.


Doug Gilbert: Brother of Eddie Gilbert. Was known has the Dark Patriot during the early 90's in the ECW.


Eddie Gilbert: Brother of Doug Gilbert. One of the greatest wrestlers never to really given the chance to shine. Died way to soon in 1995.


Eddie Guerrero: Everyone should know who Eddie is. The Guerrero family has a long tradition in the PNW by the way.


Johnny Smith: Good technical wrestler from England (who from england was not a good technical wrestler during this time). Lacks charisma but is still very solid.


Marty Jannety: I really thought he got a bad deal when him and Shawn Michaels split during the 90's. I know he was never a top level worker but I think you deserved more then he did.


Scott Putski: The Polish Prince was a physical beast during the 80's. Lacks a good amout of talent but can be very useful.


Tim Patterson: Was a jobber during his time with the WWF but is very well known on the indy scene in California and the southwest.


Bart Batten & Brad Batten: The Batten Twins was very big in the Central States and WWC during the 80's and early 90's.


D.J. Peterson: Was a late 80's AWA regular but died in 1993 before anything of his career could go anywhere.


Mike Stone: Was part of the Montana Cowboys that was very succesful in the central states but really not much else.


Rick McCord: Was mostly a central state wrestler and I know very little either then that.


The Warlord: You probably heard of the The Warlord from the Powers of Pain tag team during his WWF run in the early 90's.


Ben Bassarab: I really do not know anything about him to be honest with you. Maybe other people can really tell me more about him.


Biff Wellington: Trained with the Hart brothers in the Stampede promotion but that is all I know about him.


Kerry Brown: Also known as Rick Valentine and was part of the biggest tag teams in canada during the 80's with Duke Myers.


Ted Arcidi: A horrible, horrible wrestler that only had a chance because of his size.


Richard Charland: Was a big name in Montreal but I know little else about him.


Tommy Jammer: Career really short lived, as once the AWA folded, Jammer really did nothing else.

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