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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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First of all, Griffith replacing Hernandez is a good choice. While not an outstanding worker, he is still a talented brawler with good performance and entertainment skills, and he's about on par with X. While I read his promos, I was thoroughly engaged, but I'd like, someone else said, I'd like to maybe see a little more fire and brimstone in his promos. He is Southern Justice, after all. I think that nickname could still stick with him here, working on a bible belt sort of angle.


Marquez continues to impress. How could he not? Snap Dragon's a great choice to pair with the group of misfits as well. He fits the outcast image of the group well, and I can't wait to see Marquez defeat him as well on his way to becoming Acid's next challenger.


Yes! The Statesman gets mic time. I'm a sucker for Ted Brady, and even if Rayne put him on his ass, it's nice to hear his voice. The friction among the group makes perfect sense as well. As you said, they are all just a bunch of hired guns when it comes down to it. Without their fearless leader paying them off, why should they stick with each other? You've sent this across well by having them have their own programs and feuds, keeping the tag matches and angles with them relatively light. I mean, Acid had 3 segments tonight (4 if you separate his match and the last angle with Black), and only 1 of them features any of All the King's Men.


Matty Sparrow is hilarious to me. He's like some crazy cross between Dolph Ziggler, Billy Gunn, and an obnoxious Chip'n'Dale dancer. I love it.


I see Black taking the tournament and continuing to challenge Acid, but ultimately losing. No surprise there. I do think, however, that we'll see a surprise entrant come up short against him in the semi finals. Maybe a small time player that finally makes it big, perhaps by upsetting Johnny Vicious in the semifinals.


As far as the mystery executive goes, it's Queen Emily. Isn't it? Isn't it!?

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More the "Rapid Assault" Quick Results section on the bottom of the show post. I'm just curious how it all flows together.


Consider it done. I've flirted with the idea in the past; however, continually came back to the idea of just having the matches listed. From here on out, though, I'll add the angles and grades for those angles within the 'quick recap'.

First of all, Griffith replacing Hernandez is a good choice. While not an outstanding worker, he is still a talented brawler with good performance and entertainment skills, and he's about on par with X. While I read his promos, I was thoroughly engaged, but I'd like, someone else said, I'd like to maybe see a little more fire and brimstone in his promos. He is Southern Justice, after all. I think that nickname could still stick with him here, working on a bible belt sort of angle.

Father Griffith, while not stereotypical southern preacher style, is certainly old testament. So, with that said, Hellfire and brimstone is certainly the approach to his sermons. He may not go above and beyond and do the whole, almost, comical approach but that's because I want him to be more subtle; to be more mean/vile. With time, as the storyline progresses, you'll see why I am playing him this way (as it's being done for an absolute reason). In the end, I'm sure that what he brings to the table will ultimately win subtle readers over (also those who like a dark 'religious' figure as well).

Marquez continues to impress. How could he not? Snap Dragon's a great choice to pair with the group of misfits as well. He fits the outcast image of the group well, and I can't wait to see Marquez defeat him as well on his way to becoming Acid's next challenger.

I couldn't see Snap Dragon showing up with any other faction outside of the misfit one (name coming on this next episode; nothing too flashy but it works for their vibe/storyline). A man who flies through the air, breathes fire, and seems much like a circus carny, is certainly going to fit in with the likes of Dreamweaver, Powell, and Violet. In a way, I think of them as a cross between the Flock & the old misfit stable that was run in the WWE many years ago; only more unsettling in a way.


As for Marquez, I'm not going to lie in saying that he's certainly going to be a major player in Season #2. Does that mean he'll be main eventing with Acid for the title soon? who knows. I'm not one for a 'God Push' but Antonio is the kind of talent you could potentially center a company/program around. I guess we'll see how things unfold as they go forward. Regardless, he won't be dropping his feud with the misfit faction though; as Powell vs. Marquez is still very interesting to me.

Yes! The Statesman gets mic time. I'm a sucker for Ted Brady, and even if Rayne put him on his ass, it's nice to hear his voice. The friction among the group makes perfect sense as well. As you said, they are all just a bunch of hired guns when it comes down to it. Without their fearless leader paying them off, why should they stick with each other? You've sent this across well by having them have their own programs and feuds, keeping the tag matches and angles with them relatively light. I mean, Acid had 3 segments tonight (4 if you separate his match and the last angle with Black), and only 1 of them features any of All the King's Men.

You picked up rather perfectly on "All the Kings Men"; not 'one for all' but rather 'all for one' in their minds. Without Tyler there really isn't much of an alliance there. Small pockets may form; however, we may be witnessing the END of the faction... maybe... as that's how the story is progressing.

Matty Sparrow is hilarious to me. He's like some crazy cross between Dolph Ziggler, Billy Gunn, and an obnoxious Chip'n'Dale dancer. I love it.



This is exactly how I view Matty Sparrow. In a way, he WANTS to be a Rick Rude-esque character; however, doesn't quite have the chops. With that in mind, he resorts to more of a awkward, over-the-top, kind of sexuality in which to seem like a 'sex symbol'. So, entirely Ziggler and Gunn. As for Chip'n'Dale, he does find himself in black leather shorts and a gallon of body oils almost always...

I see Black taking the tournament and continuing to challenge Acid, but ultimately losing. No surprise there. I do think, however, that we'll see a surprise entrant come up short against him in the semi finals. Maybe a small time player that finally makes it big, perhaps by upsetting Johnny Vicious in the semifinals.

A strong guess, seeing how Black is currently working an 'obsessed with beating Acid' program right now, but I guess we'll have to see how it unfolds....

As far as the mystery executive goes, it's Queen Emily. Isn't it? Isn't it!?

Again, another great guess! I'm happy that someone picked up on the fact that the unknown Arcadia Executive is actually a female!
Very cool. In the end, the figure who comes out of this will probably make a Dungeon debut in the next few episodes (when it feels right to do so with the storyline) and it may shock some people...

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As far as the mystery executive goes, it's Queen Emily. Isn't it? Isn't it!?


Emily was my initial thought too. At a push, Sara Marie York could hold the role, but Emily has far more mainstream exposure and seemed far more likely, assuming of course this isn't a totally new character altogether.


I read the show last night. Great stuff E-V, the DOA ball definitely feels like it's starting to roll now. Father Griffith is a great edition and tbh, probably adds far more at this juncture than Hernandez staying on would have done. As to whether Griffith should play more of a crazed southern preacher role... I'm torn on this, because although it fits his moniker, he's got a real history full of personal demons to play off on, something which you couldn't really do as effectively if the character became too much of a charicture.


I'm curious to see where you go with All The King's Men. They're a stable of convenience and in Tyler's absence, directionless. The dilemma of course is that you've got a stable of hired guns with no one to hire them all. Could Rayne break out? Possibly. A face turn even? Maybe not. I did like Brady trying to assume control of the group with no real mandate though, kinda felt like Starscream trying to assume control of the Decepticons. :p


Looking forward to the tournament too, although I'm leaning towards Black taking the thing, I suspect this will be a vehicle to either elevate someone new up the card or screw Vicious over to continue his 'struggle to reclimb the mountain' bit... or perhaps both.


Oh and giving the Funkster such emphasis really made his match with Acid seem like a big deal for him, even though he came up expectedly short.

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I read the show last night. Great stuff E-V, the DOA ball definitely feels like it's starting to roll now.


Thank you, Sebs. It's great to finally be at a point where storylines are starting to build full-force. Plus, for the first time in awhile, I'm finding myself creating long-term focuses for said storylines; switches, turns, big moments, reasoning behind it all. In the past, I've found myself being very conceptual with the products, and company's themselves; however, rather 'by the hip' with my booking practices. This time around, I'm finding myself being much more methodical with everything; which is probably why things are becoming more subtle than my previous works.


Father Griffith is a great edition and tbh, probably adds far more at this juncture than Hernandez staying on would have done. As to whether Griffith should play more of a crazed southern preacher role... I'm torn on this, because although it fits his moniker, he's got a real history full of personal demons to play off on, something which you couldn't really do as effectively if the character became too much of a charicture.


My thoughts exactly. Simple, caricature-like, depictions are certainly useful, especially in Pro Wrestling (which is always rooted in an 'over the top' kind of manner); however, I'm looking to be much more subtle with this go around. In a sense, creating more of a thought out sense of stories/storylines much like a cult-ish drama (ie: heroes, supernatural, West Wing, etc.). With that said, creating an over-the-top southern preacher WOULD be interesting, and fun to write for that matter, but I am more centered in the hellfire and brimstone, old testament, all kinds of abusive, born-again from his past demons (which is realistic), priest-like figure who just so happens to come from the south (giving him a southern drawl). While I'm a fan of over-the-top... In this case, I have a vision for Father Griffith that will call for a more subtle approach; bringing about A LOT of change in Deadly Overloaded Action in the process...


I'm curious to see where you go with All The King's Men. They're a stable of convenience and in Tyler's absence, directionless. The dilemma of course is that you've got a stable of hired guns with no one to hire them all. Could Rayne break out? Possibly. A face turn even? Maybe not. I did like Brady trying to assume control of the group with no real mandate though, kinda felt like Starscream trying to assume control of the Decepticons. :p


When I constructed the segment, I knew that I wanted 3 things to happen... 1) "All the Kings Men" should look, and feel, like they don't trust one another and are on the verge of a fight for just being in the same room without Eric Tyler, 2) Torment and Rayne would be the two most visible people in said potential fight, and 3) The Elder Statesman would attempt to take over; however, find no one really taking him seriously as he's done VERY LITTLE despite actually being part of the group (Even I forget he is there sometimes; he's a conceptual figure of the group. One that doesn't make sense especially without Tyler there). From there, It all came together rather well I feel; hinting at their distrust and ultimately creating tension within the ranks.


At the end of the day, "All the Kings Men" without Eric Tyler is like a chicken with it's head cut-off (Excuse the violent nature; however, it's the only thing that can come to mind). They may move around, seem like it's functioning, yet we all know that there's no real life present. Wow, even writing that seems so counter my typical thought pattern that it feels rather awkward. ha. Either way though, I feel it really tells the story of where they are pretty well... even if jarring mentally.


Looking forward to the tournament too, although I'm leaning towards Black taking the thing, I suspect this will be a vehicle to either elevate someone new up the card or screw Vicious over to continue his 'struggle to reclimb the mountain' bit... or perhaps both.


There are certainly a number of goals that I presently have for the "Survival of the Fearless" tournament. Some are storyline driven, others popularity-driven for my wrestlers (from an in-game perspective), but, overall, there is a lot of thought going into every detail right now. I plan, during Episode #4, to officially announce the bracket within the show; most likely put forth by Arcadia. As we'll come to see, though, there is one man who is unwilling to allow for things to go on as planned with the tournament... at least on this next episode...


Oh and giving the Funkster such emphasis really made his match with Acid seem like a big deal for him, even though he came up expectedly short.


It felt really good to give the Funkster his due. I mean, he put up a "C+" in the match-up. Sure, it was with Acid, who is my most over worker, but, still, I wasn't expecting for such a great grade (when stacked up against the typical DOA grade; which tends to be lower since we don't have much popularity within our ranks). In the end, as you said, it was a fargone conclusion that he would lose BUT I wanted to give him a strong showing none the less. I'm really interested in booking the "Motha-Funkers" as a powerhouse duo once they really get their 'feet wet' as a Death Defying Duo. That said, while singles matches, I really wanted to tell the story that A) they were both strong enough to keep up with 2 of the top DOA Warriors but B) they are starting to realize that their chance of success really does lie with one another; as a Death Defying Duo.


Honey Golightly...please make it Honey Golightly...


Another intriguing guess....


My lips will remain sealed. However, her face will be known sometime in the next few episodes. Then we'll see who it is that currently controls Deadly Overloaded Action from her comfortable seat in Arcadia headquarters.





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Be careful, Victor
. There is one thing that can get you in trouble these days and that’s talking about religion unfavorably.”


I understood what he was attempting to say. From a corporate standpoint, strictly removing creative development, depicting religious figures as inherently evil wasn’t entirely ‘great business’. With that said, who was Arcadia looking to fool? For a network centered on creating dark, gritty, 18-40 year-old male programming, to say ‘don’t go too far’ seemed a little hollow in my mind; Hypocritical even.


“With all due respect…”


In reality, I do respect Jensen [Tarver] quite much. It was HE who kept DOA alive after John [Greed] decided to tuck his tail and run. It was HE who also brought me to Hollywood. It was HE who sold Deadly Overloaded Action to me. Without him, I would probably be another burn-out looking to find the next great thing; I may have even ended up in, I shudder to say, the
Coastal Zone…




“… You didn’t bring me to Arcadia in which to ‘play it safe’. Safe is going to ultimately KILL Deadly Overloaded Action. You know that. I know that. Why the hell would I allow the censors, and the easily offendable, to dictate our direction? You’re practically running around with a death-wish at that point…”


“But portraying a Priest as an oppressive, misogynistic, psychopath is bound to generate enough blow-back to sink the ship as well…”


He had a point; however, I wasn’t one to listen. I get it, he works in a world where you have to be safe 110% of the time; afraid of pushing some soccer mom, eating her home-cooked meal in the middle of America, to the edge of what she seems as acceptable. With that said, I wasn’t interested in some holier-than-thou, van driving, baby-talking, mother of 20 telling me what I should be able, and not able, to do from a creative perspective. I came to Deadly Overloaded Action to turn the industry on it’s heels; to change the course of our form of entertainment in the process.


“I guess we’ll see…”


My shoulders shrugged, fighting every urge to roll my eyes in the process, as it was quite obvious that Tarver was growing somewhat gassed by my unaffected nature.


“I’m just saying… Be careful.”


He said; seconds before exiting my office with a slow, wandering, walk (The kind that often follows a wave of absolute stress; equip with hands in pockets).


I guess I was ‘warned’. Even though I had a free-range to do whatever within the realm of DOA, such a conversation was easily created in which to remind me of who writes the checks. That said, if anything were to happen, Arcadia would find themselves with a hefty legal issue on their collective desk; suing them for every last penny I was to be owed for the next 3 seasons.


Play it safe? When have I ever…


I don’t plan on changing anytime soon…
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... Arcadia presents ...

... A Deadly Overloaded Action production ...




Aftershock™ is a weekly professional wrestling editorial program broadcasted by the American television network Arcadia. While the program may focus on a number of outside sources, giving a grand picture of the industry for which it reports on, it should be noted that it’s exclusively a Deadly Overloaded Action development. With this in mind, opinions are often slanted, skewed, and centered toward the tone set by Deadly Overloaded Action. Independence, and objectivity, is freely encouraged; however, is not expected.




In the sands of time, one thing has always been true when it comes to the grand removal of oppressive dictators. While it’s often expected that, under said rulers destructive tenure, those being oppressed are ‘better off without their villainous presence’, there is one ugly secret that never seems to be silenced amidst such forced evolution; brutal anarchy is soon to follow.


With no iron fist, no back-breaking rules, and no limitation upon what is possible, those who have been cast into freedom quickly come to befriend anarchy; whether they like it or not. It becomes their neighbors, their cultural centers, even their family, as many misunderstand opportunity for brash, borderline primal, self-indulgence.


Deadly Overloaded Action currently finds itself hovering on the cusp of such upheaval. While removing Eric Tyler from authority was certainly needed, a fact that many of us would agree to given his track record during Season I, his absence leaves a gaping hole as it pertains to order.


His ‘order’, if you can call it that, was never for the greater good of DOA. His decisions were twisted, coiled, and wrapped, within the notion that EVERYTHING must benefit his line of thought; regardless of who got hurt in the process. Vicious was forced to the ‘back of the line’ simply for not being an ally of the dreaded “Voice of Reason”, Matthew Keith found his career cut-short, at least we thought, when he was forced into being fired by Mr. Tyler, and countless DOA warriors found themselves savagely assaulted by his plethora of hitmen (most widely known as “All the Kings Men”). When putting it down on paper, there is no way that ANYONE could see his rule as nothing more than self-serving; breaking the backs of others in which to better himself in the process.


With all of that said; however, even with the self-serving mantra, his theoretical Iron Fist kept things cohesive enough within the DOA Dungeon. It wasn’t perfect, not by any means, but it DID bring a sense of order to a fiery revolution; even if it did hinder the rise of many.


What will become of Deadly Overloaded Action now that Eric Tyler is suspended indefinitely?


It’s impossible to see the truth but one thing is starting to show true…


Without the oppressor, the people have come to accept Anarchy…


Sadly, Anarchy can often bring about mass destruction; a fact that drives FEAR into the hearts of those at Arcadia Headquarters.


In the end, the REAL question may need to be…


Was it the RIGHT decision to remove Eric Tyler?


As much as it pains me to think, one has to wonder if his removal will only hurt Deadly Overloaded Action more than his manipulative presence.


Written by Eisen-verse




Hi there Deadheads, Moth Man here BACK after another stunning episode of RRRRapid Assault! As with last week I'll be going through segment by segment to give my... “expert” opinion on the show and enlightening the Deadheads once again.


Beginning at the beginning we saw a great segment and a great début. Of course Citizen X whose former partner has gone to the other side. (by which I mean, he's seen the green.) In this Hernandez's time in DOA was laid to rest by Citizen X in a greatly put promo, but that was only subsidiary to the highlight of the segment which was the début of Jack Griffith, and as great of a promo it was I can't help but see Jack telling me how to live my life as freakin' hilarious (sorry Jack, I'm sure your a great, righteous guy.) He was pretty intense and this was a unique way to start a show, and the good unique not the “what the f... was that” type of unique.


Then we got back to the great feud between The Freaks and Antonio Marquez. Toni took on Snap Dragon and beat him in a good match, where Snap's partners were fully involved. The real story came after the match when the numbers game mounted up on the Mexican and beat the hell out of him. I know Antonio is great but damn, nobody can beat three on one odds, nobody!


Upon seeing one of my favourites (Marquez) get beaten down I needed cheering up, and nothing and I mean nothing cheered me up more that seeing the King's Men not seeming so regal as the cracks not only began to show, but they shone the light on how much those bullies relied on Tyler. With The Elder Statesman put in his place and the rest of them at each others throats I certainly had a smile on my face! Rayne was the man in this segment, he is the one to break out of the stable in my opinion (not including Acid, of course).


Another new face albeit a return for Matty Keith who was ousted by the old regime but I thankfully back to kick some ass in the DOA. Matty was the sixth man in a big tag match with Dunn and Vicious taking on Morgan, Rayne and Torment and the cracks again showed and Sam Keith's son and co. came out on top after Torment turned on his partner following a argument, All The King's Horses and All The King's Men, it seems those fellas won't be together again. Haha, I love it!


After all that we needed some light relief and it came in the shape of Matt Sparrow and Funk, better known as the Motha-Funkers, with Sparrow basically shoving his “pecker” in our faces and Funk dancing like a mad man, you'd think this would be fun and as funny as it was “Peerless” Greg Black showed once again why I don't know whether to cheer or boo him, by trashing the party. Good promo from him, he put Matty in his place, I also thought having Acid at the end was a good touch, keeping the feud fresh in the mind.


We then saw Citizen X go and get revenge on Kazuma in which another great promo from Griffith added greatly to the match and helped X get the win in what was a decent match. Then we saw an excellent main event with Greg Black coming out on top over Matt Sparrow with a stunning Black Out, this was a really enjoyable match AND had Sparrow back where I like to see him. Near the top. Greg then continued his association with the security and his feud with Acid, via a strong message to the champion.


Then was a good main event which in all honesty, we all knew the eventual outcome of. Victory for Acid and he did it in a very strong way, again with no one to help him he showed he has the good even if he was helped in the past.


Then was a big part of the show where Greg made a great point about pinning Acid as the mysterious champion simple growled and snarled at his opponent. We thought we were getting a title match next week for free but no such luck as the news of a PPV deal transcended into storyline where a cool sounding tournament was announced for the show entitled Survival Of The Fearless which I think is a cool name especially for it being in the DOA. The mystery Arcadia exec. really did well in putting this over and I for certain will be buying that pay-per-view. After another super fun, action packed edition of Rapid Assault.


Written by 20LEgend




[As you press play on the video that begins to air, you are taken to a viewing of the DOA logo. That fades to the two eyes and the words: 'A View From A Hawk's Eye.']


[Now it's time to head to the studio where the man in the know, the man who is always right because he believes it to be so, the man with the eyes of a Hawk: Scott Hawkes is ready to enlighten the masses. Hawkes is sitting in his trademark recliner and has a look of 'I told you so' on his face.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good evening everyone and welcome to A View From A Hawk's Eye. I'm your host Scott Hawkes. But you already knew that, right? We have a lot to get to this evening, including the butting in of the Arcadia Network Executive once again and some other things. However, I would like to start by welcoming my guests this evening. One of these men has shown a new-found aggression in DOA, while the other is new to the program entirely. May I introduce to you, accompanied by Grace and Prudence, we have Father Griffith and Citizen X: The Moral Majority."


[slowly, in a methodical fashion, the newly minted Moral Majority shuffle their way into the room. With a sense of grandeur, most certainly self-created, to their every step, the controversial faction overtakes the shared space between they & Mr. Hawkes; projecting a lofty air throughout. Led by Father Griffith, standing slightly before the rest, they come to a slow halt as they calmly descend upon their designated chairs; X & Griffith ahead while the pairing of Grace and Prudence sit far behind as if they are hidden. In the end, it’s this sort of psychological warfare that often paints the Moral Majority in an overtly negative light; especially when two of their own members are obviously oppressed entirely.]


[scott has a look of almost reverance as he looks toward his guests. He is actually sitting up on the edge of his chair. Though his eyes occassionally flick toward Grace and Prudence as there is no doubt that these are two lovely ladies. But he hides those looks as much as he can from Father Griffith and Citizen X.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good evening and welcome gentlemen. It is such an honor and a pleasure to have you on this show. I would like to start by saying that I am truly sorry about what happened to Brother Hernandez. His fight with the Moral Majority was cut far too short, ensnared by the wickedness of another Heathen."


[Nodding his head downward in a strong manner, closing his eyes in the process, Father Griffith quickly overtakes the conversation; administering a sense of power to even the smallest of gestures.]


Father Griffith

“Brother Hernandez was a valiant soldier for the most high; a spiritual pit-bull with an uncanny knack for professing the truths of morality. That said, one man does not define this cause. While Brother Hernandez was a powerful asset, and an educated servant, the gap left in his wake is easy to repair. For, now, the Moral cause has replaced the servant… with the Father…”


[smirking arrogantly, yet in an unsettling fashion, the sunken face of Father Griffith twists with self-serving joy. With his eyes locked exclusively on Mr. Hawkes, so confident that his eyes never seem to wander in the slightest, the newfound leader displays a sense of command in his very stare. Meanwhile, nodding in accordance, Citizen X is shown in complete confidence; staring upon Mr. Hawkes, as well, as he displays his strength in Father Griffith.]


[scott breathes in a slow deep breath with the eyes upon him of both Citizen X and especially Father Griffith. He is the first to let his eyes wander for a moment, finding Grace and Prudence sitting all the way toward the back.]


Scott Hawkes

"Grace, Prudence, I am sure that the two of you are happy that Father Griffith has come to replace Hernandez. What do the two of you have to say about this?"


[The second Grace & Prudence are addressed, Father Griffith’s demeanor turns that much more intense; adjusting in his seat as he slowly starts to shake his head. In a cold, almost immediate, reaction, the fervid moralist leader quickly interjects; extending his hand outward slightly in which to extend his pointer finger outward in Mr. Hawkes direction. The gesture is so powerful, so dismissive toward Mr. Hawkes, that it feels overtly oppressive of the beautiful, scantily-clad, ladies in the back.]


Father Griffith

“They are not to be spoken to. Do you understand me? They are nothing of interest to you, or anyone for that matter; so, direct your questions only to me.
[Pauses; gazing upon Mr. Hawkes with a stern sense of dismissive authority]
Women are not acceptable voices of the most high. They are not to be heard from; ever.”


[staring upon Mr. Hawkes, Father Griffith slowly settles back into his seat; never taking his intense stare away in the process. Meanwhile, Grace and Prudence continue to look at the dusty floor below. Their mannerisms are entirely minimal, showing signs of absolute oppression, as they appear even meeker than in weeks past (if that’s even possible). None the less, it’s quite obvious who is in control and who is simply there to feed said controllers ego.]


[For a moment, Scott looks down toward the ground in much the same manner as Grace and Prudence. He breathes in for a moment and then raises his eyes to meet the stare of Father Griffith. He gives his best professional look. He takes another pause as though he is thinking of how to proceed after that. Instead of sitting forward on the edge of his seat, now Scott is pulled back in his seat as though he doesn't want to get too close.]


Scott Hawkes

"Alright, let's move on. Father Griffith, are there any wrestlers in DOA that you will be targeting now that you have been called for this cause?"


[staring upon Mr. Hawkes, projecting something of a fiery undertone, Father Griffith is about to respond to loaded question when Citizen X quickly interjects; as if he is unable to control himself. A quick expulsion, equally fiery in it’s arrival, fills their shared space.]


Citizen X

“KAZUMA… He will BURN for his SIN…”


[Almost as if he had overlooked X’s fury, deterring the focus of their collective statement, Father Griffith continues forth with his response; one that, while in-line with X’s interjection, speaks of a larger scaled battle plan.]


Father Griffith

“I target only those who have earned the mark of the beast. As the great divine once proclaimed, ‘torture will come to those who have turned down the wrong path; who have accepted darkness as their guiding light.’ I will be bringing my life’s work to Deadly Overloaded Action; the act of cleansing this wicked world of it’s most demonic… it’s most vile… it’s most… blind. Judgment day has come; it will be carried out for any, and all, who defy HIS name. Those who dare stand in defiance will, as Brother X most eloquently put it, burn for their SINS…”


[Citizen X appears as though he’s mentally ripping KAZUMA to shreds; visualizing THE most intense amount of pain for his recently rejuvenated rivalry. In turn, Father Griffith projects nothing short of absolute dominance. His stare is stern; almost fiery within it all. His face is sunken like a man who has ‘seen it all’. Meanwhile, his physically ravaged frame, forced into his own personal ‘hell’ years ago by a number of internal demons, speaks of one with pent up aggression; hiding underneath the falsified tranquility that comes with divine understanding.]


Scott Hawkes

"I see. Now, to wrap things up, what would you like to say to all the fans here in DOA and to all of the wrestlers here as well?"


[Without hesitation, Father Griffith inches his way toward the end of his seat. His heated stare is filled with absolute passion, if not overloaded disdain, as he centers his eyes past Mr. Hawkes; looking straight into the camera lens behind him. Projecting an unsettling tone, one that often resides closely above Father Griffith’s head, the darkened soul that we’ve come to know as “Father” sends a chilling message to all of those ‘not in his avenue of thought.’]


Father Griffith

“Fan, Wrestler, Announcer, or authority, it really makes no difference to me. I did not join Deadly Overloaded Action to simply ‘wrestle’ as you put it. I did NOT move to Hell-e-wood in which to ‘compete’ as some sort of athlete. I came to DOA, to this god-forsaken-hell-hole, to cleanse this crumbling world of it’s wicked ways. Morality will be restored; HIS kingdom on earth will be saved. To those who dare defy HIS name, who accepted the darkness into their souls long ago, you will come to find pain unknown in this realm. I, the warring general of his heavenly army, will be the proud destroyer; sending you all straight to the place for which you belong… Hell.”


[A slight pause is shown as Father Griffith appears to be talking STRAIGHT into the lens; as if he were directing his message straight to ‘the people’. In the end, before he can relay his final message, one that drips with bone-chilling evil, a small, vile, smirk forms upon Father Griffith’s face; one that tells of a man who is hell-bent on administering as MUCH harm as possible.]


Father Griffith

“May HE have mercy on your soul… for I will not…”


[scott just nods slowly, swallowing for a moment and looking as though he has a nice big lump in his throat.]


Scott Hawkes

"Alright, Father Griffith, Citizen X, Pru --"


[scott pauses in his speech, as though just remembering what Father Griffith told him earlier.]


Scott Hawkes

"Gentlemen, it has been great to have you on the show. Thank you for coming. That is all the time we have here on A View From A Hawk's Eyes. This is Scott Hawkes reminding you that the Hawk's Eye is watching you."


[As Father Griffith and Citizen X turn to leave, Scott peeks over to get a view of the two ladies while Griffith and X have their backs turned to him. He offers a smile to them and visibly checks them out but that is all he dares to do at the moment. We fade to the next part of the show.]


Written by Angeldelayette

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Episode #:

90 minutes

TV Rating:

Taped on:

Shown on:
Thursday Night on Arcadia

Main Event:
Greg Black vs. Johnny Vicious




Only a few days removed; This Saturday!


Only days removed from the high anticipated “Survival of the Fearless” tournament, Arcadia Executives have come forth with a fully-loaded altercation that many believe to be blatant foreshadowing. Two men, both marred professionally by one man, Eric Tyler, will step into the DOA Dungeon this Thursday with one goal in mind: coming away as a true ‘favorite’ for victory at this Saturday’s PPV. Will the explosive main event of Johnny Vicious and Greg Black prove to be a deciding point for “Survival of the Fearless”; with one man injuring the other far before the first bell rings of said tournament? – OR – Are we witnessing wishful thinking on the part of Arcadia Executives; hoping that either Vicious or Black will be the one to challenge for Acid’s DOA Championship? Either way, THIS THURSDAY is bound to be a historic affair.


As stated, the action-packed Main Event for “DOA Rapid Assault” would be enough to carry TWO episodes by itself; however, there is MUCH more where that came from. Sensing a point of evolution, good or bad, Arcadia Executives have also made it apparent that the ‘Moral Cause’ is one of importance (either through entertainment or spirituality) as Father Griffith will make his DOA Debut against one he would most certainly label as a ‘Heathen’ in one-half of the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions, OTA.


This, and much-much-more, as a number of your most favorite, and most hated, DOA Warriors will be in action; this Thursday on “DOA Rapid Assault”!


It truly will be…
A night of Deadly Overloaded Action…





“Reckless Aggression”
Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs.
"Kash Money"
Kashmir Singh
w/ The Guru
vs. Snap Dragon
w/ The Misfit Society

[Four-way Tables Match]

[First Elimination]

Which aerial king will rule the sky long enough to obtain a major victory at the open of "DOA Rapid Assault"?




Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne

[DOA Chokeout Championship Match]

[Three-way Match-up]

[First Elimination]

Can the DOA Chokeout champion overcome BOTH the re-surging, and recently re-hired, Matthew Keith AND his supposed ally, one where tension has quickly surfaced, in Rayne?




The Misfit Society
w/ Violet
vs. The Motha-Funkers

The Death Defying Duo Division is in full-swing this Thursday as two up-and-coming tandems are put to the test. Which newfound alliance has what it takes to set their course right?




Father Griffith
w/ The Moral Majority
vs. OTA

Can the vile preacher overcome his first DOA 'Heathen'?






Greg Black vs.
"The Blazing Red Demon"
Johnny Vicious

What happens when two front-runners for this weekend's "Survival of the Fearless" tournament clash 2 days in advance?



"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Snap Dragon

Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Father Griffith vs. OTA

Greg Black vs. Johnny Vicious


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Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Snap Dragon

The others have been used sparingly recently. Marquez needs the win, to build the feud w/ TMS.

Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne

Question marks over ATKM makes this dodgy but he has been a geat champion

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

TMS have a bit more direction ATM

Father Griffith vs. OTA

He shall cheat

Greg Black vs. Johnny Vicious

He needs to prove he's peerless, although this could be used to put doubt into the seemingly forgone conclusion that Greg will win the tournament. May change this to No contest I'll have to think

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The roaring of 2,000 Deadheads chanting “D-O-A” is heard resonating powerfully in the background as we’re instantly presented with a midnight black screen; the type that doesn’t allow even a semblance of light to interject. Seconds pass as the inspired chant grows stronger, louder, more dominating from an audio-perspective, as the sight of the gritty Deadly Overloaded Action logo rises from the darkness; gleaming across it’s projection in which to bring further focus in the process.


The chanting now lightly fades to the background, now an afterthought of sorts from a production standpoint, as a faceless voice peers from the darkness. This faceless voice, while unseen, quickly garners the image of a 40’something individual; his tone quite deep, quite raspy, and truly piercing at the same time.


“The natural order often rewards the evils of our world. The vicious, the vile, the unapologetic, the brash, these are the given few who find success; who understand that one must fight… to stay alive. In Deadly Overloaded Action this is no different.”


We transition to a black-and-white highlight reel of sorts; one that depicts each 16 DOA Warriors at various moments throughout their DOA careers. A “Vicious Circle” here, a “Black Out” there, and an unsettling snap of “The Reaper Cometh”, are all presented in which to display these chosen warriors as entirely destructive; inherently fearless.


“This Saturday, Live on Pay-Per-View, the warriors of DOA will find themselves in an epic battle of survival. Only the most heinous, the most hardened, and the most explosive, will find what they all pine for… what they all cannot live without… What they all dream of…”


The gleaming image of the DOA Championship is shown, also in black-and-white, as it rests atop a blackened pedestal of sorts. There is no Acid present at this moment; just the image of the title in which to display it as a sole entity (more than just the man who holds it).


“Success comes to only those who can compete without emotion… Who do not fear what their actions may mean to the broader masses. This Saturday… 16 men will compete for an opportunity; an opportunity for immortality!”


Now, the image of the DOA Champion himself, Acid, is displayed across the screen. Standing within the darkness himself, all that is seen is the upper-half of his body. The DOA Championship, still gleaming however now on his shoulder, is intensely gripped by the primal monster of sorts in a show of “this is mine”. None the less, snarling like a madman into the tight camera lens before him, Acid stands as the physical representation of success in Deadly Overloaded Action; still undefeated in singles competition after all of this time. 11-0. So, to beat him, would certainly cast whoever into Immortality…


“Let the most hell-bent win… for… It will be… “Survival of the Fearless”…”


In the end, the video montage comes to a close with the sound of the DOA Deadheads returning to absolute power; chanting the company’s name proudly in the process. Meanwhile, the logo for “Survival of the Fearless” slowly appears from within the darkness; adding a hefty level of mystery to it all. All in all, the overall feeling appears to be that this upcoming PPV is nothing like we’ve seen before. In reality, it may go down as THE most talked about, THE most deadly, and THE most explosive, events in Deadly Overloaded Action history; if not within the industry itself.



After Episode #4...




<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Snap Dragon

Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Father Griffith vs. OTA

Greg Black vs. Johnny Vicious


Thank you to those who have given their early predictions for Episode #4 thus far. I have booked the show; however, have not had a chance, quite yet, to get a crack on the writing process of it. As always, you know it'll take me a week or so to get it done BUT I promise that it'll be a quality read (Especially leading into the PPV). All in all, Thank you to all the DOA Deadheads out there!


Onto a response...

Okay, those two sets (tables & belts) are the best pictures for versus ever in a diary. The show looks to be really good.

Thank you, smartman. I really pride myself behind creating a tone with my images. As a Public Relations graduate, one who worked on various campaigns throughout my hometown, I came to find that visual depictions of brands are almost always more important than what is said. With that in mind, I'm always looking for new ways to get my vision of Deadly Overloaded Action across. Glad to know you liked them!
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[As you press play on the video that begins to air, you are taken to a viewing of the DOA logo. That fades to the two eyes and the words: 'A View From A Hawk's Eye.']


[We are taken inside the studio where Scott Hawkes is sitting back and reclining on his recliner once again. He looks a little more peaceful than he did following the last showing and the conversation with Father Griffith.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the only voice here in DOA that matters. That's right, I'm a better voice than the Arcadia executive that saw fit to eliminate the Voice of Reason from our broadcasts."


[scott shakes his head, obviously still angered at that move.]


Scott Hawkes

"This is a very special View From A Hawks' Eye where I take a look at the upcoming card and let each and every one of you know who is going to win. Let's begin with the opening match."


“Reckless Aggression” Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs. "Kash Money" Kashmir Singh w/ The Guru vs. Snap Dragon


Scott Hawkes

"Mostly I say..'Who?' to a lot of these competitors opening things up. Donte Dunn is a chump. Kashmir Singh sounds like this sweater I once owned. Snap Dragon is decent but the name here is Antonio Marquez. He's the one you need to pay close attention to in this match. That is why he gets my selection for victory."


Winner: Antonio Marquez


Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne


Scott Hawkes

"My first prediction for this match is the destruction of Matthew Keith in the middle of the ring. All The King's Men might look like they are falling apart but this week they will work together for the greater good in the destruction of Matthew Keith as The Voice of Reason wills it to be so. So which of The King's Men will come out with the victory? My choice goes to the man who is the Champ: Torment."


Winner: Torment


The Misfit Society w/ Violet vs. The Motha-Funkers


Scott Hawkes

"The Misfit Society against two absolute morons? NEXT!"


Winners: The Misfit Society


Father Griffith w/ The Moral Majority vs. OTA w/ KAZUMA


Scott Hawkes

"Did you watch my show on Aftershock? Seriously? Father Griffith even makes me shudder and scared and say ten Hail Mary's. Ota doesn't stand a chance against the Father."


Winner: Father Griffith


"Peerless" Greg Black vs. "The Blazing Red Demon" Johnny Vicious


Scott Hawkes

"Our main event is a match that could end up being the finals of the upcoming tournament if The Voice of Reason doesn't get back here soon. Neither of them deserve their main event status. Neither of them could hold a candle to Acid. So in the words of the Black Knight: we'll call it a draw."


Winner: Draw


Scott Hawkes

"So there you have it. The opinion of the only man that matters in this company. The opinion not from where you mere mortals sit but it's a view from a hawk's eye. In closing I just have four words: Bring back Eric Tyler."


[scott nods and the video begins to grow staticy and then fade to black as we come to the end.]

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[As you press play on the video that begins to air, you are taken to a viewing of the DOA logo. That fades to the two eyes and the words: 'A View From A Hawk's Eye.']


[We are taken inside the studio where Scott Hawkes is sitting back and reclining on his recliner once again. He looks a little more peaceful than he did following the last showing and the conversation with Father Griffith.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the only voice here in DOA that matters. That's right, I'm a better voice than the Arcadia executive that saw fit to eliminate the Voice of Reason from our broadcasts."


[scott shakes his head, obviously still angered at that move.]


Scott Hawkes

"This is a very special View From A Hawks' Eye where I take a look at the upcoming card and let each and every one of you know who is going to win. Let's begin with the opening match."


“Reckless Aggression” Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs. "Kash Money" Kashmir Singh w/ The Guru vs. Snap Dragon


Scott Hawkes

"Mostly I say..'Who?' to a lot of these competitors opening things up. Donte Dunn is a chump. Kashmir Singh sounds like this sweater I once owned. Snap Dragon is decent but the name here is Antonio Marquez. He's the one you need to pay close attention to in this match. That is why he gets my selection for victory."


Winner: Antonio Marquez


Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne


Scott Hawkes

"My first prediction for this match is the destruction of Matthew Keith in the middle of the ring. All The King's Men might look like they are falling apart but this week they will work together for the greater good in the destruction of Matthew Keith as The Voice of Reason wills it to be so. So which of The King's Men will come out with the victory? My choice goes to the man who is the Champ: Torment."


Winner: Torment


The Misfit Society w/ Violet vs. The Motha-Funkers


Scott Hawkes

"The Misfit Society against two absolute morons? NEXT!"


Winners: The Misfit Society


Father Griffith w/ The Moral Majority vs. OTA w/ KAZUMA


Scott Hawkes

"Did you watch my show on Aftershock? Seriously? Father Griffith even makes me shudder and scared and say ten Hail Mary's. Ota doesn't stand a chance against the Father."


Winner: Father Griffith


"Peerless" Greg Black vs. "The Blazing Red Demon" Johnny Vicious


Scott Hawkes

"Our main event is a match that could end up being the finals of the upcoming tournament if The Voice of Reason doesn't get back here soon. Neither of them deserve their main event status. Neither of them could hold a candle to Acid. So in the words of the Black Knight: we'll call it a draw."


Winner: Draw


Scott Hawkes

"So there you have it. The opinion of the only man that matters in this company. The opinion not from where you mere mortals sit but it's a view from a hawk's eye. In closing I just have four words: Bring back Eric Tyler."


[scott nods and the video begins to grow staticy and then fade to black as we come to the end.]


That... was... AWESOME! :eek::D:cool:


I know you were thinking about doing something like this but, I have to say, the real thing really stands out as something great! Mr. Hawkes is a valued DOA Journalist (even if he is pretty one-sided with his views; haha) and always will be. It's great to see someone, like yourself, taking the reigns of your own character within Deadly Overloaded Action. It really brings it to life that much more!


Bravo, Mr. Hawkes. Bravo.





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That... was... AWESOME! :eek::D:cool:


I know you were thinking about doing something like this but, I have to say, the real thing really stands out as something great! Mr. Hawkes is a valued DOA Journalist (even if he is pretty one-sided with his views; haha) and always will be. It's great to see someone, like yourself, taking the reigns of your own character within Deadly Overloaded Action. It really brings it to life that much more!


Bravo, Mr. Hawkes. Bravo.






I appreciate that, E-V. And I appreciate the opportunity to work on that character as a bit of an extension of myself. I grew up a fan of Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen, a fan of a lot of the bad guys. I find it so much easier to play the role of a heel than to play the role of a face. It's so much easier to get people to hate you than to like you in this business.


Expect it every time a new show comes up so long as I have the time to make it happen. He definitely has his own views on things and isn't generally afraid to express them. :)


Thank you, E-V, for giving me the opportunity and for the hard work and effort you put into each and every show.

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I awoke to the sound of AC/DC administering a declaration of WAR deep within my ear drums. Due to the blanketing darkness surrounding me, the only semblance of light coming from the very culprit of my sudden, forced, alertness, I slowly shuffle my hand across my cluttered nightstand; hoping, almost praying, to bring an end to the roaring explosion of snarl-inducing rock.


With my cellphone now in hand, bunched on the end of my bed, I slowly accept the truth that, sadly, I am awake…


3:24 AM


Are you f*cking serious?


With the phone pressed firmly to my ear, cradling it with my bodyweight pressed onto my scrunched pillow, I mutter the very same words anyone would at such a given time…


“This better be DAMN good…”


At first there was silence; the only real sound coming from a crackling heard on the line. I found myself growing with rage, entirely annoyed for being cast out of my slumber so abruptly; however, before I could officially bring the scenario to an end… There was a voice…


“Victor? Victor Page?”


Fighting the urge to simply hang-up, or better yet fall back asleep while ON the line, I mutter in return.


“Who the HELL calls someone at 3:30 in the morning?”


Again, silence for a brief second. Then, it all became that much more confusing; even for one half-asleep.


John Greed
. Before you hang up, Hear me out…”




I didn’t want to. Hell, I could practically SMELL the alcohol on his breath over the phone. Was this all some dream? Some weird nightmare of sorts that I was supposed to LEARN something from? Probably not. I was pretty much entirely awake now; pissed by such a fact. With that in mind, there was NO WAY I was stepping away from this scenario WITHOUT recourse…


“Don’t trust them; any one of them. I was in your shoes… I know that it can seem ‘sexy’ to be part of a network. It’s all a front; everything. They’ll cut you lose the second they think they have something better waiting in the wings…”


“I AM that something better, John. Face it, you were NEVER cut-out for this job. So, if I were you, I’d pack all of those ‘hurt feelings’ away for someone who actually cares. It’s my ship now; you walked the plank long ago…”


I returned rather harshly. Truthfully, I felt no reason to be nice to the guy. The stories I’ve heard, they all paint him as the same picture: a drunk who just so happens to THINK he actually MEANS something to this industry. He’s a nobody; a joke.


“Just keep your eyes out… Never put them away…”


Shaking my head at his obvious drunken stupor, a slight sense of laughter explodes from within. Sitting up in my bed, with my finger on the ‘END CALL’ button, I relay one final message to my late-night drunk-dialer; severely annoyed by the sheer fact of his presence.


“I don’t need to… I RUN this sh*t…”


With that, I send the lowly Greed on his way; never, hopefully, to be heard from again. While my anger is sky high, forced from my slumber so early in the morning, I find myself finding a sense of personal success. While he had left abruptly, staining his own presence in the process, I had often felt as though I was still crawling from John’s shadow; albeit a shadow drenched in liquor. Now, firmly cemented in my own knowledge, I have come to the point of psychologically leaving the nuisance behind. In one moment, just a short day away from our broadcast, I now feel as the TRUE Voice of Deadly Overloaded Action…





<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs. Kashmir Singh vs. Snap Dragon

Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Father Griffith vs. OTA

Greg Black vs. Johnny Vicious

Episode #4 Status Update

I caught fire this week! At this point, I'm FAR ahead of schedule and only have 3 segments left to write. As always, these tend to be the meatier segments; however, I feel as though I could, possibly, have the show ready to post by the END of the Work-week (Friday). If not, I'm thinking Saturday should be a safe bet!


The show is looking to be a REALLY strong one at this point. As you'll come to see, after reading it, there is one person in particular that I'm looking to add some depth to once again; after falling between the cracks (for whatever reason sadly). This figure needed a show like this to really put them BACK into the minds of all Deadheads (giving them a reason behind his Legend).


Also, there's bound to be a HUGE storyline development coming on Episode #4 that will change the landscape of competition in the DOA. I've touched upon it in the past; however, this scenario will kick-start a new wave in DOA's history. So very excited!
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John Greed sighting. :cool:


Nice piece, adding yet more meat to the bones of Page. I can't really see it happening as it kinda flies in the face of most of the DOA saga, but I'd love to see Greed return as an outside agent of some form, trying to kill what he (along with the network) created. Regardless, the added depth to your story is always worth a read.

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John Greed sighting. :cool:


Nice piece, adding yet more meat to the bones of Page. I can't really see it happening as it kinda flies in the face of most of the DOA saga, but I'd love to see Greed return as an outside agent of some form, trying to kill what he (along with the network) created. Regardless, the added depth to your story is always worth a read.


That story would be quite intriguing; however, as you said, it seems a little far fetched from a reality perspective. Plus, as you've seen in this segment, and in previous ones, Vic doesn't really care for Greed all that much. Where Greed is the one just looking to be loved, fighting through his demons to do something grand, Vic is more of the consummate producer-type; hell-bent on conquering all with a more business-like approach. In a sense, I feel like Vic is FAR more Bischoff-like; where as Greed is more of a Brian Pillman (can you imagine the two of them trying to co-exist).


That said, I wanted to convey this post as a way of moving on, for good, from the previous DOA Empire. A LOT of things are on the verge of changing, for the better; so, it felt fitting to have a final 'this is MY company' scenario for Vic.


Also, I am only one segment away from finishing Episode #4. I would LIKE to think that I will have it up tomorrow but there's a good chance that it may not make it til Saturday! Either way, It's a great show; I Believe.





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Stop making me look at my phone by using that ringtone. I already see too much of myself in Vic without you using my ringtone of 3 years as his.:p

AC/DC rules!!!!!!!!!!


And I'll never understand anyone not loving these in-between segments. They are awesome, and since I missed out on Season 1, occasionally very informative backstories.

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Stop making me look at my phone by using that ringtone. I already see too much of myself in Vic without you using my ringtone of 3 years as his.:p

AC/DC rules!!!!!!!!!!


And I'll never understand anyone not loving these in-between segments. They are awesome, and since I missed out on Season 1, occasionally very informative backstories.


Myself, I have
"Shoot the Thrill"


AC/DC is one of my most favorite bands of all-time; No lie. In a way, their music inspires me more so than any other when it comes to writing DOA shows. With this in mind, who better to be a fan of them then the man who books/creates it in Vic? With all of my characters, I try to put small semblances of myself into them. With Vic, there are certainly levels of me in there, as there was in Greed, and it just so happens that his biting music tastes are exactly that.


Also, thank you for the nod on the backstage posts. I know there are some, as you said, who think it's not needed but I don't believe that to be true. As you said, it gives backstory information while also adding depth to Vic, Arcadia, Jensen Tarver, etc., in the process. In a way, I like to dive into everything instead of just painting a small, very bland, picture.




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[DOA “Rapid Assault” opens with ominous sight of a black limo residing idle within the blanketing darkness of the California night-air. With the engine purring rather loudly, the sign that said limo has been present for quite some time, the camera lens is shown slowly panning closer to the tinted window before us. Within seconds, as if the lens was able to actually seamlessly travel through glass, we are now presented with the sight of within the limo’s interior.]


[Two figures, cast into mystery via a limited camera angle, are shown seated in the limo’s interior as it appears we’ve come upon a secret meeting of sorts. The darkness within bodes perfectly well for such outside it’s walls, extremely darkened with only dim lights opening up a hazed sense of sight, as the camera lens does it’s very best to capture the menacing sight before it; that being, what we expect to be, an unsanctioned meeting between the suspended “Voice of Reason” in Eric Tyler & his most-prized hitman, the DOA Champion, Acid.]



"The Voice of Reason" Eric Tyler and Acid ©

... Mysterious meeting ...


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Since day one, you’ve done everything I’ve asked of you; and more. Every hit I put out, every punk I needed silenced, you made damn sure that the target was left in shambles; most often in a pool of their own blood. For that, you have held up your end of the deal…


[Eric Tyler looks over at Acid, who is positioned on the edge of his seat snarling like a madman, as a subtle nod seems to follow; one of acceptance.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Now… It’s time that I hold up mine…


[Tyler stares upon Acid with a calm sense of authority. Meanwhile, Acid continues to snarl in an unsettling fashion; which is entirely common with the DOA Champion]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I offered you immortality when I personally chose you to be the DOA Champion; the only of it’s kind thus far. However, I know that accolades is not really ‘your thing’; you’re more of an action-man. Right?
Violent, none the less, but that’s exactly why I knew you were fit for the job.
[smirks; nods]
No, what I offered you was absolute freedom… The ability to do, say, act, and destroy, as you saw fit… However, first, you had to stand at my side; acting as my #1 until I saw the deal was no longer fit… Today, Acid, is that day… Today… You have freedom…


[Eric Tyler pauses for a second; staring upon Acid as the DOA Championship gleams off of his shoulder (Acid that is). With a slow, aggressive-toned, nod, Acid seems to agree with what’s being said; shocking as, for awhile now, many thought that he was unable to comprehend ANYTHING outside of inflicting pain.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Well… After you do one…last… thing for me.
Deadly Overloaded Action made a GRAVE mistake when they suspended me. For that, they must pay for their blatant stupidity…
[Pauses; rubs his hands together in a menacing fashion]
This tournament, this stupid little flash-in-the-pan that Arcadia THINKS will actually MEAN something, is set for this Saturday. Tonight, though, they are placing Vicious and Black in the Main Event; hoping to give the fans ‘what they want’
[He says in a condescending way as he rolls his eyes in the process]
by giving them a preview of the possible finale…
[Tyler stares upon Acid; more aggressive in nature]
I need YOU to see to it that neither Black nor Vicious exit the DOA Dungeon on their own accord tonight…
[Pauses; snarling himself now]
I need YOU… to break… them… in… half… Do you understand me?


[Acid nods admist his predatory snarl. Meanwhile, seeing such, knowing his #1 is still on board for, at least, this last job, Mr. Tyler begins to exude a sense of absolute confidence; overtly comfortable with the carnage he knows that Acid will inflict on his behalf.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
One more job… and you’ll have your freedom. Free from the hits, free from the direction, and free from the secret that I still hold…


[Acid’s head turns a little more faster, almost in a snapping sense, as he looks square upon Tyler as if to say ‘You wouldn’t!’. Either way, Tyler is shown administering a sense of stern calm; staring upon his DOA Champion with the knowledge that he still has the power; at least for now.]


“The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
It will stay with me; just as long as Vicious & Black exit the Dungeon on a stretcher…
[Pauses; growing more stern in his tone]
You’ve been asleep for too long, Acid. I, sadly, have come to realize that your role has only limited your ability for carnage. Starting tonight, that will all change. It’s time to awake the sleeping giant, Acid. It’s time… to tear Deadly Overloaded Action limb… from… limb…


[With that, the segment comes to an unsettling close as the DOA Champion is shown exploding from his seat; quick to action as he exits the backseat of the limo in a thunderous fashion. Snarling, and overtly aggressive in his stomping, Acid exits the scene all together as the door brutishly slams behind him. Meanwhile, in the closing seconds, we witness Eric Tyler leaning back upon his seat; nodding his head in approval as the darkness now shrouds his face much more.]




Davis Ditterich:
What was THAT all about? Has Eric Tyler finally set Acid free?

Carl Batch:
It seems so; just as long as the cat finishes his final order tonight.

Davis Ditterich:
That wasn’t an ‘order’… that was a brutal call for violence; there’s a difference. A general calls for an order. A sick, oppressive, dictator places a call for violence. I don’t like the look, or sound, of this. Arcadia better get their security team together now! Better yet, let’s escort the DOA Champion from the building RIGHT NOW; save us all from what MAY happen…

Carl Batch:
You can’t just kick the man out; he’s the Champ!

Davis Ditterich:
If he’s going to follow crap like that then he SHOULD be…

Carl Batch:
If you think THAT is bad then just think what could happen if Acid is his own thinker; free to make his own decisions.

Davis Ditterich:
Good god… I didn’t think of that…




“Reckless Aggression”
Antonio Marquez vs. Donte Dunn vs.
“Kash Money”
Kashmir Singh
w/ The Guru
vs. Snap Dragon

[Four-way Tables Match]


As a plethora of wooden tables are sprawled about the ringside area, the four DOA Warriors embarking upon such a whirl-winded journey find themselves staring one another down for the first time. With every man in his own, respective, corner, a staredown exists almost immediately; one that speaks of pure focus as all seem motivated for victory tonight. With this in mind, sensing the atmosphere growing at the onset, it should come as NO shock that, once the bell is rung, everything came to a climactic explosion square in the center of the ring.


There’s an age-old adage, one that was utilized as a public health marketing campaign against drugs in the 90’s, that professes the notion… “Speed Kills”. In this case, much like in the case it was derived, this is exactly true. Bodies are thrown about, maneuvers unapologetically administered, and near-death-impacts are truly at every turn; all amped to the extreme as it pertains to the speed for which said scenarios take place. To those fans knowledgeable enough about Lucha Libre wrestling, this matchup felt much like that as it pertains to the incessant tempo. Also, the continuous high flying action didn’t hurt the comparison either. In reality, though, while much like our friends down south, Deadly Overloaded Action utilizes such speed; however, also fuses it dangerously with a daredevil, never-say-die, sense of brutality. Certainly, this is quite evident straight away.


Enemies begin to form almost immediately as well. Antonio Marquez, the man of reckless intent, and his newfound rival, a member of the Misfit Society, Snap Dragon, are the first pairing to really cement themselves as adversaries. As these two aerial kings masterfully collide with one another, a fact that is only furthered by the noisy barking of Dragon’s Misfit brethren, located outside of the ring, another budding rivalry begins to take shape as well; that being between Kashmir Singh and the beloved fan’s choice from Barbados, Donte Dunn. While either of them, Dunn or Singh, attempt to get in on the Dragon/Marquez action, in most cases they are quickly shrugged off and forced to return to their own altercation. Why? It appears that Marquez and Dragon are THAT focused on destroying one another that they aren’t willing to ‘play nice with anyone else’.


Throughout their four-sided altercation, all craziness appears to be taking hold. A missed opportunity here, one that sends Donte Dunn slamming into the canvas following a botched attempt at a Hurricanrana onto a table, and a crushing crash there, that being Antonio Marquez exploding over the top rope like a twisting propeller as he slams into Powell and the Dreamweaver with a plancha outside of the ring, one thing is for certain… Insanity rules in the eyes of a daredevil.


In the end, as The Guru calmly dictates his client, “Kash Money”, to attempt a Suplex off the apron and through a table, utilizing Donte Dunn as the victim, it appears as though we may be on the verge of our inevitable ending. With that said; however, as the arrogant Kash attempts such, he’s quickly overdone by the action within the ring…


With Marquez laying upon a wooden table, smack in the corner of the ring, Snap Dragon is shown slowly ascending up top. Perched on high, as his Misfit Brethren cheer wildly from outside, the sadistically smirking Dragon embraces his motion of blowing fire; the taunt he most often utilizes when he enters the squared circle for the first time .


Looking down…


Nodding his head as his tongue begins to roll from behind his teeth; almost in a Dragon/Snake like fashion…


Smirking as if he was about to embrace some sense of evil…


Snap Dragon jumps…








Antonio Marquez has moved out of the way at the VERY last second!!


This sends Snap Dragon, who seconds ago was descending with a 450 splash, to viciously tear through the wooden table below; all by himself. The impact is so powerful that the devious flier appears to be out cold; most certainly knocked out once his masked head collided with the unforgiving table. None the less, rolling out of the way at the VERY last second, almost touching the descending Dragon as he did so, the man they label as “Reckless Aggression” finds himself victorious due to some six-sense kind of scenario; knowing that he only had a limited time to move away from the crashing Dragon.


Antonio Marquez in 6:06 via a table-break

Ending Maneuver:
Marquez moved from the table JUST IN TIME for Snap Dragon to crash through the table alone



Davis Ditterich:
[Laughs; claps as he’s excited]
One second he’s down and out and the next… BAM… He’s moved out of the way; forcing Snap Dragon to crash through the table all alone! WOW! What a win! Not to mention, Kashmir Singh was like SECONDS away from putting down Donte Dunn as well…

Carl Batch:
All luck; Dee. All Luck.

Davis Ditterich:
Luck or not… WOW… Antonio Marquez CONTINUES to ROLL here in Deadly Overloaded Action since losing his mask… Since saying goodbye to the legend that was “El Dragon Dorado”.

Carl Batch:
It looks like he’s about to get a ‘victory celebration’…
[Evil grin follows; kicking back in his seat to watch]

Davis Ditterich:
… This NEEDS to Stop!! Who do these punks think they are? You Lost FAIR AND SQURE… Deal with it…

Carl Batch:
Oh, they are about to do ya one better…




Antonio Marquez + The Misfit Society

… 3-on-1 Attack; Marquez puts up a fight …


[With Kashmir Singh standing over the top of his fallen foe, forcing Donte Dunn through a table with a Suplex off the apron, seconds after Snap Dragon’s impact, the camera lens slowly pans past the triumphant man of arrogance; past his fist rubbing mental mastermind of a manager, the Guru, as well. In our transition what do we find?]


[Within the ring, struggling to get back to his feet, reeling from what appears to be a slight back injury, the man of “Reckless Aggression” is rapidly met with the menacing presence of his hated rivals in Teddy Powell & the Dreamweaver. Smirking with dominance, Powell instructs Dreamweaver to ‘lift him up’; doing so in the fiery motion of his hand versus actual wording. In doing so, though, the Dreamweaver is quickly cast to the canvas in a thunderous heap; shockingly floored by the physically depleted Marquez with an uppercut that would make any heavyweight proud. The strike, the impact, it all inspires the DOA Dungeon into an absolute tizzy as the “Agent of Aerial Anarchy” appears to be, despite his depleted frame, fighting back!]


[Well, he was for a split second…]




[With one single Superkick, thrusting violently into Marquez’s jaw, Antonio is shown crashing upon the canvas in a heap; his legs giving out almost immediately. As one would expect, unhappy by the turn of events, also a little shocked by the ‘out of nowhere feel’ that the Superkick delivers, the DOA Dungeon quickly turns on a dime; booing like crazy as the “Man of Redemption” stands in a vile fashion above his victim.]


[With the Dreamweaver coming back too, and Snap Dragon now tentatively on his feet after his hellish fall, the Misfit Society appears to be circling their prey; their faces saying everything in the process.]


[Minutes later, after a round of hefty blows from the societal rats, the barely conscious Marquez is ultimately laid to rest with a powerful double-team maneuver on the part of Teddy Powell & The Dreamweaver. With a table in between the two, Powell lifts up Antonio’s dead-weight with a brief standing Suplex. Seconds later, upon their joint descent, the Dreamweaver is shown grabbing Marquez’s legs on the way down; simulating a Suplex/powerbomb combination. As expected, with a table in between the two, the former masked luchador finds himself viciously tearing through a wooden table; absolutely motionless as he lay in the rubble of wood.]


Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell:
You can’t run from the truth… You’re a FREAK… Just… Like… US!!


[Powell proclaims in a methodical, yelling-like, fashion. Meanwhile, as Marquez lay motionless, the Misfit faction continues to ‘play with their food’ in a sense; kicking at, pushing on, spitting on, and laughing at, the fallen Antonio Marquez.]


[in the end, standing over their victim, the Misfit Society, joined by Violet, and her creepy stint of laughter, stand over their fallen victim; in a circled fashion. Their prey is no longer moving. Meanwhile, their vile stare tells of a faction completely removed from societal norms; one that would do ANYTHING they see fit just for the hell of it.]




Davis Ditterich:
This is disgusting… reprehensible… These punks have NO REGARD for human life; none what so ever.

Carl Batch:
Why should they? They’ve all been told they are freaks; that they are weird. These cats have been cast into the shadows forever by society. Why the HELL would they ‘play nice’ now that they have a platform to speak from? Huh?
[shakes his head; rolls his eyes]
Shoot, these cats just want what we all want…. Acceptance. If they ain’t going to get it the RIGHT way then they sure as HELL will get it from the wrong way…

Davis Ditterich:
Week-in-and-week-out, Marquez puts these guys down; showing that he’s really the better man. However, every time, every single time, he finds himself on the losing end of a 3-on-1 attack; a gang beating. I don’t know if ANYONE can survive something like this week-after-week… Someone’s gotta step up on Antonio’s behalf or these punks need to start doing the right thing; leaving the competition in the ring. If not, we may lose this bright young star before he can even MAKE IT to the bright lights…

Carl Batch:
He might as well find a new hobby… Better yet, head on back down there to Mexico; that’ll save him from getting his a** kicked every week…
[Laughs; raspy]

Davis Ditterich:
I can’t believe you just said that…

Carl Batch:
Believe, Dee. Believe…







Arcadia Security + Eric Tyler

… Attempting to remove Eric Tyler’s Limo …


[With the blanketing midnight air encompassing the entire scene, creating a truly ominous scenario in the process, we bear witness to the sight of the Arcadia Security Team walking as a wall-of-enforcement toward the idling black Limo for which Eric Tyler resides. As their collective step exits the DOA Dungeon, stepping out into a large parking lot area, one that’s quite dimly lit, their ultimate objective is seemingly done for them.]


[Whether it was sensing the Security Team on the move, watching said action unfold on a small TV screen within the vehicle, or simply exiting on his own accord, the pitch-black Limo relieves it’s breaks; driving slowly into the darkness and away from the DOA Dungeon.]


[in the end, while he may have left the scene, rolling into the blanketing night before him, many believe that the damage has already been done as the suspended “Voice of Reason” has already created a truly menacing battle-plan with his most prized hitman, the DOA Champion, Acid. While their meeting is entirely unsanctioned, mostly due to Mr. Tyler’s suspension, a fact that states he needs to STAY AWAY from all things DOA during this indefinite time period, there’s no taking such meeting away; it has already happened and, most likely, will inspire the DOA Champion to administer a hellish sense of carnage by the show’s end.]




Davis Ditterich:
I’d say good; however, the damage has already been done. Eric Tyler, currently on an indefinite suspension, isn’t supposed to have ANY sense of connection with Deadly Overloaded Action at this time. Him being here tonight, even in our parking lot, meeting with the DOA Champion in the darkness, is a MASSIVE breach of the situation at hand. I hope Arcadia is paying close attention to this. You can suspend him BUT he won’t listen. You can tell him to stay away BUT it certainly won’t happen. Something DRASTIC needs to be done or else you’ll risk losing ANY sense of credibility you may have now that he’s ‘gone’… or… supposed to be…

Carl Batch:
Are ya done yet?
[shakes his head; raspy chuckle to himself]
Always yappin’; always lookin’ to hear your own voice. Truth of the matter is, Dee, Tyler aint goin’ nowhere… Not tonight… Not tomorrow… Not ever… Arcadia can TRY to play tough but we all know, even you know, that there’s no stopping this man when he has something in mind. It’s best to just reinstate the man… He aint backing down… Suspension or not…

Davis Ditterich:
Sever the Iron Fist for good… That’s what needs to be done…

Carl Batch:
It aint going to happen… DOA, and Arcadia, needs this man… Without him, this place, this whole damn place, will crumble… I promise you that…





Torment © vs. Matthew Keith vs. Rayne

[DOA Chokeout Championship Match]

[Three-way-match; First Elimination]


While still, tentatively it seems, part of the same faction, “All the Kings Men”, one wouldn’t think so by the way Torment & Rayne are acting straight away. Entering the squared circle alone, which in truth is quite common, these faction-mates practically burn a hole through each other’s skulls as they stand across from one another. However, that’s not as bad as what came seconds later as the two, shortly before the bell is even rung, meet smack in the center of the ring; locking one another into a heated staredown. You would think, given all of the tension, all of the heated flares, that these two were hated enemies of sorts. With that said, maybe they are more so in-line with that thought that what we thought previous... Especially given last week’s outcome (Torment cost “All the Kings Men” the match in their 6-man-tag by punching Rayne square in the face; giving Johnny Vicious the room to land “The Vicious Circle” soon after).


Adding Matthew Keith into the mix, a man who is obviously hell-bent on revenge following his Season I firing at the manipulative hand of Eric Tyler, this championship three-way certainly feels like a big-fight mentality; hype included.


The action feels much like the tale of two scenarios: 1) Matthew Keith attempting, at every turn, to forcibly push his way into victory; almost with a sense of agitated desperation that ends in overcompensation. And 2) Rayne and Torment bubbling toward a potential physical breakdown as they continually seem to be on edge with one another.


With time, the tension becomes full-on aggression…


Fighting over WHO would pin Matthew Keith following a double-teamed maneuver, that being a double side-belly-to-back Suplex, both DOA Warriors are shown pulling the other one off of the pinfall attempt. In time, after the second go around, the heated scenario comes to an explosive halt as Rayne is shown landing a hefty-handed right square across Torment’s jaw (much like Torment had done to him a week prior). This time, just like last week, the receiver of such a strike is quickly put into a pinning scenario; however, in contrast from last week, Keith is unable to gain the ultimate 1-2-3 due to an aggressive break from Rayne (the man who put this all into motion). Even though he broke such a scenario, not wanting to simply fall behind with a loss like that, it’s quite obvious that Torment & Rayne have, again, hit their bubbling point; no longer playing ‘nice’ with one another despite STILL being seen as supposed allies (although in a tentative fashion).


From this point on, the match-up feels much more in-line with a typical three-way affair with every competitor slamming head-first into one another in the process. While each is known for more of a technical approach, the sheer anger circulating between these three is strong enough to turn their altercation into more of a brawl-based scenario; a fact that leaves most submissions out the door throughout the majority of the match.


In the end, as with most all matches that Torment is part of, the final seconds of their altercation is all started with one maneuver… that being “The Reaper Cometh” (Dragon Sleeper)…


With a staggered Matthew Keith in his grasp, Torment wrenches back brutishly from an erect state.







It appears as though the young Keith may be on the verge of either A) having his neck snapped or B) losing all consciousness due to restricted airflow.


Reaching for the ropes like a madman, unaware of where they may ACTUALLY be, Matthew slowly starts to show signs of intense pain through his frantic mannerisms. Sadly, though, for the DOA Chokeout Champion, Rayne wasn’t having any of it…


Back in the ring, formerly on the outside after a brawl-based fight with Torment which left him down-and-out, Rayne speeds toward the locked submission; slamming his arm square across Torment’s head with a forceful closeline. Whether it was the shock of the strike, or the impact itself, Torment quickly lets go of the submission hold and staggers to the canvas holding his head in pain.


From there, sensing his moment, Keith quickly rises back up to his feet, still appearing depleted physically, as he quickly wrestles the unexpecting Rayne to the canvas (standing over Torment at this point) with his signature “Proton Lock” (Crossface Submission). The maneuver is only locked in for a matter of a few seconds before Torment is back on his feet; running toward the two of them in hopes of breaking said hold.


Knowing this, Matthew Keith rises back to his feet, breaking the “Proton Lock”, in which to back-body-drop Torment square over the top rope; crashing to the unforgiving cement floor in the process!


The DOA Dungeon erupts with excitement!!!!


With Torment laying outside of the ring, holding his right knee in pain as he slowly attempts to pull himself back up like a wounded bird, Keith quickly drops back down upon the strained Rayne (as he was still attempting to get back up from the FIRST “Proton Lock”).


Pulling Rayne’s arm…


Locking it in…


Locking in the neck…


And PULLING back with all of his might…


Matthew Keith re-locks in the “Proton Lock”!!


Rayne struggles to break free…


Struggles to grab the ropes…


Simply… Struggles…


But it’s not possible to break free; or grab the ropes at this point. Within seconds, with the DOA Dungeon roaring in the background, Rayne is shown harshly tapping his right hand upon the canvas below him. In turn, signifying that Matthew Keith has not only won his second match since coming BACK to the DOA but also obtained Championship gold in the process!


Matthew Keith in 9:26 via submission

Ending Maneuver:
“Proton Lock” (Crossface Submission)


Matthew Keith is the NEW DOA Chokeout Champion!


Davis Ditterich:

Carl Batch:
[shaking his head; leaning back in his chair as he runs his hands across his face in a stressed fashion]

Davis Ditterich:
After a long journey, being fired from DOA thanks to Eric Tyler, working the independent scene like a tireless warrior, hell-bent on his return, crossing off the days, Matthew Keith has returned… and he’s claimed the DOA Chokeout Championship as his own!! What a HUGE, HUGE, story… Hard-work, determination, and personal vindication, is enough to get you somewhere kids… Matthew Keith is your example of this!

Carl Batch:
Dee, you’re about to give me a damn headache with all your ranting.
[Not happy; it’s all over his face]
I promise you, if you put these three BACK in the ring again, Torment would come away with the win; hands-down. Keith may have won here tonight but the title won’t stand…

Davis Ditterich:
NEVER count-out Matthew Keith. Eric Tyler did it, Arcadia did it at one point, the boys in the back did it, you did it, and some of these fans even did it, but he’s shown, here tonight, that he’s capable of ANYTHING; ANYTHING AT ALL!




Matthew Keith ©

... Given HIS Championship; Celebration …


[barely able to stand, the new DOA Chokeout Champion is handed HIS Championship for the first time by Eugene Williams. With his eyes welling, desperately attempting to fight back any outpouring of emotion after such a LONG road back to Deadly Overloaded Action, the youthful Keith simply extends his right arm high into the air; proudly display his championship gold in a way that says “There’s no doubting me anymore; I did it”.]


[With the DOA Dungeon celebrating with him, albeit in a tempered fashion, Matthew looks much like a down-and-out boxer; one who fought true hell in which to get back (if not for the first time) to the top. None the less, as giant beads of sweat continue to roll down his stocky frame, one can expect WHY Torment’s impending actions are truly despised by those buying into Keith’s triumphant rise.]




… Blindsided Attack …


[With a double-armed closeline of sorts, slamming square into the back of the weakened Keith, the former champion, Torment, quickly brings a halt to Matthew’s proud celebration. Reaching for the nearby ring ropes, almost as if he were subconsciously attempting to get back up and fight, the 2nd generation wrestler looks nothing like a man who is willing to take such a blatant sense of disrespect; heroically pulling himself upward in the process. Sadly, for the new Champion, there would be no sense of heroics here as Torment quickly ascends upon his victim; locking in “The Reaper Cometh” once again!]


[Wrenching, pulling, twisting, and flexing, Torment pulls back on Matthew’s neck in such a brutal fashion that the newly minted Chokeout Champion is slowly forced to drop said championship gold onto the canvas below; a true sad sight. Meanwhile, his sense of fight also finds a saddened end as the determined youngster finds himself teetering on the edge of consciousness as his glistening body begins to go limp.]


[The attack would continue for a matter of a few seconds before Torment would FINALLY throw Matthew to the canvas in a harsh fashion. His body, badly beaten by this point, shows signs of severe injury as Keith lay semi-motionless on the canvas below; face down and holding his neck in an intense fashion. Such an attack, heinous in nature, would be enough to paint the former champion is truly deadly; however, sadly, the carnage did not stop there…]




... Victim # 2 ...


[before he could exit the squared circle, Torment is also shown standing over his former faction-mate, Rayne, as he looks down upon him with a serial-killer-esque kind of grin. Seconds later, another depiction of “The Reaper Cometh” is shown as the bruising submission-king is shown attempting to, as it seems, rip Rayne’s head off with the very same maneuver that, apparently, injured the previous victim.]


[in the end, finally letting Rayne go, throwing him down to the canvas in the same brutish fashion given to Keith, Torment looks out upon the crowd with a sadistic look etched across his tattooed face. Feeling much like an infamous Gladiator, ruthless in action, Torment practically stares down the booing DOA Deadheads with a sense of vicious pride. With this in mind, the final image is that of the former DOA Chokeout Champion extending his arms outward in a “Who is next?” kind of fashion; snarling toward the crowd as if he were taking on all comers.]




Davis Ditterich:
Matthew Keith worked his way up from the bottom, tearing through months of people telling him he would ‘never make it back’, only to triumphantly WIN the DOA Chokeout Championship… Then, seconds later, this happened… Sometimes it pains me to be part of this industry; to see young talents like Matthew Keith get pushed around like they are nothing. You’ve got a kid with pedigree, with absolute determination, and the ability to make it REALLY big, and what does he get for it? A possible severe neck injury at the hands of the man he just beat…

Carl Batch:
But you forget one thing, Dee, he didn’t ACTUALLY beat Torment… He beat Rayne. If anything, this was Torment’s way of PROVING that he aint going nowhere. Neck injury or not, Keith’s going to have to get his body back up to par because Torment’s comin for him… and there aint NO WAY he’s slowing this freak down… No… way…

Davis Ditterich:
I guess we’ll have to see about that. I just hope… Man… I just hope Keith’s okay. It’s pretty obvious that something is wrong with that neck of his…

Carl Batch:
[Laughs; raspy in fashion]
Torment just ripped that cat’s head off of his shoulders… That’s something…




Johnny Vicious

… Diving into the head of “The Blazing Red Demon” …


[seated in an industrial based room, one with cement cinderblocks for walls versus the typical beacon of modernity that comes with the backstage area of the DOA Dungeon, Johnny Vicious appears to be psychologically stewing over something. His mannerisms are rather agitated, overtly irritable in sight, as his fiery red beard bunches and pulls with every animalistic snarl.]


[Then, as if we had exclusive access to twisted thoughts of Vicious, we are presented a number of visual memories depicting Johnny’s tumultuous past with one man entirely; that being Eric Tyler. Flashing before the screen, almost in an electric kind of fashion, hazed on the edges in which to project the tone of resurfacing memories versus produced segments, we are given a number of scenarios from the past of “The Blazing Red Demon”. Johnny being screwed out of the DOA Chokeout Championship, Eric Tyler getting straight into Vicious’ face and devaluing his presence here, a fact that happened countless times, and the sight of Tyler celebrating in a stoic fashion as Acid defeated the fiery Vicious for the DOA Championship. All of these images, all telling a rocky history between the two, done in a manner that makes it seem like we’re witnessing Vicious’ thoughts; the nightmares that seem to STILL plague him despite Tyler’s absence.]


[Growing to a boiling point, these images eventually inspire the explosive warrior to forcibly exit his seat; slamming his right fist square into the nearby cement wall as he exits the room entirely. His sheer presence speaks of a man psychologically tortured; crazily hell-bent on his warring history with “The Voice of Reason”.]


[in the end, the final image is that of a streak of blood slowly running down the cement wall; forming a small puddle at the base. While Vicious is no longer in the room, aggressively stomping his way outward after the replaying of his past was too much to overcome, there still lies a piece of him, if not a pond of him, in the form of blood left behind.]




Davis Ditterich:
Something is REALLY weighting on Vicious here tonight, Carl. I mean, it’s typical to see him explode into fits of rage continually throughout the night but… I don’t know… Something just seems a little off in that twisted head of his…

Carl Batch:
That’s how a man gets killed…
[Nods his head; smirks]
Carrying something in your mind and what-not. Vicious better watch himself. He’s running down a path that never circles back around…

Davis Ditterich:
I hate to say it but… I think you’re right…




The Misfit Society
w/ Violet and Snap Dragon
vs. The Motha-Funkers


THE most exciting division in ALL of Professional Wrestling, the Death Defying Duo Division, accelerates full-force onto “Rapid Assault” this week as two newfound, recently budding, Duo’s overtake the ringside area in great contrast. The looming, entirely gloomy, almost lazily shuffling, Misfit Society feels much like a carny convention of sorts as their crazed demeanors are certainly in-line with a freak-show kind of mentality. Meanwhile, the over-the-top, larger-than-life, explosively arrogant tandem of The Motha-Funkers appear FAR more entertaining in their presence; bouncing, dancing, and gyrating around like a pair of comical fools. With this in mind, though, despite their lack of seriousness, especially when matched with such gloom as the Misfits before them, there’s an air that both tandems are entirely equal in nature; no team really feeling like a powerhouse over the other due to their recently cemented Duo statuses.


Extensively tattooed, creepily greasy, and resembling much like a combination of sewer rats, the Misfit Society quickly defy their initial presence with a sudden burst of aggression. While they had been inherently lazy in their original steps, such a lackluster appearance quickly goes by the wayside as their internal hatred for all things ‘mainstream society’ (in this case the BELOVED Motha-Funkers) feverishly surges to the surface. Sadly, at least initially, that the fans love for Sparrow & Funk ultimately places a deeply painted “X” on their collective backs…


Warring at intense speeds, quite indicative of the Death Defying Duo Division, both duos do their very best to overrun the other; utilizing a barrage of aerial strikes as their potential oppressor. Diving, flying, and psychologically fixated on the administration of high impact maneuvers, the overall action feels entirely like what anxiety feels like in one’s body; highly accelerated, uneasy, and shaking toward an inevitable break. None the less, with this in mind, it’s exactly that heightened sense of constant craziness that ultimately brings the outcome to a forefront…




Attempting to help his Misfit brethren, Snap Dragon is continually seen nipping at the Motha-Funkers heels in hopes of slowing them down. Even, at one point, taking to the air to land a Hurricanrana off the apron onto Matty Sparrow; a fact that was unseen by Eugene Williams at the time. In reality, Dragon’s influence appears to be the deciding factor, at least in this match, until…




Antonio Marquez, hellbent on redemption from earlier, and for previous weeks really, is seen speeding toward the ring; instantly overwhelming Snap Dragon with a round of heftily inspired fists to the head. Back-and-forth, with reckless abandon, these two heated rivals continue to brawl outside of the ring. Whipping into steel guardrails, steel steps, and leaping off of the commentary table, neither look to slow down whatsoever; hell-bent, it seems, on destroying one another in the process.


Meanwhile, as the action continues to unfold BOTH in the ring and out, Violet is shown ALSO being cast into the absolute craziness.





Yelling from ringside; however, moving toward the guardrail in which to get out of Dragon and Marquez’ way, Violet is shockingly pulled straight over the protective rail in a choke-like fashion. With a headlock like pull, an unknown female, quite large in her size, physically removes the borderline gothic Violet from the squared circle area; dragging her away in a predatory kind of fashion. Shocked, confused, the DOA Deadheads watch on as Violet screams like banshee as the motley crew drags her away with force…


Within the ring, unaware that their misguided voice has been physically harmed, The Misfit Society finds their aggressive streak starting to wane. The Motha-Funkers, eventually, with the Deadheads at their back, at least those who aren’t focused entirely on the craziness circulating around the ring between Violet’s situation & Marquez/Dragon, Cannonball Funk is eventually shown executing his signature “Funk You” (Top Rope Leg Drop) square upon a reeling Teddy Powell; planted minutes before by a cutter-like maneuver from Matty Sparrow. In the end, due to such an impact, the match was only seconds away from closing… Giving the Motha-Funkers a major victory over another bubbling Death Defying Duo.


The Motha-Funkers in 7:40 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Funk You” (Top Rope Leg Drop) from Cannonball Funk onto Teddy Powell



Davis Ditterich:
Mass hysteria; that’s what we saw with this one tonight. WOW! You’ve got the action in the ring, Snap Dragon & Antonio Marquez warring like madman outside of the ring, and, well it seems, Violet has been abducted? Wait…
[stares upon the crowd; sees commotion]
I don’t think that’s done… What’s happening over there?

Carl Batch:
I don’t know, Dee, but the Deadheads in the area are backing off like somethin’ is going down…





… Screaming as she’s abducted into the crowd …


[With shrill screams resonating throughout the Dungeon, a nearby DOA camera man quickly captures the menacing scene at hand. Being pulled by her hair, ratty in nature, Violet is physically being dragged past a number of DOA Deadheads; a fact that makes many back-away in shock and confusion. Within seconds; however, as the camera man finally catches up with the action, speeding through said Deadheads to capture the full scenario at hand, we now witness that there is a motley-crew-like gang of women circling the fallen Violet.]




… Unknown Female Gang …


[With an aggressive stance, every one of them, the unknown female gang quickly springs into abusive action; violently stomping the hell out of Violet in the process. Backing away, shocked, and seemingly fixated on the action, the Deadheads in the area watch on as said motley crew makes quick work of the scraggly, ratty, intensely vile, Violet; throwing her around by her hair and slamming her into the cement repeatedly.]


[in the end, at least as it pertains to the vicious beating being levied upon Violet, the depleted manager is finally shown being thrown harshly toward a nearby restraining wall. Her head, and most of her upperbody, slam violently into the unforgiving wall as, upon impact, her body goes completely limp; face down on the cement seconds after her dreaded battering-ram-like slam.]



The Misfit Society

… Taking notice; coming to her aid …


[seconds later, the nearby DOA camera man, administering a shaky-cam like approach, much lik a guerilla-sense of broadcasting, captures the speeding Misfit Society coming to her aid as it’s quite apparent that their voice of the fallen is exactly that; fallen. Securing the area, seconds after looking over Violet, rolling her over in the process in which to display a puddle of blood forming on the cement below, that of her blood, Teddy Powell now looks up in which to find her attacker; unaware of who it was due to the action within the ring at the time.]


[They are not there…]


[Moments later, though, a ringside camera man now locates the violent motley crew standing on high above the action; nestled within the isle-way leading to the top of the DOA Dungeon. From there, as we all watch on in confusion, horror, and shock, said unknown female gang slowly raises the letter “X” above their heads with their arms; a symbol that they ALL follow it seems.]


[As the segment comes to an end, we are given this final image of the menacing unknown faction standing on high with their “X” symbol/celebration residing strongly over their collective head.]




Davis Ditterich:
Who the HELL are THEY?

Carl Batch:
I don’t know but some of them are sure as hell fine…
[shakes his head while nodding with an arrogant look upon his face]
They can invade the Dungeon whenever they want…

Davis Ditterich:
Folks, I have NO IDEA what this is all about; who they are. I promise that I will do my best to find out who these ladies are but… In the meantime… What the HELL was that all about; beating Violet as bad as they did? Is there something behind this? There has to be…

Carl Batch:
They f*cked that braud UP!
[Nods; evil smirk]
I’m lovin’ this…

Davis Ditterich:
We WILL get to the bottom of this… We HAVE to… Hell, where was security during all of this?

Carl Batch:
You’re ‘beloved security’ was probably tailing that joke of a wrestler in Greg Black.

Davis Ditterich:
In all my years… I’ve never seen something like this… The beating in the crowd, the unknown attackers forming like a gang as if from nowhere, and this… this… “X” symbol. I’m confused… We had NO IDEA this was coming… NO ONE did…




The Tokyo Express ©

… Group Meditation …


[We open on a dimly lit room, one that is only lit by the flickering flame of candles located on a table before two men, as the ambiance tells of a scenario dripping with a sense of overwhelming calm. Slowly, in hopes of not interrupting, a nearby camera man slowly shuffles into the room in which to further develop that said individuals are none other than the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions, The Tokyo Express!]


[With a large Buddha statue before them, on said table, and a plethora of Buddhist inspired trinkets located on the very same table, the highly successful Duo appears to be locked within a deep tradition of meditation. Sitting cross-legged, their palms relaxed on their laps and facing upward, and their eyes slightly cracked in which to stare upon the flickering candles before them, the chiming sounds of a singing bowl resonates loudly within their shared space; guiding them ever so closer to full contemplative reasoning.]


[Well, at least OTA is gravitating in that direction… KAZUMA appears to be unable to truly relax…]


[Fidgeting, his eyes flinging open while looking around like an ADD-ridden 10 year old, the once tranquil warrior appears to be in a state of psychological unrest. With this in mind, especially when placed next to someone as calmed as OTA, KAZUMA feels as though he’s adding a gigantic wave of energy into the room; energy that is counter-productive to any meditative practice.]


[He has enough…]


[KAZUMA springs from his seat, off of his Zafu, and quickly storms out of the room; stomping like the very same ADD-ridden 10 year old that we once saw him as. Shockingly enough, despite the loud exit, OTA doesn’t break free from his meditative connection; remaining in the exact same manner he has been since the start of the segment. Meanwhile, his long-time partner, a man who has recently found much sadness over a severe accident tied with the fall of Mainstream Hernandez, KAZUMA shows signs of absolute mental torture; unable to meditate and now, in an uncharacteristic manner, feeling like a man possessed with something.]




Davis Ditterich:
Ever since he was involved in the accident that single-handedly ended Mainstream Hernandez’ career here in Deadly Overloaded Action, KAZUMA has seemed like a shell of his former self. He’s unable to rest, unable to find that tranquility he’s always sought after, and, NOW, looks like a man who has lost his way… Possessed with something…

Carl Batch:
I aint no Buddhist but aren’t you supposed to be calm?

Davis Ditterich:
It’s what they strive for; however, KAZUMA doesn’t look calm in the slightest…

Carl Batch:
That cat needs a pill or somethin…

Davis Ditterich:
Let me guess… and you’ll be his Pusher?

Carl Batch:
A man needs to make a living… DOA doesn’t pay THAT well…

Davis Ditterich:
Very nice, Carl, make a joke of another man’s sadness…

Carl Batch:
I’m an equal opportunist, Dee. I make fun of everyone and anyone; regardless of the sh*t they are going through…







Father Griffith
w/ The Moral Majority
vs. OTA


Shuffling silently, initially entering the DOA Dungeon to the sound of Gregorian chanting, Father Griffith leads the way for his morally-obsessed allies in the WORD. Methodical with every step, his head held downward in which to create an eerie stare, the self-proclaimed ‘born again priest’ enters the ringside area with an unsettling tone circulating around his every movement. In contrast, OTA feels quite the opposite; very calm, very humble in nature, very focused on compassion versus self-appointed destruction. Walking with his visibly shaken partner at his side, KAZUMA, the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions, again, enter the ringside area in which to do battle with their most recent foes, The Moral Majority. Since the start of Season II, each episode has presented an altercation between their two factions and tonight is no different. With that said, there IS a new scenario added to their collective war, as Father Griffith is making his DOA in-ring debut here, tonight, against the man though to be the leader of all things compassionate in Deadly Overloaded Action, OTA.


As the bell tolls, slow in their action in which to add further mystery to the proceedings, the two industry veterans rely heavily upon surveying the scenario at hand; watching one another from afar as they collectively warm-up. A slow start is really what were presented straight out of the gate as neither man looks to be all that hell-bent on ending this one quickly; a stark contrast to a lot of their younger, more desperate, co-competitors. With that said, it’s not like the action is rather stale. If anything, it’s more of a thought out vibe being created; one where veterans know that it’s less about physical excursion sometimes and more about mental game-play.


Their tempered pace continues on as both feel each-other out. Collar-and-elbow tie-ups turn into small maneuvers, rest-holds are administered, and a smattering of submission holds are utilized almost immediately. While both HAVE the ability to really ‘go’ when need to, it seems as though neither is all that jumpy; quick to action.


With time their back-and-forth becomes more aggressive in tone; however, still rather tempered as it pertains to the typical, high-speed, DOA approach. Part of the reason may be that, after every impactful maneuver, Father Griffith is often seen praying over the head of OTA; on his knees in which to create a ‘laying to rest’ kind of scenario. The sheer sight is somewhat unsettling; however, it’s not until said prayers eventually end with a dirty stomp to the head, utilized after the closing words of each, that things seem much more ‘dirty’ in nature. Funny enough, speaking of ‘dirty’, especially since we’re dealing with a supposed priest here, this is exactly how BEST to describe the sunken frame of the once Southern Standout. An eye-gouge here, finger poke there, low-blow behind the referees back, and a number of situations where spit is introduced, Father Griffith looks, acts, talks, and reacts, like a ‘dirty player’; far from the holier than thou persona he likes to project of himself.


The consummate mental healer of his own ills, OTA seems to mentally accept Griffith’s back-handed nature. It’s not that he rolls over for it, quite the contrary really, but the tranquil mentality that he possesses truly keeps his head on the right place.


Davis Ditterich:
OTA really has his head firmly on his own shoulders. I can’t even IMAGINE would it would be like to wrestle someone as ‘dirty’ as Father Griffith. Every turn, he cheats. He’s [OTA] really proving himself to be a centered warrior right now… Quite commendable…


In reality, maybe he SHOULD have gotten a little heated over Griffith’s dubious actions…


After a string of failed pinfall attempts from OTA, one that, minutes ago, felt like the match may be ending in his favor after a rolling powerbomb of sorts, all chaos breaks loose as KAZUMA slowly staggers his way toward the rest of the Moral Majority; outside of the ring…


Please… Forgive me…


He states as he appears as if he’s pleading for forgiveness after what he did, as an accident, to Mainstream Hernandez a few weeks prior. While valiant in nature, KAZUMA’s actions are starting to feel more, and more, unstable; as if he’s losing control of his own mind over all of this. With that said, even while trying to desperately extend an olive branch, the Death Defying Duo Champion is quickly met with a Lou Thez Press from X; pummeling away on his hated rival with fists of absolute fury!


Prudence and Grace cower away… Afraid of the action… Looking down at the floor in a sheepish manner…


Meanwhile, OTA, seeing everything unfold from within the ring, bends down through the ropes in which to temper the fiery scenario. Sadly, it only took this small, momentary, break of consciousness to bring him tumbling down…


Sensing his ‘window’, Father Griffith quickly pulls himself off the canvas and onto his feet; smirking devilishly as he encounters OTA from behind.


One strike in the back in which to send OTA back peddling back into the ring; arching for a split second…




“Exercising the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker)


OTA’s head snaps violently as the Death Defying Duo Champion quickly leaves this world as he retreats into his own mind; forced there by a wicked maneuver. Seconds later, with KAZUMA still on the floor, being mercilessly beaten by X as KAZUMA continues to say that he’s ‘sorry’ within each of the strikes, OTA is left to his own. Knowing this, there is no attempt at a break-out… Just a victory for Father Griffith; giving him a victory in his FIRST MATCH in Deadly Overloaded Action.


Father Griffith in 10:24 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Exercising the Demon” (Snap Neckbreaker)


Father Griffith wins in his DOA in-ring debut!


Davis Ditterich:
Did you see OTA’s neck snap?
[Wincing in pain for OTA; straightens his papers in an awkward fashion]
I just hope he’s okay after all of that.

Carl Batch:
He’s got KAZUMA to thank for that one…

Davis Ditterich:
I hate to say it but I think you’re right, Carl. OTA was holding his own, even amidst Father Griffiths’ dirty tactics, and yet it was his partner’s obsessive behavior that pulled his attention away. Something is desperately wrong with KAZUMA… He needs to, possibly, take some time away from DOA to get his ‘mind right’…

Carl Batch:
What the HELL are you talkin about? This man is a Champion; he can’t just get up and leave. Champions are supposed to get up, brush yourself off, and continue to fight regardless of how you’re ‘feeling’. He’s soft, damn soft, and now he’s cost his partner the match here tonight… If I were OTA… I’d put a hand upside his head…

Davis Ditterich:
You and OTA have NOTHING in common…

Carl Batch:
True. I would have punked that sorry excuse for a partner in the head weeks ago…




Greg Black + Sara Silver

… Pre-match interview …


[standing before a DOA fenced backdrop, one that theoretically drips with a grunge-like nature, one-half of tonight’s main event, “Peerless” Greg Black, stands alongside Deadly Overloaded Action’s trusted investigative journalist, Sara Silver. Dressed in his wrestling garb, wearing a black and yellow “Peerless” inspired t-shirt, the overtly arrogant flier stands with his arms crossed & his head tilted slightly back. As the lights from above reflect in a blinding manner off of his designer shades, the hyped ‘big league star’ absolutely looks the part; from head-to-toe.]


Sara Silver:
I’m here with the Greg Bl…


[Greg shakes his head “no” in a simple fashion as a smug ‘you’re not right’ look forms upon his face. Meanwhile, seeing this, Ms. Silver stops her introduction in which to lean closer; almost as if she was wondering what was wrong already.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:


Sara Silver:
I’m here with “Peerless” Greg Bl…


[Again, Greg Black shakes his head ‘no’ as a slight chuckle resonates from deep within. Again, Ms. Silver leans in in which to find out what the problem was; however, before she could even voice herself again, Greg condescendingly interjects with an arrogant tone.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Nah… Nah… Just “Peerless”…


[Confused at first, Ms. Silver administers a face that best describes her as ‘thrown-back’; however, shortly what he’s implying becomes evident. Moving back into place, small in said movement, Ms. Silver moves forward with the interview; biting her tongue in a truly professional manner.]


Sara Silver:
I’m here with “Peerless”…
[Looks to him; he nods in acceptance]
The man who will go onto challenge Johnny Vicious here, TONIGHT, on DOA “Rapid Assault” in our Main Event!
[Crowd pops]
The question in everyone’s mind is quite simple… How do you plan on beating someone as intensely ruthless as “The Blazing Red Demon”?


[Almost as if the question was somehow beneath him, Greg Black chuckles under his breath slightly; shuffling in his place in the process. Seconds later, with an arrogant grin running across his face, the man widely considered to be the ‘Showstopper’ in Deadly Overloaded Action begins to address the question; still in a dismissive like fashion though.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I aint afraid of no ‘Demon’; never have been and never will be.
[smirks; moves in his place for a second]
You see, Sara, last week I, once again, rose to the occasion; PROVING that I am, without a shadow of a doubt, “Peerless”. Now, I have my sights directly on this Saturday as there is no man, NO MAN AT ALL, who can keep me from winning the “Survival of the Fearless” tournament.
[Pauses; smirks]
They say Vicious is my biggest threat, the one who COULD beat me when it’s all said and done, but tonight I plan to show JUST how STUPID that thought is…
[Looks square into the camera; however, with his sunglasses on his face it’s impossible to see his eyes]
… That ginger is ‘bout to get an a$$-whoopin’… There ‘aint no way around it…


[Finally receiving something she can work with, Ms. Silver continues forth with her line of questioning in her typical manner; straight for the jugular as all great Investigative Journalists do.]


Sara Silver:
So you’re not even the SLIGHTEST afraid that you don’t have what it takes to beat someone like Vicious? I mean, just a few weeks ago, against Acid,…


[Annoyed by her question, Black springs into action by flinging his right arm slightly up in a ‘shutup’ kind of manner. Waiting a few seconds with his arm up, adding more to the gesture itself, the man they call “Peerless” shakes his head in a defiant tone.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
We are PAST… that... Do you understand, me?


[sara Silver nods her head in a calm fashion; however, does show signs of flinching none the less. Regaining her composure, as she always does, the tiger of a journalist closes her short meeting with Greg Black with one final question… one we’ve all been dying to know…]


Sara Silver:
I understand… We ALL… Understand…
[Nods calmly; moves on]
One final question, though, before you head to the ring… What’s with the Arcadia Security following you WHEREVER you go? Have you struck an inside deal with the Network or something? What is your relationship with Arcadia?


[The camera man pans out slightly to make note that the Arcadia Security Team, strong in numbers, stand not so far away from the interview itself. All collectively crossing their arms in a ‘protective’ kind of manner, it’s quite obvious that their presence is not something that’s going away anytime soon.]


[Meanwhile, looking over at the Security team for a second, Greg Black is shown biting the inside of his mouth in a telling fashion. Whether it means he is hiding something, or simply does not know himself and is still confused by it all, it shows that the “Peerless One” is shrouded in mystery these days.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I don’t know why they are here and it don’t matter either way…
[Pauses; looks toward the camera lens before him]
The only thing I care about is winning the DOA Championship; that and being the man to ‘End the Streak’… The great thing is, I can accomplish both all in one swing…
Tonight, I’ll bulldoze straight through Vicious on my way to a victory this Saturday; Live on Pay-Per-View… “The Survival of the Fearless” Tournament. Before you all know it, I’LL be the one with the gleaming belt; standing before the bright lights of “Rapid Assault” and their aint nothing you can do about it. You’re looking at the NEXT DOA Champion… You’re looking at… The one and only… “Peerless One”...


[With that, the segment comes to a close as Greg Black arrogantly storms past Ms. Silver; on his way toward the Dungeon Gateway from backstage. Meanwhile, as he swiftly moves past, the mysterious Arcadia Security Team quickly follows suit in a protective like manner; much like you would see with the president. In the end, all that’s left behind is Ms. Silver and the glaring truth that Greg Black believes to be only days away from making history…]




Davis Ditterich:
It seems like Greg Black has rediscovered his swagger…

Carl Batch:
That’s “Peerless”; there aint no ‘Greg Black’ here.
[smirks; nodding his head]
I’m starting to like this cat…

Davis Ditterich:
Are you kidding me? You’ve spent the last 4 weeks tearing him apart; about how he’s too soft… about how he can’t get the job done. Now, after one interview, you all of a sudden LIKE the guy?

Carl Batch:
He’s growing on me…
I feel what he’s sayin…

Davis Ditterich:
Okay, we’ve officially entered Bizarro-DOA…




Acid ©

… Shuffling backstage; Weapon in hand …


[We quickly transition backstage in which to witness the DOA Champion slowly shuffling through a dimly lit backstage hallway. His steps are slow, rather lazy as if he were detached from reality, as the unsettling truth begins to take hold: he’s carrying a weapon on him. Dragging a steel chair with one hand behind him, creating a blood-curdling sound much like fingernails on a chalkboard, the savage psycho appears to be heading toward the Dungeon Gateway; most certainly with BAD intentions. With a snarl on his face, and beady eyes that tell of an active predator, Acid shuffles past the camera lens; moving on down the hallway as his weapon of choice scrapes upon the cement floor below.]




Davis Ditterich:
We need security out here… Right Now…

Carl Batch:
This is JUST about to get good…
[smirks; rubs his hands together in a devilish fashion]

Davis Ditterich:
I repeat, we NEED security at ringside… NOW! Something is bound to happen here, something VERY BAD, and I, for one, will not have blood on my hands. Someone needs to put an end to whatever Acid is planning…

Carl Batch:
Oh, this isn’t Acid’s planning… It’s Eric…
I can’t wait to see this one…

Davis Ditterich:
If you have young children watching at home, Make SURE to turn the channel now…
[Talks off camera to a stage-hand]
I don’t like look of this; not one bit!







“Peerless” Greg Black vs. “The Blazing Red Demon” Johnny Vicious


The atmosphere rooted within the DOA Dungeon is that of pure, unadulterated, anticipation. The buzz, almost visible in strength, quickly sets the stage as the overall feel far surpasses an extremely hyped ‘Blockbuster Fight’. This scenario, this fiery altercation of two DOA Icons, is much more in-line with an Armageddon-like vibe; one where the mere ability to walk out of the Dungeon on their own two feet is entirely in question.




Practically exploding with childlike wonder…


The DOA Deadheads in attendance never drop to their seats for one second. Instead, understanding that History was about to be made, everyone finds a permanent state on the soles of their feet.


Davis Ditterich:
If you like knock-down, drag-out, generation-defining, scenarios than you’ve come to the right place. Here, Tonight, on DOA “Rapid Assault”, for the FIRST TIME in our short history, we will all bear witness to a matchup so impactful, so powerful, SO mind-bending, that NO ONE, not even YOU, will EVER be the Same… Again! Johnny Vicious… Greg Black… The battle of a lifetime… and it starts NOW…


With a hefty air of hype circulating, the opening bells finally ring loud and true; signifying the grand opening of such a historic altercation. Staring across the ring from one another, these two embattled DOA Warriors do nothing to soak in the atmosphere. Instead, it seems as though they, both, are heavily focused on the task at hand. For, a victory tonight, would possibly set the tone for this Saturday…


Almost immediately the Dungeon is mixed… Who to cheer for? Two men, both Iconic in their own right, who have both been accepted as beloved by the extremely vocal DOA Deadheads. With that said; however, as Johnny Vicious takes quick control, bypassing a collar-and-elbow tie-up for a jaw-rocking haymaker punch to the jaw of Black, said Deadheads quickly erupt into excitement; expelling a collective “Boom” in which to celebrate such a hefty strike.


While Vicious lands the first blow, it’s not like he’s in firm control. Seconds later, after throwing his semi-staggered opponent toward the ropes, the speedy “Peerless” comes back with a piercing flying back elbow to the nose of Vicious. Pulling himself back up, running his right hand across his mouth in a primal fashion, checking for blood, the “Peerless One” quickly explodes back to his feet; administering a number of gut-busting stomps square to the recently fallen Vicious.


In theory, this is EXACTLY the kind of action that would follow; neither man really holding onto the lead for very long. Just when it looked like Black was on the verge of sizing up his opponent for an early “Black Out”, Vicious always finds a way to one-up the man before him; utilizing a number of Japanese-inspired strikes to slow down his impact. In turn, just as it seems like Vicious is firmly coming into control, utilizing his ruthless brawling approach to bludgeon his arrogant opponent, Greg Black is often found utilizing a number of high-impact maneuvers to subdue the beast. With Black, while they are certainly a risk/reward kind of scenario, one that COULD burn up in his face, such an approach is entirely needed when you’re facing someone as overpowering as “The Blazing Red Demon”.


Case in point, as Vicious is thrown from the ring with a Hangman’s closeline over the top rope, Mr. Black quickly regains his composure in which to dive off the apron for a rolling senton splash. The maneuver COULD very well have blown up in his face; however, it didn’t. For that, with such a risk, Greg Black is able to deplete his opponent that much more; forcing him to crash upon the cement floor once again.


Davis Ditterich:
What a Rolling Senton Splash!!
[Nods; excited]
Greg Black is REALLY pulling out ALL the stops here tonight…


For the next 10 seconds, a war continues outside of the ring; one that challenges whether or not this match-up would come to an abrupt, unfulfilling end, as both Vicious & Black continue to brawl wildly around the ringside area. Playing possum in a way, Vicious explodes with a pair of body-rocking strikes soon after being pulled to his feet. Seconds later, a released Russian Leg Sweep from Vicious onto Black, forcing Greg into the nearby steel guardrail, paints the picture that, despite being on top for a few seconds there, “Peerless” may not be able to re-enter the ring before Eugene gets to his match-defining count.


Shockingly enough, Vicious pulls his lifeless body back in…

Seemingly not interested in a count-out victory…


Playing possum himself, as Vicious slides back into the ring, Greg Black is shown speeding in his direction; catching the unsuspecting Vicious with a pinfall attempt as he enters through the bottom rope. Luckily, for Vicious, the pinfall attempt only garners a 1 ½ count as “The Blazing Red Demon” kicks out in a fit of fury.


That fury is what drives Johnny into another gear altogether; the reason he’s been so successful in Deadly Overloaded Action.


With an inspired sense of absolute aggression, the fuming Demon quickly overruns the arrogant “Peerless One” with a street-fight-like beatdown. Swift kicks, haymaker punches, and an occasional ill-advised headbutt, keeps Black at bay as Johnny forces his way into control. In reality, the worst thing one can do when facing Black is to overtly enrage him. He already has enough fire to go around the world for the next decade. To piss him off only adds a fury unseen by humans before…


Sensing his own desperation, Greg Black eventually utilizes a backhanded kick to the groin in which to temper his explosive attacker. Luckily, for Black, Eugene Williams was unable to see the strike as he was swiftly pushed for his post; standing in front of Vicious. Expecting he was just trying to get to his opponent, Williams doesn’t call for the bell for the referee budge. Instead, he goes on to berate the closed-eared Black; telling him HE WOULD DQ him if he didn’t continue to listen. Funny enough, he really could have DQ’ed him at that point but didn’t see the strike that would inspire such action.


Back-and-forth they go… Both slipping in-and-out of momentum…


“Fade to…”


No. Johnny would counter on several occasions with a Suplex of his own.


“The Vicious Cir…”


No. Greg Black often slips out from the fireman’s carry position; landing a face to back maneuver almost always.


Neither man showed any ability to put away the other and we’re starting to hit the 15 minute mark…




Neither man WOULD get the ability to put the other away…


came out soon thereafter…




With his steel chair dragging behind him, the snarling DOA Champion slowly shuffles down the rampway in his own detached sense of reality. Slowly, methodically, the vile madman seems much like something you would see out of a horror-flick; deranged look and everything.




The Arcadia Security Team, always mysteriously present with Greg Black, attempts to get in his way, blocking him from the ring; however, their actions aren’t all that successful. While they were able to slow Acid down in the past, this time things are quite different. With wild swings, springing into action like a boxer who has just heard the bell, Acid floors every single one of the Security Members as if they were nothing. It is true that they had strength in numbers… But Acid has strength in the form of a weapon…


Davis Ditterich:
Every last one of them… Good God… Every last one of them is bloodied and on the floor. Someone needs to get out here and stop this… NOW!


Before it’s all said and done, the snarling DOA Champion overtly influences the proceedings with a number of unsettling, thud-creating, stomach-churning, steel chair strikes…





Despite trying to fend him off, both Vicious and Black are floored with a round of Steel Chair shots; preying upon their already depleted frames.





More shots the fallen competitors. By this point, Eugene Williams has called for the bell rather frantically. Not showing any sense of fear for himself; however, obviously fearful for the competitors who are now down and out in the ring!


Davis Ditterich:
Mr. Williams has called for the bell; as he should have! This is ridiculous… Absolutely ridiculous… I hope you’re happy Eric [Tyler]. Is THIS what you wanted? If so, then ‘bravo’ you crazy a$$-hole…





Another round; both Vicious and Black are barely moving at this point. Vicious is attempt to pull himself back to his feet; however, is quickly subdued, once again,…


Davis Ditterich:
I think I’m going to be sick…





Carnage is left in the ring; all created by the DOA Champion, Acid. With his steel chair in hand, he stands over the top of his fallen victims; sadistically proud of the violent actions he has taken.


No Contest in 16:05

Ending Maneuver:
Acid assaulted both Vicious & Black with a steel chair


Unable to restore order, Eugene Williams is forced to throw the match out.


Davis Ditterich:
After all the hype, after all the excitement, our historic matchup was violently uprooted by the sickening actions of one man, the DOA Champion, Acid. I can’t believe what I just saw… All of this… It’s deplorable… Absolutely disgusting…

Carl Batch:
I don’t think he’s done…

Davis Ditterich:
[Looks to the ring]
Oh… Eugene… Get out of there… Think of Mary… think of your kids… No one has to be a hero here…




Acid ©, Greg Black, and Johnny Vicious

… Acid goes berserk …


[standing over his lifeless victims, the Savage DOA Champion continues to strike his prey repeatedly with his, now, severely bent steel chair. As his championship gold gleams from the lights above, positioned firmly around his waist, Acid proves himself to be exactly how we feared time ago; relentless and emotionless. Slamming the unforgiving steel across their backs, shoulders, knees, and even heads, Acid resembles more of a cold-blooded-killer than a typical professional wrestler. Each and every strike, each and every wincing shot, furthers said narrative as the DOA Champion continues to smirk in an unsettling fashion the entire time.]



Eugene Williams

… Attempting to restore order …


[Witnessing the carnage first hand, Eugene Williams attempts to ‘step in’, hoping to eliminate the scenario through reason; however, sadly, reason leaves him nothing but a giant welt over his right eye.]




[The proud DOA referee quickly collapses into a heap on the canvas; motionless after one strike. The action, brutal in nature, quickly showers the attacker, Acid, with a gigantic negative response from the DOA Deadheads; buying into the fact that the DOA Champion has TRULY overstepped his bounds. Again, sadly, this is not where it all ends…]



Davis Ditterich and Carl Batch

… Unexpected victims …


[Passionately commenting upon the carnage within the ring, Davis Ditterich and Carl Batch, the DOA commentary team, is next in-line for Acid’s vile intent. Slowly, as he exits the ring, the Savage DOA Champion never appears to take his eyes off of his victims; shuffling in their direction as he continues to drag the unforgiving, and now severely bent, steel behind him.]





[With two wild swings, rapid with succession, Acid is shown completely flooring both Batch & Ditterich as they sit behind their commentary desk. While unexpected, Ditterich has enough time in which to plead for his safety; a fact that proves to be quite uncomfortable to watch. Within seconds, though, despite his pleading, Ditterich was also forced unconscious with a wicked baseball like swing from the DOA Champion.]


[With Ditterich and Batch now lying motionless on the cement below, tucked between the commentary table and the steel guardrail that stands behind them, the cold-blooded Acid is now shown slamming his steel chair relentlessly across the commentary table itself; almost seeming much like a temper tantrum of sorts. Slamming, crashing, and bashing, the DOA Champion practically turns said table into shambles; leaving it much in pieces in the process.]


[spinning away from his carnage, breathing extremely heavily due to his powerful exertion, Acid looks square into a nearby camera lens. His beady eyes, exploding with rage, fixates forward rather intensely as his body continues to rise up-and-down much like an infuriated predator.]


[Then, in one of THE most shocking endings to DOA “Rapid Assault” in it’s short history, Acid quickly leaps into action; slamming his bent steel chair square across the camera man, and lens, in an act of pure destruction. From there, everything goes completely black; forced there by the wicked hand of the DOA Champion himself. For a split second, audio is heard; however, it’s quite muffled; most likely due to the damage taken from the strike. Then, in a sign that Arcadia was aware of the situation at hand, the final plug is pulled as the broadcast quickly closes with the sight of a “We are experiencing technical difficulties; Sorry for the Inconvenience’ logo is cast across the already blackened screen.]


[All it takes is ONE MAN, one true psychopath if there ever was one, cold-blooded in nature, to bring “Rapid Assault” to it’s knees. In the end, while unseen at this point, cast into the darkness by DOA Champion himself, it’s known that Acid administered one of THE most heinous assaults in program history.
Johnny Vicious, Greg Black, Eugene Williams, Davis Ditterich, Carl Batch, the DOA Commentary Table, and a DOA Camera Man; all laid to forcibly rest.




[silence is heard as both Davis Ditterich and Carl Batch have become victim’s to Acid’s brutal tirade]








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Show Details

Overall Show Grade:

DOA Dungeon Attendance:

TV Rating:

Viewer Feedback:
" The feedback from viewers has been decent, although hardly spectacular."

Company Info/Product:

DOA Dungeon:

"Rapid Assault" [season One]:
"Rapid Assault" Quick Results

Antonio Marquez defeated Donte Dunn, Kashmir Singh, and Snap Dragon via a table break. (D+)

Misfit Society attack on Antonio Marquez. (D)

Eric Tyler’s limo evades the Arcadia Security Team. ©

Matthew Keith wins the DOA Chokeout Championship when he defeated Torment and Rayne via submission. (D+)

Torment assaults Matthew Keith & Rayne. (E+)

Johnny Vicious is furious over past with Eric Tyler. (C-)

The Motha-Funkers defeated the Misfit Society via pinfall. (D+)

Unknown female gang assaults Violet. (C-)

KAZUMA cannot meditate; mentally unstable. (D-)

Father Griffith defeated OTA via pinfall. (D+)

Sara Silver interview with Greg Black. (C+)

Acid walks backstage with weapon dragging behind. (C-)

Johnny Vicious and Greg Black come to a ‘No Contest’ due to Acid’s interference. (C-)

Acid goes berserk; destroys “Rapid Assault”. ©
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Thank God someone finally shut Davis up.


Great show as always, E-V. Especially love the comic book-style images. I hope you don't mind me drawing a little bit from this dynasty as I write Wave of Fury for CZCW. Your work always inspires me.


Can't wait for Survival of the Fearless!

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