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USPW: You Can Go Home Again

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AWESOME!! Glad to see you are back, Angel!


Thanks, critical! Only a couple of months until Jared Johnson debuts. :D


Nice to see you're continuing with the writing Angel :D Let's see if I can follow this one more than the last couple of ones.


And Angel, remember to push Redwood ;)


Thanks, Lexa! Glad to see you back and I think you'll enjoy what I have planned for Giant Redwood.


Always been a mark for MAW... :D


MAW will definitely be one that is posted. :)


Less than 24 hours until the show is posted.

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#1 Contender Match, Womens Title: Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Comment: Be careful with Strong, she has creative control, so best not to give her a big head. Picked Belle because Raven is a face though.


#1 Contender Match, USPW World Tag Team Titles: The Towers of Power vs. The Forces of America

Comment: I can see you putting the titles on Forces of America.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Freddie's tag champ, would be a waste having him hold both.


#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: Anger's on his way either to unemployment or retirement, Nicky's the future.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Easy win for Chris, though I suspect Bruce is going to get involved.


Non Title Match: Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma

Comment: Keep the champ strong of course.


Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

Comment: I can see Tyson winning with T-Rex interference.


What match type will Tyson Baine select for his match with Enygma at Stars, Stripes And Slams?

Comment: No holds barred.

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Wednesday Week 1 January 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.44




[The sold-out crowd here at the Huntsville Fairgrounds are on their feet as the opening for USPW American Wrestling plays and then comes to a close with Danny Jillefski and brand-new colour commentator Timothy Hawk welcoming everyone to USPW American Wrestling. It should be a great night with matches like Jumbo Jackson taking on Enygma, several #1 contender matches and a main event where the #1 contender Tyson Baine takes on James Justice.]


[The cheering from the crowd turns to boos when two men walk out from the back as their music plays. The leader of the Sneer Corporation Shane Sneer walks out in a suit with a smile playing along his lips as he leads the #1 contender 'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine down toward the ring. Baine has no eyes for the crowd at all, instead staring straight ahead. He climbs up the stairs and pauses, turning eyes to the crowd. A low growl escapes his lips and then he steps closer and steps over the top rope, entering the ring. Baine stands near the center of the ring while Shane Sneer hands him a microphone.]


Tyson Baine

"Enygma! Enygma, show yourself! Show yourself or be branded a coward!"


[boos escape the crowd as Baine's eyes travel all through the crowd. A spotlight begins to shine and move through the crowd. The spotlight moves and then stops on a certain area.]




[The spotlight illuminates the green mask and the USPW World title belt and the man himself: Enygma. Enygma has no expression on what you can see of his face. He is just staring toward the ring, staring toward what will be his future as he will take on Tyson Baine in just a few short weeks at USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams.]


Tyson Baine

"Enygma, you are the USPW World Heavyweight Champion. But you will not hold that belt for very long. That belt is going to come around my waist in just a few weeks at Stars, Strips And Slams. That belt belongs to a Demon and that is exactly what I am. That is exactly..."


[Tyson pauses in his words, noticing that Enygma has been walking through the crowd as he speaks. Enygma is down by the railing. The USPW World Champion leaps over and hits the ringside area and then slides inside the ring. These two men who will do battle at Stars, Stripes And Slams come face-to-face with each other. Well, Enygma is the smaller man of the two and that can definitely be seen with this closeup.]


Tyson Baine

"You want to do this right now? Is that it? But I think you would prefer to know exactly what kind of match you are going to lose to me at Stars, Stripes And Slams. You have taken beating after beating from me each and every week, little masked man. So at Stars, Stripes And Slams, I am going to make sure you cannot get up. I am going to place you inside a casket and close the lid on your title reign. At Stars, Stripes And Slams, you and I are going to wrestle in a casket match and you will rest in peace."


[The crowd is absolutely stunned! The announcers go crazy as Tyson Baine announces the match that he has selected! A Casket Match! This match only ends when you place your opponent inside a casket and close the lid! Baine curls his fingers into a fist by his side. Enygma curls his fingers into a fist. Then the dressing room clears out! Wrestlers come running down to the ring and seperate these two men before they can come to blows. But there will be no seperation at Stars, Stripes And Slams!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/BelleBryden_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AliceStrum1.jpg

#1 Contender Match, Womens Title

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong


[Our first match of the year will determine who will walk away as the #1 contender to the Womens title. Both women are fierce and determined to win this match, as is shown by the number of near falls early on. Around three minutes in, Cherry Bomb came down to ringside. This was a distraction to both Belle and Alicia. The distraction became interference when Cherry Bomb stepped in the ring and brought down both Strong and Bryden with a double clothesline! The bell sounded as the referee ran for his life.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 5:03)

Match Rating: C-




[Cherry Bomb grabs Alicia Strong and plants her with the finisher known as the Cherry Bomb! Belle Bryden tries to crawl away but Cherry Bomb grabs her by the ankle and yanks her back inside the ring. Bryden's eyes go wide as Cherry Bomb lifts her and plants her with the Cherry Bomb right beside Alicia Strong. Cherry Bomb falls to the ground and crawls over to a corner. She begins rocking back and forth, hitting her head on the turnbuckle and beginning to yank at her own hair. The crowd boos Cherry Bomb as she just gives this twisted smile.]






[We head to a video next where the camera begins focused in on a large, broad chest that is so obviously male. The camera slowly pans up to reveal the smiling face of Bruce the Giant. Bruce raises his hands and twists them together as he gives an almost maniacal smile.]


Bruce the Giant

"Chris Caulfield, you made big mistake. You made giant mistake. You got me mad. You awoke a sleep giant. You will not like waking me up. At Stars, Stripes And Slams, our final match together in series, I want you in Last Man Standing match. There is no way that you beat the giant in last man standing match. I will be last man standing!"


[bruce growls, twisting his hands together like he is twisting them around a man's head! The look in his eyes is absolutely crazy! But now we head back to the ring for our first tag team encounter of 2010.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/CaptainUSA_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JimForce_dse81.jpg

1 Contender Match, USPW World Tag Team Titles

The Towers of Power vs. The Forces of America


[Another of our top contender matches, this time for the USPW World Tag Team Titles. Shane Sneer did not come down alone to stand at ringside. Standing with him is his ever-present bodyguard Jumbo Jackson. Captain USA begins clapping his hands and getting a USA chant going through the crowd. He tosses his hat out of the ring to get the crowd excited. The Force shakes the ropes from outside the ring. The Towers of Power are stoic at the moment. USA gets taken down quickly and this match mostly belongs to the Towers of Power. USA never gets the opportunity to tag out to The Force. Rushmore and Muscles show their strength throughout the bout. A little interference from Shane Sneer during the one time that USA got the advantage set up USA for an Atomic Boot from Rushmore. Rushmore makes the cover as Muscles knocks The Force off the apron: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The Towers of Power are headed to Stars, Stripes And Slams!]


Winners: The Towers of Power (Via Pinfall @ 5:11)

Match Rating: C-






[We head to a video next where the large man known as Giant Redwood is shown in the ring. His opponent is obscured but he lands a standing splash on the man and the referee counts three.




More videos are shown of Giant Redwood absolutely manhandling and destroying various opponents, including both Hillbillys and more. With each opponent, the number increased higher and higher until it got up to 39. So far, Giant Redwood has defeated 39 wrestlers in a row! The video ends up with just two words:


"Who's Next?"]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/FreddieDatsun_alt3.jpg


USPW Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun


[Our first males single match and our first title match of the evening. The match began with a handshake but for two very different reasons. Andre Jones is trying to prove that his volleyball experience makes him a legitimate athlete though the crowd doesn't seem to agree with that. Freddie Datsun is proving that he is a good American man who always follows the rules and drinks his milk. The match itself is a decent one, albeit a short encounter. Jones was off his game and that brought the level of the match down. Datsun scored a nearfall with a rollup but it was Jones that came off the top rope with a double axehandle that he calls The Blast From The Past! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A successful title defense by Andre Jones.]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 4:43; Andre Jones retains the USPW Television Title)

Match Rating: D+




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DemonAnger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/NickyChampion_jhd2-1.jpg

#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title

Anger vs. Nicky Champion


[The crowd is a little surprised to see two matches in a row but with the last match being extremely short it didn't receive too many complaints. Peter Valentine came down and did some commentary work during the match as the winner would be the top contender for his USPW National title. Valentine spent the entire match putting both men down. Anger is definitely an evil man and he shows that when he tosses Nicky Champion over the top rope behind the referee's back. If the referee had seen it, it would have been an automatic DQ! Champion and Valentine got into it verbally when Champion got to his feet. He turned his back on Valentine and then slid into the ring. The verbal altercation seems to have fired up Champion. He took down Anger with a vertical suplex and then set him up -- Hawkeye Hammer! The Hawkeye Hammer lariat takes down Anger and Champion makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 6:15)

Match Rating: C-




[Following the sound of the bell, Champion gets his arm raised and then he tries to help up Anger. Anger shoves him away angrily and the shove sends Champion right back into Valentine! Valentine catches Champion in the back of the head with the USPW National title belt! Champion falls forward as 'The Chosen One' stands over him. Valentine picks up Champion and hooks his arm -- The Heart Punch known as the Heart Breaker brings Champion back down to the mat. Champion's body shakes on the mat as Valentine picks up his belt. Valentine exits the ring as officials come in to check on Champion.]






[We head backstage an interview area with a picture of James Justice in the background. James Justice walks into view of the camera and the crowd goes absolutely wild at his presence. Justice looks to the camera and raises his shades for a moment and then slides them back into place. Justice is still mostly dressed in street clothes like he only recently arrived at the arena.]


James Justice

"DUDES! Take a long look at the USPW history of James Justice. Take a good long look at all of those that I have brought my own personal brand of Justice to. I beat Bruce the Giant. I beat T-Rex. I have beaten almost the who's-who of USPW. Each and every one of them had their time at the top but they flickered and faded when faced with the Dude himself. My star has only grown brighter and brighter here in this company. My career has not even begun to peak. Tonight, I am going to prove that when I step inside the ring with the man who is the number one contender Tyson Baine. Tyson, dude, you're stepping inside the ring with the man who is the instant classic. You're stepping in the ring with the best wrestler in the business. You're stepping in the ring where Justice is served, dude."


[Justice flashes an intense look into the camera, intense even though his eyes cannot be seen. Then he smiles and walks away as we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Seduction_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


[This match should have and could have and would have been a better match but Darryl Devine was a little slow in the delivery of every one of his moves. Devine has been known to have some physical issues with his legs in particular and that had a definite effect on his match. There were several near falls early on with Devine securing an advantage after some well-timed distractions by Seduction outside the ring. They don't call her Seduction for nothing, right? Devine caught Caulfield with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two count. Caulfield battled back with a 'USA' chant breaking through the crowd and getting him pumped up. The Hardcore American battled to his feet through a reverse chinlock and sent elbow shots to the gut of Devine to break the hold. Caulfield took down Devine with a clothesline as Seduction looked on with wide-eyes outside the ring. Caulfield maintained control from this point and managed to move in behind Devine. He hooked him around the neck -- Danger Drop! Caulfield moves over and hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Chris Caulfield wins but Darryl Devine looked good against the number one contender.]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 7:12)

Match Rating: C-


[Chris Caulfield manages to get to his feet and get his arm raised in victory before he comes face to face with a man that he is going to fight in just a few weeks at USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams!]




[bruce the Giant slams into Caulfield with a clothesline that sends the middleweight wrestler down to the mat. Caulfield just wrestled a tough match with Darryl Devine and is certainly in no shape to face off with the angry giant! Bruce absolutely destroys Caulfield, ending in a Giant Choke Slam that sends Caulfield's body literally bouncing off the mat and then tangled like he was in a car wreck! Bruce roars and raises his hand to boos from the crowd. The crowd really doesn't like Bruce the Giant! Bruce exits the ring as officials come down to check on the condition of the Hardcore American.]






[We head backstage once again. James Justice has taken the time to put on his wrestling gear and he is moving down a hallway. Suddenly another figure shows on the camera. It's T-Rex! The Jurassic Power sends a surprised Justice down from behind with a double axehandle! T-Rex grabs Justice -- Jurassic Crush! No one has broken this hold before! Remember, it was just one month ago that James Justice ended T-Rex's undefeated streak right here on American Wrestling! Justice struggles, shaking back and forth, trying to figure out a way out of the Jurassic Crush! T-Rex rides his back, bringing him down to the ground. The Monster, the Titan T-Rex brings Justice all the way down to the ground with his version of the swinging full nelson. He finally releases but the damage has been done. James Justice looks like he will be in no condition to wrestle Tyson Baine later on tonight!]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

Non Title Match

Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma


[shane Sneer looked absolutely ecstatic when he walked his bodyguard Jumbo Jackson down toward the ring. After all, James Justice was just taken out a few minutes ago. Enygma comes down through the crowd in his signature entrance, handing a replica mask to one of the smaller fans in attendance before leaping over the guardrail and sliding inside the ring. This is a non title match here tonight. Though you must think that Shane Sneer wants Jumbo Jackson to soften up Enygma tonight.


That is exactly what happens in the early-goings of the match as Jumbo Jackson takes immediate control with a kick to the gut and a rake of the eyes. The first few minutes is spent with Jackson taking the fight right to the USPW World Champion which surprises many people who only see Jackson as Sneer's bodyguard and not as one of the top wrestlers in USPW. Jackson stomps Enygma down in the corner and the referee steps in to break things up. While the referee is distracted, Shane Sneer chokes Enygma in the corner! The crowd boos but if the referee doesn't see it then it's not a DQ, right?


The turning point in the match comes when Enygma moves out of the way of a Jumbo Avalanche attempt! Jumbo hits the corner hard and Enygma grabs his tie, using it to choke the life out of Jumbo Jackson! The crowd absolutely cheers the use of the tie on Jumbo Jackson. Enygma moves Jackson in the corner and lights up his chest with chops that the crowd cheers on. Enygma shows some inner strength when he lifts and slams Jumbo Jackson to the mat! He bounces off the ropes -- leg drop! Enygma makes a quick cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Jackson barely kicks out! Shane Sneer jumps on the apron and Enygma goes right after him, grabbing him by the shirt! Jumbo Jackson slowly gets up and sees what's happening. He gets enraged and charges he scene. Enygma moves at the last moment but Jackson stops before he can collide with Sneer. Sneer drops off the apron and Enygma rolls up Jackson: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Pinfall @ 9:49)

Match Rating: C




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


[it's time, ladies and gentlemen, for the main event of the evening. Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson escort the Demon From The Deep Tyson Baine down to the ring. Baine steps in over the top rope and moves over to a corner looking as fierce and angry as ever. Shane Sneer yells at the referee to count out James Justice since it's obvious he won't be able to compete tonight, right? Referee Baby Jamie waits as Justice's music plays and no one comes out. He begins the count but as he does so the curtains part and fireworks explode as James Justice comes walking from the back. He looks stiff and sore but he's ready for a fight! Tyson Baine just looks on from his corner. He motions Sneer and Jackson out of the ring. They exit as Justice enters the ring and the referee motions for the fight to begin.


And a fight is exactly what this match is. The crowd rally behind Justice early on and that gives a little more strength to his punch though they are mostly no-sold by Tyson Baine. Baine catches one of the punches and brings Justice down to his knees and then into a short-arm clothesline. Baine continues his dominance here in the first few minutes, showing why he is deserving of the title shot this month at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Baine hooks Justice and brings him over in a vertical suplex and then makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Baine focuses his attack on the shoulders and upper body of Justice. As Baine continues the advantage, out comes T-Rex! The Jurassic Power walks down to ringside, joining Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson.


Baine tosses Justice out of the ring during the middle part of the match and the Sneer Corporation is all over him as the referee is arguing with Tyson Baine. T-Rex sends Justice into the ring post and then tosses him inside the ring. Baine picks up Justice and tosses him over his shoulder like a sack of potatos -- Tombstone Piledriver! He brought down Justice in the Tombstone! Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! The crowd absolutely explodes when Justice gets the right shoulder up! Baine pulls Justice to his feet as the crowd begins the 'Dude' chant. Baine tosses Justice into the corner and moves in but Justice reverses things, grabbing Baine and slamming him into the corner! Justice throws rights and lefts to the body and then to the head of Tyson Baine! Justice backs up and then charges -- leg lariat in the corner! Justice climbs the turnbuckles as Baine staggers from the corner -- flying bulldog! The crowd explodes! Justice turns Baine over and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!


As Justice looks around to the crowd, Tyson Baine...sits up! He is unreal! Justice throws punches to the head and body of Baine as Baine moves to get to his feet. Justice whips Baine to the ropes -- Spinebuster! The crowd goes absolutely wild! Justice circles around and looks to the crowd. He bounces off the ropes -- SSSSTTTTAAAALLLL -- GOOZLE! Baine reaches his arm up and grabs Justice by the throat during the stall for the Dude Knee Drop! He chokes Justice by the throat as the referee steps in to try to get him to break the hold. Baine sits up and gets to his feet. Justice's face is starting to turn blue. The referee warns Baine. Baine sends Justice to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes himself -- leaping clothesline! That sent the Dude inside out! Tyson Baine gets to his feet and pulls Justice up by the throat. He raises him up in the air -- Hades Bomb! The Double Handed Choke Bomb sends Justice crashing to the mat. Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 11:48)

Match Rating: B-




[What a great match to end the show here on USPW American Wrestling. Wait a second, we're not done here! T-Rex enters the ring and begins throwing punches to the fallen James Justice! Tyson Baine just looms over the proceedings for the moment, having gotten the win. Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson enter the ring and begin helping T-Rex! The crowd boos as Justice is down and he is hurting bad. We need security to come out here and help! T-Rex lifts Justice up. He is setting him up for the spinning Argentine Backbreaker Drop known as The Extinction! This move has ended careers! The crowd suddenly explodes in cheers as someone comes running down to help.]




[it's the USPW World Champion! Enygma enters the ring and takes down Jackson with a clothesline! He fights off T-Rex, sending him out of the ring through the middle ropes! Then he comes face to face with his opponent in a Casket Match at USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams! Enygma and Tyson Baine look like they are ready to go at it but Shane Sneer steps in between the two men. He's yelling at Tyson Baine to leave for now. Baine just stares angrily at Enygma but he finally follows the instruction of his manager. The show ends with Tyson Baine exiting the ring as Enygma bends over to check on James Justice. We'll see you next week!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


We had six people score 6/7 this week. Congratulations to 20LEgend, jhd1, Huntman, Rayelek, Emark and Lexa90.


1. 20Legend=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

Emark=1 Win

Lexa90=1 Win

7. Midnightnick=0 Wins

CamillePunk=0 Wins

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First Show

Before I get into the first show itself, I have to bring up an incident which occured in the locker room prior to the show beginning. Seduction pulled a prank on Belle Bryden, stealing her street clothes after she had gotten changed and hanging them from a nearby flagpole. To say that it was a juvenile prank is an understatement. I took Seduction into my office without Darryl Devine, a fact that irked Devine, I am sure. But I explained to her why that is not a professional way to do things and that if she continues in this manner further action will have to be taken. She seemed to be pretty ignorant of my words, releasing a 'Whatever' before she left my office. Definitely not the kind of thing I want to hear on my first show.


The show itself was a definite success in both my eyes and the eyes of Sam Strong. Not every segment was strong, especially the television title match between Andre Jones and Freddie Datsun. But the main event seemed to more than make up for that as Tyson Baine and James Justice gave the fans a show worth watching. Most people were surprised by the match choice that Baine gave at the beginning of the show. Darryl Devine really brought down the match against Chris Caulfield. My guess is that he was upset about my words to his girlfriend, Seduction. But they were words that needed to be said.


So we move on this week right now with several interesting signings to make their debuts within the coming few weeks. Most of them are going to be signified as local wrestlers/enhancement talents. Just men and women brought in to do the job and walk away with a paycheck for being there. Though who knows if some of them might blossom into full-time competitors.

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USPW American Wrestling


Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner

Local Wrestler 'Disco Fever' Ernie Turner makes his debut here in USPW and looks to make a big statement. However, veteran wrestler Darryl Devine is not looking to just lie down for this debutant. In fact, Devine is looking to begin a winning streak here tonight.


The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America

Last week, The Forces of America lost a #1 contenders match for the USPW World Tag Team titles. They look to return to winning ways against local wrestlers Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler known collectively as The Ring Generals.


Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly

Giant Redwood is up to 39-0 in his winning streak. In this match, he gains the ability to go up to 40-0. Standing in his way is a man who is more at home with tag team wrestling: Al The Hillbilly. Al could really make a big name for himself if he can stop the undefeated streak of Giant Redwood.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly

The other member of the Hillbillys steps into the ring with the television champion Andre Jones. How Pete secured a tv title shot? We're not sure. But this would be a major step forward for the Hillbilly if he can win this match.


Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong

Last week, Belle Bryden and Alicia Strong went to a draw when Cherry Bomb interfered. This week we have a tag team encounter also throwing in Raven Robinson. Some definite tension between the teams as Cherry Bomb attacked Belle Bryden last week and Alicia Strong is looking for a USPW Womens title shot against Raven Robinson. Which woman will come out on top?


Bruce The Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

The American Everyman is given a big shot to move forward here against a man who has a shot to be the number one contender following Stars, Stripes And Slams. Bruce The Giant wants some momentum headed toward his match with Chris Caulfield. Who will walk away with the victory?


Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma

A very good match coming up here in our main event. The Jurassic Power steps in on a non title match against the USPW World Champion Enygma. Last week T-Rex's partner Tyson Baine announced his match type with Enygma for Stars, Stripes And Slams. This week you can be sure that T-Rex will be looking to hurt the USPW World Champion and soften him up for Tyson Baine. Will Enygma walk away with some momentum or a broken body?


Sam Strong is in the building

USPW Owner Sam Strong will be in the building. What major announcements will he have to make?


All this and more on the second episode of USPW American Wrestling in 2010.


Prediction Key:

Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner



The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America



Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly



Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong



Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun



Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma




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Angel, just want you to know that The Dry-Erase Board guy is currently traveling the known world, spreading his fame and the name of good wrestling everywhere...(and preparing for a certain CZCW dynasty!)


He won't be able to predict or make signs for this installment, but know that he is following closely. And he likes what he sees.


Awesome work as always...USPW is definitely home sweet home for you.


He'll be watching,


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Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner

Comment:Turner is decent guy but he has low overness so right now he isn´t anything more than a jobber.


The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America

Comment:No doubt that Ring Generals are more talented but they aren´t over enough yet to beat Force.


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly

Comment: No point making noise about streak if it would be ended on the very first match.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Comment:Nice to see Hillbilly´s getting some in ring time. That said I don´t see Pete winning here (or pretty much anywhere).


Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong

Comment:I don´t see Bomb an Bryden being able to co-exists after what happened in last show so faces have slight advantage here


Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment:Giant has storyline going


Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment:Non-title might see T-Rex winning but to me he just isn´t skilled enough and besides Rex can get over via menace so no need to sacrifice Enygma´s overness here.

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Angel, just want you to know that The Dry-Erase Board guy is currently traveling the known world, spreading his fame and the name of good wrestling everywhere...(and preparing for a certain CZCW dynasty!)


He won't be able to predict or make signs for this installment, but know that he is following closely. And he likes what he sees.


Awesome work as always...USPW is definitely home sweet home for you.


He'll be watching,



I hope he's traveling the world spreading the good name of USPW wherever he can. :D


I am looking forward to your work on your CZCW dynasty. I came very close to starting a CZCW dynasty rather than a USPW one. But this one, as you've said, is definitely home for me.


Am glad you've enjoyed reading and if you get the time to throw in a comment or two during your busy time feel free.

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Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner



The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America



Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly

Comment:I love streak stories.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Comment:No title hotshot here.


Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong



Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Bruce is huge and has creative control, he wins.


Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment: Baine gets involved, either no contest or DQ win for Enygma


Signs:"Giant Redwood Victim #203"

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Glad to see you're not throwing in the towel. It would be a real shame if there wasn't an angeldelayette diary on these boards for people to read and enjoy.



Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner

Comment: Devine is simply better.


The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America

Comment: Nonsensical vernacular for the win!


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly

Comment: Both suck, however, one sucks more.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Comment: Jones is far superior to whitetrash.


Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong

Comment: Tough call but I'll side with the surname of Alicia.


Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Draw.


Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment: T-Rex will lay the boots in signalling a title rematch down the road.

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Prediction Key:

Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner



The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America



Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly



Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong



Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun



Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma




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Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner

Comment: **** Devine


The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America

Comment: Merica.


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly



Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong



Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun



Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma


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Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner

Comment: Ernie Who?


The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America

Comment: I do like the Generals, but local = not going to win.


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly

Comment: More like Al the JOBBILLY am I right?


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Comment: More like Pete the JOBBILLY am I right?


Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong

Comment: Gotta go with a Strong.


Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Bruce is a GIANT after all.


Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment: Seems safe.

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Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner

Comment: No brainer.


The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America

Comment: I just can't stand the ring generals... Bland is the right word.


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly

Comment: Just remember the Dominaton note. You'll get Redwood over big time ;)


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly

Comment: A HillBilly with a title? ugh.


Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong

Comment: The Heel Bryden needs some momentum.


Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Don't job Datsun. He's the guy that took the world title from Redwood in my TEW08 game :p


Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma

Comment: This could actually go either way.. But a gut feeling says that I should bet on the champion.


Signs: Bomb me Mon Cherry!

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Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner

Comment: Disco is dead


The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America

Comment: Give one to the old dudes


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly



Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong



Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun



Non Title: T-Rex vs. Enygma



Signs: Hillbilly's need not apply

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An Update: I just wanted to toss in an update after the weekend.


First of all, I spent the entire weekend out of town having fun in my old hometown so I haven't had a chance to work on anything as of yet.


Second, I would like to thank everyone who has predicted so far. It is always appreciated.


Lastly, I will be working on this very soon, so the show might actually be up within the next few days. So for those of you who haven't made predictions and still plan to do so, there is time. Thanks once again!

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Saturday Week 1 January 2010

North Carolina Biker Museum (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: C


Akima Brave defeated Shady K...D+

Captain Atomic defeated John Greed...D

Jack Giedroyc defeated Enforcer Roberts...B-

Jungle Lord defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia...C



Tuesday Week 2 January 2010

The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 14,774

Show Rating: B


Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Marc DuBois...B-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Jessie, Christian Faith and Jack Bruce...A

Paul Huntingdon went to a time limit draw with Captain Atomic...C-

Randy Bumfhole defeated Brett Biggz...C

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Steve Frehley, Angry Gilmore and Marat Khoklov...B+

Remo went to a time limit draw with Steve Frehley...B-

Christian Faith defeated Eric Eisen...B



Tuesday Week 2 January 2010

The Theatre Of Dreams (North West)

Attendance: 8,219

Show Rating: B


American Buffalo defeated Guide...C

Charlie Thatcher defeated Chance Fortune...D+

Edd Stone defeated Freddy Huggins to retain the TCW All Action title...C

Robert Oxford defeated Aaron Andrews...C

Rick Law defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW International title...B-

Wolf Hawkins defeated Joey Minnesota...B+


OOC Note: I don't have much left to write for the show this week. This means that I am planning for the show to be out sometime tomorrow. So if anyone still wants to predict, here is your warning. :)

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Wednesday Week 2 January 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.41




[The wild fans within the jam-packed and sold-out Huntsville Fairgrounds are on their feet as the opening introduction video comes to a close and the cameras go inside the building. Fans are mugging for the cameras that are positioned in various places but the focus is on the fireworks which explode around the ramp. Danny Jillefski and Timothy Hawk welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling and talk about the main event tonight as the USPW World Champion Enygma will have as stiff a test as we've ever seen when he steps in the ring with 'The Jurassic Power' T-Rex.]


[The announcers grow silent as the beginning of an old but familiar tune breaks through the sound of the crowd cheering. 'Real American' is the name of the tune that signals the arrival of the owner of USPW, the legendary Sam Strong! The curtains part and out he walks bedecked in a business suit, the way he has always been seen since his arrival here in USPW. He high fives the fans on the way to the ring as the announcers speculate on just what announcement might be so important that the owner has come back on tv to make the announcement. Strong high fives fans all around ringside on a full trip before coming back to the stairs and climbing to the ring apron. He steps inside the ring over the middle rope and he has a microphone in hand. A 'Strong' chant begins to fill the arena. Sam pauses, standing in the center of the ring, absorbing in the chant from the crowd. He lifts the microphone to his lips.]


Sam Strong

"It is great to be back home right here in USPW, brothers!"


[The crowd cheers loudly and the 'Strong' chant turns slowly into a 'USPW' chant. Strong moves his arms up and down to make the chant only grow louder. He has this captive audience right in the palm of his hands and he knows it.]


Sam Strong

"While it is great to be back here in USPW and in front of the greatest fans in the world, USPW is not about me. It's not about Sam Strong. It's about the Enygma's, the Chris Caulfield's, the James Justice's. It's about the wrestlers inside the ring. They are what makes USPW great, brothers. I have a couple of announcements that I need to make this evening. I am going to make them short and quick. The first announcement is regarding the USPW Women's title. Last week, Cherry Bomb interrupted the match between Belle Bryden and Alicia Strong to determine the new number one contender." [bOO!] "So now I have made the decision that at USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams to do something we don't do entirely too often here. There is going to be a fourway match for the USPW Women's title, involving the champion Raven Robinson, Belle Bryden, Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb!"


[The crowd cheers for the announcement of the match. What a great match that should be between four of the best women's wrestlers in the business. Sam raises the microphone up again but he gets interrupted by certain music that draws the ire of the crowd. Boos rain down from the rafters as the curtains part and out walks]




[Commissioner Doom! Sam Strong looks upset at being interrupted inside the ring. Doom marches right down to the ring in a double-time manner. He climbs the stairs and steps inside the ring with a microphone of his own. His green and black military fatigues are definitely a stark contrast to the business suit that Sam Strong is wearing. Doom eyes Strong from one corner for about thirty seconds while the crowd boos his mere presence.]


Commissioner Doom

"Just who do you think you are, maggot? No, wait, we all know who you are. You're Sam Strong. You own this company. But you don't run this company, soldier. It got too big for you, remember? You couldn't do it on your own so you hired me. Therefore, if there are any major announcements to be made this evening they will be done by me. I approve of your decision on the USPW Women's title match, though."


Sam Strong

"It's nice to have your approval, brother. Now, I think these fans would like.."


Commissioner Doom

"These fans will like whatever I tell them to like. Did I give you permission to speak, you puke?"


Sam Strong

"Excuse me, brother? I think you're overstepping yourself a little bit here. I think you need to remember who you're talking..."


[Commissioner Doom drops Strong with an unexpected punch! Neither man expected this to happen it looks like as even Doom has a shocked expression on his face. Doom tries to cover it up by adding a few stomps to the fallen body of Strong but Strong begins to shake as the crowd begins to cheer! Strong begins to ignore the kicks of Doom as he stands completely upright. Another punch and Strong points right in the face of Doom, wagging his finger back and forth! He blocks a Doom punch and throws one of his own! A second punch! A third punch and Doom goes back against the ropes! Strong whips him off the far ropes and charges in, meeting Doom in the center of the ring -- Strong Arm Tactic! Doom goes down and rolls out of the ring. Strong flexes for a moment though the suit doesn't allow for that very much. But he is able to pick up his microphone.]


Sam Strong

"Now, before I was interrupted, brothers, what I was going to say is that USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams will now be available for everyone live and on pay-per-view on MySelect USA! So if you cannot make it out to the show on the very last Saturday this month you can tune in on pay-per-view broadcasts all over the country. This means that I have a question for Richard Eisen and the Supremes and Tommy Cornell and the Total Losers: whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when the United States and USPW runs wild over you?"


[strong's music begins to play as Doom begins backing up the ramp toward the back. His job here is in definite jeopardy, right? Strong poses for about a minute in the ring before he exits and begins doling out the high fives like he did with his entrance. He makes a complete circle around the ring before he heads to the back, even signing autographs and kissing babies! But USPW events are now on pay-per-view! What an announcement!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Seduction_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ErnieTurner_jhdAngel.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Ernie Turner


[The fans and announcers alike were absolutely stunned and excited with Sam Strong's announcement. That made things a little more difficult for them to get into the opening match. Devine held his own in a match against Chris Caulfield last week and he positively dominated 'Disco Fever' this evening. Turner got in only a few shots of offense in this match, while this was a showcase match for Darryl Devine. Devine caught Turner with a powerslam and then mocked Turner by rising up and doing about ten jumping jacks while Seduction positively swooned outside the ring. Devine looked down at his opponent with disgust on his face, waiting for Turner to get to his feet. He kicked him in the gut and nailed him with the stunner known as the Devine Dream Drop. Devine made a cover on Turner but the win was academic: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 5:50)

Match Rating: D-






[As Devine celebrated his victory inside the ring, we headed to an area set up backstage with a black backdrop that has the 'USPW' logo on it. Standing in front of that backdrop is one of the three number one contenders right now for Enygma's USPW World title: 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield. The crowd cheered, seeing Caulfield for the first time this evening. Caulfield grabs his red, white and blue bandana and yanks it off, tossing it to the side as he gives an intense look into the camera.]


Chris Caulfield

"This is my country. This is our country. It's a hardcore country because of all the blood, sweat and tears that have been shed by our armed forces. That is something that people like Bruce the Giant cannot handle. Just because the United States is the best country in the world today. I am going to prove that live and on pay-per-view when I take on Bruce in the last match in our series. Bruce, you challenged me to a last man standing match to end our series...and I accept! The United States never backs down and neither shall I. I will be the last man standing."


[Chris looks as strong and intense as he ever does. He just accepted a major challenge from one of the largest athletes in USPW and in professional wrestling, period! Can he stand up to that challenge? Only time will tell.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DeanWaldorf_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/MarvStatler_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/CaptainUSA_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JimForce_dse81.jpg

The Ring Generals vs. The Forces of America


[The Ring Generals did their best inside the ring to draw the ire of this sold-out crowd. But it definitely seemed that the crowd was more in favor of The Forces of America, rather than against the local team the Ring Generals. This match was dominated by the Forces from the start with The Force really showing some skill, or, at least, the skill that he has, in clotheslines and a military press slam. He tagged out to Captain USA and the older wrestler continued the assault ending with a full nelson slam that he calls Hail To The Chief. He makes the cover on Waldorf: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Forces of America (Via Pinfall @ 5:52)

Match Rating: D






[As The Forces of America are cheered on by the crowd, a video begins to play showing an old, dilapidated shack. The camera slowly zooms in on the shack and then moves inside the shack to show the #1 contender to the USPW World title: Tyson Baine. Baine has a manual hand sander on his right hand and he is sanding down a wooden casket that sits in front of him. Baine slowly looks up toward the camera. He has a very eerie smile that crosses his lips when he sees the camera. He breathes in slowly and releases it out loudly as the sound continues of him hitting the sander against the casket and drawing it back toward his body.]


Tyson Baine

"Enygma, I am working on your destiny. I am working on the casket that will contain the secret to your demise. You are a man of silence but I am the man who will make sure that you remain silent. I will make sure that you are destroyed at the end of the night. At Stars, Stripes And Slams, you will rest in peace."


[baine turns his attention to the sanding of the wooden casket once again. He opens his mouth and a dark, eerie laughter escapes his lips, growing darker and darker, deeper and deeper until the screen fades to black and the laughter is all that can be heard before we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/giantredwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AlTheHillybilly_ewanite.jpg

Streak Match

Giant Redwood vs. Al The Hillbilly


[Defiinitely one of the worst matches in USPW history. The less that is said about the actual matchup, the better as Al The Hillbilly wobbled around and Giant Redwood lumbered and used his limited arsenal of holds to keep Al The Hillbilly down. A fan held up a sign reading: 'Giant Redwood Victim #203!' That is possibly the way it seems in this streak so far. Redwood got in most of his moves, including a choke, a big foot and a body slam. The match ended with Redwood calling out 'Timber!' and then dropping with a Standing Splash on Al. The count was made: 1 -- 2 -- 3 and Giant Redwood is now 40-0.]


Winner: Giant Redwood (Via Pinfall @ 5:11)

Match Rating: E






[A video begins to play in a dark and grungy area of town. The sun is setting in the horizon and the camera zooms in on a little old lady walking down the street. She pauses for a moment, smiling to a person before an evil henchman comes running by her, grabbing her purse. She calls for help as the man tries to get away with the old woman's purse.]



"Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...Power Girl!"


[The theme to Superman begins to play as a small dark shadow can be seen in the sky. The shadow grows larger and larger until Power Girl can be seen landing on the ground in front of the henchman. The henchman goes to punch her and she grabs his fist, knocking him to the ground. She grabs the purse and then moves swiftly over to the little old lady, handing it back to her.]


Little Old Lady

"Thank you, Power Girl! You're my heroine!"


[Power Girl nods and takes off once more as the music swells and she flies in the sky.]



"Power Girl! Coming soon to stop the bullies and cheaters in USPW!"


[Power Girl is shown giving a smile, wink and a thumbs up to the camera before we head elsewhere.]






[Following the Power Girl video, we head backstage where a fight has already broken out between the #1 contenders to the USPW World Tag Team Titles and the Champions. Freddie Datsun is paired off with Mick Muscles and Des Davids is paired off with Danny Rushmore as the blows from both sides are heavy handed.]


[shane Sneer proved to be a turning point in the battle as he nailed Des Davids with a low blow and the double team turned to Freddie Datsun. Datsun was dropped with a power bomb/neckbreaker combination on the ground as the crowd booed in the background. Davids slipped over and laid on top of his partner as Shane Sneer and The Towers of Power stood strong backstage. But the battle between these two will not be backstage. It will be inside the ring and face to face.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg


USPW Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Pete The Hillbilly


[This match is a television title defense. However, the fans were definitely wondering how Pete The Hillbilly warranted a title match. The crowd was mostly silent for this match, which lasted less than five minutes. One fan held up a sign reading: 'Hillbilly's need not apply!' That seemed to be a theme for tonight as Al was squashed earlier on and now the legitimate athlete Andre Jones shows his stuff against Pete. Jones drops Pete with a clothesline and then heads to the top turnbuckle: Blast From The Past double axehandle off the top turnbuckle. Jones makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 4:52; Andre Jones retains the USPW Television Title)

Match Rating: D-






[As Andre Jones raises the USPW Television title in the ring, we head backstage where an interview is set up with Nicky Champion. Nicky is standing in front of the same black backdrop with the USPW logo that Chris Caulfield was in front of earlier. He opens his mouth to speak and instead is blindsided from the side with a belt shot to the side of the head. Champion falls to the ground after the shot and Peter Valentine begins putting the boots to him. Valentine raises Champion and slams him against the backdrop and it is revealed to be hard enough not knock over with the force of Champion's body. Champion tries to stagger away and he is helped by the presence of security officials seperating the two men. Valentine picks up his belt and raises it up as the crowd boos in the background and we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/BelleBryden_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/RavenNightfall_sockpuppet.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AliceStrum1.jpg

Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong


[This is a definite match where there are trust issues. All four women were announced to be in a four way match at Stars, Stripes And Slams for the USPW Women's title. All four women got a chance to show their moves for this match that went back and forth. Belle Bryden nails Alicia Strong with the Dish Of The Day and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Cherry Bomb yanks her own partner off the pinfall! The crazed Cherry Bomb nails Belle Bryden with her own finisher named after herself as Alicia Strong tags out to the USPW Women's Champion. A fan holds up a sign reading: 'Bomb me Mon Cherry!' Bryden is ripe for the pickings as Raven Robinson comes in. Robinson immediately drops Bryden with the Night Faller and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 8:50)

Match Rating: C-






[While the fans celebrated the big victory for Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong, we headed backstage once more. The black backdrop with the USPW logo has been altered slightly. Over top of the USPW logo is now the logo for the Sneer Corporation. The crowd boos at seeing that. Shane Sneer steps from one side and T-Rex steps from the other side. T-Rex throws some air punches while Shane Sneer has a confident look on his face. Of course it is Shane Sneer that begins to speak.]


Shane Sneer

"Enygma, take a good hard look at what you are going to have to face tonight. This is one large super heavyweight monster. And this is only the beginning for you. This jurassic power is going to crush you and leave only a little bit left of you to survive for his partner. He listens to me. If you listen to me, you go straight to the top. If you don't listen to me, you're never heard from again. Unlike all you humanoids, this man and Tyson Baine and the rest of the Sneer Corporation are headed straight to the top. We're the best and we're going to lead this promotion into the coming year."


[shane Sneer turns and looks toward T-Rex, who does a little more shadow boxing. T-Rex throws a few punches against the wall and then growls at the camera as Shane Sneer looks as happy as possible right now. We head back to the ring.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/BruceTheGiant_sockpuppet.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/FreddieDatsun_alt3.jpg

Bruce the Giant vs. Freddie Datsun


[The crowd rose to their feet in boos as Bruce the Giant came down to the ring for this match. Bruce steps in the ring over the top rope and waits for the American Everyman Freddie Datsun. Datsun comes down to the ring looking a little worse for wear after the attack by the Towers of Power earlier on. Datsun enters the ring and is dropped with a clothesline by Bruce the Giant. Bruce picks up Datsun and drops him with a Giant Headbutt. Bruce places his foot on the chest of Datsun: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! Bruce looks annoyed that Datsun got his shoulder up.]


[bruce picks up one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions and tosses him in the corner. Datsun tries to cover up but Bruce slams forearm shots to the head and chest of Datsun. Bruce yanks Datsun out of the corner and hooks him in a suplex position. He raises him up but Datsun lands behind him! Datsun throws a shoulder to the right knee! The crowd goes wild! Bruce tries to swing around but Datsun dodges and ducks and attacks Bruce again and again. He is using a quick hit and run tactic. Datsun goes to the top turnbuckle and leaps -- goozled! Bruce catches Datsun around and the throat and raises him up -- Giant Choke Slam! Bruce makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce the Giant (Via Pinfall @ 8:20)

Match Rating: C-




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

Non Title

T-Rex vs. Enygma


[Our main event and this is a pretty good match all things considered. T-Rex has a lot of people at ringside with him, including Shane Sneer, Shane Sneer's bodyguard Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine. Enygma came down through the crowd as he always does. The crowd really rallies around the masked USPW World Champion. Enygma steps down to the guardrail and makes a leap over the steel rail, landing on his feet at ringside. He looks at the three men outside the ring and then up toward the ring. T-Rex looks ready to kill him inside the ring. Enygma climbs the stairs, taking the belt off along the way. He hands the belt to an assistant and then gets knocked off the apron by T-Rex!]


[The bell sounds and T-Rex distracts head official Robbie Sanchez as Shane Sneer, Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine all make their way around to the Champion. Baine turns Enygma inside out with a clothesline! Jumbo Jackson picks up Enygma and rams him back-first into the ring post and then tosses him back inside the ring. Enygma is hurting even before his opponent touches him. T-Rex pulls Enygma up and whips him into the turnbuckle. T-Rex rushes toward the corner and brings Enygma down with a corner clothesline reminiscent of the Jumbo Avalanche. T-Rex makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[The next few minutes are spent with the Jurassic Power in control and the crowd trying to rally Enygma back into the matchup. A turning point came when T-Rex went for a press slam and Enygma snuck down his back and rolled him up in a sunset flip, garnering a two count. Enygma gets up quickly and catches T-Rex with a couple of swift kicks to the head before T-Rex can even try to get up. Enygma takes down T-Rex with a belly to back suplex and then turned his focus to the leg of T-Rex. His complete focus is on that leg for several minutes, wearing down the larger opponent. Enygma hit a sweep on T-Rex and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- T-Rex presses Enygma off his body, nearly throwing him across the ring.]


[T-Rex gains some control here and uses a little outside interference to gain the advantage. T-Rex went for the Jurassic Crush but Enygma was able to slip out and trip T-Rex. Enygma went right for the ankle and hooked in the Enygma Variation! The anklelock is hooked in tight and T-Rex is trying his best not to submit. He is trying to reach the ropes or do something to break the hold! Enygma has T-Rex in the center of the ring. T-Rex raises his arm. He stretches toward the ropes -- TAP TAP -- NO! The tapping is Tyson Baine's boot to the head of Enygma! Shane Sneer knocks down the referee as the bell is sounded.]


Winner: Enygma (Via Disqualification @ 9:56)

Match Rating: C+


[Tyson Baine yanks Enygma to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Baine bounces off the ropes -- FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Enygma goes down and Baine sits up from the mat. Shane Sneer begins directing traffic as the boots are put to Enygma. Tyson Baine grabs Enygma by the throat, choking the USPW World Champion while Jumbo Jackson and T-Rex throw forearm shots and Shane Sneer looks on. Tyson Baine raises Enygma in the air! The crowd looks on in horror as Baine has Enygma up in the air. But then some cheers begin to spread through the crowd. The camera turns to see what is going on.]




[it's James Justice! Justice has a chair in his hands! Justice slides inside the ring and brings down T-Rex with a chair shot! The shot is so loud and hard that Justice has no choice but to drop the chair. Justice moves to a corner as Jumbo Jackson turns to him -- running clothesline out of the corner! Shane Sneer exits the ring quickly and Justice begins hitting Tyson Baine from behind! Baine drops Enygma and turns, looking face to face with James Justice! Neither man backs down until Shane Sneer yells to Baine to get out of the ring. Baine leaves on his own terms as Justice checks on Enygma. What a way to end the show. We'll see you next week!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


We had several people score a perfect 7/7 correct this week. Congratulations to Zergon, 20LEgend and Huntman!


A special welcome to Zergon and LoNdOn for making their first predictions in the diary.


1. 20LEgend=2 Wins

Huntman=2 Wins

3. jhd1=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

Emark=1 Win

Lexa90=1 Win

Zergon=1 Win

8. Midnightnick=0 Wins

CamillePunk=0 Wins

LoNdOn=0 Wins

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I arrived at the show as I normally do and got prepared for the second show of my tenure. Things were going normally except for the fact that Seduction hadn't shown up to the arena. The pre show was going on with Sam getting the crowd hyped up but there was no Seduction. Sam and Doom began their interview and Seduction ran onto the scene. She spoke briefly with Darryl and then they had to take off as his match was the first match that evening.


When Seduction and Darryl came back, I set them both down and explained to them both that this is not something I would tolerate. I let Seduction know that she was being fined 25 percent of her pay for being late. She told me she'd be more punctual in the future. Though I'm not sure if I believed her or not.


The show went on and was an excellent show in my opinion. Some wrestlers made their USPW debuts, including Ernie Turner, The Ring Generals and Power Girl. None of them had a completely solid showing. On the other hand, they're not exactly well-known by the fans down here in the south east. That will come with time. But it's nice to get some lesser known talent some tv time even if it is just to job them out.


T-Rex definitely surprised in his match with Enygma, having the match of the night. But that is a good thing. He just might be one to watch out for in the future.

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USPW American Wrestling


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones has been nothing if not a fighting champion since he won the title last month. This week he goes up against a man who had success in tag team action last week: Captain USA. This is a sheer battle of a young and strong champion versus a crafty veteran. Which one will come out on top?


Cherry Bomb vs. Suzanne Brazzle

In a little over a week Cherry Bomb will be fighting in a four way match for the USPW Womens title. This week, though, she faces a different challenge in the debut of Suzanne Brazzle. Can Suzanne come in and be victorious on her debut show here or will the slightly off-kilter Cherry Bomb gain some momentum toward Stars, Stripes And Slams?


Anger vs. Brendan Idol

A local wrestler makes his debut here on American Wrestling as he gets the opportunity to look good in the ring. But he is facing a man who is trying to make a name for himself in singles competition: Anger. Another veteran versus youth matchup here.


Non Title: The Ring Generals vs. The People's Team

Freddie Datsun has been in singles action the past couple of weeks but this week he steps inside the ring with his USPW World Tag Team Champion partner Des Davids to take on local tag team The Ring Generals. Waldorf and Statler didn't look too great last week but they can really increase their stock if they beat the World Tag Team Champions.


The Titans and Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma, James Justice and Nicky Champion

What a main event we have lined up here on USPW American Wrestling. Six man tag team action as the Sneer Corporation takes on Enygma, James Justice and Nicky Champion. Which team of three will come out on top with momentum toward Stars, Stripes And Slams? Tune in and find out!


All this and more on the third episode of USPW American Wrestling in 2010.


Prediction Key:

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA



Cherry Bomb vs. Suzanne Brazzle



Anger vs. Brendan Idol



Non Title: The Ring Generals vs. The People's Team



The Titans and Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma, James Justice and Nicky Champion




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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA

Comment:Another basic title defense for Jones.


Cherry Bomb vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Comment:Bomb is going to a title match so she has to stay strong.


Anger vs. Brendan Idol

Comment:Anger is on the state where he exists to put others over but Idol simply doesn´t have enough overness to go over Anger yet.


Non Title: The Ring Generals vs. The People's Team

Comment:Again Generals just aren´t over enough to beat the tag champs even in non-title match.


The Titans and Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma, James Justice and Nicky Champion

Comment: Face side is slighly stronger but I expect Enygma and Justice to win their feuds with Baine and T-Rex and this looks like a good spot to give the heels a win in order to build them up a little bit.

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA


Cherry Bomb vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Anger vs. Brendan Idol


Non Title: The Ring Generals vs. The People's Team


The Titans and Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma, James Justice and Nicky Champion

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