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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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[As you press play on the video that begins to air, you are taken to a viewing of the DOA logo. That fades to the two eyes and the words: 'A View From A Hawk's Eye.']


[Now it's time to head to the all too familiar studio where the man who makes the correct predictions, the Swami himself Scott Hawkes is sitting in his usual recliner. Scott flashes a smirk up toward the camera.]


Scott Hawkes

"Hello everyone and welcome to A View From A Hawk's Eye. This is your show for the knowledge before it happens. Your show to know exactly who is going to win on the DOA cards before anyone else knows. With that said, let's go to the very first match on the card."


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority


Scott Hawkes

"Everybody knows that The Moral Majority are the top tag team in the entire DOA landscape. There's not a team even close to them anywhere in the world and that includes you Eisen's and you Cornell's and especially you Strong's!"


The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne


Scott Hawkes

"One of these two men is going to leave DOA. The landscape will be a little harsher, a little sadder without one of the King's Men. In the end, I think Rayne's youth will outweigh The Elder Statemen's Elderness."


Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell


Scott Hawkes

"Even I don't know much about Hammer except that he is going to win. Dick and Sammy will be so disappointed in Tom."


The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers


Scott Hawkes



Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment


Scott Hawkes

"Matthew Keith is the weak link in this team. The young second generation wrestler came in here expecting the world to be handed to him. Instead, Torment is going to hand him pain and suffering."


Acid vs. Donte Dunn


[At this point, Scott bursts out in uncontrollable laughter. He pauses, tries to compose himself. He opens his mouth to speak and just dies laughing again, nearly falling off his trademark recliner. He starts gasping for air like a fish out of water.]


Scott Hawkes

"Alright." [Pant. Pant.] "We'll see you." [Pant.] "Next time!"


[The last scene is just of Scott trying to compose himself as the video clip comes to an end.]


EDIT: Bonus Point: Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows?


Forgot to put that in. Many have been saying Queen Emily. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Sara Silver has been working for the network all along.

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Thank you for all the predictions thus far! I am only three segments away from being complete; however, probably won't have a chance to really round everything out until either Friday night/Saturday morning! So, expect the show Saturday morning at the latest!


Also, onto some responses...


I had the same reaction to the Acid/Dante Dunn match myself. Poor little guy LOL


You never really know, "The Barbados Barbarian" may have a little juice in his step....


Looking this thread over and it appears this will be the first Cornellverse Dynasty I'm going to be following. Props to BHK for the recommendation.


Nice job. :D

Ahem. ;)


Great to have you on board, Kijar. Also, a special thank you to BHK for sending a new reader/potential Deadhead my way as well.
It's much appreciated.


I saw that you are a fan of high flying action and that's exactly what you get in Deadly Overloaded Action.
It's the only 'modern' company at a cult level in the Cornellverse
and really utilizes a
high-speed, dare-devil, in-your-face, style of wrestling
. In a way, as it was first created, I feel as though it's a combination of the TNA X-Division (style of wrestling), Wrestling Society X (TV-owned company & underground theme), and ECW (in the brash, in-your-face, revolutionary-like vibe). Also, the
Death Defying Duo Division (3-D Division)
is an American-like spin on Lucha Libre tag team wrestling; so, you're certainly left with a lot of non-stop, seamless, action of a high-flying nature.


All in all, I'm glad you came by to check things out! If you have any questions about DOA, the characters, the storylines, or whatever, then certainly do not hesitate to ask (either here or via PM).





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Great to have you on board, Kijar. Also, a special thank you to BHK for sending a new reader/potential Deadhead my way as well.
It's much appreciated.


I saw that you are a fan of high flying action and that's exactly what you get in Deadly Overloaded Action.
It's the only 'modern' company at a cult level in the Cornellverse
and really utilizes a high-speed, dare-devil, in-your-face, style of wrestling. Also, the
Death Defying Duo Division (3-D Division)
is an American-like spin on Lucha Libre tag team wrestling; so, you're certainly left with a lot of non-stop, seamless, action of a high-flying nature.


All in all, I'm glad you came by to check things out! If you have any questions about DOA, the characters, the storylines, or whatever, then certainly do not hesitate to ask (either here or via PM).






That's sounds really, really awesome when you put it that way. :D I'm anticipating the next show.

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Hi, my name is 1234. Long time reader, first time questioner. (:p)


Out of general curiosity, who is Hammer?


I can't tell if he is someone already in the C-Verse who I don't know (or more likely can't remember), or if he is an original character.


If the answer will be revealed in the future, or you would prefer not to say feel free to ignore this part of the post and just acknowledge the below.


Haven't commented/predicted in this diary yet, but since I am posting I might as well say great work on this. You obviously have a clear vision for DOA, and it shows in the quality of the product you put out.


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

-Victor Page seems high on TMM, and now seems like a good time for the belts to change hands.


The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

-I feel Rayne has more of a future in DOA, which unfortunately means bye-bye to Statesman.


Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

-As others have said, Debut win.


The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

-Could go either way, personal preference here.


Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

-I can't bet against Vicious.


Acid vs. Donte Dunn

-While I am not laughing at Dunn's chances, he definately faces an up-hill struggle for the win. (Which would only come in DQ or count-out form in my opinion).


Bonus Point: Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows? Queen Emily, although I honestly have no idea.

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Hi, my name is 1234. Long time reader, first time questioner. (:p)


HI 1234!


(AA response)


Out of general curiosity, who is Hammer?


I can't tell if he is someone already in the C-Verse who I don't know (or more likely can't remember), or if he is an original character.


If the answer will be revealed in the future, or you would prefer not to say feel free to ignore this part of the post and just acknowledge the below.


Hammer is the TCW Wrestling School graduate,
Mighty Mo
. While he's not your prototypical DOA hire, as he's not a high flier, his athleticism makes him a viable monster in a company made of much smaller fliers. In a way, I see him as DOA's Brock Lesnar.


Haven't commented/predicted in this diary yet, but since I am posting I might as well say great work on this. You obviously have a clear vision for DOA, and it shows in the quality of the product you put out.


Thank you, 1234! Out of all the dynasties I've ever done, Deadly Overloaded Action is the one where I can see it's brand inside and out. Plus, the characters are so much fun to write for and the product is entirely what I would want to watch if I were watching wrestling in the Cornellverse. So, it makes it easier to visualize/book what I would be interested in watching (storylines, characters, and overall show production wise).

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority


The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne


Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell


The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers


Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment


Acid vs. Donte Dunn

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

Griffith has breathed new life into TMM and with NARATO in turmoil, I suspect the belts could change hands.


The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

I prefer The Elder Statesman as a character, but Rayne is probably the more useful of the pair.


Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

Mo's looking mean and Kornell's stock ain't exactly high at the moment.


The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Bit of a toss up, but if the titles switch early on, TMM will have ideal new challengers (Sparrow vs. TMM pt. 2)


Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

All the Kings Men are in a mess and neither Morgan nor Torment have a great deal going for them right now.


Acid vs. Donte Dunn

Put a fork in Donte, because he is Dunn.


Bonus Point: Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows?


I'm still leaning towards Queen Emily.

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Antonio Marquez, Greg Black, Eric Tyler, Johnny Vicious, and Acid ©

… Opening Video …




[The 5th episode of “DOA Rapid Assault” Season II opens in typical fashion as a brief, one-minute, produced video depicts the current state for which Deadly Overloaded Action exists. With a crackling gritty tone, consistent imagery for DOA in general, said video frames Antonio Marquez as the shocking ‘man of the hour’; coming off of a huge, career-shifting, victory at the program’s first ever pay-per-view event in “Survival of the Fearless”. Showing highlights from his victory, painting the “Aerial Anarchist” as suicidal in action to say the least, the newfound focused flier comes away with a premiere superstar framing.]


[in turn, several images of Greg Black’s ‘screw job’, the man who orchestrated such in Eric Tyler sitting within a darkened limo much like an evil conspirator, and Johnny Vicious’ body ultimately giving out on him, in which to entirely depict the night as a whole.]


[in the end, a final image is shown of the DOA Champion, Acid, for a split second before seamlessly transitioning to another sight of the newfound #1 contender in Antonio Marquez. With this in mind, an unknown, faceless, baritone voice peers over the footage in which to ultimately shape the current war at hand.]


After outlasting 15 other warriors, defying his own body’s destruction, and surviving controversy unseen, Antonio Marquez now stands at foot of a new path. While he defined ‘fearless’ just a few days ago, the “Aerial Anarchist” must employ his suicidal nature now that ‘day zero’ has come. For, shortly, he will ultimately ‘dance with the devil’ himself…


[With that, the video comes to a climactic close with the sight of a staredown between Marquez and Acid overtaking the screen. With a deeply thick black background behind them, a semblance of lingering smoke coming up from the unseen floor in an iconic manner, the two inevitable rivals fixate on one another in a fixated fashion; Acid snarling like the ‘savage beast’ that he is as Marquez simply smirks lazily in that ‘I’m damn cool and you know it’ kind of manner. Two opposites; however, two warriors who will eventually tear eachother apart for the ultimate prize in Deadly Overloaded Action; The DOA Championship.]




Davis Ditterich:
As you can see folks, coming off of this past Saturday’s LIVE pay-per-view event, “Survival of the Fearless”, it’s rather obvious to see that Greg Black is entirely unhappy with how he was treated during the main event. So much so that we are seemingly opening our broadcast in shocking fashion as “The Peerless One” is already on the scene; furious over what happened to him…




“Peerless” Greg Black + Arcadia Security Team

… Opening the show with chaos …


[Just as the opening video comes to a close, we are instantly shoved straight into the ‘action’ in a guerilla-toned fashion as “Peerless” Greg Black is already shown walking shortly past the Dungeon gateway with a microphone in hand. Without his music accompanying his entrance, signifying that the arrogant flier may have just bumrushed the program itself straight away, Black is shown instantly overtaking the DOA Dungeon on the microphone in a furious fashion as the menacing Arcadia Security Team follows closely behind. In connection, the Deadheads in attendance seem to be somewhat split over how to interact with the fuming DOA warrior; administering a mixed reaction in the process.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I was screwed… I know you, you ALL know it, and Arcadia better-damn-well do something about it!


[Greg Black continues to stomp his way down the steel rampway, toward the blackened squared circle, as the DOA Deadheads continue to shower him with the dreaded mixed reaction. All in all, with every explosive set, it’s rather obvious that “The Peerless One” is overcome by anger over recent events.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
“Rapid Assault” may as well be “Rapid Descent” if nothing is done. I AM Deadly Overloaded Action! I DEMAND Justice!!


[“The Peerless One” enters the squared circle in a thunderous manner as he instantly looks out upon the TV cameras before him with an overwhelming wave of aggression to his tone. Gone is the ultra-cool swagger, the ‘I’m better than you’ mentality, and here is the obvious sign of man scorned. None the less, as he stands in defiance of the recent ruling, Greg Black is practically demanding action with his irritable body mannerisms alone.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I don’t care WHO it takes to get this done. Hell, I’ll go all the way up to [Jensen] Tarver if I have to! What happened to me at “Survival of the Fearless” was a travesty and I’ll be damned if I let this slide by. Antonio Marquez is a joke, a nobody punk who doesn’t rate to me AT ALL, and I had his shoulders pinned to the mat before [Eugene] Williams decided to play out Tyler’s little ‘game’! So get your asses out here NOW and overturn the decision; set the situation straight and recognize the REAL winner from this past Saturday… The Motha-F*cking “Peerless One”…


[With that, Greg Black IS given someone from the back; however, it’s not entirely who he wanted to see/hear from. Instead of an Arcadia Executive, the man who comes strolling out is none other than the winner from this past Saturday, and the new #1 contender to the DOA Championship, in Antonio Marquez.]



“The Aerial Anarchist” Antonio Marquez

… The #1 Contender Arrives …


[With a lazy shuffle to his step, and a sly grin running across his stubble-infested face, the man of ultimate ‘bad-boy-cool’ enters the DOA Dungeon with a hefty air of arrogance. In contrast, seeing such, Greg Black only appears to grow MORE furious over the events at hand.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
You have A LOT of nerve coming out here, you little punk!
[stares down furiously]
Wipe that god-damn-smirk off your face before I shove it square up you’re a$$!


[A mixed reaction follows. In the end, despite being threatened in such an aggressive manner, Antonio Marquez continues to stand in his lazy-cool manner; unaffected it seems.]


“The Aerial Anarchist” Antonio Marquez:
Temper… Temper…
[shakes his head; smirking]
All of that anger is bound to get you into a fight, you obviously, can’t finish.
[smirks; Black grows more angered]
So, by beating you, does that make ME ‘Peerless’ now?
Just add it to the list of names they’ve already thrown on me… “Aerial Anarchist”… “Reckless Aggression”… Oh, and my favorite to date,… #1 Contender to the DOA Championship…


[The DOA Deadheads deliver upon another mixed reaction as they are still sizing up the newfound main eventer. With that said though, there appears to be more of a cheering chorus than that of a booing one. Meanwhile, in connection to his statement, it’s quite obvious that Greg Black is absolutely fuming by this point as he may be nearing a psychological explosion at this point.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Stupid move, a$$hole…


[Greg Black drops the microphone and instantly begins to step toward the ring ropes in which to throw down with Marquez; however, is quickly slowed by the interrupting voice of the mysterious Arcadia Executive. Luckily, at least for Marquez, such comes to pass as, at this point, the Arcadia Security Team was also stepping into action in which to back-up their angry ‘leader of sorts’.]



Mysterious Arcadia Executive

… Interjecting …


[Her voice is still masked as the shadowy figure resides within a darkened corporate office. While it’s obviously impossible to make out who it is, her newly painted red nails are shown toward the edge of her desk as she rolls her fingers in a clicking fashion.]


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
That won’t be necessary, Gentlemen…


[Greg Black stops within the ring, portraying a ‘good, she’s here’ kind of demeanor, as he quickly picks the microphone back up in which to address her appearance; albeit shadowed and only on the video tron placed above the DOA Dungeon Gateway.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Good; you’re here! Tell this greasy little punk the truth… Tell him that I AM the REAL #1 Contender… I DEMAND Justice!!


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
Truthfully, Mr. Black, we are very unhappy with how Deadly Overloaded Action’s first-ever-pay-per-view event was shrouded in controversy. It was not our intention and, for that, we have decided to take further actions such as suspending Eugene Williams indefinitely for his hand in the matter. Not to mention, while not addressed yet, the currently suspended Mr. Tyler will also be dealt with accordingly.


[Greg Black nods his head; expecting that all is coming in his direction now.]


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
With that said; however, we are NOT overturning anything from this past Saturday.


[The Deadheads in attendance pop rather well; however, it’s unknown whether or not it’s because they LIKE Marquez or are starting to DISLIKE Greg Black. None the less, in connection, “The Peerless One” has quickly turned on his fuming nature once again; stomping around the ring like a 5-year-old going through a temper tantrum.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:


“The Aerial Anarchist” Antonio Marquez:
She just said that I’m still the #1 contender…
Somehow, it seems like you missed that or something…


[Greg Black looks upon the smirking Marquez with absolute fury in stare.]


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
That’s enough!
[Pauses; allows her statement to take hold]
You see, Mr. Black, while we are drastically unhappy with how the main event was marred with controversy, we simply will NOT strip Antonio Marquez of his opportunity. He, like you, tore through a number of DOA Warriors in which to get to the top. To strip him now would only cripple everything that “Survival of the Fearless” stood for; and we will not let that happen.


“Peerless” Greg Black:
You’ve GOT to be f*cking kidding me! You tout my arrival, you place your OWN security team around me, hype me as the inevitable ‘front-runner’, and yet you slap me in the face like this? Who the HELL do you think you are? Have you forgotten who I AM?


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
who the hell writes your checks here in Deadly Overloaded Action; don’t you forget that.


“The Aerial Anarchist” Antonio Marquez:
I, for one, did not forget that, Ms. Shadowy corporate lady…


[Marquez smirks in an arrogant manner as his statement only furthers Black’s aggression.]


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
Quite Antonio; you’re not helping the matter any…


[Antonio playfully shrugs his shoulders as a stint of laughter flows from within. His light hearted nature, while consistent with his lazy-cool-ultra-bad-boy persona, is obviously a sense of instigation.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I will NOT be disrespected like this! Get ‘em boys…


[The menacing Arcadia Security Team opens their collective crossed arms as the muscle-bound group starts to shuffle toward the rampway in which to, as it seems, beatdown Marquez. However, before such an come to pass, the mysterious Arcadia Executive chimes in once again.]


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
Stop…right… there.


[The Arcadia Security team slowly comes to a halt as they all seem rather confused. In connection, Greg Black seems to be much of the same.]


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
This is EXACTLY why I am not willing to even consider an overturn, Mr. Black. We offered the Arcadia Security Team as a protective measure in which to ensure your safety; knowing that the current culture in DOA is within the throws of anarchy. Nowhere in that agreement was there to be any sort of instigated violence. You crossed the line on Saturday when you used a protective team as a gang-of-sorts; having them do your dirty work on two different occasions. We will NOT stand for this at headquarters and, with this in mind, we have decided to strip you of such luxury.


[Greg Black explodes with fury as the DOA Deadheads cheer rather loudly for the idea of the Security Team finally being removed. Remembering what took place at “Survival of the Fearless”, the notion of Mr. Black being more heelish in ways start to come to the surface. With this in mind, the idea of removing his most prized weapon seems to excite the masses.]


Mysterious Arcadia Executive:
Effectively immediately, you have ALL been released of your security contracts and will be asked to leave the premises now. If you do not comply, or do anything to jeopardize this program in the process, you all will be subject to arrest by the LAPD. You have brought shame to Arcadia and we will not allow such.



The Arcadia Security Team



“Peerless” Greg Black:
Come Back!! You guys work for ME!!
[Growing with aggression]


[The Arcadia Security Team slowly shuffles their way up the rampway and through the DOA Dungeon Gateway in which to leave the ringside area for the last time. Meanwhile, as they pass “The Aerial Anarchist”, Marquez is shown waving goodbye to them in a tongue-and-cheek manner. In connection, they all seem to be rather pissed at the notion of their release; however, unable to really take any action or else face legal charges.]


“The Aerial Anarchist” Antonio Marquez:
Goodbye…Goodbye… Goodbye…
[saying goodbye to them all individually]
Let me know if you need a reference for flippin’ burgers…


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Enough of this CRAP! I’m a HUGE star; a once-in-a-lifetime talent! There’s no f*cking way I’m staying here after all of this SH*T!!
[Angrily stomping around the ring]
I… QUIT!!!!




[The Deadheads seem to be in shock as Greg Black has just announced he has ‘ quit’ Deadly Overloaded Action over the proceedings. Pushed far, the “Peerless One” appears to be overtly angered over all that came to pass; obviously turning a blind-eye to his own controversy in the process.]


“The Aerial Anarchist” Antonio Marquez:
Oh... But who will throw my congratulations party once I’ve beaten Acid for the DOA Championship? I was banking on you to do that…


[Marquez smirks arrogantly; however, Greg Black shows as though he didn’t even hear the response. In a sense, he’s so blinded by rage as he turns square to look at the shadowed Arcadia Executive.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
You just lost THE BIGGEST THING that EVER happened to this 4th-rate program! This is EXACTLY why you’ll NEVER be able to compete with ‘The Big Boys’; you’re blind to a REAL Legend when you have it right in front of you! Cornell… Eisen… Hell, Strong… You’ve got my number… Use it… I’m out of this piece-of-sh*t wasteland…


[With that, “Peerless” Greg Black is shown throwing his microphone down upon the canvas in a forceful fashion as it breaks said microphone apart in the process. As the Deadheads begin to transition from shock to anger, their collective booing begins to overtake the DOA Dungeon; obviously unhappy over Black’s ugly comments about the company they love.]


[in the end, as we transition toward our first promotional break of the night, Greg Black is shown tearing his DOA-made t-shirt off and arrogantly throwing it high into the crowd. As the Deadheads around the area scramble to catch such official merchandise, the enraged “Peerless One” is shown exiting the ringside area through the crowd; showing no interest in leaving the ‘correct manner’ through the Dungeon Gateway.]


[All in all, the final image is that of Greg Black storming off the scene, Antonio Marquez arrogantly smirking as his music overtakes the DOA Dungeon, and the shadowy Arcadia Executive still residing on the screen as she rolls her fingernails upon the desk before her, framing this scenario as certainly not planned.]




Davis Ditterich:
Good GOD, Greg Black just quit Deadly Overloaded Action…

Sara Silver:
I knew he was mad, I mean it was pretty obvious, but I didn’t expect THIS!

Davis Ditterich:
To say the least, since he joined the program back a few months ago, it’s widely been known that his “Peerless One” persona extends far past the squared circle. He was pampered at every turn and it seems that he’s snapped at the first sign of not being treated, as he deems, ‘fairly’.

Sara Silver:
It IS crazy that he seemingly disregarded his own hand in the controversy! I mean, even if the ‘screw job’ didn’t happen, Greg Black was attempting to win by using the Arcadia Security Team as a violent gang of sorts!

Davis Ditterich:
The ex-Arcadia Security Team that is! I can’t believe all of this! In just a week, Antonio Marquez rises to that of #1 contender, the Arcadia Security Team is shockingly FIRED, and Greg Black, a center of DOA programming, has seemingly QUIT all together! Wow…

Sara Silver:
When the Arcadia Executive said we were in a state of Anarchy she wasn’t lying! I’ve never seen a program start to cave-in like this before!

Davis Ditterich:
I guess we’ll have to see if DOA can survive without Greg Black… That’s something that I always thought was possible as it seemed like he was always waiting out that ‘next big contract’ anyways from the ‘Big Three’. Still though… I’m shocked it finally came to pass…




The Tokyo Express ©

… Tension builds …


[shortly after coming back from break we all witness the sight of the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions, Tokyo Express, walking through a backstage hallway toward the backend of the Dungeon Gateway. With no sound it’s impossible to hear what’s being said; however, body language alone seems to tell the tale of KAZUMA’s continual descent into a fragmented state of mind. OTA calmly appears to be talking to his long-time duo partner, most likely conversing over a battle-plan of sorts; however, KAZUMA contradicts his tranquility with an overt sense of irritability. In the end, OTA attempts to re-center his friend by stepping before him; placing his hands on his shoulders in the process. Shockingly, though, KAZUMA is shown wrestling his way from OTA’s good-deed; storming past him as it’s entirely obvious that they are on different pages currently.]




Davis Ditterich:
This doesn’t look good for the Tokyo Express…

Sara Silver:
After completely dominating the Death Defying Division since it’s inception, it appears as though the champs are at a crossroads with one another…

Davis Ditterich:
It all stems back to KAZUMA’s hand in Mainstream Hernandez’ injury. It was a freak accident, in no way planned, but it has seemingly rocked KAZUMA SO much that he’s simply unable to break free from the stress it’s caused him. He’s a different man entirely at this point.

Sara Silver:
OTA has tried everything he could to help him too. Sadly, it looks as though it’s only enraged the fragmented KAZUMA that much more…

Davis Ditterich:
I don’t know how ANYONE could win in duo action when they are THIS far apart from one another… What is happening these days in DOA? Everything is just so upside down…

Sara Silver:
The sign of Anarchy continues on… This time, with the Death Defying Duo Champions…




The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority
w/ Grace and Prudence

[DOA Death Defying Duo Championship Match]

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]


The tension between the Death Defying Duo Champions is pretty obvious as they enter the DOA squared circle in a contradictory manner. Despite dominating the division for quite some time now, really since the inception of it all, OTA and KAZUMA feel and look much more like budding rivals than long-time allies. None the less, in contrast, the hate-spewing duo of Citizen X and Father Griffith appear to be as focused as ever; overtaking the squared circle in an aggressive manner as the sheepish combination of Grace and Prudence walk in a dejected way closely behind. More or less, after warring for all of Season II thus far, tonight marks the major point of impact between the two updating tandems.


The action itself is very much so in-line with this initial notion. KAZUMA and OTA, while a versed duo, feel quite awkward in their combinations as KAZUMA appears to be fuming internally. Meanwhile, Citizen X and Father Griffith do all they can do to manipulate their own momentum; utilizing a more ‘dirty’ approach that has become quite custom with the newly minted Moral Majority (more dubious in every form).


In the end, it’s KAZUMA that ultimately influences the end of their altercation…


Turning his back on his partner, simply walking away from a tag that OTA desperately needed after being physically beaten for a good 5 minutes, the mentally fragmented Tokyo Express member simply jumps off the apron and walks up the rampway; literally with his back turned the entire way. Meanwhile, sensing what has been done, a great look of sorrow forms on OTA’s face as he slowly raises to his feet in shock. Sadly, with his attention turned, it takes a matter of 5 seconds for Father Griffith to slip in unannounced; executing his signature “Exercising the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker) in the process. With OTA floored, motionless on the canvas, square upon his back, it only takes a matter of 3-seconds for the newly minted Moral Majority to make history. For the first time in Deadly Overloaded Action history, there are NEW Death Defying Duo Champions in The Moral Majority!


The Moral Majority in 9:33 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Exercising the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker) from Father Griffith upon OTA; after KAZUMA had walked out on OTA



Davis Ditterich:
I can’t believe we KAZUMA just walked out on OTA. After everything they’ve gone through, years of friendship, countless championships, we just witnessed a scenario I never thought possible. I’m just shocked. Now, due to their breakup, we have new DOA Death Defying Duo Champions…
[shutters a little]
The Moral Majority now have an even greater platform for which to preach from…

Sara Silver:
Sadly, you’re right, Davis. This industry places it’s champions in high regard and it’s no different here in Deadly Overloaded Action. They may have won the belts because KAZUMA walked out on his partner but part of me thinks that they would have won regardless. The Moral Majority has a new sense of fervor ever since Father Griffith came in as their unsung leader. These two are VERY dangerous together and now they have championship gold to prove this!

Davis Ditterich:
What a huge moment in DO…
[A commotion is heard]
What is that? What’s going on?

Sara Silver:
Oh no…

Davis Ditterich:
It’s that gang of women; they’re back… and… and… They have Grace and Prudence!!! Good GOD, someone get out here now! We saw what happened to Violet last week… She’s STILL recovering from her injuries at an LA hospital!








… They’re Ba-a-a-a-ck!! …


[Rushing toward the ringside area through the crowd, this motley crew appears just as menacing as ever. Pushing past Deadheads, even picking fights with a few of them, the ruckus faction of sorts quickly rushes the steel guardrail before them. In a split second, almost as if it were all a blur, both Grace and Prudence, scantily-clad in their best revealing wear, are savagely pulled over the guardrail by two of the bigger women in a choke-hold kind of manner.]



Grace and Prudence

… Assaulted in the crowd …


[Just as fast as the attack came on, the wicked wasteland of a fallen Grace and Prudence is left for all to see. After having their heads slammed into the concrete floor, gang-whipping them into a nearby protection wall, and viciously stomping the holy-hell out of each one of them, there is nothing left for movement between the two. Lying face down on the very ground they’ve been slammed into repeatedly, the half-naked duo look like a few nameless hookers thrown by the road-side after a violent attack.]



The Moral Majority

… Celebrating their win …


[Meanwhile, catching wind of what has happened, while holding his Championship belt in hand, Citizen X quickly reacts. Staggering toward the ring ropes, looking to climb through them, X is about to go and ‘save’ his long-time valets; however, is quickly stopped in such an act by an intense stare from Father Griffith. Torn, obviously showing such on his face, X eventually gives up on his heroics and rejoins Griffith in the center of the ring. All the while, as Grace and Prudence lay possibly in a pool of their own blood, the Moral Majority is shown raising the Death Defying Duo Championships on-high in a celebratory fashion.]


[in the end, as the segment comes to an unsettling end, we also witness the sight of the unknown female faction, once again, standing on high in the DOA Dungeon displaying their “X” symbol with their crossed arms above their head. This gang symbol of sorts seems to unify them for whatever reason. None the less, their carnage has been levied once again. Last week it was Violet. This week it was Grace and Prudence.]




Davis Ditterich:
This is getting ridiculous! Where is the security when stuff like this happens? I mean, these wicked women should NOT be able to simply walk in and assault our talent! This NEEDS to stop!!

Sara Silver:
Well, the only security I’ve ever seen was fired by Arcadia earlier in the night. So, I don’t foresee anything stopping them; at least tonight. I don’t know who these women are, or what they’re looking to accomplish, but their actions are simply out of control! This puts 2 more women in the hospital at their hands. How many people need to get hurt badly before something is done about the matter?

Davis Ditterich:
Did you see the Moral Majority on top of that? Citizen X was on the verge of being the hero in the situation when Father Griffith seemingly stopped him with one stare! Not to mention, they were celebrating their win as their lovely ladies were lying face-down in a pool of their own blood probably. If you call that protecting those who serve you then these punks are even more EVIL than I first thought!

Sara Silver:
Plus, what is up with the “X” symbol they keep on flashing? I MUST get to the bottom of this story…




“Peerless” Greg Black

… Leaving the DOA Dungeon; forever? …


[Walking with an arrogant sense of swagger, what many would classify as a ‘chip on his shoulder’, the embattled “Peerless One” is shown seamlessly maneuvering his way through the backstage hallways of the DOA Dungeon. With a camera lens firmly cemented upon his upper body, certainly back-peddling the entire way, the masterful camera man depicts the sheer defiance upon Greg Black’s face. With a smirk that can be easily defined as a ‘whatever’ kind of projection, much like he can’t even comprehend how ‘stupid’ Arcadia is for showing their cards as they did, cards that he felt were different days before, the “Peerless One” arrogantly steps into a large loading dock area. From there, passing by a number of shocked DOA warriors, some of them still in their street clothes, creating a scenario that this is simply not planned, Black is shown stepping through the large grey door leading out into the parking lot; exploding with force as it’s quite obvious that Mr. Black is certainly fixated on leaving this place for good.]


[stepping into the parking lot, the thick California night air encompasses the scene entirely. As a light semblance of rain falls from the sky above, gently enough to barely add small droplets on the lens itself, Greg is shown stepping his way toward where he last parked his vehicle. However, at least at this point, no such reunion comes to pass.]


[Walking outward, away from the DOA Dungeon, Greg now comes upon an idling black limo seated square in the middle of the parking lot. Slowly, the back passenger door, the one closest to Black himself, opens as if some supernatural force was carrying out such a seamless action. At first, it appears that Greg isn’t focused on the limo before him but rather wrapped in his own anger; talking to himself under his breathe about how they will ‘crumble that he’s no longer here’.]


[Growing closer to the door, Greg comes to understand what is before him. With a confused look upon his face, he starts to slow down as he attempts to peer through the darkness within the limo itself; gaining what is obviously blanketing outside as well. From there, a familiar voice is heard tearing through the midnight air; however, more raspy then previously heard before.]



Eric Tyler

... Looking to make a deal ...


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Come, join me Gregory… We are in need of a conversation…


[Almost as if he jumped back, shocked and confused by the gall that Mr. Tyler has to have, attempting to talk to the man who he orchestrated a ‘screw job’ against only a few days ago, Greg begins to shake his head in a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ fashion; smirking with shock.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Aw-Hell-Nah… You’ve got some god-damn-balls to TRY to talk to me… After what you did on Saturday… There ‘aint no way I’m going to trust you; even for a conversation…


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
It seems though, these days, you don’t really have many you can trust in general. All I ask is a simple conversation; that’s all. You know, you and I seemingly have found ourselves on the same side of a war… One that we could win… together…


[Greg Black again looks as though he’s unwilling to even speak with him; laughing to himself in the process.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
[Laughs; shakes his head]
What are you mental or something? I ‘aint talkin’ to you or anybody here for that matter. This place is dead to me… I don’t care about no damn war.


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Just a short talk before you head off to wherever it is you think awaits you. If you don’t like what I have to say then fine; however, I promise you, what I am offering will certainly bring Arcadia to it’s knees; something we both want to see. Think about it Gregory, you have YEARS of profitability on the ‘Supreme Stage’, countless years to ‘get it right’, but what I’m offering you will only cement your legacy as a TRUE Icon of this industry. Many can say they’ve won titles, beat rivals, stood above their foes, but not many can lay the claim that they single-handedly… Destroyed… a… company. You’ll be a LEGEND amongst pretenders… So, what will it be? Mind speaking with ‘the Devil’ himself?


“Peerless” Greg Black:
This better be good…
… better be DAMN good…


[shockingly, as he runs his hand across his face, smirking the entire time in a shocked manner, Greg Black is actually shown stepping toward the limo. Within seconds, he’s pulled himself into the limo; slamming the door behind him in the process. Little is known as to WHAT is ACTUALLY taking place within the confines of Tyler’s limo but it’s expected to be very tense none the less. About a week after orchestrating a ‘screw job’ against him, Greg Black appears to be ‘speaking with the devil himself’; a sign that maybe his hope for vengeance has shifted to that of taking down Arcadia as a whole after facing such disrespect as earlier. Not to mention, Mr. Tyler was masterfully able to tug on THE most innate string within Greg Black’s body, the very reason he came to DOA in the first place, and that’s his incessant need to be ‘Remembered’ in the sands of time. In the end, as we fade to a commercial break, the lightly wet camera lens continues to capture the tumultuous sight of Eric Tyler’s black limo residing within the DOA Dungeon parking lot as he speaks with the very man he screwed on Saturday; the same man who just recently ‘quit’ DOA a matter of minutes ago.]




Davis Ditterich:
Uh… What?

Sara Silver:
I have NO idea, Davis. I’m just as stumped as you are here.

Davis Ditterich:
Less than a week after the man orchestrated a ‘screw job’ against him, Eric Tyler is NOW speaking with the very man he sought to push in a corner. I mean, WHAT? I have NO IDEA where this is going…

Sara Silver:
In reality, it’s probably going nowhere as it seems like Greg Black is pretty much set on leaving Deadly Overloaded Action after he claims that Arcadia was disrespectful to him.

Davis Ditterich:
Something just seems weird about all of this… I mean, these men are the LAST TWO I expected to see have a conversation here tonight.

Sara Silver:
I guess sometimes you find an enemy you hate so much, even if newly found, that can make you push aside your hatred for another for a short while; hoping to gain revenge upon the new rival before you. That’s all I can think is happening here. Then again, I guess we didn’t see what happened within the Limo. Greg Black could have punked him and left; we don’t really know…

Davis Ditterich:
I’m just… well… Really… really… confused… Is he gone? Is he NOW staying? And why the HELL would he EVER speak to Eric Tyler after all of this? Argh. My head hurts.




The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

[‘Fight or Flight’ Match; set by Arcadia]

[Loser Leaves DOA]


The Deadheads in attendance ‘aint having none of this as the Arcadia-developed “Fight or Flight” match (a newly branded way of saying ‘Loser Leaves’ match) appears to be somewhat of a bathroom break for most. With that said, the action itself feels rather one-sided with Rayne pummeling his former faction mate in the Elder Statesman. Truthfully, the aging veteran, Statesman, looks like a rigidy-old man versus the rest of the DOA roster; quite slow in his movements all together. With that in mind, it doesn’t take much for Rayne to run him over at every turn. In the end, as they pile into the crowd, attempting to take one another out in any way possible, the match ultimately comes to an end when the shocking debut of
is seen…




Stepping from out behind of the DOA Dungeon, Hammer explodes onto the scene with a brutal assault upon both men; much like an overpowered monster would deliver such. Throwing them both around, slamming them repeatedly into the cement floor below, Hammer leaves both men lying unconscious on the ground below. As it pertains to the match though, the DOA’s new referee Wilson Carlisle is unable to see the attack as it takes place tucked in the far corner of the Dungeon rampway stage. With this in mind, a 10-count is eventually administered and, despite both being taken out by a man who wasn’t actually in the match, both find themselves on the losing end. Ultimately, both are deemed as fired from Deadly Overloaded Action.



Ending Maneuver:
Double Count-out; unseen attack by Hammer


Both Rayne and The Elder Statesman are fired from Deadly Overloaded Action


Davis Ditterich:
What a cluster-f… Well, you know. Rayne and The Elder Statesman, two men most known for their long-term allegiance to Mr. Tyler, “All the Kings Men” members, have been shown the DOA door with their collective loss tonight. Crazily enough, it wasn’t even THEIR ability that won/loss the match… It was all… THAT man… Hammer…

Sara Silver:
I’ve heard about him from my sources in corporate; however, had NO IDEA he would be THIS imposing. Wow! He’s a freak of nature if there EVER was one…

Davis Ditterich:
That marks three people who will now be leaving DOA by the end of the night… This is just insane!! Arcadia is obviously attempting to ‘clean house’ tonight!




Hammer + Davis Ditterich and Sara Silver

… Hyping ‘The Freak’ …


[As a number of different camera angles capture the muscle-bound athlete, “the Freak” is shown celebrating in an arrogant fashion; slowly raising his arms up in a ‘I am victorious” kind of manner. Meanwhile, as Hammer is depicted as some sort of powerhouse unseen in DOA, Davis Ditterich and Sara Silver, the DOA commentary team, further develop this notion with their on-air perceptions of this explosive talent.]


Davis Ditterich:
Good GOD, I don’t think I’ve EVER seen such a phenom…
[shakes his head; disbelief]
For such a muscle-bound frame, he practically bounced around that ring like a speedy luchador. Dang… What a specimen!


Sara Silver:
He really DOES look to be the ‘real deal’, Davis. I’ve heard of his arrival for quite some time now, now special he was, but wow… Words cannot describe this ‘freak of nature’!


Davis Ditterich:
Can ANYONE stop this man?


Sara Silver:
I don’t know; honestly. I foresee him pounding the competition quite repeatedly…

Davis Ditterich:
We’ve just come upon something special here in DOA… Someone who could change the course of this program forever...




[Davis and Sara stare upon Hammer with wonder in their eyes; in awe]




Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell
w/ Dick Eyezen and Sammy Strung

[DOA Debut Match]


Staring across from the ring from one another, all the while as Hammer huffs like steroid-surged powerhouse, the altercation itself wouldn’t really deliver on length; only explosive, instantaneous, action. Speeding from across one side to the other, slamming violently into his opponent in the process, Hammer quickly mows-over Tom E. Kornell with a body-crushing spear. Much like a blood-thirsty linebacker, Hammer completely destroys Tom E. with his impact as the two slam violently into the canvas. Seconds later, Hammer is shown pulling the lifeless Kornell off the very same canvas he was once slammed upon forcibly as he drops him, once again, back down with a brutish standing Spinebuster; one that makes Tom E. look much like a rag-doll upon his descent. With that, it was all said and done as Hammer arrogantly slams his foot square upon the chest of the unconscious Kornell. In only seconds, Hammer had completely destroyed his opponent in an impressive fashion.


Hammer in 0:45 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Brutish Standing Spinebuster



Davis Ditterich:
Well… I guess you can’t blame Tom E. Kornell for losing this one. WOW! This monster of a man called Hammer just, literally, steamrolled the competition here tonight! That was INSANE!

Sara Silver:
Did you see Kornell’s head snap back with that Spear? Wow is right…

Davis Ditterich:
If this is ANYTHING to show for his future then I don’t want to be the one trying to stop this man; he’ll mow you over before you even know that you’re fighting.
Lightning quick but brutish entirely…

Sara Silver:
A unique, and deadly, combination if there ever was one…




Eric Tyler, Torment, and Jeff Morgan

… Psyching up his men while STILL suspended …


[We open our scene in which to see unsettling trio of Eric Tyler, Torment, and Jeff Morgan, all members of Tyler’s embattled “All the Kings Men”, seated in the back of a dimly lit limo. With the only light coming from a faint overhead projection directly above “the Voice of Reason”, illuminating only half of his face, holding the other in complete darkness in an epic manner, the snarling former authority figure looks to be hyped with rage. Cast into the shadows by Arcadia, suspended indefinitely for his manipulative hand within DOA, labeled as corrupt in a way, “The Voice of Reason” appears to be much like a politically injured dictator attempting to remain in power through vile intent. None the less, as he has a meeting of the minds with his fellow minions, the severely agitated, overtly bitter, veteran puts forth a battle plan of sorts; looking to crush the competition in the process.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
No matter how hard they try, no matter WHAT they do to keep me away, they will NOT silence me… You CANNOT silence… “The Voice of Reason”.
[Grips his fist aggressively]
I don’t care WHO they think they are, or WHAT they think they own and operate, this heaping pile of excrement is remotely bearable ONLY because of MY influence. Without me, without a reasonable perspective, Deadly Overloaded Action will crumble under it’s own mediocrity. You can HIRE all the paid suits you want, throw around some bull-sh*t ideas about what makes ‘good TV’, but, at the end of the day, none of you [Arcadia] know a THING about Professional Wrestling; you’ve shown that to be true already.


[After spouting off from his mountain top, the grizzled “Voice of Reason” now turns his attention toward his vile hitmen seated before him. Carrying the very same anger, the uncomfortable tone of absolute aggression, the often composed authority figure looks as though he’s ready to self-destruct entirely; possibly taking everyone with him in the process.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
That’s why I need you two to get the job done here tonight…
[scans across both of them with an angered tone still]
We have Vicious and Keith already on their backs. Now it’s time to place our boots across their throats and squash out their last collective breath. Do you understand me?


[both nod their head in approval; however, in a totally different manner from one another. Torment, snarling like a cold-blooded serial killer of sorts, and Jeff Morgan, cold-and-calculating in an all-business kind of manner, paint the perfect picture of WHO one would go to in which to get the job done.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I want you to put an END to them… In any way you deem possible. No limits. No remorse. No thought. You must enter that squared circle like blood-thirsty machines. The kind of DOA warrior that leaves those stupid ‘deadheads’ in a state of shock. Acid did it last week. Now, it’s your turn. I want them BOTH carried out in body bags… Do you understand me?


[Again, a collective nod follows.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
We’ll see how Arcadia enjoys their ‘lovely little TV show’ when their prized fighters are no longer able to do much more than lay in a hospital bed.
[Gripping his fists again as his anger continues to rise]
You can suspend me all you want… It’s not going to get rid of me; far from it. I… AM the “Voice of Reason”… And my ‘voice’ calls for violence… just as long as THEY attempt to keep me out…


[With that, this unsettling segment comes to a close with a tight shot of Eric Tyler’s half-lit face. With anger oozing from his every pore, his visible eye practically exploding with said rage, the grizzled “Voice of Reason” appears to be hell-bent on keeping his strange hold upon Deadly Overloaded Action. In the end, though, this notion, this obsessive need for unrivaled power, is obviously showing the once well-composed veteran to be MUCH more dangerous than ever thought possible.]




Davis Ditterich:
Oh my… This isn’t going to be good…

Sara Silver:
Despite being suspended indefinitely, it seems as though Eric Tyler is unwilling to go away. I mean, typically a suspension means you’re forced to take an unwanted vacation AWAY from work. With Tyler, he never really left…

Davis Ditterich:
Arcadia HAS to know that he’s been doing this for close to 3 weeks now; attempting to keep his power within the ranks. Even with his faction falling apart, in no way trusting one another, “The Voice of Reason” is seemingly still fighting… As you said, unwilling to accept defeat.

Sara Silver:
We see this ALL THE TIME around the world with dictators who are all of a sudden removed from power. It almost looks sad as they desperately attempt to remain ‘at the top’, all the while carrying around the aura that they were ‘yesterday’s news’.

Davis Ditterich:
How does that typically end?

Sara Silver:
Most commonly, never being heard from again.

Davis Ditterich:
We can only hope…




The Misfit Society
w/ Teddy Powell
vs. The Motha-Funkers

[DOA Death Defying Duo Division Rules]


Tasting defeat last time these two factions met, the rag-tag combination of the Misfit Society appears to be ‘changing things up’ in hopes of a win. While one would expect their unsung leader, Teddy Powell, to be in action in that case, it’s immediately thought that his presence outside the ring may be more beneficial to their cause; as it’s commonly known that Powell is quite tricky with his dubious nature. None the less, the newly cemented duos quickly clash straight away… Meeting in action almost instantly as the opening bell is rung.


Their back-and-forth nature, creating a seamless sense of action, is certainly indicative of the division as a whole. Without need for a tag to your partner, playing off of the Lucha Libre approach to tandem-based wrestling, both duos continually bombard the other with a sense of never-ending explosive action. Whether it’s administering double team aerial spots (like Snap Dragon and The Dreamweaver executing simultaneous moonsaults; both ending in a 2 count) or it’s the masterful point of double impact by The Motha-Funkers (creating a unique combination that has both executing a middle-roped Russian leg sweep upon Snap Dragon), the action feels much like a constant game of excessive pinball.


In the end, throughout all the great back-and-forth action, the ultimate ending comes at the dubious hand of the “Man of Redemption”…


After Matty Sparrow is flung from the ring, forced into such a predicament by a double-back-body-drop from the Misfit Society, and later slammed back to the ground with a round of plancha-like splashes over the top rope, the “Pecker-Wrecker” is shown struggling to get back up to his feet in hopes of re-entering the ring. With a count going, Wilson Carlisle attempts to keep order of the proceedings; however, quickly loses such as the Misfit Society is shown attempting to both, again, leave the ring in which to attack him. Knowing that only ONE is the legal man, Carlisle attempts to hold back Snap Dragon; however, his show of order eventually gives Teddy Powell the ability to...




... land a Superkick square across Sparrow’s jaw.


With Cannonball Funk unable to respond to the attack, struggling to regain his own footing on the ring apron after being placed there with an unforgiving apron Suplex, there was nothing left to be done.


Matty Sparrow is motionless on the cement floor; a victim of Powell’s Superkick.


Seconds later, the final count is administered by the DOA referee. 10 has been reached and, with this in mind, Matty Sparrow is unable to return to the ring resulting in a less-than-exciting count-out.


Even with the un-clean nature surrounding the victory, the Misfit Society seem overtly happy with their outcome; smirking devilishly as they continue to project their RAT-like societal nature.


The Misfit Society in 7:16 via count-out

Ending Maneuver:
Superkick from Teddy Powell outside of the ring (Interference)



Davis Ditterich:
The Death Defying Duo Division stands for many things but ONE THING it does NOT stand for is that of a cheap sense of action. The Misfit Society COULD have won on their own merits but decided to STILL cheat their way to victory. How is that any good for them? I mean, a clean win over the Motha-Funkers could have put them into title contention. Now, Arcadia HAS to look at them as a stain on the division as a whole.

Sara Silver:
Order is never really possible when you have such continuous action. Plus, this is Wilson’s first night on the job.
Even THE most experience referees will have difficulties with keeping up with the 3-D Division; it’s almost impossible!

Davis Ditterich:
First we have the Moral Majority coming away with the belts and now this? I don’t know, Sara, things are looking a little tainted these days when it comes to this division…

Sara Silver:
Well, just like they cleaned up after Eric Tyler’s mess, there’s a good chance that Arcadia will do the same with this division as well. I mean, we already have 3 people out the door tonight, all predicated by the network it seems; so, it’s easy to see that they mean business!

Davis Ditterich:
I guess we’ll have to see what’s in store for the 3-D Division, as you say, going forward… For now, though, the Misfit Society have added a tainted win to their ranks… Something that I’m sure they are proud of regardless of the way they GOT that outcome…




Matthew Keith ©

… Produced Backstage Promo …


[We transition backstage in which to see a tight shot of Matthew Keith’s bare-chested upper body. With an underlying confidence, one that was not present in his previous go around here in DOA, the newfound Chokeout Champion stands with his gleaming championship belt firmly latched around his lightly developed stomach. While it was entirely troubling to be originally fired during season one, it appears as though Keith’s unwanted time on the Indy circuit has added a sense of sternness to his demeanor; the kind that certainly defies his age as those who typically possess such are much further along with their careers. None the less, as a piercing blue semblance of bright light shine from his side, standing before a prominent DOA logo, the embattled champion begins his promo shortly after administering a strong stare-down with the camera lens before him.]


Matthew “Never Say Die” Keith:
I once thought your own merit was what made a LEGEND in this sport. Your accomplishments, your status amongst your peers, and the ability to ultimately ‘get the job done’, were the only things you really needed to get to that shining summit on high. It was a story force-fed to me from day one, ‘Be a LEGEND of the sport, don’t ever accept average’. That’s all I heard growing up in my household. Even as my Father was on the road, traveling across the nation, leaving us hundreds of miles behind, I constantly heard this message by any means possible; phone, letter, brief face-to-face interaction. HE was always there to push me; to ensure that my legacy would be one of LEGENDS and not of a directionless midcarder.
[Grits his teeth]
Last season, I found that this narrative is exactly that; a story we tell our selves.
[Pauses; growing more angered]
Last season, I finally understood the truth behind this industry…
[Pauses; stares into the camera lens]
That it’s just as much about who chops you in the knees than the amount of work you put into your craft. I didn’t see it coming… and I paid the price for that.


[Matthew pauses for a second, still looking strongly into the camera lens, as it’s quite obvious that he’s still fuming over his issue with Eric Tyler last season.]


Matthew “Never Say Die” Keith:
3 long months on the Indy Circuit, 90 days of breaking my body in a number of nameless High School gyms, repeatedly drove this message into my head as I continued to watch my foes succeed from afar. Eric [Tyler] had gotten away scott-free, still projected as some sense of a “Voice of Reason”, while I was forced to grapple with overweight slobs who didn’t have the slightest clue what a wrist-lock even was. Because of him, [Eric Tyler], I practically lost my chance… I practically let my Father down; for whatever that may mean.
For that, I will never forget; even with my reinstatement by Arcadia. I will not forget.
[Pauses; stares into the lens with a sense of heat to his gaze]
I may have moved on, gained Championship gold, and quickly returned to my path, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten….
[Pauses; looks straight into the lens as if it were Eric Tyler]
I don’t care if you’re here, at home, or working for another company, I WILL find you… and when I do… I will have my revenge; one way or another…


[After a lengthy stare-down with the camera lens, almost as if he were threatening Eric Tyler from afar, which he is, Keith gradually shifts the focus to tonight. However, keeping the very same sternness seen seconds ago.]


Matthew “Never Say Die” Keith:
They say that my partner tonight and I have a lot in common; That we’ve been continually screwed over by the same man. That may be true but I’m not looking for any help...
Vicious may have beef with Tyler, and all of his minions, but that’s his deal; not mine. Tonight, I’m coming into “Rapid Assault” with my own directives, my own battle-plan,… My own… goal.
[Pauses; stares into the camera lens again]
If I can’t get my hands on Tyler right now, then I’ll see to it that his thugs reap what he’s sown…
It’s time to choke some punks out… one… by… one…


[With that, the segment comes to a close as we slowly fade to black. All the while, as said transition begins to take hold, Matthew Keith continues to stare directly into the camera lens as if he were sending a message to Eric Tyler from afar.]




Davis Ditterich:
To say that Matthew Keith is a little jaded would be an understatement…

Sara Silver:
I VAST understatement at that, Davis. Outside of his partner tonight, Keith is arguably THE most embattled Warriors in DOA history! The crazy thing is, while Vicious continually had a chance to ‘get even’, Matthew had no such chance as he was forcibly cast into the Indy scene last season; all because of Tyler…

Davis Ditterich:
Truthfully, if I were Eric Tyler, I would be hoping to stay on suspension a bit longer or at least until Matthew finds a sense of peace somewhere. I mean, Tyler is no slouch, he was a world-class wrestler in his day, but there ‘aint no way that he could stop a rabid youngster like Keith.

Sara Silver:
He’d have to get to him first. I would expect, even when he DOES return, that “The Voice of Reason” will hide behind his bevy of hitmen before someone like Keith could EVER get his final shot in.

Davis Ditterich:
Very true. Sadly, Keith may be poisoned by revenge for quite some time to come…




Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]


With a hefty dose of rage between these two duos already present, it should come as NO shock that this one started far before the bell was even rung. Clashing aggressively in the center of the ring, both tandems engage in a hectic sense of battle; only coming to order a good minute later after both Keith and Jeff Morgan are cast from the ring with a double over-the-top closeline. None the less, with such an explosive opening, there’s no doubt that these two duos are hellbent on the most brutal victory possible (especially with the knowledge that Morgan/Torment have already been told to ‘squeeze the last breath’ out of both Keith and Vicious here tonight).


The glaring truth though becomes more about these two duos obvious newness with one another. While other tandems can fuse quite well into the 3-D Divisional style, seamlessly moving back and forth while using their aerial strikes as their ultimate advantage, both duos feel much more awkward with their pairings; painting the picture that they were more focused on their own individual wars than anything else. Missed opportunities, almost full on collisions, and a shocking push between Vicious and Keith as they both attempt a pinfall, all show this to be the obvious truth throughout.


In the end, after a hard-hitting sense of back-and-forth, the ultimate outcome comes at the hands of the charged up Matthew Keith…


As Torment and Vicious eliminate eachother as the legal men within the ring, taking a heated brawl outside in which to utilize the steel guard-rail as a weapon of sorts, Keith and Morgan eventually meet one another in the ring in which to do combat once again. All in all, after a great combination of chain wrestling, showing both to be quite masterful in the approach, Matthew Keith is eventually able to reverse a sidewalk slam attempt by Morgan into his signature “Proton Lock” (Crossface submission)!


With brute strength and determination, Keith forces his opponent into the submissive position as he wrenches back with sheer intensity.


As spit flies from his mouth, flinging his head back in which to add force to the submission hold, all the while yelling to the heavens, Keith continues to wrench the shoulder and neck of the veteran Morgan.






Until there is no fight left in his frame…


Jeff Morgan eventually taps by slamming his free hand upon the squared canvas below in one single slam. Seconds later, Keith finally releases the hold and forcibly shoves Mr. Morgan’s head back down upon the canvas in which to add further insult to injury. All in all, while awkward and somewhat volatile in their paring, Keith and Vicious are able to get the job done by defeating Tyler’s known hitmen fair-and-square.


Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious in 7:43 via submission

Ending Maneuver:
“Proton Lock” (Crossface Submission)



Davis Ditterich:
You know that Eric Tyler is certainly fuming over this one. He thought he had Vicious and Keith on their backs, ready for the ‘kill point’ it seems, but tonight both proved to be just as good as ever. I guess, in the end, Tyler may have signed his own ‘death warrant’ with his actions during Season 1. At this point, whenever he does return, it’s almost inevitable that he WILL pay for the crimes he committed under the Dungeon roof.

Sara Silver:
I couldn’t have said it any better, Davis. Some people just dig themselves too deep in which to ever really get out. Eric Tyler, or “The Voice of Reason” if you still think of him as such, is one of those guys. He’s been polarizing, controversial, and one to use oppressive ways whenever possible. With this in mind, there’s no way he’ll EVER escape from his laundry list of foes looking for revenge. One of them, possibly one of these two (Keith and Vicious), will finally get their hands on him sooner or later…

Davis Ditterich:
Honestly, you would think Keith and Vicious would get along better. I mean, they both have A LOT of hatred for Tyler; however, even IF their targets are the same, it’s pretty obvious that they just do NOT ‘click’ with one another. It’s like placing too raging bulls into one pen with one another; they are bound to run eachother over.

Sara Silver:
It’s too bad too. I wouldn’t mind seeing a power duo with Vicious and Keith… No one, and I mean NO ONE, could stop them. Not even our new Death Defying Duo Champions…




Donte Dunn

… Walking to the ring; preparing for battle …


[We transition backstage now in which to see Donte Dunn, the first winner of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”, produced by Arcadia, energetically walking within a backstage hallway of the DOA Dungeon. Flinging his arms around, warming them up in a pre-game kind of manner, the bouncing youngster looks as though he’s preparing for THE biggest match-up of his short career; which is entirely true.]


Davis Ditterich:
This IS… THE… MOST… IMPORTANT Match of this young man’s career! There’s no denying that and it’s obvious to see that even Dunn knows this…

Sara Silver:
You’re exactly right, Davis. Donte has had a rocky start here in DOA since winning the first season of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”; however, that can all change here tonight as the youngster has a one-on-one date with destiny!

Davis Ditterich:
It’s these moments that really make me love my job. The chance to see a new, up-and-coming, talent prove himself against THE ‘top dog’ in the company really brings a sense of fresh-air to our program. Can the unthinkable happen? Will there be a grand upset? Will THIS moment define Donte Dunn’s rise in DOA? I guess we’ll have to find out…

Sara Silver:
I can’t even imagine what’s going through his head right now…


[bouncing, twisting, cracking, and inevitably shaking out his pre-match nerves, Dunn is shown strolling through a number of backstage hallways in route to the backside of the Dungeon Gate. All in all, just as it seems as though this segment is solely used in which to hype the youngster’s most important moment, such ‘feel good building’ quickly comes crashing down with the abrupt explosion of one man… the DOA Champion…]





Acid ©

… Pre-match attack …


[slamming his bent and bloodied weapon of choice these days, a steel chair that’s been slammed upon the heads of many in DOA, upon the unsuspecting Dunn’s back, the DOA Champion quickly makes his presence known with a vicious beatdown upon his upcoming opponent! Another strike here, intense stomping there, and an irish whip square upon a nearby cement hallway wall, and Dunn is basically starting to resemble that of a car-crash victim within seconds of forceful impact.]


Davis Ditterich:

Sara Silver:
Acid CAN beat Dunn without this… We all know that to be true. So, WHY attack the youngster like this? Why soften him up when everyone knows that he can do so without having to resort to that level?

Davis Ditterich:
He’s been let loose by Eric Tyler…
[shakes his head in disgust]
I guess THIS is what it’s like to see Acid unleashed…

Sara Silver:
First his hellacious assault on “Rapid Assault” last week and now this? Man… As you say, ‘Acid unleashed’, is a very scary thing…


[Continuing his attack through the Dungeon Gate, repeatedly slamming the youngster back down upon the steel rampway below, the DOA Champion turns his dwindling opponent into a rag-doll-like victim as they both stagger toward the ringside area. All in all, as the Deadheads in attendance boo with fervor, the savage champion finally shoves his lifeless victim into the darkened DOA squared circle; signifying the official opening of their Main Event altercation. Sadly, despite the opening bell being rung, Dunn already looks like he’s been through a 30-minute match-up due to Acid’s potentially deadly beatdown.]




Davis Ditterich:
Well, this one is going to be a short match… I mean, Donte Dunn looks as though he’s already on his last leg and the bell JUST rung!

Sara Silver:
I would agree but it looks like Acid isn’t going for a pinfall right away… What is THIS all about? You already have him down-and-out. Just finish it and give him the chance to walk out of the Dungeon on his own two feet.

Davis Ditterich:
It looks like he’s [Acid] going to play with his prey a little more… All we can do is hope that Donte Dunn can survive all of this…







Acid vs. Donte Dunn

[Non-Title Match]

[special Guest Commentator: Antonio Marquez]



By the look of Donte Dunn’s drifting consciousness, it’s a common thought that Acid COULD have ended their scheduled altercation in a matter of seconds. His opponent is unable to stand, practically teetering toward ‘death’s door’ as it pertains to the action within the ring, but the DOA Champion seems sadistically content to continue ‘playing with his food’. Slamming forcibly, stomping viciously, striking mercilessly, Acid holds nothing back as Donte Dunn is easily left with the lingering question of WHY he REALLY wanted to be a Pro Wrestler (given an outcome like this).


Davis Ditterich:
Dunn’s looking pretty bad right now…

Sara Silver:
It looks like he’s been through a car-wreck or something… This whole, ‘Acid Unleashed’ thing is really starting to take it’s toll on the program as a whole. Damn.

Davis Ditterich:
Seeing this, Antonio, are you afraid for what may be coming your way? I mean, you’re both known for your athletic, high-flying, nature (Marquez and Dunn). Are you afraid that you could be next in line for a beating like this?

Antonio Marquez:
I ‘aint afraid of nothin’; especially ratty little crazies like Acid…


Continuing forth with his heinous assault, it wasn’t until the 5-minute mark that Acid finally attempted a straight pinfall. With that said; however, it wasn’t a ‘legit attempt’ though as the savage DOA Champion literally broke the count himself as he forcibly pulled Dunn’s head off the canvas with his hair. As the deadheads boo with disdain, an obvious heel move on Acid’s part, Dunn continues to lay upon his back on ‘dream-street’.


Davis Ditterich:
This is starting to become sickening…

Sara Silver:
He’s literally playing with his victim…

Davis Ditterich:
How do you game-plan for someone like Acid, Antonio? I mean, you’re ‘next in line’. How do you think you can beat someone so sadistic?

Antonio Marquez:
He’s just a psycho in a mask; that’s all. If I proved ANYTHING this past Saturday, it’s that I am fearless; unable to be rattled. I’ve already dealt with his kind before [Powell]; so, there’s nothing left to worry about. He CAN, and WILL, be beaten.

Davis Ditterich:
While true, you can’t get away from the fact that, tonight, he’s coming away with his 12th victory in a row here in Deadly Overloaded Action. That’s quite a feat!

Antonio Marquez:
Yea, and I’m 8-0…
[Marquez smirks arrogantly]


While Donte Dunn DOES show himself to be a fighter, infrequently attempting to brawl his way back to ‘square one’, the flier never really gets the chance to really take flight. At one point, he’s shown speeding away from Acid, hobbling if you will, as he looks for a nearby bounce off the ropes. Sadly, though, his explosive attempt is quickly thwarted as Acid pulls him back to the canvas by his dreadlocks. Again, boos reign hefty as Acid stands over his fallen victim with a sadistic smirk upon his face.


The REAL shocker comes as Acid and Donte Dunn spill outside of the ring. Throwing Dunn around the commentary table, Acid and his newfound #1 contender in Antonio Marquez finally lock eyes for the first time in the bout. After a heated, but brief, staredown, Acid looks as though he’s leaving the scene when he all of a sudden spins back and Irish Whips Dunn over the top of the commentary table and squarely upon Marquez!


Both Marquez and Dunn spill to the cement floor as the Deadheads in attendance, again, boo like mad.


Davis Ditterich:
That was uncalled for!

Sara Silver:
That certainly was…
Are you okay?


In the end, Acid would finally put an end to his carnage with a ring-rattling “Acid Rain Bomb”. With his body already depleted, plus such a move is as powerful as it is, Dunn is motionless as the third count his administered. Meanwhile, as the DOA Champion slowly pulls himself to his feet, sporting a sadistic grin upon his face, his challenger, Antonio Marquez, is shown slowly pulling himself up off the cement floor; fixating infuriated eyes squarely upon Acid. With the first ‘shot’ being rather tame, one can only expect what is to come next between Marquez and Acid. With this in mind, Antonio’s fury-ravaged eyes tell of an arrogant man fuming over being blatantly disrespected.


Acid in 9:38 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Acid Rain Bomb” (Sit-down Powerbomb)



Davis Ditterich:
There’s something brewing here folks. Acid may have completely dominated Donte Dunn here tonight but his upcoming championship opponent is obviously enraged by what happened between he and the champ. There’s no doubt about it… There’s a war coming…

Sara Silver:
I just don’t know how good Marquez’ chances are against someone like Acid. Antonio may be fearless but that won’t protect him from Acid’s primal rage…

Davis Ditterich:
That’s quite true, Sara. IN reality, though, if ANYONE is going to have a chance to win, to beat Acid, to break the streak, and to take the title from him for the first time in DOA history, then it’s going to take someone like Marquez or Vicious; men who are completely unafraid of ANYTHING. I STILL feel as though Vicious is probably the man for the job; however, Antonio Marquez has quickly made himself a viable option for the DOA Championship going forward. Can he beat Acid? I guess we’ll have to see…

[Davis Ditterich is heard talking off camera]

Davis Ditterich:
Folks, we’re getting word… yes… There is some sort of situation brewing out in the parking lot. It appears that the LAPD have arrived… Okay, I’m getting word that they have arrived by decree of Arcadia. Are they going after Eric Tyler?

Sara Silver:
He HAS been on premises despite being suspended. Could this be their way of removing him? Seems a little excessive… Then again, Mr. Tyler has shown that he won’t listen unless his ears are forced open I guess…

Davis Ditterich:
Lets go to the Dungeon parking lot to see what may be happening now…




LAPD + Eric Tyler

… Confronting ‘The Voice of Reason’ …


[A small collection of Los Angeles Police Officers stagger toward an idling black limo as an infrequent explosion of red and blue lights fill their shared space. With the camera lens firmly cemented over their shoulders, framing their collective experience in the process, these brave men and women walk with true authority; even holding their right hands upon their guns in which to signify that they MAY expect some sense of altercation. None the less, as they embark upon the limo, said vehicle transitions from idling to a slow roll.]


[Rolling into the darkness, moving away from the LAPD officers, the jet-black limo appears as though it’s attempting to disappear, once again, into the late-night California air. While it’s been done before, that being Eric Tyler escaping any sense of confrontation despite not being physically able to be at the Dungeon due to his suspension, this time around things change rather shockingly…]


[Another black limo all of a sudden appears as if from nowhere as it forces Tyler’s limo to come to a screeching halt. Playing as a blocking agent, creating a “T” in the process, the mysterious new limo also sits in an idled state as it’s rather obvious that they are there to simply stop Tyler from exiting. Adding to the shocking scenario though, the LAPD continue to stand from afar; showing no signs of moving forward but rather being there as ‘back up’ none the less.]



Ms. Kingston

... Arcadia Executive ...


[slowly, the back passenger side door of the mysterious new black limo opens as a slender framed female exits from within. With her hair tossing back and forth, a fact that her hips follow in unison, this executively dressed woman looks like she’s a true power-player of sorts. Her confident swagger, her focused demeanor, even the constant clicking of her towering black heels, fills the nighttime California air with a sense of sheer authority; one that meets Eric Tyler in the middle as it pertains to such a strong nature.]


[With a sly sense of sexuality to her step, this unknown female steps toward Tyler’s limo. Almost immediately, Tyler’s window slowly rolls down in which to meet the power-player-like woman before him.]


[With a sense of strong confidence, this mysterious female begins to speak in a manner that she already knows Eric; that they already have some sense of a history. None the less, as the camera captures said scenario from behind, a fact that makes it so we can’t see Tyler’s face within the limo, the unknown, executively dressed, female addresses the situation at hand.]


Ms. Kingston:
You were informed long ago that your suspension was to be indefinite. Yet, you’ve blatantly broken the rules by continually showing up to the DOA Dungeon in which to administer some sense of a ‘power-play’ on your part. Your insubordinate choices have become too much to disregard, Eric. Since you’re unwilling to abide by our rules, I am informing you that your contract is no longer valid here in Deadly Overloaded Action. Effective immediately, you are no longer an employee of Arcadia and will not be welcome on network property. If you continue to break our rules, we will see to it that legal action is taken…
[shakes her head in sadness]
It WAS a pleasure working with you but your services are no longer needed…


[With that, the unknown female that most see as the previously unknown Arcadia Executive slowly walks away from Tyler’s limo; clicking in her heels the entire way. In the end, even without being able to see Tyler’s reaction to the news, given that the camera angle is mostly framing the situation from Ms. Kingston’s perspective, there’s a sense of common knowledge that the former “Voice of Reason” is entirely fuming. All in all, as the show gradually fades to black, bringing about the end of the 5th episode of DOA “Rapid Assault”, there’s a continuing sense of shock as two MAJOR scenarios have just taken place within a matter of a few minutes. 1) Eric Tyler is no longer an Arcadia employee; a fact that has him no longer with Deadly Overloaded Action due to his insubordination. 2) The unknown Arcadia Executive finally has a face to go along with her previously altered existence.]




Davis Ditterich:
Eric Tyler… is… FIRED!! Oh my god!!
[Laughs in a hysterical fashion]
This is HUGE NEWS for Deadly Overloaded Action. Ding-Dong, the ‘witch’ is FINALLY dead!

Sara Silver:
I never thought I’d see the day that the “Voice of Reason” was officially silenced for good! This is… just… wow… I’m shocked... Eric Tyler is NO LONGER apart of Deadly Overloaded Action. No longer will we EVER see him on “Rapid Assault” again… wow…

Davis Ditterich:
Arcadia is REALLY taking the reins of this program these days. I mean, we’ve seen FOUR PEOPLE on their way out with Deadly Overloaded Action tonight; all due to their actions. Rayne and Elder Statesman are unemployed because of Arcadia’s match ruling earlier. Greg Black states that he WILL NOT work for Arcadia after they didn’t reverse the decision for “Survival of the Fearless”. Now, Eric Tyler, the “Voice of Reason” as we all knew him, is no longer employed with Arcadia as well. Good GOD, talk about the winds of change coming through…

Sara Silver:
I guess they’re showing that they mean business; Tonight being a perfect example of that. In a matter of a few weeks, they’ve completely removed a man who once oppressed the entire DOA landscape, and then rebuilt “Rapid Assault”, it seems, from the ground up. I mean, that takes some balls…

Davis Ditterich:
Or some ovaries it seems…

[The two laugh together]

Sara Silver:
That it seems!

Davis Ditterich:
Well folks, tune in NEXT WEEK on DOA “Rapid Assault” to see the fallout of Eric Tyler’s removal from Deadly Overloaded Action. Will the remaining members of “All the Kings Men” revolt? Will they even care now that he’s gone? Is Greg Black REALLY gone from DOA? Will he return to the program? Also, what will happen between Antonio Marquez and Acid as their impending Championship battle grows closer to a fevered pitch? This and MUCH-MUCH more, next week, on DOA… “R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAAAPID ASSAULT!!”








<hr color="black">
Show Details

Overall Show Grade:

DOA Dungeon Attendance:

TV Rating:

Viewer Feedback:
" The feedback from viewers has been decent, although hardly spectacular."

Company Info/Product:

DOA Dungeon:

"Rapid Assault" [season One]:
"Rapid Assault" Quick Results

“Survival of the Fearless” Re-cap video. ©

Greg Black QUITS Deadly Overloaded Action. ©

Tokyo Express has tension backstage. (D-)

The Moral Majority wins the DOA Death Defying Duo Championship. (D+)

Unknown female gang assaults Prudence and Grace. (C-)

Greg Black speaks with Eric Tyler in his limo. (C+)

Rayne and The Elder Statesman are FIRED from DOA after a DRAW. (F+)

Hammer is hyped as a menacing monster of sorts. (D)

Hammer defeated Tom E. Kornell via pinfall in a squash. (E+)

Eric Tyler forms a battle plan with Torment and Jeff Morgan in his limo. (D)

Matthew Keith promo. (D+)

Matthew Keith & Johnny Vicious defeated Torment & Jeff Morgan via submission. (D)

Donte Dunn is assaulted on his way to the ring by Acid. (D)

Acid defeated Acid via pinfall. ©

Eric Tyler is FIRED by Ms. Kingston (Arcadia Executive). (C+)
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With the first episode of prediction contest #1 behind us, we now have a pretty close leaderboard set up. With this in mind,
congratulations to Mikemelling, 20LEgend, Rayelek, and Hashasheen, for coming away with 5 points overall in their predicting
. Also, a special congratulations to Mikemelling for coming away with the bonus point in answering Honey Golightly as the unknown Arcadia Executive who debuted during Episode #5 (firing Eric Tyler in the process). Overall though, a very strong showing from everyone as even Kijar, a new deadhead to the fold, is only 2 points behind the leaders at this point. Truthfully, it’s relatively neck-and-neck after week #1!


Here is said leaderboard after Episode #5 (prediction event 1 out of 5 overall)…


*Mikemelling –
5 points

20LEgend –
5 points

Rayelek –
5 points

Hashasheen –
5 points

Codey –
4 points

Angeldelayette –
4 points

1234 –
4 points

Sebsplex –
4 points

Kijar –
3 points


* Mikemelling was able to predict WHO the unknown Arcadia Executive was in naming Honey Golightly (playing Ms. Kingston in DOA).


As we all know, the winner will eventually create their OWN Deadly Overloaded Action warrior. This created persona will go on to ‘win’ the 2nd season of Arcadia’s smash reality TV hit, “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”, and become a fully-fledged competitor within the ranks (much like Donte Dunn won ‘last season’).


With the scores being so close, if you missed the first prediction event then certainly do not hesitate to jump on board. I try to add a lot of bonus questions into the fold in which to A) see if there are others who can predict where I’m going with such, B) paying attention to the subtle details of the program, and C) give even the lower scoring people a chance to make up ground and compete!


All in all, I’m really happy with the initial turnout and am hoping to see everyone continue on as it’s relatively neck-and-neck!





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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Internet/DOAWebsite.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/FatalFive.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/1.jpg</span><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/Acid.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Standing at 12-0, the ONLY DOA Champion this program has EVER known, </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong><em>Acid</em></strong></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> is, without a shadow of a doubt, THE most powerful figure in Deadly Overloaded Action history! With this in mind, it was considered a long-shot that Donte Dunn would come away with a career-shifting victory this week as the athletic flier was facing the tall task of encountering sheer aggression in Acid. Will a new challenger on the horizon, Antonio Marquez, be the one who finally slows the savage champion in the end? That’s debatable. At this point though, after such a dominating victory on “Rapid Assault”, only one thing is known to be certainly true: Acid is a DOA institution all his own.</span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/2.jpg</span><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/AntonioMarquez.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> After walking out of Saturday’s DOA pay-per-view event with a career-altering victory, </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><em>"The Aerial Anarchist"</em></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong><em>Antonio Marquez</em></strong></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> has proven himself to be truly ‘Fearless’. The 2010 “Survival of the Fearless” tournament winner, this relative unknown has quickly thrust himself into the ‘bright lights’ of the DOA Dungeon as he’s now guaranteed a DOA Championship match in the near future. Can he continue his equally impressive streak of 8 wins and no losses? It’s certainly possible given his ‘outside the box’ approach to aerial warfare. With that said though, does he have what it takes to unseat Acid as the DOA Champion? That remains to be seen. Either way, at this point, there is no one hotter in Deadly Overloaded Action today… Well, no one but his impending championship opponent that is… </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/3.jpg</span><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/MatthewKeith.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> The man that’s come to adopt the nickname </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><em>“Never Say Die”</em></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> has proven that it’s more than just a catchy phrase. Only a few episodes since his return, </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong><em>Matthew Keith</em></strong></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> has gone onto win championship gold and ultimately aide in the physical dismantling of the faction that closely resembles his hated rival in “All the Kings Men”. Not to mention, the young technition sent shockwaves throughout the industry when he forced a long-time veteran such as Jeff Morgan into submission; a fact that was often Morgan’s accomplishment upon the health of others. This fact could inspire many to be happy with themselves, ultimately hanging their hats on such accomplishments; however, knowing the young Keith, he isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Motivated with revenge, the DOA Chokeout Champion is bound to force countless competitors into submission as he continues to climb the “Fatal Five” listing for, potentially, years to come.</span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/4.jpg</span><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/JohnnyVicious.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Violent in action, impulsive in mind, </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><em>“The Blazing Red Demon”</em></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> is arguably THE most battle-tested individual in all of Deadly Overloaded Action history. Truthfully though, this viewpoint may be skewed dramatically as </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong><em>Johnny Vicious</em></strong></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> is known for his willingness to fight anyone at any time. With this in mind, the fiery brawler continues to rage through Season II with a sense of radiating explosiveness; using his sailor-like fist swinging abilities to subdue any and all in his path. This week was no different as the “Blazing Red Demon” stepped out from Saturday’s less than favorable shadow, losing in the Semi-finals to Antonio Marquez in the “Survival of the Fearless” tournament, by joining with fellow revenge-inspired DOA warrior, Matthew Keith, to topple the remaining pieces of a once-Tyler-led faction, “All the Kings Men”. Will such a victory pose a negative sense of karma for the fiery brawler? That remains to be seen. In the end though, for a man whose had an entangled history with these very same rivals, if “All the Kings Men” are to topple for good, it will most certainly be at the hand of Johnny Vicious.</span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/5.jpg</span><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Fatal%20Five/MoralMajority.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> After dominating the highly explosive Death Defying Duo Division since it’s inception, The Tokyo Express finally found themselves on the losing end of a championship match thanks to the ultra-polarizing duo of </span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong><em>The Moral Majority</em></strong></span></div></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">. While some naturally look at their newfound reign as ‘tainted’, a negative reaction that almost always follows the controversial tandem, one has to recount that Citizen X and Father Griffith were actually on the verge of potential victory when KAZUMA decided to walk out on his partner. Instigating THE most infamous back-stabbing moment in DOA history, KAZUMA left his physically depleted friend square in the center of the ring; seconds from becoming a victim to Father Griffith’s “Exercising the Demons” maneuver. Regardless of how the outcome came to be, who turned on who and who was expected to compete as done before, the Moral Majority has come away with a powerful victory within the land of the 3-D Division. Will they continue to find success on the rocky-waves of a high-speed sense of warfare? Again, it remains to be seen. Regardless of that though, it seems as though they will be doing so alone as the vile duo has seemingly inadvertently cut-ties with their sisters in morality; standing within the ring and celebrating their newfound victory as Grace and Prudence were attacked by the unknown female gang.</span></div></div></div></div></div></blockquote><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Season%201/DOAFear.jpg</span></div><p></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Internet/PWR.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Internet/Release.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">News out of Arcadia headquarters is that both Gregory Henn (Rayne) and Ted Brady (The Elder Statesman) have indeed been released from their Deadly Overloaded Action contracts. While the move comes as somewhat of a surprise, at least with Gregory Henn, as Rayne was most notably focused upon during Season One, the truth of their release appears to be linked with a recent overhaul in the program’s administrative hierarchy. Victor Page, a former head-writer for the Supreme Wrestling Federation, has made some major changes since coming into the DOA-fold shortly before the start of Season II. Such releases are said to be his doing by several inside sources.</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Further rumors state that there’s a possibility of further cuts coming in the next few weeks as Mr. Page continues to reshape Deadly Overloaded Action moving forward.</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> More information to come…</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div></blockquote>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Internet/DOAWebsite.jpg</span><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Internet/VoiceFIRED.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">After months of manipulative rule, the man once proclaimed as “The Voice of Reason” has officially been silenced. </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Eric Tyler, a strong-headed traditionalist made famous during his years in dying rebellion known as DaVE, was brought to Deadly Overloaded Action by Arcadia, at first, in which to solidify a sense of order straight away. At the time, he was perceived as a sure-handed leader, one with great knowledge of the sport, and for that network executives felt he was key to DOA’s success. Sadly, as time continued on, Mr. Tyler was exposed for the self-serving, overtly arrogant, oppressor that he is. </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Forming “All the Kings Men”, a loose faction of hitmen employed directly by Tyler, the so-called “Voice of Reason” waged a war on a weekly basis between two fronts: one within the ring and one behind the curtain. Pushing his weight around in both realms, Mr. Tyler was able to manipulate Arcadia into several disheartening positions. Continually screwing over Johnny Vicious due to some personal agenda, forcing Matthew Keith into an unfair scenario which ended in his firing, and crushing many youthful fliers under his overpowering presence, the “Voice of Reason” began to employ a skewed agenda that ultimately led to a defining point: that being his physical interference upon the gigantic final Main Event of Season One (… a DOA Championship match between Acid and Greg Black). </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Shortly following the incident, Mr. Tyler was asked to ‘apologize for his actions’ at the defining event. Sadly, instead of doing so, Eric was heard blasting Arcadia from top-to-bottom; insinuating that they knew NOTHING about Pro Wrestling in the process. Standing by his ‘guns’, unwilling to find common ground, the insubordinate authority figure was placed on an indefinite suspension. Not so shockingly though, this suspension was overtly a glorified approach as Mr. Tyler was continually seen in his limo, outside of the DOA Dungeon, as he formed new battleplans for his hired head-hunters.</span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> In the end, Arcadia could do nothing but allow Mr. Tyler to dictate his own direction. In doing so, Mr. Tyler overstepped his bounds and ultimately was fired from Deadly Overloaded Action as a whole. </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> Will he ever return to the DOA Dungeon? That remains to be seen. In the meantime though, Arcadia have done their best to step in and ‘clean up the mess Mr. Tyler left behind’. </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> With the rumored “Next Wave Era” beginning in Deadly Overloaded Action, there’s no better igniter to such flame than removing the eldest authority figure within the program. Now, without the oppressive hand of Mr. Tyler at the helm, a DOA renaissance is sure to follow. Just so long as Arcadia proves that they can captain an already anarchistic ship.</span></div></div></div></div></div></blockquote><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div></div></div></div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc443/DeadlyOverloadedAction/Season%201/DOAFear.jpg</span></div><p></p>
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Competing with Episode #5 of "Rapid Assault"


Des Davids defeated Anger

Andre Jones defeated Jumbo Jackson to retain the USPW TV Championship

The Force defeated Danny Rushmore

Raven Robinson defeated Cherry Bomb to retain the USPW Women’s Championship

Tyson Baine defeated James Justice



DOA "Rapid Assault" (Episode #2):

USPW "American Wrestling":



DOA "Rapid Assault" (Episode #2):
0.63 (- 0.04)

USPW "American Wrestling":
1.44 (+ 0.09)



When asked how he felt about DOA in a recent magazine article, Sam Strong, THE bloated ego in wrestling himself, said that we were a “moot point; nothing of interest at all”. While his DOA-bashing isn’t anything new, as from what I remember John Greed and Sammy-boy were often at each other’s throats, it has become quite old to have to take his bull-sh*t and continue to eat it away. I can call it a culture war, push it as two warring products, and for some we will be their destination of intrigue. Sadly, for the vast majority of wrestling fans, as it seems through the ratings, we are still in a very distant third to Strong’s Jurassic-park event. I mean, I would be an idiot to sit here and say that we’re on par with them from a business perspective. With more than double our ratings, some of the biggest, albeit, aging names in our industry, and the consummate ‘side show’ that is Strong at the helm, there’s bound to be a lot of interest given to the ‘little wrestling company that could’. I hope you can hear my sarcasm as I air-quote my way through that last one.


Truth of the matter is, we need to do something drastic to be at their level; however, lack the overall popularity that would ever give us the chance. I mean, I would love to nab a huge name; one of those young up-and-comers will skill looking to break free from the ridiculous crap that goes on in ‘the big leagues’. In reality though, they aren’t coming anytime soon it seems.


Despite all of this, there will be no throwing in the towel yet; not ever in my mind. I will accomplish victory one-way-or-another. I don’t care how many people are, or are not, watching… Deadly Overloaded Action WILL take this industry by storm when it’s all said and done.
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... Arcadia presents ...

... A Deadly Overloaded Action production ...




Aftershock™ is a weekly professional wrestling editorial program broadcasted by the American television network Arcadia. While the program may focus on a number of outside sources, giving a grand picture of the industry for which it reports on, it should be noted that it’s exclusively a Deadly Overloaded Action development. With this in mind, opinions are often slanted, skewed, and centered toward the tone set by Deadly Overloaded Action. Independence, and objectivity, is freely encouraged; however, is not expected.




With every changing of the guard, there’s bound to be a sense of implosion that follows. What was done before, what was created by the former regime, is easily defined as the reasoning behind their predecessor’s demise. We see this within the sporting world most often; however, such a notion does not fail to touch the hectic environment of backstage wrestling politics.


Growing tired of their employees insubordinate antics, Arcadia was forced into such a scenario as it was made known that Eric Tyler would no longer be needed in Deadly Overloaded Action. A strong-willed, iron-fisted, authority figure, Mr. Tyler had come to brand “Rapid Assault” as an oppressive warzone; the kind of space that typically resides in 3rd world countries (not Professional Wrestling broadcasts). After witnessing his sense of defiance first hand at the start of Season II, the dubbed “Voice of Reason” was eventually deemed as ‘toxic’ on all fronts. Truthfully, while his one-sided treatment of people like Johnny Vicious should have really been his downfall, in the end, it was his own ugly defiance that brought him to the chopping block.


So, with the former head on the way out, who is present to ‘pick up the pieces of such carnage’? While not sexy, as many would probably expect a new ‘wrestling name’ to instantly swoop in as the new reasonable voice, Acadia has decided to step forward and ‘right the ship’ almost sunk by Mr. Tyler.


This notion was on full display this past episode as newfound Arcadia Executive, Ms. Kingston, decided to officially step out from the shadows; taking the reins of DOA in the process. In the end, what was shown for her arrival?


The program’s best competitor has vowed to ‘never work for Arcadia’; feeling as though the network had ‘publically turned their back on him’ in a disgusting manner. [Greg Black]


Two DOA competitors, most known for their allegiance to Mr. Tyler under the “All the Kings Men” banner, are without jobs now that Arcadia had mandated their match-up as a “Fight or Flight” affair. [The Elder Statesman & Rayne]


The DOA Champion himself, an unstoppable monster that he is, has ignited an uncontrollable wave of fury; physically dismantling everything before him with a dented, and blood stained, steel chair.


The final blow came as this scenario was made official just a few days ago as Eric Tyler was finally FIRED for his actions. With this in mind, hearing the whispers of a ‘new wave’ on the horizon, there’s certainly the characteristics of a regime change gripping Deadly Overloaded Action today.


Out with “The Voice of Reason”…


In with the Corporate hand of Arcadia…


Written by Eisen-verse





[As you press play on the video that begins to air, you are taken to a viewing of the DOA logo. That fades to the two eyes and the words: 'A View From A Hawk's Eye.']


[Now it's time to head to the studio where the man in the know, the man who is always right because he believes it to be so, the man with the eyes of a Hawk: Scott Hawkes is ready to enlighten the masses. Hawkes is sitting in his trademark recliner and has a look of disgust on his face.]


Scott Hawkes

"I have to begin this edition of A View From A Hawk's Eye talking about the absolutely tragedy that occured this past week on DOA Rapid Assault Wrestling. It was absolutely disgusting seeing the Arcadia management turn their backs on their meal tickets. Make no mistake about it, folks, Eric Tyler IS the glue that holds this show together. He is the Voice of Reason. He has earned the name and now DOA is going to flounder in a pit of their own making. I predict that it will only take a week or two for them to come begging Eric Tyler to return to the show. When that happens, Mr. Tyler, you are more than welcome to be a guest on my show. Now I must turn to invite out here the Arcadia mandated guest. Yes, Arcadia has decided to tell me the guest that I will be interviewing this week. So, 'Son of Sam' Matthew Keith get out here and let's get this started."


[scott sighs and shakes his head and waits for the arrival of his guest this week.]


[The camera lens pans out slightly from it’s tight angle on Mr. Hawkes in which to see the newly cemented DOA Chokeout Champion strolling onto the scene. With every step, his gleaming championship belt stays closely to his heart as Matthew appears to be unknowingly clutching his prized possession square to himself. None the less, as he finally takes a seat across from Mr. Hawkes, exuding a sense of stern confidence, a ‘career technition’ if you will, the overall mood seems to be rather tense. Matthew Keith is still fuming over his need for revenge, unwilling to accept any sense of insult from anyone after his long journey back to DOA, and Mr. Hawkes looks as though he’s overtly annoyed with the notion of an Arcadia-stated guest.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good evening, Matthew and welcome to A View From A Hawk's Eye. I know that this is about the biggest thrill of your young lifetime but we both have a job to do here. So, tell me, what does it feel like to be a paper champion? No, wait, let me explain. On pay-per-view, you were beaten in the center of the ring by the former champion Torment. So doesn't that mean that you should have lost that title?"


[staring upon Mr. Hawkes with a stern sense of disdain, the scrappy DOA Chokeout Champion need nothing in the way of words to describe his current state as it’s all over his face. After what feels like forever, exchanging in a tense stare-down with his interviewer, Matthew slowly begins to speak with a pointed tone.]


Matthew “Never Say Die” Keith

What do YOU know about competing in a wrestling ring, Hawkes? You sit high-and-mighty in your little interview room, spewing garbage, and pretending like you actually have an understanding about what it is I do.
[Pauses; stares with a stern nature]
Yes, Torment got the better of me this past Saturday but that means only one thing:
for A night, he was the better man.
Now, I’m not going to sit here and say that he ‘got lucky’, or that this was all a ‘fluke’, because the man is one hell of a warrior, it just so happens on that night, in that ring, he had what it took to come away with the win. You place me in the ring with him next week and I’m confident that things will be different.
You see, one thing stuck with me while I was on the Indy Circuit was something that my Father told me over-and-over again as a child; it just took a jarring moment to bring it to the forefront. When someone gets by you, when they get one up on you, learn from your mistakes. Take a step back, analyze the situation, and come back with that hole already patched.
[strong nod; slowly]
Next time Torment wants ‘to dance’, I’ll know damn sure how to put him away…


[The two continue to stare one another down in a tense fashion as it’s quite obvious that these two DO NOT like each other. Mr. Hawkes, an Eric Tyler-super-fan, is certainly bound to hate those (just like Vicious) who absolutely despises the former “Voice of Reason”. With this in mind, it’s easy to see where the root of their annoyance lies. None the less, as Mr. Hawkes sly grin once again forms upon his face, oozing with a villainous quality, Matthew continues to stare his interviewer down; unwilling to break from his overtly stern demeanor as he psychologically wars with Mr. Hawkes in the process.]


Scott Hawkes

"By laying on your back and waiting for him to pin you, right? But, honestly, you shouldn't be here in the first place. Mr. Tyler threw you out of here and we all know that Mr. Tyler is an honorable man and the Voice of Reason. Now he is the one unemployed and you are the one with a job here. How does it feel to know that you've taken the food out of his mouth?"


[Again, showing his annoyance with such one-sided questioning, the DOA Chokeout Champion cannot hide his disdain for Mr. Hawkes. With a slight roll of his eyes, sighing to himself, Matthew returns his stern gaze square upon his questioner.]


Matthew “Never Say Die” Keith

took the food out of his mouth?
[shakes his head; laughs to himself]
Eric Tyler took the food out of his mouth; not me. That snake blackmailed me into getting fired during Season One, sent weekly “Miss you” cards to my home in California trying to dig under my skin that much more, and yet I’m the one to blame that he’s gone?
[Again, shakes his head as he laughs to himself]
You’re just as twisted in the mind as he.
[Pauses; stares Mr. Hawkes down with a stern sense of fury]
Mr. Tyler got what was coming to him. Every once in a while, even the ‘devil himself’ is bound to reap what he’s sown. Truthfully, he’s lucky he’s gone; Arcadia did him a service. If he were still here, standing within these walls, there’s no doubt in my mind that I would have ‘put him out to the pastures’; effectively ending his career for good… as payment for what he did to me. Tyler’s lucky he got out… I wouldn’t have been as professional as Arcadia was…


Scott Hawkes

"Of course you wouldn't be professional. You're not professional. You're some spoiled rich kid who has gotten as far as he has off the name of his father. At least your brother is trying to make something of himself under a different name. You are just riding the coattails of your father. Tell me, Matthew, how does it feel to know that you're always going to be in the long loser shadow cast by your father? No, wait, don't tell me. Nobody who watches my show cares what you think. You're only here because Arcadia wanted you to get some air time on the only show that matters. Thank you for coming. Any final thoughts?"


[Clenching his fists, grinding his teeth, the enraged DOA Chokeout Champion appears to on the verge of springing into violent action. After being forced through the soul-crushing Rabbit whole he once called his DOA, or lack thereof, existence, it’s easy to see that this new version of Matthew Keith is one whose not willing to accept any disrespect from others. As he pulls himself to his feet, staring a smirking Mr. Hawkes square in his eyes with a sense of fury, Keith hunches in a fury-unloaded fashion. Sadly, for those looking for Mr. Hawkes to get his block knocked off, no such situation comes to pass…]


[A nearby blackened door, made to resemble the program’s background, swings open as the menacing sight of the DOA Champion,
, is shown to be within it’s frame. With his dented, and blood-stained, steel chair dragging behind him, the uncontrollable maniac methodically storms into the room with nothing short of heinous intent. ]


[it all happens in such a blur much like a gory-scene within a gripping horror flick. A steel chair swing here, a deafening thud there, screams for mercy projected, and a reckless swinging weapon seen making contact with pretty much everything, the whole scene is completely destroyed by Acid. Stage techs, program executives, camera men, DOA officials, are all theoretically slaughtered by the rabid freak. Even Matthew Keith and Mr. Hawkes lay motionless on the lightly carpeted floor below; the DOA Chokeout Championship laying alone as it rests by Keith’s head.]


[in a matter of 15 seconds, “A View from the Hawkes Eye” is completely devoured by Acid’s insanity. Much like what we saw 2 weeks ago, and sadly ever since, the DOA Champion’s path of savage destruction continues with a jarring explosion of weapon warfare once again.]


[All that is left is silence as the DOA Champion slowly shuffles out of the room; his steel chair dragging upon the floor behind him in the process as he lazily pulls his weapon of mass destruction behind him.]


Written by Angeldelayette

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Episode #:

90 minutes

TV Rating:

TV Brand:
Rebellious aerial wrestling at an explosive pace

Taped on:

Shown on:
Thursday Night on Arcadia

Main Event:
Acid vs. Matthew Keith;
Dual Non-Title Match




Overt tension.


It’s almost palpable in Deadly Overloaded Action today more so than ever.


With the firing of the former “Voice of Reason”, a violent sense of carnage topped by a recent assault on the set of “A View from the Hawkes Eye”, and a number of DOA warriors simply enraged by their own staggering stance within the confines of the Dungeon, “Rapid Assault” has become a powder-keg waiting to explode. This week, as Deadly Overloaded Action returns with another action-packed broadcast, there’s an overwhelming feeling that the program could crumble under it’s own unstable culture.


Shockingly enough, Arcadia has decided to embrace such chaos instead of simply trying to ‘patch the holes for a better day’.



Accepting Anarchy...

To bring about Evolution!


With the arrival of
Ms. Kingston
, a respected Arcadia Executive assigned to ‘Project DOA’, the sensually stern authority figure has quickly branded herself as a ‘fighter’; not just a corporate suit. Truthfully, it would be easier to simply tuck-and-run from the truth, that Deadly Overloaded Action is currently locked in a state of explosive anarchy, no such direction will be taken by the youthful executive. Instead, Ms. Kingston has brought forth a warzone-like mentality to the first broadcast under her known tenure.


Rivals will clash.


Tension will overflow.


Anarchy will continue to ravage DOA.


There’s no stopping the carnage at this point. With Ms. Kingston, an Arcadia as a whole, it seems as though they are content with potentially crumbling if it means that the ‘next wave’ can continue to rise.


Welcome to the official start of ‘The Next Wave’…


Brought to you by Arcadia…





The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme vs. ?????

[#1 Contendership Match: Death Defying Duo Championship]

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]

With new champions cemented, The Moral Majority, who will rise within the 3-D Division ranks to challenge the zealot duo?





[Grudge Match]

After doing the unthinkable, turning his back upon his longtime partner and friend, will KAZUMA be able to escape the DOA Dungeon this week as OTA is bound for revenge?




“The Aerial Anarchist”
Antonio Marquez vs. Teddy
“Redeem Thee”

[Grudge Match]

After personally demanding this match at Arcadia Headquarters earlier this week, can the “Man of Redemption” extinguish the rising flame of his long-time rival, Antonio Marquez?




“The Blazing Red Demon”
Johnny Vicious vs. Torment

A week after clashing in a loaded duo altercation, who will prevail as two explosive DOA warriors clash in what’s bound to be a chaotic affair?







Acid vs. Matthew
“Never Say Die”

[Non-Title Match]

Shortly after a shocking assault on the set of “A View from the Hawkes Eye”, will Acid, the DOA Champion, continue such carnage within the DOA Dungeon as he squares off against the surging Chokeout Champion, Matthew Keith?



"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme vs. ????


Antonio Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious vs. Torment

Acid vs. Matthew Keith



Bonus Point:
What is the identity of the mysterious Death Defying Duo in the opening #1 Contenders match?
[You may need to be a DOA historian for this one]

Bonus Point
What will be the time length of the Main Event between Acid and Matthew Keith?


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The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme vs. ????


Antonio Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious vs. Torment

Acid vs. Matthew Keith



Bonus Point: What is the identity of the mysterious Death Defying Duo in the opening #1 Contenders match? [You may need to be a DOA historian for this one] Feline Fancy, baby!

Bonus Point: What will be the time length of the Main Event between Acid and Matthew Keith? I'm gonna say 17 minutes

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The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme vs. ????


Antonio Marquez vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious vs. Torment

Acid vs. Matthew Keith


Bonus Point: What is the identity of the mysterious Death Defying Duo in the opening #1 Contenders match? [You may need to be a DOA historian for this one] The Fly Boys.


Bonus Point: What will be the time length of the Main Event between Acid and Matthew Keith? 13 minutes.


Also, I went back to Season I. What ever happened to "The Alchemist" Frankie Perez? :p

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Also, I went back to Season I. What ever happened to "The Alchemist" Frankie Perez? :p


Frankie Perez returned from his injury; however, was not brought in as a character for Season Two. Instead, Perez continues to work for CZCW currently. Will he ever make his DOA debut, as his first stint was sadly stopped dead in it's tracks by his injury, I'm not entirely sure? I really loved the idea of "The Alchemist", and may go back to it, but will only do so if I feel as though another competitor is needed to round out the roster. I've tried to keep the roster rather small, learning from my mistakes in the past, but he would certainly be a great Chokeout Championship contender!





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