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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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And another great show that advanced things nicely. I love how DiBiase is playing innocent (kinda) and it'll be very interesting to know the outcome of this now that the intensity of the feud has gone up tremendously. Thumbs up and keep 'em coming ;)
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And another great show that advanced things nicely. I love how DiBiase is playing innocent (kinda) and it'll be very interesting to know the outcome of this now that the intensity of the feud has gone up tremendously. Thumbs up and keep 'em coming ;)


Appreciate the nice words man! I'm pretty excited about the direction of this storyline :D

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Predictions - Superstars (Week 4, Sept. 1989)


oldschool - 4/4

PoisonedSuperman - 3/4

Zergon - 3/4

Dead Jester - 3/4

Harmor - 2/4

Jingo - 2/4


Overall (7 shows)


Harmor - 23

PoisonedSuperman - 22

Jingo - 20

oldschool - 17

Zergon - 13

Dead Jester - 12

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

Destiny - 7

Beejus - 4

soxfan93 - 4

dudeamis - 3

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


As always, thanks for the predictions on the show guys! Primetime Wrestling card will be up later on.

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels


*Including a statement from WWF President Jack Tunney on the shocking conclusion to Superstars, as well a live satellite interview with the Million Dollar Man!


Let the predictions begin! Show should be up late tomorrow night or Tuesday.

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

Wow, Miracle Jobber Combination night huh?


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

See, I'm thinking outside the box on this one. I think when Savage comes back, he's gonna rip on Hogan, and Brutus will come out to defend the Hulkster's honor. As such, he's gonna need some momentum. Hence, he picks up a win here.


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain

Warpaint fetish on deck.


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka

Nothing could be more perfect.



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

I'm figuring Warrior runs in and gives it to Rude by DQ, but regardless it's a win for the Ravishing one.

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

No idea what to expect here.


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

I´m counting Hacksaw to make an interferense here since he is feuding with Akeem´s partner.


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain

Demolition stays strong as they have title match coming.


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka

Perfect seems to be higher on the ladders.



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

Too early for a title change and Shawn is still mainly tag guy at this point.

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

I like Dino Bravo, but not many people do...So I see him taking the fall here


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

Two of my most hated gimmicks of all time... i'll go w/ Akeem, cause at least he was cool as OMG


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain

I smell a no decision, but if Im going to pick a winner, Demolition is closer to the tag titles


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka

what year is it??? 1989?? Yes, OK then Mr. Perfect



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

good rub for Michaels, but Rude just got the belt and he makes for a good intercontinental champion right now

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

-Tough to call but think the heels will go over.


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

-More established as a singles star at this stage.


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain

-Demoltion will need to stay hot while chasing the Tag Titles.


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka

-Nothing short of a perfect night for the Perfect one.



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

-Rudes the established star in this one and is in a high level program with the Warrior.

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

Koko B. Ware, what a jobber


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

He's a monster!


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain

DQ win, run in by the Brainbusters


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka

As if any face other than Hogan or Warrior stands a chance right now



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

Pretty boy rumble, of course Rude wins, but Warrior is gonna come a knockin'!

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

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Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Akeem vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake


Demolition vs. Powers of Pain


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka



© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels

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- Instead of the normal cut in to the two announcers in the studios, we open with President Jack Tunney sitting behind his desk at the WWF headquarters.



Jack Tunney - “WWF fans, I want to discuss the situation that happened last week involving the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan. It was clear to everyone that Hulk had been viciously attacked near the parking lot area, although at this time, it is still unclear as to who was responsible for this heinous act. As for Hulk’s condition, he is still undergoing tests at a local hospital to see the extent of his injuries and see exactly how much time he will be out from action. In getting back to the man who did this…..we are still investigating and talking to witnesses who were near Hulk at some point during the night. However, at this point in our investigation, there is one man that stands out as the potential. I will not name his name until we are finished gathering all the facts, because just like the court of law, you are innocent until proven guilty. But we have our eye on one man in particular and that’s pretty much all I can say right now. We have received thousands of letters wishing the champion well, and I’d also like to wish Hulk a speedy recovery and hope that he will be back very soon. Thank you.” (85)



- We cut to the Primetime studios where Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan are sitting behind the desk.


GM - Well Brain, certainly the most interesting way that we’ve ever started our show. But we still don’t have an update on Hulk Hogan’s condition. However, it does sound like WWF officials are targeting in on one man in particular.


BH - Let me say this first off, Monsoon. I will personally vouch for the fact that all members of the Heenan Family were together during the supposed time of this attack. So before anyone goes rushing to conclusions and blaming one of my guys, you better calm down a little.


GM - If we want to read in between the lines as to what President Tunney had to say, then I think it’s pretty clear who that one man is.


BH - C’mon, Monsoon! You heard the man. Let’s not start calling someone guilty until all the facts have been presented.


GM - All I know is that if it’s who we think it is, he better start throwing money around like crazy to get some of those witnesses to keep their mouths shut.


BH - Oh just go ahead and say his name! You are clearly throwing the book at the Million Dollar Man without the facts!


GM - You said his name. I didn’t. Let’s hear from the Honky Tonk Man before this upcoming tag team contest!



Honky Tonk Man -“Well, well, well! Tito Santana, the Honky Tonk Man’s got something to say to you. Tito, you pinned the Honky Tonk Man in the middle of that ring on Superstars and it was one of the worst moments of my career. You happened to catch me on an off night while my focus was on my next gold album. Tonight, the Honky Tonk Man’s focus is squarely on you and your bird wielding partner, Koko B. Ware. So Tito, I want you to remember that victory for a while. Because it’s the one that set the Honky Tonk Man back on track and you’re gonna see what I mean tonight." (81)

The Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

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Match Notes: Your typical tag team match here, with the good guys starting off hot and taking advantage of the overconfidence of Honky and Bravo. Tito had trouble getting into the ring, as Bravo used his strength and power to overwhelm Koko midway through, and then Honky came in to do some damage on him for a few minutes. After Honky accidentally decked Bravo after trying a double team, Koko crawled quickly across the ring and made the tag to Santana who came in red hot. Koko and Bravo were battling inside the ring in the corner when Tito went off the ropes to go after Honky, but Jimmy Hart grabbed his foot while the referee was focused on the two illegal men in the ring. Honky took advantage and hit the Shake, Rattle, and Roll for the pin as Bravo held off Koko.


WINNERS: Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo at 6:49 (60)


GM - Honky Tonk Man gets his revenge, Brain, but not without some help from Jimmy Hart on the outside.


BH - I don’t even have to say anything, Monsoon. You know how I feel about that.


GM - You are the master of cheating so I suppose I do know.


BH - Cheating? I don’t see how you call it cheating. If the referee is an incompetent bozo, then it’s his stupidity that alters the match. He should have had his eyes on the legal men and not the illegal men.


GM - Honestly Brain, I have no idea how you come up with some of this stuff. But ladies and gentlemen, let’s take you back to Superstars and show you some of the highlights of the tag team match between the Hart Foundation and the Rockers.


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- A video is shown of the key moments in the match between the two teams, with the finish of Hart and the Anvil hitting the Hart Attack on Jannetty for the win. (78)


GM - And ladies and gentlemen, we received word earlier in the day that these two teams will meet again on Superstars this Friday, and if their first match was any indication, we should be in for a treat.


BH - What exactly are they fighting for, Monsoon?


GM - What do you mean, Brain?


BH - I’m just asking why they are even going out and wrestling each other. Neither one of them will ever be able to win the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles since Arn and Tully will never lose them. Are they fighting for “pride”?


GM - I don’t agree with your first statement there, but what would be the matter if they were fighting for pride? Fighting to see who the better team is.


BH - What a load of crap that is. A bunch of morons, I tell ya. Everyone’s a moron these days.


GM - Seriously, Brain, you seem to be in a really foul mood tonight.


BH - I’ve got my reasons, Monsoon. Don’t act like you don’t know what those are.


GM - All I know is that our main event can’t get here quick enough. But we’ve still got a lot to go before that. Let’s get to our next match!


Akeem vs. Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake

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Match Notes: A quick match that never really got going strong. Akeem used his power early to send the Barber into the corner and essentially threw him around like a ragdoll. But before these two could really get engaged in a back and forth, Hacksaw came down to go after the Slickster and Bossman with the 2x4. He sent them running up and aisle and pursued them to the back. Akeem was distraught by this, and Barber went on the attack and eventually hit the Knee Lift and then the Guillotine Leg Drop for the win.


WINNER: Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake at 5:46 (58)


BH - Speaking of morons, Monsoon. Hacksaw might be the biggest one of them all.


GM - Why don’t you just go ahead and take the rest of the night off, Brain.


BH - Well I would if I wasn’t getting paid to sit next to you. The Heenan Family is pretty big. We need all the food money we can get.


GM - I see. Well ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just received a statement from the World Wrestling Federation headquarters involving the brawl between the Brainbusters and Demolition.




GM - “Well I’ll read it to you, Brain. It says: “Due to the recent events after the match between Demolition member Smash and Brainbusters member Tully Blanchard, WWF officials have decided that these two teams cannot have any physical contact between each other until Saturday Night’s Main Event. This also means that neither team is allowed to interfere in the other team’s match, or be anywhere near the ringside area. The World Wrestling Federation fans want to see a winner between these two teams, so the title match will not be compromised by unnecessary brawls between the teams. If either team breaks the order of this ruling, they will be suspended indefinitely.” (73)


BH - YES! It’s about time those knuckleheads up there made a good decision. I guess we can go ahead and cancel the match at Saturday Night’s Main Event, since we all know that Ax and Smash aren’t smart enough to even comprehend what you just said, Monsoon!


GM - Oh would you stop!


BH - (clearly confident now) It’s a good thing they didn’t have to read it off of the screen. I heard they were voted worst readers in third grade five years straight.


GM - Well you sure seem to have cheered up a little. But don’t forget about our main event later on between ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude and one half of the Rockers, Shawn Michaels!


BH - (energy level goes down quite a bit) Yes, we already know that, Monsoon. How many times must you mention it?


GM - But back to our next match. You might wanna watch this one closely, Brain.


Demolition vs. The Powers of Pain


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Match Notes: The crowd was absolutely jacked for Demolition throughout this entire match, though the Barbarian and Warlord provided some problems for the number one contenders. Though Ax and Smash were clearly on a mission, the strength and power of the opposition made this a grind-it-out type of contest. But, of course, in the end Demolition simply could not be stopped, and though Mr. Fuji tried to make his presence felt on the outside, Ax sent the Barbarian over the top and to the outside and then they hit the Demolition Decapitation on Warlord to score the 1-2-3.


WINNERS: Demolition at 8:45 (65)


GM - Anything to say after that, Brain?


BH - Not really. The Powers of Pain paint their faces. That tells me all I need to know about them.


GM - Speaking of wrestlers who paint their faces…..




GM - Wow, Brain. I was just gonna talk about Demolition’s victory.


BH - Oh stop it, Monsoon! You were not!


GM - Perhaps we’ll get to see the Warrior a little later on though.


BH - ……………………………….........


GM - But folks, on a more serious note, the Million Dollar Man has requested to speak for a few moments regarding this unfortunate situation with the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan. He’s live via satellite with us right now, so let’s get right to him.



Million Dollar Man - “Ya know Gorilla, I was gonna come on here and try to plead my case and tell everyone to hear the facts before you start making decisions. But the more I think about this, the more mad I get! It is an absolute crime that Jack Tunney would basically accuse me of something that I had no part of! I did not attack Hulk Hogan. Did I want to get at Hogan? You bet I did and guess what? I still do! But…..somebody beat me to him. You see, when you’re the World Wrestling Federation champion, everyone wants a piece of you. And someone out there got more than a piece of the Hulkster. And you know what? I’m thrilled that they did! Because now my path to the WWF title is much clearer. So Tunney, I know you’re ready to throw the book at me. You just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll give you my side of the story. But I can go ahead and tell you: you are wasting your time. I didn’t do it and I don’t know who did.” (89)


GM - A very bold statement from the Million Dollar Man, as he claims he had nothing to do with the brutal attack on Hulk Hogan.


BH - If the man says he didn’t have anything to do with it, Monsoon, he didn’t have anything to do with it. So we can all officially cross the Million Dollar Man off as a potential suspect.


GM - Let’s not do that just yet, Brain. Because the fact of the matter is, President Jack Tunney has been investigating this and clearly has the search narrowed down to one man. He didn’t flat out say it was DiBiase, but come on! We get the hint.


BH - There you go, Monsoon. Accusing an innocent man. How dare you! The Million Dollar Man is one of the most credible guys in the WWF. I would have loved to see him take out Hogan, but he didn’t. End of story.


GM - Not quite end of story just yet. But it’s time to see if the Superfly can stop Mr. Perfect!


Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka


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Match Notes: A very technical approach used by Perfect in this one to try and wear down the veteran. Snuka kept battling, however, but eventually wore down and was simply grasping at straws to try and keep up with the self-proclaimed perfect one. The fans were really behind Snuka late in the match as he tried to make a push, and even had Perfect down as he went up top to deliver the splash. But it took him longer than usual due to the fatigue, and Perfect was able to roll out of the way right before he landed. Perfect then took control and hit the Perfect Plex for the victory.


WINNER: Mr. Perfect at 12:10 (68)


- We cut back to the studio where we see Heenan removing something from his pocket.


GM - Another impressive victory for Mr. Perfect…….but Brain, what in the world are you doing?


BH - (now wearing a blindfold around his face) Just putting on a blindfold, Monsoon. Perfectly normal if you ask me.


GM - Perfectly insane if you ask me. But then again, it’s probably a good thing considering that our main event of the evening is coming up.


BH - (putting his head down on the desk) Whatever, Monsoon.


GM - Ya know, Brain, you don’t have to put your head on the desk if you’re blindfolded. But ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for our match for the Intercontinental Championship, as ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude tries to retain his title.


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Shawn Michaels - WWF Intercontinental Championship Match


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Match Notes: Just an outstanding match put on by these two men. Heenan was of course at ringside in a more relaxed fashion, knowing that he had a restraining order against the Warrior. Rude was once again searching for the Warrior in the early part of the match, but had to abandon that once the crowd started getting behind Michaels and he started to give off the feeling that he could really beat Rude after a couple of near falls. Rude took control back and hit an eventually locked in the Full Nelson. The match seemed to be over, but somehow Michaels managed to get out which sent Rude and Heenan on the outside into a frenzy. But without letting Michaels gain some momentum from this, Rude immediately hit the Rude Awakening and pinned him for the win.


WINNER: ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude at 16:59 to retain the IC Title (83)


- After the match, Heenan got in the ring to celebrate with Rude, and the two had seemingly let their guard down as both just seemed to be happy that Rude retained after the effort put forth by Michaels. Then the lights suddenly went off and screams were heard throughout the arena. The lights came back on and this man was in the ring.....



- The crowd was roaring at the sight of the Warrior. They turned around and Warrior immediately started going at Rude. Heenan got out of there in a hurry after pointing at the Warrior and reminding him that he couldn’t touch him. Warrior then the splash on Rude and celebrated with the Intercontinental Title in hand as Heenan looked on in a state of panic on the outside. (100)


BH - (still wearing the blindfold) Please tell me it’s over, Monsoon.


GM - It is, Brain. And after a fantastic effort by Shawn Michaels, Rude retains the title. Oh, but it looks like the Warrior got the upper hand on you two again!


BH - (ripping off the blindfold) Camera man, point that thing right here. Because I’ve got something to say. Warrior, you think you can just run around and play games with anytime you want. Well that’s where you’re wrong. Because this is where Rude and I draw the line. I promise you Warrior that you are going to regret what you’ve done these past few weeks and you will regret it in a big way. Don’t take that as a threat. Take that as a guarantee.


GM - Strong words there from the Brain, but ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining us!



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Predictions - Primetime Wrestling (Week 1, Oct. 1989)


Zergon - 5/5

Dead Jester - 5/5

Harmor - 5/5

Beejus - 4/5

dudeamis - 4/5

oldschool - 3/5

PoisonedSuperman - 3/5

Jingo - 3/5

Destiny - 3/5


Overall (8 shows)


Harmor - 28

PoisonedSuperman - 25

Jingo - 23

oldschool - 20

Zergon - 18

Dead Jester - 17

Destiny - 10

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

Beejus - 8

dudeamis - 8

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


A new record for predictions, as we had nine people offer up their predictions for Primetime Wrestling! Thanks a lot gentlemen! Card for Superstars will be up later.

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The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers over Young Stallions (Jim Powers and Paul Roma) at 7:02 (62)


Earthquake defeated Ronnie Garvin at 5:10 (50)


Rick Martel hyped match with Koko B. Ware (75)

Rick Martel defeated Koko B. Ware at 10:26 (70)


The Barbarian defeated Tugboat at 6:01 (52)


Jimmy Hart hyped up Earthquake (69)


Marty Jannetty defeated Greg Valentine at 7:35 (60)


A video hyped the Hulk Hogan attack and Million Dollar Man’s response (90)



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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior


*WWF President Jack Tunney has also promised details on a huge breakthrough in the investigation on who attacked on the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan!


Let's get the predictions started! Show should be up tomorrow night or Thursday.

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Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

If this match was 5 years earlier it would tear the house down... But for now, we reminisce of what both these men were.. Still think Tito has a little bit more to offer you at this point



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware

No way the champs go down to these guys who have not been tearing it up at all lately


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

Brainbusters and Harts on the same card... Could BB's derail the foundation, and somehow incorpoarte Rockers in to tag title scene



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior

i want to poick Martel, but Warrior is over

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Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

-Haven't seen as much of Valentine in the dairy so far, so going with Tito.



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware

-No way the Champs are losing here.


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

-Taking a chance and calling this one a draw.



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior

-Warrior all the way

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Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Chico needs a push!



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware

No way these guys beat the champs


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

I just got a feeling...



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior

No way he loses to Martel at this point.

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Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Haven´t seen Valentine on the main show and he lost to Jannetty in Challenge so I go with Tito.



Brainbusters vs. Jimmy Snuka and Koko B. Ware

No way that Brainbusters would lose to random pairing when they are feuding with Demolition for the tag titles.


The Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers

Foundation won the last match so now it´s Rockers turn.



Rick Martel vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Warrior has more going on.

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