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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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Rumor has it that the DOA locker room is currently in a state of frustration tonight as many claim they were not ‘in the fold’ about who was to win the “Survival of the Fearless” tournament. Victor Page, the head of creative with Deadly Overloaded Action, was said to be ‘silent’ over any further information than what match was before him at the time. Going even further, Mr. Page seemingly gave Eric Tyler the “night off” from his typical road agent duties; taking the reins of each-and-every scenario on the pay-per-view broadcast. This is somewhat of a new trend for the head of DOA creative; however, should come as no shock to most as Page is widely known as a ‘do it alone’ kind of guy.


The issues arise though as many of DOA’s talent said they had ‘no idea’ whether they were to win or loss seconds before their match was set to start. With this in mind,
many of the program’s top talents are said to be currently frustrated
with how the event came together. While there is a strong uproar that Marquez was well deserving, there are some who still claim that they should have won over the newfound main eventer.


Either way, it’s apparent that
Victor Page
may have ruffled some feathers during the event; a fact that the “Fallen Angel” has become quite good at since his tumultuous tenure with the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


Regardless of the locker room’s current state, it’s obvious that Deadly Overloaded Action is being guided in a new direction by Victor. In a way,
Antonio Marquez’ victory, bringing forth a potential new era in DOA’s existence, can be seen as the first real example of such evolution.


More to come…
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In sad news from Arcadia Headquarters tonight, DOA’s head referee, Eugene Williams, has been placed on an indefinite suspension after his involvement in a controversial plot to ‘screw over’ Greg Black at the “Survival of the Fearless”pay-per-view just a few short hours ago. While initial details are a little hazy at this point, it’s been said that Arcadia executives are furious over Mr. Williams’ lack of unprofessionalism in the main event. For those who missed the event, Eugene Williams conspired with Eric Tyler in which to abruptly end a three count facilitated by “The Peerless One”. While it’s known that Tyler was the mastermind behind the idea, it’s been said that the mysterious Arcadia Executive herself will be addressing such an issue very shortly. In the meantime, the 20-year veteran, Eugene Williams, has been temporarily shown the door at this moment.


In a related note, Wilson Carlisle was announced as the new interim head referee in Williams’ departure. Carlisle, a relative unknown to the wrestling public, is said to be one of great professionalism; a character trait that Arcadia is certainly looking for in a time like this. That said, the same was once said about Eugene Williams.


More to come…


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“This better be f*cking good, Page…”


Gregory [black] stormed into the room before me in an aggressive manner; obviously frustrated. Collapsing onto a nearby chair, the hefty beads of sweat upon his slender frame fly across the room with a sense of explosive flight. His eyes are lazily fixated upon me in a ‘what you got?’ kind of manner, not in a good way though, as his posture paints his current emotional state as quite confrontational. He was unhappy, very unhappy, and there was no doubt about it.


John [Pathlow] seemingly agreed; however, in a more silent manner. While his in-ring character was known for his animalistic fury, John the man was much more of a quiet individual; the type that often kept to himself in the back. It was often said that it was hard to rub John the wrong way. Well, in his current state, albeit more subdued than Gregory, it looks like I had accomplished the feat.


“I understand why you’re frustrated…”


“Do you? Do you REALLY? Because from where I sit, you were the puppet-master with all the strings in your hands.”


A brief staredown exists as tempers begin to flare that much more. With that, nothing is said for a second. Truthfully, it’s probably best that no one did as I’m sure that it all could have escalated rather quickly from there. That said, as we move past our childish staredown, one filled with potential for further aggression, I return to my though pattern; attempting to bring the situation to a head.


“As I was saying… I understand why you’re frustrated. You both have been central figures of Deadly Overloaded Action programming for quite some time now; and for good reason. You’ve turned down other offers, worked your asses off for the campaign, and have put forth efforts like no other. You’ve bled for this program and there’s nothing I can say right now that would express HOW fortunate I am to have you both in our stable-of-sorts. Now, I know that you would have liked to win tonight…”


Gregory is heard scoffing as he laughs to himself. For a brief second, I pause in which to lock eyes, once again, with my insubordinate employee.


“… and Truthfully, you both were slated to win at various points of my planning. With that said though, I wanted to use this event to further the foundation of Deadly Overloaded Action programming. Antonio Marquez, while an unknown to most in America, is the kind of competitor that can really ensure that we stick around for quite some time. By adding him into the fold, throwing him into the mix with you both, we have a number of 5-star matchups waiting on the horizon. At the end of the day, we’re fighting as a distant 4th. We NEED a bevy of top-notch performers at the very top of “Rapid Assault” so that we can ATTEMPT to compete for the future of this industry. Marquez win should not be seen as a slap in the face but rather a chance at longevity; at creating something truly great…”


John [Pathlow], while still somewhat grumpy in his demeanor, appears to be more interested in my thought than his counterpart in Gregory. Still jaded in perspective, the man we’ve come to package as “The Peerless One” sits with such a notion in toe: the fact that there isn’t anyone else as frustrated as he at this point.


“I get it. Believe me, I know this bull-sh*t as I saw it with Eisen every week. You want Marquez on top because he has a pretty-boy mug and can drive sales. Right? He brings us money, the Network becomes richer, you become richer, and we all benefit from simply ‘being around’, Right?”


Gregory scoffs yet again.


“If I’m going to play this game again I may as well pick up the phone the next time Cornell or Eisen call. At least THERE I’ll be part of a ‘winning team’; not some wrestling program that barely anyone even takes notice in…”


His statement hurt; however, it was the truth. We were a distant 4th place as I had said before; however, I had only been at the reins for a good 5 broadcasts now. It was my focus to turn things around, to pull us from the dirt that Greed had booked us into; however, by doing so such decision s were needed to be made. First and foremost, create MORE ‘home-grown superstars’.


“You can do that. Believe me, If you want to walk out that door than there’s nobody stopping you. You can go back up to Cornell & ‘Tricky D*ck’ and waste the rest of your years away as a fluff-jobber OR you can stick around, pull that spoon out of your mouth, grow a pair, and get back on board…”


My anger got the best of me. However, as it rolled of my tongue, I knew it was exactly what needed to be said. Sadly, as one would expect, such ‘hardball measures’ only drove Gregory into more of a tizzy. In one swift movement, the former Supreme Superstar is seen pulling himself to his feet as he walks toward the door. Meanwhile, as Vicious continues to reside in his seat, not cemented there but still ‘in check in a way’, I relay one last final bit of information. This approach, while against my nature, was really the only way I could get through to someone like Gregory; at least in this state. Luckily, Arcadia had my back as I inquired earlier in the day about the possibility of such.


“You have always been in my plans, Gregory, and will continue to be if you JUST sit down. To put strength in that, how’s an extra $5,000 in your pocket? Think about it, you could go back to your old stomping grounds but there ‘aint no way you’re going to make more money there. You too, John. Arcadia has been quite generous with adding a hefty incentive if you both stay the course. That’s all it takes. We believe in you; we ALL do. We just needed tonight to bring the program one step closer to being competitive. So, still thinking about walking out that door?”


Gregory has stopped in his tracks. Slowly, he spins back around and looks me square in the eye.


“What makes you think you can buy me?”


“Money talks, Gregory. Money talks…”


After a short staredown, Gregory reaches for the door handle once again. Pulling the door open, he steps out into the hallway; however, not before relaying one last statement.


“I’ll stay; however, you better SHOW me that you’re dedicated to furthering my career. If not, I’m going to personally call Eisen & Cornell and wager a deal. I’ll even take that $5,000 with me and buy a billboard and trash this place if you don’t live up to your end of the deal…”


With that, the disgruntled Gregory Black exits into the hallway; however, not before relaying the fact that he was still on board. Yes, it was tentative but I didn’t care. At the end of the day, while Gregory and I had never seen eye to eye, even back in our days in SWF, we NEED HIM in which to further our public brand.


With a simple shrug of his shoulder, nodding his head in approval, albeit in a frustrated manner still, John [Pathlow] (Johnny Vicious) slowly rolls his statement off of his tongue.


“I’m not happy but I’m not going anywhere, Vic. Deadly Overloaded Action has given me a chance to make something of my career here in the States. For that, I’m dedicated to the cause. Plus, the bonus doesn’t hurt either…”


A sly smirk forms upon his face.


The information I left out during our little three-headed pow-wow is that I offered the very same deal to Antonio Marquez only 5 minutes before. As anyone would, he accepted with a lofty smirk upon his face. The reason I left this notion out was because I KNEW such a scenario would only further enrage Gregory. They thought tonight was supposed to be THEIR night; however, it was all pulled underneath them by an up-and-coming guy who has little face-value here in America. That said, the money was offered as a way of saying ‘you’re my guy’; placing the ball squarely in his hand in the process.


Johnny Vicious will continue to be Vicious; there’s no taking away from the brand Greed was able to create with him.


Greg Black will continue to be the showstopper; a fact that he brings to the table every night regardless of where he lies with me.


Antonio Marquez, though, needed this event to solidify his status amongst the DOA greats. From this point on, we now move into a new era of Deadly Overloaded Action programming. One that relies quite heftily upon the shoulders of a wildly charismatic flier from Mexico.





<hr color="black">
In-game Scenario

Both Johnny Vicious and Greg Black complained during booking that they were unhappy with the outcome of their matches with Antonio Marquez (as they should have been given the obvious popularity difference). That said, when I went to the morale area, I found that both Greg Black and Johnny Vicious were floating toward the sad-faces; Black farther along in his unhappiness than Vicious though. When fusing this with the knowledge that the event may have 'hurt our popularity', I created a scenario where Antonio Marquez' win actually rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Luckily, when it comes to Victor Page, he doesn't really give a crap. ha.


The backstage locker room rating dropped 1.5% after the show. Also, Greg Black has become a negative influence on the locker room as well (which I don't believe he was before). At this point, only he and Acid are seen as negatives backstage (which Acid came with the attitude as he's been pushed to the moon since the start of DOA).


$5,000 bonuses were paid to three people: Johnny Vicious, Greg Black, and Antonio Marquez. The money, while high, turned all three to being EXTREMELY happy with DOA currently. For the story purposes though, I have Gregory a tad still bent on the issue. Pathlow (Vicious) came around; however, only because DOA has made him a known entity in America. Meanwhile, Gregory knows not to really trust Vic very much after their days in SWF together; knowing he's quite brash and unapologetic.


Also, it should be noted that I was able to push Antonio Marquez from an "E+" in American popularity to that of a "C-" in a matter of a month! I see that as a HUGE success; especially given that we only have 3 wrestlers above a C- at this point (Acid at C+, Greg Black at C, and Antonio Marquez at C-). All of this in mind, Marquez has really become Vic's 'guy' with this win/transition/era change.
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Yessir! Let's go LOVER clapclapCLAPCLAPCLAP!


I'm pretty excited about getting Antonio Marquez up to a "C-" in popularity as he can now comfortably sit in the Main Event scene for quite some time. In the end, being Vic's 'guy', I don't foresee anything slowing down his push all that much. Well, unless the big guns come calling and take him away. That would suck. ha.





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Who are these idiotic people who rate that a D+. That was excellent and for a bit the blur between the real and the scripted hurt my head :D


What is the alignment of the people involved in the screwjob, or is there no divide in DOA?


Also I really love how you worked the unhappy over losing into the scenario, really excellently done :)

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Who are these idiotic people who rate that a D+.


I've always seen myself as the Cornellverse version of Vince Russo I guess. I put a lot of work into what I do; however, the 'grades/fan reaction' doesn't always go in-line with that. Either way, I didn't even look at the final grade until I had finished the show (some 45 pages full).


What is the alignment of the people involved in the screwjob, or is there no divide in DOA?


Greg Black =
Tweener but leaning Heel these days (taking his first real step in that direction when he attempted to utilize the Arcadia Security Team as a equalizer versus Marquez; having them assault him outside of the ring on 2 different occasions).


Eric Tyler =
Heel. It may look like he was a face by screwing over Black, as Greg is a tweener/heel right now, but it was a decision made entirely to 'screw over' Arcadia more than anything. Tyler is pissed as he was suspended; so, the plan was to uproot a scenario that he THOUGHT Arcadia was pulling for. We'll find out more about that in the next coming episodes.


Antonio Marquez =
'Bad Boy' Babyface.


Also I really love how you worked the unhappy over losing into the scenario, really excellently done :)


Thank you, Mr. 20LEgend. The backstage scenario of Marquez' win was something that I really wanted to convey as a number of people were not very happy. When you factor that with a 'may have hurt popularity rating', there's a culture surrounding DOA right now where all seems quite volatile. While it's more chaotic, I enjoy that more than something that doesn't really bend or break.





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"So… you wanna be a Pro Wrestler?” is truly synonymous with Deadly Overloaded Action. With this in mind, I wanted to find a way to incorporate it again into Season II; much like it was utilized in Season I. I attempted at doing something unique last go around, having each person create their own guy and then create a separate thread for that, but found that the time commitment was far too much than I would have thought. It overran me and I quickly learned my limitations.


Coming out of that, I feel now that I have a better formula for incorporating the idea and will be moving forward over the next 5 broadcasts in which to declare a winner. It may be less interactive, as there won’t be 10-12 characters all in the waiting, but will give rise to someone who is able to predict (+ adding in additional points) to create their own vision for a new character in Deadly Overloaded Action starting in December of 2010 (we are in November 2010).


As time goes on, I will give greater depth as to HOW the winner will create said character; however, for now,
I want you all to know that a prediction contest is coming; starting with Episode #5 of “DOA Rapid Assault”.


In the end, it should be noted, that I’m working on a PPV event for November (in-game); so, the 5th broadcast in which to gain points will be AT that PPV. When it’s all said and done, the person with the top score will be able to cultivate their own persona within the DOA ranks.


If you’re interested then it may be good to get familiar with what has happened up until now during Season II as it will give you a better chance at voting correctly (or knowing additional questions that could garner you some extra bonus points).





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If this gives me another chance to create "The Paranoid Android" Kit Chang, I'm all in!


Great show as always. I would probably leave some more in depth comments here, but I'm afraid that there was so much and it lead up to one thing: Marquez winning! The guys a born star, and since it'll be along time until a Mexican promotion offers him a written contract, you've got him for at least a couple more seasons, if not for the duration of the show (I figure you'll be able to offer him a written by then).


I noticed in the Marquez/Vicious match that you pointed out that Vicious wasn't 100% in it. The thing is, I've always kind of read Marquez's matches as him coming out pretty beat down from them. Not because of his opponents, per say, but from himself. The reckless style kind of destroys him in, and I when I was reading it I was just imagining how jacked up he was by the final.

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Time to win this prediction contest and make Scott Hawkes an actual in-game character. :D


But seriously great show E-V. I've finally taken the time to actually read through the entire thing and it was excellent from start to finish. Antonio Marquez winning was a pleasant surprise. Of course, Mr. Hawkes will not be thrilled with Arcadia suspending Eugene Williams when he only evened the odds, so to speak, with the Security Team interfering on behalf of Greg Black. But then he always speaks his mind. :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="angeldelayette" data-cite="angeldelayette" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Time to win this prediction contest and make Scott Hawkes an actual in-game character. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">Scott Hawkes would be a </span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><em>really</em></span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> interesting character in a DOA ring. It wouldn't take very much to see him crossover, especially with how strong of a character he is, but I guess we'll see how you fare in the prediction contest. Maybe he'll be stepping into the Dungeon soon...</span></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="angeldelayette" data-cite="angeldelayette" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>But seriously great show E-V. I've finally taken the time to actually read through the entire thing and it was excellent from start to finish. Antonio Marquez winning was a pleasant surprise. Of course, Mr. Hawkes will not be thrilled with Arcadia suspending Eugene Williams when he only evened the odds, so to speak, with the Security Team interfering on behalf of Greg Black. But then he always speaks his mind. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">Thank you, Angel!</span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> It was certainly a hefty load to develop; however, I really enjoyed the process. Marquez, in the end, seemed like the greatest choice as I wanted to use this event as a catalyst for creating a 'new star'. We've had Vicious, Acid, and Black, for quite some time now. While they are all three still VERY important, and will be for quite some time, I really wanted to give rise to a 'new class' (ala Marquez, Keith, etc.).</span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> As for the Security Team/Greg Black/Arcadia/Eric Tyler scenario, things are about to get MUCH more interesting come the 5th Episode of "DOA Rapid Assault"... </span></div><img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey" data-cite="codey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If this gives me another chance to create "The Paranoid Android" Kit Chang, I'm all in!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">Like Mr. Hawkes, I would LOVE to see Kit Chang possibly make his way into the DOA Dungeon. I remember back when you sent me the email and he seemed like a really interesting take on an off-the-wall kind of character. In the end, we're certainly in need of some off-the-wall personas given the full spectrum of bad asses right now.</span></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey" data-cite="codey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great show as always. I would probably leave some more in depth comments here, but I'm afraid that there was so much and it lead up to one thing: Marquez winning! The guys a born star, and since it'll be along time until a Mexican promotion offers him a written contract, you've got him for at least a couple more seasons, if not for the duration of the show (I figure you'll be able to offer him a written by then).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">I'm almost less afraid of the Mexican promotions than the 'big three' coming swooping in. Marquez is at a "C-" popularity-wise in the US as it stands and could rise to around a "C+" if he were to beat Acid for the DOA Championship (as Acid rests there now after beating Greg Black at the beginning of the Season). With predatory hiring, I'm not so comfortable that I'll have him for the long haul; however, I'm hoping so! He's another great example of the DOA product (much like Acid, Vicious, and Black are) so it'd be great to tell his story for a while longer.</span></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey" data-cite="codey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I noticed in the Marquez/Vicious match that you pointed out that Vicious wasn't 100% in it. The thing is, I've always kind of read Marquez's matches as him coming out pretty beat down from them. Not because of his opponents, per say, but from himself. The reckless style kind of destroys him in, and I when I was reading it I was just imagining how jacked up he was by the final.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';">Johnny Vicious was not 100% at the time as he had been assaulted by Acid on "Rapid Assault" just a few days before "Survival of the Fearless". Then, during the show, Jeff Morgan put him in a bad place when he practically broke him with a submission maneuver that wasn't broken (ending in a DQ). So, by the time he got to Marquez, Johnny Vicious was looking like a ragidy rat on the side of the road after being thrown through a gambit of difficult scenarios. </span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> With Marquez, you're spot on with the 'risk/reward' approach being his ultimate key to success AND greatest downfall all in one. He's a daredevil by nature, so he's bound to get himself beat up rather badly with his dangerous aerial spots. He speeds around the ring recklessly, throws his body around like a human missile, and is entirely suicidal in his intentions it seems (within the ring). So, for someone like Marquez to win, he would certainly be beaten up rather badly by the end of the show.</span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> Cheers.</span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"> </span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Lucida Sans Unicode';"><strong><em>E-V</em></strong></span></div><p></p>
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<p>Great pay-per-view EV. I'm actually surprised it's taken this long for Greg Black to throw his toys out of the pram about a match outcome, given he kicked off in my DaVE diary simply because I booked him to draw against Acid.</p><p> </p><p>

I think I said ahead of the ppv, the SOTF tournament was either a vehicle to mix up the DOA ranks or as a storyline to shaft either Pathlow or Black. Certainly worked more effectively with Black suffering the screwjob, especially given Arcadia's apparent preference to him - although I'm still a bit suss about the security team that accompanies him, kinda wondering if they'll suddenly turn on Black on the Network's whim. Loved the bribing of Eugene Williams and in general, I love the idea of Tyler lurking around in the shadows, attacking DOA from the sidelines.</p><p> </p><p>

For some reason I couldn't really get with Marquez in your previous Season 2 effort. No particular reason that I can recall, but for some reason I couldn't buy into him. This time around and seeing him as Page's guy, has definitely helped. Just feels more 'organic' I guess? *shrugs* Time to see how he fares at the top of the card.</p>

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Great pay-per-view EV.


Thank you, Sebs! It was quite the task writing through; however, it was a huge show for the dynasty as a whole. Antonio Marquez coming up to the Main Event scene, sitting at a "C-" in popularity, is something that I'm really excited to work with.


I'm actually surprised it's taken this long for Greg Black to throw his toys out of the pram about a match outcome, given he kicked off in my DaVE diary simply because I booked him to draw against Acid.


Yea, this is the first time he actually raised a fit. I don't know if he's normally a locker room cancer of sorts but he is a negative influence currently. I guess we'll see how it goes. I plan on doing a 'realism' storyline with him coming up here; so, it should be interesting to play off of what people already know about his backstage explosion of sorts (as they read it on the dirt-sheets online; at least that's the story I'm creating).


I think I said ahead of the ppv, the SOTF tournament was either a vehicle to mix up the DOA ranks or as a storyline to shaft either Pathlow or Black. Certainly worked more effectively with Black suffering the screwjob, especially given Arcadia's apparent preference to him - although I'm still a bit suss about the security team that accompanies him, kinda wondering if they'll suddenly turn on Black on the Network's whim. Loved the bribing of Eugene Williams and in general, I love the idea of Tyler lurking around in the shadows, attacking DOA from the sidelines.


SOTF was entirely a 'change of pace' event in the sense that it was created to elevate new talent to the forefront. Keith was an idea; however, in the end I knew that Marquez could be a VERY strong asset to future DOA programming. Truthfully, that's where we lie right now (as you will all come to see). DOA is currently in a state of flux as it's adding a number of new faces to the fold in hopes of creating more 'organic/self-made stars'. In the past, it felt like a hodge-podge of some 'Big Three'/DaVE talent; however, at this point, there is going to be a sweeping wind of change under Victor Page (as he attempts to develop more DOA-made stars like Johnny Vicious).


For some reason I couldn't really get with Marquez in your previous Season 2 effort. No particular reason that I can recall, but for some reason I couldn't buy into him. This time around and seeing him as Page's guy, has definitely helped. Just feels more 'organic' I guess? *shrugs* Time to see how he fares at the top of the card.


I agree that he feels more 'organic' in a way. Plus, his in-ring style is certainly a great depiction of Deadly Overloaded Action as a whole. He adds a new element much like Black, Vicious, and Acid does already (in his case, Daredevil). His "El Dragon Dorado" persona was my attempt to create the ultimate hero. He was pretty much the paragon of heroic virtue so that he could ultimately frame both he and Teddy Powell's character in the end. Now, even though they are still warring a new season in, it was the right time to switch him over to something much more 'bad boy cool'. I mean, look at his default picture and tell me that he doesn't fit the mold. haha. Personally, I'm looking at him as DOA's Shawn Michaels in a way. That said, much more risky in his aerial spots and more suicidal in nature. So, I guess, he's more my HBK in the sense that he can 'go' like no other and should be a central figure of DOA programming going forward (unless he's snatched up).


The card for Episode #5 of "Rapid Assault" will be up sometime this weekend.
I wanted to give myself a break and now feel as though I'm ready to jump back in. That said, I booked the show and am meh about how it came out grade wise. I'm looking to change some things, add some new DOA-made faces, and have a good number of my top stars saying they are too injured to wrestle; so, I was left to improvise!





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Episode #:

90 minutes

TV Rating:

Taped on:

Shown on:
Thursday Night on Arcadia

Main Event:
Acid vs. Donte Dunn;
Non-Title Match



Bodies were broken.

Lives were altered.

Controversy controlled.

Throughout it all though, one man proved to be most fearless when faced with an undying sense of high competition. That man was none other than “The Aerial Anarchist” himself;
Antonio Marquez



2010 "Survival of the Fearless" Winner!


This Thursday, as we step farther away from a night of absolute psychosis, a new dawn appears to be on the horizon; one that paints Deadly Overloaded Action in a state of evolution. For the first time since the inception of “Rapid Assault”, we have a new number one contender who does not possess the name Vicious, Black, or Sparrow. While many may claim the scenario to be controversial in thought, stemming from the dubious manipulation by
Eric Tyler
that screwed
Greg Black
out of a potential tournament victory, there is a common perspective that DOA has officially encountered the gusting winds of


Touching upon this scenario,
has finally showed their hand as it pertains to the documented ‘mess’ left by Mr. Tyler. This Thursday, not only will we witness the inevitable firing of an
“All the Kings Men”
member during the broadcast; however,
we will also witness the official response to the polarizing proceedings which took place at DOA’s first-ever PPV event; “Survival of the Fearless”
. Who will go home? How will “All the Kings Men” be affected? Is the group EVEN together anymore given their rocky relationship since Tyler was suspended? Also, how will the network’s response affect Eric Tyler himself? If
Eugene Williams’ recent suspension
is any example then the former “Voice of Reason” may be in for a crippling night (even if he’s not supposed to be anywhere near the Dungeon).


In the end,
as the Death Defying Duo Division takes center stage
(holding three of the six matches under such rules), tune into “Rapid Assault” this Thursday as the winds of change come roaring through the DOA Dungeon.





The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority
w/ Grace and Prudence

[DOA Death Defying Duo Championship Match]

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]

After warring in chaotic fashion since the start of Season II, which Death Defying Duo will walk out of the DOA Dungeon with the straps in hand once and for all?




The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

[Loser Leaves DOA Match]

As Arcadia continues to clean up after Eric Tyler’s mess, which “All the Kings Men” member will find themselves on the outside looking in; officially FIRED from Deadly Overloaded Action with a loss?




Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell
w/ Dick Eyezen and Sammy Strung

Can Hammer bring home a victory in his DOA Debut?




The Misfit Society
w/ Teddy Powell
vs. The Motha-Funkers

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]

Coming off of a loss last week under the pairing of Powell and Weaver, can the Misfit Society even the score against the wildly popular Motha-Funkers?




Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

[Death Defying Duo Division Rules]

Which duo will come away with victory as two volatile battles converge into one explosive war?







Acid vs. Donte Dunn

[Non-Title Match]

[Guest Commentator: Antonio Marquez]

Can the first winner of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?” finally produce on his ‘coming out party’ by being the first to defeat Acid in singles competition?



"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

Acid vs. Donte Dunn


Bonus Point:
Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows?


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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

Acid vs. Donte Dunn


Bonus Point: Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows? Queen Emily.

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

Acid vs. Donte Dunn


Bonus Point: Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows? Queen Emily!

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

Acid vs. Donte Dunn


Bonus Point: Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows? I may edit this because there are a few other thoughts I'm kicking around, but Queen Emily doesn't sound like a bad guess.


Pretty stoked for a prediction contest with such an awesome result. It's possible we'll see "The Safe Bet" Blake Gabriel or "The Cleansing Knife" Athame in DOA.

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It’s not something to fear. Rather, it’s something to embrace; especially when such evolution means potential for greater business.


There is a perception that consistency is good for business. In reality, that may work when it comes to a world-wide brand which plays off of the mainstream public. In our case, Deadly Overloaded Action is nothing of the sort. We are here, we continue to breathe, and stay relevant, ultimately due to a specific fanbase looking for something new… something invigorating.


A wrestling fan myself, I’ve grown tired of seeing people like [Jack] Bruce, [Christian] Faith, [Tommy] Cornell, and Bruce [The Giant] running this industry. They’ve put in the work and deserve their status to an aspect; however, not if that means the next generation is continually buried deep in the closet; never to be seen or heard from in a true manner. Their legacies, gigantic in nature, do nothing but swallow up all who are looking to simply break into the weekly broadcast with dreams of one day highlighting an event of their own.


Deadly Overloaded Action
that opportunity.


While we may be a distant 4th place, our public brand, at least with the small fanbase we do keep fixated, is that of bringing forth that sense of change. Giving you new faces, new characters, new matches, new divisions, and an all-around new style of televised wrestling action, Deadly Overloaded Action has been, and will continue to be, the gold standard as it pertains to finding something unseen on our competitor’s programs. They may have the money, the sponsors, the ‘big’ titles, and the ‘legends of our sport’, but we have a number of hungry, recently out of work, professionally hellbent warriors with hopes and aspirations of greatness. In the end, I’ll take the latter 10 out of 10 times.




With all of this in mind, DOA has finally come to a place where my grip on “Rapid Assault” is finally noticeable. Gone are some of the ‘dead-weights’ we no longer needed and here are the ‘new faces’ of our program. Greed, in his drunken, self-destructive, stupor, may have done something right as it pertains to Black, Greed, the Moral Majority, and the men we now know as The Motha-Funkers, but that simply wasn’t enough. For us to REALLY compete, and I mean REALLY compete, we would need a bevy of self-made talent; no longer utilizing only cast-aways of sorts. Does that mean we will not sign those coming down the pike if our ratings could jump? No. However, it IS a focus that I’ve come to implement going forward.


Antonio Marquez, Hammer, Vicious, Black (in his current form), the Moral Majority, Matthew Keith, the brutal Vixxens, and much more waiting in the wings, are the faces of Deadly Overloaded Action.
These are the men who I believe can ultimately carry this company to heights unthinkable.


With them, the men and women who currently reside without a stink of ‘Big Three’ on them, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish…


No war we cannot win.


No point of evolution that we can’t achieve.






<hr color="black">
What we learned

This post is to give light that Deadly Overloaded Action is in a state of evolutionary flux. Antonio Marquez' win was the first sign, if not the kick-off, of such event, and the continual sight of new faces will only further such notion (Hammer, Vixxens, Matthew Keith, etc.). What this means is a possible drop in overall show grades initially; however, hopefully with more pay-off in the end as there is greater popularity than now (as most of my roster is not all that over) while also creating DOA-specific characters (self-made stars).


It's taken me 4 episodes (this being the 5th) to finally get a grasp on Page's new direction for DOA. At this point, I feel as though we've finally hit the point where there are some definite signs of change in the mix. Those on top, right now, will stay on top as they are the obvious main eventers in every way (popularity, match grades, etc.); however, there will be an influx of new personas in which to add greater depth to the program overall. Hopefully, we can weather the lower ratings from the newbies before the Network were to grow tired of such. That said, if I can mix the 'new wave' era with the already established talent (Black, Acid, Vicious) then I'm sure all will come together quite well.
"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

Acid vs. Donte Dunn


Bonus Point:
Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows?
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Aren't you running a performance=popularity fed? If that's the case, you shouldn't have any problems. Now, if you're running a pop>performance, those low overness people are going to really, really score low. Running one of those at low-mid Cult can't be easy. Might keep the big guys' overness down though which will keep them around.
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Aren't you running a performance=popularity fed? If that's the case, you shouldn't have any problems. Now, if you're running a pop>performance, those low overness people are going to really, really score low. Running one of those at low-mid Cult can't be easy. Might keep the big guys' overness down though which will keep them around.


DOA, in it's most current form, is actually a pop>performance program. In Season One, it was an equal product; however, knowing how I was actually depicting the entertainment value, I came to realize that it was far more in this manner. Now, it's not like SWF where it's much more on popularity. In this case, it's only slightly above their abilities (which I still wanted there to be an emphasis on wrestling over a company like SWF).


Sadly, this means my less over workers really do hold down the show grades BUT I'm okay with that in the time being. I have long-term plans for this project; so, I can wait out the development of their popularity.


As we stand right now, most of my talent resides around the E+ to D range with a few over that (Vicious D+, Marquez C-, Black C, Acid, C+). So, knowing that, I never really expect anything CRAZY from a grade perspective outside of the main event.


@E-V: I know someone did a couple of the renders for Victor Page. Mind linking me to them? :p


The render that I'm using for Victor Page was actually created by the
, J Silver!


Here is the link to the render thread where I found it:


I do have a few alt versions, which were thankfully created to find my image of him, where he's wearing a suit. If you would like those then you can PM me as that would be the easiest way to transfer those!









<hr color="black">

NEXT: Creating a SUPER-HEEL in Gregory Black...

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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

Although I think they can pull it together, I see a split between the team, as I guess Ota is much higher than Kaz

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

Rayne is so much more interesting

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

Unfortunately Tom E. still isn't the guy he was in S1. Hammer has to get a debut win. Steven Parker deserves better :p

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

More storyline relevance at the moment

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

The rift continues

Acid vs. Donte Dunn

Donte ain't beating Acid

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“I don’t like to break kayfabe typically but this is one of those situations where it’s imperative…”


Gregory stares across from me from a small wooden executive table. His demeanor is rather confrontational still, all resorting back to the pay-per-view event; however, at least his incessant fervor has started to wane. As he sinks deeper into his chair, our scheduled meeting comes to ahead within a small conference room located in the ‘DOA wing’ of Arcadia Headquarters.




He asked; however, not in a truly interested manner. It’s rather obvious that he’s here physically but everything about his mannerisms tell of a man who is attempting to come back to a base with the company that currently employs him. With that in mind, you would think his 5k bonus would have tempered the whole ‘I’m mad at you’ scenario but it seems to still be somewhat present; albeit muted.


“The ‘dirt-sheets’ have you running amuck. They’ve documented your unhappiness and turned into a full-on implosion situation within the organization. While I thank you for keeping the details quiet, at least on your end, there’s room to create a storyline rather special out of all of this. Believe me, this will be BIG business for you. If you want focus, if you want to be the center of attention, then you’re about to get it…”


Gregory’s slouching stature straightens up slightly as his eyes finally lock with mine. It’s not like he all of a sudden had a change of heart but, whenever such a statement is made as ‘this is your focus moment’ and ‘it’ll be big business’ meaning money, people tend to pay much more attention.


“I’m listening, Vic.”


I lean forward in my chair, resting my crossing fingers before me, as inner sales manager begins to take hold. I knew that I had him where I wanted him. Now, I just needed to entirely develop the notion so there is no chance he can walk away thinking it’s not going to happen. With someone like Gregory, someone who is uneasy as it is underneath, there’s the constant fear that he may not ‘buy in’ as he’s weary of the notion.


“It’s known across the internet that you’re unhappy. The ‘marks’ are practically placing you in Eisen’s corner on Tuesday; walking into SupremeTV to make a huge comeback or something. I say we put you exactly there….”


Gregory’s eyes squint slightly as it’s pretty obvious that he’s confused as to where I’m going.


“Not as an SWF employee, or a former DOA performer, but in a manner where the lines between the two are blurred. You’ll walk out on the program; claiming you’ve been ‘screwed’ and that you’re more apt for the REAL ‘bright lights’. From there, you’ll put forth the perception that you’re officially no longer under contract and now working for our competitors. In reality, you’ll still be under your current contract and still, from a reality perspective, receiving your checks from Arcadia. It’ll create the ultimate ‘F*ck you’ scenario to DOA; especially as you continually downgrade the program in favor of the competition.”


“Uh… Why would you want that? Aren’t you framing the DOA negatively?”


“Yes. Yes I am.”


Gregory looks back at me further confused.


“We need to blur the lines so that they [Deadheads] no longer see you just as ‘Peerless’. We want them to see you as a ‘Big League Star’-kind of persona; coming down from the bright lights of Supremacy.”


“Do I stay off TV? I mean, I don’t see how I’m getting my paychecks if I’m off TV…”


“You won’t stay off TV at all. If anything, you’re going to become EVEN more visible by using social media to get your face continually out there; pushing your message. For this to work, you’ve GOT to be anti-DOA at every turn. In the end, you COULD become THE most hated individual in program history…”




His eyes perk slightly more. I knew I had him where I wanted him. While there was still a tentative sense of friction, it was quite easy to see that Gregory was coming around. The one thing he wanted, above all, was to ensure that his legacy would be further developed. He left ‘Supremacy’ to join an underground movement hoping he would, eventually, spark the flames of a revolutionary agent; the kind of unique persona that keeps you cemented forever in the sands of time. Now, dangling such a scenario before him, Gregory was seemingly on the verge of jumping on ship with my notion.


“I never would have had the chance to be ‘the biggest heel’ in Eisen’s little crazy-farm.”


“Nope. You didn’t have 100 pounds of extra, clinic-made, muscles.”


We shared in a laugh together as we both know Eisen’s scene rather well. He, a former tag team specialist within the SWF, and myself a former head creative writer for “Tricky D*ck”. While it was sad, that someone with so much talent COULD be pushed aside for whatever reason, DOA was all about righting those wrongs.


“Can I count on you to deliver?”


I stare upon Gregory after our laughter has seized. For a second, there is nothing but a smile forming upon his face.


“You better believe it…”




<hr color="black">
What we learned

Playing off of reality, Victor Page has decided to utilize the hooplah created on the 'dirt-sheets' about Black's unhappiness with the outcome of "Survival of the Fearless" as a launching pad for a new storyline. Up until now, Greg Black has been posed as the ultimate 'out for me' tweener type; however, with the most recently documented friction between He and Arcadia, has decided to transition him into the next uber-heel of sorts.


This new persona will play off of the already 'Big-League-Star' presence he has after coming from the SWF in the first place.


This transition will make it's debut in this upcoming episode (#5) of "Rapid Assault" and will ultimately be used to elevate Greg Black into that of a 'SUPER-HEEl' role. Believe me, there is quite a twist coming with this though.. . One that nobody would expect really...
"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks

The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

Acid vs. Donte Dunn


Bonus Point:
Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows?
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The Tokyo Express © vs. The Moral Majority

Can't see Ota and Kazuma working effectively as things ride out at the moment.

The Elder Statesman vs. Rayne

I love the Statesman as much as the next guy, but he really is "John Greed" country... He's not offered much else and I can't see him being around much longer.

Hammer vs. Tom E. Kornell

Debut victory has to be on the cards... Doesn't it?

The Misfit Society vs. The Motha-Funkers

I have to think that the new group will continue to be pushed... Can't be sure though.

Matthew Keith and Johnny Vicious vs. Jeff Morgan and Torment

Two talented teams, but Keith and Vicious are right up there and Morgan and Torment are a little behind. Feeding these guys some relatively good competiton keeps them high on te agenda.

Acid vs. Donte Dunn

Here me out... DQ Victory for Dunn with Acid going crazy... It gives the So you Want to be a Pro Wrestler winner a big victory, especially considering the upcoming start of a new season, and shows Acid to be dangerously unstable without Mr. Tyler.


Bonus Point: Who will play the mysterious Arcadia Executive once they step out from the shadows?


I heard it's a woman... Who that woman is? I don't know... Honestly, if I had to hazard a guess I would say Honey Golightly in a different guise. She can be used as a PPA talent and as an owner of another company does give off the "Business Woman" vibe.

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