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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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Also, I've been thinking of another possible way to make this even more fun. How about whoever has the highest prediction/win % in the forum gets to pick the main event, or at least one match on the Wrestling Challenge card for the following week?


I love the format of each show, and since WC is the "C" show, I like how you give the quick results, as no rundown is needed. Each show feels unique the way you do it.


With that said, I think it'd be fun to let someone pick a match and tell you by IM who they want to win and why. Obviously the decision is ultimately yours, but it seems like a cool way to let all of us have a tiny, tiny hand in things. And since we all know that WC is the "jobber" show, any chosen match would feature mid-card guys or lower. We're obviously not going to see Hogan vs. Perfect on this show, so one fan chosen match here shouldn't upset any major storylines.


Just thought I'd throw that suggestion out there. It's up to you but I'd like to see it. Thanks for keeping up entertained!

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 3, Oct. 1989



- We cut in and see Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura standing on the stage with the ring in the backdrop.


Vince McMahon - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! I’m joined as always by Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Jesse, what a main event we’ve got for tonight!


Jesse Ventura - You’ve got that right, McMahon. The perfect one, Mr. Perfect, puts his streak on the line against Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake. If I were a betting man, I’d say Mr. Perfect finds a way to make quick work of the The Barber later tonight.


VM - I’m not too sure about that. I mean, you’ve gotta remember that the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan, is on quite the rampage right now. Did you see what he did to the Million Dollar Man on Prime Time?


JV - Of course I saw it, McMahon. And I thought it was quite the cowardly move by Hogan. There’s still no proof that Perfect was the one that attacked him. The man is innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was the foundation that our legal system was built on!


VM - What, are you grooming yourself for a political career over there, Jesse? But before you get too far into that, let’s go down to the ring for our first match!

Haku vs. Tito Santana


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Match Notes: A short match that never really took off. Both men tried to feel each other out in the early going, with Haku using his tenacity to wear down Tito. Meanwhile, Tito was having to deal with the shenanigans of Bobby Heenan on the outside, which helped Haku take advantage. But Tito managed to gain control after Haku missed a double axehandle off the top rope, and the crowd was behind him and cheering him on big time. However, before Tito could continue the attack, from out of nowhere, The Barbarian came running down the aisle and immediately attacked Santana in the ring. The referee had no choice but to call for the bell.

WINNER: Tito Santana via disqualification at 5:02 (62)


- After the match, Barbarian continues his assault on Tito, with Haku joining in as well, while Heenan shouts on the marching orders. They eventually throw Tito out of the ring and stand tall in the middle of the ring with their hands up. Heenan has a big smile on his face as he goes over and grabs a mic.



Bobby Heenan - “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Take a good look in this ring. I told everyone that the Heenan Family would have a new member, and folks, here he is…..The Barbarian! (loud boos) Ya see, Mr. Fuji has decided to break up the Powers of Pain, and being the world class manager that I am, I knew this was the time to bring this big man to the most powerful family in wrestling. Unlike a certain former member of our family, the Barbarian is not soft. He’s a beast and is gonna show the entire wrestling world that. The best family in wrestling just keeps getting stronger, and there’s nothing anyone in the WWF can do about it!” (86)


VM - Wow, what a blockbuster to start the show, Jesse!


JV - So this is the big signing that the Brain was talking about on Prime Time. I like it, McMahon.


VM - The Barbarian is certainly one of the most tenacious individuals here in the World Wrestling Federation, and now that he’s joined forces with the Weasel, he might be on the way up.


JV - Might be? The guy is gonna be a star. He’s working for the best manager in the world today. I see big things for The Barbarian in the future.


VM - It’s hard to argue against that, Jesse.


JV - Of course it is, McMahon. I’m always right, ya know?


VM - Now that I can argue against. But let’s send it back down to the ring for next contest!


The Mighty Hercules vs. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts


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Match Notes: The crowd was really behind Hercules at the start of this match for at least standing up to the psychopath that is Roberts. Jake continued to have that evil little smirk on his face in the beginning stages, with Hercules not buying it and going fully steam ahead to try and overpower him. Hercules got in a few strong moves that phased Roberts momentarily, but all that did was set off the mean streak, and Roberts began to tear Hercules apart. After a few minutes of non-stop aggression, Roberts finally hit the DDT to score the pinfall.


WINNER: Jake Roberts at 5:23 (64)


- After the match, Roberts stood over top of Hercules, who was clearly still in pain from the beating. Officials rushed in to get Hercules out of the ring before more damage was done, as Roberts continued to taunt him while the crowd was booing him out of the building. Then all of a sudden, this music hit.....



- Out comes ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes from behind the curtain, as Roberts looks on confused in the ring. Rhodes is making a very serious face and has a microphone in his hand as he begins to speak.


Dusty Rhodes - “Jake, normally I come out here to have some fun with all of these great fans in the World Wrestling Federation. But Jake, I’m not here to do that tonight. I’m here tonight to give you a piece of my mind and let you know what myself and all of these people really think about what you’ve become. One of my best friend here in the WWF, Rowdy Roddy Piper, is currently on the shelf because you put him there. And you did it because you’ve become a psychopathic maniac that cares about nothing but trying to hurt everyone in sight. Jake, Roddy is one strong individual. He’s more of a man that you’ll ever be. But even though you got the better of him, there’s one man that you’ll never get the best of. And that man is ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes (huge crowd pop)! You walk around keeping everybody on edge and that’s how you get your advantage. Well let me tell ya somethin’ baby, Dusty Rhodes is not like everybody else. I’m not the hunted…..I’m the hunter. We use to be friends, Jake. But not anymore. I’m tired of watching you cause nothing but destruction here in the WWF. Somebody’s gotta put a stop to it, and that somebody is gonna be me!”


- Rhodes gives an intense stare as he walks back behind the curtain, as Roberts looks on with a sarcastic smile and shakes his head. (83)


VM - Oh my, Jesse! We just saw the return of ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes, and he is clearly on a mission to stop the path of destruction that Jake Roberts is leaving here in the World Wrestling Federation!


JV - Rhodes hasn’t always been the brightest bulb in the room, and it’s obvious after that little spill he just went on out here.


VM - What are you talking about?


JV - I’m talking about challenging a madman. Roberts is one of the most dangerous figures we’ve seen in the WWF in quite some time. And Rhodes decides to come back to action against this man?


VM - Well he’s doing it for his friend, Roddy Piper, who continues to recover at home with the bad shoulder injury put on him by the Snake.


JV - There’s some things you shouldn’t do for your friends, McMahon. And one of those things is mess with a psychopath like Jake Roberts.


VM - You’ve gotta admire the guts by Rhodes.

JV - No you don’t. Because guts get you nowhere if you can’t win or beat your opponent.


VM - That remains to be seen there, Jesse. But folks, let’s take a look at a special video featuring a man who has been on quite a streak here in the WWF, Rick Martel!



- A video plays hyping up the skills of Rick Martel, with highlights of some of his recent victories in the World Wrestling Federation. There are clips of Martel at the beach also mixed in, as he interacts with some female companions and pulls tricks on the males in order to make himself look good. The package ends with Martel sitting on the beach with a group of attractive women spraying the Arrogance cologne on him. (85)


JV - Now there’s a man that has the winning attitude, McMahon. Martel has it all!


VM - It’s certainly hard to argue that Martel has been on an impressive streak here in the WWF. And there are plenty of rumors going around that some of the top managers are making some pretty big figure offers to try and land him as their client.


JV - It better be six figures, McMahon. Because there’s no doubt that Martel is worth it. He’s the future of the World Wrestling Federation!


VM - Well we’ll see who can manage to secure his services in the future. Let’s get to our next match!


Shawn Michaels vs. Jacques Rougeau


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Match Notes: A very good back and forth match, with Jacques getting a little overemotional after every near pinfall after the events of the tag team match on Prime Time. Both Raymond and Jannetty were ringside to support their partners, which kept both men in the ring on edge a little. Jacques actually controlled most of the match, with several near falls and effective moves that left Michaels in a world of hurt. But the tide started to turn late in the match as Michaels began gaining momentum. After some energetic moves, Michaels made the motion to head to the top rope to finish off Jacques. During this, Raymond had made his way onto the apron but Jannetty ran over and joined him on the apron. The two men exchanged punches as Michaels began his ascent, and Jannetty eventually got the upperhand and pushed Raymond into the corner. This caused Raymond to hit the turnbuckle, which knocked Michaels off the top rope and into the ring. Jannetty held his hands to his head, realizing what he had just done, but couldn’t interfere to make it right at risk of costing Michaels the match. Jacques recovered and crawled quickly over to Michaels and covered him….1.…2.…3!


WINNER: Jacques Rougeau at 7:10 (74)


- After the match, Jacques quickly got out of the ring and began celebrating with Raymond as though they had just won the Tag Team Titles. Meanwhile, Jannetty made his way into the ring to check on Michaels, who still had no clue what had happened, since all he saw was Raymond hitting the turnbuckle.


JV - Jannetty just cost his partner the match!


VM - It certainly wasn’t intentional, Jesse!


JV - I never said it was intentional, McMahon. I just said he cost his partner the match. What are you implying?

VM - I’m not implying anything. I just don’t want people to jump to conclusions. Jannetty had to get Raymond out of the way, but he just happened to knock him into the turnbuckle that Michaels was standing on.


JV - Well Michaels still doesn’t know that Jannetty was the one that pushed Raymond into that corner. I’d love to see the look on his face when he finds out.

VM - That’s a tough loss to swallow, but it’s a big victory for one half of the Rougeau brothers! But ladies and gentlemen, let’s go backstage where the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental champion is standing by with a few words!


- We cut backstage where we see an angry Rick Rude standing alongside Bobby Heenan.



Rick Rude - “Well, well, well. The Ultimate Warrior has officially “earned” his rematch for the Intercontinental Title and everyone out there thinks things are just fine and dandy. Well let me tell all of you people something…..it’s not all fine! Because you see, there is no way…..NO WAY…..that the Ultimate Warrior should be getting another shot at my belt. He doesn’t deserve it one bit. But no, thanks to that oversized joke Andre, a man who paints his face is going to get a chance to face me once again for my belt. Andre, the plan was really easy. But leave it to you to screw something up! Yeah, you’re out of the Heenan Family now, but the fact of the matter is, you should be thrown out of the WWF as well for that stunt that you pulled! Now don’t get me wrong. Am I scared of the Ultimate Warrior? Not one bit. Why should I be? I’ve beaten the man for this title once and I can beat him again. Warrior, you better start training. You better start preparing. Because even though things didn’t go as planned, there is one thing that is for certain beyond a shadow of a doubt. And that is the fact that this will be your last shot at this shiny little belt that’s around my waist. If I were you, I’d find a tag team partner and go after the Tag Titles. Because that’s the only gold that you’ve got a chance of wearing anytime soon." (92)


- We cut to a video which shows an office in the WWF headquarters, with President Jack Tunney sitting behind a desk, with two long desks to each side of him. On one side, we see The Hart Foundation, and on the other side, we see the WWF Tag Team Champions, Demolition.


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Jack Tunney - “Gentlemen, this is the official contract signing for the WWF Tag Team Championship match that will take place next week on Superstars. Both of you have agreed on the date for this match, thus leading to this contract signing here today. I want to make this quick and easy, but will allow both teams a chance to speak before you sign on the dotted line. Bret, Jim, is there anything you would like to say?"


Bret Hart - “Ya know, Jack, we’re not really a team of a lot of words. We’re just a team that goes out there and beats everyone in our path. We’ve proven that we’re the best tag team in the World Wrestling Federation. We just don’t have the belts…..yet. But that changes next week when we step into the ring with you two. We respect everything that you’ve accomplished to this point. We really do. But that doesn’t change our motivation. To be seen as the best tag team in the world, you have to be seen wearing those two belts that you guys have laying on the table right there. And after the bell rings next Friday night, we’ll put those belts around our waists and everyone will know that we’re the best tag team in professional wrestling.”


JT - “And Ax, Smash? Would you like to respond?”


Smash - “You bet we’d like to respond, Jack Tunney! You can talk all you want about being the best tag team in the world today. But let’s take a look at the facts. Fact: we’ve got these belts right here. Fact: that makes us the best tag team in the world! We earned these belts from the Brainbusters at Saturday Night’s Main Event. And we don’t plan on losing them anytime soon. We see that you two guys have a lot to say. But can you back it up?! You might be able to…..but not against Demolition!”


JT - “Alright gentlemen, that’s enough talk for right now. I’m passing around the contract for each of you to sign, and once that is done, our championship match will be officially set."


- Tunney passes the paper around to The Hart Foundation, who sign it. And then Demolition signs it before passing it back to Tunney.


JT - “And it’s now official. Next Friday night, the challengers, The Hart Foundation, will meet the current World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, Demolition, in a championship match on Superstars. Gentlemen, I thank you for your time, and we’ll see you in the ring next week."


- The Hart Foundation slowly rise from their chairs, with Demolition doing the same. The four men stare at each other with Tunney looking on somewhat nervously in the background. (76)

VM - Well there you have it folks! We’ve got a huge title match set for next week here on Superstars, and that is one that you do not wanna miss!


JV - It should be a great match, McMahon. But you’ve gotta question both teams’ eagerness to have this title match so quickly. It’s a little smarter on the Foundation’s part, but I’m not so sure about Demolition’s decision making here.


VM - They said they would be fighting champions, and this certainly proves that.


JV - Well they might just be fighting and not champions anymore if they keep this up. They’ve gotta pick their battles wisely. But we should have known they wouldn’t. They’re no Brainbusters. That’s for sure.


VM - They’re no Brainbusters because they actually have the titles.


JV - Very funny, McMahon.


VM - But folks, let’s take it to Howard Finkel, who is in the ring as we get ready for our huge main event!


Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect


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Match Notes: An awesome match that really had the crowd on their feet from start to finish. The roof almost blew off of the building after the two man had a staredown in the ring after the bell had rang, and Beefcake immediately hooked Perfect into a small package, but the streak continued after Perfect kicked out at two and a half. Perfect used quite a bit of strategy in this one, as he made it clear that he knew this was going to be a tough challenge. Anytime Beefcake would start to gain momentum, Perfect would simply slide outside of the ring to regroup. Late in the match, Perfect was in complete control after wearing Beefcake down and went in for the finish. But as Perfect got ready to lock him in for the Perfect Plex, Beefcake reversed to behind and got him in the Sleeper Hold. Perfect danced around trying to break the hold and was on spaghetti legs. But right before it looked like he was about to hit the ground, he picked up steam and ran as fast as he could towards the opposite corner, ducking just as he was about to run into the turnbuckle. This momentum pulled Beefcake face first into the already exposed post, and sent him whirling around in pain. Perfect regrouped enough to lock on the Perfect Plex once again, and gained the pinfall for the victory.


WINNER: Mr. Perfect at 10:14 (92)


- After the match, a relieved but upset Perfect picked Beefcake up and rammed his head into the exposed turnbuckle several more times for good measure. Beefcake was busted open as Perfect continued the onslaught. But before any more damage could be done, the crowd went absolutely bananas as this man came charging down the aisle…..


- Hogan slid into the ring and Perfect immediately went after him. Perfect had the advantage for a few moments, but then Hogan took a punch and hulked up. He sent Perfect off the ropes and instead of Perfect bouncing off into the Big Boot, he pulled the ropes down as he bounced and sent himself falling to the outside, averting trouble for the time being. Meanwhile, Hogan pointed at him as he slowly regrouped and his made his way up the aisle. Hogan held up two fingers and then we could make out him saying “one more” as he posed for the crowd. (100)


VM - The Hulkster is on a mission to get back at the men who are the prime suspects in his attack!


JV - I still don’t get it, McMahon. Hogan’s holding up the number two to indicate that he’s already gone after Perfect and DiBiase, and he’s obviously indicating that the Macho Man is next.

VM - That’s exactly what he’s indicating, Jesse!


JV - But why, McMahon? Hogan doesn’t know anymore than we do right now. He’s making bogus assumptions at this point. It’s wasted energy until he knows which one of them actually attacked him.


VM - Well he figures if he takes them all out, then he’ll at least know that he got his man, no matter which one of them did it.

JV - Maybe so. But I still think it’s a bad plan.

VM - That’s your opinion. But ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining us here tonight!



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Also, I've been thinking of another possible way to make this even more fun. How about whoever has the highest prediction/win % in the forum gets to pick the main event, or at least one match on the Wrestling Challenge card for the following week?


I love the format of each show, and since WC is the "C" show, I like how you give the quick results, as no rundown is needed. Each show feels unique the way you do it.


With that said, I think it'd be fun to let someone pick a match and tell you by IM who they want to win and why. Obviously the decision is ultimately yours, but it seems like a cool way to let all of us have a tiny, tiny hand in things. And since we all know that WC is the "jobber" show, any chosen match would feature mid-card guys or lower. We're obviously not going to see Hogan vs. Perfect on this show, so one fan chosen match here shouldn't upset any major storylines.


Just thought I'd throw that suggestion out there. It's up to you but I'd like to see it. Thanks for keeping up entertained!


I really appreciate the nice words man. Always love feedback. I've been trying to think of some way to incorporate more reader interaction into the diary, and I'm very intrigued by this idea. Wrestling Challenge is pretty much an experimental show anyways, so something like this would fit great for that show. I've already booked the show for the upcoming week, but I'm going to look at using this for the following week.


Thanks again for the suggestion!

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Predictions - Superstars (Week 3, Oct. 1989)


Jingo - 3/4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 3/4

infinitekillz - 3/4

Ritchardo - 2/4

oldschool - 2/4

Dead Jester - 2/4

Zergon - 2/4

Harmor - 2/4


Overall (14 shows)


Harmor - 50

Jingo - 48

oldschool - 41

Zergon - 40

Dead Jester - 39

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Beejus - 25

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 23

Destiny - 16

dudeamis - 12

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

Ritchardo - 7

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

infinitekillz - 3

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


A few surprises on the Superstars card this week, but I have full confidence that you guys will bounce back :D haha. Prime Time Wrestling card should be up later on.

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian


The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart


*Including the final hype for the huge championship match between Demolition and The Hart Foundation, as well as interviews with 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan!


Alright men, let the predictions begin! Show should be up Saturday or Sunday.

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The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

Named team over random pairing


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian

Barbarian will show why he was picked to Heenan Family.


The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes

Warlord on the other hand is likely going to be lost into shuffle now that his partner has other things to do.

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine

Warrior is higher on the ladders and also he has more going on.



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

I could see this one going either way but Bret is a tag guy right now so I give Rude the win here.

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So much for the last show being easy to pick



The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

named team over random pairing (deja vu)


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian

After his run in, a loss would seem to cut his momentum short


The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes

Dusty debuts... Barbarian makes a name for himself... Meanwhile Warlord. Cant see him getting a win here


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine

Poor Hammer... no chance here, but Im pulling for him



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

What zergon said

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The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian

The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

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Been following this for quite some time, figured I'd start making predictions...


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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

Always go with the established team.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian

Seems like joining Heenan's Family has pushed him up a few notches.


The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes

No way Rhodes loses as he enters into a program with Jake the Snake.


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine

Warrior vs Rude showdown!



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

See above.


*Including the final hype for the huge championship match between Demolition and The Hart Foundation, as well as interviews with 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan!


Alright men, let the predictions begin! Show should be up Saturday or Sunday.

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The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian


The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

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Card subject to change


The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian

Just putting over the new pairing of Barbarian and Brain.


The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes

No one can withstand the power of the polka dots!


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine

Oh yeah, I have to go there... The Hammer is about to get nailed.



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

Not quite "The Hitman"'s time just yet.

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The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware

Lights out, Chico.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian

Heenan's just acquired him. Maybe Haku intervenes... but he should get the rub nonetheless.


The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes

Perhaprs some kind of DQ here, unless maybe The Warlord is on his way out.


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine

Hammer Fall.



'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

Taking Bret here, following a Warrior distraction and a flash-pinfall maybe. The title stays in-tact, Rude stays strong (especially after he beats Warrior at Survivor Series) and Bret pulls the big win. Makes sense to me.

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- We cut in and see Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan sitting behind the desk in the Prime Time studios.


Gorilla Monsoon - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting edition of Prime Time Wrestling here on the USA Network. You’ll be glad to know that weasel Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan has returned this week, unlike grumpy Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan that we saw last week. Feeling better about things, Brain?


Bobby Heenan - Why shouldn’t I feel better, Monsoon? I’ve added The Barbarian to the most powerful family in professional wrestling. And Rude and I have a trick up our sleeve to make sure that The Ultimate Warrior doesn’t get a chance at getting back the Intercontinental Title.


GM - And what might that be?


BH - Did you hear a word I said, Monsoon? It’s a trick. It wouldn’t be a trick if I gave the secret away.


GM - Well you thought you had an ace up your sleeve in Andre as well, but look how that turned out for you.


BH - We don’t mention that name here. Andre was a big goof. This plan cannot fail.


GM - We will certainly see about that. But we’ve got a big tag team match to get things going, so let’s get right to it!

The Twin Towers vs. Tito Santana and Koko B. Ware


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Match Notes: We sort of saw a different attitude by Akeem and Bossman in this one, as Slick brought them down the aisle in a more business-like manner vs. lots of shouting and talking. They seemed like two men on a mission, and completely dismantled Koko early in the match. Tito had to tag himself in midway through as Koko couldn’t even make the effort to get out of the ring, and once Tito was in, Koko was pretty much useless on the apron. The Towers continued their dominance despite a few pushes from Tito to gain an advantage, and Bossman hit the huge Sidewalk Slam on Tito to pick up the victory.


WINNERS: Twin Towers at 6:59 (59)


GM - Quite the impressive victory for the Twin Towers, as they try to make a push to get into the title picture in the tag team division.


BH - They’re an impressive team, Monsoon. There’s no doubt about it. Somebody’s gotta get the belts off of those painted freaks.


GM - It could very well be the Hart Foundation, Brain. But we’ll talk more about that huge match set for Superstars a little later on.


BH - They could, but I doubt it. There’s only one team that deserves those belts…..and we all know who that is.


GM - The team who are actually wearing the belts?

BH - I don’t think so.


GM - Well speaking of tag teams, rumors are flying around that there seems to be a little friction in the Rockers right now, after Marty Jannetty accidentally cost Shawn Michaels a match last week on Superstars against Jacques Rougeau.


- We cut to a video showing the ending to the Michaels/Rougeau match, with Jannetty fighting off Raymond on the apron. It then shows Jannetty pushing Raymond into the turnbuckle that Michaels was standing on, which resulted in Jacques capitalizing and getting the win. (68)


GM - Now that was certainly not the way that Jannetty wanted things to go down, Brain.


BH - Maybe not. But that’s exactly how they went down. And guess what? Jannetty cost his best friend and tag team partner a match. Don’t think that Michaels is gonna forget that anytime soon.


GM - Not even if it was an obvious accident?


BH - How do we know it was an accident?


GM - Oh come on, Brain! Give me a break!


BH - You don’t see Arn or Tully costing each other matches. And that’s because they are a great team. It’s becoming more clear that the Rockers simply don’t have what it takes to be a championship caliber team here in the World Wrestling Federation…..as evidenced by that little video that we just saw.


GM - Speaking of Arn or Tully, are those two still in hiding after their loss to Demolition at Saturday Night’s Main Event?


BH - I told you, Monsoon. They’re taking a nice relaxing vacation. Don’t you worry about them. They’re just fine.


GM - If you say so. Well let’s get to our next match of the evening, which I’m sure the Brain will have plenty to say about it. It’s the newest member of the Heenan Family, The Barbarian, sporting a new look against his opponent, Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian

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Match Notes: This match took a little bit to get going, as Duggan played to the crowd after the bell rung, getting them completely behind him before interacting with Barbarian. Duggan actually took control early on, as Heenan was clearly frustrated on the outside. But after Barbarian was knocked out of the ring after a huge clothesline and Heenan got in his ear, the entire complexion of the match changed. Barbarian came back in with full force, and started going after Duggan hard in all four corners of the ring. He then sent Duggan over the top and to the outside, and methodically made his way out there as well. After sending Duggan hard into the ringpost, he turned a wobbling Duggan around and hit the Swirling Backbreaker on the outside, as Duggan hit the ground with a huge thud. Barbarian then stood over him with his arms raised, and got back in the ring as Duggan was unable to regroup and make it back in before the referee counted to ten.


WINNER: The Barbarian via countout at 7:56 (60)


GM - A nice victory for the…..


BH - Can it, Monsoon. I’ll do the talking on this one. It was a nice victory for The Barbarian. And you know why? Because I know what I’m doing. There’s a reason why he was chosen to be in the Heenan Family. And that 2x4 wielding doofus just found that out. The Barbarian is on his way to big things in the World Wrestling Federation.


GM - With you at his side, I have no doubt about that, Brain.


BH - Do I sense some sarcasm there?


GM - Why not at all.


BH - Ah whatever. I’ll bring The Barbarian up here to show you exactly what I’m talking about.


GM - You do that, Brain. I’ve got Andre’s number, ya know?


BH - And what does that matter? Andre’s not smart enough to even know how to use a telephone.


GM - Oh would you stop!



- We cut to a video with highlights of recent victories for Rick Martel, including clips from the beach video that aired last week. (76)


GM - Well ladies and gentlemen, the word around the World Wrestling Federation is that Rick Martel will be present Friday night on Superstars with a big announcement. Any idea as to what that could be, Brain?


BH - I don’t know. Maybe he’s found old circus videos that shows the Warrior in his previous occupation. Andre’s probably in there too.


GM - Seriously, Brain?


BH - What? You asked me a question and I gave you my answer. Martel’s a smart guy. He’s probably got the resources to find stuff like that.


GM - You just get more delusional as the show goes on.


BH - You’re telling me that you couldn’t see Warrior running around like a maniac while working the Tilt-a-Whirl at the local circus? It’s the man’s calling, Monsoon. You can’t fight something like that.


GM - Just ridiculous. Let’s get to our next match.

The Warlord vs. Dusty Rhodes


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Match Notes: A physical match, with Warlord really taking it to Dusty in the early-going. Warlord looked like he was trying to prove himself as a singles competitor. He really wore Dusty down several minutes into the match, but then the American Dream started to mount a comeback with the fans cheering him on big time. After using the strategy of working on the Warlord’s knees for a few minutes, Dusty eventually blocked a big clothesline and sent Warlord down with one of his own. Dusty then grabbed his legs and put on the Figure Four Leglock. Warlord was in agony and tried to make it to the ropes, but Dusty managed to pull him back in the center of the ring, and he eventually was forced to tap.


WINNER: Dusty Rhodes at 8:13 (62)


- After the match, Rhodes walks over to the timekeepers table and picks up a mic before making his way back into the ring.



Dusty Rhodes - “Ya know, everywhere I’ve went the last few days, the question has been the same. Everybody’s been asking “American Dream, are you crazy?” They ask if I’ve seen the way that Jake Roberts has snapped. Well let me tell ya somethin…..I’ve seen it and I don’t like it. Ya see, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes loves to have some fun. But baby, now is not the time for fun. Jake Roberts went too far when he decided to put one of my best friends in the WWF, Rowdy Roddy Piper, out of commission for a while. Everybody’s been afraid of the man. Well folks, the American Dream is not afraid. I’m going to get my hands on you, Jake. I don’t when and I don’t know how. But I’m going to. And you can take that to the bank!” (83)

GM - Some very strong words there by the American Dream! It sure sounds like he’s going to get himself a piece of Jake.


BH - And you support this plan, Monsoon?


GM - What do you mean?


BH - I’m talking about the idiocy behind all of this. Jake Roberts annihilates Piper, and is clearly in need of some help at a mental institution. And what’s the first thing Rhodes does when he returns to the WWF? He goes right after him. Stunning display of stupidity.


GM - It shows a lot of guts, Brain. There’s no doubt about that. Someone has to stop this madman eventually. Maybe it’ll be the Dream.


BH - Well the Dream can keep on dreaming. Cause that’s not gonna happen. Someone better call the hospital and make sure there’s a free bed next to Piper. Because Rhodes is gonna need it soon.


GM - You’re getting way ahead of yourself there, Brain. But on a related note, the top contender for ’Ravishing’ Rick Rude’s Intercontinental Championship is up next. You’ll be watching this one closely won’t you?


BH - Nope. I’m calling Martel to get some info on Warrior’s circus career. Can’t leave any stone unturned when it comes to preparing for a match, Monsoon.


GM - You’re a piece of work.

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine


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Match Notes: Not much of a match here, as although the Hammer started off with an aggressive attack, it was clear that the Warrior wasn’t gonna let him gain too much of an advantage at any point in the match. Hammer used a lot of elbow shots and kicks to the abdomen, but nothing that really phased the Warrior. After a few minutes, Warrior then went on the offensive for good, using the energy of the crowd to push his attacks to another level. Hammer was so dazed that he was just flailing around trying to throw punches, but he couldn’t land anything, and Warrior picked him up for the Gorilla Press. Warrior then ran off the ropes and hit the Big Splash, and covered him for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Ultimate Warrior at 6:32 (64)


GM - Chalk up another victory for the Warrior, as he prepares for the showdown with ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude at Survivor Series. Any thoughts, Brain?


BH - Well I called Martel but didn’t get an answer. So no, I have no thoughts on the Warrior’s previous work as a carnie.


GM - I was talking about his match against Hammer.


BH - Oh…..that. No, no thoughts at all.


GM - It still fathoms me to this day that you get paid to do this. You know, with such incredible insight like that.


BH - They know a gold mine when they see it, Monsoon. That’s pretty much all I can say.


GM - Well all I know is that the Warrior is still on a mission to recapture that Intercontinental Title from Rick Rude, and I cannot wait for that match in several weeks at the Thanksgiving tradition. But ladies and gentlemen, right now, we’re gonna take a look at a pre-taped interview with the Macho Man Randy Savage, as he prepares for his first official match in five months on Friday night.


- We cut to a video where we see Macho with his back turned to the camera, before slowly turning around.



Macho Man - “The Macho Man is finally back in the World Wrestling Federation…..and on Superstars, I’m gonna have my first official match against Tito Santana. Well, well, well. Tito Santana, we’ve had battles before, but I PROMISE you, this one is gonna feel a little different. Because I’m angry, Tito…..I’m VERY ANGRY! I come back from injury only to be labeled as one of the suspects in the attack on Hulk Hogan. I’ve said it time and time again…..I didn’t attack Hogan! No, I did not! But did I want to? YOU BET I DID! Because you see, Hulk Hogan is the reason why I was sidelined for five months. He’s the reason why I don’t have that World Wrestling Federation Championship around my waist right now! I’ve seen what Hogan has done to the Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect, and I know that he’ll be coming for me Friday night. He won’t admit it, but I know Hogan thinks I’m the one that attacked him. Well, I didn’t…..BUT I WILL IF HE DECIDES TO LAY HIS HANDS ON ME! So Hulk Hogan, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll search somewhere else for a solution to your little problem. Because I’m not a coward. I don’t attack people from behind. I simply beat them in the ring…..like I’m going to do to you when I get my rightful shot at the WWF Title. OHHHH YEEAAAHHH!” (92)


GM - Quite the statement by the Macho Man, as he continues to try and prove his innocence in the attack on our World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan.


BH - Ya know, Monsoon. Normally I would say that beyond a shadow of a doubt, Savage is innocent. But I can’t in this situation.


GM - And why is that?


BH - Because of the group. I think we all pretty much agree that it’s between Savage, Perfect, and DiBiase. One of those men attacked Hogan. But I don’t Perfect and DiBiase. They wouldn’t do such a thing. So I think it’s gotta be Savage.


GM - You’re gonna sit there and tell me that the Million Dollar Man or Mr. Perfect wouldn’t use some type of underhanded tactics to get ahead? You cannot be serious.


BH - No they wouldn’t. DiBiase is too smart for that. Perfect too.


GM - I can’t quite believe what I’m hearing, but I’ve learned to keep in mind whose mouth the words are coming out of. But ladies and gentlemen, we mentioned it earlier, and now it’s time to take a look at the events leading up to our big WWF Tag Team Title match set for Superstars between the Hart Foundation and Demolition!


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- We see a video highlighting the recent events in the tag team division. Clips are shown of Demolition winning the titles from the Brainbusters at Saturday Night’s Main Event, and the Hart Foundation beating the Rockers to become top contenders. We then see recent action from both teams, as well as the contract signing which ends with the four men staring each other down. (70)


GM - I have no doubt that you’ll beg to differ, but I cannot wait for that match, Brain.


BH - I don’t differ at all. I think it’ll be a fun match.


GM - Oh really now?


BH - It’s a tag team title match. Why wouldn’t it be good?


GM - Oh I don’t know. Perhaps because your team no longer holds the belts.


BH - That’s true. But as I’ve said, Arn and Tully needed a vacation. So the way I see it, Demolition are just keeping those belts warm for them until they decided to come back.


GM - They’ll have to earn their way back up the tag team ladder though, Brain.


BH - And they will. Don’t you worry, Monsoon. Arn and Tully will have a strong hold on the tag team division once again very soon.


GM - Whatever you say. Well folks, unfortunately you’re going to see more of the Brain in our main event, as we’ve got an exciting non-title match between ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude and one half of the top challengers for the tag titles, Bret Hart!


‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart


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Match Notes: A simply outstanding match that was back and forth from the very beginning. Rude seemed caught off-guard by the intensity of Hart, as he rolled out of the ring at various points in the match to regroup and talk strategy with Heenan. Both men used very technical approaches throughout the match, with moves designed primarily to wear down the opponent. The match was almost over when Hart hit a vicious suplex off the top rope, but Heenan was close enough to put Rude’s foot on the rope without referee Joey Marella seeing it. Neidhart went over to go after Heenan but Barbarian came down and fought with Neidhart in the aisle. This distraction caused Hart to lose some momentum, and gave Rude time to gather himself for a moment. But before Hart could do anything else, Rude rolled him up with the School Boy, and held the tights to score the victory.


WINNER: Rick Rude at 18:01 (90)


- Rude and Heenan quickly made their way up the aisle after the match as Neidhart had already made it into the ring when he saw what was unfolding. Rude, Heenan, and Barbarian held their hands up high as the crowd booed them like crazy.


GM - I should have known.


BH - Yes, you should have known that Rude cannot be beaten, Monsoon. You’re exactly right about that.


GM - I never said anything about Rude being unbeatable. I was referring to you once again costing someone a match.


BH - What do you mean? Rude scored the three count on his own. Weren’t you watching the match?


GM - I’m talking about Hart’s pin on Rude after the suplex. You clearly put his foot on the rope!


BH - Rude had a cramp in his leg. I was simply stretching it for him. It’s not my fault that it just happened to land on the bottom rope.

GM - Unbelievable. Well an otherwise outstanding main event is once again tarnished by the actions of the Brain. But folks, we leave you tonight with a few words from our World Wrestling Federation champion!


- We cut to an interview with Hulk Hogan, who has a huge smile on his face.


Hulk Hogan - “HULKAMANIACS! The Hulkster has continued to try and get to the bottom of the attack, and let me tell ya somethin’ brother, we’re almost there. I’ve shown the Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect that attacking a man from behind doesn’t work around here dude. I held up the number two on Superstars for a reason brothers…..and that’s because I’ve got one more to go. And that one more is you, Macho Man! This is only the first go-around for you dudes, because I will not rest until I found out which one of you cowards attacked me in that parking lot. All the fans around the world know that you three are cowards, but we all wanna know which one of you is the biggest coward of all! But until I found out exactly which one of you it was, I’m gonna keep attacking. I’m gonna keep making you wish you had taken your vitamins and said your prayers. Because let me ask you this, Macho Man…..WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU!?” (100)



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Another nice show, man! Monsoon and Heenan are priceless.


Thanks man! As always, the Monsoon/Heenan interaction is usually the most exciting part to write. Heenan is probably top five for me in the history of wrestling (wrestler, manager, etc.), so I always enjoy a chance to experiment with that character.

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Predictions - Prime Time Wrestling (Week 4, Oct. 1989)


Jingo - 5/5

infinitekillz - 5/5

smwilliams - 5/5

oldschool - 5/5

Dead Jester - 5/5

Zergon - 5/5

Beejus - 5/5

Harmor - 4/5

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 4/5


Overall (15 shows)


Harmor - 54

Jingo - 53

oldschool - 46

Zergon - 45

Dead Jester - 44

Beejus - 30

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 27

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Destiny - 16

dudeamis - 12

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

infinitekillz - 8

Ritchardo - 7

smwilliams - 5

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


A predictable show, but it was necessary for storyline purposes. Thanks again for all the feedback and predictions, fellas. I never expected to get this much positive feedback, so needless to say, it's really kept me pushing forward and it makes me enjoy this project even more. Anyways, Wrestling Challenge results and Superstars card will be up shortly.

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Barry Windham hyped his match with The Warlord (48)


Barry Windham defeated The Warlord at 8:14 (62)


Slick hyped The Twin Towers (81)


Earthquake and Dino Bravo drew with Hacksaw Jim Duggan and The Mighty Hercules at 7:07 after a double countout (63)


A Demolition-Hart Foundation title match hype video was shown (84)


Jacques Rougeau defeated Koko B. Ware at 8:58 (64)

Tito Santana hyped his match with Greg Valentine (63)


Tito Santana defeated Greg Valentine at 8:29 (68)



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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. The Twin Towers


Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan



© Demolition vs. The Hart Foundation



Tito Santana vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage


*We'll also hear from The Rockers concerning their rumored breakup, as well as what exactly Rick Martel's big announcement is! Plus, will Hulk Hogan make an appearance to confront the Macho Man?!


Start those predictions! Show should be up Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm really excited about the buildup and plan for Survivor Series, so it's made these recent shows very easy to write. Therefore, shows may go up at a quicker pace than usual during the build. We diary writers love when things start flowing like that, don't we? :D

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<p>Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. <strong>The Twin Towers</strong></p><p>

<em>Actual team over random pairing.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jake 'The Snake' Roberts </strong>vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan</p><p>

<em>Roberts is doing more.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>© Demolition</strong> vs. The Hart Foundation</p><p>

<em>Too early for a title change.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Tito Santana vs. <strong>'Macho Man' Randy Savage</strong></p><p>

<em>Bigger name.</em></p>

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<p>Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. <strong>The Twin Towers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jake 'The Snake' Roberts</strong> vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>© Demolition</strong> vs. The Hart Foundation</p><p> </p><p>


Tito Santana vs. <strong>'Macho Man' Randy Savage</strong></p>

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<p>Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. <strong>The Twin Towers</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Jake 'The Snake' Roberts</strong> vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH</strong></p><p>

© <strong>Demolition</strong> vs. The Hart Foundation</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAIN EVENT SINGLES MATCH</strong></p><p>

Tito Santana vs. <strong>'Macho Man' Randy Savage</strong></p>

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Card subject to change


Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. The Twin Towers

Keep that momentum going


Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

No reason to have Jake lose unless Dusty causes a distraction or something



© Demolition vs. The Hart Foundation

Way too early for a title change



Tito Santana vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Macho vs Hulk II at Wrestlemania XI

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