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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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Oh no! Not Mainstream! A View From A Hawk's Eye says that sucks!


I know that it will originally seem like an 'oh no' kind of situation with Mainstream Hernandez leaving DOA for SWF. With that said; however, I promise you that it will ACTUALLY be a step-up for the Moral Majority going forward. How is that possible? I guess, think the transformation of DX. It went from Michaels/Hunter in the beginning, the group I liked the most personally, and how it transitioned to the X-Pac, NAO, Chyna creation down the road. They were the same group in a sense; however, had a slightly different tone in the end. Going forward, once things settle down and the new shape takes form, I really believe that everyone else will see what I mean when I say...


The Moral Majority is not going backward... It's just about to take-off that much more! Just under new direction... new voice... new feel in a sense...


I sense Darryl Devine making his DOA debut!




I guess you'll just have to continue following to find out. Sadly, though, the new piece won't be shown until Episode #3. That said, the fallout of Mainstream Hernandez is coming in Episode #2 (before he leaves).





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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious

Greg Black vs. Torment

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The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

-No contest by interference by the new Moral Majority

Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

-Marquez's new persona is hella badass

KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

-Hernandez gets annihilated and buried on his way out

Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious

-No way Morgan beats the face of the non-Eric Tyler DOA

Greg Black vs. Torment

-Greg Black is peerless

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After kicking around this idea for quite some time, I’ve finally come to the point where I feel a
re-cap show
would be great for furthering storylines/match outcomes/general DOA depth; it would be entitled
"DOA Aftershock"
! With this in mind, I’m looking for a possible journalist who would like to write an opinion article every 1.5 to 2 weeks (as most shows typically take me a good week or more to write these days). The segment can function with only me at the helm; however, I thought I’d try to open it up to any DOA Deadhead out there interested in having a hands-on experience with the program itself.


I would give a general outline of what I was looking for; however, would give the writer free-range to express themselves as seen fit. Truthfully, it could be an opinion type thing (like a radio host would create) or a strictly journalistic approach; that would be up to you. In reality, you could create a bevy of fictitious writers who could give you a whole gambit of possibilities for the segment (one week doing a journalistic piece under one name… Next week doing an opinion piece under another fictitious name). Hell, if you feel so inclined, seeing how there would be time in between, you could even write more than one piece for each segment if you want to… Either way, it’d be cool with me.


As expected, we would have to converse via PM over time in which to get on the same page. That said, it’s not going to be anything crazy. In reality, I just want to offer something to a writer out there who may want to be connected with the DOA Experience.


If interested then PM me. I’m not sure how many people I would hear from; so, I’m not entirely sure how it will pan out as to who would be involved. There’s a possibility that I could work with more than one writer; however, would have to make sure that the feel/brand/environment stays the same from writer to writer (unless one is more of a journalist and the other is more opinion).



20LEgend; Opinionist

Angeldelayette; "A View From A Hawk's Eye"

Rayelek; "Know your Enemy"

Still room for more IF interested...

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After kicking around this idea for quite some time, I’ve finally come to the point where I feel a
re-cap show
would be great for furthering storylines/match outcomes/general DOA depth; it would be entitled
"DOA Aftershock"
! With this in mind, I’m looking for a possible journalist who would like to write an opinion article every 1.5 to 2 weeks (as most shows typically take me a good week or more to write these days). The segment can function with only me at the helm; however, I thought I’d try to open it up to any DOA Deadhead out there interested in having a hands-on experience with the program itself.


I would give a general outline of what I was looking for; however, would give the writer free-range to express themselves as seen fit. Truthfully, it could be an opinion type thing (like a radio host would create) or a strictly journalistic approach; that would be up to you. In reality, you could create a bevy of fictitious writers who could give you a whole gambit of possibilities for the segment (one week doing a journalistic piece under one name… Next week doing an opinion piece under another fictitious name). Hell, if you feel so inclined, seeing how there would be time in between, you could even write more than one piece for each segment if you want to… Either way, it’d be cool with me.


As expected, we would have to converse via PM over time in which to get on the same page. That said, it’s not going to be anything crazy. In reality, I just want to offer something to a writer out there who may want to be connected with the DOA Experience.


If interested then PM me. I’m not sure how many people I would hear from; so, I’m not entirely sure how it will pan out as to who would be involved. There’s a possibility that I could work with more than one writer; however, would have to make sure that the feel/brand/environment stays the same from writer to writer (unless one is more of a journalist and the other is more opinion).



20LEgend; Opinionist

Angeldelayette; "A View From A Hawk's Eye"

Still room for more IF interested...


I am ALWAYS willing to post my "blog" if you feel that would help, EV!

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I am ALWAYS willing to post my "blog" if you feel that would help, EV!


I've LOVED your work in the past, Critical-23! That said, 20LEgend was planning on doing his own twist on somewhat the same idea (A re-cap of how he thought the show went/what he would have wanted to see or liked in the process). With that, it may be tough to do something in the same realm; however, would totally be excited to see something from you in some manner!





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It’s what I inherited; the deep-seated hatred… the roaring culture clash… the fervor of a Wrestling Legend. It’s no secret to any wrestling fan that Sam Strong, and in connection the USPW Empire, hates everything that DOA stands for. In reality, it’s quite easy to draw the lines here as, even the most simplest mind would understand, our programs stand as two polar opposites in how we present the craft. It’s the age old struggle of mainstream, family friendly, aged bodyslamming, and the smash-mouth, in-your-face, high impact sense of warfare; when put as such how could ANYONE expect us to play nice with one another?


As I said, though, I inherited the issue; didn’t start it. Closely before his departure, I’ve been told, that John Greed had ignited the flames of hatred with a simple “F*ck you” in letter form. While I commend the mangy little rat for casting a little personal controversy, it seems like he didn’t have the balls to keep the fight going. Instead, he ducked and ran like a little school girl; crying to their mommy to hide them from the ‘evil world’.


While I didn’t start the issue, and, in reality, the Arcadia Network went far-and-wide to subdue the struggle, I plan to be the one who ends it… Just not as you may think…


Some label our company’s as ‘hostile’; free to strike at any moment… at any time.


If we ever want to climb out of our whole as the obvious #4 company in the U.S. landscape, someone needs to fall. I’m no idiot; as much as I dislike “Tricky Dick” greatly, the SWF empire is not falling anytime soon. In connection, neither will Cornell’s snore-fest in Total Mediocrity. So, with that in mind, WHO could?


In which to climb our way up the ranks, to become more of a public sight, instead of being solely and underground voice throwing rocks at a far window, a war would need to be started…


In one moment, one phone call, all would change…


Hostility becomes war…


And a WAR becomes the death of USPW as we know it…


It’s about damn time their decrepit, hollow, frame is laid to rest…


Victor Page
, will be Strong’s Undertaker…



<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious

Greg Black vs. Torment

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I had spent the better of 2 days attempting to forge the iron-clad walls of USPW Headquarters; attempting every avenue in which to personally speak with their paperweight of an owner. Sadly, every attempt, every phone call, would be turned away; especially my first attempt which I blatantly tried to reach him through the banner of DOA (a fact that, now looking back on, was probably always doomed to fail given Strong’s hatred of all things DOA). With that, in time, I devised a way in which to penetrate his fortress walls; posing, initially, as a wrestling journalist looking to gain clearance on ‘his story’… a fact that would, most certainly, tug at his already bloated ego.


It should come as no shock that Strong isn’t really my cup of tea as a Wrestling fan/creator. I’ll give the man his dues; no one could charm the pants off of any crowd like he could. In reality, we work in an entertainment-based industry; so, such an asset is entirely strong to hold in your deck of cards. That said, I come from a different perspective about our craft; a view point that looks for actual wrestlers… not just bland musclemen. Plus, don’t even get me started on Americana…


When the day finally came, cracking through a wall I once though impossible, the stage had been set for a true sense of conflict. I knew, once I had the man on the phone, that my butterflies would quickly transition to that of blood-thirsty vulture.


Once patched through to his office, the sound of a hefty, burly-like, voice quickly peered over the sound speaker. Knowing I had my “in”, I quickly dropped the act; coming straight at the ‘Legend’ with a simple message of defiance. In a smattering of a couple, rapid-fire, statements, I had already riled up Samuel in an antagonistic manner. Should I have backed off on the man? No; because if we ever look to dig our way from the dreaded 4 spot then such a method would have to be employed.


Back-and-forth we would go for a matter of 5 minutes… Strong continually spewing his hatred for DOA (most always coming back to a lack of respect shown by the company as a whole); however, I would typically meet him square in the middle of our verbal battlefield… Landing my own rockets of sorts.


In the end, following a gut-busting statement of my own, informing Strong that, as much as he hates to believe, DOA WILL be the USPW’s ultimate undertaker, the conversation had come to a massive fever-pitch. Shortly before hanging up his phone in a thunderous fashion, slamming such sharp tones back through my speaker, the overall feel was that there was no going back…


While the mangy rat before me may have started this war…


I was going to be the one to end it…


Let the WAR begin…



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What we learned

I have decided to reignite the war between DOA & USPW that started at the close of Season One. Coming into Season Two, with John Greed gone, some would say the main component for why Sam Strong hated the DOA so much as Greed was blatantly rude to him in response, I opened it all with only 'hostility'; claiming that the Network smoothed things over. With that said, though, being the constant antagonist that he is, Victor Page reopened the very wound once again; knowing that, if they EVER wanted to climb out of the dreaded 4th spot in the US Market, they would NEED to knock at least one of their competitors down. In the end, the USPW is the closest company, in standing, from them & an obvious target given the different product styles. So, with that in mind, now starts the WAR (in-game and in-diary) between USPW & DOA.


WAR promotion agreement;
starting 2nd Week of October 2010

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious

Greg Black vs. Torment

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E-V Ramblings

... BIG things coming for Deadly Overloaded Action ...

First and foremost, I just want to thank those who are keeping up with the Second Season of Deadly Overloaded Action. It's been a lot of fun thus far and I'm excited to continue to tell the story of the little wrestling program that could. With that said, there are some changes coming to the DOA-Landscape.


As you may have noticed, Deadly Overloaded Action is now at war with United States Pro Wrestling. While that is PART of the evolution of DOA, there is much more to come in the way of characters, storylines, and a potential uprising of Pay-Per-View entertainment. While DOA is more so of a TV program than a functioning wrestling company, I plan to bring more 'wrestling promotion-like' additions to the landscape; all part of the "Revolution brought forth by Victor Page".


Also, finally buying into one of my greatest presentation inspirations, I plan on publicly building a bridge between Pro Wrestling & Graphic Novel-like developments. What does this mean? As many of you know, Deadly Overloaded Action is much darker in nature than your average wrestling promotion. In a sense, they are entirely 'cult' in a lot of ways; however, not in the blatant addition of blood (like Hardcore would). Now, going forward, I really want the DOA-experience to be that of a hybrid of the such a feel... Pro Wrestling/Cult Graphic Novel. To me, that's what Johnny Vicious has always felt to me like... The lead character in a graphic novel. In a way, my "Dark Knight" Batman type character with an obvious number of villains at his footing (Tyler, Acid, Torment, etc.).


In a sense, that's why I try to create unique images/presentation; especially with DOA. I want for the program to feel unique, to touch upon the dark overtones, and to ultimately create a 'cult' experience. Now, as even with a DC Comic, humor and colorful characters will still be used. Why? It brings a light nature much needed when a lot of the characters are brutish, dark, cult-like, and grisly in their appearance.


It may take me longer to write shows, or to update as frequently, due to the work on my plate right now (work, studying for the GRE, being in a new region). That said, you know you can expect nothing but my absolute best going forward.


Thank you for your support, DOA Dead-heads!







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Episode #2 of DOA "Rapid Assault" is due up sometime later in the week. I've been slowed down considerably with studying for the GRE; however, will attempt to get it all done & posted by the end of the week.
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[Exclusive Interview]


... Speaking with "The Voice of Reason" ...

... A man on borrowed time? ...


The scene opens with an out of focus display of a hazed individual. His stature, while inherently unknown, screams of a man overtly proud; sternly militant in his presence. Slowly, as the lens comes into focus, we now witness said person to be none other than “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler. Harshly gliding a matchstick across the tarnished steel table before him, the recently contested veteran guides the ignited flame to his mouth; puffing away at a dangling cigarette loosely residing upon his chapped lips.


Every mannerism, every small tell, shows a proud individual cast before doubt; much like a militant general facing ‘war crimes’ charges in a tribunal of sorts. Easily described as agitated, the Arcadia employed authority figure begins to speak in his trademark, overtly slow, entirely methodical, tone; projecting him to be a sly, quite cunning, yet weathered, individual who is often use to getting his way.


[“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler]

"I'm growing tired of stupidity; of those who are too idiotic to understand their own failures in life. I was practically BEGGED by the Arcadia Network to join Deadly Overloaded Action; to guide them toward a respectable outcome. Their sobbing, their whining, their incessant pleading, was something that left a sour stain on their credibility. I hate conversing with the weak; they only make you want to shower that much sooner. Now, today, I guess it’s pretty easy to see that their manic insight is, sadly, much worse than anyone had previous thought.”


Taking another deep drag on his cigarette, the embattled “Voice of Reason” turns his body outward, away from the lens, as he looks off into the distance. Distracted within his own mental creation of previous events, Mr. Tyler looks as though he’s more so annoyed by his recent scenario than anything else; showing no remorse for his actions in the past.


[“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler]

“There are whispers formulating that I’m to be disciplined this week on ‘Rapid Assault’. Truthfully, It’s all a hefty supply of cr*p. While the executives at Arcadia may not like my methods, that has nothing to mean that my choices were wrong; just that they have too weak of stomachs. At the end of the day, they won’t discipline me. Why?


Turning his head slowly toward the camera lens for the first time since the interview started, Mr. Tyler adds one last statement directed at jabbing Arcadia in the side… once again.


[“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler]

“This whole place would burn to the ground without me here; without my guidance. Deadly Overloaded Action, as much as you may hate it, would NOT survive without a ‘Voice of Reason’…”


With that, the intensely passionate, and entirely defiant, segment comes to a close. Puffing away on his blazing cig, the embattled “Voice of Reason”, again, turns away from the lens; projecting a hefty cloud of smoke in the air in the process. All in all, it feels as though, even when standing below the descending foot of the Arcadia Network, Mr. Tyler is unafraid of what may happen. Defiant, steadfast, and entirely sold upon himself, the weathered, suit-wearing, Wrestling General feels like a man trotting on ‘Death Row’ but still brutishly sitting in grand opposition of such crimes that put him there.





<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme

Antonio Marquez vs. ?????

KAZUMA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Jeff Morgan vs. Johnny Vicious

Greg Black vs. Torment

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Episode #2 for "Rapid Assault" will be up most likely on Saturday night (July 9th)
Sunday at the latest
. I only have two segments in which to write; however, as always, they are the longer ones in which to craft so it could take a bit. All in all, I hope there are still some readers out there interested. I know I've been updating less than in the past, as work has been taking over my time lately, but I still hope to keep things running strongly (hopefully with some DOA Deadheads still out there).




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Davis Ditterich

… Standing in the ring; opening the show …


[DOA “Rapid Assault” opens in a unique fashion as there is no highlight video from the previous week, no focus on a re-cap kind of mentality in which to stage tonight’s episode, just the vision of the program’s lead announcer, Davis Ditterich, standing firmly in the center of the ring. With the ruckus, often extremely vocal, Deadheads roaring around him, this proud orator of all things DOA appears to be waiting on something; what we don’t quite know just yet. Slowly raising a microphone to his mouth, looking out upon said Deadheads, Mr. Ditterich moves forward within such blatant excitement.]


Davis Ditterich:
Hello ladies and gentlemen and WELCOME to D…O…A… R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-AAAAAAPID ASSAULT!!!


[stepping backward, soaking in the moment, Mr. Ditterich stands in a momentary stint of silence as the DOA Deadheads roar with intense excitement; vocally explosive in their support for the small wrestling program that could (and will). Seconds later, breaking through the momentous roar, Davis continues forth with the segment; displaying a sense of strong confidence to his stance.]


Davis Ditterich:
For months now, Deadly Overloaded Action has been ruled in an iron-fisted manner by one man; a man that the Arcadia Network personally designated as their “Voice of Reason”. After mass manipulation, obvious favoritism, and a defiant tone just a week ago, unafraid of what may lie before him, this “Voice” MAY have finally found his breaking point with the network that employs him; and us all. Tonight, we will get to the bottom of this very subject. So, allow me to introduce to you, the man of much controversy… THE arm that carries such an ‘Iron Fist’… “The Voice of Reason”… Eric… Tyler!




[The sold-out crowd quickly overtakes the DOA Dungeon with a momentous wave of disdain centered directly at the presence of one, Eric Tyler. Shuffling through the entrance way, dressed in a faded black suit that’s seen it’s best years long ago, the grizzled veteran appears to be even more hardened than previously depicted; snarling in an irritable fashion much like a hated individual would when faced with their booing masses. None the less, as he slowly enters the ring, all by himself in the process, a sight that’s quite unique given the development of “All the Kings Men”, his hired goons, the dreaded “Voice of Reason” appears to be entirely annoyed by the scenario at hand; obviously rolling his eyes while sighing generally during his entrance.]


[Now, within the ring, Mr. Tyler stands not too far from Mr. Ditterich; lazily making eye contact as it’s still rather obvious that he’s overtly annoyed with the situation at hand.]


Davis Ditterich:
For a number of long months, Eric, you have bullied, manipulated, scarred, and…


[before Davis could continue forth with his anti-Tyler statement, setting the tone for what many believe to be action brought forth by the Network, “The Voice of Reason” is shown stepping forward in one swoop; grabbing the microphone clear from Davis’ hand in one abrupt situation. Now, stepping away from Davis, not even making eye contact as he speaks, a sign of continual disrespect for anyone but himself, Mr. Tyler begins to overtake the Dungeon with his deep, crackling, yet authoritative, voice. At this point, even his tone sounds rather lazy as his annoyance level is unmistakable at this point.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
You’re wasting your time, Davis. More importantly, you’re wasting MY… time.
[Paces away still; then spins around in a stern fashion]
Arcadia isn’t going to DO anything; they can’t.
[Crowd boos]
Deadly Overloaded Action can only survive under my rule; no one else’s. What? Do you think THEY know what they are doing; that THEY could simply takeover?
[shakes his head slowly]
The brain-dead, over-paid, one-trick-pony-riders, at the Corporate headquarters know absolutely NOTHING about Professional Wrestling. If you leave it in their hands, I promise you, this place, this entire empire, WILL crumble in less time than it takes Greg Black to disappoint.
[Crowd boos]
There’s no one coming through those doors that can keep this place afloat; only me… You know that, THEY know that, and I sure as hell know that. So, before you expel your bull-sh*t about some floundering rumors, allow me to save you the time…


[Walks closer to Davis; straight nose-to-nose at this point in a threatening manner. With that said, though, not threatening in the way he may throw a punch but in a ‘I’m more dominant than you’ kind of way; pure authoritative power of sorts.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
You’re a puny, disease-infested, sewer-residing, RAT with little to no ACTUAL power in this company… You don’t have the guts, or the POWER, to do ANYTHING…


[While Eric stares down Davis in an authoritative, overtly threatening, kind of manner, Mr. Ditterich does his best to hold his ground. That said, there appears to be a slight sense of unease exuding from his body; made known by the slight angle of his body as he leans away from “The Voice of Reason”.]


[With the DOA Deadheads in attendance booing like crazy, obviously in direct opposition to Mr. Tyler, the unthinkable soon follows. A voice, shrouded by secrecy, manipulated by a voice-disguising form of technology, methodically overtakes the DOA Dungeon; a fact that catches EVERYONE by surprise.]


Unknown Arcadia Executive:
He may not but I… do…



Unknown Arcadia Executive

… A TRUE Voice of Authority; shrouded in the darkness …


[With that, making sense of what he had just heard, “The Voice of Reason” slowly spins his body in which to look at the large video tron located above the DOA Dungeon Gateway. In all of it’s grand modernity, the HD screen presents the image of a shadowed figure seated behind a large oak desk. The person in question resides within a heavy cloak of darkness, keeping their identity disguised perfectly; however, quickly projects an air of pure authority; matching the vibe that often exudes from Mr. Tyler.]


[Meanwhile, in connection, Mr. Tyler has now fixated his cold-blooded stare square upon the gigantic screen before him; explosively defiant in his physical tone.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I don’t believe we’ve met… I am “The Voice of Reason”… The only piece of this puzzle that actually means a sh*t…


[Defiantly, Mr. Tyler continues stares upon the screen. At this point though, it appears that an arrogant smirk has slightly formed upon his five-o-clock shadow-infested mug. Regardless of who may lie in the darkness before him, it’s entirely obvious that he doesn’t really care; nor does he fear for his job at this point.]


Unknown Arcadia Executive:
We’ve met, Mr. Tyler; let me just say that I’m not impressed.
[Crowd pops; Tyler rolls his eyes in defiance]
Last week, you were instructed to carry out one simple task: to Apologize for your actions at the close of Season One. Not only did you not do so but you also lifted your leg like some power-hungry canine; marking your territory as if you had no regard for anyone but yourself.
In the beginning, We may have allowed such scenarios to continue. Truthfully, we thought you would outgrow your defiant nature and ultimately ‘buy into’ what Arcadia wanted from Deadly Overloaded Action. We love this company, we love this program, and we especially love the Deadheads who tune in every week to watch this all unfold. With that said, you’ve done nothing but stain this company, ridicule this program, and belittle those very Deadheads who allow this whole thing to exist. For that, and for your antics last week, WE have come to a decision… A decision that will most certainly re-shape the landscape of Deadly Overloaded Action.


[The crowd pops as Eric Tyler still stands in a defiant tone; aggressively shrugging off the anonymous figures’ statements.]


Unknown Arcadia Executive:
As of here tonight, the 2nd week of October 2010, the Arcadia Network has decided to suspend you indefinitely, Mr. Tyler. Your antics will NO LONGER be tolerated and, until you prove that you are respectful enough to rejoin the program, you will continue to watch “Rapid Assault” unfold from the comfort of your own home.


[The DOA Deadheads ROAR with excitement as “The Voice of Reason” drops his head slightly more; snarling like a sadistic killer in the process. None the less, it’s rather obvious that, despite the crowds love for this moment, it’s equally as explosive for Eric Tyler; only in the opposite direction.]


Unknown Arcadia Executive:
I have already employed the LAPD to escort you from the DOA Dungeon; as we were quite sure you would hold your ground like a fortified general on his last-leg. Hopefully, moving forward, you will understand what it takes to be a beneficial member of the DOA roster… IF not, then we will be forced to let you reside on the sidelines until your contract officially runs out; a fact that we are certainly ready to accept…


[With that, a slew of LAPD officers are shown piling through the Dungeon Gateway; sternly walking toward the blackened squared circle with the intent of escorting the irritable “Voice of Reason” off the premises. At first, it looks as though Mr. Tyler is not willing to budge; however, with time, the defiant leader gives into their demands. That said, it’s not like he is shown exiting in a subdued fashion; if anything he appears even MORE irritable than anything else. Snarling at the Deadheads cheering his departure, staring aggressively in the process, the “Voice of Reason” ultimately exits the ringside area; reluctant in his final steps yet stern continually.]


[Once backstage, a new camera angle is presented in which to depict the backstage area of the DOA Dungeon; documenting his shuffle through a crowded hallway as he passes by a number of DOA Warriors in the process. The sheer sight of the continual source of Authority being escorted outward is shocking to say the least; however, the fact couldn’t be more obvious on the faces of those witnessing the scenario backstage.]


[in the end, before he can officially take his final steps within the dreaded Dungeon, Mr. Tyler is met with the sight of Johnny Vicious standing from afar in the loading dock; his head tilted downward as he snarls in return to Mr. Tyler’s presence. Clenching his fists, almost as if he were pissed that his heated rival was being forced outward, Vicious watches on as we all witness “The Voice of Reason” take his final step past the threshold of the company-built arena; a shocking sight that NO ONE ever thought possible.]




Carl Batch:
Well… I’ll…be… Damned…
[Pauses; shocked as well are]
Now this is some messed… up… Sh*t! You’re going to suspend Eric Tyler? You’re going to silence the damn “Voice of Reason”?
[shakes his head; slowly]
Sweet Jesus, this entire place is about to burn… straight to the ground… I better be lookin’ for a new job… Deadly Overloaded Action WITHOUT Eric Tyler is a second-rate program on the verge of it’s own implosion…




The Motha-Funkers vs. Totally Supreme
w/ Sammy Strung

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]


After falling short last week on “Rapid Assault” both the Motha-Funkers & Totally Supreme step into tonight with A LOT to prove; a fact that shows itself perfectly in every little mannerism between both hell-bent tandems. In reality, though, Totally Supreme quickly drops their focused demeanor almost minutes later; most notably as Dick Eyezen comically misses a corner splash which turns into a bouncing spot much like a fish out of water. While Tom E. Kornell, and Sammy Strung, drop their collective head in their hands, showing that they are certainly saddened by the fact, the overall feel of their pairing quickly comes back to that of a simpleton-like manner. In connection, the Motha-Funkers look like a duo on a mission; quickly feeling like a well-oiled machine as two DOA juggernauts become one for the very first time (feeling as though they look/feel/act like a powerhouse tandem). In the end, as Dick Eyezen is later floored by a “Testicular Thrashing” (Kick to the groin/Snap DDT Combo) as Tom E. Kornell lays subdued on the cement floor on the outside (a victim of a splash by Cannonball Funk not much earlier). With “Tricky Dick” on his back, looking up at the bright lights, everything comes to a crashing halt as the Funkster is shown leaping to the top rope and executing his signature “Funk you” (Top Rope Legdrop). It only takes a matter of a few seconds for Eugene Williams to make the final count; a fact that is met with a moderately-sized pop from the DOA deadheads in attendance!


The Motha-Funkers

Ending Maneuver:
“Funk You” (Top Rope Legdrop) from Cannonball Funk onto Dick Eyezen



Davis Ditterich:
Losers last week; winners this week… The Motha-Funkers are proving to be one hell of a force here in the DOA! I’ll have to admit, their pairing seemed weird from day one BUT they’ve shown an ability to meld as one; pretty strongly at that. I wouldn’t be surprised to see these two viaing for the gold VERY soon… Especially after performances like THIS tonight…

Carl Batch:
I ‘aint believin’ the hype, Dee. I want to see a few more wins before I put these punks in the hall. Straight up, they ‘aint nothin’ but a collection of half-assed individuals. I mean, Funk couldn’t do it on his own; that was VERY evident months ago. Don’t get me started on Sparrow… That guy proved he couldn’t get it done on the grandest stage; for the DOA Championship against Acid. I don’t trust these fools… One win is one win… I mean, these cats lost last week to the Moral Majority… let us not forget that…

Davis Ditterich:
True; they did lose last week BUT something seems different. All I’m saying is… great win tonight; we have to keep our eyes on these two for the future!




Antonio Marquez

… Hype Video …


[A short video package is shown depicting the recently unmasked Antonio Marquez as one teetering on the edge of pure recklessness. The tone, the coloring, the stills, everything is produced in which to show the journey of Marquez from the overtly heroic super-hero-like character “El Dragon Dorado” to the newfound, somewhat unstable, aerial anarchist “Reckless Aggression” persona. In the end, the overarching theme appears to be that Marquez has come into a state of suicidal-like aggression; seemingly losing his cool once he lost his gold-laced mask.]




Davis Ditterich:
He’s come a long way, Antonio Marquez; however, I’m not totally sure if he’s for the better these days… I mean, he’s one hell of a talent; just an explosive guy all around. Sadly, though, there appears to be something wrong in that head of his these days since his mask was ripped from his face. There’s this… this… recklessness that could, ultimately, be his greatest downfall. Don’t get me wrong; it’s an amazing sight to watch... But, I’ve seen many burn out in a blaze of glory down this same path…

Carl Batch:
I give him 2 weeks… After that, It’ll be a permanent hospital stay for the youngster. This cat can’t keep himself upright; there ‘aint no way.

Davis Ditterich:
I hope you’re wrong, Carl, but I’m afraid you may be right… I guess we’ll have to see…




Violet and Antonio Marquez

… The Psycho B*tch announces Marquez’ opponent …


[As Marquez lazily leans backward into a nearby turnbuckle, appearing as though he’s ‘too cool’ even to stand upright, a menacing, borderline disturbing, theme song begins to blare throughout the DOA Dungeon. Within seconds, the vile, slithering, gothic-like, Violet is shown slowly shuffling through the Dungeon Gateway; employing an unsettling snarl upon her made-up face. Even despite such facial distortion, coinciding with the off-tune chimes of a gothic-era organ, the man dubbed as “Reckless Aggression” continues to lazily lean in his corner; unaffected by the darkened sight. With a microphone dangling loosely under her blackened lips, the often scheming, always demeaning, psycho b*tch makes it known why she has unexpectedly interrupted the moment in question; as Marquez awaits his mystery opponent for tonight’s broadcast.]


How dare you…
[Pauses; snarls with fury]
You have NO IDEA the hellfire that is coming for you… What you did last week, putting your hands on Teddy, is something that will haunt you for the rest of your measly little life; I promise you that!
[Pauses; snarling again]
Tonight, after talking with Arcadia, I have been given the opportunity to, personally, name your opponent for tonight.
[sly smirk; high arrogance wrapped in a gothic view]
They couldn’t resist what
had to offer…


[A sense of confusion circulates throughout the DOA Dungeon as the notion of ‘we’ sends mystery throughout. None the less, as Marquez continues to lazily stand in the very same turnbuckle as before, Violet snarls her way through the rest of her statement.]


Let your body break, your soul suffer,… and I have JUST the guy to make sure that happens… Allow me to introduce your opponent for tonight… Your
nightmare… The Dreamweaver!



The Dreamweaver

… Your Worst Nightmare …


[With that, a slim, tattooed-framed, misfit shuffles slowly through the DOA Dungeon Gateway; his eyes rolling into the back of his skull in an unsettling fashion. Meanwhile, extending his arms outward in lazy fashion, the enigmatic figure feels much like someone who would align himself with Violet & Teddy Powell. None the less, as he slowly staggers toward the ringside area, followed closely by a snarling Violet, it appears as though the newfound misfit is entrenched in a zombie-like state of psychosis; as if he were a supernatural figure of the undead of sorts.]




Davis Ditterich:
What…a… freak…

Carl Batch:
I’ve seen some crazy a$$ sh*t in my day but damn… This scrangly little freak looks like death…

Davis Ditterich:
I can’t believe that Arcadia would allow Violet to bring in such an obvious psychopath. I mean, look at this guy… Like you said… He looks like death! What is that on his hands?

Carl Batch:
Looks like little tattooes or something…

Davis Ditterich:
Well, I guess Antonio Marquez has his hands full tonight…
[shakes his head; shocked]
This has been a crazy night…




“Reckless Aggression” Antonio Marquez vs. The Dreamweaver
w/ Violet

[impromptu Match]


Despite being bum-rushed psychologically by the menacing b*tch that is Violet, the maskless Marquez appears as though he’s entirely unshaken by such an impromptu scenario. Staring down his creepily mysterious, unsettlingly enigmatic, debuting opponent, The Dreamweaver, the charismatic reckless agent looks as though he’s accepting tonight’s challenge with a hefty dose of defiant arrogance; as if he believes that NOTHING could slow his chaotic wave of aerial aggression. As the official bell is rung, Marquez is shown slowly circling the ring in a lazy fashion; smirking with a masterful sense of arrogance in the process.


Attempting a tie-up, Marquez quickly shifts the winds almost immediately; slamming his black boot square into the unprotected stomach of the debuting Dreamweaver. From there, the action would slowly digress; transitioning from a quick strike opening to that of a high-speed sense of action (utilizing the ring ropes for momentum quite often). Diving strikes here, speeding lariats there, and high impact maneuvers every which way, eventually transition to the point of pure risk-taking; something that both men are quite versed in. Truthfully, their connective sense of combat feels dripped in a sense of desperation; utilizing highly risky aerial spots to get their point across. In a way, both men were looking for that powerful “X-Factor” moment in which to bury the other; aware of the dreaded downside of such risk-taking as well.


In the end, despite their reckless back-and-forth, their altercation comes to an unsatisfactory ending as the lights go completely black at one point. Once they return, as we’ve seen in the past, Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell appears heavy-footed in the corner of the ring.



Interference from Teddy Powell


Expecting something is about to happen, Marquez spins around, after standing over the fallen Dreamweaver (put there by a Brainbuster moments before the lights went out); however, all goes entirely bad as the “Man of Redemption” plants his shiny black boot square across Marquez’s jaw. In connection, Eugene Williams quickly calls for the bell, knowing that order has just been completely thrown out of the window by such an assault, as the menacing b*tch, Violet, screams in a psychopathic manner outside of the ring; giddy within such jarring violence.


Antonio Marquez via DQ in 9:40; interference by Teddy Powell

Ending Maneuver:
Superkick by Teddy Powell; grounds for Disqualification



Davis Ditterich:
Couldn’t give it up, huh, Powell? You couldn’t beat Marquez last week and now you’re THAT bent that you couldn’t let it go… He beat you fair and square; deal with it Teddy!

Carl Batch:
Easier said than done, Dee. Teddy’s a pitbull; he doesn’t give up on anything THAT easily. I know this cat; he’s comin’ at Marquez HARD until he feels HE IS done! Nothin’ less…

Davis Ditterich:
He just needs to get over it… The dropping the lights, the constant interference, the dubious little dirt-diva… It all needs to just stop…

Carl Batch:
[Hearty; raspy laughter]
Good luck with that, Dee… It ‘aint happenin’…




Teddy Powell, The Dreamweaver, and Violet

… Post-match celebration …


[As the DOA Deadheads shower this rag-tag trio with a lingering sense of disdain, there appears to an underlying connection between all three; a fact made known as they menacingly form as one in a freak-show-kind-of-fashion. None the less, in a show of dark arrogance to their stance, this misfit combination stands in defiance of the negative reaction before them; feeling like a mysterious family of sorts in such short time.]




Davis Ditterich:
Something feels off about all of this… It just feels like this was a trap all along; bringing in this new, tattooed misfit, to pull Marquez in... All along knowing that Powell would end everything in this manner….

Carl Batch:
Even if it WAS planned, This IS Pro Wrestling, Dee. You want to play fair? You’ll end up at the back of the line; simply put.

Davis Ditterich:
I get that; I’m no idiot, Carl. I’m just weary of all of this… This trio of sorts… Something just feels… off…




The Moral Majority

… Pre-match prayer …


[We transition backstage in which to see a small huddle of shadowed figures positioned in the back corner of a darkened room. Slowly, as the camera lens travels through said blanketing blackness, we come to witness that the unknown personas are actually the ultra-controversial, uber-contradictory, faction of “The Moral Majority”. Kneeling before one another, all four members’ position with their eyes shut. Meanwhile, it appears that Mainstream Hernandez is leading their sternly delivered prayer. All the while, Prudence and Grace stand in direct opposition to their moralist agenda; a glaring obvious that has come to be traditional with their controversial faction. How so? Scantily clad, overtly sexualized ‘good girl’, is certainly NOT in-line with their typical mandates for censorship; a long-standing situation that never seems to subside between these zealot types.]


Mainstream Hernandez:
Dear creator, the divine, the reason for all… Give me the strength to DESTROY the wicked; to topple the HEATHENS who defy your greatness. Tonight, I will smite the GODLESS KAZUMA with your hand; professing YOUR word. He will SUFFER for his WICKEDNESS. In the end, they BOTH will SUFFER for their lack of faith…


[Citizen X, agreeing much like Mainstream’s statement was a sermon of sorts, nods his head with an arrogant smirk beginning to form upon his face. Seconds later, Hernandez continues forth with the close of his lead prayer.]


Mainstream Hernandez:
They will know, they ALL will know, of your greatness. For, those who continue to reside in the darkness will ultimately BURN for their failures…


Citizen X:
May they ALL burn… Every last one of them…


Mainstream Hernandez:
Starting with KAZUMA…


[With that, the segment comes to an unsettling close as the message is eerily clear; Mainstream Hernandez is not only looking for a victory but a wide-range destruction of those he deems as HEATHENS. All in all, the segment closes as we fade to black. In turn, the already darkened room brings the eventual fade toward more of a jarring perception.]




Davis Ditterich:
These guys give me the chills…

Carl Batch:
That much of a fan?

Davis Ditterich:
Not in the slightest. I’m not one for the religious extreme… damning others while living in hypocrisy themselves.

Carl Batch:
Right, Dee. And you’re ‘perfect’, right?

Davis Ditterich:
I’m not saying that I am. IN the end, though, I don’t go around being something I’m not. At least I am aware enough to understand contradictions when I see them.

Carl Batch:
You could only wish that you’d be as beloved as these guys…

Davis Ditterich:

Carl Batch:
By the man upstairs…

Davis Ditterich:
If there IS someone up there, there’s a good chance that he can’t stand these guys…




w/ OTA
vs. Mainstream Hernandez
w/ The Moral Majority


The holier-than-thou nature radiating from Mainstream Hernandez tells of a man firmly cemented in his own convictions; a fact that, continually, has the youngster often looking down on another severely for not believing in the same. None the less, such a polarizing persona doesn’t seem to faze KAZUMA in the slightest; a known, practicing, man of Buddhist nature. In direct contrast, KAZUMA feels as though he’s completely removed from the arrogant hatred exuding from Hernandez’s slim frame. Instead, the DOA Death Defying Duo Champion feels much like a calming waterfall; unmoved by any object in it’s path.


Straight away, Hernandez comes at KAZUMA in a disrespectful manner; as the two look to tie-up for the first time Mainstream is shown stepping back once again… praying to himself, loudly, as he asks his creator for the strength to ‘destroy a heathen’. While some may see this as a personal moment of strength, in reality, the scenario feels far more dismissive; utilizing divine power to squash another of a completely different spiritual sect. None the less, in typical fashion, KAZUMA shows respect that he’s, sadly, not given; stepping back as well as he lightly bows in a traditional fashion. While their actions are quite different, this feel is what would carry on throughout the match… A respectful warrior vs. a polarizing zealot of sorts.


Back-and-forth they would go; however, Hernandez always finds a way to ‘come out on top’; utilizing a number of back-handed, unseen, dirty tactics to keep his opponent at bay. An eye-gouge here, a low blow there, and even a number of extended submission holds, all brings the idea that Mainstream Hernandez is simply not interested in following the rules; rather setting them for himself. In return, KAZUMA does his best to keep himself upright; fighting in his typical calm, yet explosive, fashion. Whether it’s leaping from on high, reversing a belly-to-back Suplex, or administering a number of aerial leg holds, the DOA Death Defying Duo Champion feels like a man in total control; even when he isn’t physically doing so.


In the end, KAZUMA’s impenetrable sense of tranquility is put to the ultimate test in dramatic fashion…


While Mainstream stands atop a nearby turnbuckle, ready to pounce in his fiery fashion, KAZUMA is able to administer a game of slight ‘possum’. Staggering to his feet, KAZUMA quickly explodes into full-on action; leaping off the matt and striking the perched Hernandez with a major drop-kick square to the Moral Majority member’s stomach. The strike, while textbook in nature, rocks Hernandez’ stance enough in which to have him lose control; falling dramatically from his perch & crashing through the nearby announcing table!!!


The wicked crash, the uncomfortable sound of a descending body slamming into an unforgiving table full of broadcast equipment, sends the DOA Dungeon into a state of shock; KAZUMA as well. Upon realizing what had happened, the Death Defying Duo Champion stops dead in his tracks; dropping to his feet with a look of pure shock upon his face. In a kneeled position, sitting on his own legs, KAZUMA watches on in horror as the fallen Mainstream Hernandez lays motionless within the rubble of the former commentary table. The count begins, and closes, with Eugene Williams eventually calling for the close of the match due to Hernandez’ inability to regain his consciousness. In the end, there’s a widespread state of shock within the Dungeon as OTA enters the ring; standing with his partner in a state of shock. Meanwhile, the Moral Majority looks as though they are completely devastated about the scenario; Citizen X most notably seen screaming violently toward the back to “get the paramedics” as the final count is administered.


KAZUMA in 9:56 via count-out

Ending Maneuver:
Dropkick from KAZUMA onto a top-rope perched Hernandez; sending him crashing through the commentary table



Davis Ditterich:
Oh no…

[silence is all that is present as both commentators seem shocked; as with the rest of the DOA Dungeon]

Davis Ditterich:
I’m no doctor but… god… someone needs to get out here… now. When he crashed through our table….
[shakes his head; distraught]
I saw… I saw Hernandez’ head smack straight into one of our monitors. There’s a good chance, folks… A good chance that Hernandez could be seriously hurt here…

Carl Batch:
Well, sh*t, man… That cat came crashing like a brawd tossed from a 3rd floor window…

Davis Ditterich:

Carl Batch:
What? Damn. I’ve seen some things in my time, believe me, but that was crazy…

Davis Ditterich:
[Looking to the entrance way]
Paramedics are here… This young man needs to be rushed to a hospital now… I just hope he’s okay… This just shows you, folks… Pro Wrestling is no joke… no joke at all. People get hurt, bodies are broken, lives are changed forever… Especially when you walk into the DOA Dungeon…




Mainstream Hernandez + The Moral Majority + Local Paramedics

… Fearing the worst …


[With the commentary table in shambles, a broken pile of wayward wooden pieces sprawled about, there lies the motionless frame of the blonde-haired moralist; Mainstream Hernandez. His chest rises and falls, showing there is still life present within his depleted body; however, it’s quite obvious that he’s dramatically drifting farther away from consciousness; the victim of a, potentially, crippling descent forged by an energetic drop-kick from his speeding opponent, KAZUMA.]




… Psychologically shocked; visibly saddened by the incident …


[While the camera lens drops toward Mainstream’s level, showing his eyes blinking frantically in a ‘checked out manner’, the background goes from an absolute blur to the point of definite vision; depicting a kneeling KAZUMA, seated in the center of the ring, as a man gripped entirely by shock. With a look of genuine fear upon his face, KAZUMA watches on as Citizen X feverously barks in the direction of the local paramedics; speeding toward the ringside area with a stretcher within their grasp.]


Citizen X:
[spins back to Hernandez; obviously reeling from the sight of his fellow moralist laying within the shambles of the DOA commentary table.]


[As the paramedics attempt to clear the area, focusing on administering a sense of help for the fallen Hernandez, Citizen X is shown dramatically getting in the way; barking orders as if he were the HEAD of the paramedics despite, most likely, knowing nothing about the trade. Meanwhile, Grace and Prudence stand a good 5 feet away from the action; both looking down at the ground in sadness, as they always do, while sheepishly removing themselves from the scenario at hand.]


[While Hernandez is slowly secured on the stretcher, keeping his entire body as still as possible in the process, it’s quite obvious that something has gone VERY wrong here tonight. The DOA Deadheads in attendance are growing rather silent; shocked by has unveiled accidentally. None the less, jarring regardless of how it came about.]


[in the end, as Hernandez is rushed from the ringside area, KAZUMA is shown attempting to exit the ring; professing his sadness over the situation in a sign of a ‘bleeding heart’ kind of manner. Sadly though, Citizen X is having NOTHING of his apology; almost coming to blows with Hernandez’s former opponent over what had just transpired. In connection, OTA is shown pulling KAZUMA back with much sorrow upon his face as well; attempting to subdue the situation as Citizen X aggressively storms off within the cloud of paramedics circulating around Hernandez’s motionless frame.]


[Whether accident or not, the fact remains that Mainstream Hernandez is obvious VERY hurt; possibly as bad as one could be. In connection, while not physically hurt himself, KAZUMA shows much pain upon his face as well; knowing that it was his dropkick that ultimately sent Hernandez on his potentially crippling decent.]




Davis Ditterich:
Ladies and Gentlemen… I’ve just received word that Mainstream Hernandez is being rushed to a nearby hospital; one that I will not disclose out of respect for his privacy. Professional Wrestling is a very violent ‘sport’. In a lot of cases, things can go drastically wrong and when they do… stuff like this tends to unfold. Knowing their tradition, I’m sure that your thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated within the Moral Majority.

Carl Batch:
NOW you speak of their tradition like it’s a good thing?
[shakes his head; talking under his breathe in a sly fashion]
You’re cold, Dee… Nothing but cold.

Davis Ditterich:
I’ll be honest, as you all know, I can’t stand these guys; HOWEVER, I would never wish ANYTHING like THIS onto anyone… Sitting here, seeing him fall, I swear I saw his head hit my monitor… DAMN… I just hope he’s okay after all of that. I’d hate to see someone… lose their career over something like this…




“The Contract Killer” Jeff Morgan vs. “The Blazing Red Demon” Johnny Vicious


The disdain for one another is rather evident straight away. Jeff Morgan, prim-and-proper in his dress from head-to-toe, sternly stands far across from his opponent; wrenching his wrists like a vile contract killer as the pressed suit he once wore lay beneath his feet. Meanwhile, the overtly aggressive, animalistic-like warrior, Johnny Vicious, snarls in a heated fashion in opposition; appearing much like a rabid dog would as he envisions sinking his teeth deep into his prey. More or less, almost immediately, It’s quite obvious that these two are only seconds from a deadly affair; one that would, most certainly, push their bodies to the extreme.


Their tense clash feels much like a tale of two opposites; Morgan being a calculating technition while Vicious feels much more like a brutish brawler. With this in mind, the action feels back-and-forth in nature from the very onset. Morgan, attempting to keep his opponent at bay, utilizes a number of European-based strikes; coupling this with an array of Suplexes & submission rest-holds soon after impact. In contrast, though, Vicious rages forward in his most typical fashion; feeling like a caged animal let loose as he violently speeds around the ring in direct combat at all times. Needless to say, only one style could really win out… that style, at least right away, proved to be Jeff Morgan’s methodical approach.


After a few reversals, and even some blatant misses by Vicious, the “Contract Killer” quickly employed his snail-like attack; grounding his newfound rival with a masterful onslaught of submission maneuvers. With this in mind, as time grows forward, it’s rather obvious that Morgan is zeroing in, almost exclusively, on Vicious’ arm. After an arm-bar or two, a twisting arm-lock, and a modified DDT driving Vicious’ arm square into the unforgiving canvas, the momentum of their altercation firmly cements itself in Morgan’s favor. Just then, like a shark sensing blood, knowing he had his opponent where he wanted him, the calculating “Contract Killer” of Mr. Tyler, most certainly carrying out “the Voice of Reason’s” dirty work, capitalized with high-hanging arm-bar; forcing Vicious to the very brink of his own physical sanity.


In the end; however, as Vicious breaks the hold, somehow, someway, acting in a super-human-like fashion, Morgan attempts another go-around for the very same maneuver; feverishly focusing on one limb in which to gain victory. Sadly, for him, Vicious is able to, once again, break the hold from a standing position; flinging his opponent into the nearby ropes. Once he returns, Vicious attempts to life Morgan up into his signature “Vicious Circle” stance (Fireman’s carry stance); however, again, the masterful technition does his best to weasel his way outward.


Back-and-forth they reverse eachother’s attempts until, FINALLY, Vicious is able to catch Morgan off guard; lifting him upon his shoulders in a swift manner as Jeff speeds toward him with a desperation cross-body-block. In one seamless move, “The Blazing Red Demon” ducks, catching Morgan on his shoulders, and then spins intensely upon locking him in…


“Vicious Circle” (Spinning Death-Valley Driver)!!!!!!!


The impact is so shocking, coming from a seamless reversal of sorts, that the DOA Dungeon quickly erupts into a frenzied state; excited for such an impromptu strike. Meanwhile, colliding head-first into the canvas, the grizzled “Contract Killer” of “All the Kings Men”, Jeff Morgan, instantly turns limp; his lower body collapsing upon his upper upon impact. None the less, it only takes a few seconds for Eugene Williams to slam his authoritative hand upon the canvas; officially granting the victory for “The Blazing Red Demon” in the process.


Johnny Vicious in 11:33 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Vicious Circle” (Spinning Death-Valley Driver)



Davis Ditterich:
Educated or not; masterful or not… Here tonight, Jeff Morgan’s calculating approach wasn’t enough to subdue the Demon! While he certainly slowed him down, even injuring that right arm of Vicious’, there’s one thing you NEVER do here in Deadly Overloaded Action and that’s bet against Johnny Vicious!

Carl Batch:
9 out of 10 times, I promise you that this would go the other way. Jeff Morgan is a class-act; the kind of professional that gets the job done night in and night out. What we saw here tonight was a fluke; simple as that.

Davis Ditterich:
You’re new, Carl; so, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. That said, you’ll come to learn pretty quickly; Johnny Vicious is no fluke. This man, this fiery warrior, is the kind of soldier who will never find a corner he can’t squeeze out of… a maneuver he can’t break… or a match he can’t dominate…

Carl Batch:
Why ‘aint he the DOA Champion then? Huh? If he’s ‘so great’…

Davis Ditterich:
Even you know DAMN WELL why he isn’t. Mr. Tyler has made it his LIFE’S GOAL to keep Johnny Vicious away from the gold; why? I have no idea. That said, “The Voice of Reason” has been silenced; there’s no telling what can happen NOW!

Carl Batch:
He won’t be gone for long… Arcadia NEEDS Eric Tyler… DOA NEEDS “The Voice of Reason”… Before you know it, Eric will be back in full-force!




“Peerless” Greg Black

… Pre-match promo; backstage …


[We seamlessly transition backstage in which to see the man they call “Peerless” standing before a chain-link backdrop; equip with the gritty image of the DOA emblem firmly cemented within the middle of said fencing. The gleaming light from atop the nearby camera lens bounces prominently off of Black’s designer shades; creating a ‘hollywood’ like feel to his stance. In turn, his gleaming, oil-laced, body tells of a man quite high on his physique; even if not your traditional, over-muscled, frame that has always been rather popular with the mainstream public.]


[With a smirk upon his face, almost as if it were permanently glued there, Greg Black begins to speak in his trademark, ‘Big League Star’ cool, kind of manner.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
All week, everyone’s been asking me the very same questions… “What went wrong, Greg?”
[Pauses; looks into the camera lens]
“Did your body just give out?”
[Pauses again]
“Was Acid too much… to take?”
[Again, pauses; rolling his head back slightly]
Truth of the matter is…
[Pauses; looks directly toward the camera lens in a personal manner]
For one night only, in the center of that very ring, Acid was the better man…


[The crowd is somewhat shocked to hear such a response; growing quiet in the process. Knowing this, Greg allows the statement to sink in. Shortly thereafter, the “Peerless One” quickly interjects once again; moving forward with his public statement.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
You see, I’m a proud man... you couldn’t obtain the kind of success that I have without being so. That said, I’m not blind; I’m no idiot. Acid is the DOA Champion for a reason and he’s proven that reason time-and-time again. Do I respect the guy? Hell yea; he’s one hell of a competitor. Do I like the guy?
[snickers; shaking his head]
Not in the slightest.


[Greg Black pauses once again, allowing the moment to sink in, before looking straight into the camera lens; ripping his designer sunglasses off of his face in the process. Now, with his eyes radiating a sense of pure intensity, the young flier appears as though he’s dropped the cool guy schtick for a moment; unveiling an underlying sense of rage not seen before by Greg Black in Deadly Overloaded Action. Always composed, arrogant, and psychologically impenetrable, it appears as though Mr. Black has succumbed to the dreaded call for Revenge; something that has buried some of the best in history before him.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
You see, Acid, you may have done the unthinkable last week; making the “Peerless One” seem…
[Pauses; turns his head slightly]
Human. I applaud you for that; as we all should. That’s quite a damn feat.
I promise you though, from here on out, no such thing will happen again; starting tonight! Your little snarling buddy, Torment, will be my first example of such. In the end, when it’s all said and done, and the dust has settled, we’ll look back on Last week as nothing more than a blip in history.
[Pauses; his stern nature turns back toward an arrogant smirk slowly though]
A momentary setback for one destined for greatness. Soon enough, that will all be forgotten… All that will remain is the image of me… standing with the DOA Championship… and you… Lost in the shadows… Fading into “Black Out”…


[With that, Greg Black halts his public statement; looking deep into the camera with a large smirk resonating upon his face. Shockingly, though, seconds later that smirk would be tested as the sound of a nearby door opening is projected off-screen. Seconds later, as the scene starts to fade to black, a bevy of black-dressed Arcadia security staff members are shown entering the scene; overtly menacing in their presence. In the end, the closing seconds shows Greg Black continually confused by the fact that the Network-employed Security Team seems to have been tagged directly to the “Peerless One”; a fact that even he seems uncomfortable with.]




Davis Ditterich:
I never thought I’d see the day that Greg Black would ADMIT to coming up short. I mean, we all saw it last week but the mere thought of “The Peerless One” speaking out on behalf of someone else is just crazy to me. Then again, up until last week, I didn’t even think it was possible to beat the man in general; so, I guess there’s a lot to learn these days in DOA…

Carl Batch:
The man lost fair and square last week; there’s no denying that. He HAD to come out and profess superiority for Acid. There’s no way around it. Greg Black thinks he’s ‘big time’, ‘big lights’, but in reality he’s just another crack in the cement.

Davis Ditterich:
Another crack in the cement?
[Laughs; shaking his head]
NOW I KNOW that you’re off your rocker. There’s no way ANYONE sane could say that with a straight face…




“Peerless” Greg Black vs. Torment

[Non-title match]


Adding to the confusion of last week, Greg Black is shown entering the ringside area with a bevy of black-shirted Arcadia security members trailing shortly behind; standing much like an deployed army looking to protect a prize asset. Despite this, Black appears to be somewhat taken back by their presence as well; looking behind him at moments, breaking his arrogant swagger, as he enters the squared circle. In contrast, often known to be hunting in a pack, the DOA Chokeout Champion, and member of “All the Kings Men”, Torment, surprisingly enters the Dungeon by himself. There are no allies at his side, no support closely behind, as he sternly stomps in an aggressive manner toward the ringside area. All in all, in a sharp contrast of their previous DOA experience, these DOA standouts clash with a unique situation surrounding the ring; that being no members of “All the Kings Men” at ringside yet a bevy of unnamed Arcadia security members deployed like a protective army of sorts.


Alone, left to their altercation, their exchange becomes rather heated; growing with intensity as each passing maneuver rocks the blackened squared circle with time. Without much for distraction, both men speed around the ring like hell-bent warriors eagerly looking for victory. None the less, neither really look to separate themselves from the pack; keeping a rather ‘open’ feel all together. With that said; however, Torment does a great job of seeming like a huffing predator of sorts; taking his mass intensity out on the speedy, “Big League Star”, that is Greg Black.


Sadly, despite having such a great back and forth, the ultimate outcome was exclusively evolved by one man…



Interference from DOA Champion, Acid ©


Shuffling toward the squared circle, carrying his gleaming DOA Championship over his shoulder, Acid slowly ascends upon the ringside area. In connection, shockingly, the black-dressed DOA Security Staff is shown slowly forming a wall before the darkened ring. Showing he’s unafraid, and unwilling to take the scenario into mind, the vile DOA Champion seemingly grows with intensity; roaring like a full-blown predator at this point. Swinging like a madman, kicking like a disturbed child, and flinging his body around like a fearless warrior, Acid miraculously storms through the mountainous crowd before him; pulling Eugene Williams’ attention over in the process.


With Williams’ head turned toward Acid, the unsuspecting referee is unable to notice that he was about to collide unforgivingly with a speeding Greg Black; forced into an irish whip situation that pushes Black to slam into the back of Williams’ in the process. With this in mind, the Main Event has quickly descended into absolute chaos; without any sense of order now that the head referee is out cold on the canvas.


Storming into the ring, kicking away the last few members of the security staff at the bottom of his boot, Acid looks to enter the ring; however, is slightly subdued by a number of scraggly Arcadia Staff members literally putting their lives on the line; aggressively going at the brutish DOA Champion as he stands atop the apron. Now, pulling his attention away, Acid is now used as a weapon of sorts, unexpectedly, as Black grabs Torment by the top of his ring-trunks as he descends upon him (while he was getting back to his feet from the Irish Whip); flinging him into Acid in the process. The connection sends Acid crashing to the ringside floor. Meanwhile, Torment staggers away holding his forehead for a brief second; attempting to shrug off such a collision.


Spinning back around…


Torment has no idea…




“Black Out!” (Standing Supex/Stunner Combination)


The DOA Dungeon erupts with excitement as Greg Black executes his signature maneuver; shaking the squared circle in the process. Slowly, dramatically, the “Peerless One” drops himself upon his opponent in a heap. Shockingly, Williams has already come back too, only slowed down in a minor fashion, as he administers an over-the-top 3-count in favor of Mr. Black.


Exploding with excitement, the DOA Dungeon rises to their feet; showering the “Peerless One” with a wave of happiness. Meanwhile, the DOA Champion, ACID, has now returned to his feet, the only “All the Kings Men” Member to enter the ringside area for the Main Event, and showing signs of feverish hatred; his body rising, and falling, aggressively with every breath.


Greg Black in 15:06 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combination)



Davis Ditterich:
[Laughs with excitement]
A week after falling short and now faced with an impending attack from the Champion himself, Greg Black came away with a HUGE rebound victory this week on “Rapid Assault!”

Carl Batch:
[shakes his head; tisking]
He ‘aint rebounding. Put him in that ring with Acid again and I guarantee we end with the same outcome as last week. Greg Black ‘aint ‘peerless’… Never was… never will be…

Davis Ditterich:
That’s for you to say, Carl, but I disagree with you entirely. He lost last week; that’s true. We can’t get away from the fact that Acid was the better man last week. With that said, though, tonight marked a HUGE turnaround for the “Peerless One”. Torment is no easy win; he’s the DOA Chokeout Champion and one that can break-down the best of the best on any given night. Tonight, to Greg Black’s credit, he beat a man that many believe to be the Suspended Mr. Tyler’s ‘second in command’ behind Acid!

Carl Batch:
Enough with this “Peerless” crap, Dee. IF there is ANYONE in DOA who can carry such a name it’s the man outside of the ring holding the DOA Championship. That man, that monstrous myth, is none other than ACID!

Davis Ditterich:
Say what you want; I don’t care. Tonight is all about Greg Black! The “Peerless One” has overcome!




Acid ©, Greg Black + The Arcadia Security Staff

… Post-match stare down …


[As the final bell tolls, a smirking Greg Black is shown having his right hand raised in victory by the physical depleted DOA referee, Eugene Williams. Locking eyes with his heated rival, a man who, just moments ago, tried to ‘screw him out of a victory’, Acid, the “Peerless One” continues to ‘turn the sword’ deep into Acid’s stomach; nodding his head in confidence as he knows what such a victory over Torment means for his singles career here in Deadly Overloaded Action. In the end, as the two stare eachother down from afar, Acid outside of the ring and Greg Black within, the menacing sight of a wall of Arcadia Security is once again restored; standing between the two rivals as they collectively stare sternly toward the DOA Champion in the process.]




Davis Ditterich:
We’ve moved on past a brewing war… These two men are hellbent on the other’s destruction; that we can see!

Carl Batch:
I hope you’re ‘proud of yourself’ Greg. You would be NOTHING without the Arcadia Security Staff! The Network shouldn’t be able to show SUCH favoritism…

Davis Ditterich:
If anything, Carl, look at it like Arcadia attempting to ‘even the score’. For weeks, even months now, “All the Kings Men” and their dreaded leader, Eric Tyler, have run amuck on Deadly Overloaded Action. FINALLY, Arcadia has stepped forward, retook control of their program, and are attempting to even the playing field.

Carl Batch:
Even the playing field?
Damn manipulation…

Davis Ditterich:
Tune in next week, Dead-heads, as we witness the fallout of Greg Black’s victory over “All the Kings Men” member, Torment! What will this mean for his chances at the DOA Championship again? Will we see “All the Kings Men” return to form or continue to spiral now that their leader has been placed on Suspension? All of these questions will certainly be answered; and much more! Tune in, in one weeks time, for DOA R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAAPID ASSAULT!! Goodnight Folks!







<hr color="black">
Show Details

Overall Show Grade:

DOA Dungeon Attendance:

TV Rating:
(- 0.04)

Viewer Feedback:
" The feedback from viewers has been decent, although hardly spectacular."
"Rapid Assault" Quick Results

The Motha-Funkers defeated Totally Supreme via pinfall. (D)

Antonio Marquez defeated The Dreamweaver via DQ. (D-)

KAZUMA defeated Mainstream Hernandez via count-out. ©

Johnny Vicious defeated Jeff Morgan via pinfall. (C-)

Greg Black defeated Torment via pinfall. (C+)
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BREAKING NEWS via TotalWrestlingNews.com

In a shocking turn of events, Deadly Overloaded Action announced a partnership with the American-based Pay-per-view company, U-Demand. Developed, promoted, and maintained, by the Arcadia TV network, many are confused as to why a weekly TV wrestling program would break from it’s concept in which to create a PPV presence. Regardless of this though, it seems that Arcadia has come to terms with U-Demand; partnering in the presentation of DOA events for the next 6-months.


More information to come…


It had always been a focus of mine: to bring Deadly Overloaded Action into ‘the light’ and out of the darkness it had previously hid within. While the backstage premises had always been a strong suit of our program, depicting DOA as something quite different than it’s competition, the reality of the situation often left the program feeling like exactly that… a product built solely by Hollywood… Lacking the ‘legit nature’ that comes with a promotion developed by wrestling minds.


While I didn’t want to strip away our unique vibe, I DID come into my office, Day one, asking for a slight revamping of our broadcasting policy.


I wasn’t asking for a full-fledged PPV schedule; equip with monthly events where each episode leading up felt hollow & only there to ‘sell a money event’. Truthfully, I feel as though, given the amount of company’s currently residing in our market, that all was too saturated; in need of something special. With this in mind, I developed (they will say ‘we’ but, in reality, it was only me who brought us where we are today with U-Demand) a scenario where infrequent, specialty, events would be brought forth in which to further the DOA brand.


No mindless TV shows building up to the PPV.


No “you’ll have to pay to see our best action” loop-holes.


DOA had been built upon weekly, in-your-face, each-moment-matters, kind of action and I wasn’t about to rip that away from our public persona. In a way, I was simply ‘adding’ to our developments; pushing us even farther past a small ‘program that could’ into a full-fledged competitor on the Pro Wrestling Landscape.


The first event, while not announced quite yet, would come in only 2 weeks…


A specialty event that would, most certainly, change the very ground Deadly Overloaded Action stands upon…


Twisting our hallowed ground upside down; once and for all…
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Remmy Skye looks like Onryu of BJPW fame lol


I had to look this one up, Critical-23. While I am a fan of what I hear about Japanese wrestling (The tradition, the honor, Super Juniors, stiff fighting), I have very little knowledge of the region (both real world and TEW). That said, I think I found a picture of the person you were talking about! From what I could see, there's a pretty good connection between the look of the two.


With Remmy (aka "The Dreamweaver"), the alt was created by the great jhd1 a good while back. I wanted to create a character who had a mysterious, almost dead-like, vision of him; touching upon an ancient approach of what a 'character of the dead' would look like. Henna tattoos all over his hands, a faded, skeleton-like, face-paint, all fused with the mysterious default image of Remmy makes him quite the great counterpart to Teddy Powell/Violet. As you'll come to see, there combination is NOT just from Episode #2; it will go forward under a traditional faction approach.





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Rumors had been circulating for almost a week now as a number of female competitors began to speak up about potential deals with Deadly Overloaded Action. Utilizing a number of social avenues, primarily via the medium of the internet, their infrequent announcements of excitement began to trend nationwide. In reality, I would have rather had them stay quiet about the situation but, I guess, I hadn’t really put forth that idea in the first place. Plus, the knowledge of their potential signing didn’t A) mean they were for sure coming aboard or B) that the storyline in question couldn’t work; even with the thought of them coming aboard.


At this point, Samuel and his rag-tag bunch of hasbeens, talentless cronies, and overweight buffoons, had been the only real presence on American television as it pertains to Women’s Wrestling. While they had been quite successful until now, how could one NOT BE when they withheld an iron-fisted grip upon the market itself. Going forward, if everything were to come together as first planned, I was set to challenge such a monopoly; doing so under the constructed brand of DOA.


Unlike our Jurassic competitor, the DOA depiction of Women’s Wrestling was bound to carry much more of a rebellious tone (coinciding with the typical DOA brand itself). While safety was key to long-term success, utilizing safety as a crutch only brought forth boring, outdated, predictable, entertainment. In our case, Deadly Overloaded Action was none of those things so why would we follow suit?


The contracts have not yet been signed, not yet cemented, but thoughts of their impending invasion began to matriculate through my already jam-packed thought process.


perspective was certainly our best method of presentation; depicting the surging army as something not entirely ‘DOA’. In the end, their story was not only going to introduce a new wave in DOA wrestling but also reframe American Women’s Wrestling all together.


… and I’m the man who plans on sparking such a revolution.


A ‘Fallen Angel’ I may be, cast with such a persona after being thrown violently from the “Supreme Empire”; so, what better to do than to accept my polarizing role.


It was time to challenge every notion that we had come to accept…


… Let the Vixxen Vindication begin …


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There are rumors circulating within DOA headquarters that the Arcadia Network may be looking to ‘right the wrongs put forth by Mr. Tyler in the past’. With this in mind, there has been considerable chatter that a former DOA warrior may be making his return to the DOA Dungeon this week on “Rapid Assault”; cast from the program by the manipulative hand of “The Voice of Reason”. None the less, while it’s entirely theoretical at this point, not knowing if said chatter is true, it appears that Arcadia is looking to better the landscape now that their dubious “Voice of Reason” has officially been silenced indefinitely.


In the end, only time will tell whether or not said potential changes are really for the better…
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Phew, I don't seem to find much time to read up on the dynasties I'd like too lately. Anyway, I'm getting caught up with this one now and alas, hopefully have some pearls of wisdom to dipense ;)


Interesting take on Tyler's oppressive reign this time out. In the 'other' season two, Nemesis was present to neutralise his influence (or at least counter-balance it), this time it's the good 'ol network. Personally, I'm all for the interfering network in wrestling, I've always liked the concept and ideas that branch from it (ever since the old days of ECW on TNN). Obviously in your scenario, Arcadia (at least on the surface) appear to be a positive influence and as much as I've dug the 'Voice of Reason' as a character, I'm hoping Tyler stays at home for a while to see what you do without him and his various grudges domintating the shows. Will Arcadia's influence stretch beyond dealing directly with Tyler? Could he be replaced in the meantime? I guess that's the real question.


I love Remmy's new stchick. Looking forward to seeing more of that. Morgan is an interesting change of pace from the DOA norm. I'm also intrigued to see what happens with KAZUMA (and to a lesser extent Citizen X). Obviously, Mainstream needed to be written out, but I'm curious to see where those characters go from here given the nature of his departure.


Not too sure how I feel about the Vixxens so far. It makes sense in like for like competition with USPW, tying in with your war and all... I guess it depends what you've got in store.


Oh and Motha-Funkers... awesome name.


Keep it coming E-V :)

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Oh Sebs, you have no idea how great this message was to read. Lately, I've felt like I've been on my own little island of sorts; so, it was great to hear from someone who has been enjoying the read (even if it has been more infrequent. A fact that I understand myself as I've been much busier these days as well; call it 'getting older and attempting to be responsible for once.'). That said, Onto some thoughts...


Interesting take on Tyler's oppressive reign this time out. In the 'other' season two, Nemesis was present to neutralise his influence (or at least counter-balance it), this time it's the good 'ol network. Personally, I'm all for the interfering network in wrestling, I've always liked the concept and ideas that branch from it (ever since the old days of ECW on TNN). Obviously in your scenario, Arcadia (at least on the surface) appear to be a positive influence and as much as I've dug the 'Voice of Reason' as a character, I'm hoping Tyler stays at home for a while to see what you do without him and his various grudges domintating the shows. Will Arcadia's influence stretch beyond dealing directly with Tyler? Could he be replaced in the meantime? I guess that's the real question.


While the Nemesis/Tyler storyline was an interesting thought at first, the bad thing is that it eventually took me away from the characters of DOA; making it ALL about their feud versus allowing to work with others in the limelight. Now, with this attempt, I've found a better balance now that Eric Tyler has been forced silent by Arcadia. Does that mean he's gone for good? Most certainly not. He's a central piece of Deadly Overloaded Action and I plan to utilize him further. That said, I plan on doing so in a way that pulls him away from the action, at least for now, as we can focus on the development of a new landscape. One that may drastically shift from what we've come to know at the close of Season One.


Also, I'm a fan of the whole Network vs. Wrestling company angle as well. I felt Paul Heyman did a great job with his depiction with ECW/TNN and it's always stuck out in my head. That's why I got excited when TNA went that route... Only to feel like we were fed a half-ass version that felt hollow. All in all, I've learned from those two attempts (ECW/TNN and TNA/Network) in which to create my own version of the proceedings. Will there be some similarities with time? Probably. In the end, though, I hope to make a unique scenario that feels organically DOA; not a knock off of another direction played out by others.


I love Remmy's new stchick. Looking forward to seeing more of that. Morgan is an interesting change of pace from the DOA norm.


Remmy's new outlook as "The Dreamweaver" is a character that I've wanted to write for, and have attempted a few times before, in previous dynasty's. with that in mind, I'm stoked about finally getting the chance to flesh him out from here; becoming "your worst nightmare" as he stands elbows with the rest of his misfit clan.


As for Morgan, he's certainly a change of pace but that's what I was looking for with him. As i've said with DOA in the past, sometimes the best way to frame WHO you are is to pit WHO YOU ARE NOT against them. Morgan is a slow-paced, European-style technition, who, inherently, does not feel like he fits the mold. In the end, he's what Tyler sees as the 'perfect wrestler' given his own past as a technical wrestler; thus why he was brought in by Tyler. Also, to add into the mix, with Steve Flash leaving, I needed a new veteran to pick up where he left off; working with the youthful members of the roster. His start, working with Vicious, is only to give him some credibility as we move forward; making it easy to see him as a 'big threat' when working with younger figures.


I'm also intrigued to see what happens with KAZUMA (and to a lesser extent Citizen X). Obviously, Mainstream needed to be written out, but I'm curious to see where those characters go from here given the nature of his departure.


This, I promise you, will be one of THE BIGGEST transitions into Season Two. While it's true that I needed to find a way to write Hernandez off, as he left now for SWF, his departure is bringing forth a huge evolution for A LOT of figures involved. KAZUMA struggles with what happened at his hand. The Moral Majority seems to be without a voice; a leader. Where do we go from here?


Tune in to the NEXT Episode of "Rapid Assault" (#3) to find out how it's all going to mold from here. At this point, I have this defining segment opening the show; giving The Moral Cause a huge opportunity by opening the show all together (Something that's more possible now that Tyler is suspended indefinitely).


Not too sure how I feel about the Vixxens so far. It makes sense in like for like competition with USPW, tying in with your war and all... I guess it depends what you've got in store.


Believe me, this won't be your run of the mill... "Oh we have a women's division now" kind of thing. Again, I promise you, a lot of thought has gone into what will take place and I'm really excited about getting it off the ground. As I write now, I was unable to cement the contracts that I wanted before booking Episode #3; so, things will have to wait until Episode #4/5. That said, it's REALLY going to add something new to the program; storyline wise and match opportunities.


While it is, in a way, a jab at the USPW, given our current war, I've been thinking about a women's division in DOA ever since the first go around in Season One. At this point, now, I finally feel like I've found the right story to introduce such.


Oh and Motha-Funkers... awesome name.



They are part of my refocus on the Death Defying Duo Division. Plus, I, now, realize that pushing Matty Sparrow continually in the main event was something that was hard to do (from a grade perspective). While he will still be a threat from a singles perspective (see the next episode as such), I do plan on having him and Funk work their way up toward being a force within the tandem ranks. Plus, the name is just too much fun to write for...





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Guest codey

Whoo boy, I finally got caught up with this one. Great show, and great updates as well.


I've always loved your Teddy Powell, and I'm glad that he's getting a bigger focus with this version of season 2. Last episode I was afraid that he was getting phased down, but now that I see you're continuing the storyline with Marquez and adding a new element (Dreamweaver), I'm pleasantly surprised. I was fully expecting Marquez to graduate straight up and become yet another of the strong face challengers to Acid.


Speaking of those challengers, I love that you're building BOTH Vicious and Black up. We all already knew the Vicious is good enough to beat anyone and be champ (Nice way of adding that into the commentary), but focusing so strongly on Black in the main event (even having Acid come out to interfere, showing that he's a little threatened) while Johnny's otherwise occupied with Morgan is brilliant booking. My hopes are that this somehow leads up to a triple threat between Black, Acid, and Vicious with Black coming out on top to conclude season 2. I mean, I like Vicious, but Black's much more relatable as a character, mostly due to his vocalization of his feelings and opinions.


The strongest segment of the show was how you wrote off Mainstream, I'd say. X showing so much concern over his partner, Kazuma and Ota showing remorse, the paramedics, it all felt very real. Absolutely top notch writing, E-V. Makes me a bit jealous.


As far as the women's division goes, good luck. And I mean that. i know you don't book based on ratings, and I certainly don't even pay attention to what your matches grab, but the women that are available are for the msot part lacking in overness. In my diary, despite having women with skills that easily rival my male upper card guys, they consistently pull the lowest grades on the show. For potential hires, I would definitely suggest Sara Marie York and Gorgon. York's a good, high flyer with good entertainment skills and overness, and Gorgon is a good monster female with overness that fits the DOA product well, I'd say.


Great job!

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This was an amazing response to come across today, codey. Thank you for your feedback/thoughts on Episode #2 (and furthering into the DOA Vixxen's and such). It's great to know that there are readers like you, sebs, and the others working on my Aftershock show, are interested in diving into my DOA world.


I've always loved your Teddy Powell, and I'm glad that he's getting a bigger focus with this version of season 2. Last episode I was afraid that he was getting phased down, but now that I see you're continuing the storyline with Marquez and adding a new element (Dreamweaver), I'm pleasantly surprised. I was fully expecting Marquez to graduate straight up and become yet another of the strong face challengers to Acid.


While Marquez is certainly a 'pet project' of sorts; being that he has a great skill set for DOA. That said, though, his feud with Teddy Powell will continue to find space on "Rapid Assault". Especially now that Powell is adding misfits to his fold, like Dreamweaver, there is more room to create a new tone in their feud. In the end, I've always been very supportive of Teddy Powell (and love writing for him). While they may move on with time, right now, Powell and Marquez are going to tear through eachother some more (as they did in Season One).


Speaking of those challengers, I love that you're building BOTH Vicious and Black up. We all already knew the Vicious is good enough to beat anyone and be champ (Nice way of adding that into the commentary), but focusing so strongly on Black in the main event (even having Acid come out to interfere, showing that he's a little threatened) while Johnny's otherwise occupied with Morgan is brilliant booking. My hopes are that this somehow leads up to a triple threat between Black, Acid, and Vicious with Black coming out on top to conclude season 2. I mean, I like Vicious, but Black's much more relatable as a character, mostly due to his vocalization of his feelings and opinions.


I've personally made it an object of mine NOT to focus just on one challenger as I have in the past. That doesn't mean that things will be overtly convoluted but I'm looking to create a number of strong challengers so, that way, things could go ANYWHERE from here. Plus, with Black, we have popularity and skill-set on his side. One thing I've come to value is his ability to speak on the mic. With Acid and Vicious being the main focus for some time, I haven't had a main eventer who could really voice what he was feeling/thinking. While Black isn't amazing on the mic, he's good enough, when fused with his character, to further along stories where Vicious and Acid simply cannot.


In the end, though, it's pretty easy to see that Acid/Vicious will ALWAYS be lingering around the top regardless of where the strap is! With Vicious, I really feel as though he's a "DOA Product" as Hell Monkey had only been seen on TV before in USPW for a short while (plus with his mask on). At this point, he feels like an original of sorts versus recycling a former DaVE wrestler (as some of the roster has right now).


The strongest segment of the show was how you wrote off Mainstream, I'd say. X showing so much concern over his partner, Kazuma and Ota showing remorse, the paramedics, it all felt very real. Absolutely top notch writing, E-V. Makes me a bit jealous.


This was the very first segment I had in mind when crafting the show. I knew Hernandez was on his way out and wanted to create a scenario where A) the Moral cause could have some new fervor for their backing and B) KAZUMA struggles with the demons of his dreaded dropkick. At this point, at Episode #3, there are bound to be some HUGE fireworks coming...


As far as the women's division goes, good luck. And I mean that. i know you don't book based on ratings, and I certainly don't even pay attention to what your matches grab, but the women that are available are for the msot part lacking in overness. In my diary, despite having women with skills that easily rival my male upper card guys, they consistently pull the lowest grades on the show. For potential hires, I would definitely suggest Sara Marie York and Gorgon. York's a good, high flyer with good entertainment skills and overness, and Gorgon is a good monster female with overness that fits the DOA product well, I'd say.


Yea, the limited popularity out there leaves me a bit worried; however, not intensely. As you'll see with the opening storyline, there won't be that many Vixxen's coming in right away. I'm hoping to have a tempered rise (at least when it comes to the size of their roster) as the storyline progresses. In the end, maybe I can steal some talent away or work with those on the roster to build up their popularity. I guess, what I'm saying is, this is a long-term project instead of an instantaneous grade-grabber scenario. In time, I hope it pans out as much as I think it will!





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