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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

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The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

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Card subject to change


The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect


He's Perfect


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man


I want to put Honky Tonk Man as The Warrior's one loss sends him in a downwards spiral but I don't think thats goign to happen.


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)


ALWAYS loved Akeem and HATED, HATED, HATED Piper and Roberts. Always.

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A coherent interview with the Warrior??? ZOMG you're managing what no one ever got done :p ... Although truth be told, when he said "HULK HOGAN .. I AM GOING TO HIJACK YOUR HULKAMANIA PLANE AND CRASH IT INTO PARTS UNKNOWN" I had a mark out moment back then. Well I was 15 >_< so don't blame me, lol.


Haha what I always found funny was how he said Hogan's name. He never actually said Hulk Hogan. He said it like "HO-KOGAN!" I loved it at the time, but now that I look back on it, yeah that was pretty hilarious.

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I always heard it as "Hull Kogan."


The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation


Already some build for the Harts, this gets them one step closer to the top of the tag ranks.


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat


Just because you've been favoring some heel hosses, I'll pick a babyface hoss.


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect


Beefcake was a major name in 1989, while Perfect was still being built. No way you'd ever see this match in WWF during this time outside of a big PPV though, as they were protecting Perfect up the card and Beefcake was a top babyface (he even main evented Summerslam as Hogan's partner).


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man


Unless you're 100% getting rid of the Warrior, he needs to get some heat back.


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)


Possibly a DQ from the heels here.

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The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation

Keep building the Harts


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat

Martel tootalented to lose to a Tugboat gimmick


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect

Id go with Perfect here


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man

Based on comments that warrior could be shown his walking papers


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

Ill go with the good guys here, sending the fans home happy

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The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation

-The Harts continue to build momentum as they get closer to the Brain Busters.


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat

-Always thought Martel was underrated and am hoping he gets a decent midcard push here.


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect

-Perfect dominates the match only to be disqualified as Beefcake makes the late match comeback.


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man

-Hard one to call seeing as how Warrior is in the doghouse, but if he is still chasing Rude he'll need to regain some of his heat from losing the belt.


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

-Dunno why but i see Jake backstabbing Piper and turning heel in this one.

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The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation

They are obviously being built up to take the titles from Anderson and Blanchard.


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat

I was always a big fan of Martel.


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect

Here's hoping for a WWF Title run!


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man

He's just too popular to lose.


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

I can't see The Twin Towers picking up the win here against two future hall of famers. However, Dead_Jester brings up an excellent idea: A heel turn would set up an epic feud.


Looks like a good show.

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Nice start. My knowledge on this time period is pretty bad but I still enjoy this a lot.


The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Warlord) vs. The Hart Foundation

Foundation seems to be in tag title race so they win this one.


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat

Eh, I don´t know anything about Tugboat so guess I won´t pick him, not that I know that much about Martel either.


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect

No idea so this one is pretty much a guess.


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man

Unless you plan to job Warrior out of the company I´d assume that he is currently the one being higher on the ladders.


Roddy Piper and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

Bigger names.

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- We cut in to see Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan behind the desk in the PrimeTime Wrestling studios.


Gorilla Monsoon - WWF fans, welcome to Primetime Wrestling! I’m your host Gorilla Monsoon and as always, alongside me is Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, who is probably a little happier than usual tonight after the recent events at Saturday Night’s Main Event.


Bobby Heenan - You got that right, Monsoon. The Heenan Family walked in with the tag belts, and walked out of Boston with the tag belts AND the Intercontinental Championship.


GM - But there seemed to be a clear mistake made in that match.


BH - What are you talking about, Monsoon?


GM - You’ll find out a little later in the program, Brain. But for now, we get things started with the Hart Foundation taking on the Powers of Pain!

The Powers of Pain vs. The Hart Foundation

<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=barbarian3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/barbarian3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=warlord3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/warlord3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=BretHart18.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/BretHart18.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jimneidhart2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jimneidhart2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: Strength vs. technical wrestling in this one, as Barbarian and Warlord used their power in the early portion of the match to wear down a seemingly more energetic than usual Hart Foundation. But after wearing down Hart with a series of bodyslams, Warlord got a little overconfident and went over to taunt The Anvil on the apron. Anvil gave him a haymaker and sent the massive man stumbling back. Meanwhile, Hart slowly started crawling towards Anvil and eventually got the hot tag. Anvil cleaned house on Warlord and then took out Barbarian. Anvil then hit a huge powerslam before connecting on the Flying Sledgehammer to score the win for the Foundation.


WINNERS: The Hart Foundation at 8:01 (68)


GM - Another huge win for the Hart Foundation, Brain!


BH - Ah these guys are due to start their downward spiral soon.


GM - And what gives you that impression?


BH - I know these kinds of things, Monsoon. These two couldn't hold a candle to Arn and Tully.


GM - Interesting. Well it’s time for our second matchup of the evening!


BH - Am I in it?


GM - No….


BH - Well I don’t really care then.

GM - Beautiful analysis there, Brain.


Rick Martel vs. Tugboat

<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=rickmartel5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/rickmartel5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=tugboat.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/tugboat.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: A basic match here with Martel mainly avoiding any type of contact with Tugboat by immediately rolling to the outside when there were signs of Tugboat gaining some offense. The big man eventually got tired of this and went outside the ring to race after Martel. After making one lap around the ring, Martel quickly stopped in front of the ring post and Tugboat came roaring at him. But Martel sidestepped him and Tugboat hit the post at full force. Martel slid kicked on him a little after he went down, and slipped into the ring before the referee counted out his opponent.


WINNER: Rick Martel via countout at 5:15 (58)


GM - A nice bounce back win for Martel after he and The Honky Tonk Man were defeated by the Hart Foundation at Saturday Night’s Main Event.


BH - With performances like that, I might have to give Martel a look, Monsoon!


GM - You’re giving pretty much everyone a look these days, Brain.


BH - Not the ugly back there working the camera.


GM - Oh would you stop!


BH - What? You see her, Monsoon. She’s a brute!


GM - You’re ridiculous! Let’s get to this interview with Mr. Perfect before you say anything else you might regret.



Mr. Perfect - “Ya know, it’s getting old doing this. One week after another, I keep telling everyone that I’m.....perfect. But yet everyone keeps underestimating me. Well, several men have made that mistake, including Tito Santana who I sent back to the locker room in a world of hurt at Saturday Night’s Main Event. And now? Now it’s time to teach Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake the same lesson that I’ve taught everyone else here in the World Wrestling Federation. And that is that no matter who you are or what you do, you’ll never be perfect. Because there’s only one man in the wrestling world that is. And you’re looking at him.” (88)


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect


<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=brutusbeefcake3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/brutusbeefcake3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=CurtHennig3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/CurtHennig3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: Perfect controlled the start of the match and was clearly pushing the fact that he’s simply perfect right now in the ring. Beefcake then began to open the match up a little bit with some high energy moves that had Perfect staggering. But once again, Perfect found a way to outsmart his opponent, as Beefcake had Perfect down in the corner and played to the crowd a little too long. Beefcake then went after Perfect slowly as he was still down and seemingly in a lot of pain. But as Beefcake was a few steps away, Perfect jumped up quickly and kicked him in the midsection, and then delivered the Perfect Plex for the flash victory from out of nowhere.


WINNER: Mr. Perfect at 9:56 (73)

- After the match, Beefcake got up and was clearly upset with himself. He went over to the ropes and tried to pull The Genius into the ring by the hair, but Perfect pulled Genius away.


BH - (standing and clapping) Bravo, Perfect! Bravo!


GM - I guess you’re after him too, huh Brain?


BH - Of course I am Monsoon! He’s got The Genius out there, but he knows who the real genius is in the World Wrestling Federation. I’m confident that Perfect will realize that the Heenan Family is where he needs to be.


GM - We’ll see about that. But speaking of the Heenan Family, Brain…..we’ve got a little breaking news to let you know about.


BH - What do you mean breaking news?


GM - I think you should probably see for yourself what went down earlier today at the offices of the World Wrestling Federation.


- We cut to a video where we see WWF President Jack Tunney sitting in his office at the WWF headquarters looking over some paperwork. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Ax and Smash enter the office in a determined manner.



Ax - “Tunney! What kind of joint are you running up here? We got cheated out of the Tag Team titles at Saturday Night‘s Main Event! We want answers!"


Tunney - “Gentlemen, gentlemen! Settle down a little bit. Let‘s talk about…..”

Smash - “Talk about nothing Tunney! We want action. We‘ve got the video right here of this crime against Demolition!”


- The video is replayed of the finish in which Arn Anderson threw the title belt to Smash and then fell to the mat in order to trick the referee into thinking Smash had delivered a shot with the belt, allowing the Brainbusters to retain.


Ax - “Now what are you gonna do about it?!"


Tunney - “Gentlemen, I thank you for coming all the way up here to plead your case. But as you both know, the rules committee are already looking into this and I will deliver our decision on the matter on Superstars. You‘ll just have to wait until then.”


Smash - “There‘s no decision to be made! We got screwed and we deserve another shot!”


Tunney - “I have nothing further to say on the matter at this time. Have a good day gentlemen.


- Ax and Smash leave the office infuriated as a somewhat scared Tunney looks on. (75)


BH - (clearly nervous and in a frenzy) WHAT DOES HE MEAN “LOOKING INTO THIS”?! LOOKING INTO WHAT?


GM - You know exactly what they’re looking into, Brain. The decision was a sham!


BH - The referee disqualified Smash for using the belt! That’s no sham!


GM - But Smash never used the belt. It’s as clear as daylight on that tape!


BH - That tape was clearly tampered with! Anderson got hit right in the head.


GM - Oh you’re just delusional now, Brain. What, scared that Demolition will finally take the belts off of the Brainbusters?


BH - Those two circus acts have already had their chances. It’s time for Arn and Tully to focus their attention elsewhere. This isn’t a buffet Monsoon, where you just get to keep getting something as many times as you want. You should know all about that!


GM - One thing I do know is that Arn’s claim of Demolition only having one shot left may not be true. But here’s something else that might scare you a little. Let’s hear from the former Intercontinental champion, The Ultimate Warrior!


- We see Warrior sitting in a chair in the locker room staring straight at the ground.



Ultimate Warrior- “WARRIORS…..I’ve been stripped of what is rightfully mine. I’ve been stripped of my Intercontinental championship by…..YOU! (looking into the camera) YOU RICK RUDE! You managed to catch the Warrior off-guard and use your cheap tactics to take the belt from not only me but from the Warriors out there as well! BUT DON’T YOU WORRY RUDE! You won’t catch me off-guard again! Because at every single turn that you make, I want you to ask yourself one question……WHERE IS THE WARRIOR?! You think you’ve outsmarted me. But now I want you to break down with fear and wonder where I am every single second of the day. IS THE WARRIOR HERE?! IS THE WARRIOR THERE?! Because I’m gonna be there when you least expect it! I’M COMING TO GET BACK MY TITLE RUDE! WARRIORS, WE WILL GET OUR REEEEEVEEEENNGGGE!” (84)


GM - It certainly sounds like the Warrior has quite the score to settle with your man ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude!


BH - (clearing his throat and wiping some sweat off of his forehead)


GM - You seem to be a little nervous there, Brain. Well, this probably won’t help matters either.


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=ultimatewarrior.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/ultimatewarrior.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=honkytonkman.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/honkytonkman.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: Although the Warrior enters every match with a rage, he was particularly amped up for this one. Honky seemed oblivious to the fact that every knew that the Warrior was about to unleash some frustration on him. But after a few punches that didn’t even phase the painted monster, Honky swallowed hard and Warrior completely demolished him and hit the Gorilla Press and Big Splash for the win.


WINNER: Ultimate Warrior at 3:02 (65)


GM - The Warrior didn’t look too happy out there and made quick work of Honky!


BH - Umm…..yes…..yes, he did.


GM - You still seem a little flustered there, Brain.


BH - Flustered? I’m not flustered. I’m perfectly fine, Monsoon.


- We hear the sound of the Ultimate Warrior’s theme music. Brain jumps out of his seat in a panic.




GM - I’m not sure where that’s coming from!


- Heenan continues to look around and grabs Monsoon for safety. The music stops.




GM - I didn’t do anything, Brain. Maybe the Warrior was here!


BH - Oh, don’t say that! Don’t say that! I’ve gotta call Rude! (creeps off the set still looking intently for the Warrior)


- We cut a to vignette with Rowdy Roddy Piper standing alongside a somewhat uninterested Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts.



Rowdy Roddy Piper - “Sooooo, the Big Bossman has decided to return from “fighting crime” and now the Twin Towers are back and ready to get a piece of the Hot Rod and the Snake. Well Bossman, you may want to head on back down to Cobb County, Georgia and go ahead and book me and the Snake, because we’re gonna give you two guys the beating of a lifetime out there tonight! Ain’t that right, Jake?”


- Roberts stares off in a daze.


Piper - “I said ain’t that right, JAKE?


- No response.


Piper - “He’s just a little shy, that’s all. Let’s head on out to the ring!”


Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jake ‘The Snake Roberts vs. The Twin Towers

<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=roddypiper2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/roddypiper2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jakeroberts5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jakeroberts5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=akeem.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/akeem.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=bigbossman3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/bigbossman3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: An odd match that was focused around the fact that every time Roberts was tagged into the ring, he would simply step into the ring and immediately turn back and tag Piper back in. Piper was dumbfounded but wanted to win the match so he pressed on. Towards the end of the match though, with Piper down on the mat, Bossman came over and verbally taunted Roberts and then slapped the taste out of his mouth. This set off a fire in him, and as he entered the ring with fury, he nailed the Bossman with the DDT…..and then proceeded to walk out of the ring and up the aisle way and behind the curtain. Akeem then took advantage of a confused Piper and slammed him hard, and the Bossman was able to recover and crawl over for the 1-2-3.


WINNERS: The Twin Towers at 11:07 (61)


GM - I don’t get it at all, Brain! What is going on with Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts?


BH - The man’s got a few screws loose if you ask me, Monsoon.


GM - He looked completely uninterested in the match, but then took out the Big Bossman…..and then proceeded to head to the locker room!


BH - Well if he stayed in the locker room, I’m sure Piper found him.


GM - We’ll have to see about that. But ladies and gentlemen, as we wrap up tonight’s show, let’s take a look back at the key highlights of the World Wrestling Federation title match between Hulk Hogan and the Million Dollar Man from Saturday Night’s Main Event! And be sure to watch Superstars where we’ll hear a few words from the champion himself!


- A highlight package airs of Hogan vs. DiBiase, concluding with the visual of the Hulkster in the ring holding his title belt above his head. (86)



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Really appreciate the nice feedback guys! Writing the back and forth between Gorilla and Heenan is a whole lot of fun. Again, I'm having a blast with this and am glad you guys are enjoying it. Prediction results and card for Superstars coming up shortly!
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Predictions - Primetime Wrestling (Week 3, Sept. 1989)


PoisonedSuperman - 5/5

Destiny - 4/5

Dead Jester - 4/5

soxfan93 - 4/5

Zergon - 4/5

Jingo - 4/5

Harmor - 3/5

oldschool - 3/5

lazorbeak - 2/5


Overall (4 Shows)


Harmor - 14

PoisonedSuperman - 14

Jingo - 12

oldschool - 10

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

Destiny - 7

Dead Jester - 4

soxfan93 - 4

Zergon - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2

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The Barbarian defeated The Mighty Hercules at 5:50 with the Swirling Backbreaker (56)


Earthquake defeated The Bushwhackers at 2:10 with the Earthquake Splash on both men (58)


The Rockers defeated Dino Bravo and Virgil at 7:46 with Jannetty using a small package on Virgil (71)


Rick Martel defeated Koko B. Ware at 6:35 with the Boston Crab (63)


Big Bossman drew with Hacksaw Jim Duggan after a double disqualification (53)


A video played hyping Hogan’s win over DiBiase and hyping up Superstars (84)




Forgot about this. Superstars card is next!

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)


Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart


Haku vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Tito Santana


*World Wrestling Federation President Jack Tunney will also be hand to announce the decision of the rules committee on the finish of the WWF Tag Team Championship Match at Saturday Night's Main Event. Plus, Mean Gene Okerlund will talk with Hulk Hogan about his win over the Million Dollar Man!


Pick away guys! Show should be up tomorrow night or Thursday morning.

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Damn it, PoisedSuperman is getting a little TOO poised for my liking :p ... anyways, my predictions:


The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)


Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart


Haku vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Tito Santana

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Card subject to change


The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman) - Twin Towers win, working their way up to be number one contenders when Demoliton win tag belts ;)


Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart - Bret is a tag team wrestler.


Haku vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Jake needs momentum for his fued with Piper



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Tito Santana - Easily

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The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

Towers just got a big win over Snake and Piper so I would continue it here by giving them a win.


Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart

Hart Foundation has been pretty impressive so far and I believe that will continue here.

Haku vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

I totally managed to forgot that Snake has problems right now on my last predictions, won´t do that mistake again.



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Tito Santana

Too early for a title change

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I grew up during this era of the WWF and am loving every minute of it. Really surprised with the rating the Towers vs Piper/Jake got though, really thought the name value of Piper/Jake alone would have carried it higher.


The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

-The Towers are coming off a huge win and i can see them being potential roadblocks on the Harts quest for the Tag Titles.


Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart

-As much as i like Martel i see Bret going over.


Haku vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

-Normally would have gone with Jake, but with his issues recently i can see him falling to defeat, maybe something involving Piper after their tag loss.



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Tito Santana

-Definately too soon for a title change.

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The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman)

Looks like the Towers are going to be the team to beat ..

Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart


Haku vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

Jake needs a win here after his Heel turn!?


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Tito Santana

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 3, Sept. 1989


- We cut in to see Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura standing on the stage with the ring in the backdrop.


Vince McMahon - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! We normally have time to talk about tonight’s contests, but the Twin Towers are already in the ring and trying to get their second straight victory. Let’s send it to Howard Finkel!


The Rockers vs. The Twin Towers


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Match Notes: This match never really got a chance to get going, as both teams sort of felt each other out in the early stages of the match and were trying to decide their best plan of attack. But before things got too intense, Hacksaw Jim Duggan came walking down the aisle and grabbed Slick. He picked him up and put him over his shoulder and started walking to the back when Bossman jumped out of the ring and gave chase. Akeem then went as well and the Rockers scored the countout victory before Bossman realized his mistake. Duggan released Slick and gave a huge thumbs up to Bossman who had tried to make his way back in before the ten count.


WINNERS: The Rockers via countout at 5:25 (66)


VM - What a victory for the Rockers!


JV - Oh come on, McMahon! Duggan clearly caused the countout. Michaels and Jannetty had nothing to do with this.


VM - Maybe not but they still were declared the winners.


JV - Well you can go ahead and put an asterisk beside that in the record books. There’s no way they could beat this team on a fair playing field.


VM - Have that as you may Jesse, but speaking of team, vice president Jack Tunney assured us that the rules committee would have a verdict on the ending to the Tag Team title match at Saturday Night’s Main Event. He’s standing by with Mean Gene Okerlund!



Mean Gene Okerlund - “Mr. Tunney, after Demolition smashed, no pun intended, into your office several days ago, you told the world that the committee would have their decision on the Tag Team title situation here tonight. And what exactly is that decision?”


Jack Tunney - “Well Gene, after careful deliberation and talking with members of my staff, here’s the conclusion that we’ve came to. The first match between these two teams ended in a countout, with the Brainbusters retaining their belts. The second match between these two teams ended with a disqualification. Now, after looking at the tape, it was clear that Smash never hit Arn Anderson with the title belt, and after seeing the video, referee Joey Marella admitted that he had made a mistake. Which is why there will be a third match between these two teams at Saturday Night’s Main Event next month…..and there will be no countouts and no disqualifications to ensure that we have a true winner.”


MGO - “No countouts and no disqualifications!? You heard it ladies and gentlemen, the Brainbusters will square off with Demolition one more time at Saturday Night’s Main Event! What a blockbuster announcement!” (73)


VM - Oh my Jesse! The Brainbusters vs. Demolition part three next month!


JV - I don’t see how this is fair, McMahon. Anderson and Blanchard have already beat them. Why must they prove they are the better team again?


VM - You know good and well that the finish of the last match was a complete fraud. Now we’ll definitely know who the better team is!


JV - I already know who the better team is. It’s the team that has the belts.


VM - We’ll know next month. Let’s get back to ringside!


Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart


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Match Notes: A great match as Martel really shined hear with his ridiculous antics and trying to plead for Hart to take it easy on him. Both men entered the match riding high, but the difference this time was that Martel didn’t have the Honky Tonky Man as his partner, yet Hart still had The Anvil with him at ringside. This match was pretty much back and forth, and when Hart got set to lock on the Sharpshooter late in the match, Martel quickly escaped and rolled to the outside to grab something from under the ring. It was his atomizer but upon seeing this, The Anvil hurried over and grabbed it right out of his hand which left Martel furious. This allowed Hart to grab Martel by the hair and bring him back on the apron, and Hart suplexed him right back into the ring. Then he locked on the Sharpshooter and Martel had no choice but to tap out.


WINNER: Bret Hart at 9:14 (78)


VM - The Hart Foundation once again gets the better of Martel, as they end his little winning streak here in the WWF!


JV - I don’t know what it is about the Hart Foundation, McMahon, but Martel just can’t seem to top them. He’s already got rid of the Honky Tonk Man. He needs to find a new partner!


VM - Maybe so Jesse! Because he certainly can’t beat them without one!



- We cut to the back where we see Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts standing in front of a sink and he leans down to splash some water on his face. He then slowly looks up and we see his reflection on the mirror as he looks at with a very intense stare.


JV - I can honestly say that I have no idea what is going on with this guy. He seems to have completely lost his mind.


VM - I don’t know if he’s lost his mind, but it’s clear that something is not quite right with The Snake these days. We’ll see if he can set his focus on Haku here tonight.


Haku vs. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts


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Match Notes: Haku was likely the favorite heading into the match as most people had no idea what to expect out of Roberts here due to his recent behavior. However, several minutes into the match, with Haku in complete control, Roberts completely changed his tune and became the aggressor and was absolutely relentless. Heenan thought about stepping in to try some distraction tactics, but thought better of it when Roberts started him down with an evil smile. Roberts hit the DDT after this to pick up the win.


WINNER: Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts at 4:29 (60)


VM - Finally we get a little emotion from The Snake!


JV - Well he showed it against the Big Bossman in the tag match and now he showed it again on Haku. He can be dangerous when he wants to be. But there’s still something not quite right about him. That’s for sure.


VM - We do know that Roddy Piper isn't here tonight as he's still recovering from that vicious slam from Akeem, or else we might see a little emotion from the Hot Rod after Jake's decision to walk out on his partner.


JV - You can bet that Piper will show up soon though, McMahon.


VM - You’re right about that. But folks, let’s head to the backstage area where Mene Gene is standing by with the Hulkster!


Mean Gene Okerlund -”Hulk Hogan, you got the better of your opponent, the Million Dollar Man, at Saturday Night’s Main Event and seem to be riding high right now.”

Hulk Hogan - “Well ya know something Mean Gene, all the Hulkamaniacs out there knew that I was doing to do whatever it took to keep this belt around my waist. And not even some help from Mr. Perfect could help the Million Dollar Man take down the red and yellow brother. Hulkamania is storming through the country and around the world brother, and it’s a great time to be a part of the Hulkamaniacs! So eat your vitamins and say your prayers, because Hulkamania is running wild! (flexes)”


MGO - “Short and sweet from the World Wrestling Federation champion!”


© ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude vs. Tito Santana - Intercontinental Title Match


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Match Notes: Though the crowd wanted to believe in Santana in this match, Rude managed to find a way to gain the upper hand throughout. Santana was able to catch an overly confident Rude off-guard in the early going due to a little too much showboating from the IC champ, but that didn’t last very long as it was clear that everything started to click for Rude. There were a few strange moments during the match that saw Rude stop his offense and look to the outside at Heenan who would look down the aisle. Presumably this was an attempt to look for The Ultimate Warrior who promised to keep Rude off-balance. Heenan looked way more nervous than usual and had trouble staying in one spot. Rude eventually calmed down and fought off one last push by Santana to hit the Rude Awakening and pick up the victory.


WINNER: Rick Rude retains the Intercontinental Championship at 10:17 (70)


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- After the match, Rude and Heenan were standing in the ring celebrating while still keeping one eye on the aisle for the Warrior. The crowd then went absolutely nuts as Rude and Heenan started to panic but didn’t see the Warrior anywhere. Warrior came out from under the ring and came in and took out Heenan with a clothesline and then traded punches with Rude. Warrior gained the upper hand and sent Rude over the top rope with a hard clothesline. He then picked up the IC title belt which had been dropped in the ring and held it up as the fans roared in approval. (86)


JV - Who does the Warrior think he is, McMahon? He needs to leave Rude alone. He’s not the champ anymore.


VM - Rude blatantly cheated him out of his title belt and the Warrior is out for some vengeance!


JV - I don’t see why he’s gotta hit The Brain! He didn’t do nothing.


VM - He’s a weasel, Jesse! But ladies and gentlemen, that’s it for tonight…..wait a second, we’re gonna go to the back where Hulk Hogan is standing by with a few Hulkamaniacs!



- We cut to the back where we see Hogan standing with a few small children near the exit of the building.


Hulk Hogan - “So brothers, if you eat your vitamins and say your prayers, you can be as big and strong as the Hulkster one day too, OK? Alright guys, I’ll see you later.”


- Hogan grabs his bags and walks out into the parking lot in search of his car. We hear the sound of an engine revving up and all of a sudden, we see a black car coming right at the Hulkster. Hogan stares right at it and manages to dive out of the way at the last second, and it clearly shaken up on the ground. We see the Million Dollar Man stick his head out of the driver’s side window.



Million Dollar Man - “I told you, Hogan! I’m gonna get you! No matter what it takes. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!”


- He drives off into the night with Hogan still nursing a few wounds after the hard dive to the ground. (82)



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Predictions - Superstars (Week 3, Sept. 1989)


Harmor - 3/4

Jingo - 3/4

PoisonedSuperman - 2/4

Zergon - 2/4

Dead Jester - 2/4


Overall (5 shows)


Harmor - 17

PoisonedSuperman - 16

Jingo - 15

oldschool - 10

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

Destiny - 7

Dead Jester - 6

Zergon - 6

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


Really appreciate all the predictions gentlemen! I'd say that these first five shows have been sort of the feeling out process of this particular era. So some exciting things are about ready to take form now that I'm getting the feel for booking these shows. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this thus far! Primetime Wrestling card will be up in a few.

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Marty Jannetty vs. Big Bossman


Arn Anderson vs. Ax


The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Warlord


Honky Tonk Man vs. Tito Santana



The Hart Foundation vs. Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect


*We'll also hear from Rowdy Roddy Piper and get his thoughts on Jake 'The Snake' Roberts' recent behavior. Plus, there will be a huge announcement concerning Saturday Night's Main Event next month!


Prediction time! Show should be up sometime tomorrow.

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