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The Summer Of Punk

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It started with a rumor. The rumor was he would be letting his contract with the WWE expire. He began to feed into this rumor on his twitter page with tweets like "Droppin' bombs. Big night for king speeches! Summer of Punk, let's go!". He then announced his intent to leave the WWE at the Money In The Bank PPV in his hometown of Chicago, IL, the last day of his contract. And he intended to go out with the WWE Championship around his waist.


And then, he did this.


<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-9wnH66KxNo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


And in the span of a 6 minute promo, he changed the game for the foreseeable future. Fans from all over the world went to twitter, Facebook, forums and everything in between; praising his name and wondering if it was a work or a shoot or what. The WWE removed his profile, removed his twitter and Facebook page and announced his suspension.


But this was just step one. The first shot. It may have been the end of June, but June 27, 2011 would go down as the first day of summer...



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Hey Save_Us.Necro, you might want to considering do this in the special dynasty forum in a format similar to what BigPapa does. Just going on your past stuff, you tend to be a great writer but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of playing it out you tend to drop off, so the special dynasty forum might give you more freedom to run with this stuff.
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Hey Save_Us.Necro, you might want to considering do this in the special dynasty forum in a format similar to what BigPapa does. Just going on your past stuff, you tend to be a great writer but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of playing it out you tend to drop off, so the special dynasty forum might give you more freedom to run with this stuff.



With me it's all about when I have time to write, like my eWr game is played out all the way to December of next year. It's 99% of when I have free time. If anything the eWr one I'll try to move to that forum. This one has my full attention right now.

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OOD: So as of right now, I'm going to hold off on writing SmackDown (although I will provide recaps is you all so desire (I am playing SD out, just right now it doesn't have much to do with things....as of right now) So feel free to comment and let me know. And before we even start, I know I flake on some of my dynastys cause of ****ty timing and stuff like that, but I'm def behind this one, the same way I was with the NXT one last year. I get one good one each year.


The internet and wrestling world was a buzzing. CM Punk, like Joey Styles had done 5 years to the month earlier, had become the "voice" of internet fans. His promo quickly made the rounds all over the internet. "CM Punk", "ROH", "Colt Cabana" all trended worldwide on Twitter, while wrestlers, wrestling personalities and fans voiced their opinions and thoughts on the promo. The WWE promptly responded to the matter. Within a matter of minutes, Punk's profile was off WWE.com, his Twitter was unverified, his WWE Facebook page was gone and even WWE Shop marked all Punk/Nexus merchandise as sold out. WWE then quickly posted the following on their main site.


Monday Night Raw’s abrupt conclusion last night was not due to technical difficulties. The decision to suddenly end the broadcast in that manner was made by WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon, who gave this quote to WWE.com:


“CM Punk was suspended indefinitely for his unprofessional conduct as soon as Raw went off the air.”


With his WWE contract expiring on July 17, one can only assume that this suspension effectively terminates CM Punk’s tenure with WWE.


Fans still were not sure whether or not if this was a work or a shoot. Punk would stay silent until Thursday night, when he went to Twitter and posted some very interesting tweets.



So I take it people saw me on Monday?

8:15 PM Jun 30th via Twitter for iPhone

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Suspensions are only scary when you're 7. #planinmotion

8:16 PM Jun 30th via Twitter for iPhone

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It's funny how easy you can get front row tickets for Raw. Let's see if rasslin' rules hold up in real life.

8:21 PM Jun 30th via Twitter for iPhone

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At least I know I won't be in Orlando anytime soon. #ugh

9:48 PM Jun 30th via Twitter for iPhone

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It's good to be me right now. I promise you won't be disappointed. #summerofpunk

11:19 PM Jun 30th via Twitter for iPhone

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WWE Raw Results: July 4, 2011


Cena Believes In The First Amendment...: Raw opens with the WWE Champion John Cena making his way to the ring to a huge reaction. Cena goes into the situation with CM Punk from last week, without naming him, and announces to the crowd Punk had not only been suspended but he also lost his number one contendership and tonight there would be a Fatal 4 Way to determine a new champion. Cena says he's long been the company man here in the WWE for years and everything but he's going to go against the grain. Although he doesn't like what he said, he believes hat CM Punk has the right to say whatever he wants to while he's under contract. He says Punk is a man with strong convictions, just like Cena and for that he respects him. BUt Punk disrespected him last week and weeks prior with the attacks on him. Cena then proceeds to announce he still wants to face Punk for the title at Money In The Bank. Cena says he knows there's only one man who can overturn the suspension and that's Vince McMahon. Cena then proceeds to claim he knows Vince will be getting to the arena later on, and he then calls Vince out to talk to him. Big ovation from the crowd as Cena salutes them and leaves the announcers wondering what will happen later on when Mr. McMahon arrives.



Eve and Kelly Kelly vs. The Bella Twins: Very basic Divas tag team battle here. The Bellas get a small advantage and attempt Twin Magic, but Eve cuts them off at the pass, allowing Kelly to nail the K2 on Brie for the win.


Little Jimmy Always Has His Way: Josh Matthews is standing by with R-Truth. R-Truth, on full crazy mode, claims he should be number one contender because he defeated Cena last week. He claims that the conspiracy against him continues because tonight he has to face 3 other men to get to what he deserves, so that Lil Janey and Lil Johnny can watch all their favorites. Truth claims tonight when he becomes number one contender and then beats Cena for the title, Lil Jimmy ain't getting what he wants anymore.


WWE World Tag Team Titles: Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga vs. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins: Prior to the match, Michael Cole announces that following last week, the Nexus is no more after Punk's suspension, which explained why the tag champs came out sans Nexus shirts. They then cut to a picture and picture of the champs, who thank Punk for getting them to the show but after his actions, they thought it would be best to insure their jobs in the WWE. A quick back and forth matchup here saw the former Nexus members seemingly have the match won, until McGillicutty nailed Otunga with a leaping enziguri to the shock of the fans. McGillicutty had a big smirk on his face and he rolled to the outside of the ring and back up the ramp. Ryder, sensing victory nailed Otunga with the Zack Attack for the huge upset wi. The former Edgeheads, now the Broski's were the new WWE Tag Champions, as the announcers wondered what was the meaning of McGillicutty's actions.


A not so Awesome distraction: The Miz is backstage with Josh Matthews. He again voices his hatred of Alex Riley and claimed he should be competing for the WWE title, but he's facing Riley again. He calls Riley a distraction and promises tonight, he won't be a distraction anymore.


All American American Challenge: Jack Swagger entered the arena and again announced his All American American Challenge to any man that thought they could match up to him. Suddenly familiar music hits and out comes WWE Hall Of Famer "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, which leads to Lawler claiming it doesn't get anymore American than Duggan.


Jack Swagger defeated "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan: A quick match which saw Duggan get a quick advantage over Swagger, but the former World Champ took control and put Duggan away with the Gutwrench Powerbomb. Following the match, Swagger then locked Duggan in the ankle lock, until Evan Bourne chased Swagger off.


Big Trouble: A still hurt Big Show is seen en route to the ring, meaning the number one contendership match is up next.


Number One Contender Match for WWE Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show: A very good 4 way here, which allowed all 4 men to look quite good. Big Show would quickly be taken out of the match as Mark Henry made his way ringside, and the 2 monster ended up fighting their way backstage. Mysterio would nail the 619 and the big splash on Truth, but Del Rio ran in and blasted Mysterio in the back of the head and was able to lock the Cross Arm Breaker in for the victory. Alberto Del Rio was the new number one contender and one step closer to his destiny.


Happy Birthday Dolph: Back from break, there's a big birthday setup in the ring as Dolph Ziggler and Vicki Guerrero make their way to the ring. Vicki announces it's Dolph's birthday and wanted to celebrate in front of the world. This includes Vicki singing an awful rendition of Happy Birthday, but is cut off by Kofi Kingston. Kofi begs her to stop singing. She slaps Kofi in the face after he insults her. But Kofi counters by putting Vicki's face in the cake. Ziggler jumps on Kofi and the 2 begin to brawl. Ziggler attempts the ZigZag but Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise. Kofi is all smiles as he makes his way up the ramp as Dolph and Vicki are clearly miserable.


Alex Riley vs. The Miz: A fairly good short matchup here. Miz attempted the Skull Crushing Finale but Riley slipped out and won with a backslide. Miz lost his mind following the loss and savagely attacked Riley; throwing him into the barricade and attacking him with the steel ring steps before refs and agents broke it up.


He's Here: Mr. McMahon is seen walking towards the ring.


A Hard Bargain: Mr McMahon comes out to a very mixed reaction. He claims he had to come out to address the actions of last week. He claims what CM Punk did was over the line and was suspended as a result of it. He claimed Punk had been a problem since they began to negotiate a contract. He claimed Punk wanted plane and limo service to each show, movie roles and a ridiculous amount of money in his contract. And when the WWE said no, Punk resorted to this. He called Punk unprofessional and claimed you would never see him in the WWE again and was standing by his suspension. Out comes John Cena. Cena claims he knows what Punk did was wrong but he deserves his freedom of speech and he still wants to face him at MITB. McMahon claims the real problem, along with his speech last week, was that Punk promised to take the WWE Title, the longest tenured belt in the WWE, to other promotions. That had never been done in the 85 plus years the WWE had been in business, not even since the days of the Monday Night Wars. He called the match a risk and a risk he's not willing to take. He didn't care if the fans hated it, it was his company and he'd do what he wanted. Cena then spoke of all the great champions in the WWE and said they all fought great challengers and over came odds and did everything they could to be the face of the WWE and defend it's honor. Cena wanted the opportunity to do that now by facing Punk. McMahon again said no. Cena then said Vince was forcing him to do this. Cena placed the WWE title at Vince's feet and walked up the ramp, seemingly leaving himself. As Cena was to disappear behind the curtain McMahon caved in and allowed Cena to face Punk at MITB, but if Cena lost, there would be "great repercussions" coming his way. Cena nodded and saluted to Vince...


Guess Who?: As Cena saluted and disappeared behind the curtain, suddenly a figure leaped into the ring and pounced on McMahon. It was very obvious who that man was...CM Punk. Punk blasted Vince with an elbow to the back of the head. Punk savagely beat Vince until security and Cena rushed the ring. Punk then shockingly allowed security to get to him as Cena checked on a bloody Vince. Punk had a huge smile on his face as he shouted to Cena and Vince "You can't beat me....I've already won.....I've already won" as he was escorted out of the arena. Punk then shouted into the camera "twitter.com/cmpunk...the only place you'll get honesty again". The show ends with an angry Cena, checking on a bloody Vince as the announcers are silent over what we just saw.



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I was wondering how long it would take someone to do a dynasty with this. It was nearly identical to the spoilers atleast the last part was. I didn't like Punk bloodying Vince and all that. Its never really been his style, he's always been more of a thinking mans heel.


I think its tough to find that fine balance between keeping it interesting without jumping the shark too early. I liked the show but be careful not to do too much too soon. Bloodying Vince McMahon your first show out is a big deal. All in all it was good. Just some honest advice from an interested reader.

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