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Sony's "Please Stop Hating Us" Offerings


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-PSP and NGP? Who cares. I have a PS3, how about focusing on that? The hand held battles were consistently won by Gameboy for years now everyone has smart phones, why carry around a handheld game system when I can use my IPhone? Old way of thinking.


A lot of people care. The Nintendo DS is the second best selling console of all time after the PS2 (which was released many years prior and should probably be passed out in about a year).


Plus, smart phones suck for gaming. Anything that isn't a "fling stuff at other stuff" or some other sort of physics game is sucky on a touch screen/without dedicated controls/some sort of vaguely logical or ergonomic shape to the system. I don't want to play games on a smart phone/touch pad. It's fun for little gimmicky games, but not for anything meaningful.


Also, shockingly enough, the PSP has sold more units than the PS3 and Xbox 360. You have to keep in mind that Japan is a huge market for this kind of thing and Sony is a Japanese company.

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For this console at least, I'm a Sony man. But if the act isn't pulled together by the time the next generation consoles are out, then I might have to switch.


I really didn't care that PSN was down, rarely play online at the moment, but the info leak was really worrying. Plus, this welcome back package is weak at best.


I don't think it is 100% a marketing scheme. Yes LBP and inFamous have sequels out, but when you're trying to get companies to have their games given away for free then of course they need to get something out of it as well. But the games they offered are too old, or just not very good. They really should have done something like "10% of everyting in the PS Store for a year" or a choice of games that you wouldn't feel bad to own. Maybe they could have converted some old PS/PS2 classic to the PS3 and given them away for free.


At any rate, they should have handled this better.

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