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USPW: You Can Go Home Again

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T-Rex vs. James Justice

Comment:As with pretty much every match-up on this card I could see this going either way but I go with the more talented guy here.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment:Again I go with more talented guy though it might be DQ or count out victory in order to keep the belt on Valentine slighly longer.


Steve Flash vs. The Force

Comment:Flash gets a debut win.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers of Power

Comment:No idea so I back the champs.


USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb

Comment:When I doubt I go with the champ and that´s the case here.


#1 Contenders Match, Last Man Standing Match: Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment:I expect Enygma to retain and if that happens then Bruce is more likely opponent for him than Chris.


USPW World Title Match, Casket Match: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine

Comment: Could go either way but I like to give champs some succesful title defenses before moving the belt so I go with Enygma retaining this time.

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Prediction Key:

T-Rex vs. James Justice



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion



Steve Flash vs. The Force



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers of Power



USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb



#1 Contenders Match, Last Man Standing Match: Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield



USPW World Title Match, Casket Match: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine


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T-Rex vs. James Justice

Comment: It makes a change, and revenge for T-Rex (even through dodgy means) sets up a third encounter. Old school booking at its finest!

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: Tough one, because Valentine is the National title. He also sucks, so I'm going for Nicky!

Steve Flash vs. The Force

Comment: DQ. A heel Steve Flash is a great idea, and something that is rarely (if ever) done elswhere.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers of Power

Comment: I like the Towers?

USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb

Comment: Could be absolutely anyone, so I'm going for Raven!

#1 Contenders Match, Last Man Standing Match: Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Last Man Standing tends to favour Bruce's power, but I think Chris Caulfield suits the against-all-odds character which would benefit from this win.

USPW World Title Match, Casket Match: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine

Comment: Again, a casket match suits Baine, but I think something will keep Enygma at the top for a while longer.

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T-Rex vs. James Justice



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: Can't stand Valentine, but I don't see him losing this one


Steve Flash vs. The Force

Comment: Looking forward to see how far a heel Flash goes


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers of Power



USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb



#1 Contenders Match, Last Man Standing Match: Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: A new challenger for the champ


USPW World Title Match, Casket Match: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine




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Friday Week 4 January 2010

Stanley Hall (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: D


Citizen X defeated Jay Chord...D+

ANGLE: Interview with Lisa Bowen...D

Mean Jean Cattley defeated Findlay O'Farraday...D+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Findlay O'Farraday and Jay Chord...D-

Ace Youngblood defeated Brett Starr...E

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Rip Chord and Citizen X...C+

Cameron Vessey defeated Max Mayhem...D-

Citizen X defeated Mean Jean Cattley...C-

Cameron Vessey defeated Ace Youngblood...D-

Citizen X defeated Cameron Vessey for the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge title...D



Saturday Week 4 January 2010

The Arkansas Coliseum (South East)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: C


Bart Biggz defeated Knuckles...D+

Akima Brave defeated John Greed...D

Marc DuBois went to a double DQ with Kurt Laramee...C+

Enforcer Roberts defeated Randy Bumfhole...C+


OOC Note: I am planning on the pay-per-view to come out sometime within the next day or so. So this is your warning for predictions and the like. :)

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Prediction Key:

T-Rex vs. James Justice


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Steve Flash vs. The Force


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Towers of Power


USPW Womens Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb


#1 Contenders Match, Last Man Standing Match: Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


USPW World Title Match, Casket Match: Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine

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It would appear that I forgot to update the prediction contest after the last USPW American Wrestling show. So, here it is!


Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


This week, several people scored a perfect 7/7 in the contest. Congratulations to Zergon, Rayelek, flaviooooo, Emark and 20LEgend!


1. 20LEgend=4 Wins

2. Emark=3 Wins

Zergon=3 Wins

4. Huntman=2 Wins

Lexa90=2 Wins

Rayelek=2 Wins

flaviooooo=2 Wins

8. jhd1=1 Win

9. Midnightnick=0 Wins

CamillePunk=0 Wins

LoNdOn=0 Wins

Bigpapa42=0 Wins

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Saturday Week 4 January 2010

Location: The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 13,403

Overall Rating: C+

PPV Buyrate: .57




[The show begins with a video focusing on the main event this evening. The beat-downs by Tyson Baine almost each and every week are shown. However, after each beat-down, Enygma is shown standing up again and again. He takes the punishment but he simply will not stay down. He will not falter without a fight. Then the casket comes into play. The casket comes out and out comes the mystery man from the last USPW American Wrestling. Just who is this mystery man? How will he play into the match tonight? There's only one way to find out and that's to see USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams live and only on pay-per-view!]






[inside The Dust Bowl, over 13,000 fans were on their feet for the first ever USPW live pay-per-view! The fans cheered and began a 'USPW' chant to begin the show as Danny Jillefski and Timothy Hawk welcomed everyone to the show. Danny seemed nearly choked up at the thought of USPW on pay-per-view. He reminded everyone that he was once the owner of the company and this was always a dream of his.]


[As the cheers and chants went through the crowd, the USPW Owner Sam Strong came walking out. He high fived the crowd in the front row, moving around the ring to do so before he entered inside. He took in more chants from the crowd before he welcomed everyone to USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams. He lets everyone know that he is not going to take up too much time tonight. He wants to thank each and every person here for their support. It is because of the fans that USPW is now on pay-per-view! The fans are the reasons these wrestlers are able to come out here and do their craft. Tonight is the beginning of a new age for USPW. So let's get to it!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Liberty_dse81.jpg

T-Rex vs. James Justice


[Our opening contest is one that definitely got the fans completely hyped for what is to come this evening as The Jurassic Power T-Rex comes down with Shane Sneer in his corner to take on the popular 'Dude' James Justice. To no one's surprise, this is a back and forth matchup between these two wrestlers with neither man showing a distinct advantage until toward the end of the match. This was when Shane Sneer tripped up James Justice as Justice had T-Rex set up for the Dude Knee Drop. T-Rex took advantage of this situation and slipped over and behind Justice, hooking in the Jurassic Crush! The Swinging Full Nelson had Justice trying his best not to fade. Justice fought against the power but started to fade slowly down to the mat as T-Rex held on tight. The referee stepped in and began raising Justice's arm as the crowd began clapping and cheering to try and get Justice back into the match. It never happened as the arm fell for a third time and the referee called for the bell.]


Winner: T-Rex (Via Submission @ 8:24)

Match Rating: B-


[T-Rex gets the win but he wasn't finished with James Justice. He would not release the Jurassic Crush despite the referee telling him to let go. The referee gets taken down by Shane Sneer and T-Rex holds onto the hold for about a minute longer before he finally releases and Justice is left down on the mat while T-Rex gets his arm raised by Shane Sneer. Will the same thing happen later on?]






[We head backstage where Darryl Devine and Seduction are pacing in front of the USPW Interview area. Devine focuses his speech on Seduction, asking her why he is not on the pay-per-view in a match. He talks about how he is the best wrestler in USPW and he proves it each and every night. Of course Seduction agrees with him. He ends the interview by saying he is going to have to do something that will make an impact.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/PeterValentine_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/NickyChampion_jhd2-1.jpg


USPW National Title Match

Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion


[A halfway decent match here. It's a lot more than the fans might expect from the USPW National Champion Peter Valentine. Though even Valentine seems off his game during the match. Nicky Champion takes advantage of this several times, getting the crowd in his favor. Valentine, though, is resourceful and uses the ring post outside the ring to knock Champion for a loop. Back in the ring, Valentine sets up Champion for the Heart Breaker Heart Punch but Champion manages to dodge the hit! Champion goes into a comeback much like his mentor Sam Strong. The crowd stands on their feet as they watch Champion bring down Valentine with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Champion turns to Valentine as the USPW National Champion gets to his feet -- Hawkeye Hammer! Nicky Champion makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have a new USPW National Champion!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 7:23; Nicky Champions wins the USPW National title)

Match Rating: D+






[We head backstage to a rather spooky scene with mist forming inside a locker room. Tyson Baine is standing beside the casket that will be used later on for the casket match with him and Enygma. Baine explains to the audience that tonight a darkness shall fall upon the USPW landscape. That darkness will come from within the new USPW World Champion. That darkness will cover and destroy all things within his path. Tonight that darkness will destroy an Enygma. Tonight Enygma will rest in peace.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/SteveFlashbyewanite.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JimForce_dse81.jpg

Steve Flash vs. The Force


[This matchup has a lot more flow than a lot of people would have thought. It really brought the crowd back into it as they rallied behind their hero The Force. The Force used several clotheslines and a press slam. He went for a splash late in the game but Flash was able to move out of the way. The match continued with a back and forth quickened pace between these two. Eric Tyler did a little distracting and interfering against The Force. The last distraction leads to Flash hitting The Force with the Flash Bang and making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Pinfall @ 6:42)

Match Rating: C+






[backstage to the interview area we go once again where the challengers to the USPW World Tag Team Champions The Towers of Power stand alongside their manager Shane Sneer and his bodyguard Jumbo Jackson. Sneer is the one to speak up about the match coming up in just a few minutes. He talks about how the Sneer Corporation already picked up one victory tonight and they are due for a second one. This time it's tag team gold. Sneer ends the interview by saying that the people are worthless when faced with the Sneer Corporation.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/FreddieDatsun_alt3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DesDavids-1-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The People's Team defend vs. The Towers of Power


[Freddie Datsun and Des Davids definitely have the people aka the fans in their corner for this title defense against the former four time USPW World Tag Team Champions The Towers of Power. There is a bit of awkwardness in the team of Datsun and Davids. It would seem that they don't work as well together as a team as the Towers of Power do. But individually they do very well against the team of Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles. Des Davids ended up being the face-in-peril in this match with several double teams from the Towers on him. He ended up hitting Rushmore with a Quarterback Sack, though and was barely able to tag out. In came both Datsun and Muscles. It was a brawl between these two veterans until Shane Sneer climbed on the apron and Jumbo Jackson climbed into the ring. Muscles held Datsun by the arms from behind him. Jackson winds up and throws a punch -- Datsun ducks! Silver dollars go spilling into the ring from the shot by Jackson! He had a roll of silver dollars in his hand! Datsun sends Jackson out of the ring and picks up Muscles -- Patriot Press! Davids comes in and knocks Sneer off the apron as Datsun makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The People's Team (Via Pinfall @ 7:36; The People's Team retain the USPW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C






[The crowd boos like there is no tomorrow as Andre Jones, the USPW Television Champion, comes out to the ring. He talks about this being the first ever USPW pay-per-view so of course he had to be here since he is the USPW Televison Champion! He is also the greatest athlete that USPW has ever seen. He is a former pro volleyball player, after all. That is the toughest sport. It's tougher than hockey or football or even wrestling. And he has proven that by spiking each and every wrestler he has faced. He draws some more boos and chants of 'You suck' from the fans before he tells everyone that he will see them on his show: USPW Andre Wrestling.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/RavenNightfall_sockpuppet.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AliceStrum1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/BelleBryden_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg


USPW Womens Title Match

Raven Robinson defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb


[Our USPW Womens title match was a very competitive and very fast-paced match as all four women were in the ring at the same time. Though for the majority of the match it seemed that two women were inside the ring and two women were outside the ring. This scenario led to several near fall attempts being broken up by one of the women from outside the ring. At one point, Alicia Strong showed her flying skills by leap off the top turnbuckle and onto all three of her opponents! The action moved back inside the ring with Belle Bryden and Raven Robinson battling. Raven went for the Night Faller but Bryden grabbed the top rope to keep from being taken down. She nailed Raven with the Dish of the Day! With Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb battling outside the ring it looked like we would have a new USPW Womens Champion! But then some strange music began to play. Belle Bryden looked toward the top of the ramp and she shook her head. The camera picked up on her saying 'No.' Then a woman came out from the back.]




[Only about half of the USPW faithful recognized the woman that came from the back but Belle Bryden definitely recognized her. These two women have done battle back and forth for four years in many different promotions all over the world. The woman identified by Danny Jillefski as 'J-Ro' Joanne Rodriguez watched as Alicia Strong entered the ring. Strong slips in behind Bryden and rolls her up: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have a brand new USPW Womens Champion and the Champion was not even involved in the fall!]


Winner: Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 8:16; Alicia Strong wins the USPW Womens title)

Match Rating: C+






[As the fans stir within their seats, Danny Jillefski lets them know that tonight we have Captain USA, who is going to lead them through the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag! The crowd cheers and stands as Captain USA walks through the curtain. He pauses, absorbing in the cheers and the USA chants. Then someone comes in from behind him.]




[This mammoth of a man attacks Captain USA from behind! Several forearm shots are given and then USA is slammed against the guardrail! The crowd boos heavily at the interruption of Captain USA and this man, this Big Problem as he is called by Danny Jillefski, continues his assault on Captain USA. He grabs the Captain by the throat and raises him high in the air -- Choke Slam! The Big Problem beats his chest and growls at the crowd, who respond with overwhelming boos. The Big Problem walks to the back as security steps in and they help Captain USA.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/BruceTheGiant_sockpuppet.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

#1 Contenders Match

Last Man Standing Match

Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


[Our semi main event doesn't begin in the ring like any normal match. No, it begins within the locker room area where Bruce and Chris are trading punches. The brawl between the two men spills from the locker room to a hallway and then into another locker room where female screams can be heard. Belle Bryden is shown in the background wearing nothing but a towel! She slips somewhere to hide herself and the brawl exits out of the women's locker room. Bruce picks up Caulfield and slams him on a table in the hallway! The table doesn't break but Caulfield cringes in pain. Bruce gets a five count before Caulfield is able to stand again.]


[Eventually, the action does spill out from the back and onto the stage where Caulfield has gained the upper hand on his larger opponent through the use of a steel chair! Caulfield sets the chair on the stage and hooks Bruce -- DDT on the chair! Bruce spills onto his back and Caulfield stands, waiting on the count by the referee. The count gets up to six before Bruce gets to a knee and Caulfield goes back on the attack. The action spills down to the ringside area where Caulfield grabs a ladder and sets it up! Caulfield climbs the ladder and leaps toward Bruce -- caught! Bruce catches Caulfield around the waist and turns, ramming him back-first into the ring post and then tosses him against the ladder! Both men are bloody messes by this point and the referee begins to count Caulfield: 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9 -- NO! Caulfield is up! How in the world is he still standing?]


[The battle rages on between these two men to determine just who will be the new number one contender after this evening is done. The brawl continues in a back and forth fashion with both men getting a good amount of offensive moves. Bruce goes for a splash in the corner when they go back inside the ring but Caulfield avoids the splash! Both men are moving slowly at this point, trying to catch their breath. Caulfield grabs a chair and slams it against Bruce's head and then against his ribs over and over again. Caulfield drops the chair and hooks Bruce -- Danger Drop on the chair! Both men lie on the mat utterly exhausted as the count begins. The count reaches five with both men still down: 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- Caulfield uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet -- 9 -- 10! Bruce is down and Bruce is out! We have a new number one contender and that man is the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Ten Count @ 10:57; Chris Caulfield wins the #1 Contendership)

Match Rating: C


[Caulfield grabs an American flag from outside the ring and moves inside, waving the flag and drawing in the chants of 'USA, USA, USA!' What a proud, proud moment for the Hardcore American! But we still have a match to go!]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg

USPW World Title Match

Casket Match

Enygma defends vs. Tyson Baine


[Our main event of the evening and this should be just as good of a match as we have seen all evening, if not better! Two men looking for the USPW World title. Only one man will walk away from this match. The other will be carted out inside of a wooden casket. Tyson Baine comes down to the ring first with Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson in his corner. The three of them push the casket down to the ring and let it remain there as they climb inside. Sneer and Jackson move down to ringside as we get the entrance of the USPW World Champion. Enygma moves through the crowd, getting pats on the back and well-wishes from his fans. Enygma leaps the guardrail where he is assaulted by Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson! Enygma throws punches, taking Sneer down with a punch and then Jackson down with a clothesline. He enters the ring and tosses off the belt, sizing up Tyson Baine.]


[Even before the bell sounds, Shane Sneer has shown that he is willing to do everything that he possibly can to ensure that Tyson Baine walks away as the champion. The two men square off against each other inside the ring and the first few minutes of the bout are fought fairly even. The match begins at a slow clip with Baine sitting up several times after assaults by Enygma. Baine sends Enygma to the ropes and bounces off -- Flying Clothesline! The USPW World Champion is down and hurting! Baine picks him up and turns him over in position for the Tombstone Piledriver! But Enygma manages to wiggle free, sliding down to the mat and tripping Baine into a Boston Crab. But there's no submissions in this match. You have to be the first to put your opponent in the casket. At around the 10 minute mark, Enygma has Baine down on the mat and he goes for the casket for the first time. He opens the lid and someone sits up!]




[it's that mystery man from the last USPW American Wrestling! The mystery man wraps his hand around the throat of Enygma and begins choking him. Enygma struggles but the mystery man climbs from the casket and stands over Enygma, choking him right down to the mat. He finally releases and stands over Enygma before turning and exiting the ring. Tyson Baine sees this as an opportunity. He slides over to Enygma and begins rolling Enygma toward the casket! Enygma gets to the bottom rope before he starts throwing punches! He punches away at the head of Baine, finally knocking him backward and Enygma moves quickly away from the casket!]


[The match continues to wage forward between the two men inside the ring as they each try to pull the other closer to the casket and closer to the belt. Enygma charges at Tyson Baine but Baine ducks and back drops Enygma up and over the top rope and even over the casket to the floor below! The crowd gasps at how far the throw was with Enygma landing hard on his back. Baine exits the ring and pulls Enygma to his feet, whipping him hard into the casket. Baine walks over and opens the casket. He lifts Enygma up and tosses him inside but Enygma is able to jump free and land inside the ring. Baine follows him inside and the match continues.]


[Enygma and Baine brawl once again in the center of the ring with Baine gaining the advantage. He grabs Enygma by the throat and raises him up. He's going for the Hades Bomb! NO! Enygma breaks free and slips behind Baine. He trips the Demon From The Deep and grabs the ankle. He's going for the Enygma Variation! Baine kicks him off at the last moment. Both men get to their feet. Enygma bounces off the ropes and charges at Baine -- goozled -- HADES BOMB! Tyson Baine connects with the Hades Bomb! Baine looks down at Enygma and then begins rolling him toward the casket. Baine slides Enygma inside and closes the lid! We have a brand new USPW World Champion!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Casket @17:30; Tyson Baine wins the USPW World title)

Match Rating: B


[shane Sneer celebrates outside the ring! He moves around and grabs the USPW World title belt, sliding inside along with Jumbo Jackson. These three men are joined in the center of the ring by the rest of the Sneer Corporation. Tyson Baine raises his arms in victory, raising the USPW World title into the air. The final scene of USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams looks like this.]



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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


For the first ever USPW pay-per-view the highest score was 3/7! Congratulations to Midnightnick, flaviooooo, Zergon, jhd1, Emark and Bigpapa42!


1. 20LEgend=4 Wins

Emark=4 Wins

Zergon=4 Wins

4. flaviooooo=3 Wins

5. Huntman=2 Wins

Lexa90=2 Wins

Rayelek=2 Wins

jhd1=2 Wins

9. Midnightnick=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

11. CamillePunk=0 Wins

LoNdOn=0 Wins

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I don't think you jinxed yourself too much. It seems like the pay-per-view was very difficult to predict this month.


You got that right! Great card and I did not expect the results to come out the way they did.

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The first ever pay-per-view in the history of United States Pro Wrestling and I was able to be a part of it. I wasn't a major part of it, granted, as I was on the announce team with Danny Jillefski. But I sat there and I watched as the plans unfolded inside the ring with the brilliance that I hope that I constructed.


My plan with this pay-per-view was to build up matches where no one could predict the winners. I wanted both sides to be so evenly matched that choosing a winner would be difficult. For the most part, I think I was successful in this.


There were several title changes throughout the evening. This technique is commonly used when a new booker comes into town. It is a way of leaving one's mark on the company. However, it doesn't mean that they were simply title changes for the sake of changing the champions. There is a purpose to this and one that shall unfold as the weeks move forward.


Many people point to my portrayal of Steve Flash as something odd. It is something that they did not expect to occur. In professional wrestling, if you can surprise the audience then you have a chance to electrify them. I have faith and trust in Steve and his manager Eric Tyler to do just that. I want them to electrify the wrestling world.


Success at one pay-per-view is good. But you are only as good as your last card. You are only as good as your next card turns out to be. The next question is: can I sustain this ride? The answer is: we'll see.

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USPW American Wrestling


Belle Bryden and Emma Stone vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez

Two more women make their debuts this week on USPW American Wrestling as Belle Bryden teams up with the vengeful Emma Stone and Alicia Strong teams up with Joanne Rodriguez. There is definitely a link between Bryde and Rodriguez, as shown by their interaction on the pay-per-view. What will happen when Rodriguez teams with the USPW Womens Champion against Bryden and Stone?


Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner

Local Wrestler, Disco Fever Ernie Turner gets a shot here against the man who wants to bring tradition back to professional wrestling. Will Turner pick up the upset victory or will Flash beat another gimmick the way he did against The Force?


The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol

The Big Problem made his debut live and on pay-per-view when he attacked Captain USA. Captain USA had been prepared to lead the fans in the pledge of allegiance but something tells me that The Big Problem didn't care. This week, local wrestler Brendan Idol will try to stand up to The Big Problem in the latter's in-ring debut.


#1 Contender Match, National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex

A big match here this evening as we look to crown a new number one contender to the USPW National title won by Nicky Champion last Saturday night at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Of course, Peter Valentine sees himself as the rightful #1 contender but can he get through Captain USA or the Jurassic Power T-Rex? T-Rex is riding some momentum after beating James Justice at Stars, Stripes And Slams.


All this and more on USPW American Wrestling.


Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden and Emma Stone vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez



Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner



The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol



#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex




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Belle Bryden and Emma Stone vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne RodriguezComment:


Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner



The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol



#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex


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Belle Bryden and Emma Stone vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez

Comment:Coin flip


Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner

Comment:Flash beated Force so he won´t be losing to Turner either.


The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol



#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex

Comment: T-Rex just got a big win over Justice and I don´t see him losing his momentum against someone of Valentine´s skill level.

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Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden and Emma Stone vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez

Comment: Emma Stone = Emma Bitch?


Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner

Comment: Better push Flash now before his age catches up with him.


The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol

Comment: Idol = jobber


#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex

Comment: Wishful thinking

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Belle Bryden and Emma Stone vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez



Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner



The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol



#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex



Signs: "Flash Bang Turner-Disco is Dead!"

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Following the success of the first ever pay-per-view, people would say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Some people would tell me that I am a fool for looking to change this company as it could end up for the worst, rather than for the better. But progress must be made for a wrestling company to get better and to move up that unwritten ladder, that unwritten hierarchy that says that SWF and TCW are way up here and USPW is right around the middle rung of the ladder.


To that effect, several secret meetings have been held over the last few days and I suspect that several more will be held over the course of the next week. There are certain things I am not allowed to comment on as per the order of USPW Owner and my boss Sam Strong. But there is one thing that I can certainly comment on.


Within the month of February, USPW will have a developmental company. What that means is that we can send certain wrestlers down there to train our young wrestlers. We can also send wrestlers down there to be trained. The details of this promotion are still being worked on as I write this. However, what this does mean is that we are going to be moving certain wrestlers to written contracts rather than the pay-per-appearance contracts that have been working on. Some may resist this effort. Others may welcome making more money than they've made. But at the end of the day I know that this will be a positive for everyone involved. But the next set of news might just be even bigger!

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Sunday Week 4 January 2010

Plum Park (Tri State)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B


Aaron Andrews defeated Charlie Thatcher...C-

Chance Fortune defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx...D

Joel Bryant, Genghis Rahn and American Buffalo defeated Joshua Taylor, Giant Tana and Clark Alexander...C+

Sammy Bach defeated Robert Oxford...B-

Danny Fonzarelli defeated Brent Hill...B-

Sam Keith defeated Guide...C+

Eddie Peak defeated Freddy Huggins...B

Rick Law defeated Scout to retain the TCW International title...B-

Joey Minnesota went to a double count out with Tommy Cornell...A

Edd Stone defeated John Anderson to retain the TCW All Action title...B-

Bryan Vessey defeated Troy Tornado...B+

Rocky Golden defeated Wolf Hawkins to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title...B



Tuesday Week 1 February 2010

President's Hall (Puerto Rico)

Attendance: 5,000

Show Rating: B+


Robbie Retro defeated Knuckles...D+

Captain Atomic defeated John Greed...D

American Machine defeated Marc DuBois...C+

Eric Eisen and Remo defeated Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley...B-

Marat Khoklov defeated Rich Money...A



Tuesday Week 1 February 2010

The V. Thompson Arena (South West)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Joshua Taylor defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx...D

Freddy Huggins defeated Texas Pete...C+

Sammy Bach defeated Joel Bryant...B-

Brent Hill defeated John Anderson...C+

Bryan Vessey and Rocky Golden defeated Troy Tornado and Danny Fonzarelli...B-

Freedom Fighters defeated The Syndicate...B+



Tuesday Week 1 February 2010

The Portland Center (North West)

Attendance: 1,000

Show Rating: C-


Gorgon defeated Michelle Brendon to retain the AAA Top Contender's title...D-

Jessica Bunny defeated Miss Mexico...E+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Catherine Quine, Grace Harper and Cat Jemson...B-

Katherine Goodlooks defeated Jaime Quine...D+

ANGLE: Skit involving Sara Marie York, Suzanne Brazzle and Demelza Wade...C+

Vixxen defeated Wendy Anderson...D-

Sara Marie York defeated Nadia Snow...D+

ANGLE: Interview with Nadia Snow...C

Catherine Quine defeated Grace Harper...C

Suzanne Brazzle defeated Demelza Wade to retain the AAA Femme Fatale title...C-


OOC Note: With my vacation coming up next week, I wanted to go ahead and get the next show done. I have it written up completely so this is your 24 hour warning for predictions. :)

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Great PPV as always, my friend. Shocked to see the titles changing so rapidly but they all made sense and it lets you put your own stamp on USPW (again!).


Belle Bryden and Emma Stone vs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez

Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner

The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol

#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex

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Prediction Key:

Belle Bryden and Emma Stonevs. Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez


Steve Flash vs. Ernie Turner

These are the matches Flash wins, he then passes this onto relevant people and put them over hugely

The Big Problem vs. Brendan Idol

Odd one but since Brendan couldn't realistically beat Problem and USPW loves the huge guys

#1 Contender Match, USPW National Title: Peter Valentine vs. Captain USA vs. T-Rex

The others are clearly on the way DOWN

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